#oh and: sugar??? sugar instead of the candle????
critterbitter · 5 months
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Blitzle let that inner zebra slip for a second. The children are terrified. Litwick’s impressed. Truly the start to a terrible friendship.
(Bonus doodle under cut!)
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haha thinking about ingo and litwick again…
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dr3c0mix · 6 months
My Lovely Melody
Yandere!Rockstar x GN!Reader
CW: yandere is a playboy before he meets reader, suggestive (creepy) thoughts, minor obsessive behaviour
🎸 Axel's been in many relationships with both men and women alike, but all of his little flings felt nothing more than that, just flings.
🎸 And he was content with it, I mean being a famous rockstar meant lots of people wanting a chance with you and he indulged in that fact.
🎸 He could sleep with whoever he wanted, whenever he wanted, and he wouldn't have to deal with the commitment that comes with dating or any of that messy stuff.
🎸 So why the hell can't stop thinking about you ?!?!?!!
🎸 He scratched his head trying to make sense of it, his messy hair getting even more ruffled as he tries to get the image of your smile out of his head.
🎸 You were in a miscellaneous store full of alt clothing, trinkets and various other stuff when he walked in with his bandmates.
🎸 It was fairly normal when he came in the store. It was dim with some random punk song playing faintly in the background. His friends started exploring, looking at the graphic t-shirts and mugs shaped like skulls and the like.
🎸 He got a bit bored and wandered to the other side of the store. It had posters, candles and..who's that?
🎸 There you were, staring longingly at a plush toy sitting on one of the shelves, just standing there.
🎸 He didn't think much of it, probably just some person baked out of their mind. "Hey buddy, you doin' good?"
🎸 You snap out of your gaze and look at the big hulking man in front of you. You stutter out an apology and explain your little misfortune.
🎸 "So you want this..toy...but you can't afford it..?" He raises a brow at you as you nod, making him chuckle.
🎸 He thought for a moment, looking at the stuffed creature, well it wouldn't hurt to buy it for you, he's pretty well off from all the gigs and concerts he's been in so...
🎸 "How 'bout I buy this thing for ya then? But you owe me~" He winks, thinking he could score some quick sex for being such a 'gentleman'
🎸 But no, instead of a blush or a knowing smirk, you just looked at him with the widest, most innocent eyes he's ever seen, you were practically shaking with joy as he said it.
🎸 You thanked him profusely before listing off things you could do in return, treating him to some food, buying something for him in return, plain paying him back..he was a bit surprised.
🎸 "O-oh...uhm that was a joke heheh, y-you don't have to do all that babe..." He blushes.
🎸 The two of you head to the cashier, his friends spying from behind the aisles as his gaze is locked on the little ball of cuteness beside him.
🎸 Seriously? Did you even know who he was? This has never happened before...most of the time, he would pay for someone's drink or something and they'd be on his dick in seconds, but you, you were so..different...it felt nice..
🎸 You didn't even get it in a bag, you immediately took the plush after it was paid and hugged it close.
🎸 so cute so cute so cute so cute so cute!!!
🎸 "Hey uh..so me and my buds are in a band and uhm..wanna maybe..watch our next gig?" He asks nervously, he's never been so shy towards anyone!!
🎸 You agree, thinking it's the least you could do for what he did for you.
🎸 You take out your phone, Axel can't help but grin at the case, it was cute, like you~..
🎸 "Here's my number if..you need it.." You smile at him, that smile..that damn cute smile...you had his heart wrapped around your finger at this point.
🎸 "Th-thanks sugar..I'll see you there.." He smiles back as you part ways, he heads back to his friends who were bombarding him with questions as he watches you skip out of the store with your new little soft friend.
🎸 That night, he was getting ready for the show when he got a message notification and sees that you sent a picture of the show from one of the seats with some text "Good luck out there!"
🎸 His face was on fire as he realized you were there, he peeks out in the crowd and there you were, your little plush toy in tow.
🎸 You look so out of place from the people in spiky jewelry and dark outfits, you were just in a hoodie and baggy pants, albeit the hoodie had a MCR design on it, but you can tell it was very soft compared to the rest of the audience.
🎸 Finally it was time for the show to begin and it was the most passionate he's been in a while, it seemed as if the words he was singing were dedicated to you and you alone.
🎸 The little glances at you made you giddy, like a friend seeing their bestie perform, you were cheering excitedly for him, not in a fangirly way, but one of genuine support and amazement.
🎸 After the performance, Axel tried finding you, but the crowd was too big and he assumed you must have left already.
🎸 Wait..why is he being so buddy buddy with you? You just met today! It's not like you two were best friends or anything!
🎸 He tried dismissing the thought of you, tried distracting himself by flirting with other people, but he could only think about you, and making you smile like that again..
🎸 no no no! get out of my head!
🎸 Maybe a little fling can ease his mind?
🎸 Even on his bed with some random girl after show, he can still think of you.
🎸 Would your skin be as soft? or maybe softer? How would your hair smell? He bets your moans would sound delicious..
🎸 shit FUCK!!
🎸 Even after his one night stand, he kept thinking of you
🎸 He stares at your messages, you sent a lot of pictures of your plush toy doing goofy things to him, so cute..so silly...he can't help but smile.
🎸 He decides to look you up on social media and..
🎸 Wait a minute...you make music too?
yep this was a bit short but idk man i love making you guys suffer <3 stay tuned for part 2 (i am actually out of ideas guys please request me please please ple-)
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bluelockmaniac · 3 months
baking disaster (ft. itoshi sae)
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synopsis: you try to persuade your boyfriend into making cookies with you, but he's not the best baker.
cw: lots of fluff!! mentions of making out, i think sae slaps your butt once
author's note: i literally had to watch a cookie tutorial to make this fic because if baking were a sport, i'd definitely be on the bench permanently. so, i apologize to all bakers out there.
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here you were, sitting on the couch next to your boyfriend, desperately clinging onto his chest as he fixates his bored gaze at what he called a 'pathetic excuse' of a football match. the only somewhat affectionate gesture he's giving you is an unexciting arm slung carelessly around your shoulder.
while sae was in practice, you had dedicated two hours dolling yourself up; attending to every little detail of your appearance carefully. you even lit a few vanilla-scented candles in the living room to romanticize the atmosphere, all in order to have a fun date night and bake cookies together. so, why have you spent the last thirty minutes attempting to convince him to follow through with your plans?
"sae," you whine softly, deliberately pressing more of your body against him as you bat your eyelashes pleadingly in an attempt to get his attention, and hopefully change his mind.
"pleasee, just this once! bake chocolate chip cookies with me!"
he cocks his head subtly, looking over at you with half-lidded eyes. "i told you already, darling. i can't bake for shit."
"i know you're probably more likely to start a kitchen fire than bake a decent cookie, but that's why i'm here!"
you look up at him lovingly as his hand travels to your cheek, giving it a light squeeze.
"if that's what it takes to shut you up, then i guess i'll make these lukewarm cookies."
he quickly plants a chaste kiss on your lips as the trace of a very unnoticeable—yet unmistakable— smirk appears on his mouth.
in the kitchen, you rolled up your sleeves and gestured towards the pantry and cabinets, instructing sae to look for the dry ingredients with a rather authoritative tone.
"sae, find the flour, baking soda, and salt. they should be in there somewhere."
he rolls his eyes and gives your ass a light slap, "when'd you get so bossy, pretty?"
you giggle as he disappears into the pantry, turning your attention to the bowl on the counter. with determination, you begin to vigorously beat the soft butter and the brown and white sugar together until it formed a chunky mixture.
"y/n," you hear your boyfriend's frustrated voice call out as he walks closer to you with a displeased expression. "i can't find the ingredients, where'd you even bury them?"
"oh sweetheart," rolling your eyes with a mocking grin tugging on your lips, you teasingly smack his chest and enter the pantry, effortlessly locating the loathsome ingredients that caused your lovely boyfriend's annoyance. "you really couldn't find the ingredients that were practically screaming their location? how lukewa—"
"cute, i meant cute!" you defend yourself with a wholehearted laugh, unaware of the genuine smile forming on sae's lips as he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear (his smile quickly dissipated into a more subtle one once you turned towards him).
"sae, get me two eggs... in the fridge."
he lets out a soft sigh and places them on the counter, looking at you for further instruction. "well?"
you shake your head, feigning disappointment as your hand finds its way to your forehead.
"crack the eggs, silly,"
"oh, right..."
"and make sure to do it gentl—"
sae slams the egg on the counter with an unnecessarily excessive force, sending shells and egg whites flying everywhere across the kitchen.
"oh. oops." he says blankly, staring at the slimy mess in his hands— and the counter. he looks over to you expecting to be scolded, but is instead greeted with your loud laughter, your banging fists assaulting the poor counter.
"seriously sae...haha...ha... what did you expect would happen??"
he glances away in embarrassment and quickly washes his hands. "shut up."
"it's okay, love, you can try aga—"
"—thought so. okay, i'll do it, can you measure half a teaspoon of salt? the measuring cups are over there."
you point somewhere in the kitchen as you turn your attention back to the bowl, cracking two eggs and adding vanilla extract into the mixture.
"baby, let's mix the dry ingredients now!"
you say excitedly as sae appears behind you, placing his hands on your waist as he gently kisses your neck.
without you noticing, your boyfriend scoops a handful of flour. "y/n."
when you turn around, unsuspecting, he brings his hands close to your face and blows the flour from his hands, dusting your cheeks and nose with the powdery residue.
"what the— sae!" you were caught completely off guard at his playful and not so sae-coded gesture, and after seeing him laugh—a rare sight to behold—you couldn't help but break into laughter as well (his laugh is very contagious).
"you look adorable,"
he teases, caging you against the kitchen counter with his strong limbs, preventing you from returning his pleasant surprise.
"heyy, that's not fair!" you huff in annoyance as you squirm around his arms.
"life's not fair, mi amor."
after (a small session of making out), you instruct sae to mix the flour, salt, and baking soda—which he does uncooperatively— you mix combine the powdery compound with the wet mixture.
"alrightt, time for the fun part!" you exclaim cheerfully, lightly smacking the bag of chocolate chips against his chest as you stare at his powder-covered face. a few moments ago, while you were making out, your flour-dusted hands left many imprints on his cheeks. "i'll add the amount you want because you look adorable."
he rolls his eyes, an irritating smirk ghosting over his mouth as he attempts to brush away the lingering flour from his face. "hm. then don't add too mu—"
"on second thought, your charm won't sway me into accepting your very absurd demand— they're chocolate chip cookies, sae, not classic cookies!" you protest, pouring in a bit more than a cup of chocolate chips into the batter, meeting his gaze with a proud, cheeky smile as he sighs and raises his hands in defeat.
