#nvm 2 hands
screentunes · 3 years
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today i offer you: gumi
tomorrow? who knows...
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luuunaskiesss · 3 years
Waking up to Overwatch 2 announcement
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gardenhotspot · 2 years
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oh yeah heres like. part of what i did for 2 days
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ofliterarynature · 3 years
For book recs ask game, #78 favorite royal read?
I’m interpreting this as “book about someone who is royalty” - if you (in general) don’t already know my answer is The Goblin Emperor, I have clearly been doing something wrong.
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muppetmilf · 3 years
i spent my entire paycheck for the week the past two days on appointments. oh my fucking god. oh my god. i am on the brink. i hate america i am seriously about to lose it i can’t afford to live like this
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secretsucrit · 4 years
Your redesigns are SO COOL! Do you have any OCs? I'd love to see some of those if you do! Sorry if thats a weird question or anything, I'm just a big fan of those designs and so I bet your original characters are cool as fuck too!!
i do!! i dont post abt them too much so ive never actually shown them off before so this might end up being a long post lol
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this is plum mascard and retorbra. plum is a fashion designer who lives in paris, and retorbra is her friend and one of her models. retorbra is actually my oldest oc, i made her all the way back in my sophomore year of highschool (which was... 2013. jesus christ)plum is in her 30s, and she has a girlfriend who i cant find my ref of right now :( shes from egpyt and shes in paris training to become a pastry chef (im really gonna have to find her ref again) retorbra also has a robot girlfriend named anaheim whos into boxing who i also cant find the ref of because i name my files stuff like “fsgfsddfsg.psd” because i think ahead
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these are characters i made from emoji prompts that i ended up just loving to death. none of them are named (yet) but i adore them.
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these are my two... sonas? yeah ill call them that. first one is just a nebula object head bc im a sucker for object heads, and the other is actually a species im working on thats a mix between a raccoon and a nudibranch. still figuring out a name for that species bc theres no real way to combine ‘raccoon’ and ‘nudibranch’ and make it sound organic.
and as a bonus heres my novakid oc from starbound. i got his name from the in-game randomizer. his name is gun. gun dioxide.
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oflgtfol · 2 years
i forgot how hell working truck is on my hands. holy shit
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gender-euphowrya · 6 years
hi what are you supposed to do when your friend says something like “hey we should meet up tomorrow” and then tomorrow comes and you text them like “hey are you still okay for today ?” and they don’t reply like do i go or wha
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blublublujk · 2 years
it was destiny
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5
words count: 2.6k
summary: finding the sexy man you had been fucking for the past three weeks at your daughter's friend birthday party was not so ideal and what you had in mind.
pairing: dilf jungkook x milf reader
warnings: 18+, swearing, fuck buddies, explicit sexual content (dirty talk, praising, fingering, slight choking, protected rough sex, cum shot) ?? i think that's all wait nvm CHILDREN
—> m.list
“Come on mommy! We’re gonna be late!” Jia cried out, leaving you no choice but to run down the stairs, forcing your feet into a shorter heel than you were used to. 
You caught your breath before addressing your daughter. “You ready Jia?”
“I’ve been ready for the last five hours!” Your impatient daughter complained, throwing her hands up in the air, bringing out a chuckle. 
A gasp slipped from your lips. “Mommy didn’t make you wait five hours!” You shook your head lightly, poking her cute button nose out of habit. She always scrunched her nose at the action but deep down it was her favorite thing about your mother-daughter relationship. “Let’s go, sweetheart.”
Although Jia was going to turn seven the upcoming year, she would always be your little girl. You took pride in the relationship you had built, though having separated from her father at a young age. Namjoon was an excellent father, he was everything you could have wanted in a partner. He was caring, affectionate, super supportive of anything and everything. But, he was also a workaholic. You and Namjoon constantly fought about his crazy work schedule. There was never a time that man was off his feet. You understood he loved his job, that he had worked so hard to get to where he was and you would never take that away from someone. Especially not someone like Namjoon. You didn’t blame him, but you didn’t want to be with someone who couldn’t put you first. Namjoon never argued about where Jia stood, anytime she would call he’d come see her. That is one thing you respected dearly about him. He could never say no to Jia. 
“How was your Dad’s yesterday?” Your curiosity getting the best of you. 
Jia's smile dropped a bit as she started to play with the interior buttons of the car. “Daddy finally got a girlfriend.”
“Did he?” Your tone softened, it was news to you and you wish he would have told you before dropping the bomb. “Does that upset you?”
She nodded, keeping quiet.
“You know Daddy will always love you. With or without a girlfriend.” You comforted your daughter in the best way you possibly could. There was one thing you were sure of and that was how much Namjoon truly cared for his daughter. Maybe the news was a bit too harsh for her to hear but it would have happened one day or another. He deserved to be happy just as much as you did, but someone so young wouldn’t understand such a concept. “You know that, right?”
Your daughter nodded, watching streets pass as you drove. “He told me the same thing yesterday.” 
