#now that I rambled bit Im actually excited about working on this stuff again
smoliboops · 2 years
before i go to bed, for some reason I didnt get a notification from tumblr like i usually do (i guess they forgot lol) but today’s the 10 year anniversary of me being on tumblr!
originally I started out over on @smolidraws as a little superwholock/multifandom blog, and then roughly 3 years later i created this blog originally as a markiplier/jse sideblog but now it’s the one i’ve been on the longest and the one im (kinda??) the most known for haha.
from mishpocalypse to antipocalypse, almost going to dashcon to getting to meeting people ive come to know online at pax east, to getting more comfortable posting my art, theories, shitposts etc, it’s been fun ride ^^.
admittedly i dont get as personal here as i used to be, but i guess ill use this little post to thank ya guys for being here for however long you’ve been around ^-^. it’s honestly really nice and tbh really, really cool to get to interact with the communities im in (especially the jse community) through sharing my long rambles and the things i’ve create. 
and while im a bit of a shyish person still, i really appreciate the couple of people ive been able to get to talk to and know over the years cos of this website. i have a lot of fond memories spending time in discord servers together, dming and reblogging during exciting ego times, having someone to lend an ear to when needed (especially when college was driving me mad) and vice versa, and im really happy that i had a chance to do so with yall :)
ill probably make a better post next year when this blog specifically hits 8 years and when im not sleep deprived lol, but 10 is a doozy to be on this dumpster fire of a site (/lh), so might as well celebrate a tiny bit ^-^. love you guys <3
p.s.  for the few people who are somehow still here from the very, very beginning (if there are any still out there i think like 2/3 of the 900ish people on my old blog are either spam or long deactivated lol) i definitely really appreciate yall for sticking around for so long and hope you stick along for more too :).
#personal#also im sorry for all the fandoms ive gone thru over the years lol#but yea literally first joined this site to talk about doctor who#and now i still ramble about doctor who but thru jse theories lmao#also i will get back into art soon irl stuff has just been busy since graduating#but i have couple ideas at least including possibly my halloween costume#but we'lll see <-<#it'll be work and i may run late again but we'll seeee#also im burying this in the tags but actually ive been looking back on the last couple of years esp cos of ego happenings recently#and man there's so many cool memories with people that i almost forgot about#and like ill be a little soft for a minute and say that its kinda cool how looking back at october 2016#and realizing i didnt do much at that time cos actually i was so stressed out and depressed from college#and remember watching say goodbye alone on the bus at school and trying to manage my excitement throughout the day#as i studied on my own for my darn engineering midterm that day and basically spent halloween on campus like that#but the online community really helped me feel less alone during that time#and then detention happened and things exploded a little bit lol#and now 6 years later i get to chat with friends about teasers and theories and i even spruced up my icon for halloween for once#and even starting getting into voice chats more a little bit recently#and while things arent perfect irl tbh#it's kinda cool to see how things have changed a bit for the better#in myself and the memories ive gotten the chance to make with you guys along the way#ok soft time over#if anyone sees these tags no you didnt *throws smokebomb*#<3
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How its going
#congrats besties and gamers your clown is a fucking dumbass who decided she could do many things#tbf I fucking. Got farther with the WC au tonight with Ban#but that is a Monster Fic. its going to be like 40 chapters long#I mean Im super fucking excited about it but goddamn#debating breaking into blanks inbox for help writing its thing because I am a Fool who bit off way more than he could chew#Ill probably wake up in a fervor and write staggedduo in the middle of the night for Aspens thats just how it goes with those two#I WANT. TO TALK ABOUT. RIVALSDUO MASS EFFECT SO BAD. SOMEONE PLAY MASS EFFECT SO I CAN TALK#MY OPINIONS ABOUT THEM ARE VERY CORRECT AND YOU SHOULD ALL LISTEN TO ME#.... dont ask about what the concubine fic is about#Philza and Dream being friends??? In this economy??? fuck you they need interactions and Im giving them interactions#SV Dream is just him living cottagecore like with a lot of hurt/comfort and some StagedTrio because I miss them#I had a vaguely smutty idea with Wilbur and MerDream and its not my fault and also Blame Tired. Tired Should Always Be Blamed#but its me so it was intended to be mostly silly and wholesome#the Sap and Dream thing would technically be considered almost done/already done Im just. Terrified to look at it. Its so ugly#It was born out of anger and vague fairy tale related bullshit#We're not gonna talk about that last one. I just do not have the energy to write that anymore#It was fun while it lasted though#yes this post is an excuse for me to yell about my writing that I havent posted yet YES you have seen through my elaborate disguise#now that I rambled bit Im actually excited about working on this stuff again#even if I dont have a lot of people to talk about my writing with its nice just typing in the tags. very lovely very freeing#you should all try this. why doesnt everyone try this#wait someone is still reading this??? What the hell. Send me a chicken emoji in my askbox or something idk
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valentine-writes · 10 months
Hello hello! Been downright dying over how much I love your AtSV work!! So I thought I would feed into it >:) If you're feeling up to it, whats been brewing in your mind about The Spot x reader? Take it platonic or romantic, either has so much potential for fun in my opinion and I guess I'm just interested in what ideas you might have?? Not a lot to work off of from what I'm asking but I hope you're able to have fun with it anyways ^^; Whether youre able to get to this request or not, thanks for reading! Love what you do :)
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「 tws + notes: possibly ooc, unedited, he's kind of pathetic little meow meowified im sorry, first bit inspired by @//submurged-into-clouds !! <3 」
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↳ ft. the spot
「 gn!reader, can be platonic or romantic <3 」
author's note: first, AUWJHEJSBS thank u so much!!!! im glad u like what i've written so far– and i am SUPER excited to write for the spot becuz im gon b real,,, there was a momentary lapse of insanity where i was scouring for any content of him at all. SO TY 4 UR REQ!!!! ( /)u(\ ) i hope this is ok!!! i got carried away and stuff so,, i hope this is at the Very Least coherent! leaned for platonic stuff with romantic undertones that intensify throughout so,, read it how u like ^_^
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▸ we're going to start this by establishing that bro has literally No Friends anymore. you met him after the collider incident and by some miracle, some sort of mercy from a higher power in the multiverse– you ended up becoming friends with him
really, meeting him was an accident. wasn't supposed to be anything more– just him messing around with his new abilities and slipping into a random universe with no idea where he was.
and there was you.
just you. out, alone at night. just taking a walk– disrupted by someone falling out of a weird portal from the sky.
this is the day your paths crossed, the day your fates intertwined, the moment that your world collided into his.
to put more literally: the day he crashed into you very unceremoniously.
im now re-reading the title and remembering his backstory and giggling at my unintentional joke. he is not catching a break. even from me.
▸ after recovering from a random stranger from another universe tumbling into your own, you began to talk.
now– you don't remember how the conversation started, but you were glad to listen. the way which he rambled to you, words tumbling out of his mouth like they'd been on his mind for a while– you felt like he needed someone to hear him.
he's surprised. you're not bothered. not frightened. not even weirded out. but you're not indifferent. you nod along, you comment on things here and there– but you listen. you actually listen to him.
eventually, when he leaves, you're sat there for a moment. just frozen– processing whether that had really happened or not. you see the indent his body left in the grass where the two of you sat. it's evidence enough for you.
a few weeks pass and you're certain that you were just fated to meet once and never again. you were fine with this.
▸ until he randomly popped up in your living room one day.
yes, he had been actively trying to find your universe again– and as casually as he can be, is now peeking from out the portal he created, head leaning in to get a better look at you.
you're not sure how you can tell considering he has no face,,, but he's definitely smiling.
he waves to you, awkwardly, (noticing that you're just staring at him while not saying a word), "thought i would say hi, so– ...hi."
you blink at him tiredly. "dude, it's 6:30 in the morning–"
he's treating this like it's normal for people to just show up in your house. he missed you– and it's very evident.
▸ no matter what type of relationship you're in with him: you GOTTA set boundaries. being one of the only people who cares to hang around him anymore means that you're gonna be seeing a lot of him.
while he certainly hasn't completely lost grasp on the concept of privacy, it's definitely been altered by the fact he's got powers that allow him to pop up wherever he wants. he's just a teeny bit invasive.
