Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Karate Kid (Movies), Cobra Kai (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jimmy (Karate Kid)/Original Female Character(s), Jimmy/Julie, Jimmy & Tommy (Karate Kid), Tommy (Karate Kid) & Original Female Character(s), minor Tommy/Susan Characters: Original Female Character(s), Jimmy (Karate Kid), Tommy (Karate Kid), Original Child Character(s) Additional Tags: Halloween Challenge, Prompt Fill, Pranks and Practical Jokes, Fake Blood, Spoilers Series: Part 15 of Prompt-oween 2023 Summary:
Tommy's prank doesn't go according to plan.
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Prompt-oween Day 5
Prompt: “I bought toilet paper and eggs! Those assholes aren't home. Let’s go!” “I’m pretty sure this is grounds for an annulment.”
Fandom: The Karate Kid/Cobra Kai
Characters: Jimmy, Jenny Parker
Rating: G
Word Count: 456
Note(s): Set in the universe of my fic, Never Knew. Jenny is technically canon, but thus far, is an unseen/unheard character that has no personality in the one episode she is mentioned in. I came up with her personality and faceclaim for my story.
It was Jimmy and Jenny’s first Halloween as a married couple.  They were happy in their new home.  The only problem was some of their neighbors: an uptight elderly couple who were constantly on power trips.
Donald and Marjorie Blanchard were in charge of the Home Owner’s Association.  They constantly made their neighbors’ lives hell.  Their latest crime was attempting to ban trick-or-treating.
“I can’t believe this!” Jimmy exclaims, reading the latest HOA newsletter.
“I know.  It’s supposed to be a good, safe neighborhood for kids,” Jenny says.  “That’s why we chose it, for our future family.”
“What kind of people hate kids so much that they’ll force them out of the neighborhood?  I swear, the HOA rules weren’t this strict when we first looked at the house,” Jimmy replies.
Jenny comes inside from weeding in her garden.  The Blanchard-run HOA complained and threatened fines because of the weeds.  It’s not Jenny’s fault that the school kept her busy this past week.
Jenny walks into the kitchen to wash the dirt off her hands and arms.  She hears the front door open and slam shut.
“Kitchen,” she calls to her husband.
Jimmy rushes in, carrying shopping bags.  He has a wild look in his blue eyes.  “I bought toilet paper and eggs! Those assholes aren't home. Let’s go!”
Jenny blinks.  He can’t seriously be planning on what he was implying.  It has to be a joke.  She folds her arms, smirking.  “I’m pretty sure this is grounds for an annulment.”
Jimmy sets the bags down on the white countertop.  He stares at her, confused.  “On what grounds?  We were both single, unmarried and over the age of eighteen.  I didn’t trick or manipulate you into anything.  And we were both of sound mind when we entered into it.  We’ve also consummated over marriage several times.”
Jenny laughs, which confuses her husband even more.  She walks over to him, putting her arms around him.  Jenny kisses his forehead.  “See, I knew that would snap you out of it.  Darling, have you been drinking?  Perhaps, in the company of Johnny, Tommy, or Dutch?”
“Yeah,” he admits.
“And was Bobby there?”
Jimmy shakes his head.
Jenny nods.  “I thought that might be the case.  Sweetheart, you’re a lawyer.  Don’t go committing acts of vandalism, despite how much Donald and Marjorie deserve it.  You’re not a delinquent or a degenerate.  Why don’t we get some of the other neighbors together and talk?  I’m sure we’re not the only ones upset about the trick-or-treating ban.  Or the other petty complaints and targeting by Donald and Marjorie.  And I’m sure that you, my handsome lawyer, can find a legal way to stop them.”
Jenny closes her argument by kissing him deeply.
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Prompt-oween Day 16
Prompt: Shopping for costumes with a child.
Fandom: Doctor Who/The Sarah Jane Adventures
Characters: OCs David and Molly Yates
Rating: G
Word Count: 1239
Summary: David takes Molly shopping for a Halloween costume.
“Come on, Daddy!  Let’s go!”
David groaned as Molly dragged him into Spirit Halloween.  It was that time again.  He hated it.  So, of course, his daughter would love the holiday.
Molly’s blue eyes would always grow wide with wonder at all the decorations and costumes on display.  Unfortunately for him, what attracted her attention the most were either on the expensive side or things that he didn’t approve of for a child of her age.
She was eyeing the Queen Amidala costume.  Molly had fallen in love with Star Wars quite early on.  David took her to see the new movie back in May, after quite a bit of begging.  Molly immediately clicked with the Amidala character.
David saw the price tag.  He grimaced.  Of course, the movie being a box office hit would ensure price gouging on Halloween costumes.  “It’s a bit much, love.  Why don’t we see if they’ve got any other Star Wars costumes.”
Molly pouted at first.  Then David could see an idea forming in her head.
At that moment, a sales associate stopped in front of them.  “Hi, welcome to Spirit Halloween.  Can I help you find something?”
“Can I be a Jedi?” Molly asked, eyes bright with hope.
He frowned.  “I’m sorry, but all the Jedi costumes are for boys and men.”
“But that’s stupid!”  Molly stomped her foot in outrage.  “There’s plenty of girl Jedi!  Leia Organa Solo.  Mara Jade.  Jaina Solo.  Adi Gallia.  Depa Billaba.  Tenel Ka.  Tahiri Veila.  Yaddle.”
The associate was dumbstruck.  “Uh, I haven’t heard of most of those characters.”
“Not my fault you’ve never opened a book,” Molly retorted.
David frowned.  “Molly!  Don’t be rude.”  He apologized to the young man.  “Do you have any Princess Leia costumes?”
The associate went to look for some.  David looked down at his daughter.  “Care to explain your behavior?”
Molly sighed.  “I’m sorry, Daddy.  But it’s not fair!  The boys get to be anybody they want.  Sometimes, I don’t want to be a princess.  And they never have all the cool girl characters.  Why?”
It was David’s turn to sigh.  How was he supposed to explain sexism and marketing to a five-year-old?  “You’re right, it’s not fair.  And not everyone is going to know about the characters you like because they don’t read the same books.  Keep up that behavior and I won’t take you trick or treating.  Nor will I let you wear a costume at school.  Do you understand?”
Molly nods.  The sales associate returned.  “I’m sorry but we don’t have any Leia costumes in her size.”
“Got any Star Trek?” she asks.
He looked at her, hesitant.
David knew he was afraid that Molly would blow up at him again.  “Let me guess, only Kirk and Spock.  No Lieutenant Uhura or Nurse Chapel.”
“None for little girls, no,” the associate confirmed.
“Right, thanks.  We’ll continue looking,” David dismissed him.  He looks down at Molly, placing a hand on her head.  “Got any other ideas?”
Molly pursed her lips as she thought.  She glanced around at some of the costumes.  Then she broke out in a smile.  “Uh-huh.”
David lifted an eyebrow.  “Well, you gonna tell me?”
“I wanna be a Spice Girl!”  Molly throws her fists in the air.  “‘Every boy and every girl / Spice up your life!’”
David blinked.  That was not what he was expecting.  “Molls, while I’m glad you’re showing some interest in something from England,” he started.
“I want to be Posh!” she interrupted him.
He had tried to let her down gently.  “No, you’re not going to be Victoria Beckham.  If I let you be any of them, it would be Sporty.  At least, most of her is covered up,” he muttered to himself.
“I get to be Mel C?!  Yes, she’s my next favorite!”  Molly started dancing around in celebration.
