#omg writing is hard
alpydk · 4 months
The First Time - (Vignette)
Summary - The afternoon after Elminster's visit Tav tries to help cheer Gale up with a dance.
Disclaimer; this is my first fanfic thing. It's probably tropey, cliched, and painful to read but the brain rot is real. And besides, its valentines day
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"What do you mean you've never danced before? You know how to, right?"  
It had been a few hours since Elminster's visit to the camp. The atmosphere felt heavy with the news he had brought and though the campsite members whispered amongst themselves, none knew what to say to Gale. Tav had tried approaching him immediately after, only to leave with a feeling of longing to hold him close. As if a hug could fix all the trauma and heartbreak he had been through. Gale had appreciated the effort but was in two minds about what his future held. Was it worth opening up to someone at this point, knowing what had to do for Mystra's forgiveness, for his own forgiveness after what he had done? 
Now she was talking to him again. She'd started with questions about the orb, about his past with Elminster but she was failing to take a hint that he just wanted to be alone with his thoughts. And now she was talking about dancing. He tried pointing her in the direction of Wyll who had previously spoken of his time at the courts, but Tav wasn't letting go. Eventually, he succumbed hoping that with the answers given, she would just leave. He liked her, hell after the night with the weave, he was fascinated with her, but he also knew she deserved better. She deserved someone who could give themselves fully to her, someone she could grow old with... 
"Faerûn to Gale. Do you know how to dance?" She asked with a playful tone. Her positivity was infectious. She'd trained as a bard and like all bards she knew how to captivate. 
"I do know how to dance if you must know. It's just never come up in conversation. At Blackstaff, we of course learnt all the necessities needed for such events which required it, but the events were primarily for building connections, not for frivolities like dancing." His voice was very matter-of-fact, an attempt to dissuade her from pushing this further.  
"Ok then, so you know then, but you've honestly never?" Tav just kept pushing this now. It had gone from a simple question to an inquisition that she was enchanted with. "Not even with Mystra?" She knew this was not the question to ask and yet Mystra was the only relationship he had spoken of from his past. Surely his love and devotion would have meant such a simple pleasure. 
"Not even with Mystra." A tinge of sadness was in his voice. "Mystra was above activities like that, and I suppose in some way I felt I was as well." He remembered back to their days together. Their bodies entwined and a constant state of peace and then passion. His mind was suddenly brought back to reality at the soft touch of Tav's hand. She was pulling at him to bring him away from the tent. 
"Well, that changes now." She spoke without a doubt. Gale tried to object but part of him was curious. He let his legs drift in her direction. Tav took Gale's hands and placed them around her at the base of her back. He tried to move them away only for her to force them back, not with aggression but with conviction. "Gale, I'm not going to force you. But you showed me your magic, let me show you mine." Her voice was pleasurable, a spell in its own right. Gale thought back to that night when he had taught her the movements, the night that ended with an unexpected revelation of her feelings. It was only fair that he took part in this, and maybe, just maybe, it would end in a similar way. He nodded and tried to ignore the vulnerable feeling that came from standing so close to her. 
Tav flicked her wrist, a mage hand appearing to play her violin. She draped her arms over Gale's shoulders, hands coupled behind his head, and she gazed up into his eyes. He tried to look down at his feet feeling especially uneasy at the situation he had found himself in. Slowly the violin played and Tav began to sway slightly coercing Gale's own body to move awkwardly.  
She lowered her head slightly to get into his line of sight. "Gale, I need you to look at me for this to work." He lifted his head to look into her eyes causing his cheeks to blush at the sight and feeling of her next to him. "Much better, now dancing is like your weave. You might know all the components and have read all the books, but unless you feel it, it will never be perfect." And she was right. He had heard the same during his upbringing. That he needed to feel the weave to channel it, but could the two even be compared? As he gazed into her eyes though, soon the world vanished around them. He enjoyed her body pressed against him and he felt something he had not in a very long time. A longing, a love. She smiled at him as his body flowed alongside hers as he finally relaxed into the dance. She rested her head on his shoulder, her face nestled into the side of his neck. He felt the warmth of her breath and he longed for more of her.  
And suddenly, it was over. The crash of the violin falling to the floor, breaking the moment and signalling the end of their evening together. Tav looked over at the violin and then back to Gale with a subtle smile on her lips. She removed her arms from his shoulders and backed up letting his hands fall from her waist. He didn't want to let her go, but he knew he couldn't push this, not right now anyway. Instead, they silently parted ways for the night, the stars above the only witness of Gales's first dance. 
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gertritude-art · 4 months
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Donation doodle for @unlabeled-universe, who wanted me to draw Dave Strider from homestuck. Thank you so much for donating!
(I'm currently raising money for careforgaza, so if you would like a doodle of a similar nature... perhaps mosey on over to this fundraiser...?)
