#oh woops i meant to privately answer this ;>_>
fluffyartbl0g · 1 year
When exactly does the speedrun au reset to cause I realized depending on when it resets to and how much Law remembers, he could potentially save Corazon.
It resets to about 2 before canon T - T! I did this mainly cause I wanted to save thatch before BB could kill him, thus preventing the chain of events that eventually lead to you know who dying :( Corazon will live on in our hearts tho!!! (no pun intended)
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Don't Say No
I'm super excited about today's prompt because it's something that I think is really fun and I got inspiration for this from a pjo fic I read months ago and I can't remember the title so, uh, woops. Either way, I hope you guys like it!
Word Count: 2068 Read on AO3 Rowaelin Month Master list
Day 3 of Rowaelin Month Prompt: Secret Relationship
Nox was tired. Everything at work had become mundane, and there was nothing interesting ever happening anymore. People came into work, tired and complaining about how it was the start of yet another week, and they would chatter about their weekend and any plans for after work. All Nox desperately wanted was to not be mind-numbingly bored as he read through yet another manuscript.
Thankfully, this Monday turned out to be slightly different than all the other Mondays. Nox knew something was up when the low toned chatter turned high pitched and excited as people wandered about the floor where Ashryver Publishing was located, pointing to the open door that led to their boss’ office. The layout of the floor was fairly open to allow people to easily converse with one another and move about the area while the higher ranking members of the company had closed offices, but Aelin tended to leave her door open to allow people to come in and speak with her.
Nox was fairly friendly with Aelin, and it was because of her that he’d gotten the job as a publisher reader when he couldn’t find a job, so he was understandably confused when there was nothing different about her when she walked out of her office. Her blonde hair was out as it normally was, and her makeup was done perfectly as usual. Nox’s eyes scanned over her as he tried to figure out what people were so huffy about this particular Monday until his eyes landed on the folder she was holding in her left hand.
“Holy shit, you’re engaged?!” he blurted out, seeing that diamond glinting off her left hand’s ring finger. Aelin looked down at her hand as though she were seeing it for the first time before rolling her eyes at him.
“Yes, Nox,” she responded with a small smile that was almost teasing. “I am.”
“I didn’t even know you were dating anyone,” he answered, leaning his elbows against his desk.
“Well, it wasn’t exactly something to publicize at work. I was dating someone, and now my boyfriend is my fiancee,” Aelin answered. Her eyes glanced about the room before she sighed. “Alright, everyone has two minutes to ask me questions.”
It was like a pack of hyenas had been given their first meal in days with the way the questions were thrown at Aelin, but she answered each one quickly and with her usual dose of sarcasm that made Nox smile.
“Have we met him?”
“Maybe, maybe not, and that is a serious answer. I don’t know if you’ve ever run into him on the sidewalk or in a restaurant or bar.”
“Is he good looking?”
“Yes, I have standards.”
The two minutes seemed to fly by with the way people barely got any information about her fiance, and Aelin looked way too pleased with herself that Nox couldn’t help himself. When she had dismissed everyone after giving people work, he made his way over to her office.
“So,” he started, leaning against the doorframe, “the big bad CEO of a publishing company has gotten herself someone who can deal with her.”
“If you’re trying to fish for information, you’re going to have to try much harder,” Aelin responded, a mischievous glint in her eyes that he’d seen way too many times.
“It’s okay,” he answered instead, “I won’t pry. I’m just happy for you, Aelin.” That brought out a genuine smile on her face before a ping on her desktop drew her attention from him for a brief moment.
“Ah, it’s actually good you’re here! We have a temporary hire coming in for the next month, or so, while we try to find someone else who can help you read incoming manuscripts. Let me just go get him.”
Nox chose that moment to sit down in one of the two chairs in front of her desk while Aelin stood up to grab her ID off her desk and walked out of the office. Nox waited for a few minutes, taking in the decorations of her office, including the small mementos she had scattered everywhere. The office had only been hers for two years, but it seemed as though she’d been living in that office for years with the way she had personalized it.
The company wasn’t an insanely big publishing house, but they had quite a few popular authors with best-selling books under their belt, and it was the intimacy of the employees within the company that drew aspiring authors and people passionate about books to it. Part of it had to do with the fact that it was a family business, Aelin’s mother owning it before she did, but part of it had to do with how much Aelin loved what she did. The photo of her parents, cousin, and sister-in-law alongside a photo taken at one of the staff dinners two years back was enough proof of how much she loved her work family as much as she loved her blood family.
The sound of Aelin’s heels and the sudden lack of chatter indicated to Nox that she was back with the new hire, who must be definitely impressive enough that his entry topped Aelin’s engagement news.
“Okay, Nox, I’m pretty sure I don’t have to introduce you two, but Nox Owen, meet Rowan Whitethorn, our new temporary hire.” Nox turned around to find himself looking at a man that he worked with for nearly a year before he left the company two years ago. Rowan was a tall man with platinum silver hair and a handsome face, even from Nox's perspective. The tattoos swirling down his arm definitely also helped with his popularity amongst women.
When Nox made eye contact with Rowan, the man smiled, and Nox nodded back in greeting.
“Isn’t that technically rehiring someone?” Nox asked, looking at Aelin and raising an eyebrow.
“That’s what I said when she offered me the position last week,” Rowan responded, sitting down in the seat next to Nox while Aelin took her seat across from them.
“It’s temporary!” she protested. Nox sent her a look that he knew she’d be able to read perfectly for that doesn’t matter, and with the way she groaned, he was sure that Rowan might’ve sent her the same look.
“Ugh, both of you get out of my face. Rowan knows what he’s doing so I doubt you need to do anything, Nox, but just give him a new manuscript that came in,” she grumbled, waving them off and going back to her computer.
Nox stifled a laugh as he got up.
“Hey, is it just me or did she get a lot hotter over the last two years?” Rowan asked quietly, and Nox had to stop himself from tripping and falling on his face.
“Man, she’s engaged. Like very recently too,” Nox responded just as quietly.
“Oh,” he answered, his eyes falling to the ground before snapping back up to Nox’s face, “well, if it’s recent then I don’t really mind.”
“Dude! That’s not okay!”
“Harmless flirting never hurt anyone,” Rowan protested as they sat down in their seats. Ever since the last publisher’s reader quit, that seat had been empty, and luckily enough for Rowan, that was his seat when he still worked at Ashryver Publishing.
“It will hurt if you break up her engagement.”
“If it breaks her engagement because I’m flirting with her, then she was never meant to be with that guy.”
“Oh my god,” Nox responded, turning back to his work.
“Hey, don’t worry,” Rowan spoke, and Nox reluctantly set his gaze upon the man, “It’s really not that big of a deal.”
Nox disagreed, but he did his part, so Nox simply shrugged before getting back to work. Hopefully with enough refusal from Aelin’s side, Rowan would get a hint and quit it.
Rowan did not get a hint and quit.
In fact, as the week passed and so did the following week, he only grew bolder in the smiles he would send Aelin, in the side comments, the inside jokes (since when did they even have those?), and Nox was getting frustrated.
“Dude,” he hissed as he pulled Rowan aside before they stepped into the restaurant that they were going to have a staff dinner at, “seriously, quit it. I don’t want you breaking Aelin’s relationship just because you find her pretty.”
“She’s more than just pretty, Nox,” Rowan responded, more serious than Nox had expected him to be.
“Yeah, well, then you know that she’s a loyal person. Don’t make her break that.” With the way Rowan had nodded, Nox figured that he had finally, finally gotten through to Rowan.
Unfortunately, throughout the entire dinner, Aelin and Rowan were sitting next to each other laughing, leaning into each other. He couldn’t believe that Aelin was actually falling for Rowan’s bullshit. It wasn’t even like he was flirting outwardly, either. It was the small things that he was noticing while watching the two discreetly. Rowan would give her a napkin when she needed it, pass her something before she even asked, simply knowing that she wanted it when her eyes had drifted over to it. It was insane how attentive the man was, and it wasn’t fair that the subtle flirting was actually working.
Nox couldn’t even say anything in front of everyone, lest he risk bringing...whatever that was out into the public where he was pretty sure Aelin didn’t want it to be. He was contemplating whether or not he should talk to Aelin about the whole situation with Rowan, and he was doing just that as he leaned against his car, waiting for her to step out of the restaurant. He’d left along with the others so as to not make things suspicious, but he did notice that Rowan hadn’t left the restaurant either.
Nox was just about ready to leave when he heard Rowan’s voice ringing through the parking lot. “Look, maybe we could just tell them.”
“No, it’s way too risky. The whole reason why we stopped going out in public together was so that we could get all the other stuff settled first,” Aelin responded. Nox was definitely intruding on a private conversation, but also, he was incredibly curious about what was happening.
“They’re all about to lose their minds with the way they’re trying to figure out what’s going on between us.”
