#okaaaay I laughed
dyk3leepuppy · 3 months
smth abt bargaining with the ler to tickle literally any other spot bc the one they’re tickling is just so unbearable and you feel your brain turning off like ur going absolutely insane and your pleading only grows more desperate/pathetic-sounding.. now ur getting wet from them making fun of how pathetic you sound + the tickling 😵‍💫😵‍💫
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ja3yun · 13 days
bro imagine tdh heeseung telling yn to come over real fast bcs he practically owns her and when she arrives he gave yn a bouquet of flowers just because like crazy but heeseung’s new cover just STUCK IN MY MIND
okaaaay my mind went wild with this so this might not be what you are looking for (sorry!)
warnings: heelzebub, smut (mdni), leg humping, coercion, blood, mentions of killing, not proofread
wc: 1.4k
the doll house masterlist
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As you step into Heeseung’s room, the first thing you notice is his tall, broad back. His imposing stature always leaves you feeling unsettled. Each time he summons you, a sense of dread accompanies you, anticipating what task he might have in store. So far, it’s been manageable—spending time with Soonyeol, bringing her hard-to-find snacks, and anything else that might make her happy.
It would almost be endearing, if not for his persistent attempts to lure you into bed each time you cross the threshold.
You take a deep breath and prepare yourself for whatever Heeseung has planned today. He turns around, his gaze locking onto yours with an intensity that always makes your heart race.
"You're here," he says, his voice low and smooth.
Nodding, you hang your tote bag on the bannister of his bed and walk towards him. “With five minutes to spare,” you snide, crossing your arms. “So, what’s wrong with her now? You didn’t ask me to bring anything.”
His eyes trail over your body, taking in the sundress that perfectly hugs your curves. Delight paints his face, his tongue instinctively running along his bottom lip as visions of your naked form cloud his mind.
“You look breathtaking, baby. A vision in yellow,” he mutters, his eyes fixated on your cleavage. A sly smile spreads across his face as he takes a step closer, his presence overwhelming. "Wait here for a moment," he says, his voice a blend of command and charm.
Before you can respond, he turns and walks out of the room, leaving you standing there. You hear the faint sound of a door opening and closing, then silence. Your curiosity piqued, you glance around the room, taking in the expensive furnishings and the subtle scent of his cologne lingering in the air.
Moments later, Heeseung returns, his hands behind his back. As he approaches, he reveals a stunning bouquet of flowers, an array of vibrant colours and fragrant blooms. The sight takes you by surprise, and for a moment, your breath catches in your throat.
"These are for you," he says softly, extending the bouquet towards you. The gesture is unexpected, and you can’t help but feel a flicker of warmth beneath your guarded exterior.
You take the flowers, their delicate petals brushing against your fingers. "What's this for?" you ask, unable to hide your curiosity.
Heeseung's expression softens, a rare glimpse of sincerity breaking through his usual demonic demeanour. "Just a little something to show my appreciation. For all you do for Soonyeol. And for putting up with me."
But you don’t buy it, knowing that this is buttering you up for something worse than just a girl's day with his minder. You shiver at the thought, thinking the worst as your mind swirls with possibilities.
He sees your doubtfulness and snickers, “Baby, you don’t trust me?”
"I don’t, no," you reply bluntly, meeting his gaze with unwavering suspicion.
That causes Heeseung to laugh out loudly, shaking his head in disbelief. He knows you have no reason to trust him, but hearing you say it outright fills him with amusement.
Taking one of the petals between his thumb and forefinger, he watches it as it crumbles beneath his harsh touch, his signature smirk reappearing on his face. Something delicate like this deserves a gentle touch, something Heeseung is incapable of.
“You’re right not to trust me, angel,” he whispers thoughtfully, his hooded eyes meeting yours and eliciting a flutter of butterflies in your stomach. “Just like pretty roses. They’re beautiful on the surface,” he continues, his voice low and hushed as though sharing a deep secret. Taking one of your hands, he guides it to the exposed stems, squeezing your hand tightly around them.
That's when you feel the sharp cuts of the thorns digging into your palm, making you wince. His strength overpowers yours as you try to fight his hold. As you look up at him pleadingly, feeling the blood rush out and coat both your hand and his, he does nothing but stare intensely at you. “But they’re sinister the deeper you go.”
Your heart pounds as the pain sharpens, the cruel irony of the beautiful flowers cutting into your flesh not lost on you. Heeseung's eyes, dark and unyielding, seem to drink in your discomfort.
Tears prick at the corners of your eyes, not just from the pain, but from the helplessness of the situation. He finally releases your hand, and you immediately pull it back, cradling it against your chest. Blood seeps from the punctures and onto your dress and chest, only to the elation of Heeseung.
Taking your hand, he kisses your wounds tenderly, licking the blood from you with greed. You gasp as you feel his tongue slowly and tantalisingly heal you, causing you to hold back a moan. This shouldn’t be turning you on, yet as always with Heeseung, even things deemed evil have a way of making you feel lustful.
He focuses his attention on your chest now, licking the drops of blood from the flesh of your tits, dragging it up to your neck, sinking his teeth into you - not enough to puncture you but enough for you to wish he had.
That makes you mewl out, dropping the flowers as you press your body to his and cling to him. His aura pulls you in time and time again, making you a victim to his allure each and every time you see him.
But this feels more desperate than the other times, you need him now, more than you have ever; and Heeseung knows this.
Placing his leg between yours, he ruts his knee up to meet your pulsing cunt, offering you some relief as you grind down on him. “There you go,” he whispers in your ear, his hands holding you steady as you find a rhythm you’re comfortable with, “Doesn’t it feel good to give in? To surrender to your sins rather than keep your morals?”
You are so lost in the feeling of his knee and thigh and the pleasure you’re receiving from it that you simply nod, agreeing with him. You can’t deny this feels incredible, you aren’t a liar.
Kissing along your jaw, you feel his wicked grin as you comply with his words. “You want to give in, don’t you?”
“You want to come back to me and live here with us again, don’t you?”
“You want Soonyeol out of the picture, don’t you?”
You feel your orgasm approaching as he guides your hips to grind your clit in the perfect position, picking up speed. You haven’t realised what you agreed to, too lost in the ecstasy that your mind isn’t thinking straight.
That only makes Heeseung happier as he has you exactly where he wants you. Pawing at your ass, he moves his body in tandem with yours, his focus to get you off and have you succumb to his offer, that one that has been hanging over your head since the first time he had you.
With your high approaching, you grip his shoulders and move your hips faster, that familiar coil in your stomach tightening and your heart picking up speed.
“Kiss me, seal in your well-deserved fate,” he coaxes you as you start to release over his leg. Shocks of pleasure rip through you as you cry out his name and your body crumbles where it stands.
But much like post-nut clarity, you somehow come to when his lips are a centimetre from yours, teasing you with the opportunity to have Soonyeol’s life once more. Quickly, you push him away before he can seal your deal, panting as your chest rises and falls in time with your heart.
“What the fuck, Heeseung!” you exclaim, frantically gathering your bag and scrambling away from him, “Don’t fuck with me like that.”
His eyes are flushed with that crimson hue that you hate to love so much, his hand palming over his cock. “Baby, I can seal it another way if you want, if you bring that pretty pussy over here I can make your dreams come true.”
Shaking your head, your back reaches the door and you open it, “I sold my soul to you for my dream, this is nothing but a fantasy.”
“I can sell you a fantasy, Y/N. Anything you want,” he chides, moving closer.
But before you get lost in him once again, you bolt out the door, hurriedly walking down the hallways. You can’t believe what you’ve just done, what you almost did, you betrayed Sunghoon and Jaeyun while almost getting Soonyeol killed, all for your own pleasure.
Poking his head out, Heeseung laughs, “Baby, you forgot your flowers.”
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lesservillain · 6 days
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v. i want to hold the hand inside you
summary: a collection of moments through the holiday season. also a little bit of insight into eddie's pov. cw: smut (not with eddie), male masturbation, sexual fantasies, two idiots in love trope, eddie's mental anguish a/n: hi i'm back. missed you all and this series. hope it lives up to the hype. around 12.5k words. please continue reading after the fic for an important message regarding this series.
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Shuffling down the stairs, you're greeted by the smell of coffee brewing and bacon frying in the kitchen. The grumbling in your stomach reminds you that you’d eaten way too much candy the night before, and that real food was much needed if you were going to get through the day.
When you rounded the corner into the kitchen, you were expecting to be greeted by the master chef Charles at the stove. But instead you were greeted by Tonya’s beautiful, slightly confused face. With a rag slung over her shoulder and spatula in hand, you watched her attempt to flip what looked like a very, very fried egg.
“You need some help?” You ask. Tonya jumps, hand on her chest as she catches herself. Clearly she had been in the zone, focused on the task at hand. Although, that didn't seem to keep help her in her food making endeavors.
“Jesus, can you be a little louder when you walk in the room next time?” 
“Sorry Tonnie,” you laugh, moving around her to get a drink from the fridge. “Been working on walking around as quiet as possible so I don’t wake Ed—everyone up when I’m working.”
Tonya's whole demeanor suddenly shifts. After plating the eggs and setting them aside, she turns her whole body to face you. Your eyes go wide as she takes the stance you know so well; the one she takes before she’s about to lecture you.
“While you’re working?” She asks, an eyebrow quirked in a suspicious fashion.
“Y-yeah…" you respond, not liking the way she starts to slowly saunter towards you. "Okay, can we skip the games, please? What’s wrong?”
“Why was there a red cape in your car last night?”
You feel like the room is going to spin. Not wanting to fuss with it you had thrown the costume cape in the back seat when you left Eddie’s last night. By the time you got all of your overthinking in, you’d completely forgotten to grab it and bring it inside. 
“Wha—I, uh—”
Tonya says your name to cut off your babbling. 
“If you wanted to go out and spend Halloween with Sam you could have just told me that.”
“What? Oh, god no.” Your nose scrunches in offense at the mere suggestion until you remember that it’s probably normal to want to spend time with the guy you’re dating. “I mean…I didn’t spend Halloween with Sam.”
“Okaaaay?” She draws the word out, head bobbing as she waits for you to explain yourself. You breath in, looking at her carefully before exhaling with a sigh.
“Promise me you will listen to what I have to say before coming to any conclusions.” 
Tonya says your name with a serious tone. You can see the anger starting to brew in her, and you can only hope that once you tell her everything that’s been going on for the last two months that she’ll understand. The need to rip the band aide off was becoming more apparent, especially when you needed her guidance on some of the thinking you had done.
“Promise me?” You say again, not backing down.
“Ugh, fine.” She walks over to the table and sits down, motioning for you to take the seat across from her. 
“So, I think the first thing I need to clear up is that…I don’t actually have a night job. At least, not in the sense that I’m getting paid. It’s a volunteering position.”
You watch the way her mouth tightens, nostrils flaring as she expresses all her unspoken words with her face. But, she doesn’t say anything so you keep going.
“It’s something that I signed up for at the very beginning of the semester. Granted, it wasn’t supposed to be an overnight thing...but the person I’m taking care of needed overnight care and I just—I couldn’t say no, Tonnie.”
Air blows out between her lips like steam, and you can tell you need to get the rest of the information out to her before she can’t hold it in anymore.
“The reason why I even hid any of this from you is because the person I’ve been taking care of was turned down by everyone else at sign ups…because he was a murder suspect.”
“Oh, no. No, no, no.” Her hands wave in front of her and she shakes her head. “I’m really hoping that I did not hear you right. Because there’s no way you’re telling me that, you, of ALL PEOPLE, have been spending the last two months babysitting a MURDERER?!”
“He didn’t actually murder anyone!” You shout back. Tonya’s eyes roll as she throws her hands up dramatically. 
“What does that even mean?!”
“Eddie was accused of murder, but he didn’t actually do it!”
“Eddie?! Eddie who?!”
“His name is Eddie Munson,” you say, “he was actually framed by the real murderer. The guy tortured him, Tonya! His…his body is covered in scars and…and he ended up loosing his leg. Like, from the knee down. And he was so sick when I got there. He’s come such a long way since then…”
Tonya’s face is like stone, blinking slowly as you go on about Eddie and all the things you’ve helped him accomplish in the last two months. You hadn’t even realized that you’d been rambling until the sound of her bedroom door caught your attention.
“Charles is here?” You ask her quietly after the bathroom door closes. You're shocked when she confirms that he had stayed the night. He'd never stayed the night before, at least while you were there.
“We had a fun night,” Tonya says with a sly smirk. “He’s probably feeling it this morning.”
“Ah, I see,” you nod. The sound of retching coming from the upstairs bathroom had the two of you giggling. Tonya leans in towards you, resting her chin on her hands as she looks at you.
“So,” she starts, “Can I ask you a side question before we get into this Eddie guy?”
“Sure,” you say suspiciously.
“Is Sam real?”
“What?” You chuckle. “Yeah, he’s real. Why do you ask?”
“Well, I just wanted to make sure he wasn’t a lie you made up to go see your little criminal boyfriend.”
You reel back, shocked by the accusations of her statement.
“Eddie’s not my boyfriend,” you assure her. But the look on her face tells you she’s not buying it.
“Really? Because you just talked more about this guy in the last 20 minutes than you’ve talked about Sam since you two started dating.”
“Well…I spend five days a week with him, so of course I have more to say about Eddie than Sam. But…”
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“What bit you in the ass this mornin’?”
Eddie stirs his coco wheat's mindlessly as the Andy Griffith’s Show plays on the TV. If you were to ask Wayne, he’d say Eddie was acting like a cat after it got caught in the rain, all pissy and ready to swat and anyone who looked at him.
“Nothin’,” Eddie grumbles, not bothering to look at his uncle as he spoke. Wayne sighed, grabbing the TV remote and turning it off. He shifts forward on the couch cushion until he was sitting on the edge.
“Did somethin’ happen at the Trick r Treat thing?”
Eddie exhaled, slumping back in the recliner dramatically before finally facing his uncle.
“Nothing happened. I just—Did you know she has a boyfriend?”
Wayne’s head tilts to the side. “What? No she don’t? Told me when she started.”
“Well, she must have lied to you because she told Harrington last night that she was seeing some guy named Sam from her school.” Eddie’s arms cross over his chest like a child with an attitude.
“Why’d she tell him that?”
“Because, in typical Harrington fashion, the guy flirts with any girl that crosses his path.”
“So she told him she had a boyfriend?”
“Maybe she was lyin’ t’em.”
Eddie’s eyebrows shoot up. He hadn’t thought about that. He just assumed you hadn’t told him because you knew he liked you by now and didn’t want to hurt his feelings.
“But what if she’s not?” Eddie’s voice is soft in his vulnerability. He’d told Wayne about his growing feelings for you about a month ago. About how he thought you were beautiful from the first time he’d seen you, but he’d stuffed those feeling down immediately. 
He tried his best to push you away, hoping that you’d run with your tail between your legs after how rude he’d been to you. But you didn’t seem to budge, so he tried to ignore you instead. That obviously didn’t work out either. His hopes went up when you saw him on the floor that faithful night. He thought that you’d be so repulsed by him that you’d turn and run on the spot. 
But, of course you didn’t.
You looked at him as if he wasn’t a broken man who’d been beaten and almost eaten alive by supernatural bats. Who’d been abused and almost murdered by hospital staff who were supposed to be in charge of his life. Who was sent home to a place he didn’t know, with barely anything to his name after the Upside Down swallowed his trailer whole.
In hindsight, he almost wishes you had ran. Because this feeling that he’s had every day since has been more painful than any of his scars or shredded limbs. He wishes you had been shallow and vapid, because he would have a reason to hate you, rather than feel lonely whenever you weren’t around. 
And maybe he’d feel less bad about the times he’s touched himself while thinking about how your body presses against his when you help move him to his chair. Or the way your chest brushes against his shoulder when you’ve put your arms around him while you watch their DnD games. 
Shit, he’d only agreed to do physical therapy in the first place because you’d leaned in front of him and practically begged him. Did you know that he could almost see perfectly down your shirt when you did that? He was glad he did it, though, because the strength that’s slowly being restored to his hands was making it easier to jerk off to the thought of you.
Eddie tried to pushed those thoughts back. He didn’t want to feel that way about you. Well, not in this gross, perverted way at least. You didn’t deserve that. 
“If’n she’s not lyin’, then…well…” Wayne settles into a silence. Eddie feels himself getting upset, head titling back to push the impending tears away before they could spill over. 
It wasn’t fair for him to feel this way. He wouldn’t have had a chance with you even before everything that happened to him, so why was he getting all worked up as if you’d ever seen him as anything other than a pitiful shell of the man he used to be. No matter how much you poured into him, he would never have enough to return the favor.
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Eddie had been distant the last few weeks. Not back to his grumpy self, but more closed off than he had been with you lately. Any time you touched him unprompted, he would pull away or make an excuse to move away from you. He still talked with you, but that teasing banter that he would throw your way was few and far between. 
It hurt to feel like you were being locked out again, but you didn’t question it. Eddie didn’t owe you any explanations anyway. But you still couldn’t help to over analyze his behaviors every night before falling asleep.
Even now as you sit with him and Wayne and sort through old pictures that Wayne had found after going through their storage unit. Wayne is doing most of the talking, with Eddie chiming in here and there to give short interjections.
“Eddie, you’re joking,” you gasp.
It was just a shoebox, but it was filled to the brim with pictures of Eddie when he was little. The picture in question that you were absolutely gushing over was of Eddie and a woman that you’d assumed to be his mom by their matching chocolate button eyes. Her hair was wild like Eddie’s; long red curls teased to high heaven that framed her delicate face. Toddler Eddie was on her hip in a Christmas themed outfit, a huge, baby toothed grin plastered on his face as beamed at his mother. The back of the picture read ‘Eddie & Flo Christmas ‘68.’
“I’m not,” he says with little enthusiasm. “Unfortunately, I look just like my dad, besides my eyes. Wish I looked more like her, though.” 
“No, look,” you say, pointing at his moms smile. “You have her smile, too. Dimples and all.”
“Hold on,” Eddie says, taking the box and sifting through the pictures. It took him a few minutes to finally pull out a picture before handing it to you. 
What you weren’t prepared to see was a picture of a man who looked practically identical to Eddie, sans the long hair and clad in a military uniform. Next to him was a younger Wayne Munson, dressed in a leather jacket and with a much fuller head of hair. You studied the picture a bit before flipping it over.
‘Allan and Wayne April 1970 Day of Departure’
“Your dad was in Vietnam?” You ask, looking at the picture again, still mesmerized at the resemblance.
“Yeah, he got drafted and shipped out a month before my 5th birthday,” Eddie said with indifference.
“I thought you could be excused from the draft if you were married with kids?”
“Al and Flo weren’t married,” Wayne interjected. “And Al was dead set Eddie wasn’t his so he didn’t even show up to his birth. I’s there, though, cause I knew Flo wasn’t like those other girls he was chasin’ after. And when I tell you I wanted nothin more's to kick my brother’s ass as soon as I saw that little face for the first time.” 
Wayne grabs the box from the coffee table and shuffles around it a bit until he found a picture. He looks at it for a moment before handing it to you. “Poor Flo did all that time cookin’ that one there for him to come out lookin’ exactly like his daddy.”
The picture was of Eddie’s mother in her hospital bed, wild red hair tied up and looking exhausted. But her smile was wild, and she was flashing a peace sign at the camera. An even younger Wayne was holding a bundled up new born Eddie proudly in his arms, holding him up in a way that shows off Eddie’s chubby baby face. He really did look like his dad, the Munson genes definitely being more dominant.
You flip the picture over to read the back.
‘Florence, Wayne, and Edward May 13th, 1965.’
Wayne fished out more pictures of Eddie as a baby, and you cooed over every single one, much to Eddie’s dismay. Through this you discovered Eddie’s middle name was James after his late grandfather that passed on the strong Munson genes to his father.
You couldn’t help but feel bad for Eddie’s mother, though. She was only 17 when she had Eddie, and her strict parents kicked her out because of it. Thankfully, Eddie’s grandparents took her in and Al apparently came around and stepped up when he held Eddie for the first time. 
They stayed living all together until Al was drafted. But not long after, Eddie’s mom got really sick. She had been hiding it, hoping that it would go away on it’s own, until it had suddenly gotten worse. Wayne moved back home to help raise Eddie when his mother started getting sick. She died in 1971, a week before Al was set to come home from Vietnam. 
“That’s when he started gettin’ in trouble. Flo had whipped him into shape in a way not even the military could accomplish. And when she was gone before he could say goodbye—”
“Can I go outside?” Eddie’s hand wipes over his eyes harshly. He scoots to the edge of the chair and reaches out for his wheelchair. You jump up at his request, getting his chair situated for him before helping him into it. He clung to you for a moment longer than he normally would, but you didn’t mind.
“Let me get your coat,” Wayne says, pushing off the couch. When he’s just out of earshot, you look at Eddie, his eyes glassy and downcast as if deep in thought, and tap him on the shoulder.
“Hey, do you think that when you have kids they’ll be clones of you, too?”
Eddie’s posture straightens, his eyes wide when he meets yours. 
“What? I, um, I don’t—” He clears his throat and shifts in his seat. “I haven’t really thought about it. Didn’t really plan on kids anyway.”
“Oh, really? I guess that’s understandable. Not everyone wants kids.”
“Do you?”
“Hmm, maybe one day,” you shrug. “Not really rushing to have one right now or anything. More focused on school and taking care of you.” Eddie smiles, but ducks his head to hide it from you. 
“Well, I guess I’m good practice for taking care of one,” he says.
“No, you’re way harder to take care of.” He barks out a laugh, rolling away from you to meet Wayne half way to the door. 
While the two of them go outside to smoke, you busy yourself in the kitchen putting away the Thanksgiving dinner you and Wayne had put together, with Eddie’s help on stirring duty. Ben had come by and ate with all of you, seemingly more comfortable being around while you were at the Munson’s residence with his more frequent visits.
It didn’t take you long to clean up. Wayne had apologized all morning for the dinner not being anything fancy, and you reassured him every time that you didn’t care. You’d been used to spending Thanksgiving with just your grandparents, and then just your grandma for so long that you’d never made much of a big deal out of the holiday like others do. 
Sam specifically told you on multiple occasions about how everyone in his family makes a very big deal about holidays. Apparently they were also looking forward to meeting you, which came as a shock considering he hadn’t even asked you to go, he just assumed you would. When you told him it felt like it was way too soon to meet his family, he seemed bummed but thankfully didn’t press further.
“Damnit, I told ya she’d be in here cleanin’ up, Eds,” Wayne hollers from the living room.
“I’m sorry, I can’t help it!”
“We’re gonna have to start paying her if she’s gonna start doing the maid’s job,” Eddie says, rolling into the kitchen and up to the fridge. He goes to grab for a beer, but you call for him, stopping him in his tracks.
“Eddie, if you have a beer this late you can’t take your pain meds.”
“That’s fine,” Eddie says, plucking the beer from the door and presenting it to you. “I wasn’t gonna take it tonight anyway.”
“What? Why?”
“Wanna try and get used to not having it.”
You want to argue with him, but he’s giving you that wet, sad look that he knows will get you to fold. And you do, snatching the beer from his hands and popping the tab open. 
He holds his hand out to grab it from you, but you decide to fuck with him a bit and take a sip of it yourself. It tastes like nasty cheep beer, but you do your best to remain as neutral as possible, even letting out an “ahhh” after you swallow.
Eddie looks up at you with pure shock, frozen in place like he was petrified. It makes you laugh as you place the can back in his hand, waiting a moment for him to grab it before letting go.
“Y-you can have it if you want,” he stutters, not moving.
“It’s okay, Eddie, I was just messing with you,” you say, placing a hand on his shoulder as you walk past him out of the kitchen.
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Eddie thrusts sloppily into his folded pillow, held together by his body weight as he lays on top of it. It took a lot of trial and error, but Eddie’s found this to be the most effective way for him to get off when his hands are too sore to just jerk off. 
He didn’t mind it though, because this set up made it feel more real to him. He didn’t have any frame of reference to know what it felt like to fuck a real pussy, but the friction of his pillowcase felt good enough that he was able to bypass the texture if he just focused on the fantasies in his head. 
All of them revolved around you, of course. He tries to stave off of giving into his urges. Especially considering he usually had to look you in the face at some point after. He felt like he was going to give himself some kind of pavlov response if he allowed himself to jerk off from any small domestic gesture that you threw his way.
Today was a bit too much for him, though. He’s happy you came over since he fully expected you to ditch him and Wayne for some other plans.
But you didn’t.
Not only did you come over, but you came over early, dressed up in an outfit that had Eddie fighting off a hard on from the moment you arrived. And basically acted as if you’d been part of the family for years rather than only knowing them for a few months. You were a natural addition to the Munson clan and that played on Eddie's mind a lot when he thought about you like this.
And when you took a sip of Eddie’s beer before giving it to him…Eddie was ashamed to even think about how much that affected him. Not only was it practically an indirect kiss, but he’d never seen you let loose like that, even if it was just a sip. You felt comfortable around him to blur that line of professionalism that you tried to keep up when you cared for him, and Eddie was letting the delusions run rampant.
“Haaa, fuck,” he whines into his other pillow as he ruts into the makeshift pussy that he desperately wishes was yours. He’s imagining you lying under him, his bare chest pressing into your back as he plows into you from behind. He thinks about how you’d be calling out his name. Are you vocal in bed, or would you be biting into his pillow like he is now to keep himself quiet?
Eddie pulls his shirt back up to his nose and your scent that rubbed off on it filled his nostrils, sending him over the edge. He cums suddenly with a low groan, spurts of white cum spilling in between the fold of the sandwiched pillow. His breath hitches, eyes going in and out of focus as he cums harder than he ever has before. 
After catching his breath, Eddie pushes himself over and onto his back. He lays there, waiting for the guilt to creep in like it always does. He thinks back to your conversation earlier, about him wanting kids. It kills him. 
Did you really think he would ever have the chance to have kids? Besides not knowing if his swimmers even work after what he went though, he would have to meet someone who would treat him with even a fraction of the kindness you give him. And then he’d have to convince them that he was worthy enough for their love and not a burden. 
You saying you want kids one day hurt even worse. It was a feasible dream for you, to start a family with someone you loved. Eddie had barely thought about kids, but now he’s laying here thinking about what a normal life would be like with you. A house with a white picket fence, two kids, a dog…
Tears rolled down Eddie’s temples and disappeared into his sweaty hair line. He grabbed the soiled pillow and pulled off the pillowcase, carefully pulling it inside out and tossing it into his laundry basket. He pulled his comforter over himself to hide away from the world. 
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The bed shakes as Sam lands on his back next to you. He says…something, but you’re too busy in your own head to catch it. The ache between your legs tries to get your attention as well, but you would rather listen to Sam speak than address that right now.
“Hey, are you okay?” Sam’s hand waves in front of your face and you force yourself to smile when you look at him. “Did I really blow your mind that much?”
“Hmm? Oh, yeah,” you nod enthusiastically, probably overdoing it. You feel an ick wash over you when he smiles triumphantly. He leans in to kiss you and you turn your head so that his lips hit your cheek.
“I’m gonna go get us some water. Feel free to use my bathroom to clean up.” You lay still until Sam leaves the room, holding your breath until you’re sure he’s gone. 
Jumping up from the bed, you grab your clothes and quickly redress. You can’t find your tights but at this point you don’t even care, you just want to get out of there as fast as you can. Sam is standing in the hallway with a glass of water when you open the bedroom door. He looks at you up and down with confusion.
“You okay?” He asks.
“Yeah, I, uh…I forgot that I promised to help Tonya put up Christmas decorations tomorrow.” You move past him, but he grabs your arm to stop you.
“Do you have to leave right now?” He asks, a distressed look on his face.
“I’m sorry, but I probably should. Tonya likes to get up early to start the process and--”
“Okay, I understand,” Sam says, taking a deep breath in. “Can I, um, I want—I need to ask you something before you go.”
Your heart feels like it’s dropped into your stomach, nauseating you instantly. You have a sneaking suspicion that you know what he’s going to ask, but you really don’t think you can do this right now.
“Can we talk about it later? I think it’s supposed to start snowing soon,” you say, pulling your arm from his grasp. “Really want to get home before the roads get bad—”
“Will you be my girlfriend?”
The reaction your body had to his question was similar to one you would have if you heard nails on a chalkboard. If the ground opened up and swallowed you whole right now you’d be thankful for a quick escape from this situation. 