“And how did that make you feel?” You asked, attentively.
“I believe him.” She replied, hesitantly. 
“Good, because it's true,” carefully watching your words, you continued, “Daddy loves you so much and him having a girlfriend would never change that. That just means he has twice the love now! Doesn’t Daddy deserve love too?”
She quickly nodded and came with a sudden stop. “But isn’t my love enough?” Her voice was soft, almost sounded hurt. 
Your heart stopped beating for a second feeling the ache your daughter had been feeling. “Of course Jia. You are always enough,” you stopped to take a deep breath, “Daddy, he isn’t a bad person, you know that. He is an adult like Mommy and when one is an adult, they require a lot of love. They need so much of it, almost too much to survive.”
She nodded again, taking your words all in, not sure if she really understood. 
But you continue, “the type of love an adult wants you couldn’t possibly give your Daddy. The love I’m talking about is sort of different from the love you give him. When adults love each other, they hug, they care for each other, and most importantly, they kiss on the lips, a ton.” 
Jia scrunched her nose in disgust as any other kid her age would. “Daddy kisses?” 
You laughed a bit. “Maybe ask him that.” 
She shook her head regretting even saying anything to avoid such thoughts. “Never.” 
Reaching over, you gave her cheeks a quick squeeze. “But you understand what I mean, right? Daddy having a girlfriend is not a scary thing at all. You can still love him the way you do and he will forever love you.” 
“Mm, I understand.” She accepted your silly explanation about love. Her next words caused you to choke in your own spit. “So, when will Mommy get a boyfriend?”
“Oh.” You thought to yourself before speaking. You don’t even remember the last time you went out on a date. After you and Namjoon separated, you spent a lot of that time focused on Jia. You went out from time to time, which Jia was used to spending the nights with her father when you wanted to take your mind off things. This usually meant hooking up with the same random guy you would bump into consistently for the past three weeks. You say random but you aren’t sure what he is. You know what he likes and doesn’t like in bed but you don’t even know his name. Both of you decided to keep it like that, maybe you both liked the mystery in itself or maybe you just didn’t want to allow him to get too close to be anything more. He was hot, available, and insanely good in bed. There wasn’t much else you needed to know. 
“Mommy doesn’t need a boyfriend right now.” You decided to plainly answer, hoping the subject would change. “I have all I need right here.”
“That means you get no kisses. I don’t think that's fair. If Daddy is getting some, you should too.” Jia shrugged, your eyes widening. “I get plenty, Jia. Do not worry about me.”
“Even on the lips?” Her face turned to disgust once more. 
You giggled, gripping the steering wheel tightly as the other hand covered your mouth, hiding your laughs. “Sometimes. Now, let’s not worry about who Mommy or Daddy kisses anymore, Missy.” 
“Oh, I won't. I think if we keep talking about this I might throw up.” Jia drastically replied.
Rolling your eyes, your attention turned towards the road that finally reached your destination. “I think this might be it, Jia.” Jia jumped up and down excitedly in her seat. 
Finding parking was very easy considering how huge the house stretched. If you didn’t know any better, you’d assume this was a mansion. 
“You sure this is it, Jia?” You asked one last time looking down at the invitation card she had brought home from school insisting to attend. 
“Well, you drove us here.” Jia replied flatly, right how could a six year old possibly know.
You nodded, taking her hand. “Right. Let’s go.”
“Hi, welcome!” A cheerful older lady answered the door, you could only imagine she worked here. “You must be here for the party! The kids are all in the back. I’ll take you there!”
She guided you towards the backyard area. The house, in short, was stunning. You had never been in anything like it. The floors were spotless, ceilings built high, huge beautiful portraits hung against the walls. Everything was just beautiful. The backyard was just as nice, everything decorated nicely to fit a kid’s biggest wishes. Whoever owned this house had money. You can’t even imagine owning such a place, what would you even do with so much space? What would you even do with just half of it?
“Food and drinks are found on that table! Please, help yourselves and if you have any questions there are multiple employees you can find around this area. Mr. Jeon has been in and out of conversations but he will attend to you soon. Enjoy!” With a quick ‘thank you’, the cheerful lady bowed, gracefully returning to her position. 
“Mommy isn’t it beautiful here?” Jia’s excitement rubbed off on you.
“It is!” You smiled. “Why don’t you go find your friend? I want to see you hand her the present we got her!”
Jia was quick to agree, bolting towards a group of kids. It was always easy for her to make friends. Unlike her mother, Jia never struggled to find a friend anywhere. That girl could talk anyones ear off but it is what you adored. There was never a boring conversation.
“Mommy! Come here!” Jia shouted, waving her hand. She easily painted a smile on your face, making your way towards the crowd of kids. You crouched down to their height. “Mommy, this is Minsu!” 
“Hi Minsu! It is very nice to meet you. I’m Jia’s Mommy!” Minsu was a very cute girl. Her eyes were big and round, they took over most of her sweet face. 
Her eyes smiled before her lips did. “Hi Jia’s Mommy, I’m Minsu! It’s my birthday today!”