David covered his face, groaning.  Then he crouched down to put his hands on her shoulders.  “Molly, no.  Stop, stop.”  Once he got her to stop, she stared up at him, confused.  “No, sweetheart, you misunderstood me.  You can’t be Posh or Sporty, or any of them.  No Spice Girls.  You’re too young.”
Molly visibly wilted.
David hated seeing her like that.  But she had to learn that when he set limits and rules, he was doing so for her benefit and she had to follow them.  David caressed her cheek.   “Come on, I know you have another idea.  Let’s hear it then.”
She bit her lip.  If he didn’t like her last one, he probably wouldn’t like this one.  “Can I be Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas?  They have the costume.  I saw it.”
Another frown.  “And when did you see that?  I didn’t say that you could.”
“But Daddy, it’s Disney!” Molly protested.  “You said that Disney movies are okay.”
David lifted a finger.  “No, I said that most Disney movies are okay.  The Nightmare Before Christmas is not one of them.”
“But it’s not scary!”
“Molly, enough!  We’re not doing this here,” David warned her.  He stood up and guided his daughter to a rack of costumes.  After a cursory glance, David took off two outfits.  “Last chance.  “You want a costume, pick one: black cat or ladybug.”
It was just before five in the evening when David and Molly joined some of the kids and parents in their apartment building.  David was glad that he decided to go trick-or-treating with a group this year.  It was safer for all of the children.  It made the event less hectic for him.  And it was better for both he and Molly to socialize with people their own age.
By the fifth house, the kids were wired and already had more than enough candy in their bags.  The sixth house had run out of candy from previous trick-or-treaters.  But instead of having them leave, the homeowner had the children wait on the porch while he grabbed another bag from the kitchen.  The parents and kids chatted amongst themselves.
But David tuned it all out.  He watched as Molly was having the time of her life.  He wasn’t sure if she would.  Things had been a bit tense after the costume debacle.  Molly had been quiet and withdrawn from him, staying in her room.  David had decided against dismissing the babysitters who he suspected were letting her watch those movies, but had firm conversations with them about the rules.
Molly had always struggled with socialization.  David sometimes worried that his little girl would never make friends.  At least, none her own age.  She was her usual bright, inquisitive self around him, his dad, and the babysitters.  But put her near other children and she hung back or played by herself.  Until now.  She was talking quite animatedly to a girl and boy dressed as a witch and wizard.  She was all smiles, twirling around in her black velvet and mesh dress, her pinned-on cat tail swishing about.  It warmed his heart to see Molly so comfortable.  He snapped a few photos to commemorate the occasion.
Molly caught him taking pictures.  She gave a big smile and ran to him.  David barely had time to catch her as she launched herself at him.  “You look beautiful.  Cutest cat I’ve ever seen.  You seem to be having fun.”
“I am, Daddy,” Molly told him.
David hugs her, kissing the top of her head.  “I am so glad to hear that, sweetheart.”
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Prompt-oween Day 2
Prompt: Driving down a dark road late at night. The driver makes up a story to scare the passenger(s).
Fandom: Doctor Who/The Sarah Jane Adventures
Characters: Mike Yates, Molly Yates (OC)
Rating: G
Word Count: 600
Summary: Mike is forced to tell his granddaughter about Autons.
Note: A prequel to my Molly Yates WIP.
Mike Yates was visiting his son and granddaughter.  A coworker had set David up on a blind date, so Mike was lucky enough to spend the whole evening with little Molly.
He took her to the playground at Golden Gate Park, where she played for hours.  He occasionally read a book, but never let Molly wander out of sight.
Before he knew it, the sun was starting to set.�� He closed his book and looked around. Mike noticed that the park was practically empty.  He remembered that David had told him about an assault and a mugging that had taken place in the park after dark.  He saw Molly on the jungle gym.
“Molly, come down.”
The four-year-old pouted at him.
Mike beckoned to her.  “Molly, now.  It’s time to go.  It’s getting dark and we still need to eat dinner.”
Only then, did the girl come down, or rather slid down the slide.  As Molly ran to him, Mike noticed that she had a plastic doll in her arms.  He frowned.  She didn’t have the doll before.  Mike told her not to bring any toys, so there would be no chance of losing them while they were out.
“Who’s your friend?”
“I don’t know.  She didn’t tell me her name,” Molly replied.
Mike tried not to smile. He took her free hand and they started walking to the car.   “Well, where did she come from?”
He faltered.  Mike knew children had active imaginations, and Molly was no exception.  However, he had experience with things and beings that came from outer space.  Not all of them were good.  He hoped Molly was just exhibiting her vivid imagination.  Best to ask more questions.
“Oh?  Any certain planet?”
Molly scrunched her face.  Mike nearly laughed.  She was too cute.
“P-Poly… Polymos.”
Mike’s laughter died in his throat.  There is no possible way she should know that name.  The only reason he knew it was because the Doctor had told him back in his early days at UNIT.
Mike crouched down to his granddaughter’s level.  “Molly, where did you find it?”
“By the swings.”
“Did you see anyone with it?”
She shook her head, pigtails whipping her cheeks.
That cold fear solidified in his chest. He wished that he had his gun.  “Drop the doll now.”
Molly was confused but did as she was told.  His tone scared her.  She didn’t say anything as he picked her up and ran the rest of the way to the car.  He quickly threw open the door and strapped her in.  He glanced back over his shoulder, making sure they weren’t being followed before getting into the car himself.
Mike pulled out onto Kezar Drive.  The sun had set nearly ten minutes ago.
“Grandpa, why did you make me leave the doll?”
Mike looked up at the rearview mirror, seeing Molly’s frightened and confused face.  “Love, you know I was in the military a long time ago?”
“While I was serving, an organization called UNIT recruited me.  Among other things, we kept humanity safe from alien threats.”
“Aliens are real?”
“Yes, sweetheart, they are.”
“Why does Daddy say they aren’t?”
“Well, love, your dad doesn’t know.  We tried to keep aliens a secret from the public for their own good..”
“So, the doll was an alien?”
Mike sighed.  “Not the doll itself.  But I think that the doll was, let’s say, possessed by the Nestene Consciousness.  They control things made out of plastic.”
Molly was on the edge of her seat, eyes wide, as Mike told her about how the Doctor defeated the Autons.
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OC Creator Exchange Prompt-oween, Day 1
Prompt: “You can’t buy candy corn for trick or treaters! That’s the fruitcake of Halloween!
Fandom: Doctor Who/The Sarah Jane Adventures
Characters: OCs David Yates, Molly Yates, and minor OCs
Rating: G/T (slight language)
Word count: 989
Summary: David celebrates Molly's first Halloween.
Note: This is something of a prequel ficlet to my current Whoniverse WIP.
It wasn’t David’s first Halloween in the States.  But it was his first with a child.  Before Molly, things were simple.  He could simply forget the “holiday” existed.  It’s only been in the last decade or two that Halloween really took hold of Britain, even if the traditions originated there.  But in America, it’s very in one’s face and a part of the culture, whether it’s about the candy, the decorations, or costumes.
Ken, a coworker, popped his head in David’s cubicle.  “So, what are you dressing the munchkin up as?”
David stared at him as if he had two heads.  “She’s two months old!”
Ken shrugged.  “Yeah, and?”
“I think she’s way too young.  She won’t understand what is going on.  And most importantly, Molly can’t even eat solid foods, let alone candy,” David replied.