You relaxed your body and looked at Sam. He’s a nice guy, truly, but after everything that transpired in his bedroom…
“Yeah?” His puppy dog eyes are making this harder than you want it to be.
“I….” You sigh, “I need to think about it. I’m going through a lot with finals coming up and taking care of Ed—I mean, Mr. Munson--”
“But you’re almost done with both of those? Christmas break is just around the corner, and I really would like you to meet my family.”
“Wait, what do you mean I’m almost done?”
“Well, you’re finals are, like, a week and a half away. And next week is your last week for the volunteer program so you won’t be needing to go to Hawkins anymore. We called all the families and let them know so that they could make other arrangements a week or two ago.”
All the air around you felt like it was sucked away. Wayne didn’t tell you that he had gotten a call. Was he even going to bring it up? Did he just expect you to up and leave him and Eddie?
“Sam, I really need to go,” you say with a strained breath. You don’t give him much of a chance to answer before you’re grabbing your coat and heading out his front door. Snow was already starting to stick to the ground as you got to your car. Sam stood at his front door, still in his boxers as you got in your car and drove off.
Driving on autopilot, your brain began to recall and process exactly what happened while you were with Sam. He had been off putting ever since you saw him after Thanksgiving, but you almost felt bad for him. All this time you convinced yourself that this really attractive guy was giving you attention and you just we’re being grateful for it. 
But today solidified for you that you couldn’t deny the way you were feeling anymore. Not when the whole time the two of you were having sex, you couldn’t get Eddie out of your head. Every touch, every thrust, you could only think about Eddie being the one on top of you making you feel good. You’re pretty sure you would have cum if it was actually Eddie.
The feelings you had for Eddie sat behind a glass wall inside your mind ever since you were able to pour your heart out to Tonya. But, no matter how much you wanted to, you knew you could never act on them. It would go against every code of conduct for you to have a romantic relationship with a patient. You could potentially get kicked out of nursing school if you were ever found out.
Not to mention you had no idea if Eddie would even accept your feelings. Sure, he has come out of his shell and let you into his life in more ways that you had imagined when you first met him. But, you didn’t want to delude yourself into thinking it was anything deeper than an appreciation for the care you’ve given him. Eddie and Wayne were good people, and you didn’t want to mistake that kindness for anything more than what it was.
But, fuck, did it suck to find out you might only have one more week to spend with them.
Between the thick snowflakes and the racing of your mind, you didn’t notice the way the road was getting icier as the snow continued to fall. A turn snuck up on you in the heavy snowfall and you slammed on the brakes to slow down, but your car continued to slide across the snowy road. 
Your car fishhooks before the back end whips around, sending you spinning into a ditch. It’s not a deep one, but the lack of traction under your tire sends them spinning with barely any movement from your car. You curse under your breath, all of your emotions bubbling up until you smack your steering wheel out of frustration.
After taking a few minutes to cool off, you take a look around you to assess your surroundings. It’s hard to see much, the back road you’re on has no streetlights and you’re not sure if you’d be able to see any house lights even if you were in someone’s yard. You start to panic, unsure of what you’re next move should be. You don’t have enough gas to wait out the night, but you should still have an emergency blanket in your trunk.
You have to hype yourself up to leave your car, moving as fast as you could to the back. As you went to open the trunk, fumbling with your keys lead to dropping them in the white snow at your feet. Your eyes stung as your tears began to gather, the cold wind instantly chilling them. 
Without a second thought, you let out a loud scream into the dark night sky. You felt around for your keys, the cold metal biting your already cold hands as you finally opened your trunk, only to find it empty. That’s when you remember that you had taken the blanket out of your trunk and thrown it in your back seat for the trunk r treat night.
The trunk of your car slams hard enough to make the car shake, and you practically rip the door off the hinge when you grab the blanket.
Just as you’re about to get back in your front seat whe a light comes into view from the down the road. Relief washes over you when you can see it’s a car coming your way. You jump up and down, waving your hands around to get the cars attention, the big truck rolling to a stop next to you.
“Are you okay, darlin’?” A little old woman’s voice calls from the rolled down window.
“No,” you yell with a pathetic sniffle. The driver side door of the truck opens and a little old man jumps out and rounds the front. He lets you inside and you slide into the bench seat between the two.
The couple apparently heard you scream from their house and came out to check what was going on. The snow was so thick you didn’t even realize their house was only a few hundred feet away from your car. The woman made you a hot drink as you used their phone to call for someone to pick you up.
“Hello?” Wayne’s gruff voice could have been intimidating to hear if it was anyone else calling the Munson house this time of night.
“Wayne, it’s me.”
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You thank the older couple profusely for everything before bounding out to the truck waiting for you in their driveway. It had taken Wayne almost 45 minutes to get to you with all of the snow, but he promised he would get to you even if it took hours.
When you pulled open the passenger door, you were surprised to see Eddie sitting there with a worried look.
“Eddie, I didn’t know you were coming.”
“Boy was worried sick ‘bout’cha,” Wayne calls from the other side of Eddie.
“Wayne,” he groans, scooting over on the bench seat to make room for you. 
“Aw, that was really sweet of you to be worried about me,” you tease, leaning your head on his shoulder to push his buttons a little bit more. Eddie adverts his gaze, mumbling a whatever under his breath making Wayne chuckle.
Wayne backs out of the driveway and starts the journey to Tonya’s. The conversation is light until Wayne asks what you were doing out so late at night during a snow storm.
“I was out with some of my classmates,” you lie, not wanting to bring up being with Sam. The thought of him only brought all of the thoughts you had earlier in the night to the forefront of your mind, and you were suddenly very aware of how much of your body was touching Eddie’s in this cramped seating arrangement. 
The chill of the night had been cut by his natural body heat against you, making you subconsciously curled into him at some point during the drive. You went to pull away, but his body started to move with yours until he was leaning into you.
“Sorry,” he said, trying to adjust himself, “I usually lean against the door to keep my balance.”
“Oh my god, Eddie, I’m sorry,” you say, moving closer to him again. “I would have sat in the middle if I had known.” 
“It’s okay,” he says quietly before you felt his body weight leaning against you again. 
The small talk dwindled into a peaceful quiet as Wayne drove the country road with ease. The snow has started to ease up, almost completely stopped by the time you saw the city marker indicating you were close to being home.
As you were leaning into Eddie’s shoulder, you felt a bit of weight fall on top of your head, your vision slightly obstructed by curly brown hair that fell over your face. Eddie’s light snores next to your ear was all the confirmation you needed that he’d fallen asleep and was using you as a pillow. 
A warm, bubbly feeling filled you at the sudden closeness. Even a small interaction like this made you feel a million times more exultant than you’ve ever felt with Sam. Or anyone for that matter. 
“Wayne,” you called to the older man, wanting to distract yourself from your thoughts. He hummed in response, his hat covered head tilting slightly in your direction while his eyes remained on the snowy roads. “Tonight one of my…friends from class, they mentioned something about this week being the last week of our volunteer work.”
Wayne went rigid in his seat, shifting to sit upright again. He cleared his throat, visibly becoming more distraught with each passing second.
“Yeah, I guess that’s right, isn’t it? I, um…” Wayne ran a hand over his mouth, rubbing it back and forth against the stubble before it landed back on the steering wheel. 
“’ve been-- been trying, ya know, to get someone to take over nights. I thought about askin’ Hop, but he’s done enough for us. Plus he’s got family now, so s’not fair to ask him. Could come off the nights, but that shift diff is really gettin’ us by.” Wayne nods his head to the side, “Ed says he can stay home by himself, but I just…I can’t have em fallin’ and not bein’ able to get emself up. Lord forbid he fall and break his hip er somethin’.”
“So…it sounds like you haven’t found anyone?”
Wayne sighs, shaking his head. “Well, that’s not…” He pauses, letting out a huff of air through his nose. “There is someone who is willing to come a couple nights a week if we need ‘em…”
“But?” You press, curious as to who this person might be.
“But…I’ll just say he’s not my first pick to take responsibility for anyone.”
“I see,” you say, looking down at where Eddie’s thigh is pressed against yours, the end of his jeans smoothed over the amputation spot where you’d sewn the end shut for him.
“Can I ask why you didn’t ask me if I could keep coming over?”
Wayne was still, like he was holding his breath. 
“I, um, we…”
“It’s okay,” you cut him off. “I shouldn’t have put you on the spot like that. If you don’t want me to keep coming I totally understand--”
“No, no! That’s not it at all,” Wayne says defensively. “We both kinda assumed that you weren’t…allowed to.”
“Oh…well I don’t think there’s anything that says I couldn’t keep coming over? It’s not like I’m being paid, so I don’t think I’m violating any of my school’s rules. And he’s been doing so well, it wouldn’t be any different than if anyone else came over to stay with him.”
The truck was quiet for a moment, except for the directions you gave Wayne as he turned into Tonya’s neighborhood. Once he pulled into the empty driveway, he shift the old beater truck into park and turned to look at you. You must have been quite a sight sitting there with his nephew practically on top of you as he snoozed away. But you still smiled up at him, even as he shook his head at the two of you.
“So, I don’t want you to say yes just because I told you I was havin’ trouble. Okay? Promise me if you say yes that it’s not outta pity.”
“I promise,” you say, crossing your fingers for him to see.
“Alright, well, if it’s not gonna cause you any issue, would you be able to keep comin’ down to stay with Ed at night? It doesn’t have to be every day. Like I said, I got someone who said he can stay a night or two a week if we need ‘em—”
“Can I ask who it is you’re talking about?”
“It’s, uh, it’s a guy Ed went to school with. He’s a little older--names Rick—they’ve been friends since Eddie was a freshman—”
“Rick? Like Reefer Rick?” You question, Eddie’s weight on you being the only thing keeping you from jumping out of your seat.
“Well, yeah, that’s him. I guess Eddie must’ve talked bout him by now.”
“He hasn’t told me much about him. But, he did come over one day after you’d already left for work when the boys were over.”
“Ah, yeah, I forgot Eddie told me he came by,” Wayne nodded.
“I guess I understand why you don’t want him to be the one to stay over.” 
“Yeah, he’s just…not a very responsible kid,” Wayne says with a shake of his head.
“That’s like…the nice way to put it, I suppose.” 
Eddie suddenly lifts his head from your shoulder, his tired, confused eyes scanning his surroundings before looking at you. He smiles, breathing in harshly as he stretches, one arm going forward and the other behind you. 
“Hi,” he breathes out, his voice groggy and low from just being asleep. It does that thing to you where it goes straight from your ears to between your legs. 
“Hi Eddie,” you giggle, looking up at his dopey, half asleep still expression. Wayne clears his throat and Eddie’s whole body turns to look at him, then all around once more as if he’s only just noticing his surroundings for the first time.
“Where are we?” He asks with pinched brows.
“My house,” you say, taking that as your cue to grab your things and exit the vehicle.
“Shit, that was a quick drive,” Eddie says running a hand over his eyes.
“Quick only cause you used that poor girl like a mattress while you slept,” Wayne quips. 
“I did? Damn, I’m sorry,” Eddie apologizes, his eyes wide as if panicked.
“Oh, I didn’t care,” you say as you opened the car door, the cold air hitting you straight to the bone and making you shiver. But even with the winter air trying to turn you into a popsicle, you still took your time getting out, not wanting to make Eddie lose his balance and fall. 
Once Eddie was situated back in the passenger seat, you gave the two men your goodbyes, promising Wayne to finish the conversation when you come by on Monday.
The Munson men waited in the drive way to make sure you got inside okay, waving back to you as they took off down the road.
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Every day for the next week felt like a rollercoaster. 
Sunday consisted of Tonya taking you to get your car and you ignoring phone calls from Sam. You and Tonya also decorated the house together, so you technically didn’t lie to Sam when you left.
Monday you were almost late to class, doing your best to wait until the last second to pull into the schools parking lot so as to avoid Sam in case he was waiting for you. You felt bad for not giving him an answer before you left him on Saturday. But after an all day conversation with Tonya that started with telling her that you couldn’t get Eddie out of your head while you were having sex with Sam and ended with you guys talking about what colours you think Eddie would like if you ever got married one day, you figured you should probably cut things off with him.
You were never good at telling anyone no, this much you knew about yourself. And if you were completely honest, you were a little worried that if you didn’t wait until the right time that Sam might puppy dog eye you into changing your mind. But, you had to be strong. If you could just get through until next Wednesday after finals…
Speaking of finals. After some discussion with the Munson men, it was decided that you would keep coming to stay with Eddie over night until further notice. Both of them seemed to be relieved, although Eddie did say he wanted to keep working on building his strength so that Wayne would feel comfortable enough to let him be alone at some point in the future.
Once that was settled, you immediately made a deal with Eddie, making him your personal exam study buddy. Every day he quizzed you, went through flash cards with you, and looked over your homework for you, handing it back if he didn’t think the answer you gave matched what the textbook said.
“I feel like I could be a nurse after all of this,” Eddie said, placing the thick deck of flash cards down on the side table. The flipping between the cards had been serving as a good exercise for building up his hand dexterity, but often left them a little sore by the time you’d gone through all of them.
“I think I’d pay good money to see you in one of my school’s nursing uniforms,” you tease, standing up to refill his cup.
“Good money, huh? Like, maybe a college tuition’s worth?” He calls back from his chair. You bark out a laugh.
“You’d have to put that uniform to good use for me to shell out that kind of cash, if you know what I mean.” Eddie howls at your suggestive words.
“Don’t know how good of a dancer I’d be with only one leg, sweetheart!”
After a long week of studying, Friday finally rolled around and it was time to fulfill your part of the bargain. 
With Eddie in the passenger seat, the two of you set off towards Castleton Square in Indianapolis. The roads were busy, full of people with the same idea as you and Eddie; last minute Christmas shopping. 
You’d lied to Wayne about where you were going per Eddie’s request. He knew that if he told Wayne where he was going that he would try and give him money to buy his gifts. 
But ever since his disability checks (finally) started coming in, Eddie had secretly been saving some on the side so that he could get some things for everyone for Christmas.
That included Wayne, and he wasn’t about to use the man’s own money to buy him a Christmas gift. So, as far as Wayne knew, the two of you were going to see Grant and his girlfriend's new apartment. 
“Damn, this place is packed,” Eddie said, head on a swivel as you tried to navigate the mall’s parking lot without taking out a pedestrian. 
“No kidding,” you say, pulling up towards one of the mall’s entrances. 
“I’m gonna let you out here,” you say, flipping on your blinkers. Once Eddie is situated in his chair, you wait for him to wheel inside the first set of doors before taking off to park. 
After 20 minutes of searching and briefly getting into it with a 70 year old over a handicap spot, you finally make your way to the mall entrance. It was just as crazy inside of the mall as you’d expected it to be with Christmas only a few more days away. People of all different background suddenly become unified by their arms being full of copious amounts of shopping bags. 
Eddie sat just inside the doors, eyes flickering across his surroundings, as if anticipating something. But as you enter into the crowded mall, his anxiousness seems to melt away as soon as his gaze meets yours. 
“You okay?” You ask, grabbing your purse from his lap. 
“Yeah, yeah,” he says, waving his hand at you. “I’m just…scoping the place out. For stores to shop in.” He saves himself at the last moment and you decide to let that excuse be enough for you.
To say the mall was pure chaos was an understatement. Many of the stores were restocking shelves at a record speeds, people fighting over toys and clothes and shoes that they HAD to have, lest little Tommy or Susie not get everything on their Christmas list. Every bench was filled to the brim with husbands and dads left in charge of bag duty while their wives wrack up their credit cards in the name of Christmas spirit.
Thankfully, no one wanted to be the person that's a dick to the guy in the wheelchair during the holiday season, so navigating the crowds was a little easier than you anticipated. The two of you bobbed and weaved through the stores, picking up a few things here and there for your respective friends and loved ones. Eddie was even brave enough to do a little shopping on his own while you ran to the bathroom.
Once the two of you regrouped, you took in Eddie’s haggard appearance and decided to call for a cookie break.
“Damn, what do they put in these things?” Eddie asks, his eyes closing as he takes another bite of his double chocolate cookie.
“I don’t know,” you say, sitting on the edge of a cement planter, not a single available seat in sight, “but whatever it is should probably be illegal. I could probably eat 10 of these things.”
“Mmm, agreed,” he says with a mouth full of cookie. 
The two of you sit and enjoy your treats in silence. Not out of neglect for the other, but out a mutual curiosity as you people watch.
 It was interesting to come to your own conclusions about people with only a snapshot of their lives like this, and it makes you wonder how people must be perceiving you and Eddie together. Are people assuming the two of you are dating? You couldn’t blame people for thinking that, but what else were they thinking about you? Do the two of you even look good together?
“Look mommy! What is that?”
The voice of a little boy catches your attention. A small pointed finger in your general direction makes you feel uneasy as you automatically assume the child must be pointing at Eddie. Sure, a man in a wheelchair has the potential to puzzle a child, but you didn’t know how Eddie would react to this kind of attention in a raw, childlike form.
“That’s called a mistletoe, dear,” the stressed mother answers, eyes looking your direction for a brief moment. Except, you notice her gaze lands just above you, prompting you to tilt your head back. And you’d be damned to find a small mistletoe handing from a thin string from the ceiling tile above you. 
“Huh,” you hear Eddie say next to you. The sudden realization that the mistletoe is hanging above yours and Eddie’s head has heat rising to your cheeks. You keep your head locked while your eyes shift to look at Eddie out of your peripheral. 
Sure enough he was looking at it, too. 
“Didn’t see that there before.” The words spill from your mouth without much forethought. Eddie clears his throat, and you steal another quick glance at him. His cheeks have an ever so slight pink tint to them, which only makes your stomach do flips.
Eddie has play flirted and said his fair share of raunchy jokes with you in the recent weeks. Never really giving as much of a hint of embarrassment in his actions, you assumed that he felt comfortable enough with your…friendship? That he didn’t care to treat you like one of his boys.
Given your newly realized feelings, it’s admittedly stung a bit. However, the reaction he’s giving now at being caught under a mistletoe with you is only fueling any delusions that you’ve ever entertained between the two of you.
“Me—me either,” he stutters, his eyes shifting down to the floor tiles beneath him. His bashfulness drives you crazy, and you have the sudden intrusive thought to just kiss him. And you almost consider it, if it wasn’t for the potential awkwardness that would result from your potential misreading of the moment.
“Have-have you, um, ever…you know?” Eddie chokes on almost every word, leg bouncing against the pedal as he speaks.
“I’m sorry, have I ever—?”
“Ever kissed. Like, under the mistletoe or whatever.” Eddie clarifies, gesturing to the decoration while still avoiding eye contact.
“O-oh, um,” you think for a moment of every kiss you’ve ever had in your life and suddenly blanking. “Maybe once or twice. In, like, middle school or high school. What about you?”
Eddie shifts in his chair, “No, no, it’s…I’ve not before. Not that I wouldn’t,” Eddie looks at you, then turns away again. “I mean, I’ve never been under one with someone before.”
“Do you want one?”
Eddie stills, blinking slowly as he processes your words.
“Do I want a kiss?”
You nod.
“I mean I guess I wouldn’t be against—”
Eddie is quieted by the sudden contact. You press your lips against his cheek, landing on the edge of the large scar. It’s only for a moment, but it feels like a lifetime to Eddie. 
When you pull away, you do your best to maintain composure. Giving him a forced smile, you rise from your seat to look at him straight on.
“There you go,” you say, hands landing on your hips. “Now you can say you’ve had your first mistletoe kiss.”
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“Eddie, Eddie, shhh it’s okay.”
Pulling him into you, you run a hand up and down his back soothingly in an attempt to calm Eddie’s still sleeping form. Screams of terror begin to fade out into small moans and whimpers the more you comfort him. 
Slowly he wakes, his arms wrapping around you as he begins to sob. You don’t ask him about his dreams, or rather, his nightmares. You’re sure that it would only make things worse, so you just let him cry himself back to sleep against you.
“—Oh, shit, sorry.”
Your eyes shoot open at the sound of Wayne’s voice. You hadn’t even realized you’d fallen asleep, still leaning against the head of Eddie’s bed as he snored in your lap.
“No, it’s okay,” you whisper yawn, gently lifting Eddie’s head until you could place a pillow under it. Tiptoeing out of Eddie’s room, you join Wayne in the hallway, who looks like he just got home.
“Sorry if I woke ya,” Wayne says in a low voice.
“It’s okay, really,” you say rubbing your eyes. “I didn’t mean to fall asleep. He had another night terror so I was just trying to settle him down s'all.”
Wayne hums, a hint of disbelief in his tone. You thought about pressing the matter, but figured doubling down would only push Wayne into believing whatever he already convinced himself more. Besides, getting a couple more hours of sleep before the weekend officially started sounded like something you wanted to take advantage of.
When you did finally wake up, you did your normal Saturday morning routine before your morning shift at the coffee shop. After getting dressed, you place a full glass of water and a little cup full of his morning meds on Eddie’s nightstand and pull out a fresh pair of clothes for him to put on after he wakes up. As you go to leave, you glance over to the newly wrapped gifts that sit below the Munson’s Charlie Brown inspired Christmas tree and think about how you wish you had seen Wayne’s face when he saw them earlier. 
Your work day flew by. The nonstop in and out of shoppers getting their morning caffeine fix or their afternoon refill kept you constantly moving. And before you knew it, you were grabbing your own cup to go and heading out the door to trek the the almost 3 hour drive from work to your home town.
Once you made it to Anderson, you stopped by a local flower shop, one that you’d been going to since you were a kid, to pick out some nice flowers to leave at the graves of your parents and grandparents. The owner made some small talk with you, asking about school and how Tonya was doing.
The mentioning of your friend reminded you that you still needed to give her the gift you’d gotten her before she left to visit Charles' family for the holiday. You were thankful that the Munson’s asked you to join them Christmas day, otherwise you’d be spending the holiday by yourself for the first time in your life.
With your flowers in hand, you placed each bundle at the graves. You spent a good amount of time with each one, talking with the markers as if your loved ones were there and listening. You’re not sure how long you were there. But eventually the cold became too much and you had to leave. 
Driving out of the cemetery was always really hard. Your parents had been gone long enough now that you’d come to peace with them being gone. It still hurt, but didn’t feel as much like salt in a wound as your grandparents. But, the deep sadness you normally felt was lighter than usual. The thought of your next destination—back to the same mall you had spent the evening with Eddie in—made you feel like you had a purpose for the first time in a long while.
You’re sure he hadn’t noticed, but you had kept your eye on Eddie as he shopped around. Anything he took interest in as the two of you perused the mall you took note of, fully planning on returning to pick out some to gift him. You doubt that he go you anything, but that didn’t really matter to you. You wanted to get him things he wanted, knowing he wasn’t going to spend the money on himself.
“What’s W.A.S.P?” Tonya mumbles through a mouth full of sugar cookie as she flips a cassette case in her hand. Her eyes go wide as she reads the track titles on the back.
“They’re a metal band,” you say, grabbing it from her and centering it the middle of your wrapping paper. “Jeff gave Eddie a shirt of theirs, so I’m guessing he must like them.” 
“Girl, one of those tracks was called Ballcrusher,” she says with a concerned look that made you laugh.
“Hey, I’m not here to judge,” you shrug, wrapping the cassette nicely and laying it next to a few more that were already wrapped. “It’s cooler than the ovenmits you got Charles.”
“Excuse you, he asked for new mits.” Tonya points her half eaten cookie at you before taking another bite. “And I think they fit his personality very well.”
“They’re plain beige,” you say monotonally.
“Exactly,” Tonya nods with a smile. “Plain and beige, and safe.”
You tsk and roll your eyes, mumbling a little whatever as you organize your gifts. Some might say you went a little overboard for someone who you’ve only been taking care of for just shy of 5 months. But, it was hard to narrow anything down when you envisioned Eddie’s face as he opened all of his new possessions. It was enough to justify the…8…9…11 things you got for him. 
“Can I tell you something…”
You look over at Tonya, who seems to be unable to contain a smile as she waits for you to answer.
“Of course,” you say, turning to give her your full attention.
“Okay, so, I know it’s the holiday season or whatever, and I could totally be wrong. But…”
“But…” She takes a deep breath in. “...I think Charlie is going to propose to me at his family’s Christmas.”
You shoot up straight in your chair. A few months ago you might not have been so keen on this speculation, but the last few months Charles seems to have loosened up a bit. You also stopped caring about him taking your parking spot considering you were hardly here much anyway between school, work, and being at the Munson’s. 
“Oh my god. What? Why do you think that?”
“So, we went and did some Christmas shopping at that new outlet mall the other day. And while I was in the bathroom, he thought he would be slick and went into a jewelry shop. When I came out I saw him through the window and I’m, like, 99 percent positive he was looking at rings!”
The two of you gush and squeal over the prospect of Tonya’s future nuptials. Talks of colours and styles of dresses fill the room as the two of you talk for hours. 
“You know,” Tonya starts from the other side of the shower curtain, “Even if you are the maid of honor, I’m putting my foot down about one thing.”
“Oh, yeah,” you ask before spitting out your tooth paste into the sink, “And what might that be?”
“If you plan on bringing Eddie as a plus one, I have to at least meet him once before the actual wedding.”
You feel your cheeks heating up a bit. “I…I don’t see why that couldn’t be arranged—”
“Ideally, I’d also like the two of you to have confessed your love for each other by then, too—”
“Stoooooooop, you don’t know that he’s in love with me. This could be totally one sided.”
“Or,” Tonya pokes her head out from the curtain, “he could be completely head over heals for you and one of you just needs to make a move already.”
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“What the—do you need help?” Dustin moves towards you to help with the balancing act of carrying all your presents into the Munson house. He grabs a few gifts and ushers you inside. 
“Thanks Dustin,” you say, heading towards the Christmas tree that is filled even more so now than it was when you left Saturday morning. “It’s starting to look like Santa wont have any room to bring presents.”
“We’re going to take care of most of that tonight,” Jeff says with a smile as he pushes Eddie’s chair into the living room. 
 Eddie looked very handsome tonight in his red sweater and black slacks. It even looked like he took his time to properly do his hair today. You loved when Eddie would let you get his curls looking just right with a little product and styling.
“Hey,” he waved to you, more reserved than his normal goofy self.
“Well, hey there hot stuff. You look really nice tonight,” you say, leaning in to give him a hug. He went rigid for a moment before melting into the embrace. 
“About time you got here,” Mike calls from the kitchen, causing you to jump back. “You better hurry up and get some of this pizza before Gareth freaking eats it all.”
“Dude, I’m hungry!” Gareth shouts defensively. Will puts a hand on his shoulder to comfort him as everyone laughs them off.
“Where’s your friend,” you ask the room, scanning it for a new face. The boys said they had convinced their friend Lucas to finally come to a Hellfire meeting after several long months.
“He should be here soon,” Dustin says in an overly reassuring way.
“Yeah, I’ll believe it when I see it,” Mike scoffs.
“You were there, dude. He said he would come.”
“He said he would think about it. Never said he was gonna show up for sure.”
“If Sinclair shows up, we’ll greet him with open arms,” Eddie speaks up, “And if he doesn’t…well,” the room stills,”...there will always be other Hellfire Club meetings.”
Before the game begins, the boys take turns passing around gifts to each other. You’ve never seen so many sets of colourful dice in your entire life, but they all seemed very excited to receive them. Eddie was given a few band shirts and some cool looking records as well. He was so grateful for each gift he was given, a constant roll of thanks coming from him.
For a moment, you thought he might be getting overwhelmed when you saw a him wipe away a tear. You rest your hand on his arm, but he waves you off and reassures that he’s just really, really happy. It made your heart feel full to see him in such a good place. The amount of growth he’s done in such a short time never ceases to amaze you.
Eventually the game started rolling. You took the opportunity to clean up the mess of wrapping paper that was littered across the living room. The boys tried to get you to join them, but you told them that you wouldn’t be as fun to play with since you’d ask so many questions.
But Eddie still managed to keep you returning to the table. A few beers deep, he decided to skip his nighttime pain med. This led to his hands starting to ache (allegedly), which meant he needed you to roll his dice for him. Even if you knew it was just his way of getting you to hang out and avoid the pile of laundry that was staring you down, you let him have his fun and played along.
“Another 20!” You shout, jumping up and down. Eddie laughs manically while the rest of the table groans and protests.
“Maybe it’s a good thing she didn’t play with us,” Dustin says shaking his head. You stick your tongue out at him and he makes a face back at you.