You smiled. “It is! Jia brought you a gift. Would you like to see it?” Minsu eagerly nodded. Jia was quick to place the bag in her hands, all kids hovering over in curiosity, all impatient. 
Minsu gasped upon opening her present. “Panting supplies! I love painting! How did you know, Jia?!” A big smile on her face. 
“It is all you talk about during the show and tell at school! I told my mom it would be cool to gift you some supplies!” Jia cheered. 
Minsu pulled her in for a big hug. “Thank you so much Jia! Daddy will be happy to hear I won’t be needing his supplies anymore!”
Jia giggled, the sight warming your heart. 
“Daddy is absolutely grateful that he can finally use his own supplies without worrying about his daughter taking over all his space.” A voice cut in and to your surprise, a very familiar voice.
Your eyes meet this voice instantly widening, after realizing the person behind the voice. That’s the man. The same man you have been sleeping with for the past three weeks. The same man who likes to stay in bed a little longer than you’d like to get used to after fucking the shit out of each other. The same man whose name you still didn’t know despite your history. Now you know he’s a father. A very good looking and rich one. 
His eyes speak before he does. He is just as confused but looks pleased at the same time. He shook his thoughts away. 
“You must be Jia’s mother.” He stretches his hand out, you shake hands. “Minsu tells me a lot about her.” 
You smile very lightly. “Jia too tells me so much about Minsu. Thank you for inviting us.”
The stranger released your hand. “Of course. It is my sincere pleasure.” His attention turned to his daughter. “Go show Jia around. I’m sure she’d love to see our pond.” 
Minsu nodded, grabbing her hand, skipping happily away together. 
“Be safe Jia!” You called out. 
The man turned his attention back to you. “Jia’s mother.” He spoke, spoftly. “You finally have another name besides ‘woman I’ve been sleeping with for the past three weeks’.”
A small laugh came out. “Mm, and you, Mr. Jeon.”
He scrunched his brows. “How do you know my last name?” He was quick to catch on. “Ah, you must have met Mrs. Seo.”
You nodded. “I did. Very nice lady.”
“Jungkook,” he paused to take a breath, “Jungkook, that's my name.”
His eyes were soft, very different from what you’ve seen. Before this, Jungkook was just a man you were sexually attracted to. A man you lusted for. A man whose body parts you knew and knew very well. Now you aren’t sure what to feel given you had never seen him in such nature. 
“Y/N,” you stated, looking straight into those curious eyes, “that’s mine.” 
“Y/N.” He called your name gently. “It’s nice to finally put a name on such a pretty face.”
Instantly, your cheeks flushed. You don’t even feel one bit embarrassed about the current situation. This man, Jungkook, knew such a vulnerable part of you. Yet, you feel nothing. Sure, it caught you off guard but it surprisingly didn’t scare you. Butterflies filled your insides. 
“Thank you.” You casually replied.
A grin sets on his face. “I’ve said worse things to you and this is what makes you blush.”
You chuckled. “I guess so. I would have never known you were a whole father.”
“Well, when you say it like that it makes me sound so old.” He complained, a brow raising in return. “I prefer Daddy.”
You scoffed. “There is no way in hell I’m calling you that, you know, regarding our history.”
His smile grew. “I meant nothing by that, but it’s good to know how much I affect that perverted mind of yours.” 
“Please.” Your eyes rolled. “Do not feel special. You are just like any other man I sleep with.” You decided to test the waters, though you haven't slept with anyone beside him in a long while. After sleeping with Jungkook, it was hard to get in bed with anyone else who couldn’t satisfy your every need. 
“Oh, it is too late for that.” Jungkook never drops his smile. “I know what I do for you.” 
Those sweet eyes didn’t look so sweet anymore. They instantly filled with hunger. The sight takes you back to three nights ago. 
“If you don’t stuff your dick into my pussy right now, I think I might burst into pieces.” The man laughs against your neck, pressing sloppy kisses into it.
“Always so needy and impatient.” He replies, fingers stretching your walls. “I love watching you fall apart.”
A whimper escapes your lips. “Please fuck me.” 
He comes up from your neck, eyes attentively watching you become more desperate by the second. You fuck yourself onto his fingers. He catches his lip between his teeth. “I’m going to fucking ruin you.”
The man pulls his fingers from you, a whimper leaving your mouth but it doesn’t take long for his cock to replace the loss. Quickly, your pussy devours his long thick cock. You felt him everywhere, so deep within you. A hand wraps behind your neck bringing you to crash against his mouth. Everything sloppy, his tongue toying with yours. 
His pace inside you quickens, he pulls off of your mouth for a second. “I could fuck you forever.” 
You moan again, feeling him thrust harder into you. 
“You look so pretty falling apart for me.” His eyes meet yours and almost everything inside you explodes. 
“I’m fucking coming. Fuckkk.” Desperately, you cling to his strong arms that drive himself harder into your aching cunt. 