"you're a brat."
you sit on the kitchen counter, a proud smile on your lips as you watch him awkwardly roll the chocolate chip dough into imperfect little spheres, then place them onto the baking tray in a slightly messy arrangement. you had managed to persuade him after telling him they would resemble miniature soccer balls, and now looking at his attentive features, you couldn't help but snap a few pictures to treasure this moment.
giggling softly, you affectionately ruffle his hair, teasing, "i've never seen you so focused on anything other than soccer, handsome."
he huffs and presses his lips together before giving you a light nudge. "you brought out my hidden talent."
"pftt. yeah. talent." you snort mockingly, running your hand soothingly up and down his back.
rolling his eyes, he pushes the baking tray in your direction, a faint pout on his lips, "oh, be quiet."
you carefully place the tray in the oven before joining him in the living room, where he immediately plops down onto the couch. attempting to squeeze in beside him, you gently nudge him, "sae, move over," but he looks at you lazily and shrugs, "just lay on the other couch or something."
puffing out your cheeks in frustration, you chose to lay on his chest instead. without hesitation, he quickly pulls you closer by the waist, snuggling you warmly as his hands find their way to your ass.
fifteen minutes later, you cautiously remove the tray from the oven (sae didn't remove it because he was scared of the heat radiating from the oven) and set it on the counter to cool, your eyes sparkling with excitement as you lean against your boyfriend. "baby, don't they look delicious?" you ask eagerly, impatiently tapping your fingers against the marble surface. "meh," he replied nonchalantly, purposely trying to annoy you.
"okay pretty boy, you taste it first," you say with a short giggle, offering sae a cookie near his mouth. hesitantly, he takes a bite. with soon-to-be misconceived pride, you optimistically ask, "soo, how does it tas—" your words trail off as he spits the cookie into the trash, his face contorting in disgust. "blegh,"
you were caught off guard, and rolled your eyes in disappointment, "oh come on, sae. it can't be that bad," you say confidently, taking a daring bite of the cookie in an attempt to prove him wrong. however, this fleeting confidence immediately turns into regret as you gag and hurriedly spit it into the trash. "ew, what the fuck?" you choke in disgust, reaching for two glasses and hastily fill them with water. you pass one to sae and quickly chug down the water to wash away the unpleasant taste.
"why is it so salty?" you ask in confusion, closing your eyes as you ponder in thought. you suddenly notice your boyfriend's uncharacteristic type of silence, watching how he presses his lips together and avoids meeting your gaze. there is definitely a subtle hint of guilt in those narrowed teal eyes fixated on the baking tray of cookies. your eyes widen in realization, "wait a minute," you begin, connecting his behaviour with your growing suspicion.
"sae, show me the measuring cup you used to measure the salt,"
"...it's over there," your eyes follow his finger, and eventually settle on the culprit responsible for the cookie failure—the measuring cup sitting innocently on the kitchen counter.
you smack your forehead at the comical mistake sae had made, then turn to look at him. he was still trying to avoid your eyes, but eventually sighs and meets your gaze awkwardly.
"sweetheart, that's a 1/4 cup, not half a teaspoon! that's about eleven teaspoons too many!" you say shaking your head with amusement.
he runs the back of his neck as he yet again focuses his eyes on something else,
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late at night, you two are cozily draped over the couch, wrapped in each other's arms. sae had ordered takeout to make amends for the baking mishap— although he stubbornly claimed "it was deliberate— to enhance the flavour,". despite the cookie baking failure, you enjoyed you and your boyfriend's special bonding in the kitchen. you wished the next time you two baked together, it would turn out a success.
"don't wanna. also, why am i rolling the dough on your lock screen wallpaper?"
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thank you for reading! comments appreciated :)
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strniohoeee · 6 months
ok sorry !! it was so cute basically
everytime the triplets invite reader to sleepover she sleeps with nick but one night she can't sleep and is hungry so she goes to their kitchen and decides to bake some cookies and matt has always been up playing on his computer when he smells her baking so he goes to the kitchen and sees her smiling while decorating the sweets and he falls more in love watching her with chocolate and flour on her face and in her pjs, you continue the story
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Y/N can’t sleep and decides she could go for some cookies. But what happens when Matt meets her in the moonlight?🌕
Warnings⚠️: CUTE AS SHITTTT BYE😭😭 I loved writing this. I love writing cute imagines it’s my favorite🧡
Song for the imagine: You Really Got A Hold On Me- The Miracles
Don’t wanna kiss you, but I need to
My love is strong now
You really got a hold on me
You really got a hold on me
4 hours, 15 minutes and 23 seconds I have been up staring at Nick's ceiling. But who’s counting? Am I right? The thoughts running around in my head. I hated overthinking while laying in bed. It made me annoyed. I just wanted some shut eye
Other than overthinking the constant gurgle of my stomach also kept me up. I really should’ve ate dinner, but I stood up editing my YouTube video instead. I turned over and shut my eyes
My stomach immediately gurgled. My eyes shot open and I let out an annoyed huff of air. I removed the sheets from my body, and stood up
I slid on my slippers by the door and quietly walked out, gently shutting the door behind me. I walked down the mid floor, and all the lights were off and there was no sound. Perfect, everyone's asleep.
I turned the kitchen light on, but soon realized it was too bright. I quickly lit the 8 candles they had laying around their house, and shut the kitchen light off.
There was also the glow of a streetlight and the moon coming through the kitchen window, so it was the perfect amount of light.
I opened the fridge to see what I could find, but to my surprise they had eaten all my food I left. I hung my head and shook it, and then opened the freezer to see nothing as well. Jesus, how did they survive? Not a morsel of food in this kitchen.
Suddenly I remembered I got ingredients to make cookies for a challenge we were supposed to film, but never did.
I opened the top cabinet and grabbed the flour, sugar, chocolate chips, non-stick spray and vanilla extract and placed them on their kitchen counter.
I walked over to the fridge and grabbed the butter, milk and eggs also placing them on the counter.
Making chocolate chip cookies at 4am was not on my agenda, but I really needed something to eat, and it was nice to have some alone time baking.
I had mixed all the ingredients up, and preheated the oven. After rolling the cookies into small pieces I placed them on the tray and slid them in the oven. They needed about 20 minutes to cook.
While waiting I decided to clean up. I genuinely didn’t realize how messy it was to make things from scratch. There was flour and sugar and egg yolk everywhere. Not to mention I was covered in flour and melted chocolate chips that got stuck to me.
After cleaning up I sat at the dining table, and waited for the cookies to finish baking. Once they were done I took them out to cool down and placed them on the table. Getting excited at how perfect they looked.
I hadn’t realized Matt stopped in the kitchen till he cleared his throat.
“Hi Matt, I’m sorry did I wake you?” I said in a whisper
“Oh no. I was up playing video games, but I kept hearing noise out here I thought I was going crazy” he said shuffling over to the table and sitting across from me
“Sorry I was trying to be as quiet as possible” I said looking at him
“No that’s alright, what’s with the candles?” He said laughing a bit
“Well I didn’t want to wake anyone with the kitchen light, so I decided on candles” I said
“Ahh I see” he said nodding his head
“Want a cookie? I made them fresh. I was so hungry and couldn’t sleep, so I decided to bake” I said smiling at him
“I can tell” he said pointing at his face
I touched my face and felt the reminisce of flour on my cheeks, chin and nose
“Oh my god how embarrassing” I said wiping my face off
“Lets try your homemade cookies” he said reaching over and grabbing a cookie
Taking a bite and looking over at me nodding his head
“These are so fucking good” he said swallowing
“You think so?” I said smiling and leaning up getting excited
“Very good, you should bake more often” he replied
“Thanks Matt” I said smiling and tilting my head
“Want something to drink?” I asked scooting back from the chair
“Oh sure, but I can get it” he said getting ready to get up
“No, don't worry!” I said waving my hand at him
I opened the fridge, and saw they only had soda and water…..
“I guess no milk and cookies for you” I said looking over my shoulder
“That’s okay, I’ll take water” he said grabbing another cookie
I poured him some water and walked back over to him sliding the glass his way.
“Thank you” he said nodding his head at me
“Well I have to do these dishes now” I said
“I’ll help you” he replied
“Oh no don’t worry about it” I said
“It’s fine I don’t mind” he said scooting back from the table
I had washed the dishes as he stood next to me drying them. Occasionally engaging in conversations
“The full moon is so pretty” I said looking out the window above the sink
“It’s so pretty isn’t it” he said looking at me
“Very” I replied offering him a small smile
It got quiet as I continued to wash their dishes occasionally looking up at the moon.
“I wonder what it would be like out there” I said
“Out where?” Matt asked
“Out in space, and on the moon. I picture it would be freezing” I said
“I think it would be dark, cold and probably hard to breathe” he said laughing
“That’s true I suppose, I don’t know I just wonder what life would be like on another planet” I said to him
“You’re a interesting character” he said to me grabbing the cup from my hand
“We’re all a little strange…..I myself am strange and unusual” I said to him in a whisper
“Caramel” he said back
“What?” I said laughing a bit
“Your eyes remind me of caramel swirls when the light hits them. Makes me wonder what life looks like through them” he said back in a whisper looking at the moon
“And I’m the interesting character” I said bumping his shoulder with mine
“I was trying to level with you” he said smiling while looking down at the pan he was drying
“Your eyes remind me of the moon….cold, bright……invigorating” I said the last part in a whisper
Matt’s eyes slowly looked up before he turned and looked at me. Our eyes telling each other stories as they twinkled in the lighting
“You really got a hold on me” Matt said
I smiled at this, and pulled him in by his shirt. Crashing our lips together in a sweet and tender kiss like the ones you see in the movies.
We pulled away from one another looking into each other's eyes and smiling like children.
“You can quote my favorite song, and not expect me to fall even more in love with you” I replied handing him the last dish for him to dry
“You make me fall deeper everyday” he whispered as he finished drying the dish and placing it in the cabinet
I smiled at this, and we packed the rest of the cookies away.
I started blowing out the candles and he stopped me.
“Let’s take two to my room, so we can sit in the candle light” he said
“You’re such a romantic” I said giggling
“You bring it out of me” he replied blushing
I grabbed the last two candles and we headed to his room. Placing them both on his night stand while we laid in his bed
His left arm under my neck as I leaned back on him. Lifting my right hand to let the moonlight light up my skin. His hand came up to mine, interlocking them.
I looked over at him to see him already looking at me. We both leaned in and our lips connected yet again for another passionate kiss.
After pulling away we talked some more, and slowly the candle started to blow out as our eyes got heavy.
“Let’s blow the candles out and go to sleep” I said looking over at Matt
“Okay” he said pulling his arm from under me to lift his sheets down
When I turned over my eyes caught the names of the candle, and a smile grew on my face
The first candle read ‘Sweet Love’ and the second candle read ‘Under the Moonlight’…….what a scary coincidence
“Matt look at the candles” I said before blowing them out
He read them and his eyes lit up, and looked over at me
“We’re meant to be” he said blushing
“I guess we are” I giggled and blew the candles out
Matt pulled me in closer, and let sleep consume us.