But the feeling of something touching your back pulls you from the playful banter. Looking around, you realize Eddie has his hand resting on your lower back, rubbing small circles there as he refocuses on the game. It’s not an unwelcome touch by any means, but it does feel very intimate all things considered. 
And it’s only made worse as his hand moves completely across your back, not stopping to trace back and almost hooking you around the waist. He pulls you closer to him until your bodies are flush, besides where the wheelchair separates you. His head rests against you, all of his attention on the game, making the action feel like a subconscious move. 
You weren’t going to make a scene about it, so you instead embrace the affection and let your hand rest on his opposite shoulder. From the corner of your eye you see the smile on his face grow until his dimples are on full display.
At the end of the night, the boys made their exit, leaving the pizza and drinks for you and Eddie to indulge in for the next day. Lucas never showed, but Dustin and Mike seemed determined to make him come out soon.
Once the boys were loaded up and down the drive way, you went straight to the sink to get to work on the dishes. But, before you could get passed the threshold of the kitchen, Eddie gently grabbed your wrist to still you.
“What’s wrong Edward?” You tease. His flush cheeks told you that he let himself go a little more than usually when he drinks.
“Shhhh don’t say my name like that,” he says with a slur of his words.
“Why not? It’s you’re name isn’t it?”
“Makes me feel like I’m in trouble or something.”
“Oh, do you feel guilty about something?”
You didn’t think that your words would hit any chords with Eddie. But the silly outward expression suddenly turned into one of shock. The air shifted in a spit second and you were instantly on damage control.
“What’s wrong?” You ask, fully facing him. Eddie looked like he was on the verge of tears, eyes getting glassier by the second. His body moves as a sob escapes from him, and any resolve Eddie had was gone as he lets everything go.
You crouch in front of him, hands on his shoulders as he begins to wail, body shaking as he lets everything out.
“H-he didn’t--did’t-didn’t show--show up because of me!” The shaky words come out, and you instantly realize the error of your wording.
You pull him into you, letting him cry into your shoulder as you pet his hair, holding him tightly to comfort him
“Shhh, Eddie, nooo,” you speak low next to his ear. “You’re not to blame for what happened. You were a victim, too, Eddie. There isn’t anything you could have done—”
“If I had just died—if Dustin had just left me there instead of finding Steve and Robin…They-they—” 
Eddie starts to hyperventilate. His head lifts from your shoulder as he struggled to get his breath. You jump to your feet and run to the kitchen to grab a paper bag that had been left from the gas station beers. You run back to him and instruct him to breath into it, coaching him to imitate you as you demonstrate taking deep breaths.
After a few minutes, Eddie is able to somewhat calm himself down. Tears still rolling down his cheeks, he leans back into his chair, running his hands over his face and through his hair. You can tell he’s avoiding looking at you. But you’re not sure if its out of shame or if he’ upset with you.
“Eddie?” You ask quietly. He flinches, but slowly lowers his head until he’s facing you, his eyes looking downwards rather than at you. But it’s good enough for you.
“Eddie, I’m sorry—”
“Don’t.” His voice is still wobbly, eyes closing again as he breathes in.
“No, Eddie, you need to listen to me. Okay?”
Eddie looks at you, almost through you, but you take the silence as the signal to continue.
“Eddie…I know it might be hard to understand. But…whatever happened back in March…it’s not your fault.” His eyes shift and he starts to blink rapidly, but he doesn’t speak. “I can understand why you think that your friend is mad at you, but I think you know he’s not. He’s just worried about your other friend, Max. And whatever happened to Max…you didn’t force that monster to do that to her. Nor did you make him hurt the other victims.”
Eddie takes in a sharp breath, coming out haggard as you can tell he’s trying to hold back from crying again.
“And whatever happened to you…” You take his hands in yours, looking at the scared skin that decorates it. You let your hands fall against his thighs, just above where his leg is amputated. “Was not your fault.”
“You’ll never understand,” he says suddenly, catching you off guard. “You don’t know what actually happened.”
“Then, tell me Eddie. Help me understand.”
Eddie’s eyes scan your face. Then his head shakes, his curls whipping around as he does.
“I can’t. Even if I wanted to I…I just can’t.”
You nod, “And that’s okay. You don’t have to tell me. Because I don’t think my mind would change even if I did know.”
“Can I go outside?” He asks, pulling his hands from yours.
“Sure,” you say with a smile. “Maybe we can get you showered and ready for bed after?”
“Yeah, okay,” he says, pushing himself to the door. 
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“Just hand me the lighter, asshole.”
Gareth’s hand reaches across the coffee table impatiently for Eddie to hand him the bright red lighter after the joint they were passing around had gone out.
“Nope, only people who tell the truth get to use my lighter,” Eddie says holding the lighter to his chest.
“Eddie, don’t press him. He doesn’t want to talk about it,” you say, taking a sip from your concoction of a drink that Grant’s girlfriend, Tina, made for you. You lean into him so that only he could hear you. “How would you feel if someone was pestering Wayne about Ben like that?”
That seemed to shut Eddie up. He finally tossed the lighter to Gareth, who wasted no time in lighting the joint back up.
“So, how did Christmas at the Munson’s go?” Jeff asks, plopping down on the couch next to Eddie, handing him another beer.
“It was, and I am not exaggerating,” Eddie starts with a slight slur of his words, “probably the best Christmas I’ve ever had. Like, this one right here?” He points his thumb to you. “I didn’t think I’d ever know what it feels like to be spoiled, but that’s definitely how she treated me.”
“Wait a second,” you scoff, “I did not spoil you. I just found some things that I thought you’d like and figured I’d get them for you.” You shrug, giving Tina, Grant's girlfriend, a look of feigned innocence as you turned to face her. The two of you had been doing quite a bit of chatting since you arrived, instantly clicking as you two seemed to have a lot in common.
She did ask you how long you and Eddie had been together, however. And you had to awkwardly explain that you were just his caregiver. It made you wonder what Grant had to be telling her about you and Eddie for her to think that the two of you were together.
“Did you get her anything?” Grant asks, nodding to you.
“Of course,” Eddie says with faux offense. “I bought her some of the lotion that she keeps in her bag, some of her favorite snacks, a copy of her favorite movie that she said she lost when she moved, and a study book for school.”
“You also got me a whole box full of snacks,” you say, nudging him.
“That was just because you are constantly talking about how you wish you had this or that when we’re watching a movie or something,”
“Are you sure you are not dating?” Tina leans in and asks you with genuine curiosity.
The guys laugh, but you reassure her that you’re not.
“When you spend as much time together as we do, you tend to pick up on each other’s interests. I’m sure you and Grant are the same way.”
“We are,” she says with an enthusiastic nod, “Because we are dating.”
“Shh, hey, the ball is gonna drop!”
The small TV in Grant’s living room shows that only 15 seconds remain until the ball is about to drop. You move closer to Eddie to see the TV better, and he wraps an arm around your shoulder to pull you into him. 
Everyone’s eyes are on the TV as the countdown begins. As the numbers go down, you rapidly reflect on 1986. 
The beginning half of the year seemed uneventful compared to the latter in the grand scheme of things. You recall all the highs and lows that you and Eddie have been in together since you first met, when you realized that what you were feeling was more than it should ever be and how you’ll likely never get the chance to do so. 
But you also reflect on the wonderful new friends that you’ve made, including Wayne, who you hoped was having a good night with Ben. And the younger boys, who said they were going to the hospital to spend the new year with Lucas and Max. 
Only a few seconds remain, so you turn to face Eddie, whose eyes were still on the small screen. An idea came across your mind. You pucker your lips, gearing up to plant a fat kiss on his cheek once the ball dropped. You were sure we would be embarrassed getting a cheek kiss in front of his friends, but doubted he could keep a grudge long. 
As the room cheered at the end of the countdown, you closed your eyes and leaned in. 
But you instantly knew something was off once your lips made contact. Instead of the textured skin you were expecting, you felt softness against your lips. 
And when you opened your eyes, you were met with chocolate brown ones looking right back at you. Eyebrows raised into bewilderment, it took you a few seconds to process what was happening. 
Then it hits you. 
You were kissing Eddie. And he wasn't stopping you.
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thank you for reading!
a/n: hello! I wanted to make all of the readers of this series aware that I have decided to change up the direction I’m going with it. I feel like I’m straying away from some important elements and I want to try and regroup starting from part 6 and onwards. I plan on keeping some plot points I previously had planned, but they may just be executed differently than I intended. I dont believe the changes will have an affect on the story so far, but still felt that I should mention it.
Again, thank you all for being patient with me and I hope to have the next part out here sooner than later <3
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mariacrow · 10 months
Hey! Wanted to let you know I absolutely adore your writing!
Can I get a request for jealous bayverse bumblebee x reader where reader has just recently gotten a new gaming device and has stayed indoors more often since? He would absolutely miss taking them out for rides
I'd like to think he'd use clips from the song PS5 to talk about it, but that's totally up to you haha
Thank you, friend! 🌻 I’m glad you enjoy my writing 💛 here’s a gift for you 🐝
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❁ Bumblebee x reader ❁
2nd person
female reader
takes place in reader’s backyard and house
jealousy, clinginess, needy for attention
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You heard someone tapping on your bedroom window while you were playing video games. You kept the curtains down for a couple of days now so the light wouldn’t distract you from the screen. You didn’t see who it was but you knew nonetheless. You were too busy having fun with your new console so you didn’t budge.
“Bee! I know it’s you!”
“Stop that! You’re going to break the window!” you shouted while not getting your eyes off the screen.
You could hear him buzzing like a sad bumblebee as he once again, but this time gently, tapped your window.
He made you pause your game. Sighing in irritation, you stood up and spread the curtains. You were welcomed by the sight of Bee’s wide puppy optics and his servo on the window. He let out a sad buzz once again.
“Bee. What do you want?”
To what his optics only widened as his muzzle wobbled.
“I’m busy, can’t you see?” you said and closed the curtains again.
But oh, he’s stubborn. He won’t give up until you give him the attention he wants. He wants Y/N’s cuddles now and he’s gonna get ‘em!
It was quiet until you heard him trying to open your window from the outside.
“That ain’t gonna work, Bee!” you said while trying to concentrate on the game.
He’s smart though. He sneaked one of his wires through the window crack and unlocked it, opening it and scooting away the curtains. He peaked his head into your bedroom and happily buzzed as his antennas wriggled.
“WHA- you’re unbelievable!” you said through a chuckle. You can’t be mad at him, JUST LOOK AT HIM. HE’S ADORABLE.
“Great, you made me lose my game.”
He reached with his servo inside and grabbed your console, ripping it out from the outlet and dragging it outside.
“WHAT ARE YOU- HEY! CAREFUL, IT’S FRAGILE!” you rushed to your window to see him holding it in the air.
He crossed his arms and tapped his foot on the ground like an angry parent.
“Beeeee… come on man…”
“You were playing— too long!— Time for a break!” he sulked over the radio.
“I was about to! After that match!”
“You always say that!”
“Please give it back! You’re going to break it!”
He shook his helm, lifting his chin and pouting, holding it higher in the air.
“Okaaaay.. What do I need to do?”
He opened his one optic, giving you a side eye. He then leaned closer to you and tapped his cheek plate, happily buzzing. Indicating he wants a kiss.
He made you giggle, “So that’s what this is all about huh~?” you said and leaned to give him a kiss but this cheeky little bastard turned his helm in the last moment so you ended up kissing his muzzle. You didn’t mind though, you giggled as he gave a happy little dance shuffle.
He then grabbed you and yeeted your console back inside, damaging it.
He laughed as he transformed and so you found yourself inside the Camaro.
“You broke it!!!”
“Nothing— Ratchet— can’t fix.” he said as he floored it, heading to the main streets, taking you out for a ride.
You couldn’t help but laugh. You slouched in your seat, “How can I possibly be mad at you?”
“I missed you…”
“I know, Bee… I’m sorry…” you rubbed the steering wheel, “It was kinda selfish… I promise I won’t be so irresponsible anymore.”
He happily buzzed and played “Sunflower” by Post Malone and Swae Lee on the radio.
“Get ready for the ride of your life, beautiful~!” he used a movie quote.
You finally realized no console or game can replace your actual loved ones. You two enjoyed each other’s company like you used to as you rode into the sunset…
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Dividers belong to @patches-1105 and @lostsozai
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getosbigballsack · 1 year
Okaaaay I saw the challenge and thats a lil self indulgent BUY I DARE U TO write a reader who reads smut and is casual bout that but shes virgin if ur ok w that?? It could be established relationship w Gojou or best friends Gojo&Geto then poly.. idk bout time limit since its up to u but lets say 5 days-1 week 🖤 hope u liked the prompt and dont rush urself love
𝑨𝒏 𝑰𝒏𝒏𝒐𝒄𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑹𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕
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𝑪𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒈𝒆! 𝑮𝒆𝒕𝒐 𝑺𝒖𝒈𝒖𝒓𝒖 𝒙 𝑽𝒊𝒓𝒈𝒊𝒏! 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒙 𝑪𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒈𝒆! 𝑮𝒐𝒋𝒐 𝑺𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒖
𝑺𝒚𝒏𝒐𝒑𝒔𝒊𝒔: 𝑺𝒎𝒖𝒕 𝒉𝒂𝒔 𝒂𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝒃𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒍𝒊𝒇𝒆 𝒔𝒖𝒑𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕 𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒍 𝑮𝒐𝒋𝒐 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑮𝒆𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒆𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓. 𝑳𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒈𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒖𝒑 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒗𝒊𝒓𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒕𝒐 𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒔𝒎𝒖𝒕 𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒗𝒊𝒅𝒆.
𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈: 𝑰 𝑫𝑰𝑫 𝑵𝑶𝑻 𝑬𝑫𝑰𝑻 𝑻𝑯𝑰𝑺 𝑺𝑻𝑶𝑹𝒀 𝑺𝑶 𝑻𝑯𝑬𝑹𝑬 𝑾𝑰𝑳𝑳 𝑩𝑬 𝑻𝒀𝑷𝑶𝑺. 𝑽𝒊𝒓𝒈𝒊𝒏 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓, 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒔𝒆𝒙, 𝒐𝒓𝒂𝒍 𝒔𝒆𝒙, 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒓𝒚, 𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔, 𝒅𝒂𝒅𝒅𝒚 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒌, 𝒔𝒑𝒊𝒕 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒌, 𝒔𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒍𝒚 𝒃𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒌.
𝑨/𝑵: 𝑴𝒂𝒏 𝑰 𝒉𝒂𝒅 𝒇𝒖𝒏 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝑰 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒎𝒚 𝒆𝒚𝒆𝒔 𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒃𝒆𝒚𝒐𝒏𝒅 𝒎𝒚 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒍 𝑰 𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔. 𝑫𝒂𝒎𝒏. 𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕. 𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒖𝒑 𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒚 𝑮𝒆𝒕𝒐 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑮𝒐𝒋𝒐 𝑯𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒍𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒓𝒆. 𝑫𝒂𝒎𝒏... 𝒍𝒐𝒍. 𝑰 𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒊𝒕.
𝑾𝑪: 8.4𝒌
𝑹𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒏✯ 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑮𝒆𝒕𝒐 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑮𝒐𝒋𝒐 𝑯𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝑳𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑫𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒓𝒆✯
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“Hey buttercup, what are you doing?” your best friend Satoru asked as he walked into the living room to see you scrolling through your phone. 
“Nothing just the usual,” answered as you continued to read the comments underneath your tumblr post. 
“Just the usual as in?” he asked as he walked over to you and sat beside you on the couch. 
“You know the usual,” you answered yet again as you excited the app and went on Lezhin to read that new bl that you’ve been reading as of lately. 
“The usual, as in read smut stories online?” he asked as yanked the phone from your hand to see if what was on the screen and to his surprise it was a smut story. “Of course you’re reading smut stories.”
“And so?” you questioned as you yanked your phone from his hand went back to reading. 
“You should stop reading these stories,” he suggested and you scoffed. Yeah as if that’ll ever happen, you mumbled to yourself as you got up from the sofa and went inside the kitchen to see your other best friend Geto scrolling through his instagram text messages. He’s probably looking for a chick he could hook up with over the weekend. “The more you read those stories, the stupider you get. 
You would’ve left him if it wasn’t for the fact that you wanted his opinion on you reading smut stories. So you screamed. “SUGURU.”
“Yes, sugarplum,” he answered with a heavy sigh heaving from his lips as he rested his phone face down on the kitchen island before turning around to look at you. 
“Satoru said I should stop reading smut stories. Do you agree with him? He said that if I continue to read smut stories, I’ll get stupid.”
Geto chuckled as he glanced over to look at Gojo who was silently laughing at you. “Yeah I sort of agree with him.”
“WHAT?!! You're taking his side?” you asked with a pout forming on your lips. 
“No, I’m not. It’s just that you’re 23 olds and you're still reading smut stories,” he said as he got up from the stool that was around the kitchen island and then walked over to you to pat your head. “I think you should stop reading smut stories and go experience what sex is like for yourself.”
You scoffed at this. WHAT does he mean by you should go experience what sex is like? You had no need to do that as a matter of fact, “I’m pretty experienced when it comes on to sex. I know a lot more than you jerk bags do.”
Gojo busted out laughing as he got up from the sofa and walked over to you. “Oh yeah and what do you know about sex.”
You began to stutter, “Well… well I know that you have many different ways to experience or to have sex. Like I know what vanilla sex is, I know what BDSM sex is, I know what oral sex is, gay sex, lesbian sex and even anal sex. I also know that in order for a female to cum, you’ll have to thrust deep while touching her clit.” You took a deep breath and then you went on to say. “I also know different types of kinks, like spit kink and daddy kink. I also know about size kink and other stuff.”
“Yeah but knowing those basic stuff doesn’t prove that you’re experienced,” Gojo said while laughing at you. “Knowing what those are and experiencing them are two different things, Buttercup.”
“We already know that you would’ve known the different ways to have sex and kink. But do you know how it feels?” Geto asked as he continued to pat your head. 
“Do I really need to have sex to be experienced?” you asked. 
“Yes, yes you do,” Gojo answered as he continued to laugh.
You didn’t know what to say as it regards Gojo's response, and on top of that you were beginning to feel embarrassed. So as usual whenever you’re embarrassed, you’d yell, “Baka. Baka Sugu. Baka Toru.” 
Geto only chuckled as he watched as your cute cheeks puffed out from embarrassment. My sweet little innocent Y/N what will I ever do with you? Geto thought as he pulled his hand away from your head to stroke the apple of your cheeks. “No need to feel embarrassed. If you think that you’re experienced then I’ll let you be. However, don't you wanna experience what sex is?”
A smirk formed itself upon Gojo’s face as he stared down at you. “Yeah, don’t you wanna know what it feels like to actually have oral sex or maybe BDSM sex. Oh and to know what size kink and Suguru’s personal favourite, daddy kink is?”
You said nothing, you only pulled away from their touch and tried to walk away from them. However Gojo was quick to grab onto your arm and pulled you towards them. “Let me go dumbass.”
“Now, now sugar plum,” Geto said to you before grabbing your cheeks and turning your face towards him. “Answer me, don’t you wanna experience what it feels like to have sex. Hm?” He then kissed your cheek and then your earlobe before whispering. “Don’t you wanna have a taste of what sex is? Aren’t you tired of reading your little stories? It won’t hurt to try out what you’ve been reading, you know.”
“He’s right Y/N,” Gojo said as he placed his hand on your head to play with your hair. “Those little stories won’t be able to satisfy you any longer.”
“N… not true. I don’t need to have sex to be experienced. I’ll continue to read my smut,” you stuttered. 
They both chuckled and released you from their hold. “Alright then Buttercup. Have it your way. Whenever you get bored of your stories and change your mind then you know where my bedroom is,” Gojo said before turning around and walking away from you. 
Geto followed suit, but not without saying, “Just don’t keep daddy waiting too long.” 
It’s been two weeks since they openly asked you to have sex with them. Well they never said, Y/N let have sex together, but based upon what they said to you that day, it would have been hard to interpret that as anything else. You sighed heavily as you hugged your textbooks tightly to your chest as you walked out of the building with your best friend Toniann by your side. 
“Bitch guess who asked me out yesterday?” she squealed as she flipped her newly done braids behind her back. 
“Who?” you asked out of curiosity.
“You know that hot girl that’s always hanging out with Geto and Gojo?” she asked as she bit into her teeth. 
“Who is Ieiri Shoko?” you asked and she shook her head yes before squealing. “BITCH… No fucking way you’re going out with her.”
“I mean last night, we were out talking and having a drink and then the next thing you know, we were in the back of my car and I was getting fingered and strapped the fuck down. God mama Ieiri is so fucking sexy. Can you believe that she walks around with a strap on dil…”
“Hold the fuck up,” you said cutting Toniann’s story short. “You had sex with Shoko.”
“Bitch I just said that,” she replied. “She offered to have sex with me and I wanted to know what it felt like to have sex with a lesbian. I wanted to have that experience you know and I’m glad I did, because right now all I can think about is her fingers, her pretty boobs and that dildo.”
So, your best friend had sex with Shoko, just to have that experience and as that thought ran through your head. You immediately remembered the conversation between yourself, Geto and Gojo. And without thinking much you asked Toniann, “Do I need to have sex in order to be experienced?”
Toniann stopped a bit and thought about your question before answering. “Yeah you do.”
“But I read smut though, doesn’t that count as being experienced?” you asked. 
Toniann laughed at you before responding, “Having knowledge about something and being experienced are two different things. In order to know what sex is you’ll have to experience it. Your smut books won’t be enough.”
“Whatever,” you mumbled under your breath and Toniann laughed before she went to tell you about her experience with Shoko. 
Another week had passed and you were getting a bit annoyed with everything. Well not everything, just your smut books. Reading them wasn’t fun anymore (just like Gojo said before). And on top of that you were starting to feel a little frustrated. 
You were having a tingling uncomfortable feeling down below. You didn’t know if it was because you were trying to find excitement while reading smut, or the fact that you couldn’t stop thinking about Geto and Gojo’s offer to have sex with you. 
You tossed your phone on the bed, fell face forward into your pillows and screamed. What the fuck is wrong with me? You screamed at yourself. You didn’t know what to do. The smuts weren’t entertaining anymore and your body just felt like you were in heat, or at least you thought you were. Because based upon what you read while reading those omegaverse stories, they claimed that whenever the alpha is in a rut or the omega is in heat, their bodies would usually feel hot and burning. 
But you weren’t no FUCKING OMEGA. You just had to start accepting the fact that you’re just fucking horny virgin and your best friends offer sounds tempting. And also your smut books weren’t satisfying you anymore. 
What were you going to do? You can’t just walk in and ask them to have sex with you. That’ll be embarrassing. Plus you also had to remember that you’re a virgin. So what were you going to do? 
You sighed heavily to yourself before whispering, “Let’s start off simple, Y/N. You’ve read enough smut stories, you should know what to do.”
And you did. You changed into one of Gojo’s t-shirts and the socks that Geto bought for you and then lastly you took off your panties. You once read in a Tokyo Revengers fanfic that guys loved it when girls wore oversized t-shirts, socks and no panties. You just hoped that your best friends would approve. 
You sighed heavily to yourself as you walked out of your room and went towards Gojo’s room since his room was the closest to yours. You released another sigh as you rested your hand on his door knob and slowly twisted it. “T- Toru?” you called as you opened to see if he was inside, and to your luck he was there, just laying down on his bed scrolling through his phone. 
“Yeah?” he answered as he looked away from his phone to give you his attention. “What’s up?”
He watched as you bit your lips as you slowly entered his room. His eyes widened a bit when he saw you walking in his room wearing one of his t-shirts that you stole from his closet. What’s this?, he asked himself. “Can you cuddle with me?” 
He tilted his head to the side a bit as he stared at you up and down. You don’t normally ask him to cuddle you. You’d normally ask Geto since Geto was the one who babied you the most. So why him? Why all of a sudden? 
“Toru?” you called from him yet again. 
He squinted his eyes a bit, but eventually he told you, “Alright come and let me cuddle you, Buttercup.” 
You nodded your head as you grabbed the end of his t-shirt to keep it from riding up your thighs. And as you slowly made your way on his bed, Gojo quickly shot Geto a text saying, 
Gojo: Buttercup is acting weird. She just asked me to cuddle with her. Isn’t that your job? 
Geto responded immediately. 
Geto: What?
Gojo: Exactly
Geto: I’m coming over. Gonna shower and bring some snacks.
Gojo rested his phone on the bed shortly after and opened up his arms for you. You smiled at him before laying your tiny head on his chest and throwing an arm around his torso, and a leg over his thigh. You had to fix your leg in a way so that he won’t feel your naked pussy on his leg.
“Wanna watch a movie?” he asked as he grabbed the remote that was on the bed and turned on his tv. You mumbled yes against his chest and he hummed back at you before logging on to netflix. 
It didn’t take him that long to find a show for you to watch and once it was on, he wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him. “What are we watching?”
“365 days,” he answered. 
You said nothing, you only stared at the television as you tried to think of a way to ask him to have sex with and maybe just maybe bring Geto along for the ride. You didn’t know why but you felt more comfortable asking Gojo these questions since Gojo has always been so casual about it. But how the fuck were you going to ask him. 
About 11 minutes had passed since you both began watching the movie and you were so caught up in your thoughts, you didn’t realise what was going on until you heard a slight gagging sound. You were quickly snapped out of your thoughts and when you glanced at the television, you saw a girl, well she looked like an air hostess giving the guy who you presume to be the male lead a blowjob. Your eyes widened when you saw the screen switched back to the female lead who was playing with herself. 
You were about to hide your face into Gojo's chest but he quickly grabbed your chin and then whispered, “Don’t look away.” You gulped and kept your eyes on the screen. A smirk formed itself upon his face when he felt your leg shift on his thigh and your body trembled slightly. “It looks fun right, Buttercup?” he asked and you shook your head yes. The scene didn’t last long, but it did grab your attention for the rest of the show. During that time, you shifted so many times you didn’t even realise that the shirt you had on was exposing your naked bottom and that your naked, wet pussy was on Gojo’s thigh. 
It wasn’t until 30 minutes into the show when Geto quietly entered the room and immediately stopped when he saw how you were positioned on Gojo. Gojo saw Geto from the corner of his eyes and when he was about to call for him, he noticed that his best friend's focus was something and that when he realised that your bottom was exposed. And that’s when he also realised that your wet pussy was rubbing on his thigh. 
He chuckled and so did Geto. You were so cute and so oblivious to the fact that they found out that you were naked underneath the shirt. “And what do we have here?” Geto finally asked as he closed the door behind him. You turned to look at him and smiled. He smiled back as he walked over to the bed and sat down beside you. He then rested the snacks on a chair that was beside Gojo’s bed before resting his hand on your hips and it made you gasp a bit. 
“You’ve got a cute little butt here, Sugarplum,” Geto commented as he moved his hand from your hips and pulled up the shirt you had on a bit to show more of your naked butt. “And a cute little pussy too.”
“Cute and wet little pussy you mean,” Gojo said as his hand shifted from around your waist to rub your naked ass cheek. “She’s been rubbing her little pussy on my thighs for a while now.”
And the moment he said that, it was then that you realised that they both found out that you’re naked underneath. You were quick to pull away from them but as you were about to hop off the bed, Gojo quickly caught your hand and pulled you back on the bed. 
“Shit!” You mumbled to yourself. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” Gojo asked as he reached for your shirt yet again to pull it up a bit to expose your naked underneath, but you pulled it back down to keep yourself covered. “I told you she was acting weird, Su. Our Buttercup usually doesn’t ask to cuddle with me. So I knew she had to have a reason to ask me out of the blue.”
“Yeah, I know. But I didn’t expect this,” he said with a smirk riding upon his lips. 
“Me either. Not that I’m complaining though,” Gojo said as he grabbed both your hands with one hand and used the other to pull the shirt up yet again. “But, I’m curious. Why are you naked?”
Your cheeks began to burn from embarrassment as they both looked down at your naked pussy. God you were so embarrassed and what’s even more embarrassing was that wet patch on Gojo’s thigh. FUCK!
“Hm? Not that I don’t like the fact that you’re cuddling up with me when you're naked underneath your clothes. But why?” Gojo asked. Your lips began to tremble as you tried your hardest to answer his question. 
The answer was simple. You were horny and you wanted to have a sexual experience with both him and Geto. But how he fuck we’re you going to say that out of your mouth to your best friends. “Come on Buttercup why?” he asked again. 