The man is never shy, letting out his own desperate moans. “Milk my dick baby. Such a good girl.”
Your back arches, following his every move. Your pussy dripping of your mixed arousals. 
“I’m close baby.” The man puts pressure against your stomach, chasing his own release. 
All you could do is nod, you were so fucked coming down from your high. 
The man finally pulls out, snatching the condom off as he releases himself all over your stomach, it was something you both enjoyed. 
The man crashes beside you, catching his breath, arm slipping below your breasts. “So perfect for me, as usual.”
“You there?” Jungkook asked, smirking proudly as if he could read your every thought.
You shook your head. “Don’t.”
He laughed. “Fine. I won’t. Guess I won’t be getting your number either?” He boldly asked.
“Nope.” You rejected him almost instantly. 
“That’s fine.” Jungkook shrugged. “I’ll just find you again.”
You looked over, a challenge. “Good luck trying to find me.” 
His tongue clicked against the roof of his mouth. “Until then, Y/N.”
A deal was created before you even realized the trouble you put yourself in. A deal you looked forward to losing.
a. notes: idk where i wanted to go with this but i had fun so we’ll see where this goes from here
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technowoah · 2 years
1 with jason todd please! <3
1) "I dont know if im super horny or super touch starved."
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You and Jason finally get a well deserved rest day. But what to do on your day off?
- jason todd x gen!neutral reader!
- jason todd blurb!
- prompt requested!
- prompt requests open
- request rules!
⚠︎: suggestive (?), fluff, ooc jason?, maybe swearing, and this is my first time writing for him so we'll see 👀 (edit: nvm this is shit, but I hope you enjoy it)
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It was a rare lazy day, Jason was finally off of patrol duties and you were off of work for a few days. You both never got that often so you both took the opportunity to stay inside and sleep in. Spent most of the morning sleeping next to eachother watching the sun behind the curtains go from dark to orange to a dull shine.
You were facing the window on your side while Jason was burried under the covers with his head in your chest. He had a death grip on your waist and a leg thrown over your own.
When you had gotton up to use the bathroom he protested against it.
"You said we're going to lay in bed all day and I am damn sure we're going to do exactly what you said."
"Jay I know but I need to piss."
"Hold it."
"No." You had fought your way to get out from underneath him to finally go to the bathroom and now you are in this situation where he wont let you go.
"Hmm?" He mumbled into your chest.
"Let me go open the window, let some light in." You suggested.
It took a while for him to respond to you. "Idontknow" he mumbled.
"I. Dont. Know." He said finally lifting his head from your chest. "I dont wanna stay in this dark for long, but your body too comfortable."
"Should've opted for the remote control curtains." You sighed.
"Nothing a little but of daddy's money cant resolve."
"Im not opposed." You smiled down at him and he smiled back at you.
You both decided that the curtains could wait as you combed through his dark locs. You then felt his hands travel down the expanse of your back struggling to lift up your shirt.
"What you doing jay?"
He didn't respond for a while, toying with the hem of your shirt before snaking his cold hands onto your skin making you flinch a little.
He started rubbing his hand up and down your back, nails grazing lightly. You sighed at the way he was touching you and you felt him smirk on your chest.
"I need to feel you babe. Is that a problem?" He quietly said while his cold hand rubbed up and down your back while playing with the top of your sleep shorts mumbling something about taking them off.
"I dont know if im super horny or super touch starved."
"Well what do you wanna do about it?" You asked with a playfulness in your tone.
"I dunno. I got only 2 options for ya."
"Well its only 1 pm. We have the whole day." You smirked.
You felt Jason beside you and shift and grabbed your waist rolling you onto your back. Him on his forearms hovered above you his lips barley grazed yours. He chuckled and licked his lips his toung barley grazing your lips.
"Well lets get to it then."
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riotlain · 3 years
Slashers with adopted gen Z reader
giggles. also the reader is hinted to be bipoc in some of these.
Gender Neutral reader bc yea
Jason Voorhees
Meeting you
You were walkin around the forest when you saw him
Your shit sister and her friends are forcing you on a camping trip (bc youre not allowed home alone)
so you wandered off when they went to swimming in the lake
While walking you bumped into Jason
Uhhh shit.
‘Jason Voorhees if you kill that child I swear you’ll be in so much trouble!’ Pamela was screaming in Jasons head
You were lowkey scared. You were just afraid of strangers in general
He then ignored you and killed your sister and her friends
You were 9. With no phone. What now.
while wandering through the woods you came across Jasons cabin
so you just hung around there and eventually fell asleep
you thought your sister would come by or something. she didnt
Actually Taking care of you
Good father energy. Bc Pam
Hes very protective of you.
So to keep you inside he gave you a phone he found from a teenager he killed.
Oh god
What is among us??? No hes not an imposter what?? sus?
Kinda regrets giving you a phone
Cracker!?! what??
