#omg my hand fucking hurts i cant feel my fingers.
lusalemaart · 10 months
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And now I'm stuck in baby prison.
#i know i cant be free. i hang my head and. pee.#oh my god(ot) he is my. he is. he is my. hes my. my#COUGH kin COUGH#kin list lookin grimmer by the minute. lookin not only embarrassing. but also demanding of a psychiatric evaluation. love that for me.#i love caw feh i love cawfeh so MUCH i cant accomplish anything without first havin' a cup. and then. once ive had 1 cup.#i need to have a NOTHER cup. of. caw feh. i have about eleven cups a day. hey hey. hey hey hey hey HEY. i cant do anything without cawfeh#i'm. addicted to caffEINE.#inside you there are two wolves. they are both painfully bisexual as all hell.#ace attorney#godot ace attorney#godot#omg my hand fucking hurts i cant feel my fingers.#so does my eye. my horners syndrome been flaring up like mad bc i have no more refills on my meds and im dying#like. i have some sort of stressful condition on my eyes. omg u too godot!? omg.... thas so cool...#diego armando#Kaminogi Souryu#do i need to tag spoilers its 2023. i mean. i only played the third game this past year myself but. still.#souryo kaminogi#i feel like i had one more thing to say but i fg wtf it was.#i was JUST a baby boy... always be a baby dont ever be a gun. a.lways drinking. codfee. jsut a babye drinkgin. coffe#SORRY my illegible handwriting is SHIT! So are my hands. And so is my writing. OMG it all makes so much sense now🤯#WOAH🤯🤯🤯🤯just had a GIGA revelation!! It all adds up!!🤯🤯🤯#Its voice is similar to a human's but it is impossible to understand.
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ginkgo-phyta · 4 months
I'm back again 😅
Hopefully, I'm not the only person with this opinion, but how do you think Spencer would react if his significant other told him that they thought he looked hot with his bulletproof vest on? 👀
omg is this injured spencer request anon?? I NEED TO KNOW im so sorry if it's not tho, whoever you are thank you so much for coming back!! i love you with all my heart you should use a special emoji as like ur own lil signature! :D
okay so i wanted to try blurb(?) format but mmm okay not really cuz just a wall of text was stressing me out but this is def more informal than my other work (look no capital letters!) and because i love you so much i present two scenarios for you :P... i cant fight this feeling anymore guys he rlly is so hot in his vest im becoming my most feral self grrrrr RAH RAH ALRIGHT hope you enjoy, my love!
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OKAY SO SPENCER REACTING TO YOU TELING HIM HE'S HOT IN HIS FBI VEST gn! reader, fluff, second scenario a little steamy in tone but nothing explicit just h*rny vibes, no other warnings
if you weren't a profiler: you'd never thought about it before- spencer in his bulletproof vest. sure, you knew that his job required him to go into sticky situations where the prospect of gunfire was imminent and he would have to wear proper equipment, but you never put two nd two together. you never even thought of a kevlar vest as something that could be hot...until you saw a picture of him wearing it.
"what the hell is that." you blurt out, voice serious with hints of concern.
"huh?" spencer's as clueless as ever, a little worried about your reaction. he was just showing you random photos his team members had taken over the years, all printed out for easy viewing courtesy of the ever-so-accommodating penolope garcia. someone had taken a pic of a beautiful lake where the bau had saved yet another victim, the sun dipping below the horizon line of pine trees, painting the sky purple and pink. "um...the sunset?" spencer was confused, "i guess maybe it was kinda a weird time to take a photo, but no one was hurt and we caught the unsub and the sky really did look-"
you cut off his rambling with a wave of your hand, eyes never leaving the photo in front of you, "no, no...what's that." you point to what you were talking about, a figure standing off to the side.
spencer takes a minute, becoming even more bewildered "...me?" in that moment your world changed.
"oh my god... "you whispered in a daze, firmly pulling the picture out of spencer's fingers and into your own, "what...what are you wearing?"
"honey what's wrong? it's just my bulletproof vest. i know it might look a little funny, but it, y'know, keeps me alive..." he scratches the back of his neck. a couple seconds of silence pass, but to spencer it feels excruciatingly long.
"spencer," you look at up at him deadpan "you look so fucking hot." to say your boyfriend was shocked would be an understatement.
he was absolutely blown away by your response, so much so that the way his face contorted looked borderline disgusted. "wha-what?? huh? what?" he clamored, eyes flitting over your face to find any sign you were joking.
"seriously, baby, you look so good. oh, my God!!" you almost shriek, gripping the picture tighter, the widest, dumbest grin pulling up your cheeks as you giggle like a schoolgirl.
spencer smiles at your reaction, still a little perplexed "you really think so?" the notion begins to sink into his bones, making him giddy.
you very enthusiastically nod your head, "are there any more pictures of you like this?" you rip the rest of the photos out of spencer's hands, scouring through them at light speed. out of nowhere, spencer laughs out loud, his nose scrunching in delight.
"i...don't know what to say. i'm flattered you think that," a wonderful blush shimmers over his cheeks, "but no i don't think there are. sadly." he playfully adds.
you stop all movements, slowly turning towards him, suspiciously calm. "well then," you grab your phone and suddenly stand up "looks like i'll just have to ask penelope for some!"
"wait! wait, no!" spencer calls after you as you start speed-walking away, your shirt barely escaping his fingertips. he yells out your name, his serious tone interrupted by a giggle of his own as he begins chasing you, "get back here!" he knows: garcia can never ever find out about this...
if you were a profiler: you had seen spencer don his FBI branded bulletproof vest hundreds of times over the years. although you had pined over him for years and were now finally in a relationship with him, seeing him like that didn't make you feel any type of way really. sure, you thought he looked strong and handsome, but most of the time you were too caught up in the case or situation at hand to focus on how he looked. until now. something had shifted in him in the last few months, not just with his ever-changing haircut, but within the way he held himself; more confident, more sure of himself, even more cocky, if you will. whatever it was, it drew your eyes to him in his tight little vest like a lightbulb draws in moths- instantly and continuously. it all came to a head when you caught the unsub responsible for drowning and resuscitating his victims until they couldn't be brought back to life. spencer dove into the lake with emily to apprehend the killer while you had helped the kid he had hostage reunite with his mother. you smiled at the scene in front of you, the teenager running into his mother's shaking arms, her holding him close in a tight embrace. another good ending, you thought to yourself before turning back to watch your fellow profilers make the arrest. suddenly, you mouth goes dry. there spencer reid stood; soaking wet, clothes sticking to his skin, chest rising and falling as he panted to catch his breath, his hand pushing his wet hair out of his face. and that stupid, goddamn kevlar vest. oh, fuck. the others walked away from the dock to situate everyone and themselves in respected vehicles that sat back on the road a few hundred feet away from where you currently were. as spencer moved to follow behind emily, hands trying to flick the water off of him, your gaze stopped him in his tracks. he stood there, a bit confused as to why you were walking towards him, seemingly entranced, instead of beelining behind everyone else.
he spoke out your name, but you remained silent, stopping just a couple feet away from him. you took him in one more time: the way his shirt became translucent, granting you with peeks of his skin; his sleeves rolled up, showing off his delicious forearms; the way his soaked pants choked his thick thighs. you became woozy with desire. spencer watched as your eyes dragged over his figure, drinking in every inch of his dripping body. "oh, baby..." you voice drawled out as soon as your gaze landed on his bulletproof vest, "you're absolutely soaking wet." spencer's eyebrows shot up his forehead at the suggestive twinkle in your timbre. you approached him further, chest just inches away from his. if he wasn't so intrigued by your reaction, he would have been a bit more cautious of lingering teammates. your hands came up to ghost over his vest, "did i ever tell you how good i think you look in this?" you looked up at him through your lashes.
spencer chuckled, "in the bulletproof vest?" you nodded in response, but spencer still couldn't really believe it. "uh, no, actually, you haven't." his eyes glinted at the way you bit your lip, his hands moving on their own accord to rest on your hips. you could feel droplets of water seep into the material and lick your skin, but you didn't give a rat's ass.
"well, you do." you whisper, hands wrapping around the back of his neck as you pull yourself up to press a kiss to his lips, "really, really good." your mouth moves enticingly with his.
"oh? is that so?" he whispers against your lips, diving back in, his fingers digging in your hips. he graciously kisses you for a moment before it dawns on him that you're both still at work- in an active crime scene, at that. "mmh, mmh!" he vocalizes between kisses as he tries to move his head back a smidge. his eyes peak open just enough to see if anyone else was around. your lips are addicting, rendering him unable to fully tell you to stop, unable to fully pull away himself. he's relieved when he spots no one. still, he know this is far from appropriate. spencer's hands move up your body to wrap around your wrists behind him, pulling them away from him and the same time he pulled away from you, "okay, okay!" he breathes out with a chuckle, "i believe you now" he tries to catch his bearings, but your pouting face causes him to laugh again
"spencerrrr," you groan at the loss of your beloved's kisses and he turns you around and pushes you towards the spot where the others vanished, walking behind you with his hands on your shoulders, your body held at an arm's distance.
"let's go, angel." his words brought out a hmph! from you. "we can do more of that later at home" he whispers, leaning in ever-so-slightly.
you turn your head back to get a glimpse of him, your eyes and smile equally wide with excitement, "can you bring the vest with you?!"
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A/N: OKAYYYY lemme stop myself before things get filthy LOL do yall know which episode im referring to in the second scenario? that end scene will always get me my eye are GLUED to spencer the entire time GODDAMN. okay anyway i hope you liked this anon!!! pls tell me yalls thoughts <3
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seattlesellie · 1 year
Omg pleaseee do a part 2 of the side kink Abby ask it was too good…just imagining her fucking you slowly with the strap and you begging her to go faster, my head is in shambles rn…
abbys kinda mean :(
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it was so slow, painfully slow, dragging on as if time itself had hit the snooze button.
“your eyes are watering, s’pretty” she mocked, gasping for breath in between her moans. she was buried deep inside, not budging an inch. she loved seeing you like this, your eyebrows furrowed, nose scrunched. it drove her wild. you were quiet. she was just so so mean, teasing your needy, hungry little hole for hours, first with her big fingers, and then with her strap. when she finally, finally slid inside, practically slipping right in, chants of her name left your mouth. “abby- abs, abby-“ you moaned in between choked breaths.
“so tight bun, what if i break you? hm?” she whispered in your ear, while toying, pinching your sensitive nipple. you were squirming restlessly, bucking your hips forward, begging her to start fucking moving. god, you needed it so bad, your clit was fucking aching, and that feeling of being so full - so full of abby, made you clench around her black silicone cock.
“can feel ya- you know that? like a little heartbeat” she grunted. sometimes, being inside you made abby delusional. she swore she could feel you inside, your pulsating essence, swore she felt your gummy walls clench around her cock. she knew it wasnt possible but god, did it feel real.
“i think-…” she said, her gaze locked firmly with yours. she almost looked worried.
“w-what… abby” you whimpered. dont cry, dont fucking cry, you thought, desperate to keep your emotions in check.
“i think youre too tight for me, cant fucking move- shit” she grunted, a mocking tone laced in her words. so so fucking mean. how longer could she go? she thought to herself, is she going to cry? would you break? fuck- that last thought made her clit throb with anticipation. she couldn't help but moan into your mouth, relishing the sensation of your warm breath against her temple.
you mustered the strength to plant a gentle kiss on her lips. what did she mean by cant? she cant fuck you? fuck, you poor little thing.
“yes you can abby- yes you can” you said, breathless, you didnt say please but god, were you begging. her own little cheerleader.
her tongue slid up to her cheek, a mischievous smirk playing on her lips as she fought back the urge to burst into laughter at your expense, her pathetic girl. of course she fucking could, but fuck how orgasmic it was for her to see you like this. every fiber of her being wanted to mock you, to mimic your soft whimpers and tease, yes, you can, abby... yes, you can.
“dont think i can, bun… look” she said, a wicked glint in her eyes. she thrust herself inside you, just slowly slamming her cock and hitting that sweet sweet spot that made you whimper her name. a sharp, tingling pain shot through you. it was so so big, and you really were so so tight.
“ow- ow’abby” you whimpered into her mouth, the discomfort evident in your voice.
“see? it hurts you… i cant move” she teased, and forced your thighs open. one thing about abby, is that she loved seeing your little cunt stuffed with her inside. god, the sight of that slight bulge forming on your stomach had the power to unravel her within seconds.
“fuuuck” she grunted, and spat directly on your puffy clit. the warmth of her saliva created a sensation that was almost like friction, an intimate caress that tickled and teased. you wanted to tell her to move, now! to start fucking you like a whore! but abby, abby got so mad when you talked to her like that. as if you had some authority over her and fuck - you didnt.
“please” you begged, your voice choked with hiccups, so desperate.
she raised her hand and firmly squeezed your cheeks together.
“please what?” she demanded.
“please abby!” did you just yell?
“no- no” she tsk’d, not like that.
“please abby what?” she patted your cheek, god did she want to slap it blue.
“please move, please” you begged.
she tightened her grip on your cheeks, exerting even more pressure. your muffled moans sounded fucking ridiculous, the same way they do when she has her cock shoved down your throat, rendering you speechless.
“you gotta” pat. “tell me” pat. “exactly what you want- understand?” she commanded, her voice was so stern. you were her little brat, and she made sure you knew that.
“please, ab- move inside- fuck me- jus” you hiccuped in between soft breaths. as you looked into her icy blue eyes, you noticed a transformation, a darkness that turned them nearly pitch black, reflecting her primal lust.
without any warning, she forcefully thrust herself deep inside you, the wet, squelching sounds emanating from your dripping hole filling the room with an obscenely lewd symphony, it almost made you gag.
“like that?” she groaned, her hand instinctively wrapping around your throat, exerting a gentle but firm pressure.
she slammed her cock inside again, more forcefully now, causing your eyes to roll back. she tightened the grip she had on your throat. “this is what you want?” she moaned inside your mouth, lost in her own pleasure, fuck- how it hit her clit just right.
“f-faster” you growled.
“too tight” she whispered, and stopped her slamming. “cant move”
“abbyyyy” you whined, your lips forming a small pout, seeking her attention. she leaned in and gently pecked your swollen lips, a soft laugh escaping her. you were just so so cute.
“jesus bunny, s’fucking needy”
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woncherie · 1 year
hello!! it took me a bit more than a week to post part 2 of my fic, im so glad i got so many nice comments on my previous part :(( yall made me so happy omg i hope you enjoy this part too.
part 1 / part 2 / part 3
warnings: afab!reader, no pronouns used, bully!scara, bullying, sub!scara, reader makes him a sub lol, nsfw, finger sucking, spit play, thigh riding, degradation, blackmail, ass play. (please tell me if I missed something)
wc: 4.4k
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what have i done? you were currently turning and tossing yourself around your bed, trying to proceeds yesterdays events, burying your head into your pillow. what have i done?? you always wanted to press a pillow onto your head until you couldnt breath anymore, why not do it now? This would definitely be a better opportunity than go to your lectures right now and get yourself killed by a certain violet haired man.
how did you even get this confident? you tried to blame everything to the alcohol you drank yesterday, your head hurting in approval. sober you would've never done that this smoothly.
you were a bit proud of yourself though. you showed him who the boss was, even if it was just for a night. maybe, just maybe, he will leave you alone now?
curiosity took over you and you grabbed your phone, opening your gallery quickly, being greeted with a very special photo you took the night before.
scaramouche right before you on the screen, eyes teary, mouth wide open with your spit on his tongue, waiting patiently like a good boy. you could clearly see the bulge he had in his pants, grinding steadily against your leg. you can still feel the way he grinded himself on your thigh, and just thinking about the night before made your mouth water and pussy clench. for fucks sake. he really was gorgeous like this.
your timer went off again, reminding you that you should be leaving your bed and getting ready, and the urge to just turn it off completely was very high, but you decided to fight these feelings and stand up slowly instead. you cant hide forever. at some point you will have to meet him again. you aint no pussy.
your head was still hurting like a bitch, but you tried to ignore it. you took a quick shower to get rid of the remaining alcohol and cigarette smell you had on your body and hair, stepping out of the shower and drying your hair properly before changing into you clothes.
after a few minutes you heard your doorbell ring, so you walked up to the door and opened it for a certain blonde guy who stood in your doorframe.
