#now with that outta the way....
caluupin · 7 months
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I am so normal about act 5
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americankimchi · 2 years
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generation swap au again bc this au has me by the throat
starring obi wan as the unofficial council mascot who’s called in when Certain Individuals From That Migraine Inducing Lineage get a little too rowdy
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miusato · 2 months
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Lmao so I finally done drawing a lineup of P3 cast in my Highschool AU. Call them wokesona or something ahskskskskasosk
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moeblob · 4 months
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Harvey telling the farmer it's their time for the annual check up before knowing them for a year is always funny to me. But the fact I keep drawing Asmodeus♡ with a big mouth and fangs made me read the dialogue more like "that's scary, please stop" rather than "okay onto the next part".
Anyway, I have never drawn Harvey before so please enjoy my attempt. (gives him a lil gray. as a treat. to me. the gray is for me.)
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turtleblogatlast · 9 months
I kinda love how the moment Leo got his dual wield katana back, he adapted so much more naturally to his teleportation abilities.
Not to say he didn’t come around with the odachi, but it was pretty clear that he struggled hard with the mystic properties of it, and I think that it’s partially because while the odachi itself is a portaling tool that seemingly most anyone can use, Leo’s innate mystic abilities call for something to work with him, not for him.
So it makes perfect sense why his katana, made from himself and more in line with how he naturally fights, finally allow him to seamlessly grasp his space warping abilities to the extent he can.
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plutonex · 2 months
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"...Where did you get that?"
rain world art month, day 13/23: five pebbles/pearls
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kazoo-the-demjin · 1 year
Kevin Day in mid-sophomore year fearing for his life and sanity whenever he hears the question "yes or no" being passed around between his roommates until he figures out they now use the same thing for casual shit too
[Kevin, in his head, about Andrew and Neil: Relationship status: psychic]
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honkowo · 1 month
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OK SO ive FINALLY finished the 5 main colour variations (& overall morphology) for angels!!! posting these separate from the culture post cos i still have fuckall idea for that(plus theres already a fair few images in this post if i tried combining the 2 i would have..... a long ass post lol) ANYWAY:
SALT DESERT: least populous of the 5. theyre essentially tundra angels but w thicker skin & MUCH paler. built to handle extreme temperature variation as well as VERY STRONG air currents & high altitudes. body type is typically tall & skinny, with long wings & sail. theyre 3rd best in terms of long-distance flight.
TUNDRA: most populous of the 5. theyre the goldilocks in terms of preffered climate, in that they stick to the tundras & savannas of homeworld(not too hot/cold, average wind speed, etc). body types vary, but theyre usually on the leaner side for aerodynamics, with long wings & sail. 2nd best at long-distance flight.
CENTRAL CLIFFS: 2nd most populous of the 5 & are built to survive the warmer temperatures of the equator throughout the year. body types are typically on the heavier side to help with burrowing & to accommodate for the much higher likelihood of getting domed by flying debris, as well as broad-but-short wings & sail. theyre 2nd worst at long-distance flight, as theyre more suited for climbing & gliding than powered flight.
NORTH/SOUTH COAST: 3rd most populous of the 5. coastal angels are the largest of the angel types, and are built to survive & navigate the seas & frozen coastlines of homeworld with ease. theyre the best at long-distance flight, as they often take regular journeys from the north to the south to ferry resources between both the coastal spheres as well as other spheres that might be up to trade. body types are usually TALL & WELL BUILT, with a long sail & wings.
TROPICS: 2nd least populous of the 5 as well as the shortest. theyre an offshoot of coastal angels who preffered to burrow amongst the more varied plantlife of angel homeworld. theyre the worst at flying, often only able to glide & fly in short bursts(similar to earth chickens) as theyre almost entirely suited to burrowing. the average body type for tropic angels is short & stocky, with short wings.
like usual, gif stills r under the readmore :)
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(was gonna send the stills but i hit the image limit LOL so youll have 2 have the merged map sorry)
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stuffed-x-arts · 7 months
anyways take this.