He really had a hold on me……
The End
I hopeeee you guys enjoyed this especially for whoever requested this! I loveddddd writing this. It got me all sad and shit with my hopeless romantic self😭😭. Love yallll🥹🖤🖤
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mncxbe · 6 months
Hi, it's my birthday next week, so may I please request Bram, Tetchou, Sigma and Ranpo celebrating their s/o's birthday with them (could be anything.. from headcanons to scenarios to oneshots and from fluff to smut, I don't mind)? No rush, take your time, please!
omg happy early birthday nonnie��� and ofc I loved writing these hcs hope u like it too. I was planning to do smth lengthier but I got caught up with work and couldn't buuut enjoy♡♡
Spending your birthday with them♡
𝑩𝒓𝒂𝒎, 𝑺𝒊𝒈𝒎𝒂, 𝑻𝒆𝒄𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒖, 𝑹𝒂𝒏𝒑𝒐 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: fluff♡
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"Ah, birthdays. I've had plenty of those"
he's not really sure how people celebrate anniversaries now, so he has to ask Aya about it
his original plan was to organize a big feast for you but he ends up making you dinner instead
if you want to have a party with your friends he'll agree to join, but he'd much rather spend time with you alone
in the evening the two of you would take a bath; with bubbles and candles and then just cuddle and watch a movie
Bram is especially gentle with you on your birthday and right before you go to bed he's gonna confess his love for you in the most old fashioned, romantic way possible. considering his status in the past I think he's highly educated so he knows his way with words
I see him gifting you jewelery
Tecchou would ask you days before if you want to have any fancy party and would lowkey be relieved when you tell him that you only wanna spend your bday with him
due to his job he can't spend all day with you, but as soon as he gets home from work he hugs you and spins you around, wishing you happy birthday
then he takes you to a nice restaurant for dinner
he's the type to write you birthday letters and leave sticky notes with little heart shaped drawings around the house
Tecchou tries to bake you a cake and asks Jouno or Tachihara to taste it, but because he uses weird ingredients it turns out terrible so he just buys you a small cupcake instead
as for presents he gets you anything you want, really. if you're not willing to tell him what your heart desires too bad he's gonna contact all your friends and ask them what to get you
he cuddles you to sleep and tells you how much he loves you, how happy he is he got to spend another year with you♡
Sigma would panic at first cuz he dosn't know what he's supposed to do for your birthday; he never celebrated his own so... yea
when he researches it on google and finds out he's supposed to get you a gift he freaks out again cuz he doesn't know what to get you
but eventually he ends up buying smth small like a plushie or books you've got on your reading list and a box of chocolates
he makes you a homemade birthday dinner and decorates the table with candles and flowers hhhh he's so romantic
now Sigma would be willing to get a little spicy with you if you want it; he doesn't mind it at all. you want bday sex? ok. but at the end of the day he still wants to cuddle you♡
in the evening he probably asks you what you usually do for your bday so he can be better prepared next year
I don't really see him being keen on big parties so he won't organize anything of the sort
he wakes you up in the middle of the night like 1 a.m just to make sure he's the first one to wish you happy birthday
if you don't work for the Ada Ranpo would get a free day from work to spend time with you♡
and oh my if you know his colleagues he would throw you a small birthday party with them (Dazai's idea ofc)
baking a cake with Ranpo for your birthday is a must. Poe helps him do the shopping the day before so you've got all you need and of course, you end up doing most of the work while he just admires you and keeps sticking his fingers in the dough to "sample" it.
I don't think he'd get you a big gift tbh; he has the "what do you mean sugar? am I not enough of a gift for you?" mentality. he's also so much clingier than normally
now two words: birthday sex. this man is wakes you up with head and doesn't let you go to sleep in the evening until you've came at least two times.
Ranpo is usually lazy in bed but for your birthday he's willing to do all the work; after all, your special day is only once a year♡
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chaoticloving · 2 years
Made a friend today?
harry styles x reader (SOH)
summary: Y/n asks harry to buy some pads, and of course, he gets spotted.
w/c: 2.1k
warnings: nothing but period stuff ig
a/n: my period is going to be the death of me but this photo is so precious
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Harry got into London late. The plan was that Harry would go back to his place since it's three in the morning, then once he has woken up he would text Y/n to let her know he was coming over, ending with them being disgustingly cute together by cuddling on the bed and watching a movie together.
Instead, Harry got a text that caused his heart to beat to extreme levels.
Can you come over?
The text at any other time of day would make this completely different. But its 3 am on a Tuesday--she should be asleep in her large bed.
Obviously, he responded with a yes and sprinted out of the jet, pushing the boys out of the way which caused some swears and threats from the others. Harry continued to make his bandmates even more angered by taking one of the private cars ordered and gave the address to Y/n's flat.
Harry has always been the one to overthink. From conversations with people to punctuation, it's no surprise he started to think the worst. But one of the most troubling things was that he couldn't quite place what could be wrong. It wasn't an emergency and life threatening. And despite the fact that yes, he'll admit, his first thought was infidelity, it was squashed quickly. He was confident in his relationship, there was no need to worry about love in the relationship.
So what could possibly wrong ?
Harry jumped out of the car after throwing a wad of money to the driver--politely, of course, he's still a gentlemen--after saying a quick thank you. He ran right up to the door and started to knock.
He knew the knocking might freak Y/n out a bit but he was a bit too tired to realize, not to mention it was coupled with his anxiety growing in his stomach.
Eventually, the door was swung open. Harry was met with a tired, baggy-clothed Y/n, her eyes were squinted from the bright street lamps along with the skin under her eyes being dark.
"Oh my god, are you okay? Dying? Bleeding out? Broken bone? I can call an ambulance, right now." Harry asked, hands shaking and tracing over Y/n's face and looking all over her body.
"No, Harry, come in." She smiled softly and guided her ever-so freaked out boyfriend into her home. She sighed heavily as she locked the door behind him and guided them into the kitchen. She had some candles and dim lights on in the kitchen, as well as some warm tea ready made. Marney and Sugar sleeping softly in their beds. "Sorry I didn't mean to freak you out with the whole ominous text."
"But whats wrong? Are you okay?" Harry's voice was laced with concern.
"I just missed you too much. " She sweetly answered, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing his nose sweetly. "Plus I have the worse stomach ache ever and I need a cuddle. "
Y/n felt a little guilty for not telling Harry the whole truth. It wasn’t that she was embarrassed that she was on her period, it was the fact that she missed him. She felt a bit silly coming clean and saying that she couldn’t wait to see Harry was because of some hormone changes.
But Harry didn’t seem to mind, in fact, he seemed relived. He hugged her tight, “let’s get you to bed then.”
“After I finish my tea.”
“Right after though.” He kissed her lovingly and wouldn’t remove his arms from her which lead to her awkwardly sipping her tea.
They made small talk. Harry was talking about his concerts and the flight back, mentioning that he’s been writing again and is proud of what’s he got so far.
Y/n spoke on her recent interviews. She was in the interview phase of the movie process and she can’t wait for it to be over. All the questions were either the most basic question that could be asked or one extremely invasive—mostly pertaining to her relationships.
After a few more minutes if swaying and chatting, Y/n took the initiative to move them upstairs after she saw Harry yawn and his eyes drooping.
“Mhm, I’ve missed your bed.” Harry moaned as he collapsed onto the cozy bed.
“Get out of your airport clothes and brush your teeth.” Y/n scolded, making her own way to the bathroom. “I washed some of your stuff and it’s in your drawer.”
Harry groaned but complied. Stripping and leaving the clothes on the bedroom floor. He walked into the bathroom, grabbing his toothbrush and joining Y/n in the night routine.
As Harry looked at them in the mirror, he paid special attention to Y/n’s face. Her eyebrows scrunched and her hand would rest on her lower stomach. She seems to be in discontent, which spurred back on Harry’s protective mode. He did, though, have half a brain to wait to talk to her when
“Is the fan on?” Y/n asked as she stepped out of the bathroom.
Harry sighed when he saw it was. “Don’t know why you like to be so cold." He shivered.
"You get too sweaty."
They collapse onto her bed, Harry wrapping his arms around her waist. Y/n doesn't seem to like that--she shuffles around every few seconds, with Harry trying to touch her when she stops for a couple of seconds.
Y/n wriggled and crushed Harry's hand for the third time before he said something. "Are you okay? You've been off all night."
"Just my stomach." She sighed, finally resting on her side with her legs spread out. "Got the worse pain."
"Anything I can do?"
"Can you grab my heating pad? It's in the closet." Y/n smiled a big smile, which Harry rolled his eyes and got out of the bed and into the chilly air.
"Think ya ate something funny?" Harry asked from the closet, moving things around to find the device.
"Uhh, no ." Y/n started to think Harry would be grossed out. She mostly knew she was being irrational, but it was late at night so she was anxious (and on her period).
"Then what'cha think it is?"
"My period."
"Huh." Harry turned off the closet light, handing the heating pad that Y/n immediately turned on.
"My period."
"Oh." Harry froze for a quick second, then going back to slipping under the covers. "So you are bleeding out."
"Ugh, shut up." She lightly smacked. "Never should of told you."
"What? I'm being so supportive." Harry acted offended. "Not like I'm grossed out. Never was opposed to having some blood on my sword, anyway."
"Please shut up and cuddle." Y/n choose to ignore the innuendo. Back facing Harry, wanting to be the little spoon tonight.
Harry gently places his arms barely even on her, ghosting over her skin. "If I cuddle ya too hard are you gonna squirt like a ketchup packet."
"If you say one more thing I'm kicking you out."
The next morning was a living hell for Y/n. It felt like satan was personally living in her uterus and was trying to claw his way out.
"Do you think you could take Marney out for me? My stomach is still upset." Y/n asked when Harry and her both getting ready for the day. The morning so far consisted of Y/n and Harry cuddling each other in bed, but instead of being in a blissful state like Harry was, Y/n was dying.
"Of course." Harry answered, kissing her nose with his fresh minty breath. "Can you call your doctor or someone to get any help?"
"I just need some meds." Y/n sighs. Harry hugs her then placing a gentle kiss on the skin next to her eye.
Harry goes out of the bedroom door and greets Marmalade with a high pitch noise. She hears the door close and goes to one of her cabinets under her sink to grab a tampon. But, of course, Y/n grabbed the last one. She groaned in frustration, knowing that she needs to go get some more but was too tired to go to the local Tesco to grab some more.
She knew she would have to ask Harry to go out. She sighed and quickly inserted the tampon and washed her hands before leaving to the kitchen to make some coffee and get the pets breakfast out.
She poured the pet food into Marmalade and Sugar's bowl. Sugar came scampering in from the sunny corner of the living room to eat his food, purring a thank you when Y/n scratched behind his ears.
"Morning baby." Y/n smiled, going back to making some coffee to her and Harry's standards--Harry liked about a third of the cup to be coffee, the rest being some sugary creamer with even more sugar into it.