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yeonzzzn · 3 months
Hi I'm that anon who requested about the enha hyung line sperm sample. I've had that thought for a very long time already, glad u liked it. I also have another req. Enha hyung line as your college classmate who loves to finger you while your prof discusses in front.
omg yes I enjoyed your req so much!! it was so creative your brain is *chefs kiss* and omg my first emoji anon 🥹 you now have ur own # for when you send me stuff 🫶🏻 hope you enjoy this one as much as the last req! these are long 🤭
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・❥・ heeseung would have his bottom lip tucked between his teeth as he slowly reaches over to you, sliding his hand under your skirt and slowly rubbing his fingers against your folds. you’d try to not jump in your seat, fingers gripping your pencil and other into a fist that laid on top of the table. you should have known heeseung was up to something when he suggested to sit in the middle of the classroom today. heeseung fingering you during lecture is a normal thing, but it was usually in the back of the class. he wanted to watch you squirm under his touch. wanted to watch the way your body shudders when he slides your panties to the side and slides his long fingers inside you. he knew with being in the middle of the classroom, the easier it would be to get caught and that turned him on so badly. you secretly cursed at him while trying to act normal, thinking if you closed your legs tight enough around his hand that it’ll be easier to stay calm, but no, oh no, it just made it easier for heeseung to push his fingers in further until his knuckles were inside, curling his fingers into your g-spot. you covered your hand over your mouth, biting down on your lip to keep from making any sounds. heeseung just chuckles, seeing the way you came undone with his fingers through his peripherals. 
・❥・ jay just stares with a blank face at the front of the class, paying attention to lecture as his fingers work their magic inside your cunt. the buttons of your jeans would be undone and the zipper as far down as it could go as his hand is shoved between your panties and skin. you slouched down in the seat, giving him more access to push his fingers deeper inside you. you thanked any god who was listening that the two of you sat in the back of the classroom away from the eyes of your classmates and professor. your hands gripped the sides of your seat, knuckles turning white as your held your breath to keep from making any noises beside the small inhales from his touch. even though jay seemed calm and collected, on the inside he was going insane. he was loving the way your were giving him more access, being so dirty for him in such a public space. he loved glancing over to you, seeing your squirm and bite your lips. loved that your black laced panties even just a little, were displayed only for him to see. unfortunately for you, a small moan escapes your lips. it wasn’t loud, but just loud enough the professor stops lecturing to face you, “everything okay miss yn?” jay’s eyes were now on you, his smirk so obvious that it was making him so hard that you both were caught, his fingers not stopping, “yeah, yn, everything okay?” you nodded and apologized, saying you had a small cramp in your leg, eyes shooting daggers at jay once everyone’s attention was back at the front, his fingers moving at a faster pace as he kept eye contact with you this time, making you cum in his hand.
・❥・ jake would be trying so hard to not come undone just from fingering you. his own hand palming himself in synchronization with his fingers pushing inside you as he stares at the front of the class, watching the professor write on the board. jake couldn’t even focus on the lecture, the professors voice was muffled, the only thing jake was able to hear was the sounds your cunt was making of his fingers moving in and out of you. it was so lewd and so fucking hot it made his head spin. jake slumped down in his seat, hitting his knee with yours to signal you do the same. which you did, slowly sliding yourself down in your chair, giving jake more reach into your pussy. it took everything in him to not fling his head back and release a moan, to pump his fingers faster into you just to hear you moan out his name, to let everyone in this classroom know how good he was making you feel. jake glances over, loving the way you had your lips tucked between your teeth and hands gripping the chair. oh fuck he almost came just from seeing that. his eyes wander down, loving the sight of his hand moving in your sweatpants, imaging what it would look like to finally finger fuck you without any clothes on at all. the image alone made him palm his cock faster, biting his tongue and locking his jaw in place to not moan. but the moment he felt your cum coat his fingers, he was cumming in his pants.
・❥・ sunghoon would be so relentless. he’d already be sitting in the front row of the classroom, index finger pointing at you and then into the seat beside him. you already knew what you were in for, sunghoon was in a mood and you knew there was no way to convince him to move to the back of the class. but sunghoon would have a plan, waiting until ten minutes into lecture when he knew everyone’s eyes would be on the professor or their notes books or off in lala land. he slowly leaned over to you, whispering, “act like you’re writing something,” your heart raced, picking up your pencil and flipping to an empty spot in your notebook, writing scribbles onto the paper. sunghoon got to work quickly, his fingers unbuttoning your jeans and moving down the zipper, his cold hand then sliding down your panties and between your folds. your body shuddered against the coolness of his hand, trying to focus your hand to keep writing nothing on to the paper. his fingers slide inside you, pumping into at a slow pace and then picking up the pace. his thumb tapped your thigh, signaling you to spread your legs. you were scared to get caught, and due to nervousness you only slightly moved your legs, but felt his got breathe on your ear not even a second later, “I said spread your legs,” he whispered aggressively then moved back into his seat, so you did as you were told and moved your legs further apart. but that wasn’t enough for sunghoon. his free hand reached across him and landing on your thigh, fingers gripping the fabric of your jeans and spreading your legs out wide, his hand that was in your pants moved down further, shoving his fingers knuckles deep into your cunt. you tried to push your legs back together out of pure instinct to keep his hand there, but sunghoon was quick to wrap his leg around yours, keeping that one spread out. you knew better than to move the other leg, deciding to wrap that one around the leg of the table. you glanced over at him, already seeing his lust filled eyes staring back at you, “good girl,” he mouthed, “keep writing,” you tried to focus on the paper, now drawing terrible circles all over the paper, biting your tongue to keep from making a sound.
