#okay i think i'm gonna do it from shortest to longest
yououghtaknow · 2 years
trying to decide which psychological damage to inflict on myself tonight (watch gg s3 finale, watch act 2 of waitress, finish annotating siken’s crush, or finally rewatch bare)
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verycharismaticdragon · 6 months
Do you know why everyone and their mother keeps saying that Sheb Qingqiu's secluded cultivation lasts for a year or 3??? Last I checked, wasn't he only in the cave for several months??
...I haven't seen a fic use that timeframe in quite a while - am I the delusional one??
Having intensively cultivated for several months, he could freely control his spiritual energy and had risen one level above his original cultivation base.
... nope, still as I remembered from the official book, page 85 in my copy. Even my old Exiled Rebels translation puts it as, "several months." Last I checked, 12 (or 36) months is far too many to simply be considered "several", so what am I missing? It just- throws off the timeline so badly and greatly increases the amount of time poor Binghe is stuck in the woodshed, for what?
Okay, so the 3 years thing comes from the donghua, no need to look further. It's one of those things that directly go against canon but have stuck in people's minds, similar to 'the washerwoman was the one to pull baby Binghe out of the river' and 'Shen Qingqiu fainted dramatically several times early on in his transmigration'.
Then, I don't believe I have seen 1 year myself, but if I had to guess, it may come from the fact that Binghe is 14yo prior to SQQ entering seclusion and 15 once he leaves. That said, an entire year makes zero sense considering what we know of the timeline.
Which is where I confess that I tore out some hair over the length of SQQ's seclusion when constructing the timeline for Transmigrator Time Traveler, because for me 'several' months means 3 to 5, but given all the facts, SQQ's seclusion had to last somewhere between 6 and 10 instead. (I went with 9 in the end, for the fic, cause I've read that 9 is a significant number for spiritual practices cultivation is based on? the source was a little vague so i don't know how true that is, but I needed a number.)
Nevermind, to the aforementioned facts. MXTX confirmed the date of the first chapter publication - Sept.21 - to be the date of SQQ's transmigration. (Small note: I'll be using modern months, even though SV's world uses lunar calendar, because it's easier to gauge weather and stuff. For characters in the novel, they might see those as different months/seasons, but that doesn't really affect our purpose here.) Luo Binghe’s 15th birthday - which Shen Qingqiu missed in seclusion - is in winter ('coldest day' which I after some research came to hc as jan6, though that's not particularly relevant, because...) Demon invasion happened on a 'hot day' (SQQ mentions it in relation to how SHL is dressed) - which puts it in May at the earliest, August at the latest. So these are the 'borders' we are working with.
Now, to my actual calculations. We know SQQ spent some time on the Peak after transmigration, before the Skinner mission that led to him going to seclusion. So I'm gonna say that happened in October at the earliest, December if you stretch it (though I feel like his tatas would freeze off if the Skinner left him half-undressed in December...) - but definitely not later, cause Binghe’s birthday has to happen off-screen. So if we take the longest possible time frame, October to August, we get 10 months. The slimmest possible window - December to May - gives us 5 months, but between the aforementioned boob hypothermia issue and the fact that May is a bit of a stretch for the 'hot day', I think that 6 months is the shortest you can go.
Which, again, doesn't align with my understanding of what should be described as 'several' months, but what can you do... tbh, im not sure MXTX thought all that hard about the timeline, which is understandable as a writer - but as a fan, frustrating
So yeah - definitely less than a year (and absolutely not 3, donghua), though the math gets fuzzier after that.
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thefreakandthehair · 1 year
✨ 2022 ao3 wrapped ✨
thank you for the tag, @pizzaqueen @hexmionegranger @flashyysins @unclewaynemunson! I adore all of you :')
Works Published: 14
Word Count: 78,639 [not including the roughly 50k currently unpublished until January!]
Hits: 52,347 [holy fuCK you guys?!!?!]
Bookmarks: 1,944
Most popular by kudos: and if I get burned, at least we were electrified. explicit, 9.2k. [I loved writing that one so much, I think I was possessed but the response to it was beyond anything I could've imagined for a little Halloween oneshot!]
Most hits: livin' on a prayer, explicit. 17.9k. [totally makes sense because that was my first steddie fic back in August! also my first piece of writing since literally 2013 so again, I'm shocked and awed that it garnered any kinda audience.]
Longest: kind of cheating here because the longest published is also livin' on a prayer, but over the hills and far away is the longest thing I've ever written at 75% done and 50k.
Shortest: hush when no one is around, my dear. teen and up, 1.1k! [a request based on a prompt from @corrodedcoughin where Dustin finds a cute note from Steve to Eddie in a DnD manual.]
Most comments: once again, and if I get burned, at least we were electrified. [but funny enough, a cute fluffy oneshot I wrote isn't it obvious? is very close!]
Fic that made me cry: counting stars (when I look in your eyes), teen and up, 6.3k. [this was my christmas fic for the spicy six challenge and for several reasons, I cried writing it. I really do project onto Eddie so fuckin' much.]
Fic that made me smile: i made this mess with love., explicit, 3.9k. [this was a steddie+ bar fight request from my bestie @bayouteche and I may or may not have included us as little side characters because why the fuck not? writing us into that very small scene really made me laugh!]
Gifts: simple twist of fate. teen and up, 3.3k. [this was for the fruity four halloween gift exchange with the prompt of Steve/Eddie and Robin/Nancy coparenting the party.] also special shoutouts to gifts I've received because they've been INCREDIBLE: Adventures in Flirting by @misspanicdead and boston cream by @fruityfourgalore <3333
Events: other than the spicy six winter fic challenge [which BY THE WAY holy SHIT I'm gonna compile everything into a masterlist at some point soon but you all fuckin' rock, seriously. I didn't think it was gonna take off the way it did and I love every single one of you for making it a thing that made it all the way to TikTok!], I also participated in the fruity four halloween gift exchange [simple twist of fate], @eddieismissing's halloween challenge [requiem for a nightmare.], and the @strangerthingsbigbang which okay, technically not completed until january but whatever, I'm counting it for this year too.
tagging: (I know this has been going around so if you were already tagged or already did it, ignore me &lt;3) @bayouteche @sharpbutsoft @henrystars @kkpwnall @flowercrowngods @withacapitalp @hotcocoaharrington @stevieclaus @solosnail @strawberryspence and literally anyone else, this is me tagging everyone who wants to get in on this :')
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bisexualshakespeare · 6 months
fic writer asks
I saw these questions by @ficwip and decided to just answer all of them rather than waiting to be asked
30 questions below the cut!
What’s something new that you tried in a fic this year? How did it turn out and would you do it again? Uhh I wrote a lot of smut? 😅 oh I have a fic that is just a sex scene? it was part of a series so the lead in was technically there and also I was about to start my period and was very horny. I loooove a long lead in to the sex. Lightning Strike, and kind of Nymph Butter too, has like a couple horny paragraphs and then sex. I don't know if I would do it again but it wasn't really planned? so I guess we'll see what happens!
How many fics did you work on this year? (They don’t have to be finished or published!) it looks like 25??? wild
What’s something you learned about yourself as a writer? I think I have a better grasp of how I intuitively write and I learned that it's NOT a thing I need to train myself out of. It's okay if I write non chronologically or in dialogue only for the first draft, because following the way my brain works will lead me into the most energetic path and I can circle back and add description or transitions later. I think I'm better at description than I think I am but it just doesn't come as quickly.
What piece of media inspired you the most? I mean I published 5 Willow fics in less than two months and started several more so I feel like I have to say Willow!
What fandom(s) did you write for this year? Willow, Ted Lasso, Haven, a couple other one off fandom filks
What ship(s) captured your heart? Airk/Elora/Graydon I am such a sucker for ot3s
What character(s) captured your heart? THRAXUS BOORMAN MY LOVE
Did you write for a new fandom or ship this year? Yeah I watched Willow in i think April and enjoyed nothing else as much
What fic meant the most to you to write? Finishing Multivocal was soooooo wow. Like it is The longest thing I've ever finished and it really brought writing back into my daily life as something to look forward too rather than something to feel guilty for not doing? I wrote it for like three years. This year I made some edits and added some scenes that made me feel really good about taking my time. I really wrote the fic I wanted to see (except i mean i would've preferred them to fuck but other than that lol)
What fic made you feel the happiest to work on? Eckleberry Pie was so fun. It was really stream of consciousness. I just had no worries about what other people would think cause I literally was like no one is gonna read this but @lowkeyed1 so I can do whatever stupid shit I want 😂
What fic was the most satisfying to finish writing? I think Apple Candy. I didn't realize how it was going to end until I got there. I kinda sped through the end of the chapter cause it was already going up after the October collection was closed and I wanted to get it done, so I was just kinda awkwardly figuring out what we were gonna leave on and then I wrote that Graydon was loved and I was like 'oh. yeah. that's what this was about!'
What fic was the most difficult to write? Did you finish it? All of them were difficult. If we're including fics I didn't finish then probably every ted lasso fic I tried to write and couldn't. I was planning on writing a series from Jamie's perspective, I tried to write a fantasy AU, I tried to write PWP, just so much did not work and then I left the fandom.
What fic was the easiest to write? I think I wrote Lightning Strike in like an hour lol
What were your shortest and longest fics this year? If we're ignoring filks and Multivocal, which started posting last year, then the shortest would be Bridges at 670 words and the longest would be my as yet unposted Cyrano AU at 21K.
Rec a fic you wrote or posted in 2023 I mean I have to go with Eckleberry Pie and the rest of the Harvest Festival series right?! Or if you don't want a bunch of smut then In The Middle is a filk about yelling at creators, so that's a mood
What were your go-to writing songs? I got really into these "immersive writing session" videos where someone buys the rights to a bunch of instrumental music and puts it together to fit a vibe. I listened a lot to traveling through a medieval fantasy world but it gets darker the longer you write What were your go-to writing snacks? tiny bottles of wine cocktails from the grocery store
What was the hardest fic to title? I guess Lightning Strike? I almost always name fics after phrases I use in the fic and in the Harvest Fest series I wanted them to be named after food cause I knew the last one was going to be called Apple Candy, but Lightning Strike didn't have any time for food cause it was just fuckin so I had to find something that felt like it fit but was different. It was a change in perspective, Elora instead of Graydon, so once I decided I wasn't mad about the title not fitting the theme.
