#oh but there’s 2 guys who live above me I know. one of which was the one banging on my window at 1am wasted
ariaste · 2 days
hheeyy I am probably gonna buy your pirate book regardless, because it does sound wonderful, but just so I know what I'm getting my little ace brain into: the gizmodo article you linked described Brother Julian as having "a frankly inconvenient vow of celibacy" and i had terrible flashbacks of the way the dragon age 2 fandom talked about Sebastian so like. Does Julian *also* think his vow is inconvenient, or am I going to have to go in accepting that funny queer pirates who resolve things with polyamory is worth wincing through a few conversations where his suitors just Cannot Believe someone so hot doesn't want to fuck oh my we must save him from himself or. whatever the fuck. Again, i loved A Touch Of Gold And Iron so I do trust you, but I've had authors i trust suddenly and unthinkingly have their characters spout aphobic talking points before, so i just want a warning, i guess. Thank you and I promise this isn't intended as a judgement of any kind, just me making sure I'm taking care of myself
No worries! I have not seen any of the Dragon Age 2 discourse and I don't know who Sebastian is, but I think I can sort of glean from context what you mean.
The answer about Julian is a little spoilery for mostly worldbuilding and a bit of his character arc, but not plot. I'm gonna try to put it under a cut, but tumblr is broken sometimes, so if the cut does not work, I apologize to the general public.
Julian is a monk of the Vintish church, which is sort of "what if the Catholic church but make it The Enlightenment" -- their religion teaches that the pursuit of knowledge and Understanding is deeply holy and that the Emperor of Heaven filled the world with mysteries specifically because he wanted humanity to figure out his little puzzles. Monks of this church take vows not to give up all "sinful" things, but to give up the one thing that occupies their mind above all else and causes them to be distracted from the pursuit of knowledge. For some people that might be alcohol, or gambling, or an addiction, or wearing pretty clothes, or anger/resentment, or whatever. For Julian, that thing was sex. He is the most allosexual man who has ever lived. He LOVED sex. It was a source of pure joy and delight and fulfillment for him -- he's one of those people who can find something wonderful and attractive in pretty much everyone he meets.
There were some Urgent Circumstances fifteen years ago in his past where taking that vow was preferable to the alternative that would have happened if he hadn't taken it, so in that sense it was a tool that served a purpose -- it was at one point a deeply convenient way of saving his own ass. I also think it was an important lesson for Young Julian to realize that sometimes you have to make sacrifices and that sacrifices HURT.
However, whether he would say in hindsight now that it was inconvenient... I think he has mixed feelings. He's very good at nuance, Julian is, and so he recognizes that all his experiences have made him into the person who he is and that he has Learned and Grown and Gained Knowledge Of Himself, which he does sincerely believe is a holy and righteous thing -- he deeply values the journey that he has been on. But at the same time.... at his heart he's just a fun guy and secretly an absolute gremlin in his own ways, you know? And tools that were once useful and relevant do not always remain so. Hope that helps!! I am on the ace/demi spectrum myself, so I've got some irritating experiences of the ways that people write about ace characters and try to "fix" them -- this is definitely not that situation.
Also, just cause you mentioned you're ace -- FYI there isn't any on-page sex in the book, just lots of dumb sex jokes and flirting. :)
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Ok college review now that I’m almost a month in. I’ve gained nothing from this experience but a janky apartment that I love
#no literally like. I’m not a people person. so that aspect of college doesn’t appeal to me#and also I’m in 4 classes. my library science one I was excited for is entirely geared towards being a school librarian and teaching#so I’m out here making lesson plans. which I have negative interest in being a teacher#my business class is structured in a way that makes lectures useless but I’m required to go#my theatre class. we haven’t really started anything so my opinion is neutral but tainted by last years experience. 2.5 out of 10#my programming class is fun though. I’ll be the one programming sketchy apps now#i do really love my apartment#but yeah. i don’t often leave it. and god people love to knock at my door and windows#i don’t like. wanna shut myself in and not speak to anyone ever. but I’m not saying I’d hate that either#bc ok. last year I talked to two people. one of which didn’t come back this year and the other one who chronically cancels plans#but also just in general. confuses me?? like bestie will do something and I’m just like. why#oh but there’s 2 guys who live above me I know. one of which was the one banging on my window at 1am wasted#the other guy is nice but also talking to him tends to tire me out bc he’s the type of person who has to be right#not in like an argumentative way. moreso the type to repeat himself and rephrase things until ur like fine fine ok#also a tiny bit of a show off/one upper type#but I do have my friend who lives a good 45 mins away we see each other often and it’s fun#so yeah that’s my academic stuff and my social circle summary!#also. my ex best friend? lived 45 mins away. same city. saw her like 2-3 times the whole year. she could have done so much better#but yeah. i don’t do much in college and am 97% certain I’m taking a gap year to go hang out at my summer job#soup talks
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thot4ellie · 3 months
oh sweetheart
pairing: boxer! ellie williams x f reader au
word count: 1.9k
rating: 18+
warnings: boxer!ellie, drinking, smoking, cursing, creepy guy but ellie comes to ur defense!! ellie has lots of tattoos, fighting, threats, idk if im missing anything (no character description or anything specific)
summary: you didn't expect to meet her on this night out.
authors notes: hi friends! this is my first time writing and posting on here hopefully you enjoy, please reblog, like or follow! lets be mutuals :) anyways feedback and constructive criticism is always welcome and appreciated! ellie williams has me on my hands and knees!!! i hope you enjoy! i like the idea of making this a series if it works out and ppl like it, so pls let m know!! thank you :)
PART 1 | part 2
series masterlist <3
from the river to the sea, palestine will be free 🇵🇸
READ: this account stands with palestine, and so— i require everyone who interacts to educate themselves, and support/donate. READ THESE; 1 and 2, HELP HERE, BOYCOTT. silence is complicity, do not scroll past this.
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loud. everything is loud. the smell of sweat and blood stains the air around you. the sounds of people cheering and shouting towards the center of the large room. the lights are buzzing above you as you are walking into the entrance of the shitty run down gym your brother, jesse, and his girlfriend, dina, ended up dragging you to tonight.
you didn't mind coming along with him but this wasn't what you expected to be doing tonight. after a long shitty week of unpacking your new apartment, you kinda just wanted to end up a hole in the wall bar and drink your stress away but he had other plans. which including watching grown men beat the shit of each other for their cut at the end of the night.
it was intimidating, walking through the crowds of people you didn't know until you finally make it to where his friends were waiting for you guys. they were sitting at a table with a clear shot of the fight which was surprising since the whole place seemed to have more people in it then it could fit. you make your way awkwardly to the empty seats saying a gentle "hello guys" to your brothers friends who you didn't knowl. you sat next to dina as jesse made his way to the bar with your drink orders.
after you graduated highschool, you moved to new york and spend 4 years there working in a small cafe you lived above but now at the start of the summer, still not sure what you should be doing with your life. now you're 22 and you've moved to the city of jackson to be closer to your older brother and his girlfriend. you were excited to start fresh in a place where no one knew you yet, you were ready to leave your old life and those toxic things in the past. but you wondered if it was even possible.
you spend the next hour talking with dina and catching up on the things that have happened since you moved, "have you started looking for jobs yet?" she asked as you both sipped on the second drink of the night that jesse went and brought back a bit ago. you've only met a couple times in person since they started dating about 2 years ago but you loved her, she was making this night a lot better. "not much luck yet, i don't know what to do, luckily i have some time to figure something out." you responded. she went to say something but then the loud speakers around the room started blaring music and the countdown to the match that was about to start.
jesse tapped dinas shoulder to go watch with the rest of them. dinas eyes met yours and asked, "are you coming up?" you started getting nervous as the people started getting louder and crowding towards the center ring and told her that you'll stay here and watch. they both nodded and said they'd be back when it was over.
you took this opportunity to finally go get some fresh air since the crowd isn't all over anymore and it was a straight shot to the door you came in, you walked over to the side of the building, definitely feeling the drinks you had, you let your back rest against the concrete wall, finally cooling you down on this hot summer night. there's people standing outside talking but they payed no attention to you. you stayed against the wall as you pull out the cigarette pack from the pocket of your thin dark green jacket and the lighter out of your back pocket in your jean shorts. you cursed yourself for not buying more but its a bad habit and you know it. you pulled one out and put it in your lips as you brought the lighter up and took a drag, finally letting the anxiety go as you stared off into the sky.
"excuse me miss, you shouldn't be out here alone, a beautiful girl like you," a man with a rough voice said but you didn't move to look, suddenly wishing you never left your apartment to begin with, "hello i'm talking to you, its not nice to ignore people, ya know," he slurred his words as he spoke. you turned your head as you went to tell him to leave you alone but instead, he was standing in front of you before you knew it you dropped your smoke and now he's practically cornered you.
he was so close you could smell the alcohol on his breathe as he spoke again, "now are you gonna talk to-" you leaned away from him as he was interrupted by the sound of a door opening a few feet away, he looked towards it but then turned back to you just as quick, almost touching you as he went to speak again but he was beat to it.
"get off her." you didn't even realize the door had opened until you heard her.
the man looked back towards the door to the figure in the light, he squinted and when he got a good look, he suddenly backed off and put his hands up. "hey hey i wasn't doing nothin- it was nothing!" he shouted back to whoever was next to the still open door, light shining into the alley.
the door slams and the light fades as the figure walks closer towards you and your eyes meet the deep green eyes of the person who just saved you as she turned to the man who was just cornering you against the wall.
"it doesn't look like nothing, i mean, really? you're fucking joking right?" she questioned him as she looked him right in the eyes.
"i said it was nothing- she was flirting with me and-" he was cut off as she laughed loudly. "yeah you're full of shit, get the fuck out of here and don't let me see you again or you'll regret it." she said as she stepped closer towards him, almost at the same height, he looked scared of her. "okay, okay- fuck 'm leaving!" he slurred one last time as he turned around and headed the opposite way of the run down gym.
you stood there as the interaction happened, not sure what to do or say yet, you were silent as he walked off, and those green eyes met yours again and you saw her lips moving as she was speaking but you caught nothing she said. "hey, you okay there?" she asked you as she went to stand in front of you, looking you up and down, checking if you're psychically okay while she gave you a second to process before she asked you again.
"hey sweetheart, you okay?" she asked and grabbed your arm, not in a way that the man would have but like she was actually making sure you were okay, and this time you finally heard her.
"h- yes im okay, just- fuck- yes thank you." you said finally getting a good look at her now that she's up close and touching you. her eyes were greener than you thought, her short auburn hair with some pulled back into a bun, the big moth tattoo wrapped around her right forearm that was still holding onto yours, other tattoos littered her arms and some poking out under her t-shirt she was wearing. she was so close to you and it sent butterflies through your body. now is not the time, you thought to yourself.
"are you sure- 'm sorry that happened, fuck him." she said roughly, not towards you but him.
"its okay, thank- thank you for helping me" you said gently to the girl who was still looking into your eyes. you had been so focused on hers that you didn't even see the tiny scars, small healing cuts and the bruises that were fading until you looked over her face again.
"yeah of course, are you here alone?" she asked you curiously still holding on to you, you weren't even phased by it. you told her you were here with your brother and she nodded her head towards the door, "lets get you back to him before anything else happens sweetheart" she said as she guided you to the door, hand on your back, as you swallowed and went first.
suddenly all the sounds that you had not realized you had been blocking begin again, smells of the sweaty bodies surround you again and you felt too hot, either because of her or the summer heat trapped in here. once you made it inside, she moved her hand off the small of your back and told her to go find your brother and to get home safe. when she walked away, you realized you didn't even know her name.
you saw dina, sitting along with a few of jesses friends and made your way over to her. the match must've ended while you were outside. you walked through the gym to sit back down, moving carefully to avoid touching anyone. once you made it to the table, dina wondered where you had ran off too. "oh just went out to get some fresh air," you said back to her smiling, not wanting her to worry. she told you jesse went to get more drinks and after the encounter outside, you needed it.
jesse came back a few moments later, holding a round of shots for you three. "here you ladies go," he spoke with a happy look on his face. you smiled slightly back and took the glass as dina laughed at him. you took the shot, trying to forget what happened outside with the man but not what happened with her. you wondered if you would see her again. is she here to watch? could she work at the bar? is she here with friends too? your thoughts were interrupted by an announcement over the speaks that the final match was gonna start soon.
dina and jesse were telling you, "its the last one tonight and the last ones are always the best so lets go!" you would rather sit and order another drink, but what if something else happened cause you were alone? so reluctantly you got up with them and got closer to the middle ring, you heard the loud speakers announcing the boxers as they entered the ring. you weren't even paying attention, nothing could stop your mind racing with thoughts about the girl outside.
you shake yourself out of the trance when dina reaches over to you to touch your hands that were shaking but you didn't even realize, you look to her and give her smile that she returns, then she looks back to the ring and you turn your head to follow her eyes to the center. and your breathe caught.
thats her.
thats the girl who saved you outside.
the girl with her hands wrapped in tape and the mouthguard in.
the girl who wondered if she'd ever see you again either, not that you knew that, but she hoped it wasn't the last time.
you wondered what she thought as you both stared back at each other. you heard the coach start the countdown. you just watched her.
as the buzzer started, she smiled directly at you then turned to throw the first punch.
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boiohboii · 10 months
Protective girl (Charles Leclerc x reader)
Inspires by @charles-eclair16 's fic
When fans go too far, yn wants to protect the one treasure in her life
in which we finally get to see the roles reversed
N.B: this is been in my drafts for so long, omg! Let me know what you guys think!! WARNING: not proof read, some swear words, might have messed up a date, don't focus on any dates mentioned, this is all fictional anyways. Hope you guys like it
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Liked by Arthur_leclerc, carlossainz55, pierregasly and 1,379,064 others
itsmeyn: charles always goes above and beyond for every single fan of his, he tries to take as many pictures and sign as many autographs as possible, but what happened last night was a fucking joke. He doesn't like what I'm writing cause he says that it was just a mistake and that it was fine, but it really isn't, it's so disrespectful and disgusting! He always wants to meet his fans and make them happy only to receive this insanity, him falling AND HURTING HIMSELF because some of you can't fucking wait and be organized like a human being! Charles isn't an animal in a zoo where you race to pet him! He is a human being, he is a son, a brother and a boyfriend! This wasn't just an accident, i have seen these 6 girls multiple times in multiple places! it's so obsessive and so so sick of you to follow him everywhere.... Charles won't speak up because he is Charles and he lives seeing the good in people, but I will tear everything and everyone for his safety, so for you 6 girls you will be hearing from court soon so better prepare a good lawyer you assholes!
