#okay well my boyfriend is cheating on me with another friend in the group and then i immediately got impaled right after finding out
biblicalhorror · 3 months
Late s3 cordy showing up in the library when Buffy's there to aggressively flirt with Wesley only to complain about being soooo bored the second she's actually left alone with him lmfao girl I know what you are so bad
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moonvyx · 11 months
𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘦 - 𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘶𝘴 𝘭𝘶𝘱𝘪𝘯
lowercase intended
tw: jealous remus, thoughts of cheating, teasing
requested by iluvthearcticmonkeys (from wattpad)
narrator's pov
remus was going through his prefect rounds when he heard voices by the library.
"thanks again, n/n."
"n/n?" remus thought in confusion as he stopped walking.
"it's no problem, amos. i'm glad to help," remus then realized it was y/n and her hufflepuff friend, amos diggory.
he didn't put much thought into it until he realized that it was way past curfew. what were they doing out so late at night?
remus was about to step out of where he was until he heard amos again.
"could you help me again tomorrow?" she nodded, "of course! same time?"
"same time."
then, both left.
the next day during breakfast, remus sat with his friends like any other day. but instead of him saying his sarcastic remarks, he was silent.
of course, this didn't go unnoticed by his friends. james nudged remus, "you alright, moony?" but he got no reply.
"remus?' sirius asked, waving a hand in front of his face. but he remained still.
peter sighed, "what's he got in his mind now?"
and because of that one statement, remus pointed towards the two, "them."
the marauders looked at where he was pointing. and there they were, remus' sweet girlfriend and her friend amos, sitting together laughing.
"i don't get it," peter says as he looks back at remus, 'what's up with them?"
james snickered, "well, someone's jealous."
"moony over here is jealous over amos diggory!" sirius laughed as remus smacked his head for saying it out loud, "shut it, you two. i'm not jealous."
"i call bull," peter says.
" 's alright, moons. she still loves you," sirius tries to pat his back but gets his hand slapped away, "for the last time, i am not jealous!" remus exclaims, "i just don't like how close they are."
"j-" the friend group bursts out laughing after remus once again smacks the back of sirius' head, "my hair!" sirius screams, "do you know how long it took for me to-"
as the two were bickering, james made eye contact with y/n.
the girl smiled and waved. james returned the smile but tilted his head towards his friends who were still fighting.
y/n stifled a laugh and excused herself from her conversation with her hufflepuff friend.
"no, you don't understand because you have short hair. not long and luxur-"
"oh hush, black," a voice interrupts, "move aside. i want to talk to my boyfriend," y/n playfully pushes sirius aside, "even though your little argument's entertaining, i need to see remus."
remus' grumpy attitude disappeared and was replaced with adoration.
"aw look at him! all red and flustered by future mrs. lupin," james teases.
"what's wrong?" y/n pushes remus' hair out of his face, "i know you and sirius bicker a lot but not this early."
he hides his face on her shoulders, "nothin' for you to worry about."
"lies, moony here is jealous," peter says.
remus gives him a look as y/n's lips form into a grin, "oh really? and what exactly is mr. lupin jealous of?"
"the real question is, who," sirius and james gave each other a high five.
"nothing and no one."
"oh come on, rem. you can tell me."
"it's nothing, not a big deal. jus' bug off," he grumbles.
"well that's not how you speak to your missus."
remus sighs, "fine," he lifts his head up, "i am jealous," he looks away.
"because?" her index finger turns his head back to her, "because- because i don't like how close you and diggory are."
remus was embarrassed, but y/n found this cute. remus wasn't the one to be jealous.
she chuckles, "oh, rem. you have nothing to worry about. i was only helping amos with some schoolwork."
"are you sure?"
"are you doubting me?" he shakes his head, "no."
"do you trust me?" he nods, "with all my being."
"then you really have nothing to worry about," she pecks his lips, "okay?" he nods once again, "okay."
y/n kisses his lips again and remus responds with another kiss, holding her hands.
"ew, barf."
"quiet, prongs."
"you can only make comments when you get lily to go out with you."
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gilbirda · 4 months
Friendly neighborhood vigilante. Chapter 23
BatmanxDP crossover. JasonxJazz
[Read on AO3] [Read on FF.net]
Based on this post
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“Sorry about that,” Jazz was as chirpy and radiant as she usually was when she found them in the breakfast room. “Danny’s extra cranky. Probably haven't slept in a few weeks.”
“Everything okay?” Bruce had to ask.
Jazz's smile was bright as she sat down next to Jason, who was finishing his toast. “Yeah! I feel better than ever!”
Right. The vials.
“I meant your brother.” Bruce’s eyebrow twitched with the thousand questions he surely wanted to ask.
Jazz looked up from where she was reaching for the toast and some strawberry jam. “Yeah? He’s sleeping. He’ll be fine.”
Dick chuckled and leaned in. “What Bruce meant to say,” he side eyed his father, who breathed in relief and continued drinking his coffee, “is what was that about? Things seemed pretty heated between Danny and you.”
Jason gave him a warning look, but otherwise didn’t react.
On the other hand, Jazz snorted. “Ghosts’ love language is fighting.” She shook her head. “He wouldn’t actually hurt me.”
Jason’s eyebrows went to his hairline, and very wisely chose to bite back a few questions. Also Jazz’s personality was slowly starting to make sense. He was sure that once he knew everything he wouldn’t need to feel this confused.
“Could have fooled me.” Dick commented instead. “Danny really didn't like Jason.”
“He didn’t—” Jazz tensed. She finished chewing and forced her shoulders to relax. “Is not that— I mean. I think Danny will like him, it’s just—”
“Is this about your exes?” Her boyfriend asked softly, reaching for an apple and putting it on her plate. She quietly thanked him.
“Yes and no. I…” she blushed, “I don’t have the best track record.”
Bruce cleared his throat. “Did you— Uh.” He realized too late he could sound like he was interrogating her. “I apologize, but I need to ask. The report Danny mentioned—?”
“Yeah. That.” With a tired sigh, Jazz put her knife down. “David. He… Well.”
“That’s the one that cheated on you, right?”
She nodded at Jason. “I found out I was actually a side piece. It wasn’t fun.” She scrunched her nose.
“What happened?”
“Dick.” Jason warned.
“No, no. It’s okay. I took care of it.”
“Dislocated shoulder and shattered hand?” Cass spoke for the first time.
Jazz sighed again. “The dislocated shoulder was because he didn’t understand the meaning of the word ‘no’.” She made a face. “And the hand was because I didn’t realize how… soft humans actually are.”
At this point? They were getting used to Jazz — and her brother — being a different category in their heads. For Dick it was like the slight adjustment he had to make when he was with the Titans. He had been the only human, fully human, of the group and he had to get used to his best friends and then girlfriend making these types of comments regularly.
“I found out…” Jazz continued with a distant look in her eyes, “I found out because I came back to the living world sooner than I expected and decided to check out my favorite coffee place and he was there with another woman. I thought — ‘well, I’m not around much and I’m also not the most exciting person, of course I got cheated on’ but the more I listened the less it made sense.”
“You are not boring.” Jason scoffed, frowning a little at the self deprecating behavior and the story. How could that idiot not see what he had in front of him?
“Thanks,” her smile was small, but sincere, “but the story doesn’t end there.” She leaned in, her eyes narrowing as her smile twitched a little. “Things didn’t quite add up and I quickly realized it was me who was the ‘other woman’ and this poor person didn’t know. And him? He was abusing her.”
Jazz nodded at Dick. “I followed them, listening in, trying to see any sign that he was not the same person he was with me that he was with her. Claudia — that’s her name — showed textbook behavior of abuse and I had to make sure.” She sighed, leaning back on her seat, looking tired. “Long story short I caught him threatening her and taking her phone and I decided to act. Waited until she was home safe and had a chat with David and told him very nicely that he shouldn’t do that and yes, I may have accidentally sent him to the hospital.”
She went back to her breakfast, choosing to take a bite of her toast and chew for a few moments.
“Claudia took the chance while he was recovering and broke up with him, moved apartments and found the help she needed. I would have preferred she reported him, but I can’t force her and if that was enough for her then it’s fine by me.” She shrugged. “I had to go back to the Realms shortly after so I couldn’t stay to check further, and then things got complicated and I just came back for college stuff and even then I had to be quick.”
Bruce took a sip of his coffee to hide the tiny smile.
Jazz was not a hero or a vigilante, but he could see why she fit in the family so much, and more importantly, why his son liked her so much.
“What happened to the guy?”
Jazz chuckled at Duke’s question. “As much as I'd like to report some type of karmic punishment, last time I saw him he was still frequenting the same coffee place. But he was alone. His hand was healed, though. I didn’t stay longer to check more. I couldn’t.” Her little frown and tense shoulders told them not to pry.
Conversation continued as they finished breakfast, mostly questions about her brother and what they saw almost go down in the kitchen. Jazz was very open about what she could tell, and shared a few stories about Danny and his “bad taste in women”. They noticed how earlier stories about Danny’s powers and Team Phantom adventures were easy for her to tell; but later ones, from about the time Danny graduated highschool, became a stream of “ummm”s and “uhhh”s and “and etcetera” that she used to dance around the truth.
Jason almost felt guilty for contributing to the general subtle questioning, but Jazz was happy enough to share stories and she even acknowledged that she was happy to share the whole thing at a later time.
Soon the timeline that Barbara had roughly put together was filled with tidbits of information — all those blank spots she found were the times the siblings (and their friends) were back in the Infinite Realms. Doing what exactly? That was the final piece of the puzzle.
She talked about training, about classes, about Frighty and Frostbite and Clockwork and a plethora of ghosts as if they were supposed to know who they were — classic Jazz — and with context they quickly understood that the names she repeated the most were some kind of guides or teachers on this mysterious part of her life.
It wasn't difficult to put together that Jazz, Danny and this… “Team Phantom” were somehow related to the High King of the Infinite Realms.
That still left a bunch of questions, like what were their exact roles, who was the king and what were her parents doing during those periods of time. They didn’t broach the subject but they knew from Babs’ research that they were working for the GIW, a sketchy organization that wanted them eliminated, during those times they were in the Infinite Realms.
If they knew about all of this, why haven’t they done something already? If their guesses were correct, they’ve been fighting and training for a bit less than a decade. It didn’t make sense that they had this kind of power, this kind of backup, and haven’t tried to bring down the GIW yet.
Or contacted the Justice League. Sure, they were angry and disappointed that the heroes never came to help, but Jazz insisted they had the situation back at her hometown under control. Technically, they could now ask for that support.
Glancing at Bruce and his calculating eyes, Jason decided he didn’t blame her for not reaching out. And he wasn’t sure what she would do after how bad Bruce had treated her.
“Oh Ancients,” Jazz jumped and put her orange juice back on the table. She glanced at Dick. “The class. Today. I forgot.”
The man chuckled. “I already called and said that I wouldn’t be able to attend today. The show you and your brother put on in the kitchen told me today was going to be interesting enough.”
She blushed. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be. They are already used to me canceling at the last minute. Just Vigilante Things.” He winked.
“Don’t I know it.” A new voice answered from the door. Danny walked in dragging his feet, hair sticking outwards in every direction and eyes narrowed. “Good morning.”
“Hey you.” Jazz turned in her seat. “You look awful.”
“Is my natural charm.” Danny yawned and sat next to his sister. “Hi all. My name is Danny. Can I eat some food?”
Some at the table chuckled at his words. Bruce nodded, amused, and abandoned all pretense that he wasn’t analyzing the siblings.
“Slept okay?” He asked.
“Better than I have in weeks.” Danny shrugged, making quick work of what was left on the table. He wasn’t picky, and he didn’t complain about the food being cold. “Mostly because I haven’t slept in weeks more than a few naps under my desk.”
“I told you—”
“I know.” He cut off his sister. “I know. I just never find the time.”
Jazz looked like she wanted to argue but chose to let it go and helped Danny assemble the worst breakfast combination in the world. The rest watched in horror and fascination as the young man devoured everything at a fast pace, not caring about chewing or tasting the food.
Once he swallowed, he continued talking. “We have been using the system — you know, the one you created?” He rolled his eyes when Jazz smiled, pleased. “It has been working fine. It’s just,” he sighed, “after you left everything kept piling up. I didn’t know how much work you did — how much reading I would do.” Danny rubbed his face in despair.
“And that’s why Tucker was my back up for the—”
“And he has been doing a great job but I made the mistake of offering my help, you know, I thought ‘oh, I have some free time! I can help my loved ones’ — that was my first mistake.”
“Thinking?” Jazz arched an eyebrow, her smile mocking.
Danny didn’t find it amusing, but quiet and barely contained chuckles around the table disagreed with him.
“Now seriously, do you need me to come back?” She asked, pointedly ignoring the stares, especially her boyfriend’s.
Danny’s eyes opened wide. “No! No, please. You stay where you are.” He gestured widely with his hands. “We got this. You— You enjoy your vacation.”
Vacation? Jazz said she was in Arkham to learn skills for her work in the Realms.
“I told you I’m not—”
“Yes. You are. Vacation.” He grabbed her shoulders and shook her a little. “Stop worrying. We got this.”
“Good luck with getting her to relax.”
“Hey!” Jazz turned towards her boyfriend. “I thought you were supposed to be on my side?”
“And I am. On the side where you stop worrying.”
Danny finally smiled. “You are not that bad, Mr Boyfriend.”
Danny’s smiles grew with mischief, and didn’t say anything else. Jazz sighed.
“Please behave.”
“I always do.”
“You know as well as I do that that’s a lie.” She narrowed her eyes at her brother. “I thought we agreed you’d behave when you visit.”
“Still thinking you are capable of ‘being normal’?” He did the air quotes and everything. “Jazz, I love you, but you know that—”
“I know.” She looked down at her hands on her lap. “Believe me I know.”
Something clicked in Danny’s mind, because his teasing smile melted from his face the moment her words were out of her mouth.
He glanced at Jason, who tensed at the look, and went back to his sister. “What happened?”
Everyone noticed the switch in the siblings. Danny’s tense shoulders and alert eyes immediately going around the room looking for something. He didn’t know the details but he knew something was up with Jasmine.