"Sugar, do you think Harry's mad I asked him to come here so late last night" She asked the cat, voicing her concerns only to realize how silly she's being. "Never mind. He loves sleeping over and seeing you cuties."
Sugar meowed in return.
"Think he would get mad if I asked him to go out again?" She questions, getting some ibuprofen for herself and swallowing the tablets with the coffee.
"I did just get him to take Marney out. Might piss him off if I keep ordering him around on our day off together."
The door opened, luckily when Y/n wasn't talking to her kitty, Marmalade's pattering feet came into the room to find Y/n, then rushing right over.
"Morning sweet girl." She gave Marney some scratched behind the ear and a belly rub. "Go eat your breakfast."
"Where are my head scratches?" Harry teased, grabbing his coffee mug and taking a drink of the "coffee". "How's the cramps?"
"Not good, but I took some medicine." She told him, then cleared her throat. "Can you do me a big favor?"
"Anything you need, babe."
"It's just that my stomach hurts too much and I know I keep asking you to do stuff for me and I am sorry. I just don't think I can be too far apart from the bathroom." She took a deep breath. "Could you maybe get me some stuff for me?
"Yeah, yeah, of course." Harry set the cup down and went to his the front door to put his shoes back on. "Period stuff?"
Y/n smiled, nodding. "Yeah. Thank you." Y/n hugged Harry and gave a quick kiss to his lips.
"Don't tear up on me." Harry laughed when he saw her worried expression. "I don't mind, I'm glad I can do stuff like this for you."
"You’re too sweet."
"I'll be back in a bit." Harry grabbed his wallet and waved goodbye to Sugar who was now by Y/n feet.
"I need to make him some pancakes, Sugar."
Harry has never been in this section of the store before, or at least he can't remember being here. He grew up with his mum and Gemma, so he's not stupid, he knows what a period is and he never thought of them as unclean or gross--he knew damn well that Gemma would fight him (and win) if he thought otherwise. Harry just never gave much thought to how this stuff works.
As he looked at the selection of period items, he wondered what the different numbers ment and was desperately trying to look it up online with no luck.
But then again, he would much rather be looking at the period products then the little tests just down the aisle.
"Are you okay, boy?" Harry looked up to see a concern older women with a teenage daughter--jaw dropped-- next to him. "You look really confused."
"Uhm, my girlfriend asked me to get her some stuff and I don't know if I should get pads or tampons or what the numbers mean."
"You men are so funny sometimes." The women chuckled to herself. "The higher the size, the heavier the flow it can take. Typically, 4 and 5 are night pads and 1 though 3 are day time ones. But at there is no harm in getting a higher size."
"Tampon sizes work the same way, just it is not recommended you sleep in them." She clarified. "Do you know if she likes tampons."
Harry shook his head.
"Alright. To be safe, get some pads; and if she is completely out, I'd say get a 5 and 3."
Harry nodded, fully listening to the women, paying no mind to her daughter who was typing furiously on her phone.
Harry grabbed the two boxes and nodded. "Thank you for your help."
"Get her something nice too. Just so she knows you care."
Harry nodded and thanked the women, he turned to leave as he heard the conversation between the mother and daughter. "You just helped the Harry Styles with choosing pads."
"He's in the same band as that Louis guy I'm obsessed with."
Harry grabbed some flowers and gummy bears before checking out. He practically ran out of the store to get back to Y/n, promising himself he would not let Y/n know about the conversation he had with the women.
He got back to Y/n, unlocking the door with a key Y/n gave him. He was met with a sweet smell of maple syrup. He took of the shoes and walked into the kitchen.
"Made a friend today?" Y/n laughed.
Harry looked like a dear caught in the headlights. "No." He gasped, going to look at what was on Y/n's phone.
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darlingsfandom · 5 months
smut ddlg with cillian on christmas!!
bless you! Hope your Christmas was nice✨
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"Well... that was....fun?" You half heartily laughed as Cillian passed you the final dirty plate so you could wash it off and load it into the dishwasher.
"It's Christmas baby, just another excuse for some of tem to drink ya know." He shrugged his shoulders before wiping off the counters to help you out. You playfully rolled your eyes at him before shutting the dishwasher with your hip and tossing the cloth over your shoulder before wrapping your arms around his waist and slowly walking over to the mistletoe hanging above the arch way of your kitchen.
Cillian smiled down at you while tucking some of your hair behind your ear. His lips attached to yours slowly before turning hungry . His hands cuffed your face while his tongue pushed past your sugar coated lips and down your throat. Your knees went weak. The scent of warm cinnamon , sugar cookies and whiskey mixed with his naturally musky scent made your head spin as his tongue pulled out and found the sweet spot below your ear.
"Cillian... daddy!" You corrected yourself so fast as your newly red nails that he paid for slipped down his button up. "Wait! You have one more present.." your words stumbled out as his hands gripped your waist and squeezed.
"Oh do I? What is it darlin ?" He looked down at you with icy blue eyes before you pulled away only to leave a warm kiss upon his cheek. "You get comfy on the couch and I'll be right back okay?" You yelled from down the hall.
Cillian sighed happily as he made contact with the leather couch in the living room that you had decorated so beautifully for the holidays. Silver and gold color palates is what you went with. Garland hanging from the fire place , the candle in the window sat on a gold candle holder, throw pillows with cheesy Christmas puns laid on the couch and love seat, a big plaid Christmas blanket covered the back of the couch and the smells in the house from the sugar cookies and dinner you worked on, it was everything he could ever ask for.
"Daddy! Are you ready?" Your voice echoed down the hall to interrupt his mostly pure thoughts.
"Am ready princess!" He called back rubbing his thighs through his black slacks.
"Close your eyes!" You giggled as the sound of your feet running against the wooden floors filled his ears.
"Okay darlin! Closed."
You appeared in front of Cillian with a soft smile on your lips.
Cillian opened his eyes and his jaw fell on the floor.
"Merry Christmas daddy!" You stood up straight in a very sexy Christmas outfit. It was an X rated Mrs. clause outfit minus the hat. You just placed a plastic bow instead. The white fur lined your cleavage perfectly. The red was made from velvet that lead to more white fur that didn't even reach mid thigh. Your stockings fit nice and snug on your calves as you walked up to Cillian and ran your fingers through his hair.
"Oh my... I must have been a real good boy tis year." You placed your hands on his shoulders before sitting down on his lap.
"I take it you like your present daddy?" Your little eyelashes fluttered at him while you slowly moved your hips against his.
"Best present ever princess!" He gave you a soft kiss before the hunger took over in him again. You kissed him back with just as much energy and neediness while rubbing your exposed cunt against his clothed dick.
"Need you! Need you so much daddy! Need you to fuck my pretty pussy!" With each word you were humping him harder. Cillian lifted you up and switched spots so your hips were hanging off the edge of the couch while he stood over you with the animalistic eyes and mouth hung open once he had your legs spread open and realized you had no panties.
"Yer spoilin me darlin!" You watched as Cillian got down on his knees in front of you and stared at your pussy like it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, even though he's seen it so many times before.
His long fingers slid over your folds to gather your wetness and spread it around. A soft moan left your swollen lips as his fingers slowly twisted inside of you. "Oh daddy!" Your hips bucked forward before Cillian pressed down on them to hold you still while his fingers twisted in and out of you. His eyes stayed glued to yours watching how they switched from innocent to dirty. His mouth attached to your clit causing your fingers to grip onto his hair. Cillian moaned against your clit when you yanked his hair.
"So fucking pretty! Prettiest girl with the prettiest cunt!" The sound of him lapping his tongue along your folds back up to your clit before sucking on it with desire echoed throughout the living room. "And tis mine! All mine!" He mumbled into your pussy as you laid there pulling his hair, wrapping your legs around his head and pulling him in closer so you could feel him deeper inside of you.
Cillian looked up through his lashes as his hands wrapped around your thighs and held you close as he ate you out. Your eyes filled with tears as pleasure filled every ounce of your body.
"Oh my god daddy! Fuck me please! Fuck me with your fat cock! Please please please daddy!" You cried out and Cillian couldn't say no! Not when you were begging so well and being such a good girl for him.
"Good girl darlin! Usin yer big girl words." He pulled away slowly before giving your clit one last kiss before standing up to rid himself of his slacks. Once his pants and boxers were being flung across the room you looked down to see that his cock was painfully hard, leaking and dark red.
"It looks angry daddy! Probably because it's not in me!" You gave him the sweetest doe eyes possible as you held open your legs and cutest smile on your lips while your pussy drooled out arousel for him.
"Tats exactly it darlin!" Cillian spit on his hand before rubbing his cock for a minute and slowly sliding it inside of you with ease. Your mouth made the perfect O as you watched him slide it in.
"DADDY! You always feel so big inside of me!" Something took over Cillian and he didn't hold back. The way he leaned over top of you pushing every inch inside of you as your nose scrunched up, the way his forehead pressed into yours as he pulled your tits out of the lingerie , he was hot and heavy all over.
"Tats it baby, take me cock, good girl yes! Fuck!" His words were coming out with grunts that made you wetter by the second as he reached up, yanked your head down by your hair and made you watch as he fucked your harder. A bit of insecurity hit you when you seen your stomach folded which showed off a few rolls but that didn't stop Cillian ! It made him fuck you harder. Sweat dripped from his forehead against yours as you cried out his name.
"Fuck meee! Fuck yeah daddy!" You were clawing at his arms through his shirt as you felt the head of his cock hit your g-spot just right which made your eyes roll back into your head.
"My good girl! Fucking hell!" His thrusts were getting faster but more sloppy as he held you tight. Cillian made you look up at him as he yanked your head back by your hair and your eyes were filled with pleasure.
"Daddy! Stop! I have to pee!" You tried to push him off.
"That's fine darlin! Tis not what ya tink! Just relax and trust daddy yeah? Relax and let it go!" His thumb snaked its way down to your clit and he pushed hard against it before rubbing circles like a mad man. You didn't know what to think! Your body was agreeing to his touch and you felt your orgasm on the edge.
"OH MY FUCKING GOD!! OOOOH MY OOH GOD!" You cried out as you squirted against his cock. Cillian rubbed your clit through it as he looked at you with such pride. Your thighs felt extra sticky when your body collapsed against the couch.
"Good girl baby! Good girl! Now yer gonna take me cum!" His eyes rolled back as he pulled your limp body closer to his and grunted loudly before he squeezed your thighs as his own orgasm washed over him and filled you up to the fullest you could be.
"Merry Christmas daddy!" You panted softly as he slowly pulled out of you and scooped some of his cum up onto his fingers before slipping them into your eager little mouth.
"Best Christmas present every baby, tank you! Merry Christmas ." He watched as you cleaned his fingers before laying down next to you on the couch, wrapping his arm around you and giving you a warm kiss on the forehead.