"hello!" he'll greet, randomly poking his head through a portal he made to your bedroom.
on instinct, you throw the closest thing to you. he's just glad you reached for the pillow and not the alarm clock also at your arms reach on the bedside table.
definitely a good idea to remind him that if he wants to hang out, he should probably message you, and if he wants to show up at your house for whatever reason, he should give you a heads up.
he has nearly walked in on you changing. and has apologized a million times every time it's brought up. it fr keeps him up at night.
▸ everyone in his life leaving him def messed him up a bit. he can deny it all he wants, but he's terribly anxious that you're gonna grow tired of him and leave.
constantly like "oh my god what if they leave for someone who has a face" and itz like,,, boy,,,, stfu itz 3am
he needs reassurance, even if he never explicitly says. but you're kind to him. patient. you're pretty much an angel in his eyes.
which is why he feels comfortable texting u in the dead of night like:
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(im gonna b real i dont even know why i have this image)
▸ he's dismissed by most people around him– but you've given him your time. you've shown him that you care. he's doing everything he can to be certain you'll still care for him.
the random waves of "oh no but what if they hate me" hit him HARD. especially if he hasn't seen you in a while, if you take longer to respond to his messages, if you haven't been answering his calls– bro will jump to a conclusion
"hypothesis: they dont love me anymore :("
☝️🤓 SORRY HAKJWOENDOEND he would NOT say that. im just clowning on him itz a part of my luv 4 him </3
needs to be needed. wants to be wanted.
eventually you have a long talk about this. he's got a bit of an ego after realizing how much power he truly possessed– but you gently encourage him to let it down. a simple heart to heart. and while you're certain these things aren't going to dissipate with a single conversation, you've let him know he doesn't have to deal with it alone.
▸ physical contact is a need for him. bro's touch starved. he likes linking his pinky with yours or just intertwining your fingers together. if you ever let him rest his head on your shoulder or hugged him he'd actually have to fight tears. he hasn't been given affection in a while :(
▸ he doesn't really feel like he has to hide anything around you. he really doesn't have much of a filter when you're talking to him which makes for some amusing conversation. he finds your laughter the sweetest sound in the world– he likes making you laugh :] it makes him feel like he's accomplished something
▸ the alterations to his body have caused some weird little changes that most people don't notice. one of them most noticeably to you– he'd cold. not frigid or like icy, but a lot colder than normal people tend to be.
you first notice this when you're hanging out in your bedroom. you're sitting on your bed, while he paces back and forth, rambling about another failed villainous act
(you haven't questioned his whole obsession with villainy considering that he seems pretty harmless with what he's been attempting– no matter how much he tries)
"and then– ohh, and tHEN THEY JUST—" you notice how he's gesturing frantically, exasperated, annoyed– and out of instinct to provide some sort of comfort (or at least calm him down) your hand grasps his wrist
there's a moment of silence.
his voice dwindles into a more soft, subdued tone, watching as your fingers wrap around his wrist. "wh– if you wanted me to stop talking, you could've just... just said or...."
his mind is going blank, trailing off at your touch. he doesn't remember the last time someone has held his hand or even brushed up against him without freaking out.
"you're cold." you comment, now taking his hand between both of yours, as if you were trying to heat him back up. you don't meet his eyes, simply staring at his hand.
"oh– yeah, yeah, it's just– a thing with now. came with the holes–"
the sensation of your hands gently squeezing his shuts him up. you raise his hand to your lips and gently blow hot air onto it.
your brow furrows, nose scrunching up. "you're still cold..." you mutter, more to yourself than to him. quietly, your gaze returns to his face.
"does that bother you?" you ask him, after a beat of silence.
he shakes his head. your hands let go of his– but he quietly reaches back to hold it again.
"hold on a second. why don't you try again?" he suggests. you laugh softly, knowing it's obviously just an excuse. still, you humor him.
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ganondoodle · 11 months
feeling much better now having gotten some sleep (the dont trust how you feel about yourself past 9pm is good advice no joke)
of course all my criticism of totk still applies but im feeling less depressed about it, tho i will say its honestly kinda baffling how many times the game actually got me interested and excited about stuff and then just kinda drops it in a dead end, of course they were those kind of things in botw as well but it seems much less .. balanced in totk
(not even just the big things like making me want to actively do something to help zelda turn back when it just gets solved on its own in the end, but also some lil things like the fact that so many NPCs tell you about that newly discovered animal species and when you find the dongos they are just gem vending maschines)
in the end i can say, no, i dont like totk, tho i still love the graphics and the way the world is made ( botw showed me jsut how immersive and alive a world can feel i love it to death), i liked the gameplay and that it kept the freedom botw had established, the bossfights are mostly fun (tho i wish you could refight more of them), i LOVE the yiga and im glad they got more of a spotlight, the music is FANTASTIC i keep catching myself humming along, alot of the sidequests are much bigger and feel like you are actually doing something, i like how the sages are a bit more integrated into the story, the majority of the new designs are great, both the japanese and german voice acting is great, and the end fight has some of the best build up i have ever experienced, my heart starts to race when that music build up starts even tho i have beaten it 3 times already-
however, the story is both simple and incredible flat with lots of stuff that doesnt make sense especially when it was said to be a sequel, the zonau should have stayed a mystery imo, they failed to make me care about them even a little bit and often felt forcefully crammed into the world and its history, i think you could have told an incredible story taking place in the present and leave the past be the past, you easily could have connected botw and totk in a much better way than they did, i dont like how it changes aspects about botw all the while nigh ignoring it ever happened, it still feels like it was trying to be a replacement and not a sequel and all the referencing and callbacks to the old titles may have been done in good faith but that and including time travel yet again ultimately lead to people ripping each other to shreds over trying to prove its placed in the old timeline despite it making no sense at all and confusing people even more; often when the game made me care or be excited about something it was dropped in a dead end, there was a ton of missed opportunities and lost potential to tell a much more nuanced and interesting story/lore, and thinking about it only makes me sad for the things that could have been
overall i think my disappointment is outweighing my fun and the only way i can keep playing it while having fun is ignoring everything that isnt, which works quite well most of the time since im pretty much done with all story stuff but i keep slipping into my little rants nonetheless; i will say its making me a little worried about the future of the franchise, but i know im in the minority and maybe i will just have to accept that the new stuff wont be for me anymore and i should not hope for anything that interests me xD
except for some meme material or specific characters i love i dont think i will make much use of anything totk tried to establish, and i hope thats fine with the lot of you (<3) hopefully that also means my ranting days are over xD
anyway, back to making niche art i go! (sorry for making you endure these long ass rambling posts :,) )
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ador3him · 2 years
HIII LOVE UR WRITING!! I wonder if i can be anon 🌟 if it's chill for u and i have a request
Dream x reader
reader rambles and talks a lot and usually changes subject quickly and dream has no issue with he adores it but one day when reader is just rambling to dream while he's staring at her loving she stopes mid sentence and says "sorry about the ramble" and than dream is like all sweet and stuff and tells reader he loves their rambles and could listen for days and days or whatever but u get the point lmao😭
pairing: dreamwastaken x fem!reader
warnings: none!!
requested? yes by 🌟 anon <3
wordcount: unknown (written on phone)
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- dream absoultely LOVES when you are just talking.
- mainly because he loves your voice, but also because he loves seeing you happily talking about your interests.
- like if you are talking to your favourite movie or show later that night he would watch it so he knows what your talking about.
- or if you are talking about your favourite artist or band you bet he would make a playlist and show you and ask if those songs are good!
- but this one time you were rambling about your uni major.
- "clay im actually so excited for next week, my professor said we can do some placement work!"
- "he also said we can pick groups to work in, and its open placement so you can come watch! if you want or arent busy!"
- "omg wait did we eat lunch i want to eat lunch, we should order some food! my uni has the tastest food. im actually craving some subway, do you feel like subway?"
- "omg im rambling im so sorry,"
- dream would just laugh and pull you into his chest and kiss your head.