“The situation has changed.” She started, still looking down. “I… The—I mean, I will take care of it, I always do, but we need to talk.”
Jason didn’t miss Danny’s dangerous glint in his eye when he looked at him again. Or the green glow in the blue irises.
“You said so in your text.” He nodded. “So this isn’t just about Mr Muscles over there?”
Jazz's soft chuckle was almost able to break the tension in the room. Cass, Duke and Dick stopped breathing, knowing this was it. Damian, who had been ignoring everyone and had been texting John the whole time, finally put his phone down. Bruce and Jason shared a look. This was it.
“How about we move this important conversation to the drawing room? I feel like you will be more comfortable there.” Alfred as always knew when to walk in, and started picking up the dirty dishes without waiting for a reply.
With a few murmurs in agreement, the whole group stood up and moved towards the room they’d been in the previous night. The arrangement was similar, with Bruce in the loveseat and the siblings cramming themselves in the opposite couch to the one where Jason, Jazz and Danny sat down.
Jazz was holding on to her boyfriend’s hand for dear life, trying to calm down. She appreciated his words of encouragement as they walked with the group, and held her head high by the time she faced her brother again.
“Jason, and his family, they… they know.”
Danny lifted an eyebrow. “I have noticed.” He crossed his arms. “After this morning, I’d expect a few screams in horror, but nobody has reported us to the police yet, so…”
“No, no. Danny, they know.”
It took a moment for her words to settle in, but when they did he bared his teeth and stood up. “WHAT?” He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. “What the hell, Jazz? It’s been what, a few months? And this guy,” he pointed at Jason, who didn’t, couldn't, look at him, “makes cute eyes at you so you spill MY secrets?”
“It wasn’t like that.”
“Oh yeah?” He threw his hands up. “Enlighten me. Tell me how it was, because I was mostly joking when I said you have terrible taste, but—”
“It wasn’t like that.” She growled, bristling. “Things happened and I really need you to trust me for this one.”
“Trust you?” Danny asked, incredulous. “Are you seriously asking me to trust you right now?”
She straightened her back. “Yes I am. When have I led you astray?”
Danny scoffed. “You want the list alphabetical?”
The siblings glared at each other, face expressions and eyes telling more than what words could tell. Danny was furious but cautious, and the fact that he hadn’t ran away yet was taken as a good sign. Jazz was hurt and pleading, but firm even when both their eyes started turning green.
Bruce wanted to shrink into his seat in shame, but he couldn’t. He did this. Jazz was forced against her will to reveal information so he wouldn’t march her into the Justice League and trial her for crimes he thought she committed. And now she had the chance to pay back, to rightfully blame him and tell her brother how he kidnapped her and hurt her, and she wasn’t saying anything.
“Okay.” Danny finally said. “Okay,” he sighed, “when we are back home you bet your ass you are explaining.”
“Everything will make sense in time.”
“You are starting to talk like Clockwork.”
This made her smirk. “Good. It keeps you on your toes.”
Danny made a mocking face to his sister and turned to look at the others watching.
“I guess there’s nothing to lose.”
There was a flash of bright light and instead of the tired and burned out younger Fenton sibling, they saw a floating glowing figure dressed in black and white. It was still Danny, but hair was white and eyes were green; and all the ghostly physical traits they saw in the siblings — fangs, claws, pointed ears — were exaggerated in this form.
“My name is Danny Phantom. The one and only hero of Amity Park—” Jazz cleared her throat, “I mean,” he glared at her and crossed his legs in the air, still floating, “I am the only undead hero of Amity Park. I have helpers.”
“Very funny.” Jazz said. She turned towards Bruce, Jason and the others. “Guys, this is my brother. Danny, these are the Waynes. Jason’s family.”
Danny’s eyebrows arched. “You are Bruce Wayne?” The way he asked had zero amount of awe. He was familiar with the name and not in a good way.
“You know who I am?”
“Sam — my girlfriend — knows who you are. She’s been to a few of your fancy-schmancy galas. She said she hated every second of it.”
The older man found it funny. “They tend to be mind numbingly boring.”
“Hey Danny,” Jazz’s voice was careful, “is this place safe?”
This made the young man tense and unfold his legs, all playfulness gone. “What do you mean?”
“I— I did my own check, but I’d feel better if you did one too. I wouldn’t like for, hm, Vlad to—”
“Vlad is involved in this?” Nobody missed the growl in his chest.
“All will make sense, I promise.” Jazz pleaded, lifting her hands in a placating manner.
Jason glanced at Bruce. They knew Vlad Master was bad news, but this confirmed it.
“Okay. Trusting you. Whatever.” Danny breathed slowly and disappeared.
Immediately, Jazz explained: “He’s doing a sweep of the haunt.” Determined, she looked at Bruce and then at Jason. “Will it be okay if I tell him about you guys?”
Bruce looked conflicted for a second, but Jason didn’t hesitate. “Go ahead.” He glared at Bruce as if daring him to say otherwise. “We owe you at least that.”
By the time Danny was back Bruce had come to terms that he had to start being okay with a bunch of things really quick if he wanted his answers. Glancing at Jasmine and how her worried frown never left her, he considered it wasn’t that bad of a step towards properly apologizing to her. She had said a few days ago that his apology at Jason’s apartment wasn’t enough. He was starting to understand the dimensions of the situation he caused.
“Okay. Place is clean. There’s a lot of dead relatives but that’s expected from a haunt like this one.”
Bruce wanted so badly to ask him to elaborate on that. But kept his mouth shut.
“Alright.” Jazz breathed in slowly. “Danny,” she started, “remember you are trusting me, ok?”
“You are scaring me.” He tried to joke, but his sister didn’t even smile.
“Could you please show them the… the other thing?”
“What other—” realization dawned on him. “Jazz, you didn’t—!”
“I haven’t!”
“Then why—?”
“I asked you if this was safe, didn’t I?”
“Yes, but—”
“Then listen to me,” she insisted, standing up to approach her brother. “Trust me. Show them.” She took his hands in hers, the contrast of both the alive and dead sibling blurring the longer Jazz stood there. It was like their auras became visible and pulsed together, a low hum barely perceptible rumbling in the room. “Trust me.”
The rumbling stopped when their hands stopped touching. Danny floated back and let his body lower until his feet touched the floor. He threw a worried look at Jazz and nodded, all aggressiveness dissipating and leaving a vulnerable expression on his face.
He didn’t say anything else, but he didn’t have to. Gasps and one yelp in surprise filled the silence when green flames engulfed his body, from the bottom of his feet to the last strand of hair, and in its path, it revealed the same undead creature but not quite the same young man.
Danny looked like a completely different person with the dark metal armor over the suit. He looked taller, and bigger, and his presence commanded attention even if he wasn’t saying anything. He wore a cape dark as night, with millions of stars glowing on the inside, and that floated as if some kind of invisible breeze had entered the room.
The most impressive thing, though, was the black crown over his head. It floated a few inches over his hair, and the flames of his transformation seemed to concentrate in the mysterious metal, flowing and pulsating like a heartbeat.
“I am…” Even his voice sounded different. Heavier. He glanced at Jazz, who nodded. “I am Daniel James Phantom, the High King of the Infinite Realms.”
In the following moments, the Waynes felt like they were living in some kind of surrealistic alternate dimension. It was the moment at the maximum height of a jump, right before gravity did its thing and violently pulled you back down to Earth. Watching Danny, who just a few hours before had crashed into the house and looked more roadkill than person, was floating now in the middle of their drawing room wearing a full armor, a burning crown and a heavy presence that rivaled Batman on a bad day.
Dick broke the moment, acting like the gravity he loved to defy, and hollered a laugh coming from deep in his chest. “Eat shit, Stephanie!”
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bueckerslover · 3 months
Oneshot idea:
Chris or Matt and you are in a relationship. They don’t stick up for you when a celeb girl hits on them in public to “keep the peace” but this leads to ANGST.
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was it worth it? - m. sturniolo
warnings: cursing, fighting, angst
basically the request but with my own little twist.
here i was at yet another stupid influencer party that my boyfriend dragged me to, he knows this isn’t really my thing, you see matt and i have been together for nearly a year but we’ve decided to keep our relationship a secret from the public just a few friends knowing.
matt was currently talking to group of people potentially talking about collaborating or something similar to that, i was a few feet behind him giving him the space he needed.
i looked at him from the kitchen seeing how he was laughing and joking around with his friends until a girl came touching him in ways i didn’t like, leaning into his ear whispering things with a smile on her face even making her punch him in a flirting way she turned around and i finally got a good look at her. my heart dropped.
chelsea monroe an instagram model with blonde hair and blue eyes— knowing who she is and not in a good way— was now flirting with my boyfriend what hurt more was that he flirted back.
i was less than six feet away witnessing my boyfriend cheating on me like i wasn’t even there trying to distract myself from the heartbreak i started speaking to madi.
nick and chris had ubered back to their house an hour ago i would’ve gone with them but matt had told me he wanted to drive me home and that’s what he did.
“are you hungry?” he asked as we got into his car “no” i responded looking forward he started the car his hand finding its way on my thigh making me push it off making him put it back i pushed it off again.
“y/n are you okay?” he asked as he looked towards the road and back to me “yup.” i responded “are you sure?” he urged “definitely” i replied. “y/n” he stated “matthew” i said looking at him with a straight face “okay, what the fuck is wrong you never refer to me as matthew unless something is wrong” he said looking at me for a spilt second before turning back at the road.
“nothing is wrong.” i mumbled with a straight face “y/n don’t be fucking immature and tell me what the fuck is wrong!” he argued “nothing is fucking wrong now drop it!” i slightly yelled.
the rest of the ride was quiet the only sound being the radio playing faintly, as we arrived at my house i quickly unbuckled my belt and started to open my door when matt spoke again.
“i’m sorry for what i said but if you need anything just call me okay?” he says softly “okay.” i said before i fully got out of the car “i love you” he stated before i slammed the car door and made my way into my house quickly locking it.
not even five seconds after i got in i get a phone call pulling it out and looking at the caller id
“what matt?” i sighed “you didn’t say ‘i love you’ back” he mumbled “yea and?” “you never not say it back” he sighed “yea well i’m tired bye” i replied hanging up.
that was the last time i spoke to him, that was friday night now it’s sunday i’ve spent all weekend crying ignoring all his texts and calls only keeping contact with chris and nick.
i kept the no contact thing all week and before i knew it it was friday again knowing the triplets had another party to go to i decided to have a night to myself and rewatch ‘supernatural’ while eating ice cream or any other snacks i could get my hands on.
i was three hours into the show when my phone lit up with a notification ‘matthew.sturniolo just posted on their story.’
clicking on the notification my heart drops i couldn’t believe it he was posing with chelsea she was leaning into him his hand on her waist a perfect view of his neck— hickies covering his neck and lipstick slightly smudge on his lips her lipstick.
that was my breaking point i paused my tv walking towards my room pulling out his duffel bag and a box in the duffel i put all the clothes he’s left here over the time and in the box all the the gifts he’s given me. i was done and i wasn’t going to let him hurt me.
i don’t remember falling asleep but i woke up on the couch with a few missed calls from matt, i didn’t answer but i instead texted chris and nick in the group chat we had without matt
could yall come over? i have a few things i need you guys to pick up.
yea let me just order an uber we’ll be there in like 10 minutes or so
we’re on our way.
after a few minutes i hear a knock on my door already opening the door i let the boys in and made my way to my room to pick up the duffel taking it back to the living room and handing it to a very confused nick.
“give that to matthew” i said with a straight face “matthew? full name that can’t be good what’d he do” asked nick “he cheated” i stated calmly “he what?!” the both replied nearly yelling “yea you guys didn’t see the photo?” i pulled out my phone to show them the picture “that son of a bitch!” exclaimed chris “well good you’re breaking up with him” chimed in nick “wait i thought you’d be more heartbroken about this” question nick “well i was the first time it happened but i realized that if he really loved me he wouldn’t be a two timing bitch” i scoffed
“good for you!” praised chris as he smiled at me with that nicks phone rang “speaking of the devil” he sighed “what’s up matt? what? no we haven’t heard from her” he smiled winking at me signaling that he was asking about me after a while they hang up “well we have to go but we’re in your side no matter what!” nick said as he got up and gave me a side hug then picked up the duffel heading outside.
“if you ever need anything or something don’t hesitate to call or text me or nick okay?” he mumbled into my hair as we hugged “okay thank you so much i love you guys so much” i mumbled back letting go of the hug.
ring ring
i picked up my phone to matt calling i hung up and turned back around to go to sleep but my phone kept buzzing not letting me.
“hello?” i responded groggily “what the actual fuck y/n!” matt’s voice boomed through my phone’s speakers making me pull it away a bit “huh what are you talking about?” “why did chris and nick just bring me a duffel with my things in it?” he angrily asked “because i’m breaking up with you” i stated “what?” he laughed “i’m. breaking up. with. you. understand?” i broke down each word like if i was speaking to a baby “why are you breaking up with me?” he scoffed “hmmm i don’t know maybe because you cheated on me with chelsea?” i asked “what? i didn’t cheat on you!” “don’t make me laugh matthew i have proof from text messages to the story you posted last night”
“look im sorry i made a mistake but baby please don’t do this i-i love you!” he begged into the phone “maybe you should’ve thought about that before you cheated bye matthew and by the way i hope she was worth it.” i spoke before i hung up the phone.
okay this is not as good as i wanted it to be but hopefully you like it pookie 😰
tags: @sturnioloslurps @hearts4chris @patscorner
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cho-aaacho · 6 months
(Hc's) Gamer Boyfriend! Gojo Satoru
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Tags : Teen Gojo, Gamer Gojo, Classmate Gojo, Soft Gojo, Secret Crush, Best Friends to Lovers, Idiots in Love, Reader is Genderless.
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The first time you met Gojo Satoru, you thought he was a typical basketball captain with a sunny aura emanating from him. He rarely talks to any other classmate; come on, he's so popular.
At that time, it was a nice summer in Tokyo. You and Shoko were cleaning the class, and he suddenly approached you, patted your shoulder, squeezed them a bit, and asked, "What is your Game ID?"