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cookie-crumblr · 2 months
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Shy M!Reader x F!Yandere OC
Part 2~
Her Info: 🪓
Part 1
<<<Previous Part _ Next Part>>>
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CW: M! Reader, Reader has a penis, Reader referred to as he/him, psychological horror/trauma, reader is on meds for night terrors, blood, bdsm, collar use, petnames for reader(good boy, bad boy), pet play, bondage, non con(reader goes along with it but doesn’t actually consent), Lucy has SH scars/wounds, overstim, multiple orgasms scissors ✂️ masochist reader
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Anything in red reader isn’t aware of.
Lucy passes you a folded pink piece of paper, her eyes locked onto the board as the professor is teaching.
You unfold it: ty <3
is all it says along with a ton of hearts doodled all over the stationary.
Your face feels hot. She sucked your dick and is now thanking you for it… What do you even think?
What are you supposed to think? or even feel?
You get up at the end of class to leave, but Lucy grabs the hem of your shirt. She looks zoned out, so you say, “Lucy?” to try and get her attention.
“Ope! sorry! um, C-can I c-come over, Y/N?”
You don’t see why not, you have nothing left to do today… “Sure!” you hate to fantasize already… But if she did that in public, imagine what she’ll do later.
The walk to your place is quick and easy, but Lucy stops you, her stomach growling loudly.
“You wanna get some food first? I don’t really have anything at home…” You tell her sheepishly.
She nods excitedly and grabs your hand. You don’t pull it away, and she tugs you along after her.
She’s grinning as she leads you, her hips swaying back and forth… You can’t help but stare just at her. Her skirt swishing over her—
Don’t keep staring at her ass.
You’re staring at her ass.
You can’t help it, it’s mesmerizing. Her long orange hair is down right to her tailbone, adding to the allure. She has long white socks on that squish her thick thighs just below her skirt, the rims of the socks are frilly.
Lucy leads you to a cute tea cafe, the awning is pink and white, the inside is filled with regal looking chairs, the fancy ones with the carved wood along the backs. The upholstery is all pale pink velvet, and the tables instead of cloths have doilies and each table has a candle warmer for teapots.
She orders food from every section of the menu and you worry she’ll make you pay… Your heart pounds and you’re sweating bullets, there’s no way you can afford this much food! the worst part: the menu didn’t even have prices!
“I-um, I can pay, i-if that’s okay!” She looks away blushing. You remember that she’s a trust fund baby, and sigh in relief.
“Oh thank gods, Lucy, you just scared the shit outta me! hah!” You laugh.
“Really!?” Her eyes light up as if that’s a good thing, she looks excited.
All you can do is laugh a little.
When her food arrives all the platters take up the entire table and they have to bring a stand for the rest.
She eats really adorably, every bite she takes, she looks more and more excited, and each one is complemented by a cute “mm!” It’s infectious, and she shares her favorites, holding out her fork for you to take bites.
“Here! try this!” She holds her arm out to you, a powder sugar and fruit covered french toast bite. “And this one!” the food is still in your mouth when she hands you another bite of something, her eyes alight with joy, as you try to finish fast and accept the new bite.
She’s loving how obedient you’re being…
You have plenty of dishes to choose from, and she seems to hone in on the things you favor over the others, making sure you get the biggest portion of the things you like.
Once your both stuffed with possibly the best literal feast that you’ve had in months, she asks the waite staff for a bag to carry everything in. You never saw the receipt, and you’re happy not to.
“Do you normally do this kinda thing? with all the food?”
“Nope! hehe!” She giggles.
You fill your previously empty fridge with enough leftovers to eat for DAYS. and with real cafe food! not cheap ramen!! She made sure you’d be eating decently, rather than your typical cheap ramen.
“Hey Lu—” the second you turn away from the fridge she’s on you.
Lips crashing upon you, her body’s hot against yours. She’s grabbing at your hands and trying to pin them behind you. You aren’t fighting her. You feel her knee pressing against your bulge.
She bites your lip not hard enough to draw blood, but hard enough to send a pang of lovely pleasure through your bloodstream and into your growing member. You sigh into her mouth which she happily swallows up with a little moan.
She lets go of your hands but you keep them folded behind you, before you hear the sound of a jingling metal buckle.
She slips something thick around your neck and with a *clink* She pulls away, holding a leash that’s attached to your neck.
“Lu-Lucy! What is this??” You lift up a heavy, and very old looking ornate iron lock that’s connected to your collar.
You go to the bathroom and she follows you like an owner walking their dog. In the mirror you see that it’s a thick black leather, with a shiny rose gold buckle. “Lucy! Do you have the key?? G-Give it to me!” Your voice cracks, you didn’t agree to this!
“No can do~ Now be a good boy and get on the bed.”
You gulp as your dick twitches at her words… “Wh-what!?”
“I said: on the bed. Now, Y/N.”
You don’t know why, but you obey her, sitting on the edge of your mattress nervously.
“Good boy~,” she smiles and pats your head.
“Puppies don’t talk.”
“Wha-! Lucy I’m not—!!”
She yanks the leash wrapping the leather around and around her hand, and drags you back off the bed. The back of your neck burns as she does.
“Bad Boy.”
You swallow painfully and rub at your neck.
“Are you ready to be a good boy again now?”
You nod.
Lucy ties your leash around the leg of your bed, where you are, it’s taught so your only option is to get back on the bed, or stay on the wood floor. She pulls out a large pair of scissors, “Don’t worry, I’ll buy you new clothes Y/N!” her voice is chipper and it makes you more nervous.
She starts cutting off your clothes slowly, you feel the cool metal occasionally grazing you, and it makes you shudder.
You aren’t sure anymore how you got to this point.
Soon you’re in nothing but your underwear and she makes you get back on the bed. She retrieves another leather strip from her bag and returns to you, using it to tie your wrists together above your head.
“Such a good boy! I’m so proud of you!! And good boys get rewarded!” giddily she climbs over you on the bed, scissors back in hand.
Slowly, the last article of clothing is removed from you, and you’re left completely bare to her. It’s a little bit humiliating like this.
Her eyes are dark, not at all what you’re used to, yeah you’ve seen it before, but you never thought she’d be like this secretly!? But… Are you into it? Your dick is certainly saying you are. Wait… Didn’t you just read or watch something just like this?
Now that your cock is freed and cold, she gets over you and puts her hot, clothed pussy just against your head, you groan from the sudden shift in temperature, oh my gods, your dick wants to get inside and warm up so badly. It twitches under her. You’re eyes had closed and without you paying attention you hear the shears open again…
There’s no clothes left to cut—
“L-Lucy!?” The twin blades sit at the base of your cock, the metal presses up against your underside. “Lucy, please—”
“Be a good boy, and you won’t get hurt.”
“Lucy this isn’t funny!”
She presses the metal harder against you, indenting your sensitive skin. You struggle against the binds, but she tied them really tight!
“I’ll give you your reward still for being such a good boy today, and prove to you that you enjoy this.”
“Wha-” You start as she slips her panties out of the way and lowers herself, just your cock head entering her and that’s it. She holds herself there and struggles to breathe for a second, before shuddering over you.
You feel her pussy contracting trying to milk something that’s not even fully inside her yet. The scissors are still at your base otherwise you might’ve bucked up into her, but you remain laying still. She starts rotating her hips, teasing just your head longer. You whine and try to pull your wrists free, but they burn against the tightly wrapped leather.
She shimmies down a little at a time, gasping as she does, and once your fully inside her, she lifts her skirt for you to see her puffy blushing lips spread, and flat against your body. Your cock is swallowed up inside of her, it’s enough to— Wait, Her thighs, they’re covered in raised scars and pink bandages…
“Lucy…” You want to ask, or hug her… Or something. She reaches behind her and squeezes the scissors slightly pinching your cock’s skin, “Lucy!!” You gasp and this time, harshly buck up into her, knocking her around and she lets the scissors fall to the floor.
“Ahh!!” Her voice is strained, and your dick throbs inside her.
You take a breath, all the relief that instantly floods your body is so dizzying.
Her insides pulse around you, you know she’s cumming again, and you can’t take the sensation and cum yourself, thrusting your hips up as high as you can, “Ahhhhh!!!” She yells out as your load shoots deep inside of her.
“Thank you! Thank you thank you thank you!! thankyouthankyouthankuouuuu!!!!” she moves her hips around as her insides keep milking you, driving you mad!
Your struggling against your bindings again whining and writhing as she continues to torture you. “Lucy!! Lucy!!” You beg but to her it sounds like a chant of praise.
She goes harder, lifting and dropping herself onto you. your body feels tired now. She leans back holding herself up with your legs and at this angle you can actually see the base of your somehow still hard cock stretching her open, she’s whimpering and you can feel that she’s about to come again.
The sweat slicked to your skin finally allows you to slip free from the strap around your wrist, your hands are burning and bruised, you sit up as far as the leash allows and grab onto her.
You push her down onto you and force yourself up as hard as you can. You cum together, and spend a while just catching your breath.
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aclowntiny · 1 year
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*Spa Day With Ateez!*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
(Gender neutral reader. Warnings: just some suggestive jokes hehe)
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♡ Since his days off can be so few & far between plus going out takes energy for Hongjoong too, you come up with this idea, but it’s him that hardcore falls in love with it, like get ready for him to be extra!
♡ But it’s highkey romantic too because of his natural love of beauty & artistic sense, the restroom filled with fragrant candles. The day was supposed to be your excuse to spoil Hongjoong & force him to rest, but instead he’s making you blush.
♡ As you gush over the effort he made, he looks irrepressibly happy despite the nonchalant comment that ‘If we were having a spa day I figured we would take a bath.’ Well, you did bring bath stuff.
♡ Bombs & petals added to the bath, you guys settle in, Hongjoong offering his hand to help lower you in after him, pulling you against him. He gazes at you with heart eyes as you gently scrub each other clean. Another of your supplies gets pulled out as you open up the fancy sugar scrub you bought, taking turns exfoliating. You also throw in a massage, knowing how hard Ateez’s captain works his muscles & uses bad posture. He makes sure to return the favor & pays back every kiss you give him with one of his own, 😌
♡ Once you’re done in the tub, you guys put on comfy clothes & paint each other’s nails, surprising each other with color & design choices. Hongjoong keeps trying to peek, kissing your hands every time you try to swat him away!
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♡ He lives for your spa days you don’t understand!!! Spoiling you is his absolute pleasure & the fact that you want to do the same for him just melts his heart!
♡ It’s the little intimate things like being the one to tie your hair back & rub a soothing mask onto your cheeks that Seonghwa loves most.
♡ He likes to put on calming music & do DIY self-care, looking up simple avocado mask & sugar scrub recipes to add to the shared experience before pampering you! Mixing everything by hand before putting it on you is more fun, plus he says it feels better knowing you made it 😭
♡ ‘Well, we have twenty minutes to kill while this soaks in. Want to watch something relaxing?’ ‘Sure!’ & that’s how you end up just laying there, head nestled in the crook of Seonghwa’s neck as you watched ASMR videos 😁
♡ He absolutely will not let you wipe off yourself or even dry yourself off after he uses the damp washcloth, all of that is his 👏🏻 job 👏🏻. He looks so deeply into your eyes as you get cleaned up, you flush & look away, & that’s when he tilts his head back up & kisses you 🥰
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♡ One of the most eager when you suggest it & come over with everything! ‘What should we do first, (y/n)?’