"morning." albedo said in his typical monotonous voice, carrying two small bags with breakfast for the both of you to eat on your way to uni.
"you are absolutely saving my ass."
"my specialty" he answered, handing you your sandwich after you put on your shoes and closed the door behind yourself. you could see that he also wasn't feeling too well right now, still hungover from the day before. but you werent feeling one ounce better.
on your way to uni, you kept thinking about the night before. you have absolutely no idea how you ended up like this. this definitely wasnt your first sexual experience, and you do get your fair share of fun every now and then, but you have never been this controlling over anybody, but fuck, did it feel amazing.
"are you feeling alright?" you heard albedo ask next to you, looking at you through his glasses. he must've noticed that you were sunk in thoughts. "huh? yeah. was just thinking about the party yesterday, my head hurts like a bitch. how did i even get home?"
the intelligent man next to you smiled a bit against his cup of coffee. "apparently yanfei brought us home, we certainly did drink a lot yesterday. she really is a responsible person. need to thank h..."
you werent really listening to him anymore. its not that you couldnt, your mind was just racing right now. does he know what happened? you asked yourself. scaramouche and you werent really in a private area yesterday. did anyone see us?
"wow, y/n, you really seem to be lost in thoughts. care to share?"
you instantly moved your head to him, looking at him with wide eyes before coughing a bit and shaking your head. "im sorry, im just.. really tired, thats all."
"Well, at least we dont have many lectures today. you can go back home quickly and nap some more." he worried about you. albedo always cared about you, just like you cared about him. it was a really nice friendship you two had, but you just didnt feel like telling him anything. he would beat your ass once you told him what you did.
after a few minutes of a silent walk, you arrived at the campus. you threw your empty wrappers away and headed straight to the lecture hall, your heart beating faster and faster with every step you took. fuck. he's gonna kill you.
you opened the door to the lecture hall, letting albedo enter first before following him into the room. it was quite full already, and your eyes immediately scanned the crowd. you easily spotted childe, columbina and dottore, their unusual and fancy clothes catching your eyes quickly. but no scaramouche yet.
you sat down with albedo somewhere in the back of the hall, hiding from the view of others. well, that was your goal at least. you expected a furious little man to storm into the room and peel your skin of alive of your body, but.. he never came?
you heard the girls in the row in front of you talk and couldnt help but listen to their conversation.
"Scara is not here yet.."
"Yeah of course. did you see how he hit the bottle yesterday? couldnt stop drinking, especially at the end."
"he seemed a bit anxious, im worried.."
"nah. probably just couldnt tolerate the weed properly."
The first girl really seemed to be concerned about him, and you couldnt help but suppress a gag at her attitude. just wanted to get into his pants. oh if she knew.
at some point the professor came into the hall and started the lecture without scaramouche joining the class, and you sighed in relieve. you were save, at least for now.
You didnt have a lot of lectures today, so you went back home rather quickly that day. albedo joined you once again, and you two walked into your apartment, immediately throwing yourself onto your bed. it wasnt just your head hurting like a bitch, albedo also felt really exhausted, so no one was surprised when you both just fell asleep right then and there.
after a few hours you opened your eyes again, a snoring blonde still sleeping next to you and your head still woozy from the nap you took. you noticed how your stomach grumbled and stood up slowly, going into the small kitchen that your 25 m² apartment had to wash your face.
you didnt wake albedo up yet, letting him sleep his hangover away. instead, you started making some food for the both of you. you didnt have a lot of food in your fridge. of course not, you are a busy student in their last year, all you survive off is noodles and toast.
you really were hungry, and a normal sandwich wouldnt make anyone of you two feel satisfied, so you decided to make some pasta with tomato sauce. simple and easy.
while cooking, your thoughts wandered once again to the night before, but before you could form any proper thoughts, your phone lighted up. you dried your hands and took a look at it. a new message from.. unknown number?
+76 628 ×××××××: delete the picture.
...oh. it wasn't hard to guess who this message is from. your stomach dropped a bit and you gulped, your heart beating a tiny bit faster.
you: where do you have my number from?
its not a perfect reply to him, but at least you had a few minutes time to collect yourself and not be this nervous anymore. he's not here right now. he can't do anything to you. you are save. you saved his number into your phone.
scaramouche: ask me something more difficult next time.
scaramouche: delete. this. picture.
you licked your lips, stirring the food on the stove before it might burn, collecting your thoughts. he's not here right now. you can do whatever you want.
you took another look at the picture you took of him, smirking, unable to control or suppress it.
you: no.
it didn't take him long to answer, probably being active on his phone to reply to you as fast as possible.
scaramouche: im gonna fucking end you myself.
at this point you were used to his threats. wasn't the first time, nor will it be the last time it'll happen. every time you fucked up a lab report, a presentation or anything college related that might affect him negatively, you got tripped, your property destroyed and a few insults thrown at you. it was nothing new.
you: *attached image*
you: oh look how adorable you look. wish you'd always be this much of a good boy for me. my spit suits you.
you heard a few broken and hurtful moans at the other end of the room, so you looked up from your phone. albedo woke up and streched himself, scratching his stomach and rubbing his eyes open.
"..morn'ng" he mumbled, and you put your phone back into your back pocket. "its not quite morning, albedo." you answered while he tried to get used to the light that shined in your room. he took a look outside of your window and saw how dark it was. "what time is it?"
"7:16 pm" you answered while you set the table for the both of you. "made some food."
you could feel your phone vibrate in your pocket and you bit your lip from the inside in response. it was scaramouche again, but you couldnt check your phone now. albedo would ask, and you didnt feel like telling him anything.
"thank you, really sweet of you." albedo said before excusing himself into the small bathroom you had. your apartment really was small, but that was all you could afford with your part time job.
the second albedo closed the door you had your phone in your hand again, checking the message you got.
scaramouche: ...
scaramouche: dont do this now..
scaramouche: delete the pic. fucking bitch
you giggled a bit at his reply, quickly typing in your reply.
you: i really love coffee, do you know that? why dont you bring me one tomorrow and ill think about it.
scaramouche: you cant be forreal now.
you didnt answer him anymore, putting your phone away and finish setting the table before putting some food into albedos and your plate, right before he came back from the bathroom. you hoped he didnt notice your more-than-usual happy mood, nor the slightly red blush in your face.
"washed ur hands?" you asked.
"no, ew." he answered jokingly, finally awake again. you just laughed at his reply before you both sat down and ate together.
the next day you were even excited to go to uni. you felt completely different than the day before. there is absolutely no way scaramouche will do anything to annoy you, too afraid of you to post the picture.
last night, you thought a bit. would you really post a picture of scaramouche on your lap, horny and full of your spit? probably not. you wouldnt have the balls to post it. but scaring him? oh yes. you like this. you let him believe you would do it. maybe he will stop bullying you now in uni? that would be too good to be true.
you ate your breakfast on the way to uni. albedo left later the night before, and you agreed with him to meet up on campus right before the lecture started.
"hey!" you could hear someone say behind you rather aggressively, and you looked behind you before slowly standing still. of course it was your favourite indigo haired man.
you could tell by the look on his face that he'd be everywhere else than here, in front of you, with a fucking coffee in his hand that he might throw all over your face and hair (like it happened quite a few times already.)
but instead of humiliating you, he passed you the coffee while biting his lip furiously, trying not to burst out in a tide of various creative insults.
"well that was easy." you said mockingly, looking down on the cup he handed you. it was warm and looked good. you opened the lid of the paper cup, checking the content.
cappuccino and... spit.
"thanks for that i guess." you chuckle and looked at him again, his face completely red from embarrassment and shame. how did he fall so low to bring you coffee?
"you know what to do now." he demanded, but you only shaked your head. "dont feel like it. you are being really nice to me. i guess ill keep the picture for a few more weeks."
you started walking away slowly, heading to uni, but scaramouche didnt let you go this easily, following you like a desperate man. he knew you wouldnt delete his fucking downfall of a photo just like that.
"i said, delete. the. picture. you will fucking regret this." he threatened you again, but you acted unbothered and took a sip of the cup. you could feel scaramouche cringe next to you, weirded out by you drinking the mixture in the paper cup. "you were humping my leg like a bitch in heat, im not grossed out by a bit of your spit."
"DONT SAY THIS out loud" he yelled at you at the beginning but then lowered his voice, noticing how people around the both of you are looking over. "please." he then said defeated. "just tell me what you want and ill fucking give it to you. why do you wanna ruin my reputation this badly?"
you couldnt help but roll your eyes and continue walking. after all these months and years of him humiliating and bullying you, he dares to ask you for something like that? how bold.
"just write the next lap report for our project like a good boy and the picture will be save with me." the violett haired man next to you blushed at the weird compliment you gave him but tried to hide his face in his jacket. cute.
getting close to campus, scaramouche stopped following you like a lost kid and instead turned into another street. he really didnt feel like being seen on campus with you.
when you arrived, you already saw albedo standing near the building, and you smiled at him while walking to him. you threw the coffee away before hugging him. "morning."
"morning. didnt like your drink?" he pointed out the drink you threw away while still being half full.
"yeah, the barista fucked it up i guess." you lied while heading into the lecture room. poor albedo, you've been so insincere to him the past few days. you did feel bad, but you already knew about the lecture he will give you once he'll find out.
the room was only half as full as yesterday, todays course only taking in half as many students as yesterdays. but of course a special bully is still sitting in the crowd. you could feel the eyes of him following you on your way to the back rows, but you tried to ignore him.
scaramouche was sitting in the middle of his friend group at the front of the hall, everyone but him happily talking and laughing. he just sat there and sulked angrily, scribbling on his tablet.
you sat down with albedo next to yanfei, and she smiled and started some small talk with the both of you (you didnt actually listen to what she said) until the professor came and started his lecture.
"hey, y/n?" albedo asked you in a low voice, trying to not bother anyone around them during the lecture.
"wanna head to the library later today? i have a few things to study for and protocolls to prepare"
you looked at the professor but nodded at albedo, thinking it was a good idea. you'd probably still do the lab protocols that you just told scaramouche to do, unsure if he will do them himself. you didnt feel like failing classes just because he didnt hand in the work you both were supposed to do. "sounds like a plan."
you were currently heads deep reading into a few books which laid on the table, albedo sitting in front of you with the exact same book, trying to answer the questions on the reports. "..identity test and purity test of lidocaine hydrochloride?"
you were both searching for the answers in the books that laid all over the wide library table, but no answers. you sighed defeatedly, not even trying to be silent.
it was pretty late at night, 10:37 pm the watch on the wall told you, and you still werent done yet. it felt like you two were the only people in here, everyone else already left. if you two wouldve been more productive, you'd be done by now too, but instead you decided to spend extra time in the cafeteria to talk about anything and everything.
you rubbed your eyes before closing the book, standing up and stretching yourself while your blonde best friend followed you with his eyes. "im trying to find a better book. ill be back in a few minutes."
he nodded and you headed to the tons shelves, getting lost in different publications and works by different authors. you needed to walk quite a while to arrive at the section you needed, putting the old book back into the rack, your eyes scanning the book spines, trying to find a better one.
but between the publications and books, of course, you saw a special pair of indigo eyes and hair on the other side of the shelves. you couldnt think straight, and before you realized it yourself, you headed to the section where your favourite bully was standing.
a book in his hand, eyes buried deep into the book before he looked up with them, seeing your face and rolling his eyes immediately. "how the fuck are you everywhere?" scaramouche asked you.
"i should be asking you this." you answered and leaned against the shelf. "first time that i see you in here. what are you doing?"
scaramouche closed the book and put it back where he got it from. "writing my lab report. last time you told me to do it, didnt you?"
wow. you were surprised that he actually was doing his share in the project. and that he just said a whole sentence without cussing you out. you felt proud of him.
"thank you, i guess." you say, scratching your head, but scaramouche immediately turned back to you and grabbed your arm, pressing you into the shelf with full force.
"if you really feel thankful, maybe think about deleting the picture from two days ago, you fucking bitch." he spat in your face.
oh wow. welcome back, old scaramouche.
a special thought appeared in your head, and you looked at him with a small grin plastered on your lips. he just looked at you confused.
"the fuck is so funny about this?" he spat again, and your grin started growing on your face. "dont feel like it.", you answered, "but i can maybe thank you differently." you moved your leg between his, lifting it to meet his crotch softly.
scaramouche gasped quickly, probably from shock, and he let your hand go. it was an easy opportunity to shove him away from you, now you being the one to press him against the reck of books, caging him in with your hands.
you could easily see the pure flustered shock on his face, eyes wide open and face tinted in red, and you enjoyed it.
"not so bold now, are you?" you asked him, getting closer to his neck and pressing a few light kisses on them. you could feel him inhale in shock, holding his breath in and biting his lip as you attacked his neck with bites and kisses. "we can continue off from where we stopped last time?"
scaramouche felt like he was on fire, body moving on his own once again. he used your thigh to get himself off, getting hard embarrassingly quick. "see, you seem to like it?" you whispered in his ear, but all he could do was bite his lips and trying to stay silent.
yes, the library wasnt full, but it wasnt completely empty either. he didnt want anyones attention on the two of you, so he tried his best to stay silent.
you didnt appreciate this behaviour though, and pinched his ass from behind, a gasp leaving his mouth louder than he intended to.
you let go off him for a second, grabbing his small waist to turn him around, his chest pressing against the books and yours against his back. he looked back at you with wide eyes, visibly shocked. "what are u-" he started his sentence, but your hand on his boner made him lose his train of thoughts.
you opened his pants and slid in with your right hand, playing with the hem of his boxers. "st..stop this, not here.." he mumbled aroused, his pleas not sounding too serious. he didnt wanna stop now, he started to feel incredibly good again. how are you doing that to him?
your hand grabbed his dick, pumping it twice in his pants and scaramouche let his head fall back in his neck, a silent moan leaving his lips. fuck, your hands were cold, but they felt so good on his body.
but how can he believe you would get him off this easily? you giggled silently while watching him enjoy himself before taking your hand back again and kneeling behind him.
he started to get really frustrated with your behaviour and tried to glare back to you, but when he saw you on your knees behind him, face right near his ass, his eyes widened in shock (once again.)
"what are you doing?" he asked you. you didnt answer him though. all you did was pull his pants and boxers down, here, right in the middle of a library between a thousands of books.
the cold air hitting his skin made him shudder, his face turning left and right, trying to check if anyone was close. if anyone would catch you two in here, he'd absolutely go apeshit.