"Excuse me? I don't play such games, Gojo-kun."
"I'll teach you."
Such a weird boy, to be honest.
He brings two PSPs to school so you can play with him during lunch break.
"You know it's illegal to bring a console to school, Gojo-kun."
"Well, I have permission from Yaga-sensei. He gifted me that PSP as my birthday present. Hey, watch out; you'll lose."
He memorized all the gaming YouTubers' names along with their most-watched videos.
He wears a headband while playing games.
He is the leader of a gaming community's gang. It wasn't a bad gang; it was just a group of gamers who loved to share their interests.
He can spend 13 hours playing games on weekends, and he'll come out of his room only when his dad yells at him or when you visit his home.
Sleeping in class has become a habit for him. When he does that, he'll snuggle on your lap to hide his face from Yaga-sensei.
But Yaga-sensei always caught him.
His favorite song is Resident Evil—The Save Room, and he'll play that song while cleaning the classroom.
He always messages you when he's ready to play games. It almost makes you dizzy because he always spams you when you don't reply to him.
Despite how bad you are at the game, he'll teach you patience, talking in soft tones while guiding you step by step.
He rarely opens the mic, but when he does, he'll mock the other players and say how bad they are at the game. He's so aggressive, but you find it cute because he always tries his best not to include you.
"You're my best friend. I would never hurt you. Our team is just stupid; let's play another game, shall we?"
He loves Manga Cafes so much. He always invited you to join him and read all his recommendations.
"This manga is so good, but the MC is so lame and stupid."
Gladly to holding your hands in Akiba and making sure you don't fall or bump into someone else. His palm is so warm and big.
His mom loves you, and whenever he invites you to his mom, Mrs. Gojo will give you a nice and delicious cake along with expensive tea.
"Where's Satoru?" — Geto Suguru.
"He's in the manga cafes, I guess." — Ieiri Shoko.
Absent from school has been your weekly activity with him. But he doesn't want Yaga-sensei to catch you two. So you'll spend your time at his home, eating cake or ice cream, playing games, and taking a nap.
Of course, he didn't do anything else besides playing games or napping. He's a gentleman, after all. A good boy.
You can find him on Reddit.
He uses a combination of your name and his as a password for his computer, he even changes his Game ID to that.
He never cheats at games.
He is an admin of a Discord server and is talking about an underrated game.
"Hey, I know you and Satoru are close like a flower and water. But make sure to not miss my class, okay?" —Yaga-sensei
He hates Gacha games so much. He thought it wasn't a game at all. "My gacha luck is so bad this month. Oh, damn."
He has two different Twitter accounts. One with a cute avatar and only follows you. The other one he uses to share his gaming progress.
Gojo may be in love with you. Because every time you interact with someone else on the Discord server, he'll kick them; remember, he's an admin.
He loves to lean his head against your chest while playing games, and when he falls asleep, you let him be. He’s so dramatic but cute at the same time.
"Hey, I know it sounds crazy and lame, but hear me out. I don't know what will happen to us when we graduate. But I want to be your gaming buddy until we are old. Even if I have dementia, I will find another way to remember you."
"I want to spend my life with you, not only to play games but also to do everything with you. Because I love you."
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bluehourbucky · 1 year
pairing: bucky x reader
summary: bucky has been acting suspicious so you finally ask him where he's spending his nights/ more like with who
tw: cheating; gaslighting; angst;
a/n: not proof read/ English is not my first language so pls be nice /
suffice to say this was very vagely inspired by taylor swifts song question
part 2
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"IT'S JUST A QUESTION!" you yelled at your soon to be ex, Bucky.
You were in the middle of an argument with your boyfriend, who you have been suspicious of for a while, and you have finally snapped and asked the question.
"I already told you. I had reports to write." another lie has come through Buckys mouth and it took everything in you not to leave without fighting.
Bucky has been coming home later and later every night for the last couple of months, you tried to trust him, and you did at the beginning, but whatever has been going on it has been going on a while.
"How dare you lie to me! Everyone knows! Our friends look at me like I'm the biggest idot on Earth! Do you understand how embarrassing that is!?" your voice cracking, tears ready to spill.
The party you had attended last night had been the breaking point, worst of all it was your own birthday party.
It was almost midnight and your birthday was approaching, party had been going on for two hours by now, and you were enjoying yourself.
Greetings and hugs were exchanged, lots of dancing during your favourite songs. Everything was perfect, well almost, Bucky still hasn't arrived and you were starting to think he won't come at all. A message notification gets your attention. Speak of the devil.
bucky: sorry doll be there soon love you
"Hey, you okay?" Natasha had asked you seeing your face fall. You faked a smile and pulled her to the dance floor, not in the mood to talk about it, today was supposed to be a good day.
Bucky arrives 10 minutes later, unfortunately not alone, he arrived with Sharon. Sharon has been a good friend of everyone in the group, and you liked her she was very nice to you, but recently you've had this bad feeling.
Bucky runs up to you, picks you up, and kisses you. It was easy to forget that you're angry and disappointed when he kisses you like that.
The moment is ruined when you hear people laugh. Bucky looks at the time and pulls away. You stand there feeling embarrassed, with everyone's eyes on you, you disassociate. Your hands grow cold even though you're sweating, music making you overwhelmed, but you just can't move.
Only when you feel Buckys hands on you, you're pulled back to reality. He starts leading you to the table where your cake stands, everyone starts clapping and singning happy birthday, the candles on the cake burning, their light reflecting in your teary eyes.
No one notices that they're not tears of joy, because why would they? It's your birthday you can't be sad on your special day.
You blow out the candles, and as soon as the cake is cut, you run outside to take a breath of fresh air in hopes of it calming you down.
You're not outside for long before you hear two familiar voices talking.
"Do you have to go? It's still early." Buckys voice echoes though the empty alley way, where the exit from the place is. He doesn't notice you sitting away in the corner on some empty wooden boxes, despite his senses.
"I gotta go. Tomorrow same time?" Sharon replies and Bucky nods and waves goodbye, she sits down in the uber and drives away....
You sit there trying to process this, trying to convince yourself that it's all in your head, it doesn't mean anything, but you know that's not true and you're done.
The time flies and it's time to go home, and on the way to the apartment you barely say anything, which Bucky takes as you being tired.
But as soon as you step into the apartment you finally ask
"How long have you been fucking Sharon?"
Bucky still doesn't look at you and tries to brush you off but you weren't having it, so you pull him by the shirt.
"Look at me,when you're talking to me!" you say through gritted teeth before noticing a row hickeys on Buckys neck making you drop the shirt instantly.
You're speechless, your hand covers your mouth trying to hold off the sob that was about to escape.
Bucky also stays unmoving not knowing how to get out of this, he didn't mean to,it wasn't supposed to happen.
The first time it happened it was after one of the work parties, he was drunk, Sharon was drunk and mistakes were made. He planned on telling you but he just couldn't. You're too kind too sweet and didn't deserve to have your heart broken.
It was eating him up, but he couldn't let you find out, so after finishing a report he goes to Sharon's office to tell her that what happened the night before was a mistake and wouldn't happen again, he asked her to keep the secret from everyone. However he had found himself once again in her bed, and it just never stopped.
It's not that Bucky didn't love you, he did or that's what he kept telling himself. He didn't mean for it to go this far but now it's too late.
"I'm sorry." Bucky finally says after deafening silence that's been going on for far too long.
You're still frozen in place not knowing what to do. Bucky is the man you thought you would marry, spend the rest of your life with. You were sure he was the one, all the smiles and laughs he gave you, the late night kisses, the pillow forts, the promises.... Everything crashing down on you all at once.
"How long? Please tell me the truth, you owe me that much." Your voice just above a whisper.
"Four months."
Buckys answer doesn't surprise you, but it does break you. You don't say anything just nod and start to pack your bags. Bucky doesn't do anything to stop you, he just stays out of your way. And you leave without another word.
/month later/
It took a while for you to get used to living alone, since you've been living with Bucky for the last 3 years. You hadn't had the time to mourn the loss of you relationship as you were too busy adjusting.
There were unfortunately things you had yet to pick up from yours and Buckys place, and today was the day you're finally going back, for the first time since that day.
As much as it hurt you to go back you really needed your stuff. You text Bucky you're close and he replies with an okay. If you had kept your key the night you left you wouldn't have to see him but alas.
"Hey." Bucky openes the door and greets you, but you just walk past him towards the bedroom.
"I hadn't touched anything. I haven't even slept in our bed." you cringe at the words *our bed* but still say nothing.
Bucky hovers around the door watching you pack, which makes you nervous, not an emotion you ever thought would be caused by him.
"Are you still with her?" you shamefully ask while picking up a dress Bucky got you for your first anniversary, deciding it was better not to bring it.
"Yeah." Bucky says quietly opting not to lie, even though you wish he had lied.
"That's nice. I'm sure that's suitable." you reply swallowing hard.
It doesn't take more than half an hour to pack the rest of your stuff, you pick up the suit case and look around, your heart breaking more every passing second.
Bucky asks if you need help, you deny it quickly and head for the door.
As soon as door opens, you walk out without turning around or saying goodbye. He doesn't deserve it and you both know it.
|the end|
part 2
hope you enjoyed <3
comments and reblogs are very much appreciated <3
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charlesslut16 · 9 months
Hey can you please do Pierre gasly x innocent reader, she’s like innocent and quite naive making him really protective and possessive over her ? Could he also be obsessed with her so maybe abit dark ? Also if your comfortable with it
summary : moonstruck : unable to think or act normally, especially because of being in love. You were moonstruck by pierre gasly.
PAIRING : pierre gasly x fem!innocent!reader
WARNINGS : ANGST, possessive behavior, obsessive pierre, dark pierre, toxic relationship, hand collar, fluff
note : wrote thi post because pierre is on the podium!!!! Thrid place is absolutly awesome!! SO PROUD OF HIM. And i hope that you like this fic!
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Since you were a teenage, you had been the innocent friend in your friend group. If there had been a sexual joke, you didn't understand it at first, or you needed someone to explain it.
And ever since you were a little girl, you had been naive. For example, you forgave your ex even after he had cheated on you because you thought that he had changed. Which he had not.
And this continued on until now. Being a grown 25-year-old woman with a 27-year-old boyfriend. Your boyfriend could not understand how you could be so innocent and naive.
But pierre gasly also loved it. He could protect you from any danger and feel like the hero. He was obsessed with protecting you. Well, he was obsessed with you. Possessive even.
Not the good obsessing, the possessive one. He was trying to keep your attention on him, but it will get priority if he felt like his grasp over your interests was slipping too far. As long as you were still interested in him.
But if he started to feel threatened, like, replaced, then he got a lot more… aggressive isn’t the right word. Possessive. He made sure that he does not leave your mind for too long. He makes sure he’s just… there.
Your friends saw that behavior and told you multiple times, but you ignored them, too in love with pierre. He had always told you that they were bad people who wanted to take you away from him. And you believed him. Every time.
Every time you believed him and lost more friends. Every and each time. Pierre made you feel so loved that you didn't even realize how many good people left you.
He had protected you in clubs, against family and friends, against every bad person. And that made you feel so loved. When you were with him, you were another person.
For example, one day you came home from one of your meeting with your friends. Pierre was standing in the kitchen, as you came into the house, pouting and being in your thoughts.
Pierre noticed the second you came in that you were not okay. So he took you into his arms and then sat down on a chair with you in his lap. Stroking your arms and assuring you that he was there for you.
“What's wrong, mon amour?”
“My friends told me that I should break up with you because you are possessive with me and that I should just find another man. And I just said that I love you and that you are just protecting me.”
As he heard those words, his jaw tightened and locked. The fact that you were still staying with him, made him smile. He had you wrapped around his fingers. You were his girlfriend! His. 
“Look, baby, I told you that they would want to steal you away from me. You need to distance yourself from them, they are bad for you. The only person that you need is me, you know that, right?”
“I know, pierre, I can't understand how I could believe them over you.”
“You're mine. Yes? There will never be another man besides me.” He asked, biting your neck, making you squirm and whine as Pierre pulls away, licking the bite mark.
“Yes, I'm yours.” You assured him, hands tangling in his curly hair as he hugged you tighter to him and kissing up your collarbone and neck up to your ear and cheek until he kissed your lips.
Another time was when you were with your friends, talking about your boyfriends until one of your friends warned you about pierre and you being annoyed.
“How can you be so naive!? Pierre may love you, but he only wants you for himself until you have no one else than him. He is obsessed with you, in another way than good.”
Your other friends agreed, but you just rolled your eyes. What they said was total bullshit. Pierre loved and protected you from bad people who wanted to bad things to you.
The other time was that pierre couldn't reach you and panicked.
“Y/n?” He called into your shared house, and when he didn't receive a reply, he bolted into your bedroom. He froze seeing you on the bed holding a coffee mug.
“Ma magnifique fille. Why didn't you answer my calls?” He snapped loudly, caught your attention as you smiled up at him, while taking a sip from your coffee mug. My gorgeous girl
“I'm sorry, Pierre, I was listening to some music. Didn't even hear your calls.” Pierre ran his hand through his hair and sat next to you on the bed. He was settled after he yanked you into his lap.
“You should answer me when I call for you, princess.” You just nodded and leaned back into his chest, relaxed into his warm hands running over your body.
“Why are you being so protective?” Pierre's hands stopped abrupt, trying to think of how to answer your question. Leaning forward, he kissed the back of your neck, wrapped around the front and turned you to look at him.
“You're mine. My girlfriend. I'm protective of what belongs to me. I'm protective because the thought of someone taking you or leaving me drives me crazy. All I do is for you. For your safety.” He whispered each sentence, he moved closer till you were mouth-to-mouth.
“Are you mine?”
“Mhm.” You whined, grounded your hips down to get some pressure, but you got none.
“Words, Y/n. I want to hear you say it.” Pierre growled, hand tightening on your throat.
“I'm yours, Pierre. I'll always be yours.” You gasp, feeling dizzy from the grip on your throat. Pierre was always careful when it came to holding your throat and where. He never wanted to hurt you and learned how to do this safely and how to give you pleasure from it.