- "i love hearing you ramble, sweetheart,"
- "really?" "yes obviously, now i would love some subway, take my phone and order whatever,"
- "you know i love you clay, you are so nice. literally my favourite person. im going to get a pizza sub what do you want? omg lets get some cookies subway cookies slap!"
- " i love you too, and ill get whatever you get,"
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
Could you possibly write about slenderman's ghost s/o trying to make the mansion festive for Halloween bc they're really excited for the holiday and never experienced it before? They have a list and everything as soon as they learn about the custom-
For instance, every room is decked out in decor totally not stolen, they make loads of themed treats, and try to engage the him and the proxies into doing multiple festive activities as well?
-slender anon <3 (sorry if this is too much exposition, tysm for all the cool writing)
Celebrating Halloween w/ Slenderman!
so so sorry for taking a a bit to get to this !! I meant to get this out tomorrow but I got distracted </3 still torn on if i want the mansion to exist in my au but for all intents and purposes we'll say it does for this >:) i might make the mansion like, some abandoned creepy haunted house in universe, like the house from IT or Nightmare on Elm Street (i actually... dont remember if it gets abandoned or not in the later movies, its been a while since i watched the series..) or something something yeah i think ill go with that for the mansion anyways enough rambling
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Cue curious head tilts and questions from slenderman, he knows OF Halloween but he doesnt know all the ins and outs and intricacies when it comes to how its celebrated; best he knows is costumes and candy
initially watches you try to hang up all the decorations by yourself but eventually steps in to give you a hand
probably consults in you what basic Halloween traditions are, and probably also tries to ask the proxies if they know anything about it
i think outside of toby, the proxies don't really. remember much of their lives before becoming proxies, but that's because I'm basing my take on them off of the original MH where like, there's brain fog and the proxy/person are internally separate, but that's where inspiration from the original stuff ends; merging two fandoms together is. hard when the canon and fanon are so different
but also i never really like the creepypasta interpretation of masky and hoodie, at least from when i was in the fandom years back where they were shy and soft, but thats likely changed now- admittedly i dont interact with the fandom outside of creating
im rambling again, but i think masky and hoodie would also be a little lost but ready to do whatever they're told to do in regards to helping deck out the mansion
good news is that the mansion already looks like a spooky haunted house! especially on the outside since it's not as well kept as the inside
the inside is like what comes to mind when someone says old ass house; creaky wooden floors, shitty heating system, crawl spaces and compartments, that sort of thing. old enough that it would definitely have mold and rot, and be falling apart, if slenderman didnt come and keep it in tact
again, it already looks spooky enough as is, but decorations can really tie in the look
fake cobwebs, skeletons, spiders
oh those are real spiders
the mansion probably has spiders, slenderman cant do anything about the spiders sorry
okay anyways
treats! totally not stolen from some store by a teleporting entity that naturally distorts electronics! definitely not
he would make them with you, i think
i sometimes think about how slenderman would probably like calm and quiet activities, domestic ones included, so i think this is something he would actually end up loving especially with you around
learns he hates working with melted marshmallow, that shit is not banned from the mansion as well as marshmallow creme
he even gets those cute little halloween themed goodie bags so you can give them out
unfortunately he's going to have to pass, on account that he can't really eat any non-human meat food, but rest assured if he could safely eat your treats he would
Toby would be fucking that shit up, especially if you make those popcorn ball things. i feel like toby would love those. masky to me seems like a butterscotch haystack enjoyer to me (based), while hoodie fucks up those chocolate dipped pretzels, you know the ones that get decorated to look like mummies? those. he demolishes those (also based)
i kinda miss the popcorn balls tbh i havent had those in years but they were good from what i remember- i think i might make some this evening
moving on once more
if there's any extras slenderman may offer to take you around to give them to others
im still deciding character dynamics and relationships and who knows who in this funky au, but i feel like slenderman knows at least a handful of the other character. at least on a first name basis
so thats fun! you also get to share the joy with characters such as splendor and trender, and perhaps even jeff. i hc that eyeless jack and slender are both in the same forest but not like. buddy buddy. but he can get goodies too. ignore the fact jack is in the same boat as slender in terms of what he can and cant eat- he appreciates the gesture
now activities! i gotta admit i never really did halloween stuff outside of trick or treating; so im a little stumped on ideas
theres the obvious, pumpkin carving (the pumpkin insides get used to make more treats!), apple bobbing, and a few others
while not really a halloween game, you guys probably play a few games in the woods
wait no thats terrifying, do not play hide and seek/tag with them in the woods regardless of if its night time and regardless of if youre a ghost, that shit actually sounds terrifying esp since i think slenderman and hoodie would get WAY TOO competitive
oh scary stories
you insist on summoning ghosts and demons to fit the vibe
" but Dear, you're a gho-" "hush"
you guys accidentally summon one of the ghost creepypastas or something/j
you guys accidentally summon zalgo and halloween gets cancelled'j
idk if this is just a me thing but whenever me and my friends sit down to read creepypasta stories we get derailed and somehow end up reading fanfics and acting them out but i can see this happening as well; though this one also isnt a halloween exclusive activity
overall its a learning experience for most of you guys, and slenderman is totally up to humoring you again next year!
oh oh oh halloween costumes, how could i forget?
good luck trying to find something for slenderman, even if he could fit in anything he probably wouldnt dress up no matter how you try to word it
actually now that i think of it, do you think his suit is just part of his body? like ive seen loads of interpretations where it is; the shitty slenderman movie included. like is it a removeable suit? is it something that looks like a suit but its part of him? is it like a scp 049 situation where it is a suit but its attached to him?
im not getting into that today
masky and toby both dress up as classic slasher icons
hoodie probably would too but i got flashed with a vision of him dressed as pumpkin so im rolling with it
i think thats about everything! i hope you like this! this ended up way longer than i thought it would be but i fully blame that on me still being in my ramble mindset </3 ive been cooking up some major hcs for my au/interpretation as well as smaller stuff so my brain just wants to dump it TToTT
runs off to go draw spooky stuff (cough cough creepypastas dressed up in costumes)
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Hi!! Hello!! Your worldbuilding has once again enchanted and fascinated me! But I have no one to talk to about mcyt-related worldbuilding so I’m just going to (definitelynot) shout (ha ha. I’m funny.) at you if that’s ok!!
Ever since I found this fandom I’ve been fascinated by how to deal with video game mechanics in writing, and I’ve found it a very interesting ongoing puzzle, to come up with worldbuilding or lore to explain the more mechanical, coding-based stuff and cover up the fact that the characters are in a videogame. I think that’s part of why I love your worldbuilding so much, because you went in completely the opposite direction, and made Code the base, the reality-fabric, of all the rest of your universe! It kinda blew my mind!
Anyway, the player inventory and in-game chat are two of the most glaringly Video Game mechanics, and two of the first that I came up with explanations for, which is why I (like Tango) latched onto those few lines and details about them in chapter four. For me, they’re both explained by the very flexible fabric of reality inherent to server-words. Because reality is so easy to manipulate (and be manipulated without breaking down) in these worlds, it’s easy for Players to simply open a small personal pocket dimension they can store stuff in. (The same way it’s easy to make something float by just leaving it there and taking away what connects it to the ground) the chat happenes basically the same way. Server-worlds allow for a very shallow telepathic link across all players that everyone experiences a little differently (you might see it scroll across the inside of you arm, look at it in the corner of your vision, actually hear it quietly in your head, etc.)
But that’s a lot of My Ideas, I am, in fact, here because of Your Ideas. Because I’ve alway seen them as sperate things, and I am So Curious about how you’ve linked them. The chat being on external comms on a watch or phone-like device seems pretty common in the fandom, but linking them the way you have — in that you can’t have an inventory without a comm — raises so many questions!! (/pos) how do they work? Are they mechanical? Magical? Natural? Bio-magical? If they were something that needed to be invented, who invented them? How long have they been around? What did people do before then? How does a new player get their first comm/inventory? If comms can comunicate across worlds, could they theoretically take their inventory across worlds/servers as well? Is cross-void trade a very dangerous, but lucrative, profession? Do they have to exchange comm-phone-numbers or can they immediately contact anyone they’ve ever met? If you have stuff in your inventory and you loose your comm, do you lose the stuff too? Or does it transfer like an ender chest? Could someone else steal your inventory by stealing your comm? Does a player have to attune to a comm like a dnd magic item? How common is it to have to build a new one?