“That’s because they’re not blind, Rowan,” she laughed as their voices got closer. “I don’t really know what I would say to them, anyway,” she finished just as they were in his line of sight — holding hands.
Nox’s brain stopped working right then because, holy shit, his boss was cheating on her fiancee with her employee.
“Nox? What are you still doing here?” Aelin asked, catching sight of him.
“I, uh, wanted to talk to you...but apparently you...don’t care about your engagement.”
“What?” she asked, clearly confused. Her eyes drifted to Rowan who simply shrugged with a teasing smile.
“You’re cheating on your fiance with Rowan!”
A snort escaped Rowan, and that was the moment where Nox could see understanding shine in her eyes. She turned to Rowan before elbowing him in the ribs, and then turned to look at Nox. “This idiot is my fiance.”
Nox blinked once, twice, trying to comprehend the words that had come out of her mouth. “This man? Your boyfriend?”
“Fiancee,” Rowan corrected.
“Shut up, man. You had me thinking she was going to cheat on you! With you!”
“Not going to lie, it was really funny, though. You were freaking out for the last two weeks.”
“That’s just cruel, dude.”
Despite being incredibly salty about the entire situation, Nox did have to admit that it was hilarious seeing his co-workers’ reactions to the wedding invitations that clearly started that Aelin Ashryver Galathynius, their dear boss, was marrying Ashryver Publishing’s ex-employee (now known as the new literature professor at University of Doranelle) Rowan Whitethorn.
Never had he seen more outrage at the fact that the two had hidden their relationship from the entire company for so long, and honestly, Nox was surprised they had managed to hide the relationship with the way the two couldn’t go longer than five minutes without some form of physical contact.
It was sickeningly cute, and he couldn’t help but think that Mondays weren’t so mundane, after all.
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kaeyas-beloved · 3 years
Be You {Leviathan x Reader}
Leviathan x Reader (They/Them) || Obey Me!
Warning(s): None (Well, actually I make Levi bully Mammon for less than a paragraph)
Note: This was a request I received from someone on Wattpad!
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Finally, Leviathan’s done it. It’s been a long three days, hours upon hours having been poured into this playthrough. 
“Woop woop! Aren’t I the best!” he praised himself, smiling wide. He’s skipped meals, pushed assignments to a later date and avoided any outside interactions to finish this game. His sight may be blurry and his limbs numb but if those were the sacrifices he had to make to go full completionist then it was all worth it. Now, time to celebrate a well deserved win.
“I think this calls for some of Ruri-chan’s celebratory season 3 limited edition candy and-!”
A chorus of knocks on his door immediately snuffed out his joy. Levi scowled, turning to glare at his door from his chair, it’s gotta be Mammon. The third born is absolutely positive that it’s his scummy older brother - it always is - back yet again to mooch more money off him for a trip to the casino. The usual slander he and his brothers would throw at the second born was on the tip of his tongue, ready to fire at will. 
“Hey Levi? You there? It’s me....”
A voice that definitely doesn’t belong to the second born piping up and Levi, halfway through spouting the first syllable, shuts up all together. That’s his normie. A weight presses on his heart: he was just about to yell and insult his Henry… 
Clearing his throat in hopes of gaining some kind of composure (all previous anger having diminished) the usual “What’s the password?” came out in a stutter. The demon was only acutely aware of his heart beat. How it skipped periodically. How it raced like he himself just ran a marathon. Levi waits a moment for the human to finish reciting the TSL excerpt. His hands begin to shake, his palms exuding profuse amounts of sweat. Gah! Why was he so nervous? Yeah, he’s aware that he’s just some gross shut-in otaku but he shouldn’t be this anxious! It’s not like this is the first time the exchange student has hung out in his room... alone... with him…
“Yo Levi?”
“Yes MC?”
“You think you could open the door now? Please?” Snapped back to reality, Levi hastily opened the door, finding himself regretting it soon after.
“I, uh, MC? What do you…?” his voice trailed off, orange gradient eyes locked on their garments. Immediately he sputtered, taking a step back. A bright scarlet coated his pale cheeks. Levi tried to hide it with his hand, though it was proven useless. The sea demon's at a toss up; should he screech? Slam the door shut? Combust all together!? At the rate he’s going, number three is looking pretty probable.
On the other end of this exchange, the human stood almost timidly out in the hall, fingers fiddling with one another while their eyes darted anywhere but at the man in front of them. The words of the fifth born rang in their ears:
“You absolutely have to wear this dear! My brother would surely fall head over heels for you, even more so than he already is!”
Oh whyyyyy did they trust him? Cause he had knowledge in fashion and love? Yeah, that was it. Still, if this turns south Asmo is going to get a lecture worse than any Lucifer could ever give… Damn, they really should’ve never let the lust demon shoo them into his private bathroom and make them change into this girly outfit. 
And it hit them all at once: Levi doesn’t like it, what they’re wearing. What if he never talks to them after this? Maybe if they leave now then there will still be a chance they can forget about this.
Time went on slowly, like people who walk through mud are, and MC just about tuck tail and ran, what they had planned and gained courage for be damned. 
Levi had other plans though. 
Only now registering that the two were standing out in the open for all to see, in a blind and desperate attempt to save himself and the human from embarrassment, the third born latched onto their wrist, yanking them into the safety of his room. Unfortunately, demon strength is a funny thing and Levi had handled them with more force than he meant to, the human crashing into his chest - hard. 
Perhaps it was instinct -- a need to protect the fragile being within his grasp -- but the demon's arm found purchase around their form, pulling them almost impossibly closer as they tipped. The pair, balance long gone, toppled over, landing with a thud.
Somehow, just like in all the romance anime he’s watched, Levi found himself hovering over them, arms propped on either side of their head. Their noses brushed, both staring frozen into each other's eyes. It wasn’t everyday that either of them were this close to one another, the exception being when the duo falls asleep playing video games. God, with this kind of proximity he was sure that the normie could hear how fast his meek heart was pounding. If this went on any longer he might actually die.
“Levi?” They whispered, their voice so quiet that he almost missed the call of his name. He however did catch their whisper and tensed up before coming back to the here and now, catching sight of the ‘what’ that led to their current position. Standing, Levi’s face burned hotter than ever before.
‘It was all because of them,’ he thought, turning away turning away with tense shoulders as he still tries to mask the red that licked all the way up to his ears. ‘It’s always their fault when I start to feel like I do now!’
“S-stupid n-normie! Why are you even wearing that?” he asked, chancing a glance over his shoulder. Levi did have to admit… they looked kinda cute in those clothes… and it looked like something Ruri-chan would wear too… 
Gah! No no no focus Levi!
The ‘normie’ didn’t answer right away, instead raising to their feet and opting to grab a bag from beside the door. That wasn’t there before. 
“Asmo…” they sighed, turning back to face the demon, nervousness swirling within them. Now or never, “Asmo said you’d like it if I wore something like this” So this is Asmo’s doing? Damn him… “Anyway, here, take it.”
“Wha-?” A shimmering gift bag the same colour of the water Henry his goldfish swam in was thrust into his hands, whatever he was about to say dying in his throat. 
A present? For him? Oh why must a no good otaku like him have to go through such an intimate endeavor???? He just can’t take it! 
Then again, this was like that one scene from season 2 ep. 22 of this anime he binged: I Forget Important Dates all the time which causes me to get into really awkward situations. This time I forgot about my Birthday and my Crush handed me a bag before confessing their love for me!
So-! Spurred on by fictional characters and MC’s urging “go on, open it”, Levi tore the tape, presented with his spontaneous gift: a popular multiplayer game from the human world; one near impossible to get in Devildom.
“WHAOOO!” MC couldn’t help but think how much he’s acting like a kid on Christmas, the notion cute in their opinion. The human stood still for a couple minutes, allowing their friend to rant and gush over the game (and how cool they were for even acquiring it).
“But…” the purple haired demon calmed down, “why did you suddenly give me this?” What? Did he not know what today was?
“It’s… it is your birthday isn’t it!?” Don’t tell them Asmo lied to them about Levi’s birthday!
Levi pulled out his phone, his eyes widening to the size of saucers, “No, it is my birthday,” he assured. With all the gaming he was doing he must've failed to noticed, which is strange considering the last time his special day drew near he practically counted down the days. 
“MC.” He got their attention, looking them right in the eye, his words and actions portraying a sureness and sincerity, “Thank you and…” As quick as lightning strikes the ground, the human had themselves pulled flush against Levi once more, his head resting on their shoulder and nose buried in the crook of their neck. His hair, so soft and fluffy, left a ticklish sensation on their skin.
“And about what you said before. With Asmo. I do like what you’re wearing but…” he tightens his hold, “I like you just the way you are. I know you don’t usually dress like this and I want nothing more than for you to be comfortable, like how you make me. If that means dressing tomboy-ish then so be it. I want you to be you: the human only you can be: my Henry.” 