So to say this, pierre is very possessive of you and obsessed with you.
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iaeriy · 11 months
studying sex (college au; joão félix x reader)
author: this is my first time writing a fanfiction & i think i wrote TOO much..
warnings: cussing, cheating, fluff, spanish speaking, google translated sentences, smut
“come on y/n!! we’re going to be late!” you heard your friend elena shout from the door as you rushed putting your journals & study books into your tote bag, you made your way downstairs as you made contact with your friend elena. you were wearing low waist flared jeans with a pink tanktop and a tie top covering your cleavage.
you had been attending college with your friend elena since the two of you decided to apply for the same job, you currently don’t have a boyfriend but you’re known for your looks & your smartness. not to mentionnn, you have a crush on the boy that everybody calls popular, of course joão is known for his brown eyes and his brown hair, and lastly.. his bratty girlfriend, she’s disrespectful to you for no reason & makes fun of the way you dress up.
you smiled at your friend, “okay.. let’s go now! if you want to make your stop at the coffee shop!” your held her hand and the two of you walked out of your apartment, approaching your vehicle.
the two of you gossiped & talked about your family’s and your crush through out the drive to the coffee shop. you decided to just go through the drive thru, you ordered yourself a matcha latte and elena got herself an iced coffee.
a few minutes later the two of you winded up in the parking lot of the college, you two got your gatherings and began walking into the building, classes weren’t beginning in about 20-30 minutes so the two of you sat under a massive tree with pink flowers flowing around the air.
The two of you gossiped when a group of girls approached you guys.
“you look so stunning today y/n!”
“were are your clothes from!? they’re so gorgeous!”
“you two look so amazing today!”
you & elena smiled at them as you thanked them, when suddenly the brown haired boy caught your attention as he made eye contact with you as his girlfriend was on his lap, doing whatever god knows to his neck. you smiled slightly back at him then rolled your eyes.
the campus bell then rang as you and elena headed to class, in your first period you had your best friend and one of joão’s friends, mason. you and elena always gossip about some of the girls in the campus that give u the ick feeling, mason obviously keeps his mouth shut since he knows the consequences when it comes to messing around with you and elena.
“y/n you look like a doll anytime you wear braids with those bows, you know that?” mason says as he threw an orange slice that elena shared sith him into his mouth, you blushed at the compliment and laughed.
“thank you mason..” you said taking notes on the lesson that was on the screen.
“give me back my orange you stupid british!” elena yelled as you heard a smack go into masons forehead, you stared at the two of them watching them argue non-stop about the orange.
the two fought back and forth over the orange, “well at least my lips dont look like a duck whenever i eat!” mason yelled as it catched everybodys attention and you grabbed an orange from your bag, handing it to elena then another one to mason.
“there. two oranges for the two of you to stop arguing, now shut up.” you whispered kicking masons leg as he yelped out loud, elena bursted out laughing as she took a picture of his face.
the next bell had rang where the three of you get seperated, your next class was with joão which you tried to make things not obvious, the two of you spoke spanish, since he didn’t really understand english and anytime he spoke it he would get made fun of.
you got to your class as you sat in ur chair as usual, your heart was somewhat racing as you then heard stumbling & talking. you turned to see joão and his girlfriend all up on each other flirting, you looked away going on your phone to text elena.
he sat infront of you as he looked at you and admired your outfit, “te miras preciosa, y/n” (you look so gorgeous, y/n.) joão said as he tried to get your attention, “te estoy hablando niña!” (i’m talking to you girl!) joão said as he kicked ur ankle, you raised ur head up and looked at him, glaring at him.
“y me tenías que golpear en la pinche tonillo, pinche tonto.” (and you had to hit me in the ankle, fucking idiot.) you said holding onto your ankle, rubbing it as you rolled your eyes. “pues entonces no estes en tu teléfono con tu novio,” (then dont be in your phone with your boyfriend.) joão said as he sat back hands crossed up to his chest, you looked at his outfit, a plain white shirt with of course skinny jeans. “no tengo novio.. además que dijiste que me tenías que pegar en la pinche pierna.” (i dont have a boyfriend.. besides why did you have to hit me in the fucking leg.)
“no mas, solo te quería decir que te miras tan linda hoy.” (just wanted to say you look so beautiful today.) joão said smiling at you as you smiled back when a tint of blush appeared on your cheeks, the two of you made eye contact before you broke it by one of joão’s girlfriend friends taking pictures, you then smacked his arm and pointed at the window, when you saw his eyes widen.
“porra de mierda..” (fucking shit) you heard joão mumble in portuguese, you looked at him as you started to worry thinking about what could effect between his and his girlfriend’s relationship. you didn’t want to be the reason why, even tho you like him.
“esa era esa la amiga de tu novia..?” (wasn’t that your girlfriends friend.) you said looking at him he was already texting his girlfriend as you sighed silently not getting a reply back, you laid your head down as you dozed off infront of joão.
joão looked around making sure none of his girlfriends friends were around as he moved the string of hair that was blocking his view, he admired the way you looked, dressed & slept. The small issue was, is he starting to like you!? he took pictures of you sleeping, playing with the strands of hair that was blocking your face.
you then felt him tap on your shoulder, he kept nodging you slightly as you looked up at him, “ya levantate, se termina la clase en unos minutos..” (come on wake up, class finishes in a few minutes.) joão said chuckling, grabbing ur head slightly and smacking it playfully.
“déjame la cabeza en pas niño tonto..” (leave my head alone dumb boy) you said mumbling as you rubbed your eyes waking up, as you sat up looking around to see the class empty but just you and joão
“te ves bonita tovia con el pelo todo arruinado.” (You look pretty still with your hair all messed up.) joão said holding your bag your eyes widen, “joão, no hagas eso.. no te vallan encontrar unas de las amigas de tu novia y después que se enojé conmigo or unas de las amigas.” (joão, don’t do that, aren’t one of your girlfriends friend or herself going to find out, then either one will he mad at me.) you said as he shook his head, “fueron todas a un lugar a comer, “no se por que no me querían que fuera, pero cres que me podria quedar contigo y con elena, traigo a mason contigo si quieres?” (i don’t knoe why she didnt want me out with her, but do u think i can stay with you and elena, i can bring mason with us if you’d like.) joão said looking down, you smiled at the way he got shy.
You texted elena about it as you lifted joão’s cheek, “ya parale con tus juegos, ya vamos a buscar a elena y mason!” (stop playing around with your games, let’s go look for elena and mason!)
The two of you walked out the class and walked around outside campus, “no van a venir, los dos fueron a un lugar..” (they’re not coming the two of them went out..) you said looking at joão as he frowned, “pues entonces vamos a la biblioteca, dice el professor que tengo los grados muy mal.” (then lets go to the library, the professor said i have bad grades right now.) you nodded ur head and the two of you walked to the library.
he walked to a empty room and put ur stuff down on the table u sat down and he sat next to you, you grab one of your algebra study books as you turn to the page with the lesson he struggled with, you explain to him what the differences between polynomials and inequalities are, as you helped him with his homework, you felt his hand on your thigh.
you didn’t mind at all but try and move his hand away, he grips ur hand and you look at him. “joão-“ the two of you made eye contact as he leaned in to you, just one gap away from him kissing you. you got all nervous and started thinking of the bad things, this is something you’ve always dreamed of.
and it happened.
he kissed you.
you felt his lips on your lips, you closed your eyes as your lips and his synced. you cupped his cheeks as he held your cheek, he tried to slide his tongue into your mouth as you allowed him, he sucked on your tongue and you did on his. the two of you made out, of course you’ve seen him makeout with his blonde haired girlfriend the makeouts usually didnt last, and he would be disgusted.
you pulled away as a string of saliva seperated the kiss.
your cheeks were all red as you saw joão’s eyes widen you turned and saw elena and mason, “oh fuck..” you whispered to yourself.
A few days later passed by after that awkward situation. Mason and elena were a couple and joão distanced himself from you since his girlfriend told you, then there was you. You were hurt because of what had happened and he acted like nothing happened.
You didn’t attend college for the past 2 days, your phone was blowned up by messages from your friends besides elena asking you “were have you been?” & “are you coming back?” you obviously didn’t come because you wanted to avoid drama and you were stressed out about how late your period was and including your exams.
You were in the apartment all by urself some days, elena would leave to stay at masons since they have been dating for a 3 weeks. Today was the day you decided to come back, you got up and did your hair into a half up-half down into a clawclip, you wore a white dress with your white converse and a white cardigan. you got your tote bag since elena was picking u up.
Elena then parked her vehicle as she honked you letting you know she’s outside. You walked out your apartment as you got into elenas vehicle and she smiled at you. “you look cute returning back!” you smiled back at her as you put your tote bag in your lap.
“has anything happened at school recently so far?” you said twiddling with your fingers as the words that came exactly out of elenas mouth shocked you.
“well, joão and margarida broke up, she cheated on him, apparently because one of her friends saw you and joão together so she thought he was cheating so she took it more serious and bam.” elena said as she continued driving holding onto the sterring wheel.
“has he been okay? i know i haven’t been showing up but i had my reasons why.” you said looking at elena and she nodded her head, “he’s been hanging out with me and mason, he doesn’t seem as upset tho, he hasn’t told anybody but us about when we caught y’all kissing.” you laughed remembering what happened a few days ago.
Elena parked the car in the parking lot as the two of you got out the vehicle. she held your hand in case you felt unsafe, you actually didn’t show up the past days due to your stress and anxiety.
You followed elena as the two of you approached mason and of course, joão. you tried to avoid eye contact with him as the bell for campus rang.
you and elena were heading to class when you heard nothing but girls gossiping & speaking on you and joão.
“that’s y/n!? she’s so prettier than joão’s ex.”
“she’s such a whore.”
“she’s back!”
the two of you were about to enter class when mason joined you, you rolled your eyes seeing your friend and the boy flirt, before you entered the class with elena. joão approached you standing infront of you, “can i borrow y/n for a second?” elena looked and nodded as he held your hand and pushed you away from your friend without her knowing.
“what the fuck is wrong with you! let go of me!” you try and push him away from your grip but he grips your hand tighter as he walked you to the bathrooms, he pushed you into the womens bathroom and locked the door.
“joão- why are we in the females bathroom, anybody could walk i-” you said as he grabbed you by the waist tightly, “te vas por unos 2 malditos dias, y ahora cres que nada pasó.” (you leave for 2 fucking days and you act like nothing happened.) you looked up at him snickering, seeing his frown and he glared at you. “ahora cres que esto es chistoso?” (now you think this is funny.) you stood there shaking your head, as he leaned closer to you again.
you tried to shove him away but he held you in his grip, you slapped his chest, “déjame la pinche cintura en paz, desgraciado,” (leave my fucking waist alone, loser.) you said fighting back as he grabbed your jaw kissing you, you widened your eyes as you kissed back cupping his cheeks.
you felt so safe around him, coming back to this was making you weak, you missed seeing him, you missed how his lips felt on yours. you wrapped your arms around his neck as he walked you carefully to the counter, “jump.” he said breathlessly as he instructed you. you didn’t hesitate to as you jumped in his arms as he placed you on the bathroom counter, he looked at you smiling as he placed his lips on yours, the two of you kissed. he held you by your waist while your hands were wrapped around his neck.
your nails moved towards the strands of his hair as you were playing with his hair while the two of you were kissing. “i missed you while you were gone.” you said whispering as he understood as you opened your legs just a bit as you felt him in between you. you blushed heavily as you felt him slightly grind against you. “yo también bebé..” (me too baby..) he said whispering as he began to plant kisses on your neck, you held onto his arm leaning your head back for more access.
you bit down on your lip attempting to hold your sounds in, feeling the kisses on your neck and his hips grind slowly against you. you felt so weak under him as you felt yourself leak.
you were thinking dirty thoughts, sex of course.. you wanted him at the moment, but why would he be your first at a bathroom. you moved your hands off his arm as you held onto his waist, he looked over to you snickering at your looks, you smacked his arm then his cheek playfully. “not in the bathroom joão, anybody could walk in.” you said breathlessly as he backed away and you hopped off the counter fixing your dress, you looked at him through the mirror, you saw him chuckling.
His phone then rang as he opened the notification from mason.
“did you take y/n? elena & i are worried as hell, she keeps texting y/n asking her if shes okay and were shes at.”
He read the message as you looked at him, “let’s just go to my apartment.. make a lie up that i got sick.” you said as you looked at him nodding his head, you were surprised that the boy was improving on his english, you grabbed your bag as you saw him type his message in.
“she threw up, she looked pale and looked a bit green when i was going to talk to her. i took her to the bathroom & i’ll drive her back home if that’s alright with elena.”
you read the message as you nodded your head, he held your hand. you looked up at him as he kissed your cheek, you were so happy that this was happening, & it was all coming true.
“ohh well hope shes alright, elena said to take care of her and drive her back home. she said you could stay with her just to watch over her, she’ll go check up on her once school is over.”
João and you read the message as he unlocked the bathroom, he checked the halls for nothing to happen as you walked out, the two of you held hands and walked out the campus. he walked you to his vehicle as you got in the passenger seat.
The two of you talked about your friendship and your familys throughout the car drive to your apartment, the boy somewhat knew your house but you didn’t mind.
“joão, why did she cheat on you?” you said looking at him as he put his hand on your thigh, “she never told me why, from what i’ve heard from everybody apparently she did it because of when her friends saw me and you making eye contact, she took it serious and well i didn’t care. she used me for such things, didn’t feel like a relationship either way, i was already liking somebody around that time too.” he said as his other hand was on the stering wheel as he stopped at the red light.
you looked at him as you nodded, “i’m sorry if i got in the way between your relationship if that was somewhat my intention from what she was saying.. i really try my best to not mess up anything when it comes to just falling in love with somebody.” your eyes widen when you realized what you said as you looked at him as he was already looking at you.
