#jenny parker
fireflysparks · 1 month
The Parker House: Part 3
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I followed Jenny through the living room and into the dining room. It had a long table set with ten elegant chairs. Fancy paintings and other ornate decorations hung on the walls, along with some framed family photos.
I could see the kitchen through the archway, where my Mom and Mrs. Parker were chatting. A door opened to my left, and I felt my heart jump strangely.
I turned. Coming out of one of the two doors along the left wall of the dining room was a guy with messy brown hair and glasses. Our eyes met, and I felt the most intense sensation in my chest. It was like feeling the electricity between Jenny and Dominic again.
Except worse. Much worse.
Because this feeling was completely mine.
~ Magic Inc. Book One
Just off of the dining room is the portal room. (Represented by a fountain here. 😆) This makes for an easy link between the house and the Magic Inc. office building. As well as a way for far-off family to pop in.
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I heard a couple of boys come into the room behind me. I only turned to look at them when Dominic spoke. “Do you think this is the bathroom?”
I glanced at where he was going and shouted out in alarm – “No!” – just as he pushed down on the handle.
The door was locked. Dominic and his friends looked at me like I was crazy.
I swallowed and pointed towards the kitchen. “Um, it’s just through there.”
“Okay…” Dominic headed into the kitchen, still frowning. His friends snickered as they went back into the living room. I scolded myself. Of course the Parkers would keep their portal room locked during the party.
~ Magic Inc. Book One
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The Parker house also has a music room, which I'm not sure will ever get mentioned in the books. 😅 But it exists! This very musically-inclined family would, of course, have a piano. This room, unlike most of the others, is way too crowded to actually use in game! I might try to fix this at some point.
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Prompt-oween Day 5
Prompt: “I bought toilet paper and eggs! Those assholes aren't home. Let’s go!” “I’m pretty sure this is grounds for an annulment.”
Fandom: The Karate Kid/Cobra Kai
Characters: Jimmy, Jenny Parker
Rating: G
Word Count: 456
Note(s): Set in the universe of my fic, Never Knew. Jenny is technically canon, but thus far, is an unseen/unheard character that has no personality in the one episode she is mentioned in. I came up with her personality and faceclaim for my story.
It was Jimmy and Jenny’s first Halloween as a married couple.  They were happy in their new home.  The only problem was some of their neighbors: an uptight elderly couple who were constantly on power trips.
Donald and Marjorie Blanchard were in charge of the Home Owner’s Association.  They constantly made their neighbors’ lives hell.  Their latest crime was attempting to ban trick-or-treating.
“I can’t believe this!” Jimmy exclaims, reading the latest HOA newsletter.
“I know.  It’s supposed to be a good, safe neighborhood for kids,” Jenny says.  “That’s why we chose it, for our future family.”
“What kind of people hate kids so much that they’ll force them out of the neighborhood?  I swear, the HOA rules weren’t this strict when we first looked at the house,” Jimmy replies.
Jenny comes inside from weeding in her garden.  The Blanchard-run HOA complained and threatened fines because of the weeds.  It’s not Jenny’s fault that the school kept her busy this past week.
Jenny walks into the kitchen to wash the dirt off her hands and arms.  She hears the front door open and slam shut.
“Kitchen,” she calls to her husband.
Jimmy rushes in, carrying shopping bags.  He has a wild look in his blue eyes.  “I bought toilet paper and eggs! Those assholes aren't home. Let’s go!”
Jenny blinks.  He can’t seriously be planning on what he was implying.  It has to be a joke.  She folds her arms, smirking.  “I’m pretty sure this is grounds for an annulment.”
Jimmy sets the bags down on the white countertop.  He stares at her, confused.  “On what grounds?  We were both single, unmarried and over the age of eighteen.  I didn’t trick or manipulate you into anything.  And we were both of sound mind when we entered into it.  We’ve also consummated over marriage several times.”
Jenny laughs, which confuses her husband even more.  She walks over to him, putting her arms around him.  Jenny kisses his forehead.  “See, I knew that would snap you out of it.  Darling, have you been drinking?  Perhaps, in the company of Johnny, Tommy, or Dutch?”
