#oh just by name..... so it is when luffy gets his wanted poster
hauntingblue · 4 months
Wtf is sabo flying with those birds
#bellamy is alright.... omg#okay dragon so your child no but this random one you found you take care of.... i see how oit is....#i think its so important they have queer people and women in the rev army..... like oda really thought long and hard bout that one#like a genderfluid drag queen that transitions people is dragons right hand.... are you kidding#if the la gets here we are gonna get so many one piece is woke shit you have no idea.... girl it was always woke#amnesia plot omg..... i am sure it is so he wont tell dragon he knows luffy until its too late and dragon already wants him with him....#bc if he knew right away he wohld just return him back or smth#the rev army karate school for kids ahdhskshj#they have revolutionary school too omg... this is a whole system.... thank god luffy i dumb bc i dont think the world could handle another#one of this things dragon is doing like damn bitch this is avant garde#nvm about the amnesia i am sure he got his memory back right when he found out ace died bc he hadnt seen him or luffy#nvm nvm it is coming ace mentioned#oh just by name..... so it is when luffy gets his wanted poster#oh NVM IT WAS WHEN ACE DIED OMG#so convenient.... so many points of faliure lmao.... like the rev army knows everything they are spies.... how has he not seen#in his big position too.... a wanted poster of ace or luffy??? like#episide 737#and what did ace say to the blackbeard crew before he died... that he didnt want luffy to know????#oh hes gonna come back to base and find out ace died oof#omg dragon worried and not even reading the news to not read luffy died (in my head this is true)#the amry didnt know about luffy agdkahdkahd#not the ace flashback saying he wants to become a great pirate to leave his mark in the world to prove he is alive... thats the one that#gets me.....#passed out for three dags.... just like luffy¿???? or did he spend a week#omg FINALLY luffy crying when meeting sabo omg luffyyyhhhh being a crybaby again akdhaksjka i love youuuuuuuh#me as fraky rn i didnt think i would be crying today#luffy just hugging sabo's head.... being a crybaby again just like when he was a child... and omg....#and luffy saying he let ace die.... baby no............ nooooooooooo#zoro getting reminded of ace...... omg#episode 738
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You guys really got me to one thousand likes in less than two days.
I don't even know what's happening but it's pulling me out of a really awful writer's block.
I have more ideas than I know what to do with so expect a good bit of content in the future.
You're all incredible 💗 ❤️
Have some Shanks headcanons, ranging from fluffy to spicy. As a treat.
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I was a little iffy about Live Action Shanks at first, since he was literally my first manga/anime crush ever. But he grew on me more with every scene.
Especially that final scene where he saw Luffy's wanted poster. I mean....
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Lookit that smile 🥹
So anyway.
LA!Shanks X Fem!Reader
Shanks A — Z
A — Afterglow (How are they after sex?)
Holding you close and telling you how much he adores you.
He's going to give you anything you want. Anything.
"Do you need anything, sweetheart? I've got you."
You want a bath, he's going to run it for you, carry you there once it's ready, and help you bathe.
Food or a drink, you just lay down, he's got it.
Shanks is completely and utterly devoted to making you feel like a goddess after sex.
Showering you with soft, tender kisses and caresses and endless praise, rubbing his fingers between your wet folds to prolong your pleasure as long as possible.
If it seems like he's trying to coax you into another round, he probably is. Your're going to have to outright tell him you're if spent, because he can't get enough of you.
B — Backrubs? (Do they like them? Like giving them?)
You can expect it nightly. You're his princess and he's going to pamper you.
He might only have one hand, but dear gods those fingers are magic.
He's not asking anything in return, but if you're offering then he isn't going to turn you down.
Closing his eyes and groaning as your fingers work through the tension in his muscles.
"Oh, you're too good for me, love."
C — Cuddling (Do they enjoy cuddling a lot ot only at certain moments?)
If you're within arm's reach, then Shanks has his arm around you.
His main mode of affection is physical.
Pulling you you to his side, resting his head over yours, tugging you down onto his lap.
He wants you close, as much and as often as you're willing to be, and he does't give a damn who sees.
D — Dance (Are they good at it? Do they enjoy it?)
Not really big on dancing, but if you want to he isn’t going to turn you down.
He'll take any excuse he can get to hold you close.
Tucking your hair behind your ear so he can rest his temple against yours.
His arm curled loosely around your back.
E — Extravagant Gestures (Things they do to make you feel loved)
He would literally move mountains for you if he could.
You tell him your dreams, well now they're his dreams too.
Anything you accomplish, whether alone or with his help, warrants the most lavish of celebrations.
He isn’t particularly materialistic, but what his princess wants, she gets, no questions asked.
"If you wanted the moon, I would make this ship fly so you could stake your claim."
F — Fighting (How do they hand arguments/apologies?)
All puppy-dog eyes and pouts.
Shanks makes it impossible to stay mad at him for any reasonable length of time. He's just too damned adorable.
Wrapping an arm around you and laying his head on your shoulder, refusing to let you go until you listen.
Even if it's a serious argument, the look of utter heartbreak on his face makes you cave every time.
"Come on, sweetheart. Just name it, I'll do anything."
He isn’t too proud to apologize—he knows when he's in the wrong, and he'll do anything in his power to make it up to you.
G — Going Out (What do they do for dates?)
If Shanks is the one doing the planning, you can expect to end up one of two places.
You might be at the nearest tavern, going shot for shot on rum until you can't see straight, singing sea shanties into the dark hours of morning.
Or laid out on a secluded stretch of beach in the moonlight, sharing a bottle or two, wrapped up in each others' arms and lips and forgetting the passage of time entirely.
He's happy doing anything that means he gets to spend time with you, though, so he's fine with going out of his element if you have something else in mind.
H — Heartache (How would they handle it if you broke up with them?)
Don't. Please. Just don't. He'll be inconsolable.
He'll cry. Don't make Shanks cry. That's just heartless.
He won't show it in front of his crew. He'll keep up his usual carefree and aloof facade.
But once he's alone, he'll be in complete shambles.
He'll probably drink himself senseless.
He loves hard, with every fabric of his being, and losing you would utterly destroy him.
I — Intimacy (When are they intimate with you? And how often?)
Literally all the time.
Shanks always kisses you like no one's watching, pulling you flush against him and delving his tongue between your lips and squeezing your rear.
In his eyes, there's no wrong time to show how much he treasures you. How much he wants you.
His ship could be under fire by a full Marine armada and he would still pull you in for a slow, sweet kiss if the mood struck.
In fact he'd probably do it just to show the Marines how completely unbothered he is.
J — Joker (How do they make you laugh)
If Shanks isn't cracking some stupid joke, you're worried something is wrong.
He loves making people laugh, loves seeing people laughing and enjoying life.
And making *you* laugh? That gives him life.
He's gone far as to pull your panties on while you're alone together in the captain's cabin and imitate you being dramatic about something until you're begging him to stop before you choke to death on your own giggles.
K — Kissing (How good? How often?)
If you're within eyeshot, he *has* to kiss you.
He knows that his crew will roll their eyes and tease him about it, but he doesn't care. Your lips are like a drug and he simply can't get enough.
His kisses tend to be light and plauful.
Lightly biting and pulling at your bottom lip.
Flicking his tongue across lips to coax yours out.
Letting his tongue swirl slowly around yours before pulling back and leaving you craving more.
Pulling you into his lap when he deepens the kiss.
Lifting his hand to flip off anyone with the audacity to tell you two to get a room.
"Don't pay them any mind, princess. They're just a bunch of jealous pricks."
L — Lay down (How do they sleep with you? Are they a cuddler or do they prefer their space?)
He has to be against you in bed.
If you roll away in your sleep, he will subconsciously shift closer to you.
Spooning is definitely his favorite—your back and your ass pressed up against him, his arm draped over your waist so he can caress your stomach or lay his palm over one of your soft breasts...absolute *heaven*.
M — Making babies (Do they want to settle down and have kids?)
Shanks is good with kids, being that he's practically an overgrown kid himself half the time.
All the same, he just...isn’t sure.
He loves you to death. Having a family with you would be a dream come true.
But if he had to leave his ship, his crew behind? He just isn’t sure he could do that.
Because he loves them to death, too.
N — Nervous? (How confident are they when it comes to romance?)
Shanks posseses the positively deadly combination of being unnecessarily charming and handsome, and incredibly aware of it.
Thus, his confidence is through the roof.
He knows he doesn't need anything more than a cheeky grin and a soft carress or two to get you in bed.
That being said, he'll spend all day subtly teasing you to the end of your sanity to make sure you want him as much as it's possible to want another person.
O — Oral Fixation (Giving or recieving? And how good are they?)
Absolutely a giver. He's incredible at it and he knows it.
And he's a terrible, terrible tease about it.
Taking you to the edge, making your thighs tremble...and then pulling away to brush his lips to your thighs and give you a cheeky grin.
"Oh, not yet, love. I love hearing you beg for it."
Keeping you on the edge until you're begging to come in complete and utter desperation before he finally lets you.
And then he isn't going to stop until you're begging him to.
He loves recieving just as much.
Really loves it when you pull him down an empty alley and get on your knees.Curling his fingers in your hair, groaning quietly and praising you endlessly.
His breath shaking as he resists the urge to thrust his hips forward and fuck your throat, wanting to enjoy the slow build-up.
"That's it, sweetheart. Look at me. I want to see those pretty eyes while you suck my cock."
P — Pet Peeves (Things they don't like in a partner)
Taking things too seriously. He's always joking around and having a good time, and all he wants is for you to do the same.
The silent treatment. It drives him absolutely insane. Just talk to him if there's something wrong, he wants to fix it.
Flirting with other men to make him jealous. Just don't. It's the one thing that truly gets under his skin, that could actually get him honestly angry with you.
Q — Quiet Time (How much alone time do they need, or do they want to be with you 24/7?)
Gives you your distance if you need it, but he does so begrudgingly.
He knows life is short—he got his arm bit off by a giant sea monster, for gods' sake—and he wants to spend as much time as he can with you.
Whether you're out having fun, fighting alongside each other, or curled up together in a hammock sharing a bottle of rum and enjoying a lazy afternoon.
He loves being with you, and he'll take any excuse he can get.
R — Romance (How romantic are they? Do they have to force it or does it come natural?)
Shanks's version of romance isn't fancy dinners and extravagant date nights.
It's lying on a beach watching the sunset with you.
Pushing you into the water and diving in after you, kissing you while you're both sopping wet.
Making love under a full moon.
Telling you every opportunity he gets how much he adores you.
"You know you're my greatest treasure, don't you, sweetheart?"
It's hard not to know when he tells you at least three times a day.
But the way he looks into your eyes when he says it still manages to melt your heart every time.
S — Spending Money (How much do they like to spend on you?)
Shanks isn't really much for materialism or consumerism.
You'll have to tell him if there's something you want, and he's not going to have any oroblem with getting it for you.
Every so often, something is going to catch his eye at some market in a port town.
Something that reminds him of you or that he thinks you'll like.
And he'll buy it without hesitation and give it to you with a big, goofy grin the second he sees you.
It's not all the time, but it makes it that much more special when it does happen.
T — Trust (Are they trusting of you? Jealous?)
He absolutely trusts you—that's how love is supposed to work.
But he can get a little jealous.
You wouldn't know it from the way he carries himself and jokes about it, but he does get a little insecure about missing an entire limb.
This can lead to him getting a little defensive and possessive if other men approach you—he's going to make sure it's known that you're his lover, and he'll always fight for you.
U — Underwear (What kind do they wear, and what kind do they like on you?)
Loose-fitting boxers are more comfortable.
He doesn't care what kind of underwear you wear, as long as it comes off easily.
And if you whisper in his ear that you're *not* wearing any?
You'd best buckle up, because he's putting you over his shoulder and carrying you off to the nearest private, or even semi-private location he can find to take advantage of this information.
V — Vulnerable (How vulnerable are they with you? Is it easy for them to open up to you?)
He is one hundred percent an open book with you.
You know everything about him. His life, his secrets, his aspirations.
He doesn't want anything to ever come up that could frighten you off, so he lays everything on the table surprisingly quickly.
W — Wine and Dine (Do they prefer meals at home or going out with you? Who does more of the cooking?)
He would much rather cook, preferably with you. He's not the best at it, but he's not awful either, given that he's had to be self-sufficient for a good bit of his life.
And if you're good at it, he's not to proud to take advice.
Any time spent with you is a wonderful time to him.
If you go out, it's probably going to be street food or tavern fare—fancy restaurants aren't his forte, and he's frankly not sure he would even have anything appropriate to wear.
X — X-Rated (How good are they in bed? What do they like?)
Hopefully you like being teased literally to the edge of sanity.
Major kink for edging you, making you beg for it.
And dear sweet fuck, is he good at it.
Whispering all the things he's going to do to you throughout the course of the day.
Pulling you down an alley or into a broom closet, pinning you to the wall and teasing you through your panties, stopping just short of letting you cum.
Subtle glances and touches.
He *loves* seeing you writhing in his bed, desperate for his touch while he kisses your neck, just trailing his fingertips up and down your inner thigh.
Holding you down by your hips so you can't even grind against him.
"Such an eager little thing. Just be patient, princess. You're going to get what you want."
Kissing down your breasts, taking time to stop and tease your nipples.
Pushing your thighs apart with his knees so he can circle a finger around your entrance, chuckling a little at your moans and whimpers before finally pushing it in.