“I’m glad you feel that way…” They smiled, arms wrapping around his torso. They hope their gratitude is able to shine through in the hug, “Now, ya wanna play your new game?”
“Yes!” He smiled, pulling back and raising his hand. They return the grin, suppressing a chuckle seeing as the demon reminded them of the YES demoji. “Oh, but um! Would you like to change first? It’s not that I don’t like seeing you dressed like that or anything but like I said I want you to be comfortable but also I don’t think my heart can take it anymore… wait that’s not what I meant!” That made them chuckle though.
“Do I have to?” They teased, enjoying the reaction they got out of the third born. Levi gulped, ducking his head while whispering a small no. “Then maybe I’ll stay like this a little longer. It is your birthday after all.” Tugging the envy demon towards their usual gaming spot they let Levi set up the game before the two plopped down in their spots.
“Oh and Levi?” He hummed, tilting his head, the light of the screen illuminating the side of his face. They hugged him once more, “Happy Birthday”
Thank you for reading!
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emerald-studies · 4 years
Racism in Education
June 27, 2020
Day 6 of 7
[ These are just some thoughts I have in my head about this topic, it isn’t meant to be a purely academic discussion. It’s meant to be a conversation to learn about another perspective. ]                                                
Ok this will be my most challenging post. This is a long read but I’d appreciate you reading it all because I’ve been doing free emotional labor for almost a month and if you want to be an ally, that means learning from other perspectives. So please read. This drained me so much to write, please make it worth it. 
You have the time, please read.
As I stated in my intro, I moved from a very conservative State (I don’t even want to say the State because I hate it so much.) to Washington State. I moved after graduating online school a year ago. 
Growing up in that State I was almost always the only Black girl in my class. For my whole educational career. I hated when we would discuss the civil rights movement because I could feel my White peers staring at me, like I was the face of my race. 
It was junior year that broke me. 
I began the year optimistic. I always did, even though I had experienced racism before each year, pushing me to move to 4 different schools in 4 years. 
I moved to a school in a rural area with a lot of mormons and maybe 5 Black people in the whole, huge school. 
It was in September that my mental health plummeted. I don’t know why. I guess I was overwhelmed. I was in an AP US History class and there was work over the summer that everyone else did, but I didn’t. I had just gotten there, after all. I didn’t have the textbook. That class was such a heavy workload that we were having a quiz every other day, 1 test a week, and I was trying to study for a test that my peers had months to study for, and already took. 
I attempted to take my life, but I knew I didn’t really mean it. I’ll be honest about that. I just wanted everything to stop so I could catch my breath. 
I went to the ER on a Thursday night. My Mom drove me. 
We sat in the ER for a little bit and then I was taken to a little room where a nurse came to talk to me. BTW I have never had a good interaction with a nurse.
This nurse came in and basically shamed me. 
“You’re so young. You have your whole life ahead of you. You don’t need to do this to yourself.”
Yeah, no shit. I thought about that every day. My grades, getting into college, getting into law school.... that’s the point. I was overwhelmed. 
She suggested that I punch a pillow if I “Got upset” because that’s what her daughter does. 
Fuck off. 
The Doctor came in and he gave me butterfly bandages and he was so much more understanding, shockingly. (I’ve shadowed Surgeons and Doctors and they can be a little abrasive).
I liked that the Doctor fixed me up. I liked having this wrap around my wrist. I felt like I could move on. Like I let something out. 
The Doctor asked if I needed to stay at this place that dealt with cases like mine. 
I said,
I couldn’t have that on my record for what I want to do. So, I went home.
I took the Friday off and my Mom visited the school to let them know what happened. I was already preparing for pity.
I had to come in on Monday to set up a 504 (students with disabilities act) for depression. I don’t think I had depression, but whatever. I dropped out of AP US History.
They made accommodations for me: more time on tests, working in the library, more time on assignments, etc.
I want you to know that I did not touch those accommodations for 5 months. 
I knew I didn’t need them. I maintained a 3.8 GPA.
I sat in a room with all 8 of my teachers (we had a block schedule 4 classes per day alternating), seeing all of them look at me with disgusting levels of pity.
They each talked to me in private saying things like,
“If you ever need anything, let me know.”
“I’m here for you.”
“You matter.”
I thought,
 “Hm ok, that’s nice.”. 
I went on for months without using my accommodations and practically wooping my “normal” classmates in intellectual discussions.
But then the casual racism I experienced was escalating. 
First, in the beginning of the year, my AP US History teacher put his hand on my head and said to a student,
“If you really believe that, Faith would be a slave right now.”
(I don’t remember what the hell we were even talking about)
Then I got little questions/comments like,
“Why do you dress White?”
“Cracker is just as offensive as the n-word”
But now we were going into Black History Month. My new history teacher was an old White Man and we were talking about the civil rights movement, while in English we were reading “Black Like Me” with my blonde, Female, millennial teacher.
I nailed everything in the civil rights movement discussions. The teacher loved me. I nailed the conversations about “Black Like Me”. 
But....I don’t know. The environment got really toxic. There was more racism, gaslighting, slurs. Every. single. day. It could break anyone.
I would be on the brink of tears in class every day. 
Guess who didn’t notice? 
All 8 of those concerned teachers. 
They don’t give a shit. 
My grades were still pretty good, but I started working in the library. I couldn't be around all of those racist peers. 
While in the library, my counselor would come in and interrogate me. 
“How long have you been in here?”
“Have you tried, really tried to go to class?”
Of course I tried! I felt like I wanted to be dead and so I left. That’s what the 504 Plan was for. Again, I hadn’t touched my accommodations for months so I thought maybe these grown adults would use their tiny brains and think,
“Huh maybe she needs help.”
But no. 
I would go to the counselor almost every day and say 
“I’m not doing well.”
And she’d ask,
“What does that mean?”
Ok...so I have to tell this Woman that I feel like dying but not at my own hand? Because she can’t use social cues and read my face stained with tears?
I couldn’t say anything. 
She said,
“What can we do to keep you going here?”
I said,
“I don’t know”
Because that’s not my job.
Then it happened. 
My history teacher was talking about affirmative action.
He said,
“If I worked at a bank for 30 years and went to work at another bank, FAITH would get a job over me because she’s a BLACK WOMAN. Do you get that? She covers TWO minorities!” 
He said this while pointing his wrinkled finger in my face.
None of my peers said anything.
I replied with,
“Well, what are my qualifications?”
He ignored me.
He went on a rant teaching his opinions, not facts. So I wrote down what he said on sticky notes. 
I called my Mom at break and asked her
“Is that racist? Do I do anything?”
I was so desensitized to racism I couldn’t tell anymore.
My White Mom, my awesome Mom said,
I went to the Vice Principal and reported the teacher and gave her the sticky notes. 
The next day we got an email from the principle saying that the teacher said, he never said anything about me.
So I was a liar?
To get evidence, I recorded the whole next class. I was scared every minute that he would find out. 
He didn’t. And he said more awful things.
I had concrete proof.
We told the Principal and he ignored me. My Mom emailed the superintendent (very high up person in the school district) and oh now he responds? 
They basically said,
“We gave him a warning, he won’t do it again.”
Ok so he just will hide his racism now. Just remember, teachers legally aren’t allowed to teach their opinion. The Supreme Court deemed it unconstitutional to teach opinions.
I was still required to go to this racist Man’s class. I still answered every question he posed to the class and he recognized my intelligence. 
WHY me?
The whole year he loved having me as a student and then....that?
Moving on to my English class.
We had to do a cultural experience trip and so my acquaintance and I went to the Black History Museum. Because I’m Nigerian-American. I do identify as Black though because everyone assumes it anyways, but I wanted to learn more about the history in my city.
We were required to make presentations talking about the experience we had. I decided to add a little twist. 
I made a whole slide in my slideshow dedicated to every racist thing said to me in that class. 
The slide was met with laughter because racism is just so funny.
My teacher said nothing. 
So I, the student, the minor in the room, had to say,
“I see you laughing but this is why I’m leaving this school. This is serious.”
Nothing from my teacher. 
Cut to maybe a week later and I was done. I was sitting in my English class about to burst. My acquaintance asked me,
“Are you doing ok?”
I replied,
“No. Absolutely not.”
A classmate checked in on me, while all my 8 teachers who actually knew about my attempt on my life didn’t.
We went outside and I decided to leave the school that day. Three weeks before summer break. I couldn’t be in either class anymore. I felt my brain rotting from being exposed to the absolute shit that those students/teachers would spew, every day.
I lost my 3.8 GPA
I lost my credits for the semester.
The racist teacher is still working.
I had to go online.
It happened again.
Another racist history teacher. 
Wasn’t removed.
I graduated with a lower GPA.
Didn’t apply to my dream school.
I have the trauma seared into my brain. I’m terrified of taking another history class. Terrified.
