#obi wan x padawan reader platonic
floffytofu · 9 months
Anakin, Ahsoka & Reader sitting on the bench with defeated look
Obi-Wan : why are the three of you sitting sad like that?
Reader : sit with us so we can tell you
Obi-Wan, sitting down : well?
Anakin : this bench is freshly painted
Obi-Wan : ...
Ahsoka : yeah, they did it to me too
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Attachment of a Child [part 1]
Pairings: Obi-Wan Kenobi x child!reader (includes Kit Fisto)
Imagine: one of the children in the Jedi temple seems to have formed an attachment to Obi-Wan and follows him around all over the temple whenever he’s there
Warnings: fluff, Obi-Wan hugs, Obi-Wan taking care of a child (that needs a warning for real), Obi accidentally adopted you, otherwise none, I think, it’s just fluff, Not proofread
A/N I couldn’t stop myself from writing this, it just came to me randomly and I had to write it, I don’t even know if it’s good or not I just had to write it bc just imagine Obi-Wan being followed by a child who copies his movements, that’s so adorable 🥰 <3
If you have any ideas for Obi-Wan x padawan!reader (platonic obviously) please feel free to send them to me, I love writing Obi-Wan x padawan
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The first time Obi-Wan had stepped into the room filled with younglings after “defeating” Darth Maul, he wasn’t too surprised when he saw all of the children’s eyes light up. Big eyes stared at him with amazement and wonder, as well as curiosity and excitement.
The now Jedi master had gained some kind of fame with the younglings ever since he became a master and defeated a Sith Lord. Not to say that the children didn’t love him before (they sure did), but now they all seemed to look up to him as some sort of war hero. Look at him for wisdom more so than the other masters, Yoda being the exception.
One youngling in particular had taken a shine to the newly made master. You. Obi-Wan had nothing against you, he quite liked taking care of you from time to time, it was a distraction from all the chaos in the galaxy at the moment. He found it rather calming and he would never say no to teaching anyone something new, especially younglings who had the curiosity that could go on for forever. You were no different from those younglings except you didn’t ask your questions (too shy to do it) but rather listened intently to any information Obi-Wan would tell the class. It was one of the reasons why you loved classes with Master Kenobi. He was calm and could talk for hours and had most of the answers to all of your classmates questions (therefore your questions were answered as well, for the most part).
Nights were often spent with the younglings as he told them one of his many stories from another planet. He lulled them to sleep with his calm voice as he talked about facts he picked up from his reading about the planet, or missions he had with Anakin or his former master. Obi-Wan hadn’t stopped you when you crawled up onto his lap, nor did he stop any other of the younglings as they cuddled into the warmth he radiated to their sleepy forms.
More than one time you had been the child to sit on his lap, for some reason the Master nearly always picked you up and placed you on his lap, or he just let you plant yourself on his lap without a single complaint. He knew he made your anxieties calm down as he let you cuddle into his side. If he could help the younglings in any way, he would to the best of his abilities. He was once one himself after all and knew how the life of a youngling could be. The anxiety that could be brought to any of them at any moment if they failed, the strict rules or the doubt they felt, the rumors of danger. Especially with what everyone knew was an upcoming war and the betrayal of Dooku and the death of Darth Maul. Along with those rumors and facts they were supposed to study and become a future Jedi while not forming attachments and nor were they allowed to act on their emotions, especially the fear and anger that they felt. So yes, Obi-Wan would gladly let you sit on his lap if it helped you calm down while he told you and the other children a story before they were supposed to sleep.
It’s safe to say that it wasn’t uncommon for any one in the temple to see any of the younglings run up to Obi-Wan for help, especially if something troubled them. Nor was it uncommon to see you walking beside the master. Which was what happened today.
Obi-Wan had just walked past the room in which you and your classmates had just finished up your first lesson of the day. Some of the younglings had already rushed out of the room before Master Yoda could even finish his sentence, you were one among them. You had felt Obi-Wan’s force signature and you saw him through the slightly opened door walk past the room and you had sprinted out of the room not willing to lose him in the many halls of the temple. Luckily for you the temple was relatively empty at this time in the morning so it didn’t take you too long to find the brown cloak and his auburn hair among those walking the corridors.
The Jedi Master heard small feet sprint towards him but he made no indication of turning around towards the person or to wait for the child to catch up, he already knew it was you, how could he not, he was way too familiar with your force signature. He knew where you were at any time of the day, your force signature rather strong for a child.
If he had turned around he would have seen that you had mimicked his actions. You put your hand behind your back like he had done, you tried to walk in his pace as well as in the same way he walked. This proved quite hard even if the master had slowed down a tad bit for you as he felt you walking beside him, but the long strides were still too fast for a child to catch up entirely to. Any Jedi master that walked past the two of you thought they saw a mini kenobi as you mimicked his every action, even when he rubbed against his beard (even though you didn’t have beard yourself you still did it)
“Hello Master Kenobi” In watching Obi-Wan and trying to mimic him you had completely forgotten to look at where you were going and so you didn’t notice when Obi-Wan stopped in front of Kit Fisto.
“Hello Master Fisto” Kenobi answered politely, giving a smile back towards Master Fisto who gave his signature charming smile. By the time Obi-Wan said that you had looked up and the Nautolan turned towards you as he noticed you standing next to the jedi master you were still mimicking. He studied you for a second, a puzzled look grazed his future before his smile was back.
“And hello to you too youngling, I see you’ve taken a shine to Master Kenobi” A blush spread itself over your cheeks as you got called out by the Jedi in front of you.
The words stumbled out of you as you quietly said “Hello Master Fisto”.
After the words left you, you hid away behind Kenobi's robes not wanting anyone to see your embarrassed state. To this Obi-Wan, like a natural instinct, put his left arm to shield you. Kit Fisto’s reaction to this was what every jedi had told you and Obi-Wan a lot of times before.
“Be careful with the young one Obi-Wan, they might become a bit too attached to you otherwise”
The master like everyone else knew you were already attached towards the master that you hid behind. He could have stopped it all, right there and then, so could Obi-Wan and the rest of the order, but somehow they allowed it, they let it slide by them, if they didn’t see anything then it wasn’t their problem, and if they saw they opted to ignore it. You were like a bright shining cyber crystal in the temple as you cutely followed the auburn haired master around. And it seemed like everyone needed something bright at the moment, with the darker times that were approaching. No, Kit Fisto wouldn’t be the one to stop your attachment towards the newest member of the council, but what he could do was give a warning. He did not want an innocent child or Obi-Wan to fall, not that either of you would, but he could still give the occasional reminders, like Master Windu seemed to give away way too many times.
You were attached, and nothing would stop that. Obi-Wan noticed when he looked down at you, that you were still mimicking his movements. He gave you a fond smile as he studied your stance. You stood in the same posture as him and frankly you looked like a mini him, not that he complained about it, Obi-Wan found it quite amusing how you seemed to want to act like him any chance you got. Not only was it amusing to him but he found it adorable. But so was the thought of every other person in the Jedi temple who had seen you walk after the Jedi master any chance you got since you got old enough to walk.
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taska-rokanh · 1 year
Good Night (Platonic Obi-Wan Kenobi x Padawan!Reader)
As Obi-wan Kenobi's padawan, your life was never short on adventure. Unfortunately, that meant you were always short on sleep. You were pretty sure the bearded man could see that when he asked you to stay on the ship while he, Anakin, and Ahsoka went ahead on the recon mission.
You tried to stay awake, knowing that despite the low impact of the task, it was all too important when someone or something actually did try to take or destroy the ship.
You only closed your eyes for a moment, and when you opened them again, you were against Anakin's chest, being carried to the quarters that, for the time being, you were sharing with your fellow Padawan.
You mumbled something that was probably supposed to come out as, "Master?" It sounded more formless than that, you were sure.
"Shh," he said quietly. "Ahsoka's already asleep. I was trying not to wake you."
"Thanks," you whispered once he set you down, feeling the tension in your neck from falling asleep in your chair release.
"No problem, kid. Sweet dreams."
It was only a few minutes before you heard Obi-wan's light footsteps announce his presence.
He walked over to Ahsoka's bunk first, seeming to check her for injuries once again. The mission must've been more dangerous than they'd been expecting.
"Oh, Padawan," he gave a quiet sigh as he settled down by your bedside. "You know, sometimes I wonder if I go... too easy on you."
He thought you were already asleep.
"But, as much as I hate to admit it, I'm glad you weren't with us this time," Obi-wan whispered. "It was nothing serious, nothing to worry about now, but there was one moment, where Ahsoka--oh, my heart nearly stopped. I can't imagine what it would be like if I had both of you to be worrying about.
"And I know you'll have to be in danger plenty before this war is over... ha, Qui-gon would not have had a problem with this," he shook his head, laughing faintly at himself. "For Forcesake, I didn't even have this problem with Anakin. I wasn't raising him in the middle of a war."
He sighed again. "Anyway, it doesn't matter. This is something I have to figure out on my own," he rubbed a hand across his beard before leaning over and pressing a light kiss to your cheek. "Sleep well, my dear. See you in the morning."
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book-place · 1 year
Surprise Celebration
Warnings: none (I think), let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Obi-wan Kenobi x reader platonic, Anakin Skywalker x reader platonic, Cody x reader platonic, Rex x reader platonic, Ahsoka Tano x reader platonic
Request: Christmas with Obi-wan, Anakin, Ahsoka, and possible Cody and Rex? With reader as Obi-wans padawan of course
Request by: @night3owl
*not my gif*
Summary: What better holiday to surprise Obi-Wan with than Christmas?
A/N: Welcome to day 3 of Book Places 12 Days of Christmas Celebration
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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“No, no, no!” Anakin complained, marching over and snatching the box out of your hands, “That isn’t how you do it!”
You threw your free hand up in exasperation, “You do it then!” You snapped back, “Beauce you’ve been yelling at me for the past ten minutes about how to decorate for a holiday that I know absolutely nothing about!”
Making a quick grabbing motion, you attempted to take the box of ornaments back, only for him to swipe them just out of your reach.
“It’s not my fault you’re incapable of following directions!” His voice was raising as he glared at you.
Cody was quick to sweep in and gently take the box from the jedi’s hand in fear of him dropping and shattering the glass everywhere.
Rex and Ahsoka just laughed from the side at the scene the two of you were causing, taking a momentary pause from hanging the paper snowflakes from the ceiling.
You huffed out a breath, crossing your arms, “Oh, because you are such a good direction follower?” You challenged.
“Better than you!”
Before you could open your mouth to rebuttal, Cody spoke up, “I hate to break up this lovely argument, but the General will be here soon.”