“you like me?” he said as he began to hold the stering wheel continuing to drive, “yes and i’m such an idiot for falling in love with you, because of how nice you were whenever you helped me out on the second week of school and because of how kind you are whenever you have questions about my tutoring and not to mention whenever you would check up on me when i wouldnt show up to school, even whenever i didnt talk to you.” you said as he chuckled.
he parked his vehicle infront of your apartment as he grabbed your chin making you turn to him, you felt yourself get wetter through the material of your panties and you got nervous as he kissed you again.
you kissed back cupping his cheeks as he pulled away smiling at you, “let’s go inside i don’t want anybody to know we’re making out in the car.” he said as you snickered getting out his car grabbing your bag, he held your hand as you two walked to the front of your apartment and the two of you got in.
the two of you winded up in your room making out, you were sitting on the bed as he hovered above you, his hands holding your waist and your hands were on his shoulder.
his lips on yours, his hands, his scent, everything drove you crazy.
he pushed u down carefully as he hovered above you, you cupped his cheeks kissing him again as he pressed his lips back on yours. you slid your tongue in as your other hand slid inside of joãos shirt, you sucked on his tongue as your hand ran down his back while you heard him groan into your mouth. his lips traced down to your neck where he began to kiss and nibble on your skin. your small and soft moans were exposed as you held onto his arm.
you leaned your head back as you felt him start to grind in between you, “joão.. i-i’ve never done this before..” you said breathlessly as he looked at you and you sat up as he smirked at you, “i won’t do anything else unless you’re okay with that, i’ll help you okay?” you nodded your head as he undid your dress and removed the clawclip from your hair letting your hair fall down.
he smiled at you as he kissed your cheek, “hands up.” he said as you didnt hesitate to follow his instructions, you raised your hands up slowly as he grabbed the bottom of your dress pulling up your dress above your head. he looked at your body as you turned red covering your face.
“don’t you dare.” he said as he pinned you down pinning your hands above your head, you blushed as he kissed you passionately. you cupped his cheeks as his hand cupped your right exposed breast, massaging your breast. you whimpered in the kiss, your legs getting wobbly and weak at the feeling.
his lips traced down to your jaw to your bare chest, “you’re so gorgeous..” you heard joão say as he began to plant wet kisses around your chest, he lightly began sucking on your nipples while massaging your other breast.
your hand traced around his face, gripping onto it slightly, whining his name as you began to tug on his shirt. you wanted him inside of you already, you couldnt take it anymore.
he latched off your chest when a burst of sudden cold air hits you, “you can’t wait patiently let me guess?” joão said chuckling as he removed his shirt off him, you looked at his toned chest and his v line. you blushed heavily as he pulled you closer kissing you once again, the two of you sloppy kissed as he began to play with the waistband of your panties, you hummed in the kiss.
he moved down to your stomach leaving wet kisses, caressing your stomach, “you sure you want to do this bebé?” he says looking up at you as you nodded your head slowly, he pulled your panties off with his teeth as he looked at you chuckling, “you’re so wet for me already amor..” he cooed as you turned red, he rubbed your wetness around as his tongue flattened on your pussy, you moaned at the feeling as he began to lick around your clit while using his free hand to rub onto your pussy.
you arched your back moaning at the pleasure you were recieving, you ran your hands down his hair as you rested your legs on his shoulders.
he rubbed his tongue up and down against your clit, leaving kisses around as he sucked onto your clit lightly. your thighs burrying the half of his face.
he continued to devour you as he slipped one finger in he began to stretch you out, you mewled as you gripped onto the duvet, your vision getting blurry as he slipped his finger in and out of you making you moan uncontrollably.
he was eating you out and fingering you at the same time, so much pleasure making your brain go fussy and making you see stars. he started to rub the top of your clit a little faster as you let out a whiny moan, “f-fuck! you’re so good a-at this j-joão..” you said between your moans as he slipped another finger in, two fingers inside of you stretching you out and driving you crazy.
his fingers pumping in and out of you, you gripped onto his hair as you moaned loudly, saying such things to joão such as “you’re doing so good” “i love you”. you felt his finger curl into your g-spot as you arched your back gasping at the feeling.
you heard him chuckle underneath you sending vibrations through you, you gripped tighter onto the duvet as you felt your climax coming in.
he pulled himself up as you shot your eyes open and you whined, “wh-why’d you stop..” you said breathlessly trying to catch your breath as he giggled looking at you, “calm down mi vída.. you’ll get to have all this inside..” joão said as he held your hand running it through his chest, you were all flustered and red from the pleasure you just experienced.
he kissed you again as you tasted yourself through his mouth, he slid his tongue into your mouth as you began to suck onto his tongue. he began undoing his pants, you pulled him closer as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
you began to kiss and suck into his jaw and his neck, as he groaned lowly squeezing your ass recieving a moan in return. he pulled his jeans off as he was left with nothing but boxers, he laid you down as you saw him reach for his wallet pulling out the condom he had.
he pulled your legs closer as he pulled his boxers down, putting the condom over his dick as he pulled you closer to him. positioning himself infront of you, “tell me when to move okay? if it hurts, just tell me and we can stop right away, alright?” joão said as he watched you nod your head, he kissed your cheek before pushing himself inside of you.
you arched your back moaning in pain clenching around him holding onto his arm, starting to tear up. he noticed tears forming in your eyes as he lowered down trying to calm you down, he kissed you passionately as your lips synced with his you hummed, “c-can you move now..” you said breathlessly as he nodded his head.
He began to move slowly in and out of you as you began moaning into his mouth, while he groaned into yours. you pulled him closely as you whispered into his ear, “s-stay like this.. please..” as you watched him go in and out of you, the way his hair fell forward, his eyes, everything about him made you want him more.
He continues to move in and out of you, as you moaned softly into his ear, he burried himself deep into your neck before speeding up. you wrapped your legs around him as you kept enjoying the feeling of him inside of you.
“you’re doing so good for me anjo..” he said whispering into you as he kept grunting at how tight you were around him. he looked at you as he kept pumping himself in and out of you, the two of you kissed again, as he moved himself even quicker. you moaned uncontrollably into his mouth as you pulled away from the kiss breathlessly, moaning loudly at the pleasure consuming you.
your vision was going blurry again, brain was all fuzzy as you enjoyed his warmth in you.
he then placed your leg on his shoulder as he pushed himself deeper in you, you arched your back moaning loudly again as he moved in and out of you, he pinned your hands above your head again as he pounded into you.
you looked into his eyes as his necklace fell forward while he rested his sweaty forehead on yours. you moaned breathlessly at each thrust joão made, tears forming in your eyes from the pleasure.
joão whispered such lovey dovey things into your ear as in, “you’re doing so well..” “you’re so pretty.” and “i love you so much y/n.” in between the thrusts, nothing but moans and groans, skin slapping, his words and the sounds of your insides and his dick in you filled the room.
he pounded into you quicker as you closed your eyes enjoying the pleasure building up in your stomach, you were a moaning and sweaty mess underneath him as you felt your climax coming again.
“i-i’m close..” you said breathlessly as joão began to pound into you quicker than he was, you began moaning louder as you felt the tip of his cock kiss your cervix, “joão! o-oh my god!” you cried out scratching his back as you recieved a low moan from him in return, “d-don’t s-stop! pl-please!” you said as you cried out feeling him toy around with your clit, he rubbed gently as you arched your back.
joão looked down at you to see tears streaming down your face as he heard you blabber such things and moan, he smirked as the two of you came at the same time.
he collapsed on your chest, as the two of you were panting, trying to catch your breath from the intense pleasure that was happening between you two.
once you catched your breath you looked down at a red face all sweaty and messy hair joão, when his breath came back to normal he looked up at you, “i love you y/n.” he said kissing your cheek, “i love you too..” you said panting as the two of you kissed again.
joão was now laying down next to you, the two of you cuddled naked with the blanket covering the both of you, you played with his hair as you whispered into his ear, “thank you for being my first time..” you said before falling asleep on his chest. as the two of you fell asleep on each other.
(plz dont let this flop)
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phyot · 1 year
Reality check ☾︎ Prologue
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You were standing outside your school. It was about 9 pm and you were waiting for your boyfriend to finish his practice.
You were holding two chocolate milkshakes and some chicken nuggets from a nearby McDonald's. You picked them up right before his practice ended. Like you always do.
Even tho he was acting a bit weird today, you were still hoping that a Mcdonald's meal could fix whatever was bothering him.
But you still weren't prepared for what was about to happen.
You heard a bigger group of people getting out of school which means the practice has finally ended. After half an hour of waiting you headed towards the building.
Your heart stopped. He came out of school with somebody. That wasn't something special really but the person he was with was. It was her. It was that someone who he told you about. "You don't need to worry about her name she's just a friend," Yeah right. JUST a friend.
She was clinging to his arm while they were giggling about something. And keeping strong eye contact. Not the type of eye contact you hold your friends... You could sense something more in those eyes... something more... He looked at her like he used to look at you. He was looking at her like he was looking at you just yesterday. YESTERDAY.
The feeling of emptiness filled your heart. How long has this been going on? How long has he been cheating on you with her?
He walked past you. He didn't even look at you. Like you weren't there. She then bumped into you and give you a nasty glare. The girl who took away your everything. They just passed you. Like it was nothing.
"Scara what the fuck?!" you turned around and screamed after them. "What's wrong with you? How long has this been going on?!" no response. They just kept walking away from you. You could feel tears slowly starting to form in your eyes.
"HELLO?? I'm TALKING TO YOU?!" no response.
So, it was over.
"Hu stop it"
"What? But name you can finally relate to this song. Wendy left him, scara left you, he saw wendy with another guy, and you saw him with another gir-"
"OKAY AND? I still have the right to feel bad about it."
"No, you don't,"
"He was a piece of shit and you know it, you deserve somebody way better than him, somebody, who WON'T cheat on you with your best friend..." you punched her in her shoulder.
"OUCH, NAME! Don't hit the driver,"
You grinned and looked out the window. What a great start of the summer. Couldn't be better. Really.
Hu tao grabbed one of the chicken nuggets you bought for Scara and ate it.
"How can you eat that?"
"Bro it's really good, you should try it,"
"But it's cold??"
"Okay and?"
She grabbed another one out of the box and ate it in one bite.
"Now, stop crying about him, babes, he's not worth it. He's short and his voice is high as shit."
"Am I wrong tho?"
"That's what I thought,"
She pulled up in your driveway. "Now name. Don't do anything to yourself, it's not your fault,"
"Well okay,"
Hu tao slowly drove away. You were alone. Again...
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A/n: hope you like this LMAO cus i really suck at writing written chapters ALSO THIS IS UNEDITED SO YEA
summary: for an unknown reason a lot of students were expelled so the school was forced into rearranging some of the classes. unfortunately you were one of them. and guess what? you ended up in a class with one of your exes... well, nothing we can do about it now
Taglist is open!!
Taglist: @sashiette @kunikuzushisbeloved @lucid404 @sakiimeo @kaoyamamegami @gojoandelsalovechilde @niyahisg0y
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yelenasdiary · 2 years
Better Than
Pairing: Florence Pugh x Reader
Summary: After a big fight with your girlfriend, her family try to help you both patch things up.   
| Fluff & Angst | 1.8K | unwanted attention, swearing, accused of cheating, idea of a three-some?
AC: Picturing the death glare Florence would be giving a guy flirting with you is SENDING ME. 
*This is a request from my old blog*
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It was a normal thing for you to accompany your girlfriend, Florence to events she was invited too, you’d watch how the spotlight made her look so beautiful but to she’s always been beautiful, more when she’s just woken up in the morning. 
The night started off normally, you and Florence attended an afterparty, the room full of other actors and actresses, plenty of drinks to put on the tab, loud music, pretty lights and groups full of small talk. You kissed Flo’s cheek before wondering up to the bar to get you and her a refill, the wait was a little long giving the amount of people here.  
“Well, aren’t you the prettiest thing” a deep voice spoke beside you, turning your head to look at the tall gentleman with light brown hair and dark brown eyes. You threw him a soft smile, “thank you” you said before watching the bartender, hoping the guy would catch on you weren’t interest. 
“What’s your pretty little name?” he asked, you look back to him “Uh, Y/n”
“It’s nice to meet you, Y/n, I’m Dylan” he replied. “You too” you looked back to the bartender trying to wave him down. “Here, let me” Dylan said, leaning forward. “Hey, can I grab some service over here please?” he called rather loudly. “Be there in a second!” the bartender called back. 
“Thanks” you said softly. You felt him place his hand on your lower back, “it’s okay, what are you drinking?” he asked, you tried to squirm out of his touch, but you were sandwiched between him and another girl to your right. “Oh, just wine” you said in an uncomfortable tone.
Back at the table, Florence sat back and watched as this stranger had his hands on her girlfriend, if looks could kill, he would’ve been dead the second he said hello. 
“Two of your finest reds please” Dylan spoke to the bartender once he finally came down to the two of you. “Oh, no, sorry I’m actually here with somebody” you looked up at the tall brown eyed man. “boyfriend?” he questioned. “Girlfriend actually” you corrected him. Dylan licked his lips at the idea, “well, maybe she join us. Which pretty other girl here is your friend?” he asked casing you to laugh in his face.
From where Florence was sitting it looked as if you were really enjoying the attention. Flo bit the inside of her cheek before standing from her seat and walking over to the two of you. 
“No, she wouldn’t be open to that idea” Florence heard you tell the guy. “Babe” you heard her voice behind you, “Hi love, I was just telling Dylan he-“ 
“Can we go please?” she asked cutting you off. You looked at her for a second and nodded. Florence walked to the back of the room where the entrance was and met you outside. 
“Is everything okay love?” you asked, concern why her mood switch. 
“What the hell was that?!” she snapped, turning to face you. This took you back a second. “What was what?” you asked matching her tone. “You and prince charming in there, his hands were all over you” she pointed out. 
“Florence don’t even go there!” you looked at her with raised eyebrows.
“No, I think I will” she crossed her arms. 
“Really? You really think I was enjoying that back there?”
“Sure as hell looked like it, laughing at his petty jokes, letting his hands touch you like that. You didn’t even try to stop him! How do you think that makes me feel?” 
“Florence I’m not doing this again, not after my last relationship!” you turned around to walk away. 
“Okay, fine! Walk away, that’s what you did last time isn’t it?” you heard her say, stopping you in your tracks. You turned back to her. “Wow Florence, nice!” you shook your head, “it’s not my fault you’re insecure about us, you don’t trust me that’s on you. I’ve never done anything to make you question that trust!” you spoke sternly.