Sitting up on his knees to watch you arch your hips, rubbing against your g-spot just long enough to get you gasping.
Pulling his finger back out and slowly circling it around your clit instead, before shifting back between your thighs and giving the sensitive bud a few teasing licks, watching you shiver in anticipation.
Keeping it slow and sensual, enjoying every second of being between your thighs, building your pleasure at a slow and steady pace that drives you crazy.
Holding onto your hip keep you from grinding against his tongue.
Pulling back the second you crest toward orgasm, chuckling at your whimpering and begging as he trails his lips across your inner thigh.
"You're just so adorable when you're desperate for it."
Keeping it going for what feels like hours, before finally tugging you in close and not relenting until you're trembling and falling apart beneath him.
Feeling you throbbing under his tongue and tighten up around his fingers is like a high for him.
Not stopping until your body goes limp and the only sounds you can make are a few little whimpers.
Soft, tender kisses amd whispered praises at your neck and lips and shoulders, his fingers combing through your hair, letting you recover for just a minute, even though he's aching for you.
Grinding his cock against your wet folds a few times before sliding slowly into you, groaning quietly in your ear.
"Oh, fuck, you're tight, love..."
Absolutely savors every second of being inside you, moving in long slow strokes, brushing his thumb across your cheek while he kisses you.
If you ask for it harder, he's going to give it to you—he's done with teasing you now. This is about you now, about what his princess wants.
And if you want it rough, then you're coming out of it with your neck and chest half-covered in hickies, and he's not stopping until he's sure you won't be able to walk tomorrow morning.
Holding back just long enough so you can climax at the same time, grunting out a quiet swear and pulling your hips flush against his to come deep inside you.
Slow, deep kisses while you both catch your breath and come down.
But don't be surprised if he's gearing up for another round soon. He really can never get enough of you.
Y — Yearning (How long will they pursue the person they're interested in before losing interest?)
It depends. If it's purely lust based, he's not going to pursue it very long and just move on.
If the feelings run deeper, though, he's absolutely shameless about it.
Relentless flirting and corny pick-up lines.
"Pardon me miss—do you have a map? It seems I've gotten lost in your eyes and I can’t find my way out."
Will absolutely get on his knees and beg you to give him a chance if he has to.
Puppy dog eyes in full effect.
It's pretty much pointless trying to resist.
Z — Zen (What do they do to wind down and relax? Do they prefer to do it alone or with you?)
A bottle of rum, a hammock stretched between a couple palm trees on some remote beach only he knows about, and his arm curled around you while you lie back against his chest.
Kissing your temple and playing with your hair.
He's always more relaxed when he has you with him.
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rollinouttahere-writes · 11 months
Pfft hear me out yandere trio Luffy , Zoro and Nami reaction when female reader admits that Buggy kinda cute (HE IS !! Don’t judge me 💅) since it’s a running gag in the show/movies that this trio always pulls a face hearing his name XD😘
please !🙏 He’s a clown but he’s my clown 🥰🤣
I can't judge, I get it. Goofy men are cute and you're 100% correct
What the Heart Wants
Yandere Luffy, Zoro, and Nami x Fem!Reader (plus Buggy but he's only mentioned)
1.9k words
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This was risky, you knew it was, but it happened on an impulse and it was too late to turn back now. Your pulse quickened as you snuck off into the girl’s room with your newest acquired treasure. You paused at the door and pressed your ear to it to listen for anyone else heading this way.
Nothing. You’re in the clear.
Scurrying over to your bed, you fish the rolled up piece of paper from your sleeve. You didn’t even think about it when you saw the bounty poster on the wall. It was like your hands had a mind of their own, ripping it down and stuffing the poster into your sleeve without your brain even fully registering the action.
Sure, this could backfire if someone finds you with it, but so long as you’re careful it should be fine.
Unrolling the paper, you can’t help but giggle and kick your feet at the sight of the man on the poster. It felt silly to be so giddy over just seeing a picture of the man, but you couldn’t help it. Buggy had this sort of goofy charm to him, and it had a chokehold on you. You’ve always found people like that endearing, it’s a majority of the reason you joined Luffy’s crew. 
This time though, the endearment went beyond being platonic. Instead of simply feeling a warm fondness towards Buggy, you found your heart beating erratically when you thought about him too much. The last time you’d seen him in person and made eye contact, you immediately felt blood rush to your face and had to avert your eyes.
In short, you were down bad.
You were so transfixed on the poster, that you didn’t hear anyone approaching the room until the door was thrown open. In a panic, you leap up from your bed and held the poster close to your chest in an attempt to shield it from prying eyes.
Nami was standing in the doorway, looking confused and slightly startled by your strange reaction to her entering your shared room. She wasn’t dumb, much to your chagrin, and quickly took note of how flustered you look. Then her eyes drifted down to the poorly concealed poster and you could practically see the lightbulb come on over her head.
Her lips curled into a grin, “What’cha got there, (y/n)?” The way she stalked towards you was downright predatory, making you feel like a mouse being cornered by a house cat.
“Nothing! Nothing at all, just a piece of paper!”
“Just a piece of paper? I don’t know about that, it looks like a bounty poster to me,” her smile looked downright malicious as she circled you, trying to get close enough to take it from you. “I wonder why you would be keeping a bounty poster to yourself like this?” Nami definitely already knew the answer, but she wanted you to say it.
“No reason! I just- Um- I don’t even know how this got here! It must have slipped into my pocket while we were out! Yeah!” You internally cringed at how bad that lie was. Even Luffy was a better liar than this.
Nami cackled at your attempt, “Oh really, that’s the story you’re going with? Come on, just be honest with me. We’re both girls here, you can tell me about your crush!”
You whip your head around to glare at her, “I don’t have a crush!” You absolutely did. 
With a speed you didn’t think she possessed, she leapt forward and snatched away the paper. You tried to get it back, but she held it out of reach and used her free hand to push you away, “Yes you do~! I can’t believe you would keep this from me, we’re friends! We’re supposed to talk about things like this.”
Nami danced out of your way, and you swear it felt like the world was in slow motion as she finally pulled the poster down to be able to look at it. Immediately, the mischievous glint in her eyes went cold and her smile dropped. The once coy and amused expression morphed into one of pure horror as she looked between you and the poster in rapid succession.
“No,” was all she said as she shook her head in disbelief, “you can’t be serious.”
“How about you give me that, and we can forget all about this. Please?” You wanted to crawl into a hole and never be seen again. This was the one thing you didn’t want to happen, and her reaction is precisely why.
You can assume she didn’t like your response based on her soured expression and the way her hands crumpled the paper in her tight grip. Without another word, she ran out of the room. 
With. The. Poster.
That was how you got to where you are now. Forced to sit at a table with three of your crewmates sitting with you. Nami, Luffy, and Zoro specifically.
“Guys please this is so dramatic!”
“It’s not! This is a serious matter, one we can’t let slide!” Nami slammed her fists onto the table that you were all seated at. Why were you all gathered here? For an intervention regarding your taste in men. 
It was bad enough that she knew, but why did she have to drag your other crew members into this? You can’t say you understand her choices either. Luffy was hardly the type to weigh in on someone’s love affairs, and Zoro wasn’t even awake. 
“Why are we all here? Are we gonna play a game or something?” Luffy was drumming his fingers on the table impatiently.
Nami slams the partially crumpled wanted poster on the table, “This is why we’re here!”
Your face was buried in your hands and you let out an over the top groan from the sheer embarrassment of the situation. 
“Buggy? What about him?” Luffy perks up, “Oh! Are we gonna go kick his ass again?!”
“No. Well, yes but not yet,” Nami explained. “(Y/N), would you care to explain what you were doing with this poster?”
“Nope, sure wouldn’t,” you didn’t bother taking your hands away from your face. 
“You and me both know why you have this, so how about you just tell the truth so we can fix this,” Nami sounded like a mother scolding her child.
Luffy was looking back and forth between you two, trying to put together what was going on. You could practically hear the gears turning in his head, “Are you planning to fight him? Oh, I know! You’re trying to be a bounty hunter!” He looked to Nami expectantly, hoping for confirmation that he was right.
She pinched the bridge of her nose and let out a sharp sigh, “No, Luffy, she isn’t trying to become a bounty hunter.”
Whatever, you’re just going to go ahead and rip the bandaid off, “I have a little crush on him, okay? There! Are you happy? Can I go now?”
“No! How can anyone be happy knowing that?!” Nami yelled. “Why him of all people?! He’s literally a clown!”
“... He makes me laugh.”
Luffy exploded into laughter, “What’s that got to do with it? I make you laugh all the time, more than he does I bet!”
You tried to get up and leave, but Nami’s hand latched onto your wrist like an iron shackle. With one yank, you fell back into the chair.
“Please just stop! Why are you even doing this? It doesn’t matter if I have a crush on him or anyone else for that matter, so can we please act like none of this ever happened?” You wanted to cry from the humiliation of being shamed by your friends over a little crush. 
Luffy shrugged and nodded along, “It is pretty funny, but I agree with (y/n). Why are you so mad about it, Nami?” Bless him. Even though he did laugh at you previously, at least he was attempting to deescalate the situation now.
“Because she is crushing on Buggy the Clown of all people!” 
“Why is that such an issue?! He’s cute!” You tried to defend yourself (and him).
“Eww! No he isn’t!” Nami full on shuddered at you calling him that, “What is wrong with you? At least fall for someone good looking!”
“Well maybe I care more about personality!”
“What are you talking about?! He’s an egotistical weirdo who has a temper tantrum if he so much as thinks someone said something about his nose!” Nami looked like she was ready to rip her hair out.
“He can be nice when he wants to be, and like I said before, I think he’s funny!”
“There’s a huge difference between someone actually being funny, and someone doing stupid stuff that happens to be funny,” she slapped a hand over her face and dragged it down exasperatedly.
She had a point, and you hated it. You huffed, “Yeah, well, I don’t care. He’s my type and that’s that.”
Nami gagged like the drama queen she was dedicated to being in this moment, “I almost want to set you up with someone else just to give you better taste, how is a clown your type?!” She ground her teeth in frustration, “Okay, new rule: you’re not allowed to leave the ship if Buggy is around.”
“Why is everyone yelling?” Zoro yawned and stretched, looking around the table with mild curiosity.
Nami slapped the back of his head, “I brought you here to help, not to sleep! (Y/N) is crushing on Buggy and we’re trying to stop her.”
“Oh,” Zoro didn’t look all that concerned. “So are we gonna kill him or something?”
“NO!” You shrieked at him. What is wrong with these people?!
“That would take care of the problem,” Nami hummed thoughtfully. “We can’t risk letting this become something more, what if she tried to leave to be with him?”
Luffy laughed at that, “It’s not like I’ll let that happen!”
“What do you mean you won’t let that happen?” That honestly threw you off a bit. What was that supposed to mean?
“It means that I won’t let him take you away from us!” Luffy flashed you his usual blinding smile, but there was something slightly… off about it. It felt a little too wide, and weirdly tense.
“Take me away? No one is trying to ‘take me away’. Besides, if I wanted to leave to be with someone, then I’m allowed to do that,” you were distinctly not a fan of how he was talking about you as if you were a piece of treasure being fought over.
The entire atmosphere of the room changed the second you finished speaking. All eyes were on you, “See! This is what I was talking about! If she gets a crush on someone, she’s going to want to leave!” Nami’s hand found its way to your wrist again, you were sure you’d have a bruise from how tight her grip was.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, let’s all calm down! I didn’t mean I was going to leave just like that! I like it here, really!” You tried to placate your crewmates, but your pleas did nothing to sooth them. It was too late to backpedal now.
“We’ll have to get rid of him next time we see him,” Luffy nodded resolutely.
Zoro shrugged, “Should be easy enough.”
You should have never taken that poster. Now you’ve unintentionally put out a hit on Buggy, and have no idea how to stop it.
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strawheart-pirate · 9 months
Portgas D. Ace x afab!Reader
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Words: 2658 CW: Alabasta Setting (spoilerfree), NSFW, vaginal sex, blowjob, fingering, tongue fucking, consensual, pet names (babe, my love)
You were home safe and sound thanks to Ace. Your feelings we’re a mess ever since and on top your grandmother invited your savior for dinner to thank him properly. As it was time to part ways your feelings were crashing down on you. A steaming hot sequel to Drought.
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You woke up to the sun, kissing your face the early morning. You lifted your head and grabbed your pillow tight until you realized that you squished the man below you and not your pillow. A deep red blush crept onto your face as Ace woke up from the pressure around his ribs.
“Ugh, no. Is it already morning?” Ace grumbled, his eyes shut tight, as he stretched beneath you.
“Unfortunately.” You mumbled, still deeply embarrassed.
“Just five more minutes.” He said as he turned towards you and held you in a tight embrace.
If your blush was gone seconds ago, it was now as prominent as ever since his bare chest was right inside your face and his arms secured you in a way that left no room for protest.
“Ace, please, my grandma has worried long enough.” You begged.
“Alright, okay. Let’s get going.” He slowly went up and packed a few things. It was clearly visible that he was not a morning person, and you were impressed that he didn’t fell over, given how much he was swaying.
You checked your place for any package or clothing left, but you were done. Ready to go.
As you both walked side by side through the desert, Ace told you about his pirate life. He was very enthusiastic about his stories and you laughed a lot. The lizard followed you in a good distance.