I’m gonna stop now because this is really long, it’s 11, and I Will just keep thinking of more questions. I’m so intrigued by this!! Those few little lines have completely captivated me with their potential!! I’m excited!!
(Sorry if this had a bit too much of my own personal worldbuilding ramble, I just really wanna talk to someone about this stuff!)
Ive been 👁️👁️ at this ask since you sent it in and first of all im so sorry the autism won for a bit and kept me from answering your questions, second of all i think your worldbuilding is SO NEAT :DDD this is SUPER COOL i love your ideas, comms being a telepathic link is so interesting to me!!! Also, im intensely flattered that you like the direction i took with hunger au's worldbuilding so much!! I've been having a lot of fun sorta marrying biology and irl physics with computer programming-based building building blocks for this universe, to the point where im actually starting to put together a legit glossary in my masterlist doc to keep it all straight in my head 😂😂😂 it's an interesting challenge for me to try and meld all these things together so i can make something that feels completely different from our world without losing its relatability, so im super glad you're appreciating it!!!
These are a lot of questions im gonna try and answer all at once, so i'll put it beneath the cut so it doesnt clog people's dashes LMAO
So firstly, the way i view communicators is,,, okay dont laugh too hard but i literally just visualize them as pip boys from fallout SKDNJWNDJS for some reason ive NEVER been able to shake that mental image, so ive just sorta accepted that into how i view them for hunger au. Personally, i see them as sort of a... mishmash of the bio-mechanical, something that isnt QUITE a direct part of them but is very much attached and integrated with their code. So its not like an organ, but an interface, i guess-- comms are how you can access an inventory, which is basically just hammerspace the way you've already described it, and where you can change your own surface code, and its also just... the way Players are able to interact with the worlds around them.
You also send messages with comms, but instead of there being anything like phone numbers, you're forming a direct link between your comm and someone else's!!! Not telepathic the way you've done with your worldbuilding, but because i see comms in this universe as something that latches onto and interacts with your code, its still a very important connection. Once connected, you can talk to that person all the time through your comm, even if they arent currently on your server-- although I do think that this only extends to when youre within the same server cluster.
As for how Players get them in the first place: for spawned Players, they just spawn in with them. Thats where the bio part comes in i think, and its a little hard for me to explain the way i view it, but its something like... i guess a bit like when moons form around planets. The code of an entity has a certain weight to it, and when a Player and their singleplayer world spawns in, the comm does with them, already attached and integrated with their code. For birthed Players, its very different-- they arent born with a comm, so they need a comm made, and then integrated with their code by a skilled code wrangler. It is VERY tricky to make a comm-- theyre incredibly fiddly, super hard to code without mistakes, and they take an extraordinarily long time to put together, let alone integrate properly with someone's code. Im not sure the word dangerous is the most accurate term here, but there are potentially harmful consequences if you integrate a poorly made comm with someone's code.
As for inventory transfer, i think you can bring stuff in your inventory from one server to another. This is mostly used for personal items or gifts, i think-- Player culture and attitude generally emphasizes fun, and whats more fun than giving someone something special that you made/got for them, or bringing a little memento with you from an old world you want to remember?
Theoretically, im sure there are Players who bring supplies or previously used tools with them to new worlds, but i think most Players like the excitement and challenge of starting fresh. It all depends on the person and the community culture surrounding that server if its a multiplayer. Cross-void trade is probably definitely a thing, but i dont think its necessarily very dangerous, just something more personal that you'd do for yourself or for a friend rather than any kind of business model.
As for someone being able to steal a comm, i dont think you can if its attached to the Player it belongs to, because at that point its basically a part of them. They can take them off, though, so someone could potentially steal it then, but unless theyre a skilled code wrangler and can crack into it, i dont think it would work for them or let them access that person's inventory. It would, however, be an incredibly effective (and cruel) way of controlling someone's actions and where they can go/who they can talk to.
This is why, ultimately, lost comms are a huge deal; losing your comm is literally losing access to pieces of yourself, your world, and your community. And while as a Watcher, Grian doesnt technically need a comm to access his code or enter other servers, he does still need it to keep in touch with other people and facilitate those community bonds, as well as keep an inventory. So yeah, Tango fretting over Grian losing his comm was very much warranted.
AAAAAAA THIS WAS VERY LONG i hope it was worth the wait!!! I know you sent another question but im gonna answer that one separately later since its about a different subject, and this is already SOOOO MUCH RAMBLING on my part. Thank you for sending these asks, and you are absolutely welcome to ramble at me as much as you want!!! :D
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zeeposting · 2 days
hobby ideas for them!!!!!1!1!2!2!2
quill: photography!!! painting!!!!! acting!!!
scroll: gardening!!! knitting!!! choir!!! pottery!!!!
oguhh yeseysh i like these
ookay to like uhhh confirm these further im giong to . ramble about them or soemehting. sorry if typing is bad im rambling and kinda tired
aoguh quill used to be REALLY into photography, he still likes it but he doesnt really. photograph stuff that often actually im doing photography in school rn (like the class) awh i hope those dandelions arent dead by now :( i gave them water or something but yeah theyre probably dead. ownt do for the best picture but hey maybe it can be emo! uhh ummm yeah my photography teacher said that to keep our hands steady we should blow out all the air and press our arms into our sides and i think it works so yeah quill sometimes does that sorry im rambling about myself
quill likes to paint, hes not that proud of it but still enjoys it. he has a bunch of slight sketches just sitting around that he completely forgot about but maybe one day he'll find it again and go "oh yeahh i forgot about that!! i should finish it!!"
hmm acting im not so sure about,, OHO HOOH
SCREENWRITING!!! LIKE YK WRITING SCRIPTS??? QUILL LIKES TO DO THAT!!! i also did a class on screenwriting wait no why is quill just all my cycle classes. FINE ART TOO AOGUH STOP IT WHATS NEXT HANDS ON CONSTRUCTION???? anyways he likes to write scripts and stuff and he likes to show them to scroll but he'd never actually perform them, hes not really good at projecting his voice except for when hes angry
onto scroll stuff!!
gardening i think hed probably like, but hed forget to water the plants and be really sad that they die. and then hed go "im so sorry planty plant the third ill plant another in honor ofy ou" and then forget to water it and it dies. and the cycle repeats.
hmm knitting hed probably know how to do it, he learned from his mom, but he doenst really put it to use. occasional scarfs in the winter but not much else than that. he wants to learn how to crochet little animals but he doesnt really have the time or energy to learn how
choir is like singing right-okay yeah uhh tbh i dont think hed be that into that sorry uhm agouh dies he doesnt like projecting his voice that much, he only does it accidentally when hes excited sometimes. or if hes like. agnry/scared
pottery he'd probbaly like!! he doesnt really have the stuff for it but sometimes he'll make smaller sculptures with clay!! he often doesnt really like what he makes after a bit but oh well
yyeah thats all thank you somuch anon you have developed my charcaters. faceplants
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agandar · 6 months
nwos ramblings time
second of all. 2025. puts head in hands it's fine it's cool im patient it's not that long <- exploding
third. actual trailer thoughts.
i really adore the artstyle they've used for the 3d models, they aren't as jarring as the old ones (which i didnt like at first but they grew on me) and still look real nice and stylized - a little nit picky but sometimes the mouths look? odd?? but like eh whatever. the noses too sometimes but again. eh whatever.