“What do you expect me to think when I see stuff like that?! Y/n I feel so stupid to think that you wouldn’t enjoy the attention from a guy like that” 
“Wow, you’re coming in strong tonight aren’t you” you shook your head once more. “Screw you, Florence!” you stormed off, calling a cab to take you home. 
“Hey, how was the afterparty?” Raffie greeted you as you returned to your shared home with Florence. Her family was visiting for a couple of weeks. “Just fine” you muttered continuing to walk to the bedroom, grabbing an overnight bag and throwing in some outfits and other basic needs. 
“Where’s Y/n?” Florence asked Raffie in passing as she walked in the door. “She went to your bedroom, is everything okay?” Raffie questioned. Florence didn’t answer. 
“Y/n” you heard Florence’s voice enter the bedroom. You grabbed your toothbrush throwing it in your bag. “Babe, please I’m…” her sentence stopped once she saw you in the shared bathroom that was connected to the bedroom, your bag full of some of your things. “Where are you going?” she asked with a frown. 
“Until you can work out whatever the hell it is that made you distrust me, I’ll be staying at my parents. Don’t call me until you’ve worked it out” you explained, bypassing her. 
“Y/n this is stupid, don’t go!” she begged. 
“No Florence! What’s stupid is you getting jealous like this. I’m not fighting about it. You’ve made it clear you think I want somebody else that isn’t you!” you continued to walk out of the room. 
“Fine go! Run back to him” she mumbled loud enough for you to hear. You dropped your bags in the living room and turned around to face her again. “You are being so fucking childish right now!” you spoke trying not to make a scene in front of her family as they watched from the living room. “I thought you were better than this Florence!” you added leaving her to watch you leave the shared home, slamming the door shut. 
“Fuck!” Florence sighed as she slammed the door to the shared bedroom shut. 
“Woah” Raffie mumbled. 
It’s been a week since your fight with Florence, she’s tried calling you daily, but you let her ring to voicemail, texts every day saying she was sorry and she wanted to give you space but you were so mad at her for accusing you of wanting to cheat on her, she wasn’t even open to the idea of hearing the story of what really happened. 
“You should talk to her” your mother said as she watched you ignore the 4th call today. 
“No mom, if she wants to talk so badly, she’s knowing where I am” you replied before turning your phone off completely.
You hated this more than anything, you don’t want to break up, you love Florence but if she can’t trust that you only have eyes for her than maybe it was the only option. 
“Florence, go and see her!” Raffie insisted as Florence reached your voicemail once again. “She doesn’t want to see me, now her phone doesn’t even ring” she sighed. 
“What even happened?” Raffie asked. 
“It doesn’t matter” Flo mumbled. 
“It must if it has the two of you like this” Deb spoke up. Florence looked over to her mother with sad eyes. “Honey, you should’ve given her a chance to explain things. Somethings things are never as they look” she added. “Mom’s right” Clint looked at his green-eyed daughter. Florence knew they were right, she missed you and she knew she fucked up. 
“Y/n, darling” your mother knocked on your childhood bedroom door. “Come in” you said kindly, “love, Florence is at the door” she informed you. With a nod you made your way to the front door, Florence smiled softly “can we talk?” she asked. You nodded, crossing your arms “go ahead” you said sternly. 
“I’m sorry, I should’ve let you explain things” she started. 
“No, stop” you said. Florence frowned slightly, “you should’ve just trusted me, regardless of the story. That’s the problem here Flo, you didn’t trust me” you added. 
“I know and I should’ve, I do trust you. It’s them I don’t trust” she explained. 
“Florence, you think I would cheat on you, do you really think so low of me to do that to you?”
“No baby, I was stupid, I am stupid. I just couldn’t handle the sight of seeing you with somebody else” 
“But I’m not with anybody else. He made me extremely uncomfortable; I didn’t want his hands on me like that, but the room was so packed I couldn’t move away.” You sighed, letting your arms rest by your side. “Florence, I love you more than I have ever loved anybody else before. It hurt to think you thought I would risk what we had for some sleezy guy who only wanted one thing” you explained. 
“But I heard what you said”
“No, what you heard was me telling him that you wouldn’t be open to the idea of us sleeping with him” 
“Wait… he wanted…”
“Yes. Flo, I understand what you saw hurt but you have to know it wasn’t like that at all”
Florence sighed to herself for being so stupid, she stood a step forward. “I’m so sorry for what I said and how I reacted, I shouldn’t have done any of that. I’m really sorry darling” she looked into your eyes, her hands gently cupping your face, “please forgive, I can’t lose you” she added. You sunk into the softness of her touch, missing how her eyes always locked onto yours perfectly. “Can you trust me?” you asked. Florence nodded quickly, “Will you come home?” she asked, her eyes falling to your lips. You nodded lightly. 
Florence smiled before she kissed you tenderly. “I’m so sorry” she whispered against your lips. “I know, so am I. I’m sorry” you replied before she kissed you once more. Your mother smiled at the sight. 
“You’re back!” Raffie jumped up and hugged you tightly, “I’m so sorry about my butthead sister! She needed a talking to” she added pulling away from the hug, you looked over at Florence and cocked and eyebrow. 
“Hey, all week they gave me a lecture on how stupid I am” Florence replied while looking at her mother and father. If you couldn’t get through to Flo, you knew her family would. You mouthed a thank you to her parents as they smiled back at you. 
“Can we just go upstairs and cuddle?” Flo whispered to you. You couldn’t help but smile at her soft neediness to hold you again “sure baby” you whispered back. 
The family didn’t see you and Florence for the rest of the day, the two of you cuddled up in bed watching movies on Netflix while Florence expressed all the things she loves about you, everything to the smallest details. Florence getting jealous was never going to stop but you knew now that she’d never take that jealous out on you ever again. You were hers, anybody who tried to question that would have to deal with a very annoyed girlfriend. 
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grimweathers · 30 days
the last post i reblogged made me think of something i’ve been stewing on lately (just personal irl stuff, not like. big philosophical stuff. basically a livejournal-esque post lol)
this is getting long but i want to get it off my chest so i’m gonna put it under a read more lol. might delete later anyway. also using fake names because i was starting to confuse myself with all the "this friend and her other friend and her other OTHER friend" lmao
disclaimer that stacy is a good friend, she’s a cishet ~ally~ etc etc, but i think (subconsciously?) she thinks gay relationships are worse than straight relationships in regards to Drama™️, and therefore worse in general, and it comes through in the way she talks about it. and it’s been bothering me a lot lately. (the word “drama” makes it sound flippant, but i mean like. all types of relationship issues of varying degrees of severity)
our mutual friend diane recently came out as bi and has been talking about trying to date women. and stacy sometimes tries to discourage diane from trying to date women at all, specifically because stacy's lesbian friends' relationship drama.
which is… weird and confusing to me, because like. cishet relationships are NOT free from drama at all?? obviously?? how many cishet men do we all know that treat their girlfriends/wives terribly? diane specifically has had a lot of horrible ex boyfriends! (as an aside she has like. THEE worst taste in men tbh. like they suck AND they're ugly. i can only hope the women she will someday maybe date are nicer.)
i think all types of people make messy choices in their quests for sex and romance..... no group's immune! or better at it than another group! idk. it feels (unintentionally) homophobic, but i also feel like… there’s an underlying assumption that dating/marrying a terrible manchild is just par for the course for straight cis women. and that’s depressing. (i also think stacy has a bit of a blind spot, because her longtime boyfriend is nice and thoughtful and not terrible).
literally later in the same conversation, stacy was talking about allison, who had rushed into marriage last year with a dude she had already been having relationship troubles with. obviously marriage did not solve this. but somehow she has wayyyyy more empathy for allison because well you don’t understand, allison has been dreaming of getting married her whole life 🥺 okay! that doesn't change the fact that her husband sucks to the point that she randomly started crying at a party he wasn't even at! and rushing into marriage with shitty dudes has happened to more than one of our mutual straight friends btw. she has all the tea on all their relationships and yet she has consistently shown more sympathy for the straight ones than the gay ones, and has consistently been like "ugh gay drama is just so crazy!" (i know the specific details of the gay drama too and i don't think they're really any worse in comparison lol. just run of the mill messy cheating and getting back with exes etc).
idk man. i probably should've said something earlier because it obviously ended up bothering me so much, but this last conversation was like 3 months ago and i feel weird bringing it up now out of the blue. maybe if it comes up again.
anyway The End. lmao @ this livejournal-esque post!!!
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skzcoffee · 1 year
Best friend’s boyfriend | bangchan
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Pairing: Bangchan x fem¡reader
Genre: Suggestive
Warnings: Cheating, alcohol consumption, swearing (yes it's a warning since I never use any cuss words in my works), mentions of sex
Word Count: 1.4k
Synopsis: Your best friend had been talking nonstop about this guy she’s been going out with. One day, she decided to introduce him to her best friends, and things take an unsual turn from then.
Author’s Note: I don't encourage cheating, this is purely fictional and for fun.
“Y/N! I’m going on a date tomorrow night!!”
“Again? With the same guy? Didn't you two go on a date like 3 days ago?” You started at your excited
best friend. You were happy for her, you had never seen her so happy over a guy before, so you thought “he must be a good guy”.
“Yes the same guy. I don't complain though, he’s super nice and cute! I hope we end up together”
“Well I hope you end up together too because I have never seen you so head over heels for anyone like this before”
Your best friend went on to raving about the guy for another hour. You sat there and listened to her, since you found it kinda cute that your best friend is in love with a guy who actually treated her well for once.
“What's the guy’s name anyways”
“Chris, but I call him chan or channie.”
“What a peculiar nickname you have for him, channie? seriously? it's not like he’s a baby, he’s a grown ass man.”
“It’s cute okay?”
A few weeks pass and it’s official, they’re dating. You’re really happy for them and eager to meet him. I mean who wouldn't want to meet the dazzling guy who finally put a smile on your best friend after getting mistreated for years by her horrendous exes.
“I really want you to meet my boyfriend, how about we have dinner together at my place this weekend?”
You agreed, you were finally meeting him. You were excited, but clearly not as excited as she was.
“Y/N, this is Chan. Chan, this is Y/N”
“Nice to meet you” you two greeted at the same time. You took a good look at him and your best friend was right, he’s cute… not cute, he was actually fine as hell…kinda sexy too if you will.
He was toned, muscular, with a really handsome face and the cutest dimples, but you couldn't be attracted to him, he was your best friend's boyfriend, if anything you’d be betraying her thinking about Chan like that.
The boy looked at you and almost immediately regretted dating your best friend. He knew he had make a mistake in dating your best friend. You two initiated a conversation right after, you talked about your interests and realized you two had a lot in common. During the evening, the three of you talked a lot about life and the latest news, you'd often find yourself engaged in a conversation with Chan more than your best friend.
After that night as you got ready to go to bed, you couldn't stop thinking about the guy. His masculine figure and his wide personality, it was driving you insane. During the night you remembered Chan mentioning that he was currently attending college, the same one as one of your closest high school friends, so you decide to text him, out of mere curiosity.
Y/N: Hey Minho, can I ask something?
Minho: Hey Y/N, sure what's going on?
Y/N: You know a guy named Chris that goes to your school?
Minho: Girl… You know there’s like 20 different guys named Chris on campus. You need to be a bit more specific.
Y/N: He’s not that tall, he’s muscular and toned, he has kind of a big nose, dimples, and he’s not very tan.
Minho: Oh, Chris, chan?
Y/N: YES HIM, what do you know about him?
Minho: He’s actually a very close friend of mine, part of my friend group
Y/N: You have friends? Wow.
Minho: Shut up bitch, you wanna know about Chan or not?
Y/N: Fine fine, tell me
Minho: Wait but doesn't he have a girlfriend? He’s been going out with this one girl A LOT lately
Y/N: Yeah, she’s my best friend actually.
Minho: Wait, really? We should totally hang out with eachother’s friend groups!! We haven't seen eachother in a while so it’d be nice to catch up and talk, and your bestie, who clearly isn't me anymore 🥱 can come hang out with Chan.
Y/N: Wait that’s actually a good idea.
Minho: Next week fine?
Y/N: Fine by us. Btw, you’re the one who lost contact after high school, bitch.
You went to bed, with an unsettling feeling about your thoughts on Chan. You decided to brush it off and worry about it when you saw him again, the following week.
On your way to Minho’s place, you picked up your best friend and drove to Minho’s apartment. You two stayed quite silent during the car ride from thinking about the reunion with your high school bestie and of course, your best friend’s boyfriend.
“HEY Y/N IT’S BEEN SO LONG!” Minho almost crushed you with a hug.
“Happy to see you too Min”
You entered the living room noticing a few other boys, they were all watching a movie, some were laying on the floor, others on the big couch, and there was one another couch, smaller than the other one that everyone left empty for the couple. Your best friend quickly sat down on the couch waiting for her man. You sat on the big couch since you didn't really want to sit on the floor.
Soon after, Chan arrived with another guy, blonde hair and freckles.
They sat down with everyone else mid movie, everyone expecting Chan to sit with his girlfriend, but he didn't. He sat next to you, on the big couch. Your best friend honestly didn't even notice, she had fallen asleep.
“Hey Y/N, how you doin’?”
“Hey Chan, aren't you supposed to sit with your girl?” He froze for a second, trying to come up with a reasonable excuse.
“Uhm… there's no space over there, the couch.. it’s too small”
For some odd reason, you believed him for a mere second, until you looked at your best friend and realized he was lying. Why did he purposely sit beside you? This information was messing with your head.
After the movie, everyone agreed to not wake your best friend up, you guys didn't know what to do so you decided to do what any college student would do on a weekend, get drunk.
After a good couple of shots, and 5 empty vodka bottles, everyone was drunk as hell, some passed out even. All the boys were so drunk it was a mess. You were the only one with some consciousness, drunk, but stil conscious.
“You know I think you’re hot” Chan blurted out to your face. You’re red, BURNING red. You didn't know what to say or do, but he was drunk, maybe he thought you were your girlfriend.