Ok, that’s it. If you made it this far, thank you. It took me awhile to write this. I hope this gave you another perspective. 
So.... discussion time. 
Let me know what you think here
I’d like to hear from you since I delved into my trauma. 
I don’t think I’ll ever tell this story again, it makes me sick and tired. But I’ll answer questions/asks.
If you have a lot of White guilt and wanna do something, you could donate some reparations to my venmo lol: 
@faithrebecca1397 (last 4 digits are 4809)
or paypal
Edit: People are asking me if they can reblog this. YES PLEASE REBLOG. It’s important to let people know that all types of racism are alive and well.
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yocchannk · 3 years
If you are still alive can i request a yohariko 7 minutes in heaven? Yohane dom ofc
*i had to search up what 7mih was lol
setting: in university/college
ages: 15-20
Aqours looked on curiously at the beer bottle in front of them. 
“Uh, Mari..” Kanan said questioningly. “Are we playing Truth or Dare or somethin’?” Mari grinned, “Why no~ We’re in college, Kanan, we don’t play such baby games.” She said as if it were obvious. Dia puffed “Whatever you have in store will be worse..” “Aww you’re no fun Dia~” Mari stuck her tongue out, teasingly.
“What are we playing then?” Chika asked, toying with her braid boredly. “I think I know...” Yoshiko grumbled, laying down tiredly. “I don’t get enough sleep to deal with your shit...” You laughed, “Now now Yohane, no need to be a debbie downer.” She said to Yoshiko.
“The last time we played this you always rigged the game anyways, Mari! It’s no fair!” The other girls looked questionably at Riko who whined like a little girl, all thinking the same thing, “You’re gonna ruin my manicure.” Mari rolled her eyes at the second year. “Riko, why don’t you take care of the sleepy demon over there for a change.” The golden eyed groaned, walked over to the grumpy fallen angel, and sat on her.
“Get off me.” Yoshiko glared at Riko.
“I’m sorry, I don’t talk to weirdos.” Riko flaunted haughtily, paying more attention to her pink nails than the girl she sat on.
Yoshiko pushed her torso up, being the more well built person, easily sliding Riko into her lap for a change. “Shut it, bitch.” “Why don’t you do that yourself, idiot?”. The two glared at each other, then started arguing and cussing each other out.
Hanamaru and Ruby stared smugly. “They look like girlfriends!” “Yoshiko doesn’t even notice the position they’re in zuraa~” They murmured to each other, giggling. The other second years sighed, “What happened to the old Riko?!” Chika shouted, though Riko herself didn’t hear. “I know right?! This Riko is so mean!!” You screamed in equal exasperation, dramatically.
“I bet she just wants to impress Yohane, with all her make up and fashion trends.” Kanan teased, which Dia, surprisingly, nodded in agreement to. “Yesterday on campus I saw her mocking and arguing with a girl who just touched Yoshiko the other day. When did Riko become such an attention hog.. She was doing so well too..” Dia sighed. 
Unfortunately, Riko just barely overheard, and spun around to face them, not making much effort to get out of Yoshiko’s lap. “I am not trying to impress this freak.” She said, though her red ears showed otherwise. “I bumped into that girl and she spilled her drink on my shoes, she deserved it.” She smiled, almost believing she had won already. “That girl was Ayumu, excuse me. She has a name.” Yoshiko said matter of factly. 
Riko cocked her head around, her jaw clenched and her smile from earlier far more fake now. “So? Is she your girlfriend or some shit?” Riko said coldly, emphasizing the word girlfriend. Yoshiko looked confused, “Wait, what? When did I say that?” She asked, looking at the redhaired for answers.
She fumed furiously, either from anger or complete embarrassment for revealing her true thoughts to the minor. “Can we just play the stupid game already?” Riko asked aggressively, dodging the question. 
It worked, as Mari immediately sat down and clapped her hands promptly. “That’s right! We’re playing a game!” She remembered, to which the others rolled their eyes at. “The game is called 7 Minutes in Heaven! Basically we spin the bottle twice, and whoever it lands on has to go into the closet over there,” Mari pointed at the large closet that just barely would be enough to fit two people. “and stay in there for exactly 7 minutes, you can do whatever, like kissing.. Or making out..” She threw a look at her fellow Guilty Kiss members, “Or just talking! Everybody get it?” Mari finished with a question. Ruby raised her hand. 
“If me and onee-chan get picked, does that mean we have to?” Mari shook her head. “You two can do whatever you want, but if you want, the only thing you can do at max is maybe hug.” Ruby nodded understanding.
“Anyone else?” No one. “Alright! >Let’s starting!!<” Mari shouted in her typical shiny manner.
Mari crawled over and spun the bottle excitedly.
It landed on Yoshiko and Riko, who both groaned in unison. To which the others giggled at knowingly.
The two got up without saying anything, Riko got in first, and then Yoshiko.
“They do know that the bottle probably was meant for only one of them, right?” Chika asked, giggling into her hand. The others laughed out loud and immediately hushed once the timer started.
“Fuck! Tsushima give me some space!” Riko whispered loudly, her face red as the back of her head rubbed against Yoshiko’s chest. 
“Why don’t you give me space?! You’re the smaller one here!” Yoshiko rebutted, her face equally as red as she felt Riko’s ass grind against her. 
The two hushed quietly, the close distance starting to get to them.
Said girl gulped, already knowing what was coming. “Your...”
“Yes! Yes I know, please don’t!!” Yoshiko whispered loudly, feeling Riko on her.
“Oh my god..” Riko said into her hands, something digging into her ass becoming more apparent, which she hoped was just her panties giving her one hell of a wedgie. 
Seven girls were perched against the closet, listening on to their conversation, trying not to burst out laughing. 
“Oh my god.. Yoshiko has a--” You chuckled into her hand, cutting herself off, wheezing silently.
“I’m going to die..” Dia said, who even she, was laughing quietly at the two. 
“Onee-chan?” Ruby called, to which Dia hummed to. “What does Yoshiko have?” Ruby asked, to which the others froze at. “Uh.. come here Ruby..” Dia commanded, nervously pulling her aside to explain.
Riko would be lying if she said she wasn’t horny right now. 
Yoshiko was already aware her horniness was already showing. 
In short, the two were desperate to get off. 
“...Lily...” Yoshiko whispered weakly, rubbing herself against Riko’s ass needily.
“You better not fucking use me to masturbate..” Riko whispered through her teeth, feeling her panties already wet as is, leaning her arms and head forward, no longer in contact with Yoshiko’s chest.
“Lily.. I--” 
“Fine! Fine..” Riko whispered aggressively, “Flip my skirt up and do whatever the hell you want.” She was too horny to argue.
Yoshiko hastily complied, flipping the girls short skirt up and seeing the innocent pink color that was soaked in something not-so-innocent. 
She slid down Riko’s panties until she could see the swollen privates of the older. “Holy shit...” Yoshiko looked wide eyed, before amusingly playing with her like a toy, eliciting small moans from said girl.
“F-Fuck you...” Riko said under her breath, trying to keep quiet before their groupmates hear. 
She slid a digit in Riko, grinning as she saw her flinch, biting into her arm. Without much preparing, she slid in another two fingers, making Riko moan just a tad louder. 
Yoshiko smirked, “Does it feel good, Lily?~” She leaned forward a bit awkwardly, thrusting her fingers in and out of her. No response, her moans muffled by her own pride. “Lily~” Yoshiko teased, digging deeper into Riko. “You’re so tight~” She whispered.
Riko mumbled something inaudible.
“Hmm?” Yoshiko hummed.
“Huh?” Yoshiko cocked her head confused, her movements slowing down.
“Take?” Yoshiko repeated.
“Take it out..!” Riko whispered loudly. “I need it, Yocchan! Please!” She whispered exasperatedly, bucking her lower half deeper into Yoshiko’s fingers.
“You...” Yoshiko blushed, knowing exactly what she meant, pulling out her fingers and licking off the remnants of Riko, then she started unbuckling her pants.
Suddenly, a loud, unfiltered moan, came out of the closet.
The girls flinched, panicking. 
“Holy shit-- Are they actually fucking in there?!” Chika shouted quietly at her other groupmates. “Mari! How much time do they have left?!” Kanan asked desperate, the smell of sex seeping out of her closet. “My poor closets gonna smell for weeks!” 
“Let me see...” Mari fumbled, before looking wide-eyed at her phone. “Woops...” “Sus, zura.” Hanamaru squinted. “Very sus.” Chika and You nodded. She put her phone up, revealing the screen. Dia fumed angrily. “You set it on Stopwatch?!!” She shouted, before being muffled by the others. “It’s been going on for 17 minutes..” You looked at the phone.
“It’s too late now..!! They’re already going at it!!” Kanan cried, “I’ll have to get a new closet!!”.