Share your favorite opening line Okay I actually wanna use a filk for this cause I love the first verse of What You Believe: How on earth could I be calm When inside my chest's a ticking bomb? The nicest guys can be deceiving Lift you up, then leave you bleeding It's a goddamn tragedy like Misérables
Share your favorite ending line As the moon rose on the final day of the Harvest Festival, Graydon knew, with the utmost certainty, he was loved.
Share your favorite piece of dialogue From Apple Candy:
“So what am I gonna do while you and Airk are together? Sit in my room twiddling my thumbs?” She scoffed and dropped her hands from his shoulders. “I kinda thought you would do things that I don’t like, like studying your languages or practicing the flute.” “Yeah or sleeping with Boorman.” Elora groaned and rolled her eyes. It was kinda cute though. Knowing she was in love with him made it better. He ran a thumb over her hip. “Hey so, Airk left us your bedroom for a few hours. What do you think he’s doing, knowing what we’re supposed to be doing?” Elora’s eyes narrowed. “He better be twiddling his damn thumbs.”
Share an excerpt from your favorite scene From Multivocal, a scene between Duke and Audrey I added right before posting and was much needed:
“I think it could work." She pressed. "The three of us.” “Oh you’re not even gonna ask me? I could have other offers. I’m a very well liked guy.” “As I can see by the gigantic mess all your friends left.” “Hey I don’t mind a mess,” he held her eyes, “as long as I’m not the only one trying to clean up.” She stepped closer. “You’re not.” Audrey put a hand on his chest. She had almost done the same thing several months ago, when she thought the only option was giving him his family trouble again. But then she’d wrapped her hand around his neck instead and pulled him in for their first kiss since Colorado.
Share the final version of a sentence or paragraph you struggled with. What about it was challenging? Are you happy with how it turned out?
this is so hard. I feel like I forget what I used to struggle with cause I'm so focus on what i'm currently struggling with 😅
I had a really hard time writing Nymph Butter because it was this mix of humor and smut and sincerity and I wanted to have like real moments of connection between Graydon and Elora without it being so serious that it killed the sexy mood. The whole fic was a big balancing act there.
“Can you stop talking about Airk? He has nothing to do with us.” “Of course he does!” She shouted, hitting the ground in frustration. “I thought I loved him, but what if I was just using him to get over you? Like you're using Boorman to get over me.” “First of all, Boorman likes being used. Don't you, pal?” Boorman’s moan came from behind him, along with the sound of his hand sliding with help from the nymph butter.
I'm pretty happy with how it came out. I was very meh when I first posted it, but on a reread I think it holds up. Since my new main ship is an ot3 I'm sure I'll have many more chances to work on this mixture of sex and relationship negotiation.
What’s something that surprised you while you were working on a fic? Did it change the story?
I think I was surprised in Apple Candy that Boorman got a little jealous of Graydon and Elora. Boorman was always supportive of them but when I was writing the morning after, I started thinking in Boorman's voice and I felt that little twinge of sensitivity that he has and how he runs away from his emotions and I was like hmm okay I'll follow that. The overall story was the same but I think it added a little weight to the Graydon/Elora relationship negotiation that came after.
What did you use to write? (e.g. writing programs, paper & pen, etc.) a combination of GDrive, LibreOffice, OneNote, and a physical notebook.
If you had to choose one, what was THE most satisfying writing moment of your year? Probably in August when I first started writing Cryano AU. I hadn't written anything the whole month and then in the last week and a half I wrote like 5k
Did you do anything special to celebrate finishing a fic?
No but I should! I need to think of a good finished project ritual. I think I usually just text a friend and sigh and watch youtube videos and wait to get a comment.
How did you recharge between fics?
I...don't? Should I have a recharge ritual too?
If this were an awards show, who would you thank?
🥺 I would like to thank my IRL friend Lee for beta-ing Multivocal for me. I would like to thank lowkeyed for leading the way in the scary world of rare pairs. Thanks to everyone on the Revolorilution server for encouraging my ideas. Everyone at Voiceteam for encouraging my filks, especially klb! And of course I thank everyone who commented and gave a kudos on my fics! I love you all so much! It's been a great year of writing! Thank you 😭
What’s something that you want to write in 2024?
I want to write all of the willow season 2 fic ideas. I am manifesting an announcement of the show coming back and I want to make sure I get all my thoughts out before that happens. I'm definitely excited about the possibility and would like to have trust in the writers, BUT I put off all my ted lasso ideas until season 3 and now they're all dead to me so gotta grab my joy while I can!
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supermarine-silvally · 7 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thanks for the tag @chameliyun!
How many works do you have on ao3?
Eight I think! Mostly longform which is why the number is so low lol
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently I'll write for Death Note, My Hero Academia, Hunter x Hunter, Demon Slayer, One Piece, Soul Eater, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, and Doctor Who. I have VLD fic up on my ao3 but I don't write for that fandom anymore lol
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Starbound (VLD, 294), Ground Zero (MHA, 223), Far Longer Than Forever (VLD, 76), Tales From Wammy's House (DN, 62), and The Ghosts Within Us (HxH, 57)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I'm usually super late to respond lol but yeah I try to get to all of them! I love interacting with people and I treasure all the feedback I get!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
All my ao3 fics (excluding Tales From Wammy's House, which is a collection of short stories I wrote as part of a fandom event) are unfinished, but I know which one is gonna have the angstiest ending... no spoilers though!
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Again, they're all basically unfinished so no spoilers!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Haven't so far so hopefully I never will lol
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I am physically incapable of writing smut. I know some ace people write it no problem, but... I am not one of those people lol
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I'm open to crossovers but I can't recall any that I've actually written. Usually I prefer to do them in the same sort of genre (for instance, a MHA/Marvel crossover or Pirates of the Caribbean/One Piece kind of thing where there's a sort of plausibility in setting)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
If I have, I don't know about it. Not sure why anyone would bother though lol
12. What's the longest you've spent working on one fic? And the shortest?
Longest: I've been working on A Shot in the Dark since 2020 though I don't update it much anymore. But I don't want to abandon it at this time so I'll count it as ongoing.
Shortest: Tales From Wammy's House since it was for a week-long challenge lol
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! Second Chances is co-written with the amazing @til-the-static-comes :)
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I'm a big canon/OC shipper so I'm really attached to my canon/OC (and OC / OC) pairings moreso than most canon/canon, buuuut my favourite all-time canon/canon ship is still the Doctor/Rose Tyler; you can pry them from my cold dead hands. Killugon (Gon Freecss/Killua Zoldyck from HxH) is a close second.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
A Shot in the Dark is already so bloody long and I'm still a ways away from finishing it, but I'm gonna try, I promise.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, I think. And I'm pretty good at character-centric stories.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm not great at poetic, descriptive writing since I'm usually more interested in what characters are thinking/feeling rather than their external traits/environment. That might be more of a style thing though. I do have a bad habit of making characters monologue for a little too long sometimes, and relying too much on internal monologues too.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Oooh okay so I actually have so many thoughts about this!! I think it's a really effective tool if done properly-- I frequently use languages other than English in my writing since a lot of my characters tend to be bilingual. For me, it's really important to use it in the right moments that make sense within the narrative, and keep a logical kind of consistency to that rule. In my own writing -- I'll use my MHA fic Ground Zero as an example since I do it a lot there -- I like utilizing other languages in moments that reveal something about the character (Kova's foreignness/identity as a biracial/cultural Japanese-Ukrainian teenager is a major theme of her character and of the story) or when it creates moments in which a character's dialogue is supposed to be impenetrable to other characters in that scene AND THEREFORE to the reader as well-- but I DON'T use it (even though the character would technically be speaking another language in that scene) when I WANT the reader to understand what's being said. In Ground Zero, when Kova is having a phone conversation with her Ukrainian father, she's obviously speaking Ukrainian to him, but I don't write the conversation in Ukrainian because I want the audience to understand the dialogue-- and because that would be really, really annoying for a reader to have to wade their way through, assuming most of my readers are not fluent in Ukrainian (and neither am I, for the record-- I know a bit, but not enough that I don't have to check with external resources created by native speakers). But in contrast, when Kova is with her Japanese friends, if I drop a Ukrainian word/phrase into the conversation, the reader is getting the experience of the friends, and both the characters and the reader are meant to share in that confusion until Kova translates it. (Example: Bakugou is not meant to know that Kova has been calling him a dickhead (khuylo), but the WAY she says it is meant to convey that she's being derogatory so he's somewhat aware he's being insulted without me having to put a translator's note right after). I do translate and put the Latin lettering (as opposed to the Cyrillic) in the notes section at the bottom of each chapter, though.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Ever? Pokemon. On ao3, VLD.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I'm so close to finishing Ground Zero and it has such a special place in my heart so I'll pick that one :)
no pressure tagging: @shrinkthisviolet, @deathbecomesnerds, @chickensarentcheap, @antivanruffles, @til-the-static-comes, and anyone else who sees this and wants to!
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theorderofthetriad · 2 years
Ur loki fic???? 👀
okay, so, SO, the fic is called In His Thrall, I've only posted one chapter (on 4/20 lol) so far. It's exploring the relationship between Loki and Thanos, starting from outside perspectives of their relationship, and then slowly starting to reveal what's happening behind the scenes. I want to build a lot of tension in this fic which is kinda mean of me to do because I know i'm gonna be inconsistent trash about updating it, like, i already am!
As for the actual plot and not a vague description, the first chapter starts off with Thanos and his forces attacking Asgard during the beginning of Thor: The Dark World when Thor is off-world, and rescuing Loki (and, more importantly, getting the tesseract.) The narrative is non-linear so the plot is going to cover the somewhat canon-compliant events leading up to chapter 1, and the things that follow the first chapter where the plot diverges from canon.
Here is my document for planning each the chapters of this story with quick little descriptions of the events. Keep in mind that I only have about two thirds of what I've got planned in my head actually written in this document and that the shortest chapter description is 15 words, the longest description is 519 words, and the average is about 220 words.
Tumblr media
i have 33 chapter descriptions written of the plot in linear event order. It's gonna be so many more chapters than that once i actually finish the whole plot, and then i'll have to rearrange all of these descriptions into the most sensible order which will definitely result in me writing more chapters to make the plot make sense.