“Do you know my little brother? His name is Monkey D. Luffy and I’ll meet him soon here in Nanohana.” He shoved the wanted poster right in your face.
“He has a precious smile.” You admit.
“I know, right? See, when we were young, we did everything together…”
Ace was rambling about his brother Luffy until you finally reached the gates of the city and parted ways with the lizard. At this point you thought that you knew Luffy better than Ace, but that didn’t matter. You loved the stories Ace told you and even though they were about Luffy, you could clearly read between the lines and gather information about your travel buddy. You didn’t even notice that you smiled admiringly at him and gave him a few side glances until you were at your house.
“Grandma!” you yelled and rushed towards your grandma, who was sitting in front of your house. You hugged her tight and reassured her, that you were fine as Ace watched you two. Tears flowed down your faces and your grandma was clearly relieved that everything was alright. As you both calmed down, you introduced Ace and your grandma to each other.
“Ace, this is my grandma. Grandma, this is Ace. He saved me yesterday.” You said and your grandma scanned Ace thoroughly before she spoke.
“Thank you for saving my grandchild, young man. Please have dinner with us tonight.”
“Oh, I’d like to, but…”
“No buts, you must come. We want to thank you properly, so you will come. Don’t make me repeat myself.” Your grandma demanded and Ace and you were a bit taken aback.
“O-Okay..” Ace stuttered and the old lady chuckled to herself.
“6pm. Be on time.” She said and Ace took his leave, since he had some things to do.
“Now, Y/N, tell me about this man and what happened to you.” Your grandma said and patted the seat next to her.
You sighed and sat down. “Where shall I start…”
It had been an hour until your grandma knew the whole story. She was now in the kitchen preparing the dinner and you did your chores. Although you were busy, your mind drifted off to Ace quite frequently.  Even though he was a pirate, you were sure he was not the nasty type. You owed him your life, yes. And that alone causes admiration to some degree, but you also enjoyed the talks with him. It was clearly visible, that he loved his little brother and his cocky, but cheerful attitude along with his well-trained body left you longing for more.
Oh my, I really got it bad. You sighed as you thought to yourself but smiled anyway.
Evening came and Ace appeared at the doorstep right on time. He had a nice bouquet of flowers in his hand and handed it to your grandma.
“Thanks for your invitation, madame.” He smiled sheepishly.
“Oh, what a lovely young man you are. And please, just call me grandma. I like the connection that comes with it.” She smiled knowingly.
You rolled your eyes at her antics and led your guest into the living room. There, a small table was set up for the three of you by the window and the evening sun gently illuminated the simply furnished room.
“Here we are.” Your grandma said as she put down the pot in the middle and you all got seated.
The dinner was pleasant. At first you talked about random topics, but now Ace was telling your grandma everything about his brother Luffy. You knew the stories and so you leaned back in your chair and sipped your drink. You haven’t seen your grandmas’ eyes shine that bright in a long time. Something about this man was truly special and you followed the conversation with a gentle smile on your face.
It had been three hours and Ace was about to head off to his lodging. The sun was just setting and your grandma hugged the freckled man goodbye.
“Thanks again for that lovely dinner, grandma.” Ace said and bowed to her.
“Ah, you’re welcome. Come by anytime, okay?” she smiled as she took his face in her hands and slapped his cheek lightly a few times.
“Will do.” He said and turned to you. “I…”
“I’ll walk you home.” You beat him to it. Your offer was a bit unusual and you could clearly see the question marks on his face.
“Then off you go.” Your grandma gave you a knowing smile and waved the both of you off.
You took his hand and started walking. He waved to your grandma one last time and quickly got used to the new situation. No one said a word as you walked hand in hand to the address he had given you. It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence, but you were deep in thought. You felt something for this man and wanted to spend more time with him, but you didn’t know if he felt the same. Before you could even come to a conclusion, Ace stopped.
“Alright, we’re here. This is the inn.” Said Ace, giving you a beaming smile. You couldn’t face him because he would clearly see the hurt in your eyes. You didn’t want to let go but you tried to find the right words.
You started to phrase your emotions. “Yeah, well… Thank you again and maybe we’ll meet…”
Two strong hands grabbed your face and before you knew what was happening, Ace smashed his lips to yours. The kiss was hungry, his lips demanding. He wanted everything from you and you would give it to him without hesitation. You melted in his hands and your lips joined the fiery battle. As you put your arms around his neck, he broke away from you just enough to catch his breath.
“Do you want to…?” – “Yes!” You both smiled as your lips met again and he grabbed your butt to lift you up. A sound of surprise left you and you giggled slightly as he carried you up the stairs and into his room. He set you down and locked the door in one fluid motion, trapping you between him and the door. His lustful gaze traveled over your body from head to toe and back again before he took your face back into his hands and kissed you passionately. You hummed in pleasure and placed your hands around his neck to play with his black strands. His pelvis rubbed against yours in a needy rhythm.
“Ace…” you moaned his name impatiently.
Ace wasted no time and carried you over to the bed and laid you on the soft mattress before removing his hat and coat. The look he had on you was breathtaking, as it looked like there was a fire burning in his brown irises. He slowly approached you, but you stopped him before he could lay on top of you. You slid off the bed and got down on your knees. Your hand wandered over his beautiful abs and you unzipped his pants.
"Let me take care of my savior." You looked at him through half-lidded eyes and stripped him naked.
 A breathless moan escaped the man. His erection was now right in front of your face and you took your time to look at it thoroughly. He had just the right thickness, was long and curved up a little. The tip was a light shade of purple and he had a prominent vein on top. You licked your lips.
"Like what you see?" He teased, though he already knew the answer, and posed a little for you.
You grabbed it gently and let your tongue slide from his shaft to his tip while holding his gaze.
"Oh fuck." He said and looked away for a second as he inhaled sharply. "That’s so hot."
You took his cock all the way into your mouth and gave it a good taste until you hummed in approval. He was delicious. Ace couldn't take his eyes off you and you gave him a glance every now and then as you bobbed your head on his cock. Your hand alternately gently massaged his balls and clasped the lower part of his cock in a firm grip.
Your tongue swirled around his tip and Ace moaned louder and louder. It wasn’t long before he grabbed your head.
"Is it okay if I...?" you hummed in approval and he shoved his cock deep down your throat. You gagged a little, but it was okay, drool pouring down your chin. Your cunt throbbed as Ace used your throat and a few bounces later he painted it white on the inside. You swallowed everything he gave you and licked your lips. He smiled at you, satisfied and a bit exhausted, and you returned his gaze with a perky smile. Ace dropped to his knees and kissed you passionately, his tongue deep inside your mouth, battling for dominance in a demanding kiss until he lifted you up and placed you on the bed.
"It’s payback time."
He peeled you out of your gown, lifted your leg and kissed you on the inside of your thigh. His hands were all over you until he suddenly stopped.
"Let me show you something." He said and you propped yourself up your elbows and watched him hold his finger over your belly. A familiar little flame appeared, and he cautiously ran it over your belly. His touch was warm, but he didn’t burn you. You couldn’t take your eyes off the flame as he approached your nipples. As his fingertip grazed over your bud, the flame flared a little and you gasped at the sensation of his touch and the blazing flame. He smirked at your reaction and you heart skipped a beat. His teasing play continued with the other bud until he let his hand slowly move down until he reached your clit. You moaned his name like a prayer as he traced circles on your clit with his flaming fingertip. Each time the flame slid over your sensitive spot, a crackling warmth coursed through you. You were so fascinated by the flame that you didn't realize what Ace was up to until the flame went out and he slid his finger inside you. You gasped at the sudden intrusion and moved your hips towards him.
"I hope you liked my little trick." he teased just before he placed his lips onto your folds.
He licked a straight line from your entrance to your clit as he slowly pumped his finger in and out of your needy cunt. You tried to move your hips, but he held you back with a strong arm.
"Stay still and let me enjoy my dessert." He demanded and his command increased the tightness of the knot in your belly. He flicked his tongue repeatedly over your clit while he inserted a second finger into your velvety folds.
"Ace…" you whimpered. The pressure was rising inside you. He knew exactly how close you were. The squelching sounds of your soaking cunt and your sweet moans resounded through the room. For the final act, he exchanged his fingers for his tongue. His fingers were rougher and provided more friction on your clit and his tongue penetrated deep into your folds. The vibrations that flowed through you pussy as he hummed with desire send you over the edge.
"Ahh, FUCK!" Your juices gushed all over his face as he tongue fucked you through your orgasm. He licked all your sweet liquids off you before he is looking at you with a pleased smile.
 "You taste like an oasis, babe." he praised, and you blushed. He crawled up on you and gave you a taste of yourself. The kiss was passionate, and your tongues danced lovingly together.
"Wanna ride me, babe, or you want me to rail you into the mattress?" A smug grin on his face. - "Why not both, but I'd like to start riding you while my legs still work.” You suggested.
He smiled devilishly at you and turned you both around so that he was on his back and you were on top of him. You sat up and positioned yourself over him. He held his cock still as you slowly slid yourself down and buried his cock deep inside you.
"You feel sooo good, Ace." You praise him as you put your hands on his abs for more balance.
"Says the one driving me crazy with those needy hot walls."
You chuckled and started riding him at a slow pace. One of his hands was on your hip and the second teased your clit every now and then. Your sweaty bodies moved in harmony and the clashing of your hips filled the room with a sweet symphony that, together with the moans that escaped from both of you in sheer pleasure, created a passionate melody. Your movements became sloppy as the knot in your stomach continued to tighten and Ace placed his second hand on your hips as well, as he began to thrust into you from below.
You gasped as he hit your sweet spot deep inside you and a smirk appeared on his face. Your nails clawed deep into his chest as he hit the same spot over and over, bringing you closer to the edge with every thrust. He hissed in pleasure as your nails dug into his flesh.
“Oh god, you’re so good to me. I don’t deserve you.” – “Ahhh, Ace, please.” You plead as you were about to climax.
“It’s okay babe, cum for me.” He said as he sped up his movements. Your knot snapped and your climax hit you hard. You pressed your shaking legs into Ace’s ribs and clawed into your own breasts as you screamed his name. The sight was breathtaking and your walls squeezed him mercilessly and not a second later Ace was slamming your hips onto his cock, spraying his seed deep inside you.
You took your time to calm your breathing and remained seated on his still twitching cock. You looked down at him through half-lidded eyes, the pleasure clearly visible on both of your faces. He reached for your cheek and you leaned down to capture his lips in a kiss. It was so soft and sweet and full of love that no words were needed.
When you pulled back a little, he looked deep into your eyes. "You are so sweet my love, what do you want to try next?"
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All content unless otherwise stated belongs to: ©Strawheart-pirate. Please do not copy / modify / translate / repost my writing, banners or art on other platforms. Comments, reblogs or likes are highly appreciated!
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ageingfangirl2 · 5 months
Join My Crew! Luffy (OPLA)
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You help a little girl steal a pocketwatch back from a marine, Luffy approaches and asks you to join his crew. You refuse. The next day you find yourself wanted by the marines and reconsider Luffy's offer. Luffy x Reader (F)
'Someone help me!' a young girl calls out, distress in her voice.
You look up from the fruit you were admiring at the local stall, just in time to watch a smug marine stare down at the little girl swinging a pocket watch by its chain.
'Give me Daddy's watch back! You can't take it!' the girl demands and stomps her feet.
The marine throws his head back and laughs mockingly, 'Run along little girl, you probably stole this, tears won't help you.'
You clench your fist as the marine shoves the little girl to the ground roughly. The girl bursts into tears. No one around dared to do anything, not wanting the wrath of the Marines, but that's not what you were about. You might be a thief but you had a heart, because you'd been that little girl who'd had a family necklace taken from you, that you stole back and started your life of crime.
'I hate the Marines!' a boy next to you states, you'd not seen him on the island before, but he stood out wearing a red vest and a straw hat.
You pay him no attention as you set off after the marine. This would be a simple pickpocket job, you just had to stroke an ego to get away with your crime.
You pull your blouse a little lower revealing a bit more chest than you were comfortable with, and roll your eyes before fake tripping into the marine.
'Oh no,' you gasp loudly, stumbling over nothing.
The marine catches you around the waist, and it's not lost on you when his eyes linger on your chest, but you use the distraction to snatch the pocketwatch out of his back pocket.
'Careful there beautiful,' the marine swoons, and helps you back to your feet.
You bat your eyelashes, 'Thank you, I'm such a klutz. The island needs more strong marines like you watching over us.'
The marine blushes, 'No problem, you keep safe now.'
You part ways quickly and approach the little girl who'd been helped up by the boy in the hat and a girl with short red hair, 'here you go little lady, keep a better eye on this.'
You drop the watch in her open hand and smile before ruffling her hair.
The girl stares up at you with wide eyes full of admiration, 'Thank you miss, I promise to look after daddy's watch.'
Not wanting to stay in the open any longer you go to walk away, but not before someone grabs your arm, and you stare blankly at the boy in the hat.
'Join my crew!' he says loudly, 'you can never have too many thieves.'
You shake your head and shrug him off not liking the attention, 'No thanks.'
He pouts, and you note determination behind his eyes, but you take your leave to head home for the day to try and keep a low profile.