Recently, all of you- along with your master, Obi-Wan- had been sent on a surveillance mission to a planet that was currently celebrating a holiday called Christmas.
The five of you had hatched a plan right then and there to bring the festivities back to Coruscant to surprise Obi-Wan.
Both of your mouths snapped shut and you gave one last glare to each other before each slowly taking a step back and finally drawing your attention away from one another.
Cody let out a sigh and stepped forward, beginning to place the colorful ornaments on your makeshift ‘Christmas tree’, which was really just a fake, robotic tree. It was the only thing you could really find on the city planet.
“See?” Anakin asked, turning back to you with a raised eyebrow, “He does it correctly.”
“That’s exactly what I was doing!” You yelled back.
“Hey!” Rex snapped, “Break it up, will ya? He’s gonna be here soon and Ahsoka and I still need help finishing with these snowflakes.”
Deciding to put your small, and not uncommon, squabble behind you, you both moved over and began helping to hang up the homemade decorations.
Just then, the sound of a door opening was heard and you all whipped around with wide eyes, caught.
“What the-“ Obi-Wan drew up short, cutting himself off and freezing.
“Surprise!” You all called in sync.
“Is this-“
“Christmas!” You cheered, filling in the gap with a wide grin.
“Christmas?” His eyes were wide with wonder as he looked around at all you had done.
“The holiday that we saw being celebrated on that planet!” Ahsoka chirped excitedly, “We thought we would surprise you by bringing it back to the temple for you!”
“I-wow- thank you.” He stuttered out, still in awe at what he was seeing.
“Don’t say we never got you anything,” Anakin joked, and you all laughed.
Padawans 🧡- @spidyyparker @fabulousapple @femalemarvelself @i-writes-things
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night3owl · 2 years
Heyyy there! I saw your requests were open so I was hoping to place one!
Would you be open to possibly writing an Obi-Wan Kenobi x teen/ padawan reader fic that takes place during tcw where they have a really close bond/relationship and it’s just really sweet and cute?
If not, no worries and I hope you have a great rest of your day!! :) <33
A Nice Day Out
A/N: Sorry this took forever lol
Warnings: none i think :)
Word count: 1730
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You sit in a classroom, sharing a table with Ahsoka. You were in a class that all padawans have to take, so there was no being able to skip it. Or so you thought. Suddenly your Master, Obi-wan Kenobi, walked into the class and started talking to the knight who is teaching the class, pausing it.
“Padawan (Y/L/N), you’re free to go.” The knight said and nods to your Master. You get up and walk towards Obi-wan, looking back and seeing Ahsoka’s jaw slightly dropped, you give her a smirk and small shrug and continue walking. You reach you Master and he gently puts his hand on your upper back, leading you out of the classroom. Once you reach the hallway you furrow your eyebrows and have a confused look on your face.
“Shouldn’t I be in that class..?” You ask, pointing your thumb towards the classroom.
“Yes, but I’ve excused you from it, I’ll tell you what the lecture is later. Well, a summary of it.” Obi-wan replies with a small smile. He starts walking, “C’mon.”
“Where are we going?” You ask Obi-wan, putting your hands behind your back and following him.
“Patience (Y/N), you’ll see when we get there” Obi-wan replies, earning a nod from you. You walk past a group of younglings and eventually reach the hanger, following Obi-wan into a speeder. He starts it up while you get buckled in, knowing that he can drive a bit fast. He gives you a mock look of betrayal.
“I’m not that bad of a driver”
“At least you aren’t Anakin bad..?” You give him a sheepish look and get a chuckle from him.
Obi-wan gets buckled in and flies the speeder out of the hanger, the wind just barely missing your head. Moments later you’re in a lane filled with various speeders and small ships. You let out a yawn as you realize how tired you are. You rest your head on his shoulder, eyes droopy, as Obi-wan smiles.
“Get some sleep (Y/N), I’ll wake you when we get there.”
“(Y/N), we’re here,” Obi-wan slightly shakes you with his hand to wake you up. You immediately get hit with the smell of food and sit up, yawn, and stretch your arms. “C’mon,” Obi-wan unbuckles both of you and gets out of the speeder, you following suit.
“A diner?” You say while walking next to Obi-wan as he nods.
“An old friend owns this place,” Obi-wan says and you hum in response. You both walk into the diner and you look around, hearing a droid yell out to someone in the back. You hear a clink and look over to see a Besalisk.
“Obi-wan!” Dex calls from behind the counter.
“Hello Dex, we’re just here for food” Obi-wan responds with a smile.
“Alright, take a seat, I’ll be right with ya’” Dex walks out of view. You follow Obi-wan to a booth and sit on the opposite side of him, looking out the window. You sense Dex at the table and look at him, giving a small smile.
“Did you get a new padawan Obi-wan? They definitely aren’t Anakin!” Dex asks, making you and Obi-wan chuckle.
“Yes I did, and they definitely are better then Anakin, just don’t tell him I said that.” Obi-wan gives you a small smile.
“Alright, and what would you two like?”
After you two order, a droid comes over with some jawa juice for Obi-wan and a water for you. You both thank the droid and take sips of your drinks.
“What else do you have planned for today?” You ask Obi-wan with an eyebrow raised.
“You’ll see.” He says with a smirk, making you playfully roll your eyes.
You both eat your food and Obi-wan pays. You leave the diner, saying goodbye to Dex. You reach the speeder and you walk to the passenger side, but Obi-wan walks past. You furrow your eyebrows as he stops and turns around to look at you.
“Well come on, we aren’t going back to the temple just yet.” Obi-wan calls and you hurry to his side.
“Where are we going?” You ask as you two walk and you just receive a chuckle. “You aren’t going to tell me, are you?” Your question gets confirmed with a smirk.
After a few minutes of walking you arrive at an soft-serve ice cream parlor. You follow Obi-wan into it and stand next to him, waiting in line.
“What do you want?” Obi-wan asks you, glancing over to you while you’re looking at the menu.
“I dunno, maybe meloorun.?” You say over the course of a minute or two. “What are you gonna get Master?”
“The chai one, of course, it’s my favorite flavor” Obi-wan replies and you hum.
After waiting a few minutes in line you make it to the counter to order, a Kaminoan standing behind it with a smile.
“Welcome to Suni’s Ice Cream, what you like to order?” The Kaminoan asked, looking at you two.
“I would like a Chai cone” Obi-wan replies.
“Alright, one chai cone. And what would your child like?” The Kaminoan confirms.
“Wha?- I’m not- uhhhh” You stutter, you feel your cheeks heat up in embarrassment.
“They would like a Meloorun cone” Obi-wan calmly answers for you.
“One Meloorun cone,” The Kaminoan confirms, typing it in on a data pad.
“And that’s it,” Obi-wan says, pulling out his credits.
“Alright, that will be 7.92 credits” the Kaminoan says, putting their hand out. Obi-wan gives the Kaminoan the proper amount of credits and the Kaminoan goes to the back. After a minute the Kaminoan comes back with both of your ice creams. You both grab your ice cream, thank the Kaminoan, and walk out of the shop.
You and your Master walk side-by-side on the sidewalk, eating your ice cream in comfortable silence. Obi-wan leads you back to the speeder as you both finish your cones. You both get in the speeder and Obi-wan starts it up while you put on your seatbelt. The speeder goes upwards and into a lane, going towards the Jedi Temple.
After a few seconds you decide that it’s too quiet and pull out a datapad, connecting it to the speeder. You put on your favorite playlist and put it down. You look over and see Obi-wan dancing in his seat to the music and laugh, soon joining him in his dancing. Time flied while you two vibed in the speeder as you quickly approached the temple. Or Obi-wan was going over the speed limit. Who knows? Obi-wan parks the speeder in the hanger and you jump out, knowing the sun is setting.
You have Obi-wan follow you to the gardens and you make it before the sun fully sets. You both sit on a bench and watch the sun set. You rest your head on his shoulder, savoring this moment. You feel your eyes begin to droop, sleep eventually taking over you again.
-a little bonus thing :)-
“Kid, kid wake up,” You hear a familiar person waking you up. You were in your bed again, Obi-wan put you there last night after you fell asleep.
“Yes Cody?” You sit up and yawn, rubbing the sleep your eyes. You look at your clock, 04:00.
“C’mon, we’re making the general a cake.” He walks to the door.
“Hm? Why?” You ask, still a bit drowsy.
“It’s his birthday,” Cody replies from the doorway. You nod and hum in response, getting up from your bed and following Cody out to the shared common room you have. You see Anakin, Ahsoka, and Rex already out there, caf in their hands. Cody leads you over to the kitchen and hands you your own caf in your favorite mug. You let out a yawn and take a sip.
“Thanks Cody,” You say, knowing he made it since it’s just how you like it. You get a nod and small smile in return.
“What kind of cake are we making?” You ask no one in particular. You get multiple grumbles in response.
“Seriously? No one knows what kind of cake to make for him?” You sigh, taking a gulp of caf.
“Well, none of us really knows what kind of cake he would like, not even me! We usually just go out on his birthday!” Anakin whines, making you think back to yesterday. You hum and get a datapad, ‘chai cake recipe’.
“Aha! I found what to make, he said that chai was his favorite flavor yesterday, so why not bake a chai cake?” You explain to everyone, shrugging. Everyone gathers in the kitchen as you put the recipe up on a hologram.
Three cake batter’s later—Anakin tripped and dropped the first one and Cody added way too much butter to the second one—the cake comes out of the oven. You already toothpick tested it so you knew it was baked.
“What type of frosting should we do?” Ahsoka asks, holding up chocolate, vanilla, and cinnamon frosting. Everyone hums in thought.
“We could add caf to the vanilla one, then it would be like a breakfast cake.” Rex states while shrugging and everyone agrees.
By the time it turned 06:00 the cake was cooled, frosted, and decorated. With surprisingly no mess too. You could just barely hear Obi-wan’s alarm go off and then stopping.
“Alright everyone, we got half an hour until Obi-wan comes out, let’s make it quick.” Anakin whispers, taking out a box of decorations from a cabinet.
Everyone speeds around putting up decorations, but also being as quiet as possible. You had managed to get them all up within 20 minutes and had some time to relax, sipping on caf with birthday hats on. Ahsoka could just barely hear Obi-wan walking to his door at exactly 06:30 and signals everyone that he’s coming. Everyone quietly runs to his door, hoping he was still tired and doesn’t sense you with the force since he hasn’t had his caf yet.
“SURPRISE!!” Everyone yells out, making Obi-wan jump back a few inches. Obi-wan looks around the room with a smile on his face as Anakin sneaks around him and puts a hat on his head.
