#oc august
peapod20001 · 3 months
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mostly-comfort · 5 months
Happy Whumpmas (੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭*🎅⛄❄️and happy new year🌟🎆🎇!!! You have just been snowballed by a secret whumper. Help to keep the snowball fight going by anonymously sending this to five other whumpers with a whump-related question of your choice: what is currently your favourite whump trope to inflict on August?
omg thank you!! literally 99% of what i have for him so far is just comfort LOL, not sure if that's a trope but that's all i've been doing 😭 in a nutshell: something happens -> he panics -> caretaker/owner comforts him -> happy ending
I CAST...!!! nice words and headpats
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stabbynunchuckss · 1 year
August and Seven - 1
So. This is my first piece with these characters. Um. Yeah. Hope it's not too shitty.
Warnings: Vampire whumpee, pet whump, imprisonment, collars, muzzles
Cell doors rattled as August walked past, their footsteps echoing through the concrete hall, but they paid the noise no mind - these cells had long since been emptied. They continued along, each cell they passed devoid of life. Blankets lay abandoned in the occasional corner, or else remains of meals piled up on floors.
Still, they continued.
And sure enough, as they reached almost the last cell, a body came into view. It seemed dead - blood pooled around its pale frame, and its eyes remained closed. As August approached, the body came more clearly into view, and they almost gagged.
Its ribs were clearly visible through its skin, and several appeared to be broken. Yet its chest still rose and fell, in a somewhat steady rhythm. The body - no, the person - wore no clothes, but for a simple black collar, and a muzzle tightened around their jaw.
August pushed at the cell door. It was heavy, but swung open with little difficulty, scraping lightly against the concrete floor.
They dropped beside the figure on the ground, placing two fingers to their neck in an attempt to find a pulse. They found one. Barely.
"Hey, uh- Can you hear me?" they tried. Nothing. "Hey, are you okay? Fuck, you can't- I can't be dealing with another dead body, you have to- You have to wake up, come on-" August's voice shook, but they forced themself to stay calm.
"Okay." They took a deep breath, staring down at the person on the ground. "Okay. Check for breathing."
They tilted the person's head back, and one hand moved to unclip the muzzle at the back- Until they were thrown to the ground with surprising strength, head smashing into the iron bars behind.
The figure, who had been unconscious moments before, was now standing pressed against the opposite wall, their breathing unsteady and about to collapse.
"Whoa, hey, it's okay," August began, getting to their feet and raising their empty hands. "I'm not gonna hurt you. I was just-"
But they were cut off as the person lunged at them, eyes wide and frightened, hands trembling. Pointed teeth flashed in the dim light, and August instinctively dodged, pushing back until the person was on the ground and they were standing above them.
"I- I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please don't-" The person - vampire? - ducked their head and pressed their face into the floor. "Please don't kill me, I- I'll be better, I'll be good, I s- I swear-"
August moved closer, and the vampire let out a pitiful whimper, sinking even further to the ground.
"I'm not going to hurt you, love," August reassured them. "Can you look at me?"
The vampire forced themself to look at August. Their eyes were a shadowy grey, almost black in the darkness of the cell.
"Thank you. Do you have a name I can use for you? And pronouns?"
"I- My name is- is Seven, M- Master. And- And I don't- I'm sorry, Master, I- I-" The question seemed to have thrown them off, and August therefore treated it as a matter of isolation from society rather than ignorance.
"Pronouns," August said patiently. "You know, he, she, they..."
Seven's eyes widened, and they nodded. "Y- yes, Sir- Sorry, Master, I- I have always been an 'it', M- Master, but... if it is my choice, I-" They shook their head. "I am sorry, Master, pl- please forgive your pet, it is not- I am not thinking-"
"You're allowed to have opinions, love." They hated the way in which they had to give permission - give a full-grown person permission - to have an opinion. But they pushed down the anger. That wasn't what this person needed.
"If- if it is not too much trouble, I- I would like to be- I would like to be a- a 'he'?" It was phrased as a question, and August nodded in response.
"Of course."
The relief that came over Seven's face with those two simple words was enough to make August want to vomit. He had been so fucking scared over that one question, he'd probably not even expected such a response.
"I'm August," they managed to say, finally finding their voice again. "I use they/them pronouns."
"Y- yes, Master, thank- thank you-"
"There's no need to thank me, love. I was trying to remove your muzzle before, could you let me do that?" They crouched down to Seven's level, reaching out a hand to him, palm up.
"It is- is too dangerous, M- Master, it will- I will bite, and- and-"
"It's alright if you want to wait. I don't mind either way, but if you'd feel safer wearing it, that's okay." August stood once more, taking a step back. "Come on, then. Let's get you out of here."