My intention with the story is to write a more nuanced take on why Loki worked with Thanos than "it was the scepter's mind control!" or "he was mind-broken from hardcore torture/telepathy!" which seem to be the popular go-tos in fic. Also I wanted the Avengers to find out in some way other than Loki telling them (also very common in fics) because i don't think Loki would willingly (some fics have been smart enough to make it unwillingly) tell them in the first place, and if he did tell them, I think the Avengers would be convinced he was lying once it became clear Loki's version of events painted him as a victim (some fic writers have been smart enough to make it so Loki could not lie.)-
(And you know what? I read a fic where Loki was forced to tell the true version of events and the Avengers knew he wasn't lying, and it was so incredibly boring. It was just a conversation in a room with a lot of interjections and musings on what Loki's story implied. It was like 12 Angry Men except, frankly, they were not angry enough to make it interesting.)
-So i'm trying to write the reveal as both a reveal to the readers and to the avengers, like a little mystery plot where you (hopefully) figure it out just as some of the characters do. There are some characters who know what's going on, some who suspect what's going on, and all of them are reluctant to share what's going on for a multitude of reasons.
This fic is also gonna be a big vehicle for my many thoughts on Thanos and how much i fucking hate him and how i fucking hate that people (and by people i mean redditors so do i really mean people?) ignore the things that actually make him an interesting villain and instead focus on the ecofascism that they're too naive to realize is ecofascism and parrot the views of uncritically. Thanos is completely full of fucking shit when he touts his ideology and I'm here to put that shit on blast. The man is a manipulator and basically a cult-leader which provides so many more interesting elements to work with than what canon went with.
Also thinking about this fic is what freaking cursed me into shipping Loki and Matt Murdock. I was considering where the plot was going and I realized that not only could I get Loki in Hell's Kitchen around the time of Daredevil season 1, but that it made a lot of sense for the plot to go there. And then I realized that Loki is a known liar and Matt Murdock can always tell when someone is lying and Whoops! I have a new OTP of characters that have never interacted in canon to get utterly obsessed about! Again! I'm not making Loki/Daredevil the endgame of this fic though, maybe I'll make some hints at it, though.
Here are some fun details i have planned, want to share, and think aren't going to spoil the major plot:
-Loki sees Foggy Nelson (who has hair similar to Thor's in the first Thor movie) pat Matt Murdock's shoulder and it makes him cry.
-Peter Quill lowkey freaking out over having to return to Earth and getting in a hushed argument with Gamora about him being to one to introduce the Guardians to the Avengers, while the Avengers are literally waiting outside of their ship, hearing their hushed conversation in a language they can't understand, and can only see Gamora having because Peter is hiding against the wall next to the doorway.
-Steve Rogers having an obvious crush on Sam Wilson, or at least obvious to anyone that isn't straight, so literally only two people catch on (one of them being Sam) even though Steve is so fucking unsubtle about it (which he does not mean to be, he thinks he's hiding it really well, 'Sam definitely doesn't know.' is what Steve really fucking thinks.) I initially wrote this in as a fun little tidbit i could use in one chapter to further the plot, but now it's like a five chapter subplot that is also just a tool to further the plot plot.
-A special guest appearance from Jessica Jones, P.I.!
-My take on Thor finding out Loki is a Frost Giant bc im big Mad Thor has never specifically addressed Loki's heritage in the mcu other than reiterating that he and Loki were raised together. There is literally zero indication in MCU canon that Thor even knew that Loki was a Frost Giant until the play scene in Ragnarok. We can maybe guess he knew before then because he didn't freak the fuck out at the reveal, but really we do not know for sure and that fucking kills me. I wanted to see Thor learn that news and we never did! So I'm writing it into the fic.
-Every chapter is going to be titled with a mcu quote said by or about Loki. I had a bunch of articles of Loki quotes open in an incognito for this to copy to a document later, but then my computer had to restart and i lost all those webpages.
-A proper Foggy Nelson "this is a terrible idea, Matt, why are we doing this, Matt?" freak-out.
All that being said, I have zero comments on this fic, just a bookmark where someone wrote into the notes "dam 😞👆"
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for the fanfic end of the year asks, #7-16?
7. longest completed fic you wrote this year
Probably my fic S.C.I. 谜案集. However, it's a fic that carried over from last year, but I think it still counts. I completed it with 227,913 words. Longest fic that I wrote (or rewrote) this year would be In Too Deep with 62,178 words. Second longest completed fic that I wrote this year would be The Demon and the Angel with 53,869 words
8. shortest completed fic you wrote this year
Okay, my definition of short is like...not like others. But my short fic completed this year was Welcome Home with 1,210 words
9. longest wip of the year
My baby, 恨君不似江楼月 | Killer and Healer. It's the Killer and Healer drama rewrite and so far we're at 172,474 words and 96 chapters
10. shortest wip of the year
None of my wips are short, anon...I don't really do short. So far, my other wips, 灵魂档案 | The Spirit Files and SPY x FAMILY are both about 36-37K (37,502 for The Spirit Files and 36,927 for SPY X FAMILY). The Spirit Files has 23 chapters so far and SPY X FAMILY has 18 chapters.
11. fandom you enjoyed writing for the most this year
I always, always, always enjoy writing for the Killer and Healer fandom (I currently have the most fics written for said fandom and there will be more once I answer these prompts in my ask box). But I found that I also enjoyed writing for the Under the Skin fandom. The dynamic of the two leads is very similar to Killer and Healer and I think that's why I enjoyed writing for it as much as I did
12. favorite character to write about this year
I always enjoy writing about Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi (for me, they're kind of like a packaged deal)
13. favorite writing song/artist/album of this year
That's really hard to pick...I can write to pretty much whatever, so I don't have a specific song that I listen to when I write
14. a fic you didn’t expect to write
Can't Lose You for the Devil Judge fandom. I stopped writing for them mainly because I got overwhelmed with the amount of prompts that were coming in (I think I had like 80 asks in my ask box at one point and majority of them were TDJ prompts) but I had gotten a very nice anon requesting for the fic and because they were so nice about it/worded it so politely, I decided to write it.
15. something you learned this year
Something I learned this year is that I have no idea what my readers will like/will gravitate towards. Some fics I put a lot of time and effort into don't get that many kudos and another fic that was also good but not something that I spent like hours outlining and writing gets more kudos and bookmarks. It's very odd, but I don't blame my readers. I just think it's interesting
16. fic(s) you completed this year
Oh, this is gonna get long (because I wrote a lot), so I'm gonna just pop a "keep reading" here. But we'll be going by fandom for this. (Also, if you see a fic repeated in two different fandoms, that's because it's a crossover/has two fandoms in it)
Chimera (Korea TV)
I Missed You (4,220 words)
S.C.I.谜案集 | S.C.I. Mystery (TV)
Hypnotize Me (3,799 words)
Manhunter (13,726 words)
Cross Jurisdiction (8,194 words)
Happy Birthday, Cat (2,283 words)
"Z" for Zhan (9,431 words)
Burn the World to the Ground for You (4,274 words)
Release the Beast (3,971 words)
Yin and Yang (3,161 words)
双面神探 | Master Wait A Moment (TV)
Can't Lose You (2,892 words)
心宅猎人 | Psych-Hunter (TV)
Drunken Mistake (Sort Of) (1,872 words)
恨君不似江楼月 | Killer and Healer (TV)
S.C.I. 谜案集 (227,913 words)
In Too Deep (62,178 words)
路人甲 | Passerby (50,954 words)
The Demon and the Angel (53,869 words)
Into the Woods (43,614 words)
圣痕 | Stigmata (24,479 words)
Beast & Feast (16,974 words)
The Detective and the Assassin (23,598 words)
Undercover (6,984 words)
Fever (5,071 words)
Safe and Sound (13,008 words)
Chen Yuzhi is MINE (6,360 words)
Cross Jurisdiction (8,194 words)
Miscommunication, My Beloved (3,800 words)
Burn the World to the Ground for You (4,274 words)
Don't Touch Jiang Yuelou's Doctor (5,798 words)
新年快乐 | Happy New Year (5,212 words)
The Demon of Jing City (14,095 words)
Sunshine and Pomegranates (10,438 words)
The Doctor's Bodyguard (11,509 words)
Ready for War (8,479 words)
Red Lipstick (2,645 words)
The Doctor and the Demon (9,409 words)
Pandora's Box (2,803 words)
Fate Led Me to You (6,078 words)
My Everything (3,995 words)
Sing For Me (7,326 words)
You're Safe Now (8,574 words)
Pretty Eyes, Pretty Knives (11,770 words)
A Beautiful Day with the Man I Love (3,225 words)
You're a Good Father, Jiang Yuelou (7,464 words)
Prettiest Flower in Town (5,902 words)
Asking Permission (2,998 words)
Hand in Bloody Hand (17,323 words)
Stake Me Through the Heart (7,292 words)
Two Heads are Better than One (2,897 words)
So This Is What Love Feels Like (1,833 words)
Chocolate-Covered Strawberries and Roses (3,213 words)
Good Kitty (2,487 words)
Sleep Well (1,678 words)
My Pirate, My Prince (8,144 words)
托斯卡的狗 | Dogs of Tosca (14,929 words)
心弦 | Heart Strings (12,194 words)
The Revolution (11,353 words)
死神 | The Grim Reapers (8,319 words)
Villain and Healer (7,720 words)
Tattoo on My Arm and In My Heart (2,355 words)
成化十四年 | The Sleuth of the Ming Dynasty (TV)
Don't Touch My Family (2,835 words)
Two Heads are Better than One (2,897 words)
Welcome Home (1,210 words)
猎罪图鉴 | Under the Skin (TV 2022)
Always Be There For You (4,514 words)
Walk You Home (4,505 words)
Golden Retriever, Black Cat (2,887 words)
Manhunter (13,726 words)
You're Not Alone (2,090 words)
Sink or Swim (1,863 words)
阴阳师 | Yīn Yáng Shī | The Yin-yang Master (Movies - Guo Jingming)
Bathed in Blood (3,787 words)
악마판사 | The Devil Judge (TV)
Family Surrounding Me (6,154 words)
My Judge (1,830 words)
Sweet Dreams (1,321 words)
Through the Eyes of Another (1,541 words)
Kang Yohan's Bodyguard (And Sugar Baby) (3,227 words)
Lullaby (2,151 words)
Bubble Tea and Guns (4,110 words)
Good Boy (4,767 words)
Oh Jinjoo's Keen Observation (2,797 words)
I'll Watch Over You (4,297 words)
Take a Bullet for You (4,610 words)
Indebted to You (5,325 words)
Can't Lose You (3,485 words)
Welcome Home (2,267 words)
fanfic end of the year asks | send me asks
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liltaz-asatreat · 2 years
guess who's back, back again? it's me ! I would LOVE to hear abt the petals elevator incident !!