You walk down the street feeling like hitting up the weekly market, when you walk past the bulletin board and freeze. On the board was a brand new wanted poster with your name and face with the caption 'THIEF AND ASSOCIATING WITH THE STRAW HAT PIRATE CREW'
'Shit! What am I going to do now? I'm a wanted person,' you curse, and rip the poster off the board.
'Oh? Congratulations. Join my crew,' a familiar overly excited male voice says next to you.
You jump at his sudden appearance, 'Excuse me.'
He grins, 'Join my crew, sail the seas, go on adventures, I could use someone with your set of skills.'
You gulp, noticing some marines in the distance, 'err I don't even know your name kid.'
'Luffy...now what do you say?' he replies.
You grab him and start dragging him back towards your house to grab what little belongings and weapons you have, 'fine... let's go...I hope I don't regret this...'
You were already a criminal so why not add pirate into the mix? This was going to be a wild ride.
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flammingnachos · 8 months
𝙡𝙤𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙙 𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙣. (𝙤𝙥𝙡𝙖!𝙡𝙪𝙛𝙛𝙮 𝙭 𝙛𝙚𝙢!𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)
𝙎𝙮𝙣𝙤𝙥𝙨𝙞𝙨: upon joining luffy’s crew after he saved your life he started to feel a sense of need to protect you more than the rest of the crew members with how being with you can make him feel like he’s been “locked out of heaven for too long”
𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜: slight cursing, opla spoilers (ep 2), mention of abuse, protective luffy, buggy being perverted toward the reader, best captain luffy
𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗹𝗮𝗶𝗺𝗲𝗿; I changed up the episode a bit for the reader to fit into the story and for the sake of the story
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Fluttering my eyes open feeling someone shaking my shoulders.
It slowly opened my eyes and it was luffy smiling at me I noticed we were in some type of cargo box, I wasn’t the only person that was waking up the rest of the crew was too.
Zoro groaned out mumbling something about his swords and Nami looked around asking about her navigation gear.
suddenly luffy felt up on the top of his head.
“Phew they didn’t take my hat” he praised out
Nami rolled her eyes at that and made a sarcastic remark
“dammit we lost the map” she said getting up as luffy helped me to my feet in a flash hitting his heat on the cradle in the process and so did I
“ouch” I mumbled out, luffy caressed my head patting it slightly while answering back Nami
“no we didn’t..it’s in a safe place” he whispered out looking down and rubbing his stomach
Nami grimaced at that looking over at Zoro who was punching the cradle
“hey! Stop that” she whispered yelled out
“what I’m tryna find a way out”
“We’ve been captured we need a plan”
“I don’t need a plan. I just need to beat the hell out of every marine I see.”
Luffy interfered stopping both of them from having a further argument explaining that we were captured by pirates not marines.
“Great that’s much better news” I mumbled out rubbing my forehead from the serious migraine I’m about to have
Zoro started back with his mumbling about fighting these pirates when he gets to them but Luffy stopped him to it.
“We don’t need to fight them..we just need to talk to them..pirate to pirate” he announced out
“that won’t work” Nami spoke
“Why not?”
“Well for one you’re not a pirate!”
“Yes I am”
“No your not your just some starchy guy in a tattered hat”
“I’m a different kind of pirate”
“No your not pirates are pirates”
Right on cue the cradle top has been opened and the cradle bottom infront of us had dropped down revealing flashing lights and circus music.
We carefully stepped out, luffy instinctively grabbing a hold of my wrist while slowly walking out watching the performance of the circus dancers with his big wide smile.
I carefully inspected my surroundings, flinching a bit when a person dressed up as an animal blew fire right infront of my face
Once the performance was over he was holding my wrist with his while clapping along with the ‘audience’ that were screaming and clapping with joy.
Nami slapped his hands slightly signaling him to stop clapping.
“No, No, No..Stop clapping it’s all wrong!” A clown had said making his way into the center of the tent
“Spotlight was late, you completely missed my entrance” he angrily said as the spotlight then moved onto him on cue
“Where and oh where was the dancing..lion” he asked a man dressed up as something I’m guessing was a animal
“Hey.. I know you, I saw your wanted poster in shell’s town, your the clown guy” luffy spoke gaining the clowns attention as he looked over at us
“Uhm,uh..” Luffy looked over at me giving me the ‘what’s his name’ look
“Binky..” I said slightly unsure of my answer
“yeah, Binky right”
“Buggy..I’m buggy the clown” Buggy said slowly walking over towards us giving me a stare
“Buggy the flashy fool..Buggy the genius Jester”
“Wow you have a lot of names..I bet everyone in the east blue knows who you are” Luffy voiced out amazed by the clown
The atmosphere then went silent..and then gasp where heard throughout the tent.
That smile the clown guy once had turned upside down as he looked back at luffy
“What did you just say?” He slowly asked out
“Was that everyone in the east blue knows-”
“NOSE?!” buggy yelled out storming over to luffy and grabbing up his face, shouting
“Are you making fun of my nose”
“Well.. I wasn’t but now that you mention it, is that thing real?” Luffy muffled out from the right grip the clown had on his nose
He then tried to touch it but buggy smacked his hand away leaving the people in the ‘audience’ gasping at this act
“What real is I’ve been scheming for months.. to steal that map from that old axe handed moron” buggy said forcefully pushing luffys face out his hands and walking and carefully watching us.
He’s eye landed on luffys hand holding my wrist and giggled out
“..only to find out that I was up staged by three little nobodies right up under my nos-” He stopped himself yelling out
“hey..I’m not a nobody I’m Monkey D luffy and one day I’m gonna be king of the pirates” Luffy said
The clowned laughed out at his remark along with the ‘audience’
He then began talking about his boring crew and his boring bounty poster and how it is his destiny to become pirate king
Blah blah blah
“No you won’t cause I’m gonna find it first” luffy then argued back
“Don’t make me laugh” he then slickly said
Everyone started to laugh
“enough with these games, I’m rorona zoro, the pirate hunter” zoro said
wtf.. does he want to get us killed
At that point I just ignored everything zoro said for the sake of myself to not get a heart attack from the way knives were starting to point at us
“If I can’t offer them the map then at least I can offer them a pound of flesh” buggy said smiling down at us flashing the knives sticking out of his knuckles
“Wait wait!” Nami interjected
“What if I can offer you something valuable”
“something more valuable than the map?”
“What if I give you a new freak for your crew?”
“ a rare talent, most spectacular act in all of the east blue beside you of course” she then said slightly moving closer to luffy and he only smiled along
“Go on..”
She then sneakily backed up slowly next to luffy and grabbed his straw hat tossing it in the air and making a run for it
That bitch
“Hey!” Luffy yelled using his free hand to stretch up and grab his straw hat
“Get her” yelled the clown to his crew mate
They ran and in the next minute they brought her right back in struggling in there grips
“what did you do to the town? You destroyed everything!” She said yelling at the clown in which he only chuckled
“Not eveything.. I let them keep there hands” he said snacking on something he took out his pocket as everyone started to applause again
“Now onto my map”
“What was it you said rubber boy.. that it was in somewhere safe”
Luffy looked over at me surprised
“Don’t be surprised I got eyes and ears everywhere” he jokes out
“So please make our guest uncomfortable in the green room.. but please leave our pretty couple here out here” he snicked looking at me dead in the eyes too
I could feel luffy’s grip tighten more in my wrist
“I am gonna have a chat with my new stretchy pal, and have a audience with it” he said peering over at luffy but still watching you
He had signaled his crew mates to grab luffy
They had all grabbed luffy pushing him into a board while locking his down onto it and stretching out his limps onto it.
Buggy grabbed me up in a tight hold as he pushed me down on a chair infront of luffy, locking me on it.
“MORE” buggy signaled out to the person that was stretching out luffy’s limps as luffy screamed out loud at the contact
“I want you to think of this as a artistic exercise” buggy expressed out to calm down luffy
“Because pain leads to art”
“And art reveals the truth”
What the actual fuck
I looked back over at luffy worried as he only smiled out at buggy’s words
“But there’s only one truth in this exercise”
“Truthfully..I’m kinda hungry” luffy expressed out
Phew.. that was close
“Don’t circus have cotton candy?”
I nearly laughed
“What would you possible need the map for?” Buggy questioned out
Meanwhile I was trying looking around to find a way to escape without causing much of a distraction, I tired moving around my hand but nothing would work.
Whole luffy was distracting buggy I was trying to think of where I put my lock picket that I stole from alvidas office the day me and my older brother Koby escaped.
“What makes a boy wants to grow up and become and pirate?..who are you trying to empress”
“A lover” I froze feeling buggy gaze go right back on to me
I acted normal looking around anywhere but his eyes, rubbing my hands together to try to drag out the lock picket that was tucked in my shoulder band
“An absent parent”
“Or was it a false idol” he said looking back over at luffy
Phew that was close
Minutes of concentration and wrist rubbing the pick locket had slides down into my palms, looking back up now I saw buggy playing with luffy’s straw hat still questioning him
I then put my attention back onto the pick locket and was trying to pick the lock.
“Stench him until he breaks..”
God no.
“You’ve made us your prisoner and taking our town hostage” the man begged
“Maybe you’d prefer it if I threw one of your constituents on the rack instead” buggy said looking around the audience while throwing the straw hat to the side
“Hey kid” he then said grabbing a kid from the audience and shoving him into the center of the tent
“Boogie I’m warning you” luffy warned out
“Really, now that’s a laugh”
“I said that’s a laugh” he then said making everyone give back some fake ass laugh
Struggling some more I finally pick it and freed my arms, luckily my legs where tied up and in the moment luffy freed himself from the robes they had tied him up to.
“Put him down” I then said making my way next to luffy as the audience gasp at what was going on infront of them
“But he’s having such a good”
“Yes the best buggy” bugged mocked pulling up the kids face into a fake smile giggling
Right when luffy punched his head it fell of his body and landed in someone’s hand in the audience.. screams erupted and yells
“Well, we’ll looks like we have something else in common..” buggy said turning his head around in the person lap
What fuckery have we gotten ourselves into
His head then attached itself back onto his body and his hands loosen off the kid as the kid ran back to his mother.
“You ate a devil fruit”
“That’s right the chop chop fruit”
“So you can slice me and dice me and I can always put myself back together again” he then said spreading out his limps to showcase this gruesome power of his
“Want to see what else I can do” he whispered out
Oh no
Luffy and I looked right at each other in awe
When we looked back at him his wrist was gone and gasped out, just then luffy felt a tap on his shoulder and then a sleeping bomb was squeezed right into our faces. The hand punched luffys right into the face as we both dropped to the floor
My eyes fluttered open hearing gasps and water leaking
I tried to move my body and found it hard to do so, that’s when I fully opened my eyes squinting to adjust to the bright circus light and looking around to see that once again I was tied up.
But what was infront of me was even more horrifying it was luffy in a glass box that was now being filled slowly with water with luffy slowly banging on the glass door.
“Luffy!” I screamed out watching the water drip down onto his hair
He slowly tries to get up still banging, grunting in pain.
“Let him go!” I screamed out at the mad man that was next to me giggling
He laughed out grabbing me up by my tied arms, pulling me by hair.
I screamed out kneeing him in the groin as he groaned out and kicking him hard in the head, in which his head fell off and re attached back onto his body.
This fucking clown man
“Ooh looks like we got a fighter on our hands” he laughed out still keeping his tight grip on my hair
He then looked over to luffy noticing his struggle
“Don’t bother its seawater” he called out
“Hardly seems fair”
“ all those wonderful powers rendered useless from a few splashes” the clown sighed out loosening his grip and bit but still holding on
“Let me go” I grumped out trying to escape his grasp
“Stop moving will you” he said pushing me on the floor with force as two of his crew mates picked me up and held onto my arms
“Of course you could always give me my map..if you don’t wanna die alone in this tank” he giggled out kneeling down to luffys level in the tank
“My crew..” luffy muttered out looking over at me for a brief second
“Your crew? You mean the ones that abandoned you” buggy laughed out loud
“Just like shanks did”
“Oh did that make you sad?” He mocked
I grunted trying to move out there grasp but they were too tight ugh
“My crew will save me” luffy mumbled out
“your only chance is to give me back my map, and if you do, ..I may have a very special place on my crew for you” buggy offered
Don’t do it luffy
Luffy had slowly started to rise up groaning in pain as buggy followed along getting up too
“Never” luffy argued out
“Why not” buggy yelled out banging his hands on the glass tank and yelling out in pain
“Your a outcast just like the rest of us a freak, scorned and abandoned” he emphasized
“Join me and you’ll be with the person who will become the king the pirates”
“I will find the one piece and become the king of pirates” luffy said
“You can’t make people smile just like you can’t make people happy..I’ll never give you that map” luffy said in determination
“Well then.. I guess it’s curtains for you” buggy smiled out menacingly turning the pipe making more splashes of water come out but more faster and harder
“Luffy, No” I screamed out watching luffy drop down as I tried pushing myself out of there grips
“You now the price you the price you have to pay” buggy let out as luffy tapped on the glass pointing to somewhere as buggy looked over to where
It was Nami as she then threw her bo staff at the glass tank and it cracked a little, taking this distraction I butted my head against one of the men and kicked the other in there groin
Side kicking the one that I head butted and giving the other a knee to his face watching them both drop down in pain.
By that time the glass tank broke as I ran over to luffy that was spitting out water on the ground and now the map.