You swallowed thickly as you glanced at the television to see another sex scene on the screen. They guy was getting heads once again. “Y/n, focus,” Geto said sternly as he grabbed your chin and turned your face towards Gojo. “Gojo asked you a question, didn't he? I expect you to give him an answer.”
You didn’t want to, but you had to because you knew that they weren’t going to let you go or ask you anything else until you answer this question. So without even thinking about what to say, you blurted out, “I was horny and I… I wanted to a-ask you a-and Su for help.”
“Why? I thought you said that your smut books were enough,” Gojo teased while licking his lips. 
You huffed a bit before answering, “ I-it was, b-but then you b-both just had to… to be an asshole and ruining smut for me and t-then have the a-audacity to tempt me with such a tempting offer. Fuck you jerk bags.”
Gojo smirked and Geto chuckled. God you were so cute they almost wanted to tease you a bit more. But the sight of you pouting and sitting so cutely while being naked on Gojo’s bed just made their cocks hard. “So you want us to take care of you, Buttercup?” Gojo asked and you shook your head yes. 
“Are you sure, Sugarplum? Remember you’re a virgin,” Geto asked as he stroked your cheeks.
“Yes I’m sure… just please,” you said as you continued to pout at them.
“Turn off the T.V, Toru. Sugarplum wants her little pussy to be played with,” And with that said Gojo released your shirt to turn off the TV while Geto undressed you slowly.
“So pretty,” Gojo said as he pulled his shirt over his head and took a seat beside you on the bed. “Such a pretty little body you’ve got here, Buttercup.” 
“What are you going to do?” you asked. 
“You’ll see, Buttercup you’ll see.”
Who would have thought that you were going to lose your virginity to either one of your best friends? You could have never imagined that you would have even thought about having sex with either of these whores. 
But there you were with your head thrown back against Gojo’s shoulders, while his fingers pinched your perky nipples while the other hand slowly massaged your little clit. Geto was sitting between your open legs; his hand rubbing up and down on your thigh as he was just staring at your pussy while he thought about who should be the one to take your virginity. 
He wouldn’t mind being the one to pop your cherry, but Gojo seemed like the better fit since he was more experienced with virgins. And also he just wanted to sit back and watch as Gojo bruised your pretty pussy. 
His train of thought was broken at the sound of you gasping when Gojo pressed his finger tips at your entrance. “Feels good, Buttercup?” He asked as he pressed a kiss on your forehead as he gently brushed his hand over your soft naked flesh, only moving his hand for a bit just to give Geto another view of your pretty little pussy. 
“Yes… yes,” you answered from trembling lips as you unconsciously spread your legs a bit further for the both of them to see your virgin hole. Geto grunted as he watched Gojo's finger pressed into your pretty cunt, which caused your pussy to be a little too wet and they haven’t even started anything as yet. Your tiny, yet smooth outer vagina lips were so slick that Geto could see your arousal coating Gojo’s fingers. 
Gojo licked his lips and mumbled, “You’re so wet,” and then he ran his digits between your folds to collect more of your slick that was pooling from your glistening cunt. “So fucking wet and I haven’t even put my finger in.”
You whimpered at his touch as you lifted a hand and rested it over his hand that was squeezing your boob. “Please,” you mumbled as you lifted your hips slightly for just a bit more stimulation.
“You want me to finger you? Do you want to feel my long fingers thrusting inside your cute little pussy?” he asked as he kissed your forehead yet again. You shook your head yes and he chuckled before looking over at Geto who was just smiling. “What do you say Sugu, should I finger our pretty baby?” He asked Geto as he thumbed at your clit while his hand continued to fondle your breast. 
“Let me have a taste first,” Geto said and Gojo grinned as he pulled his hand away from your cunt and shoved his fingers towards Geto’s face. You both watched as Geto leaned forward and opened his mouth to welcome Gojo’s fingers that were coated with your juices. Geto hummed against Gojo’s fingers, his eyes rolling to the back of his head at the taste of your sweet pussy juice. 
“Fuck you taste so good,” Geto mumbled as Gojo pulled his fingers from his best friend’s mouth and pressed them against your clit yet again. Your back arched slightly in his hap when his fingers slowly and gently rubbed at your clit which had you gasping yet again. 
“Mhmm…” you whimpered as your hips bucked to hump against his fingers. Gojo licked his lips and so did Geto. Their cock were straining heavily against the cotton fabric of the boxers - oh how they just can’t wait to fuck that cute little pussy you’ve been keeping from them all this time. 
Such a pretty sight, Geto thought as he watched as your pussy dripped from Gojo’s light touches. To think that he would have loved the sight of your wet pussy this much was driving him crazy. He wanted to taste you, fuck you but he also wanted to watch as Gojo to fuck you into oblivion. 
He was losing it. 
“Gonna give you what you want , Buttercup,” Gojo whispered as he slowly slipped his middle finger inside your pussy, sighing softly to himself at the feeling of your warm, wet pussy wrapping around his finger. 
Your lips parted slightly to release a breathy moan, your hips buckling once more as he slowly thrust his finger in and out of your virgin hole. He pulled his finger from your cunt and thrust it into his mouth to also have a taste of your pussy. “So sweet,” he moaned around his finger, before slowly pulling it from his lips and thrust it back into you. 
He pulled back out and stuffed his finger inside you, slowly dragging his finger against your hot, gummy walls. He was enjoying the feeling of your pussy clenching tightly around his finger. Carefully - he slipped in another, curling them just a bit to touch your sweet spot. You moaned his name as he kept his steady rhythm that had your hips meeting his every thrust. 
God. they both thought you looked so beautiful falling apart from Gojo’s fingers. 
Geto couldn’t hold himself back anymore. He quickly yanked Gojo’s fingers from your cunt and licked them clean before grabbing both your thighs and tossed them over his shoulders. You gasped and Gojo chuckled as his other hand moved to fondle your other lonely boob. 
Geto licked his lips as he got comfortable between your legs on his tummy and lined his face up with your cunt. “He loves eating pussy you see,” Gojo whispered as Geto pressed his nose into your wet pussy and took a long sniff. “He’s gonna make a mess out of you.”
“Fuck, she smells so good Toru,” Geto mumbled as he laid his tongue flat against your clit. A deep groan rumbled in the back of his throat from how sweet you tasted in his mouth. A cry fell from your lips from the contact, your thighs clamped tightly around his head as he swiftly licked at your cunt and wrapped his arms around thighs to keep you steady as he feast upon your nectar. 
“Fuck, you’re so cute,” Gojo whispered as he let go off your breast and grabbed your chin. He tilted your head back, smiled at you before pressing his lips against yours. It was his first time kissing you and though you were the virgin here, he felt like he was going to turn a puddle. Your lips felt so soft as you moved them so innocently against his like this was your very first kiss and he dared to think that this was your first kiss. 
And as much as Geto wanted to lay there and watch as you made out with his best friend, he wanted you to pay attention to him. He quickly detached his lips from your pussy, removed one hand from your thigh and slapped your clit. You gasped and pulled your lips away from Gojo to look down at Geto who was now smirking at you. 
“Focus on daddy, sugarplum. You’ll be able to focus on Toru soon enough, since he’s going to be the one to take your virginity,” Geto said as dragged his tongue between your folds. 
“I am?” Gojo asked while grinning. 
“Mhm hm,” Geto responded as he licked between your folds yet again. “I wanna watch you screw over our pretty baby.” 
“You gonna smash after?” Gojo asked. 
“What do you think?” Geto replied with a question. Gojo chuckled, already knowing the answer. Your sweet moaning brought his attention back to you as Geto swiftly moved his tongue between your folds, lapping up all your juices before switching back to suck at your clit in his mouth. Your toes began to curl above his shoulder as your hand reached out to grip his hair that was messily caught in a ponytail. He hummed as he continued to move his tongue against your wet cunt. You felt like it was on fire as he ate you out like a starved man. Your finger grazed his scalp, your hips desperately trying to rut against his face which made him moaned, “Fuck sugarplum… fuck.” 
His lips clamped down against your clit and gently sucked until her thighs started to tremble against his shoulders. He smiled against your pussy and then pressed a kiss against your cunt - he then pulled his mouth away from your pussy, looked up at Gojo who was just staring down at your pretty face. Your eyes were opened and filled with lust, your mouth slightly parted and trembling with need for someone to kiss them.
“Your pussy tastes so sweet, my pretty baby,” Geto said as he pressed another kiss on your messy cunt while his hand rubbed up against your soft thighs. “I want you to cum for daddy now alright. Tell me that you’ll cum for daddy.”
Gojo smirked and bit his lips and watched as you cast your eyes upon Geto as you slowly whispered, “I’ll cum… huh… I’ll cum for daddy.”
You didn’t have much time to process what was yet to cum when Geto dived back in, his mouth covering and greedily sucking on your pussy before he pressed his tongue into you. His nails scraped at your skin while humming and lickking at your sensitive spots. You trembled as though you were being pushed before your wits end as Geto pulled your legs from around his neck and pressed them into the mattress to get a better view while he continued to messily eat your pussy.
Your breathing became heavy, your hand gripped onto hand gripping tightly onto his hair as his mouth moved erotically, it had your pussy throbbing and your walls pulsing from the overwhelming feeling. “Sugu… oh my God… Fuck.” you cried as your orgasm slowly crept up on you. 
“Yes Buttercup, that's it,” Gojo whispered as his best friend continued to assault your swollen clit. “Come on baby, cum all over Sugu’s face.” And that alone had you screaming, your back lurching from Gojo’s chest as tears ran down your cheek as your orgasm crashed on you like a wave. Geto moaned against your cunt while he drank your cum in his mouth. He groaned at the sweet tangy taste of your cunt. Your hips slightly lifted to grind against his face as you rode out your first orgasm of the night. 
He grinned happily against your pussy before kissing your clitand then pulled away to look up at your panting, blissed out expression. You were feeling embarrassed when you looked at both of them as Gojo whispered, “Feels better than those smut books right?” 
“Stop teasing her Toru,” Geto said as he slowly hovered over your body and rested his head against your. “Did you like that?” he asked and he shook his head yes. “Me too. Now that we’ve prepared you; you’re going to lay pretty and let Toru fuck you. I want to watch Toru destroy your pussy?” You slowly shook your head yes and Gojo smiled. 
“Gonna grab the condoms,” Gojo said and left to grab the condom and when he returned he had a condom on his dick and his boxers nowhere to be found. And also if it wasn’t for the fact that you were partially dumb from pleasure then you would have ran away because the size of his cock was not one to be played with especially by a virgin. 
And anyone in their right mind would have ask, “Where the fuck are you going with that?”
Geto was seated in the chair that once held the food as he watched Gojo kiss your lips as Gojo slowly grind his cock against your wet entrance. “Hmm,” Gojo hummed as he shuddered a bit. He had his hands on your thighs spreading you out to open up your cunt a bit more for him. 
“Toru,” you moaned as you pulled away from his lips to stare at him, “Please… don’t hurt me.”
“I won’t,” he whispered as he captured your lips yet again. You hissed against his lips when he pressed the tip at your entrance and slowly… slowly slid his cock inside your pussy. Your lips trembled against his, fingers digging into the flesh of his arms as he continued to slide deeper into you. 
“Toru,” you squealed against his lips, feeling your pussy being stretched out to fit his cock. It hurt but not as bad as you expected it to be. 
“Yes baby,” he answered now that he had completely bottomed out. “So fucking tightly,” he mumbled as he pulled his hips back and thrust deeper into you. Your back arch, your hands falling from his arms to the bed. Your fingers gripped the bed sheets tightly as he pulled out and thrust in again. “Fuck yes.” He groaned as he began to thrust into you at a fast, but not so harsh pace. He was thrusting fast enough to have your pussy weeping, but he was still gentle with his thrust because it was your first time. And he wanted your first time with him to be memorable. The tip of his blushed pink swollen cock head kissed grazed your walls and his heavy ball clapped against your wet cunt with every thrust of his hip.
His cock was snuggled up against your spongy wall, the tip of his cock head desperately trying to find where your g-spot was. And it wasn’t long because the moment his cock rested against that sweet spot, your pussy clenched and your arched against his chest. You moaned out, eyes rolling to the back of your head as you lifted your hands to wrap around his neck and slowly pulled him down for a kiss. You panting against his mouth, your heart beating rapidly against your chest. 
“Toru, feels good,” you moaned against his lips. 
“Yeah… feels so good, Buttercup?” he whispered as your lips before thrusting his tongue past your lips to swallow up your moans and respond to his question. Geto hummed as he stood up to get a better view of your face. Your back arched yet again when Geto’s nibble fingers pinched at your nipples, slowly rolling your aching bud between his fingers. 
Then he bent his head down to whisper in your ears while Gojo’s lips continued to devour yours, “Such a pretty baby, Sugarplum. You love his cock don’t you?” You nodded yes into Gojo’s mouth. 
“Mhm, she’s so tight Sugu. Fuck I don’t know why you’ve been keeping this pussy from me for so ling,” Gojo whispered against your lips as he moved one hand from your thighs and grabbed your hand to lace his fingers with yours. He pressed your hand into the mattress as he continued to fuck his stiff cock inside your warm, wet, soaking pussy. 
Gojo lifted his body from yours a bit to angle his cock to press down more onto your g-spot and thrust deeper than he already was. A scream was ripped from you, eyes rolling further back into your head as you tried to keep your trembling body still underneath his hold. He was so deep, you could feel him poking from your tummy and it felt good, so good that it had your wet pussy queefing. 
“Oh shit, listen to that,” Geto grinned. Gojo pulled away from your lips to look down at you with a smirk adoring his face. “That fucking pussy is queefing.”
“Feels good huh baby, better than those smut books huh?” Gojo asked as he stared down at your flustered face. Sweat trickled from the side of your foreheads, tears rolling down your flustered cheek, your teeth biting harshly at your swollen lips. “Put her legs up on my shoulder, I want to see her queefing pussy creaming around my dick.” Geto chuckled as he hoisted your leg that wasn’t held down by his hand over Gojo’s shoulders. 
“Ah…” you moaned yet again when his cock shifted inside your trembling pussy. Your toes curled yet again, and the muscles in your thighs spasmed. 
“Such a beautiful messy pussy,” Geto commented as he squeezed your breast again before kissing your forehead and then he sat back down to gaze upon you and Gojo with lust filled eyes while smiling sweetly at the both of you. Gojo moaned when he felt your queefing pussy creamed around his cock, your thick cream nectar coating his cock and leaked from your quivering hole, down to your backside and on the inside of your thighs. 
“So good, so good,” you cried as your pussy clenched and sucked him back in whenever he pulled out of your pussy. This felt so much better than what your poor mind could have imagined. He was right, your smut stories could not compare to the overwhelming sensation of Gojo’s cock thrusting deeper inside of you. 
“Yeah,” Gojo whispered, thrusting a bit faster and deeper while he squeezed your hand into the bed even more. White star-like lights began to cloud your vision and you were gasping more desperately. Your body arched yet again when a familiar coil started to form itself into the pit of your tummy. 
“More, more,” you cried, your heels digging into the bed and his back as you tried to thrust up hips to meet his every thrust. A low seductive chuckle left his as the hand that was gripping your thighs moved to grip your throat. His hands began to tighten around and he leaned forward to press a kiss on your cheeks while he slowly pulled out. 
He then whispered, “I’ll give you more, pretty baby,” then he slammed himself into your creaming pussy. Another scream was ripped from you as your body began to spasm beneath him, your pussy clenching even tighter around his shaft. 
“Yes right there, right there,” You cried out, your thighs trembling as he thrust harder and deeper. His balls slapping against your wet pussy and his masculine scent sent your mind into a spiral. Your pussy was like a flood, gushing with your cream that enabled him to thrust deeper inside your warm cunt. “Don’t stop.”
“Mhm, open up your mouth,” he said and without even thinking, you slowly parted your lips for him. He smirked, “Just like that,” he said before he spit in your mouth. You were a bit taken back, but not for long because you moaned as you swallowed his warm saliva before opening up your mouth for him yet again. “Mhm, you like that huh?” Gojo asked as he spits in your mouth yet again. “Such a nasty pretty baby,” Gojo whispered as he spits yet again before leaning forward to kiss your lips, his tongue thrusting past your lips to kiss you messily. 
Your body jerks with every deep, hard thrust. Your tits bouncing as your vision slowly started to leave you, your mind was going numb with pleasure. “Fuck, fuck me,” you moaned breathlessly into his mouth. Gojo smirked and so did Geto who had his aching cock in his hand just waiting to fill up your hole when Gojo was done wrecking it. 
“Yeah keep squeezing your tight little pussy around my cock like that baby,” he grunted as his hips snapped at an inhumane speed, it made the bed creak and knocked against the walls. Gojo felt his orgasm fast approaching, and you were close too. He could feel it just from the way you were clenching and creaming around his cock. 
Your nails scraped the fabric of his bedsheets, your eyes tightly closed and you cried out, “I… cumming… Toru.” He hummed as his hand left your thigh to rub his fingers against your throbbing needy clit, edging you closer to your orgasm. “Fuck… yes,” you screamed as your released yourself into the bliss of your orgasm, and despite the fat that you were trembling, Gojo kept fucking you through your orgasm, his hips thrusting sloppily into your cunt as he chased his orgasm. 
“Fuck keep cumming like that, I almost there,” he moaned as he glanced over at Geto to see that the long haired man was lost within his own pleasure. Geto was cumming really hard. He released a throaty moan as he squeezed and pumped his twitching cock as thick ropes of cum dripped from the tip of his fat cock. 
Now Gojo wasn’t gay, but that sight of his best friend coming just by watching him fuck into your tiny little pussy was enough to have his cock twitching heavily inside of your warm cunt as he came hard too. Gojo captured your swollen lips yet again as he released his semen inside your tight little hole, well inside the condom. You moaned against his lips and let him release every drop until he was done. Once he was done, he slowly pulled out of you and flipped you over on your tummy. It was now Geto’s turn
You had little time to catch your breath when Geto climbed up on the bed and placed his hands on your cute little bottom. His hands began to massage your butt as he mumbled, “Toru fuck your little pussy good huh?” You shook your head yes as you turned your head to look back at him. “You should tell Toru thank you, sugarplum.”
“T-thank you, T-Toru,” you stuttered as Gojo’s tall frame appeared in front of you. 
He pressed a kiss on your forehead then whispered, “You’re welcome. Sugu is gonna take really good care of your pretty pussy now ok, Buttercup.” 
“You’re not leaving are you?” Geto asked as he lifted your lower half from the bed and positioned your body into a kneeling position. 
“Hell no, I wanna watch my buttercup get fuck by another big cock,” Gojo said as he sat on the chair that Geto was sitting in. Geto chuckled a bit as he stroked his condom covered cock. As much as they didn’t want to use protection, they had to because it was your first time. He pressed down the middle of your back into the bed making your arch before pressing the fat tip of his cock inside of you. You gasped, clutching the sheets tightly. 
“Ready, sugarplum?” Geto asked as he rubbed his hand on your butt. 
“Yes,” you whispered. 
“Yes what?” he asked. You were about to ask him what he meant by that but then you remembered that he called himself daddy a few times tonight. 
“Yes daddy,” you answered. He hummed in satisfaction before slowly pushing is cock deep inside your pussy. “FUCK…” he moaned out when your pussy plused around his shaft. Gojo was right, you were so wet, he could feel your wetness through his condom. “Fucking hell.”
“She has a damn good pussy. A fucking great pussy,” Gojo commented as he rest his back against the chair with his finger wrappe around his semi-erected cock. “And to think she wanted to keep this pussy all to herself and those fucking smut books.”
“Would have been a fucking waste,” Geto said as he drew his hips back and slowly thrust into your pussy and watched as your pussy slowly stretched open to welcome his thick, girthy cock. “Fuck.”
“Sugu… please move,” you begged as he pressed into you even more. 
“Mhm, fuck yeah,” Geto groaned as his hips began rolling at a slow pace to a build up. “Hmm.” 
You moaned as you pressed your face into the bed and arched your back even more. You’ve seen and read how deep a man cock can go in this position and you wanted to feel it. Deep inside your tiny little pussy. Geto smacked his heavy hand against your ass cheek then grabbed the burning flesh and massaged it while his other hand held onto your hips tightly. 
You gasped and moaned Geto’s name as he thrust deeper and faster, and each thrust had your head bopping slightly. Gojo watched from the side of the bed, his cock swelling in his hand and he pumped his cock that was aching and desperate for his release. Gojo smirked as he watched your face twist itself with pleasure. 
“Look at you,” Gojo cooed, as he stood up from the chair, moved closer to you and grabbed your face. He lifted your head so you could look at him while he mocked. “I don’t need to have sex be experienced. But look now taking two big fucking cocks. I thought you didn’t need to have sex Buttercup.” He released your face and before your head could fall back into place, his hand smacked your cheek. This was the second time his sexual actions shocked you and to be honest with yourself, you loved it. He smacked you yet again before grabbing your chin and whispered, “We’re gonna make you into our nasty little whore when we’re done with you tonight.”
“Don’t be mean Toru,” Geto said while smiling down at you. 
“I’m not being mean,” Gojo said as he slapped your ass on the other cheek before moving his hand to play with your cute little butt hole. You moaned as his finger circled around your entrance. “You like that?” he asked and you mumbled yes. “Gonna fuck your cute ass soon enough then.” 
You moaned as you pushed your hips back against Geto to meet his every thrust. Geto smiled before groaning as he kept fucking you in this position. His thick long cock was sliding deeper inside your cunt , so deep it had you now crying from the pleasure. “You’re fucking me so deep,” you cried and gripped the bed sheets tight. Geto chuckled from your cute attempt to fuck yourself on him, and he would have stop to let you do your work, but instead his hips snapped against you even faster. 
“Finger her little butt hole Toru,” Geto said to his best friend as he slowed his roll into gentle strokes that had you shuddering. You pussy got even more wet from this. “So fucking wet,” he mumbled as he listen to lewd sounds of his cock slipping in and out of your pussy. 
“Fuck,” Gojo mumbled as he spat on his thumb and rubbed it over your puckered hole before slowly thrusting his finger inside your butthole. 
“Ugh… Ah,” you moaned out as Gojo matched the pace of his fingers and his fist to the rolling of Geto’s hips. You were feeling so good, to the point where you felt like you were no longer in your own body. 
Who would have thought that sex for the first time would have felt so amazing. You’ve heard stories of your peers experiencing sex for the first time and to be honest most of them weren’t good. Like your friend who lost her virginity to her ex-boyfriend under a cherry tree. That’s rough. 
But God, you were happy that your first time having sex felt this amazing. You can’t wait to boast to Toniann about this. 
Geto smacked your ass yet again, his hips and Gojo’s big finger picking up the pace. You can feel those knots forming in your tummy again. “I wanna cum again.” 
“Mhm, that’s good. Gonna cum around daddy’s cock?” he asked as his fingers found your clit and he began to play with it. 
“Mhm… Gonna cum for daddy,” your cried with tears rolling down your pretty face as he fucked your faster, harder and deeper. The bed creaked yet again, the sound of your ass smacking against his thighs grew louder with each thrust. You could barely think, your breaths were coming out in choppy desperate pants. 
“That’s right sugarplum, cum for daddy,” He said and smacked your ass yet again as Gojo thrust his thumb faster and stroked his cock even faster. The sting of his palm on your ass had you mind swimming in Euphoria. Geto could fuck your little pussy ass day. He can’t believe that underneath all your shy, feisty cute adorable self was a nasty whore who obviously has a daddy kink and a spit kink. 
The thought of pulling your head back to let Gojo spit in your mouth yet again had his cock twitching heavily inside your cunt. He was close to cumming and so were you. “Come on baby, almost there,” Geto groaned loudly behind you. Your thighs started to tremble as your third orgasm washed over you. “Yes, yes.”
“Look at her fucking go,” Gojo praised as he watched as you gushed around Geto’s cock. 
You moaned, back arching while you cried out Geto’s. You were so fucking deep in your orgasm you had no strength to tell him that you’re pussy felt weird. And weird as in overstimulated. But you didn’t mind that he kept thrusting to chase his own and it wasn’t long before Gojo came in his hand, followed by Geto pulling out of you while he cum inside his condom.
“You’re fucking amazing Buttercup,” Gojo said as he smacked your ass. 
“Daddy’s proud, Sugar plum,” Geto also praised as he bent his head down to kiss you messy pussy one last time for the night before he lifted you from the bed to go and clean up your poor fucked out body. 
“Are you going to admit that having sex is way more fun than reading smuts?” Gojo asked as he kissed you on your lips. 
You huffed and rolled your eyes at him as you responded, “Never in a million years. Reading smut is much more fun.” 
“Your mouth is saying one thing, but your little pussy was saying another,” Gojo teased before cupping your ass in his hand. Geto laughed as he watched as you and Gojo went back and forth about your smut books while Geto rubbed your thighs. 
“You have a big mouth,” you said to Gojo as an insult but he only laughed at you before shaking his head. You joined in on the laugh as well after you’ve both calmed down, you asked. “So what are we now? I mean I just had sex with the both of you.” 
“Wanna marry me?” Gojo asked. You looked at him confused and Geto chuckled. “Wanna marry me and Sugu, Buttercup?”
“He’s asking if you wanna be our girlfriend?” Geto said. “It’s too early for marriage, Satoru.”
“Why? I wanna marry that pussy of hers, like right now and put a baby up in her,” Gojo said. 
You laughed before looking at Geto and said, “Yeah I wanna be your girlfriend, only if you alone me to read my smut books.”
“Have it your way baby,” he said and you, him and Gojo all laughed until you somehow found yourself later that night or let's say around 2 am in the morning, riding Gojo’s cock while Geto was making a video of the both of you.
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𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒅𝒐 𝒖 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌? 𝑶𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒔𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒍𝒚 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒐𝒈𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓.
@getosbigballsack 2023
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maybnksdoll · 3 months
jj request-
smoke session while playing truth or strip which leads into rough fuck and getting caught (by who? you can decide) 💞
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jj maybank x fem!innocent!reader ♡
" truth or strip "
"dude, really? just because you're sleepy?" jj asked his best friend after he said that he was going home, looking how he was standing up and going to the door "yeah, was a long day, after all" john b said before telling him goodbye. "i'll do the same, dad wants me to work since early tommorrow, 'm sorry man" pope repeated john b actions before passing through the chateau room's door, leaving jj insulting him alone.
you were giggling at that situation, while the cigarette smoke were running through your mouth.
"don't get mad, j" you called him "at least i'm not going anywhere" you smiled at him.
time passed, and you two started a little blunt rotation, talking about weird things while the room was being filled with smoke.
"let's play somethin', " jj told you looking at you, sitting in the bed in a comfier position "okaaaay, what do you wanna play?" you asked him while sitting beside him.
"so, there's this game called 'truth or strip', did you heard of it?" he started. you told him you didn't had idea of what it was, so, he explained "it's something similar to truth or dare, but this one has an specific dare" he looked at you "you can tell the truth, or taking off one piece of your clothes, and visceversa, you get it?" you nodded, you were too baked to take an clear decision, you were pretty innocent and "good girl" type of girl. but after all, he was only your best friend, right?
the game was about to start, after jj lighted the third blunt of the night, he told " 'kay pretty, you start" you throught a few seconds, touching your knees "what's your favorite school subject?" jj started laughing at that question, admiring how ingenue you were "well, its probably biology, either, I don't even like school" his confesion wasn't new for you "my turn now" he says "are you virgin?" your eyes widened a little. you didn't expected that question, since he knew how shy you were (and how shy you were to tell him that actually, you were virgin), you thought he weren't going to make a question like that, so, you just pulled out your baby pink socks, revealing your little nails painted red.
"how many girlfriends did you had?" you asked "only two, nothing serious tho" he confessed, letting the blunt in the little plate on the night table. he made you the same question, only with the difference that you never had a boyfriend before.
the game was starting to getting hotter, and the clothes were messed up all around the room. you were sitted in jj's lap, without your tee and skirt either, while his hands were resting in your hips. it was his turn "would you let me kiss you?" he said, looking straight at your lips, it looked like he didn't wanted to say it, but for sure he thought it. after saying a shy "yes" he didn't think twice and attacked your glosy lips like an predator.
as your and his lips met like magnetically, a surge of raw emotion swept through them. the intensity of their kiss was a mix of desire and urgency. his touch was electric, sending shivers down your spine as you two lost their own common sense
"fuck this little stupid game" he said, while taking out your wet panties roughly, and the same with his boxers, revealing his hard erection to you.
with his hands he positioned you easily, and in a quick movement he was thrusting into you, looking at you letting little and high pitched moans and whimpers get out of your lips, with a hand on your neck and the other one in you hip. he was getting deeper into you, mumbling things about how tight and wet you were "all mine" he groans, seconds before filling you up with his fluids, rolling his hips into yours a few minutes more "all fucking mine. lets see how this little whore will take my fucking dick" he takes a pillow and puts it under your tummy, putting your ass at his desire.
the thrusts were getting speed, making your eyes wet as your cunt, making you feel vulnerable at his big and well trained figure.
you were about to finish, letting out desesperated moans fill the ambient, until you heared a voice getting closer and closer.