“David,” Ken shook his head.  “You’re missing the big picture here.”
David frowns, confused.  “I don’t see how, but go on.”
“You’re a young, handsome single man with a baby.  You put a cute costume on the kid, walk around the neighborhood, and collect some candy for yourself.  And some phone numbers from the single mommies and aunts who took the kids trick-or-treating.”
David’s lip curled.  Instead of engaging, he told his coworker that he was staying home.
“Well, that works too,” Ken admitted.
David breathed a sigh of relief.
Unfortunately, Ken wasn’t finished.  “You can still get their numbers if you stay home and hand out candy.  But the baby still needs to be dressed up.  And when you answer the door, make sure you hold her so that the ladies can see that there isn’t a ring on your finger.”
David covered his face.  “Oh, my God,” he groaned into his hands.  A throbbing started in his temple.  “Ken, can you please leave?  I’ve got work to do.”
After he got off work, David stopped at a 99 Cents Only Store before picking Molly up from daycare.  He was already regretting letting Ken get inside his head.  David quickly grabbed up two of the cheaper bags of individually wrapped candy, a garish green monster pail, and the first Halloween costume that he thought would fit his daughter.
There was a knock at the Yates’ apartment door.  David rushed out of the nursery, adjusting his daughter in his arms.  “Coming!”
Molly fussed.
David peered down at her.  “Don’t cry, love.  You’ve got a clean nappy.  Daddy’s got you.  You’re fine.  You even look cute in that getup.”
She cooed at him, which earned her a smile.
Someone knocked on the door again.  David sighed.  “Well, here goes nothing.  Happy Halloween,” he greeted as he opened the door.
“Trick or treat!”
In the hallway stood two boys and a girl, dressed as Freddy Krueger, the Red Power Ranger, and a princess.  The smile that David had plastered on fell when he saw Ken with the kids.  “What are you doing here?”
“The ex had a party to go to, so I’m taking the kids trick-or-treating.  Also, I wanted to see if you wanted to come along.”  Ken peered down at the baby.  “Oh, good.  You did dress her up for the occasion.  Could have found something better than a pumpkin, though.”
David’s mouth tightened.  “I already said I was staying in.  Molly will be due for a feeding in at least an hour.  I’m not packing and lugging around a diaper bag and stroller just so you can pick up women.”
David grunted in pain as a boy in a Freddy Krueger costume kicked him in the shin.  “Hey, where’s the candy?”
“Tommy!  Don’t be a pain in the ass!” Ken warned his son.  “Sorry, about that Dave.”
David glared at the kid.  He picked up the pail from a side table, shoving it at the kid.  “Here, help yourself.”
The boys immediately started digging in it.
“Eww!  Dad, there’s candy corn!” complained the Power Ranger.
Ken gaped at David.
“You can’t buy candy corn for trick-or-treaters!” Ken exclaimed, gesticulating wildly.  “That’s the fruitcake of Halloween!  Stores probably keep that junk in storage year round because nobody buys it.”
David rolled his eyes.  “That’s ridiculous.  And I happen to like Christmas cakes, thank you very much.”
Ken waved him off.  “You’re a Brit.  What did I expect?”
Feeling a warning throb of another headache, David was about to order his coworker and kids out of the apartment.  He was interrupted by his trousers being tugged on.  David looked down to see the little princess, who couldn’t be more than four years old.  He crouched to her level.  “Yes?”
“I brought something for the baby.”  The princess held up a book, The Berenstain Bears Trick or Treat.
“Kelly likes to be read to at bedtime,” Ken informed him.  “When I told her that we’d be visiting you and Baby Molly, she decided that your little pumpkin needed a Halloween book.”
David smiled at the little girl.  “Kelly, that was very sweet of you.  Guess what?  Molly likes to be read to, as well.  Would you like to say hello?”
The princess nodded and came closer.  “Hi, Molly!”  She took the baby girl’s hand.  Molly gripped Kelly’s finger.  “I gave you a book.  It’s about Halloween.  Your Daddy is gonna read it to you.  I hope you like it.”
David sat down with a sigh.  He hoped there were no more trick-or-treaters.  The last ones just emptied the pail of candy.  Molly finished her bottle right before they came.  David just wanted some quiet time alone with his little girl.  He noticed the book that Ken’s daughter left on the coffee table.
He picked it up and held it in front of her. “Should we read a new book tonight?”
Molly gurgled in response.  She swiped at the book with one hand.
“I’ll take that as a ‘yes.’”  David flipped the book open.  “The sights and sounds of autumn were all around,” he began.
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Prompt-oween Day 8
Prompt: "Can we do ugly sweaters for Halloween too or is that just Christmas?"
Fandom: The Karate Kid/Cobra Kai
Characters: Jimmy, Jenny, OCs Jesse Parker, Alyssa Morgan-Parker
Rating: G
Word Count: 520
Summary: Jesse chooses alternate spooky season apparel after deciding he's too old for costumes and trick-or-treating.
Jimmy and his wife were on the planning committee for the annual neighborhood Halloween party.  They are throwing out ideas to each other that they may present to the committee.
“Hey, Mom?  Dad?”
Jimmy and Jenny look up to see Jesse in the family room.  Jenny smiles at their middle son.
“What is it, sweetheart?” she asks.
Jesse perches on the end of the sectional.  “I’m too old for trick-or-treating,” he states.
Jenny frowns.  She knows how much the boys love the holiday.  They always have and the twins still do.  Jenny wonders if someone said something to Jesse to make him think this.  “Honey, we don’t really have age restrictions here.”
Jesse sighs.  “I know, but trick-or-treating is for little kids.  I’m not one anymore.  I mean, I still love Halloween, but I think I’ve grown out of that part.”
“Okay,” Jimmy replies.  “How do you want to celebrate Halloween?”
“Keep in mind, you can still buy and wear a costume, either at the neighborhood party, Knott’s Spooky Farm, Disney, or at school,” Jenny assures her son.
“Well, as long as the costume is compliant with the LAUSD’s rules,” Jimmy grumbles.
“Maybe,” Jesse says uncertainly.  “Speaking of the neighborhood Halloween party, I’ve been thinking… Can we do ugly sweaters for Halloween too, or is that just Christmas?”
Jimmy pretends to be offended.  “Are you calling my Christmas sweaters ugly?”
“No,” Jesse shakes his head.  But the way he drags out the last syllable is unconvincing.  “Well, not all of them,” he amends.
Jenny laughs.  “You know what, Jesse, I think you have a great idea there.  There are some funny, tacky Halloween sweaters out there, just like at Christmas.  And if people don’t want to dress up or spend money on costumes, they can still show their spooky season spirit.”
The neighborhood party was set for the Saturday before Halloween.  Jimmy insists that before they head out, they take a family picture.
“Do we have to?” Alyssa whines.  “I can’t believe you’ve got me wearing this,” she gestures to the pastel lavender, pink, and green sweater with black witch hats, ghosts, moons, cats, and gravestones printed on it along with the black, wide-brimmed witch hat.  “It’s bad enough that I’m going out in public like this.  Don’t torture me further with photographic proof of my humiliation.”
Jimmy pats her back.  “Sorry, sweetheart, but you’ll just have to get over it.”
“I think you look nice,” Jesse smiles sweetly at his sister.  His red hair clashes with the garish orange jack-o’lantern sweater.
She glares at them both.