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winwintea · 1 month
secure that card! 09. cheer up cookies <3
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SUMMARY ▸ zhong chenle is the owner of many cards. a black card? he owns that. he even has a stanford student id card. the one card he doesn’t own though? a green card. and if chenle plays his cards right, he just may be able to secure one by wooing you. or it could all fall through… who knows?
TAG LIST ▸ @marvelahsobx @lyvhie @odxrilove @jkslvsnella @aquaphoenixz @wonnieluv @acidwon @syatchy @sleepyvic @grassbutneo @chcnlcs @taeeflwrr @hibernatinghamster @jaeimjaemin @gukuwii @slayhaechan @yyangj3lly @seunghancore @clean-soap @bath1lda @lostinneocity
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boba-beom · 2 months
ssmiles’ tispy thoughts,, hard thoughts!!
you go out day drinking with your friends as well as beomgyu and his friends. the whole time you’re talking in the group, laughing here and there and cheeks burning up. but not just from the alcohol but from beomgyu continuously running a stray hand over your lower back and occasionally up and down your thighs, inching higher up your inner thighs and gving them a squeeze.
why can’t beomgyu keep his hands off of you? because of your short sundress with dainty flower prints. the hem sits halfway up your thighs when you sit down, inviting enough for beomgyu’s hands to wander on their own. he also loves the square neck on your sundress, the light from the sun casting shadows that accentuates your cleavage.
beomgyu can’t help it when he leans his chin on your shoulder, peering over the exposed skin on your chest and watching them intently when you move your hands as you talk to your group of friends. the other parties would have to be extremely oblivious of your sweet, tipsy boyfriend being a perv an not really hiding it.
and when a few hours have passed, your beloved tugs on the skirt of your dress, whining in your ear about how he wants to go home–which you agree to.
coming home with beomgyu’s plush lips smacking wet kisses all over your neck and chest up to the neckline of your dress.
“oh beomgyu,” you whine once his fingers scurry under your skirt, reaching for the hem of your panties and pulling them down your thighs.
“can I? please, please please?”
his begging has you melting under his touch, gentle fingers sliding through your slicked up folds and his lips nibbling at your earlobe. his broken moans contributes to your core leaking out more arousal until he pulls his fingers up against your nub. ghosting over the bundle of nerves until you give him the ‘go’.
“my baby’s been so needy today hm? think I didn’t realise earlier?” you hold onto his hard on through his cream cargos. the flimsy ones where you can see his bulge if it wasn’t for his baggy tshirt.
“mmph- ugh wan’ more baby.” his head’s thrown back, teeth grazing over his bottom lip.
“how embarrassing. you couldn’t contain it, and in front of our friends too?”
it’s your turn to ghost your lips and teeth over his neck, sucking, kissing and nipping over and around his prominent adam’s apple. incoherent words of begging and your name falls past his lips.
“gonna show me your fingers can do better than just skim over my skin like a perv?”
you watch his brown locks shake as he nods his head desperately. “gonna finger fuck you so good, gonna have you cum so many times.” he grunts through gritted teeth.
“go on them mutt. show me, don’t just say it.”
you let go of his bulge, taking a tight hold of his wrist and inserting his two slender fingers into your cunt, sinking them in further until they’re curved up the way you like it.
“that’s it baby, hah- that’s my good boy.”
© BOBA-BEOM ; all rights reserved. do not repost, copy, alter or translate in any way or platform.
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purrplegyuu · 2 months
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Barely adults | So Junghwan
Warnings: Poor plot, First time (not penetration), masturbation, only clitoris stimulation actually, both of them are virgins, no actually loss of virginity but kind of, gramatical/spelling mistakes (maybe, english is not my first language), let me know if I'm missing something else.
Pairing: Best friend!Junghwan x Best friend!fem reader.
Word count: 1,6k
hiiiiiiiiiii!, it's been already a month since I started staning Treasure, but this is my first work about one of them. I wrote it at one am (i use to sleep at 8 pm) so that's why there might be a lot of mistakes. I would really appreciate for you to tell me if you find any mistake or if you'd like me to change something.
Remember my ask box is still open (even if i haven't answered any ask yet, so sorry to thos 4 people looool), so feel free to request some words. I write for Txt (obviously), Treasure, Zerobaseone, Seventeen and enhypen (maybe, I'm not sure yet).
That's everything, enjoy and have a nice day!
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Us. Both barely adults who don’t really know what are we doing. Or what are we going to do.
“Have you thought about your career?” I ask. Is a trending topic in both of our houses since we both decided to take a gap year right after we graduated from high school. 