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I don't see them as romantic but they are still so fun. love story !! u can interpret it all how u like though lol i enjoy it all the same and just hope u have fun <3
also below the read more im gonna dump some doodles and sketches of me tryna figure out how to draw the voices and stuff smh. none of it is set in stone also maybe some spoilers idk smh go play the game !!!
HIIII here. hands u this. silly birds.
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the cold is one of my faves smh but they are AAAAALL good smh. contrarian. paranoid. hunted. broken. NARRATOR holy fuck i love timeloops and tragedies and horror and narrator characters and AAAAAARGH go play slay the princess RIGHT now smh ive mostly been watching playthroughs but trust me i need to buy it soon and play it a million times over smh
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ltdavis · 4 months
haiii guys y’all are eating good lately , have some more (fully rendered piece from marric no way that’s unheard of)
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lineart brush by amervoid on instagram ! 10/10 brush and great artist , check her out . here’s the qr !!
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peachdues · 3 months
since we’re all ovulating right now and i just got done with my ninth re-read of The Netherwood, i just wanted to share a thought i had
thinking of werewolf!Sanemi being able to tell when reader is ovulating. he can both see the changes in her and smell the subtle change in her scent, all while it always makes his instincts to breed flare up. one time, however, her cycle lines up with his heat and he just goes fucking wild, both physically and mentally unable to control himself.
like dirty nasty breeding sex and his neighbors are beyond sick of him
especially in the cough cough predator-prey au cough cough cough
You know how I joke that this would be Sanemi if Reader got her way?
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Yeah. I think this instance — if her ovulation week lined up with his heat — there would be no tapping out. because you’re so right. I think Sanemi gets one whiff of those hormones and he just goes into full breeding mode. Not a thought in his head other than mate and breed.
I think he even loses control over his shifting — like he’s just cycling between human, half-shifted, and full-shifted forms constantly, sometimes doing all three in one session. She’s not walking out of it until her belly is fully bloated with cum (if she’s walking at ALL). But let’s be honest — her ovulation week is probably a monster of its own. She’s already got negative self preservation cells in her brain — she’s probably worse when she’s got that ovulation horniness.
As for his neighbors being sick of them — I imagine Shinobu and genya are both like “for the love of GOD y’all need to go to that cave!! We cannot take this!!” Even the monsters in the netherwood probably are giving them the side eye because you’re right — it’s filthy, nasty, sloppy, and LOUD.
God now I need to work this into the predator/prey AU. Or maybe it will appear as a canon after shot…
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front-facing-pokemon · 4 months
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rebouks · 3 months
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[Darien turned the volume of his phone down only a little, gleefully enduring Wyatt’s continued expletives] Darien: Are you done? [Darien’s speaker crackled as Wyatt threw his hand up with an agitated sigh] Darien: It’s safe and he wanted to see you, I don’t see the problem. Wyatt: You just wanted to fuck with me. Darien: Well, that too. Wyatt: He didn’t even book a rental. Darien: I think you should let him stay with you; it’ll be.. cathartic. Wyatt: Fuck off, Darien. Darien: Gladly. [Wyatt tutted as Darien hung up-.. what a dickhead. Tossing his phone onto the bed in defeat, he stomped back downstairs; the audacity of his so-called friend was immeasurably irritating sometimes…] … [in Komorebian] Wyatt: I’m gonna let him stay for a few days-.. as long as it’s alright with you. Brynn: He doesn’t remember me, does he? Wyatt: Nope. [Brynn squinted suspiciously; if Kian recognised her, he certainly didn’t show it] Wyatt: Say the word and he’s gone. Brynn: Hm, I don’t think he has enough brain cells to be a threat on his own. Wyatt: Yeah, I doubt it-.. who knows, anyway; perhaps he’s a changed man. [Brynn briefly returned the mirthful look in Wyatt’s eyes and snorted over her shoulder, whisking Ellis upstairs with a well-practiced air of indifference] Kian: Putting her in her place, eh? Wyatt: Sure… Kian: Tch, women.