“How long have you five been up? This had to have taken a while.” Obi-wan asks no one in particular. Everyone else looks around.
“Uhhhhhh- at least we have caf?”
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kyberconfessions · 1 year
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A/N: Hey guys, I've got no excuse, life happened and shit happened and I lost some dear people. Hopefully I can make it up to you in more chapters. New Moodboard art by the wonderful Saradika. As always, this is a 18+ older fic and deals with anxiety, death, sex,  PTSD, murder, loss, found family, Order 66, and coming to terms. This is not just a fluff fic. It will very much be dealing with very dark and hard themes, so please, if that is something that can be too hard for you, don’t read.  Pairings: Rex x Reader x Cody (polyamory) I should say this is NOT a Rex x Cody fic. There will be ZERO Clonecest on this blog or story. Reader is a consensual relationship with Rex and with Cody. Yes they share, yes they will eventually have sex together, but Cody and Rex are NOT in a relationship nor will they be intimate. TW: Death, Murder, infanticide, death of the Jedi, PTSD, Loss, Anxiety, eating disorders, sleep disorders, Order 66, sex, m/f, PiV angst, but ends in fluff. I will add other things as I think about them
No Matter Where You Go, I Will Find You.
Part 6 - Confessions
You laid in your bunk, half curled up against Rex's side, half laying on top of him, basking in the afterglow. The small bed was not quite big enough, but neither of you complained, content to be as close as you could be.
It was dark inside, the few dim colored lights flickered, casting soft shadows onto his skin.
You could hear the rumble of your ship's engine, low and soft against the vast emptiness of space, and the quiet beeping from your mousedroid, already in stasis. The others had gone planetside, but you and Rex chose to stay up in the thermosphere, wanting some precious time alone.
The recycled air blew on you and him, causing goosebumps to rise on his shoulders, but he didn't say anything in discomfort, too lost in you.
Rex lazily ran his fingers up and down your shoulder and arm while you pushed your face farther into his neck, arm thrown across his barrel chest.
"Rex?" You whispered against his skin, sleep prevalent in your voice. He hummed in question and bent his head down to kiss your crown.
"Is this a dream?"
You felt him stiffen at your words before both of his arms came to grip you tight. He held you against him for a few moments, content to hold you as close as he could.
You sunk in closer to him, reveling in the contact. It had been so long, so very long. And you never wanted to lose this. Neither did he.
"Cyare, if it is, I'm never waking up."
You smiled, placing small, sleepy kisses on his skin.
"I missed you so much, Rex. I never thought...I never thought I'd ever see you again. I thought I lost you like...like..." You couldn’t bring yourself to say Cody’s name. Thoughts of him started playing in your mind, memories of his kiss, his laugh, his touch; but then your treacherous mind brought up the memory of him ordering your death and how cold and heartless he sounded as he tried to kill you.
You rolled over slowly and rubbed your eyes, waking a bit before sitting up. The happiness you had from earlier suddenly turns to melancholy - thick and sticky in your throat; you move away from him, trying to force yourself to not go to those dark places. Your knees come up to your chest and you lean against them, head in your hands, fingers tangled in your hair. You try to remember your meditations, try to ground yourself in your breathing to let this moment of fear pass.
Rex, unsure what caused the change, sits up as well, back against the small wall and head ducked so he didn't hit the ceiling and your little trinkets.
"Talk to me, Jed'ika. Don't block me out.'
He leans forward to put a tentative kiss on your shoulder, before rubbing his hand up and down your back. It's an awkward position, the bed and cubby much too small for him, but he doesn't mind.
You're quiet. A moment passes, and then another, and he feels small tremors in your shoulders, letting him know you've started crying.
He sighs through his nose, eyes full of concern. He hates that he can’t comfort you now like he used too. When you got like this, it wasn’t uncommon for him and Cody to just hold you at night. You had done the same for them countless times.
Softly he whispers your name and tries to bring you back to reality.
"Sweetheart, please, talk to me. Don't go where I can't follow."
"I went to Mandalore." You whispered, barely loud enough for him to hear, but he did.
Rex felt the blood drain from his face and his stomach drop. His hand fell away from you, unsure of what he should do now.
"I went there to look for you. After...after Master Kenobi and I went to the temple. After we escaped. After he...after he tried to stop that...monster, that thing, that took Anakin, that killed him, on Mustafar. I went there and searched for you. I searched for all of you. I knew it'd get me killed, but I had to see you, just once more, even if you were the one who killed me. I looked everywhere. But it was just....it was ash. And dust. And blood. But there was no sign of you, of Jesse, of Ahsoka, of any 501st soldier. You were all gone. And I couldn't find you. And I couldn't find Cody. And then I couldn't find anyone in the Force. They were all gone, everyone, just gone. I was alone. I was so alone. And Hondo, he tried to help, he did, he tried so hard, but I didn't, I didn't know what to do, Obi-Wan was gone, Ahsoka was gone, everyone was gone and Maker Rex, there was so much blood. Everywhere I went there was blood. So, so much blood and death in the Temple, in the halls, in the rooms, bodies everywhere, my friends, my family, they were all dead, strewn across the grounds like they were garbage, bodies of, of, of younglings!
"Younglings, Rex, they, they, they were just slaughtered like, like animals, scattered in the council chamber, and the Halls of Healing...I can still smell it, I can still smell that burning, fetid, sweet stench... and The Corrie, oh Maker the Corrie...they locked it up, Rex, they locked it up and, and, and burned it down. Everything that was important or precious to The Order was burned. Everything was destroyed. And the Clones, it wasn’t their fault, it wasn’t them, they never would have done this, but it happened and we were hunted down like wild animals by men we trusted; Fox he, he killed so many of us and he loved it, he laughed, Rex, he laughed and he was my friend....and Padme, gods she tried, she tried Rex and ...she...she died...in, in, in my…"
You were sobbing out, choking on your words and breaths, crying at the memories you endured... Finally, you swallowed down a deep, shuddering breath, cutting off your ramblings.
When you closed your eyes, you could see Padme’s face, so serene in death after struggling to birth her children. You pushed the heels of your hands into your eyes, pushing in hard until little bursts of light lit up the darkness, trying to stop the memories. But you could still feel the weight of her lifeless body in your arms. You could see the bloodied corpses littering the floors of the temple; children, friends, teachers, people you knew and loved.
You could see Anakin, still just as handsome as always, but those horrific, yellow eyes that now haunt your nightmares, glowing; that evil that had taken over, clawing at you. You could see him slaughtering the younglings hiding in the Council Chamber, scared and crying, praying for a Master to save them. You could feel the heat of Mustafar and hear him screaming his hatred at Obi-Wan and could smell the putrid, burning flesh of his body as you helped your broken Master up the rocky incline.
And you could see Cody, see him smiling at you, full of love and happiness, hear him whispering his love to you as he handed Obi-Wan his saber with a laugh and you could feel his hands on you as he helped you up onto the varactyl.
You could hear him give the order to shoot you down.
The blanket that pooled in your lap had a growing wet spot from the tears that slipped around the heels of your hands. You took a moment, fingers digging into your hairline and scratching hard, hoping the pain you caused yourself would give you something to purchase on better than meditation did. You took a breath, and another, and another, swallowing down air.
"I've done things, Rex. Things I'm not proud of. Things no Jedi should ever do. I've killed people. I've slaughtered them. I'm no Jedi. Not anymore. That young girl died with Kenobi."
You fell quiet again, eyes closed and head slumped forward with your hands once again tangled in your hair, trying to control your ragged breathing and emotional spiral.
Rex reached out again, slowly, gently. He pulled his hand back for only a moment before gripping your shoulder with a firm touch and pulling you to him. He knew you better than anyone. He knew you didn't need feather-soft touches that dance on the skin. He knew you didn't need to be treated like delicate glass, you needed a firm, strong touch, something to ground you in reality. As soon as your cheek hit his shoulder, you crumbled into sobs, horrible, open-mouthed cries that threw spit and tears all over his tanned skin. He pulled you closer and positioned you to sit in his lap, wrapping one arm around your waist and the other with his hand on your head.
Gently he rocked you, humming some nonsense tune that he made up on the spot. He held you as you cried. Everything you had held in since that night came rushing back. Everything you stopped yourself from feeling as you watched your Master grow smaller and every nightmare you had where you felt Cody fire at you to kill you, everything came out. And Rex was there to hold you through it.
“I have you, sweetheart. I have you.”
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toska-writes · 1 year
helloo! i love your writing so much and i wonder would you like to write commander cody with padawan reader, it's after order 66. and as we know in bad batch s2 he's gone to AWOL right? so what if he go to other planets anywhere and meet reader again (let's pretend he already removed his chip lol) imagine how he feels guilt meeting his little padawan after trying to kill her and her master (obi-wan) and how the reader react meeting him again especially looking at her cody sun armor become gray like shadow unlike him.
(sorry if my english kinda messed up, and have a great day!! <3)
Wow, just wow
Summary: after order 66 Cody jumps at only the chance to get at least one person from his old life back- no matter the cost
Paring: Cody x GN padawan Reader (it’s platonic!)
Warning: hurt/comfort nightmares ptsd let me know if I missed anything
Word count: 1822
Notes: I’m very proud of this one and I hope you enjoy! It’s also not proofread because I need some sleep
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Cody’s head hurt again.
But it wasn’t like last time, he was in control now and always will be.
“How are you feeling Kotes?” Rex came around the tables and laid a hand on Cody’s shoulder.
To be honest Cody wasn’t sure what he was feeling, if anything. Nausea sat in the pit of his stomach but he feared that it wasn’t just from the procedure he went through.
A hand reached up to the side of his head, the fresh bandage felt course under his hand- the all to familiar feeling of before.
“I’m fine.” Cody’s voice was raspy and burned his throat- Rex picked up on this and quickly went to get him a drink of water.
There he sat alone.
He was alone for a while now, but nothing like this. If you went back a few week you would see the small spark of hope illuminating in his eyes.
Cody wasn’t sure of a lot of things since the war ended but maybe it was the illusion of hope that he and Crosshair could escape together.
“Good soldiers follow orders.”
Then Cody went AWOL. Finally it seemed that he got his mind right- the headaches and the dreams that plagued him however said otherwise.
Rex walked back in. Cody’s eyes were clouded in thought as he sat unmoving on the table.
Placing a ginger hand on his knee Rex has never seen is brother in such a state. But the way he felt in this moment- finally getting his free will totally returned to him was something he would never forget.
“Hey Kotes,” Rex helped him to his feet and lend him out into the halls. “We found something you might need to take a look at.”