I kneeled beside him grabbing up his face and while asking if he’s okay
“I’m fine” he rasped out trying to breathe in air
“My map..” buggy called out looking at the map on the floor
Luffys focus then shifted to this straw hat a few feet from him
“My hat..” he rasped out dragging me with him and he crawled out to his hat putting it on his head
As the clown groaned it map laughing out loud
“You want a piece of me” the clown laughed watching zoro try to slice him
“Surprise shithead!”
He then started dismembering his whole body moving them all in the air in circular motion as luffy held me in his grasp leaning on the pole
We watched as zoro and Nami tired fighting off the limps that was floating around them
Luffy slowly pulled us both up as Nami and zoro fell into the audience area
“Ah.., would you look at that” buggy Said putting himself back together noticing me and luffy now standing up
“Somebody escaped my tank of doom and my freaks” he said looking over at me
“Well I’ll be back to finish you off..right after I tear apart your sad excuse for a crew” he yelled out at us
“You can dump seawater on me and I’ll let it slide.. but don’t you ever threaten my friends” luffy said slowly pulling out his arms
“So you want to die first.. be my guest” he then said now dismembering his body AGAIN
“Chop chop..” he then began with his body parts chomping towards us as luffy and I attacked and kicked them out of the way with luffy tackling buggy
And buggy using his knife hand and aiming it towards luffy’s hat, pinning it on the wooden pole as luffy gasped out racing after it but was met with his hand that swept him on the floor and started to strangle him.
I raced over to help him but he used his other hand and dropped me to my feet pulling my hair
“Nami the crates” luffy yelled out getting back to his feet as pulled off the moving hand off his neck and threw it with Nami using her bo stick to throw it into the crates
“Y/n go!” Luffy called out with me forcefully pulling the other hand out my hair and throwing it to Nami with her slamming the other hand in the crates
The clown began throwing more body parts at us with us throwing them all in the pile of crates
“What have you done to me..” he cried out
“Cut you down to size..”
“You’ll never find that treasure, you’re just a sad little boy wearing another man’s hat..” he cried out some more in furry
“I’m not a nobody, I’m monkey d luffy and one day I’m gonna become the king of the pirate” luffy cheered out
“Gum gum..”
“Bazooka” luffy then said throwing luffy out the tent and somewhere in the air
His hands grabbed my wrist one again making his way over to the map on the floor and picking it up as he handed it over to Nami.
“You’re giving this to me..”
“Your the navigator” luffy smiled out back at her
“Let’s get out of this clown show” Zoro said starting to walk away
“There’s still one more thing we have to do” luffy then said stopping him from walking further
We then went and freed the the people in the ‘audience’ untying there ankles.
When we finished as we where making our way out the tent and back onto the boat they had stopped us giving luffy a cradle filled with food
“We don’t have much but please do take this as a token of our gratitude” the old man said gesturing for luffy to take it
“You need it more than we do” Luffy then said smiling back at him turning his heels and walking away but stop in a few distance
“Maybe a little” he said grabbing a piece of meat out of the cradle and running back to catch up to us and grabbing back my wrist heading onto the ship with everyone else appalling us and giving us thank you’s
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blacklegsanjiii · 2 months
Hanhawk!Sanji with the crew after he joins. Drawing fish between cooking and taking care of the chores. He starts dating Luffy(of course he does) and they keep it to themselves mostly because the Merry is small and he isn't exactly keen on someone walking in on them. He draws his crew on lazy days and the dishes he makes. The fish and animals he finds. His mom got him into drawing for a good reason so he's going to use it by God.
Sanji enjoying his new friends and being around people his age, even if the mossball makes him frustrated. Everything is still going according to Canon and Sanji knows the two who raised him are from the new world and spent enough time there to not be surprised at what's happening, also they're warlords so like, it's normal. For them it's normal. Sanji knows how to use haki and does, especially when it comes to finding Zoro, his armament can be hit or miss depending on if he remembers it.
Then Sabaody happens and Sanji reads the news about his parents helping Luffy and while he's thankful, he is so fucking thankful. But it was supposed to be the crew. It was supposed to be him. He already has that feeling of being a disappointment for a lot of reasons(giving up swords, his parents not being together because of him, Germa, Judge) so this just compounds on it. He just vows to get stronger and be there in the future. So he does. He learns to skywalk and the attack cuisine and goes through the bridal arts training. He gets stronger and taller.
The crew reunites and still everything is the same. Luffy still loves the idea of sneaking around because it's like playing spies despite the fact they could go sleep in his room. They could do a lot of things in his room. Luffy just loves playing spies too much and Sanji is absolutely weak for the captain. Still everything is normal for the crew as they continue on.
When WCI happens Luffy convinces Nami to marry him and Sanji as they sale to Wano. She's confused, very confused but does it. Sanji then explains to her they've been together since he basically joined the crew and they weren't necessarily hiding it but the Merry was so small and Luffy loves sneaking around like it's a game so they just kept going like that. Sanji thanks her by making her favorite treat and she smiles happily.
Wano happens and Sanji wonders as they leave if his parents are looking at his bounty and wonder why it's not as high as the others and why his last name is back to 'Vinsmoke' when it should be either Mihawk or Hancock. The crew bids their goodbyes to the other crews as they sail on. Eventually they're teaming with the Cross Guild on Karai Bari and while Boa isn't on the poster she is there. After she got away from the Marines and Teach and that whole thing anyway, after the dissolution of the warlord system.
Boa is swooning for Luffy when they arrive and Mihawk is hiding his annoyance but Sanji is rolling his eyes. They're negotiating their attack on Teach and what they could provide to each other to come to an agreement when Usopp looks at Luffy and his whining that he's bored and just wants to fight.
"What is your future spouse going to do with you?" Usopp sighs.
"Future pouts?" Luffy ask.
"'Spouse', like husband or wife." Chopper clarifies.
"I'm already married?" Luffy answers in a questioning tone.
"You never told anyone because you're you, Luffy." Nami sighs.
"Oh, woops." Luffy laughs as Sanji sighs.
"That's also my fault, I assumed he would tell everyone because he's Luffy." Sanji explains as the meeting room goes ballistic. Luffy laughs as he climbs Sanji and Mihawk looks to Boa.
"Well now that you're both married you can stop acting like that." Mihawk chides his wife.
"Are we not going to talk about the fact our son is married?" Boa asks him incredulously.
"I think we need to have several conversations with our son and his newfound husband and their crew." Mihawk answers as he stacks the paperwork and Crocodile joins into the chaotic yelling at the new information, Buggy leans back in his chair and stares at the ceiling.
"That's what you were talking about Marineford." The clown says blankly as the chaos rages on.
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kookie-doughs · 9 months
Again And Again
Portgas D Ace X Reader
-Amatsuki Y/N decided to stay in the future without her sister upon meeting a friend’s son.
Chapter 5: O Captain! My Captain!
The moment Edward said you were to go on this mission alone was the moment you declined.
Earlier before receiving your current mission, quarter of the crew had been dispatched to search for a fruit. Of course Edward hadn't told you what the fruit was, you declined that mission. After all Ace wasn't one of those deployed.
But today, you didn't have a choice. Still on the same island, Edward had told you to retrieve something else than the first dispatch, and you were to do it alone.
You declined firmly not wanting to leave Ace's side but you had no choice, when he reminds you he was your captain. You had asked, begged even that he sends another person but he firmly sent you.
You were by far the strongest in the crew, second only to your captain. That was the only plausible reason you thought of as to why it had to be you specifically. But then again, what could be so important that you had to be sent?
Right now here you were packing for a mission you don't even know how long will last. You don't even know if the ship would still be docked by the time you finish. But you had to leave for it now.
"Y/N!!!" You turn around to see Ace hopping excitedly to you waving a paper, presumably the new bounty posters. "He's coming!!!"
His giddy and excited screams practically woke up half of the crew that was left on board.
He jumps to hold you by the hip to spin you around, with the biggest grin you had ever seen. You laugh at his excitement, as he sets you down slowly to keep you from getting hurt.
"Y/N!!!!!" He was jumping and pacing in excitement as he tries to hand you the poster at hand, failing miserably as he was moving around too much.
You hold him by the shoulder still laughing, "Calm down, you're gonna get yourself hurt." As you had held him still you snatched the poster on his hand.
It was a 30 million bounty poster to a boy in a straw hat. A familiar one to point out. The boy with shaggy black hair, round black eyes reminds you of both Roger and Ace coincidentally. The boy also has a scar with two stitches underneath his left eye.
"Monkey D. Luffy." You read the name. You took time trying to rack your mind as to who that name belong to. You can see Ace expectantly waiting for your reaction. "OH!!! ITS YOUR BROTHER!!!"
He cheered once again wrapping his arms around you jumping up and down, squeezing you tight you could hardly breath.
"He's coming!! Where do you think he's gonna be? He's probably on his way to the reverse mountain! What if I go there to meet him?! O-Or maybe I could go to his first island instead! Which one do you think is gonna be his first? Our first island was overran by trees. Do you think that his first island is going to be there? Would meeting him at another island be better? What about Drum Island? Or maybe Alabasta? Alabsta is a kingdom I think that'd be the better option. We should go there! But would meeting him there not be a good idea? What if I end up interfering with his ad-"
You squeeze his squeeze his cheeks with your hand giving him a fish face.
"You're so cute when you're excited." You giggle. "But you're overthinking everything."
Getting away from your hold he gave you a grin, "I just can't wait for him to meet you. You're going to love him! He's also gonna love you! It's gonna be great I swear."
You laugh. "From the stories you've told me, I think having you both in my life would be the death of me."
He pulls you to his chest swaying slightly day dreaming about what could happen, he had the sweetest smile that made your heart melt and your stomach tingle. "I haven't seen him in forever."
"I bet he's missed you too."
"You know you're probably not gonna get to eat much if he ever eats with us." He snickers.
"I don't get to eat much when I'm with you either dummy. Something tells me I wouldn't eat at all."
"Where do you think he'd be? Where would be the best place to meet him?"
"I'd say somewhere with a lot of food. Bring him to Big Mom's territory maybe." You joke.
"I know you're joking but that's actually a good idea." He ponders. "Last time we went there she provided 5 buffet tables for the entire crew."
"Yeah, they never stopped feeding you there. You know like the witch in that fats you up with candy."
"Why did we meet with them again?"
"I don't remember anything after you ate her shortcake. She was trying to kill you."
"Katakuri should've seen it coming. It's his fault."
"As if he could stop you. You grabbed the cake as soon as it came to the room." You laughed. "I still remember the look on his face when he saw you grab the cake. He had the look that he knew soemthing bad was gonna happen at that second and he desperately wants it not to happen."
"His future sight it so cool."
"Oh no is your crush on him coming back?"
He pouts, "I'm just saying... Its really cool. I bet Luffy will be all over him."
"I can also technically see the future, but you don't praise me."
"You're both really cool." He grinned and placed a chaste kiss on your lips.
"Hell yeah I am." You smirked making him chuckle. "Is Katakuri like your favorite pirate excluding us?"
"Probably. I remember them talking about having all those food unlimitedly if pops had agreed to something. Whatever it was Pops should've said yes."
"You don't even know what it is." You laughed.
"I don't need to know. I had all Big Mom's son feeding me." He said proudly. "Those guys are unlimited food I'm telling you."
"Now that I think about it maybe I was right they were fattening you up and then they were gonna feed you to Big Mom. You were the only one eating so much."
"Not true! Everyone was eating!"
"We were but not as much as you. I barely got to eat because his sons kept bothering me and I had to keep watch of you."
"We really should come over again, with Luffy. I'll make sure not to eat her shortcake this time."
"Luffy will probably eat it."
"Well maybe Katakuri will finally do something. He should expect it by now."
Your moment was interrupted by someone at your door clearing his throat. Ace goes to hug you from behind not to block your view on the man at the door.
"Teach, what's up?"
"Pops wanted to remind you that you had to leave." He grinned.
Ace slumps on your shoulder with a pout. You ruffle Ace's hair and removes his arms around you.
"Blame Ace if the old man asks." You say as you grab your bag. "I'll be back, don't do anything rash and stupid and just wait for me okay?"
"Don't take too long~"
You'd think a mission personally for you given by Edward would be something important. But alas, it was nothing.
In your hand was an averaged size chest. Inside was 2 devil fruit you aren't quite sure what was, and papers you hadn't bothered to look into yet.
As you returned to the Oro Jackson after weeks of your mission, you'd think you would come back to a warm welcome and cheers for your success, you felt a mix of excitement and anticipation to reunite with the crew... to be more specific Ace.
However, as you stepped onto the deck, your expectation was the total opposite. All that was there was a heavy atmosphere hanging over the crew. Concern etched its way into your heart, and you immediately sought out someone to find answers.
"Guys?" You call out.
Marco was first to notice your return. His eyes widen as if he wasn't expecting you, and looks away.
He grabs Jozu's shoulder and whispers something. Jozu nods and walks to the direction of Edward's room not looking your way.
"I swear, if you don't fucking tell me what's wrong." You taunt. Glaring at everyone.
"Y/N," Deuce comes up slowly. "We couldn't..."
Your brows furrow. "Deuce, I was gone for two fucking weeks. What happened?!" You yell.
But then a realization hit you. You scan the crowd, and it seemed that your suspicions were right as they all looked away figuring you were about to find out.
There were a few missing faces. But it wasn't just anyone missing.
With a sinking feeling, you approached Marco. "What happened? Where's Ace?" You asked, your voice trembling with worry.