"ever got your asshole licked, scara?" you asked him, and your direct way of asking him made his whole face flush red. "what the fuck are you on again??" he asked, but you didnt answer once again.
you spat in your hand and moved it back to his dick, stroking him a few times to get him more obedient again. his eyes closed in shame and lust as he rutted into your hand, biting down on his hand to stay silent.
you, once again, let go of him, but this time you decided to play with his backside, massaging his ass and getting him more riled up. after a few seconds you used one of your wet fingers to get close to his hole, circling it with spit to get it wet. the moan scaramouche let out in that moment was godlike.
fuck, you wanted to hear more of that. more of his angelic voice. you can't deny that his means and whimpers do something to you, your panties getting a bit wet, heart beating faster.
you couldnt control yourself anymore and grabbed his waist, pulling him close to your face and holding him in place while you devoured him right then and there, tongue circling his hole, moving up and down close to his balls.
scaramouche felt weird, scaramouche felt good. he never felt something like this, his body never felt this good. you didnt even need to hold him down anymore, he was drunk on the pleasure, shoving his cute ass right into your face, chasing the pleasure.
he tried to stabilize himself on the shelf with his hands, head falling back into his neck and tears pooling in his eyes, so close to spilling. usually he was the one pleasuring others, and being on the receiving side this time makes him feel so small and incredibly good. he can't think of a day where he felt like this with another person pleasuring him.
he couldnt help but choke onto air, not a single word coming out of his mouth other than silent whines, tears and mewls of pleasure, so close to cumming.
at some point you switched to your fingers, a spit covered one circling his hole before slowly pushing in, and scaramouche became putty in your hands.
you took your phone from your pocket and opened your camera in one swift motion, but this time you gave the tall man in front of you some time to react.
"say cheese.." you said, and scaramouche turned his head back to you, cheeks red and wet from his tears, lip swollen, tongue out and eyes big. but he didnt care, fuck he really didnt care right now. all he needed was this pleasure that you gave him, so he just looked in the camera with angry eyes which made him look just so much more adorable. just take those stupid pics. he thought.
"y/n?" you heard a familiar voice call out your name.
oh. you completely forgot that you werent alone in the library, albedos voice somewhere near you and scaramouche. you both immediately jumped up, you on your feet and scaramouche crouching, pulling his pants up, both of your eyes wide in shock and fear.
scaramouche knew that if anyone would see you two here it wouldve been easy to guess what you did, so he pulled his pants up rather poorly and jumped away from the other side of the aisle to the other direction from where albedo came from.
fucking hell. he got blue balled once again.
"im here." you said after fixing your clothes, taking any book from the shelves and opening any page, trying to look busy as albedo walked into the aisle. it was so hard for you to contain your smirk after what you just did, but you tried your best. "i was just wondering what took you so long." he asked, fixing his glasses on his nose. "i already have the solution, we're done for today."
"oh god thank you."
"wanna get some food?"
"yes please, i was just getting tired of being here." you said and put the book away, scaramouche a few aisle away from you, listening to your conversation, hiding his face in his hands.
how did you wrap him around your finger once again?
NYAHAHAHA hello i hope you liked part 2!! i feel like i did a bad job overall but whatever take it as it is <3 im sorry it took so long.. part 3 maybe?? yes or no??
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missy-0-piink · 1 year
Omg imagine degrading dazai, saying how much you'd rather be with Chūya or someone else close to him, and the baby breaks down, sobbing and apologising, even shying away from your touch cos he thinks he's not good enough
Why…. Why would you do this 😭
Omg but it’d be so sad,
“Yeah? You pathetic little whore,” you say cruelly, pulling on his hair as you ride him roughly, “this is what you deserve, huh? Being treated like a little bitch”
He whimpers, your words hurt and so does the way your biting into his neck,
too rough…
too mean…
“You’re a disgusting slut, aren’t you?” You seethe, snarl on your face as you bounce harder, and Dazai feels like his hips are going to bruise from the weight of you dropping down on them
“N-no, m’not! don’-don’ say that, please!” He mumbles meekly, words slurred, and unbeknownst to you, tears are slowly forming in his eyes
You’re too focused on your own pleasure, on the filth spitting from your mouth that you pay no attention to Dazais reactions and words
“Talking back to me? God, I knew I should’ve chosen chuuya when I had the chance!”
Those words were the straw that broke the camels back
Immediately Dazai let’s out a gut wrenching sob, face screwing up as the tears finally roll down his face
You freeze, feeling your blood run cold
“No! No, please! M’sorry, m’sorry, ‘know m’not good enough, know chuuya’s better, but please, don’t leave! I cant- cant- don’ wan’ you to leave please-“ he wails out, body trembling and chest heaving as he cries
He brings up his hands to shield his face from you, ashamed to show himself to your scrutiny. He’s curling in on himself, and you can’t stop berating yourself
When did he become soft?! how the fuck did you not notice?! what is wrong with you-
You stop yourself, you need to focus on Dazai right now, not pity yourself
“Oh baby, no I didn’t mean-“ you reach out to cup his face, but as soon as your fingers brush his hands, he flinches, sobbing louder as he shifts away from you
You try to get off of him, but he screams out a desperate “no!”, eyes wide
“M’sorry, m’sorry-hic- m’sorry! Please, please don’ leave me!” He blubbers, entire body jolting with the force of his sobs
“Dazai, Dazai, shhhh,” you try your best to soothe, running your hand along his shoulder in a comforting gesture, “I’m not leaving you, sweetheart. You’re the best I could ask for! I was just saying words, none of them are true! I love you so much, more than anyone-“
You can see his breathing slightly calm down, though still hitching; but you’ll take what you can get
“You-you’re lying!” He sniffles out, eyes wide and unseeing
“No baby, I’m not. I love you, I’d never leave you, for anyone, let alone chuuya. You’re perfect,” you say, reaching out to grab his hands and move them away from his face
“P-promise?” He asks hesitantly, sticking out his pinky finger
You chuckle, smiling at him, “promise”
I’m glad I have my dog sleeping on me so that I don’t get sad
She’s snoring so fucking loud, it’s like she works a 9-5 💀
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omg ateez has been on my mind lately also but mostly hongjoong 😩 anywayyy I just CANT get the image of like a really sensitive and Whiney hongjoong out of my head like imagine you just feeling him up giving him the slightest bit of attention and he’s whining and moaning making all these beautiful noises somtimes he’s to loud so he takes his bottom lip in between his teeth squirming and trying to stay quiet but like I said your only feeling him up so imagine how he sounds when you really get into it- uhhh this was not supposed to be this long loll😅
oh god, he'd be so sensitive
all you have to do is place a few touches here and there, not even sexual yet and he's all red, looking at you with the neediest fucking eyes
the neediest, cutest little "please,"
just barely touching him, ghosting your hands all over his body. hands brushing along his thighs and stomach and pecs and his already hard nipples that make him gasp and whine from the smallest of touches😩
he tries. tries his very, very best.
to not cum so soon. to not shiver and squirm and push himself farther into your touch. to not moan so loud the risk of your neighbours hearing is a very real possibility.
especially because you're still barely touching him. you haven't done anything and he already whimpers, feeling his body heat up and his heart race, skipping beats when you decide to press down just a little harder.
"i-i can't!"
your smirk has his teeth clamping down on his bottom lip, looking up at you with wide pleading eyes.
how were you supposed to resist?
and if he wasn't struggling to keep his cool before, he definitely can't when your tongue glides over him, wet and hot and feeling so deliciously good as you circle his nipples, alternating accordingly whenever he gets just a touch too loud.
fingers digging into the flesh of his thighs, the sting and the prospect of them leaving marks making him all the more loud.
his whines and whimpers and moans and keens like fucking music to your ears as he loses all concept of decency, throwing the idea of trying to hide how good you make him feel out the window.
arching his back up into you, hiccupy gasps and little mewls, fingers digging into your scalp in a way that hurts but you don't particularly care at the moment.
not when he's almost screaming in pleasure.
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wonwoosthetic · 1 year
omg i absolutely loved the new minnie and wonwoo chapter 😔 are you planning on posting a part 2 soon? I CANT WAIT AHHHH
No Words Should Be Left Unsaid || Minnie🌷
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minnie masterlist
warnings – a bit of angst, one quick mention of the word ‘sex’
word count – 11k
A/N: Took longer than I would've wanted, but here it finally is and I'm happy to admit, that I've definitely gotten my inspiration back ˙ᵕ˙ I hope I didn't disappoint with this chapter and that you all enjoy it ˙ᵕ˙
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italics are spoken in english
The following day already started like hell. Minnie woke up with a pounding head, a scratchy throat, and burning eyes - all aftereffects from crying herself to sleep. It was a wonder she even got to fall asleep, but the exhaustion from the fight must've taken over her body. 
The fight. 
The screaming.
It all flashed back into the girl's mind as she sat up on the bed, cradling her face in her hands, running her fingers through her hair, and trying to loosen some of its knots.
"You've never given me reasons to not trust you before."
"I hope they send him to jail."
Wonwoo's hurtful words he shouted to her face only mere hours ago sliced through her heart like a hot knife. She couldn't exactly remember everything she had thrown at his head, but she knew they hadn't been any better.
What still echoed through her mind though was the exact scene that had her crumbling down.
"So what? You suddenly don't trust me anymore? You think I just did this... for- f- for I don't know... fun?"
"Looks like I should've questioned that a lot earlier."
The one thing she looked for in a relationship. The one thing she was always to come back to whenever she started losing herself. Trust. Loyalty. Never had she ever had to question either characteristic when it comes to Wonwoo. She thought he felt the same. But last night, he proved to her that she was in the wrong. He didn't trust her anymore. No matter what she would've done the night before, his words were already out in the world, they had already reached her ears and made her entire world fall and break into millions of pieces she so desperately wanted to hold together.
No matter how hard she wanted to cry about it again, how much her body was urging her to scream the pain out loud in hopes of saving her, nothing came out. There was nothing left in her. Not even a single teardrop could escape her eyes. She was empty.
Due to the blackout curtains, S.Coups had gotten for his room, there was no light seeping into the room, only adding to the depressing episode Minnie could feel herself falling into. Not again. Please, God, don't let me go through this again, she prayed. The darkness brought her back to the place she had been only two years ago. She couldn't let herself go back there. No, not like this.
Hastily, the girl shrugged the blanket off her body and rushed out of the room, opening the door to be met with the light walls and bright interior of the dorm her members shared. The familiar soft voices and gentle laughs rang through her ears, almost making her smile, only if there wasn't this heavyweight still pressing on her heart, not letting any emotion escape. Fuck, it was happening...
Just as Minnie was about to turn to enter the living space, Joshua's silhouette rounded the corner, stopping when he saw her form, frozen in the hallway.
"Oh, hey," he softly spoke to her. "You're awake."
Minnie nodded before realising she should probably also open her mouth. "Yeah," her voice was only a whisper, scared she would hurt her body or somebody else if she dared to speak any louder. The older member sent her a loving smile, nodding to where he had just come from,
"Come on. You should eat something." Waiting for the girl to follow him before he made his way back into the kitchen.
Did the female performer have an appetite? Absolutely not. Did she know she would have to put food into her body otherwise the others would start to worry once again? 100% yes. So there she was, walking into the kitchen, hot on Joshua's tracks, her arms crossed in front of her chest as she entered the shared room when all eyes fell on her. She met the comforting gazes of Seungcheol and, to her surprise, also Jeonghan and Seungkwan who must've joined them earlier in the day - if only she knew what the exact time was.
"Hey," she greeted them with a somewhat smile and a wave into the room, sitting down on one of the empty chairs by the table that Jeonghan pushed out for her.
"Hey," he smiled at her, "H-... how are you feeling?" The nervousness and uncertainty were clear in his voice - the members knew not to drown her in too many questions, remembering and respecting her sensitivity from the previous encounters they had with Minnie in a state like that.
The girl shrugged her shoulders, honestly not knowing what an honest answer to the question would be. Was she fine? Definitely not. Did she feel bad? Maybe a little. Was she miserable? ...Yes...
Before Jeonghan could continue a small talk, the leader beat him to it as he stood up and turned around to the cupboards.
"Is cereal fine?" He questioned her, to which she raised her head and nodded softly, followed by a quiet,
Seungcheol was just happy that she agreed to eat something.
As soon as she had joined the others in the kitchen, everyone could feel the tension spreading. The elephant was clear in the room with them, and she hated it. No one wanted to say what they were thinking, each one of them on edge in one way or another for the girl in the group. Joshua had left the four as he got ready in his own room. Jeonghan's hand was resting on the back of her chair, Cheol was preparing her bowl, cereal and milk, and Seungkwan was sitting in front of her, munching on his breakfast in silence - until it got too much for him.
"Wonwoo's an idiot." He suddenly blurted out, gaining the attention of the room.
"Seungkwan-" Cheol warned him in the strict voice all of them had gotten so accustomed to.
"What?" He shrugged, "It's the truth."
The leader brought the bowl to her, setting it down on the table. Minnie looked up at him,
"You told him?" He wasn't sure whether she was genuinely just curious or disappointed in the fact the other members now knew about the couple of the group having had the biggest fight they ever had. Coups sat back down in the chair next to the '98 Liner.
"Jeonghan asked why you were sleeping here, he saw you in my room, and when I explained it to him, Seungkwan came in. He overheard it," he explained.
She nodded as she held onto the spoon, moving it around in the bowl, suddenly at a complete loss of appetite. There was no way the food would make it down her throat. Suddenly, Minnie felt the soft hand of the '95 Liner next to her on her head as it brushed down the length of her hair.
"It's gonna be fine, princess." Using the name she had gained early on in their career. But all she could do was shake her head.
The female member got up to walk over to the fridge, her hand reaching out to grab a bottle of water, in the same moment, knocks from the front door echoed through the apartment.
"Got it!" Shua shouted before he opened the door, letting in whoever was behind it.
Minnie got back to her seat, now much more hydrated. Finally, her body would have enough fluid to create the tears again she so desperately wanted to let out. Jeonghan noticed the shaky deep breaths she took, still stirring her cereal, trying to suppress the sadness daring to seep out of her.
Joshua and another familiar voice got closer and closer. With one look to her left, she found the other member she shared a dorm with - Mingyu.
"Morning," he smiled into the room, only to change his facial expression once he noticed the still very tense aura in the room. "Hey," he nodded towards the girl, who sent him a nod. The concerned look in his eyes didn't go unnoticed by the second oldest who discreetly raised his hand with a nod to assure him that she was very well taken care of, even though he already knew that. Whenever she was with the members, didn't matter with whom specifically, she was in good hands.
"What do you need?" Cheol wondered why he had come to their dorm earlier than usual.
Mingyu raised his hands in synch. His right one held onto the female's phone while his left carried a bag. 
"You left this," looking at the dancer that was avoiding his eyes, he went ahead to place the phone in front of her, but before the device could touch the top of the table, she stopped him with her hand on his.
"I don't need it." She cleared her throat after noticing how scratchy her voice still was.
"You don't have to look at it, just have it by you-" he tried to reason with her, but she just pushed his hand further away.
"Keep it. I don't want it," Minnie looked up, the tears making her eyes glisten in the light coming from the window, "Please." She quietly begged him.
Her fellow '97 Liner nodded understandingly, not wanting to bring any more emotions up if they were able to keep her like this, he wasn't about to provoke her for no reason. He put her phone into his back pocket silently, nudging his head to the bag in his other hand.
"And... I brought you some things. I didn't know when you'd want to be back, so..." Mingyu wasn't sure how he wanted to finish the comment, so he decided to just not. His statement brought another wash of emotions over Minnie's body as she felt her eyes reacting and blinking rapidly, trying to push the tears back down as she kept her head low. Great... so the fight seemed as serious as she had perceived it as. Even Mingyu thought I wouldn't want to go back into their dorm... what have I done... her own voice kept repeating words in her head. Words she didn't want to hear.
The older '97 Liner took another look at her, getting nods from the other members, before retrieving back to the couch, taking the bag with him and sitting down on the side not occupied by Joshua, who was more focused on the little screen in his hand. While the four at the dining table sat in silence, eyes on the girl, Mingyu got a hold of the remote and turned on the TV on the wall. The screen lit up to show the news. Only that it was the wrong news for the current situation.