Yeah, we are planning on attending college, however, we were both too tired after three large years of taking high school a little too seriously. My parents were so mad when I told them about my decision, and even threatened me to throw me out of home. They eventually forgot about it, but before that happened, we were in a neverending fight for three months. 
His situation had been a little bit different.
He never told me about it, but I noticed. Starting from the day he told his parents about his decision, when he showed up to my bedroom window on the second floor (I still don’t really know how he made it) and asked to sleep on the couch of my room. Secondly, the one time I went to his house to hang out a bit and heard his parents telling him horrible things about how disappointed they were. And finally, tonight, when he asked me to meet at his older brother’s apartment, just for me to find him on the big bed with a pair of big, red eyes. 
I’ve got to say I understand our parents. He was first place in class and I was second. Must have been hard for them. And I have to confess it–I feel guilty, I am guilty. I was the one who proposed it and convinced him. Guess I just didn’t thought about the consequences.
However, it’s been nine months since those events now, and it’s already time for us to choose what college career are we going to study now.
“Junghwan?” I called him since he hadn’t answered. 
He’s looking right straight to his brother's desk next to the bed.
The silence grows more awkward and he just doesn’t seem to care I’ve came in his brother’s apartment minutes ago. 
“Junghwan!” I almost scream, finally catching his attention. He looks at me for a while before asking “Hm?”
“You finally decided what to study?” We’ve been both too lost about it. 
He shakes his head no before falling silent once again. 
After a few seconds, his hand lifts up from the edge of the bedroom, and offers it to me. I take it, and soon he pushes me onto his lap.
“Wa!” I yell, impressed by his sudden strength over me.
We’ve never been like this before. We’ve never been this close before. Yet, I’ve always dreamt about it.
“Ju-junghwan, you’re too clumsy” I jokingly said, trying to act like I didn’t get what is he doing. I move on his lap trying to stand up, however, he takes both of my hands and forces me to move closer to him. 
“”I’m not” he looks right into my eyes while breathing on my face. His breath feels addictive like drugs, it is hard for me to breathe, and my lower lip trembles from the massive desire of kissing him.
And it looks like he’s feeling just like me, because it takes him just a few seconds to melt his lips into mine in a way I’ve never seen before, not even in the best porno.
His lips move away from mine. Our foreheads touch, our noses meet, and we both remain silent for a few seconds while we catch our breath. And then, he kisses me again. His hand lets mine go, and I hold myself on his shoulders while one of his hands take the back of my neck and the other one takes my thigh from under the light green dress I decided to wear (for him, but that’s supposed to be a secret).
Everything is so fast, so rude and so forced it scares me. It doesn’t feel romantic but desperate; it doesn’t feel fluffy but feverish.
I take his hand when I feel it reaching my underwear, and cut the kiss while trying to breathe again. He looks at me confused. His red swollen lips wanting nothing but to kiss me again, his hand on my neck taking me strongly, his cheeks flushed from the heat of the moment and his dark pupils waiting for me to say something.
“Junghwan,”I try to speak but I’m just too embarrassed to speak–because I’m red as an apple, because I’ve just kissed him and because… “Junghwan, I haven’t… had sex yet”
He laughs lowly, taking me again into his hands to kiss me one more time. “Don’t worry,” He says between kisses. “me neither”
His lips move to my cheek, leaving some wet kisses before moving to my ear, then to my neck and finally my clavicles. My hands squeeze his shoulders strongly while lifting my dress slowly, making my skin crawl.
He stops kissing me to look right into my eyes to find my agreement, which he happens to find fastly before taking my dress off of my body. My hand runs down his abdomen, looking for the hem of his black hoodie to try to lift it up. He helps me do it, lifting his arms so I can take it off, and once I’m done, he switches our positions, throwing me to the bed. 
He goes back to kiss my lips while his hands caresses my skin slowly, playing with my sanity by taking the hem of my panties and drawing the outline of it. His lips move to my ear, leaving a kiss in there before whispering “You look so pretty… all messy and small under me” and “Isn’t it funny? You’re the one who always leads me, and now I’m on top of you” before laughing.
I’m the extrovert one, I’m the noisy one. Whenever someone approaches both of us, it is because they’re trying to know about me. I’ve heard people telling he’s always been only a shadow always walking behind me. Yeah, I’m socially a dom, but he’s been secretly a sexual dom all this time.
I turn around to look at his eyes, silently begging for him to not tease me any second more, and that’s when I feel his hand move in my panties, touching my skin everytime closer to my cunt. And I thought he wasn't going to give everything I asked for so easily, however, his finger started circling my clitoris right after he reached it. He kept on kissing my right clavicle while his other hand moved to my back, looking for the clasp of my bralette. He undoes it and takes it off completely. 
I feel my stomach tensing up for the first time, making me whine loudly and arch my back. “Have you touched yourself before?” He asks. I nod slowly.
“Ye-yes, but never came” And never felt that good.