i will say though. i like the artstyle but. laytons new model. im kinda. iffy on it. at least right now it's prolly gonna be the old 3d models situation again where i gotta adjust then i can appreciate them in their own way but as of the moment. im kinda. hmmmm. i'll need to see them more in action too of course but right now he just feels. off. at times it looks fine and then others it looks odd. there's the outfit change, sure, which i wasnt the greatest fan of but i hardly hate it - i just prefer his big ol thick coat and sweater. that's fine, that isnt the problem, but he just. his whole shape language just feels! off! that man is a cylinder!! rounded squares!! reassuring and reliable!! in this he kinda looks like a triangle! maybe it's just the one idle pose cus we didnt see much STILL. part of what i liked about him is that this man is a TUBE. he is the cardboard tube that cain killed his brother with. now though he's looking less tube and more rolled up carpet with a rubber band on. but then again who knows these are just my initial gut reactions! maybe layton just decided he wanted to go to the club in which case slay king go for it also his head just looks like a touch too big but maybe that's also just my brain imagining things
also. luke's model. perfect no notes fantastic bowtie
the 3d cutscenes looked really nice which im pleasantly surprised by BUT i really hope they wont be used to like. replace 2d cutscenes. i dont imagine they will since they're a staple of the series but still.
kinda hope it stays like what we saw in the trailer where it's just layton's musings and lukes thoughts on things, maybe interspersed a bit throughout the gameplay where they need to be like 'look he picked up a thing here's a quick shot of it!' just yknow complimentary stuff and little moments. then again though i'd love for them to prove me wrong i just still have miracle mask cutscene ptsd
either way i like them so far and i hope this might mean we get a few more cutscenes where we can just see layton and luke interacting with stuff more. and also give us more swordfighting because i mean. layton swordfighting. it's the first time we've seen him in ages i'd be there trying to shove as many layton swordfights in as possible, finally give him a sword to just have on him at all times so that every single cutscene there's always the potential he'll just whip it out
the 2d art we have seen FANTASTIC i LOVE IT it's GREAT and the environments (or environment we've only seen like one) is DELIGHTFUL im so glad to see that good ol layton architecture im so excited to see more, ive always adored how environments and backgrounds are stylized also LITTLE LUKE AND LITTLE LAYTON SURVEYING THE SCENE!! THEY ARE JUST. IN THE CORNER. THEY ARE LOOKING!! it's a really small detail but it's GREAT i really hope it wont be just the one area
i also really like the hud we've seen so far, it looks clean without being obstructive or distracting - was a bit worried how they'd make it work on switch but so far it looks good still a bit worried about the memo just cus i know i will be playing mostly docked and memo functions with joysticks are. eck. but like hey im the one thats gonna opt out of using a stylus so that's on me, hopefully we can just stamp some stuff like circles and numbers maybe and that'll be enough
lastly though THE MUSIC!!! YEAHHH LAYTON MUSIC!!! layton music is always good this is no exception, absolutely looking forward to eventually having this new puzzle music ingrained in my mind after staring at a puzzle for 4 hours really been liking what we've been hearing so far it's got the good ol Layton Rhythm and the signature accordion but with a new twist i like, more brass instruments it sounds like man i cannot WAIT to hear what the title theme will sound like they always manage to pop off with the main theme
ok well anyway. managed to write a small opinion piece of a 3 minute trailer so that goes to show the grip this has on me. maybe this will finally spur me into finally doing art like ive been meaning to for uhhh checks watch. over. a year now. uhhhh anyway i think i've been writing this in snippets over the course of like an hour as i thought of more things to add but i dont have anything more at the moment so i am going to let this post go now to live in the wilderness. be free
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fereldanwench · 7 months
husbando still has to work today, so I've enlisted the help of my SIL to do another round of moving this morning/early afternoon, and then tomorrow, she and my brother will also come over for a few hours to help with getting most of our smaller stuff out of the old place
(then we'll probably order some lunch and fuck around bc the four of us are just ridiculous together tbh lmao <3 brother and husbando esp bc they just start riffing off each other and then we're just all on the floor in tears laughing so hard)
we're moving from a first-floor unit to a higher floor in the new place (which I'm actually stoked about, i much prefer being higher up), so we decided to hire movers for heavy furniture/appliances because fuck that noise. we did a 3rd-floor apartment move once NEVER AGAIN
i'm already so sore after just a few runs from yesterday though lmao my legs are gonna be so stiff after this weekend
anyway movers will be here early monday morning. we wanted to do it earlier, but they were all booked sat & sun so that is drawing it out a little bit. we're not gonna bring the cats over until we can sleep there (athena gets separation anxiety & i dont want her stressed in a new place without us around) so we'll bring them over Monday afternoon
but before that, on sunday we'll have sit around for two hours for internet to get setup at our new place, and idk what the fuck xfinity is doing. they make canceling their shit so goddamn difficult. it's not even like there's a chance they can retain us as customers, we literally can't use them in the new place
we've got until close to the end of the month at our old place to clean up, but i scheduled our utility shut-offs a little earlier, so next weekend will be the mega cleanup weekend
and then it'll just be the fun stuff! we're getting a lot of new furniture, and I'm so excited to have a living room again. our current one really morphed into husbando's office/man cave over the pandemic bc there was nowhere else for him to set up a WFH office, and i miss just having a couch to flop on with the kitties
i'm still not 100% sure what i'm gonna do with my new office space--i have one wall figured out, but the room is a little smaller than what i currently have, and i am losing some wall space so i'll have to figure out how to make 3 desks (one for art, one for gaming, and one for work) fit nicely in there. but it's a puzzle I'm excited to solve :D
and we have a good-sized balcony space i can't wait to furnish! that was one thing that was always lacking in our current space. plenty of space to expand my little urban garden and get some cozy seating out there
anyway, SIL will be here in just a few so no more rambling. I'm just a big ball of energy right now IM SO READY
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charliesinfern0 · 10 days
SO SO SO SUPER COOL. i first saw your artwork back in 2022 [i think…!?]?? your ososan stuff! and i thought your artstyle was so super cute and unique that when you started posting it again in 2023 i recognized it off the bat haha. i look at everything outside of ososan too now and i find it all very fun! we have a lot of overlap in other interests but its also been so cool to see things i have only thought of getting into without ever taking the leap LIKE CATS!!! I REALLY LIKE SEEING POSTS ABOUT CATS!! its all very interesting to me!! i like seeing you indulge so much. its fun seeing blogs that are so obviously and beautifully collections of things that person is passionate about!! i would like to see even more of that. i VERY MUCH get being held back by a sense of being cringe/too much but i bet if you doubled down on everything without caring things would only become doubly cool! its also very fun to see someone who has a lot of continual passion for their fankids for homestuck?! admittedly my hs days were primarily like..4-3 years ago but back then it was really common for people to start msfpas or make ocs and then run out of steam really fast [its a strong time commitment and VERY OBVIOUSLY AS I WOULD KNOW interests change!!] but seeing how much youve stuck with page and the development of your art since making them is CRAZYYYYYYYYY and so inspirational!!! truly very awesome to see. LASTLY LASTLY LASTLY though i could ramble for a very long time I REALLY REALLY LIKE YOUR CAT CAFE FIC IDEA…and this is no like easy feat when it comes to ososan stuff to me im pretty picky lol. even if it never gets off the ground the stuff you laid out in that one ask w all the chapter titles and musical tie ins was so fun to read + A VERY GOOD MUSIC REC and im glad to have been able to peek into your head about it!! i was just thinking about it the other day :) anyway have a good one forever benrey infern0
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OH MY GOSH THANK YOU?!?? THIS IS SO SWEET YOU'VE MADE MY DAY LIKE TEN TIMES BETTER NOW T_T im so happy that you enjoy my blog so much and im so happy you like my art and writing and ocs!!! ^_^ i have been nervous about being seen as annoying or too much for posting abt stuff i enjoy and ive been wanting to post about stuff that im worried people might find cringey,,, but your message is inspiring me to just go for it!!!! hehehe ^_^ i do have some new interests (and some new f/os!!!) that i want to share soon, and im also planning to just do a bunch of self ship and oc ask games and make a bunch of oc x canon art!! im super excited to do all that now :D
also its actually the 1 year anniversary of the official beginning of citrus!!! (though ive been working on it for a lot longer lololol) i'm planning on posting some art to celebrate in just a little bit, so keep an eye out for that! >_o
thank you again for all of your kind words!! knowing that there are people out there that enjoy me and my art makes it all worth it (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) i hope you have a good one forever too anon!!!!!