They rolled their eyes at Kanan, clearly unamused.
Yoshiko panted, hard, as she thrusted upwards into Riko, who moaned from her movements.
Holy shit, Yoshiko thought. She’s tight as fuck! She groaned, using the redhaired’s arms to thrust herself up again.
God, Riko felt stuffed, whining like a bitch in heat as she felt Yoshiko kiss her womb for a brief second. Their position was a little uncomfortable, with herself sprawled out on the wall, while Yoshiko’s head and top leaned on the opposite side, while her lower half balanced itself against the corners of the closet.
“Ha-Har-Harde-er..” Riko mumbled weakly, but just loud enough for Yoshiko to hear, causing her to pull out, and slam into her far rougher than before. Moans escaped Riko as she felt the thrusts speed up and go farther inside her, filling her entirely.
“Ahn~ Y-Yo-Yocchan!!” Riko screamed, where they were vanished from her mind everytime Yoshiko was inside. Their moans synchronized and the wet clapping sounds of their lovemaking increased with every pound.
“L-Lily..! I’m.. I’m..!!” Yoshiko warned, on the brink of release. That’s when Riko snapped, still moaning aloud. “Y-Yo-Yoccha-anng..!! Do-Don’t! Not in-inside!!” Riko cried between moans and grunts. “P-P-Pull.. Haah! out!! Yoccha-an!” Riko screamed, every attempt to separate futile as her wet pussy sucked in Yoshiko subconsciously, holding her orgasm as long as possible.
F-Fuck! She feels too good..! Riko thought, her cries dying out as her mind started turning to her insides building up, just about to break. It feels so... so.. good.. 
“I-I’m cumming..!!” Riko screamed, tears stained her eyes as her back arched, and her pussy caved in on itself, sucking Yoshiko in whole, spurring the bluette to release into the blissful second year.
“Lily..!!” “Yocchaahn~!!”
All sorts of lewd, loud, noises came from the closet, and surely, everyone nearby could hear. Of course, that was obviously the rest of the Aqours members.
“Nothings happening... Nothings happening...” Kanan and Dia whispered, clutching eachother on the floor with a clear face of distress with the closet. They both thought of how bad their dorm would stink after this.
Mari also looked a bit stressed, and regretful, despite her horny nature. Hanamaru and Ruby were so lucky, and they were blissfully unaware of why, Dia sent them off to chill with their other colleagues. 
Chika and You? Well, they were stuffing their ears in pillows, desperate to get their friends moans out of their head.
They all silently agreed to never, ever, do this again.
Semen and her cum dripped out of her entrance, as Yoshiko’s load continued to flow into her. Breathy sighs and hitched gasps replaced the erotic moans and grunts from before, and through it all, Riko’s soaked flower garden clenched tightly onto Yoshiko, preventing any movement to escape.
When Yoshiko finally finished, it seemed the girl loosened around her, slowly pulling out of Riko while she moaned.
The two stood there doing nothing but catching their breaths. Riko spun around (As fast and smooth as she can) and stared straight at Yoshiko, who almost immediately punched her lips with her own.
Messily, Yoshiko pushed Riko up against the wall, lifting her legs and hurriedly stuck herself back into the redhead’s insides, a loud moan escaping the girl. 
Yoshiko started again roughly, almost telling Riko that maybe, she wasn’t quite satisfied by the first round.
“Yo-occhan..?” Riko whispered weakly, feeling the familiar stuffed feeling once again, her arms gripped around Yoshiko’s neck. What a long night it would become.
2:AM Dia and Kanan could not sleep.
Not with the awareness they shared of how their friends were still fucking just a door away. 
The front door knocked. They groaned, hilariously right at the time a loud moan from the closet was heard.
Both of them walked sleepily to the door. Another noise complaint, it seemed.
They opened the door.
“Where. The Hell. Is Tsushima?” Maki asked frustratedly, Mia behind her, obviously not caring hell about the situation, headphones jammed in her ears while scrolling through her phone.
“Uh.” “You see Maki... she’s... um, quite busy...” Dia said nervously. “Who cares, I know she’s fucking, and I know who she’s fucking. Right Mia?” Maki asked her roommate, who nodded.
“Uh, yeah, like, shit man, look.” Mia said, showing her phone to the roommates. A very, very, very, uncensored, explicit live video of Yoshiko and Riko fucking within the confined space.
“Bloody hell!” Dia and Kanan screamed, covering the traumatic sight from her eyes.
“Yeaaaah. I sort of installed a tracking system and all sorts of other finnicky tech stuff when Yoshiko asked me to fix her phone, and when she didn’t come back to the dorm, I unlocked it through mines just to find it stepped on and cracked.” Mia grimaced, “She’s worse than Boss, sometimes. But anyways,” Mia continued, “I managed to get her screen onto mines, and am recording the whole thing for mock material.” Mia finished.
“Was that necessary?”
“No. But yes. But no.”/’
Maki slapped her face, “Oh my god, Mia. Really?” “Yes, really.” Mia rolled her eyes. 
“Whatever, the noises are killing me, let’s get Tsushima and her little pussycat and we’re outta here.” Mia snorted, waving them off and heading to the sex-filled closet.
Maki groaned, “Fucking New Yorkers..”
“Fuck.. Lily..” Yoshiko huffed, ruffling her hair as the redhaired sucked and licked her off. 
Riko’s mind was hazy while she bobbed her head up and down against Yoshiko. She payed little mind to those thoughts, focusing only on cleaning the semen and her own juices off of it.
Precum dribbled down her chin, staring up erotically at who she was sucking off, almost as if it were a porno.
Riko slid her tongue around her length, before gripping onto Yoshiko’s pants and stuffing her throat with it. I guess having no gag reflex has it’s perks..
Paying no mind to the footsteps getting louder, Riko continued to deepthroat the hell out of Yoshiko, the feel of her throat being filled whole surprisingly a turn on.
A thirst for dominance suddenly filled Yoshiko, gripping Riko’s head and slamming it back onto her length, eliciting moans from her, and snuffed moans from the redhead.
With her movements being took in control by Yoshiko, Riko slid her right hand down and stuffed her needy cunt with fingers. 
It was hard to focus, it was hard to think, hell, they didn’t care, what they did felt good, and that was it.
Yoshiko sighed, that pit in her stomach flushing out and her spunk flowed into Riko’s mouth. “Aah..” The bluette relaxed, releasing Riko from her hold.
Riko backed away, smiling as a string of cum followed.
“So, you two done yet?” 
The two glanced at each other, panicked, how long have they been in there?!
Mia opened the closet door smugly. “Hello, horny ‘lil shits.”
Maki pushed Mia away aggressively.
Yoshiko gulped, completely forgetting about she and Riko’s uncovered privacy’s. “...Maki..”
“Left us...”
“In the FUCKING hallway, waiting for you...”
“JUST for you to go in a FUCKING closet to FUCKING FUCK piano pussy.” Maki screamed angrily, “You KNOW we lost our keys to the dorm, and you go off to fuck because why the fuck not, huh?!! What happened to the brocode?!!” She kept screaming. 
“Hey Yohane, learn to keep your dick in your pants!” Mia shouted, laughing with the humor of a 15 year old (Which, she is).
Yoshiko and Riko blushed, she fumbled with her underwear and zipper, but the embarrassment got to her, leaving her groaning in frustration from being unable to fix herself up.
Riko mumbled something, before pulling Yoshiko back in to the closet, leaving the Mia and Maki glancing at each other.
“Oh fuck.”
“Wa-Wait what?” Yoshiko asked, confused as Riko aggressively jammed her dick back in her pants, zipping it back up and buckling her belt. Then, Riko spun around and bent down and pulled her panties up snuggly covering her privates.
Then, to top it all off, she slammed her lips onto Yoshiko’s, “Mnh--!!” Riko furiously battling with Yoshiko’s tongue.
Yoshiko could hardly process what was going on, but still managed to grip Riko’s hands and lift them above her head, holding both in one hand while the other snaked around her waist. 
The fight for dominance was easily won as Riko quickly gave up, allowing Yoshiko full entrance into her mouth.
When the two departed from each other for air, a trail of saliva followed, before breaking from the quicker, gentler kiss Riko gave again.
“H-Huh..?” Yoshiko looked dazed, making Riko look at her sweetly and giggling. “For all this time, that was our first kiss, you know?” She said timidly, smiling up at Yoshiko.
She giggled again, “You dummy.”
“The hell?” Maki grumbled, clearly not enjoying waiting.
Yoshiko smiled, Riko smiled, there was only one answer to this: “Sus.” Mia said, “Super sus.”. 
“Nothings sus, Mia.” Yoshiko rolled her eyes at her roomie. “You want to sleep or nah?” She said waving her keys in front of them.
Maki scoffed, not saying anything and walking out the room, Mia following.