Cody almost instantly snapped back to attention as the pair of brothers made their way back to the ship they arrived on.
“A few radars picked up on some chatter from the bounty hunters guild.” Rex returned to the Captain Cody knows and loves, things were going back to how they use to be.
“Why would your crew have any interest in the guilds?” Cody questioned, a little slow to connect the dots. “Your fighting an empire here.”
Rex stared at him for a moment, his try at a sarcastic tone clearly flew over Rex’s head.
It was one of the only times Cody has ever seen Rex so unsure about what he was about to say. “We picked up Y/N’s location. The bounty for Jedi are unbelievably high and I’m worried if one of us doesn’t get there in time it might go sour.”
Cody froze in his seat, the end of Rex’s sentence seemed to go blurry. The moment replayed every hour of the day, awake or asleep. He memorized the moment when he watched Obi-wan fall from that terrible hight.
He remembered the look you gave him as he turned to you, your lightsaber coming up in your shaky hands staring at him.
“Cody what’s going on?”
“I- they made it?” Cody looked at Rex, the dark thought that he was playing a terrible joke on him.
Rex only nodded his confirmation. Waiting for Cody to see just want he would do.
You wouldn’t want to see him. Cody didn’t even want to see himself. The terrors he’s created would never wash off no matter how hard he scrubbed.
The armor that surrounded him all his life was striped away, just like everything he has ever known. His sunshine was stripped away as well.
Taking a shaky breath in Cody whispered. “Take me to them.”
Your head hurt again.
It was just like the last time, the moment you realized nobody was on your side anymore.
The purge left you stranded by yourself, unsure of what to do you fled as far as you could.
The outer rim served its purpose for now but the empire was expanding, and the hunters became bolder with their search.
Against your better judgment you tried to reach Ahsoka, Hunter even but it was no use.
Maybe now you were by yourself. Cutoff.
You sat up straight in your makeshift bed. The sheets bawled into your fist as your chest heaved and sweet ran down your back.
You weren’t safe even in your own mind.
You watched him fall. The scream you let out as you lost him over the edge. Everyone around you went off.
Cody. Your Cody turned to you next- all around you heard the all too familiar sound of blasters raising. Cody aimed for you as you brought your weapon up, the thought of hurting any of them never crossed your mind before.
“Cody.” You had tried. “Cody what’s going on?”
The blaster that was shot at you was the moment you woke this time. Other times you weren’t as lucky to be spared with the memory.
The sky was masked with the darkness of the night, your clock told you at you barely sleep 2 hours since you tried to go to sleep.
You gathered yourself as practically dragged yourself to the only window in your “home”
This wasn’t home. Nothing would come close to what the word use to mean to you, but it was soemthing keeping you mildly safe.
The sky above never really changed, it was the only constant you found after the end of the war. The only thing you could depend on that would never harm you.
Your head buzzed again, for a split second you turned to your hidden saber, the weapon you couldn’t pick up since you arrived on this rock. The crystal within buzzed constantly in your ear, begging to be picked up once again.
It use to be a background noise that grounded you, but things have changed.
You stared into the darkness for a moment, the lightsaber wasn’t it. Turning your attention back to the outside world the familiar feeling felt crooked in your chest.
It wasn’t really right, but it was something you recognized none the less.
A cloak that you threw around yourself countless times before made its way to your shoulders- masking you from others and you left closing your door silently behind you.
For a moment you thought maybe, just maybe it was your master heat to tell you everything would be ok, to help you just as he had countless times before.
But you couldn’t think like that, like you use too. Hope burned within you as you followed the force you tried desperately to get rid of.
Cody tried the comm channel he used countless times before, he could practically put it in with his eyes closed.
But of course no answer.
He did try once before- the first night he ran from the empire, alone in the back of a transport ship he tried to reach the Jedi he grew fond of.
It was one of the only instants the commanders eyes watered slightly and his nose ran.
Rex was waiting near by with the ship as he walked the streets of this planet alone. His armor was covered with a poncho Rex lent him and frankly it was the best he could do.
He hoped that you weren’t here, the disgusting streets and inhabitants made him sick. But what if this was better than see him again?
Cody shook that last thought. His hand shook slightly at his side which was a nervous habit he picked up a long time ago.
His eyes scanned the dark scenery for any sign that you might have been here, a sign Cody hoped nobody else could pick up on.
On instinct he turned down an alley to his left, this was definitely not the place to be at this time.
His eyes squinted trying to pin point a figure towards the end. This was the only time he wished for his helmet that didn’t seem his own.
Something ate at the inside of him again. His breath was sparse wondering if his eyes were playing tricks on him. If his mind was no longer his own.
The figure took a few steps from the shadows that engulfed them. The moon illuminated someone that haunted every minute of his life.
You held a blaster out in front of you, but this time you didn’t shake.
Cody didn’t dare take another step. His eyes were firmly planted on the ground as he kneeled down dropping his blaster in front of him.
He could only nod, afraid that his voice would highlight just how vulnerable he felt in this very moment.
But he had to say something, he couldn’t leave you again.
“I’m- I’m so sorry kid.” His voice broke through his words. This uncertain feeling engulfed him like a flame showing no mercy. “Sorry, I’m sorry.”
You stared at him for a moment. Taking in the sight- clearly things were different. The sunshine was stripped from him. His eyes, though they tried to avoid you, seemed hollow.
You thought of two things in this moment.
You wanted to run, run from someone that could hurt you all over again, someone that you weren’t even sure you could trust.
You could try to hang onto one of the only things that you so desperately needed. You needed someone.
The blaster clanked to the ground as you walked to Cody. Your guard was up but the tears betrayed what you were really hoping for.
You hoped that Cody was himself again.
Cody looked up, your familiar eyes caught his own. The tears that he dried so many times fell across your cheeks, and he only wished to dry them one more time.
“I’m sorry.” He didn’t know what else to say, his mind left him and he could only mutter the only words that went through his head, as if they could make everything better.
You kneeled down with him. For a second Cody thought this might be a dream of his own and this was the moment that he would loose you once again.
But you stayed.
Quickly you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him flushed against you.
Cody wasted no time crushing you into him. You cling to him as he continued to whisper small apologies into your hair.
Through the muffled sniffles you voiced. “I liked your other armor kot’ika.”
For the first time in a while Cody found himself giving an actual laugh.
He nodded as he griped you even tighter as if he was afraid that if he let go you would leave.
“I think I could use some help painting it again.” He spoke a little louder. The emotions still sounded in his voice.
It was your turn to nod into his chest. For the first time in a while You found yourself crying tears of relief that finally someone was here for you again.
This time you weren’t going to let him go again.
Taglist: @arctrooper69 @thereforepizza @padawancat97
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muxshwriting · 1 month
slipping through my fingers
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Obi-Wan Kenobi x platonic!padawan!reader
summary: obi wan has to let go of his padawan as you grows up and out of his protection and teachings || warnings: i cried writing this, mentions of death || word count: 605 || masterlist
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Obi-Wan can't help but to feel guilty as he watches his padawan interact with the other Jedi knights. He can't shake the feeling that he's letting her go out into the world woefully unprepared. You've changed so much from the young girl he first met.
He supposes these are the fears all parents feel as their child grows up. Because that's what you are to him. He raised you since you were a child to the adult you are now. You were his child, in everything but blood.
He’s watched other masters let go of their padawans and move on with life. But he wonders how they can move on without glancing back at the person they’re leaving behind. Do they not feel guilty about taking new padawans? Or are they desensitised to the whole system? Maybe the first is always the hardest, maybe it’s the first that sticks with you, maybe the sudden ache in his heart will ease when you smile.
“Are you alright Master?”
He’s been lost in thought for a while, longer than usual. Obi-Wan simply nods, taking in the time he has with you know and fondly remembering everything you had done together. These moments will not happen again, nothing ever will. Life is made of fleeting moments you don’t truly appreciate until they’re over. But you must hold tightly to those moments and cherish them so they don’t go forgotten.
It’s a duty as a parent, or pseudo-parent, to come to a stop and let their children continue on their own. It’s scary. It’s terrifying actually, but all birds leave the nest, all seeds float away in the wind.
“Are you sure Master?”
Obi-Wan placed a hand on our shoulder, “You’ve grown up so fast.”
“Master-“ Words fail you. “I’ll never be too grown up for your teachings.”
“I’m very proud of you.”
You pull him into a hug, burying your face in his chest. “I can’t cry. Don’t make me cry.”
He chuckles, sounding slightly watery.
Becoming a Jedi Knight was very important to you. It had been what you were working toward for most of your life. Somewhere along the way, you realised that being a knight meant leaving the safety net you had relied on most of your life. Obi-Wan Kenobi was your safety net.
At one point, you would be away from him for the longest time, be the furthest away from him you had ever been and see him for the final time.
It was nice to be grown but there was something to be said for youth. There was no shame in not wanting to grow up but we all do it, we all move on. A new chapter begins because the previous one ended.
Time would separate you and your Master but he would always be your master. Eventually, death would call for him and you would be left without a source of advice and comfort. Death was such a small word for a big thing. But death is only the end if you assume the story is about you.
Your story would not end at your death, the same way Obi-Wan’s story did not end at his. His story did not end because of you, his padawan, his child. Your story would not end for the same reason. Everything Obi-Wan taught you, you taught to your padawan. The chain continues on and stretches back as long as time goes on.
You could trace teachings through time, from master to padawan, as padawan becomes master and teaches a new generation.
Every Jedi carries the legacy of a hundred others on their back.