and i hope you like the little collage of some of my fave things right now hehe ^_^
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actualbird · 10 months
uh hey man u don’t gotta answer this ask but i wanted to send it in after seeing that post about like hobbies. i feel the same a lot about trying to do things and it’s incredibly frustrating. but idk if it’d help to tell you or not since it doesn’t help the “getting a good grade” aspect feeling, but i thought it was maybe worth it to tell you you’re one of the reasons i decided to pick up writing for tot and create a new writing blog and try to go back to doing something i love so much. your work has long inspired me and i hardcore look up to it, so to speak. but recently the other side of that coin was actually the fact that the breaks you take from writing inspire me more. i sometimes start to fret that i haven’t written in a while but then i think and think about how one of my favorite authors also takes breaks, sometimes really long breaks, and that it’s okay to take time between writing (or doing anything) because it’s not a competition or an emergency or really important in the grand scheme. i tend to not be the best at giving myself time to recover or take breaks when i start to not do as well, but the fact that you do has really helped me a lot.
idk if this was pointless or like um unnecessary to send but i wanted to tell you that something that’s been upsetting to you has still in some way been helpful and positive toward others, even if it’s just me, in hopes of maybe lightening that load a little from your shoulders. um im sorry again for sending this in and u don’t have to answer it or anything, but i thought maybe it could be helpful to tell you that something that’s been a struggle to you has still had a positive + slightly more healthy impact on me by showing me that if someone i look up to can take breaks or stop doing something entirely and fans like me will still stick around eagerly to see literally *whatever* you post and share, people would be willing to do the same for me and it’s okay to just take breaks from things or let them exist as hobbies and not goals to fulfill or deadlines to meet.
idk uhh sorry this got a bit rambly but i just wanted to tell you that in hopes it could maybe be something positive. thanks for consistently being a blogger i can be excited to see things from, and whatever u want to post or share or pursue it’s still something worthwhile. uhhh sorry again lol
anon oh gosh. first off, youve got nothing to apologize for cuz real talk, reading this made me tear up. like, literally, and it’s 5am here. tear up in a good way, i assure!!!!
im beyond honored that the stuff i make cld help you get back to making stuff yourself. a bunch of people have told me similar things in the past, and it never stops knocking me to the ground because god!!! GOD!!!!!! im so happy for you all, thank you for making stuff!!! and thank you so much for telling me. because so much of the time when i Do make stuff i constantly wonder what the point is or if anyone even likes it. so this means so much to me, it always does.
though nobodys ever told me that when im Not making stuff is similarly important. thats…..it's quite literally Never crossed my mind and it’s making me super duper emotional right now. whenever im not Making Stuff™, at best, i feel like im disappointing everyone who does find joy in the stuff i make, and at worst, i feel like ive Actively Tricked Everyone who has come here due to my writing and i shld be burned at the stake for not fulfilling my end of the transaction (yeah i have uhhhh NOT THE BEST view, to say the least, irt myself and online fanwork creation HJVSFHJSDVFJ im working on it) so u must understand……..this ask is this is the exact opposite of pointless to me. it means so so so fucking much to me.
im pretty sure im always gonna be battling the horrid Less Than Healthy Views Demon of “NO, KEEP MAKING STUFF ALWAYS ALWAYS” like til the end of time, but man, it seems like we’re all battling that. so if me taking a break can help u and maybe even others see Taking A Break as okay, then that makes me really really happy.
take a break if you need to, or if you want to. dont be scared to make stuff thats not the stuff people “came” to you for, just make whatever makes you happy. telling this to you and also to myself
thank you for sending this ask, anon. it's helped in more ways than i can coherently word :'3
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savrenim · 1 year
i saw your post about anime bullshit vs ifmlam and can i just say im so glad you're having so much fun writing? i discovered you through ifmlam but i've been shoving your other fics and patreon and original stuff straight into my mouth because i love your style and knowing that you're having a good time even with the fic that definitely comes from a Different Time Of Your Life is just. really cool idk
aaaaah thank you so much!!!! 
yeah it's really fun and funny looking at my writing over both short and long time frames because there's so much of me stamped in? like there are the tiny things like sometimes when I'm lazy coming up with idiosyncrasies for characters (everything from "I'm going to give you my coffee order" to "I'm going to give you my childhood hyperfixation with volcanoes"*) to obviously with my fanfiction there is the Piece Of Fiction I Was Obsessed With At The Time but also a lot of the original fiction that I have I can pinpoint the setting influences and vibe influences of both stories that I liked but also Other Things That Were Going On In My Life and it just kind of feels like my whole body of work traces my emotional state and the things I was excited about and loved and hated in weird subtle ways and I really like that, the same way that like. the playlists that I've made and listen to on repeat for months at a time have. 
and it also kind of feeds into most of my projects are multi-year projects to ever finish but I never really try to build them around the expectation that I'll feel the same way for a decade, I build them around feelings that I know will be meaningful time capsules? like the way that I choose tattoos: as things that will mean something to me because they represent something important that I felt, not that I feel 
and I guess I'm really glad that I'm in a space where ifmlam is actually exciting to me again, bc it was something that was a huge positive to me for so long and it was a piece of work that not only am I really proud of what I'd written but there are so many upcoming parts that I'm even prouder of and I'm really glad that I never gave up and posted the outline of the rest of it bc it is fun to look back on who I was and how I wrote and take a break from who I am and what I've been doing for the last 5-6 years and return to a previous place both with what's changed and what hasn't. it's nostalgic and it feels right. I think I needed the break but also never needed to throw out the baby with the bathwater and I'm glad that I didn't. and like. maybe I'm having Emotions bc my life is Changing right now faster and more drastically than it ever has before and I think vastly for the better? but boy is it Emotions.
anyways this is a long and rambly way of saying that yeah, ifmlam is officially coming back; there are 2130 words of the next chapter (and oops a bit of a life update) on my patreon right now, and whether or not the patreon keeps voting for that as my open work to guarantee my working on it, I think enough momentum is built up that a new chapter will be posted-posted in like. 3ish months tops? and I'm loathe to make predictions about my life given how unpredictable my life is being right now but maybe possibly it's getting to a place where ifmlam is back on a "sporadic every few months updates" track rather than a "several years of hiatus in between new chapter drops" track???? but I guess we'll see. I'm really having a fun time letting my patreon vote on stuff bc while "wait for inspiration to strike for any given project" is a fun way to do things, I've also realized that I've got so many multi-year projects to finish that crowdsourcing some of what I'm working on makes me feel like I'm making progress on things that matter rather than stalling out on everything bc it's all going at once 
although also speaking of next few months and things no longer stalling even with it being The Most Anime Bullshit thing I've ever written GODS am I excited for Opus I and I think that one's also???? coming really soon??????? as in only a few months??????????
*neither of these have appeared yet in anything published please no one waste time pouring through everything I've ever published to try to find these examples
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gothamcityneedsme · 6 months
that job post has me thinking like. god im so relieved im at where i am right now. i had a feeling while working on my education degree and having a lot of field experience that i may not actually want to work in the field. i was cautious. i considered changing my major to journalism (or a few other things) but ultimately didn't because i didn't want to get trapped in college forever + was on a scholarship tied to my degree + was double majoring (which I knew would look good in the future). so i didn't change my major and kept working, got through my student teaching (which was. a fucking nightmare era of my life jesus christ. if i wasn't already hesitating on this, like, student teaching was a 100% certainty moment for me).
then once i was out i took a gap year to recollect my sanity after student teaching, and i also moved out (i was able to do both of these things thanks to my money from my military training. 25+ weeks of pay that i didn't spend added up to enough for me to do those things).
and THEN i started job hunting for the 'boring office job' concept that i had first considered swapping my plans to in college. i started retail part time while i kept up my other job hunting, landed a sort of crappy job but one that paid a little better and wasn't too terrible. got laid off from that one so started hunting again as soon as they announced the layoffs, got lucky with a company i had been planning to apply for a job at in a few years or so anyways (wanted more general experience under my belt, but layoffs prevented that). got the job right before covid, and while i technically work at another company now, that's still the job i have. 100% work from home now, doing the same stuff, and it's mostly writing emails/scheduling payments/reviewing ledgers/etc.