“Yeah,” he admits.
“And was Bobby there?”
Jimmy shakes his head.
Jenny nods.  “I thought that might be the case.  Sweetheart, you’re a lawyer.  Don’t go committing acts of vandalism, despite how much Donald and Marjorie deserve it.  You’re not a delinquent or a degenerate.  Why don’t we get some of the other neighbors together and talk?  I’m sure we’re not the only ones upset about the trick-or-treating ban.  Or the other petty complaints and targeting by Donald and Marjorie.  And I’m sure that you, my handsome lawyer, can find a legal way to stop them.”
Jenny closes her argument by kissing him deeply.
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novelmonger · 4 months
The ask game: do you have pics of your ocs to share? C:
So you may have seen my post about it yesterday, but yes, I do! I can't draw myself, so I'm reliant on other people making fanart for me ^^'
My dear friend @sergeanttomycaptain has drawn several pics of my favorite OC, Jake Rogers (Steve's son in the Captain America AU I'm working on):
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Just look at that cutie pie! >3<
I also have a couple older pics people made for a couple FMA OCs of mine. I wish I could find links to the artist's pages, but it's been over 10 years and deviantART is a scary place to try to navigate now ._.
So here is fanart of my OC Jenny Parker, who is Edward Elric's secretary when he grows up and rejoins the military (art by windrider01):
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And then I have a couple of an OC I'm still rather fond of, Emily Atwater, whom I created specifically to pair her off with Alphonse Elric (art by HolyCowWorshipper):
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(We started from the same point, then went off separately and created our own OCs to pair up with Al, so they're really similar in some ways but drastically different in others. Emily is the one on the right.)
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(This one's a little anachronistic, because Emily doesn't actually meet Al until after he gets his body back. But she captured Emily perfectly, so I don't mind ^_^)
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simwoman2002 · 8 months
I miss your Adventure in Babysitting fics! I was wondering if you Lola and Jenny with, *indistinguishable squeaky noises from A* B: *barely breathing* "You're crushing me!" I just miss them so much!
Thank you so, so much for this request! I've really missed writing for these two, so it was super awesome to finally have another request for them 🥰💗
Here's the link to the fic! Please feel free to send in more of these! I'm really enjoying writing them! 💖
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encantedits · 1 year
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𖤐 like/reblog if you save or like it.
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fireflystimeline · 2 years
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Writing the faerie tale was one of my favorite parts of Book One. In Book Two, we start to see it come to life, with Jenny as the princess. Jenny is absolutely in love with this role. Finally, she's able to shine in the spotlight. Singing, dancing, and acting. Magic Inc. Book One & Book Two (Synchronicity) are now available in both print and ebook! More Info here! ❤️
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snifsnoof · 1 year
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baseketball doodles
(theyre having a party and theyre having LOTS of fun😎)
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matter-spring · 12 hours
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fireflysparks · 2 months
Jenny Parker
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Jenny Parker is Jane's best friend and Chaz's little sister. She's pretty and popular. She's bold and sometimes harsh with her opinions. She wants to be famous. Acting, singing, anything that gets her into the spotlight.
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Extroverted Jenny is constantly dragging (often literally) Jane out of her tiny introverted shell, with both good and bad results. To Jane, Jenny is the ideal of what girls would like to be, and she often finds herself living through Jenny's experiences as if they were her own.
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Jenny's family used to travel more, and she resents being stuck in the "little nothing valley" they live in now. When Jenny is bored during the summer, Jane tells her a story for entertainment. A faerie tale that inspires Jenny to try to get The Magic Channel to make into a miniseries. It could be her big break.
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Prompt-oween Day 8
Prompt: "Can we do ugly sweaters for Halloween too or is that just Christmas?"
Fandom: The Karate Kid/Cobra Kai
Characters: Jimmy, Jenny, OCs Jesse Parker, Alyssa Morgan-Parker
Rating: G
Word Count: 520
Summary: Jesse chooses alternate spooky season apparel after deciding he's too old for costumes and trick-or-treating.