"-years probation as well as serving community service along with-" the voice of the female reporter filled the room, making all the heads turn to the living room, where they got a quick glimpse of no other than the man that was part of the reason for the fight that Minnie was still recovering from. Her gaze was fixed on the picture of Hanbin the report showed before it quickly switched to an action scene of a drama as Mingyu hastily changed the channel. He turned to the group on the table, fear in his eyes, as he was faced with the concerned look of Jeonghan, the disturbed glance on Seungkwan's face just screaming 'what the fuck is wrong with you, idiot' at him, and the warning frown forming on the leader's face.
"Sorry..." he softly apologised, immediately directing his attention to the girl, who kept a straight watch on the television, her eyes not letting them know what she was feeling because they looked empty. But that's exactly what she felt like. Empty. She was quick to lower her head again, afraid of what was to come next.
Cheol fixed his gaze on the spoon in her hand that wasn't stirring anymore, but was still tight in her grip - tighter than before. Her hair was covering the sides of her face that were getting redder as she tried to hold back the first sob of the day as hard as she possibly could, but everyone could see her shaking shoulders. Everyone's eyes were focused on her, Jeonghan had raised his hand softly, ready to brush over her back once the damn broke.
The unstable breath surprised the guys. "Good to know." Hadn't the room fallen so quiet, her whisper would've gone unnoticed. 
Before anyone could register what had happened, a loud sob escaped Minnie's lips as she pushed the bowl of cereal to the side and stood up, wanting nothing more than to leave the room and cry by herself, embarrassed by her outburst. The members were quick up on their feet, not even a second after she had gotten up, ready to go after her. The girl tried wiping away the tears that were suddenly falling uncontrollably, so she didn't notice the big stature of Mingyu, who was faster than the others and blocked her way into the hallway. She ran into him, stumbling back slightly before just coming to a halt, leaning her forehead against his chest. He didn't hesitate to raise his arms, wrapping them around her upper body, pulling her closer, making her hide her entire face in his shirt.
Mingyu let his cheek rest on her head, his right hand brushing the back of her hair, as he tried to shush her with his low voice.
"It's okay, Minnie-ya. It's okay."
She couldn't even bring herself to hug him back. All she was, was a limp body in his arms. Shaking and crying, needing to scream out into the world.
Her fellow '97 Liner could feel her mumblings something against his torso.
"What was that?" He wondered gently, giving the other guys a hand sign, letting them know he got her.
Minnie switched to lean her cheek against his chest, letting her speak more clearly. "He'll never forgive me." Followed by another crying round as she didn't even try to hold back the rush of emotions this time. Mingyu shut his eyes tightly, hating the feeling of having a weeping girl in his arms, knowing there was rarely anything he could do to make her feel better, other than just be there. He felt useless. His arms tightened around her, hoping it would do something, help her somehow. He just wanted her to stop crying. Make the pain stop. He started feeling tears welling up in his own eyes, knowing that two of his closest friends were hurting.
He came back into the hallway, shutting the door to S.Coups' room as quietly as he possibly could. His footsteps were soft against the hardwood floor, despite his muscular figure, as he walked back into the shared living space, where the members were now split up with Joshua and Seungkwan on the couch, while Seungcheol and Jeonghan were still at the dining table, all the dishes now gone. Even though it was an hour after Minnie had broken down in Mingyu's arms, the room was still just as tense as before.
"Did you get her to fall asleep?" The leader of the group wondered, making the tallest member sigh.
"Barely." He threw himself back onto the couch with a groan, his hand brushing over his face in frustration. Seungkwan patted his shoulder, trying to assure him of whatever he needed at the moment. You did well, he wanted to tell him, you're doing what you can.
"This is not good," Cheol stated, shaking his head, "This might be worse than I thought."
"It's not good?" The youngest in the room jumped up, "It's bad! It's really bad!"
"Seungkwan!" Jeonghan tried to shush him, but the '98 Liner didn't listen.
"Do you know how worried I am right now?! We haven't seen her like this for years, and all you're saying is 'this is not good'?!"
The leader copied his stand, "Well what do you want me to do?! I'm thinking, okay?! I'm trying to find something to help her, but I don't know what to do!"
"Guys!" The second oldest got up, holding out his hand to make both of the members shut their mouths, "Be quiet, for God's sake!"
S.Coups went back to sitting down, but Seungkwan stayed in his position, now nervously fumbling with his fingers.
"I-I'm sorry, hyung," he slightly stuttered. "I'm just really frustrated right now."
The '95 Liner nodded, "We all are." Then sighed out loud. "God... I knew this was gonna happen." All eyes turned towards him.
"What?" The youngest questioned him.
"I mean, it was bound to happen. They had to have their first fight, being so close all the time, I just didn't expect it to be... like that." The members nodded in agreement.
Seungkwan sat back down, letting out a chunk of air. "You know, for the fact that Hanbin isn't even in her life anymore, he sure makes her cry a lot."
"Well, but he still is. Kinda," Joshua spoke up, gaining the attention of the room. "Not physically, but she's still attached to him... in a way."
"Can you blame her?" Cheol asked him. "Their breakup was... not really normal. And definitely not natural. Who knows how long they would've stayed together if that scandal never happened."
"God, please don't start with that," Mingyu groaned, making the guys look at him in confusion, "I had to listen to that too much last night."
"What do you mean?" Jeonghan wondered.
The rapper got up to enter the kitchen, explaining himself on the way. "Minnie said that to Wonwoo last night, that she still cared about him because they didn't part in bad ways, but because they were kinda forced to. And then Wonwoo went on, on what if that never would've happened if they had still gotten together at some point, and obviously, she said how would she know that, because she can't, which is true. And... Wonwoo... didn't take that too well. So please," he came back into the living room, faced with stunned gazes, "Let's not wonder about that. What happened happened, and now Minnie and Wonwoo are together. And that's it."
The room fell silent for a good five seconds, the guys letting Mingyu's words sink in. He had to listen to every single word that came out of the couple's mouth, and he was probably remembering them better than the people involved since he hadn't been filled with anger in the heat of the moment. There were so many questions the members had for him, they wanted to know more. More details. More anything. But they also knew that it wouldn't be right to question him about that all too much.
Jeonghan was the first to break the stillness. "How is he?" Everyone knew who he was talking about.
"Hopefully miserable," Seungcheol sitting across from him, leaned back in his chair, his arms crossed in front of his chest as he scoffed.
"Coups..." his fellow '95 Liner spoke out his name with a slight warning tone.
"What?" The leader locked eyes with him, "You've seen the state she's in and you just heard what he asked her. I don't even want to know what other things he said to her. Do you really want him to just upstairs and not regret anything from last night?! I hope he's fucking sad, I hope he's in even more misery than her. But I know he probably isn't..." mumbling the last part.
With a deep breath, Jeonghan looked back at the other rapper, "Mingyu?" Who exchanged a quick glance with him before shrugging,
"I'm not sure, to be honest. He didn't talk to me last night, and I didn't hear him go to bed. Today I only passed his room and saw him sitting in front of the computer. But that's it."
"Did you even try talking to him?" The leader threw at him, making Mingyu roll his eyes.
"Of course. But nothing came back."
Cheol scoffed, eyeing Jeonghan again, "See! He doesn't even know what he did wrong."
"I don't know about that," the '97 Liner interrupted him.
"What?" The two oldest looked at him in confusion.
"I'm pretty sure he cried during their fight. I don't for sure, but it definitely sounded like it."
Seungkwan looked at him, his mouth slightly open. "But Wonwoo-hyung never cries."
"Exactly," Mingyu nodded, "But yesterday..."
"See." Jeonghan copied S.Coups' expression from before, showing him that both of them were somewhat right about the story. "You're just suddenly furious with him because he's quiet? As if that's surprising all of a sudden."
"I'm furious because he's not even trying to make it better."
Joshua spoke up, "Well... we don't know that. Maybe he's currently thinking about what to do as well."
Cheol scoffed as he stood up, "Is anyone here on my side?"
"There are no sides to be on, Coups!" Jeonghan tried to explain, "Both of them probably said things they regret now. We're not taking any sides, we're in the middle, and we have to figure out what we're gonna do now."
"They have to talk." Mingyu simply stated. "They have to talk like normal people, not scream at each other, because I can understand both sides, and I'm sure they can too, but they have to talk about it. Calmly."
Shua shook his head, "Not today, though. I don't even think we're gonna get her out of this apartment any time soon."
"She's supposed to be with Woozi tomorrow," S.Coups got up from his seat and started to roam the room. "But I don't know if she's still up for that. Then after that, we have practice for the live shows."
"The day after tomorrow?" Seungkwan asked, getting a nod from the leader in response.
"They're gonna talk," Jeonghan assured everyone in the room - or at least tried to. "They can't go longer than two days... right?"
Mingyu shrugged, "I wouldn't be surprised if they did, to be honest," making any bit of guarantee in the room evaporate.
Minnie slept for another good three hours on their free day. During that time, Jeonghan, Seungkwan, and Mingyu went back to their designated rooms after their group conversation had come to an end. They decided to not let the other guys know until the day they all had to be in the practice room together, in the hopes of the couple making up before that. It was a small spark of hope, but at least they had some. The other '97 Liner promised to try and talk to Wonwoo again, otherwise their leader would... and he wouldn't go easy on him - Jeonghan literally had to hold him back so he wouldn't sprint out of the door and ran upstairs, not afraid to let a fist or two fly. Yes, Wonwoo was his member and he loved him very dearly, but Minnie was his sister and he had promised her, his parents and her mother, to take care of her, and right now, it felt like he was failing.
After a two-hour-long phone call with his father, which his mother also quickly joined for a bit, he gained back the confidence he needed, not as a leader, but as a friend in the situation. That's who they needed. Not an annoying leader, but a trustworthy friend.
Joshua and Cheol made sure Minnie ate something after waking up, not pressuring her to talk any more than necessary and not watching her as if she was a fragile little newborn, but still keeping a protective eye on her throughout the day. The only movements she really did were from the bedroom to the kitchen, to the living room for a bit before disappearing into the bedroom again. She went to the bathroom to freshen up as well as possible but didn't even dare to think about going back to her place where she was being missed more than she could imagine.
The next day came quicker than the female performer would've wanted and after spending another night in Seungcheol's room, filled with some much-needed late-night deep-talk, she got herself together, ready for a day at the studio with her favourite producer. If there was one thing that could get her mood up, it was letting all of her frustration out on paper, writing lyrics and poems and whatever would come to mind before discussing each line with Woozi. She understood the other members' concern about her falling yet into another deep hole, and she, just as much as them, didn't want that. And she somewhat had the energy to fight against it.
Was she ready to face her boyfriend again? Probably not, but she also wasn't sure about how much longer she could endure the tension between the two.
The night before she almost reached for her phone to text him sorry and beg for his forgiveness, but the guys had reminded her that both parties were somewhat in the wrong and that she was in no position to give in.
'Take your time, think about it. You had a fight, that's normal. But you should still talk about everything. Don't hide what you truly think.'
'If he truly loves you, which he does, he loves all of you. Every single bit of you.'
The leader had offered to drive her, but she declined, already having called the manager, who had to visit their label's building anyway. After making sure she had everything she needed in her bag, a smaller one that Mingyu brought her, not expecting her to come upstairs to get it for herself, she exited the apartment and went down into the garage, greeting her manager with a small smile.
They fell into a somewhat comfortable small talk conversation after Minnie found more comfort in lying about how the past days had been for her. She wasn't gonna mention the fight. This was something between her and Wonwoo - she already felt bad enough that she dragged so many other members into it.
They left the car together and entered the building, their ways parting after the elevator opened for the first time, her manager exiting the small room before she went up a few more floors, already knowing the way to the producer's studio by heart.
She walked through the modern hallways, eyeing the floor the entire time, and stopping at the right door. Minnie knew to knock before entering even though there was a big chance Woozi would be wearing his headphones, not hearing a single thing, but much to her surprise, she got a muffled,
'Come in!' in return.
After opening the door, she came to sight with the producer she was expecting, as well as Bumzu standing in the room, hands in his pockets. They seemed to have been in a conversation, which ended as soon as Minnie had come in.
"Hey," she gave both men a soft smile, her hands clutching the strap of her bag on her shoulder tightly.
The older producer copied her facial expression, just much more brightly, greeting her with a wide grin.
"How are you?" Bumzu opened his left arm, inviting her for a hug she definitely needed, even though he didn't know about that. She gladly accepted it, wrapping both of her arms around the side of his torso, giving him not the usual squeeze she normally would.
"Alright," the girl mumbled before sitting down on the couch on the wall behind them, "You?"
Bumzu nodded, "All good. Was just on my out," he turned back to Woozi, discussing a few last things about their next session, then switched to Minnie, giving her a quick wave. "See ya, Min." Before seeing himself out.
A wave of silence washed over the room as the female propped her feet up on the small table in front of the sofa, getting her notebook and pen, laptop and phone out of her bag. Jihoon's eyes didn't leave her form, trying to read and see through her unusually slow movements. He let it slide, blaming his slight fatigue.
"So," he turned back around to the mixing table, "What you got for me?"
Minnie cleared her throat, "Ehm," and started flipping through her notebook, trying to find the loose piece of paper she was thinking of. "I still have this," she leaned forward as he turned to her, taking the napkin out of her hand. He chuckled with a shake of his head. Even after years of writing, this girl sometimes still used whatever was closest to her to write down what was going on in her head. Woozi remembered the time she ran over to him, showing him her arm that was covered in lyrics, around four years ago - she never changed.
"That was supposed to be for Crush, but I didn't like it in the end," she quietly explained, sitting back down comfortably on the couch.
He let her be by herself, alone with her thoughts for a few more minutes. It wasn't unusual that both of the members would work in silence next to each other. But never right from the beginning. Jihoon was used to hearing her talk about what she had seen on her way to the studio or about events from that morning, or even the evening before. Minnie would move around the room, walking back and forth as she dramatised whatever story she was telling him or even when she was just thinking. Having her sitting quietly in his studio didn't seem as natural.
"What's up?" He broke the quietness, making her hum.
"Not much," she mumbled once again. Her head was still down on her notebook, switching over to the laptop she had turned on.
Woozi turned his chair to look directly at you, "I didn't mean in general. I meant what's up with you."
Minnie looked up slowly, her eyes moving up first, followed by her head, her lips tightly pressed together as she shook her head. "Nothing."
With a sigh, he put the piece of paper back on the coffee table, sliding it over to the girl. "Then I don't want this until you tell me what's bothering you."
The '97 Liner scoffed and snatched the napkin back into her grip, throwing it onto the cushion next to her. "Then don't, Jesus Christ, your loss."
The producer raised his eyebrows, yep, something was definitely not okay with her. "Minnie, if you're gonna be like that, you can walk out and go back to the dorms, I don't need you in a bad mood here." He leaned back more comfortably, crossing his arms. "So either you tell me what's going on or you leave."
Minnie sighed in clear annoyance, "Can't I just sit here in silence and write?-"
"Not if you're gonna snap at me like that."
The girl shut her mouth, looking dead in the eyes of the '96 Liner before throwing her head back, realising there was no way out of the situation. Three days ago she was excited about spending some time with him in the studio, with no pressure of creating their next album, but just chilling and killing time, comfortably exchanging lyrics and recording demos for possible future songs. Now, she was sitting there, almost regretting her decision of coming, wanting nothing more than to just hide herself in the comfort of a bed again.
She brushed some hair behind her ear, glancing at him one more time, finding him still looking at her, waiting for an explanation.
"Wonwoo and I had a fight."
Jihoon's mouth opened and nodded 'There it is.'
"And I'm guessing it didn't end well?"
Minnie brought her legs ups, hugging her knees tightly to her body, shaking her head, already feeling her lips quivering again, only annoying her even more. She took a deep breath, hoping to contain some of the sadness.