“Chan, It’s me Y/N…”
“I know, I’m just saying, you're fucking hot”
Next thing you know, you’re in Minho’s room , on his bed making out. In the middle of the kiss you pull away from him, “f-fuck- we shouldn't be doing this.”
“You're right, we shouldn't” he smirked, and he went back to kissing you, slowly turning into much more of a heated situation. You were enjoying it, you couldn't lie, but it felt wrong, so wrong. Maybe you could pass it off as a drunken mistake.
“Chan, fuck. we should go back to the living room before people get suspicious. What are we going to do if she finds out?” You broke the kiss once more, in an attempt to catch your breath and gain sense.
Following that interestingly heated make out session, you two walked back to the living room, everyone still passed out except for Minho. He saw you walk out of his room, you saw him. He was still drunk so he wouldn't suspect anything, would he?
“Wait Y/N, Chan? Why were you guys in my room? You guys didn't fuck on my bed did you?” He joked while still drunk.
“Damn, I wish we did.” Chan said. You were taken back by his words, why was he doing this to you? Your head started spinning, feelings you shouldn't have quickly arising .
“Chan, stop. You're drunk… besides, your girlfriend’s right there” you pointed at your sleepy best friend, not so best friend after what you've done to her.
After that night at Minho’s place, you and Chan started to have secret affairs, and anytime your best friend found him at your place, you guys would make up the excuse that they were planning a surprise for her, may or may not be that the surprise was the fact that you and Chan had been having affairs behind your best friend's back.
In the end, she never found out you two were secretly together.
Author's note: Guys I deeply apologize for this😭 I cannot write anything that isn't fluff so sweet it's giving the readers type 73828 diabetes. I'll try to better my writing but this will do for now 😓🙏
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tzyuki · 2 years
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009. purge | smau + written (591 wrds)
IN WHICH ?! — Y/n falls down a flight of stairs, breaking her leg. The first thing she does is blow up her friends phone hoping she’d come and find her but fails to notice she accidentally texts an old groupchat with Ahn Seongmin, Huh Yunjin, Hirota Maki, Wang Nicholas, Kim Minji and Park Sunghoon, her ex boyfriend. The friend group broke in half after the two had broken up, sides were made and promises were broken.
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“Minji, back at it again.” The receptionist said as she saw the girl walk in. “What’s up this time?” She asked, “Sunghoon’s being a bitch, again.” Minji sighed. “Okay well, same room?” Minji nodded her head. “There’s a group of friends in there, just three but you don’t mind sharing, no?”
“I don’t mind, we all got stuff to purge.” Minji said as she grabbed a pair of goggles, hard hat, and a bat.
Minji walked into the room, hardly recognizing the trio across from her. “You guys don’t mind if I like—scream, right?” Minji asked. “Not at all.” Yunjin said. Minji could hardly hear over the sounds of things being smashed.
“Great.” Minji smiled. She hit a tv on a desk, “You’re delusional! Park Sunghoon! Think you can take your anger out on me!” Minji sighed drastically as she smashed the tv continuously.
“Minji!” Seongmin gasped, “What are you doing here!” Seongmin’s hand flew up to cover his mouth. “Seongmin! Yunjin…Y/n?!” Minji said as she saw them more clearly.
“More importantly…why are you and Sunghoon fighting?” Yunjin asked. “Let’s…talk somewhere else. Somewhere quieter.”
So the four were now eating at a quiet cafe not too far from the dorms.
“So…” Y/n cleared her throat. “We probably all know why I was in the rage rooms…what about you?” She asked, slightly pointing to Minji. “It’s pretty obvious, me and Sunghoon got into an argument.”
“But you and Sunghoon are like—best friends of best friends! Like me and Yunjin.” Y/n paused. “Probably even closer than us.” Y/n continued.
“He’s been a bitch lately, he’s so passive aggressive these days.”
“I’m sorry that he interfered with you and Heeseung. Heeseung has nothing to do with this drama, I told him it was wrong and he thought it’d be fine to call me out about talking shit.”
“I’m sorry for that too, now that I put two and two together…the breakup was weird, extremely weird. Especially after Sunghoon said you said he cheated?”
“Because he did cheat on me, that’s why I dumped him. I can’t believe he tried to say I cheated on him.”
“Wait—what. Because Sunghoon was sent a photo of you kissing another guy.” Minji paused. “The text even said you were smiling and everything.”
“I never kissed a guy—and I was sent a photo of Sunghoon being all touchy with a girl—Like grabbing her waist and everything.”
“What party was it?” Minji asked, wanting to get to the bottom of this. “Uh—looks like that girl Eunju’s party, I couldn’t go so I assumed he went with you guys.” Y/n opened her phone, looking for the photo. “Here.” She handed the phone to Minji.
“Y/n…Sunghoon went to that party but was only there for ten minutes. He said it was boring without you, he seemed pretty upset leaving.”
“Check the time it taken.” Minji checked and it said 10:55. “Ten fifty-five, that’s five minutes before he left, he texted me and Nicho saying the party was lame.”
“So what are you saying?” Yunjin asked. “I’m saying this has to be framed…he was upset when he left, and plus—the fact that you both got a photo sent of you two looking like you’re cheating.” Minji chuckled lowly.
“Show me the photo Sunghoon got.” Y/n asked, Minji taking her phone out. “Here.”
“That—That was some random freshman who tried to kiss me! I pushed him away—it-it looks like someone framed us. Cause—I promise you I didn’t kiss that kid, and the angle is too perfect.”
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aita-blorbos · 18 days
AITA for being rude to my husband's boyfriend after he cheated on me for him, dating my husband's ex, falling for/getting with my husband's boyfriend, and still being mad at my husband?
I (S, 19NB) am married to J (19M). We had met eachother a few years prior as we had been invited to join a lot of the same areas as we had a shared friend group.
Eventually, we were invited to this game show type thing our friend G (19M) had made. Basically, you had 3 lives, and each time you lost one, your color changed, and you became more hostile.
J and I decided it'd be a good idea to pair together, although his ex (M, 22M) wasn't too happy about it. We survived together, even as the game became less and less of a fame. Eventually, he proposed to me with a poppy flower, and we had a small wedding. Unfortunately, he reached his final life much before mine and was killed. I mourned for months, but I was okay once we were freed from the game.
About a year later, another game happened. Now, unknown to me, J got back with M without telling me. This wouldn't have been a problem, we're both polyam after all, but I had explicitly stated I wanted to date everyone he wanted to and vice versa, as well as know when he fell for someone. I never found any of this out until more recently, but it hurts to know he betrayed me before I even knew it. (I won that second game, btw <3)
Then, another year passes by, and the third game happens. In this game, though, your life is tied to another's. J ended up being tied to a different game member, T (21M). I had my own issues with my tied/soulbound, but that's irrelevant. T and J got really close, and it was pretty clear they were dating. They never tried to hide it, and J never told me anything. T definitely knew we were married and also said nothing. After the game was over, I yelled at both of them and told J to choose me or T (which was bad, I know that) and when J tried to talk it out I stormed off.
J and I didn't talk for a year after that, T ended up visiting the place we were both invited to several times. He tried to be nice to me, but I was incredibly cold and harsh. I was rude to him no matter what he was doing.
Then came the fourth game. J and I still hadn't been talking. I ended up teaming with M (J's Ex, whom I previously mentioned) and got really close with him. M and I fell for each other, but before I decided to go ahead and date him, I wanted to give J another chance to talk. So I talked to him, he was rude the whole time, even threatened to kill me. I told him that if he made sure the server killed T before me and let me be the last green life, I'd gladly let him kill me. He got angry and told me I had 30 seconds to run, I told him that I loved him, he refused to say it back and started counting down, so I left.
It's safe to say I decided to date M after that, although I waited to confess until after that game had ended. That same day, two other things happened. As mentioned, T and myself were the final green names on the server, so we were being hunted. Somehow, me and T ended up in a small space together and ended up making out. I also realized I had fallen for T, damn does my husband have good taste.
Eventually, we did talk stuff out. M and I began dating, J and I talked things out, I confessed to T, and we got together, M and J made up and will likely be together again soon, and M and T fell for eachother and are together now.
However, I still feel resent towards my husband. He betrayed me, and his reasoning is that he was scared of my reaction, even though M and T were both people I had casually expressed attraction towards for a long time. I just feel so guilty still, and it's made worse by the fact that bringing it up always makes J feel guilty, which I don't want, because he's my husband, but I do want because he deserves to feel guilt for all the pain he caused me, but I know that's wrong.
I don't know, I just need to clear my mind, AITA?
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callsignmercy · 2 years
Of bets and heartbreaks - Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd.
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Prompt: Bob likes you but has a hard time asking you out, so what a better idea than Jake betting on it?
Words: ~2.2k
Warning: swearing, bob crying (I’m terribly sorry), Jake being a dick.
Note: Highly unedited, English is not my first language, sorry for the easy vocabulary and bad grammar. Please do not republish, translate or do whatever to my work.
Your callsign: Sunshine.
When Y/N Y/L/N arrived at The Hard Deck that evening to meet her fellow pilots for a new Top Gun mission every single one of their heads turned in her direction. She was like a ray of sunshine illuminating the room. She had a bright smile and big Y/E/C eyes that complimented her skin tone really well.
“Hi Phoenix!” She said to her friend. “Oh my God Sunshine, you’re here too?” She replied. Phoenix and Sunshine had met at Top Gun together finishing second and third. Being the only two girls in the class bonded them so they kept in touch after being assigned to different parts of the US.
“Yeah I’ve been called back for a mission at Top Gun, I assume you all were?” “Damn right.” She replied. “Sunshine, let me introduce to you Payback, Fanboy, Bob over here, Rooster, Coyote and Bagman.” She continued. “It’s Hangman.” "Whatever." Y/N chuckled at her answer and headed to the bar to get herself a drink.
“Hi, Bob, right?” She said to the aviator currently sitting at the bar eating peanuts. He looked at her and nodded his head, not being able to mutter a single word. Y/N smiled at him before ordering her drink. “Hi Penny, a beer please.” “Put it on my tab.” She turned her head to look at whoever said that and noticed a smug smile on Hangman’s face. “I’m good, Deadman, I can pay for my own drinks.” “It’s Hangman, and I’m just being nice.” Whatever Snowman.” She replied with a straight face while handing Penny some cash. Bob snorted at her comeback. She suppressed a smile while turning back, giving Bob a wink and heading towards Phoenix and her friends. She waved at Bob to come along which he did, putting down his cup of peanuts and walking towards the pool table they were currently using.
“It’s not fair, you cheated!” Payback exclaimed. “I did nothing of the sort, you’re just shit!” Fanboy replied. The whole group laughed at the comment as a sound of piano was heard through the bar. Phoenix smiled and took Payback’s arm and headed over to Rooster and the piano.
Y/N took one of the pool cue and handed it to Bob as they were the only two remaining at the pool table. “Wanna play?” She asked him with a bright smile. He didn’t reply but took the cue and smiled back at her. He knew the dagger squad from a previous mission they flew together but Y/N was the new one and he didn’t feel yet okay around her. But her asking him to play with her was a nice step towards inclusion for him and so he smiled and nodded.
Y/N made small talk with Bob during the game trying to get him to open up a little.
It was undeniable for her that Bob was a cute and shy boy, the exact opposite of everyone she knew in the Navy. She had her fair share of boyfriends inside and outside of the navy, all smug, arrogant and unable to share their emotions for the life of them. A fair share of Roosters and Hangmans but she knew that the Bob type was what she truly needed. And he knew it too.
Even though his number of girlfriends was extremely low (according to Smugman Hangman) he felt like what he needed was a girl that would bring joy in his life and Y/N was the perfect candidate. Extroverted but not as much as Phoenix, able to make snarky comebacks at Hangman, and funny ones on top of that, and also super beautiful and cute and with a smile that could light up New York City after dark.
So why was he incapable of muttering a single word to her? He could manage small talk but how for crying out loud was he going to ask her out?
“I’m gonna go get myself another drink, do you want anything?” She asked him at the end of their game. “Hum, a coke please. And a cup o-” “A cup of peanuts? Got it.” She replied with a smile. He smiled shyly and watched her head to the bar. As he was putting back the cue sticks to their original place he was interrupted by Hangman.
“Gonna ask her out anytime soon?” He turned his head towards his fellow squadonmate. “What?” “Well it’s undeniable that you like her considering how you’re undressing her with your eyes.” Hangman replied. “Wha- I- I do not undress her with my eyes.” He muttered. “Come on Bob, it’s okay to have a crush, and considering how she punched me in the balls earlier with her comments I’m not gonna try and get her so you better ask her out because she likes you too.” “How can you know that?”
“I happen to know how girls look at guys when they like them and she’s looking at you just like that whenever you’re next to her.” Hangman said. “Yeah well, I don’t plan on asking her out because I know you’re lying.” “Come on Bob, Let’s make a bet, if you haven’t asked her out before next week, I’m shooting my shot or maybe Rooster will, considering he’s obviously trying to get in her pants right now.” Bob’s head shot up at the bar, noticing Y/N and Rooster deep in conversation and her laughing at whatever he said.
Bob’s stomach flipped at the sight and Jake couldn’t help but smirk. “$50 that you don’t ask her out before next week.” Hangman said. Bob looked at him with disgust and headed back to Phoenix, Fanboy and Payback.
A couple days later after a particularly difficult training session Y/N was back at The Hard Deck to blow off some steam with her squadronmates. She eclipsed yourself to go sit on the warm sand and look at the sunset for a few minutes. “Can I?” She turned her head to see Bob standing next to her. She nodded and he sat down next to her. “It’s beautiful isn’t it?” He said. “It really is. I love watching the sun set, it’s different every time.” “I- uh. I wanted to ask you something. Uh, you can totally say no if you don’t want to but I really need to ask you this, but um… Do you, maybe, want to um, go on a date with me?” He mumbled. She smiled and bit her bottom lip at his sweetness. “I would love to, Bob.” “Wait really?” He exclaimed, shocked that she would accept. “Yes, I really like you Bob.” “Alright then, are you free tomorrow night?” “I am.” She replied with a bright smile. He smiled shyly at her and got up to go back to the bar, unbeknownst to her with the brightest smile on his face.