Always holds your hand when yall go outside
So what if youre 16? 🙄 Hes still your dad
Michael Myers
Meeting you
He fuckin killed your toxic ass family
You were gonna run away at some point but this works too
He found it hard to kill you
You werent scared of him. and not in the badass “im going to kill you” not scared
You just had a blank expression towards him
hmm *steals child*
You honestly thought he was gonna kill you or something like that
But he didnt
Taking care of you
Ok dad???
He leaves you in random areas and expects you to be there when he comes back
and to quench your annoying ass he gave you a phone
kids like phones right?
Nvm he hates it
No he is not racist for not giving you some of his candy. Quit saying that
Sometimes its wholesome when yall just sleep by each other on the couch
Steals clothes from other teens
“Oh hey dad-“ *drops a pile of clothes on your bed* “Uh thanks?” *nods and walks away*
If you have a very specific hair type you need to bother him to get the right products
*drops a whole bunch of hair stuff on your bed and expects you to claim the ones you need*
Ohh noo all of the items from *hair brand* is gone from the stores.. where did it gooo?
Vincent Sinclair
Meeting You
Lester saw you sitting in your parents car after they went into town
You were asleep with your phone next to you
So since he knew your parents are gone he took you into town
Not to kill you actually
He thought you were a cute kid so he was like “Mmm taking care of kid. Suddenly dad”
He introduced you to Bo and eventually Vincent
Vincent took a liking after you complimented his wax figures and talked about wanted to try sculpting
Taking care of you
He teaches you how to sculpt wax and shows you cool lil designs
Please show him your finished products… he’ll be so proud of you
When hes busy with victims youre left in the living room
Also youre kinda the siren incase someone escapes
Victim: “H-hey kid. Cmon lets get out of here!”
You: …..*loud ass whistle noise*
Bo makes you help around the gas station
Lester also makes you hell him with roadkill
Sorry they had to destroy your phone 🤷🏽
Cant have them tracking you
Brahms Heelshire
Meeting you
You ran away from your folks
And ended up at the heelshire mansion
You noticed the doll and just hung around it
Brahms saw you and gave you the rules
After a bit of you taking care of the doll to your best abilities, Brahms came out of the wall
Then he decided to kinda take care of you instead
Child must be protected
Taking care of you
Protective asf
Kinda strict?? he raises you like his parents raised him
Malcom was very concerned when a child answered the door
Tries to get you to leave alot
you’re just like “Lol no”
Brahms cant kill Malcom sadly
Who would get groceries? You sure cant
Just endores it
Hang with him in the walls
The rats dont bite
Makes you your own small doll so you 2 can be ‘doll bros’ as you call it
Very ok dad energy
You dont have a phone bc
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daegalfangirl · 2 years
love maze ; huang renjun
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❝ oh my god! you're cute. ❞
you've been popularly known as a bitch, and you agree. that's not the issue here. you enjoy messing around with boys for quite a while, their heart in your hands. you never expected for it to go the other way when you bump into a boy at the corn maze. yep, and it gets worse when you find out you're not the only girl head over heels for him. you're becoming a better person, but karma was bound to strike for what you've done in the past. maybe it's about time you understand how it really feels.
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└> PAIRING; renjun x fem!reader
└> FEATURES; all the female main characters from the other stories + all of dream + jaehyun
└> WARNINGS; swearing, reader is a bitch (mostly towards men), sex jokes, mentions of infidelity, both reader and renjun are flawed in the romance field
└> STATUS; completed ✔️
└> AUTHORS NOTE; okay so they meet at a corn maze and stuff but i literally have never been to a corn maze in my fucking life so if it's different from how it normally is IM SORRY i'm just assuming it's like a normal maze. removed the tags of some people that i am aware that are minors because there is no explicit sex scenes between anyone but the reader is implied to be on the sexually active side with other men SOOOO ya. i cant check every single one of you though so if you are a minor please advise me so that i can remove you from the taglist.
└> SCHEDULE; monday, wednesday, and friday whenever i feel like it but usually around 8pm
└> TAGLIST; @sunflowerhae @neoteez01 @ashesandfanfics @cacaubs @dayandnighthyuck @neokats @furryllamas @eggoyu @blossom-rea @scented-morker @loveleejn @sunshine-skz @vantxx95 @seolrose @legbouk @mark-wife-renjun-whore @yunoshandholder @heetrbl @amindpalaceofmyown @jaeminslut @girlfiendsss @heyitsbreeeeee @yo-dreamrush @mrkleelvr @yvtaverse @jiye0n0 @flower-lise @thejungjaehyun @todorokiskitten @rynshyuckies @hiraarri @tacojisung @multihoe-net @b1awhore @squiishymeow @bbanggami @maddypool31 @aminihhj @meltinghershey @treasuretaeil @markhyuckgotmyback @yunhodeobi @resceluwu @simplicitysbabe @beegobuzzzz @faiirybread @ihaveacheseeadiction @hae06 @samsemsame @astereads + more but i hit max mentions 😭
└> COULDN'T TAG; @kyuwoyo @alltothelee @mqrkfrl @athuwu @hirouiii @xiaoflwr @hyungwinning @lookloony
want to be added to the taglist? click here!