"I haven't been to the apartment in two days."
Woozi was clearly taken aback by that statement. "Jesus..." he exclaimed, "What happened?"
"Just... stupid shit." He let her take her time, waiting patiently as she explained the events of that evening to him. She started with the moment in the practice room, all to the screaming that began in the kitchen, and the final shouting match they had in the living room, all until she left to stay in the 8th-floor dorm. Minnie surprised herself as she got through the story without crying, her body clearly dried out from all the tears she had shed throughout the past few days.
Woozi wanted to curse out loud, wanted to throw the most vile words into the room, but he knew it wouldn't make anything better and that it would in fact be the last thing the girl in front of him needed, so he did his best to stay calm. He looked around the room, forcing himself not to shake his head. "Wh-... Guys..."
"I know..." The dancer hid her face behind her knees. 
"What are you gonna do?"
He only got a shrug in response.
"You have to talk to him, Minnie."
The girl shook her head.
"He said, he didn't trust me anymore!" She exclaimed.
"That was in the heat of the moment, I'm sure he didn't mean it."
"I wouldn't be too sure about that..."
Woozi sighed, "Don't say that." But she didn't answer. Another few seconds passed in which they didn't share any words before the producer got out of the question that had been bothering him ever since she finished her story. "Why do you still care so much about him?"
Woozi nodded.
Minnie rolled her eyes. "Why is it a crime to care about people?!"
"Hey," he stopped her, "I didn't say you're not allowed to, I asked you normally and genuinely want to know." His explanation made the girl feel bad about the outburst she almost had. He was just trying to be a good friend and here she was throwing accusations at him... similar to what she and Wonwoo had done to each other.
"I..." she started but stopped. If only the answer was easy as she wanted it to be. "W-... We were forced to break up. Neither one of us truly wanted it... but it happened... because of him... and because of what happened to him. And back then, I was so scared of what was going to happen and I... I still was because... we didn't end things on bad terms, you know?" Minnie looked up, finding the caring eyes immediately gazing at her, a gentle smile decorating Jihoon's face. "Of course, I was devastated, but... he had to do it and I understand why he did it, and I'm very thankful that he did it..." She took a deep, slightly shaky, breath, "He cared so much for me back then that he broke up with me to protect me... so w- why shouldn't I now care for him? We're friends?..." Making it sound more like a question as she wasn't even sure about the statement herself.
"Are you though?" Woozi suddenly threw into the room.
She glared at him, eyebrows scrunched, "What?"
"Are you and Hanbin really friends?" She waited for him to continue, "When was the last time he texted you, or talked to you or... I don't know, had some kind of interaction with you?"
Minnie shrugged, "H-He... hasn't. Not ever since back then."
"Then that's not a friend, Minnie," he stated but before she could interfere, he continued, "I understand why you wanted to be there for him, even if it was just through Bobby, asking how he was and stuff, I truly get that. But... I'm sorry, but... you have to let him go. He broke up with you for a reason. He didn't want you involved in his shit in any way. He cared enough about you to let you go... so you should do the same."
"B-But how?" Minnie whispered, suddenly the tears in her eyes as visible as ever before when Jihoon looked at her, dragging his chair a little closer to her. "How c-can I just... let him go," she sniffled, "If I don't even know if he's okay?"
"You just have to learn how to not care too much anymore," he got up to join her on the couch, placing a comforting hand on her knee as he let his head rest on the back of the sofa, looking up at the ceiling. "Do you still love him?- And before you give me the same answer like you gave Wonwoo, think about it." He quickly added, letting the girl know, that he was there to help and understand her. He wasn't blaming her.
Minnie shook her head, sniffling once again. "No." She assured Woozi, and herself, "Not like I did before. I love him... like... a friend would, but that's it. I promise." She moved her head to look at him. Jihoon saw her from the corner of his eye, turning his head to lock eyes with her.
"I know, you don't have to defend yourself in front of me. I'm not the one who needs to hear that. But... like I said... you're not friends with him anymore. I know it hurts. And I'm sorry. But it's the truth."
The female member nodded, finally letting the tears escape from her eyes, letting her head fall onto the man's shoulder.
"You lose people all throughout your life, Minnie. He was there, he made you happy, but you have someone new who loves you more than you could ever imagine," his arm had found its way around her shoulder. "Imagine how you would've reacted if the roles were reversed. You don't think you would've been jealous if Wonwoo was still caring so much about his ex?"
"But he never lost an ex like that."
"That's true," he nodded, "I understand that, but even if he did. Imagine him ignoring you, putting you second, just because he was so focused on making sure his ex was doing alright."
Minnie moved her head in understanding. She didn't even think about that.
"You both are jealous people in one way or another, and that's healthy to an extent. It just shows that you care about each other," he lifted her head from his shoulder, making her have to look into his eyes. "He cares so much about you, that's why he reacted that way. He just wanted to know that you feel the same way. Everyone needs that assurance every now and then."
The girl nodded, "I get that."
He patted her arm one more time before getting up again and sitting back down on his beloved chair. "Just remember who you wrote To You about. Or Crush. It better not have been about Hanbin, or it's coming off the album right now."
She couldn't help but let the giggle tumble from her lips, "No," she sniffled one last time, "Not, it wasn't about Hanbin."
"Good," he grinned, "Then it can stay."
Before he could turn back around the mixing table, her voice stopped him.
"Do you think he ever asked Bobby or any of the other guys how I was doing?" She know she shouldn't wonder about that, but that was the very last thing she needed closure on.
Woozi took a deep breath, "I'm sure he did at the beginning. You don't just suddenly not care about a person, especially if you've been together for as long as you guys were. But I also hope that he has gotten over it and that he's happy. Just like you should." Sending her a strict eye, making her nod.
"I know..."
Before leaving the studio later that night, she had to promise the '96 Liner that she would at least go back to her own apartment. She didn't have to go back to their lives and pretend like nothing had happened, but she should try to get back to what was once their normality. The couple still had to talk about what had happened, both of them still carried some kind of baggage with them and she swore to Woozi that she would, at some point in the very near future, confront Wonwoo about it.
What she didn't know about was the confrontation her boyfriend had with the two Chinese members over Facetime, who noticed very quickly that something was going on with the rapper, immediately squeezing out every answer they wanted from him. Just like Minnie, he opened up and shared the entire story with the two, letting them in on his feelings, which he rarely ever did. He needed guidance. He needed advice. And yet, he could not get himself to face one of the members in real life and ask them for that favour - it seemed so much easier over the phone.
The '96 Liner would still need some time to get himself together enough to confront her so openly, but he wanted to, God... he really wanted to.
Wonwoo was in the living room, close to dozing off, clearly bored by what was playing on the TV, while Mingyu was already asleep in his room - it was 2AM after all. The sound of the door unlocking made the rapper perk up, trying to listen to who had entered their apartment, desperately hoping it was who he expected it to be. He concentrated on the light footsteps, listening to the person settling the bag, softly smiling once he knew for sure it was who he hoped for. 
The steps got closer and closer, once they walked through the hallway, they stopped at the entrance to the living room. Wonwoo whipped his head to the side, finding Minnie frozen in place, surprised by the fact that it was him and not her fellow '97 Liner she would've expected to sit on the sofa.
"Hey," the rapper spoke first, breathing heavier than he would've liked to admit.
"Hi," the girl tried to force a smile, but it rarely showed.
Wonwoo gulped, sitting up straighter. "You're back."
"I... am," she looked around the room nervously. God, why was this more awkward than a first date. It shouldn't be like that. Both of them hated it. Minnie didn't notice when he was about to open his mouth, ready to talk to her, unknowingly interrupting him, "I-" he raised his eyebrows expectantly at her. "I'm... I'm gonna to bed. I'm... tired."
Okay... it looked like she wasn't ready to talk about it yet.
He nodded, "Yeah, yeah," he whispered. "I... I'll take the couch." Minnie gazed at him, her mouth slightly agape. She didn't expect that.
Okay... he wasn't ready to even be in the same room with her... that hurt.
She nodded, "Yeah... okay." Without wasting another second in the uncomfortable stillness, she turned to walk towards their usually shared bedroom, when his voice made her turn back to him.
"Yeah?" Her voice was filled with hope and desperation. Hope that he might change his mind and join her like he normally would. Desperate to feel his touch again.
His eyes found hers. But he couldn't read her. He was so scared to say the wrong thing yet again, so it would just be better to not say anything at all - or at least that's what his head told him.
"Good night."
Minnie sighed. There goes the hope. "Good night." She nodded, leaving him alone in the living room, where the only light was coming from the small lamp on the end table in the corner. Only a few days ago, Wonwoo could've sworn that that girl in front of him was brighter than any light he had ever seen. Her smile could light up an entire city. But right now... she looked duller than the deepness of an ocean.
Once she had reached their room and closed the door, throwing herself to lean back at it, she took a deep breath. She repeated Woozi's words in her head, trying to calm her racing thoughts and pumping heart.
'Give him time. Give yourself some time. You both need it.'
Just some time. She silently prayed for that 'some time' to be over soon.
The following started quietly, the three dormmates didn't share many words in the morning, deciding on sharing breakfast in silence after Mingyu exclaimed how happy he was to have the girl back in the apartment.
In the car on the way to the practice room, each one of them entertained themselves with their phones, some with their headphones in. Mingyu hated the clear tension and tried to loosen it up by talking to their manager in the driver's seat, directing questions to Wonwoo and Minnie every now and then, hoping the older man didn't notice it all too much.
Once they arrived in the practice room, each went their own way, Wonwoo sat down on the floor, his back against the wall, Mingyu talked to the choreographer that had become a good friend of the group and Minnie lowered her body to the floor to start stretching, getting ready for the practice-choreography for their upcoming live shows where they'd be performing 'Rock With You' without Jun and Minghao.
She felt a presence next to her, and looking up into the mirror in front of her revealed Seungkwan who rounded her sitting form and crouched down in front of her.
"And what?" Minnie switched to stretch her other side.
"Did you two talk?" The '98 Liner wondered, sipping on the coffee he had brought along.
The girl sighed, "Does it look like we've talked?"
"Jeez..." he shook his head and stood back up, "Make-up quicker, you're no fun in this mood." As he brushed past her again, she smacked his calf, getting a surprised exclaim from him before he dared to fake kick her, walking back to Vernon, who had been eyeing them in confusion. 
The other members left her to be by herself, but she could feel their eyes on her, especially the '95 Liners' and Woozi's - Seungkwan seemed to leave her alone.
The woman with the camera entering the room alarmed Mingyu who confirmed his worry. He rushed over to the girl, leaning down behind her, surprising her at the sudden closeness as he mumbled into her ear.
"They're filming for Inside today, don't forget that." She looked back at the door, where the woman was getting the camera ready and let a sigh out.
"Oh, fuck, I forgot..."
The rapper patted her back, "Just act. You're good at acting," smiling at her through the mirror as he leaned back to nudge him, making him chuckle before his facial expression slightly shifted.
"Why didn't you guys talk last night?" Minnie looked at him with raised eyebrows. He continued, "I heard you come in, but you two spoke really quietly and since you almost didn't even look at each other this morning, I'm just guessing."
The girl crossed her legs, deciding that she had finished her stretching session for the day. She shook her head and fixed her hair,
"He didn't even want to be in the same room as me, how was I supposed to talk to him?"
"What? What makes you think that?" Remembering hearing the conversation he overheard as he passed Wonwoo's room, where Jun assured him that he should make the first move and apologise and Minghao letting him know that Minnie was most definitely just as miserable as he was. Why he hadn't followed their advice was a mystery to him.
The girl leaned back against his chest as his arms rested over her shoulders. "I told him I'd go to bed, and he just said he'll take the couch. He didn't even try and follow me. He wanted to be away from me..."
"Minnie..." he sighed, "I think you understood him wrong-"
"No, he could've at least tried, and he didn't even try to stay in the same room. He doesn't want to talk, so I'm not gonna try and make him."
Her fellow '97 Liner nodded softly. "Alright..." and stood back up, patting her shoulders before walking away from her. Minnie raised her head to look at herself in the mirror when she felt another pair of eyes on her. Her gaze drifted to the right where she found her boyfriend staring at her reflection, the phone in his hands long forgotten. She was about to force a smile when she saw Mingyu getting closer to him, taking a seat right next to his best friend. With a deep huff of breath, she pushed herself to stand up and walk further away from the duo.
The practice was in full swing, the group taking small breaks after each part they had finished performing in front of the mirror.
"Alright, for the time being," the choreographer explained, "We agreed on Minnie being lifted up, so let's try that." It would be the first time they tried that move.
The group got into their positions, with the girl on her way to the far left where five of the members were waiting for her.
"Be careful," she heard him whisper as she passed Wonwoo, looking back, she gave him a quick nod. 
She stopped once she had reached Dino and Joshua, who each held one arm open, welcoming her and ready to steady her back once she'd get lifted up. Carefully, she took a step forward, just about to step on their feet as the choreographer let her know exactly just how she should do it. On three Dino, Joshua, Mingyu, and Jeonghan all together lifted her up, making her chuckle at the feeling while she steadied herself with a hand on the '97 Liner's strong shoulder
"You're so light!" The youngest commented, making the two oldest exchange knowing glances, but they didn't comment any further. "Even lighter than Myungho," Dino added, making the girl chuckle nervously.
"You okay with doing that move, Minnie?" Youngjoon asked her, getting a quick nod in response as she straightened the front of her pants. "Good, and just don't forget to extend your arm forward."
The members fell to the floor, panting, desperately trying to catch more breath than physically possible after practice had officially ended. Minnie was laying on the floor, eyes closed, with her hands on her ribs, trying to execute the breathing exercises her pilates teacher had taught her.
Suddenly, the light was blocked by something and after opening her eyes again, the figure of her boyfriend revealed itself, holding out a bottle of water down at her. She eyed him for a second before he pushed it closer to her, "Take it."
The girl sat herself up and took the bottle out of his grasp, giving him a small, "Thank you," in response, along with a nod before he disappeared again. She opened it to take a quick sip, turning her head to the side to find Woozi and Seungcheol already looking at her. Both of the leaders grinned at her, to which she just rolled her eyes and got up from the floor to get ready to leave.
The female performer wasn't even able to get her jacket off once they got back home when her phone started ringing. With one quick look, Minnie saw 'Mum' lighting up the screen, making her sigh softly. Their conversation started normal: the mother asking her daughter about what work was like, with her asking the same in return, but it only took a few minutes before the older woman changed the subject.
"Why didn't you tell me that Wonwoo and you had a fight?" Her mum's voice rang through her ears from the other side of the phone.
"What?" Minnie wondered, "How do you know about that?"
"Seungcheol called me. You know, he was very worried about you. He got really scared," she explained. As much as the girl appreciated the worry leader showed for her, she couldn't help the slight annoyance of him talking to every living being about her misery - yes, it was her mother, but still... but she reminded herself that it was out of love, just like the woman had told her.
"It- I don't know... I hoped to clear it up myself, I guess." Minnie's fingers brushed through her hair as she leaned back against the chair at the dining table, her feet up and knees close to her body. "I messed up, now I have to fix it-"
"I don't know, Seungcheol said something else."
"Cheol is just annoyed. And I know he cares for me, so... yeah. But I really wasn't in the right either. Trust me, I did my part in the fight as well."
"Well, there's always two parties involved."
She heard her mother sigh, "I just hope you don't take it too hard on yourself. Like I said, you two were part of it, so it takes two to make up for it again. Don't think that you have to fix whatever is going on between you two on your own. Work together, as a team."
"I know, I know... I'll try. Last night, he didn't really want to talk to me... I hope it'll be different soon," Minnie explained, finding a loose thread on her sock to pull on.