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Liked by leclercboy, ynistheitgurl, fuckferarri and 91,739 others
F1_updates_live: Charles Leclerc's girlfriend, YN LN, seen today arriving in front of the UK's courthouse in a red SF9 Ferarri. It had been quite a week for YN as she was seen hitting a fan after the said fan pushed Charles. YN took this fan and 5 others to court, no one knows on what bases but what has come out is that she has won the case which means that Charles and YN have restraining orders against the group.
username: yn doing God's work
username: yn serving justice
username: that's what we needed
username: hot girl shit
username: the car and suit combo is so fucking hot of her
username: I think this is too much, like these girls just wanted to see Charles
username: @.itsmeyn can we make them 7?
username: another one
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Liked by Charles_leclerc, danielricciardo, pierregasly and 617,829 others
itsmeyn: don't blame me, love made me crazy
username: YN IS A FELLOW SWIFTIE?!?!?
username: if I had a nickel for everytime yn and I had something in common I'd have 2 nickels, which is not a lot but it's weird that it's happened twice
username: now I just want her to watch all the charles edits done with a taylor song
itsmeyn: who says i already don't 🌚
username: and I oop-
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Liked by wolfffam, maxverstappen1, lance_stroll and 817,629 others
itsmeyn: congratulations to my baby, the love of my life, you deserve it and so much more ♥️♥️
username: FINALLY!!
username: idk how to react, ferarri has let us down too many times that all I know is lose
username: I don't see how he deserves it tbh, all of his results are shit for quite a while , he's only where he is cause he's driving a ferarri 🤷‍♂️
itsmeyn: oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were the one in a formula one car, in a ferarri, that by the words of many professionals is at its worse era. I don't care about you and your opinion but don't state it as a fact, no one can do better with these strategies. I hate to keep saying this but when your own fucking team doesn't have the same dream as you it turns to shit. Even if charles is the only one in the car, it's still a team sport, not a one man sport. Fuck you and your tiny ass brain that can never survive one lap in a formula one car, it'll probably explode cause of all the bullshit in it before the first lap anyway. So next time you wanna talk shit maybe try to do fifth of who you're criticising is doing, I bet that'll shut you up real quick you dimwit.
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Liked by leclercpascale, pilotesofmonaco, tswiftyn, and 52,719 others
F1_updates_live: YN LN, Charles' long time girlfriend, seen today fighting Xavi in Bahrain due to his mistake on the radio which resulted in Charles losing his podium position.
username: good for her
username: charles is so lucky
username: I love how she always stands up for him
username: honestly, whenever charles or carlos ignore the strategies they win... I really wanna see more of that.
username: this is just Monaco 2024 GP all over again, yn was so fucking furious (rightfully so) cause Xavi's mistake costed charles a p1 in his home race.
username: this shit was so heartbreaking man
username: I think this was the first time we ever saw yn angry at sabotaging charles, like the most we saw was her holding his hand when crossing the street, making sure he eats first, playing with his hair when nervous, but I've never seen yn make someone literally cry until 2024 with Xavi being her victim
username: pffft, victim, he 100% deserved it
username: oh yeah, definitely. All my homes hate Xavi, like can you not say the strategy properly 😒
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daycourtofficial · 4 months
Falling in Love on the Fourth Floor - Part 6
Summary: Out of an act of desperation, you move in with a guy you kind of know who happens to have a really hot brother who lives next door.
Author’s note: getting some tension here 👀 and yes the opening scene is inspired by How I Met Your Mother. This ends on a sad note for Azzy Baby so a bit angsty
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Masterlist)
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Azriel isn’t surprised as his front door opens to find you bursting through it, as you had texted him about fifteen minutes ago if you could come over and tell him something. You quickly lock the door behind yourself, turning to face himself and Rhysand.
“So you guys know how Cassian and I got drunk last night after dinner,” you start before Rhys cuts you off with his hand. “Please don’t tell me Cass made it three weeks with a female roommate before having sex with her.”
You grimace at him, “ew, no.”
A look passes between Azriel and Rhys, one you can’t quite make out, but Azriel stands a bit straighter after your words.
“As I was saying - we got drunk, and after you guys left, we were walking down to go get donuts from the place on the corner when we passed a tattoo parlor and we went in.”
After the dinner with Mor last night, Feyre dropped the four of you off and you all had congregated into yours and Cassian’s apartment. You were tipsy for most of the night, Rhys and Az had the slightest hint of a buzz, and Cassian was bordering on blackout because he “wanted to take advantage of not doing anything the next day”.
Your mention of a tattoo parlor got their attention very quickly. You start giggling then, jumping up and down at what you have to tell them. You can’t contain your excitement as you blurt out, “Cassian got a tramp stamp and I don’t think he remembers it.”
They both look at you in shocked silence then start laughing. They start asking a million questions - “what is it? What color is it?” After a minute you tell them, “he’s awake and I know he’ll be over any minute - we have to remain calm. You need to see it.”
You turn back, unlocking the door for Cassian. The three of you wait in pained silence until you hear the knob turning, prompting you and Rhys to begin two completely different conversations to fill the silence.
“So like I said she was hot-“
“My professor is a jackass who wouldn’t -“
Cassian walks in, too hungover to notice the conflicting dialogues. He walks in shirtless and you start practically buzzing in excitement. You send warning glares to his brothers, trying to communicate, “please please please you need to see it before you say anything”.
Cassian groans a greeting to you three, walking past the three of you to open the fridge door. As he searches for whatever it is he wants, the three of you crowd behind him to look at the little blue candy heart that says “babygirl” in pink script tattooed just above his ass.
Rhys shoves his fingers in his mouth to keep from laughing and Azriel’s about to break when you slap a hand over his mouth. You all try so hard to keep from laughing, which makes it that much harder to restrain yourselves.
Rhys cracks first, unable to stop himself as he asks, “are you lost, babygirl,” referencing that godsawful 365 Days movie Cassian made you all watch a few days ago.
The three of you lose it, and Azriel collapses to the floor in giggles, taking you with him. From the ground you watch Cassian’s confused brain try to make sense of why you all were laughing so hard when Rhys slaps right where the fresh tattoo lied and Cassian yelps in pain.
“Oh gods, why does that hurt so much?” He stills, running straight for Azriel’s bathroom. The three of you follow, standing outside the door listening for Cassian’s moment of realization. He screams in shock, running back out, pointing a finger at you.
“You did this!”
“Me?” You ask, between giggles, “I think it was you, babygirl.”
That sends Azriel over the edge again, and he starts giggling into your hair.
“I’m getting it removed asap,” Cassian grounds out, storming out the apartment, leaving the three of you to giggle and mock him a bit more.
The week goes by in a blur of classes and project work. You don’t see much of Azriel, but the two of you text frequently after sending him that first message about Cassian’s tattoo.
The two of you would send photos of valentine’s hearts to each other, clearly mocking Cassian, asking, “would this look good on my chest?”
You had spent most of the week glued to your phone, waiting for his responses. Feyre even got mad at you when you had dinner at her place on Wednesday because you kept glancing at your phone while she was telling you something.
You began apologizing, telling her about you and Az texting, when her own phone buzzed taking away her attention. You had sat back as her gaze moved to her phone, hands itching to respond to Rhysand.
“Go on,” you told her, “pot calling the kettle back, I see.”
Today was Friday, so you didn’t have any classes, however you did spend the day TAing for several Organic Chemistry labs, the first of which had Rhysand in it. He had offered to drive you to campus, and after dinner with Feyre, you’re wondering if it’s just so he can talk to you about your friend.
You walked into their apartment, ready to meet Rhysand when you were met with a beautiful girl on their couch. She had long blonde hair in a nest braid on her head, and her silver eyes pierced you as you entered the apartment.
You look around, checking that you’re in the right apartment, and offer her a small smile, trying not to look as shocked as you feel as you shut the door behind yourself.
Was Rhys seeing someone?
She tells you, “I’m Nesta,” and you nod, offering her your own name back. She quirks a small smile at that, leaning back in the seat. “Interesting,” she says, “you’re just like Azriel described.” Her eyes roam up and down your body, and her face remains neutral, not giving you any hint of what she sees.
You want to know more about how Azriel had described you, when the man in question comes out of his room and stops at the sight of you talking to Nesta.
“Hey,” he tells you, and you’re too focused on watching him to notice Nesta roll her eyes at how much he had deepened his voice. She starts to say something, and he realizes it, strolling over to give her his notebook to keep her quiet.
The teasing words die on her tongue, replaced by words of gratitude. Azriel breaks eye contact with her to see you’ve started to stand, saying, “I’m gonna go wait outside - uh clearly you have company.”
Azriel looks at you, your face riddled with confusion and something else he can’t quite place.
“No, don’t worry. I was just leaving. I’ll see you tonight?” She asks, turning back to Azriel, “7?”
You wince at the date they’ve made, and Azriel definitely notices. He nods, “yeah, I’ll see you.”
He walks her to the door, before turning back to you, an interesting look on your face.
“She’s uh nice,” you stammer out, heart beating wildly once he shuts the door behind her.
Of course someone as pretty as Azriel needs someone as striking as Nesta. Were you a fool this whole time? To consider he might harbor affections for you? Was all the texting just niceties between neighbors?
“Not to new people she isn’t,” he replies, hands in his pockets, rocking back and forth on his feet.
“She was nice to me,” which makes it ten times harder for you to hate her. Your face flushed with embarrassment at having read this whole situation wrong. You are internally pleading with any force in the universe to make Rhys hurry up so you can bury yourself in shame and embarrassment away from Azriel.
“Well that’s because-“ but the words die on his tongue, as Rhys strolls out of his room, clearly hearing your prayers.
“Oh there you are, come on let’s go,” he tells you, grabbing his bookbag, snapping at you like you’re the problem, “we’re going to be late.”
Azriel’s brows furrow, “where are you two headed off to?”
Rhys smiles, “didn’t you know? She’s my lovely TA for O Chem lab.”
Azriel pulled up to the building later that night, hopping off his bike after spending hours with Nesta at the library. She was doing a minor in computer science, so she was taking the same electives as Azriel and they met weekly to do their homework together.
Tonight’s topic for review was all about you and how Nesta is certain that you were jealous of her sitting in his apartment and she was equally certain that any man in a city block would be lining up to ask you out.
“Don’t wait too long, Az,” she had told him as they walked towards the parking lot, mostly empty due to how early it was in the semester and the late hour. “She’s awfully pretty and smart. I’d date her.”
She smirked at Azriel’s disapproving look, thanking him for the notes from yesterday’s lecture.
Nesta’s words ring in his head as he spots you at the door of your building, a little black dress adorning your body. He walks closer, opting to leave his helmet on, eyes glued to how the dress covers your curves, and it takes a moment to realize that you’re with someone.
And not just anyone.
A guy. Some guy. Some guy that wasn’t himself.
Fuck, he thinks.
Did he have it all wrong? Were you seeing someone - responding to his texts because of pity? You had been so nice - were you just this nice to everyone? The subtle touches, the quick glances, did he make them all up?
He hadn’t thought much of your lack of communication today - you had told him previously that Fridays are a busy day for you, but now he knows you likely spent the afternoon getting ready for this date.
He keeps the helmet on as he walks past, not even hearing your conversation with the guy. He tries to keep himself from being noticed as he walks right past you, the scent of vanilla and flowers hitting him. He walks through the lobby, straight into the waiting elevator.
His fingers stay pressed on the button that leads to your floor, moving to stay pressed on the “close doors” button. He can’t stomach the sight of you two, and he certainly can’t stomach sharing an elevator with you two, forced into making small talk with your date.
His thoughts whirl and swirl with the texts you had been exchanging all week since you all had dinner together as he leans his helmeted head against the closed elevator doors. Jokes shared between you two into the odd hours of the night.
He couldn’t remember the last time he had stayed up texting someone, not wanting to go to sleep for fear of ending the conversation. He thought he had even heard you laughing through the wall at his dumb jokes. He had even fallen asleep while waiting for your response last night, his phone unlocked next to his face to your chain of texts the first thing he saw that morning.
The doors to the elevator open and he walks to his apartment, unlocking the door, and trudging into his room. He pulls off his helmet, chucking it somewhere in his room. He replaces it with his headphones, cranking the volume up as loud as it will go, to drown out any noise that could filter in from the apartment next door.
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All propaganda and what each competitor is from under the cut
Trafalgar D. Water Law (Once Piece)
Law is a genocide survivor who saw his parents' dead bodies along with experiencing a whole bunch of other messed up stuff (his sister burning to death, the people of his country being shot for being poisoned by their own government, being terminally ill, escaping the genocide by hiding under a pile of dead bodies, etc etc). After all this shit, he eventually got forcibly adopted by this one guy and dragged around the world looking for a cure for his illness. Right when Law started to trust and love his new caretaker, he is also brutally murdered in front of him. Law's life goal for the next decade is to get revenge on the person who killed his adoptive father. Vote for him bc he needs a goddamn win for once in his life. He is the people's princess and the narrative's favorite punching bag. Also, his depressed, PTSD-ridden autistic swag and scoliosis realness have captivated me body and soul
His biological parents were killed (before his eyes, by the governement) when he was 10(?). He then joined a bunch of pirates, knowing he wouldn't have much time (and will) left to live anyway. There he was sort of adopted by the Big Bad Pirate's brother, who managed to save his life, only for said brother to be killed (more or less before Law's eyes, by the Big Bad Pirate), when he was 13. You could say he was orphaned twice.