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Boy, oh, boy. I’m looking at future uni destinations right now and this song hits hard. I’m sobbing into my pillow at 1am after finishing writing this
Taglist: @aoi-targaryen
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Star Wars Masterlist
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One Shots
Pasaana Festival - Poe x Reader 
Change Your Name... - Poe x Reader
The Spice Runner Story - Poe x Reader
Back Home - Poe x Reader
Confusion In The Force - Obi-wan Kenobi x Reader
The Younglings - Obi-wan Kenobi x Reader
You Did What? - Obi-wan Kenobi x Reader
Reckless - Obi-wan Kenobi x Reader (Ft Anakin)
Homesick Padawan - Young Anakin, Reader (ft. Obi-Wan)
Mission Jealousy - Cassian Andor x Reader
Crossed Lines - Cassian Andor x Reader
Side Quest - Reader, Boba Fett, Fennec (all platonic)
Imagines + Mini Fic
Imagine Cassian helping you dress a wound after a difficult mission
Imagine Poe watching you fix a busted electrical box in the Millennium Falcon
Imagine feeling uncomfortable on a planet in a galaxy far away (Poe Dameron)
Imagine Poe’s reaction after he finds you packed to leave
Imagine having to leave on a Jedi mission suddenly (Obi-wan)
Imagine Obi-Wan confessing that he’s in trouble
Imagine Obi-Wan helping you out of a situation
Imagine Obi-Wan trying to understand what is troubling you
Imagine getting a holo-call from Boba Fett and Fennec Shand
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(Return to the Easy Navigate Masterlist)
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aurora-starwars · 9 months
ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- STAR WARS ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
✧.* Ahsoka Tano ✧.*
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╰┈➤Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Pairing: Ahsoka x reader Summary: Ahsoka and reader talk on the roof of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Obi-wan padawan reader, Clone Wars Era, fluff and angst if you squint Word Count: 1066
╰┈➤Jealousy Is The Fear Of Comparison
Pairing: Ahsoka x fem!reader Summary: Ahsoka gets jealous and ends ups confessing to reader Word Count: 2281
╰┈➤Be Honest In Your Heart
Pairing: Ahsoka x fem!Jedi!reader Summary: While on mission, Ahsoka and reader have to pretend to be a fake couple. Word Count: 1.5k
╰┈➤Being Ahsoka’s Secret Bubbly Girlfriend Hcs
Pairing: Ahsoka Tano x fem!reader
╰┈➤ Peaceful
Pairing: Padawan!Ahsoka x Padawan!fem!reader Summary: Reader meditates with a frustrated Ahsoka and helps her connect with the Force again Word Count: 1.1k
✧.* Anakin Skywalker ✧.*
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╰┈➤ A Loving Heart Is The Truest Wisdom
Anakin x fem!reader Summary: When Anakin is escorting reader back to her planet after the battle of Geonosis, he gets a little self-conscious about his new prosthetic hand, luckily he has someone to comfort him. Word Count: 1k
╰┈➤Every Great Dream Begins With A Dreamer
Pairing: Anakin x fem!reader Summary: Anakin comes back from a mission and needs to confess to senator!reader Word Count: 1.1k
╰┈➤I’m So Proud Of You That It Makes Me Proud Of Me
Pairing: Anakin Skywalker x fem!Padawan!reader (platonic) Summary: When reader figures out how to manipulate plants with the force, Anakin is beyond proud Word Count: 0.5k
╰┈➤The Look of Terror In Your Eyes
Pairing: Anakin Skywalker x fem!reader; Soulmate au!!!! Summary: Reader is one of padmé’s handmaidens, and while joining her on Mustafar, she finds a familiar pair of eyes. Eyes that shouldn’t be as red as they are… Word Count: 2.6k
╰┈➤Sleep Is The Best Meditation
Pairing: Anakin Skywalker x fem!senator!reader Summary: reader has a hard time falling asleep, Anakin helps by talking with her Word Count: 1.2k
✧.* Padmé Amidala ✧.*
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╰┈➤ ୨⎯ None Yet ⎯୧
✧.* Bo-Katan Kryze ✧.*
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╰┈➤ ୨⎯ None Yet ⎯୧
✧.* Luke Skywalker ✧.*
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╰┈➤ Life Grows Lovely Where You Are
Luke x fem!reader Summary: Luke and reader go on a date, where Luke reassures her that he loves her Word Count: 786
╰┈➤You Are Important, You Are Enough
Pairing: Luke Skywalker x fem!reader Summary: When Luke finds reader upset after being bullied after so many years, he tries to comfort her Word Count: 868
✧.* Din Djarin ✧.*
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╰┈➤ ୨⎯ None Yet ⎯୧
✧.* Rey Skywalker ✧.*
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╰┈➤ ୨⎯ None Yet ⎯୧
✧.* Kylo Ren/Ben Solo ✧.*
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╰┈➤ Fear Is The Path To The Dark Side, Unless You’re Already There
Pairing: Kylo Ren x fem!reader Summary: Kylo Ren and reader listen to a scary story that reader loves Word Count: 2.1k
╰┈➤ Old Friends Bring Up Old Feelings
Pairing: Kylo Ren x gn!Jedi!Mataya Summary: Kylo and Mataya, who were friends at the Jedi academy, reunite Word Count: 2k
156 notes · View notes
floffytofu · 9 months
Obi-wan : We call that a traumatic experience.
Obi-wan, turning to Anakin : Not a "bruh moment".
Obi-wan, turning to Ahsoka : Not "artistic inspiration".
Obi-wan, turning to Reader : And DEFINITELY not an "oof LMAO".
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anakinskywalker97 · 4 months
What you are capable of
Anakin X Platonic Padawan Reader
Summary: The reader is given a mission from Palpatine to negotiate air space access. It's a big trap to get her killed off to pull Anakin closer to the dark side.
Warnings: non-graphic mentions of rape and assault - not to the reader. Anakin freaking out, murder, happy ending, big dad vibes, hurt comfort
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Being Anakin’s Padawan had meant that your Jedi journey had not been the usual sort. When Yoda had summoned you to the chancellor's office you weren't surprised. You got dressed and moved quickly not wanting to keep everyone waiting. What did surprise you was the absence of your master and Obi-Wan. Normally the three of you went everywhere together. You felt it was like being a family, in the darker parts of Anakin's mind you sensed he felt it was a kind of exile or alienation. 
You felt uncomfortable being in the presence of so many powerful people without Anakin. Normally he would help you navigate these types of situations. You bowed and waited for them to speak first. 
“Ah, lovely to see you dear!” The chancellor looked at you with a big smile on his face. Obi-wan and Anakin trusted him but he always made you feel strange. “We have a special task for you.” 
“We need you to negotiate an air space passage with someone in the outer rim,” Windu spoke clearly but you could feel he didn't approve of this plan. 
“Oh, I’m sure that won’t be an issue for us.” 
“We all feel it would be best to send you in with a team of troopers. He has a bit of a history with Anakin.” You tried hard not to let your emotions bleed through. “Your language skills are a necessity for this mission, really there is no better person to send.” 
You thought about it for a moment. Everything inside you was screaming not to do this, especially without Anakin’s approval. 
“Help you must,” Yoda said nodding. 
“Alright, thank you for the opportunity. I’ll go let Anakin know -” 
“I’m afraid there isn't time, I will speak with your master as soon as he returns from his tasks.” Palpatine gave you a reassuring look and a soft smile. You nodded and Windu escorted you to the ship. As far as you knew Anakin was asleep in his quarters, you reached out your mind and tried to wake him up. 
Anakin was asleep. A rare occurrence these days. He could feel himself lying in the grass, wildflowers around him. The sun was shining on his face and the air was warm. Qui-gon and Obi-wan were laughing and he was very at peace. Anakin sat up when he felt you pressing into his mind. You were channeling all of your fear to him, pushing into his mind with as much force as you could. 
He shot out of bed and tried to reach out to you. He could tell you weren't in your room, but that you had moved a far distance in a short span of time. 
You were too far away. 
Where the fuck did you go?
He threw his robes on quickly and ran out into the hall, Obi-Wan moved around the corner and greeted him with a concerned face. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked grabbing Anakin’s shoulder 
“Where the fuck is my Padawan?” He asked angrily. 
He and Obi-Wan approached the council. Anakin knew he needed to control himself, but he could tell he was at his breaking point. They had no right to give you orders or send you anywhere without him, or his approval. You were tied to him, every move you made or any move the world made against you was his sole responsibility. Obi-Wan had his usual deep sense of calm surrounding him, Anakin wanted to shout at him for it. 
“The chancellor insisted Anakin, you have to understand the importance of this trade route -” One of the Jedi masters tried to explain, but he could sense Windu’s discomfort and focused his attention on him. 
“She’s with a whole crew of troopers. The chancellor was very clear he wanted her to be the one who made contact.” Windu finally broke. 
“Who is she meeting with?” Obi-Wan asked in a casual voice. 
“Orar Baize,” Windu answered and Obi-Wan clamped his hand on Anakin’s shoulder tightly. Anakin was tempted to hit him but felt slightly subdued by his master's energy. Making a scene here only meant it would be harder to go after you. 
“When is she to return,” Obi-Wan asked seemingly unbothered by this information. 
“If everything goes to plan, three days.” Windu said firmly. 
“Thank you.” Obi-Wan directed Anakin to the door and they moved down the hallway quickly. Once in the elevator, Anakin was ready to explode. 
“Don’t” Anakin pushed his master's hand away as Obi-Wan tried to help him. Rage and betrayal pulsed through him if he started to side with the council Anakin would kill him. 
We need to get to a ship. Just keep it together till then.
His master's words felt like a cool cloth being pressed to his forehead. He could feel his walls slip a little and realized he was just as angry as Anakin. 
We need to be practical if we are to reach her in time
For once Anakin wasn't annoyed with his master's reminder to be practical. He took a deep breath and felt his emotions focus. 
They climbed into a two-seater and managed to slip away without too much attention being drawn to themselves. It wasn’t unusual for Anakin to take a fighter out for a ride. 
He got the coordinates locked in and let the ship do its thing. 
“We should have dealt with him after what he did to Master Kenau.” Anakin's voice was venomous and he felt Obi-Wan sigh. 
“I agree. What he did and his reputation for collecting Jedi is unforgivable.” Obi-Wan nodded. Master Kenau, was badly assaulted years ago, Anakin found out and insisted they press the council to do something about him, but she refused. She wasn’t herself after that and Anakin felt her pain to this day. 
“She’s just a kid. They sent a child into the hands of a rapist with a special appetite for Jedi.” Anakin had only reached this level of anger when he had the sand people incident. He tried to remember there was a lesson in all of that, how painful it was to tell Obi-Wan. Thinking of something happening to you erased all feelings of remorse or logic.
“The council has become more and more influenced by the politics of The Republic,” Obi-Wan said taking Anakin off guard. “It is not our place to be involved with these kinds of things.” 
“What do we do about it?” Anakin asked genuinely curious about his master's stance. 
“I get the feeling it will all fall into place after we get her back.” He said calmly. 
“I didn’t think you would help,” Anakin said in a quiet voice, unsure if he wanted to discuss these issues now. 
“Please, Anakin. The girl is like a granddaughter to me.” Obi-Wan chided. 
That would make me your son, Anakin thought to himself. He held those words with him while they tried to catch up with you. 
You were starting to realize that this was a trap. Your stomach was right. You should have kicked and screamed and stalled till Anakin or Obi-Wan could get to you. 
But here you were, alone. Clones were murdered in the landing bay, and you were in Orar’s office after taking out a bunch of droids. You had never met a species of his kind. He was large with mint green skin. 
“What’s your name?” He asked with the smile of a predator. His teeth were long and pointed. You decided not to answer. 