"And, you know, there's always make-up sex.“
"Mum!" The girl groaned in embarrassment.
"Oh, please," the woman exclaimed, "You're an adult now, let me talk to you like one!"
"Alright, alright," she chuckled, thankful for the person on the other side of the world, suddenly missing her even more than she usually does.
"Men would never say no to that. You just have to know how to initiate it."
Minnie laughed, "Okay, yeah, thanks. But... we should probably also talk about what happened, it's not something that... will be taken care of quickly, I think."
"You know him better than I do, and I'm sure you know what to do, so I trust you. And just know, it's not only you that did something wrong, so don't blame yourself too much."
The female member was about to respond when Wonwoo came into the room, passing the dining table to walk into the kitchen.
"Alright, maman, je dois y aller," (trans.: mum, I gotta go) she quickly switched to French, knowing her boyfriend could easily understand any English she'd speak now.
"Oh, Il est là?" (trans.: Is he here?") Minnie hummed to let her know she was right, and continued humming, as well as giving her a series of 'okay, okay' as they ended their call.
She placed her phone down, letting a quiet sigh out as she put her feet back onto the floor and leaned forward to rest her elbows on top of the table.
"Your mum?" Wonwoo suddenly broke the silence, making Minnie's ears and head perk up, surprised by the sudden conversation he was trying to start.
She nodded, "Yeah..."
The rapper continued chopping up the vegetables for whatever he had planned to make. "How is she?"
"Good," the girl took a deep breath, "They found a new place to open their next restaurant."
"Oh... cool," they both nodded in silence as they could feel the tension and awkwardness growing again.
With his back to the walkthrough leading to the living room, Wonwoo didn't notice Mingyu who was about to come in, but stopped abruptly when he noticed the couple in the room, and quickly walked back, ignoring the silent pleads from Minnie not to leave them alone.
Another minute went by, neither one of them saying a thing. The sound of the knife hitting the board was the only reason the room wasn't completely quiet.
They both started at the same time and stopped in synch as they noticed the other one wanted to start.
"Sorry," Wonwoo was quick to apologise, putting the knife down, leaning back against the counter as he motioned towards the girl. "You go first."
"No," she hastily exclaimed, "No, you go. You were first."
He took a deep breath, looking down at the floor before locking eyes with his girlfriend. "I'm sorry. Last night... I-... I didn't..." he sighed in annoyance. Annoyed at himself that he couldn't find the right words. "I wanted to talk to you, but... you said you were tired and wanted to go to bed, so I thought you didn't want to talk."
"I wanted you to join me...," Minnie shyly explained, finding her nails to pick at.
Wonwoo nodded, "I was too blind to see that."
She cleared her throat, "I thought you didn't want to talk because you said you'd sleep on the couch-"
"I did that because I didn't want to make you uncomfortable."
A light switch turned on in the girl's head. That's why...
"But," he started again, "I... I'm sorry about the other day... I- ugh... I don't know."
Minnie's eyes never left his form while he drifted all around the room, mostly focusing on the floor. She looked at her destroyed nails, quickly brushing off the nervosity and speaking up.
"I-I'm sorry too... but... I mean... I'm sorry for what I said... to you," she looked up and was thankful to find his gaze on her. "I shouldn't have said some of those things... but... I'm- I'm not sorry for caring about him." Her voice was soft and quiet, scared of the reaction she might get, knowing he would probably disagree with her. To her surprise, Wonwoo nodded.
"I can't help it."
"But why?" He wondered gently, "Why do you still care about him so much? Am I not enough for you?"
"Wha- no, no no no," she quickly stopped him, "That has nothing to do with you." Minnie took a quick breath, reminding herself of what Woozi had told her, and to not repeat the exact words she had thrown at her boyfriend a few days ago. "He cared enough about me to end things," she could see Wonwoo's body tensing up, "So... I guess, it just feels right that I should also still care about him."
"But after two years, Minnie? Two years."
"I know," the girl whispered, hiding her face behind her hands, "God, I know... I'm sorry."
"What do I have to do?" He questioned, getting a confused look in return. "What do you need me to do, so you can finally keep him in the past."
"I-I don't know... I'm trying... I promise..." she stuttered, her breaths feeling heavier with each second.
Wonwoo crossed his arms in front of his chest, taking a quick glance into the living room. "You know I'd do anything for you. And I mean... anything."
Great, he just had to say something that would get Minnie's emotions to come back up again. His words reached her ears, sending a gentle chill down her spine, making her heart speed up just a bit. She hadn't lost him.
"I know," he almost overheard her shaky whisper as she brought her hands up to her face once again
"Then just tell me, and I'll do it. I'm sorry if I ever made you feel like I don't care enough about you, that he was the better boyfriend or whatever. Just tell me, and I'll prove to you-"
"No, God, please, it's not that-"
"Then, what is it?"
"I don't know!" She revealed her now red face and glassy eyes, taking him back to the night he wished never had happened. If he could take back the way he confronted her, he would. And here he finally had the chance to make everything right again.
Wonwoo rushed over to the weeping girl on the chair, "Hey, hey, don't cry," getting down on his knees right in front of her, "Please don't cry, jagi." He raised his hand to brush over the side of her head, pressing it down to make her lean into his body.
"I'm so sorry," she cried into his shoulder, "I love you, I promise-"
"Shh, I know," he comforted her, his hands on her body, pulling her close, "It's okay-"
She raised her head, "No, it's not okay-," she sniffled, "I love you, Wonwoo. I only love you."
"I know, it's okay, I shouldn't have questioned that."
"I don't love him anymore, I swear," Minnie steadied herself on his shoulders, "I-I don't, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you that. But I promise."
His fingers grazed over her forehead and left eyebrow, down the side of her face, down to her jaw and chin.
"I know, babe. It's okay. I'm so sorry for not believing you."
"I'm sorry that I still care about him, I-I know I shouldn't, but... I can't help it-"
"No, I...," he sighed, "I understand it, I just... I got jealous... and I took it out on you, I'm sorry."
With a pained facial expression, Minnie let her head rest back on his shoulder, leaving the chair and letting herself fall into his arms, wrapping hers around his shoulders. His hands rubbed up and down her back, as he hid his face in her neck, breathing in the familiar scent of her perfume and shampoo he had so desperately been missing. Wonwoo could still feel her slightly shaking against his body, hoping his hug was comforting her. If he only knew how much it was helping Minnie, but that it was also the reason why she couldn't hold back her tears. The girl had been almost convinced of the fact that she was going to lose him and lose a part of her along with him.
"I'm sorry for making you feel like you couldn't trust me," she mumbled against his clothes, making him shake his head immediately.
"Don't say that. I've never not trusted you." His hands cradled her face to make her look at him again. "I promise." Her fingers wrapped around his wrists as she leaned her forehead against his.
"I can't lose you," she quietly admitted, the pain still clear in her voice.
The '96 Liner leaned back slightly to lift his head and place a loving kiss against her forehead, making sure to stay in that position for a few seconds before doing the same to her left cheek.
"You're not gonna lose me," he whispered back, his thumbs brushing over her cheeks. "I couldn't live with myself if I ever let go of the best thing that ever happened to me."
The girl sent him a sad smile, her eyes still glassy and her cheeks stained red.
"If I ever make you cry again, slap me, okay? I don't want to ever be the reason that you feel like this." His first sentence made Minnie chuckle, before she hugged him tightly again, needing to make up for the lost days when she couldn't hold him like this.
"I'm so sorry," she told him one last time as his hand found its way underneath her shirt, placing his palm on the naked skin of her back.
Another kiss was placed on the side of her head, "I'm sorry too." He let a few seconds pass, just enjoying the warmth of their bodies together before he spoke up again. "He's not going to jail, by the way."
She relieved him of the hug, leaning back while his hands stayed on her back, "I know. But I don't care," and shook her head, "I shouldn't care."
His right pointer finger came up to move away some of the hairs that had stuck to her forehead, "No, it's okay to care. Just shows that you have too big of a heart."
Minnie grinned, locking eyes with her boyfriend once again, relieved to feel no suspense and no awkward tension between them anymore.
"I love you," she let the words roll off her tongue easily, just like she normally would.
It didn't matter that it was probably the 400th time Wonwoo had heard the words, he'd never get enough of it, and them coming from her would never not make him smile.
"I love you too." Not hesitating to lean in and finally get the kiss both of them have been craving for for the past few days. To finally feel his lips move against hers again, let Minnie feel the ecstasy rushing through her body, making her only smile even more.
A few seconds later, they separated again, gazing into each other's eyes, still engulfed in their arms.
"You know what's in a week?" Wonwoo grinned up at her.
"Hm?" She tilted her head gently to the side as she let her fingers run along the side of his face, admiring his beauty like she sometimes did whenever they shared a bed.
"One year." Then it hit her.
She gasped softly, "Oh my God... already?" Wonwoo nodded happily, making her copy his expression. "One year together... what would you rate it, Sir Jeon?" Making him chuckle as he pretended to think about it for a second before continuing to smile at her.
"Could use a few more years." To which the girl couldn't hide her smile as well. "What do you say?" He wondered, making her nod.
"I agree. A few a lot more years, I'd say."
"That sounds about right," he grinned, leaning back into her to feel the softness of her lips on his again.
Almost one year. And many more to come, Minnie prayed silently as she let herself give into the kiss, drowning in the love flowing through their bodies.
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Taglist: @shrynkk @chaebb @lunarxsun @hoe4wonwoo @kimhyejin3108 @soobzao @billboard-singer @cosmicwintr @zwiehe ( @alixnsuperstxr ) @angie-x3 @smooore @allthings-fandoms
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How are we after the comeback? Everyone still here? Currently posting this in a trance from the mv🥹
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starrybl1ss · 6 months
Enchanting secrets
part 2!
read part 1 here!
<> warnings: smut, fingering, swearing <> timeline: after the yule ball and n.e.w.t.s (lmk if u wanna see a fic abt the dance!)
Your now all sweaty from the dance at the great hall. you have a lot of fun with ellie. everybody now knows that you and ellie are together since you two couldnt resist the urge to make out infront of people.
Your all so tired from it but it isn't even midnight yet! "els, can we go back? my legs hurt and im sleepy" you slightly pout at her hoping for a yes.
"yeah sure, do you want me to bring you there?" you nod.
Dina catchs you exiting the great hall and ran up to you. "already leaving?" she asks. "s'too tired" dina nods and went back.
You arrive infront of the fat lady painting. "ellie, could you stay?" you ask her. "am i allowed to?" she smiles. "from yes, from the school i dont know. but please?" you ask her again
"are the juniors in bed?" she asks. "its 11 pm ellie, they are" you answer. "alright".
"fibbergibbet" you whisper as the painting opens. "shhh..." you whisper to ellie as you two went in and got to your part of the dorm. "so who do you share a room here with?" she asks "Dina, yara and marie- hey, do you mind if i change my clothes?"
"y-yeah i don't mind" she replied. she sits down on your bed waiting for you as you grabbed your pyjamas and slowly took off your dress leaving on your bra and underwear.
ellie couldn't help staring at you like a freak. she cant get your eyes off you. you put on your pants and the shirt.
before you could button your shirt ellie stands up. "you look really pretty" she smiles. "yeah?" you chuckle.
she walks towards you and grabs your chin. she kisses you again, pushing you on the bed. "ellie- lock the door" you mumble as she goes towards the door and locks it.
she pins you down the bed holding both your hands and kisses your lips and neck. "bloody hell-" she pulls down your pants leaving your pretty lacy underwear and your unbuttoned shirt revealing your white bra.
"i get to have you right?" she smirks as you nod. she traces her fingers on your stomache moving down slowly and grabs the lining of your panties.
"sh-shit.." you groan as she slips her hands down your cunt feeling her skin on you. "its fucking wet" she she chuckles a bit. she slips in one of her fingers in you.
"oh blimey-!" you groan out. "s' so tight" she said curling her fingers in. "nghhh- ellieee, s'too much!" you cry out. "really?" she teases you.
"hold up els- its almost midnight! bloody hell! they'll be back soon!" you said. "i better go, s'kay if i leave you?" you nod. "maybe the sorting hat has spoken that i belong to you" she said with a wink. "shut up ellie, your so cheesy" you giggled.
she kisses you on the forhead and walks to the door. she looks back "get dressed and sleep alright?" you nod smiling as she unlocks the door and left.
you couldn't sleep. its 12.15 already. you hear a sudden comotion not far from where you are. they're back already. the door opens as you saw dina and 2 others enter.
"hey, you aren't asleep? thought i'd be back with you snoring!" dina says. "n-no, i cant sleep" you reply. "because of that bloody slytherin quidditch captain huh?- is that a hickey?" dina spots bruises on your neck.
blimey, how are you going to explain it now?
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babyphant0m · 2 years
Hi lovely,
I was wondering if you could do a short Eddie Munson x vampire!reader fic. Where the reader loses control and accidentally feeds on eddie?
omg this..it has so much potential for both angst and romance!!
love at first bite ♡
eddie munson x reader
warnings: vampirism, blood mentions, graphic details of gore(?) , cussing, very slight mentions of nsfw.
"y/n! if you don't open this door right now i s-"
and so you did. you opened the door, looking pale white and sickly, fatigued. your eyes landed on the tall figure, eddie munson standing in front of you now with a visible look of concern.
"..what is wrong y/n..you look horrible."he told you looking up and down.
"eddie.you need to go.you cant stay here."
the male got inside your house no matter how much you pushed him away from the doorway and eventually leaned his back on the door.
"no, you have been so fucking distant lately y/n and i-i dont know is it something i said is it something i did or-"
"no eddie-"you said annoyed and stomped the ground."its nothing, i just need some time alone, cant you respect that!?"
the male placed both hands on your forearms with a strong firm and brought you close to his face.
"I thought we could trust each other, what the fuck happened y/n."he said for once dead serious.
and for a moment everything became blurry. the minimum light that shined inside the room from your window blinds became so blurred, and your stomach twisted in a pleased manner. before you knew it your hands were placed on the male's jawline, moving his face away and fangs dug deep in his skin.
a small gasp of pain escaped the brunette as he felt weak in your hands from pain. yet, he didn't move .his legs shaked a bit from the adrenaline, he falling like putty in your hands, his fingers digging deep on your sides from pain.
"y/n..it hurts."he muttered and gasped for air .
once you realized what you were doing, you moved away from his neck and looked at the male with tired eyes, blood all across your mouth and face.
shit eddie im so-"
holding onto you, the male shook his head obviously distressed.
"no..i..i should have guessed. you were so quiet all the times we talked about the vampire rumors and.."he soon sat down on your couch feeling tired.
"it hurts.. a lot y/n.."he said and sighed a bit, blood running down his neck.
"its..its gonna be fine. it wont kill you.."you ssid truthfully and sat besides him, wiping his neck from the bloody mess.
"i..didnt want to bite anyone. but eddie,it hurts if i dont get fed. my stomach is killing me and thats why i d-"
"y/n-"he said and swallowed hard from pain, throwing his head back.the male soon moved all his hair on the other side, showing his neck for you.
"go ahead."
"if im not gonna die then..go ahead.."he muttered
"..eddie..are you sure.."
with big doe eyes he looked at you and nodded a bit,sharp breaths.
you nodded and went close, running your tongue across his skin and saving every last drop of blood that had run. soon, though, his groans of pain had stopped and they had turned into soft gasps and moans, almost as if he was enjoying it.
now you knew that pain and pleasure were only separated by a very thin line..but his sounds were like music to your ears,you found your self moving on top of him, sitting on him face to face, your hands traveling to his chest while his hands moved on your back.
"y/n..bite me.."
that was enough for you to dig your fangs back on his skin, sucking his neck,blood on your face and hands.
his hands dived on your hair holding onto your scalp, pushing your face deeper onto his neck.
eddie's gasps filled the room.