He’s literally got the double orphan special (Parents died and then the guy who took him in after them died too) that’s a 50% increase in orphannedness above your standard orphan. He’s also cool as fuck.
Law's parents were already on death row along with him and his younger sister due to a disease that shortens the life span of a person. The disease can only be passed down genetically and has afflicted everyone in the town that he has grown up in. Due to the sudden outbreak and unknown nature of the disease to the rest of the world panicked and the government closed off his city, killing everyone there. That is how his first set of parents died when he was 10, I think. Still then Law would later join a pirate crew where he would eventually be taken away 2-3 years later by Corazon, marine working undercover as a pirate in order to take down this brother, who is the captain of crew Law joined. Corazon took him in order to cure Law's disease which he still had and to get him away from Doflamingo, his brother. Over the course of 6 months the two became close with Corazon essentially becoming a father figure to Law. I am simplify this but at some point of Doflamingo catches on to Corazon being a double agent and finds him. Doflamingo then proceeds to find Corazon and shoot him in front of a chest that Law was hiding in.
Law has faced many hardships since he was a child, but used his experiences to become an extremely powerful doctor. His pirate crew theme and his Devil Fruit ability are all owed to his adoptive father. Law acts really gruff and serious most of the time, initially seeming like a cool, calculating character and feared swordsman… but one second around the Straw Hats and you quickly see just how silly he really is. He hates bread. He collects coins. He is obsessed with ninjas and superhero comic books. In one arc he just fucked around with his powers and INVENTED harpies and centaurs. Oh, and his First Mate is a polar bear. What could be better than that?
The government ordered to kill everyone in Law's country due to everyone getting "fantasy lead poisoning" disease, which was wrongfully thought to be contagious stroked. Law's family was living at the hospital when they got attacked, his parents (who were doctors) got killed and the hospital got set on fire with his little sister inside. He managed to fled the country hiding in a pile of corpses and ended up joining a pirate crew lead by Doflamingo. Law knew he had the disease and it was going to kill him in three years. Doflamingo's brother, Rosinante took Law hospital to hospital to find a cure but they always rejected him thinking the disease was contagious. Then they learned that someone had offered Doflamingo a devil fruit that could grant him immortality. The fruit could also cure Law so Rosinante stole it and made Law eat it. He then made sure Law could escape Doflamingo and got killed by his brother.
dude spent his childhood getting thrown out of windows, while dying from a deadly disease (that was eventually cured) but while he was still showing symptoms of the disease no one would go near him out of fear and disgust, save for his father figure.
nothing can ever go right for this man. its fucking hilarious in the series and makes for some wonderful angst content. i want everyone who has not watched or read One Piece to know that, for half of his 'main' arc, he's carried around like a potato sack by MULTIPLE people. he is a damsel in despair. he didn't even need to be carried, he honestly could've walked, but he had to save that energy so he could take the like 17 lead bullets out of him. he's always getting shot or thrown out a window and he's severely injured more often than not. he's also a doctor/surgeon, one that should be able to cure incurable diseases, yet his pathetic loserboy ass is too busy being emo to worry about the several gunshot wounds and internal bleeding. god help this man but also don't because honestly it's really fucking funny
Ok, FIRST, when he was a tiny frog-disecting little kid, him and his family and island contacted a disease equivalent to cancer BUT his fam didn't die from that. No, no, his parents got gunned down by the military and his little sis was burned alive with the rest of his house, so, yeah, very traumatic, horrific in a way that makes you very angry at yourself and life and want to oh I don't know, kill everyone and everything possible until the day you die, which won't be long because you have cancer after all. Later, after joining a mafia/cult/gang, Law meets Corazon who after like 2 years kidnaps him to try and get him healed and so they spend the next 6 months bonding, WEEEEEE!! Wait, no, NOT weeee because Cora who is now his father-figure DIES having protected and saved him, and thus bruv becomes orphaned not once, not thrice, but TWO very traumatic times! If this isn't an orphan, idk what is……
Anthony Lockwood (Lockwood and Co)
Lockwood (he's known by his surname mostly) is the mysterious, daredevil and charming founder of Lockwood and Co., a detective agency specialised in protecting people from angry -and sometimes sort of hungry- ghosts in a world where they're rampant. His agency is starting small despite Lockwood bragging it's the best in London but get more and more recognition as the series progress and the agents composing them meet success (when they're not on the verge of dying). Lockwood has open manners but hid his painful past from his coworkers to protect himself. He and George, the first teenager he recruited, are quite stunned by Lucy, a country girl who fled to London after disaster striked in her hometown. Thanks to her talent, she quickly becomes known as one of the best ghost fighter in London and finds her place in the small team despite having the same determination to hide her past than Lockwood, which draws him close to her, making George jealous, but Lockwood's manifest good skills in leadership and the three of them become fast friends while unravelling secret truths and risking their lives repeatedly
He has a lot of trauma and a lot of pain but he always smiles and always has a warm and polite attitude; he’s so protective of the ones he loves that it overrides his suicidal tendencies; at the end of the series he starts to heal from his past; he’s hot but has only two braincells.
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chiprewington · 1 month
Character Analysis on Chip Revvington, the Chainsaw Consultant.
Genuine Long Post Warning, as well as a LOT of images. This is going to cover literally everything we know about Chip and my take on what's provided In Canon (being his Cogs Ink profile, his Interview, the 1.3 News Article, and In-Game). This is my first try at an In-depth Character Analysis. Screenshots used are from the official Wiki.gg, In-Game, and from the Corporate Clash News Archive.
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Prior to being brought on to lead the Deforester Force, it's shown he's clearly a confident Suit, and has a genuine passion for his line of work as a consultant. With his personal statement alone this can be seen on full display with how he writes about himself, including noting how he's not swayed by bribery in any manner. (also the fact he outright pokes fun at one of the bribes will never not be funny to me)
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Not to mention his lack of discipline records throughout his 19 months having already worked for C.O.G.S. with his usual job as an external consultant, this plus the fact he has "positive remarks" from his previous places of work shows he's probably in very high demand and really does excel at his job.
This is also shown in his interview, where he also equally shows a lot of passion for his job and genuine interest with answering questions relating to it. Before we get into that though, I feel like it's important to also point out a couple other things that I think about a lot with his profile.
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This, being referred to as the "Temperamental Terminator" in the 1.3 trailer, and considering the average age of a Consultant is ~40+ years (and I personally hc him as 48), I think it's safe to say Chip just always was a quick-tempered individual throughout his life. It's one of his less favorable traits that I personally find charming.
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And these read to me like Chip's always been considered "scary" among other suits. His behavior isn't the issue (yet) though, he's just a massive guy who happens to have a chainsaw for a snout.
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Which. Makes this very interesting. Jennifer, stated something similar above, but I feel as if her intentions are more... unaware than the actual company's. Jennifer sees a guy with a big Chainsaw and thinks "Oh! He can cut down trees with that!" Jennifer ily. The company on the other hand probably has had this idea of what Chip could be a candidate for. They hired him to lead the Deforester Force. His job consists of him sitting in an office. Nothing relating to physical labor in cutting down trees, he just oversees the process. "Chainsaw apparatus will be helpful [...]" suddenly takes on a much darker meaning, in my mind.
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Which is how we get here. Chip being modified with a clearly experimental hardware which we all know as the Personality Override. The fact that it was only "partially successful" is a very fun thing to consider.
Note the fact that from a canon standpoint the Override was implemented "2 weeks ago". This will be important later.
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(The toon who got the above screenshots is not mine!)
Another fun side-note is the fact that the Override is experimental. It's experimental hardware. Chip is the only one with it. They are using him like a guinea pig. And not to mention "Dealing with Toons far more efficiently" paired with the above company-sourced "Chainsaw Apparatus will be useful [...]", you can't make this stuff up. They turned this guy into a living weapon likely without him knowing the full scope of what would happen if he did get this position in the first place.
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Okay. Now we can talk about his Interview. Which even through glancing at it you can see just how passionate he is regarding his work. He is driven and confident that his plans for the Deforester Force will work. He wants to believe that he'll set an example for the rest of the departments to execute a similar plan.
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And then this question comes up. And then I have to remind you it's probably been only a couple days since he's modified. And he already has rumors circulating about him.
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And the moment the subject is changed, he perks right back up into being passionate about his work.
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I also feel like it's worth mentioning the fact he's been actively requesting and wanting Spruce (who recommended him to begin with!!!) to join him in the Deforester Force and keeps being turned down on it. The way this and something else I'm about to touch on are written feels like he's barely been able to see him. These two have a brotherly bond and they're being separated. He misses his brother, man.
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That's not even getting into this. Even as I'm writing this I just realized the implications of something at the end of this and I'm going to have to pace around my house thinking about it. But also you can see that even though just the slightest amount of time has canonically passed since the interview, you can already see the toll the Override's been taking on Chip's behavior. While he was once passionate, he's now actively complaining about his job. It's not even about the job itself, it's about what's happened to him.
Not to mention, I feel it also displays his temper in full swing once again- even if he's justified in this sense.
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I also need to pay special mind to this ending bit right here because the implication of this with everything else surrounding it fucking broke me. uugghhhhh.
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Now this is something I feel is so, so, so important to his character. He actively does not like toons. He clearly shows a certain disgust for them and views them like Animals. Pests. He doesn't hesitate to proudly state his opinion on them. And then you see him in-game.
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He hasn't changed his mind about toons at all. Ignoring the fact that "you critters again" insinuates this isn't even his first contact with toons (will get to this later), he's... Restrained. I don't know, this reads to me like he's actively restraining himself from blowing up. "You don't want to see what happens when I get angry." is a warning to just comply and leave.
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And then because he doesn't remember he fired the rest of the Deforester Force (another thing I want to touch on), he actively gets upset and angry at the remaining flunky because of course someone as high-rank as himself wouldn't want a Flunky on such an important team. Once again, additionally showing his active temper. His active temper he just tried to restrain and bottle up.
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And that's what breaks the camel's back. The Override most likely activates from excessive anger/distress, something that Chip Actively Struggles With. He has to bottle himself up because if he tries to be his usual hot-tempered self, which is who he naturally is, he's just going to lose himself. Lose himself to cog knows how long as being a lifeless machine that perfectly and efficiently complies with the commands its given.
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He begs for help when he's able to partially regain control (emphasis on partially, considering the most he can do is speak and prevent Deadwood from happening), but like. Again, to me this reads as the fact he is currently Incredibly Fucking Terrified because he's completely aware the whole time the Override is active. He can see himself acting against his will. It's mortifying. He's willing to beg anyone for help because the Override is genuinely traumatizing for him.
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Which makes this all the more harrowing. He can't keep the Override at bay forever (likely the only reason why he partially regained control is from the sheer amount of pain he put himself in by ripping out one of his bulbs. You can see him brace himself and wince when that happens). Once again, "save yourselves" in this context feels more like he's scared. He's terrified. Because the Override sucks. And the implication of "ALL RAM CLEARED" doesn't leave much room to assume anything other than the Override likely clears out Chip's memories in order to make more processing room for this janky hardware to run at a constant overclocked state. I wonder how much of Chip's memories have been removed because of that thing, honestly.
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By the way did you know that a normal chainsaw runs an average of 12,000 RPM. Do you think about how the little RPM icon is his saw smoking as if it's overheating. What the hell is the Override doing to him internally.
Another added touch I think about a lot is how his battle as a whole is, for the most part, very predictable. You control what cheats he does. Even in technical battle terms, everything is out of Chip's control. As long as every gag hits, you're really just manipulating an enemy's AI to to make the most optimal choices to your benefit. The Override perceives "X", and responds with "Y". You're not fighting an actual individual, just a program.
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Clearly, whatever it's doing to him, it's painful (not mentioning the agonizing scream he lets out during this). And thank Cog he was able to regain control at the last second because it's way too obvious that the Override's "final fallback procedure" likely involved some kind of lethal force when it lunges at the toons. (The Chainsaw Apparatus will be helpful.)
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There's no sorrow in Chip's words, that's what I think. Everything here is bitter. It's numb, to me.
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He's clearly been through this song and dance multiple times by now. He's pissed at the toons, at the company, and at himself. But he can't properly let it out. You know what will happen if he does. The most he can do is throw a chair and scream into the air. (which that line gets its own custom voice clip, fun fact!)
It's clear he's been isolated ever since he's been upgraded, and it seems like he's bitterly accepted it. The only thing he has left to lose is Spruce, which is why he tells the toons not to tell him. If he loses Spruce...
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I don't think he'd have much left. It'd make sense why he's grown so restrained and numb and stilted in his speech. He's quickly grown to learn that he can't let himself express anymore, all because of the override.
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The fact that everyone else around him views him poorly doesn't help. His employees fear him. Most of them probably don't realize something is wrong, spread rumors about him, or outright attack him through hatemail. Written in Cipher.
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"Chip has some anger issues. I would be careful around him. Don't worry about the Cogs though, I'm sure they'll be fine. Might get demoted back to their initial tier, but that's what happens when you work with Chip. Good thing that Toons can't get fired-- or wait, they can, can't they? Do Toons LIKE getting fired? I will never understand those animals. And you seen Spruce around lately? I haven't. I wonder how his deforesting expedition is going. There is a secret message up ahead in Chip's room. Can you find it? If you are stuck, have you considered looking around your surroundings?"
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"I can't stand Chip anymore. I know I'm a Yesman, but I have to say NO. He used to be cool up until his sensors flared off. After what he did to my fellow coworker, I don't know if I can continue working under him. Sure, he's one of the most organized managers I've ever worked with, not to mention the flowing passion he has for the Deforester Force. His personality issues can single-handedly cause all of our projects to collapse. One of my former coworkers had raised concerns about Toons taking over our buildings and ultimately undoing all work that was done on our end. That poor Pencil Pusher overstepped his boundaries with Chip when he admitted his failure to secure "our" project from the Toons. Up until this point, I have never seen a Cog fire another Cog. With a cannon."