My stomach tenses a second time, making me whine even louder and higher. I take his arm as if wanting to slow down. 
“Why?” He asks, making my cheeks even hotter. 
“I-I’ve never-“ A moan escapes from my throat. “I’ve never been able to.” Every time I touched myself, I would just stimulate my clitoris for minutes until the feeling is so overwhelming I can’t deal with it and stop touching it. I even thought I was asexual. However, I’ve always wanted to touch myself again every night after seeing Junghwan’s abs.
His fingers speed up, making me scream his name loudly while pleading for him to slow down, however, we both know that's not what I want. I squeeze his arm harder, my hips move by themselves, my back arches, my lower abdomen is so tense I feel I’m about to explode. And then, an overwhelming feeling floods me up, making me moan while my voice breaks out because of the way he kept touching my clit even after I came. Finally, he slowed down until he stayed still while his hand rested in my panties. 
My eyes still closed, my chest rising and falling as I try to catch my breath. And once I think I’m right, I open my eyes, just to find him looking at me closely with the sweetest smile ever. 
everything around me is spinning, my head hurts a little, I feel the sweat on my forehead and everything not called 'Junghwan' feels so unnecessary.
He hugs me, leaving a kiss on my forehead before turning on the lamp on the nightstand and turning the room’s lights off. He knows me so well, he knows I’m still afraid of the dark.
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samanthamulder · 1 year
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THE X-FILES (1993-2018)
SEASON FOUR — The truth will save you, Scully. I think it'll save both of us.
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pseudonymphomania · 7 months
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It’s impossible to look for patterns in clouds when my eyes are full of water, but when the rain passes I can see myself reflected in the beautiful sun.
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stellamancer · 10 months
hey lonely stranger (won't you meet my eye?) — extra scene
note: this is less an extra scene and the other side of part of a scene. i was going to put it in parenthesis like that one bit in lip smackless, but didn't pan out. also thanks to @/namodawrites for helping me double check gooj characterization since my regular beta was playing bg3 LMAO.
wc: 663
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Satoru is used to your denial. When you're with him, it's part of who you are— ingrained into your soul, hard-written in your body like a cursed technique. He finds that he doesn't mind all that much. It's kind of entertaining, really, especially when he's realized how much you are at odds with yourself when you reject him. 
You constantly deny him and yet you are more aware of him than you are of anyone else. 
It's honestly hilarious.  
So, the relief that fills his lungs when you say those three words, when you air your denial, albeit not for him for once, surprises him a little. Satoru can say, with the utmost confidence that there was absolutely no way that you were into that guy, even if he made you genuinely laugh, even if he was the first person you sought out when you got the chance. He only asked you again to give you the chance to make peace with the truth. 
Besides, if you're going to be into anyone then it would have to be—
You're not looking at him. Your gaze is turned away from him, distant and unfocused. It's like your thoughts are wandering the night sky, drifting into the cosmos. You let the words out but are you thinking about it still? A happy, normal love? He thinks you would know better than to think you can find it lurking among the stars. 
Not when you can find it here on earth.
With him.
You're not looking at him, but Satoru wants you to. He wants you to look at him. Not at the sky, not at the stars, not at some stranger who doesn't have a place in your present, let alone your future. 
At him. 
Satoru knows you would hate it if you knew, if you realized, but it is so easy to get your attention, to draw in your gaze. All he has to do is say the right thing (or maybe it'd be more appropriate to call it the wrong thing) and your eyes will be on him in an instant, your gaze fiery and intense. 
"You know," he says, amused at the thought of the expression you're going to make. "Even though I was obviously the hottest person in the room, you looked pretty good yourself."
It's not a lie. It's clear that you went all out for this event, taking great care in making sure you looked your best— dressed in clothes much nicer than anything he's seen you work in. Satoru's even willing to bet you tried your damndest to actually get a full night's rest. 
His words work like a charm and you whip your head to face him. The look on your face is interesting; dazed, amazed. He's not familiar with this expression of yours and he leans in to get a better look. Without thinking about it, he reaches for your cheek, his fingers stopping short of your skin. For a split second, your eyes flit toward his hand, clearly aware of how close he is to touching you. Satoru's eyes trail down to your lips and he wonders if you've been using the lip balm he gave you. It looks like you have, with how soft and plush your lips look, but he should make sure— he wants to make sure. 
It's then your denial, your rejection comes out in full force. You take a step back and next thing Satoru knows you're falling into the water. 
Huh. He thought for sure this time you would have accepted a kiss from him. 
It's okay, he thinks, it's only a matter of time. Besides, the view of you right now, stunned and almost mortified is a worthwhile trade. 
It's actually hilarious. 
He starts laughing and you give him your usual scowl, splashing at him in retaliation. He doesn't mind, he'll let you have that much because one day, one day soon he'll get that kiss from you. 