“Okay, that’s enough, you two.  Let’s just take a quick picture and we can head out,” Jenny cuts in.  She has her red curls pinned up like Winifred Sanderson, which pairs nicely with her officially licensed sweater depicting the Hocus Pocus witch.
Jayden is the first to pose, happy with his orange and black pumpkin patch sweater.  The twins stand in the back, wearing zombie face makeup and Beetlejuice and skeleton sweaters, respectively.  Jimmy uses a selfie stick to ensure that he, Jenn, and all five kids are in frame.
“Alyssa, smile.”
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Prompt-oween Day 27
Prompt: “Don’t tell me you believe in ghosts!”
Fandom: The Sarah Jane Adventures/Doctor Who
Characters: OC Molly Yates, Luke Smith, Clyde Langer, Sarah Jane Smith
Rating: G
Word Count: 148
Note: Possible start to an adaptation of "Eye of the Gorgon" in The Molly Yates Chronicles. References Day 7 Prompt-oween fic.
Tagging @goldheartedchaoticdisaster @themaradwrites @cecexwrites
When Clyde told them that his nan’s friend had seen a ghost at her retirement home, Molly was intrigued.  It’s been so long since she’s met a ghost.  She has felt their presence before, but most ghosts prefer to keep to themselves.
Sarah Jane, ever the journalist, asks if other residents of Lavender Lawns have seen the ghostly nun.  Clyde confirms it.
“I thought there was no such thing as a ghost,” Luke says.
“Maybe that’s what we’re about to find out,” Sarah Jane replies with a smile to her new son.
“Of course, they’re real,” Molly insists.
Clyde stares at her.  “Don’t tell me you believe in ghosts!”
She glares at him.  “Of course, I do.  I’ve met one.”
Sarah Jane glances at her in the rearview mirror.  “Really, Molly?  Do tell.”
Molly explains what happened when her dad took her camping at Mount Madonna County Park.
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Prompt-oween Day 26
Prompt: Your OC gets lost on a walk in the woods, has a few scares, and is rescued by their partner or a friend.
Fandom: The Sarah Jane Adventures/Doctor Who
Characters: OC Molly Yates, Luke Smith, Clyde Langer, Sarah Jane Smith, Maria Jackson, minor appearance by Kaagh
Rating: T
Word Count: 1353
Notes: This will end up being five scenes in my adaptation of "The Last Sontaran" from Series 2 of The Sarah Jane Adventures when I get around to writing more of The Molly Yates Chronicles.
Tagging @goldheartedchaoticdisaster @cecexwrites @themaradwrites @arrthurpendragon
After hearing about Alan’s job offer and that Maria might move, Molly ran out of the building.  It hurt too much.  She’s already been left by her mother.  She couldn’t bear the thought of being left behind by her best friend.
Molly wipes away her tears.  “I know I’m being selfish,” she admits to herself.  She wants what is best for Alan and Maria.  She does.  But that lonely girl who hates change threatens to lash out.  Just like when Dad moved them to London.  Molly can also admit that a part of her is jealous that the Jacksons are going to be living in America and see Washington DC.  She had never seen her nation’s capital because it was on the other side of the country.  Unless one counts flying over it.
She needs to focus on finding Luke and Clyde.  And Professor Skinner, of course.  Right now, she doesn’t care about Sarah Jane’s warning about the woods.  Anything to get her mind off the possibility of her best friend leaving.
Molly finds the boys.  It was hard not to with all the noise they were making, sticks snapping under their feet and Clyde’s mouth.
“I hate woods.  The city is civilization.  This is The Land That Time Forgot.”   
“Good, I found you.”
They jump.  “What are you doing here?” Clyde asks.
Molly shrugs.  “Wanted to help.  Lucy’s asleep, so not much to do in there.”  She doesn’t want to tell them the real reason.  It’s not her place.  And it would make it more real.
They buy it.  Luke begins to speak.  “So, why didn’t we just stay on the edge, like you said?”
“Because Clyde is known for his honesty,” Molly snarks, rolling her eyes.  “I mean, Luke, it’s like you said.  Clyde wants to be Lucy’s hero because he fancies her.”
Clyde narrows his eyes.  He’s about to protest when they hear the snap of a twig.  As all three of them were standing still, they knew it wasn’t one of them.  They glance around.
“What was that?” Clyde asks.
“Maybe it was Professor Skinner,” Luke suggests.
Molly isn’t so sure.
“I can feel the hair on the back of my neck standing on end,” admits Clyde.
You’re not the only one, Molly thinks.
“It’s strange.  So can I,” Luke concurs.
“It’s not strange, Luke,” Molly tells him.  “It’s a completely normal reaction.  We’re aware that we’re being watched and possibly in danger.”  Her eyes scan the woods, looking for anything out of place.
“Well, I’m one hundred percent creeped out to the max,” Clyde tells them.
“Or it could be the result of an electrostatic field,” Luke reasons.  “There’s something here, guys.  Right here.”
A chill goes down Molly’s spine.  She whirls around.
Something lands a few feet in front of her with a loud thump, causing a cloud of dirt to fly into the air.  That’s when the boys turn.
“Guys, there it is.”
It’s not completely invisible.  Molly can make out a humanoid shape.
“Maybe it can’t see us.”
Molly holds back the urge to roll her eyes at Clyde.  “He’s staring at us, you idiot.”
As Clyde wonders why the invisible being hasn’t attacked them yet, Molly sees it tilt its head.
“It’s studying us.”
No shit, Luke, Molly mentally bites back.
Then the alien turns off its cloaking device.  It’s covered in blue armor with a dome-like helmet, that reminds Molly of Juggernaut from the X-Men comics.  He cocks his gun at them.
“We gonna run now?” Molly yells.
They run for their lives.
Molly trips over a downed tree, falling into a dip into the underbrush.  Luke stops to help her up.  Clyde looks behind them.  The alien is still in pursuit.  They can hear him coming.  Molly waves Luke off.  She’s bruised but fine.
We need to hide, she mouths.  Down here.
The trio scramble under the branches of dead trees.  They cover their mouths.  As scared and tired as they are, they know they need to keep quiet.  They can’t let him find them.  They watch as their alien pursuer ventures past them, going further into the woods.  Clyde sneaks out from their hiding spot.
Gone, he mouths.
Luke and Molly join him.  They try to head back the way they came.
After walking through the woods for a while, Luke speaks up.  “This is wrong.  We didn’t come this way.”
Molly didn’t know.  They had gotten so turned around just trying to stay alive.
Clyde spots a path.  “We follow that.  It’s bound to lead to the road.  Come on.”  Before he could take another step, Clyde slams into something.  He falls onto the ground.  “What was that?”
Luke feels the back of his neck.  “I can feel the hair on the back of my neck again.  There’s something here that’s cloaked.”
Molly looks at Luke.  “Could be his spaceship.”
Luke feels the air in front of him.  They see a shimmer.  Clyde stands up and feels around the same area.  As they touch the invisible wall, it ripples like the surface of water.
“Uh, maybe we should go find Sarah Jane now and tell her?” Molly points out.
Luke nods.  “You’re right.”  He takes out his phone.
As luck would have it, Clyde was right.  They made it to the road.  As the reception was a bit non-existent in the woods of Goblin’s Copse, Luke had to wait until they reached the road to call his mother.  Molly is exhausted.  The adrenaline has left her.  She finally feels the pain of the cuts, scrapes, and bruises she received while being chased.  She sits down by the side of the road, while the boys stay standing.