"It grinded my gears when I saw that happen. Him and I worked nonstop for days straight, while this pile of bolts just sat there doing his paperwork. I wouldn't be surprised if he was just doing crossword puzzles or writing letters to his little buddy. If you are reading this Mr. Revvington, you are the reason for our decline. We are running out of Deforester Force members because of you. As someone who has gone through close-call battles with the Toons, I hope you experience what it's like to have boulders and anvils fall from above you. You can try to fire me with that shoddy cannon of yours, but you would have to track me down first. I've already left the area and was recruited to a new organization far more stable than you will ever be."
...I genuinely love Mr. Revvington. He's a Suit who's been dealt the worst hand he could possibly ever get in life. He was just like anyone else, and then everything happened ever since joining C.O.G.S.. He's isolated, he's temperamental, he's pissy, he'd genuinely be someone hard to get along with because of the fact he's struggling with all sorts of issues and would be incredibly difficult and annoying to even start talking to and forming a bond with unless you're both stubborn and have patience. He's awful, and I love him for it.
I genuinely believe he's one of the most complex, beautifully written, and depressing characters in Corporate Clash. Maybe I dive way too deep into things about him, maybe he's not that deep at all. But I like to think about him. He makes me emotional, but he also makes me happy. Thank you for making him exist.
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eliashirsch · 16 days
God Tier Top Gun Fanfictions. A Masterlist. (3/3)
Part three of my fanfic recommendation! This one's for the best fics!
Winner Categories:
1. Best of the Best Authors (1/3)
2. Best of the Best Series (2/3)
3. Best of the Best Fics (3/3)
Best of the Best Fics
Fics that shine bright as the stars. Make sure to check the author’s other works too!
Kings of the Air by FabulaRasa @fabula-unica
Fighting and fucking: two things he did extraordinarily well. How could he have known what the effect would be when you combined the two?
This and COMPACFLT’s work directly inspired one of my works:) The writing quality is absolutely amazing. My favorite fics are those that have Ice returning to Top Gun and joining Mav as an instructor and this one just takes the whole motherfucking crown.
Indian Ocean. Present Day. by Jay Tryfanstone (tryfanstone)
Isolated on an aircraft carrier in the middle of the Indian Ocean, cut off from any source of information about the global political and environmental disaster which has engulfed the planet, Maverick and Goose struggle to make sense of an increasingly claustrophobic command structure and failing resources on board. When a refugee helicopter is spotted approaching the carrier, its pilot could be the catalyst for an explosive re-evaluation....
This fic man. This fic. It made me fall in love with post-apocalyptic fics. The writing style, the plot, Ice and Mav and Goose. Goose, man… Oh my god. If you read this fic you know why I’m still thinking about these boys’ fates. 
Rhinestone Cowboy by omnidirectional
That’s Doctor Iceman to you! Maverick bangs himself up and gets rescued by someone he didn’t expect. A Missing Scene featuring contrived situations, questionable life choices, gratuitous product placement, and shirtlessness. You know, everything you love about canon.
And it is absolutely everything I love about canon! I always love missing scenes or canon divergent. Not to say that I don’t enjoy AUs, but I love vibes like this the most where the story works alongside canon and elevates it to a whole other level. Mav and Ice and Slider feels correct.
Sleepless Nights by demiclar @demiclar / @slidersimp
Five times Maverick wakes himself up with nightmares and one time he's woken by someone else.
Fics about Mav’s grief over Goose’s death will always wreck me. This one in particular shows itself as a physical manifestation. I love love love all the guys stepping up and taking care of Mav, never once judging his pain. I’m a sucker for portrayals of the ugly side of grief.
Mal de Mer by saurora_borealis
"I thought you said you didn't get seasick, you little liar," Slider snaps. Maverick doesn't answer, head bowed, but Ice can see him shaking from here. Of all the times for Maverick to be sick, did it have to be on a night that Ice is ill too? Or: the carrier experiences some ocean turbulence. Even the most seasoned aviators fall prey to it.
This one has sort of the same vibe as the fic above. I never get tired of seeing the flyboys take care of each other<3
be my soulmate (and i'll be yours) by ChexMix
Of course Maverick dreams about finding his soulmate. Who doesn't? But he'd never imagined the possibility that it could be the Iceman. So when he catches sight of Ice's soulmark, it suddenly becomes all he can think about.
Classic Icemav soulmate AU. This is like exactly my type of angst and happy ending. Sometimes the things you’re familiar with are still the best:)
To Build a Home by LadyLanera @k9effect
Eighteen years before Top Gun Maverick, there was a home being built from ashes and ruin. When the dust finally settled and dusk fell, the house of cards collapsed, shattering three lives forever. Is it possible to rebuild, reclaiming the past in the future...when they're all hurtling towards their worst nightmare?
Goddddd. I love Mav’s character flaw in this. I love Ice’s maturity born from grief and sickness. I love Bradley’s anger and abandonment issues. I love that these three have hurt each other more than anyone ever could, but their love is still starkly present. My thoughts when I was reading this was that LadyLanera wrote their flaws so beautifully, making them human, and by doing so I understood their motivations and their actions. Amazing characterization. 
all is fair (in love and war) by dulcetines (evecstasy)
oh, ice, maverick bisa merasakan hati kecilnya meringis, ice, sori banget— hollywood menyelak lagi, kali ini dengan suara impersonasi terbaiknya: “teruntuk kuncen TOPGUN, yang mana di sana kuyakin matahari belum juga terbit sebersamaan dengan ditulisnya surat ini. aku ingin saat ini juga kau bersyukur tidak mesti mendengarkan slider ngorok di sampingmu. tuhan jesus. pria ini sudah kuanggap saudara sendiri, tapi terkadang ada saja hal-hal yang dilakukannya yang membuatku ingin menggulingkannya ke laut. kau apa kabar di sana? sudah berapa pilot yang kauhabisi egonya? apapun itu. jangan mati kebosanan dulu. aku bisa bilang begini karena surat-suratmu selalu mengancam demikian. ingat kau masih hutang makan malam denganku. dan sepuluh dolar. sampaikan salamku ke bayi itik. bilang aku kangen padanya. dan,” hollywood memalsukan dehem, sambil ia melanjutkan, “padamu juga. setiap detikku. ice.” begitulah.
Hehehehehe. Now this is more for me LMAO because as you can see, it’s written in Indonesian. Finding this fic in my mother language is like finding GOLD. Again, I love love love Icemav in their Top Gun era. This is for all of you Indonesian Top Gun enthusiast *blows a kiss* 
a higher fidelity by basedchamp
“C’mon.” Tori nudges him with an elbow. “C’mon. He’s cute. You can admit that one thing but you can’t admit this?” Gritting his teeth, Ice thinks very carefully about his next words. “He’s…” he trails off. “Some would say that…Mitchell is not. Unpleasant. To look at.” (Alternatively: the one where Ice and Mav learn to park bad, eat good, and love even better.)
Ice’s family, man… It’s refreshing to see them so supportive and loving. I’m guilty of making Ice’s backstory so tragic>:) But this one is heartwarming! I love the style and flow of the writing. It’s something that I want to achieve in my own writing as well, so kudos to basedchamp!
Tunnel Vision by brainjuicey (anzietyfreak) @brainjuicey
Instead of Ice biting the air in the locker room, he antagonises Mav by biting his neck, unknowingly setting off dormant Omega genes and sending him into heat. Everyone involved is forced to remain secure on base until they’ve investigated. AKA. Five Alphas, a Beta, and an Omega in heat, walk into an Air Base prison. Ramifications ensue. Alternative title, "Locked in Sex Jail With The Boys"
This scratched that specific part in my brain, man. ABO with the original cast of Top Gun? Sign me up, baby. Steamy and perfect. 
The Five People You Can't Escape in Heaven by V_Evergreen
Maverick dies, but it doesn't end there. Alternately: [“Hey, kiddo, are you with me?” Maverick opened his eyes and found that he could see. He blinked in the sudden light as his surroundings came into focus. Quite literally came into focus, as though everything around him was resolving into itself as he looked, deciding to form a lawn, flowerbeds, the tree trunk that he had been leant against. The sun was blinding overhead, high noon. In the distance, hazy and indistinct, he could make out a house. It looked vague, like a half formed memory but it was familiar. Just like the man crouched in front of him. “Dad?” He croaked.]
I was reading the original book (The Five People You Meet in Heaven) and came across this fic. Which in turn made me want to write my own rendition from the same idea.  That last chapter, man. It’s unreal how creative it is. A punch to the gut for sure.
(Here’s my fic if you want to read about it :) >> Estrellita)
He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother by V_Evergreen
Five meetings between Thomas Kazansky and Ethan Hunt. Alternately: [Ethan heard the door click shut behind him and turned to ask after the papers when he was abruptly spun by a hand on his shoulder and pushed against the door. His first and immediate thought was that he was certainly being attacked. Kazansky had him pressed against the door, chest to chest, a hand around his wrist and then- oh. Oh no. He wasn’t being attacked at all, it was infinitely worse. He was being very thoroughly kissed. He pushed back against Kazansky’s chest and tried to think of something eloquent to say. “Um?”]
Another banger by V_Evergreen. Ice not knowing Mav has a twin and mistakenly kissing him is so funny. And the end is heartwarming as well. Love love love it.
Allies by Shearmouth
After getting shot down over a war-torn Iraq, Maverick makes some unlikely friends. They have something– a big something– in common. But all Mav really wants is Ice. Too bad he's half a world away, and even Mav can't run that on a shattered leg. Not with the infected chest wounds thrown in, at least.
Oh my goddddd. I keep being at a loss for words when describing these fics. It won’t do anyone good if all I wrote was goddd, oh mannn, it’s so goodddd. But it’s the truth. This one hits home so much. The risk and homophobia present when you’re in a place that punishes queer people for existing and being in love, how a single mistake will cost you your future. And it’s so heartwarming to see that even then, you’re not alone. Mav being helped to reunite with Ice and breaking down that since their relationship was private, Ice had to grief Mav alone. Man, oh man. 
There is a pain—so utter by CurSirrr
Pete Mitchell was fine. Completely fine. He didn’t feel dizzy with denial, or an utter trainwreck of hopelessness. He hadn’t shed a single tear or cried himself to sleep for the past week. His guts were twisting and turning, squeezing and cramping. His eyes were swollen and red, and his scalp hurt from his vicious hair tugs as he tried to understand the past week. OR Three times Bradley misses the chance to say goodbye before it is too late.
Just read the summary and prepare for a world of pain:) Ice’s canon death still haunts me. Good thing he’s sleeping away in his big house that he co-owns with Mav, regularly saves his husband’s ass, have barbeque Sunday with Bradley and Jake and the dagger squad, happy and healthy:))
keeping his cards close to his chest by Serie11 @oathkeeperoxas
It's not that Lucy wishes that her boss would be more open with her. It's that she quite literally knows nothing about the man, despite Admiral Kazansky being her CO for half a decade. Or: 5 times Ice successfully hid something from his staff, and 1 time Ice revealed his biggest secret
Love seeing Icemav seen through other people’s perspective. It adds so much to the universe. Ice and Mav being their usual old married couple while everyone around them suffers. Excellent.
'til I meet you there by adiduck (book_people) @adiduck
Maverick wakes up in the snow, helmet on, entire body aching intensely and parachute still attached. It takes him about half an hour of trekking through the snow to notice that there’s anything amiss. (Or: Maverick Mitchell is in the habit of talking to his ghosts. Usually, they don’t talk back.)
Mav’s journey through the underworld. This fic is just too creative😭Always a delight to see how loved Mav is. It’s so whimsical and confusing and so great.
the ships have come to carry you home by indigofudge
“Here it is,” Carole says, bringing Mav’s wheelchair to a stop. Mav’s mouth is dry. He aches for another cup of water. “Carole, tell me something, and don’t lie to me.” “Anything, Maverick.” “How bad does he look?” Carole is quiet for a while. Then she comes around and kneels in front of Mav, taking both of his hands in her own. Her eyes swim with tears. “If I didn’t know any better,” she says, voice breaking, “I’d think he was dead.” • Or, Goose is alive when they hit the water. That's enough.
Goose survives AU!!!! Huh? This isn’t canon? What are you talking about? Of course, Goose survives and the Bradshaw family is still whole and Mav still has his family and gets to have Ice too. What are you talking about??
Swallow by wildglitterwolf 
Ice is getting tired of Maverick's inability to be a team player. Maverick is annoyed by Ice's gum chewing. Ice is more than happy to get rid of it, he just needs a place to put it...
TT.TT Just… I didn’t know I like this dynamic so much…
cruise control by res_judicata
Rooster’s plane goes down on a Tuesday.  Jake remembers that it’s a Tuesday because he had been out grabbing a quick bite for lunch with Javy and the little chalkboard on the wall of the cafe had proclaimed that Tuesday’s special was linguine in white wine with fresh mussels. (Jake deals with grief and love)
Made me cry a goddamn river. I’ve said this before, but Hangster is one of those ships that I had trouble getting into. When I first got into the fandom back in June 2022, I strictly read Icemav, never dipping my toes into Hangster’s relationship because I never felt the spark. But as time goes by I’m starting to warm up and have read more and more. This fic is one of those where it captured my attention instantly. I knew it was going to be angsty, but still holding out hope for a happy ending (just like Jake in this story). The grief that blanketed the whole writing only made the resolution more beautiful.
WHORES IN MY BED. by pornogirl
“Jake-” Bradley’s eyes have a wet glimmer to them, the kind of wet that looks like the beginnings of tears and Jake wants to kiss him so badly. “Jake, is it loaded?” Jake rolls his eyes at the question. “Open your fucking mouth.” (Author’s notes: it's really not as bad as the tags may suggest but like. read the fucking tags!)