m.list to "from the seasons, to us" (my smau series)
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0.5 | intro: the girls
1 | wrong idea
3 | 🥺🥺🥺
4 | bella
5 | mine
6 | what do we do
8 | trying
9 | Omg! suddenly i am too busy
11 | "bad"
12 | YOUR fault
13 | twins
14 | i had fun
15 | true, True, TRUE
16 | filler bff
17 | let's talk
18 | best friend
19 | people like her
20 | thank you i know i'll need it
21 | (pending) character development
22 | sacrifices for the ones we love
23 | poor jisung
24 | "pity"
25 | i AM emily cooper
26 | the other woman
27 | rights and wrongs
28 | boyfriend & girlfriend
29 | oops sorry... anyways im horny
30 | woah!
31 | the things i do for my pookiebear
32 | i like the way you think
33 | meddling
34 | 4 me, 4 u
35 | forever
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mikanotes · 3 years
chishiya as your boyfriend headcanons
chishiya x gn!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: swearing, one slightly suggestive joke at some point i think, mentions of getting killed, aib stuff lmao, other than that none, i think!
author's note: yeaaa chishiya as your my bf headcanons yay
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so. chishiya. as a boyfriend. may be hard to imagine. WELL NOT FOR ME AHA *bites lip and holds chin between my index finger and thumb*
u meet at the first game that you two play
you notice that he’s kinda calm for someone who just entered a game of survival and you’re like ??? bro??? but like that’s kinda cool???
anyways u kinda stick with him because he feels safe in the midst of the chaos and ure also alone and feel like it’d be better to have someone
it seems that he doesn’t mind u sticking around him and considers u as his ally (ATLEAST) and u spend most of ur time together (when he’s not randomly and mysteriously disappearing off to somewhere)
ure gna be the one who has to confess buddy sorry to tell u
even if he likes you he’ll be like “yeah okay anyways i have stuff to do” and just. put his feelings aside.
nice chishiya good one /s
if u confess to him however he’ll be like “okay… and?”
and you’re like “wtf do u mean okay and I JUST CONFESSED TO YOU?”
he’s just kinda laughing to himself and he tilts his head. “that doesn’t really change much, anyway, right? we’ve been sticking together for a while now, i don’t really expect that to change.”
this is the chishiya way of saying that u guys r now dating
he’s protective in his own way. the… quiet? silent type?
he’s just in the shadows making sure you don’t get too hurt. or like, killed, you know.
he likes holding your hand out of nowhere because if you don’t expect it your expression makes him smile. and your hand feels nice in his
he does that thing where he stares at you from a really far away spot, and when you find him and make eye contact and he either 1. keeps staring and smiles 2. winks 3. straight up just keeps staring until you get flustered and then he smiles because he’s annoying like that /lh
oh right also
“to gain something, you gotta lose something”
yeah. but not you aha!!!! nope!!!
if risking your safety could help with a plan he’s thought of, he’ll be quietly thinking of every single bad outcome there could be and how much it could fuck up his plans, almost as if trying to convince himself to find something else because he subcounsciously doesn’t want you to get harmed ever even if he knows he can’t fully control that
he loves u kinda (he says)(nvm he doesn't say it he just thinks it)
he rly likes scaring you
you’ll be chilling near the pool, just staring into the void because despite the amount of people dancing and having fun no glasses of alcohol or loud music will be enough to drown out the fact that your life is at constant risk if you don’t participate in the games you don’t feel like going into the crowd AND
you’ll suddenly feel something rly cold in your neck, or someone will go like “boo” just right by your ear and you just jump because this mf scared you shitless
he’s laughing and he's like “if you can’t even hear me coming behind you, how do you plan on surviving the games?”
“fuck you??? wtf”
"is that a request?"
u love eachother <3
also he's not comfortable with making ur relationships 'public' bcos while he trusts that you're capable of defending yourself, he doesn't trust the people at the beach
and he's a smart guy. really smart. like really smart (okay sorry i'll stop)
which, to him, means that someone could see you as a vulnerability to him and hurt you to get him to do something he usually wouldn't
he doesn't want that obviously so he tries to keep it on the down low
also likes randomly showing up in your room at random times of the day and be like "yo." and then just sit with you and stay silent
sometimes u don't understand this mf but oh well
he just likes spending time with you but good luck trying to get him to admit it
anyways chishiya is a great bf and he's really understanding and attentive so . very cool and pog thank u chishiya
i love him hlep
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swoftbambi · 3 years
yelena as your girlfriend :33
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she’s gets jealous easily. if your talking to anybody be sure to feel her hands grab at your waist or shirt tugging you towards her.
yelena gives me i hate everyone and i am a cold person but not with you type of girlfriend. will be so standoffish and cold to other people but with you GIRRRRLLLLL she’s a whole different person.
i feel like she’s the last person to get out of bed between the two of you... on off days. when she has to go to work she wakes up at 4 am min. and while your sleeping she’ll rub your head, or pull the covers up while telling you how much she loves you guys dating and how she can’t live without you.