It wasn’t much longer before Sarah Jane’s car came roaring up to them.  The car screeches to a stop in front of them.  Molly can feel the anger pouring off Sarah Jane before she even gets out of the car.  It makes her stomach churn, much like those moments when she can feel how angry and disappointed her dad gets at her sometimes.  Clyde flinches as Sarah Jane slams the car door closed.
“I thought I told you two to stay out of the woods,” Sarah Jane barks at the boys.
“I know,” Luke says.  “But you didn’t really think we would.”
Clyde shoots him a look.  Molly closes her eyes.  Idiot.
Sarah Jane sighs.  “No, of course not.  That’s why I’m angry.  Angry at myself.”  Something about that statement didn’t ring quite true to Molly, but she didn’t have much time to ponder it.  Sarah Jane turns to her.  “And you, young lady, what were you thinking?  You left without a word to me or Maria.  You had us worried.  Then you go off in the woods with the boys.  I expected them to disobey me like that.  But you?”
Hot tears start forming in Molly’s eyes.  She couldn’t bear to look at Sarah Jane anymore.  The churning in her stomach got worse.   She tunes out as Sarah Jane asks the boys what they found.
Maria lags behind as Luke and Clyde start leading Sarah Jane into the woods.  She walks up to Molly, holding her hand out.  “Can I help you up?”
Molly just looks at her, tears rolling down her cheeks.
Maria can’t take it.  “Please, just talk to me.  I know this isn’t what we want.  I don’t want to leave either.  But I want what’s best for my dad.  Can’t you be excited for me?  Sarah Jane isn’t that angry with the boys.  She’s angry at me.  I can’t have you angry at me too!”
Molly wipes away her tears.  With her free hand, she takes Maria’s.  “I’m not angry at you.  I’m angry at the situation.  I understand wanting what makes your dad happy, even if it sucks for you.”
Maria gives her a small smile.  It’s a start.  She helps Molly up.  “Thank you.”
Molly pulls her to the woods.  “Thank me later.  Come on.  We’ve got to catch up with them.  There was an alien chasing us out here.  I think we found his ship.”
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I finally found the inspiration to work on my Day 26 Prompt-oween fic. I just had to scrap what I had and make this new attempt part of the Molly Yates fic. Question is do I post to AO3 as part of the Prompt-oween series or just on here?
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Prompt-oween Day 4
Another day-late fic for this challenge.
Prompt: “No reaction in the haunted house, but this you shit your pants over?”
Fandom: The Karate Kid/Cobra Kai
Characters: Jimmy, Alyssa Morgan-Parker (OC), Jordan Parker (OC)
Rating: T
Word Count: 1160
Summary: Jimmy finds something scary.
Note: This is a midquel to Never Knew, set during Season 3 of Cobra Kai.
The Parkers love the month of October and Halloween in particular.  While Jenny took Jesse and Jayden to a Trunk or Treat at Bobby’s church and then to Knott’s Spooky Farm, Jimmy took the twins and Alyssa to Universal Halloween Horror Nights.
He knew his daughter liked scary movies, but it shocked him that she’d never been to a haunted house attraction.
Jimmy thought it wasn’t as scary as in previous years.  Most of the mazes and scare zones didn’t affect him.  But at least the kids had a good time.
Once they were home, Jimmy remembers that the trash still needed to be to be taken out.  He starts with the main bathroom on the first floor.  He picks up the wastebasket when he notices a box.  He sets the wastebasket on the granite sink countertop.
Jimmy has seen that box and similar ones before.  Several times.  He probably bought about half of them over the years.
But the feeling of hope associated with buying or seeing those boxes isn’t there.  Not with this one.  Because he knows there is no way that Jenn is pregnant.  Even if she thought there was a possibility, his wife would have told him.
No, there is only one person in this house it could belong to.  And that is why he is feeling dread right now.
As he waits for his daughter to come downstairs, Jimmy picks up the box.  It was open, but the test had been thrown back inside the box.  Anxiety courses through him.  He shakes the test out of the box onto the countertop.  Jimmy pulls off two sheets of toilet paper from the roll, using them to turn the test over.  There is an unmistakable blue plus sign.
“Fuck.” Jimmy feels a pounding headache coming on.  He starts massaging his temples.  “Alyssa, get down here!  Now!”
He hears rapid footsteps on the stairs.  Then she peeks inside the bathroom.
“There you are.  I heard you the first time.  What’s wrong?”
Jimmy turns to her.  Looking upon the fifteen-year-old girl now was even more of a gut punch than when he found out about her.  He tries to keep the anger, fear, and disappointment out of his voice and off his face.  It’s a struggle.  “Do you have something you want to tell me?”
Alyssa frowns, shaking her head.
That makes Jimmy feel worse, and angrier, to be honest.  It’s one thing to feel like she can’t tell him something, another to lie to his face.  He thought they had worked through this.  Jimmy gestures to test.
Alyssa looks at the countertop.  “No reaction in the haunted house, but this you shit your pants over?”
Jimmy curls his hands into fists.  He really doesn’t want to lose his temper, but this daughter of his is really pushing the limits.  He takes a deep breath, counting to three.  “Alyssa, you better watch your tone and language right now,” Jimmy warns.  “I’m trying to be really calm right now.  Can you start explaining yourself?”
Alyssa falters.  “Look, Dad, I’m sorry I forgot to get the trash.  It won’t happen again, I promise.  But I think you’re overreacting.”
“Yes!  Just chill out.  I’ll take out the trash right now.”  Alyssa strides into the room, snatches up the wastebasket, and starts to pick up what she thought had fallen out.  She reaches for the test and box but stops when recognition kicks in.  “Is that a pregnancy test?”
Jimmy pinches the bridge of his nose, feeling tired and so much older than he had hours before.  “Sweetheart, can we just stop with this charade?  I’m not going yell at you or shut you out.  But I’m not gonna lie, I am disappointed.  We need to talk about this.”
Alyssa stumbles backward as if she had been slapped.  Her jaw drops, realizing why he called her downstairs.  “Y-you think it’s mine?”
Jimmy gives her a patronizing look.  “Alyssa, I know it doesn’t belong to Jenn because she’s perimenopausal.  Even if it were a possibility, we would have already talked about it because of her earlier fertility problems.”
Alyssa feels a surge of sympathy and concern for her stepmother.  But it’s not enough to dispel her frustration with her father.  “Oh, I get it.  Because I’m the only girl in the house, it’s automatically mine by default.”
Jimmy sighs.
Alyssa’s left hand starts moving to her right arm.  It’s a reflex.  She’s emotional.  She fights back against that voice, the one that wants, no, needs that pain to deal.  Instead, she balls her fists.  “Dad, I am telling you that it’s not mine.  I’m asking you to believe me.  You wanted me to be more open with you.  That’s what I’m doing.  I’ve never had sex or done anything that would even lead to it.  I know I’m not ready.  That’s one of the reasons I went to you and Jenny about going on birth control.  So I would be protected when I am ready.  And I have been taking the pill regularly.”
Jimmy studies his daughter’s face.  She’s crying those angry, silent tears.  That she wanted to scratch her arm moments ago didn’t escape his notice.  He wants to believe her.  He clasps his hands.  “Okay, let’s say I do believe you.  What other explanation is there?”
Alyssa rakes a hand through her hair.  “Oh, I don’t know.  You’ve got two sexually active teenage boys under your roof too.  One straight, one bi.  Maybe ask them if they’ve had any girls over lately.”
“Hey, Dad, where do we keep the batteries?  My TV remote stopped working.”