"hey guys, i think i left my phone here-" your mind painted white when you heard john b's voice in the room.
"what at you looking at? huh?" jj's voice yell to john b, while he stared the whole situation without reaction "take you fucking phone and go still wishing you were me to fuck her little tight pussy, 'kay?" seconds after hearing that, john b fastly took his phone and loudly closed the door.
"idiot, he will never get this view of you. right, bun?" he groaned, filling you up with a dense and large amount of cum inside you.
tired, he let his body fall on the bed, right beside you.
"i left bunny without air" he saids proudly, leaving a sweet kiss on your neck.
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ghostfacd · 10 months
au masterlist
author’s note: i wrote this after waking up from my high nap LMAOO shh anyway listen to beautiful boy to enhance the experience ! this can be read as a stand alone but i recommend reading my au for context.
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liked by lhughes_06, jackhughes, kiellestapa and 462 others
ynuser my first baby. my entire world. rowden quintin hughes, you came into the world a 7 pound beautiful curly haired blonde baby. it felt like yesterday when i first held you close to me. thank you for making me a mother rowdy, happy 2nd birthday my beautiful boy.
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jackhughes please let me and quinny meet him!
↳ quinnhughes LITERALLY.
lhughes_06 happy birthday my special boy.
kiellestapa it seems like it was just yesterday when i saw you coming out the delivery room with rowdy. happy birthday rowden quintin hughes, you are so loved my boy.
↳ ynuser he loves his auntie so much 🥲🫶🫶
When it was Rowden’s second birthday, Luke decided he was finally going to let his brothers see his son. It was a mutual decision between him and his girlfriend, they knew how much Jack and Quinn wanted to see Rowdy.
Luke had regretted leaving Y/N that day back in London so he could pursue his hockey career at Umich. If he could travel back in time, he would’ve swallowed his dreams and stayed with her. But he couldn’t—so he was going to spend the rest of his life making it up to her and Rowden for being absent the first year of his life.
“Oh my god.” The voice of Jack breaks Luke out of his daze. He watches as his older brother picks up Rowden, who, despite being a very fussy kid when it came to strangers, smiled contently in his uncle’s hold. “Hi buddy!”
Luke could’ve sworn he saw tears in his brother’s eyes. Quinn, who was currently waiting his turn in the back, wiped his eyes with his sweater, not wanting to cry in front of his younger brothers.
“I cant believe you named him Rowden Quintin Hughes,” Quinn says, his face converted into a frown, only because he was on the verge of sobbing.
“Hey, don’t cry,” Y/N pats him on the back, giving him a comforting smile. “You and Jack have always been there for me back at Hogwarts. You two were like my older brothers. The least I could do is name Rowdy after you.”
“We love you Y/N,” Jack says, his lips wobbling. “Thank you for putting up with our brother.”
His words make the four of you laugh. Rowden, sensing your happiness, claps his hand, his smile ever so prominent. You give him a kiss on the cheek, glad your family was one again, and you knew Rowden would grow up very loved.
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liked by lhughes_06, quinnhughes and 770 others
ynuser also happy 1 year anniversary to my hot hockey boyfriend, lukey warren hughes. thank you for giving me a chance that day back at hogwarts when i asked you out after your quidditch game. we’ve been together for 4 years but you had to go pursue your dreams at umich, and i honestly couldn’t be more proud of where you’re at now. you’re one of the most stubborn, moody, and charming person i know. the best hockey and quidditch player, and most importantly, the best daddy to rowden. keep winning baby, go blue!! 💙
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lhughes_06 happy 1 year anniversary baby. i thank the gods everyday for sending you to me after my quidditch game. thank you for putting up with my mood swings and hotheaded self. love u and rowdy more than words can express.
↳ ynuser 🥹🥹
jackhughes okaaaay fine i admit you two are pretty cute..
kiellestapa MY OTP
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liked by jackhughes, lhughes_06, ynuser, and 2,432 others
quinnhughes uncle life is pretty cool.
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jackhughes pretty cool? SUPER cool.
jackhughes we love rowdy
↳ quinnhughes yes we do
ynuser rowdy loves his uncles!!
↳ lhughes_06 he likes me better.
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liked by ynuser, jackhughes, markestapa and 1,500 others
lhughes_06 the monster’s gone, he’s on the run, and your daddy’s here.
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ynuser beautiful boy.
markestapa best new dad
↳ lhughes_06 love ya buddy.
424 notes · View notes
Consequences | Five
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Word Count: 6.9k~ | Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, dark, medieval-canon sexism, heavy dub-con/noncon, DD:DNE, mean Aemond, manipulation, abusing power, gore, blood, violence, major angst, Aemond being a possessive horny weirdo with a power complex, kinslayer aemond, graphic depictions of medieval abortions, choking (and not in a kinky way), p in v, facefuckin (oral, m receiving), choking (in a kinky way), fingering
Series Masterlist  
A/N: okaaaay let’s go, please for the love of god, read the warnings. Apologies in advance to @ewanmitchellcrumbs for this one ily 😚
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Everything had changed.
 King Viserys was dead. Aegon thrust on his throne in place of Princess Rhaenyra as his heir. And the maidservants and staff had been locked up for the entirety of it, to quell the spread of rumours. Only when the staff pledged their allegiance to Aegon II as their rightful King before the now Dowager Queen Alicent, were they allowed back to their duties, threatened with death on the basis of treason if they were found to be doing anything they shouldn’t.
 It was the most surreal, frightening experience of her young life. To be clutched at Hedi’s side, shaking and trembling, wondering if she’d ever see her siblings again.
 She wondered if her brother had succumbed to his illness and if her sister was winding herself to the ground with grief, as she had when their parents had died.
 She prayed to the Gods, namely the Mother and the Crone. For equally important things. To keep her loved ones safe, even if it meant that she was put into danger. To the Crone, for guidance. Although she did not know yet what exactly for.
 Everything had changed.
 Aemond pulled her body up from the bed to rest on her knees, to support her weight on her shaking arms and the motion had his cock brushing rather uncomfortably against her cervix. Her entire body felt hot, a stagnant, heavy feeling filled his chambers, as if it were humid inside. His thrusts were harder than they’d ever been before, making her skin ripple with movement of his rhythm.
 A series of hurried and half-pained breaths are all that left her, her cheeks stinging with heat as her tears ran over them.
 “What are you crying for, sweet girl” he grunts, delivering a particularly hard thrust, his large hand slapping her buttock and gripping tightly, “I know you like your Prince’s cock, don’t you, you little slut”
 She whimpered, his fingers digging into the meat of her skin roughly, hoping it would be enough of a response for him.
 Since his father had died, plunged into a civil war between his family. He’d been unpredictable. He would start the day calm enough, sometimes frighteningly so. But now that the days were becoming shorter with the weather, a looming dark cloud forever over King’s Landing, as if the Gods knew the trouble that was afoot, Aemond temper came with the storms and the rains.
 Destructive. Washing away everything living thing in his path.
 He reached down and wrapped his hand around her neck, roughly pulled her back up to meet his bare chest. Aemond’s fingers curled so tight around her neck, that for a split second, she thought that he might actually lose control and snap. But he pressed his lips against her ear, his fingertips harshly tearing at her thin and delicate skin, “Fucking answer me”
 He adjusts the endless thrust of his cock up into her, now they are controlled, deeper, as if trying to hide further and further inside.
 She could feel her air stuck beneath his hand, desperately trying to break free. Felt her head begin to get hot and foggy, vision blurred and her lips move but a barely audible sound is all that came out.
 “Yes…” she whispered. Just saying whatever she could to appease him.
 She had been afraid of him before. Many times. But now, the way he was now, she feared that he might actually harm her and that the damage might be irreparable.
 Aemond laughs against her back, the vibration of it humming uncomfortably in her body.
 Still with one hand around her neck but loosening his grip so that she can breathe once again, she almost weeps at the relief. Aemond chuckles darkly and pushes her back against the bed, grinning when he sees the familiar sheen of tears on her cheeks, watching her breasts rise and fall with the intensity of her breathing. He eases his other hand down her body, over her feminine hips, taking the meat of her thigh in his grasp to spread them apart once again, sighing contently at her glistening cunt, ready to take him again.
 “You are a terrible liar, sweet girl” he coos down at her, lowering his face so that his hair brushes against her nipples. A flash of fear passes her face, but Aemond seems to revel in it.
 He did say once, he would have her fear if nothing else.
 He pulls her by her hair to the edge of the bed, where her head briefly hangs over the edge. She whimpers at the tug on her follicles and it sends a prickling pain down her spine. He no longer holds back his grip like he used to. He swats her cheek, again not in the usual soft manner, but as a means to punish her for the outburst.
 “Shut up” he commands, standing in front of her.
 She looks up at him from where she’s laid as Aemond stands before her, holding his cock proudly by the base, shining with her slick. He prodded his tip against her lips, looking at her wide eyes beneath him. He smelled of sex, of her and his arousal mixed with one another. His hand comes down to her jaw, thumb pressing on her chin to open her mouth and Aemond sighs when he feels her hot, shuddered breath against his cock, twitching with excitement.
 He does it slowly, and plunges into her mouth, watching how his cock disappears down her throat, where the skin around her neck bulges where it's nestled. He feels her breathe through her nose and smirks, knowing that she’s doing as he had instructed her the first time, grinning at her endless obedience.
 “Good, sweet girl…” he growls, burying himself to the hilt within her warm and wet mouth, the head of his cock rammed down the smoothness of her throat.
 Hand still at her jaw for leverage, he cants his hips slowly, grunting heavily at the friction he gets from this angle and the sound it makes. But she herself makes no sound. Not even when his heavy stones sit warm against her face, briefly blocking off her air. Aemond watches as she takes it, her saliva coating his cock just as her slick had.
 Continuing to use her mouth for pleasure he runs his hand down her body, cupping his hand at her sex and running his fingers through her folds, collecting her wetness on them.
 “Perfect fucking cunt”
 He sinks two digits inside of her, his palm delivering friction to her clit at the same time, and he both fucks her mouth and her sex with the same rhythm, taking immense pleasure in the way her body responds.
 It’s out of her control. He plucks the pleasure from her without her even thinking about it. She whimpers around his cock, deeper than she ever thought he could be in her mouth. Her neck bobs with his shallow thrusts and his other hand rests against it, pleasuring himself through it.
 “Fuck-take it” he moans loudly, nearing his climax with accelerating and shocking speed. He fucks his fingers into her faster, intent on making her shake and writhe beneath him. Aemond increases the intensity of his thrusts with it, outright moaning as her mouth trembles around him.
 She whimpers, her insides clenching uncontrollably, painful pleasure taken forcibly from her core, but any sounds she makes are stuck in her chest with the slow, methodical drag of Aemond in her mouth.
 Aemond smirks when her body shudders with overstimulation, more sounds muffled in her chest, giving her some reprieve when he pulls his fingers free and her body sags once again against the bed. Not a moment later, Aemond pushes his hips flush against her face, his seed painting the walls of her throat with a shuddered moan. He feels her gag a bit, still with his cock in her mouth, but he enjoys the slight friction it gives him.
 He stays seated in her mouth for a moment, his hand running through her hair.
“You are so good to me” he breathes as he comes down from the high.
 She felt the warmth slide down her throat, the proof of his twisted, sick attraction to her.
 And when Aemond pulled her up, to kiss her on her lips, she wanted to weep. It was too sacred. A kiss. Something that should be done before all the things he had done to her. Something to bind a love, a marriage. A respect for one another.
But he had kissed her so fiercely, to taste himself on her mouth, and she had known then there was no love. No care. No respect.
 “You won’t leave me now, will you? Sweet girl…”
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There were few things in her life that were consistent up to now.
 But her moon's blood had always, always arrived on time.
 No matter how many times she willed it to come, stepping into the privy multiple times a day to find her hand completely dry, void of the usual slick of red, it would not come.
 Just the other night, Alanna had furrowed her brows and mentioned that she had not borrowed her red petticoat for a while and asked if she was feeling okay.
 That was when that hurtling drop of panic erupted in her gut.
 She didn’t understand at the time, what Princess Helaena had said. And she thought of how foolish and stupid she’d felt.
 Cold Tansy.
 The womb quickens.
 Tansy tea. In other words.
 Moon Tea.
 The liquid that so many women used and still used…had to be prepared with a flame before consumption. Had to be brewed fresh.
 She felt dizzy.
 She hid in the privy, so unbearably torn apart by the revelation that she almost made herself sick. Bile rose in her throat but it never came free, and she wretched, her body tearing her apart from the inside. She felt the pain in her womb, the little dragon inside aching to grow, she had felt their flames lick at her spine.
 She tried to muffle her cries with a hand over her mouth, but the hurried sobs inevitably broke free.
 Alanna flung the privy door open and upon seeing the crumpled mess of her bedfellow on the floor, promptly shut it again with both of them inside.
 "Gods…" Alanna whispered, bringing her into a hug, a friendly hand stroking her back.
 If the maidservant hadn't been so upset, she would have laughed. Alanna didn't like to be hugged, or any physical contact at all, even going so far as to lay on the far side of the bed to avoid touching. She found it uncomfortable.
 But right now, it was needed. And the maidservant flung her arms around Alanna, tightening her grip on her as if she was the last person in this realm to be on her side and help. Her hands had clamoured at her back, needing this closeness so badly it hurt. Alanna only shushed her and allowed her to sob.
 "Please…do not tell Hedi…" she begged, with tears still streaming down her face, voice thick with despair. Alanna pulled her face back and sighed, using her thumbs to wipe her cheeks.
 "We have to tell the Quee-"
 "No, I-I need…I need this job. I have to-" she stammers through her weeping, struggling to catch her breath, emotions running higher than they would normally, "-my siblings, th-they need me. They will send me away without my wages and no reference, I-”
 "Shh, shh, alright I will not tell Hedi or the Queen" Alanna cooed, rocking her shoulders softly.
 "Do not tell anyone, please…I-I could not bear it…" she cracks her bleary eyes open, her heart beginning to beat in its normal rhythm again. Her lashes are all stuck together from her tears, cheeks red raw.
 "Who is it, the man? You could not marry?..." Alanna asks carefully.
 It was a nice thought. But one that would never happen.
 She shakes her head, "I cannot say…"
 Alanna sighs, obviously quickly running out of ideas.
 "I can deliver it. I helped my mother when she had my brothers-"
 Everyone would see. Everyone would see you are the Prince’s whore. A child with silver hair.
 "My condition will soon start to show…" she says, resigned. Her hands shake against one another, held as if in prayer to the Gods, "Hedi has such sharp eyes…what am I to do…"
 Alanna was quiet for a long time, trying to wrack her brain for what to do. She knew she could not have the baby, nor could she tell another living soul in the Keep as it would mean she would no longer have a job, no more funds to send to her family and an even smaller chance of a future.
 “Have you any money?” Alanna asks, “there is a woman in Flea Bottom who helps whores when they need it…but…” she says carefully, watching her fellow maidservant’s reaction.
“What are you suggesting?...” she responds with a weak and shaky voice, her grasp on Alanna resting at her arms. Alanna looks visibly pained by the suggestion. Every one of them were devout, pious, to even suggest such a thing as…
 “How much is the procedure…” she asked, making Alanna widen her eyes, surprised that she was considering it.
 “One gold dragon, but it is dangerous-”
 “I cannot afford one gold dragon, ‘tis more than I earn in a year!”
 Alanna sighed, “Whoever the man is, go to him. Appeal to his better nature…he cannot turn you away if he has any decency at all”
 She really appreciated Alanna’s advice, but there was a twisting pain in her gut at what had been suggested. It was something she had heard of women doing before, in desperate times. It could be dangerous. But this woman had done this procedure plenty of times, on women who survived and lived to keep on working.
 There was a chance.
 There was a chance she could keep the job. In servitude still of Aemond, but with the knowledge that she could just drink Moon Tea, prepared correctly, and never have to do this again.
 A future.
 One gold dragon was an incredible amount of money for a common maidservant, well over a year’s wages. It was entirely intentional, gold dragons as a currency was something specifically reserved for the upper classes, and if she was to be found with it…it would arouse suspicion.
 She had to be careful.
 Should she approach Aemond…?
 …How would he react to it?
 Would he dismiss her? Send her to the streets, her and her bastard? Left on the cobblestones to die.
 He cannot turn you away if he has any decency at all.
 Appeal to his better nature.
 It cannot be.
 The words of Princess Helaena were like an incessant bell, echoing around her mind. It was all-encompassing and it took every little bit of strength she had left to not crumble under its weight.
 There was only one problem.
 Aemond was nowhere to be found.
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 The Dowager Queen looked out at the skies, darkened and stormy. The rain was loud and oppressive. Thunder and lightning clapping across the sky, sending an intolerable humidity and uncomfortable atmosphere that seemed to sweep about the Keep like a disease. She tugged at the cuffs of her sleeves, opting to fiddle with them instead of destroying herself.
 Her heart was filled with worry.
 Aemond had not returned.
 She waited and waited for what felt like an eternity, not knowing if a day had passed or not. The sun had yet to make its appearance, stuck beneath layers and layers of clouds, towering high above King’s Landing. It was impossible to see a thing. Despair hung so low to the ground that it obscured everything.
 Alicent’s nervous face met the gaze of Ser Criston, who had knocked and walked past the threshold of her chambers.
 “What is it?” she asked nervously, unsure if she wanted the reply.
 Ser Criston stood straight, hands at his side, one perpetually on the handle of his sword at his side, “Prince Aemond has returned”
 She moved swiftly through the Keep, the skirts of her deep green dress in her fists and rushing to find her second son.
 Something was wrong.
 Down the long corridor, Alicent came to a halt halfway, her chocolate brown eyes wide at what she saw. Aemond had rounded the corner, absolutely sodden through his clothes, hair wet and tangled, trying with an annoyed air about him to tear his leather overcoat off his person. A maid followed closely behind, picking them up from where he’d thrown them.
 His eyes were downcast, a stoic expression on his face, which was still covered in drops of rain. His jaw was forever clenched, his lone eye ablaze with fury but also something deep and worrying inside. Shoulders hung on him, as if he had the weight of the world on them.
 “Aemond…” Alicent’s soft voice called to him, hoping to break him from his darkened trance. But he continued on, long legs striding to his one comfortable place. His one haven in the hellhole he had made.
 Her son towered over her as he strode by and she knew something horrible had happened. A mother’s gut feeling never wavers, not once. She knew her boys, in her bones. And she knew Aemond had a temper, but rationales that there was always a reason for it.
 She held his forearm to attempt to calm him. To bring him back.
 Aemond didn’t say a word, huffed and tore his arm away. Not even the soft embrace of his mother could help in what he had done. The sin he had committed. His failure.
 He refused to stop, to explain what he’d done. Everyone would know by the morrow and he need not be there for it, he reasoned.
 Right now, he wanted the safety of his chambers and the warmth and security of being buried inside her. She offered an indifference, a closeness he could not get anywhere else.
 His mother attempted once more to reach out, and without looking at her he roared, as if cornered, “Leave me!”
 He dared not to see the broken and disappointed look on her face, as he knew she would have by the morning. He felt like a child all over again. Weak and feeble. He remembered the way he had crawled to his mother’s arms and found solace.
 But he was not a boy anymore.
 Instead he would find solace the way a man would.
 The way a man should.
 At least as far as Aemond was concerned.
 The little maidservant had jolted noticeably when the chamber doors slammed shut with a force that shook the very stone walls. She held a jug of warm water in her hands, instructed to draw a bath upon Aemond’s arrival, and with the sheer shock of him storming past the threshold had some of it fall onto the stone floor below.
 With parted lips in surprise, her eyes met his form, standing before the now locked and closed doors. He was tall and foreboding, like looking at a wild animal, especially with how uncharacteristically unkempt he looked, with that fierce look in his one eye. His body vibrated with an unseen rage, his chest rising and falling quickly like he had been running. He smelled what she thought was dragon, a musky animal-like smell that clung to his riding leathers.
 He said nothing.
 “Your grace…” she greeted with a quiver to her voice.
 She would never see the internal battle in his mind. The pendulum swinging between kinslayer and dutiful Prince.
 She saw him clench his fists until his knuckles were white.
 “Undress me” he commanded, with a low growl.
 She swallowed hard and set the jug aside, brushing her hair that she had unbraided over her shoulder. Daring not to meet his eye, she stepped forward, shaky hands reaching out for his leather doublet, the silver clinking quietly in the chambers. Aemond closed his eye, inhaling deeply when her scent flooded his very being.
 So feminine.
 He was about to drift into the calming waves that her presence offered, floating idly in the depths of her touch when-
 “May I speak plainly, your grace…” she asked meekly once she dropped the leather from his shoulders.
 She had never asked to speak out of turn. Not once. And Aemond opened his eye again, half lidded and looked down at her, his gaze remaining in its stoic manner. But she didn’t meet it, too afraid to, as she folded his doublet over the armchair.
 “Speak then”
 Her hands found one another, fiddling nervously with the skin at her palm, her head lowered.
 “I…wondered if I might request some-”
 “Look at me when you are speaking to me” he interrupted.
 His voice drove fear, deep into her core and she felt the dragon in her womb begin to wake from its slumber. He took her chin in his fingers once more and forced her to look up at him. Her wide, glassy eyes finally met his and she could feel her entire form tremble, and thought, he must be able to feel it too.
 “I wondered if I might request some funds from you” she finally said, in a quiet, mousy manner.
 She had known then. That now wasn’t the time to bring up the subject. But by then it had been too late. His fingers tightened on her chin, to keep her there, to watch him as his brows furrowed in frustration.
 “You said you had sufficient funds”
 He said in an accusatory way. As if her chance before had vanished.
 She inhaled, filling her lungs with the last bit of courage she had.
 Her lips quivered, and the words left her mouth too quickly.
 “I am with child”
 His entire form seemed to go cold, as well as his expression, hooded even further in what she could only assume was anger.
 “You are lying” he dared to accuse, with a firm and ever-tightening grip.
 You wouldn’t lie to me now, would you sweet girl.
 She felt the tears hot in her eyes, entire body shaking. The babe within was hot in her belly at the proximity with their father.
 “I am not” she responded with a quiver to her voice, “I…do not have the funds to…have the procedure…to…”
It was difficult for Aemond at this moment to pin down a specific emotion. So much had happened in the course of a mere few days. For him, for the realm. For the lives of every soul in Westeros it felt like.
 In the morning, everyone would know what he was. A disappointment. Weak. A failure to his family. He would see the sullen look on his mother’s face, when she found out that her entire bloodline was now thrust into danger, on account of what Aemond had done.
 He would lose his place in his mother’s good graces.
 Fathering a bastard. A blatant disregard to his duties as a Prince.
 Just like Aegon had been.
 He could not bear it. To be a kinslayer as well as that.
 He wanted control, something that had been slipping ever so carelessly from his grip since Lucerys was crushed by Vhagar’s jaws. He wanted control of his life.
 Of her.
 And her admission didn’t give him the safety he so craved.
 To think of a bastard in her belly. His bastard. The storms returned to Aemond’s one eye at the thought of even seeing her swell with it. It could not happen. It could never happen. To be reminded of his failures.
 She gasped loud, breath caught in her lungs, as his hand gripped her throat and squeezed. Previously, in the throes of passion, he had squeezed the sides of her neck, so as not to cut off her air entirely. But this time, his grip around her was so tight that his thumb pressed against her pulse point. Her eyes widened, one hand coming to his to pry his hand off her. But he never relented. Not once.
 Ordinarily, a primal part of his brain would adore to see her swell with his child. To see her breasts grow heavy with milk and her stomach taut with his little dragon inside. If she were his wife. If she were highborn, a real lady.
 But she had dared to exist in a moment of Aemond’s most tumultuous times.
 The realm had played a game. Aemond was a loaded cannon and the game was to see which gunner could fire his rage in the right direction.
 And it had been her. Her mere existence as a woman.
 She could feel her head become heavy with the lack of air, her hands clamouring desperately at his to let her free, fear climbing its way up her spine, both at the situation and the look in Aemond’s eye. Calm but with a white hot rage inside.
 He shook her by her neck, “You are mine” he growled at her face, his grip tightening.
 “Until the day you die, you are mine”
 She wished she could die.
 He would never let her go. He would never let her truly live. She would never have a husband. Have children to raise. No ordinary life.
 Gods, take me away, she prayed silently, closing her eyes, as if she felt Aemond might kill her right here and now.
 He pushed her away forcefully, wanting to be rid of her presence as if he could by the click of a finger. Could not bear to see her and her supposed betrayal of his servitude to his family.
 She crumpled to the floor, gasping and coughing, her hand around her neck from where he had grabbed her tightly. The stone floor hit hard on her body, air flooding her head. Aemond, frustrated and wronged, scrambled for the purse on his side table, unknowing and uncaring of the contents. All he knew was there were sufficient funds there.
 He threw it to her crumbled body and watched as she wept on the floor, thinking her pathetic, naive. Weak.
 He huffed and began to unlace his breeches, the only thing now on his mind was a bath, to wash away his sins of the days past.
 “I expect you to return to your duties tomorrow” he said flatly.
 She gasped, choking on her breath as she cried, staring ahead at the purse full of coins.
 “Now leave”
 Not wanting to look at him any longer, she shakily took the purse and held it to her chest. Somehow regaining the use of her weakened legs as she stood to lunge herself towards the doors. Away from him.
 Only when she had regained her breath and strength from the force of her crying, did she look into the bag Aemond had given her.
 Four gold dragons and several silver coins.
 It was more money than she had ever seen in her life. And would likely ever see all at once. She lost her breath at the sight of it, something foreign curling in her gut.
 What she could do with this much money.
 She could leave. Leave this job and go somewhere far. Perhaps even across the Narrow Sea. Away from him, from this life of being his whore. Something for him to release his violent temper upon in the hour of the wolf.
 She held the purse tight to her chest and decided. Made a decision, for the first time in her young life.
 Promised herself that she would have the procedure and flee, far away.
 No more of this, she thought to herself, stroking her sore neck and walking with purpose back to her quarters. For the first time, she’d felt anger at herself, for putting up with the torture for so long. Felt overwhelmed by what the past few days had given her as her fate.
 It cannot be.
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Sleep didn’t find her that night.
 A red painted house with the curtains drawn, ask for a woman named ‘Sarria’, is what Alanna had instructed.
 She had kept her hair down and wore a dress she would normally wear to prayer, not her maidservant uniform, not wanting to be recognised as staff for the Red Keep.
 She clutched the purse close to her chest, the coins jingling softly inside with every step she took. It was like he had given her life. A chance. How unfortunate that it had to come from him.
 The air was crisp and it was an overcast day, still so early in the morning that the sun was barely peeking through the narrow alleyways. She had decided to come early, before the market stalls had gone up in Flea Bottom, before the rush of customers would flood the streets. Less chance of being seen entering the home. Perhaps less chance of the Gods knowing what sin she was about to commit.
 But the Gods were everywhere. Could not be caged in as men could.
 After a moment of deliberation, she knocked on the narrow door, barely wide enough for a man to fit through. The red painted house had their curtains drawn even though it was morning, as Alanna had said, perhaps to hide the sins inside. Like a brothel.
 A woman with greying hair had answered, standing in the doorway but not quite showing her entire body, possibly in a manner of guarding. She had bright blue eyes, framed by wrinkles of her years, and she looked impossibly tired from what she had seen over the course of her life. The older woman had looked upon her with curiosity, seeing such a small delicate thing at her doorstep.
 “What can I do for you, child?” the woman asks in a soft, gravelly voice.
 “I wish to see Sarria” she answered quietly.
 The woman’s face fell into a soft frown, a sad one. And her eyes looked her from head to toe, swallowing thickly.
 “Come in, child, quickly”
 Wracked with anxiety, she stepped across the threshold, greeted by a familiar earthy and minty smell that emanated through the home. It was dark and dank, from years of not seeing the sun. The woman shut the door quickly behind her, placing a bolt across it to lock.