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wispurring-moss · 16 days
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mods r asleep quick post teeny huskerdust doodle— 👌✨
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cowardlykrow · 3 months
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After Cyn's done tryna kill him, she'll eventually relent and they can get to work... whatever that is. I didn't do the outfit any justice, but the second i saw the Cowboy!Curt mega @ricky-mortis made i was literally like, "yes, that is IT."
This is, in my heart, a cannon fit for this au
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youmakemyhearthowl · 2 years
The first time Steve went with Robin to a gay bar in Indy, he got a lot of education on the queer community from a group of Drag Queens. They were so pleased to run into a straight man at a gay bar that was there to protect his lesbian best friend that they answered all of his questions he’d asked. Even if a few of them were pretty convinced Steve was some sort of queer and just hadn’t gotten around to figuring it out yet. 
The biggest thing that seemed to stand out to Steve was the hanky code. It was such a cool way to let yourself share this super secret part of yourself with the world without the dangers that actually sharing it would cause and Steve was enamored. 
One particular Drag Queen, Helen, knows most of what the different colors mean and Steve can’t stop himself from asking about every single one of them.
When they get back to Hawkins Steve feels truly educated and Robin just smirks knowingly at him as he rambles on about everything he learned. He’d told Robin a few weeks ago he thought he might also like guys but was still figuring everything out. Robin was just happy he was willing to learn, even if he decided men weren’t for him. 
Everything sort of spirals quickly after that. 
Steve and Robin are at work when Dustin comes barreling into the store with Eddie Munson in tow. 
“We need Rocky Horror Picture show right now.” The demand is sharp, and Steve just rolls his eyes at the teen.
“Not that I’m judging or anything Dust, but what do -you- need with that movie?” Robins voice cuts across the store from where she’s restocking returns in the romance section. 
“We have a theory about Mike we want to test.”
“You have a theory about Mike you want to test.” Eddie cuts in hoping up onto the counter and crossing one leg under him. Steve’s pretty sure he stops breathing for a second. Because right there in his left pocket is that stupid black hanky that Steve never really paid attention to before, but now his eyes lock on.
“Steve!” Robins next to him now shoving him out of the way of the register so she can check out Dustin, and Steve’s still just kind of frozen in place because, Munson’s into some kinky shit and he’s not entirely sure how to bring his brain back from the rabbit hole it’s just dove down.
“Stevie, are you still coming over for movie night with me and Buck?” Eddie chirped climbing down off the table to follow Dustin out the door. Robin looked from Eddie to Steve, trying to figure out what exactly broke her best friend, when her eyes land on the hanky and she has to hide her laugh with a cough.
“Yea, he’s coming. He’s my ride anyways. We’ll see you at 8 Eddie.” With a nod and a questioning glance in Steve’s direction Eddie throws open the front doors and skips to his van as Dustin clamors into the passenger seat.
“Hey, Dingus.” Robin slides in front of Steve, a shit eating grin spreading across her face. “Learn anything new just now?”
“Holy shit Robin, how am I ever even supposed to -look- at him again.” He groans throwing his head down onto his crossed arms on the counter.
“He’s still stupid Eddie.”
“Stupid Eddie who likes to tie people up and administer pain in the bed room. Fuck.” Robin could see all kinds of gears turning in Steve’s head. Dots connecting, pieces falling into place until suddenly his face turns bright red and he stands up straight again locking fearful eyes with Robin.
“Oh my god Robin. I think I wanna fuck Eddie Munson.”
Robins laughter was so loud, Eddie could hear it all the way in the parking lot.
(inspired by @undeaddisillusion ‘s post found here)
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