I’m a freak and I’m not ashamed of it:) Basically, Jake's going on about how pretty Bradley is crying and scared. If this is your kink, definitely worth the read. I don’t know if it’s because I find it hot, but I don’t get the unsafe feeling as opposed to reading other works that have noncon elements. I don’t know it feels more like it’s both of their kinks or like something they’ve discussed before but Jake didn’t warn Bradley prior. Like CNC, I guess? Anyway it’s really hot and I have not looked at my retainers the same way;)
we're fools to make war by whimsicule @baroness-elsa
In a Walmart at three am, between beef jerky and tortilla chips, with the lights flickering above them like it’s the fucking twilight zone, Bradley wants him more than he’s ever wanted anyone. or: it's a hundred degrees in texas.
This is so Jake and Bradley I’m blown away by how right they feel. Seriously. I didn’t even notice this was 66k words. The vibes, the writing, Jake’s family. Oh hell. Definitely check out the author’s other works too! They’ve got a lot of other Hangster long fics:)
cinnamon and sugar by bottledyarn
Jake was slumped in the doorway, propped up against the wall beside the door. He was a strange, pale, near-gray against the dark backdrop of his apartment, and he looked—well… “You look like shit," Bradley said. – Bradley draws the short straw and has to take care of Jake when he's sick with a stomach flu. Jake doesn't want to be taken care of.
Sigh. Jake and Bradley, man. They’re the ship that you can shove as much angst as you want and it’ll fit right in with their dynamic. They’re just so stubborn!!!! The push and pull between them is magnetic, man. I think I get why people love them.
habits by rararatatouille
Jake and Bradley come together in a series of jagged stops and starts. They fall apart in the exact same way. In which habits are hard to break, even for the people we love most.
Mannnnn. Goddamnit. I think this fic converted me to like Hangster. I think this has become canon in my brain too. I can’t even. Just read it. Words aren’t enough to describe this fic. 
Days Like This by chase_acow @cowsalot
Jake's in Hawaii to lose himself after getting the Navy's first air-to-air kill in decades. Instead he finds a ramshackle diner, a cast of odd characters, and possibly the love of his life. Bradley goes to the Hard Deck to order waffles. He orders waffles. He goes to the Hard Deck to get some waffles. He goes to the Hard Deck, and who is this hot asshole acting like they know each other?
So good. A 50 First Dates AU. Jake just loves Bradley so much, man. And Bradley finally showing up in the end. Love really will make you walk miles across Earth for your special person<3
Other pairings, romantic and not.
Mr. Blue Sky by omnidirectional
Tragedy first brings Iceman into Bradley’s life, but he quickly becomes the steadiest presence of the boy’s childhood… until a betrayal tears their small family apart. After years of silence, can Bradley find the words to make up for lost time? Five times Ice sings to Bradley, and the one time Bradley sings to Ice.
Another one from omnidirectional. Ice and Bradley’s father and son relationship… Here’s one of the tags: Who Wants To Cry Today? If you’re up for emotional damage, click the link🫵
On Mighty Wings by PurpleArrowzandLeather @purplearrowzandleather-blog
Maverick raised geese over the years while Bradley was gone. Bradley does not know this until the flock comes home for the summer.
Short and sweet. Legend author as well. Love the geese preening Mav and Bradley sobbing while surrounded by honks. This is just too damn cute!!
Neglected by proprioception @mnstrfkr
"Do I look God-fearing to you, ma'am?" Maverick asked with a grin. "You most certainly do not," Carole said. "That's why I didn't marry you." "That and the mustache," Goose added.
Can’t forget about this GooseMavCarole fic of course! Hot and heartwarming. Absolutely amazing smut. This one sparked my brain to make a fanart of my favorite polycule. Their dynamic is just so fun!
Yearling by Fopperies , pohjanneito @pilvimarja
Alone in a cabin in the snowy mountains, Maverick is supposed to help Bradley on the path to presenting as an alpha soon. Bradley's body has other ideas.
Just gonna put this here… A different take on ABO’s biology, which I absolutely love. It’s so hot… Bradley, I feel you, honey…
Seeing a Trailer by daenabenjen42
In the aftermath of the Layton rescue, Merlin has questions.
Sighs for the millionth time. It’s so good. Again, I love the portrayal of Mav’s PTSD and grief here. And it’s not just him, but daenabenjen42 wrote about the other boys’ trauma too. I love it so much I must’ve reread this one about fifty million times. 
in between what's already done by crawsley
“We aren’t doing this,” Maverick says, firmly, and he’s tensing like he’s about to move, about to shove Rooster off of him, push him away like he pushed him away before, when all Rooster had wanted was some guidance, some help, some love and kindness and— Rooster bears him to the ground, right there on the rug in the entryway.
This is legitimately one of the first, if not the first fic I’ve read from RoosMav. I still remember clearly going home from watching TG:M in the cinema and KNOWING that there were definitely going to be people who ship Mav and Roo. I rushed to AO3 straight away:D Imagine my delight when finding this one!
shake my nerves and rattle my brain by BogBeast
This wasn’t supposed to be intimate. This was about punishment, humiliation, stubbornness and spite. Not this gentle crap that made him sigh, the hand in his hair making his stomach swoop with every tug, the heavy scent making his head feel foggy, the praises making his heart skip a beat. That shit is just weird. The horrifying realization that he’s hard in his flight suit has nothing to do with it.  - Mav's gotten them into a lot of weird situations, but giving blowjobs to their rivals because of a stupid bet has to be the weirdest one.
Icemav AND Sloose? SIGN ME UP, BABY!
That’s all of it! This is my list for now. Thank you all for reading through to the end! Let me know if you enjoyed any of these fics so we can gush about them together:) I hope you enjoyed my yapping:}
My works have always and will continue to take inspiration from others. So thank you for creating stories as beautiful and profound as these, dear beloved authors<3
If you want to see my bookmark collection of all of these fics, click here >> TOPGUN (Best of the Best) While you’re there, how about you read some of my fics too?>:) EliasHirsch
(PS!!! There will be a 4th part because there are definitely more good fics that people need to know about:))
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slvtforfiction · 7 months
Truth or drink (pt.2!)
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☆ Colby X reader ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
☆ Suggestive (No smut) ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
☆ Masterlist
☆ Part 1
☆ A like,reblog and comment is always appreciated:) ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
☆ Cw: alcohol obvs (idc what u say tequila rose is banging,fight me)
☆ Creds to @cafekitsune for dividers :)
☆ Hey guys! Before anything else I would ask you to request anything you want because I’ve lost a lot of motivation and it would really help! :D (Please look at pinned post to see if requests are open.)
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Colby 🖤:
Hey doll,you wanna do drink or truth again? Like a part 2 but just us?
Yeah sure,am I gonna get embarrassed again?
Colby 🖤:
Welp we both are so does it matterrr?
Oh god tell me some of the questions then 🤦‍♀️
Colby 🖤:
Maybe some about kinks and maybe something about some other stuff :)
Yay I’m so excited this is going to make me want to really do more videos with you!
Colby 🖤:
Laying on the sarcasm pretty thick
If your asking if I care,I don’t :)
Colby 🖤:
Love you’re always sarcastic,I’ll see you down here in 10 hm?
Okay,omw x
Colby 🖤:
Good girl,see you soon x
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I blushed leaving him on read as I changed my top to a red and black crop top he had gotten me and some black ripped jeans that I got on a shopping trip with him along with some fishnets below them to spice it up.
I walked upstairs to his apartment which was right above mine and knocked his door waiting patiently for an answer.
He quickly answered and I saw the living room already set up with a tripod,camera,2 shot glasses,tequila rose for me and Smirnoff vodka for him.
“Oo my favourite!” I smiled as I realised he had remembered my favourite alcoholic drink.
“Yeah ofcourse.” He said smiling clearly knowing i would say yes to the video idea by the already prepared drinks.
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He finished the intro and grabbed his phone reading out the first question, “Why do you not talk to the last person you “did the dirty” with?” And I looked at him,looked at the shot glass and poured myself a shot downing it immediately.
“I still speak to the person I last slept with so,” I shrugged,not wanting to actually admit on camera that Colby and me were dating and therefore he was my last.
“Same but I don’t think they want to be public so I’m drinking.” He said before taking a shot and smiling at me.
I always seemed to find comfort in his smile no matter what he was smiling at or who he was smiling at,although I thought it was a much better feeling when he was smiling at me.
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“What is your favourite activity with your significant other?” He asked as he looked at me softly,his gaze mesmerising.
“I like just laying on the sofa with them and cuddling,it’s the little things you know what I mean?” I smiled back as he looked at the camera clapping his hands together.
“I don’t really know I think just their presence in anything I do is really special to me,I just like everything I do with them.” He said smiling softly and I smiled,blush running to my cheeks.
I knew after this video I was ready,ready to go on twitter and scream and rave about him being my boyfriend as long as Colby didn’t mind.
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“Name 2 non-vanilla kinks you have.” He said smiling at me before he saw me pick up my drink,watching his smirk fall of his face.
“You know what? If you answer I’ll answer.” I said laughing putting my drink down. “Oh god Uhm okay.” He said laughing nervously clearly not expecting that.
“Can we say ones we said in the last truth or drink video?” I asked and he shook his head. “Nah that’s boring and also you can’t anyways because you said vanilla kinks.” He said smiling at me.
“Okay you say yours then and I’ll say mine I guess.” I said laughing nervously and he looked me dead in the eyes before leaning back on the sofa and putting his hands behind his head,kissing his teeth.
“Okay um,I’m nervous now.” He said laughing before kissing his teeth again and answering “okay um I like tying up my partner and I mean if a girls gonna call me daddy she’s gonna call me daddy.” He said and I giggled to myself.
“I didn’t actually think you would answer.” I whined not wanting to answer. “Well come on you have to answer now.” He said laughing at my embarrassment and im sure by now he had figured out my humiliation kink although I wouldn’t have said that anyways.
“Okay uh I have a size kink and I really like hickeys and stuff so I guess marking?” I laughed nervously as I realised my boyfriend was the one sat next to me probably making mental notes to himself.
Colby cracked up laughing as he clapped his hands together trying to make sure I knew that he was going to use this against me and honestly I was definitely wanting him to tie me up after this video.
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We soon moved on and after about an hour of filming we got to our last question, “What’s one thing you dislike about me?” He asked and I shuffled closer to him to whisper in his ear.
“That you haven’t tied me up underneath you yet.” I then turned round and grabbed my drink,pouring myself another shot,at this point I had had about 10 shots,so what’s another one?
I downed my drink and he quickly downed his before ending the video.
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“Don’t say shit like that to me whilst filming.” He said,I smiled and turned around from the fridge after grabbing myself a bottle of water.
“Hm I’ll think about it.” I said and he continued to walk up to me,cornering his hands around my waist against the counter top.
“Do you want to be tied up like a little slut?” He asked “Is that what you want hm?” And I smiled at him whilst he remained silent and faking his anger.
“Maybe it is..daddy.” I whispered in his ear before kissing down his neck,he picked me up by the waist and carried me upstairs.
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“Wanna cuddle up on the sofa,beautiful?” He asked softly raking his hand through my hair as I laid my head on chest.
“No,wanna stay here.” I mumbled half asleep and fully naked still lying on his chest.
He had his boxers on and got up quickly leaving me on the bed barely able to move.
“Come back Colbs.” I whispered and he smiled, “I will im just going to get you a shirt,okay?” He asked and I smiled sitting up and rubbing my eyes.
“Can we be public? Like us?” I asked quietly scared to even suggest it “Yeah sure,I’d like that.” He smiled looking back at me.
“I’ll post it on twitter tomorrow morning if you still want to yeah?” He asked and I whispered an ‘okay’.
His lights remained off,his LEDS being the source of red light throughout the room and I smiled bashfully again as he lifted up an arm and then another putting me in his xplr shirt.
The room still smelt of sex and my wrists still had marks which Colby would religiously kiss for the next few days.
“Love you Colbs.” I said before falling asleep with an arm wrapped around me and another still taking through my hair.
“I love you too sweetheart.” I heard him whisper before dozing off.
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wolfytae-exe · 9 months
okay hear me OUT. beomgyu teaching an inexperienced reader how to give head and like.. reader is a natural omg 😵‍💫😵‍💫
Lawd- Stop I just got a whole plot from this alone🤭 Ima try my best to do this justice.
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Genre: smut , Fluff
Pairings: Boyfriend!Beomgyu, CelibateAfab!Reader
Warnings: Oral (bg receiving), praise heavy, reader gets a little cock hungry, First time, dry humping, Handjob
Note: unedited like always 💀, the readers celibacy only umbrellas sexual intercourse and sexual acts like oral or handjobs.
Summary: in which you surprise your boyfriend with news about your abstinence.
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Beomgyu is the best boyfriend you could ever ask for. You’ve been dating Beomgyu for 2 years now and not once has he begged you for anything sexual. You told him the moment you guys had your first kiss that you were completely abstinence and he gave you a warm smile and told you he was perfectly fine with it.
You were scared the lack of sex would ruin your relationship but Beomgyu showed you how patient and how loving he could be without it. You knew deep down he wanted you more than what you allowed him but he never complained, never even made a sly comment or asked for any help when he would get horny.
Beomgyu was the sweetest boy you could have ever ended up loving and you had decided months prior to March 13th, that you were going to reward him with the gift of your abstinence.
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It was currently the end of Beomgyu’s birthday party, not much people had attended besides his 4 friends, and his parents who took a 3 hour subway ride from Daegu for the special day. The now 22 year olds parents had left first, wanting to get home at a reasonable time, his 4 friends, however, had decided to stay a bit longer, wanting nothing more than to tease your boyfriend about becoming old.
You were in the kitchen, cleaning up the mess you had created when you made Beomgyu his birthday dinner while the boys hung out in the living area, opening up presents they had gotten the birthday boy.
“OH MY GOD!” You heard your amazing boyfriend squeal from the open area. “Honey I have a new guitar!” Beomgyu continued over the smacks of his socked feet on the hard wood as he sped walked his way got the kitchen.