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moash · 9 months
i don’t want to do discourse about moash’s character, but i do want to talk about how the suicide baiting is used in the narrative
when moash confronts kaladin in roshone’s basement, this is expected to be the classic darth vader “luke, join me” moment, right? you’re expecting moash to say something like, join the dark side we can offer you more than the heroes can etc. but he doesn’t!!! to have moash stand there and say, “you can’t join us on the cool kid team, and since life sucks forever and you can’t join us where everything is awesome, you should kill yourself,” is wild!!! it throws you off!!! and it’s specifically so much harder for a hero to rebuff than “join me.” because “join me” is weak in this scenario, what can they really offer kaladin? nothing. it would be really abundantly easy to say no to. and from the writer’s perspective, join me is very Done, right? telling kaladin to kill himself and throwing back all of this personal information that kaladin told him in confidence when they were friends is a really cruel and unexpected twist that makes you feel the stakes so much more than if he’d just given kaladin the whole dark side spiel and called it a day.
it’s made even more interesting later on when you realize that moash is defying direct orders from odium to do this. odium DOES want moash to be giving the classic dark side spiel, and this is moash refusing to do that. and the reason he’s refusing to do that is because he hates what and where he is, and he loves kaladin, and he doesn’t want kaladin to be here, but the only other option in his broken mind is that kaladin dies. and when you learn all that and look back on the scene, it’s doubly interesting because now everything he’s saying about how life is worthless is him pushing all his own suicidal thoughts on kaladin. it’s moash who wants to kill himself, but he can’t.
to me this is all really fascinating for the peek into moash’s mental state, but also from a writing perspective as a novel twist on the villainous “join me” speech. it’s truly jarring to read the first time and succeeds on like every level as a piece of writing, personally, imo.
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niki-phoria · 1 year
‧₊˚✩ sweet moments with them
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‧₊˚✩ heeseung
gn reader (word count 158)
you often find yourself entranced by heeseung. you silently watch as he prepares dinner, hands flexing with every movement. he falls into silence as he concentrates on his task. his eyes narrow as he focuses, jaw clenching just slightly as he continues. 
you don’t notice how long you’ve been watching him until he stops, smirking as he looks at you. “you’re staring,” he looks down with a light flush on his face, failing to hide a smile. 
“i love it when you do that.” 
“do what?” 
“smile.” you can see heeseung’s ears burn as he becomes even more flustered, but you ignore it, walking over to where he’s standing. “i love when you smile like you’re the happiest person alive.” you wrap your arms around his waist, leaning against his back. “because that’s how you make me feel.” 
“shut up,” heeseung mumbles underneath his breath. you chuckle, tightening your grip around him a little. 
“i love you too.” 
other members utc !!
‧₊˚✩ jay
male reader (word count 140)
“babe, come here,” jay calls. you wipe your eyes, hissing at the sting from the onion. jay chuckles as you press the sleeves of your hoodie against your eyes, blindly walking over to where he stands at the stove. “my sweet boy, let me cut the onions next time,” he chuckles. you blink a couple times, trying to clear the blurriness from your eyes. 
“maybe i should let you do everything yourself next time,” you whine. “what did you need?” 
“try this,” jay holds out a piece of chicken coated in sauce. you take a small bite from it, nodding at the taste. 
“it’s good.” 
“good.” jay leans forward to pull you into a quick kiss, licking some sauce from the corner of your lip. you freeze when he pulls away, debating for a minute. “it is good.” he hums.
‧₊˚✩ jake
gn reader (word count 221)
jake gasps, tugging on your hand as he leads you over to a claw machine. “look! they have claw machines!” you laugh, watching as he eagerly swipes the arcade card to play the game. he turns to you, gesturing to the various prizes inside of the machine. “which one do you want?” 
“are you really gonna win me an arcade prize?” you ask. 
“you don’t believe in me?” jake cocks his head, pulling you over to stand in front of the machine with him. “come on, pick one.” 
you shake your head put point out a small fox plush. “there. the fox is cute.” 
you lean against the wall as you watch jake eagerly move the claw, pausing every now and then to adjust its position over the toy. finally, he presses the button, lowering the claw down. to your surprise, he wins on his first try. he kneels down to grab the plush, handing it to you. 
“nice job,” you smile, wrapping your arms around the fox. “thank you.” 
“do i get a prize for winning?” you pull him into a quick kiss that jake deepens when he moves to hold your jaw in place. when he pulls away, he presses a peck against your forehead. 
“thank you for the fox,” you smile. “i love you.” 
“i love you too.”
‧₊˚✩ sunghoon
[idol au] gn reader (word count 199)
“congratulations… (group name)!” you share a glance with your leader as you make your way to the stage. you take the trophy with shaky hands, staring at the audience in disbelief. next to you, one of your members nudges you, gesturing for you to walk to the microphone to say something. 
“ah, thank you so much for everything,” you start. “i especially want to thank park sunghoon. you’re the light of my life. i couldn’t have done this without you.” 
you leave the stage with a small bow, clutching the trophy as you return to your seats. you anxiously wait for the rest of the awards to be given out, sharing small glances with sunghoon every now and then. 