it pays well and doesn't follow me after work hours, the timing is flexible and i can write or do some gaming on the clock because i tend towards bursts of productivity where i do a lot in an hour then sort of chill for a bit before doing more. i stay on top of my responsibilities so i have a lot of wiggle room since i'm not behind on anything (i only get behind when we swap regions up and i get assigned states that prior analysts didn't properly keep clean, lol, but even then a few weeks of dedicated work gets that shit down easy).
idk man. i'm just rambling about my life, this is stuff i think about a lot, because by god i am thankful things went this direction. even if i do lose this job, i am pretty comfortable in this field now so i feel that i could search within this field to find work that would suit me. i'm getting paid more than i ever would as a teacher or anything else, i have so much flexibility, and i'm even closing on a house (today!).
i still have a lot of worries, i need to save up money again (house deposit) and pay back my parents (house deposit). and i still have huge student loans i'm working on paying that eat up a lot of my monthly income, but im so excited to be paying towards a mortgage instead of rent, and someday my loans will be paid off
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masonscig · 1 year
I'm really looking forward to the rewrite! I can't wait to see what you come up with! . I did enjoy some of the Romances, specially F's and I also really enjoyed M's best friend route. However, maybe it's just me but I did have some issues with A's route. I felt that a lot of the things that A did in this book kind of contradicted the misbeliefs that were established not only in this book but also in previous books. I wish that the author had taken a bit more time to have A and the detective connect a bit more on an emotional level, specially since A is demi-sexual, it would have been nice to see them slowly getting to know more and more about each other throughout the story. I felt that the plot kind of took a lot of the space that could have been used to flesh out A and the detective's relationship because there was literally only two scenes where I felt they actually bonded on an emotional level. Don't get me wrong Im an angst girlie myself but as someone who's acespec myself i wish that it would have perhaps been explored more and that we got to see more of A being comfortable and slowly getting their walls down around the detective rather than only angst and slowly learning to allow themselves to love again and that its ok to feel what they feel. The whole plot also felt all over the place, I do appreciate the fact that the author tried out and experimented with a bigger narrative scope and darker themes. However, I feel that Wayhaven works best when it has self-contained plots like in book 1 and book 2 rather than a big narrative scope imo. I felt that it hindered some of the characterisation that some of the ROs could have had. Again I appreciate the fact that the author tried her best to challenge herself with so many variables. However, some of the choices felt a bit repetitive. I did also wish that we could have chosen to remain a detective or at the very least do some actual detective stuff. The Trappers also felt very one dimensional for me, personally I found Murphy and Book 2s Malaused (idk of that's how u spell it) way more interesting. I was also hoping for the whole Sin, an babylonian deity being trapped and treated almost as if they were enslaved plot point to be maybe changed at least slightly. Maybe it's just a me thing but I really didn't like that plot point, it felt unnecessary personally. Sorry for the long ramble lol. Gl on the doc, I'm sure it's going to be amazing!
ahh thank you for saying you're excited for the rewrite! <333 i'm so genuinely excited over it that it's lifted my spirits a lot – i have four pages of bullet points as of right now so whew. lots of changes
i haven't done the a route, so im nodding along like a friend you're venting to over coffee rn, but i'll open up the replies/my inbox to anyone else who feels the same! i'd love to hear more about it as someone who's never done a full a du mortain route LMAO <3
but YES, i agree – hindered characterization, repetitive choices, one dimensional trappers, and the becoming an agent aspect YES! i think maybe with the trappers at least, they're pawns, so i guess? they'll be fleshed out as an organization later? but yeah, anytime they show up it's like oh! so some guys with weapons that may or may not take ub down. got it
the repetitive choices were honestly killing me, because that's a huge reason it took me literally all day to read one route – i was stuck at each choice, because truthfully, a lot of things that i made sofía say were just... not her. this book particularly has so much less variance in dialogue options – it's usually "smile, frown, smirk, chuckle, nod/be silent". just feels sloppy in my opinion :( i definitely wouldn't want her to bend over backwards trying to add 15 variants to every choice, just like. maybe not start with the action! maybe work in some blended stat boosters to add some depth (not that there isn't any, there could just be more)! i appreciate her hard work, genuinely i do, but some of the options definitely got old very quickly :/
and yes oh my god sin could've been an incredible "antagonist" – using that word lightly – because there's such an interesting moral dilemma there that just fell flat in the end :/ i blame the overloaded plot
never apologize !! i love reading your thoughts !! <3
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blackstar95 · 3 years
The Brothers reaction when MC slaps their ass
As usual, Lucifer listened to some classical music and poured himself a glass of wine to relax a bit.
Once he was done, he brought the glass to his lips and took a sip, savoring the taste.
"Mhm," he hummed to the sound of the melody and blissfully closed his eyes, enjoying the quiet moment he was having.
Much to his dismay, you entered his office without making yourself noticable.
Now dont get me wrong, he loves enjoys your company.
But not when your main goal is to tease him.
An thats exactly what you were doing.
You grinned mischievously as you slowly crept up to him, his back turned to you.
Since he was in his own state of mind, he didn't noticed anything.
That was until you reached your hand out.
In that milisecond, Lucifer's senses were tingling and his eyes shot open, turning around as fast as lightning.
But it was too late.
He only watched as your right hand colided with his left buttcheek, giving it a good squeeze afterwards.
Lucifer jumped and just stared at you in shock, processing what just happend.
And you just stood there with an empty expression, your eyes starring at your palm.
"Wow, your butt is actuallly softer than I thought".
Lucifer furrowed his brows in anger and shook his head.
"Yeah?" You asked, looking up at him innocently.
Lucifer had that closed eyed smile with an dark aura surrounding him.
"Now, what made you think this was an good idea, MC?".
You shrugged and slowly walked backwards, shivering nervously "I dont know.. I was just curious?"
"Curious?" He met up with your steps and tilted his head to the side, his smile never leaving
He became dangerously close, making you more nervous than you already are.
You felt your back hitting the wall and your eyes widened.
Oh lord...
Lucifer slammed his palm beside your head, caging you.
You flinched and looked to the ground, feeling suddenly so tiny under him.
Lucifer cupped your cheek and made you look back up at him, a sadistic smile on his lips.
"Such inappropriate behavior should be punished, MC"
I leave the rest up to your imagination.
Mammon was walking beside you as always, being practically attached to your hip (nothing new).
You guys were at R.A.D on your way to the cafeteria, since it was break time.
The greedy demon beside you rambled about that new scheme to make money, and you once again had to talk him out of it.
"Ya! It aint a dumb idea!" He protested.
"It is Mammon. Just think about Lucifers reaction and the consequences," you shook your head "Want to hang from the ceiling that bad?".
Mammon only scuffed, turning his head to the side.
You glanced over to him and noticed a visible pout on his lips, making him look like a child.
"Hey, Mammon".
"Hm?" He looked over at you "What's up?".
You raised your hand and reached over for his bottom, smiling sweetly at him.
"Cheer up".
He was about to question you, but before he could even start his sentence, you cutted him off with a real loud smack on his ass.
Mammons stopped dead in his tracks and his eyes widened in shock "W-what?".
Once realisation kicked in, his face flushed in an intsant.
"O-oi, human! Whats the big deal slappin' my butt like that?!". He yelled at you, looking like a fricking tomato.
You couldnt help but let out a few chuckles, highly amused by his reaction.
"Ya! It aint funny!"
Thanks to his loud voice, the whole hallway now knew what just had happened.
Leviathan walked down the stairs to the dining room.
He was really excited because he finally got his hands on the new Ruri-chan merchandise that came out.
"Woaah! I cant believe I got that limited edition figurine!, its SO rare and the new outfit- its just soo angelic-"
Levi being caught in his own ramblings didnt noticed that you were walking beside him.
"And that new hairstyle! I cant believe Ruri-chan could get even more cuter than she already is-"
"Say Levi, to who'm are you talking to?"
"WAh!", Levi jumped slightly at the sound of your voice and almost tripped over his own foot.
"Wha- MC!? How long have you been here!?"
You smiled at him and grabbed his shoulder for support, preventing him from falling down the stairs.
"There there, calm down. I didnt heard much".
Levi let out an sigh of relief and turned to you.