Jimmy and his wife were on the planning committee for the annual neighborhood Halloween party.  They are throwing out ideas to each other that they may present to the committee.
“Hey, Mom?  Dad?”
Jimmy and Jenny look up to see Jesse in the family room.  Jenny smiles at their middle son.
“What is it, sweetheart?” she asks.
Jesse perches on the end of the sectional.  “I’m too old for trick-or-treating,” he states.
Jenny frowns.  She knows how much the boys love the holiday.  They always have and the twins still do.  Jenny wonders if someone said something to Jesse to make him think this.  “Honey, we don’t really have age restrictions here.”
Jesse sighs.  “I know, but trick-or-treating is for little kids.  I’m not one anymore.  I mean, I still love Halloween, but I think I’ve grown out of that part.”
“Okay,” Jimmy replies.  “How do you want to celebrate Halloween?”
“Keep in mind, you can still buy and wear a costume, either at the neighborhood party, Knott’s Spooky Farm, Disney, or at school,” Jenny assures her son.
“Well, as long as the costume is compliant with the LAUSD’s rules,” Jimmy grumbles.
“Maybe,” Jesse says uncertainly.  “Speaking of the neighborhood Halloween party, I’ve been thinking… Can we do ugly sweaters for Halloween too, or is that just Christmas?”
Jimmy pretends to be offended.  “Are you calling my Christmas sweaters ugly?”
“No,” Jesse shakes his head.  But the way he drags out the last syllable is unconvincing.  “Well, not all of them,” he amends.
Jenny laughs.  “You know what, Jesse, I think you have a great idea there.  There are some funny, tacky Halloween sweaters out there, just like at Christmas.  And if people don’t want to dress up or spend money on costumes, they can still show their spooky season spirit.”
The neighborhood party was set for the Saturday before Halloween.  Jimmy insists that before they head out, they take a family picture.
“Do we have to?” Alyssa whines.  “I can’t believe you’ve got me wearing this,” she gestures to the pastel lavender, pink, and green sweater with black witch hats, ghosts, moons, cats, and gravestones printed on it along with the black, wide-brimmed witch hat.  “It’s bad enough that I’m going out in public like this.  Don’t torture me further with photographic proof of my humiliation.”
Jimmy pats her back.  “Sorry, sweetheart, but you’ll just have to get over it.”
“I think you look nice,” Jesse smiles sweetly at his sister.  His red hair clashes with the garish orange jack-o’lantern sweater.
She glares at them both.
“Okay, that’s enough, you two.  Let’s just take a quick picture and we can head out,” Jenny cuts in.  She has her red curls pinned up like Winifred Sanderson, which pairs nicely with her officially licensed sweater depicting the Hocus Pocus witch.
Jayden is the first to pose, happy with his orange and black pumpkin patch sweater.  The twins stand in the back, wearing zombie face makeup and Beetlejuice and skeleton sweaters, respectively.  Jimmy uses a selfie stick to ensure that he, Jenn, and all five kids are in frame.
“Alyssa, smile.”
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simwoman2002 · 8 months
Hey! I'm happy you are opening requests. I hope you are doing well. If you can, could you write"You're my little oven" with Mal and Evie.
Hi! I just posted a new multifandom fic with these Hug and Cuddle prompts on AO3. Here's the link to the fic! I hope you enjoy! 🥰
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fireflystimeline · 2 years
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Jane and Jenny are very different, but they are united in wanting to make Jane’s faerie tale into a show for The Magic Channel. Jane is perfectly happy to let Jenny be the star of the show. To glow in the spotlight that makes Jane want to hide away. But maybe she's getting a little tired of constantly being in Jenny’s shadow in their daily life. Maybe, in some tiny part of her, she wants to know what it's like to glow, too. Magic Inc. Book One & Book Two (Synchronicity) are now available in both print and ebook! More Info here! ❤️
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firm-moment-bill · 19 days
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activity-however-pm · 1 month
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