Jimmy and Alyssa turn to see Jordan in the hallway.  They glance at each other, Alyssa raising her eyebrow at her dad.
Jimmy beckons to his son.  “Forget the batteries for a minute.  I’ve got a question for you.”
Jordan shrugs, confused, but still enters the room.
Jimmy picks up the test, again holding it with the toilet paper.  “Does this mean anything to you?”
Jordan goes pale, blue eyes wide.  He’s frozen midstep, like a deer in headlights.  Jimmy has his answer.
“Told you,” Alyssa tells her father.  Before either he or Jordan has a chance to respond, she punches her brother in the solar plexus.  “You both owe me an apology,” Alyssa announces as she storms out of the bathroom.
Jordan folds in on himself, groaning from the pain.  Jimmy grips his oldest son by the boy’s upper arm, holding him up.  He guides him over to the toilet, flipping the lid down.  “Sit.  You and I are going to have a long talk and you will answer every question that I or your mother have.  And yes, we’re telling her.”
Jordan sits.   Looking up at his dad, he asks about Alyssa.
Jimmy crosses his arms.  “I don’t condone her action, but I think she’s got a pass this time.  You’re also taking her chores for the week, including taking out the trash.”
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Prompt-oween Day 18
Prompt: Your OC comes home to a black cat in the living room.
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: OCs Violet and Charles Evans
Rating: G
Word Count: 410
Summary: Violet comes home to a surprise.
Note(s): This is a scene from a Harry Potter OC fic that I'm writing. I know I'm woefully behind on writing and posting my Prompt-oween fics, but expect more in the next week.
Tagging @cecexwrites because you proposed a HP fic for some of my Prompt-oween fics.
Violet came home from a birthday party for the closest person she can call a friend in her neighborhood.  “Dad, I’m home!”
Violet Evans was about to run upstairs to read more about Hogwarts and the wizarding world.  The only thing that stopped her was a flash of black in the living room.  She paused on the stairs and walked back down.
 She entered the living room.  A flicker of movement to her left caught her eye.  Violet turned.  A black cat was perched on the back of the sofa.  Her eyes grew wide.
“Where did you come from?” Violet asked the animal.
The cat meowed at her.
Violet slowly held out her hand.  She didn’t want to frighten it.  “I’m Violet.  I live here.  May I pet you?”
The cat started walking to her.  To her delight, the cat rubbed its head against her hand.  She stroked its fur.  It was so soft.
“Ah, good.  You’re home.”
 Violet jumped.  She hadn’t heard her father enter the room.  “Yeah, a few minutes ago.  Why is there a cat in the living room?”
Charles looked at his daughter strangely.  “Well, I thought you might like to get to know your pet before you head off to school.”
Violet stared at him.  “You bought me a cat?”
“Well, I know that you prefer dogs. But the letter said that you could bring a cat, an owl, or a toad.  A toad or an owl might raise some eyebrows.  But a cat is a perfectly normal animal for, what was it that the professor called me?”
“A Muggle,” Violet promptly answered.
“Right.  Well, I thought that you might get lonely.  She’s been fixed and has had all her vaccinations.  I found her at the local shelter.”
Violet surprised her father by hugging him tightly.  “Oh, Daddy, thank you!”  Charles smiled, hugging her back.  After the divorce and moving back to London, he felt that he had failed his daughter and missed out on getting to know her.  But this, he could tell, was a step in the right direction.
“You’re welcome, Violet.”
She turned her attention back to the cat. She continued petting it.  Violet looked up at her father once more.  “Does she have a name?”
“I thought I’d leave that to you.  She is your pet.”
Violet smiled.  She spoke to the cat.  “As I’m a witch, I think I’ll name you Hecate, after the Greek goddess of witchcraft and magic.”
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Prompt-oween Day 7
Prompt: Telling a ghost story around the fire.
Fandom: Doctor Who/The Sarah Jane Adventures
Characters: OCs Molly Yates, David Yates, and Sarah Miller
Rating: G/T
Word Count: 1123
Summary: When the Yateses go camping, Molly makes a friend.
Note: A prequel to my Whoniverse OC WIP.
When Molly is six years old, David takes her camping at the Mount Madonna County Park campgrounds in Watsonville.  It is her first time going camping.  Unfortunately, they got a later start than they planned due to David’s work.
While David is putting up the tent, Molly starts walking around the campground.  She weaves in and out between the redwood trees.  She sees one has a hollow area at the bottom and starts to run over to check it out.
“Don’t wander off!” David calls over his shoulder.  “I want you where I can see you.”
“I won’t,” she promises.  She goes back over to the picnic tables.  Molly picks up her backpack, takes out a book, and starts reading.
After a while, Molly feels like someone is watching her.  She puts down her book, looking around.  A girl is peeking out from behind a redwood.  Molly waves at her.  The girl smiles and beckons to Molly.  Molly looks around.  The sun has begun to set.  Her dad finished putting up the tent.  He is now building a fire in the fire ring.  Knowing it will be a while before they eat, Molly decides to go to the girl.
Molly walks through the trees until she’s in front of the girl.  The girl is a few years older than her, but very pale.  Molly thinks her white frilly dress is pretty but old-fashioned and not the best of clothes to play in the woods in.
“Hello, I’m Molly!”
“I’m Sarah.  Will you play with me?”
Molly nods.  “Yeah.”
The girls play hide and seek through the redwoods.
“Tag!  You’re it!”
Molly shivers.  “Sarah, you’re hands are freezing.  I think you need to put on a coat or wrap up in a blanket.”  She then notices that it’s much darker than when she left.  “I think I need to go back.  Daddy is probably going to be mad that I’m missing dinner.”
Molly looks around.  She doesn’t know how to get back to the campsite.  She starts to cry.
“Don’t cry, Molly.”
Sarah wipes a tear from Molly’s cheek.  The sensation is a cold, tingly one, but Molly can’t bring herself to care.  She just wants to be reunited with her daddy.
“I know these woods.  I will take you back to your father,” Sarah reassures her.  She holds out her hand, which Molly takes.
“There it is!”  Molly let go of Sarah’s hand the moment she saw her father’s tent.  The fire ring was still aglow.  She sees people standing around it.  When Molly sees who she is looking for among them, she runs to him.  “Daddy!”
David catches her as she throws herself at him.  He immediately embraces her, sinking to his knees.  But sooner than she’d like, David releases Molly, holding her at arm's length, to look her in the eye.  He’s furious.  “Molly Alexandra Yates, where the hell have you been?!  I nearly had the whole campground searching for you!  I ought to smack your bum.”
Molly nearly starts crying again.  She knows she messed up, but her daddy rarely yells at her.  She’s caught off guard when he abruptly crushes her to his chest in another hug.  He cradles the back of her head, fingers threading through her brown hair.  David kisses the top of her head.
“You scared me half to death, Molly.  I didn’t know if you were alive or dead.  You could have been hurt and I’d have never known.  Don’t you ever do that to me again.  Do you hear me?”
David pulls back to make eye contact.  She can still see the anger, but there is also fear in his blue eyes.
“Yes, Daddy,” Molly sniffles.  “I’m sorry.”
David cuddles her again, realizing that they both need the comfort. He is about to continue scolding her, but her stomach lets out a loud rumble.
“I think we should let the kid eat,” advises one of the strangers around the campfire.
David picks Molly up and carries her over to the group.  He sits them down on a bench in front of the fire.  Another one of the strangers approaches, handing her a hot dog.  Molly leans into her father.