"Yeah right, I mean who would want to listen to an yucky otaku like me?".
You facepalmed in your mind and sighed, he really needs more confidence.
Leviathan kept walking and pitying himself, mumbling random stuff.
He has such a negative mindset.
You walked up behind him not thinking much.
But then you stared at his head and then his back,
Eventually your eyes landed on his bottom.
You smirked to yourself as you just ran past him, giving his butt a hard and loud smack.
Levi yelped in surprise and stood still, overwhelmed with what just had happened.
His hand grabbed his right buttcheek and rubbed it, being too shocked to react.
You turned around and waved at him. "Damn Levi, you really got an nice butt there! Im soo jealous!"
You then disapperaed in the dining room.
Levis brain needed a whole minute to process what just had happened.
And then he became a stuttering mess.
"M-M-MC! W-what was that now?!, h-hey wait!" He hid his flushed face behind the back of his hand as he stumbled after you.
Ngl he was kinda happy you touched him.
Satan was on kitchen duty, cooking his curry.
He invited you to join and help, so you guys could spend some time together.
And theres no way you would ignore that chance.
So here you were beside him, giving him the ingredients he asks for and making some small talk.
"Did you know that Beel almost ate my hair in his sleep?" You sighed "Im lucky im not bald".
Satan glimpsed at you and raised his eyebrow, shaking his head, "His hunger really doesnt know its limits".
He looked up, "Well speaking of sleep, I had an unpleasant dream last night."
You handed him the spoon and nodded "What was it about?"
Satan sighed, "Beel ate too much and grew to be a giant. He then ate the House of Lamentation, leaving the rest of us homeless".
You laughed, "Why do I have a feeling that could actually happen?"
Satan frowned "He already eats plates, its only a matter of time until he starts eating the walls".
You chuckled, intending to jokingly slap his arm.
But since you werent focused on what you were doing, you didnt notice how your slap landed right on his butt.
Satan dropped the spoon he was holding and looked at you with wide eyes.
"What are you doing?"
You turned to him with an confused expression "Did I do something wrong?"
Satan cocked an eyebrow and leaned his head to the side "You just slapped my butt".
Now its your turn to look at him with wide eyes. "I did what now?".
Satan didnt knew if you were joking or not, and it was kinda ticking him off.
"My butt. You slapped it".
"No I only slapped your arm- ohh wait..." you chuckled.
"What is so funny?" He asked you with furrowed brows.
"Sorry Satan, I wasnt focusing on what I was doing and accidently slapped your butt instead of your arm," You shrugged "My bad".
Satan nodded and turned back to what he was doing "Next time be more careful, or I will return the gesture".
You smirked and leaned over to him "I wouldnt mind that".
He will remember that.
Asmo was having a mid-life crisis.
He was on one of his diets, because his waist gained 1 millicentimeter.
You assured him that a little more weight always looks good and healthy but he wont listen.
So here you were infront of him, eating one of his favorite Cupcakes.
"MC darling, why do you have to torture me like that?"
He whined "Its not faair!"
You just shrugged "I have another cupcake left for you, but since you're on your little 'diet' I will give it to Beel."
He sighed and dropped his head on the table "Does my pain bring you pleasure?".
You frowned "I-"
Asmo gasps and sat back up straight. "Dont tell me your into that stuff?, Wow!"
He smiled and wiggled in his chair.
You sighed and shook you head "Asmodeus, stop".
He pouted "You're no fun..".
After some time you finally finished the cupcake and Asmodeus had reached his limit.
He watched as you stood up and walk towards to the kitchen.
"Wait, what are you doing?" He also stood up and followed you.
"I will bring the cupcake to Beel-"
"No, wait!" he grabbed your wrist and stared at you.
You looked back at him "What is it, Asmodeus?".
He glimpsed to the side "I dont want him to eat my cupcake.."
You clicked your tounge and pulled him towards you, making him stumble to the side
"What are you doi- AH!" He moaned yelped in surprise as you slapped his ass.
"Just eat that damn Cupcake. Its not like you will gain 10kg from it".
He blushed "Oooooh MC! That really made me excited! How harsh you pulled my wrist-"
You just let go of him and left the room.
"MC where are you going?, you cant just leave me here!"
Beelzebub asked you to keep him company while working out.
And of course you said yes.
So now you sat there, on the bench with a towel in hand, enjoying the view infront of you.
Beelzebubs biceps flexed as he lifted weights, and his white tanktop was drenched in sweat, making it transparent.
His abs showed through the fabric and you blushed.
How can this man be so big and muscular?
You blinked when he stopped his workout and laid the weights back down.
He grabbed his bottle from the floor and drank from it, taking big gulps.
You decided to stand up and walked over to him.
"Hey, Beel"
Beel lowered the bottle from his mouth and smiled at you "Hey, MC!"
You smiled back, and held the towel in your hand out to him, "Here take this".
"Thanks" He nodded at you and grabbed it, wiping the sweat on his face away.
"So, how is the workout going so far?" You asked couriously.
"Im still warming up" he replied.
You blinked, Still at warming up, huh?.. impressive.
"But im starting to feel hungry..." Beel pouted.
You laughed "You can do it Beelzebub, I believe in you".
He blushed and smiled at you "Thanks, MC!"
So cute.
You nodded and patted his shoulder "Sure".
Beel proceeded to start his warm up again, starting with some sit-ups.
But you had other plans.
"Beel wait!" You ran up to him.
He stopped what he was doing and looked over at you "What is it, MC?"
Before he could fully turn his body to you, he felt a stinging sensitation on his butt.
He looked at you startled, now realising you slapped it.
"Wow Beel, your buttcheeks are pretty hard.. are they made of iron or something?" You hold your hand up to your face.
Beel blushed slightly, not knowing what to do or say.
You just shrugged and turned around, marching towards the bench you were sitting on.
But suddenly, you felt a light clap on your own butt.
You gasped, "What-, Beel?!" You looked behind you and saw him standing there, smiling.
"Your butt feels really soft and nice, MC". he chuckled, "Is that a human thing to do?"
"Beel no-"
Belphegor was taking a nap in the attic, skipping the student council meeting.
And since you were coming late to the meeting due to some complications, Lucifer ordered you to search for Belphie and bring him there along with you.
And thats how you ended up infront of the attic, clearly annoyed.
"Belphegor," you spoke as you opened the door "I know you're in here".
The youngest brother laid on the bed, snoring and cuddling into his cow pillow.
You walked over to him and shook him "Hey Belphegor! Wake up!"
He stirred in his sleep and furrowed his brows.
Eventually he opened one eye and glimpsed at you. "What is it?"
"Lucifer wants me to bring you to the council meeting" you explained.
"Too bad, I wont go" he closed his eyes again. "Why dont you join me?"
"No," you shook your head, "Please, stand up".
He groaned "No, I dont want to go".
Thats it
You grabbed Belphegor by his arms, and turned him on his stomach.
His eyes shot open "Dah! W-what, hey-"
You raised your hand and slapped his ass, the sound of it echoing through the room.
Belphegor jumped and sat up straight, looking at you in disbelief.
"What was that for?!" He blushed
"You should stand up," you crossed your arm over your chest "I asked you nicely but you wont listen".
"Alright..," He closed his eyes "I will go"
You nodded "good"
But before you could turn around, Belphegor grabbed your wrist and laid you over his lap, his hand resting on your butt.
You blushed when you realised what he was doing,
You tried to escape, but his grip on you was too tight.
"Heheh," he chuckled "Time for payback".
"B-belphegor-" you were interrupted by his hand squeezing your left cheek slightly, making you shiver.
Belphegor raised his hand and striked an direct slap on your butt.
He expected you to squeak cutely, but instead a loud moan left your lips.
You quickly sat up and covered your mouth, an massive blush on your face.
Belphegor stared at you with wide eyes,
But after a few seconds he smirked.
"Didnt knew you're into that stuff," he teased you "Im not complaining though".
You just hid your face in his shoulder, too embarassed to look up "Dont tell anyone about this..".
Belphegor chuckled and patted your head "I wont, that would ruin the fun".
He will still tease you about it tho, but just when you guys are alone.
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