“Well, tiny Jedi. The Chancellor has held up his end of the bargain.” His eyes were dark and you stood there with good posture like Anakin had taught you. “Your life was traded for something of little value.” He was trying to get a rise out of you. But that’s what men like that fed on, he wanted you to argue your value. He wanted to watch you dance and react, wanted to feel your youth and belittle you. 
“Come on little Jedi, Say something.” 
“Something.” You said easily and his jaw clenched. 
“Don’t make this difficult, it could be a nice time if you let it be.” You started to feel what he wanted and you fought harder than ever to keep your emotions closed off and contained. 
“I think I should be leaving now.” You said diplomatically, you would try to walk out of here the Jedi way first. 
“That’s not going to happen.” His body radiated a sick pleasure and you let it feed the anger in your chest the way Anakin showed you too.
The sound of dueling rang through the landing bay as they moved through the bodies of clones and droids. Anakin moved quicker than he could ever remember moving in his life. They moved onto the top platform and watched you duel with Orar. 
Anakin could tell you had been at it for a long while by this point. He watched as you defended yourself. He moved forward and Obi-Wan put a hand on his arm. Anger shot through him.
I had to watch you fight your first battle too 
Obi-Wan’s voice ran through his mind, his hand still firm on Anakin's arm. He watched your ruthless form and could see the man faltering. He had taught you every form from the archives he could find. He wanted you to be the best Jedi he wanted you to be able to overcome all evil and triumph. 
Did you teach her illegal forms?
Obi-Wan hissed. He watched you execute it perfectly, slicing through the man’s body twice before his body hit the ground. Blood sprayed and he watched you sink to your knees chest heaving. 
Anakin rushed up to you picking you up as if his embrace could somehow stop the feelings that would eat into you. Your body shook hard and he took on all of your weight, picking you up properly. The three of you moved in silence back to the landing bay. He found a utility sink and put you down in front of him. He helped keep you up right and he washed your hands. Then he got the blood off your face and neck. Something he wished someone had done for him after the sand-people. 
He carried you back towards the ship. Obi-Wan held his arms out towards Anakin, he could feel his master’s reluctance to hold the girl. He only shook his head and got into the passenger side. 
He took his robe off and wrapped you in it. Your eyes were still closed tightly as your mind and body fought against each other for control. 
Obi-Wan watched as Anakin held you tightly. Your face pressed against his chest and his arms around you. He reflected on all of the times he wanted to hold Anakin just as tightly but didn't.  He could feel the struggle inside you to overcome the situation, to make peace with what you had been forced to do. Anakin was angrier than he had ever seen him before, but he also watched his Padawan try to control it more than ever before. Obi-Wan got them locked in on the path home, he put his hand on Anakin’s shoulder, glad that he accepted Obi-Wan’s help. 
You need to clear your mind. It will be easier for her to process the feelings with your help. 
He could feel Anakin’s usual annoyance at his advice. But then he could feel Anakin center himself and then slowly start to take on your emotions. Eventually, you stopped shaking, he could tell the two of you were talking. 
He could also feel the dangerous bonds of attachment weaving around them. Something he realized he could only see because of his own attachment to Anakin. 
He sighed. He felt they were so far off the path they should be on. 
Tears fell down Anakin's cheeks as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head. They had been soldiers in this war for too long. 
He knew Anakin wouldn't let this slide. He would be out for blood the second they reached Coruscant. Obi-Wan could hardly blame him, as the overwhelming anger was boiling in his own blood. Sacrificing a 15-year-old to such evils was unforgivable. 
Obi-Wan was with you for most of the day. He spared with you and you wondered if he would talk about the forbidden forms you had used. You wanted to talk to him about it but you were worried he would be angry with Anakin. You hated it when they fought. 
You were reluctant to sleep in your own bed. It's not that you regretted your actions you just felt overwhelmed by the feeling of killing someone. You knew the day would find you but the weight was relentless on your mind. You tried to revisit that ride home, sitting in his embrace. His love was an easy feeling to find in the bond between you now. You tried to hold it and breathe deeply when the memories would resurface.
Anakin had told you how to act over the next few days. You could feel his mind keeping tabs on you constantly. He told you to act normal and to tell him when they called upon you. You weren't allowed to leave the temple under any circumstances, keeping to your room and the training room. 
“Master Obi-Wan.” You asked turning off your lightsaber, he did the same. 
“Yes.” You could tell he knew what you wanted to talk about. 
“I wanted to let you know that I tried to leave like a Jedi.” You took a deep breath. “I asked to leave, I tried to fight defensively. He- I -” 
“I think you tried to fix the situation, and eventually realized the threat he posed was too large. You knew what he wanted to do to you and others. You did what you had to do. If I didn’t think it was right, I would have stepped in and handled it for you.” 
“Why didn’t you?” 
“Anakin and I needed you to see for yourself what you are capable of. I do wish that it could have been in a lesser conflict.” His eyes were empathetic and you wanted to hug him. 
“You don’t think it makes me a sith?” You whispered.
“No” He laughed. “I don’t think the Sith could take you, even if they tried their hardest. Your heart is pure, more pure than most.” 
“Anakin said that’s why I need to learn everything to be prepared.” 
“He feels that you won’t lose yourself or be tempted by the power.” Obi-Wan made a face. “He worries about where the war is headed, above all Anakin wants you to survive.” 
You nodded thinking about your master's faith in you.
The call came sooner than you thought. Obi-Wan was in a meeting with Anakin and you were reading in your room. 
Master - you reached out 
What - Anakin responded right away 
The chancellor has summoned me 
Don’t leave your room - his voice was grave and you sat on your bed waiting for Anakin. 
He was there in moments, just long enough for the anxiety to take hold in your stomach. He told you to walk in there and listen and be polite, panic overtook you when you realized he wouldn't be following you in. 
Master - you reached out hesitantly with your mind and your fingers curled into the arm of his robe.
Just relay what he says to me 
You nodded and walked out of the elevator and down the long hall to his office. 
“Ah!’ Palpatine's eyes looked you over. “Thank you for coming to meet with me on such short notice!” His smile was wide and you wanted to hit him. 
“I understand that there was a complication with the mission, I just wanted to see how you were feeling about everything.” he tried to look understanding and you wondered what Obi-Wan had told the council. 
“Fine.” You gave a little shrug. 
“I understand that our contact had attacked you. I just wanted to apologize for what happened dear.” You watched him closely but didn't accept his apology wanting him to continue. “I did hear that your exceptional skills with a lightsaber saved you. I had no idea you were so gifted with all the forms.” 
“It’s complicated. But I’d rather be prepared for what's out there.” 
“Exactly! My thoughts exactly.” He looked so happy. “There is so much untapped power out there. Something I think you can feel quite well.” He looked at you expectantly. As if he was waiting for you to get the secret meaning of his words. 
“You and Anakin are both so special. I think that the three of us should work closer together in the future.” He nodded. Suddenly you caught on to what he was saying. 
“Sir, not to overstep -” 
“Please, child. We are friends.” He smiled again, his eyes hungry. 
“Well, there is a lot of power, I feel angry that The Order keeps it from me. There is a war out there and we need more than -” You waved your hands around. “This. Something stronger.” 
He looked positively deranged with joy. 
“I know the ways beyond the order, I could teach you and your master.” 
“What would you teach us?” You asked innocently. 
“The true power of the force.” 
“Like the dark side?” You tried to sound even more curious. 
“Perhaps.” He nodded, but you could see in his eyes what he was. His eyes had changed with his excitement. Of course, he was at the center of everything. 
Master, Palpatine is the sith
It only took a moment for Anakin to knock on the door. He opened it and smiled at Palpatine, and you felt his force presence push you down onto the red carpet. You let it push you down and hold you there. in a flash of a second everything had changed.
Before Palpatine could react you felt the Jedi storm the room. Anakin killed Palpatine and a strange feeling washed over the room. You reached for Obi-Wan and he let you hold on to his side, placing an arm around your shoulders.
“He was a mother-fucking sith.” Windu groaned. Yoda put his hands over this face. Anakin looked triumphant and gave you a big smile.
Fulfilled my prophecy. Now let's get out of here.
Qui-Gon's force ghost finds Obi-Wan and puts them on the right path.
The Order being stupid and Obi-Wan finally siding with Anakin. them going into exile to learn from Qui-Gon and train you. Family vibes.
Anakin being more and more like your father. His love for you always being open and accessible as you navigate your own journey. Even when you are fighting you can reach out and feel it. When you get older and follow your calling into conflicts you can reach out and feel no matter how far away you are.
Just anything other than what happened in cannon.
Him finally falling for Padme and being anxious about your response to her. Them having the twins and him always refering to you as his eldest daughter.
Obi-Wan spoiling all three of the kids and always giving you advice when you didn't want to go to Anakin.
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book-place · 2 years
Remembering Normal
Warnings: slight Obi-Wan spoilers (takes place before ep 1 so it’s just information you would be getting from there), mentions of Order 66, mentions of character death, hints of ptsd, nightmares, slight cursing, crappy guys, let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Obi-Wan x teen reader
Requests: HEY THERE, can I request Obi Wan conforting his padawan that had a heartbreak for the first time? Thank youuu
Oh boy am I glad I stumbled upon your blog, I've been dying for obiwan x platonic!reader (where reader is obi wans padawan but he also kinda raised her so its almost father/daughter like, same age range around ashoka) and it's so difficult to find 🥺 Could I get like a post order 66 where obiwan as deciding to go to tatooine and they send reader with him? Really I'm fine with anything, from that or the show but with reader added in, I'm craving so much lol. And pls tag me in any that you do!
(Sorry if this wasn’t what either of you had in mind- if you don’t like it then just lmk and I’ll try to fix it!!)
Requests by: @ensheass @fabulousapple
*not my gif*
Summary: After everything the two of you had been through, Obi-Wan couldn’t help but sometimes feel like he raised you
A/N: This is a mess- it’s all over the place; also, a very special thanks to @lemonadeandkoolaid for motivating me to do this lol
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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Obi-Wan turned his head to the side, brown eyes locking onto your steadily breathing form immediately.
He let himself stay on the bed for another minute, eyes already ridding themselves off the sleepy state that he had just been in as whatever dreams he had been having faded away.
He couldn’t help the small feeling of gratitude that welled up in his chest. You hadn’t woken up because of another nightmare last night. For the past week you had been waking up every night screaming, flashbacks of that terrible day playing on repeat in your mind.
More than anything, he wished that he could just wave his hand and make them go away. Make you forget everything that you were forced to go through. At such a young age nonetheless.
Letting out a long sigh that partially sounded like a groan, the ex Jedi swung his feet over the side of his bed and ran his hands down his face.