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“y/n!” sunghoon cheers, wrapping his arms around you and twirling you around. you laugh, hiding your face into his neck as he sets you down. sunghoon leans forward to press his lips against yours. “congratulations, baby.” 
“thank you,” you laugh. sunghoon pushes a strand of hair out of your eyes, pressing a kiss to your forehead. 
“i’m so proud of you.” you bite back a smile, pulling him into another sweet kiss. 
“i couldn’t have done it without you.”
‧₊˚✩ sunoo
gn reader (word count 125)
sunoo sighs, tightly wrapping his arms around your waist as he nuzzles his face into your chest. you chuckle, running a hand through his hair. “bad day?” sunoo groans, hiding his face away even more. “do you want to talk about it?” sunoo shakes his head, shifting a little. 
“no, i just wanna cuddle.” 
“okay,” you whisper, pulling the blankets up over him. “why don’t you pick out a movie?” sunoo nods, moving so his back is pressed against your chest. you wrap your arm around him, resting your hand on his waist. 
after a few minutes, sunoo sighs, relaxing into your hold. “i love you.” he whispers. 
you press a kiss to his neck, tucking his head underneath your chin. “i love you too.”
‧₊˚✩ jungwon
gn reader (word count 153)
jungwon curls further into your arms, laying his head against your chest. you tighten your grip around him, leaning down to press a kiss against his forehead. you can hear jay shuffling around in the kitchen as he makes dinner. sunghoon places a cup of tea down onto the coffee table before sitting on the couch next to you. 
“how is he?” sunghoon asks. 
“his cough is still pretty bad but he’s been keeping some more food down.” sunghoon nods, adjusting the blanket so it wraps further around jungwon’s body. 
“that’s good,” he hums. “you know, he’s not usually like this.” 
you brush a hand through jungwon’s hair when he stirs a little, trying to lull him back to sleep. 
“like what?” 
“all… relaxed. he doesn’t really let us take care of him. i’m glad he has you.” you bite back a small smile, continuing to play with the strands of jungwon’s hair. 
‧₊˚✩ niki
male reader (word count 237)
niki wraps his arms around your waist, holding you against his chest as he continues to play. you’ve been watching him for hours as he skillfully navigates between the different buttons on his controller. you wait for him to finish the round before turning back to look at him. 
“can i play a round?” niki nods, leaning over your shoulder as he hands you the controller. 
“you’re really gonna let him play on your rank?” jake raises an eyebrow from his spot on the couch. niki shrugs, looking back at him. 
“why not?” 
sunghoon scoffs from next to jake. “you don’t even let us log onto your account in case we drop your rank at all.” 
“y/n’s my boyfriend. if he wants to play on my account then he can.” 
“are you sure?” you ask. niki moves so his chin is on your shoulder, hands hovering over yours. “i’m fine not playing.” 
niki shakes his head. “i don’t care about the rank. i love you. if you want to play a round then go ahead.” 
you hope niki doesn’t notice how flustered you are as you lean over to press a quick kiss against his cheek before turning back to the screen. his hands move from yours to rest on your waist as he watches you join a round. “thank you.” 
niki leans down to press a kiss against your shoulder. “anything for you.”
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alpydk · 2 months
this is a super fun tag prompt list, thanks @orangekittyenergy
tagging: @sofancydancy and @senualothbrok
Right, let's see how this goes.
Last book I read: Pride and Prejudice. Had never read it before but the whole Tim Downie cameo got me doing it. Then watched the BBC series with a friend and we swooned something major over Colin Firth. I've picked up some other books since then but just haven't found the motivation to get through them. Looking at Dark Tower book 5 as well for the last year...
Greatest literary inspiration: I'm honestly not sure. My partner is the real reader of the two of us. I've enjoyed Dark Tower, The Witcher Series (Honestly still in love with Cahir from them), and Leaves of Grass is my poetry go-to. But inspiration, going to be silly but the Hardcore series by Andy Remic (RIP), is such a great series of books. They're not the most literary genius type books but the action is cool, I love the characters. They make me want to write cool shit too.
Things in my current fandom I want to read but I don't want to write:
Smut. Honestly, my abilities with writing smut are limited. I have no patience for flowery language (yeah I write poetry but I know what I mean.) but it means when it comes to writing my own smut it is very matter-of-fact and lacks what I'm looking for. I'm also very picky about my smut due to an annoying logical brain. If you say someone moves their arm and then they move something else I see that and if I can't follow it directly I'm just going to put it down.
You can recognise my writing by:
Lots of short prose-type sentences. I like the effect of repetition and I especially like writing in a more personal talking type way. I especially love to monologue so if anyone does recognise my writing it's probably from these things. I especially love writing anything angst, it's so therapeutic and I love being able to draw out emotions from other people. I can do this with sweet fluff stuff too but angst really is more enjoyable.
My most controversial take ( current fandom):
I hate the word folds. (Not fandom relations but still.) Makes me think of a packed ham sandwich.
Fandom-related though - Astarion fans can get pretty feral over their views of his character. I get it, Gale fans are the same but I've left groups over the rabidness.