His expression turned somber as he looked away. You turn to the other looking at anyone and everyone.
"Deuce? Vista? Banshee??? What happened? Ace, Thatch and Teach are gone... Why isn't anyone telling me anything?"
At this point you were assuming the worse. And you sure as hell are not going to let that happen.
"Y/N don't." Your heart dropped when a booming voice behind you. Standing, towering above you, you glare him down. "Ace, a week ago. He said he needed to sort things out."
"Sort things out?" You repeated, feeling a sense of worry creep into your heart. "What happened?"
The crewmate hesitated, then softly said, "Thatch is gone. He was killed by Teach."
You felt your stomach churn. "T-Thatch- No, Teach is strong but he can't easi-"
"He stole the fruit Thatch's team was to get."
"Yami Yami no Mi."
A fruit you know. A fruit you hadn't thought you'd come across again since your travel across time with your sister began. A fruit that you and your sister had been asked to stay away from centuries ago.
"Ace... Why would you let Ace-" Your eyes widen as you look at your captain in horror, sending Ace into a suicide mission.
Marco hold you back knowing you, he was aware you were about to pounce the old man.
"Y/N, Ace went against pops' orders! Please calm down and listen!!" He cried out trying to keep you down.
Tears streaming your face you glare at your captain. You stood before Edward, your emotions boiling over with anger and grief. The weight of the recent events, Ace's departure, and Thatch's tragic death felt unbearable, and you couldn't help but direct your frustration toward the captain who had sent you on the mission.
"Why did you send me on that mission?" you demanded, your voice sharp with accusation. "If I hadn't been away, maybe I could've been there for Ace and Thatch."
Edward's expression softened, understanding the pain in your words. He knew you cared deeply for Ace, more than anything, and the thought of not being there for him when he needed you most was a heavy burden on your heart. "I sent you on that mission because I believed in your abilities," he said calmly. "I trusted that you could handle it, and I knew you would always do your best for the crew."
You throw the chest you held at him, "Here's your fucking end results." Your anger flared even more at Edward's response. "Great job huh? We got what you fucking wanted!" they retorted. "Ace and Thatch are gone, and I wasn't there to stop anything all because of you! I could've stopped Teach!"
Edward eyes held a mix of sorrow and regret. "I didn't expect such a tragedy to happen," he admitted. "I didn't foresee that the mission would lead to such devastating consequences."
"I told you I didn't want the fucking mission!" You screamed.
Marco held onto you hoping to calm you down, "Y/N calm down! That's your captain!"
But you, consumed by anger, unable to see beyond the pain. "He may be your captain, but he's not mine," you declared, your words sharp and cutting, eyes locking with Edward's. "I was only here for Ace."
Edward looked taken aback by the statement, but he remained calm. "You may be angry right now, I don't hold this against you. You can have your space to collect yourself, you will always be a part of this crew," he said, his voice carrying a sense of fatherly concern.
Your emotions were too raw to be soothed by Edward's words. "I followed Roger and Oden, and I haven't been been part of this crew for years," you said, voice cracking with emotion.
As you turned to walk away, Marco couldn't bear to let you leave in such turmoil. He knew how much the Whitebeard Pirates meant to you, even after all those years of absence. With a hurried stride, he caught up to you and gently placed a hand on your shoulder, trying to offer some comfort.
"Wait," Marco implored, his voice soft and caring. "I know you're hurting, and I understand that things have changed, but you're still a part of this crew in our hearts."
You stopped, but you didn't turn to face Marco. Tears welled up in your eyes, and you fought to control the emotions threatening to overwhelm you.
"I can't lose him," You said, your voice breaking. "If something happens to him... I don't know what I'd do."
Marco moved to stand in front of you, ensuring that you had his full attention. "You know pops would never let that happen," he said, looking into your eyes with empathy. "We've all been through a lot, and your feelings are valid. This incident shouldn't break us. We can get him back together."
You tried to hold back a sob, your emotions still raw and tumultuous. "I don't know if I can be a part of this crew again," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper.
"You don't have to decide right now," Marco said gently. "Take the time you need to sort through your feelings. We'll be here, waiting for you."
You finally met Marco's gaze, finding warmth and understanding in his eyes. "Does Edward hate me?" you asked, fear and uncertainty in your voice.
Marco smiled reassuringly. "He could never hate you," he said. "He knows you're going through a lot, just take your time, we'll all be here for you."
You reached out, embracing Marco in a tight hug, finding comfort in his presence and the reassurance of a friend's unwavering support.
"I don't know what to do," you admitted, your voice muffled against Marco's shoulder.
"That's okay," Marco said, hugging you back. "You don't have to have all the answers right now. Just know that we care about you, and we'll face whatever comes together."
"You know, the reason I came to the future. I was so heartbroken about Roger." As you spoke, your voice trembled. Marco listened attentively, understanding the deep pain and determination in their words.
"He was sick, so there wasn't really anything I could've done to help him... to save him." You say as tears spilled down your cheeks. "I had no choice but to lose Roger all those years ago," you said, your voice heavy with emotion. "It was beyond my control, and I couldn't even come to his final moments."
Marco nodded, his eyes filled with empathy. He doesn't bother saying anything as he figured a friendly ear was what you needed most right now.
"I can't bear the thought of losing Ace, too," You continued. "Not when I can stop it. I can't let the same tragedy happen again."
Marco placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, offering you support. "We'll do everything in our power to get Ace," he assured you. "We'll face whatever challenges come our way. You're not going to be alone here."
As you walked away from Marco, your heart felt lighter than before. The weight of your past still lingered, but Marco's words and support had provided a renewed sense of hope and determination. You knew that you couldn't change the events of the past, but you could shape the future, and you were determined to do everything in your power to get Ace back.
As you prepared to leave the Whitebeard Pirates once again, a sense of gratitude and responsibility welled up inside. You knew that you owed the crew an apology, especially to Edward.
Taking a deep breath, you approached Whitebeard with a mix of nervousness and determination. You couldn't leave without expressing your feelings and acknowledging the support you had received.
"Edward," you said, your voice steady but filled with sincerity, "I want to say I'm sorry."
Whitebeard looked at you, his expression softening with understanding. "You don't have to apologize," he replied gently. "You've been through a lot, and I know it hasn't been easy for you."
You shook your head, feeling the weight of your emotions. "No, I do need to apologize," you insisted. "I said things I didn't mean in the heat of the moment. I know you care for Ace, Thatch and the crew deeply, and I shouldn't have said what I had said."
Whitebeard placed a hand on your shoulder, offering reassurance. "We all say things we don't mean when emotions run high," he said. "I understand your pain and your need to protect those you care about."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you nodded, grateful for Whitebeard's understanding. "Thank you," you said, your voice choked with emotion. "Thank you for letting me be a part a second time."
Whitebeard smiled warmly. "You'll always be a part of this crew, no matter where life takes you," he said. "We've been through thick and thin together, and that bond won't be broken. No matter how much time passes."
You wiped away your tears, feeling a mix of sadness and gratitude. "I'll always cherish the time I spent with the Whitebeard Pirates," you said. "And I promise I'll come back as soon as I can. Make sure to keep a spot open for me."
Whitebeard nodded, his eyes filled with fatherly affection. "Take all the time you need," he said. "Make sure to bring that brat with you."
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@nykie-love-anime @gayer-than-the-gayest-gay @cinnamonrollscafe @sol-d15
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one-idea · 3 months
Speaking of Deuce I know in my heart that when it got out that Ace is Roger's son the WG tried to change his bounty poster to Gold Ace, like not even writing it the correct way. And I know that Deuce has the biggest vendetta against that shit, like "IF THEY DO THAT IS JUST REWRITING THE PUBLIC NARRATIVE TO FIT THEIR IDEALS OF COLLECTIVE PUNISHMENT AND DISMISSING HIS PERSONHOOD". Ace's poster still says Portgas D in the timeskip because Deuce, Olivia and Sabo kept getting rid of all of the Gold ones and the Marines got fed up with having to print new ones every time
I love this!
No chosen names are such a big thing for Deuce and Ace.
I can imagine Deuce siting there worried about his friend. Knowing he just lost his little brother who he loved so much. And there is nothing Deuce can do for him. He’s paper that he’s so proud of couldn’t sway the public in time to save Luffy. (He had such short notice, there was no way he could have, but that doesn’t matter to him) he doesn’t know where Ace is, he can’t support him.
And to top it all off someone spilled Ace’s closest secret to the world government.
Deuce is sitting there feeling like all his work is meaningless if he can’t help the people he cares about when someone (probably Olivia) slams Ace’s new bounty on his desk. Normally he’s trilled when Ace’s bounty comes out. He knows Ace loves when his bounty goes up. (And he totally doesn’t have a collection of Ace’s bounty posters)
But this one is different. Ace is still standing there with the same smirk as always (it’s the same picture as always) but the name is wrong. Gold Ace is brazenly printed across the poster.
“If they’re going to be blatantly disrespectful, they could at least spell it right.” Olivia says with a sneer. But it’s white noise to Deuce because, How. Dare. They. How dare they put a name on Ace he obviously didn’t want. How dare they use a name Ace had worked so hard to distance himself from.
Deuce is furious. His true name isn’t known to anyone. Not the Revs, not the reverse crew, not even Ace (he didn’t want to know after Deuce told him he rejected it) Ace is the one who dubbed him Deuce. Who created his new name Masked Deuce. The name the world knows. It’s his name! He would be livid if the World Government tried to tie his brith name to his current life. He rejected it and his family.
Ace did much the same. He chose to go by Portagas because he loves his mom. Deuce knew the name was important to Ace. Whether it was a decision made to hide his connection to Roger didn’t matter to Deuce. No one had the right to make Ace go by a name he didn’t want.
Add on to that it’s to fit the world’s government’s narrative of punishing sons for the sins of their fathers. That it puts Ace’s life in jeopardy for something he didn’t do.
Oh Deuce is hopping mad.
“So what are we going to do about this?” Olivia asked as she watched the rage build across Deuces face. He turned to face her with nothing but righteous furry.
He thought of the brilliant orange flames that often danced around Ace. “We’re going to burn them to the ground.” This he can do. He couldn’t help Ace at Marineford and he can’t be with him in the aftermath. But he can do this.
He’s publishing story after story highlighting PORTAGAS D. ACE and his accomplishment. He’s doing research about what Gol D Rogers was actually like (incase Ace ever does want the name) Sabo and Olivia help him destroy every copy of that stupid wanted poster. (He keeps one, 1) because it enrages him and reminded him what he’s working to prevent, 2) incase one day Ace wants it, even if it’s just to burn it himself)
He figures out where the World government is printing them from and raises it to the ground. No more posters for them! The world government finally relents when he sends them the correct poster (same increase bounty right name) and offers to stop burning all their bounty if they will just print the right one. They have to give in, he’s destroying all of their bounty poster, how are they suppose to bring in anyone if no one knows who to look for.
It his the price on Deuces own head but he’s more than pleased with the resulting new bounty that reads Portagas D. Ace. It’s worth it.
He hopes Ace never had to see the Bounty with the wrong name, no reason to add that to his plate when he’s already dealing with enough.
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licorice-tea · 4 months
Pirate Bias
Pairing: Nico Robin x reader
Content: reader is a straw hat/ pirate fan (just like me fr), a little nervous around their fave, robin! could be sent as platonic or romantic since its just a first meeting! part of my 100 follower event <3
Word Count: 0.8k
A/N: (cringe title? perhaps…) I'm not really into kpop so I hope I used the term “bias” correctly lol :) also I haven't really edited this super closely yet, so if there are grammar mistakes I'm sorry about that!!!! pls enjoy, ty to the anon who requested!
The last thing you expected to see upon entering the bar for a midday pick me up, or the last people you expected to meet rather, were the Strawhat Pirates. Yet there they were, in all their glory: from the boyish captain to the grandiose cyborg, the latest addition to their crew. Still in a state of disbelief, your eyes scan the bar trying to get a headcount on every one of them.
And low and behold- almost the entire crew is somewhere within the dimly lit bar. Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper are gathered around an old arcade machine. Zoro and Nami are at the bar, and Sanji and Franky are eating at one of the few regular tables. It's kind of strange to see them all in such a normal setting, acting like normal people instead of, well, The Strawhat Pirates. “What are they doing here, of all places?” You wonder. The only one you don’t spot is one Nico Robin, with her gorgeous black hair and blue eyes. Perhaps she’s watching their ship; you’d heard that was common for pirates, to leave someone to watch the ship since being attacked was always a possibility.
However, your curiosity is overridden by the pure excitement in your veins. To say you're a fan of the Strawhat Pirates would be an understatement- you had followed their story closely through the World News ever since the events of Alabasta. You thought they were just what the world needed: people who fought for such righteous ideals as freedom and happiness and peace. Still, Robin is your favorite, so it is just the slightest bit disappointing that she isn’t among the others. If she was, you’d surely approach her and strike up a conversation, even compliment her on something. Her intelligence, her power, her beauty…
“Hi there.” A calm voice greets you to your left.
You turn your cheek and blink in astonishment when you find Nico Robin in the bar stool next to yours.
“Oh- hi!”
“You’ve been watching my friends. Why is that?”
“I- I’m so sorry, I didn’t think anyone would notice, um… I just, well, I’ve heard all about you guys from the World News, and, gosh this is embarasing, I just think you’re a really cool crew!”