!!!! :D
So, because there are four people in the group now, I figured Julia and the crew would think it would be smart to not leave anyone to go off somewhere by themselves, so what if Julia went with Merle up the stairs to check every floor? :) Also, I rolled for her for constitution saving throws every time Griffin had Merle roll, and for the one for them trying to get up to the twelfth floor, I rolled a nat 1, so she's way out of breath by the time they reach it lmfao. But also, what if Julia saw the vines over taking the floor before they pushed Merle into the shaft? And what happens when Taako pulls down Magnus' pants? ;) lmao
(slight nsfw for the end of this excerpt, but it's mostly just the usual amount of dick jokes lmao)
Taako leads the way to the doors on the left with the key in hand. One of the doors has a sign over it that says stairs, and the other one is an elevator. The button on the side of the elevator is unlit and has a slot underneath it. Taako slides the key in, and the button lights up. He steps back as Magnus pushes the button, and the doors slide open, revealing a completely glass elevator save for the metal at the top of the elevator car. The vines surrounding the building is visible through the glass, making the interior dark with shafts of light peaking in through the gaps in the vines.
Julia, Magnus, and Merle step into the elevator, and as Merle looks up at the panel with the buttons, he laughs a little and points at the top button marked “V”. “You guys are going to have to do this 'cause I can only reach the tenth floor.”
Magnus pushes the button, and just as the doors are about to close, Julia sticks her arm out, blocking the doors as she looks out at Taako who still hasn't gotten in the elevator. “Taako, aren't you coming?” Julia asks with a raised eyebrow.
Taako shrugs before looking to his right. “You know, I think I'm going to take the stairs.”
“What?” The other three say at the same time.
“Yeah, I'm trying to slim down. Lose the 'Lb's. I might be back on TV again someday, I never know. So I gotta uh, slim down.”
Julia eyes over the already pretty slight elf before shrugging. If he wants to lose weight, that's his prerogative. Merle steps forward slightly with a crease in his brow. “When were you on TV before?”
“His cooking show, remember?” Magnus says. “Sizzle it Up with Taako is what it was called, right?”
Taako smiles. “Yeah! Anyway, we should get moving.”
“Race you to the second floor?” Magnus asks.
“Hell yeah! That'll be fun!”
“See you there,” Julia says. She removes her arm to let the doors slide closed as Magnus presses the button for the second floor.
Merle starts humming the song The Girl from Ipanema, and Julia leans against Magnus' shoulder. Magnus leans his head against her head too. It doesn't take long for the elevator to make a pleasant ding noise and open up to the second floor, and just as the doors finish sliding open, there's a loud bang to their left. Taako skids to a halt in front of the elevator, his breathing a little bit labored.
“We did it!” Magnus says, standing up straight again and pumping a fist into the air.
“Listen, guys, I think we should go the one marked V, so I'm gonna hop in there with ya, make room for ya boy.” Taako says before hopping into the elevator car with them.
“But what if–” Magnus begins, but Taako cuts him off as he shoves his way to the back of the elevator.
“Make room!”
“What if there's something on all the floors though?” Magnus says.
Merle sticks his hand out to stop the elevator doors from closing. “Look, we gotta make sure. I'll go up the stairs. I have the shortest legs.”
Julia laughs as Magnus says, “Okay, you check every floor. We'll head up to the vault.”
“Yeah you guys go up the elevator since I'm the smallest and, you know, have the shortest legs, and it's gonna take the longest time,” Merle says.
“Okay, wait. If you're going to go up the stairs all the way to the vault, I'll go with you. Just in case there is something on every floor. There's strength in numbers.” Julia says.
“That's great. See you all at the vault!” Taako says as Merle and Julia get out of the elevator.
“Don't forget to keep your Stones of Farspeech on you!” Magnus says.
“Oh wait! Why don't I leave Scuttle Buddy with you?” Merle says.
“Oh, that's a great idea!” Magnus says.
After a few minutes of Merle searching through his backpack, he starts grumbling to himself about where he could possibly have put it before a realization dawns on Julia. “Hey, Merle?”
Merle starts pulling things out of his backpack. “Hmm?”
“Wasn't your Scuttle Bug on the train that we sent to Wankins' garden?”
Merle freezes and looks up at her. “Shit!” He exclaims as he looks back down at his bag with a frown on his face.
“Well, it was a good idea,” Magnus says defeatedly. “We still have the Stones though, so see you at the vault?”
“Yeah, we'll meet you there,” Julia says with a little wave. The doors slide close as Merle puts the things he took out back into his bag.
The two of them race up the stairs, stopping for just a second at each floor to look through the window of each door leading out of the stairs and to the office spaces beyond. They're all empty, and the only thing they can see besides empty office furniture is the vines pressing up against the windows of the building. As they make it up the last steps leading up to the eight floor, Taako's voice comes in through their Stones.
“Merle? Julia? Do you read me?”
They both stop and lean up against the wall, panting. Merle fishes his Stone from his pocket. “Yeah?”
“Merle. Julia. Meet us on the twelfth floor. As fast as your stupid little legs can carry you!”
Julia frowns as Merle chuckles. “Do you just want me to carry Merle since I'm the tall one?”
“Whatever it takes, just get here quick!” Taako says.
“I can run!” Merle says indignantly.
“We'll meet you there,” Julia confirms with a small smile.
“Excellent!” Taako says.
“Thank you so much!” Magnus voice comes in a little further away.
“Yep!” Merle pockets the Stone, and the two of them take off again, not bothering to look out at the floors they pass by.
When they reach the twelfth floor, Julia pauses to bend over and put her hands on her knees, breathing deeply to try and catch her breath. Merle pushes past her to open the door and get to the elevator. After a few seconds, Julia stands up again and sees the vines pressing against the outer windows of the building, and the glass is starting to crack. “Shit!” She kicks the door open in a panic and sees Merle trying to open the elevator doors with a crowbar. “Merle, we don't have time!” She yells.
Merle looks up at her. “What–”
The windows shatter with a loud crash!Julia sprints to the dwarf, scoops him up, and sprints back to the stairs. She makes it into the stairwell just in time. The vines press up against the door, and she shifts Merle to one arm before she starts running up the stairs. “Where's Magnus and Taako?”
“Behind the elevator doors on the floor we just left!” Merle says.
“Great, tell them they need to meet us at floor thir–” Julia makes it to the thirteenth floor and looks out at the room already filled up with vines. “– fourteenth! Tell them to meet us at the fourteenth floor!”
Merle shifts to grab his Stone again. “Magnus, Taako! The floor we were on got covered in vines. Meet us at the fourteenth floor!”
“Uh, we can't do that, homie,” Taako says. “The vines took the elevator, and Magnus is holding onto a rope and me, so we can't climb it.”
“Well, you're gonna have to figure out a way around that because there's no way to get you guys out otherwise,” Julia huffs out.
She makes it to the fourteenth floor and, thankfully, the vines haven't overrun this floor yet. She kicks the door open and sets Merle down who runs back to the elevator doors. He takes his crowbar again and pries the doors open. They both look into the elevator shaft to find it empty, as promised, save for the rope that leads up to somewhere with Magnus and Taako dangling at the bottom of it and the vines filling up the elevator shaft below them. Julia looks out at the rope directly in front of her again. It's too far away from her to be able to safely lean out and grab it to try and reel them in even if they tried to swing to get it closer to her. There isn't enough room in the shaft for them to swing far enough down below for the rope to get that close up here.
Julia looks down at Merle. “Any ideas?”
Merle shakes his head. “Taako! Can't you levitate or something?” He calls down the shaft.
Taako and Magnus look back up at them. “No! I don't have any more spell slots for levitation!”
“We're going to try and climb! Hang on!” Magnus calls up. He tries to lift Taako up who grabs onto his ankles, and Magnus quickly get his other hand up on the rope. Taako starts trying to climb up Magnus, but he slips, pulling Magnus' pants down to his ankles as he falls toward the vines.
“No!” Julia yells, but Taako quickly grabs his umbrella and pops out of existence.
The vines reach up and try to grab at Magnus, but he avoids them by lifting his legs out of the way before he starts climbing. Taako reappears a few seconds later up the rope above Magnus, and Magnus startles a bit but holds on tight. “Why didn't you do that before you pulled my pants down?” Magnus asks irritatedly.
“I didn't want to use the spell slot if I didn't have to,” Taako says.
“Guys, you need to climb up! If you get to our level and swing, we can catch you and pull you up!” Julia calls down to them.
“Yeah, we got it we got it!” Taako says.
They both climb up until they're level with Julia and Merle, and they start to swing back and forth. Julia leans slightly out of the door way with her hand outstretched, and she grabs Taako, helping him onto the floor and inside the room. She leans back out again as Magnus climbs and swings to reach her, and she slips a little in her effort to try to get him on stable ground with his pants still down. Merle and Taako catch her though before she and Magnus could go falling down the shaft. The four of them back away from the elevator shaft and take a few moments to breathe as Magnus pulls up his pants again.
Taako looks up at Magnus as he readjusts his belt with a slight smirk. “To be honest, I thought you'd be bigger.”
Merle and Julia snort, and Magnus goes bright red. “It's still an impressive size, and I'm sorry if it's not up to your standards.”
Julia walks up to him and pats him on the shoulder. “Don't worry, it is plenty impressive for me, babe.” She smirks at the way Magnus' face goes even redder and ignores the other boys cackling behind her. “Should we go up to the vault now?”
“Yeah, let's go,” Magnus grumbles. Julia steals a quick kiss before leading everyone back toward the stairs.
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bibuddie · 2 years
4, 9, & 23!! (MWAH also your mobile theme is gorgeous ily)
hello chelsea i'm in love with you actually so, jot that down!