Maki and Mia passed Kanan and Dia, who were waiting at the front door, glaring with sleepy eyes.
“You owe us a new closet.” Riko rolled her eyes. “Ask Mari, she’s the rich Kiss.” She answered, with Yoshiko’s arm sliding onto her shoulder, who kissed her head while looking directly at the two smugly. Kanan and Dia glared as the two walked off, presumably to Maki, Mia’s, and Yoshiko’s dorm.
two months later
“I’m pregnant.”
Yoshiko looked at Riko wide-eyed, both in bed and clothes discarded on the floor.
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futurewriter2000 · 5 years
Love Me Like a Sister - pt. 9 - final part
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A/N: Woop final part is out and epilogue is coming out soon and it’s so cute and fluffy but yeah can’t wait to finish with series and requests. I wanna try out some other fandoms. 
You slept. You slept like a rock, not moving and taking in shallow breaths, meanwhile Harry held his coffee in his palms and sat on the armchair in front of you, watching this beautiful creature in her sleep. 
Your hair has grown longer since he has last laid his eyes on them. Their colour was more natural and he could see the dye only on the tips of your hair. He simpered at the memory of the first time he saw you with dyed hair. It was fourth year of Hogwarts and you continued with it for a year until it drove Hermione up the wall and you finally decided to let your natural hair outgrow the dye. It started with a joke, to which he continued with teasing you about dying your hair and he never truly thought that you would do such a thing but fourth year came and you were wearing those hair with a bright smile on your lips, directed only to him. He was shocked yet excitment was pushing through him. Nobody could pull confidence as much as you did.
Except now when he saw you. Years later, your eyes were drowning and your smile was forced, it only let him wonder how could that same fourth year turn into a sorrowful woman. 
The answer was clear. It was he who did that. 
But despite the guilt he was feeling the memory of you and those dyed hair still lingered in his mind. 
‘ “Like what you see, Potter?” you asked as you jumped on the sofa next to him. 
He could only stare at your hair and laugh. “You’ve actually done it?” 
“Obviously.” you rolled your eyes and pushed the books that laid in between the two of you. “It was your idea. Why are you acting so surprised?” you teased and he continued to laugh.
“I never thought you’d go through with it..” ‘
*end of flashback* 
“What are you smiling about?” you said as you saw that same boy looking at his steaming coffee and smiling like a fool. 
His head shot up and his eyes spread themselves wide. He quirked a corner of his mouth and said. “The time you completely changed your hair and Hermione went completely barmy.” 
You smiled at his answer and sat up. “Oh.” was all you could say. 
He was calm. He was apt and to the point. He was different. You have expected this Harry who would start stammering or trying to appologise but again, that was the Harry most of the people knew. You knew a different Harry.
“What are you doing here?” you asked, more seriously and direct. 
He slowly put down his coffee mug and intertwined his fingers together. “I saw you and you ran.” 
“It wasn’t easy seeing all of you after what had happened.” you said, wrinkling the space between your eyebrows. “And how we parted was not quite a happy memory for me.” 
“The war was hard on all of us, especially on those who lost friends and family.” he spoke calmly and before you could say anything, he cut in first. “I’m not sorry for how I left you. I lost the only person who was as close to me as a parent. That tore me apart and if I lost you- you!” he was more serious than you have ever seen him. “Than I would walk to Voldemort himself and let him kill me.” he finished but all you could do after his words was stare.
All he said was confusing. “I don’t understand.”
“I left you because I loved you too much. I’d rather see you hate me than love me, (y/n). And I knew that if I wouldn’t have left the way I did, you would try and fight beside me, risk your life-”
“I did it anyway.” you said, tears gathering in your eyes. “I went to see Halsey and I saw him dead in the corridor. I saw you half-dead in the arms of a giant, I saw Fred dead, I saw Remus and Tonks, Lavander, Collin- I saw so many people give their life for you and for Hogwarts and what? You expected for me not to do the same?! My sister was there, my friends, you- and you thought breaking my heart the way you did would make me want to stay away. It was nothing but selfish!”
“IT WAS TO PROTECT YOU!” he exploded, raising up to his feet and immediately calming down. “I wanted to protect you.” he spoke more calmly and threw himself back on the armchair, burrying his head in his palms. “All I ever wanted to do was protect the one person, who I care for the most and I had to fuck this up as well.” he mumbled to himself but you heard him quite clearly. 
You uncovered yourself  and threw the blanket to the side. You knelt down to him and put your hands on his thigh. His head turned to you, his eyes glistened and his mouth parted less. “Was I really that important to you?” you asked, looking up at him with kind eyes. 
“You still are.” he said as if you should have known this already. “That night I thought you and me are meant to be.” he placed his hands on top of yours, see a smile reach your cheeks and tears fall from your eyes. He smiled as well. “I’ll never be sorry for trying to protect you. My life is so complicated. All the people I let in my life got hurt or killed.”
“I got hurt, Harry. By you and by my sister. It kept going on and on. Distancing yourself away from me is not going to help neither of us.” you smiled and let your hand reach up to his cheek. The harsh stubble that was now growing on it felt nice under your fingertips. You moved closer to him, your lips apart only for you to say one last thing. “Plus. I can take complicated any day.” 
He leaned into a kiss before you could let your mouth curve into a smirk. He kissed you with passion, lust and force. His lips were stuck on yours like honey. He never wanted to let go of you. He never even thought of trying because how he feels without you is how he has felt every day in his life at 4 Private Drive . Miserable. 
And with you? - With you he felt like a desperate man, who couldn’t control his mind nor body. With you, something else took over. Something more than love.
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petalhurricane · 7 years
Quick question: can you do a tribute to Samurai Jack (its final episode is playing next Saturday night, and will end one of animation's greatest stories) with all a huge epic poster that tributes a warrior we've come to know and love?
I would love to but I can’t, I don’t watch Samurai Jack and I don’t have much time atm :/ I’m sorry. @adventuremaker16
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lifeasitis21 · 6 years
That’s Private
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Pairing: Henry Cavill x Reader
Request: Henry x reader where they’re a couple and during an interview, questions get brought up of their sex life.
A/n: Thank you for the request anon! I hope this is close to what you were thinking. It was super fun to write!
Working on this movie with Henry had been like a dream come true, and there was never a moment when you wanted it to end.
Getting to work side by side with the love of your life every day seemed too good to be true, and it had its ups and downs but with Henry, it was mostly ups. You called it your ‘love child’ because the two of you spent countless hours brainstorming the entire project together. 
Henry was used to huge movie production sets and teams of thousands, but when you showed him part of the screenplay you wrote, he jumped on board right away. You worked well together, which was a bonus, of course. You had balance, it’s what he always called it. A balance of give and take, balance of creativity and realism, you just worked.
Along with acting beside him, you also got to direct with him. The two of you played a couple on screen, which came naturally for the most part. You thought the hardest part of it would be the amount of time you would spend together, but you were yet to tire of each other.
One thing you loved about him, was that he always took the time to reassure you without even being asked. On set, when you would worry about memorizing lines or coming off as genuine, he would walk you through every scene even into the early hours of the morning. And on days when that didn’t work, he would fuck you sleepy and hold you close to his chest until you drifted off to sleep.
Now that filming was over and the haze had begun to lift, you were faced with the reality of the press tour interviews.
Because it was a small movie, you only had a few interviews in place, regardless of the fact that reviews on the project had been everything you hoped for and more. One of the biggest you had coming up was The Tonight Show. It would be your first time doing something like this, Henry’s, not so much. He was amazing in front of a camera, obviously. But more than that, he had a presence about him that affected everyone in the room. 
You didn’t go on until 10:30 tonight but you’d been preparing all day. Henry’s agent arranged the schedule to where you wouldn’t have to be present at every interview, and today was Henry’s day for solo interviews. 
With only 3 hours until you had to leave for Fallon’s, he was due back any minute now though.
You had your outfit laid out on the bed of your hotel room. And like a good partner, you set out Henry’s suit as well. You stood in the bathroom with your robe wrapped around you. With a swipe of your hand, you cleared the fog from the mirror and started working on your makeup. You turned on your playlist as you did, mouthing along to the words of one of Henry’s favorite songs. 
You fondly remembered how he insisted on contributing to your morning playlist with some of his favorites that he made sure to refer to as ‘purely classic.’
Close to exhausted, Henry trudged through the door of your room and tossed his jacket on the couch in the lounge room. 
He began to call out to you, but then heard the muffled sounds of music coming from the bedroom.
A soft smile formed on his lips as he pictured you rolling your hips, singing along to your music. The longer he thought about it, something else also began to form.
He quietly walked into the bedroom, where he found the bathroom door cracked open, with steam still seeping out from your shower. Perfect timing.
To get a head start, he loosened his tie and threw it onto the bed. After kicking out of his shoes, he began unbuttoning his shirt, only leaving the last three for you to undo later. 