"..dont stop y/n.."
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seongminiz · 7 days
pls🤭🤭 i love that for u tho sounds like a fun day! (in regards to the minecraft hehe)
plslsls jumil angel demon sandwich!! 📣📣📣 i love sandwiches :))) 🥪
i think that’d be sooo good i love soft dom juyeon and mean dom hyunjae but i def love degradation n humiliation more so if juyeon starts being mean to u too cuz he just wants to please u :((( and he loves the way he’s rewarded by the way ur body responds to him, it’s so obvious u get off to being treated like a slut and u want it sooo much more than his light feathery touches n soft kisses, u much rather have ur hair pulled and be nipped at until they draw blood, having their fingers thrusting in and out of ur cunt to the point that it hurts a little but mostly because when ur so close to orgasm ur panting and ur moans have gone silent cuz ur transcending😵‍💫😵‍💫 it’s at that point that jaehyun pulls his fingers away and ur walls clench down sooo hard around nothing, the aching pain shooting up through ur core ugghhhg pls i’m almost more obsessed with fingering than actual dicking?? lol
but also like.. so many thoughts omg. but just more of that aphrodisiac bodily fluids??lmao please?? in general i just want jumil spitting in my mouth but if it’s to intoxicate me with overwhelming desire for them??? sign me tf up!!!! ‼️‼️😩 need them to both fill me up with their enchanted cum and trap me as their little slut forever <333 making me incapable of thinking/doing/needing anything else other than their cocks at all times plsss🤭🤭😵‍💫😵‍💫 i’m going crazy(ier) i’m sooo sorry if this is too much i don’t even know what i’m thinking anymore…
so. i was thinking more about mattwoong though and i love the dynamics you’d described before where like u and matt are just silly and giggly and i imagined like.. playing tennis or smth and he’s referee and u fake a wrist injury or smth and ur all pouty like it really hurts :( so he’s like (in cahoots) oh i’ll take u to the nurse office/first aid room whatever tf come on, don’t worry!! so u both run off giggling just to fuck😩🤭 imagine you get in there and omgg.. pls matt is a head pusher.. so ur giggling and kissing and then he gives u one of those fish eye stares yk and starts pushing ur shoulder a little and ur like matt come on. rutting against him, cuz ur needy and u want to get off and he’s supposed to take care of u!! it’s all about ur needs, u don’t want to have to please him wtf, but he’s pushing ur head all whiney like please baby, want it so bad please, it’ll be so good i’ll make sure to treat you right, so you give in but ur like prissy about it a little bit, not taking him in that deep cuz u gag easily, just trying to stroke him off with your hands working everything but the tip that’s in ur mouth but he encourages you to take more, cooing and whining at u, moaning like too loudly when u take him in a bit more, he’d start fucking into ur mouth and you’d just take it cuz it actually feels so good for u too and would turn u on the way he manhandles u<333 u like seeing this side of matt that doesn’t just give U everything u want all the time, it makes u so wet to have him use u like this<333
and then also i just rly need jiwoong to stumble in and catch up two together but my brain can’t even fathom what would go down after that😶🫢
- 🧁 anon
omgggg how did i completely miss this ask 😭😭😭 im so sorry
aaaaaaaaaaa im going insaneeee •ࡇ• no bc ,, jumil making u basically addicted to them (n their cum) n keeping u as their fucktoy :(( also just . angel juyeon getting more n more corrupted the more he fucks u n spends time with u n jaehyun bc yeah ,, an angel should not be doing all that . he tries to convince himself its for ur own good , he cant leave u all alone with that depraved demon can he ? hes protecting u ! but it gets harder to excuse his actions when hes getting more selfish everyday n just wants to see u get ruined more :(
im sorry i love the mattwoong thought too but fish eye stare took me out 😭😭😭😭 i had to take a second n recover from that before continuing lmao
bsbshdbfjf matt pushing u to ur knees n when u complain bc u dont want to suck his dick (u def do but u r too proud to admit that) n being all nice n telling u 'dont worry baby, you'll get your reward later' ★_★ except he wont be nice for long bc he gets too impatient n if u tease him n dont listen what he asks then u rlly leave him with no choice but to manhandle u n get a little rougher :')
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tears-of-boredom · 2 years
uh oh haha my mom wants us to go to our grandparents for christmas🙂 and last time I got persuaded into doing that and i know its going to happen again🙂, even though i would rather chop two of my fingers off🙂. Its really funny how she knows that i hate going there but because she cant relax if kids are in the house, guess imma go there🙂. I don't get how you do these things and then act like you're doing your best as a parent🙂. Lol what if I kill myself to teach her a lesson that would be funny🙂 im not going there and getting yelled at for being depressed and bad at social situations again. Literally im not. Omg wait what if I like bribe her. Cause I'll literally give up all the money i have to not go there. Im fully ready to pay 285 euros just to avoid going there.
Omg wait what if I actually do chop two of my fingers off. Or at least threaten to. Hold on which fingers are easiest to live without...probably the ring fingers? Anyways ill like at least hold a knife above my hand if she insist on me going. Yeah ill threaten her with a knife if it gets to that. And it really shouldnt get to that, since she knows how much i hate that place, but honestly i doubt she'll see any fucking reason. And she hates going there too! Thatd the weird thing! She should understand my situation. See id rather stab my mom and get sent somewhere than go to my grandparents'. And while it is also a reflection of my eagerness to hurt someone, it's really just because i hate. I don't know how to finish that sentence. It would be nice if my mom regocnised the similarity between 8 year old me and current me, by how we both are ready to do so much, just to avoid a situation we know is extemely uncomfortable. Threatening with a knife is really just an extension of kicking and punching. And my mom has never had a reason to push me to such extents.
Im gonna go touch our good knife now. Not to do anything with it, it just makes me feel safer sometimes to hold it.
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luversgirl · 3 years
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( ☾ = angst, ☆ = head-canon, ❀ = fluff, ✧ = smut )
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rafe cameron
— mr. ghost face ✧ ( so mf funny )
— craving ✧ ( no words 😶 )
— ab riding ✧ ( oh. my. god. part 2, OH . MY. GOD )
— always been there ( series )
— manic ☾ ( love this )
— father figure ( i would die for this series. )
— eyeliner ☾ ❀
— love language ❀
— good luck charm ☾ ❀ ( qb!rafe >>> )
— honey ✧ ( series, rafe being a sub? yes please )
— euro trip ( series feat topper boi )
— broken mirror ❀ ( ma heart, it hurts )
— the aftermath ✧ ( definition of me: whore for threesomes )
— rafey ❀ ☾ ( my heart omg )
— I want you to  ❀
— qb!rafe teaching you how to play football ❀ ( aww )
— dazed ✧ ( *walks to church* )
— won’t give up ☾ ( damn daniel part 2 )
— unexpected ✧ ( oh my lordy lord )
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jj maybank
— not perfect ☾ ( series )
— kick his ass ❀ ( i cant omg my heart part 2 )
— last year ☾
— sorry ✧
— bad day ❀ ☾ ( crying rn )
— wonder what she thinks of me ✧ ☾
— stains ☾ ( my heart = 💔 part 2 )
— the project ❀
— take a seat, princess ✧
— oh baby ☾
— tears ☾ ❀ ( the end omg )
— the challenges of having sex in a dorm room ✧
— forever? always ❀ ☾ ( ma heart, ma soul )
— pornhub ❀ ✧
— i thought i lost you ☾ ( ahhh )
— bellyache ☾ ( part two )
— cuts and bruises ❀
— shark bait ☾ ❀ ( chomp chomp )
— hot and bothered ✧
— touch starved ❀ ( i want this ahhhhh )
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sarah cameron
— beach moments ✧
— dear diary ❀ ( so muck fluff my heart is gonna explode )
— take my breath ✧ ( feat jj )
— choose ☾ ❀ ( the end omg )
— experimental love ✧
— truth or dare ❀ ( jj was so funny lmao )
— that's my girlfriend ❀
— first time ✧ ( I’m a slut 4 sarah idk if u noticed )
— cruel summer ☾ ❀
— mine ☾ ✧
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pope heyward
— cuddles ❀
— playing both sides ✧ ( feat rafe )
— better things to come ❀ ( awe )
— imagine ✧ ( their works >>> )
— grand gesture ❀ ( i want this so bad omg )
— lesson 1 don’t eat out your best friends girlfriend ✧
— in your room ❀
— nothing compares ☾
— enough for you ☾ ( sad we lost pope then we got rafe 😼 )
— popes secret ☾ ❀
— soft fingering ✧
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— salvation in the form of your grace ☾ ( sobbinggg )
— soft ❀ ( awe )
— dating barry headcanon ✧ ❀ ☆
— jealousy ✧
— a proposal ❀
— barry x hippie!reader ❀ ☆ ( shitting tears rn )
— nsfw alphabet ✧ ☆
— peach ✧ ( feat rafe of course )
— fucked around ❀ ( i can’t i can’t omg )
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john b
— have mercy ✧
— where were you in the morning ❀ ( theirs more parts )
— i’m a what? ❀ ☾ ( i luv this sm )
— meeting the mother ❀ 
— flying high ❀ ( went on my first fight a in aug, feel u john b )
— drive in movie ✧ ( luv this song )
— red handed ✧ ( feat jj, so mf hot omggg )
— safe haven ☾ ❀
— our secret ❀ ☾ ( i hate luke 🔪🔪🔪 )
— always knew ☾ ❀
— off his mind ☾ ( ugh the angsttt )
— hold me ( content warning//sa )
— miles and miles ☾ ❀ ( so mf cute )
— rich and sad ✧ ☾
— if you ever want to be in love ❀ ( the call ahhhhh )
— morning ✧ ( i hope them walls are thicker then they look )
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— mercy ✧ ( feat ms sarah cameron ovi )
— girls need love ❀ ( the fluff ahhhhh )
— surfing lessons with kiara ❀ ( my heart omg )
— girlfriend ✧ ❀
— two of the same ❀ ( yall i- )
— can’t handle it ✧ ( feat sarah )
— kiss the girl ❀ ( so mf cute )
— wish i was sarah ☾ ❀ ( ugh the angst part 2 )
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notes: omg tumbler got mad there’s 100 links oops imma probably make another one lol anyway go read the fics by all these amazingly talented writers!!!
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atzuums · 3 years
hi, hum, i know is kinda random but, can i make a request of sakusa, atsumu, kuroo and osamu when your dogs growls or bark while having sex? MMSMFMAKS like the dog is mad because thinks they are hurting you
omg, i’m sorry if there are mistakes because english is not my first language, i hope you can do it and you can just ignore this, thank you very mucho and i hope you’re doing great <3
your dog barks during sex
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includes: sakusa, atsumu, kuroo, & osamu
genre: 18+, smut
pairing: character x fem!reader
warnings: idk, orgasm denial i guess
a/n: omg im so sorry this is so bad. im so bad at writing stuff like this
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+ sakusa kiyoomi
“o-omi please..” you whined. he was going at such a slow pace, only entering your folds with the tip of his cock.
he said that he wouldn’t fuck you properly until he’s felt like you’ve begged enough. he began to get needier though. without thinking he slams into you, bottoming out. you let out a small squeal.
“fuck baby you feel so good, i couldn’t help myself.” he pouted. he leaned down just enough to reach your breast. he took one nipple between his lips and began sucking. this mixed with him fucking you harder made a knot form in your stomach.
unfortunately for you his hips halted at the sound of your tiny chihuahua barking outside of your bedroom door.
“he’ll go away just please keep going.” you plead. he reluctantly complied. but the barks didn’t stop and just got louder.
“are you fucking kidding me?!”
+ miya atsumu
your arms are held behind your back by his sweaty palms. his cock is buried deep and slightly kissing your cervix with every harsh thrust.
your sultry whines filling the room.
“be a good girl and be quiet for me.”
but you cant. it just feels so good. when you don’t answer his thrust just get harsher and harsher. and your cries get louder and louder.
“tsumu im gonna cum.”
he sends a harsh slap to your ass. “i didn’t say you could cum, so you better not.” he scolds. the slap sends shivers down your spine and you start whimpering.
“what the fuck?!” you twist your body to see whats going on as atsumu’s thrust abruptly stop.
then you hear your dog barking. your eyes widen as you finally see the red and swelling bite mark on atsumu’s thigh.
“he fucking bit me.”
“it’s because you wouldn’t let me cum.”
+ kuroo tetsuro
you hair is wrapped around his fingers as he yanks your head back while he pounds into you. he brings your head further back to whisper in your ear, “mm baby your so wet for me.”
with every single thrust you felt your cunt dripping more and more. kuroo notices and his thumb instantly goes to your clit, rubbing it in very slow circles.
“kuroo faster please.” you grab onto his hand, attempting to make him rub your clit faster.
“nope. baby i got this, i know how to make you feel good.” with that he takes your clit in between his thumb and his forefinger and squeezes it a little. this sends jolts through your body. you jump a little and you feel the knot in your stomach growing tighter.
he goes back to rubbing your clit and furiously thrusting into you, when makes you come undone. you let out a loud cry as you release. it’s cut short when your dog comes charging in your room barking. he jumps on the bed facing kuroo while angrily barking.
“shhh. it’s okay.” you giggle, trying to calm your dog down. kuroo, still in the same position, is stunned and surprised.
“did i do something wrong?”
+ miya osamu
you were bent over the kitchen counter, panties pushed to the side with osamu’s cock buried deep in your folds. you two just came home from a date. the door barely closed before osamu dropped his pants, lifted your dress and pushed your panties to the side
your face is pressed against the counter, a puddle of drool next your mouth as your being fucked silly. you can barely think with osamu’s cock fucking you at a devilish pace.
“come on baby, i wanna hear yer pretty moans.” he coos.
he slows down his pace but instead with every thrust, he bottoms out. thrust after thrust leaves you yelping.
his harsh thrusts are interrupted by barking. you both look down to see your dog. he then bites osamu’s pants, almost attempting to drag him away from you.
“oh come on, ya ruined the moment.”
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amelachite · 2 years
Haikyuu boys reacting to you getting braids! !Gn !Black reader
Got my hair braided and now I cannot stop thinking about how my favs would react to reader having box braids. This is in no order its literally all over the place I was writing them as I thought about who to write next.
Featuring: Bokuto Kotaro, Kuroo Testsuro, Suna Rintarou, Hinata Shoyo, Tsukishima Kei, Oikawa Toru, Daichi Sawamura, Ushijima Wakatoshi
Warning: There are some hints at nsfw stuff in Bo and Kuroo
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Bokuto Kotaro: His whole reaction is just >:0 OMG BBY UR SO HOT!!! Which I'm fine with, but seriously I think he would be so amazed he would have so many thoughts.
Oh my god my Y/N is so beautiful look at them, how did their hair even get that long!? It was so short before! Wow its so shinny! Does it hurt! It looks tight. God I wish they'd sit on my face.
Something like that he would ask you a lot of questions and touch it if you didn't mind you would tell him as he played with the briads, "Ko I just wan't you to know some people dont like having their hair touched so you should ask first."
"Oh! OK baby ur so pretty lets get married :D"
If you didn't want him to touch your hair it would go something like, "Ko could you not touch it I just got it done."
"BABY! I am so sorry I'll ask next time its just,,,, so pretty,,, ur so pretty,lets get married :D."
(He loves you marry the man!!)
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Kuroo Testsuro: I think he would think you're so fucking hot, I'm talking just starring at you with that lil smirk and lidded eyes because oh my god? You're so hot and you're his?! Insane. He can't fully wrap his head around it.
You're showing him the little beads at the end explaining how hard it was to find the perfect ones and how you couldn't decide on colorful beads or brown wood ones. Hes just smirking at ya. His thoughts would be filled with the nasty ass things he wants to do to you when you get home.