♡ ‘Let’s do each other’s hair!’ You end up setting up a little rinse station, running some warm water to rinse out Yunho’s hair first, massaging his scalp & applying a gentle moisturizer. He does the same for you, gently towel drying you off. While he’s playing with your hair, he can’t resist fluffing it up & trying to make spikes out of it. ‘I have to take a picture of this!’
♡ He also can’t resist burying his nose in your hair because you smell so good! The fact that you both smell the same now does not occur to him, nope 😉
♡ You guys both play with styling your hair for a bit, switching to making yourselves some honey tea to sip while you moisturize each other’s hands. Yunho takes this time as an opportunity to playfully push & pull you towards him like you’re on a seesaw, not sitting on your bed!
♡ ‘Now can we take a bath?’ Yunho asks, making grabby hands. ‘Whoa, is that all you’ve been waiting to do?’ You tease. ‘No, I wanna try the loofah,’ he replies, pouting and pointing at the tote he was actually grabbing at. You flush. ‘Oh, right. Yeah, of course. I have stuff to change the water color too!’ ‘Yay!’ ‘But we don’t have to rush in there if you don’t want to,’ he whispers to you with a grin.
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♡ It all started with an instagram you followed posting a super easy relaxation day of their own, inspiring you to surprise Yeosang with one!
♡ He smiles so wide that you thought of him & how cute you are showing up at your door exclaiming ‘surprise!’ with a cute white basket in hand. ‘But should I be scared?’ he teases.
♡ ‘Feels like we’re making potions,’ he jokes as you drip in a few more tiny rivulets of food coloring & essential oils, ‘Harry Potter? Where are you?’ So then you two make up fake spells as you apply your creations on each other. You say yours is a love spell but Yeosang insists it won’t work because you have his heart already 😌
♡ Things get chaotic quickly, both of y’all getting loopy & distracted, & Yeosang has an epiphany. ‘We could eat this avocado mask, couldn’t we? It’s all made of food.’ ‘We could, but it probably wouldn’t taste good.’ ‘Only one way to find out 👀’ He decides to try it by kissing some of it off your cheek. It does not taste good; he insists you are much sweeter ☺️
♡ You got pillow spray & a white noise machine to try, so to end the day you guys just end up laying down in bed listening to the soft sound, holding each other as your hearts beat in time 💕
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♡ Sannie’s so giddy at the idea of ‘playing spa’ as he calls it, insisting on giving you the royal treatment even though you feel he needs the pampering more with his demanding job.
♡ ‘Can we put cucumbers on our eyes?’ ‘Er, if you want to, yeah.’ ‘Let’s do it!’ Cue you guys laying in your robes, green stuff on you & vegetable slices on your closed lids just like in all the cartoons. San reaches out for your hand, playing with it as you rest.
♡ When you’re done, he insists on giving you the hot towel treatment, smiling as you sigh from melted tension. ‘Anything else you want?’ ‘Slow down San, it’s your turn next!’ The way his jaw drops when you put the towel on him, his head falling back, has you giggling.
♡ ‘Alright, what would you like next, a manicure or pedicure? Wait, we should probably start with the feet for practice since it’s ok if they don’t look as good-’ Mischief rose to your smiling face. ‘Only if I can do yours, too.’ ‘I’ll let you paint my fingernails black, but we can skip doing my toenails. Or wait, maybe that’s better since no one can see it!’ Cue Wooyoung walking by you guys, bursting out into shrill laughter as he watches you paint San’s toes.
♡ If you think San doesn’t absolutely insist on giving you a massage you’re dead wrong, sorry!!! 😌 he loves holding onto your shoulders & pressing kisses to your cheeks from behind 🥺 melt him by doing the same!
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♡ He likes the sheet masks with fun designs on them 🥺 chooses a really cute puppy one for you & a unicorn one for himself because he knows it'll make you laugh!
♡ ‘What are these?’ ‘Lip masks.’ ‘They make those?’ ‘Yep. This is my first time buying them on a whim.’ ‘Lip masks???’ For some reason, Mingi thinks this is hilarious, holding it up to his face & bursting out laughing; of course you join him seeing the box & oversized feminine lips blocking half his face.
♡ You guys end up doing those too to complete your skin care…& also for the bit. Mingi immediately kisses before you put them on & the moment you pull them off, saying he has to test if they really made your lips softer. ‘Well, are they?’ ‘I don’t know, I think I have to check again 😏’
♡ Next up is bubble bath time!!! You guys revel in the warm water, sitting with your legs tangled up as you heap lavender-scented bubble piles on each other’s heads.
♡ ‘Can we watch a movie now? 🥺’ Mingi asks as you wrap him up in his fluffy robe, yours having already been tied on. You oblige, laying in each other’s arms & watching a rom-com as your final act of relaxation for the day 💜
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♡ Good luck getting this guy to settle down initially DGCGXSVCS
♡ But once you catch him, he’ll be so into it. Just, like, push him into the chair or something he’ll be into it don’t worry 🤫. Once he stops messing around & probably trying to start a fight with a mud mask, hearing you explain that you want to take care of each other, he gets so happy because wait that’s actually so cute! Then he does a total 180 into ‘What do we do next? How about this?’
♡ No surprises for Wooyoung because he gets so excited he’ll just start rummaging through all the products you bought to find his favorite 😆 his favorite after applying a face mask (because he can steal tons of kisses!!!) is the massage oil 👀
♡ ‘Let’s do this one next 😏’ If you have anything you realllly wanted to do, better convince him quick because his pick will take a while lmao. He’s not that hard to convince because everything you brought is really nice, you know him so well 😌
♡ You guys end up setting up fragrance in your humidifier & doing a foot soak before busting out the oil because you know how hard Wooyoung works dancing 🥺 you thought about him so much & he doesn’t want that to go to waste, plus it feels really good. You guys sit next to each other dunking in the warm water & he kisses your forehead, telling you he loves how caring you are & can’t wait to return the favor soon! (Take that as you will 👀😌)
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♡ Admittedly, it doesn’t totally sound like his thing, but it’s no harm to do it with you since you’re so happy about the idea. Of course he’ll do it for you 🥺
♡ But when you sit him down, empty a little bottle’s contents onto your hands, & start to give him a massage he’s in heaven. ‘Oh, I could get used to this.’ ‘Oh yeah?’ ‘Yeah. I thought you wanted to paint my nails & do my hair or something.’ ‘I said spa day,’ you giggle, ‘not salon!’
♡ What can he say, he’s a practical guy. You have him convinced the moment your hands land on him, kneading out hours of dance practice & gym time. The oil you’re using is a special blend designed for relaxation, & whether it’s a placebo or not it has Jongho’s eyelashes fluttering closed in contentment.
♡ You know he isn’t one to sit around doing nothing, so instead of just laying around with face masks on you watched a restorative yoga class video, learning a few poses for you guys to do together in between massages so you can further stretch & relax your muscles.
♡ Then it’s onto the sheet masks 😌 Jongho doesn’t complain about this one either because it’s not too far off from his usual skincare routine, but he does have to shake his head in amused exasperation when he sees the bear print one you got him! ‘What can I say, you’ll look so cute!’ ‘The things I do for you,’ he comments, but the smile never fades as you pat the sheet gently onto his cheeks, catching hints of warmth rising there, especially not when you promise him a kiss when the fifteen minutes are up. ‘I think you owe me more than one.’ ‘What, for the torture?’ ‘No, this was really nice.’ ‘Ok, then, never mind, one it is.’ ‘Nah, I hated it actually 👀’
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sassy-ahsoka-tano · 2 years
🍁 Autumn & Halloween Prompt List 🎃
It's about to get spoopy up in here. We wanted to do something special not only to celebrate everyone's favorite season but also to honor the amazing writers and creators on Tumblr.
Most of us are creators of some kind — whether that be writers, gifmakers, or artists — and this time of year is hard. We start running into fatigue + the scariest thing during the whole Halloween season: creator's block.
✨ Cue the prompt list ✨
This prompt list is split into three groups: dialogue, scenario, and NSFW prompts. Each section has 31 prompts which are sorted with more general autumn themes first and Halloween-specific prompts after that.
A HUGE HUGE thank you to Shawni (@austin-butlers-gf), Sage (@fangirlwithasweettooth), Kenzie (@fangirl-imagines), & Gabby (@dontbesussis) for helping to create this lovely list!
Feel free to reblog + use for whatever it is that you create and post here on Tumblr! Happy Halloween and enjoy 👻 ♥️
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[ prompts with / indicate that both characters A + B have lines ]
“You have a leaf in your hair.”
“You’re shivering.”
“Why don’t you take off that mask? I’d like to see your face.”
“You’re scared of that, really?”
“That’s your favorite candy? You have shit taste.”
“Promise not to laugh at me if I scream.”
“My friend abandoned me at this Halloween party and I don’t know anyone. But you look as miserable as I feel.”
“If you can’t summon flames directly from hell, store-bought is fine.”
“It says take one, love.”
“Well…you grabbed my hand first.”
“Oh, I see. Is someone a little scared?”
“I spent so long in the darkness I’d almost forgotten how beautiful the moonlight is.”
“You’re the devil in disguise.”
“Nice try. You’ll have to work harder to scare me.”
“I know you’re trying to be scary, but you’re just way too cute.”
“I couldn’t find a costume, so I just decided to go as your [partner/bf/gf].”
“You’re a scaredy cat.” / “I am not!”
“Boo!” / “You were scarier with the mask off.”
“What are you supposed to be?” / “It isn’t obvious?”
“Ew candy corn?” / “What? This candy is hated for no reason. It’s good!”
“That kind of scared me.” / “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.”
“Kill me now and put me out of my sugar-fueled misery.” / “I told you to slow down.”
“Come on, it’s just a haunted house! It’ll be like a walk in the park.” / “More like a walk through hell.”
“There’s literally one candle flickering mysteriously. In what universe would I go over there?” / “Is that…a no, then?”
“Well, it is a seance.” / “Good thing the person I want to see is already here.”
“Oh no. You are not wearing the same costume as me! You can’t!” / “Well I did.”
“Ooh very scary!” / “That’s not part of the costume, dumbass.”
“You could have been a prince(ss).” / “Well, I wanted to be a(n) [insert costume] instead.”
“Who you gonna call?” / “Ghostbusters?”
“You look so stupid.” / “Well, that was the idea since I dressed as you.”
“What happened? Let me help you!” / “Relax, the blood is fake.”