Robin tilts her head and leans her head on her hand. You can’t decide if she’s suspicious or -, so you continue rambling. “I don’t mean you any harm, really I… I have your wanted poster on my wall!”
At this shocking and unintentional reveal, Robin quirks a brow and her lips twitch up in the subtlest of smiles. “Is that so?” She laughs politely behind her hand. “I didn’t know I had a fan!”
“Well, y-yeah, I guess you do!” You laugh along, albeit more awkwardly.
Robin hums contemplatively. “So, are you on a crew yourself? Or a marine division perhaps?“
You shake your head rapidly. “No, no I… I couldn’t live that kind of life. I’m not as strong as you guys…”
“That’s too bad,” she smiles softly, “I’d love to get to know you better.”
“Really?” You didn’t mean to sound like such a fan, but you couldn’t help it. It was Nico Robin, for fuck’s sake; she was practically your pirate bias!
“Mhm. What’s your name?”
You smile back and shake her hand. Her grip isn’t espescialy firm, but it is stable. “Y/n, it’s very nice to meet you.”
“Nico Robin,” she nods and extends her hand- the one she isn’t resting her chin on- toward you in greeting, “but I suppose you already knew that.”
You can barely contain the way your smile breaks out into a grin. “Yeah, I did.”
“So, I expect you want an autograph then?”
Your mouth gapes- is she serious? Not that you’d turn down an autograph from the Nico Robin, but… isn’t that kind of a weird thing to ask for? Especially when all you want is just to talk to her, and get to know her better, too.
“I’m kidding.” She laughs again, but it’s more unrestrained this time around. Then she looks around the bar at her crew mates, and back at you. “Come on, y/n. Let me introduce you to the others.”
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danwhobrowses · 3 months
One Piece Chapter 1108 - Initial Thoughts
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And we're back
Some battle lines have been drawn and the Blackbeard pirates made a move, though some people are still in battle or still in pursuit. What more can Oda throw at Egghead? Let's see
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release also
Colorspread of some lovely ladies in a dog manor, all in fancy red dresses (except Robin and Reiju). Would've been cool to include the likes of Vivi, Carrot, Bonney etc. but I'm not gonna be unhappy with seeing Uta, Reiju and Tashigi all getting to join Robin, Nami and Boa
Wonder if Reiju's a frisky drunk or just likes making Tashigi flustered, I'm sure all the fanfic writers are having a field day
We pick up where we left off with Caribou, begging for his life
Van Augur notes how even though it's a government island, they can't trust Caribou to not be after Blackbeard's head
To Caribou's credit Augur at least knows who he is
But there it is, Caribou states he has valuable information, information which will very much endanger Luffy's new territories and allies
Stick him in a fucking barrel
The Vice Admirals continue to lament fighting the Pacifista, and decide to target Bonney to eliminate the authority she has
Got some new Vice Admiral names though; Hound and Guillotine
And that was Vice Admiral Doberman! Looking worse for ware, and also is a stooge
Vice Admiral Tosa is still on the island, and is looking to launch a haki-induced 10-fingered Shigan at Franky and Bonney
Buuuuut rather than give Franky some shine in the Vegapunk arc, Tosa gets flattened by a giant
The giants don't recognize Franky, since he doesn't look like his wanted poster, so ask if they're researchers
Franky does clarify he's among the crew, and Bonney beseeches them to help Luffy, Sanji and Vegapunk - proving some validity to the statement
A scholar also mentioned Vegapunk so there's plans to bring him too
Atlas, Bonney, Kuma and Franky get an escort to the Giants' ship, wonder if this will be Oda's latest divided crew method
More names: Vice Admiral Urban and Pomsky, wondering about Tosa
Bluegrass hijacks a surviving weaponized sea beast and rides to the shore with Doll
Doll was Saul's subordinate 20 years ago, interesting thing to note
That's a thing, the giants can't exactly reach the labophase either way you look at it
Luffy wants to pick up Vegapunk and run, but he's bleeding out and accepted his fate
Luffy doesn't take that for an answer though he made a promise, Vegapunk asks him though to look after Bonney
As much as she has an army of pacifista her high authority still makes her a target for life
Also Saturn is looking more and more like a Yokai painting, probably going full Zoan form
Completely coated in venom, Saturn attacks, with Sanji picking up Vegapunk and Luffy easily dodges
Sanji eats a boot from Kizaru, but in dropping Vegapunk the admiral finally impales his target
Angered, Luffy goes giant and grabs Saturn and Kizaru in place so Sanji can run
Despite being stabbed twice, Vegapunk seems to be in high spirits
Vegapunk's got a message out to the world, he's about to spill everything
Like how Shadow the Hedgehog is a punk ass bitch who pissed on his wife
Well this may be the 'incident' part. Just how much can you censor when it comes from Vegapunk himself? Though it'll likely be vague, since I doubt Vegapunk will have all the details to trash the WG and say the Straw Hats were saving him. His word may not hold much weight as an enemy of the state too. Strange Shaka didn't follow suit though.
Alas, Sanji still isn't getting that Kizaru fight it seems, Luffy's going at the double, but I doubt he'll stick to fight. Saturn seems like he's gonna go even crazier at this stage, looks like a wild animal. Bonney may have more crew endorsement mind you, but I still think she deserves a childhood rather than more piracy.
Giants will be a help though, still want Franky to show off a bit, but with Vice Admirals circulating still there is time. The plan is to get off the island, but at the same time everyone's having the same plan, will the Buster Call even succeed? What about the Seraphim? The CP agents? The Sleeping Giant? York? Stussy? Kaku?
Still things floating around, not enough pages to cover them all atm.
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Could you imagine the horror on Lucky’s face when she meets Kid tho??? She’d just be fucking chilling and all the sudden someone’s calling her, her full government name????? I’d shit myself genuinely cause NO ONE supposed to know that??? And the Straw Hats reaction would be pure gold cause who the FUCK is (y/n) (m/n) (l/n) and why is this Red head running at Lucky full speed yelling that shit???
Lucky just vibing without a yandere around for ONCE:
Kid, rapidly approaching and about to change that: “(Y/N) (M/N) (L/N) OH MY GOD I FINALLY FUCKING FOUND YOU??? WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT IN YOUR BAG??? (Y/N) (M/N) (L/N) DON’T IGNORE ME!!!” 🏃🏻‍♂️💨
Lucky having an outta body experience cause she almost forgot what her full name sounded like:
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She’s on the verge of tears but Kid’s having the greatest day ever he finally found her!!! (He also feels like he’s got special privileges/connection to Lucky cause he knows her full name and it was him and his crew that found her bag he’s in his delulu era)
LMAO yeah it's like a straight up jumpscare
Lucky is scrambling to figure out how he knows her entire legal name, then there's Luffy who does know her first name but is confused about who (m/n) and (l/n) are supposed to be. There's no one else here, who is this weirdo yelling at?
I do want to quickly amend a little plot hole I noticed in my last post about Kid. I forgot that Lucky would have a bounty poster by then (gets one after Enies Lobby with everyone else), so he would already be aware of her and actively tracking down the Straw Hats at that point. The different names are a little odd, but maybe she's using an alias or whatever? The first interaction still goes the same, it's just no longer a coincidence that they ran into each other.
He would think he's special for knowing her real name, but he'd be willing to switch to calling her Lucky after she complains about it enough. Or in the Strays AU he would call her that sooner because it would be less confusing since there are three people with the same name.
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dafukdidiwatch · 8 months
One Piece - Episode One
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Yo Ho Ho yall (fuck that's cheesy lol) Well the Live Action One Piece came out a few weeks ago and I've only just started to watch it. I love One Piece. I 100% believe that One Piece is Classical Literature and Classical Story Telling. Like it will stand the test of time it is that good. And since I'm in love with the anime and watching the new series, I've decided to give like a mini review of each episode I watch.
Major Spoilers Ahead: I haven't caught up with the anime (like holy shit no I haven't) but I have rewatched the beginning seasons/arcs many many times. So this is honestly might be more of a comparison between the adaptation and the original source material. So I'm going to go over a lot of plot points of, well, everything.
Here we go!
Overview: Episode One follows Monkey D. Luffy on the start of his journey to become the King Of The Pirates on the open ocean. He faces against The Alvida Pirates and takes rescues the Cabin Boy Koby from her iron clutches. There they travel together to a nearby Marine Base to take find a map of the Grand Line, and we get the introduction of Zoro the Pirate Bounty Hunter and Nami the Thief and Catburgler. Shenanigans force the group together where they face off against Marine Captain Axe-Hand Morgan and retrieve the map together. Leaving Koby behind to follow his own dream, the trio sets off on a stolen boat and sails onto the next episode.
Initial Thoughts: I feel like I have to break up my review into so many categories because My God, they cram packed SO many things into this episode. Every minute there's anyone easter egg, another name drop, another scene where I go "Oh! It's That Part from the Anime!" I don't think it's going to be possible for me to look at it strictly on it's own merit, because a lot of what I like about it is going to be colored by the anime. Specifically what they kept, changed, and adapted to fit a live action setting. Because honestly, I'm blown away. They did an insanely good job with this series.
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I have to start with some of the plot here. Not just the overview I mean like a Deep Dive into how this is a lot of people's first introduction to One Piece.
I like how they have the first scene be the Gol D. Rodgers backstory. His death and final words, as stated in every episode, "drove countless souls to the sea." His legacy is the driving point for the show, so having it at the beginning is a great way to set up the exposition and expectation for the series. This is Pirates. Government vs Pirates. The King Of Pirates Treasure created more Pirates.
I also like how at every Pirate's Introduction we see a wanted poster fly by and cover his face. The bounties are used as a "power level" marker in a way. Higher Bounty = More Dangerous. It's a nice visual cue to show they are key players.
They also kept a lot of the iconic scenes and moments from the anime too. Nami drifting in the boat. Shanks getting beer smashed onto him by the bandits. They actually kept in some manga only moments too: Luffy stabbing himself in the eye for example and the reveal of his Gum Gum Powers. Not shown in the anime. So the Live Action series is faithful to both anime and manga.
Then the show even expands on some moments that were sort of glanced over. It actually shows Zoro being recruited for Baroque Works instead of Zoro mentioning it one that happened off screen. Which was a really cool badass visual to show rather than tell why Zoro is epic. Leave the myth/legacy/stories for Gol D. Rodgers. If the guy is on our crew, we gotta see why he's cool enough to be on the crew.
They also added in a lot of new mashups in here too. It makes since, Episode One covers about the first 5ish episodes of the anime. So you have to smash what you can when you can. Nami never interacted with Luffy or Zoro until the next island. They never were all together in a bar/tavern (which, ha, classic bar meet up). And there were new combinations of how other characters interact with each other. Morgan and Zoro never met prior to Luffy's bullshit. But damn, that was a pretty interesting interaction to just flex on their characters.
Speaking of...
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I'll get into main cast specifics afterwards, but I have to say that the show is perfect with capturing the essence of each character. No matter what actions they take or how the story changed, the show stayed true to the core of the characters. Luffy's childlike wonder went everywhere he went asking questions about everything. Zoro's sassy to everyone and honorable in battle. Nami self-reliant and sneaky and can handle her own. Morgan's self importance was shown with self-portraits. And this is for Everyone. Even the background mooks and randos. The crowd immediately going to sea as soon as Rodgers gives his Pirate Blessing for his treasure. Nothing is missed. Everything is well, exactly how and why we love these characters.
Luffy, well, I wasn't sure if I could like at first. It's the voice. I have a thing where if I know a character for a while, sometimes I can't vibe with another iteration because I am too invested in the first version. The voice was still high pitch and casual, but it just felt different. Between that and just how calm he was acting I wasn't sure if I liked Luffy. But the more I saw him the more perfect he was. He is happy, go-lucky, a gentle airy voice with a tinge of excitement. Terrible liar, a little bit more clever perhaps but still a well rounded dumbass. He's really the perfect Luffy.
Zoro was a bit of the same way too. I don't know if it was just the monotone but he was a bit like the same with Luffy. But then he opened his mouth and was just as so flipping sassy and snarky. Then we see him fight and kill a man on screen which yeah, he does that. And wow he's still super bad ass. I'm just sort of waiting to see more of his flaws in the next episode, and I'm actually surprised that Zoro had embraced the "Pirate Hunter" moniker when he couldn't give less of a shit is still serious and stoic, can't tell if he's more competent or not just yet.
A little surprise that Zoro wasn't on the crew yet. But I think they changed it so it would feel more like Zoro was willing to join rather than a "choose: join up or you'll get killed"
Nami was also as badass as I hoped. We see her on the job. On the clock. Taking one problem at a time. She would give Lupin a run for his money. Like her scoping out marines in the bar to steal the clothes, that was a brilliant move! A lot better to show the lengths she would go than just tricking some rando pirates. And we get her animosity immediately with Luffy. She really is super clever.
Shanks actually feels more parental here. Like a dedicated dad type. He felt easy going, but more in a mature adult way. He still cared for luffy in the anime don't get me wrong. But Anime Shanks absolutely laughed and teased Luffy. For example: Live Action Shanks was concerned and worried when Luffy showed his devil fruit powers for the first time. Anime Shanks was worried and called Luffy a dumbass for doing a stupid thing like eating random fruit. I get why they wanted him to be a more serious parental figure in the live action, just a bit different.