 Rather surprisingly, she took her cloak and folded it over an armchair in a friendly gesture, now finally being able to see her young face.
 She guided her to the opposite side of the house, where the smell of mint was stronger. The kitchen was somewhat dusty, but well used. She saw two stoves, lit, with a pot of something brewing hot on top, with the stench of something akin to mud.
 Moon Tea.
 “You have coin, I assume” the woman says, capturing the maidservant's gaze from the pots. The maidservant inhaled sharply, clutching the purse still, fingers gripping it tightly as if it were the last thing in his world. Reluctantly, she nodded and handed the purse to her with shaky hands.
 The woman eyed the contents, perturbed.
 “Are you a whore?” she asked.
 “Excuse me?...” she asked, not quite sure what she meant. The words of the other maidservants clear as water in her mind.
 “At the brothels” the woman said, to which the maidservant shook her head quickly.
 The woman furrowed her brows, “Only whores receive gold dragons, child. Where did you steal this from?”
 She swallowed thickly at the accusation, “It was gifted to me, I swear…” she answered meekly.
 The woman seemed to consider her answer for a moment, holding the purse in her hand as if weighing it. Humming, she took one gold dragon from it and put it in a pocket inside her apron, reluctantly giving the purse back to the maidservant.
“Tell nobody of this, and if you do, I shall deny ever having seen you. Understood?”
 She nodded in return, too scared stiff at the moment to speak.
 The older woman led her to a back room, separate from the rest of the home. A room with no windows and a wooden dining table in the middle. She watched as the older woman spoke to another, much younger woman, one who had long dark hair, also wearing an apron.
 The younger woman approached her with a solemn look, but a reassuring smile, and took her hand to lead her to sit on the dining table. The table was clearly cut from one large piece of wood and weathered over the years, with a big burn mark in the middle of it.
 “This is my daughter, Cassia” the older woman says, “she will assist you, make sure you are comfortable”
 Both of them were soft spoken, careful. It was like being inside a Sept, it was so quiet. They tiptoed around her, like she was a terrified animal, fleeing at the littlest sound.
 They covered the table lengthways with a blanket and propped some hefty cushions at the top and middle.
 “Lay down” they instructed.
 She felt the first signs of fluttering fear in her gut when she laid her head against the pillow, her hands fisting her dress in nervousness as she laid flat against the table. The older woman adjusted the other pillow beneath her bottom, raising her hips. The maidservant swallowed and flinched when the woman named Cassia began to stroke her hair, whispering ‘relax’.
 But it did nothing to quell the nerves.
 “Bend your knees” the older woman said in a soft tone.
 Reluctantly, she raised her knees, but unconsciously clenched them together in sheer terror.
 “Will there be pain?” the maidservant asked through hurried breaths.
 “There will be some pain and blood. But after that, all will be right again”
 Cassia held one of her hands and she squeezed back tightly, grounding herself to where she lay, memorising the pattern of the beamed roof. Counting from one to ten over and over in her head as a means to calm herself.
 This was freedom. After this, she would never go back.
 She would leave.
 Cassia and her intertwined hands, her pupils shaking as they stared up at the ceiling.
 “Will…you tell me what you’re doing?” she asks, without moving her eyes as the woman gently parts her legs and carefully lifts her skirts.
 The woman was quiet for a moment, “It is best not to know” is all she answered.
 Cassia held a cup of a warm, milky looking liquid to her lips, gesturing for her to finish the cup before the procedure, her other hand stroking her hair.
 “What is it…?”
 “It will dull some of the pain” Cassia’s kind eyes looked down at her. There was that reassuring smile again.
 As she drank the musty liquid, feeling her muscles eventually relax, Cassia gave her a wooden pestle, covered with a rag.
 “In case you need to scream”
 She took it graciously, holding it near her chest tightly.
 The patterned ceiling began to blur, and all she felt was the cold touch of the tool against her insides, travelling impossibly further up inside her. Eyelids heavy and breathing hurried but calm, there was only the uncomfortable feelings of a stranger on her most intimate and forbidden of areas. The milky substance left a film on her tongue, seemingly numb now, as were her limbs from the effect of it.
 All the while, she felt the soft caress of Cassia’s hand in her hair, soothing her.
 Cassia guided the wooden pestle to her mouth.
 Her body tensed when the sharp object was cutting, tearing, something inside her. And she’d bit down harshly, her screaming and crying muffled somewhat by the rags that were tied around it. She could feel the little dragon within her fight back, their flames licking at her insides in desperation. A deep desire to exist.
 It is here she realised what Cassia was actually here for. She was not here for comfort, or to make her feel reassured.
 She was here to hold her down.
 And she did, a solemn look on her face as she refused to look down at the little maidservant in pain.
 She nearly made herself sick with the screaming and crying, praying for the pain to stop. And it didn’t stop, not even when the old woman visibly placed the small, slender knife into a steaming bowl of water, the thick waves of steam lingering to the floor and blood slipping off the blade in ribbons. It was a dull, deep ache, in a new place, somewhere chasmic within. It felt like a hole had been torn open, blood pouring from within.
 It was all she thought about as she felt a familiar sticky red liquid begin to coat her inner thighs.
 A knife, the weapon.
 Cassia took the pestle from her mouth and began to prepare the bandages. The little maidservant stared up at the ceiling, praying in a quiet whisper. For forgiveness. From the Mother, for not allowing her babe to be born. To her own mother, for she’d be disappointed in her eldest daughter, for what she’d done to protect herself and allowing herself into this situation. To her sister, for not being there to protect her, knowing all she does now.
 Knowing truly what men want.
 Carefully, and with a deep, warm thrumming pain in her core, both women sat her up. The maidservant shook excessively, deeply troubled by the experience, and her glassy eyes went everywhere else but their eyes, not wishing to see the judgement in them.
 They pressed a red rag against her, as women do with their moon blood, and kept it there while more bandages were wrapped around her legs and hips to keep it there, to stem the ever heavy bleeding.
 There will be some pain and blood. But after that, all will be right again.
 All will be right again.
 She didn’t forewarn her about the pain in her heart though.
 The two women pulled her skirts down, pressed her cloak to her back and gave her the purse again, and she clutched it tightly. Now that it was done, she would go back, sleep, pack her things and be gone by the next morning.
 “Rest now, child. Heat a brick for the pain” the older woman said.
 And without looking into her eyes, the maidservant nodded, and pulled the hood over her head, “thank you…”
 Should she thank them for such a sin?
 Her vision never quite returned to normal the entire journey back to the Keep, and several times she had caught herself from tripping over herself. It felt as if every single pair of eyes that walked through Flea Bottom were trained on her, as if knowing all the dark, sinful things she had done, walking around her in silent judgement that was reserved for women only.
 The pain in her core seemed to dull as she walked through the Keep, quickly making for her quarters. Alanna was at the front door before she could open it, having just finished her night shift, with wide eyes, looking about her form, but settling on her pale expression.
 “Prince Aemond has requested y-” she starts.
 No more.
 “Tell him I am not well” she replied flatly, softly pushing past Alanna into her quarters and shedding the layers of her clothes, the call of her bed and the sheets too great to refuse, “I have been ordered to rest”
 Alanna swallowed, “I shall take your shift, for today only”. It was clear Alanna has no desire to do it, for he frightened the other maidservants significantly.
 If only she knew.
 They lock eyes for a moment and Alanna can see the utter exhaustion behind her eyes. She squeezes both her hands, giving her some semblance of comfort and the little maidservant wonders at all if she should tell Alanna about her plans.
To leave this wretched place once and for all.
 “Thank you, you are a good and kind friend…” she replied with a shaky voice, giving a sad, reassuring smile to her fellow maidservant. Alanna gave one back and immediately put her apron back on, leaving the little maidservant to herself in the quarters to recuperate.
 She placed the heated brick beneath her mattress and shed her clothes down to her chemise, the front slightly tainted with a patch of blood where she had begun to leak through. So she placed some dark blankets against the sheets and placed herself finally in her bed, pulling the linen up to her chest and allowing herself to sink into it.
 Hot tears began to pool in her eyes at the thought of what she had done, feeling the evidence of it sliding in warm blood out of her. She thought of her family and how she longed to see them again, hoped that her little brother was alright and recovering.
 This was freedom, this choice she had made.
 And she thought of where she might go. Somewhere where the sun shines all the time, where the clouds are light and fluffy, where she can feel the sea breeze against her skin.
 Somewhere away from him. Where he could not find her. Torture her.
 Sighing happily at the thought, she sank further into the mattress, closing her eyes to rest off the uncomfortable ache and drained emotions of the day she had so far.
 Sleep, the calling.
 She felt her heartbeat softly in her chest, calmed. And her breath, slow and relaxed. Felt the warmth of the brick beneath the mattress soothe her and the soft hand of sleep curling around her body to take her. It felt like floating into nothingness, airy and free.
 Her name.
 Someone was calling her name, somewhere.
 Her eyelashes fluttered at the sound.
 Grief breeds grief.
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General Aemond Taglist: @risefallrise @valeskafics
Consequences Taglist: @iiamthehybrid @manitskatrina @dahlias-and-marigolds @okfashionista @the-common-cowgirl @toodlesxcuddles  @darkenchantress @magnificentdelusionr   @tinykryptonitewerewolf @tssf-imagines @mandiiblanche @xdeath-soulx  @daemonlover @iiamthehybrid @thedamewithabook @hiatuswhore @apollonshootafar @ladymarg0t @hopeless-addiction-love @leeleebabe101 @babyblue711 @croatianprincess @what-is-your-wish @55gyi53vtnquwziq5 @garnetbutterflysblog @queenmizuki @tempt-ress @ithoughtulikedme @babyblue11 @qyburnsghost​ @heavenly1927​ @madislayyy​ 
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ddeonuswhre · 15 days
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ The beginning.
Summary: Jay was your partner and future fiancé, everything was perfect, until one day his mother came to inform you that he had died in a car accident. What you didn't know was that he had actually been bitten by a vampire.
Gender: drama, fluff, love. — C/W: Arguments, blood, very explicit situations/events, etc..
W/c: +200. — A/N: A month? so fast? wow.
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In the end, you were alone with a broken heart. You felt an intense pain in your chest, almost as if the color red from the pain illuminated your entire room.
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It was a lovely morning, and the sun was shining radiantly. I was seated on the steps of my apartment building, listening to music and patiently awaiting the arrival of your boyfriend.
Several minutes passed since the last message he had sent you, a video telling you that it would take no more than 2 minutes due to the light traffic. You didn't attach enough importance to it, because you trusted him to be there, so you just answered him with an "okaaaay :)♡".
The day grew late, and the sun began its descent. Your sweat seemed to have dried, and your buttocks were numb from the long wait. For your part, you didn't know how to feel. It was strange not to have received a single message during that entire time, and your messages asking him if he was okay or if at least the two of you wouldn't go anymore seemed not to reach him.
→ April 14, 2024, 6:34 pm
Jayjay, my love. l'm very worried 'bout you. Please call me as soon as you get this message and the other ones, okay? I'm very scared:((
After that last message, you were again confident that everything would be fine. Maybe he had just gotten a flat tire and gone to the workshop, and his phone was dead, or maybe something had happened to his mother....you had made up so many ideas to avoid falling into "more negative" thoughts.
—Shit I'm so hungry —you said as you set your phone on the side of the couch—. Would a sandwich be... fine?
After you had created the worst monstrosity—a ham sandwich with yellow cheese and many fries inside—you sat down on the couch again, turned on the television, and carefully placed your soda on the floor.
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—Still not know anything about him? —asked a female voice.
Turning slightly to the side, you saw what it was about Minjeong and sighed in relief.
—Yup, I haven't known anything in three weeks now —you answered as you closed your locker.
The young lady couldn't help but discreetly roll her eyes as she let out a soft sigh and gently shook her head. She then proceeded to gently caress a part of your forearm as the two of you made your way together towards the exit, where they would find their car slightly damp from the rain at that particular moment.
Upon entering the vehicle, the subsequent action taken—following the placement of your backpack between your feet—was to fasten your seatbelt. Upon perceiving the completion of the same action by the individual with red hair, a smile was directed towards her.
—I'll put on my headphones, won't you mind? —you asked.
—No, not at all —she answered as she began to drive away—. Distract yourself by creating fake scenarios with your music.
After hearing her laugh, you rolled your eyes in the same manner, laughing and giving her the middle finger. The whole way there, you stared out the window with the volume turned up as loud as it would go. Part of you felt sad because you didn’t know anything; you hadn’t seen your boyfriend or his family.
When you least expected it, Minjeong had already parked his car in front of your building. You turned on your phone to pause the music and remove your headphones. You were about to get out of the car when you felt the girl turn you and hug part of your body with her arms.
You remained still, as you did not completely comprehend the reason behind the embrace. Nevertheless, you reciprocated with your free hand, concealing a portion of your face in her neck and shedding a few tears. Although the two of you had been the closest of friends since your elementary school days, Minjeong had never been particularly fond of displays of affection. She was akin to a sibling to you, which is perhaps why you felt a sense of relief, even if it was fleeting.
—Please, try not to worry so much. I'm sure he is fine. Perhaps he has gone on another trip and is unable to inform you at the moment —she suggested.
—I-I know... but he doesn't even text me.. he doesn't even get my messages —you replied, pulling away from her.
You let out a final sigh as you caught a glimpse of her face for the last time, noticing a hint of worry etched across his features. Until that moment, you believed your sorrow was so profound that it had begun to affect those around you. With a heavy heart, you stepped out of her car, waving your hand in a farewell gesture before turning around and heading towards your apartment.
As you ascended the final steps to your apartment, you experienced a surge of contentment, likely stemming from the comforting embrace and encouraging words of your close friend. However, your happiness was fleeting as a voice gradually emerged from the bottom of the stairs.
As you stood motionless, you held the key in the door lock. Even in a parallel universe, you would instantly recognize that voice. It belonged to the woman you deeply admired and respected—your boyfriend's mother, Jongseong.
—Isee you at last, boy —she answered with a ladino smile.
With a swift motion, you turned to face her, offering a warm and friendly smile. Discreetly, you kept your keys hidden within your closed fist. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ —Oh, Mrs. Park! I'm glad to see you. How are you d-
Your words were abruptly interrupted when that woman pulled out of her bag what appeared to be a luxurious handbag. A gift? For you? From her? It wasn't even your birthday. You stood still, unsure of how to react, unsure of whether to accept the bag or wait for her to say something more.
You took a small step back as she extended her hand, holding the expensive bag. You looked at the handbag and then at her for a moment.
—I.. don't understand. Why...? —you replied, with a puzzled expression and a slight tilt of your head. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ She let out an annoyed laugh and shook her head slightly. You knew this gift wasn't directly from her; it was from Jay.
—Look, M/N. I didn't come here because I like seeing you. I came here... —she sighed heavily— Because I know Jay would have loved to give you this.
—Would he have liked it? Did I miss something in the month I couldn't see him? D-did he go on another trip? Do you know where he is? —you asked, approaching her with concern.
—He died, M/N! —she exclaimed, furiously throwing the bag on the floor and glaring at you with fulminating eyes—. He died a month ago —she responded by gently running her hand across his forehead—. We found out that night! Apparently, he crashed on his way to your apartment, and as we were informed, the only things they found were his phone and that bag.
What just happened? What did you just say? That isn't true. It can't be true.
As you collapsed to the ground, a profound sense of weakness enveloped you, making it challenging to comprehend the gravity of her words. The surroundings gradually faded into a muted haze, and her voice became increasingly difficult to distinguish.
Amidst tears cascading like an unrestrained waterfall, you could discern her figure standing there, her gaze fixed upon you. What ultimately shattered you was her utterance, "I'm sorry. Now that you're aware, I hope you'll stop looking for him." With those words, she pivoted and commenced her descent down the steps.
Standing on the floor, you shed tears, bracing yourself with one hand on the floor—to avoid falling completely—and with the other on your chest, tightly clutching part of your shirt and the necklace he had given you when you turned eighteen.
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The hours had passed since the moment you realized you would never again have the opportunity to be in the presence of the person you held the deepest affection for. If it were not for the intervention of your neighbors, who found you lying on the floor, you would not have entered your apartment carrying an expensive bag in your hand.
Honestly, you still didn’t believe it. You couldn’t believe anything. You felt as if you were trapped in an endless nightmare, unable to wake up. But it all came rushing back to reality as soon as you dropped the bag on the couch and headed to your room.
You had expected to shed tears throughout the night, or at least until a headache manifested—either from the strain on your facial muscles or dehydration, or perhaps a combination of both. However, your plan was unexpectedly disrupted when you heard your phone emit a sound. Upon checking, you discovered that it was an alarm you had previously set titled "Dinner with Jonggie!!♡." You promptly endeavored to deactivate the alarm.
You couldn't finish the video; you just couldn't. Your heart burned again with intensity. You felt an intense pain in your chest, almost as if the crimson hue of pain lit up your entire room. You left the phone on the bed as you clasped your hands and glued them to your body, sinking into pain and tears.
As your cries and groans of discomfort filled the room, you felt a gentle tap on your head, which with each passing moment, made you increasingly drowsy. It was almost as if something were gently pressing down on your head, compelling you to act unconsciously.
"M/n..." a faint voice was heard, as was the case with Mrs. Park—indistinct, nearly impossible to comprehend as you drifted off to sleep.
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Ddeonus/N: Oh my God, I know it took me too long to post this shit, but I honestly couldn't follow the story so I had to watch me again twilight. 🫦
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serverusslaype · 9 months
Shameless, pt. 4
snape x professor!reader fic
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Shameless Masterpost
hey again B) here is part 4 to Shameless, i hope you guys enjoy it, it gets a little soft at the end, and i mean a little. next chapter im hoping to explore reader and snape's relationship a little more, maybe some more tension im not sure... we shall see
thank you again for reading and supporting this fic with likes, reblogs, comments, everything! i really do appreciate it. :) love u guys
okaaaay LETS GOOO!
Another week and a half had passed and it was now a bitter and cold midweek morning. Since that interaction with Snape in the dungeons, you hadn't seen much of him since, nor really spoken to him. He'd rarely come to dinner in the Great Hall in the evenings, let alone breakfast or lunch. You were a little disappointed with this considering he'd given you permission to use his first name, it felt like he was allowing you into his space. Or at least, that's what your overactive mind was thinking. You thought about it deeper as time went on, and you'd reached the conclusion of it just being a professional thing. It bothered you a little, of course, considering how you felt about him.
You'd just finished teaching a class of fifth-years, preparing them for a mock test on Monday. The lesson was rather smooth-going, apart from having to tend to a student's finger after they were bitten by a fanged geranium. After the whole debacle on your first day back teaching at Hogwarts, you were rather glad that only a bitey flower had gone rogue in this morning's lesson.
Presently, you were currently strolling to the Great Hall, dressed in rather nice, muted yellow-gold robes. You were always proud to represent Hufflepuff colours, you took pride in being sorted in that house after all. The mood at Hogwarts was a little low and cautious, considering students were turning up Petrified at every other corner you turned. Luckily, you had not come across one yet, you didn't think you'd be able to stomach it.
The Dueling Club was due to begin today, with Lockhart hosting it. You'd also heard that a teacher had agreed to help Lockhart with the beginning demonstration. Intrigued, of course, you couldn't miss one of your colleagues shooting a spell towards the bane of your existence.
So here you were, standing to the side in the Great Hall, watching the hustle and bustle of students and teachers eagerly awaiting for the show to start - this is Lockhart we're talking about. A table had been set up in the middle of the Hall, a pretty blue and gold tapestry draped over the top of it, dotted with astrology art. Students surrounded the table, giggling and talking excitedly about what could happen. Or, what could possibly go wrong? you pondered, smiling to yourself.
Soon enough, the man in question had hopped up onto the table. "Gather round! Gather round!" Lockhart's screeching voice reached your ears as you watched him strut across the table, one arm gesturing theatrically at the students. "Can everybody see me?" He questioned, looking at the students with bright eyes. Unfortunately, yes, you thought. "Can you all… hear me? Excellent." Lockhart said, quickly spinning on his heel, the cape attached to his bodice twirling with him elegantly. "In the light of the dark events of recent weeks, Professor Dumbledore has granted me permission to start this little Dueling Club, to train you all up in case you ever need to defend yourselves; as I myself have done on countless occasions."
You fought against a laugh in the back of your throat, choosing to cough lightly instead. Yeah, remember that time you couldn't handle a classroom full of little pixies? You rolled your eyes and folded your arms against your chest.
"For full details, see my published works." Lockhart added rather arrogantly. Was this guy serious? Merlin, he loved himself far too much. The famous author then proceeded to whip his cape off, throwing it into a gaggle of fawning teen girls. The gasped with excitement, their hands flying up to grab a hold of the piece of clothing.
"Let me introduce… my assistant," Lockhart began, pointing at the opposing side of the table with an open hand, his other one resting valiantly on his opposite hip. You reached up onto your tiptoes in a poor attempt to see what teacher he'd roped into this. Professor Sinistra, perhaps? Or even- "Professor Snape!" He exclaimed.
Your jaw dropped. There was no way in hell you'd heard that right. Before you could second-guess yourself, said wizard began trailing up the stairs to the table with a gloomy look on his face, his arms folded uncomfortably tight against his chest. As he reached the top, he let them unfold, placing them at his side, wand in hand. You noticed he wasn't wearing his cape too.
As Severus walked down the table, you couldn't help your eyes as they glided over his figure, getting embarrassingly distracted by how good he looked in his tight, form-fitting black robes. You had to force yourself to look away as you felt yourself falling victim to his alluring appearance, a searing hot blush now creeping up your neck, heading towards your cheeks. Gods, he didn't even do anything but take his cape off and you were blushing like a teenage school girl.
"He has sportingly agreed to help me with a short demonstration. Now, I don't want any of you youngsters to worry," Lockhart went on, glancing at the children who were leaning over the edge to eagerly glance at Snape. Surely, there was no way he willingly agreed to this, but then again, maybe he only agreed to it to have the legal ability to cast a spell on him. "You'll still have your Potions Master when I'm through with him. Never fear." Lockhart professed rather over-confidently, deafening arrogance dripping from his words. You knew Snape was a very good duellist after hearing rumours during your time at school in Hogwarts, so you were confident that he'd dominate Lockhart. At least, that's what you were hoping.
The two wizards walked towards each other, stopping just shy of a foot away. They drew their wands, whipping them up to their own respective faces, before whipping them back down in one quick motions, a sharp swish emitting from the way it sliced through the air. Severus and Lockhart spun around, turning to walk five paces in the opposite direction. Once they were in position, they turned around once again to face each other.
"One, two, three!" Lockhart exclaimed, prompting Severus to draw his wand up at the speed of light. Before Lockhart has a chance to cast anything, the Potions Master was two steps ahead.
"Expelliarmus!" Severus commanded, a bright white light shooting from the tip of his wand, hitting Lockhart square in the chest and sending him flying backwards. Your hand flew to your mouth to muffle an amused laugh as you watched Lockhart fly through the air, a cry of pain escaping his lips as his back thudded against the table.
As you looked back to Severus, you couldn't help the small smile that tugged at your lips. Though you had hardly spoken since, it was hard not to feel impressed. The rumours were true, then, you thought, your smile widening. The wizard in question suddenly caught your eye, and you felt your lungs spasm. You had to suck in a breath to compose yourself as your legs tingled.
You nodded at him, wiping the awestruck smile off your lips and pursing them awkwardly instead. To your surprise, Severus acknowledged you back with a nod too. He turned his attention back to Lockhart, who was currently scrambling to get back to his feet. Your cheeks burned at the unforeseen encounter and you felt yourself becoming a little giddy from it. Gods, you really were like a little school girl with a crush.
Fuck. You couldn't understand how you could go from screaming your lungs out at Severus to possibly having a civil relationship with him - how does that even work? Though, you swiftly reminded yourself how that could quickly change, you were well aware of who he was.
"An excellent idea to show them that, Professor Snape, but if you don't mind me saying, it was pretty obvious, er, what you were about to do. And if I had wanted to stop you, it would have only been too easy." Lockhart scoffed, strutting back to stand in front of Severus, his gimmicky grin making another appearance on his irritating face. The Potions Master stood nonchalantly, clasping his hands together in front of him. You had to give it to him, he had that poker face down rather well - something you were a little envious of.
"Perhaps it would be prudent, to first teach the students to block unfriendly spells, professor." Severus said rather harshly, his tone of voice judgmental. He was totally valid for feeling that way, and for once you found yourself questioning Dumbledore's reasoning as to why he had hired such a useless and clumsy wizard. Surely, someone as wise as him could see through this man's pathetic and hopeless act? Maybe he was just desperate for someone to fill the position. Lockhart looked scared for once, his once confident grin fading as Severus stared him down, a sarcastic smile gracing his face for a split second.
"An excellent suggestion, Professor Snape." The famous author exclaimed enthusiastically, spinning on his heel to walk the opposite way of him. "Well… let's have a volunteer pair. Erm.. Potter, Weasley, how about you?" Lockhart gestured towards the boys. Ron's face was a picture, he looked awestruck, almost shocked to see that he'd been picked. Harry's face, however, was more fitting.
"Actually, I was thinking Professor L/N could stop lurking in the shadows and come and showcase her impressive range of skills." Severus declared, his rather loud yet deep and intimidating voice echoing throughout the Great Hall. You almost choked on your tongue, did he really just say that? As you looked up at him, Severus tried to hide the amused smirk that was undoubtedly slipping onto his smug face; his hand outstretched to gesture to you. You wiggled your jaw at him, clearly unhappy with what he'd just done. You weren't great at defence, but you knew how to protect yourself with the bare minimum.
"I highly doubt a professor of Herbology would be able to handle me in a duel, I'm afraid, Professor Snape." Lockhart laughed wholeheartedly, the tiniest hint of worry in his tone. Oh, really, is that how it is, Lockhart? Your jaw ticked at his outrageously offensive comment. Now, you really did want to Expelliarmus his ass to Azkaban. Snape continued smirking. He could hardly contain himself. This was perfect. He knew how easy it was to irritate you - he'd definitely had his fair share.
"Certainly, Severus." You called out calmly, watching the gaggle of students in front of you turn around to stare at you. As your eyes met with Lockhart, a flash of fear wiped across his face. That only spurred you on more. Your heels clacked against the floor cutting through the silence in the hall as you walked towards the end of the table that Severus had climbed up. As you reached the stairs, you held up your robes, careful not to trip.
Suddenly, a large and pale hand appeared in your face. Your brows furrowed together in slight confusion, before softening as they saw who it belonged to. You bit your tongue as you tried impeccably hard not to blush in front of half of the school. Graciously, you took Severus's hand lightly, watching how it swamped your smaller one, allowing him to help you up the steps. He was six-foot-one, possibly six-foot-two, after all. Once you were standing on top of the table he released your hand, to your dismay of course, but you didn't show it. There was a bigger thing at stake currently - handing Lockhart's ass to him.
You saw the author clench his jaw harshly, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed nervously. You couldn't help but paint an innocent smile on your face. Behind you, Severus stepped backwards, allowing you to move past him and towards Lockhart. You nodded at him, keeping your narrowed eyes trained on the strawberry-blonde liability in front of you.
The two of you walked towards each other, stopping in the middle of the table once again. "Wands at the ready." Severus said, trying his best to hide how entertaining he was finding this. You and Lockhart drew your wands, flicking them up to your face again and whipping them down to your sides with a sharp whoosh. You met each other's glaring eyes.
"Hello, friend." You muttered to him quietly, an innocent yet threatening smile gracing your lips. Lockhart's face might have seemed confident and prepared, however his terrified eyes painted a different picture. He was rightfully worried, you still had a lot of unreleased resentment towards him.
"Professor L/N, you are the attacker and Lockhart, you are the defender, obviously." Severus stated.
You and Lockhart turned around and walked forwards five paces, before turning around again. "One, two, three!" Severus called, his eyes widening a tad, eager to see the outcome of his proposition.
"Everte Statum!" You exclaimed, beating Lockhart at his own game. A string of pale pink light shot from the tip of your wand, landing square in the middle of Lockhart's chest. Your eyes were glued onto him as he flew backwards once more, his body flipping through the air like a gymnast - though a lot less graceful. He landed with a muffled thud, a short cry slipping from his mouth. Behind you, Severus was slowly losing his composure, letting a small huff of air escape his lips as he watched you, amused at the scene. He was impressed with your ability, and in his mind he pondered curiously about whether you'd duelled before.