Leaf hunting/raking leaves
Tailgaiting a football game
Getting drunk at Oktoberfest
Baking a pumpkin pie
Getting PSLs together
Visiting an apple orchard
Visiting a pumpkin patch
Carving a pumpkin
Making caramel apples
Corn Maze
Hayride (haunted or not)
Decorating for Halloween
Costume shopping
Buying couple costumes
Baking Halloween cookies
Haunted house
A doing B’s makeup for a costume
B doing A’s makeup for a costume
Watching a not scary Halloween movie (we recommend Hocus Pocus but take your pick lol)
Watching a scary movie
Halloween photoshoot
Setting up a haunted house
You’re actors in a haunted house
Masquerade ball
Going trick-or-treating
Handing out candy
Playing with an Ouija board
Telling scary stories
Bobbing for apples
Halloween/Murder Mystery Party
[ most of the prompts can be adapted for NSFW or SFW themes but some are more suited to NSFW than others which is why we've separated them ]
“Love the costume but I’d rather see what’s under it.”
“Trick or treat.”
“I would light the candle but…I’m not a virgin.”
“I like your yabbos.”
“Don’t torture yourself ___. That’s my job.”
“Darling, you’re already in my veins.”
“I’ll be the demon to your angel.”
“I want to be what you are, see what you see, love what you love.”
“Just one bite…”
“You’ve been bad. Good thing my costume came with handcuffs.”
“He/She/They prefer(s) virgins.”
“I know what you should be for Halloween. Mine.”
“You’re not as scary as you think you are.” / “Maybe not. But I’ll still have you screaming tonight.”
“Everybody likes your costume better.” / “I could always take it off.”
"Forget the broom. Ride me instead."
“I may not be a vampire but I know how to suck.”
Rolling in the hay? Nah, rolling in the leaves
Sexy couple costumes
You’re stuck in the house of mirrors
7 minutes in heaven but make it Halloween (who can resist a good trope)
Painting each others’ faces/bodies
Mummy wrapping competition
A wears a sexy costume and teases B all night. B isn't happy.
A or B is under a love potion
Roleplay in costume
NSFW Halloween costume fashion show
Getting down and dirty in a corn maze and/or haunted house
Haunted bride/groom AU
Werewolf AU
Vampire AU
Succubus/Incubus AU
Bonus: “This is the skin of a killer, Bella.” 💀
Disclaimer: Feel free to borrow prompts from this list to add to your own prompt lists but if you do, please reblog + credit the original creators of this list or link to this post for proper credit.
Halloween divider by gutterface on DeviantArt + retrieved from Tumblr.
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Birthday Cake (Vil Schoenheit)
There's actually a tradition about birthday cakes back where the Prefect comes from.
Original idea by @strawberry-pie-thoughts
NOTE: I only write for female reader but everyone is welcome to read it!
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“What’s this now, you little rascal?” Vil pokes the girl’s side in the hopes of hearing her sweet giggling. “First you make me stay past my bedtime, then you expose me to the cold, and now you try to endanger my sugar intake?”
(Y/N)’s giggles only get louder as she holds onto the cupcake for dear life so it doesn’t fall in her laughing fit. Vil can’t help his own laughter, gently poking and pinching her sides a few more times before allowing her into his arms once again, burying his nose in her hair. The plan for tonight was to stargaze, but it’s far too cold for them to be outside, so instead they agreed on laying in his bed with the windows open.
How his girlfriend managed to dissuade Rook from barging in his room at midnight to wish him a happy birthday is beyond him, but he’s grateful nonetheless. They’re both very busy people, which makes time alone hard to come by, so being able to share his birthday with her, just the two of them, is truly a blessing. He knows that later there will be a party that he’ll have to share with his dorm and schoolmates, thus this moment is to be cherished.
“It’s not very sugary, though,” she says once the giggling subsides. “Trey and Rook helped me find a low sugar recipe and decorate it.”
“I mean, I’m already endangering your skin with the late night and risking a runny nose with the window open, I can’t very well mess with your food intake, can I?”
They both know he’d absolutely eat the cupcake even if it was of pure sugar. Just today, though.
“So, here! Happy birthday, gorgeous~”
The cupcake is so beautiful, he can see the messy corners of the purple topping and how the golden candle is slightly crooked. Made of love. Made of love for his existence. Made of love he wishes they can forever share as he blows the candle. The wish leaves a sweet aftertaste on his mouth as he laughs at the happy face she makes when she pulls the candle out and places it on a napkin—not without licking the excess cupcake from it.
“Go on, eat! I swear it tastes good!”
“You should bite it first,” Vil offers the treat to her, kissing her nose softly. “Isn’t that how it goes in your world? The first slice goes to the person you love the most?”
And maybe he cheats a little and kisses her right after she takes a bite, the piece of cupcake sweetening their kiss, but, hey, how can he not love everything she does?
If Vil were to define a true blessing, one that isn’t dependent on consequence or condition, one that cannot be seen as a curse, then this moment right here would be it.
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sw33t-d1vine · 1 year
How about a fic where William's baking a cake for reader's birthday but he accidentally uses salt instead of sugar??
“ Always Forever ”
W. Afton x GN!reader
It’s your birthday and William wants to do something special for you, so he bakes you a cake. Too bad he put in the wrong ingredient.
( A/N ) I absolutely adored writing this omg !!! tysm for requesting this !!!🤍 and happy bday to whoevers bday it is and reading this :3
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Baking wasn’t exactly Williams specialty, oh no. He honestly much preferred to cook than bake, but here he was, making a cake just for you, because today was your birthday.
You were currently out at the moment with your family, celebrating your birthday with them. As much as William wanted to come, he wanted you to come back to something special. You didn’t mind that he didn’t want to come, even if he did make you a little sad, but you understood. William wasn’t great with others either. Plus, you could come home and enjoy the rest of the day with him.
Your cake was almost done. William just needed to add the frosting and decorate. He already decorated the house, putting up streamers and a sign that wrote “Happy Birthday!”. It wasn’t much, but it wasn’t like you were gonna have a party at home.
Finishing off the final touches, William pulled back, grinning down at his work. He let out a content hum, pleased with what he made. It wasn’t the worst cake in the world.. but it wasn’t exactly the prettiest. He didn’t care though, it’s the thought that counts.
Tilting his head to look down at the watch on his wrist, he nodded to himself. Just a few more minutes and you’d be back. He looked down at the cake, carefully picking it up and moving it over to the dinner table.
As the clock ticked, William heard your car pull up, making him perk up from his spot and get up. He stood at the front door, ready to greet you.
He listened as you fumbled with your keys, placing them into the keyhole and twisting it, unlocking the door and opening it. Before you could even say anything, William swooped you off your feet, making you yelp and grasp onto your boyfriends shirt. “William!” You laughed.
William held you close, leaning down and giving you a kiss. “Happy birthday, dove.” He smiled, placing you back down on your feet. “Apologies, I was excited to see you.”
“I could tell.” You chuckled, looking around. “You decorated?” You looked back at him, and he nodded his head. “I did. It’s not much, but it isn’t like we’re gonna have a party, hm?”
You hummed in response, nodding in agreement as you slid your shoes off and walked into your house. You smiled at the cake on the table, turning to look at William. “A cake too?”
William hummed, nodding and walking over. “Of course. It isn’t the best, but I’m no professional.” He shrugged, making you chuckle and nod. “Thats fair enough. Never thought of you as a baker anyway.” You teased, sitting in front of the cake.
The cake was covered in white frosting and sprinkles, the words “Happy Birthday!” with your name under it was written in sloppy cursive. It was hard writing with frosting, so it wasn’t so bad.
William held out a lighter, lighting the candles. “As much as I love you, I will not be singing happy birthday.” He sat down next to you. You only rolled your eyes and smiled, before closing them and making a wish, before blowing the candles out.
“What’d you wish for?” William asked. You leaned over, “I can’t tell you. birthday rules.” You joked, making him huff and smile.
William reached for the knife he had put on the table, standing and cutting two slices for the both of you. He put the first one on your plate, and then one on his. Right as he sat down, you dug in, taking a bite out of the piece of cake.
At first, you didn’t really taste anything, but after a few seconds, a salty taste hit your tastebuds, making you grab a napkin and spit out the chewed up cake. “Why is it so..salty?” You raised an eyebrow.
William blinked, taking a bite of his own piece. His eyes went wide, and he spat his piece into a napkin. He shuffled out of his seat, going into the kitchen to check what he had used. Instead of grabbing the jar of sugar, he grabbed salt.
“Bloody hell.. Who puts a jar of sugar next to salt?!” He hissed, groaning and running a hand through his hair.
You made your way into the kitchen, giggling and shaking your head. “Its okay, Will. We can go out and buy a cake instead?” You suggested, making the other grunt and sigh. “Okay.”
You reached up and cupped Williams face, “Hey, don’t get your panties in a twist. You can make me a cake another time, okay?” You smiled, giving him a kiss before pulling away and grabbing his hand. “Lets go now, yeah?”
William smiled as you pulled him away and to the front. You both put your shoes on and went out to get a cake.
William promised himself he would make a better cake for you soon. He even thought about watching baking videos just so the cake would be so much better.
Just for you.
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laundrybiscuits · 1 year
(from the same universe as this and this but idk if it can be considered a continuation per se)
Jonathan frowns. “Can you at least talk to him? Like—give him some hope for the future. I think he’s really worried.” 
“Well, that’s gonna be a little complicated,” says Eddie slowly. “I can’t tell him it all worked out for me, because it didn’t. It’s not all worked out. I can’t even tell him it usually works out, because…fuck, Jon.” 
Eddie’s quiet for a little while, trying to fish words out of the white-water rapids in his head. There’s a lot of stuff that he just knows without knowing, and it’s not until he has to explain himself that he can put human language around it. 
“I never saw anyone like us over thirty,” he says, finally. “Maybe even less. I don’t even know all that many people like—like me and Will, but. It’s not just the virus, you know? It’s not even the odds of getting jumped on the street if you’re not careful. It’s…a guy I know out in the Twin Cities got kicked out of his apartment because someone told the landlord about him. Haven’t heard from him lately, I think he was sleeping rough for a while. Got another friend who was a teacher in Des Moines until the school board found out. Don’t know what he’s going to do for money now, I don’t guess he can get another job anywhere near kids. There’s a lot of ways shit can break bad, for us. I don’t want to lie to Will about that. Doesn’t feel right to sugar-coat it.”
“Christ,” says Jonathan. “That’s…really fucking depressing, man.”
Eddie shrugs. “I dunno. There’s good stuff too. Will’s lucky, he’s got you in his corner and he’s a smart kid. If anyone’s gonna be okay, it’ll be him. I just—I don’t know what that’s gonna look like.”
“Eddie.” Jonathan puts a hand on Eddie’s shoulder and gives him one of those searching, soulful looks, intense enough to make Eddie briefly consider having a hopeless crush on Jonathan instead, just for a change of pace. “You’ve got us in your corner, too. You’re gonna be okay too, I promise. We’ll make sure of it.”
“Hell yeah, bring it in, my dudes,” says Argyle, and sweeps them both up in a bear hug. If Eddie’s eyes are a little damp and red when they finally let go, nobody says a word about it.