It actually is interesting because there is a distinctive change with Shanks and Buggy. Shanks as noted above went a cool older cousin to a parental figure. Buggy is cloaked in insanity and danger. He is menacing, which is important. He's the first major main antagonist. But his goofiness has been pulled back a bit and turned into crazy. He's still ruthless but it's more like Joker Crazy instead of just wacky clown. Granted he's only just introduced at the end of the show so there was no time to flesh it out. So we might have more silly wackiness coming our way. But it isn't a bad change.
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I can't believe how accurate the setting is to One Piece. Like, first they kept all of the weirdo gadgets like the Transponder Snails and those goofy looking seagulls. And yeah the CGI isn't like technically the best or detailed, but it feels like it was pulled straight from the manga.
Speaking of being pulled straight from the manga, the costumes are insane. How long did the costume department just stare into the anime and just bring it to life. Everyone's outfits are colorful, iconic, it perfectly fits the character and their designs. Same with the island, the ships, every location it just felt so real. So vibrant. It just breathes life!
And there's Violence! Honest to god Violence! In One Piece! Oh sure we have fights and battles and deaths in the show and manga. And it isn't shied away from at all. But now there's Blood. There's actual Canon Death. Point Blank from the beginning this is the Pirate Era and they are Ruthless by just killing a man off screen and forcing the wimpy boy to clean the mace. The show is not playing around.
Vibes: It's weird to say but overall, the vibes I got from the Live Action One Piece is the same as a Bollywood Movie. Bollywood is Big, Bombastic. It's silly and exaggerated but open and honest with everything. No matter how crazy or ludicrous it is, it's played straight in the movie. There is no lampshading or "jk" moments. The story is earnest in what it's doing.
That vibe 100% fits perfectly with the One Piece World. EVERYONE is a weirdo! That's the point of how the characters are introduced or treated or act. If they were written as weird, then they are more memorable by the audience. Not only that but everything is played straight no matter how goofy it is. Luffy's Rubber Devil Fruit is a useful power to have! He also can stretch his face and dodge like a 1920s cartoon. It's weird but it works. Mr. 7 and Buggy the Clown are dressed like madmen crazy people. But they are still set up as dangerous. Their villainy is still threatening no matter what the getup is. And it works because the show doesn't make fun of them for it. It isn't trying to wink at the camera and go "Take a look at this clown boy am I right?". We aren't taken out of that immersion of the world to mock the characters regardless of how ridiculous they are.
But importantly, it captures the central themes of One Piece: Adventure, Freedom, Dreams. The show doesn't try to tone down these things, it embellishes it. It is honest with the determination of the cast, their dreams and plans. I keep coming back to the word earnest because it fits so well with One Piece and Bollywood. No matter what happens, they both keep the sincerity of these themes and that's why it works. It is faithful not just in storytelling and plot points, but in spirit too.
Overall I really need to stop gushing over this one episode lol. Because it was just ONE Episode. I still have 7 more to go! What the Shit! This show is just already amazing. It's faithful to the source material. Faithful to the characters, the plot, the story. It puts in future plot points for the live action audience to pick up on that doesn't feel rushed or forced. It's just, a wholesome adventure story when it comes down to it. 100% 10/10 will watch everything
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tfw-no-tennis · 8 months
one piece liveblog 807-810
them just cutting to a feast and still not telling us what happened to sanji 👀👀 like I know what happened to sanji but its still juicy af
ok brook legit has one of the best character designs in one piece (and that's saying a lot w/the competition), simply can't be beat
still w/the sanji remarks...the drama!!!!!!!!!!
everyone is accounted for EXCEPT sanji
HAHAHA the super foreboding 'corpse' wanda mentioned was just brook lmfao
hahahaha and the dog minks love brook, of course. and zoro is just like Tell Me Less Please.
law just fucking off to the forest lmao mood
oooohohh the offscreen explanation oooohhhh
goddd I love that nami recognizes how bad the situation is - how this is actually WORSE than if sanji had Actually been physically kidnapped
but okay pretending idk where sanji went the tension is insaaaane and The Plot Thickens when u hear sanji left a note and left on purpose HMMMM so juicy
didn't dressrosa take like 5 years irl lmfao
flashback babeyyyyy
ooooh I love big moms flagship. so creepy. I love the whole 'evil-er willy wonka/disney' schtick she has going on
omfg I forgot abt caesar, just like luffy did
yeessssss I love seeing the crew fight together sooo much I wish it happened more instead of individual fights. It should be like DND where they take turns lol
namiiiii I love her and her weather powers sm
HAHAHAHA nami acting all humble but saying 'I admit, the credit's all mine' I love her SO MUCHHHH lmao
also I LOVE the rest of the straw hats hyping them up :')
chopper getting to do Dr stuff yayayayayay
nami and wanda gay asf js
also I was CONVINCED that law was doomed to die sometime after dressrosa (for multiple reasons, one being that his power is so OP lmao) so seeing this I was like OH NO HE DOESN'T HAVE LONG LEFT...lmao
I thot he'd die in wano but now that he didn't I'm like okay he's fine actually lol
oooh it's crazy to get to see all this wano-related stuff now that wano is like. actually over lol
and we still don't see what happened to sanji yet lol
chapter 808!!!
oh shittttt jack
wow they have a lot of themes going on huh. you have the cards thing, and the mythical/prehistoric animals thing, and the 'calamities' thing. extraaa
this man is named sheepshead....that's a fish bro
gin-rummy...more card game names lol
apparently sheepshead is also a game but idk I think everyone's first thought would be Fish (
them arguing over terminology w/samurai vs ninja lmfao not the time dudes
oh shit fuck it up minks
luffy not reading the room at all and being excited that there's a mammoth hvhbajdfvshjbfbajdsdf I love him sm did u know
I love usopp and luffy's relationship sm ooooobh
everyone just whaling on luffy hvbjadkfbskjdfn
inuarashi!!! I was actually so confused by the english translation names lmao
caesar just fucking things up lmao
chapter 809!!
omfg inuarashi wanting to chew on brook too bc he's a dog mink lmaoooooo
'not later either!!' LMFAOOOOOOO
luffy going CAESAAAAAAAR is giving me jojo part 2 flashbacks
omg they met shanks :D
luffys like OH SHHIT MY DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
inuarashi falling asleep mid convo lmao
luffy like prying his jaw open while chopper tries to stop him. classic
omg fellow nocturnals<3
ooooh musketeers
inuarashi badass moments
jack's the first person we hear about w/a billion+ bounty, right??
nekomamushi fuuuuck yea
i love one piece fights ngl
chapter 810!!!
ooooh we see the baratie w/sanji's new 'only alive' wanted poster!! 'lots of questions' indeed...
jack kinda looks like axe hand morgan w/that jaw hvjddhskbjlf
oomg bepo and the heart pirates fighting for zou 😭😭😭 wuv them
damnnn they fought for 5 days
luffy just sitting on inuarashi lmao
luv that luffy is Just A Little Guy and its more and more obvious as the series progresses bc everyone starts getting larger like the story is advancing along some sort of megafauna gradient
damnnnn they're out here breaking the geneva convention
nekomamushi cursing jack as he 'dies' is dope as fuck
this is starting to feel like a christian creation myth lol. 'and on the sixth day, the devil left our lands...'
inuarashi saying that doflamingo and jack 'must be bound by some deep connection' makes it sound like they're gay married lmfao
awww luffy defeating doflamingo indirectly made jack leave and stop murdering everyone on zou, nice
OH SHIT FLASHBACK!!!! sanjis there 👀
that shot w/brook chopper nami sanji momo and caesar like lmao caesar rlly thinks he's on the team....
caesar saying 'you will rue the day!'....neville icarly moment
brook's outfits are always cool as fuuuuck
nami immediately jumping into action to help the squirrel girl <333
and telling brook to fight the guy chasing her and brook is like sure thing <3333 ilove them
brook is so fucking cool I wish he got more to do in the story. I'm glad he gets to be dope in wci
oh hi pedro! everyone looks like they've seen better days huh
damn especially inuarashi and nekomamushi...I forgot the had limbs chopped off 😬 ouch
exciting flashback developments!!!!! more to come 👀
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blondthndrninja · 2 years
Just an adorable little drabble I wrote if Nami and Law were having a wedding. Let’s face it, it wouldn’t be some simple affair if it happened. 
Of course, she had been aware that the wedding would be a big affair. Not because she wanted it that way but because her captain would make it so…just like he had when she’d officially become engaged to his greatest ally Trafalgar D. Water Law. It had been a bit of a shock when she had learned what his true name was, but he was much more open about sharing things with her since they had gotten to know each other better and he learned that she had been adopted by a marine mother. She sat in the dressing room looking out the window at the sea.
“You’re not getting cold feet are you?” a playful voice asked and Nami turned around to look at the dark haired woman who was wearing a dark blue dress.
Nami shook her head, “Just thinking how much things will change after today….I won’t….I won’t just be Cat Thief Nami, the navigator of the Straw Hats.”
“Actually, you still will be…they’ll just have to add Trafalgar to the bounty posters.” Robin chuckled.
Nami frowned, “That’s another problem…my bounty is probably going to skyrocket after today.”
“Any sane Marine wouldn’t dare to go after a Strawhat Pirate these days, let alone one married to the Surgeon of Death.”
“I guess so.” Nami said standing up, “I’m just glad Vivi is letting us stay in her palace in Alabasta. God knows we’d never have privacy on the Sunny or Tang.” She then grabbed the bouquet of sunflowers, “I guess it’s time now.”
Robin smiled brightly, “You’re right…I’ll go find a seat. Something tells me I’m going to have my hands full passing out tissues.” Between Franky’s emotional sobbing and Sanji’s desire to object to the wedding she was going to be busy. Law’s own crew would probably need tending to as well as they’d practically flooded the Polar Tang with tears of joy when they learned of their captain’s intentions to marry Nami.
She stepped out of the room and made her way down the hall towards a familiar male with a straw hat wearing a dark suit with a red shirt. “Luffy!”
Her captain looked at her and grinned, “Oi Nami, there you are! Wow, how are you supposed to poop in that dress?”
She whacked him over the head with her bouquet, “What the hell kind of question is that?!”
“Shishishishi! I was kidding!” Luffy said and then put his arm around her, “Listen, I know he isn’t your husband yet but I’ll kick Tora-o’s ass if he hurts you.”
“I know.” Nami said as she leaned into his embrace trying not to cry. Luffy had been nothing but supportive of her relationship with the captain of the Heart Pirates and when Law had made it clear his intention to marry Nami he’d interpreted it as Law becoming part of a big happy family.
“Oh! The doors are opening!” Luffy said and the sound of Brook playing ‘The Bridal Chorus on his violin flooded her ears. He moved his arm and grabbed her hand, “C’mon Nami, let’s get you married!”
Nami laughed at his and adjusted herself so that she was holding onto the bouquet with both hands and her white veil fell in front of her face, “Aye, Captain.”
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catflowerqueen · 2 years
One Piece 1054 Review:
Oh, wow, I thought we still had another 2 weeks left before this would drop!
Okay, so Green Bull has a logia. That is an extremely interesting one, too—it makes him essentially the personification of a forest. So those theories about him surviving via photosynthesis were correct! Also, him creating those arms like that was pretty cool even though him attacking Wano like this, right after everything they’ve all just been through, is pretty horrific. And also kind of reminiscent of the end of Thriller Bark, tbh. Hopefully everyone will be okay. And maybe be able to eat the seeds of the sunflowers he’s producing?
Ooh… looks like Yamato came to battle. This should be interesting. Especially since Momo came immediately afterwards and told him to stay out of it.
But it looks like we won’t get any resolution for that yet, since we immediately cut away to Shanks. Who is also in the waters of Wano, for some reason? Maybe he’d planned to go after Kaido yet again? Hm reminiscing about Oden and his family was sweet, though. As was his little smile while looking at Luffy’s wanted poster, and the way everyone else was so eager and trying to persuade Shanks to go meet with Luffy. And we’re also getting a little flashback to the day they stole Luffy’s fruit from the marines, which is excellent!
Oh, and it looks like Shanks has found out about that stunt Bartolomeo pulled… well… at least he doesn’t seem actively angry about it? Though I can’t tell if he actually believes Bartolomeo or not when he says he’s affiliated with Luffy…
Ooh… and it looks like Shanks is about to become a legitimate contender for the crown himself, now. Unless that’s just me reading his intentions wrong. His serious expression was cool, though, as well as the way he was casually sitting down for a drink.
“Flame Emperor” is a cool name for Sabo. And I take it this means he’s probably still alive? I really doubt he was the one to assassinate Cobra, though. Or at least that if it was him, then it wasn’t on purpose. But now I’m worried about what happened to Vivi… I really hope she’s with Sabo.
…Also, I really hope Shirahoshi made it back home—or at least got away—safely. Both for her own sake, and because it would be really bad for Poseidon to end up in the hands of the World Government… Mjosgard seems to have made it through all of this okay, though, so hopefully he continued helping her family out.
And it’s pretty cool that some of the nations decided to rebel while their rulers were away!
But back to Sabo—it’s pretty cool to see that he is exceeding Dragon in terms of danger levels. It really is time for the rise of the next generation, eh? As expected of Luffy’s brother.
And I’m really curious to learn the identity of that guy yelling on the podium. He could just be a random guy, I guess, but I do wonder if he’s going to be significant later.
Also, it looks like we’re getting more next week! So that’s cool.
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