I'm going to tag some people who I think would like this, but let me know if you want to be added or removed!! :)
@roblingoblin285 @rock-anon @i-eat-worlds @kiratheperson @a-crumb-of-whump @paintedpigeon1
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loveyendii · 5 months
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B always wanted to build a snowman, so others called her too “ childish “
But now that she is on her own she can do want ever she wanted too do, and build a snowman just like her older brother did for her.
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artlesscomedic · 7 months
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halloween friends!!!
@shinyobservationtree @mizukiz
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undead-merman · 2 years
oh also. SWITCH BUDDDIIIIIIESS,,, also brat,, those were some of my higher scores when i took the quiz too. i love me some dynamic relationships and power plays between partners,,
brats are SO fun to read in fics, and it doesn't matter who's the brat! reader is brat? yes yES YESSS let me be sassy but also get,,, bullied,, for it,, hehe. character is brat? yEs yESSS yeS LET ME TAME THAT WICKED LITTLE CREACHURE I LOVE IT
This turned into an OC rant, my apologies.
I was told I was a bottom by an old boss of mine which I was bewildered by since it came out of no where. Since that day I've never been the same. How??? How do I seem like a bottom?
I love brat characters as well. It's a fun dynamic, what's the fun of just letting them just have what they want? My OC August which I use for everything is a huge brat. Likes to run away from all his problems until he's yanked back and punished and taught. Snarky, confident, but kind and easily flustered. He loves someone being bratty back. It's a fun competition for him but always gets what's coming to him. He was originally a character from a story I made for my mascot Alemar. Was a poor victim of Alemar who was a yandere.
For Obey Me, he had sexual relationships with everyone but would get all flustered and dodged the question, changed the topic, or full on bolted if asked to be in something more. Until they all got together and punished him and fucked him so stupid that he agreed to date them. He's a bit snappy mostly with Diavolo, Lucifer, and Barbatos but always shuts up when they threaten him a bit. He'll grumble and shuffle off. He won't admit that he finds their threating hot. He likes to tease them until they snap then *surprised pikachu face* He's about as smart as Mammon when it comes to shit like that.
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lambdraws · 3 months
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me wh- when t.... when the old man
*crumbles to dust*
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possessedpasm · 2 months
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He's a... he's a.... 🌈🦁✨️🌼
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9474s0ul · 9 months
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​yeah he gets taller every time he copies data or something (or maybe it’s the heels)
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Old Extrassss.
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tangledinink · 6 months
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interdimensional fankid playdate...? 👀 @beannary @star-sparkler
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(they're having a playdate, too.)
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juniper-clan · 4 months
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Moon 13 (1/2)
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peapod20001 · 5 months
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It’s like they’re the Brady bunch 😭
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mostly-comfort · 7 months
oOah I just saw that you do drawing requests for Halloween and I am in love with your art.
(I know that it is basically Halloween but if you still want to draw my guy go for it :3 If not, that is totally understandable tho.)
So this is my Oc/Whumpee/Labrat Louis as a reference sheet that I haven't uploaded yet.
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He gets mistaken for a vampire sometimes but really he is just a shapeshifter. He will still bite you if you give him the chance though, so watch out.
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I have more art of him on my blog, if you would like to see more.
do you have any OCs one could draw?
thank u sm!! i'll be happy to draw ur guy, i don't think i've seen a bat character like this before 👀 i'll reblog this post with the drawing when i finish, i just didn't want to leave u hanging LOL
i have the vampire i posted as an example for the requests! his name is august for now
i don't have any fullbody drawings of him but he has a regular vampire body, no extra traits or anything
he has burn scars on his neck, wrists, and ankles where he used to wear silver shackles and a collar, and his current collar has a tracker (it's not super clear lol)
his fingers are crooked/scarred
currently looks quite weak and underfed, but he's slowly getting better
he also has a scar on his face where a muzzle used to be
more info on him (a little bit abt his background, etc)
i also have a human oc for once !! his name is emmerin (emery for short) and he's gone from riches to rags 😈 for now, all i can say is
he used to be a prince
lived for being the center of attention lol, was arrogant and conceited, got a big ego from it
he thought everyone loved him, worshipped him
inevitably that bit him in the ass
is now fucked up lmao. scared of his own shadow atp, will probably have a hard time believing anyone truly cares about him
also he has green eyes and kind of blond/dirty blond hair? dark blond? ash blond? light natural blond?
the only drawing i have of him is this ms paint sketch lmao, his appearance is subject to change tho bc he never ends up looking like how he does in my head smh (he def has scars tho, i just don't know what they'll look like yet)
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hair color(s???)
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fishyfarms · 7 months
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Local doctor passes out after neighbor makes bad joke. More at 7.
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takisyak · 28 days
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August again
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furiouskettle · 2 months
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I think these party animals would have a swell time hanging out @possessedpasm
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