will 100% bring you lunch and a snack while your working. you called her one time asking her to bring you some food at your job and she brings you a whole meal (that she made herself ofc).
yelena gets back home late, so when she sees you sitting on the couch she sits next to you and wraps her arm around your neck to pull you in. if your in the kitchen in the middle of making dinner she snakes her hands under your shirt and puts her head on your shoulder watching you stir the pot. her fingers are cold though so just push them away ):(
her favorite date spots are at movies or at the mall. (don’t judge me plzzz .°(ಗдಗ。)°.) buttt at the movies she does that cliche wrap arm, she doesn’t even pay attention to da movie. when she’s at the mall she helps you with shopping reasonably. “you have ten of those same shirts” “$100 dollars for jeans y/n?” she’ll buy the hunnid dolla jeans just for you if you really wanted them.
ok but weird thought i feel like she smells like that mahogany bath and body works candle or a nice slight fruity smell. yelena wears jewelry, a bracelet with your first initial on it, lots of chain/necklaces, not a lot of rings. gold>silverr.
let’s talk about her kissies now since ik that’s what y’all are waiting for. when she’s desperate most likely whines, if you don’t kiss her back she’s grabbing your neck and taking what’s hers 😈. when she comes home or you just walk by her she gives you little temple/forehead kisses.
the names she calls you are bland “babe”, “honey”, yk the basics but she makes it her own. you feel safe with them. she likes when you call her “ ‘lena”, she blushes about that.
will not do tiktok trends. you have to be on your knees begging for her to do that hip trend. (y’all know what i’m talking about when like the clasp hands and move their hips n e ways nvm) but you had to beg beg beg her. she will finally cave in but won’t do another one for like 2 weeks.
speaking of tiktok she’s a rare user of it but the side she’s on slight “alt”/ cooktok (the one guy with the seafood boils. she saw those cursed benttelect tiktoks and she was so confused also the subway surfer ones just concern her.
overall yelena is da purrfect girlfriend in da world :3 i luv hereee
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ilynaevis · 2 years
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you up? 
pairing : lee haechan x fem!reader genre : fluff, angst, unsuccessful bff2l warnings : angst, swears here and there word count : 0.6k (628)
a/n : haha hello... take this mwah don’t come to me crying (actually pls do.... my ask box is open and i’m dying for human interaction) also this isn’t proofread sorry 🤝
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It’s cruel, Haechan thinks, how everything you do makes him fall even more in love. He hates this, hates that he has feelings for his best friend. 
He recalls when he first realized this. Yuna dropped you off at his dorm, drunk. All your friends know what alcohol does to you: it makes you clingy. 
“Hi.” you giggle drowsily, latching onto him as soon as his door opens.
Yuna shoots him an apologetic look, “She insisted. Said you were the only one who knows her skincare routine.” 
Haechan sighs and curses you under his breath. Thanking Yuna, he drags you into the bathroom after shutting the door, sitting you down on the toilet seat.
“You know you have low alcohol tolerance, idiot. Why would you drink so much?” he clicks his tongue, reaching for the makeup wipes. 
Your head lolls back as you groan, “I lost a bet to Mark, penalty was seven shots.” 
“Don’t move your head, oh my god.” he mutters. Haechan gets up to take the cleanser from behind the mirror, squeezing some into the palm of his hand. When he looks back up, your face is just inches away from him, a loopy smile plastered on it.
“You’re so sweet, memorizing my routine. Thanks, Hyuck.” 
You wrap your arms around his neck, and he recoils a little due to the shock before relaxing into the sort-of-hug. 
“Well, who else is going to take care of you when you’re drunk, you big baby?” He hopes that the teasing masks how flustered he is right now. He also hopes you can’t hear how fast his heart is beating.
But Haechan knows one thing: if he confesses, he might be risking 13 years of friendship. Your voice echoes in his head now, “We can never, ever fall in love. Pinky promise?” That was when you guys were 5. He wonders if you still feel the same way.
One day, he sees you with a guy- namely Hwang Hyunjin from his math class. Jealousy bubbles up in him when you laugh because of something he said, and it takes everything in him to not stride over there. Instead, he turns back to Chenle, who’s talking about his shitty Tinder date.
“Guys, you won’t believe what just happened!” you chirp, sitting down at the table Haechan and a few of your friends have occupied.
Isa turns to look at you, “I’m not a very good guesser, so spill.” 
“Hyunjin just asked me out!” 
“What?” Haechan jumps up from his seat, causing everyone to look at him with widened eyes.
“You okay, man? That was a pretty big reaction.” Mark looks seriously taken aback by the sudden outburst.
“I’m... yeah. I’m late for class, I’ll see you guys later.” He gathers his stuff in record speed, not meeting your eyes the whole time.