As he pushed open the door, he watched your eyes as they found his in the mirror. You smiled, and almost looked away, before noticing his bare chest under his shirt.
You kept your eyes on him as he walked up behind you. Slowly, he wrapped his hands around your waist, the tension pulling your towel down just above your chest.
“I missed you.” He whispered, lowering his lips down to the nape of your neck. He breathed out as he ran his tongue over your warm skin; the contact sending a tingle to your center.
He tug his hands down into your hips and pulled you back against himself. You could feel his length just below your ass and you loved how hard he was already. Just like he craved, you pushed and grinded back against him, causing him to tug a little more on the towel near your hips. As it fell to the floor, he took in the sight of your naked body. 
“We can’t be late Henry.” 
With one hand he gently pushed your chest down towards the counter and with the other he moved down towards your wetness and with agonizing patience, pushed two fingers inside of you.
“We wont be.”
Hand in hand, the two of you sat on stage, waiting for the countdown to the show to begin. Henry absentmindedly placed a kiss to the back of your hand, then smiled up at you when he noticed you watching him.
Off screen, the camera man began counting down so the two of you got situated. 
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the tonight show! We have some amazing guests with us tonight. Give a round of applause for Henry Cavill and Y/n Halloway!”
You smiled bright as the room erupted in applause. Beside you Henry gave a wave to the crowd, but then turned his attention to the host.
“We’re so happy to have you two.”
“Well we’re happy to be here. This is amazing!” You said, an over exaggerated amount of peppiness in your voice.
“It’s good to be back, thank you for having us.” Henry ran his hand over his thigh once, before placing his hands back where they were, something you noticed he did in almost every interview he gave.
By now, you had lost count and so had he. He was truly a pro at this part of the job. Every question asked, he answered with prose and excitement, always eliciting further conversation.
The questions ranged from filming process, to future projects, to anything in between. 
You had been doing much better than you thought you would. The whole thing was actually more fun than you expected, and 30 minutes in you’d fell into a flow with Henry. Completely in sync.
“The two of you play some, badass assassin lovebirds on screen. And we know--at least we hope you’re just a couple off-screen. Did this whole process bring anything out, into the--into the open?”
Henry smiled at the question after looking over and seeing the smile on your own face. 
“Do you mean negative things, or?” He asked.
“No! Nothing bad, I guess, did you learn anything about one another?”
“Henry is a very...energetic man.” Before you even had a moment to process your own words, the audience began to woop and applaud at the misunderstanding of what you really meant. As the host’s eyes went wide with laughter, you glanced over at Henry and barely held it together as he shot you that knowing smirk.
“Oh my god-- that is not-- what I meant by energetic is he is constantly on the go. Like, if it’s between sleep and work, he chooses work every time.” You barely made it through without another fit of laughter, but once you did, and the crowd settled, the host pulled you out of the hole you’d dug yourself.
“Right right. So nothing was ever quiet done. There was always something that Henry needed to be doing.”
“Exactly.” You responded with a smile. Now both you and the host looked to Henry, as if waiting for him to ask the question posed earlier. 
“What did I learn?” He asked himself, bringing his finger to his chin and narrowing his eyes at you. It brought a smile to your face, the way his eyes sparked when he looked at you.
“Y/n is, amazing at quiet literally everything she does.” That one made the crowd aww and brought a little heat to your cheeks as he kept his eyes on you. “She’s better than anyone I’ve ever known in every single way.”
Suddenly, the host burst out in laughter. “Woah now, Henry. That could mean a lot of things. What is it that she’s so much better at than everyone else? Do you mean what I think you mean?”
Everyone was completely engaged now if they hadn’t been before. But Henry was quick on his feet. He looked to for a moment, for approval, which you gave with a smile. 
“Yes? Yes. That’s exactly what I mean.” 
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The host wasn’t sure how far he could push this, but you both seemed comfortable so he kept talking.
“I think it’s great you feel that way! No--really! It’s an important part of any relationship and as if you guys couldn’t of gotten anymore perfect, we now know you have an outstanding sex life.”
Henry laughed his heart warmingly big laugh and glanced over to you as he continued. “Well yeah, she really is amazing. It’s like--euphoric. Every time--like--” he was one beat away from continuing when he realized what he was about to say probably shouldn’t be said on television. “I’ll just--It’s important. It really is.”
He began looking back and forth between the two of you now, a mischievous look in his eye. “This is all sounding very--present tense..”
At that, Henry gave the floor to you, not wanting to go further than he already had and than you were comfortable with. But when he looked to you, whether you really meant to or not, you answered. “It is. It really is.”
Henry was exuberant beside you. Laughing and making eyes at you, all the while never coming off as fake or insincere. You’d never felt as safe and at home with someone as you did with him, which made this all feel okay. More than okay. It made it right.
That marked all the time you had left for the interview, and you genuinely believed that no one in that room wanted it to end. You said your goodbyes to the audience and let Henry lead you backstage by the hand. 
As soon as you were out of the public eye, he pulled you in close and brought your lips to his mouth. He held you there for a long time, and you let him, savoring the smell of his cologne, the feel of his hand holding your face.
“You’re my world.” He said, after releasing you. “My entire world.”
Tag List: @jaderbugz @a-girl-who-loves-disney @chillnadia @posiemax @samdean-67 @smexy-bucky-waifu  @maragaretcarter @supersleepyfangirlthings @shortstoryimagines @omg-fuck-i-love-you @peachlar @thebutterflyxx @tomhollambucky @loviee14 @ign-is @wisdombeyondher-years @maxtothemoff @avntsmay @princess-of-the-fandoms @marvelouslyme96 @witchywrter @marvelite1998 @manofsteel7712 @d0ntjudgemy50shades @henrycavillstalkingmustache
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snarky-sims-witch · 5 years
so after my son ages into an adult I'm going to have him marry his boyf and finally move in with his dad so they can have the relationship they deserve (3/3)
Wow that’s quite a story, lol! It’s okay if you don’t play 100% by the rules. I just write the challenges. It’s up to the players to decide if they want to play them by the book or not. Of course, I recommend following the rules for an authentic challenge experience but I’m not about to scold people for veering off the road a little, haha. Glad you’re having fun!EDIT: Meant to answer this one privately because it was a 3 part question, woops, lol. Oh well.
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Into the Dragon’s Mouth
On the First Day
This past weekend, the Sidereal Coven took a trip up to Vancouver, BC to participate in the Gathering for Life on Earth, an annual event that most of us have been road-tripping to a little over six years. This year the theme would be Dragons and Dragon Lore, and since members of our coven have been working out of the Dragon Book of Essex since December, we submitted a lecture and a public ritual. 
The trip up was lovely, and we were still making last moment decisions about our talk, and getting all giddy with excitement to see all our friends and loved ones again. 
We arrived on site, and were immediately set to work chopping wood, laying out lights on the trails, and helping to set up the Temple of Aphrodite, an adult private space for intimate time with ones partner(s). I was very excited, as the policy had recently been changed, and men were allowed to be Temple Maidens if the coordinator should deem it so. I set up most of the altar with the Faery Doctor and Mandrake Witch, and was told that this was the first time that the coordinator has not done it by herself. I have never had a very close connection to Aphrodite, but Venus and Aphrodite are one of the many names of the Witchmother, and so She holds a dear place in my heart. 
Upon finishing the altar, we sat around and had some delicious damiana liquor. I also gave a toast to Seb, the Urban Shaman with the Green Hair, as all present were very good friends with them, and I had missed the previous gathering because of grief for my lost friend. We then dressed in our finest white dresses, and processed down to the main site to declare the Temple open for all. 
Strong like the ocean Gentle as rain River wash my tears away Aphrodite! 
Then, all the Gathering campers came together to open the ritual space. We called up the fire with chanting and dancing. We called up dragons of Stone, Ice, Wind, and Flame with toning, dancing, stomping, and stillness. We called up the goddess of the site, Sasamat (Sasamat) SASAMAT ....sasamat.... 
All my wonderful friends were there. The Bear Shaman. The Red Haired Warrior Goddess and her beautiful consort, the King of the Green! The Trickster God was there, too, and the Water Dancer with her little brave goblin. And so many others, and so many new faces. My friends. My family. 
As soon as all ritual necessities were finished, I spied a water nymph swimming around in the lake, and I felt the Lady of the Water call to me. I stripped myself bare to the skin, and ran to the dock, diving into the freezing, refreshing water, laughing and splashing with the Water Nymph. I jumped into the lake at least three times a day, and more and more nymphs joined us there to play and scream with delight. 
I slept early that night, and woke well rested. 
On the Second Day
Then, oh THEN, my friends, the real work began. Little did I know that this weekend would be full of significant magical and spiritual occurrences for me. Confirmations, empowerments, and over all satisfaction. 
...Ritual Without a Rope...
Gathered together, we six witches. 