The date with Bob went amazingly and Y/N and Bob went on two other dates after that. The next monday they were back in class. As Y/N and Bob were walking side by side talking heading toward their classroom Hangman interrupted them. “I see you finally got her to go on a date with you.” He smirked and searched his pockets. “Here, good job.” He said while putting fifty dollars in Bob‘s hand. “Too bad I didn’t get to shoot my shot.” He said to Bob but looking at her.
She gave him a disgusted look and turned to Bob. “What is that?” Y/N asked softly. “It’s um… It’s nothing, I- um.” “Oh I bet Bobby here that he couldn’t ask you out on a date before today. Guess I was wrong though.” Hangman said while Y/N still looked at Bob. “You bet on me?” She asked with sadness in her voice. “No I never did I- He mentioned it but I never accepted I-.”
“It’s fine Bob. No need to explain. You know what, I thought that you would be different than all the guys I dated before, smug and arrogant like Haphazard here or unable to share their feelings and with anger issues like Rooster but I thought you would be different. I thought-” She didn’t finish her sentence and sighed. “You’re all the same.” She added and headed to class. What shocked Bob was how calm she remained during her rant and for some reasons that terrified him.
Tears puddled in his eyes and he looked at his feet. “You’re a fucking asshole Bagman.” He said, lifting his head to look at Jake. He put the money back in Jake’s hand. “You know I never agreed to this, you knew I liked her and you nevertheless managed to fuck my love life up. What’s your gain in that uh? You can’t get a girl for yourself so you have to ruin other people’s love life? I don’t want you near me again. Go fuck yourself.” And with that he headed toward the classroom leaving a dumbfounded Jake behind.
He noticed her sitting at the back of the class, purposely avoiding his gaze and he took it as a sign to not go near her so he sat down next to Phoenix. “Are you alright?” She said to him when he sat down. “You look sad.” She added. “I’m fine. Just Bagman being a dick for a change.” “What did he do?” She asked. “Told Sunshine I made a bet with him over her, which is not true I never agreed to it but he needed to fuck everything up.” “Jesus what a dick.” He didn’t reply and looked down at his notebook, a tear fell down his face and soaked the page and Phoenix put a hand on his knee when she noticed.
“We’re all going to The Hard Deck tonight, you should explain everything to her.” “I already did but she said that all men were the same and left.” “Try again, I know her, she has the biggest heart ever even though she dated some real dickheads. It never changed the way she saw love and I’m sure she will understand that you did nothing wrong.” “I’m not sure she wants to talk to me right now.” “Let the day go, and you’ll see tonight, and if you prefer I can talk to her instead.” “I’ll see. Thanks Phe.” “No worries Bobby.” She smiled softly at him.
That evening at The Hard Deck Y/N was sitting in a corner, eyeing her drink as if it was the most interesting thing there. Phoenix nudged Bob on his side and motioned him to go talk to Y/N. He looked up at her seeing how sad she looked which clashed with her usual bright smile and optimistic nature. “I- uh… Can you go?” Phoenix looked at him sadly. “Alright Bobby.”
She walked up to the table Y/N was sitting at and sat down facing her. Y/N lifted her head to meet Phoenix’ and Phoenix shyly smiled. “You know we’re gonna have to change your callsign if you keep going like that.” She chuckled sadly. “What’s going on Sunshine?”
“Hangman being a dick that’s what’s going on.” “Nothing new around here. Gotta admit, after our last mission I’d hoped he’d change a bit but turns out he’s still the exact same.”
“Anyway, Bob told me what happened.” “Never been bet on before, that was a first. Especially by someone who I thought was incapable of doing such a thing.” “He never bet on you though. Hangman started the bet but Bob didn’t agree. Jake just wanted to act like a dick by pulling that stunt in front of you this morning but Bob never agreed to that.” “Really?” Y/N asked. “Yes, Hangman’s a dick like that.” “Crap. I should go talk to him.” She said.
“Yes you should, I’ll just tell him to come here.” “Thanks Tasha.” Phoenix winked at Y/N and headed toward Bob who had been watching the whole interaction not knowing what was happening. “Go see her, I explained everything.” Phoenix told him. Bob looked at her hopefully and she nodded her head back at him. He got up and headed towards Y/N’s table.
“Hi.” She said. “Hi. I’m sorry for what happened this morning. Hangman was just being a dick but I promise I never bet against you, I would never do something like that.” “I know Phoenix told me, I’m sorry I got angry at you, you weren’t responsible.” “Hangman made a bet that I couldn’t ask you out on a date before the end of last week and he told me that if I didn’t he was gonna shoot his shot but I swear I asked you out because I really like you and I also didn’t want him to bother you but I never accepted the bet.” He hurried. “As if Hindrance ever stood a chance.” She said. He snorted at the nickname and she smiled back.
“So if I ask you out again, will you say yes?” He asks. “You’ve become overly confident there Bobby.” She smirked. “I-uh…” He mumbled. “I’m kidding, of course I’d say yes.” She smiled brightly. “Please, never stop smiling.” He said looking at her with heart eyes. “Don’t ever give me a reason not to then.” She replied. “I promise.”
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zaceouiswriting · 2 years
Just a normal game night, right?
Characters: Isaac Lahey x male reader, Cato x male reader, Logan (OC) x male reader
Universe: Mostly Teen Wolf?
Warnings: Slight smut, cheating
Authors note: Okay guys, I have no idea what happened. I wanted to write a normal Teen Wolf story, but for some reason, Cato from “The hunger games”, got a small spot. As well as my real first OC. I think, he will be in a couple of more stories. So have fun... I guess? :D
Everything started at a game night. Something your friends and you did quite often, when the streets are peaceful and the world is a happy place. It does not come often, but sometimes you had this luxury.
Most of the time, it was just that. A little game night. With scribble, monopoly, uno and all the other good stuff, that can bring the worst in people. But this time it was different. More and more people showed up. At some point, even some you did not know.
Your friends on the other hand, seemed happy. That was the moment you got to know, that they actually meant this to become a party and let the „lame games“, be a part of the past. Of course you weren’t happy, because you always thought that everyone had fun. To know that this was just to make you happy, hurt you. Still you stayed. Just to not look like boring person a party pooper.
Soon after alcohol swept the room. Everyone became intoxicated with the exception of a few people, you were one of them. You found yourself in a group, with people you had never seen before. Four guys and tow girls, one of the guys was gay, and one girl too, they were both single, but got taken with some of their friends. The other four were only there, because they got dragged out by their significant others, to keep an eye on them. 
One of the guys told you, that his girlfriend is an angry drunk, that he needs to keep in check, to not get into problems again. While another one, told you that his girlfriend can’t control herself around other people, when she is intoxicated. Which to be honest, frightened you for him. To never know, if your significant other would cheat on you, was horrible.
Despite your hurt feelings, you became fast friends with the people. Happy, to not be alone, while you got ditched by your friends, boyfriend and even older brother.
„Why are you here?“, the first guy who had opened up about his significant other asked you.
A glommy smile across your face, already told you, it wasn’t something nice, „Well this is my brothers house and we had a game night. Apparently game nights a lame and none of the people here, liked them. So yeah, not really a good night.“
The entire group looked at you stunned, sympathetic and actually angry, „Really? Game nights are the best. Screaming at each other, when you think, that they cheated never believing what anyone else says ever again. I actually would like this more, than a party,“ the girl who always looks around, in search for her boyfriend, told you.
It brought a faint smile on your face. But maybe just as your friends, they were just nice to you. „Do you guys like sports?“
For a moment most of you, just looked funny at the second guy who had opened up. Obviously not comfortable in social settings.
„Everything that has to do with balls,“ you and the other gay guy simultaneously. Smiling at each other, you gave a high five. Which brought the guys to chuckle lowly.
„That was obvious, at least one of you does this regularly, right?“, he looked questioningly at you. A sad red blush came over your cheeks.
„Not really anymore. He is not in the moods, which absolutely devastated me, because he made me addicted to it.“
You could see how uncomfortable this made the threes straight guys, not entirely believing, you would say something like this. „But I like ice hockey and football“, you added in a panic.
„Why?“, the other gay guy wanted to inquire.
You just shrugged with your shoulders. „Because of the brutality of men ramming into each other, proving who is more manly. But also of their bodies, he liked more muscular guys.“ The second straight guy told the gay one, without batting his eyes.
Confused you stared at him for a while. For the first time, you had the feeling that you know him. But could not really place him. As he turned to you, winking you immediately recognized him, „Logan? What the fuck?“, you asked loudly, almost wanting to jump in his arms.
A slight smirk showed you that he knew it was you for a while, „Took you some time. I know it, because I was his first. After practice in high school, he searched for one of his friends and saw my half naked. He took every centimeter in. I let my towel fall and before I actually could think twice, he already was on his knees. Well, the rest is history.“
You cheeks began to flare up. He got hotter within the years. The other gay guys, looked between you two, but could not feel anything. „It was a one time thing?“, he asked curiously.
Logan nod, „Yeah, I’m actually not into guys, but it was the moment, that really turned me on. We were friends for the rest of school, and nothing happened after the one time.“
„Yeah because most guys I find attractive are straight sadly,“ you murmured almost silently.
„What is with your boyfriend?“, one of the other guys wanted to know. He had heard you, before.
With a heavy heart you looked at him, „He is great, but I have the feeling, that he also is not really into guys. I met him when he was dumped by a girl. Since then I believe he only took me as a rebound. That was nine month ago. Which is even worse, he is a great lover.“
Before any of them could react to it, A commotion could be heard. As the guy besides you turned around, he became pale, „Kayla stop! No bad Kayla, put that down! No you will not him with this!“, he screamed all over the place. „Kayla stop!“ Finally he ran to her, holding her down and carrying her out, „Was nice to get to know you guys, maybe we see us soon!“, he called over his shoulder.
„Well I take this, in searching for my girl as well,“ the third guy told you guys, while the girl began to search for her boyfriend. At the end, Logan and you, did the same, saying your goodbyes to the last two, without any commitment.
„I can’t find my boyfriend, what about your girlfriend?“, you asked Logan who actually protected you from the masses. With him being taller and with more mass, it was just a normal thing.
„No, maybe upstairs? In one of the bathrooms or so?“
Just by the sound of it, your stomach turned. Logan could see you getting paler. He himself did not feel good as well. Both go you had heard about things like this, of course you did. You are at college.
He began to walk up the stairs, before you. While you slowly walked behind him, eyes on the stairs and not his delicious looking behind.
„You look right and I’m left?“, he asked in a unsure tone. But you declined his offer the moment you said it.
„No, we should look together,“ you mumbled into his side. Trying to find a hold at him. He gladly gave it to you. He knew how hard it was to trust someone. You looked hot, always has, but never had you a relationship.
As a friend he was concerned, now he was pissed, because his girl was gone too. And he wasn’t the guy, someone would cheat on.
In the most rooms were people making out or more, but nothing out of the ordinary for you two. Until you came to a bathroom. As Logan opened it, you saw your boyfriend. Balls deep in a good looking brunette girl. Which after the look your friend gave her, was his girl.
As you cleared your throat. Isaac immediately stopped his movements. He slowly turned his head and his eyes widened. Before he could say something, Logan already punched him out of his girl. But more than the one punch got nor thrown. Because you pulled him out, before more could happen.
With his hand in yours, you pulled him behind you. You were smaller skinnier and weaker than he was, but he still let himself handle by you. „I can’t believe that Allison cheated on me!“, he cried out, as you almost were out of the house.
„Allison?“, you asked angry, „Argent?“
„Yeah, do you know her?“ He desperately wanted to know. But you did not answer him, instead you let go of his hand, walked back upstairs and a moment later, came back. A bit of blood on your cheek.
„You were not the first guy she cheated on, with my ex-boyfriend.“
He looked completely devastated at you, „Do you know a group of maybe college football players, who need someone to get their sexual frustration out? You know, taking someone completely trough and not caring for them afterwards?“
His anger slowly vanished, as he understood the implication. „I have a house full of those guys. They look good too.“
„Great you drive!“, you told him. Later in the car he came to understand, why. Because you were too preoccupied to help him relax.
You woke up the evening after. Logan slowly caressing your head, „Fuck my body hurts,“ you cursed loudly.
„Well me and my guys did a number on you,“ Logan chuckled lightly. „Thank you.“
„I have to thank. I never had so much sex in my life, with so many hot guys and they were so fucking nice. Even clean me after everyone. Saying sweet nothings. God I would date all of you at the same time.“
It comfortable silence came over you two. Until you asked Logan for his phone. You tipped a bit on it, „What is that?“, he asked confused, but not sopping to caress your head.
„Go there on Monday about three o’clock. Tell the worker, Rachel that you are Logan, a friend of mine. I believe you two would make a great couple. But please don’t use her, she is an amazing person.“
Logan was still confused. Nothing what you had said, made any real sense. „She knows of our escapades. And she likes to watch muscular guys fuck other guys. All of her relationships broke, because her boyfriends wouldn’t do this for her.“
He was utterly speechless. But soon after a smile crossed his face. „Monday eight o’clock in the evening, wait at the edge of the ice hockey ring in the city. A blond guy, his name is Cato. He is really sweet, caring and an open bisexual player. He actually has a thing for you. With a little help of me of course. I always brought him to places you would be. Because I did not forget one of my most intim and best friends.“
It was a low blow, because he knew how bad your memory is, „You build feelings in a guy, to date me? Really? Is this not a bit manipulating?“ Still a smile across your face, told him enough. 
„I saw your glances at him, when you watched him play. Don’t act if it wouldn’t be a dream of yours, to be crushed by his muscles and from the locker rooms I can tell you. A night with the entire football team, is nothing in comparising to a night with him. He has a monster between his legs.“
„You aren’t small yourself,“ you laughed, as you grabbed between his legs, just to find him already hard, „One last round for the way, before we meet hopefully our happy endings on monday?“
„Fuck yeah!“, he almost screamed as he landed on you, kissing you, already one of your legs on his shoulder. Looking you in the eyes, as he slowly dipped into you.
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