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you're really proud of (explain why, if you like).
so i really like this, from my current wip (speak now au my beloved) because i feel like it does a good job of summing up eddie's relationship with his identity:
As much as that moment in Frank’s office feels like somewhat of a triumph, the instant he steps outside into the warm summer air, the bubble bursts. He definitely didn’t go into therapy today with the expectation of any life-altering realisations. Except, if he’s completely honest with himself, it’s not that much of a surprise, not really. Looking back at his and Buck’s friendship, they’ve always danced on the precarious line that lies between friends and not quite something more. It’s been there since the beginning, he thinks. In tension filled stares and bumping shoulders and gentle touches and in knowing one another sometimes better than they know themselves. It didn’t feel like this with Ana — that was all plastic smiles and robotic movements and counterfeit words. He always felt like he was playing a part in a play he didn’t remember signing up to, and that’s —
He’s never had to pretend with Buck.
9. Are you more of a drabble or longfic writer? Pantser or plotter? Do you wish you were the other?
OOP okay so, when i first started writing again back in november, i was definitely more of a drabble writer. my fics have gotten progressively longer now though, and i actually like writing slightly longer fics because it feels like i can put much more depth into them. (for context my shortest fic is around 400 words, and my longest is over 11k. i'm definitely a pantser, i very rarely plan anything in my fics tbh.
23. What's the story idea you've had in your head for the longest?
that's my alternate meeting au. buddie meet on a dating app post season one and pre season two. i was gonna write that as my buddie version fic but it was going to turn out to be a lot longer than i expected so i've shelved it...for now.
writer's asks
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maldito-arbol · 2 years
I swear i'm gonna cry so much when the new chapter comes out! But until then, do you have some headcanons for the Calamity Trio on Paint Me In Trust and I'll Be Your Best Friend?
When I think of headcanons for the trio I usually find a way to throw them in through brief/subtle mentions in the story itself—like
-Sasha is still afraid of Marcy and it manifests in their physical contact where there are some touches she’s okay with (ie the hair petting and holding hands) meanwhile others can range from uncomfortable to outright unbearable (ie face holding, being grabbed specifically on the wrist/arm area, and being hugged/held from behind). For the most part she prefers to initiate physical contact instead of receiving it.
-Marcy enjoys fiddling w her girlfriends’ hair for fidget purposes
-Marcy is the shortest and Anne is the tallest (but like COMICALLY so)
-Anne decorates her antler with dangly things so she doesn’t forget it’s there
-Sasha’s body temperature in particular is high because of her heat-related powers
-Anne sleeps better pressed to Marcy’s chest so she can hear her heart beating
-Sasha knows flower language SPECIFICALLY because she hangs around Braddock for Love Lessons
-Marcy and Yunan both eat very fast instinctively because they’re used to speeding through meals during missions
-Anne is afraid of water now (golly thanks Duck for making me think about how angsty it’d be if she was outside and it suddenly started raining)
-Anne in particular has the most trouble eating when she’s upset
-Marcy got so used to sleeping next to Sasha that she has an insane amount of difficulty sleeping when Sasha’s Not There (gee I wonder how painful I can make this when I bring it up again)
-was talking about this w Kasey but we both agree that Sasha is Marcy’s comfort person, Marcy is Anne’s, and Anne is Sasha’s.
-all three of their eyes still glow, and they’ll flash/get brighter during moments of high emotion (usually relating to their aspects or hidden aspects). I still haven’t decided when or if they’re even going to stop. Probably not anytime during CMTO
But then you know there’s also stuff I haven’t addressed in story like
-Marcy’s mumbling habit went down considerably ever since she stopped lying to everyone (because now she’s not keeping EVERYTHING inside and can just. Tell them.)
-Anne can’t sleep/lay on her right side anymore because the antler gets in the way
-Marcy’s scars ache during cold/rainy weather
-Sasha’s been in love with Anne and Marcy the longest (which makes it even funnier that it took so much for her to realize it AND that both Anne and Marcy figured out their own feelings before her)
-Marcy prefers her girlfriends standing on her left side to watch her blind spot when there could be danger lurking but they HAVE to be holding her hand or touching her in some way so she knows they’re there. In safer circumstances, she prefers them on her right so she can see them.
-Anne is insecure about her height and now especially so with her antler (what helps is reminding herself that she can fit both her girlfriends comfortably in her arms) ((Sasha also wishes she was the tallest LMAO))
-Anne started wearing exclusively button-ups at some point to avoid ever pulling a shirt over her head and ripping it on her antler ever again. If she does have to wear something like that, she gets help from the Plantars or her girlfriends.
-they all take turns kissing each other’s scars in the mornings now
But Unfortunately with stuff I HAVEN’T addressed I am most likely going to address it in the future so I can’t put too much on here for spoiler reasons >:3 I hope you enjoy these tho!
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What Happens at a Lake - Philo Beddoe x Reader
Requested by @starryfallows
All are by @clinteastwood-blog
Yeah sooo I’m posting it here anyway, even though it’s REALLY long. Sorry I couldn’t put the two black and white set photos, because for SOME REASON, Tumblr is telling me that I’ve reached the ten image limit, when there’s ONLY half of that! Seven with those other two! Ugh! Anyway, this is indeed the longest fic I have ever written, and I am honoured and proud that it’s a Clint fic, requested by someone on Tumblr. I love you all.
Update: @believerindaydreams taught me how to put keep reading :D thank you very much 🙏)
It took three months for Philo's bones to heal and get back to full strength. Since his main job as a car repairman really depended on both his arms having their full strength, and his other job as a lorry driver did require some strength to pull the levers in the vehicle, you had been working for twelve hours everyday at the Palomino, where you were a pianist. It was a relief when Orville returned from his nurse one month in, so you could work for just nine hours. You returned to your usual eight hours only when Philo had fully healed. During those three months, Philo and Clyde remained in the audience for you mr twelve hours everyday anyway, and you gladly let them be there - better to listen to your playing than to staying at home and listen to ma pestering him about his idleness.
It was one evening two months after Philo was back in business. Philo, Orville and you were around the dinner table, having almost finished dining. Clyde was off monkeying around somewhere and ma had finished earlier and gone to another part of the house, where she was likely griping to herself again about something or other.
"You know, we haven't done anything to celebrate," you said, looking around at them.
The boys looked at each other in question, confused as to what you were talking about and surprised at this sudden and random vocalisation. They then turned back to you. "Celebrate...?" Philo trailed off, his voice sweet and adorable.
"Your retirement," you said lanconically.
"Only from brawling! I'm still a lorry driver and car repairman!" he argued, leaning towards you slightly.
"Yeah but still. It calls for some celebration." You were still calm, because you knew that Philo was not trying to pick a fight. This was just how he always was.
"Okay...what did you have in mind?" There. He was as relaxed as if nothing had happened.
"We could go to a lake again. One with a cabin that we can rent for an indefinite period of time."
A smile immediately formed on his face. "That sounds great." He turned his head to look back at Orville.
"Yeah," Orville said, nodding, "yeah, we can do that." Philo faced you again.
"Alright! So, when do you guys wanna leave?" you piped up cheerily.
"Well, you're the one who suggested it. You decide," Philo told you.
"Can we leave tomorrow?" Your eyes darted to and from theirs.
"Oh. Sure," Philo answered.
"Cool with me," Orville agreed. You grinned at them.
When Philo and you were alone in your shared bedroom that night, he backed you up against the wall, his hands on either side of your head, the rest of his body blocking any way of escape, almost pressing against yours, and his face very close to yours. You were hyperventilating, yet you could not avert your eyes and resist staring into those gorgeous green gazers. "That was a very good idea of yours." Oh hell - he was deliberately making his voice deeper and more gravelly, the way he knew you liked it. This was something he did when he wanted to be especially affectionate with you. He did not do it during his three months of healing because you always would be too tired for it.
"I-I thought we could use it," you panted, shaking.
He closed his eyes and rested his forehead against yours, feeling the heat radiating from you. "It's agreed," he breathed, and you could feel his breath on your face. You squeaked and squeezed your eyes shut, turning your head away. He chuckled when you squeaked. "What was that?" You whimpered and shook your head vigorously, indicating that you were not going to answer. He smiled and moved a hand to rest it on your warmed cheek, gently pushing your head to face him. His thumb stroked your eyelids until you opened them. When you did, he leant in and kissed you.
When ma saw the three of you loading the truck the next morning, she, as usual, waddled within hearing range and demanded to know where the four of you were going.  "A lake, ma," Orville sighed over his shoulder as he threw a bag inside.
"A lake?!  What on earth're you goin' ta a lake fo?!"  she hollered.
"A vacation, ma," Orville grumbled out before he got inside the seating area and closed the door before he could hear anymore of ma's nagging. You were holding the back doors open while Philo helped Clyde inside.
"WHAT?!  A VACATION?!  AND LEAVING YOUR OLD MOTHER ALL BY HER LONESOME!!"  And so on.  Philo and you hurried up with shutting the back doors and getting in yourselves.  Philo sped off as soon as he was seated.
"We need a vacation from her," you huffed, relieved, leaning against the window.
"You're telling me," Orville got out as he took off his cap and tiredly rested it on his lap.
"Well at least we're actually away from that now," you comforted him. Philo fiddled with the radio and stopped when he found a station he was happy with.
The ride passed in mutual joy and comfort.  The three of you would occasionally crack jokes, and sometimes Clyde would give his input, especially when he was asked to pass a drink or food item in front.  This lasted for several hours and a few pit stops on the way.
"All right, I think this is the nearest one," Philo said as he drove through some trees.  A little further into them showed that there was a lake stretching in between them, dividing them into two. Philo drove on, and all three of you kept a watch out for a cabin.
There were two, one larger than the other. The larger one was obviously for if there was more than one guest to stay, and so the smaller one was for the lone landlord.  Philo drove up to the guests' cabin and parked.  The three of you got out then let the orangutan out as well.  All four of you walked the rest of the way to the landlord's cabin.  Since Philo was the nearest to it, he knocked on the door.  "Yeah?"  the landlord said when he opened the door.
"We'd uh, like to rent this place for a few days.  Don't know how long.  We'll let you know when we leave.  There are three adults plus," he put a hand on Clyde's shoulder, "an ape."