Time for another day.
Lazily, he walked over to your bed, shaking your left leg slightly to wake you up, feeling slightly guilty as he did so because you had finally been able to get some sleep.
Sucking in a sharp breath, you sat up in a jolt, wide eyes whipping around the room before they landed on a calm and collected Obi-Wan.
“Time to get up.” He said, voice slightly groggy still, ignoring your reaction.
With a small hum, you nodded and swung your legs over the side of your bed, running your hands down your face. Repeating the exact process that the man had done just moments before.
“We have the early shift today.” He reminded you softly, moving to your makeshift kitchen area and beginning to prepare breakfast for the both of you.
This emitted a small groan on your part, and he subconsciously let a small smile grow on his face.
“How did you sleep?” You asked quietly, pushing yourself off the hard surface that you called your bed.
“As well as expected.” Came his reply before a slight pause, as if hesitating, “You?”
You quieted, coming to stand next to him at the counter and began helping with the food, “Fine.” You said, forcing a smile onto your face as you glanced at him.
He looked at you suspiciously, but didn’t push it, which you were beyond grateful for.
In truth, you had woken up in the middle of the night because of another nightmare, but you had caught yourself before you could start screaming, trying to give Obi-Wan as much sleep as he could get.
Luckily for you, the topic seemed to fly right out of his mind as soon as the food was ready.
You had met Obi-Wan Kenobi at the mere age of four, being one of the youngest force-sensitive children ever to be sent out as a padawan learner.
When the Jedi master had first seen you, he thought that you were far too young for anything like that, but he soon learned that you were far beyond your years in terms of controlling the force.
It was no secret that he had grown fond of you immediately, taking you under his wing and caring for you more than other masters seemed to care about their padawans.
He would go out of his way to make sure that you had enough ration packs each day, keep watch at night if it meant that you could sleep, and constantly worrying about you when the two of you were sent on missions.
In a way, he felt like he had raised you.
Then Order 66 happened a year later, and everything you had ever known broke apart before your very eyes.
Within hours the Jedi Temple was gone, dead bodies littered across every hallway and in every room. The clones- your friends- had turned on you and your master while in the middle of a mission, trying to kill the two of you. The senator Padame Amidala, who you considered a friend, was said to have died while giving birth to twins. And Anakin Skywalker, a fellow master of yours, was rumored to have gone to the dark side before he was stopped by a very powerful Jedi Knight.
So when Obi-Wan said that he was going to Tatooine to watch over young Luke, you of course joined him, having absolutely nobody- and nowhere- left to go to.
To that day you still couldn’t grasp onto what had happened, waking up everyday to hoping that it was just a nightmare and you were really on a mission with Obi-Wan and Anakin, doing what you were supposed to do. Taking down the Sith to save the Galaxy.
Because even though it was a war, it was all that you had ever known and it gave you a sense of familiarity when you thought about it.
But everyday you woke up to disappointment.
The two of you began to eat your food in silence, each too consumed by your own thoughts to even attempt to make small talk, not that you guys had to anymore. You could pretty much tell what the other was thinking by just looking at them. That’s what happened when you spent so much time with a single person.
Afterwards, you each finished getting ready for the day and wordlessly went on your way.
You were both silent on the way to work, when you got there, while you were working, and on the way back to town.
What was there to speak about? You both saw each other every day, nothing new was happening with either of you that the other didn’t know about. No longer did you two have to discuss battle strategies or study maps until they were engraved in your mind.
People in the town would often whisper about you two.
The man and the teenager who were never seen apart, silently walking side by side. Her eyes sharp and his tired. Him moving in front of her protectively at the first sight of even a little bit of danger. Her being the one to do the talking if either of them ever had to. Both of them disappearing to wherever they lived at the end of the day, not to be seen again until they have to leave for work the next day.
The supposed father and daughter. Nobody knew their exact relationship, but they could only be left to assume after absolutely no information on them whatsoever.
Of course, neither of you knew about these whispers. Thinking that you were practically invisible to the town, not knowing that you’re the ones that the children made up stories about and the adults gossiped about.
And though both of you had lived there for ten years, and these people had seen you grow up from being a little girl, they still almost never tried to approach either of you.
“I’ll go get us some dinner.” You said quietly, not really finding the point in speaking up any louder.
Obi-Wan nodded, trusting you to be out on your own as he decided to focus on getting some new gloves, seeing how his were torn apart.
You floated through the crowds, not really noticing or caring that people parted for you slightly, and whispers of your name were leaving people's lips.
Your fake name, that is. You had to change it when you moved there, afraid that someone would find out who you truly were.
You made your way inside a small store, one of the very few that was able to afford an indoor shop, and began grabbing a couple of essentials for the rest of the week, before making your way over to a worker to pay.
The worker was a boy around your age from the looks of it, and he straightened up his slouched stance as soon as he saw you approach.
“I’ll just take these, please.” You said softly and politely.
When you and your master had moved to that planet, you had done everything in your power to lay low and that even meant changing your normally confident demeanor of your five year old self, into a shy and quiet one as to not bring attention to yourself.
And as time went on, you supposed that what you were pretending to be actually became a part of you, because you knew almost nothing else, your memory had begun to give out on you and you remembered less and less of what your life used to be like.
The boys mouth dropped open, probably not having expected you to talk, “Oh, uhh.- yes-right. Yes, that will be seven credits.” He stumbled a little over his words and you had to stifle a giggle.
A small smile appeared to have made its way onto your face though, and when the boy saw this a large grin grew on his own face.
You almost never smiled anymore, you couldn’t remember the last time you did that wasn’t with Obi-Wan. And even when you did with him, it was very brief and never lasted long because there wasn’t much in you lives to smile about.
Without dropping the smile, you handed him the credits and with a small ‘thank you’, you turned to walk away, but were stopped when you heard him call after you.
“Wait!” You turned, a little surprised, and saw him standing there, rubbing his hand up and down his neck, “I was just wondering if you- you know… wanted to meet up some time.”
This time, you were very surprised, and you let it show on your face.
“I mean, only if you want to.” He rushed out, eyes quickly widening in panic, “I get off of my shift in a couple hours and we can go to the cantina if you want!”
A slow smile made its way onto your expression, “Sure, that sounds nice.” You had no idea what was going on, but you couldn’t exactly say that you hated it. And what was wrong with making a friend?
“Great!” He proceeded to tell you the time he would be there and then ask you if you would be free then.
“Yes! I’m definitely free then-“ Before you could continue, you were cut off by another voice.
“There you are.” Obi-Wan's voice held a sharpness that you hadn’t heard in a long time. His back was tense and his eyes were hard, “You were taking a long time.”
If you hadn’t been surprised before, you sure as hell were now. He hadn’t used that tone with you since the war when you did something reckless (he hadn’t needed to after that because of how quickly you grew up and matured), never mind in front of another person, the ones that you two were supposed to be laying low in front of.
“Ben.” You said in surprise, the name still sounding forgein to you no matter how many times you have said it, “I was just-“
“Come on.” His voice was stern, and he was glaring slightly at the new boy who you were still yet to know the name of, “We need to go home.”
“It’s nice to meet you.” The boy piped up - and judging by Obi-Wans state- stupidly.
The man’s glare deepened, “I wasn’t speaking to you.” He practically hissed through gritted teeth.
Trying to shake off your confusion, you looked up at Obi-Wan, grabbing his arm gently and beginning to pull him away.
Whatever was happening was so… unlike him, and you almost felt like you couldn’t recognize the man standing in front of you when you looked over at him. He was wearing a look that you hadn’t remembered seeing since the time of the war.
Finally breaking his gaze away from the boy, he stomped off ahead of you, leaving you to try and jog to catch up with him, neither one of you sparing a look at the confused- and now slightly horrified- boy who was trying to figure out what had just happened.
The whole way back to your home, you had attempted to interrogate him about what had just happened, but he simply shrugged you off every time. Leaving you to eventually just give up.
By the time you had gotten back, you had made the decision to give him the silent treatment until he told you what was going on, and so far he wasn’t giving in. So neither were you.
When Obi-Wan had asked you if you wanted to accompany him to watch over Luke, you had just stared back at him blankly until he sighed and went by himself.
You were grateful that he didn’t push it, because then you could have time to yourself to sneak away and meet up with the boy. If Obi-Wan had a problem with it, then he should have just told you what was bothering him. Now he can live with the consequences of his actions.
With that, you changed into the nicest clothes that you owned- which weren’t much considering you didn’t need a lot while living on a desert planet while trying to lay low.
Giving yourself a nod of satisfaction, you made your way back into town and to the place where the boy had told you to meet him.
The cantina was a decent size, not as big as some you've been to, but not exactly as small either. It was pretty good considering the planet that you were on.
As soon as you had walked in, you had scanned the restaurant, only to come up empty handed when there was no sight of him.
You determined that you were probably just a few minutes early, and took a seat in the back corner facing the door so that you could see each other when he came in.
A droid had come over to ask for your order, but you had politely told it that you would just be waiting for someone and as soon as he came you would order.
You waited for half the night.
By that point you had become so aware of all the people whispering to one another, glancing and pointing at you. The girl who wouldn’t order because she was supposedly waiting for someone that was clearly never going to come.
So with as much dignity as you could muster, you stood straight up and walked out the door, keeping your chin raised and eyes forward, refusing to let people see how you were really feeling inside. Hiding your emotions from them.
Though you were young, you knew that people around your age all over the Galaxy had already experienced this type of thing a million times. But you weren’t like those people.
You were raised your whole life being told to have no attachments, and though you weren’t attached to that boy, you grew to realize that you had subconsciously become attached to the idea of having a friend- having anything normal.
So with an unsettling feeling in both your stomach and your heart, you trekked back to your home, head down and lost in deep thoughts.
As soon as you stepped in through the door, your eyes snapped up in surprise to see Obi-Wan pacing back and forth between the walls. Normally the two of you would camp out just outside of Luke's aunt and uncle's farm if you were watching over him and it got too late. So you hadn’t been expecting to see him back.
“Obi-“ He cut you off sharply.
“Where have you been?” He demanded, coming to a halt in front of you, and it wasn’t hard to detect the worry in his voice and face. Then a look of realization crossed his face, “You were meeting that boy weren’t you?” An indecipherable look appeared on his face and you couldn’t help but look away.
“Save the lecture.” You mumbled, crossing your arms over your chest, “He didn’t even show up.”
Obi-Wan felt his face and heart soften at hearing this, and he sighed before striding over to your side, seeing past your tough exterior. Looking - almost into your soul- and into the part of you that was hurting. In pain.