“I think you should talk to Murray,” Jonathan tells him, the next day.
“Who the fuck is Murray,” says Eddie.
“Oh,” says Jonathan. He stares up at the ceiling for a minute. “Shit, I forgot you don’t know about him. I mean. That makes sense.”
“So, are you going to tell me who Murray is, or do I start guessing? Tennis coach. Line cook at the diner. Argyle’s dead uncle and we’re going to do a seance.”
“Ohhh man, we should do a seance,” says Argyle. “Let’s get our ghosty-ghost on.”
“Shit, yes. I think I’ve got some candles somewhere.” Eddie sits up, glancing around his room. He’s pretty sure he’s got enough stuff to pull off some real spooky shit at short notice. 
“No, no, wait,” says Jonathan. “Murray’s like. This guy who lives in a bunker out in the middle of nowhere and helped us with monster stuff a while ago. He’s, like, a really intense doomsday prepper.”
“And I should talk to him because…”
Jonathan makes a face. “I guess I don’t know for sure, but—I think he’s gay? And he’s old. Over thirty, I mean. And you said you’d never met anyone who was gay and old, so, you should talk to him.”
“Okay,” says Eddie. “I’m going to list all the reasons why I’m not going to do that. There will be at least six and a half reasons but I might think of more as I go, so buckle in.”
“Nice jacket,” says Murray. “Is it anti-conformist enough, or do you need to write REBEL on your forehead to make sure people really get your whole vibe?”
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espinosaurusrexex · 1 year
Ari finally asks you to be his girlfriend
a/n: Fun fact - I've had this in my drafts for years (no I mean literally), and I never knew what to do with it. I obviously changed it up a bit because it was written for someone else and really badly as well, but still...
word count: ~700
warning: mutual pining, a liiiiitle suggestive, swearing
・゚✫* 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑖 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 。✭・゚
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“I think we need nicknames for each other.” Ari leaned back to be able to look at your face. You were currently cuddled up on the sofa, watching a romantic comedy as a candle flickered in the dark. It was quite romantic, but the only reason you sat that close together was, so that you could share the huge bowl of popcorn squeezed between you.
“Okay…” you answered, concentrating on the movie and half-heartedly listening to what your friend had to say.
“How about boyfriend and girlfriend?” He smirked widely, waiting for a response from you. But you were struggling to keep your expression unbothered by your friend's cheesy pick-up line.
“Only if I can be ‘boyfriend’.” Shrugging your shoulders, you observed as Ari’s grin grew into honest laughter. An all too familiar warmth filled your body at the sound of it as you watched him shove another hand of popcorn in his mouth, settling the argument with a huff.
Things like this were a daily occurrence. Ari flirting like a maniac and you shooting back witty comebacks at him. It seemed like it was all fun and games, but that was, because neither of you knew that you were hiding the same secret from each other. Sometimes, you had to turn away from him to cover the flustered expression on your face. Too embarrassed to admit to him that you, in fact, wanted him to mean the comments he shot constantly, you went on with your life, annoying all your friends with your obliviousness.
"You can be anything you like, baby. But I'd prefer to be yours." Your expression faltered at this. It's not like you weren't used to those kinds of comments, it was rather that this time it felt a lot more real than the others.
"I- what?"
"Cat got your tongue? I wish it were me instead..."
"Ari..." your voice was only a whisper by now. His face was suddenly a lot closer than it was thirty seconds ago, and you didn't know how to act anymore. Ari's perfume was intoxicating, his lips so plump that you wanted to bite into them.
"What's holding you up, sugar?" Oh, shit. Did you just say that out loud?
Well, apparently. But you weren't too mad about it, because it finally gave you a leeway to make a move - an actual one, that was.
He leaned further into you and the world began to freeze around you. It had never been like this before. Ari's hand touched the skin on your arm, and before you could register the goosebumps, you leaned into him, placing a hungry kiss on his lips. Hot and heavy breaths filling the room and layering over the movie in the background as the popcorn spilled on the ground. His hand wandered down your front, leaving a burning sensation in its trail until-
"What's up with you, today?" Ari's voice pulled you from your trance and back to the sofa, where the movie had skipped a bit forward. His face was nowhere near to the place you had thought it to be mere seconds ago, as was his hand. And the popcorn was still neatly tugged in your lap. "I asked you something?"
Your head shot up. "Uh... sorry, what?"
"What do you wanna drink?"
"Just water, please."
"Alrighty..." He threw you a bottle from the fridge.
When Ari left your apartment that evening, you spent another hour imagining him actually calling you his girlfriend. The little scene on the sofa had felt so real, it almost scared you. Apparently, the feelings you harbored for your best friend were a lot stronger than they had made out to be, and it suddenly felt like a genuine problem.
You settled in bed with a torn mind that night - Ari's sweater keeping you warm, surrounding you in his scent, and lulling you into another dream of him. As if you hadn't had enough of those today already...
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@circe143 @4buckyb @valkyrie418
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prettytoxicrevolver · 8 months
Halloween/Autumn Prompt List
Hi!!! Welcome to my mish mash of a writing prompt list!! 
NONE OF THESE PROMPTS ARE MINE!!! I took my favorites from other lists and compiled them all together. 
Feel free to request for whoever and feel free to add a plot or just send a name and a prompt!! Happy fall yall!! 
“You have a leaf in your hair.”
“You’re shivering.”
“Why don’t you take off that mask? I’d like to see your face.”
“You’re scared of that, really?”
“That’s your favorite candy? You have shit taste.”
“Promise not to laugh at me if I scream.”
“My friend abandoned me at this Halloween party and I don’t know anyone. But you look as miserable as I feel.”
“It says take one, love.”
“Well…you grabbed my hand first.”
“Oh, I see. Is someone a little scared?”
“I spent so long in the darkness I’d almost forgotten how beautiful the moonlight is.”
“Nice try. You’ll have to work harder to scare me.”
“I know you’re trying to be scary, but you’re just way too cute.”
“I couldn’t find a costume, so I just decided to go as your [partner/bf/gf].”
“You’re a scaredy cat.” / “I am not!”
“Boo!” / “You were scarier with the mask off.”
“What are you supposed to be?” / “It isn’t obvious?”
“Ew candy corn?” / “What? This candy is hated for no reason. It’s good!”
“That kind of scared me.” / “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.”
“Kill me now and put me out of my sugar-fueled misery.” / “I told you to slow down.”
“Come on, it’s just a haunted house! It’ll be like a walk in the park.” / “More like a walk through hell.”
“There’s literally one candle flickering mysteriously. In what universe would I go over there?” / “Is that…a no, then?”
“Oh no. You are not wearing the same costume as me! You can’t!” / “Well I did.”
“Ooh very scary!” / “That’s not part of the costume, dumbass.”
“You could have been a prince(ss).” / “Well, I wanted to be a(n) [insert costume] instead.”
“Who you gonna call?” / “Ghostbusters?”
“You look so stupid.” / “Well, that was the idea since I dressed as you.”
“What happened? Let me help you!” / “Relax, the blood is fake.”
“Carving pumpkins is a lot harder than it looks.” 
“The Frankenstein movie is an absolute insult to Mary Shelley’s novel! I can’t believe you would suggest we watch it!”
“I spent over an hour raking up all those leaves. If you jump in that pile, you’re dead to me.”
“You’re gonna have to work a lot harder if you want to come up with a Halloween prank that will actually scare me.”
“You haven’t really lived if you’ve never camped out in a graveyard on Halloween night.”
“It’s alright. It’s just another power outage.”
“Wait, you seriously don’t like pumpkin pie?”
“I love moments like this. Just curled up by the fire, listening to the rain.”
“The only thing I plan on doing this season is reading through the complete collection of Edgar Allan Poe’s works.”
"what do you mean you've never gone trick-or-treating?!"
"i really appreciate that you're getting into the halloween spirit, but it's ten in the morning. please turn off the slasher films so i can eat my breakfast in peace."
"ah, you've made the mistake in thinking that just because this is a couples/family costume that you get any kind of say in it. you don't, actually.”
"i love you, i swear i do, but we're not wearing matching costumes."
"you're like the toughest person i know! am i really supposed to believe that a horror film is enough to have you cowering into my lap?"
"come on, if there was ever a time for me to be superstitious it's definitely now."
Tailgating at football game
Baking a pumpkin pie
Visiting an apple orchard
Visiting a pumpkin patch
Carving a pumpkin
Making caramel apples
Corn Maze
Decorating for Halloween
Costume shopping
Buying couple costumes
Baking Halloween cookies
Haunted house
Watching a scary movie
Halloween photoshoot
Setting up a haunted house
Masquerade ball
Going trick-or-treating
Handing out candy
Telling scary stories
Halloween/Murder Mystery Party
comforting the scaredy cat amongst them
laying wide awake at night after watching a horror movie that left them unnerved
Cuddling under a blanket 
Lazy days in 
Flannel shirts 
Cold hands 
Steaming mugs 
Bear hugs 
Pillow forts 
Sharing blankets 
Log cabin 
Mischief Night 
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simplysummers · 8 months
For the ship ask: Kurtbastian >:) (it would feel illegally not to send you this)
Megstie yes I will (finally) do this!!!!
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Who accidentally pushes a door instead of pulling/vice versa?
Both ✨ Kurt when he’s flustered and Sebastian when he thinks he’s being cool and sultry and then he just goes 👏 smack into a door.
Who doodles little hearts all over the desk with their initials inside them?
Probably Kurt overall, but then he’d look down at his notebook in horror like 🫣😫
Who starts the tickle fights?
Sebastian 10000%
Who starts the pillow fights?
Also Sebastian but could be Kurt sometimes.
Who falls asleep last, watching the other with a small affectionate smile?
Could be either but it’s definitely more likely to be Seb, especially because he’s so private about his real romantic feelings.
Who mistakes salt for sugar?
Sebastian absolutely.
Who lets the microwave play the loud beeping sound at 1am?
Sebastian because he’s an insensitive little prick ❤️
Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?
Sebastian ‘did you break too many hearts to stay?’ Smythe.
Who rearranges the bookshelf in alphabetical order?
I actually think it could be either, maybe something they do together. Kurt is a perfectionist and Seb comes from an academic family.
Who licks the spoon when they're baking brownies?
Seb gets the spoon, but sometimes if Kurt is missing his mom, Seb will let him have the spoon.
Who buys candles for dinners even though there's no special occasion?
Seb buys them because he knows Kurt likes them.
Who draws little tattoos on the other with a pen?
Oh Sebastian absolutely. And Kurt goes mad cause he’s like “you’re ruining my look!!!” And Seb just doesn’t care.
Who comes home with a new souvenir magnet every time they go on vacation?
Kurt. Seb travelled a lot as a child so he’s indifferent to cheap trinkets.
Who convinces the other to fill out those couple surveys in the back of magazines?
Absolutely Kurt. Seb pretends he doesn’t take it seriously but he totally does.
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