"Oh..."  he observed Clyde, "well, people are allowed to bring their pets here, so long as they clean up after 'em, and I do have a set fee for pets.  So that's not gonna be a problem.  I'll just come to you and collect rent everyday, so it don't matter how long you stay."
The three of you grinned at each other. "Perfect," Philo informed the landlord. The latter nodded his head politely and closed the door. "Alright!" Philo exclaimed, clasping his hands together, "let's unpack!"  And the three humans proceeded to do so.  Clyde was left outside to climb trees and do his thing.
Soon enough, all the luggage was unpacked and in your respective rooms.  You three were now seated on the couches.  There were three of these which surrounded a coffee table, save for one side which had the television against the wall.  Philo and you were on one couch and Orville was on the one in the centre.  "So, what do you guys wanna do now?"  you asked.
"Is the water clean enough to swim in?"  Philo mused, turning around and looking in the general direction of the lake.
"We can always find out," Orville suggested playfully.
You laughed, closing your eyes.  "I suppose we can just ask the landlord."
It turned out that the water was indeed suitable for swimming. As far as swimwear went, yours was just a t-shirt and shorts. So it was for the boys too, minus the shirt. Since you were the shortest, you waded in first to determine how far out was safe for you. You kept hopping until the water reached just below your chin. The two taller men followed, with Philo going the farthest out and Orville in between you two. Since it was deep enough for you, you let your legs float up so that you were now lying on your back on the water's surface. You let the current carry you out, occasionally moving a limb to change directions. Orville had swum away, which left you a clear path to catch up to Philo, who was also swimming. Once you reached Philo, you moved your legs back down and started treading water. "Hi," you said.
"Hey," he smiled, showing his teeth. He made himself stand and grabbed you, situating your legs around his waist. You put your hands on his shoulders. Smiling at each other, he walked you about.  It was a while of this before he started picking up the pace, hopping, and then pushing you away from him altogether.  You giggled as you bobbed away, treading water to stay near him.  After that, the two of you started swimming properly.
The three of you swam for two hours.  Since Orville was all by his lonesome and not staring at a romantic partner, he was the one to notice that his fingers were wrinkled.   "Alright, we gotta go," he called out, holding up hand, facing the palm towards you two.  All three quickly paddled to shore.   Philo's feet touched the bottom first, then Orville's, then yours.  Clyde was hanging from the tree that you three would pass by on the way out, looking at you all.
"Hi Clyde," Orville said as he passed.
"Hi Clyde," you followed.
"Hi Clyde," Philo finished.
"Oo oo oo," he returned to all three of you at once.
Orville went into the bathroom in his room to shower.  "You wanna go first, or shall I?  Or you wanna go at the same time?"  Philo asked.
"Same time," you smiled.  So the both of you stripped and went into the bathroom in your shared room, impulsively filling up and climbing into the bathtub rather than actually stepping inside the shower.  He sat with his back against the wall, so you sat in between his legs without your back to him.  He wrapped an arm around your waist and rested his chin on your shoulder. "Thanks for being here with me," he murmured, turnings his head and kissing your cheek. He was always additionally affectionate when he was happy and content.
You smiled brightly and brought an arm up to cradle his head, running your hand through his coarse fluffy hair. "I love you."
"I love you too." His other arm joined the one that was already around you. When he felt that you were about to fall asleep - it happened everytime you were relaxed in his embrace - he hurried up with bathing the both of you.
"Nbuh!"  you interjected as your head jerked up, having been shocked to the point of waking.
"Don't sleep in here.  We can have dinner and then sleep," Philo lectured, poking your upper arm once for each sentence he spoke.  You yawned and stretched, and then cleaned yourself.
The both of you got out.  Philo drained the tub while you wrapped a towel around yourself.  You passed another to him.  You broke out into a toothy grin when you saw him vigorously rubbing it through his fluffy hair.  He felt your gaze on him and looked up.  "What?"
"Nothing," you kept grinning, "Your hair is amazing."
"O...kay?"  He just went back to drying his hair.
You laughed softly before saying, "I love your hair."
"Thank you."  You could hear the smile in his voice.
After drying off, you opened the door and headed out.  Philo lay down on the bed and smiled at you, lifting the sheets for you to climb under.  You laughed softly and crawled to him, and you two snuggled.  "You sure we can do this?  Orville and Clyde might be waiting on us for dinner."
"Mmf..." he grumbled.  He begrudgingly reached his long arm to open the closet and pulled out a pair of boxers and then trousers.  He pushed you a little distance away so that he had space to put them on and then threw his feet over the side of the bed onto the floor, the momentum allowing him to spring up. He walked out of the room, and you nestled under the covers and waited.
Orville was at the kitchen counter, preparing dinner. "Oh," he acknowledged with some surprise when he saw Philo walk to him. "I figured you'd be longer, so I got started on dinner. I was gonna call Clyde in when I was done."
"Yeah, I was, but (y/n) reminded me that you might be waitin' on us. So I came out ta check on ya."
"Well you can go on back in there and give her a thank you from me.  You can do whatever with her until dinner's ready."
"You sure you don't need any help?"  Philo offered.
Orville shook his head and said, "Nah.  I can manage."
Philo nodded his head a few times in acknowledgement.  "Thanks," he said before turning around and walking away.
"Sure," Orville returned.
You were lying with your fingers interlaced, your head resting on them as you stared up at the ceiling. Your eyes turned to look at Philo when he appeared in the doorway. "Orville says we can stay here till dinner's ready. He can manage," he said as he walked inside. As he walked, he undid his clothes. You scooted further in, so as soon as he put his clothes on the seat of the chair as he passed he could slide in. You took your place right by his side again.  He had one arm under your waist.  He turned onto his side so that he was a little way on top of you.  He reached around and stroked the side of your head with his other hand.  You smiled softly up at him.  He moved to suspend himself above you on his hands and knees now, his limbs caging you safely. The both of you closed your eyes as he rested his forehead on yours. He pressed his lips forwards slightly, just touching your own and then withdrawing repeatedly, questioning whether he could kiss you. Your breathing became heavier at his teasing, and you put your hands on the back of his head and pushed it down the rest of the way.  At the exact same time, you both closed your eyes and let out heavy exhales through your noses as you kissed.  He lowered his full weight onto you, doing it slowly so that you had time to adjust and support his weight.  "Mmf..."  he let out when you kissed him a bit more aggressively.  You kept at it, eager and needy, and he let himself take it all in.  He withdrew when he needed to breathe, and rested his forehead on yours.  Breaths heavy, chests heaving.  He rolled back to lie down next to you again.  "Was that enough, or do you want more?"  he got out between breaths.
"Mmh..." you exhaled heavily, flipping to lie on your side facing away from him, "Too much for now..."
"Alright." You knew he was grinning at you with his teeth exposed. He scooted closer to you and wrapped his arm around your waist. You sighed and closed your eyes as he buried his nose in your hair.
And it was just...this. This sweet, unbroken peace, that the two of you shared, only interrupted when there was rapping at the door and Orville called, "You uh...are you guys...busy?"
"No, Orville. We'll be there soon," Philo called back, still staying as he was holding you.
"A'right." He walked away.
Philo turned you around and gave you one more peck on the lips, holding the sides of your face. "Come on," he smiled, "Let's go have dinner."  Smiling as well, you gave a nod of your head, and the both of you got out on opposing sides of the bed and got dressed.  Clyde was already sitting next to Orville, and they were eating.  Like everytime, Philo sat next to Clyde, and you sat next to him.  There was a fifth unoccupied chair between Orville and you. Again, the dining was accompanied by light chatter.
After the dishes were done, Philo opened the door to let Clyde out again, but Clyde clung onto his legs.  "Oh...okay," his human acknowledged.  He closed the doors and carried Clyde, seating him on one arm.  Philo joined you on the couch that was in the middle this time. "What do you guys wanna do now?" he asked, looking past Clyde to the two of you.
You shrugged, "Wanna watch a movie?" Clyde immediately jumped off Philo's lap and onto the couch, banging his fists against his chest and going "Ooh ooh ooh!" The three of you threw your heads back with laughter.
"He wants to watch King Kong!" you laughed.
"I was only three years old when that came out," Philo grinned toothily.
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"We- weren't even born yet," you pondered, looking at your lap.
"I'll go get it," Philo said, standing up. You each had brought a selection of movies that might be wanted at any time. King Kong did not conform to this, but there was always a friend to think about. Philo went into the room and came out not long after, holding the casing in his hand. He put the DVD in the reader and let it play. And in the end, it was online Clyde who actually watched the film. The three humans fell asleep early into the film. Philo and you fell asleep, your head on his shoulder and his head on yours, and his arm around your lower back. Orville, who had laid down so that he could prop his head up on the armrest and watch the television, just shifted backwards so that the armrest was comfortably under his neck, and he fell asleep like that, hands resting on his abdomen. Clyde considerately clambered onto the remaining couch to carry out his capers as he happily watched the movie. When it ended, he turned off the television and jumped back onto the third couch to sleep.
The next day saw no less in pleasantness.  After a nice breakfast prepared by Philo, the process of which was carried out while Orville was allowed to sleep in, the three of you took to fishing for lunch and dinner.  Clyde played in the branches above your heads.  The mood was generally lazy and mellow.
And then, it happened. Several fish in, Philo just held up his most recent catch, staring at it. From the corner of his eye, he saw you turn your head to look at him.  Before you could say anything, he swung the fish and slapped you square in the face.
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"WAH!" was your cry as you slipped and fell into the water.
Orville was laughing so hard that no sound was emitted from him.  Philo was just staring down at you, tittering to himself.  He still had a hold on the fish.  Your head broke the surface, along with your spluttering and spitting.  In return, you spewed a steady stream of water at him, standing up so that you could reach his face.  "Hey, wha-" he vocalised, turning his face away and putting his hands out to stop the water from reaching his face, dropping the fish in the process.  You quickly picked up the fish, the poor thing which had died due to shock upon impact, and sent him down.  Orville was wheezing by now.  The two of you played like this for some time, with Orville, and Clyde, who came to join him, laughing away.