“Go on, take it,” David insists.  “You’ve got to be starving.  You need to eat.”
Only then does Molly take and start nibbling on the hot dog.
David thanks the man.  Then he turns his attention back to his daughter.  “Where were you?  And you better tell the truth, young lady.”
“I was playing with Sarah in the woods,” Molly answers after swallowing her food.
David gives her a stern glance.  “I didn’t permit you to leave the campsite.  I told you specifically not to wander off.  Who is Sarah?  How many times have I told you not to talk to strangers or go off with them?”
Molly doesn’t say anything.  She’s already in trouble and knows it’ll be worse if she points out that they are among strangers.  Molly takes another bite.
One of the campers studies Molly, a strange expression on his face.  Turning to his buddy, he asks, “Did she say she was playing with Sarah?”
“Yes,” she confirms.
David taps her on the knee.  “Don’t talk with your mouth full,” he chides her.  He faces the camper.  “Do you know that Sarah girl?”
The man laughs.  “You must be new here if you don’t know the story.”
Molly perks up at the word ‘story.’  “What story?”
“This land was once owned by Henry Miller the Cattle King.  He had a little girl, Sarah Alice Miller.”  The man stares directly at Molly.  “She was a few years older than you.  One day, Sarah was riding her horse, but there was an accident.  She died.  Some visitors to this park have seen her, still wearing her favorite white dress.  Sarah wanders the campgrounds.  Sometimes, she can be seen riding her horse, while others spot her at the ruins of her old homeplace.  Hell, it’s even been reported that Sarah hitchhikes or just appears in your backseat.”
Molly sits still, captivated by the man’s tale.  “I met a ghost,” she whispers in awe.
However, David is not amused.  “I don’t believe in ghosts, nor do I appreciate you trying to scare my child.  Her imagination is already wild enough.  Now, if you all don’t mind leaving, I think it’s high time Molly has been put to bed.”
Two days later, David and Molly leave the campground.  Molly is already in the car, while David finishes putting their gear in the trunk of the car.  Molly looks out the window.
“Bye, Sarah.”
Suddenly, Molly’s hand grows cold.  She whips her head around.  Sarah Miller sits beside her, her hand on Molly’s.  Sarah smiles before disappearing.
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Prompt-oween Day 3
Prompt: “I’m not watching horror movies just so you can hold me under the pretense of protecting me from the movie. If you want to cuddle, all you have to do is ask.”
Fandom: The Karate Kid/Cobra Kai
Characters: Julie Lawrence (OC), Jimmy
Rating: T
Summary: Julie was expecting something more when Jimmy invited her over to watch some horror movies.
Notes: Takes place in between currently unpublished chapters of my fic, Is This Love?
Sorry that this fic is a day late. I didn't have much time to work on it last night, it kept getting longer and started to diverge from its original ending.
Julie runs over to pick up the phone.  “Hello?”
“Hey, Jules.”
The sound of his voice leaves her nearly breathless.  She wasn’t expecting Jimmy to call.  She hasn’t seen or spoken to him in days.  Their respective friends have kept them apart.  Not that their friends had found out about them yet, which Julie was thankful for.
“Hey, yourself,” Julie replies.  She twirls the phone cord around her finger, hoping she doesn’t sound like a total dork.  Flirting was not her forte.  “What’s up?”
“I’m free this weekend.  Do you want to come over?  Assuming that you’re free, too, of course.”
Her throat goes dry.  She bites her lip.  “What do you have in mind?”
Julie isn’t sure what she’d do or say if he says that it’s time for them to sleep together.  She still wants to, of course.  That was the deal.  But he’s been keeping them on the slow path.  Frankly, she’s been enjoying it.  But time is running out.  She’ll be heading to Berkeley soon.
“I was hoping you might like to join me for a movie marathon.”
Julie blinks.  That’s not exactly what she was expecting him to say.  But she’s not sure if she’s disappointed or not.  Julie has always loved movies, but Jimmy was kinda a geek about them.  And it was definitely a turn on.  That in itself has her leaning toward saying yes, but that hopefulness in his voice is sending her over the edge.  And maybe, just maybe, he was too polite to ask over the phone if she was ready and willing to have sex.
“Okay.  But you’re sure there is no chance of the guys springing something on you?”
“I’m sure.  Dutch wanted to go to some car show or race.  Tommy’s going with him.  Bobby is at some church retreat for the whole weekend.  And your brother will be working.”
“Good,” Julie sighs in relief.  “Do we want to do this on Friday or Saturday?”
“Well,” Jimmy begins.  “I was thinking we could start on Friday night and continue on Saturday.  And that you would spend the night.”
Hearing that has her heart beating so rapidly that she thought it would beat out of her chest.  She twists the cord anxiously.  “You want me to spend the night.”  She’s not sure if that was a statement or a question.
“If that’s okay.”  Julie can hear something in his voice.  Is it hope or fear?
“Yes.”  Did I say that?  Okay, yes, I’m going to commit to this, she thinks to herself.  “Would five o’clock be too early?”
“It’s a date,” Jimmy confirms.
Her heartbeat spikes again.
“Well, not a date, but…”
“Yeah.  I know what you mean.”
As she sets the phone back on the cradle, Julie bites her lip.  Is it too soon to start packing?  What does she need to bring?  What does she wear?
Julie knocks on Jimmy’s door fifteen minutes early.  He opens the door, grinning.
“You know, you could have let yourself in.  It was unlocked.  And I did give you a key, which you’ve used a few times before if I recall.”
She smiles back shyly.  “True.”
Jimmy slips an arm around her waist, ushering her inside.  “Come on in.  I hope that pizza is okay.  It should be here in about ten minutes.”
“No, it’s fine.  I can’t expect a gourmet meal every time I see you.”
Jimmy laughs.  “It’s been a long week and I’m treating myself.  And by that, I mean not having to worry about washing dishes.  Did you have any problems with Sid about staying out?”
She shakes her head, dropping her backpack by the couch.  “No.  He bought the cover story.  And he’s got some business dinner at the club.  Nicky’s got my back in case he does call.”
Julie spots a collection of movies sitting on the coffee table, some in the typical cardboard cases and others that came from Blockbuster.  A bowl of popcorn sits in the center of the table.  She looks up at Jimmy.  “So, you weren’t kidding about a movie marathon.”
He cocks his head, frowning slightly.  “No.  I know you like movies just as much as I do.  And I thought we could spend some time together.”
“Yeah, I get that,” she says quietly.  “But you also said you wanted me to spend the night.”
Then the realization hits him.  “Oh.  You thought we were going to…”
“Yeah,” Julie finishes the thought for him.  Realizing that she was wrong, it’s hard to look him in the eyes.  She wraps her arms around herself to keep still, and maybe as an act of comfort.  “I mean, the last time we were here together, things got a bit hot and heavy before we got rudely interrupted.  I just thought we were going to pick up where we left off.  And that the movie marathon was just a nice ploy to get me here.  Now, I feel like an idiot.”
Jimmy closes the distance between them, one hand at the small of her back and the other cupping her cheek.  He leans down to kiss her.  “Don’t,” he murmurs as his lips touch hers.  Julie uncrosses her arms, letting her hands roam up and grip Jimmy’s blue cotton shirt.  She is taken by surprise as he licks her lips, begging for entrance.  Julie has no problem complying.  She grows weak in the knees and the only thing holding her up is Jimmy’s strong arms.