“I’m sorry.”
The sincerity on his voice made your eyes snap up to meet his, and for the first time since before you could remember, you felt your eyes well up in tears over something that had nothing to do with the war.
“I just wanted to be normal.” Your voice cracked and Obi-Wan felt a sadness swallow him up as well as a sense of guilt, it was probably his fault the boy didn’t show anyway.
“I know.” He mumbled, pulling you to his chest soothingly, gently rocking the two of you back and forth, “I know. I’m sorry.” He continued to mumble into your hair, placing a gentle kiss in it.
There were two things that Obi-Wan knew about his life at that moment. One of those things was that things would never go back to how they used to be. With the Jedi. With Anakin. Without the Empire. And the other thing was that no matter how old the two of you would get, Obi-Wan would do everything he could to look out for you. Just like he had for as long as you could remember.
Star Wars Taglist: @spidyyparker @fabulousapple @femalemarvelself
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yandere-wishes · 8 months
⋆  ⋆ 𝕐𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕋𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕤//𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕓𝕓𝕝𝕖𝕤 ⋆  ⋆
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Yandere drabbles (not fics, but equally as sweet)
Just shorter yandere ideas that me and the anons have come up with. If you're not in the mood to read long format 'x reader' stories then these goodies are perfect for you! Feel free to add/further discuss any ideas you may have regarding these snippets. Full Masterlists Here and Here
Café date
Genie's clothing brand (Melancholy and Pitch)
Happy days
Yandere x Reader X Platonic!Yandere
Marry Me
If evil why husband?
Why did you start writing Yandere?
The darling with no attention span
Is he mentally unhinged?
They're perfect!!
My favorite Disney prince
My spirit is in the 70's
And now I have become her
My two types
Just say I love you!!
This one is for the hot girlies
My aesthetic
How I write a resume
I chose violence
I need more...
Fav Authors
The importance of Holidays
Transformers terminology
The sons of sand😍🤩😍🤩
💜Genshin impact
Just a dream
▹▹ Wriothesley
Yandere Werewolf Wriothesley
Yandere Werewolf Wriothesley part 2
Wriothesley's cute housewife
Making out with Wriothesley
You're so perfect. You're so scary
Wriothesley's cheerleader
Neuvillette and darling at a ball
Fluffy Scaramouch
Scaramouche x Ballarina!Reader
Kens w/ self-harming reader
Kens w/ a Barbie who liked them before
How to love a Ken
Ken w/ a reader who has intrusive thoughts
Ken kidnapping a human
💜Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker and Darth Maul sharing a darling
🥰Head Empty Just Them🥰
An idea (ft. Maul, Anakin and Baby Luke and Leia)
Spoiled sith lords
Domestic life with Darth Maul and Anakin Skywalker
Future Sith lords drabbles
Maul's robotic legs and Grievous' body
A random cheerleader Au (read the comments)
Star Wars Prequel Analysis
Kiss the Mask (Yandere! Sith Lords)
Ancient Sith Lords(Marka Ragnos and Tulak Hord)
▹▹Anakin Skywalker
Anakin falling for his Padawan
Ghostface Anakin
Ghostface! Anakin future ideas
▹▹Darth Maul
Disney+ TV Show
Darth Maul taking a Nightsister as his queen
Darth Maul origins
Extracts from Darth Maul's journal
Pain and Pleasure ft. Darth Maul
▹▹Obi Wan Kenobi
"I'm staying with Obi Wan"
▹▹General Grievous
Cyborg lovers unite
The Bride of Grievous
▹▹Boba Fett
Yandere! Boba Fett x reader (Ft. Fennec Shand)
Yandere Fives
The clones sharing their lover
▹▹Savage Opress
Yandere!Savage and nightsister darling
▹▹Luke Skywalker
Luke my prince 😍
General yandere Revan headcanons
Revan w/ an unwilling and willing darling
Paul and Feyd being cousins
💜Twisted Wonderland
Leona Kingscholar vs Fellow Honest
Dorm Leaders as french expressions
▹▹Fellow Honest
Fellow Honest feeding his darling sweets
Fellow Honest and his Darling (first/initial take)
Fellow Honest buying his darling luxurious gifts
Fellow Honest and his foxy nature
▹▹ Tony Stark (Ironman)
Do it for HIM!
▹▹ Miles Morales
The prowler and 42!Spidergirl
Megneto my love
💜Important/social commentary
Iranians and the Occupation of Palestine
💜Tokyo Revengers
💜Jujutsu Kaisen
How to get an obsession
💜Honkai Star Rail
Boothill x Housewife!Darling
Chase scene
Feyd my babyboi!!
Yandere! Bucky Barnes moodboard
💜Wuthering waves
Somehow, this blew up🤷🏽‍♀️
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taska-rokanh · 4 months
Star Wars Masterlist
Nothing yet
The Clone Wars
Good Night - Platonic Obi-wan Kenobi x Padawan!Reader
Attachment - Platonic Obi-wan Kenobi x Padawan!Reader
Overprotective - Platonic Obi-wan Kenobi x Padawan!Reader (coming soon)
Fives drabble
Shattered Stars Masterlist (series featuring OCs)
The Bad Batch
Snowkissed - Crosshair x Reader
Standalone Movies/Shows
Georgia - Cassian Andor Drabble
Something in the works!
The Mandalorian/TBOBF/Ahsoka Shows
Nothing yet
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Confessions {Qui-Gon Jinn x Reader}
approx. 1,000 words
Summary: You and Anakin blow off some steam by getting drunk together. When you return back for the night you are greeted by Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan Kenobi who insist you get to bed. As Qui-Gon prepares you to sleep, he hears your drunken confessions; of love and insecurities.
Warnings: F! reader, insecurities, drunkenness, (Anakin and reader are in their 20s), reader and Anakin are platonic, angst, 18+
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As you return back to the grounds from your impulsive bar hopping with Anakin, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon are the first people you see. Disappointment is clearly written all over their faces, since two of their best Jedis are coming home past curfew and three sheets to the wind.
"sshhhh Ani, someone could hear us," you giggle out whisper yelling as he trips over his feet like a new born giraffe.
"Sorry, which way do we go," he asked with a tilted head, not sure if he could recognize the corridors in the dark.
"This way, follow m-" you started as you turned left but were cut off by the strong chest of Master Qui-Gon who was just around the corner.
Behind Qui-Gon was Obi-Wan, who could not hold back his giddiness. He wasn't angry at your antics. He loved that you and Anakin were acting like normal young people but had to put on a poker face for Qui-Gon as he handed down punishments.
Your cheeks were flush, scarlet with embarrassment for getting caught by someone you respected so highly. You were always trying to please Qui-Gon. It was an unspoken truth that you were his favorite padawan; because of your discipline in learning the ways of the force and in the longing glances you both exchanged over the past many months.
Qui-Gon's piercing gaze fixes on Anakin, and then shifts to you, his brow furrowing as he detects something beneath the surface. He knew that bar hopping wasn't your idea. Anakin was corrupting the sweet girl beside him, and Qui-Gon was not going to stand for it.
"Anakin, Obi-Wan will escort you back to your quarters," Qui-Gon ordered, putting an end to the night's activities. "And you," he turned and lowered his gaze to your sheepish figure, "come with me."
You nod in comply and Qui-Gon gently takes you by the hands, leading you to your bedroom. Yawning the whole way there, Qui-Gon's anger fades into protectiveness, just wanting to make sure you don't hurt yourself and sleep off as much as you can of what will be a massive hangover.
He shuts the door quietly, as to not startle you with any loud sounds and sees you struggling to remove your tunic. Your arms are stuck three quarters of the way out and the twisting of your shoulders isn't making the fabric roll up your back as you hoped it would.
"hhmph! Qui, could you help me, pretty pleasssssse," you slur out to him for assistance. He doesn't want to risk any impropriety but seeing you struggle was enough to throw all of the norms out the window.
"Relax your arms," he said, reaching for the hem of the shirt to pull over your head. Free from the straight jacket tunic, you stood before him in your lilac lace bra.
He let out a shallow breath as he looked down at you, remarking to himself how soft and cuddly your skin appears to be, and the way the lace of the bra seems to be painted on your breasts, fitting perfectly to the swell of your chest.
In no time flat you have removed your bottoms and exposed you cheeky bum to him, clad in lilac panties, matching your bra.
Oblivious to the tension of the situation, since your mentor is a foot away from your practically naked form you ask, "would you tuck me in?"
He nods, and follows you to the edge of the bed. He watches you cuddle into the silky soft sheets and nuzzle up to your pillow. Qui-Gon loosely drapes the blanket around your form and shift to get up as you reach for his wrist.
"Is there something else you need of me?" he asked, thinking you would ask for another blanket or for a glass of water.
You hesitate, feeling a wave of insecurity wash over you. "Can you… stay? Just for a little while? Just to talk?"
"What is it you would like to talk about?" he inquired, knowing you already confide in him as a mentor for your Jedi training. For some reason he could sense that this would be a different kind of conversation.
"Qui-Gon?" you say barely a whisper.
"Yes?" he replies, his gaze fixed on you with unwavering attention.
"Am… am I pretty?" you ask, your voice tinged with uncertainty.
"What?" Qui-Gon's brow furrows in confusion. "Of course, you are," he says, his tone leaving no room for doubt. "You are beautiful, both inside and out."
Tears fell at the corners of your eyes as Qui-Gon's words wash over you, colliding with some of the negative feelings of your own body's image in your mind. The alcohol had gotten the best of your emotions.
"Then why… why don't boys like me?" you whisper, your voice trembling with emotion. "I mean, I try to be nice and friendly but no body seems to look at me. Like I train, and I train, and I train but I am still soft and nervous around people. I feel like this is a never ending cycle of disappointment. I'm too ugly for my own good."
You end your rant with a heavy heart and a long silent pause. You slowly lift your head from where it is on your pillow to see if Qui-Gon left. Instead, his gaze meets yours with a flicker of angry passing through his eyes.
"They are complete fools," he said passionately. "They fail to see you for your truest form. You tower over them in intellection, and float by them with elegance and grace."
"But Qui-" you sit up and raise your hand to stop him but he continues.
"No, you should never feel less than because these dumb boys don't see what I see in you."
For the first time in a long while, you allow yourself to believe that maybe, just maybe, you are worthy of love.
"I'm sorry for getting so worked up. Its time to rest now," he says, settling in next to you in bed, sat up, and rubbing your back soothingly over the covers.
You welcome the feeling of his hands and of his warmth radiating over the entire bed.
"Thank you," you whisper to him as you drift of to sleep.
Of course, starlight. I want you to feel loved. I will always be here for you.
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