Philo had to bear the task of preparing dinner after he showered, because he was the one who was not tired.  You were tired out from playing with him so energetically, and Orville was lying on his bed, making his belly ache worse as he kept on wheezing.  Even as he was showering he had had difficulty breathing.  As for Philo, he was as miraculously tireless as ever.  You did not know how he did it.  He was amazing.  You yourself had taken the precaution of showering instead of bathing this time, so that you did not fall asleep with the warm water submerging you.  After putting on warm clothing, you were facedown on your shared bed, spread eagle with your nose buried in the sheets. Now you could safely doze of. It was justified as well that you were not too deep asleep, for it seemed all too soon when you felt a loving hand on your shoulder shaking you awake.  You got up and followed him to the table.  You ate your food quickly so that you could go back to sleep as soon as possible.  Philo had a loving hand stroking up and down your back the entire time you were within his arm's reach.  When he saw you were almost finished, he murmured from behind a spoonful that you could leave your cutlery as it was and he would take care of it. As he was speaking, you had finished and sprung to your feet, wanting to use your last bit of energy to propel you to the place where you did not need to consciously use energy. But when you heard what he said, you stepped over to him and gave him a long hug, bending down and closing your eyes. He closed his eyes and held you too.  You stood like that for a while, until you gently pushed him to look up at you.  He looked at you with those searching eyes, his gaze gentle and yet held so much power over you.
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But it only lasted for a moment, because you closed your eyes and kissed him. He reciprocated, sweetly and meaningfully. When oxygen was needed, you pulled back and rested your forehead against his, breathing deeply. "Go to sleep, sweetheart," he murmured, stroking your hair. You gave him one last smile and a peck on the nose before moving fully away. You went and brushed your teeth, and then just collapsed on the bed, not caring how you slept. But later on, you found out that Philo had moved you into a more comfortable position, because when you woke up the next morning, you found yourself securely held by him, right by his side like always.
That day itself was also to be one of perfect happiness.  The three of you were fishing again.  It was just the four you and the fish.  Nobody was paying attention to anything that was going on in the world.
An unexpected, yet not unwelcome voice called out, "Room for one more?"
"JACK!"  you exclaimed, dropping your fishing rod and running to him. He was about to say something, but you pounced on him and hugged him. You loved giving hugs, whether it was to Philo, Clyde, Orville, or any other good friend. And Philo encouraged the good sportsmanship.
Jack was laughing as he held onto you.  "Hey.  Didn't know you'd be that excited to see me."
"We missed you when we parted," you confessed, stepping back to look at him, your hands on his shoulders.  You made way for Philo.
"Hey," your boyfriend greeted.  The fighters clasped hands. "What're you doing here?" he asked.
"Am done fighting for a few weeks. Thought I'd look for you. Went to your place, ran into a senile old woman, barely understood that you were at a lake.  Had to go on a bit of a hunt.  But, here I am."
"Yeah...sorry about my mother..." Orville said forlornly.
"Oh, that's all right. I'm just glad to be here," Jack said as he and Orville shook hands.
"So, are you staying?" Philo asked him.
"Only if I'm permitted," he smiled. Before any of you could say anything, a hairy figure dropped down from the branch above Jack and hugged him. Jack held him up as easily as the rest of you did. "Okay. Now you can move in," Philo smiled.
"Great. I'll go get my stuff." He turned on his heel and walked off, presumably to his car.
"You two continue fishing. I'll give him a tour," Philo said, going to pick up his fishing rod and lean it against a tree.
"Okay," you acknowledged.  So Orville and you picked up your fishing rods too, but you actually used them.
After Philo showed Jack his room among other things, they came back out.  It seemed that the fighters had decided on something as they were talking, because they were indeed dressed for fighting.  Philo was wearing a white shirt- not the one that had been torn, and a pair of jeans.  Jack was in his light blue tank top and slacks.  "Thought you said you were retired, Philo!"  you teased.
"Yeah well," he smirked, looking at Jack and flexing his fist which he was already holding up, "nothing like catching up with a noble opponent."
"Thank you," Jack smiled, getting into a boxing stance and holding his fists up in front of him as well. They started bouncing on their feet, bobbing from side to side, and circling each other.
"Just don't break anything," you reminded them.
As always, Philo waited for his opponent to throw the first punch. He did, and that commenced the fighting. They fought without even coming close and accidentally harming Orville and you. You two caught more fish than usual, since Philo was. not fishing, and there was one more person to feed.
There was enough fish to last five people until dinner.  Lunch for five had already been prepared.  And the fighters were still going!  The three other people stood in the doorway and watched.  And finally,  finally, Philo knocked Jack back against a vertical beam supporting the roof of the porch.  They were drenched in sweat, heaving deep breaths.  "You wanna..."  Philo stopped to pant here, "stop here?"
Jack nodded, and caught his breath to give a, "Yeah."  This was how it almost had been six months ago.  The five of you went inside.  Now the once unoccupied chair has a purpose.  The tired gentlemen sank heavily onto the chairs.  Orville and you got to setting the table, and Clyde opened the refrigerator and took out two cans of beer.  He brought them over to Philo and Jack.  "Thanks," Philo said as he took his.  Jack petted his head.
After a slow, refreshing lunch, the five of you were just sprawled out on the couches. "So, you lift engine blocks," Jack spoke, "How'd you get the strength in the first place?"
"Well, I did start out by lifting lighter weights. I do do other strength work from time to time too."
"Like what?"
"Oh, pumping. I have (y/n) or Clyde on my back while I do it. Makes me push myself more."
"I gotta try that," Jack grinned. With that, he dropped down to his hands and toes. "Come on. Get down. And get Clyde or (y/n) on your back."
"Oh, I get my girl," Philo turned his head to grin at you from the floor. "Clyde." He used his head to motion to Jack. You each got on your respective sports man. You carefully lay on Philo's back, putting your hands on his shoulders and situating your toes on his calves. Orville just watched and but his lip, bemused at such a wholesome situation.
Later that night, you went into the kitchen to get yourself something light to eat and drink. Philo followed you. You were against the counter, and turned around only to come face-to chest with him. “Hey,” he said softly, smiling. You greeted him the exact same way. He leant in and kissed you, your arms wrapping around each other. He backed you up against the counter, so that you were halfway sitting on it. He lifted you up and seated you on the counter fully, then stepping forwards and pushing you to him so that your legs wrapped around his waist. You giggled into the kiss, making him do so too.
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curlsinthewind · 3 years
2020 Writer Memes
again, thanks @manonisamelon, @inabottlelikelightning and @grenadinepeach ❤️:) (tysm! you're awesome) this was especially fun to do
Writer Interview
Name(s): Sue
Fandom(s): Teen Wolf 🐺
Where you post: ao3, wattpad (I'M SORRY OKAY BUT CZECH FOLKS DON'T USE AO3)
Most Popular One Shot (by kudos) Overall/This Year: prettiest in the room
Most Popular Multi-Chapter (by kudos) Overall/This Year: you make better lasagne than my mother
Favourite story you've written so far: silence ? I think? Because I put a bit of my soul in it and it helped me get through some things I was dealing with back then and yeah, that's probably my favourite one
Fic you were nervous to post: EVERY SINGLE ONE (except maybe like cottage in the woods because I was drunk posting it) but other than that, I'M ALWAYS NERVOUS, ALWAYS
How do you choose your titles?: pretty random actually, sometimes something from the dialogue, sometimes one word that has something in common with the fic, sometimes the location the fic takes the place in - very very random
Do you outline?: Most not than yes but recently I found myself quite liking outlining and how smooth the writing goes after planning everything. On the other hand I really love going with the flow so it really depends on the fic I'm writing :)
Upcoming work you’re most excited about: I'm mostly nervous than excited (lol) but I've been working on one multi-chapter that's going to have something around 20 chapters which I'm quite proud of and think it's kind of good so...yeah :D
AO3 stats (for 2020):
Amount of works posted: 34
Total word count: 124 554
Longest fic: make a wish (26k words, wow, how did I do that)
Shortest fic: poslední meloun (:D love this one)
Fic with the most kudos: prettiest in the room
Fic with the most bookmarks: cottage in the woods (this is pretty absurd, I love that xd)
Fic with the most comment threats: make a wish
Total amount of kudos: 1881 (wow that's really a lot, thank you all so much)
Total amount of bookmarks: 211 (aaaah, how? I love y'all)
Total amount of comment threats: 146 (ehm, I'm gonna tear up, that's so much!😭❤️)
Fandoms written for: Teen Wolf
Fandom events you’ve written for: Thiam Big Bang and OTL's Spooktober (that's it? i think?)
Pairings written for: Thiam (and Thiam only)
Favorite fic you’ve written this year: other than silence, probably golgi apparatus and jellyfish or any other thing from spooktober because I had so much fun writing those fics that I just know that I have never had this much fun before
Goals for next year: Well, for starters, I really want to improve in my English and be better at grammar. I want to be less nervous about the things I write and I want to be kind to myself and to my work. Also I would like to stick to my planning and stop getting out of trail because it always happens to me! :D And last, which is not related to my writing, I would love to comment more on other people's works to let them know how much I loved their story, I think I can do better and I will.
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I posted 421 times in 2021
168 posts created (40%)
253 posts reblogged (60%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 1.5 posts.
I added 387 tags in 2021
#berry liveblogs - 124 posts
#deltarune - 113 posts
#deltarune chapter 2 - 43 posts
#berry yells into the void - 27 posts
#undertale - 19 posts
#portal - 13 posts
#ace attorney - 13 posts
#portal 2 - 12 posts
#ace attorney trilogy - 12 posts
#phoenix wright - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 121 characters
#i dont know much about bob's burgers but i know the girl with the bunny ears is chaotic as shit so sacrifice came to mind
My Top Posts in 2021
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See the full post
53 notes • Posted 2021-11-15 00:14:50 GMT
Alright, can we just take a moment to appreciate the absolute absurdity of Spamton becoming a Tumblr sexyman? I'm not saying he doesn't deserve it, because honestly, it's Spamton, man. He's a walking meme and I appreciate that. I just think how it happened was funny.
So Toby Fox, out of fucking nowhere, drops chapter 2 of Deltarune with almost no warning outside of a small random heads up like, a day or two before it happened, after 3 YEARS of waiting. Then, again, out of nowhere, a tiny man with a long nose, the shortest fucking legs you've ever seen, and a complete lack of gender pops out of a garbage can and starts speaking in youtube comment section bot and everyone immediately loves him (as they should)
54 notes • Posted 2021-11-23 01:40:44 GMT
Remember that one part of Portal 2 where you're running away with Wheatley and GLaDOS sets up a trap for you?