There’s a knock at the door.  Reluctantly, Jimmy pulls away.  “That’ll be the pizza,” he says out of breath.
“Damn it,” Julie groans, sitting on the arm of the couch.  “Why are we constantly getting interrupted?”
Jimmy laughs, wiping his mouth, as he walks over to the door.  “Maybe our timing is off.”
While Jimmy deals with the delivery guy, Julie goes to the kitchen, to get paper plates, napkins, and two cans of soda.
Jimmy had moved the stacks of movies to one corner of the table to set the pizza boxes down.  The bowl of popcorn moves to the opposite side of the table.
“So, you never said what we’re watching,” Julie comments as she hands Jimmy a plate.
He looks up at her as he pulls apart two slices of pizza.  “What, you didn’t look over them?”
She stares him down as she accepts the slice he puts on her plate.  “I think we’ve established that my mind was on other things.”
Jimmy grins.  “I thought we could watch some horror movies.”  He wipes his hands on a napkin before putting one of the tapes into the VCR.  “I thought we might start with Dolls.”
They settle themselves on the couch as the opening credits play.  Julie turns to him with a raised eyebrow.  “I’m not watching horror movies just so you can hold me under the pretense of protecting me from the movie.  You know me.  Movies don’t scare me easily. If you want to cuddle, all you have to do is ask.”
Jimmy smiles big, his face all lit up.  “Consider this me asking,” he replies playfully.
Julie scoots closer to him, nearly sitting on his lap.
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Prompt-oween Day 6
Prompt: “It’s just us this year, why’d you bake so many pumpkin pies?”
Fandom: The Karate Kid/Cobra Kai
Characters: Jimmy, Jenny Parker
Rating: G
Word Count: 505
Note(s): Set in the universe of my fic, Never Knew. Jenny is technically canon, but thus far, is an unseen/unheard character that has no personality in the one episode she is mentioned in. I came up with her personality and faceclaim for my story.
Jimmy opens the front door, home from work. The aroma of cinnamon, brown sugar, nutmeg, ginger, and cloves is all around.  The smell leads him to the kitchen.  He notices that the countertops are covered in pans, pumpkins, cans of pumpkin puree, open vials of spices, egg cartons, and bags of flour and salt.  Three pies sit on cooling racks.
He sees Jenny right in the middle of it, mixing eggs, flour, and salt for homemade pie crust.  Her red curls are pulled back into a ponytail, but fighting to escape.  She has splotches of flour and pumpkin covering her face and apron.  His wife is so focused that she hasn’t noticed that he’s in the room.
Jimmy walks up behind her, wrapping his arms around her.  Jenny startles, letting out a cry.  Feeling guilty, Jimmy loosens his embrace.  Jenny turns to face him.
“I’m sorry, my love.”
Jenny reaches up to caress his cheek.  “It’s alright.  I guess I was in the zone.”
“Clearly,” Jimmy smiles at her.  His lips touch hers in a brief kiss.  He’s certain he has flour on him now, but can’t bring himself to care.  “It’s’ just us this year; why’d you bake so many pumpkin pies?”
Jenny sighs.  “After the miscarriage, I know I said I didn’t want to be around our families for Thanksgiving.  And I don’t, no offense to them.  But I feel useless or like a failure.”
“You’re not,” Jimmy insists vehemently. 
Jenny gives him a small smile and kisses him in thanks.  “I’m not up to going back to work yet, but I just can’t sit or lie down anymore and do nothing.  So, I’m stress-baking.  We were stocked up on ingredients before we canceled on the families.  And we still had Halloween pumpkins that I didn’t want to go bad.  So, pumpkin pies, it is.”
Jimmy nods.  “It looks like you’ve still got a few to go.  Need some help?”
Jenny smiles brighter than before.  “Always.”  She points to the three pies on cooling racks.   “Those should be cool enough to go into the fridge.”
Jimmy pulls away.  “Done.”  He walks over to the pies, admiring Jenn’s handiwork.  “I love the autumn leaves made of pie crust.”
“Thank you,” she replies.
Jimmy opens the refrigerator, placing the pies in one by one.  “With as many as you are making, we might run out of room in here,  And that’s taking into account the eggs used to make them.”
“So, we’ll freeze some for us.  And once some of these have cooled properly, we’ll hand some out to the neighbors.  How does that sound?”
Jimmy nods.  “That works.  I think I’ve got an additional solution.  Bobby is helping run an outreach program at his church.  We can give him some of these pumpkin pies to feed the homeless and needy families.”
Jenny clasps her hands together.  “Oh, Jimmy that sounds perfect!  Go call Bobby and let him know.  Then you can get back in here and help me bake more.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Jimmy grins.
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Doctor Who & Related Fandoms Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Original Characters Additional Tags: Halloween Challenge, Prompt Fill, Candy, Fluff, Sickfic, Sick Character, Halloween Costumes, Father-Daughter Relationship, Bribery Series: Part 20 of Prompt-oween 2023 Summary:
David bribes Molly with Halloween candy.
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Prompt-oween Day 20
Prompt: *holds up one bag of Halloween candy* “This is for the trick or treaters” *holds up 2 more bags* “This is for us!”
Fandom: Doctor Who/The Sarah Jane Adventures
Characters: OCs David and Molly Yates
Rating: G
Word Count: 400
Summary: David bribes Molly with Halloween candy.
Molly stood in the living room, dressed in her ladybug costume holding a McDonald’s Boo Bucket.
David sighed and shook his head.  “Molly, go back to your room and take that off.”
“But it’s Halloween!” she protested.
He gave her a stern look.  “You heard what the doctor said.  You’ve got the flu.  You’ve got to stay home until at least twenty-four hours after your fever has gone.  That means no trick-or-treating for you, kiddo.”
“But, Daddy, I feel fine!”
David took her mask off and felt her forehead.  It still seemed warm to him.  He went to the bathroom.  When he returned, he held up the thermometer.  “Alright, let’s check your temperature then.  Open your mouth.”
Molly allowed him to stick the tip of the thermometer under her tongue.  She closed her lips around it, holding it still.  After what felt like forever to her, the thermometer beeped.
David took it out and read the results.  He held it out for her to look at.  “See that?  One hundred degrees.  Sorry, my darling girl, but you’re staying in tonight.”
Molly’s face fell.  Tears started streaming down her face.  David hated how pitiful she looked.  He went into the kitchen to clean the thermometer.
When David returned he was carrying three bags of candy.  Molly still hadn’t moved.  He held up one bag of Halloween candy.  It was a bag of Tootsie Rolls, Tootsie Pops, Dots, and Fruit Chews.  Some of the worst kinds of candy, Molly thought.
“This is for the trick-or-treaters.”
She sulked at him.  She felt like her father was rubbing it in her face that she couldn’t go.
Then David held up the other two bags.  Hershey’s dark chocolate bars and Trolli gummy worms.  Her favorites.  “This is for us.”
Molly perked up.
“But you have to listen to me.  Go put your PJs on.  Rest up while I make you a cup of tea and then fix dinner.  Then if you’re feeling up to it, we might have some candy and watch one of the movies I rented for you.”
Molly’s expression brightened.  “Really?”
He nodded.
“What movies?”
“Hocus Pocus and The Nightmare Before Christmas,” David informed her.  He must be going soft.  He broke down and picked them up while she was sleeping the day before, knowing that she wouldn’t take the trick-or-treating news well.
Molly took off to her room.
“Oi!  No running!”
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