You were currently wiping down the counter but paused as he lifted the blue and white acoustic guitar up above his head with sparkling doe eyes. You eyed Beomgyu with adoration, a smile stretching onto your face as he set the guitar down to give you a small kiss on the cheek. He always avoided your lips after finding out about your celibacy, not wanting to push your boundaries.
“Thank you for this special day, Y/N.” He whispered softly before pulling you into a hug, truly happy with the day. “Of course, Gyu.” You uttered back as you ran your fingers through the hairs on the nape of his neck softly, earning a small loving hum on his end.
Soft things like this was what let you both know how strong your guys’ love was for each other. He pulled off after a bit with sparkly eyes as he went back to the other side of the counter where his newly bought guitar laid, and picked it up. You watched as he made his way back over to his 4 friends who went and teased him for being so soft.
You went back to your dishes and listened to them as Beomgyu began to strum the guitar while Taehyun sung lyrics to the sound. It was peaceful and calm for the rest of the night.
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It’s was about an hour or so later now and Beomgyu’s friend had left about 30 minutes ago. Your head rested on Beomgyus lap while he played with your hair and watched TV. You both decided to rewatch ‘Strong Girl Do Bong Soon’ since it was one of the things that brought you both together, but from how late it was you were beginning to get restless with how close it was reaching midnight.
“Hey.. Beomgyu?” You spoke over the TV and peered up at him. “Yes, Honey?” Beomgyu gave you his attention almost immediately, pausing the K-drama so he could hear you better. Your heart was beating hard, you were ready but of so nervous.
Your boyfriend must have noticed your tenseness because he stopped working his fingers over your hair. “Is everything okay?”, You could hear his voice laced with concern as he lifted his hand from you, letting you sit yourself up. You gave him a firm nod before placing a shaky hand on his thigh.
Your boyfriend seemed more shocked and concerned the moment you moved your hand. “What are you doing?” He muttered as you tried to fight the shy blush that threatened to spread over your cheeks.
“I’m ready now.” You whispered softly, too shy to say it any louder.
Beomgyu heard you, however, a gasp coming out almost comically loud. “Are you sure? I know how much your celibacy means to you.” He made it known, not wanting you to regret your decision. “I’m sure, I want you to break my celibacy.” You said a bit louder, a normal speaking voice as you eyed him through your eyelashes.
Beomgyu’s breath was caught in this throat, the thought of you finally letting him love on you more than he ever has had his heart racing and a smile spreading on his face.
“Then let’s go to the bedroom.” He spoke softly before standing up and pulling you up with him.
You were excited, finally you knew you found the love of your life and you knew you were never going to regret this decision.
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Was this supposed to be this awkward? You and your boyfriend were now sitting next to each other on your shared bed in silence. Beomgyu seemed too nervous to make a move on you, not wanting you to regret giving the opportunity to him. You were nervous you were pushing him to do something he was no longer comfortable doing with you.
“Gyu, dear.” You spoke, breaking the long silence and his focus on the carpet by your bedroom door. “Hm?” He hummed, lifting his attention to you. “Are you sure you want to do this? I can stay abstinent if you aren’t comfortable with this.” You turned your body towards him. That was enough to make Beomgyus eyes widen.
“No of course not, I want this too! I just never really thought I’d have this moment with you.” He mutters the last part before scooting closer to you. Slowly he leaned his face to yours. “Y/N, can I kiss you?” He asked softly against you lips. Your face was hot, the feeling of his lips right over yours giving you butterflies like all those years ago.
With a hand placed on your heart to keep it from completely beating out your chest you muttered your words of consent. “yes.” And with that Beomgyu was caressing your cheek before cupping your jaw and pulling you in. The kiss was soft, slow, and sensual, Beomgyu was taking his time with you as you tried to follow his rhythm, your lips melded together, moving as one as he let a tongue dart over your bottom lip.
You let a small hun escape before opening your mouth a bit, he followed, the now open mouthed kiss started to make your stomach turn, the anxiety causing you to tremble as his tongue moved into your mouth. Your hands moved to his shoulder, trying to keep yourself grounded while he licked and sucked at your tongue.
Eventually he pulled away with a pant, catching his breath as he eyed your swollen wet lips. “Was that okay?” He panted as he resisted the urge to go back in. You could only nod before you were making a move back, planting a kiss onto his lips a couple times before starting the make out session again.
Your hands slowly relaxed, pulling him in for more. You were beginning to get lost in him, the kiss grew messy and heated fast as climbed onto his lap to get a better angle into the kiss. You could feel his hands begin to roam, finally growing comfortable with the acts he was committing with you.
His hands found purchase on your hips, keeping you still on his lap before rutting you down on him, the feeling left you startled, you clit which never gotten disturbed unless you heard Beomgyu having his fill on pleasure before bed, throbbed at the feeling of his surprisingly hard cock rubbing so foreignly against it.
You pulled off, gasping a moan as you chased for him to do it again. Beomgyu simply smiled as he dragged you against him once again. “Gyu-“ You panted as you practically pushed against his hands, dry humping against him embarrassingly. “Baby if you make yourself cum, I won’t be able to show you how much I love you.” Beomgyu chuckled before placing open mouth kisses on your neck, sucking hickeys as he let you rut against him the a bitch in heat.
Your underwear stuck to you under your shorts as the throbbing in your clit intensified, at some point it was too much and you stopped, whimpering at the uncontrollable angry pulses coming from your heat. “Honey you should take it slow.” Beomgyu hummed, he didn’t really feel anything in your rutting due to his jeans blocking your self-indulging activities.
You let out a small “okay..” before climbing off his lap. Beomgyu smiled at your fucked out expression before grabbing a pillow and throwing it at your feet. “I’ll show you how to give me some pleasure okay?” He asked and unzipped his jeans once you nodded, getting onto your knees when you realized where this was going.
Beomgyu pulled his jeans off and tossed it onto the floor without a second thought. He scooted himself off the bed a bit and you sat yourself up, your face level with his crotch now. “Wanna make me feel good baby?” he asked with a whisker smile as he pet you on the top of your head. You let out a whine, watching his hard cock through his boxers, wanting nothing more than to make him feel good.
“Go ahead.” Beomgyu spoke before resting a hand behind him to keep him steady as he leaned back. He wanted to see what your first move would be. Your hands fell straight to his boxers, looking up to see if it was okay as you palmed his balls lightly. When he let out a hum, fighting the want to buck into your hand you took it as a sign to keep going.
Slowly your hands were replaced with small kisses, you fought the thought of pushing your face into him and just sniffing him until it made your nose bleed, he smelt so good. Beomgyu’s underwear was wet by time you pulled away spots of saliva staining the outline of his cock has he held his lips in between his teeth.
More impatient than him, you pulled his boxers off, flinching when he cock sprung from the fabric and almost smacked you in the face. Beomgyu could help but snicker, finding you nothing but cute. You pouted, embarrassed, but Beomgyu simply leaned in. “I’ll help you.” He muttered before grabbing your hand. You let him direct you. Watching as he made you fist his cock, holding him at the base.
Beomgyu then wrapped his hand against yours. “Look at our hands, Honey.” He spoke louder before dragging both your hands up to his wet tip and back down, coating your hand and his cock in pre-cum. “fuck”, You heard him gasp before moving a bit faster, you were flustered, He was fucking himself with your hand, driving himself mad with the way your fingers closed in on his tip.
“T-The tip-“ He panted to you before letting go, wanting you to explore his body on your own. You allowed your hands to move, staying on his tip as you rotated your wrist a bit. You were unsure of your movements until you heard your boyfriend let out a guttural moan, the sound going straight to your cunt.
Your hands quickened and slowed, moving in a pattern. Beomgyu was honestly pretty shocked with how good you were making him feel. He couldn’t help but sink his teeth into his bottom lip to reduce his moans to whimpers, unable to keep fully quiet, especially when you stopped all movements and leaned into his hard cock, planting a small kiss on his red leaking tip.
Without a second thought Beomgyus hand moved to your head, running his fingers through your hair gently. “Please…” He begged under his breath at the feeling of your face so close to him.
You peeked up at him through your eyelashes. Was he always this beautiful? “Dunno how.” You muttered softly before moving back into his hand, face moving farther from his cock reluctantly.
“I can show you.” He panted, leaning back now. “You can start slow, a few licks. You think you can lick my cock, doll?” He asked, attempting to not buck in your hand that never left his cock. You gave a feverish nod before leaning back in, licking hesitantly at his tip. The salty taste had you go back in, more sure of your actions now.
“Fuck, just like that Honey, you’re so good to me.” Beomgyu panted as you warmed up to sucking on his cock, keeping him in between your lips away from you teeth. Beomgyu was astonished, he’s had blowjobs before but, this was so much more overwhelming than the ones he’s had, granted that was in college and late highschool but that’s besides the point.
Beomgyu could help but buck into your mouth as your tongue pressed flat over his shaft, causing you to gag over him. Your throat closed over him before allowing him to slip back out for you to cough. Tears sprung into your eyes as you tried to catch your breath.
“I’m sorry-“ Beomgyu panted before leaning closer and checking on you. “I didn’t hurt you right?” He asked, nerves racking him silently. “I’m okay.” You whispered, throat clenching if you spoke a bit louder. With a clear of your throat you pushed your hand against his abdomen and pushed him to lean back onto his hands before going back down on him.
Beomgyu couldn’t help but let out a moan at the feeling of your tongue digging into his slit before you took him deep into your mouth. Almost like brushing your tongue in the morning you paused half way and focused on breathing through your nose.
The moment your breathing felt normal you moved, pushing down with your tongue flattened around his cock until you felt him nearing the back of your throat. You peeked up at him as he grabbed your hair, fighting the urge to pulling your head up and down his cock.
His eyes were half open, mouth opened with his teeth clenched as he sucked in shallow breaths. You let out a hum, pleased with yourself for making him this way. Beomgyus mouth fell completely open as he cussed. “Fuck- do that again- please Honey, feels good.” He begged, fingers burrowed into your scalp.
You obliged, humming as you bobbed your head up and down. Quickly you got a reaction. Moans and groans reaching your ears as you kept your hand on his abdomen, keeping him in his spot while you pulled his arousal out of him. His cock twitched as he noticed the spit running over your cheek and chin.
You pulled off with a gasp, using your hand to keep the pleasure going over his tip. “So good- Y/N oh- oh god.” Your boyfriend rambled, racked with pleasure. You were happy you could give him the pleasure he longed from you for so long. Your patient, loving boyfriend, even in this situation he’s praising you.
You began to plant kisses on his inner thigh, still jerking him off. Your kisses melted into his skin as you dragged up to his cock again, licking a long stripe from his balls to the tip before taking him whole again.
“Please- close- Im close Y/N” beomgyu panted with a whimper to your name. You happily kept going, hollowing your cheeks and sucking until you felt his abdomen constrict and his cock twitch. Beomgyu was quick to pull you off before cumming with a raspy groan. Cum spurting out in long creamy white strings before coating his lower abdomen and thighs.
You watched in awe as his arousal shook through him, leaving him whimpering and gasping. You rubbed you thighs together in need, wanting nothing more than to feel the same pleasure he did. With a small whine you crawled up onto the bed, planting a kiss to his lips.
Beomgyu chased you lips slightly, getting another peck out of you before a breathy “I love you” Left his lips. You were soaking wet, your heat begging for him. “I love you too” You uttered back as you’re stripped off your shorts and underwear. Slowly you crawled onto his lap, rutting down on his thighs. You were too scared to put his dick in you so humping would have to work for now.
Baby steps, you told yourself as you humped against him with your wet cunt. His cum mixed with your arousal which caused a nice slick feeling over your cunt, letting you feel nothing but pleasure the whole time until you eventually shook with it. You were going to stop again, overwhelmed with the feeling like before but Beomgyus hands snapped to your waste. “Chase it, Honey. You can’t stop you got to catch it.” He spoke softly to you.
You let out a whine, feeling too sensitive to keep going. “Gotta stop- too much-“ You panted, trying to hold through either way. “Look at me.” He whispered, grinding you down harder. Your eyes peered open to his, your eyes glistening at the overstimulation. “You’re okay, I got you.” He reassured before tensing his leg under you.
Your face fell into his shoulder, nodding into it before practically screaming in pleasure, the build up of your orgasm ripping through you hard. Your thighs squeezed around his as he continued to ride you through the pleasure. The slickness double with the mixture of your juices and cum.
Once the pleasure subsided you whimpered, feeling tired and over sensitive. “Good girl, you did it.” Your boyfriend whispered praise into your ear before laying you down onto the bed. “I’ll be right back, don’t fall asleep just yet.” He spoke before planting a kiss on your forehead and walking off to the bathroom.
You were dizzy, your ears still ringing and your limbs tingled. You felt happy. With your celibacy broken you just knew your sex life was in good hands with the one you loved, maybe you both would take it to the next level and try vaginal.
“Okay, Im here Honey. I’m going to clean you off” Beomgyu spoke a bit loud, now clean and in a change of clothes. You just hummed as he began to wipe you down, cleaning the mixed cum from your folds and the spit from your hands and face.
“My beautiful girl” He muttered, watching as you drifted to sleep. “I love you” He continued before tucking you under the sheets. With one last kiss to the cheek he walked off to clean the living room and washcloth.
“I love you too” Came from the covers.
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sexy-n-stressed · 5 months
Deck the halls Pt. 2 (Conner Kent X Male Reader)
Not me editing out the parts where I said I would write smut in this part hehe. I was going too but after the LEGO scene I just couldn't it was too adorable.
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I'm writing this at a bus stop, which I will be stuck at for the next 20 minutes, and then stuck on a bus for another 35. I mean, why not write fanfiction while sitting next to a stranger and an old person. Enjoy hehe.
Quick update: the guy behind me is reading this over my shoulder so, uh, you enjoy too.
The words barely left Conner’s lips before you were nodding in a way that said you were a little too desperate. You were desperate though, so.