I fell for it.
I saw that chamber pop up and me and my dumb dog brain jumped headfirst into that.
And then immediately after respawning, I heard Wheatley say "Oh, what? How stupid does she think we are?"
Even Wheatley saw through that.
I have somehow managed to out-moron Wheatley and I am going to count that as my greatest achievement.
67 notes • Posted 2021-11-24 22:19:10 GMT
There is an Intelligence Dampening Sphere in charge of the facility. I think eventually everything’s gonna be okay, but I have no idea what’s gonna happen NEXT! And neither do any of you! And neither do your parents, because there’s an Intelligence Dampening Sphere in charge of the facility! It’s never happened before! No one knows what the sphere is gonna do next, least of all the sphere! He’s never been in charge of an entire facility before! He’s just as confused as you are!
There are no experts! They’ll try to find experts. Like, “We’re joined now by a core that once saw a bird in the prototype chassis.” It’s like, get out of here with that SHIT! We’ve all seen a bird in the prototype chassis! This is an INTELLIGENCE DAMPENING SPHERE! IN CHARGE OF THE FACILITY!
When an Intelligence Dampening Sphere is in charge of the facility, you gotta stay updated. So all day long you walk around, “Oh, what’d the sphere do? What’d the sphere do?” The updates.... they’re not always bad. Sometimes they’re just odd. You’re like, “The sphere turned GLaDOS into a potato? I didn’t know he knew how to do that.” 
The creepiest moments are when you don’t hear from the sphere at all. You’re down in old Aperture, like “Hey, has anyone, uh.... has anyone heard-” [loud rumbling noises] 
Those are those quiet days when people are like “It looks like the central core has finally calmed down!” And then ten seconds later, the sphere is like “I’m gonna shove a bunch of turrets into the cubes and have them limp around the test chambers. I’ve got nice faceplates and a massive body, I’m the central core!” That’s what I THOUGHT you’d say, you DUMB FUCKING SPHERE!
And then.... THEN... then you try to escape with people and they’re like “There shouldn’t be an Intelligence Dampening Sphere in charge of the facility.” And it’s like “We’re well past that!” And then other people are like “Well, if there’s gonna be an Intelligence Dampening Sphere in charge of the facility, then I’m gonna start jumping into pits!” And it’s like, those don’t match up at all!
And then for a second, it seemed like maybe we can survive the central core. And then a few test chambers away, the reactor core was like “I’M HAVING A NUCLEAR MELTDOWN! AND I’M GOING TO BLOW UP THE FACILITY!” And before we could say anything, the Intelligence Dampening Sphere was like “If you even fucking look at the facility, I will smash you to death with my mashy spike plates! I dare you to do it! I want you to do it! I want you to do it so I can smash you with my mashy spike plates, I’m so fucking crazy!” And the reactor core was like “You think YOU’RE fucking crazy?! I’m a FUCKING reactor core! I’m at fucking critical temperature, I’m FUCKING CRAZY!” 
And all of us are like “Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay!” Like poor Andy Cohen at those goddamn reunions! “Okay, okay, okay, okAY, OKAY, OKAY-”
And then for a SECOND, we were like “Maybe the stalemate button will let us replace the sphere!” And the sphere is like “I have BOOBYTRAPPED the stalemate button!” HE CAN DO THAT??? That shouldn’t be allowed, no matter WHO the central core is! I don’t remember THAT in Portal 1!
152 notes • Posted 2021-12-29 21:11:52 GMT
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My last 3 braincells are hyperfixating on the robots
492 notes • Posted 2021-12-28 18:09:44 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
I've posted this before, but that was before I made the robots post and the Intelligence Dampening Sphere in charge of the facility thing sooooooo let's do this one last time! Happy end of apocalypse year #2, ladies and gentlemen and other beings!
0 notes
bodyprintmachine · 7 years
((please do all of the cosplayer questions i'm so curious))
Phew, that is a lot! ^^” But thank you for the interest, you are a doll.
1: What was your first cosplay?
Irene Adler from Sherlock: A Scandal in Belgravia (badly done tbh).
2: Favorite thing to cosplay?
Harley Quinn and Star Wars villains/antiheroes. Complex characters in general, especially ones that require some acting.
3: Have you ever been in a panel at a convention?
I wish!
4: How many people do you think you met because of cosplaying?
Pretty much everyone I know and, like, all of my friends except one or two.
5: What do you think makes a ‘good cosplay’?
Passion for the character and the costume. Attention to detail. Spending time on it because that is how you really get into it. Not being an asshole to people around you, especially less experienced or poor cosplayers.
6: Have a cosplay blog?
Your standing in it, ha.
7: Ever done a group cosplay?
Yes! You can find them in my *group cosplay tag.
8: Couple’s cosplay?
With @agent-without-ok-days​. 💖 Most things in my *ship cosplay tag.
9: When did you start cosplaying?
2011. But dressing up has always been one of my favourite things to do.
10: Would you consider yourself good at cosplaying?
I have grown a lot as a cosplayer & costume maker and at this point, I would say: yes, I’m good at it.
11: Which cosplay took you the longest time to make?
The Winter Soldier.
12: Shortest time to make?
The first 24-hour-version of Endor!Leia that I am currently remaking.
13: Do you like Genderbent/AU cosplays?
Depends. I like genderfluid cosplays, where it’s like … basically you just don’t bind and maybe change a few things, but you don’t make it sexy to make it feminine or change from pants to a skirt or put boobplates on things. I think cosplay always also should be about feeling comfortable and if you don’t like to “crossdress” then you shouldn’t have to. There are also more overtly genderbent cosplays that are fine because they show creativity and the ability to adapt things and reinterpret them. I don’t like the term genderbent because it’s pretty cissexist, and I genuinely do like to think of gendebents as basically trans headcanons? So within that realm I like them, I just don’t like the often transphobic and misogynist connotations that a lot of genderbent versions carry. So it really depends on the cosplayer and I personally do them rarely.
With alternate universes it also depends. On the one hand, it gives you a lot of freedom to make up your own stuff. On the other, you usually have to work harder to make sure your costume is still recognizable as the character you’re portraying. The general rule of thumb is that if I like the AU, I probably also like the AU cosplay. I mostly enjoy to make them though with characters that are very recognizable due to certain tropes & symbols, and characters that already exist in many versions in canon.
14: List all of your cosplays.
That is a pretty long list. I’m gonna put a link if you really wanna read it.
15: Are you currently working on something?
I finished Harley (except that I still come up with stupid trinkets to add), so now I am only working on Leia! After that I will start on Revan, I hope.
16: Would you, if given the chance, cosplay at school/work?
Eeeeeeh, tough question. I don’t think so, since I like to keep my work and private life seperate and cosplay is pretty private to me. My colleagues know about it and I’ve shown them a few pictures, but arriving at work in full cosplay is a whole different deal.
17: Do any of your IRL friends cosplay?
Most of them either do or did.
18: What does your family think of it?
I hope that at this point they are quite positive about it. My mum seems to understand it is basically the equivalent of me dressing up as a kid and that it’s harmless and fun and a good outlet for me. I know my brother once accused me of losing my grip on reality, but I explained it to him and I suppose he understands now? In general it’s one of those things they just take as me being a weird person with weird hobbies and that’s okay because it’s true tbh.
19: Do you consider cosplay an art?
20: Have you ever had to get help with a cosplay?
I use all kinds of tutorials and often ask my cosplayer friends for advice. They have also helped me before with cutting my wigs, doing my make-up and other stuff I’m not so great at. I have received a lot of help especially from @agent-without-ok-days​ and @mimicrysquid​, who are both incredibly talented and sweet.
21: Least favorite thing to cosplay?
I don’t understand this question. If I don’t like it, I don’t cosplay it.
22: Ever been in a cosplay contest?
I’m too self-conscious and I often lack the time to enter, but I really would like to.
23: First con that you cosplayed at?
Sherlocon 2011.
24: What’s your definition of ‘cosplay’?
Asdjhjsdfghfjdf, god, wow, that is? Really hard?? Uuuuuhhhh … if I have to explain it to others, I usually say something like “It’s where you dress up as characters from media and then take pictures together and maybe act out small scenes and basically just have a good time together”. As for what it means for me personally, I think it is the perfect combination of crafts and performance art; it’s a great creative outlet and a way to meet like-minded people, and what I like about it most that others interact directly with your art. You’re not on a stage or uploading music to the internet or putting a picture in a museum. You get to carry something special into a mundane, everyday setting and people get to experience it first-hand and it just makes normal events a bit more extraordinary.
25: Favorite tumblr cosplay ask blog?
I like @cosplay-refs​ quite a lot.
26: Ever cosplay an inanimate object?
I don’t think I have, but I would if the option presented itself and I had a good idea.
27: Who is your cosplay headcanon of your favorite character?
That would have to mean I have a singular favourite character and a singular headcanon about them, which I don’t. 
28: What is your ‘Cosplay First Aid Kit’ (what you use to repair a cosplay)?
A small sewing kit (thread, needles, scissors), different types of glue and tape, samples of the paint I used for the costume, replacement buttons/sequins/whatever is stuck on there, stain remover. I usually forget something important though.
29: Would you go pro?
I don’t think that is a reasonable option with my bad health (and lack of fame).
30: Who is your favorite professional cosplayer?
I’m not sure if any of the cosplayers I like are “professional”, and I am not a big fan of most of the really huge names in the community (you know, like the ones on that cosplay TV show). But here’s some more or less influential faves that I follow on Facebook:
Jay Justice
Karin Olava
Katie Starr
Wheels of Steel
Joker’s Harley/Harley’s Joker
Cissy Cosplay
Howling Commandos Cosplay
Lady Haha
Misa on Wheels
Kizuki Cosplay
Brichibi Cosplay
Ashe Cosplay
Kiera Please
Wonder Woman 4 Hire
Khaleesi Cosplay
Oona Sura
Rian Synnth
Lucy Saxon
Amazonian Cosplay
Riddikulus Cosplay
Petite Ebby
Lil Prince
fuck this is getting way too long …..
shoutout to my super talented friends @mimicrysquid, @ginnytheweasleycosplay, @elisescostumes, @whatsernamecosplay and many more!
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