Gasps and laughs erupted from the students surrounding you, though a handful of them also looked worried for Lockhart's wellbeing.
"Not bad for a Herbology professor, methinks." You smiled proudly, clasping your hands together in front of you as you waited for your opponent to climb to his feet again. You half-turned to glance back at Severus, prompting an approving nod from him, the corner of his lips quirking, teasing a small smile. You hummed quietly to yourself as you looked away, returning your attention to Lockhart, your cheeks tinting pink from the eye contact with Snape.
"I believe you owe Professor L/N an apology, professor." Severus said from behind you, quite smugly. You poked your tongue into your cheek, glancing at the floor in front of you to pull yourself together. This whole ordeal was sending you into overdrive. You knew the only reason that Snape was supporting you was because you shared a mutual dislike for Lockhart, but it still felt good to have his approval, perhaps even his attention. You could feel your heart pick up in pace as you thought back to the closeness you and him had shared during those heated, intense bickers.
"I should not have underestimated you, Professor L/N." Lockhart reluctantly said, his hand gently rubbing his behind, clenching his jaw as he stared at you and Snape. You smiled bitterly at him, nodding once and making your way back towards the Potions Master. As you neared him, he leaned towards you, catching your eye. Your breath hitched slightly.
"Nicely done." Severus muttered to you, another tiny smug smirk tugging at his lips. You sucked in part of your bottom lip momentarily before allowing a composed smile to grace your features. "I'm impressed." He added, making your head spin. You swallowed thickly. Gods, you needed to get out of here now if you wanted to leave with at least a shred of your dignity.
"Thanks." You barely managed to keep your voice steady as he leaned away from you, holding his out his hand again for you to take. You took it, praying to Merlin above that your shaking knees didn't give way to you as you carefully stepped down the stairs.
Snape arched a brow at you, his eyes narrowing slightly in a glare, silently reprimanding you for saying such a thing. How could you forget? 'Do not thank me', his words rang in your head as you let go of his hand. As much as you wanted to stay, you weren't sure your heart could take much more of this.
Fuck, maybe that hateful relationship the two of you shared previously was the better option. There was no way you were surviving this year in such close proximity to Severus.
"Don't touch that please, Mr Finnigan." You sighed softly, catching a glimpse of Seamus attempting to reach towards the head of a potted Mandrake. "Not until I say so, and you will see why." You added warningly, watching him reel himself back, a look of slight fear on his face. You smiled gratefully at him. "So, as I was saying, today you will be learning how to handle Mandrakes, and what their uses are." A few curious mutterings came from the students as you stepped forwards, flicking your wand upwards to float some protective earmuffs to each student in the class. They looked at them confusedly, reaching out to grab a hold of a pair.
"Who here can tell me the properties of the Mandrake root?" You asked as you watched the students collect their respective earmuffs, eyes flicking over to a particularly eager Hermione Granger. "Yes, Miss Granger?" You smiled, linking your fingers together.
"Mandrake, or Mandrogora is used to return those who have been Petrified to their original state. It's also quite dangerous, as the Mandrake's cry is fatal to anyone who hears it." Hermione said confidently, widening your smile. She was definitely a bright student.
"Brilliant, ten points to Gryffindor." You nodded, glancing at all of the students. The Gryffindor students all grinned at the sound of your words, giving Hermione an excited nod of thanks. "Now, as our Mandrakes are still only seedlings, their cries won't kill you yet, but they could knock you out for several hours, hence the earmuffs I have supplied you all with." You said sternly, hoping each and every one of the students were listening. You weren't particularly fond of paying the infirmary a visit today. "For your own safety, you will need to wear these. So please, can you all put them on right away?" You asked politely, feeling a sense of relief as every student obeyed you. "Make sure the flaps are tight down, too." You added sternly, noticing some students had just sloppily placed them on. Said students readjusted their equipment.
"Lovely, now watch me closely." You said, turning your attention to the potted Mandrakes in front of you. "Now, you grasp it firmly," you instructed, fingers grabbing on tightly to the top of the plant, "you pull it sharply out of the pot, like so." Instantly, the high-pitched wailing of the young Mandrake filled the greenhouse, making some of the students squirm out of fright. You couldn't help but smile at them; you remembered the first time you'd experienced the shrill wail of a Mandrake seedling in this very greenhouse. "Okay? Now, you dunk it down into the other pot and pour a little sprinkling of soil to keep him warm." You explained, doing as you said, shovelling handfuls of soil into the new pot with the crying Mandrake seedling inside of it.
Suddenly, the sound of a student groaning caught your attention. You looked up, spotting Neville Longbottom's eyes rolling into the back of his head as he fell backwards, fainting. You sighed. Well, nothing is perfect.
"Mr Longbottom has obviously been neglecting his ear muffs." You pursed your lips, casting a sympathetic gaze his way. It always seems to be Longbottom in trouble. Amused snickers and inquisitive 'oh's broke out for a quick moment before you shut them down with a sharp shush.
"He's just fainted, ma'am," Seamus Finnigan protested, glancing between the unconscious boy and yourself. You nodded at him, holding up a light hand to reassure him.
"He'll be okay, Mr Finnigan, just make sure you don't step on him." You said, inhaling softly, turning your attention back to the whole of the class. "Right, off you go, there's plenty of pots to go around," You gestured to the table in front of you, observing the students carefully. "Grasp the Mandrake, and pull it up sharply like I demonstrated." A chorus of crying and shrieking Mandrakes reached your ears as you observed the class repeat your demonstration and you grimaced slightly at the raucous plants. You forgot how loud these little things were in groups. "Careful, Mr Malfoy, don't-" You sighed again, watching helplessly as he stuck his finger into the mouth of one.
Merlin, give me strength, you pleaded, watching him glare at the Mandrake seedling as he ripped his bitten finger out of it's mouth.
"Professor," came a voice to your right, capturing your attention, "You were great at duelling earlier." A blonde girl with big, blue eyes said. Luna Lovegood.
"Ah, thank you, Miss Lovegood." You smiled at her gratefully. "I'm not usually one to duel, however," You paused for a moment, pondering on your words. These were students you were talking to, so you had to be cautious with what you said. "However, I should really be thanking Professor Snape." You finished with a coy smile.
"He totally likes you, professor, didn't you see the way he helped you up the steps?" Another student called out, inducing some giggles from the girls. You rolled your eyes at them, quite positive that they were just pulling your leg.
"Let's not be hasty, now," You laughed lightly, frowning at their words. "I can tell you now that Professor Snape and I just about tolerate each other. The only reason he helped me up those steps was out of pure chivalry, I can assure you." You felt your cheeks begin to burn as your mind reeled back to earlier this morning, thinking about the way your hand felt in his, and how he looked at you after you had duelled Lockhart.
You cleared your throat and your mind, focusing back on the task at hand. "If I'm honest, I don't believe Professor Snape is capable of producing such feelings for a woman." You added absentmindedly, your tone a little bitter. A chorus of gasps and ooh's reached your ears, reminding you that you were in the presence of students - students that like to talk. "I didn't say that… don't… don't tell him I said that…" You groaned, fingers flying up to grasp the bridge of your nose in stress.
Fuck. You really needed to stop talking without thinking. That was another thing Severus had said to you a couple weeks back at the beginning of the year, no? You were still the same silly girl that didn't think before she spoke? You hated how you were proving him right, especially since you'd denied and protested it.
There was a beat of silence as you stared at the Mandrake seedlings in front of you, your mind floating back to when he was so close to you, his intoxicating smell of smoke, books and sweet wine invading your nostrils. The way his hauntingly dark eyes stare so deep into yours, his nostrils flaring ever so slightly out of anger.
"You're blushing, professor!" An amused student called out, pointing at your burning cheeks as he pulled you out of your daydream. Merlin, these kids were distracting you. Definitely not helping.
"Alright, alright, that's enough chit-chat, ladies and gentlemen, back to work, please." You shook your head, trying to ignore the tightening knot in your stomach. A few bashful giggles erupted in front of you. "I want all of these Mandrakes repotted by the end of the lesson, please."
Soon enough, the bell tolled and your students had done very well, apart from Longbottom, of course. You'd sent an owl to the infirmary to notify Madam Pomfrey of Neville's state. You assured her that he would wake in a few hours. How was this boy continuously finding himself in such situations? Severus was right. Again.
A quiet groan left your lips as you collapsed into your chair behind your desk, eyes glued thoughtfully to a beautiful, singular white lily that you had potted and placed as a decoration on your desk. You were just about to relax into your chair and open up a book to read for an hour or so when you heard Professor McGonagall's worried voice over the intercom.
"All students are to return to their dormitories immediately. All teachers to the second floor corridor." She said hurriedly, causing a worrisome look to stir on your face. This was serious, Minerva had never requested something like this before in your time teaching and learning at Hogwarts.
What had happened now?
part 5
part 4, done and dusted bitches B)
i hope you enjoyed reading, and thank you so much to everyone that has supported this through likes, reblogs and comments!! i appreciate every single one of you. honestly. much love to you guys.
if you would like to be added to the taglist please don't hesitate in leaving a comment below! i'll be happy to :)
for the last two users i've tagged, i couldn't remember whether you said you wanted to be tagged or not, so i apologise in advance for the notification
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corroded-hellfire · 1 year
Hi! Idk if you’re taking requests right now, but if you are could you do one that’s like the Chrissy scene? Like reader is really upset about something and goes to Eddie to buy off him but he refuses and cheers her up?
Perhaps the cutest Eddie scene we got! I love this so much and I really enjoyed writing it.
Warnings: mentions of alcohol abuse, mentions of drug use, brief mention of physical abuse, language, i think that's it?
Words: 2.7k
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“Just say no,” First Lady Nancy Reagan is always saying. But the wife of the President of the United States wasn’t currently a high school student. So what if you wanted a little pot to take the edge off? It didn’t make you a bad person. It made you a stressed teenager. 
The early spring air was still a bit chilly in Indiana, so you hug your sweater tighter against your body as you make your way across the empty football field. It’s the emptiest you’ve ever seen the stands, only ever having been here during a game before. But it’s much more peaceful this way, and your pounding head is grateful. The sound your sneakers make changes as you step from the fake grass of the field to the natural, overgrown bed of the forest beyond it. The light has suddenly diminished as well, the umbrella of the trees blocking out the majority of the rays. It only makes you colder and you cross your arms over your chest.
One of your best friends had arranged this meeting between you and Eddie in the woods. You’re not sure you’ve ever actually spoken to the boy before. Of course you knew who he was; who didn’t with all the attention he brought upon himself? But you were a year behind him, and you’d never shared any classes. Luckily, your friend was a regular customer of his and had no trouble setting up the deal with the metal head. 
The lonely picnic table comes into view, and you settle yourself on the bench, dropping your backpack on the wood in front of you. Originally, you’d hoped Eddie would already be there when you arrived, but it was kind of nice sitting in the quiet wooded area. There wasn’t a whole lot of quiet in your life, so it was a nice change of pace. 
The rustling of the leaves alerts you to Eddie’s presence before you see him casually stroll his way into the clearing, black leather jacket half zipped up and old tin lunch box dangling from his fingers. He shoots you an easy smile as he settles on the bench across from you, thumping the lunch box down right across from your backpack. 
“Funny seeing you here,” Eddie jokes as he unzips his jacket. 
“Just happened to be walking by and thought this would be a nice spot to buy some drugs,” you say, making Eddie snort a laugh. 
“Okay, right to the point,” Eddie says. He flips open his lunch box and rifles through it, his tongue sticking out in concentration as he looks. “Know what you want?”
“Um.” Your brow pinches up as you think, and when Eddie glances up at you he can’t help but find it incredibly cute. “Weed?”
“You asking or telling?”
“I don’t know,” you admit with a sigh. Eddie raises his eyebrows as he watches you rub your hands over your face.
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah,” you say, dropping your hands down to the table. “Peachy.”
“Look, uh,” Eddie says as he closes the lid on his metal box. “Not to drive away potential customers, but are you sure you want to buy?”
“Just wanna relax,” you admit with a shrug.
Eddie holds his chin in one hand and drums his fingers against the table with the other.
“There are other ways to relax. Alcohol?”
“No,” you say, more forcefully than intended. “No alcohol.”
“Okaaaay,” Eddie drawls out, looking down at his ring clad hand. “But, uh, weed and alcohol kind of get you to the same place, just take a different route.”
“Not true,” you say, crossing your arms and avoiding his eyes. “Weed relaxes and calms people. Alcohol makes people violent and mean.”
Eddie raises his eyes at your words, looking at you in concern. He knew all too well the ill effects alcohol could have; he’d seen it many times with many people, he was just trying to call your bluff. But the way you said it made Eddie think you were talking from personal experience – and not having partaken yourself in the drink. He wants to ask again if everything is okay, but he knows you’ll just deny it. Why would you tell him anyway? You’d never even spoken before. That didn’t mean you two had never interacted in the past though.
“Do you, uh, still talk to that neighbor of yours?”
You look up at Eddie, brow furrowing in confusion. 
“Your neighbor. Lily Warner? Werner? Warbler? Shit, I don’t know. The one who had the long blonde curls that married the guy who works with Wayne?”
Recognition dawns on your face and you lean back, jaw dropping and eyes widening.
“Oh! I completely forgot about her. No, she moved out after they got married. I forgot you were at that wedding, too.”
“Yeah.” Eddie scoffs and rolls his eyes. “Wayne forced me. Joke was on him, though. He never asked me to go to any formal shit again.”
“Because you took a bite out of the cake before the bride and groom cut it?” you ask, doing your best to hold back a laugh. You’re smiling though, and that was Eddie’s goal.
“Well, how was I supposed to know?” Eddie asks with a shrug. “I’d never been to a wedding before, and no one explained to me how these things worked. Dinner was a buffet, so I thought the dessert was too!”
“Fuck, how old were we? Eleven? Twelve?”
“I can’t speak for you, but I know I was thirteen because that was two days after I had my first kiss.” His smug expression has you letting out a small giggle, which Eddie is instantly addicted to.
“Is that so? With who?” you ask.
“Betty Wilson.”
“Really?” you ask, practically shouting it at him across the table.
“What?” he asks, pretending to be offended by your outburst.
“She was the biggest bully on the playground! Even in middle school!” 
“I know,” Eddie says with a laugh. “She said I could either give her a kiss or get a black eye.”
“I would’ve taken the black eye,” you tell him.
“You weren’t a thirteen-year-old boy,” he says, leaning in towards you with a smirk. 
“Boys,” you say with a playful eye roll.
“Well, that’s it.” Eddie locks his lunch box and stands up from the table, acting like he’s going to leave the woods. “I can’t be friends with someone who talks to me like that.”
Leaves crunch under Eddie’s shoes as he takes a few steps, but he halts at the sound of your laughter. He smiles to himself before schooling his face into neutrality before turning back to face you. 
“What’s so funny?” he asks.
“You’re so dramatic,” you say, shaking your head at him. You’re still chuckling a little bit and Eddie’s willing to get as dramatic as he needs to as long as it keeps you happy. 
“Me?” Eddie gasps. “Dramatic? Well, I never.” He drops the lunch box back on the table and flips his hair over his shoulder like he’d seen women do in the soap operas that were on television when he skipped school. 
“You made me laugh at the wedding, too,” you say as you recall the memory. “I was bored out of my mind, then I looked up and you had sauce from the pasta all in your teeth and you were acting like someone punched you in the mouth.”
Eddie throws his head back and lets out a cackle.
“Shit, I forgot all about that. When you laughed, your mom looked up, saw, and thought I’d hurt myself or something and came over to me all scared. How’s your mom doing?”
At the mention of your mother, Eddie sees you tense up. You practically curl in on yourself, a crease coming to your forehead. With a frown, Eddie comes back to sit down across from you.
“Hey, I’m sorry,” Eddie says. He goes to reach out towards you but thinks better of it and keeps his hand to himself. 
“No,” you say, shaking your head. “It’s fine. You didn’t do anything.”
“I don’t want to pry, but um, is she okay?” Eddie’s voice is soft and gentle, and the tenderness in it makes you feel like you could cry. 
“She’s fine,” you say, venom laced in your words. This makes Eddie frown even more, and he looks down at his hands. He purses his lips as thoughts run wild through his mind. Something clicks and his eyes snap back up to your face. 
“Is your mom drinking?”
Your shoulders fall, but you shake your head.
“No. Not her. Her boyfriend.” Your voice is weary and worn out, making a fist clench around Eddie’s heart. He nods in understanding as he digests the new information.
“He’s a mean drunk?”
“Very,” you confirm.
Suddenly, Eddie’s muscles tense and he clenches his fist. He leans in so his voice doesn’t have to be above a whisper for you to hear.
“Does he hurt you?”
The anger in his tone makes your heart swell, though it’s something any decent person would be mad about. When you look up to meet his eyes, there’s a fire in there as well that sends a shiver down your spine.
“No,” you assure him. “He’s just an asshole. To me and my mom. But she puts up with it and I don’t have a choice.”
Eddie’s jaw works as he tries to loosen up the muscles after clenching his teeth so tightly. At least the guy’s not laying a hand on you, but that doesn’t mean Eddie isn’t still pissed off at what you have to deal with. He runs his hand over his face and lets out a sigh. 
“Unfortunately, drugs won’t solve your problem,” Eddie tells you. “Honestly? I don’t know how much they’ll even help the problem. But, um…”
You lift your head to look at Eddie when he trails off. It’s unusual for him to just go quiet, so you’re intrigued by whatever it is he clearly wants to say. When a hint of pinkness comes to his cheeks, you’re even more surprised. You weren’t sure Eddie Munson knew how to blush. 
“I know that we don’t know each other well and that we’re not exactly friends,” Eddie starts, fingers fidgeting nervously with his rings. “But if you ever just want to get out of the house or need some time away from your mom or her boyfriend, you can just give me a call.” You meet his doe brown eyes and there’s an understanding there that you haven’t seen in anyone else. “I know what it's like to have someone in your own home make you feel like shit. And I guess now that I have a home where I don’t have to worry about that anymore, I want to extend that to you whenever you need it. Day or night, I don’t care. Call me and I’ll come get you.”
Tears threaten to spill from your eyes as you stare at the boy in front of you. Never did you think you’d find such kindness and empathy from anyone at your school, let alone Eddie. It puts a warmth in your heart that you hadn’t realized had been missing. 
“Do you mean that?” you ask in a timid voice.
Eddie hears the wobble in your tone and this time he does reach across the table to place his hand on top of yours. 
“Cross my heart, I do. Even if you want to just come over and get high, we can do that.”
“I thought drugs wouldn’t solve my problem?” you ask, the corner of your mouth twitching up in an involuntary smile.
“They won’t,” Eddie tells you plain and simple. “But if you’re staying with me and you’re in a safe place for the night, hell yeah, we can blaze up. Get some chips, some pot, and some Karate Kid movies. That sounds like a good night to me.” 
“Then I guess I should warn you now,” you say. 
Eddie sits taller in his seat as he looks at you, apprehension clear on his face.
“About what?” he asks.
“Well, I’m not going to be able to stop talking about it once I’m high, so I might as well tell you now that I have the biggest crush on Ralph Macchio.” 
Eddie laughs and drops his head down to rest against the picnic table. 
“You scared the shit out of me,” he says when he sits back up. 
“What? Thought I was going to say I have a crush on you?” you tease with a smirk. But Eddie doesn’t laugh like you expected him to, he just shrugs and avoids your eyes, hint of a smile on his lips. 
“As long as your crush isn’t on William Zabka, I don’t care,” Eddie says. 
“Ugh, no,” you say, scrunching up your nose. “Never a guy from Cobra Kai.”
“At least you’ve got some taste,” Eddie says with a teasing wink. He stands up from the table and walks around to your side. When he offers his hand out to you, you let him help you up off the bench, and then he takes your backpack and hooks over his shoulder. His free hand scoops up his black lunch tin and he starts walking in the direction of the football field. 
“You coming?” he calls over his shoulder. 
Broken out of your trance of watching him, you jog the few feet that Eddie got ahead of you. You walk side by side out of the woods and onto the turf of the football field. 
“So, are we going to your place now?” you ask, fingers fiddling with the hem of your green sweater. 
“We could,” Eddie says. “Or we could drop by your place while no one’s home and you can grab some clothes and stuff to stash at my place in case of emergencies.” 
“You’d let me keep some stuff there?” you ask, almost in awe at his generosity. 
“Well, yeah. I don’t think you’d want to be stuck wearing Hellfire or Metallica shirts all the time.” 
Truthfully, the thought of you wearing Eddie’s clothes is something you both find appealing, though neither of you would say it to the other. 
“Uh, sure,” you say as you follow Eddie to his van. 
“House empty now?” Eddie asks as you make it to the parking lot.
“Should be. They both should be at work.”
“Then let’s get in and out before they know we were there.” Eddie opens the back doors of his truck and puts your backpack and his lunch box inside. After slamming the doors closed, he comes over to open the passenger door for you and assists you in getting up on the high seat. Once you’re settled, he takes his own position in the driver’s seat and starts the engine. 
“Okay,” Eddie says as he begins to pull out of the Hawkins High School parking lot. “First stop at your house, then Family Video, then that mini market across the street from them so we can load up on snacks. Then back to my place for some plant-assisted relaxation.”
Down the highway a bit, Eddie pulls off on the street that leads to your house, and you look over at him.
“How do you know where I live?” you ask.
“Wayne and I helped the guy who married Lily move into that house when they first got engaged.” 
“And you still remember how to get there?” You’re impressed, honestly.
“It’s a pretty small fucking town,” he says with a laugh. 
Eddie turns down your street and the usual feelings of anxiety and apprehension aren’t there. Because Martin’s car won’t be in your driveway and neither should your mom’s. They’re out, working, which means you still have enough time to go in, get some things to leave at Eddie’s place, and get back out before they’re home. But having Eddie right next to you also helps to keep you calm. There’s something endearing and relaxing about him, but you’re still confident that he’d step up if something happened with your mom or Martin. Eddie wasn’t one to back down from a challenge, and if that challenge was protecting you? It’s a dizzying thought that you can’t quite wrap your head around. 
It’s as if Eddie can read your thoughts, though. He reaches over and takes your hand in his large one. Giving it a few squeezes, he shoots a smile at you. 
“Everything is going to be okay.”
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passionateseadruid · 2 months
Snake King’s Bride
Warning: Profanity (The F bomb), unhealthy relationships, human sacrifice, deals with the devil. (Why tf am I writing this 😭(because I had an idea and it wouldn’t get out of my head that’s why)) Other warnings may be added.
Part one The Exchange
You were so excited to move out and go to college. But in this economy everything is expensive, so you got a roommate and a job at this adorable little thrift store. (Employee discount for the win). 
“Bye, Lilian! I’m off to work!”
“Okay! I’ll be home late, so don’t wait up!”
“Alright! If you feel unsafe or if you want to leave the concert early feel free to call me!”
You made your way to your job and entered the shop.
“Kaitlyn I’m here!”
“Oh hey! Come in come in! I was just reorganizing some stuff.” She stood on a chair as she swapped some things on shelfs, next to her lay a bag of flower petals (fake ones most likely).
“Anything new or interesting get dropped off?”
“My step-sister Regan dropped off a ring earlier today.” She said hopping down.
“Ooh! What does it look like?”
“It’s gold and it’s shaped like a snake coiled around your finger. And it’s eating a little ruby in the shape of an apple.”
“Can I see it?”
“You’re… interested?”
“I guess you could say so.”
She smiled, almost exited and relieved at once. “I’ll go get it.”
She left and after a few minutes you were worried so you went to find her and you heard her talking in the break room.
I promise she’s perfect
Trust me! Rea Rea doesn’t have to get hurt
Oh thank you!” She walked out of the break room and you hid behind a clothing rack. 
You pretended to be coming back from the bathroom. “Hey, I just want to say that I hope you know I’m here for you if you need anything. Like I know this is out of pocket but I thought I’d tell you because we’re getting close.”
“I’m fine. Here’s the ring.”
“This is beautiful!”
“Put it on!”
“What? Why?” You laughed.
“Why not? I won’t tell. Just do it.”
“Okay but only for a minute.” You slipped it on. “Okay that’s enough… why won’t it come off?”
“It’s… not coming off?” Kaitlyn asked nervously.
“I’m going to see if I can loosen it with maybe some soap or something. Where did your sister get this ring by the way?!” You yelled from the bathroom. The shop was usually empty on weekdays so you didn’t really care about how loud you were being.
“Um… my little sister said that it was a family heirloom to be passed down to the first woman born into that family on her 20th birthday.”
“I’m not finding anything; but while you have that ring on why don’t we have some fun!”
“What do you mean by that?” You asked cautiously.
“Why don’t we just pretend that you’re getting married?”
“What?” You laughed.
“Come on! It’ll be fun!”
"Why not?" You smiled.
You pulled out an old wedding dress and the matching shoes. She arranged the flower petals from before in a circular pattern and placed some candles around. "I think this dress might be a bit big on me."
"I'll grab some safety pins." Kaitlyn smiled.
You changed into the dress and when you went to zip it up it felt like the dress shrunk to fit snuggly on you. It was a white ballgown dress with a sweetheart neckline and long sleeves. She then changed into some white close toed wedges with faux gemstones dangling from the strap. It felt like the shoes were expanding as you slipped into them. "Huh, everything is a perfect fit." You then slipped on a chocker that had two rows of pearls and a big diamond in the center and finally placed the veil that came with the dress on top of your head.
Stepping out Kaitlyn had adjusted the veil to cover your face and lead you over to the ring of flowers. "Okay stand here for a second."
"Kaitlyn, something doesn't feel right about this." You said as you stepped into the circle.
"Shut up."
"Excuse you!"
Kaitlyn starts speaking in Latin as you try to step out of the circle. "Kaitlyn stop! You're scaring me!" A forcefield stopped you from leaving the circle. "What the fuck? What the fuck is this? Let me out!"
A fiery rift slices through the air and a dark demonic voice calls out.
"Please, Dark King of hell take her as your bride in exchange for Regan!"
"Deal now leave me be."
"What NO!" You screamed as the floor erupted from under you.
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foxyarchive · 3 months
Your Guardian Angel(Or Devil) P2
You officially meet Adam for the first time. It involves a lot of screaming.
Cross Posted on AO3!
Warnings: Swearing, drinking, vomit, suggestive content..... Adam.
Words: ~5k
So good news! I now have a plot idea, but I don't want to whip it out yet. I need more Adam fun filler, but I'm running low on ideas. Please, lemme know what y'all wanna see Adam and the Reader get up to!!
P1 | P2 | P3
“Give me anotherrrr!” You cry out in enthusiasm, slamming the now empty shotglass on the bar counter. Your friends cheer you on, someone patting you on the back firmly enough to make you stumble forward. Thankfully, being right at the edge of the bar, you can brace yourself and stop from completely keeling over. Your friendly opponent smirks at you, sitting in the seat beside your own as he waves his hand to order another round. 
“Didn’t take you as someone to be able to hold your liquor that well.” He comments, a small hiccup leaving him, and you just offer him a sharp grin. 
“What? Jus’because imma WOMAN?” You scoff, swaying slightly in your seat. 
“Yeah, put him in his place!”
“Show him you mean business!” Your friends cheer you on, and the stranger just laughs with an incredulous shake of his head. 
“A whole entourage as well. Let’s see if you can keep up!” Another shot is brought to you both. Immediately, you grab for yours, and knock it back as fast as the other man. It’s sweet, and it goes down easy, but it roils as it settles in your stomach. So does the next one as you declare yourself capable of handling another. The room is almost spinning, now, and the stranger seems in better shape than you, but… Not by much. 
“Think… Think I’ll… Get sick if I– I have another.” He hiccups mid sentence, trying to gurgle out the response, and you numbly nod your head in agreement. You offer him a hand, which he shakes, and the two of you stare for a moment before bursting into laughter at the absurdity. You reach out and hug him, and he reciprocates, and the hug is clumsy but it’s the thought that counts. Who knew your night would go down being challenged by a stranger in a bar? It was certainly fun, though. 
For awhile, you thought you were the most fucked up, but it seems your friends were all rather wasted as well. Looks like getting a ride here was a good idea after all, even if it meant needing to pay for it… Twice, too, since you needed to get back to your house. It’s late, absurdly late. You’re too old to be staying out this late it feels like, but it’s the weekend, and you want to have fun, dammit. Against your better judgment, you have another drink– Something light, but still enough to give you more liquid courage to head up to the karaoke stage and belt out a song you don’t even remember with your friends. 