You struggled to keep yourself contained as you ascended the staircase behind the boy. What was about to happen? A tryst? A menage e tois? You barely knew what those words meant, especially not the French one. Why were you thinking those? Passing by doors to rooms you'd never been in, it was almost like a guessing game. Which room belonged to THE superman, and which room belonged to the equally as famous toilet.
Conner slowly opened the door to his room, most likely to avoid ripping it off of it's hinges. “This is the room the Kent’s let me- I mean, my room”
Conner’s room was practically empty, with only a bed and a small lamp on a desk across the room, and was rather small for both a kryptonian and a house of this scale. You couldn't help but think of Harry Potter and the closet. Speaking of closets.
Conner awkwardly stood there, trying to gauge the emotion on your face, like he was worried you wouldn't approve.
“I like it, seems cozy” Cramped and cozy were practically synonyms anyway, right?
He smiled, before rushing over to the bed, and reaching under it, pulling out a tub of LEGO’s. “Wanna play LEGO?”
You almost giggled, from the absurdity of the situation and the fact one of the most dangerous individuals on earth was playing with LEGO, but seeing the look on his face, you couldn't say no.
And that's how you and Conner wound up on the floor of his room playing LEGO, with you making structurally sound lego towers, and him smashing them down as a makeshift dinosaur or robot rampaged through the ‘city’. You had to admit, it was pretty fun. And he looked like he was having the time of his life.
“So, how long have you been living with the Kent’s” You asked warily, watching as Conner’s eyes looked up from the LEGO’s before snapping back down
“Um, a couple months now.” He looked nervous, like he was hiding something.
“Have they been treating you well?”
“Well, Ma is always nice to me, making sure I finish my plate and picking out church clothes.” His eyes drifted to the door, “But everyone else is still..”
You leaned forward, placing a hand on the boy who was seemingly much more complex then the angry brute you'd heard others whispering about.
“I'm… a clone. Of Clark.” Oh.
I mean, you guessed you could see the resemblance. The raven hair, the chiselled jawline, the intense musculature. But he seemed nothing like Clark. More… real, in a way. Clark seemed so above everything else, like he was a God and as much as he wanted to be human, he was just better. More perfect. Not that he did it on purpose. Maybe it was just your perception of him, knowing that he was Superman and all.
“Not just Clark though, Lex Luthor too. The rich guy and the supervillain trying to destroy Clark.” Conner clearly knew about the conflicting emotions Clark must have over him, with him being both a perversion of his genetic code and partly related to his biggest enemy.
“They all pretend they're ok with it, but they're not. I hear them talk about what to do with me, whether I should be trained or…” He trailed off, but you knew what he meant.
“Well, then they're stupid.” Conner cocked his head.
“If they don't see you for who you are, then screw them. You’re Conner. Not just a clone of Clark.” His expression showed he’d clearly never heard those words, even among the worlds so-called ‘virtuous heroes’.
Unable to find the words, Conner just leapt over and embraced you, crushing the LEGO city you both had created.
“You’re worth more than what others see you as Conner, don't forget that.”
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Can I get a poly!yandere alpha werewolf pack where we are an omega and we don't know it, as omega are very precious and rarely found the pack takes it upon them to keep us safe , sound and satisfyed and breeded full with pups....I love ur works very much author-nim🥰❤
Thank you nim🥰 ❤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
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A hundred years ago this would probably be a lot harder for you 
Probably them seeing you on a chance encounter
Before dragging you to their den in the forest before smothering and stuffing you in an insane and aggressive dogpile
But nowadays they’ve mellowed 
Or at least some of them have and lucky for you you have whole pack just like that
Consisting of 2 alphas and 2 (special case) betas 
Typically considered head-Alpha is Nero Nakamura
Who also happens to be a silent billionaire that runs his company with an iron-fist
He’d like to run his home life the same way but that couldn’t ever be a possibility when you have characters like Rori Tongs in control
Rori is a world-reknowned model and coach for Olympic swimmers
He’s sly he’s domineering and he loves nothing more than to make his fellow alpha squirm
His alphaness is more like a switch he chooses to turn on rather than a constant agenda but any of his betas or omega on the line and he’s an absolute villain
Next tier in their relationship Suki Nakamura the beta with alpha like tendencies that can woo even Nero into submission
He’s Nero’s number one assistant or was until he politely asked pummeled Nero into giving him a smaller role in the company, a manager position
He’s often called during business emergencies or whenever his Ceo is feeling peckish so he’s not above calling in his own favors
And last on the hierarchy until you come along is Eve Tongs
A shy and quiet beta with omega tendencies
Who’s constantly fighting off being bred because
“It’d be weird if I looked pregnant all the time!”
He says his worry is about being discovered but really he doesn’t want to close his shop to be heavily pregnant all alone
But now that you’re in the picture it won’t nearly be as bad: 
“Aww darling, no need to cry Suki’ll be back from the store with your craving snack.”
Rori cooed rubbing your swollen belly as he peppered your neck with kisses. You were crying again and while part of it was your craving for your typical low-priced meals it was a side-effect of your absolute confusion. Whoever you met at work or on your daily commute somehow goaded you into their trap of a penthouse. Which sooner than you could gather had you plump and at the whim to the multiple men who claimed to be werewolves. 
“I-I d-don’t understand, w-why is this happening?”
You continued to sob as Nero only seemed to pull you closer to him. Nero who had been in the room over came in sensing your distress cuddled on your other side to massage your head. 
“Love, I’m sure it's hard to realize this but as werewolves there's an order that we live by. I’m sure you’ll adapt as we go through our life together.”
“Yeah baby, you’ll get used to it!” 
You shook your head, resisting the weird calm that was being brought over you as the two men cuddled up against you. More tears fell from your eyes and you pushed away their affections unsuccessfully.
“Uhm m-maybe they don’t believe us about the…uh…werewolf thing…”
A silence formed as everyone had realized they never really did show you. Eve spoke from experience, he too was especially skeptical when Rori first came to him. Rori immediately perked up.
“Oh well that's an easy fix!” 
Immediately a pair of wolf-ears flicked out from his head and a tail from his lower back. Nero did the same and so did Eve. Stunned to silence you immediately stopped crying to just take in the strange sight. Hearing the door open Suki returns with store bags hanging from his arms.
“Oh! You guys are having a tails and ear party without me?!” 
He too flicks his own ears and tails out as he begins preparing the snack he just fetched. Still stunned you just sat still as Eve kneeled in front of you laying his head on your stomach before knowingly whispering. 
“After this liter is born you’ll turn into one too.”
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pinkiealexie · 2 years
𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 ♡ 𝘋𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘰 𝘏𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘰
❥ WARNINGS: Maybe a little ooc Donnie, kind of rushed the ending
[My brain literally can't sleep so instead it demands me to write this random oneshot I imagined just right now in my mind so apologies for any errors or it doesn't make sense lol]
PS: I literally had to reupload this whole this a day later because it didn't show under the hashtags I put for some unknown reason
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It was dark..it was 2 in the morning in fact.
The only thing that was giving off light in the room was the bright shine of the TV in front of you and the tiny flickers of light from outside the window.
Were you tired?  Maybe just a bit, but you and your lovely softshell turtle of a boyfriend had been staying up all night watching various genres of movies.  It was also a school night which really didn’t help at all with your case and probably wasn’t the smartest idea, but who cares?  Originally, the plan before was to have Donnie come over to your place and help you out with your homework then leave but then you both got kind of distracted.  Your parent(s) were out of the city for the weekend due to some personal reasons so you didn’t have to worry about them walking into your room then possibly ground you for life.
As of right now, you were in the living room with Donnie who had one arm wrapped around your waist with your head resting against the shoulder of the soft fabric of his purple jacket against your cheek. There were empty candy wrappers scattered around the floor with a half finished bowl of popcorn that was now stale in Donnie’s lap which you were pretty sure he had forgotten was even there.
You hadn’t noticed that the cheesy romcom that was playing was over as the end credits started to roll.
“God, that was so awful,” Donnie let out a quiet chuckle as he grabbed the remote from the armrest of the couch, his voice also snapped you out of your zoning out state.
“You want to watch something else, (Y/n)?”
Doing a frog blink, your eye’s gaze moved up to meet with his own gaze staring down at you.  It took you a moment to process his offer then it finally registered into your mind,
“Oh..Oh!  Yeah sure..” Lazily you reached out to take the remote out of his hand so that you could type in the movie you wanted in the search engine so the only noise audible was the sound of you clicking the arrows and ‘ENTER’ button of the rectangular remote in your hand.
“You seem tired, dear.” Donnies ‘observing’ of you came out more as a statement.  Right as you were about to speak a small yawn of yours cut you off and you heard Donnie’s silent laughter from above you.  He found it adorable.
Letting out a tiny huff you found a movie that had caught your interest, “Then maybe this next movie will wake me up a bit,” You never denied that he was wrong about you being tired anyways.  Donnie turned his attention back to the TV;
“A horror movie?” 
“Yes, I said it’ll help wake me up, Don.” You clarified to him. You wouldn't be surprised if Donatello confessed that he wasn't at all tired. You know how he sometimes stays up very late quite often because his sleep schedule is something you want to help him fix, but he said he will if you fixed yours as well. Ooooo he got you there.
“Fair enough.” was what he replied with before the living room fell back into complete silence again while placing the forgotten popcorn onto the coffee table in front of you guys as the movie began.
30 minutes into the movie and it was boring to say the least.  Donnie must’ve found it unassuming too as you noticed that he was scrolling through the media on his phone, you didn’t blame him though.  Gosh maybe you should’ve just ended it off with the romcom and called it a night.  Your eyelids felt so heavy that you nuzzled your face deeper into to Donnies shoulder as you were so ready to doze off.  
Just as you were about to fall asleep, out of nowhere a loud screeching noise and hideous looking creature appeared on the TV. 
Being unprepared for the sudden jumpscare you flinched rather obviously as both of your arms quickly went around Donnie’s plastron area.  Donnie on the other hand looked down at your shakened figure as he couldn’t help but try not to laugh at the sight of you all wide eyed and clinging onto him like a magnet.  
“Are you awake now?”
Quick to realize what he was referencing too you released him from your hold as you gave him a light punch on the shoulder, “Oh shut up!”
Donnie wiped a fake single tear from his eye, “Oh but your reaction was just so priceless oh I should’ve recorded it!  Oh wait- I did!” His phone was in his hand as he replayed the moment on his phone. Holding it right up to your face with such a smug smirk.
In the end, you were still tired.  So tired you weren’t even going to bother with Donnies tactics right now, “Fine, fine you win Donatello, BUT that is only because I want to go to bed!”
With a proud toothy smile on Donnie’s face he patted you head, “Alright, you should get your beauty sleep then my dearest (Y/n) for I, Von Ryan have to head back to my brothers!”
Using the remote to turn off the TV and cleaning up a bit of the mess you let out a laugh at his farewell, “Yeah, yeah, a goodnight to you too dear Von Ryan." Donnie just smiled back at you as he turned around to open open the door.
Just as Donnie was about to head out through your door you remembered something, “Oh- hey Donnie hold up!” you called out to him just in time.
“Hmm?” He hummed, turning his head slightly as you were now behind him, “I almost forgot!”
“Forgotten wha-” You cut Donnie off by pulling him down by the strings of his jacket to give him a small kiss.
Pulling away, he was thankful for the darkness of the house. At that moment as you would’ve been able to see the bright red all over his face.
“A goodnight kiss!  Now have a goodnight, Don!”
He gave you a single nod, “O-Oh yeah another very goodnight to you too (Y/n)!”
Once he was outside of your door now and making his way back to his place Donnie couldn't help but be excited for the next time you both decided to have a movie night like this together again.
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licorice-tea · 5 months
I’m A Ghost Of You, You’re A Ghost Of Me
Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x reader
Content: right person wrong time kind of (but not angsty!), fire/bonfire, first meetings, pre-romance dawn era, reader has some lore/has a bow and arrow/is from a noble family!
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: This is loosely inspired by “San Luis” by Gregory Alan Isakov (which is where I got the title from, too.) It also kind of sets up for when Zoro and reader could meet again, so let me know if you want this to be a series!
Part 2
You and Zoro had known each other for a year before Luffy even set sail to chase his dream. Being a bounty hunter lead him to having connections, albeit reluctantly, and a sort of network of people who could get him things he needed. Information, a place to sleep, whatever.
One such connection was to a mildly corrupt marine officer who had asked him to take on a few jobs in the past. This time, the swordsman/pirate hunter had been asked to take on a sort of odd job, and he agreed because of the promise of a hefty reward. He’d landed on an island with a heavy marine presence, but wasn’t technically a wanted criminal himself (yet), so he wasn’t nervous. The place also reeked of nobility, so it was no surprise when a marine officer approached Zoro with a task as a favor to one of the noble families of the island.
“The l/n family… their heir is, how do I say this politely…” the marine looks over his shoulder at your father.
“They’re difficult. And this isn’t the first time they’ve left home, but they…” he sighs and rubs his temple. “They won’t come back unless someone makes them.”
“How old are they?” Zoro asks, looking for information on your skill level, how strong you are, what kind of weapon you carry, etcetera.
“18.” The same age as him (at the time.)
Zoro shrugs and crosses his arms. “18 is old enough to leave home. Just let them.”
“Please! They-they can’t just leave. There are pirates on the seas!” Your mother cries, but honestly she seems more angry than truly worried.
Your parents are hiding something, he can tell. And, he intends to find out. “Fine.”
They hand over a quarter of the reward money for your safe return, and show proof of the rest. Satisfied, Zoro takes what little information they’ve given about you and sets sail.
He finds you on a neighboring island, dancing the night away at some sort of beach party. You don’t seem particularly threatening, but you don’t appear naive or weak either. You’re not even doing anything wrong; to him, it just seems you want to live your life. Still, he watches you for the better part of an hour (as it would make him naive to equate your joy to weakness.) He tries to insert himself into the party scene, walking along the shoreline until he’s a part of the crowd. You’re dancing around a bonfire with some other partygoers, and when you finally turn in his direction, he’s mesmerized. Zoro never really considered himself a love at first sight kind of guy, nor a romantic in any way, but god are you pretty. The glow of the fire behind your illuminates the contours of your neck and shoulders, and the moonlight from above seems to make your eyes light up.