He def would be thinking about how hot you would look giving him top, I'm sorry the man is horny. Though he would show interest in them, asking questions like how is it so shinny? Or did you do it yourself how did you learn?
I think he would ask if there are other styles like that and when you show him locs and twist he would fall in love with butterfly locs and beg you to get those ones next because he KNOWS you'd look so fuckin hot.
Sit on his face pls.
You dont I will bestie
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Suna Rintarou: I bet you got one of those lip glosses from the hair store and had it on when you met up with him. He wouldn't be able to function pls, he wouldn't stop starring at your lips. Though he is listening and would probably split his time between looking at you and you're beautiful face and your lips.
He's probably quiet just giving small "mhm's" and asking the occasional question because he is just so amazed by how beautiful you are, with the way the sun was coming into the coffee shop? You look like you're sent from heaven. His head his on his hand fingers decorated with your favorite rings. Just smiling stupidly at you as you rant about how the lady kept pulling your hair too much.
At some point you'd stop and be like :/ are you even listening? I bet he'd push one of your braids behind your shoulder and kiss the side of your head, "Of course I am baby you know you always have my attention."
Now you feel stupid you're all blushy and he thinks its so cute.
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Hinata Shoyo: "BABY YOUR HAIR GOT LONGER?!" He's confused at first but you explain your braids to him and he is bewildered not because he cant wrap his mind around it but they look so good??? You look so good!!! When you smile you look like a ray of sunshine and the clacking of the beads would always grab his attention like a kitten who hears the jingle of keys.
"Wait so they used fake hair with your real hair?"
Is confused at how they attached the two, "Did they glue it together?"
That would make you laugh so hard, he would feel kinda embarrassed that he asked such a dumb question but you would reassure him that its ok, and its cute that he asked that! So you would explain more about the process and he listens to every single bit of it is so amazed by the fact that you sat for SIX HOURS?! He's worried about ur back.
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Tsukishima Kei: "What do you think? :D"
Silence, it goes on for almost a full minute.
"I really like them."
Sorry babe he just needed a minute to gather his scattered thoughts, he had to take in every inch of you and every lil hair on ur head which was a lot right now. "Can I touch them?"
(I think hes online a lot and aware of how to approach AA hair)
You would nod so excitedly because you thought he wouldn't care that much and just dismiss them after giving his short opinion on them. Like he does with your new clothes. Though he reached up his fingers touching the gold decorations that hung from the braids. They were rougher than he thought, he thought they'd feel like silk because of how shinny they were.
You would sit just radiating happiness and flowers as he felt and played with them, "They are pretty y/n. Are you going to keep them in?"
You would explain that after two months(if ur lucky) you would take them out for a week or two and you might get them redone. "I think you should."
You would ask if he wanted to see other pictures of different styles because you absolutely wanted his opinion you liked when he showed interest in you and things about you. Which he would agree too and you guys would sit on your bed scrolling through Pinterest.
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Oikawa Toru: When he would first see you in class he literally wouldn't recognize you, it would be to the point where he would sit somewhere else which would make you sad but then bing. Its a text from the brunette,
I thought you were going to come to school and show me your new hair bby :( where are you :(((((((((
If it weren't for the fact that he's sitting literally at another desk you would've thought he was joking, so you texted him back that you were in the usual spot. His head would whip up and look around before spotting your waving hand. He would be so amaze and slightly embarrassed he didn't recognize his own s/o.
Immediately moves over to you and he's just silent with a small 'o' you were worried that he didn't like it because he was so unusually quiet. So when you finally asked him about it he was quick to finally speak all the thoughts on his mind.
"No no! You look beautiful! You just, look nothing like yourself." You'd wave him off saying he was being dramatic but he didn't think so, you explained your day when you got them done, how it was tedious and the woman doing your hair kept taking breaks and having to restart a braid. He nodded along and agreed with whatever you were saying but he literally couldn't focus on anything but how beautiful you were.
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Daichi Sawamura: You guys had been sitting and talking for a while but he couldn't focus on the conversation, just going back to your hair and how well it shaped your face, pulled up into a half up half down style. Decorated with golden string and gold balls. You looked different but your laugh and smile were something he could pick out of a crowd.
It was you but, different.
He was amazed, just star stricken, I bet he would be like how the first time he saw you, just speechless, non-stop starring and possible drool.
When you eventually snapped him out of his obsessive thoughts, he would be so embarrassed because he was just gushing over you. (pls he's so whipped for you) "Sorry I just, couldn't help but think about how beautiful you were."
Now YOU'RE the blushing mess
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I Ushijima Wakatoshi: "Do you like them? I got them purple beads because i know those your favorite :)"
"Y/N.... you are... so beautiful."
Ushijima would give you one of his rare smiles as he grabbed your whole face and kissed you, (I hc that hes such a sap and just loves his s/o much hes a puddle of mush around you). You would wave him off saying he's being over dramatic which would only make him frown.
"But...." You would smile, " I know you tell me every time you look at me."(He def bombard you with so much love and praise your insecurities have lessened)
Finally you guys would start talking about your hair, he would ask you if its heavy, if you can change the lengths, why doesn't the ends come undone if they aren't secured with a hair tie?
(I think he has a sister and does her hair all the time)
"So can you do those with like, twist?"
"And only African's can wear them?"
"Only African's and African American's should wear them because they were made to protect our hair."
"I see, but how do you wash it?"
"You dont." "You dont wash it??????" "Nope :)"
":o but....how...."
I hope you enjoyed :D
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lolawassad · 2 years
Omg wait I just thought of another request ahaha. Remember that part in season 1 when murphy gets banished but comes back and everyone gets sick? What if the reader was one of the sick ones and then it’s literally just the entire group (bellamy,clarke,octavia, murphy, monty raven jasper etc) freaking out? It would be awesome if it could be focused on murphy x reader as well?
I hope this makes sense, Happy writing!!
Fuck yeaah
John murphy x reader
This is like right after he got brought in:)
Tw. Unwanted kiss. Angry boy murphy. Cussing
Fucking john murphy simp you are, i love it
3rd pov
When y/n heard murphy came back she wasnt sure how to feel, honestly she had a crush on the violent boy but he never noticed her.
Connor walks up with a smile "hey you okay?" He asks while grabbing her shaking hand, she nods and smiles "yeah just so tired" she lies.
Connor leans in and kisses her making her push him away "what the honk man?" She yells out he just smiles and grabs the back of her head to kiss her again but he gets punched from the side "fuck off" octavia yells at him and he runs off
She turns to y/n and gasps "y/n you need to go to the dropship now" before pulling her friend with her
"CLARKE ITS Y/N FUCKING CONNOR GAVE IT TO HER SCUMBAG KISSED HER" octavia yells angrily, at the mention of his crushes name murphy looks up, he wants to get up and help her but he cant stand.
Bellamy also walks over "connor did what?" He asks angrily "fuckin kissed her so i punched him" octavia answers making bellamy smirk "thats my girl" he says proudly before running out of the drop ship and casually punching connor before going back in.
"Well dont just stand there help her" bellamy says to a frozen clarke, raven snaps her fingers in front of clarke and that seems to do it.
The blonde runs to y/n and pulls her to the ground "get her something comfy to lay on" she says octavia runs out while monty jasper and finn walk in "so little scumbag is back huh?" Finn mocks murphy not seeing y/n's bleeding eyes because her back is facing him.
She turns around "be nice" she scolds him, the three guys gasp "fuck" "what the honk?!" "What happend" the trio sputters out
"I decided to go for a new look like it?" She asks from the floor next to a sitting murphy who snorts
Finn glares at the recently tortured boy "this is your fault" he sneers "you should watch your back, you dont get our girl hurt and get away with it" he threatens.
Y/n turns to murphy "didnt do on purpose i know" she gets out before passing out.
Raven rushes over, her conversation with bellamy and clarke quickly forgotten, her hand goes to y/n's neck and she checks for a pulse "its not there", murphy scoffs and pushes her hand away, he presses onto her neck and still feels a pulse "yes it is" he says relieved.
Then octavia walks back in, blankets in hand, bellamy lifts y/n up as octavia lays the blanket down.
Bellamy softly lays y/n on it and kisses her head "i am gonna kill connor" he says before the group hears a loud "CONNOR" and in walk two kids holding a bloodied connor, but not from the punches, the virus hit him.
Clarke scoffs "scum" before making them lay him down.
By the time y/n wakes up murphy is up and walking again, he and octavia are helping everyone, as murphy walks past y/n he feels a tug on his pants "cuddles?" The sleepy voice of y/n speaks up, he looks over at octavia who is smirking and nods her head at him.
He lays down next to y/n before pulling her on top of him "you scared me love" he told her before kissing her forehead.
She giggles "i like you" she confesses in her drowsieness, he smiles "i like you too angel" he replies before she falls asleep again.
When bellamy gets sick y/n is up and running again, she woke up and murphy was asleep, she kissed his cheek before going to the elder blake who needed help.
"Hey your ok" bellamy smiles "you had us worried sunshine" he scolds making her look down "sorrryyyy" she says.
He goes to speak but he coughs up blood, octavia walks in and runs to bellamy "ill take care of him, go lay back down we cant risk you getting hurt even more" she tells y/n
She walks back over to where she left murphy but hes gone, she pouts before going outside unnoticed by the blakes.
She walks behind the dropship and sees murphy punching connor "TOUCH MY GIRL AGAIN, FUCK, EVEN LOOK AT HER AGAIN AND I WILL FUCKING MURDER YOU YEAH?" He yells out before she clears her throat.
He turns around shocked "y/n" he laughs "i was just... Saying hi to my old pal connor" he says approaching y/n "you need to go back inside little lady" he says before lifting her up "nooo i dont wanna, take me to my tenttt" she whines.
Murphy smiles and does as she says, he lays her in her cot and goes to walk away but is stopped "no you gotta stay" she scolds, he rolls his eyes and fakes being annoyed and lays next to her, she turns around so hes spooning her
"I wanna be your girlfriend" she whispers softly to murphy, his arm wraps tightly around her "if thats what you want then you are my girlfriend" he says before kissing her temple
"Also could you not tell anyone about me beating up connor? Ill give you a reward if you dont tell anyone" murphy smirks.
Y/n turns around so shes facing him "is the reward a kiss?" She asks shyly making murphy laugh "whatever the hell you want" he repeats the words from the first day of earth
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meltwonu · 3 years
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12. “Don’t be so rough. there cant be any marks.”
notes; racer/street-racing!au, rivals!au, oral(fem receiving), fingering, hair pulling, dirty talk, marking!!, but we love a playful jun hehe~ 😉💕 omg yall the way im already missing jun and hao kjsdfhjdks 😭💕 but im also happy they get to go home and see their families too… 💕 also jun in a street racing au was giving me major han from fast and furious vibes LMAO just chillin with a bag of potato chips and rly nonchalant and uncaring HAHA that was my mood with this one, so thank you so much for requesting! Enjoy! 💕
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Jun typically doesn’t take any of the races seriously and prefers to enjoy the ride more than get to the finish line.
Except when it comes to you.
“So what’s the bet this time, princess? I quite liked the prize I won last time~” He sing-songs; hands in the pockets of his oversized jacket. “Still sorry I made you get on your knees on the ground like that though… Maybe a blowjob on the dirt road wasn’t the smartest, huh? All those ‘lil pebbles probably hurt, right? Ah, I’m so forgetful~”
You can only roll your eyes as you make your way to the driver’s side of your car - manicured fingers tugging the door open harder than you originally anticipated.
“I don’t remember, but you’ll find out soon enough when I make you do the same.”
And Jun takes it in stride, chuckling as he watches you cross the finish line only milliseconds before he does, after the two of you finish barreling down the empty, quiet road.
He rolls his window down after he parks right next to you, hand hanging out of the window leisurely as you stare back at him.
“Well? Hurry up and get on your knees ‘cause I don’t have all night.”
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You’ve had run-ins with Jun before. More than you’d like to admit.
“Mmh, y-yeah, fuck, j-just like thaaaat…” You moan out; fingertips locked tight in his hair as he laps at your clit with the tip of his tongue.
When you first started street-racing, Jun was always willing to help you and taught you a lot of what you knew about the streets and the cars. 
But eventually he started to race less and preferred to watch by the sidelines instead; amused eyes watching as you would come in second or third and frustratedly bang on your steering wheel before you left in a huff.
“More, p-please Jun… Want your f-fingers, a-ah, inside me…”
He pulls back slightly - lips covered in your wetness before he leans back in to kiss your inner thigh instead. “Mm, so demanding just because you won, huh? My knees already hurt, princess~”
“Ngh, s-so? It’s payback for last t-time…” Your throw your head back against the hood of your car when you feel his fingertips already gliding through your folds and collecting your wetness on them.
“Ah, you’re so cruel, princess~ After all I’ve taught you too~”
“Mmh, aren’t you the o-one who taught m-me, ngh, everything I k-know?”
Jun starts to ease in his middle finger as you whine back in return; tightening your grip in his hair as he grins and leans back in.
He kisses your inner thigh a few more times before he’s slightly nibbling on the skin - alternating between sucking and biting your inner thighs as he pumps his digit into your tight warmth.
“Ngh, fuc---fuck, don’t be so r-rough… There can’t be a-any marks…” 
Whimpering, you peer down between your legs to see Jun only leaving more marks on your inner thighs despite your plea.
“God, you’re s-such, ah, an ass, Jun…”
He curls his digit into your g-spot as you let out a drawn out moan and clench around him - making you eat your words as he slightly pulls away to admire his work.
“Who’s gonna see all these pretty ‘lil marks down here, hmm? These are just for you to remember who makes you feel this good, princess~ And then when they’re all fading away, I’ll just have to make more, won’t I? Not that you mind, right?”
He grins up at you and you retort by pulling him by the hair until his lips are pressed firm against your soaking folds.
“I’ll mind if you don’t make me c-cum...”
Rolling his eyes, he simultaneously positions another finger at your entrance just as he wraps his lips around your swollen clit - determined to give you exactly what you wanted.
“O-oh, god, Jun...!”
You feel yourself start to grind against his face and fingers the second his index and middle finger are both knuckle deep inside your pussy and Jun can only smile against your skin as he curls and scissors his fingers to bring you closer and closer to an orgasm.
“Ngh, ‘m s-so close to cumming... Fuck, your fingers feel s-so good... Mmh... I feel so full...”
Your needy whines go straight to Jun’s cock as he moans against your skin; the vibrations making you mewl and arch your back away from the hood of your car.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, p-please...!” You tug on his hair harder and bring him impossibly closer to yourself the second you start to feel your body lock up and Jun snaps his wrist faster and draws quick 8′s on your clit with the tip of his tongue to throw you over the edge. 
“God, f-fuck...!”
Your body arches off the cold metal and your thighs clamp around Jun’s head as he lets out a surprised yelp; frozen in place as he continues to curl his fingers in your pussy to work you through your high. 
Loud moans and mumbled curse words roll off of your tongue with garbled cries of ‘Jun’ mixed in as your walls flutter around the digits - chest rising and falling in harsh breaths when he makes no move to slow down either. 
It takes a good few moments before your orgasm even starts to ebb away but Jun is quick to nudge at your trembling thighs as he starts to lean away from you - lips coated in your wetness as he slowly pulls his equally as soaked fingers from your spent pussy. 
“I take it I don’t get to cum though, huh, princess?”
You let out a tired scoff as you peer up into the night sky; stars twinkling above the both of you as you slowly feel the tiredness start to take over. 
“Hah, maybe if you put in the effort and win against me next time in a race, that’ll be on the table for discussion.”
“Tsk, so cruel to me, princess~ But okay~”
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