2AM rolls around, and that’s when everyone is kicked out. Your mind is a horrible haze, and each step you take and the way you move your body is beginning to feel extremely purposeful. You’re trudging forward, leaning against your friends and giggling at literal nonsense. You open your phone as your friends do, all of you calling your own rides home. Everyone had arrived here together, and had decided to crash at your friend's place, but with it being this late and with how awful you’re beginning to feel, you just wanna go to your own home. Seems everyone else does, too. Looking down at your phone, you stare at it for a solid fifteen seconds as you try and decide what to do. What were you doing again?
Oh. Right. Getting a ride. Several others at the bar are as well. You open an app with shaky hands, trying to click your way to order something, but a sudden encroaching feeling washes over you. “G–Guysh, I … I needa piss, I’ll… Be back.” You slur to them, lightly dragging your hand down the hair of one of them. 
“Okaaaay, be quiiiick!” Comes the hiccuped response, and you flash a thumbs up(more like a hand up) as you stumble your way back to the bar. You try to go in, but the door is locked already. You whine, pounding on the door, slumping your cheek against the side of it. It swings open, and you stumble forward, thumping into the chest of a burly doorhopper. You blink up at him, nearly falling backwards as he pushes you an arm’s length away. 
“We’re closed, now.” He grunts. 
“But I needa peeeeee!” You whine, shifting from foot to foot. 
“Should’ve thought of that before we closed up.” Comes his brisk reply, and the door is slammed in your face. You let out a loud groan, tossing your head back, and turn around to look for your friends. You can’t see them anywhere, not with this many people, and you move forward to try and find them. Your steps are getting worse, and you’re hurting at this point trying to hold it in, and you’re unable to find them. 
“UGH, whatever.” You grumble out, deciding to walk to a nearby gas station across the street. You slowly begin to stumble your way down the sidewalk, making it to the intersection. Another group of people are there, and you blink lazily, leaning against the poll. When they start to walk, so do you, following a decent distance behind just due to moving so slowly. Finally making it to the gas station, you walk in, shuffling to the bathroom door. Thankfully, it’s unlocked, and you finally get in and relieve yourself with a loud sigh. 
After finishing up, you stumble out of the bathroom, and back into the cold of the night. With a shiver, you rub your arms, trying to figure out where your car is at. Nobody is around, now, but you see some cars across the street. That must be where yours is at… Or your driver. You ordered a ride, right? You begin to make your way back over, and with everything sounding so muted, you don’t hear the rumbling of cars in the distance. You head to the crosswalk, and you see a flash of green. Green means go, obviously. 
You step out onto the street, beginning to walk across. White suddenly blasts in your vision. The loud roar of an engine catches up to you, and a shot of adrenaline suddenly flicks through your body as some of the haze clears. You realize what’s happening as a car zooms your way, along with two others in some street race. There is no way you can move out in time. 
Oh, fuck. Are your last thoughts, before they collide with your body. 
…Or, well, you assumed they did. Your body is suddenly sent flying, being jerked around, and you find yourself thumping against something solid as the wind whistles across your face. “Unf!” Is the only sound you make, and you blink open your eyes, seeing the cars whiz right past you. You’re on the sidewalk again. Oh. Maybe you had just imagined you’d walked into the street, and saw what happened if you had, and–
“Aren’t you little shits taught to look both ways before crossing or something?” A brash voice breaks you out of your thoughts, and you suddenly realize there’s a weight on your arms. Someone is holding you. Blearily, you blink, craning your neck to turn and look at who is. You have to crane your head to look up. And up. And up. He– It– Is… Huge. It towers over you, face black like it’s horns, golden mouth and eyes peering at you in what you can only define as stark irritation. Oh, God, it’s some kind of demon. You don’t even notice the little round thing floating above its head.
You scream in surprise, scrambling away from its grasp as you stumble back towards the street. “You fucking idiot, I just saved you from doing that, don’t do it again!” It snaps, wrenching forward to grab you by the front of your shirt, dragging you towards it. 
“P-P-Please don’t k-kill meeee!” You cry out, feeling tears run down your cheeks. You can’t comprehend what’s happening. What the fuck is this thing? Why is it touching you? Are you tripping balls right now? Holy shit, what did you drink? It’s not real, it’s not real, it’s not–
“Why the fuck would I kill you? I just saved your ass! Twice! You’re fucking welcome, by the way.” It turns you away from the street, pushing you further into the sidewalk with enough force to where you collapse to the ground. On your knees now, you sob, cowering as you cover your face and wonder what you could’ve done to deserve such a fate to be hunted down by a demon. “Oh my fu– Wahh wahh wahh, can you stop crying, bitch? I saved your fucking life!” It seethes from above you, ripping a hand away from your face. Its glaring at you, teeth bared in frustration, and you just shudder and try to pull away, your heart racing in a panic. This is the worst trip of your life. You’re never drinking again. 
“Let go!” You cry out, too inebriated to wrench yourself free from its powerful grasp. “Don’t eat my sooooouuuulll, pleeeeaase.” You sob pitifully, turning your head back away, and it just groans out. 
“If I let you go, you’re not gonna try to run, are you?” It snips, and you just shake your head, agreeing with it. It lets go of your arm, and the first thing you do is stumble to your feet. You try to run, to get away. Still being extremely terrified and uncoordinated, though, you don’t make it far before you trip and fall with another cry. 
“I’m going to fucking kill Sera for sticking me with this shit.” You hear the demon hiss as it approaches you. You’re wrenched to your feet, and you feel its arms wrap around your body. 
“No! Nononono, I’m sorry! I’msorryI’msorry, I p-p-promise I’ll behave!” You gasp out, kicking your legs as it lifts you off the ground. You hear the whoosh of something, and then suddenly, you’re lifting into the air. It’s a feeling that makes your stomach curdle as you’re now weightless, ascending higher and higher into the sky as the demon kidnaps you. You kick and thrash, and all you can do is scream, trying to escape despite knowing that if you did, you’d very likely fall to your death. Being wasted did not help any thought processes. “Heeeeellllppp!” You scream out to someone, anyone, but a hand is briskly slapped over your mouth. 
“Shut the fuck up, you whiny cunt! I’m trying to help you!” It growls in your ear as you zoom through the air. You’re going to be sick. Or faint. Probably a combination of both. Your vision is growing dark and cloudy. You need to be put down, now. You try to talk, but nothing comes out. You try to bite at its fingers, but are unable to. You try licking instead. Its wearing gloves. “You’re so fucking gross, stop doing that before I give you something to lick.” You don’t know what the threat means, but it doesn’t matter anyways. You feel on the verge of unconsciousness, before your stomach does another flip as you’re swooped down with the demon. 
It places you on the ground, and you can barely recognize that you’re in some random park through your hazy state. It turns you around to face it, and that’s when you recognize the sight of wings curling back up to its side. Then, there’s that ring above its head again. Oh, God, was it… Actually an angel? Why did it look so demonic? It doesn’t matter. This isn’t real… Right? Oh, but your stomach is curdling and your hair is windswept and you’re freezing and– “I’m going to take my hand off of your mouth, and you’re not going to scream. Got it?” It asks through gritted teeth. You blink, one eye at a time, giving a small nod of your head. Slowly, it removes its hand, squinting at you. 
Sike. You open your mouth to cry for help once more, but in a flash its hand is back over your mouth. You lick it’s fingers again, trying to get it to stop, and it instead opts to push two fingers into your mouth now. A moan leaves your throat at the intrusion as you slump slightly, tongue naturally curling around the digits. The look of irritation is gone from its face, now. Instead, it watches you with intrigue as your tongue licks and sucks, head cocking slightly to the side. A small smirk places on its features as it leans closer. “This is a lot better…” It almost whispers, and you moan again against better judgment as it presses them in further. 
Saliva pools at your lips and drips down your chin. A lot of it. An unnatural amount. Your throat constricts. Your stomach cramps. You know what's coming, and clearly the demon-angel does too. It wrenches its hand away, swiftly side-stepping as you hurl up the contents of your stomach. You fall to your knees, retching as everything you had drank and ate the past several hours comes back up and empties onto the grass. “Oooh… It buuuurnss…” You moan in pain, voice scratchy and warbly. There’s only a brief respite before you retch more, and you hear the thing beside you make a noise of disgust as it walks away. 
After what feels like an eternity, you finally slump onto your side with a whimper, rolling away from your stomach juices. You shiver, feeling cold and exhausted as the adrenaline completely leaves your body. The haze in your head certainly doesn’t go away, though. You have no idea how you got to this park, as you realize that… Figment of your imagination was just that— A figment. It’s not here anymore. 
“Fucking done yet?” A flat voice asks. Oh, shit, it is still here. It walks back over, arms crossed as it looks down at you, irritation on its face. You just whimper again, curling in on yourself. 
“I… Want… Home…” Is all you can manage out, and it crouches beside you, wings flaring out. 
“Where is ‘home’?” It asks, sounding none too pleased. You just groan out, feeling too tired to respond. Your eyelids are getting heavy. The world is growing dark. “Fine, just fucking– Stay there.” The thing is gone in a flicker of gold, and that’s the last thing you see before you pass out. 
Waking up was a mistake. You were sore as Hell. Your throat was burning, your mouth hurt, your head was throbbing, and your knees were aching. You try and flit through your memories to recognize why you feel so awful, besides the copious amount of drinking you surely did, but everything is just a blank right now. You smack your lips together, grimacing as you taste the sure sign of puke in your mouth. Well, that explains why your throat burns and your stomach is howling. With a heavy groan, you slowly get up, trying to shield your eyes from the light that pours into your room. 
You slip inside the bathroom, shedding your clothes as you turn the shower on. You take something for your pain, popping into the shower with a gratifying sigh as you feel the warmth of the water relax your aching muscles. You wash your hair and body, spend longer than necessary in there, and finally decide to crawl out. After drying yourself off and putting on some comfortable clothes, you head into the kitchen, your cat letting out a loud meow. “Hi, mister meow. I know, I know, give me a moment and I’ll feed you.” You pet him as he rubs against your leg with a purr. You fix yourself a bowl of cereal, feed your cat, and settle on the beanbag with a relieved sigh as you flip on the television. 
You’re still trying to remember last night’s details as you slowly eat, blinking lazily at the TV as you chew unceremoniously. You feel like a cow gnawing on cud with the way you’re chewing, but your body still feels to be moving in slow motion. Well, that is, until something pops up in front of you. “Huh. You didn’t kick it. Thank fuck, I wouldn’t have heard the end of it.” Your body jerks in surprise, and you nearly go flying off the beanbag as a scream of shock and terror rips from your sore throat. Some of your cereal spills, but it’s a Godsend that the whole bowl doesn’t go flying out of your hands. You look up at the… The thing towering over you, and suddenly, everything is starting to be pieced back together. 
“Y-Y-You’re–” You try to stammer out, and he just scoffs, straightening up, previously being hunched over you. 
“You’re– You’re– You’re–” He mocks you in a feminine voice as he flutters his wings and makes hand gestures. Despite still feeling an abundance of fear in your core, it’s lessened just a bit by this, and an ounce of irritation crawls up your spine. “Can you stop being such a fucking pansy for five minutes and let me talk? Sheesh…” He glowers at you, and you decidedly shut your mouth. His hand then shoots down, and he grabs the bowl of cereal from your hands abruptly. “And give me this. Making me hungry.” He scoffs, taking a bite of your cereal as you try to process what exactly is happening. Okay, so this definitely is happening, then. You blink owlishly, still trembling, on the verge of a panic attack. 
The angel-demon chews loudly, looking down at you, unimpressed. “Chillax, ‘tits, I’m still not gonna hurt you. Remember what I said last night?” He drawls out as he chomps on your cereal, and you frown at his words, drawing your legs up to you. 
“...Barely.” You mutter. You remember him, but not exactly what happened. You decide questions are the best thing to get started, here, because he does seem placated for now… “What–” You begin to ask, before stopping yourself. Well, he was clearly a… He. A person, and not some… Entity. He ate, after all, and talked like a person. Too much like a person, in your opinion… “Who are you?” You decide to ask. 
“Adam.” He responds, and you blink. That’s… Such an ordinary name. You’ve met at least two Adams in your life. You were expecting something more inhuman, like… Zeretath. Or Angeclous, or something! “I see that look on your face, bitch. I’m not just any Adam. I’m the Adam.” You offer him a blank stare, and he looks back at you, scoffing. “You know. The original. First man, first dick. You descended from these fuckin’ nuts.” He smirks, pointing a finger down to where you assume his crotch is. Your face heats up at the implication, at first, before your eyes widen in shock once more. 
“Wait– Like, Adam and Eve?” You can’t help but ask, and you figure that’s maybe the wrong thing to ask, because he immediately tenses and a scowl crosses his face. 
“Don’t you fucking say that bitch’s name.” He hisses out at you, bending over to glare at you, and you shrink back with a squeak, trembling again. He squints at you, before straightening up. “But yeah. That.” He snorts, taking another bite of cereal. You don’t know what to say. You’re flabbergast right now. Part of you doesn’t believe him, or believe that… Any of this is real. You’re most certainly awake, though, you know that for sure. You also saw him just pop into existence right in front of you. What should you do? Was bowing appropriate here to the first human created? Should you call him something other than Adam? He seemed so… Casual. And he looked nothing like you thought he would. Wow, human evolution had really come a long way. The stories painted him nothing like you thought he’d be like. 
‘Made in His image’. God looks a loooot different than people perceived him as, then. You thought about asking him about it, but was a bit afraid to spark his ire anymore. Instead, you decide to ask, “Why are you here? Right now and last night?” You’re still hesitant, legs drawn up to your chest, but your arms have loosened around them a bit. 
“Guess ‘cause you’re one lucky sonofabitch. I’m your guardian angel.” He smirks, finished with your breakfast as he tosses the bowl and spoon carelessly aside. You expect to hear it shatter, but to your surprise you see it just float off and land with a small clang on your counter. You look back at Adam, eyes still round. 
“Is that your… Role? In Heaven?” You ask, and he scoffs, flicking something off of his robes with his fingers. 
“Fuck no. That shit is way below my paygrade.” He responds, and your confused look makes him clarify. “I guess it’s some shit every angel has to do at least once, aaaand it was my turn, or whatever. So. You’re my first.” He raises a brow, offering you a sly grin with the cross of his arms. “Congrats, you popped my guardian cherry, babes.” You can’t help but grimace at the comment, your legs sliding down now that you felt less… Intimidated. 
“So basically you just… Save me from death?” You ask, trying to understand what exactly a guardian angel’s job was. You didn’t even know it was real. You’d heard the phrase ‘your guardian angel must have been looking out for you!’ before, but you, like everyone else, had always just thought that’s what it was. Some phrase that held no merit. “Am I immortal, now?” You blink in realization. 
“Pfft. No.” He laughs at the thought, almost mockingly, sneering down at you. “You’re still gonna kick it. And whenever it happens it’ll probably fuckin’ suck. I’m just here to make sure you don’t kick it before your predetermined death time arises.” You tilt your head in curiosity at this comment. 
“So you know when and… How I’m going to die?” You ask, hesitantly, a bit of a chill running own your spine. Could you have your very life laid out right before your eyes right now? Could you even… Cheat death if he gave you the answer? 
“Yeeeep. I know everything. I’m fuckin’ Adam.” He emphasizes with a smirk, pointing to himself. His next response is one you’re partially expecting. “And, no. Don’t bother asking. I can’t tell you, and even if I could, I wouldn’t. I also can’t answer any other questions about the pearly gates, or other divine beings, yadda yadda, you get the idea.” He makes a talking motion with his hand, looking bored as he gives this spiel you assume he’s meant to give. You partially wonder if he actually is supposed to be talking to you. After all, you haven’t heard anything about guardian angels talking to the person they’re guarding… Then again, you have never heard of them actually being real. 
“So do you just… Know when I’m going to be in trouble? Or can I like, call for you when a situation seems unfavorable for me?” You inquire, sitting up a little more as you look over him. Goddamn, he is massive… Easily over seven feet. Maybe about eight. It’s a little horrifying, truth be told. You’re still pensive about him, and you’re not going to try to poke the bear by any means. You’re certain that his hand could completely cover your face if he so wanted it to. 
“I have this sorta sixth sense for when shit is gonna go bad for you. Allows me to just pop over whenever I need to.” He explains, hands on his hips now. His wings are tucked at his side. How interesting… A sudden thought crosses your mind. 
“Wait– Have you been following me my whole life then?” You blink, and he takes this time to poke around your house nosily. 
“Correct-a-mundo. Remember that time you almost drowned as a tot?” He’s looking through your cabinets now at various snacks and utensils you have stocked away. Cautiously, you stand, not approaching, but nervously moving about nearby.
“No.” You admit with a frown, trying to rack your brain. 
“Fuckin’ course you don’t. You were like, three. Wandered into a pool like a dumbass and I gripped you out by your fat head so you didn’t drown.” He’s grabbing a bag of chips, opening it up as he tosses a few in his mouth. You don’t even know what to say. He’s been watching you your whole life and only now you know about it? You try to wrack your brain for any other near death moments you can think of. 
“Oh! What about that one time when I was thirteen? I was at a park, and I tried to do a backflip off of a swing, and I could’ve sworn I was gonna land at an angle that would break my neck, but I somehow didn’t. Was that you?” Enthusiasm is thick in your voice as you pinpoint a possible moment it could’ve happened. 
“Nah, don’t remember that.” He says through munching. “Oh, there was that time though when you were like… I’unno, ten? You were fuckin’ around with some friends, and one of them swung a metal bat and your head was like, right in the way.” 
“Oh, shit, I remember that!” You gape. You still remember the thunk it had made against your head… Boy, you’d had a nasty goose egg and couldn’t sleep on the side that had gotten hit for awhile. “Wait, though. That hit my head. Are you… Telling me that would’ve killed me if you weren’t there?” You suddenly gape, a shiver running down your spine at the thought. 
“Bingo. Would’ve caused enough internal bleeding to knock you the fuck out forever. Kids are fucking insane.” He grimaces, leaning against your counter as he eats. “Put my hand right between your thick skull and that bat. That other fucker swang so hard it bruised my hand, little bitch…” He utters the last part, a scowl overtaking his features as he chews more on his– Your– chips. 
“How come I didn’t see you?” You blink in surprise, suddenly realizing you hadn’t noticed him at all. “Or anyone else for that matter.”
“Well, first off, only you can see me.” He explains, brushing some crumbs off of his robe and onto your tile. It’s your turn to scowl now. “Secondly, you’re not supposed to see us. Well, me. Y’know. Your guardian.” He snorts, chewing some more, and your scowl softens into just a frown now. 
“Err… So, then, why are you letting me see you now? And talk to you?” You decide to ask, hesitantly, and he shrugs his shoulders as he tosses more chips into his mouth. 
“Because this whole guardian bullshit is so fucking boring. I gotta keep loose tabs on your whole life? That’s like, a ninety year commitment.” He groans out, tilting his head back dramatically. His horns nearly knock a small succulent off of your counter. 
“So I do live a long life?” You raise a brow, and his head snaps back up to you, squinting. 
“I didn’t say that, bitch, I was giving an example.” He snips, and you just close your lips. 
“You have an awfully filthy mouth for an angel.” You find yourself saying, eyes widening as you slap a hand over your mouth. Oh, fuck, you didn’t mean to say that outloud. Thankfully, Adam doesn’t seem to take offense. In fact, he actually grins, and lets out a bark of laughter. 
“You think angels are these perfect, pure, holy beings? Because you’re fuckin’ wrong.” He chirps, straightening up with a flutter of his wings. It knocks off a piece of paper mache, and you frown at the action. “Okay, well, a lot of them are, but that’s just because they’re too pussy to say what they’re really thinkin’ because they don’t wanna become fallen or whatever. Not how it works, but those fuckers don’t know that, and it’s hilarious seeing the lengths some of them will go to scramble so that I don’t report them or whatever.” He laughs again, and you can’t help but to make a small face with how malicious that sounds like it is. It… Probably is, honestly. Adam finishes your chips and carelessly tosses the bag aside.
You shift from foot to foot, trying not to be intimidated as he walks towards you, pausing as he glances to the side. Your cat has walked back up to you with a purr, rubbing against your legs, and you pick him up for cuddles. “What does it mean to… Become fallen?” That sticks out in your mind, and you pause as you realize he probably can’t tell you. There seems to be this look that dawns on Adam’s face as well, as he seems to realize what he said. 
“Oh, uh… Angel stuff. Can’t tell you.” He huffs, crossing his arms as he looks down at the cat in your arms, who’s purring contently. A squint is sent your feline’s way, and he sticks his tongue out it, and you can only watch with wide eyes. “Anyways. You’re alive, I’ve done my job, easy fuckin’ day. Glad you’re not as annoying as I thought you were initially, with how last night went. I gotta skedaddle now, though, got angel shit to do. Important shit. I mean, I’m kinda a big fuckin’ deal, so don’t you forget that, sugartits.” He grins down at you, and you scrunch your nose up at the nickname. 
“I have a name, you know.” Comes your response, and he just waves a hand dismissively. 
“Yeah, I know.” You deadpan. 
“Okay. What is it, then?” You wait, and he hems and haws, briefly, wings flicking as he taps his chin in thought. 
“Um… Al… Elm… J… Je…” He begins to utter out sounds that could possibly be your name. He can’t be serious. He’s been following you your entire life and he can’t even remember your name? You give him your name, your face and tone still deadpan, and he snaps his fingers, before he scoffs. “Obviously! I was just about to say that. You got no fuckin’ faith in me, ‘tits. Try to have a little more faith. I’ve saved your life three times now.” He hunches over you, and in reflex you set your cat down, afraid of this going south for whatever reason. You peer up at him with wide, significantly more anxious eyes, now. “If you were up top… You’d owe me. Big time.” He leans in closer, gripping your chin with a grin as he pulls you somewhat closer to his face. It looks… Off. Almost digital. You can’t describe it. Angels were so strange. 
You swallow. Nervously. Something in you makes you retort, “...It’s your job.” He just sneers at your reply, letting you go and pushing you back slightly as he puts room between the two of you. 
“Yeah. I know. And I’m fucking awesome at it, like everything else. You’re a lucky bitch.” He strums what you can only assume is air guitar, before flashing you the devil’s horns as he sticks out his tongue when he grins at you. “Later.” He’s gone, once again, in a puff of golden, smokey sparkles. You’re now left with crumbs to clean up, an empty bag, and a lot to think about.
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supernaturalfreewill · 6 months
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Sam came back in. "Alright, Dean just pulled up. I guess we just load him in the Impala and—" Sam turned and broke off as he saw new redness and swelling on the side of the guy's chin. "What—what happened? I was only gone for five minutes."
You were cleaning out underneath your fingernails with the point of your knife. "Hmm?"
"His face," Sam said gesturing to it. "He's got a welt here!" Sam sighed and put his hands on his hips. "Did you punch him in the face?"
"What?!" You straightened up and met his multifaceted eyes, affecting a taken aback expression. "I am shocked and appalled that you would think I would do something like that!"
Sam only looked amused. "Are you though?"
You smirked at him and shrugged. "No, not really... because I did."
"Why?" Sam asked, exasperated but laughing. I mean, the guy was an asshole...but—
"He was getting mouthy!" you said.
"He has duct tape over his mouth," Sam pointed out.
"Okaaaay, so he was getting... eye-sy? Look, he deserved it, okay? Just trust me on this."
Sam let out another laugh and shook his head before crossing the room to drag the guy to his feet. "Let's just get this over with. You can be in charge of the bag of gear now, okay?"
"Ooh! More weapons!" you grinned, slinging the heavy duffel up onto your shoulder.
"I am starting to regret bringing you along for this," he laughed.
"Nah... Just think how much damage I could have done alone if you left me at the bunker..."
Prompt: "I am shocked and appalled that you think I would do something like that!" / "Are you though?" / "No, no really..."
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colourstreakgryffin · 10 months
okaayyyy WHAHAHAH here i comeee LOVES *evil laughs*
Howww bout Muichiro getting jealous of her lover having a pet which she always cuddles, and most of the time her attention goes to pet alot whenever he hebis interacting with her (of course they are in a relationship and the pet can be a cat or dog up to you loves! <3 )
You write and rolepay Muichiro SO GOOD! so i wanna see his reaction skskskskssksks
It’s okay if you don’t write thiss~ you SPOIL me alot that is enough~ but I still requested because I want to give you my ideas! and support for you tooo!!
HAHAHA YOU THOUGHT THIS WILL BE NAUGHTY? Naahh not noww i guess maybe next timeee around be ready! AND THE READERS TOO AHAHAHH LOVE YAH ALWAYS!
Aww! Thank you! It’s no issue! Okaaaay! Of course I will write this! Some cute stuff for jealous Mui!
Tokito Muichiro
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Muichiro is very in love with you and he would do anything for you, so when you bring home a puppy. He smiles calmly, pleased by happy and excited you are, approving and allowing you to have a pet of yours with his whole chest
Throughout the days, Muichiro’s jealousy is getting more and more unbearable as you shine away from your conversations with him to pet your beloved fur baby
Muichiro tries to keep himself composed, reminding himself that it’s wrong to be mad over you liking your pet
Muichiro does his best to be supportive and be loving of you and your passionate love for your puppy
It is cute how happy you are with the little doggy but the fact you spend more time with that canine then your own boyfriend, makes him punch the wall out of jealousy
Muichiro keeps everything bottled up, thankfully, it works well with how quiet he is. He feels selfish to point out his jealousy over a pet to you when the pet is a source of your happiness
The way you cuddle the puppy, instead of him, at night has his blood boiling
Muichiro also actively tries to bond with your pet so he can feel more included and so he can please you too, but it always ends wrong. Him grumbling quietly over his bento as you play with and kiss your eager little puppy
He smiles at you constantly in a half-fake that he is happy with the puppy taking your attention 24/7
Muichiro just can’t help himself. He wants you to be happy more than anything but he also wants to be apart of your life. That can’t be so hard, can it?
He feels neglected and pushed out. Is that puppy really better than him? He won’t say a word, he just can’t bring it up since he feels far too ashamed
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Idk if you do Charlie but just an idea, Charlie has a male disguise, she accidentally turns herself into a boy, her male bi s/o gets super flustered and thinks she’s so pretty as a guy, no smut just FLUFF
A/n: OHHH I HAVEN'T DONE CHARLIE YET! Tysm for this idea!!
A Charming Surprise~Charlie x Male!Reader.
Mentions: Charlie turning male, Bisexual Reader, all fluff.
Topic: Request above ^^^
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You and Charlie had been dating for quite some time. You help her out with the hotel CONSTANTLY, and make sure she doesn't overwork herself in the process of it all. You two are unreasonably adorable and loving, so much you get teased by others for it. Today on the other hand, was peculiar in a way. Charlie was practicing her magic, trying to get more of a better grasp of it, before she practiced a bit too much, coincidentally turning herself into her male disguise. Mind you, she was partially aware she could do it...She just wasn't expecting you to walk in on her, startling her.
"SHIT!! SORRY CHARLIE I- Wait..." You exclaimed, only getting a brief glimpse, thinking she was changing, dropping the papers in your hands in an attempt to cover your eyes. Only after a bit of processing, you stood straight, uncovered your eyes, and stared at Charlie wide eyed.
"Uh...Y/n...? You okaaaay..?" Charlie hummed nervously, leaning forward. Her hair was more shorter and slicked back, and more male features were made noticeable. Good thing that the transformation kept her clothes. Your face grew even more red as she approached you, cupping your cheeks. You couldn't help but to get even more flustered by this, and the fact you were bisexual was definitely a contribution to this. Nervously scratching your neck, you turned your head in embarassment.
"Y-Yep! I'm fine! Peeeeerfectly fine!" You bashfully said, clearing your throat. It took a bit, but Charlie hummed an 'ooh' in realization. She then leapt into your arms, giggling happily.
"I guess you like this form?"
"Yeah...I...I really do. I like you in general though so-"
"It's settled. I'll have to shift into this form to fluster you more often!" Charlie giggled with enthusiasm, as you swayed her softly.
"I wouldn't mind that at all Charlie!" You laughed, as you two shared a quick and sweet kiss, before just hugging.
"I love you Y/n."
"I love you too Charlie.."
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