We called up a circle, surrounded by the Goddess. 
We called up the elemental spirits with dance and song.
We called down the gods by singing their sacred names. 
We sang up the ancestors with laughter.
We played up the Good Folk with a folkish charm. 
We six witches flew down into the caves deep below the earth, there to meet with the Dragon. 
He told me many things. Many things that were to come. He was so sad, so ancient, an ancient grief. His voice came out of the walls of the cave, his black scales shimmering with the names of gods and spirits. 
“Cunning One,” he called me “You shall work from the shadows and create great leaders of men.” 
He showed me a large cup made of white clay with the rim painted blue. “This is the Cup of Promise, the Cup of Community. You must all fill it with what will BE and drink from it in Pact. GO NOW!” 
And the circle ended as it began. 
...Meeting the Four Dragons...
Our main ritual consisted of meeting with the four dragons of Wind, Stone, Ice, and Flame. 
We woke them with offerings of tickles, stomping, listening, and joy. 
They imparted wisdom of how to be free, how to transform, how to be still, and how to dance. 
I wished to be still, so I stood with the Dragon of Ice, that contemplative serpent who dwelt upon the plight of the polar ice caps.... 
...Around the Fire...
I returned to the fire, for I could hear the drums and longed to dance and sing. 
My mind spinning from wine and mandrake, I sang a song of the Faery Queen and Thomas the Rhymer. I was in a deep trance state, and just let the spirit take me as I sang.  
Across the fire, I spied the Green Druid. 
There is a certain something when two sorcerers make love that a non-magical person will never be able to attain (in my experience). Perhaps it’s the fact that they can sense each other’s energies and know what needs to be done: push or pull. Perhaps it’s that they can enflame themselves with a deep desire and hold that throughout the entire session. Perhaps it’s that they know how to be deeply vulnerable with themselves and with others. Any of these ways, love making between two sorcerers is a powerful ritual act, and one of which the Green Druid and I took full advantage under the gaze of Aphrodite. 
I didn’t go to bed until four in the morning. 
On the Third Day
Upon the morn, I attended a divination by tarot workshop. I was very tired, and sucked down my morning coffee, praising Caffeina. I partnered with an equally tired Faery Maenad and we read for each other. The readings we gave were very powerful, and I am still meditating on what was revealed to me. 
When some of the participants had left, I led the remaining six (lots of sixes at this Gathering) in a divination game I had learned previously. The group decides on a question, or chooses to let the question form itself in the answer. We decided to ask the dragon spirits their advice and message for us. 
We followed the journey of a wealthy young man who was never satisfied, and ultimately lost everything by Fate’s hand, only to find himself in the Wilds of the Mountains. He lived happily ever after. 
...Casting Yourself into an Ocean Without a Rope...
We six met with those interested in our ecstatic ritual. 
We hissed as dragons and roared and stomped as we drew up a black, shining serpent to protect us on our journey to meet the Dragon of the Sea. 
We sang up the elements, and stamped to wake up the Earth, and clapped for Fire, and whistled for the Airs, and danced and sighed for the Waters. 
We called up the gods, and sang to the ancestors, and charmed the Good Neighbors with our laughter. 
Then we journeyed to the seas, the oceans, the mighty grey ocean. 
I was dragged under the waters by a rushing wave. Below, stretched out before me amongst the coral and bubbling waters, was a great, crumbling city. Algae crept over the forgotten buildings. Cars and pots and pans rusted in the salty water. All was ruin. 
A great serpentine dragon twisted her way to me from out the depths. She grabbed me and screamed: REWILDING. 
Suddenly, I felt myself back onshore. 
We flew back to our bodies and began to dance, and dance. Chant, and chant! 
LAUGHTER! One sang.
FREEDOM! One called. 
REWILDING! I bellowed. 
All through all until we were bellowing and wooping and laughing and toning. Then it burst up and back down into our bodies as one great drink from the CUP OF PROMISE. 
The circle was ended. 
So mote it be. 
...A Theme is Chosen...
After a much needed leap into the lake, we attended the yearly meeting where the members vote upon the theme for next year. 
The Dragon of the Sea spoke true: “Rewilding” would be the theme for next year. 
It is done! 
...A Ritual on the Beach...
The Seekers of the Dragon’s Knowledge gathered together on the beach. 
The Dragon Priests invoked the dragons and we entered into the Dragon’s Mouth, the Maw of Azhdeha! 
Each Seeker shifted and changed as they aligned themselves to the stellar body of the Dragon. 
Mazed and thrumming with the sensuous serpentine power, I returned to the fire to dance and drum. 
The stars finally revealed themselves, and I dove back into the water with the Water Nymphs and swam amidst the beautiful stars. A deep sense of peace and longing for that peace came over me. I was in awe, quite simply, floating on my back. Man was never meant to sit at a desk all day. We were meant for this: Good food, good drink, good sex, good friends, and staring at the stars in wonder. 
...the Witches’ Sabbat...
I returned to the fire again to warm up. Suddenly, holding an hoofed item that I just blessed in the Horned One’s name, I felt a call to go to the woods.  
In a cheerful daze, I wandered away from those crowded around the fire, telling stories and laughing, and away from the ring of firelight. At the docks I could hear, faintly, voices calling. I thought I saw someone out on the end of the docks...but no, the voices weren’t coming from there.... They were coming from the woods. 
Carefully, without light, I picked my way along the trail. In the distance, I could hear the voices getting louder, calling to someone. Calling to me. 
A red light appeared, bobbing up and down between the trees. A wicked, billowing smoke issued up from the ground out of a fiery pit. There was a deep BOOM as one of the witches kicked the pit holding the fire. 
They had called to the other witches, had called for the Man in Black, and I had come. These witches, holding their black sabbath at the end of the woods, away from the lights and joy of the main camp, they had called me here from such a long distance. 
Wordlessly, I took the Lamp from the Mandrake Witch. She read from her Black Book to those assembled: a spell and a curse. 
Bread and Wine were passed around. We shook our fists at the sky at god himself! We laughed and gave a great scream of delight! 
I departed that place, back through the woods, and into the firelight. 
...the Wild and Tender God...
The night drew on, and the Green Druid and I were kissing and massaging each other in the corner. I had given a few readings with my cards, but now festivities were dying down to the more relaxed atmosphere of the early morning. The air was growing colder, and the few of us left were huddling closer to the fire, cuddling and enjoying the pleasure of one another. 
Grinning sheepishly, I pulled the Green Druid up and we wandered off into the woods towards the Temple once again. With me I brought one of the cloven oranges we had used up at the fire. The Cloven Orange is an SCA tradition that’s been handed down to the Gathering. If a clove is taken out with one’s fingers, then the receiver is given a kiss on the hand. But if the clove should be taken out with the lips, then the gifter and the receiver may kiss, or perhaps much more. 
We entered into the Temple and gave the salute of a sensuous kiss to one another. I pressed my body against his, and he gripped my hair, caressing my neck with his lips. Stripping ourselves of our vestments, we fell to the bed to worship before the icon of Aphrodite, Her starlit tresses giving vision to our shining, hot bodies. 
I took his cock into my mouth, curling my tongue about the tip. I could feel his breathing slow. His legs tensed with rapture. His balls twitched and slid up into his body. 
Then he was on top of me, kissing me all over. I screamed and moaned as he bit into the flesh around my legs and thighs. My breath quickened delightfully as his tongue flashed into the depths between my legs. My hair tingled with ecstasy at his sorcererous touch! 
We squeezed the sweet juices of the cloven orange into each other’s mouths, giggling with the honey citrus mixed with the taste of flesh. 
He entered into me. My cock pumped and pounded with heat. I rode upon the God’s cock, panting with holy satisfaction. I could feel suddenly that a spirit had touched him. He was the Green Man kissing me with his leafy beard, and then the vision was gone. 
I gave an almighty groan which I’m pretty sure could be heard down the hill. My cum shot out in wyrm-like zig-zags onto my stomach. 
We fell back satisfied. I gazed in amazement at this wild tender green god laying beside me. Then I passed into the oblivion of rest. 
 On the Fourth Day
The final day of camp. I woke up late because of...um...reasons. 
All was cleaned up, and we held our final rituals. 
We processed down to the lake. The sun had finally managed to stick around. A light breezed rustled my white dress as I rang a singing bowl. 
Strong like the ocean Gentle as rain River wash my tears away Aphrodite 
We scattered the rose petals as an offering to Aphrodite and to the Lady of the Lake. Everyone joined us. 
I threw a handful of petals into the air and jumped one last time into the lake. 
Swimming and laughing amongst the rose petals, we spied a goose float gently up to us. They made no noise, but glided across the surface of the lake to one of the Temple Maidens. 
I knew then that the Goddess was in our midst. 
As all things must, our time at the lake came to an end. We dried ourselves off, cried, hugged, and drove home. 
The End
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