That night, Haechan has trouble falling asleep. He’s debating whether to text you or not. If he doesn’t, there’s a chance he’ll miss his shot with you. If he does, his friendship with you might get damaged. In both of these scenarios, he’s losing you, in a way. hey, you up? um don’t go on that date (this message was deleted) nvm it’s nothing dw (delivered 03:00)
The next time you hug him, you’re hugging him tight. Not like the time you showed up drunk at his dorm. Haechan hears Hyunjin clear his throat from beside him. He watches you pull away from the hug with a smile, passport in hand. 
He watches you go up on your tippy toes to kiss Hyunjin.
He watches you as your shoulders rise and fall, looking back at Haechan. Not Hyunjin, but Haechan, one last time, before you disappear into the boarding gate.
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perm. taglist (send an ask 2 be added !) : @jungwonize @luvhyun3​ @soobin-chois​
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chal-latte · 2 years
A/N: pt 2 of this fic LFG (j bc yalls cute @chalametsimp @xoxoloverb @timmymyluv @ohmysw33 @idk27131277) hope this is alright ✨ sry for the formatting 
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Liked by tchalamet, enews, chloegmoretz and 3.302.594 others
y/i/n toodle loo🥯🍳🫒🥑🧁
tagged: @tchalamet
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↪️ y/i/n baebygirl
fanpage22 bagel is his brand
fanpage22 bagel is his brand
fanpage22 bagel is his brand
fanpage22 bagel is his brand
fanpage22 bagel is his brand
fanpage22 bagel is his brand
chloegmoretz <3
↪️ y/i/n my angel <3
enews could this, too, be a pr stunt situation?
↪️ fanpage33 this is a sign for you to stfu
fanpage42 dude wtf 
juliafox huh
↪️ y/i/n i swear catch up soon
↪️ juliafox call me at least god
↪️ y/i/n @juliafox in a minute mom
fanpage77 lol him choosing the bagels while y/n waits for him 
fanpage20 we gonna act like him n lily actually didnt happen?
fanpage58 move tf on y/n he’s clearly still in contact w lily
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Liked by 428.004 others
deuxmoi so, what happens 15 hours after the met gala after party is timothee chalamet leaving y/n l/n’s apartment complex holding his neatly folded costume, dressed casually in his day-to-day attire. while y/n follows suit 20 minutes later looking fresh and chic. an anon said: “on the way, timothee was calling someone, saying ‘it’s over, i dont give a f*ck about her. i would never do that again.” did they sleep on the problem and continue their day like nothing happened or has it been solved? 
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fanpage47 lol wack agent
fanpage76 i’d fucking sue him idk 
fanpage45 the press and media is breaking them they dont deserve this
fanpage89 i hope everything’s alright :(
fanpage64 i swear this isnt easier for lily too 
fanpage57 the amount of hate lily’s getting is crazy pls stop 
fanpage78 L man she’s better with me 
fanpage33 kiss and make up ig 
fanpage80 hope this is for the better :( 
tchalamet mentioned @y/i/n in a story!
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tchalamet my little dove
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Liked by y/i/n, dunemovie, officialrebeccaferguson and 5.021.582 others
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zendaya real cozy up there huh
↪️ tchalamet we good
fanpage37 WE GOOD. WE GOOD.
fanpage84 i need to see tomdaya and y/ntimothee on a double date again
joshbrolin you guys want to come to my watch party?
↪️ prideofgypsies hell yeah
↪️ zendaya @joshbrolin time and date and i’ll be there
↪️ tchalamet @zendaya @prideofgypsies he only invited me but okay 
↪️ joshbrolin @tchalamet @zendaya @prideofgypsies only the younglings dude
↪️ zendaya @joshbrolin who the hell is the younglings?
↪️ joshbrolin @zendaya​ timothee and y/n 
↪️ y/i/n @joshbroliln AW we’ll be there josh <3
↪️ prideofgypsies @joshbrolin old man playing father figure. lame. 
fanpage24 pls invite my daddy oscar @joshbrolin 
fanpage90 its y/n’s hands
fanpage21 it’s ab time i said it all along it was a misunderstanding
fanpage75 remember that one interview where tim said things about how theyre meant to be with each other in this lifetime? yeah no one can separate them 
fanpage23 it can only be her’s
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Liked by juliafox, tchalamet and 2.301.943 others
y/i/n it’s probably just a case of the mondays.. am i right?
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tchalamet right baby
↪️ y/i/n 🥰
fanpage11 theyre not through but theyre back!!! we’re alive again
wandavision you’d be perfect in westview
↪️ y/i/n OMG YES i’d be a good girl for wanda 
↪️ y/i/n i mean- nvm i’d love to be a westviewer :)
↪️ tomholland2013 @y/i/n HAHAH will you look at that
↪️ y/i/n @tomholland2013 throw me a welcome party then 🤨
fanpage83 SAY WHAT
katdenningsss you are always right
↪️ y/i/n QUEEN 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
fanpage31 queen acknowledging queen so true
fanpage44 @katdenningsss​ y/n loves physics fyi
fanpage31 today is my happy day
fanpage89 my it couple 
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