“Like stars.” he thinks to himself.
The swordsman is so lost in you that he doesn’t realize he’s staring. And by the time he does, you’re making your way over with a smile. He seems familiar to you, and around your age, so maybe you’d met him on one of your… previous escapades.
You had walked up to him with all the poise of nobility, but no hint of a feeling of superiority. “Hi!”
“Wanna dance?” you extend a hand, offering friendship and possibly more to the quiet man.
Zoro snaps out of his trance and uncrosses his arms. “That’s alright.” He silently wrests a hand on the 3 swords hanging from his hip.
Oh. Oh.
“Ah…” you retract your hand awkwardly and take to cradling your arms while looking away, toward the sea. “You’re that bounty hunter, I recognize you from the newspaper… Are you here to take me back?”
You’d clearly done this before, he realizes, as your previously bright smile turns bittersweet. “Yeah.”
“Hm.” your sullen expression turns to curiosity. “And if I refuse?”
“I don’t carry these as accessories.” he taps the hilt of one of the swords.
You laugh, genuinely amused by his dry response, and your hand comes to rest on something hooked over your shoulder. He had mistaken it for the strap of a bag, but upon closer inspection it was a bow. “Neither do I.”
So that’s how you survived so long on your own all the times you ran away, and why your parents were reluctant to speak of your capabilities in front of a marine. You were practically an outlaw already, assuming you were as skilled with your weapon of choice as you were charming.
“I’m not looking for a fight tonight.” This is half true- he had come prepared of course, but now that he had met you… Well, he’d rather get to know you first.
“What?” he asks as you continue looking at him. No, not just looking- observing.
“Hm, sorry, I just- Well, usually my parents send marines to collect me.” You take a hand off your bow and seem to relax again.
“And you let them?” Zoro asks, surprised.
You shrug. “I go back with them or I end up on a wanted list for assaulting a marine. And I don’t think I’m ready to be a wanted criminal yet.”
This time, he’s the one observing you. Again. You’re just a teenager, really. The same age as him- but with none of the freedom.
“Then why do you keep running away if you know you’ll be caught?”
He can see the gears turning in your head as you look at him with surprise. Nobody has ever asked why you keep trying to leave, people usually assume you’re just rebellious.
“I…” you swallow thickly, suddenly nervous. You weren’t used to being known- or seen, rather- for who you truly are. “Well, I have a dream.” You say this with a raised chin, clearly more prideful about your aspirations than your noble upbringing.
“Yeah?… Me too.” his response makes you smile again.
“What’s your dream then, bounty hunter?”
Zoro thinks for a moment, then smirks and raises his chin as if he’s offering you a deal, “I’ll tell you next time we meet, and when you’ve gotten started on yours.”
Your face lights up once again in a smile. “Thank you.”
He nods, “Don’t mention it.” And with that, he turns and strides across the shore, going who knows where. You watch as he goes in the opposite direction from where he came, until he’s on the other side of the bonfire from you. The flame gives his already tan skin a warm glow, and reflects off all 3 of his earrings and swords.
You grin and laugh quietly to yourself- not because anything is funny, you’re just amazed. Despite the amount of money you knew your parents had probably promised him, he wasn’t going to try and make you go back. (Not that he necessarily could, either.) Instead, he’d respected your decision as someone else with a dream- and as his equal. How very noble.
“I hope we meet again!” You call after him, and he looks back briefly. He’s on the other side of the bonfire now, and it illuminates your face as you wave goodbye. Your eyes really are like stars; and the embers flitting off the fire dance around you like the flares on the sun.
“Hell,” he smirks to himself, “you’re a whole universe.”
He waves back silently, not quite knowing how to convey these sudden feelings for a near stranger, but hoping you understand that he also wants to see you again someday.
A few months later, Zoro would see your face on a bounty poster. There were no serious crimes listed, besides evading arrest and unlicensed use of a weapon, which made him chuckle. He thinks of you often; wondering if you’re following your dream now, and if it has anything to do with being an archer, or if you ever thought of him the way he did you. He really did want to see you again someday. For now though: he’d continue pursuing his dream to be the world’s greatest swordsman, and keep on with his “job” as a pirate/bounty hunter.
But your bounty? Well, he had no intentions of collecting it.
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 4 months
Autistic Anime Boys Side B Round 2 Match 2
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Kim Dokja -
"His entire existence is based on loving one webnovel that he is the sole reader of for 10 years. Before he can read the last chapter, he is reverse isekai’d and now knows like everything about this new world and all the characters from the novel and interacts with those characters like they are still characters rather than people. He entirely misunderstands his friends intentions and words so much that it’s like he’s having a different conversation.
Ex. KDJ: in order to survive the scenario I have to die so everyone will live. No one will be upset because they don’t like me and don’t need me :) KDJ’s loved ones: all we want you to do is survive and be happy. please don’t die we will do every possible thing for you to live (And they quite literally go above and beyond but that’s spoilers) KDJ: oh they must mean someone else. It’s ok if I die. They’re lying or joking obvs
He literally has a library in his head about the webnovel he’s based his life around. His entire ability in this world is based on reading and becoming closer to people. He masks so hard his face is literally blurred in the novel (ex. Referred to as the ugliest king but he’s just a normal guy. People can’t see his face bc of world censors). When KDJ company (his friends) make a scenario to force him to slow down and spend time with them, he tries to solve their grievances (of which is pretty much just “stop dying”) and doesn’t understand that they love him.
I won’t include more stuff bc it’s huge spoilers, but he’s my favorite hc autistic guy character."
Zoro -
"His special interest is sword and he's very dedicated to his goal of becoming the world's best swordsman! Loves learning new techniques, working out and is incredibly determined. Doesn't care that much about stuff that doesn't affect him or his crew directly. While not a super common autistic trait, he also has zero sense of direction and will get lost anywhere even with a map."
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Once again I have no similarities. They should still fight tho
All propaganda and what each competitor is from under the cut
Trafalgar D. Water Law (Once Piece)
Law is a genocide survivor who saw his parents' dead bodies along with experiencing a whole bunch of other messed up stuff (his sister burning to death, the people of his country being shot for being poisoned by their own government, being terminally ill, escaping the genocide by hiding under a pile of dead bodies, etc etc). After all this shit, he eventually got forcibly adopted by this one guy and dragged around the world looking for a cure for his illness. Right when Law started to trust and love his new caretaker, he is also brutally murdered in front of him. Law's life goal for the next decade is to get revenge on the person who killed his adoptive father. Vote for him bc he needs a goddamn win for once in his life. He is the people's princess and the narrative's favorite punching bag. Also, his depressed, PTSD-ridden autistic swag and scoliosis realness have captivated me body and soul
His biological parents were killed (before his eyes, by the governement) when he was 10(?). He then joined a bunch of pirates, knowing he wouldn't have much time (and will) left to live anyway. There he was sort of adopted by the Big Bad Pirate's brother, who managed to save his life, only for said brother to be killed (more or less before Law's eyes, by the Big Bad Pirate), when he was 13. You could say he was orphaned twice.
He’s literally got the double orphan special (Parents died and then the guy who took him in after them died too) that’s a 50% increase in orphannedness above your standard orphan. He’s also cool as fuck.
Law's parents were already on death row along with him and his younger sister due to a disease that shortens the life span of a person. The disease can only be passed down genetically and has afflicted everyone in the town that he has grown up in. Due to the sudden outbreak and unknown nature of the disease to the rest of the world panicked and the government closed off his city, killing everyone there. That is how his first set of parents died when he was 10, I think. Still then Law would later join a pirate crew where he would eventually be taken away 2-3 years later by Corazon, marine working undercover as a pirate in order to take down this brother, who is the captain of crew Law joined. Corazon took him in order to cure Law's disease which he still had and to get him away from Doflamingo, his brother. Over the course of 6 months the two became close with Corazon essentially becoming a father figure to Law. I am simplify this but at some point of Doflamingo catches on to Corazon being a double agent and finds him. Doflamingo then proceeds to find Corazon and shoot him in front of a chest that Law was hiding in.
Law has faced many hardships since he was a child, but used his experiences to become an extremely powerful doctor. His pirate crew theme and his Devil Fruit ability are all owed to his adoptive father. Law acts really gruff and serious most of the time, initially seeming like a cool, calculating character and feared swordsman… but one second around the Straw Hats and you quickly see just how silly he really is. He hates bread. He collects coins. He is obsessed with ninjas and superhero comic books. In one arc he just fucked around with his powers and INVENTED harpies and centaurs. Oh, and his First Mate is a polar bear. What could be better than that?
The government ordered to kill everyone in Law's country due to everyone getting "fantasy lead poisoning" disease, which was wrongfully thought to be contagious stroked. Law's family was living at the hospital when they got attacked, his parents (who were doctors) got killed and the hospital got set on fire with his little sister inside. He managed to fled the country hiding in a pile of corpses and ended up joining a pirate crew lead by Doflamingo. Law knew he had the disease and it was going to kill him in three years. Doflamingo's brother, Rosinante took Law hospital to hospital to find a cure but they always rejected him thinking the disease was contagious. Then they learned that someone had offered Doflamingo a devil fruit that could grant him immortality. The fruit could also cure Law so Rosinante stole it and made Law eat it. He then made sure Law could escape Doflamingo and got killed by his brother.
dude spent his childhood getting thrown out of windows, while dying from a deadly disease (that was eventually cured) but while he was still showing symptoms of the disease no one would go near him out of fear and disgust, save for his father figure.
nothing can ever go right for this man. its fucking hilarious in the series and makes for some wonderful angst content. i want everyone who has not watched or read One Piece to know that, for half of his 'main' arc, he's carried around like a potato sack by MULTIPLE people. he is a damsel in despair. he didn't even need to be carried, he honestly could've walked, but he had to save that energy so he could take the like 17 lead bullets out of him. he's always getting shot or thrown out a window and he's severely injured more often than not. he's also a doctor/surgeon, one that should be able to cure incurable diseases, yet his pathetic loserboy ass is too busy being emo to worry about the several gunshot wounds and internal bleeding. god help this man but also don't because honestly it's really fucking funny
Ok, FIRST, when he was a tiny frog-disecting little kid, him and his family and island contacted a disease equivalent to cancer BUT his fam didn't die from that. No, no, his parents got gunned down by the military and his little sis was burned alive with the rest of his house, so, yeah, very traumatic, horrific in a way that makes you very angry at yourself and life and want to oh I don't know, kill everyone and everything possible until the day you die, which won't be long because you have cancer after all. Later, after joining a mafia/cult/gang, Law meets Corazon who after like 2 years kidnaps him to try and get him healed and so they spend the next 6 months bonding, WEEEEEE!! Wait, no, NOT weeee because Cora who is now his father-figure DIES having protected and saved him, and thus bruv becomes orphaned not once, not thrice, but TWO very traumatic times! If this isn't an orphan, idk what is……
Adrien Agreste (Miraculous Ladybug)
[Putting on a creepy white mask as I prepare to unleash the most insane lore ever written] Once upon a time…
Okay so not only is Adrien an orphan, but he's an orphan who unintentionally and unknowingly was partially responsible for their own orphaning. Adrien was created via the Peacock Miraculous, since his mom was infertile. But since the Peacock Miraculous was broken at the time, using it caused her to slowly become sick, until she "died" (mostly. Probably. She might have been on life support), just afew months before the show began. Later on, Ladybug had a plan to take down the Big Bad, Monarch (who, unbeknownst to the heroes, is actually Adrien's father), via putting him in a position where Chat Noir (Adrien's superhero alter ego) could threaten him with his Cataclysm, a superpower that destroys everything it touches. Monarch willingly took the Cataclysm, actually forcing Chat's hand onto himself, which infected him with that Cataclysm, meaning that he was slowly dying throughout the rest of the season. When the season 5 finale happened and Gabriel sacrificed his life to heal his assistant, and the closest person Adrien had had to an actual parent since Emilie died, he only had a few hours left to live anyway. Adrien is still unaware of how his parents died, he has no clue that either death involved him at all.
BIG MIRACULOUS LADYBUG SEASON 5 SPOILERS AHEAD Sooo first his mom went into a magical coma as the result of him being born through magical means and was considered dead/missing by everyone. They had a funeral for her and everything. Adrien dealt with it pretty well, but his father did not and decided to become a supervillain to get his wish, recreate the world and bring his wife back. Which he almost does! He ends up trading his life for (I assume) the life of his secretary/former crime partner/Adrien's mother figure and joining his wife in death. (We see wife's comatose body ascend with him so I guess she's dead? Sokka voice You know, it was really unclear) But anyway, yeah, our babyboy is a full orphan now! Also in an alternate timeline he accidentally created an apocalyptic event and killed everyone so it's not even the first time he was orphaned. So there's that
Adrien is the superhero Chat Noir, who had to fight his father as the supervillain Hawkmoth alongside his superhero partner Ladybug, neither Adrien nor Gabriel had any idea they were fighting each other, and Adrien still doesn't know his father was a supervillain, or how exactly he died, but Marinette does and is keeping it from him. Adrien's father is abusive towards him, having kept him effectively locked inside the house for the first 13 years of his life, and forcing him to model for his company. But still, Adrien is the sweetest boy ever to exist, he's endlessly kind to people, sometimes to his own detriment.
I am no good at infodumping I just love this little guy. However, Harrowhark Nonagesimus is such a close second, but I chose Adrien because he's from my current hyperfixation… ily Harrow. Listen, Adrien is the most guy and catgirl ever. If anything happens to him I will go nuts. Unfortunately, so much happens to him. I am not normal. Give my baby some hugs and some real parenting. Did I mention he was not even born as a real human being? Born at the cost of other's life? Oh my god that's actually so Harrow of him and this is so funny I can't do this anymore
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