Current writing mood (10 – super motivated and churning out words like crazy, 0 – in a complete rut): Currently about a 4 but it can vary depending on the hour and the inspiration. I completed the Nana story and now feel a little lost as to what the next project will be. Ideas are escaping me.
Top three favourite tropes: The whole "enemy to lovers" thing. I mean this in a 2 people who argue and fall in love, not as in the real enemies to lovers.
Star-crossed lovers, especially if they really are both doomed. Astarion/Karlach if she is going to burn up. I love that tragic acceptance. Give me more of that.
I like a loveable rogue too. Hook from OUAT.
Share a random frustration: AU fiction losing characterisations. Once your fiction hits a point where you could replace the characters with any other from any other series I'm going to stop reading it. Great, you want X to be sub, but if he wouldn't actually act that way in canon, why are you even using him as a character? It's AU, fine but then make it OC or use another fandom. Don't force me to read through 13 chapters of semi-ok stuff just to destroy the characters so you can fulfil the soap opera-esque drama that gets you the hits. I get it's difficult but this is my pet peeve. Rant over...
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crybaby-bkg · 9 months
cw: yandere reader, implied stalking, implied drugging, dubcon
hello………have u ever considered being yandere and convincing yourself that you and Deku are actual soulmates, and he just doesn’t know it yet. you try to get his attention for so long, through so many different ways (you try to become a hero, and then a villain, and then a helpless civilian and then—) and he just. never really notices you.
so you take matters into your own hands. you get him down somehow, when it’s late and not enough important people catch onto it until you’ve already gotten him. trapped him somewhere far that’s hard for most to find, tied up and at your mercy.
he’s so cute when he wakes up confused and groggy, asking, what’s going on, who are you, what is he doing here? but you can’t let him know your plans too early on, so you only sit on the bed beside him, smiling, running a hand up his naked stomach (when did you undress him?).
all hell breaks loose when he tells you that he doesn’t remember you, that you need to let him go, he doesn’t know you, you won’t get into much trouble for doing this. and that—and that’s heart wrenching? earth shattering?
how does your soulmate just not remember you, know you, love you as much as you love him? it stings more than cold metal slicing your flesh, and you cry. you cry so fucking hard into your hands at the rejection, defeated sobs wracking your body as he valiantly tries to calm you down.
so Deku, ever the kind and gracious hero that he is, comforts you. he coos to you, negates all your whining about how you must be too ugly for him, how you’re not good enough for him. he doesn’t realize the monster he’s enabling with his words until it’s too late.
he thinks he may be too kind for his own good, because in only a few moments, your tears have dried up and you’re perched on top of his chest. you look down at him with big, glassy eyes, head tilted as you cup his freckled and warm cheeks in your hands.
“You think I’m pretty?” you ask quietly, and he knows, he knows he shouldn’t cater to you. but Deku’s not a liar despite the circumstances he’s put in, and he’s sure if you would’ve approached him normally, he would’ve been interested in you.
“So pretty.” He whispers out in a rushed breath. the rest of his words get lost in his throat, his plea to be released, because you’re climbing over him. you only wear his shirt (when did you break into his apartment? how didn’t he notice? he just wore that shirt last night?) and a pair of underwear that you’re sliding to the side. you look at him with starry eyes that hold more adoration than he’s comfortable to look back at.
“Is…she pretty, too?” you ask, your voice low as if you’re scared of anyone else hearing you. Deku tries to look away, but you don’t let him, gathering the crown of his hair to force him to look at you between your legs, your other wrist holding your underwear away, fingers stretching your lips until your hole is exposed.
“Answer me.” you try to snap but your voice is so wobbly, so unconvincing for a stronger man. Deku doesn’t think he’s all that strong in the moment.
“Prettiest one I’ve ever seen.” He tries to convince himself he’s lying just to appease you, but the twitch of his cock tells him otherwise. you let out a breath of laughter, a grin so wide on your face it unnerves him and also makes him a little harder.
“Kiss her then, if it’s so pretty.” You tell him with a jut of your chin, scooting up until you hover directly over his mouth. Deku splutters, hesitates, tries to close his eyes. but he finds himself kissing back when you sit on his face, and he thinks—he thinks he might be a sicko for how there isn’t much coercion to devour you after that.
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jinxybri · 2 months
so- i was having thoughts about the cmv (and graciously threw them at a friend) and yall get them too.
isla chose everyone else's survival over her own:
she left her kingdom and married fable to save her people
she was either made or decided to stop visiting her fathers to save them from seeing her misery
she went to enderian for information because her husband wouldn't give ti to her (to protect her people again)
she left fable and went to enderian to save both her children
she left enderian to save icarus
she hid from the gods to save her children
she got taken by fable to save her children again
something something Isla only chose herself and her feelings when she fell in love with Enderian
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a-libra-writes · 10 months
to my ASOIAF homies who havent read the books yet and/or enjoy audibooks. .. may I please offer ... this fantastic amateur recording by DavidReadsASOIAF
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touchlikethesun · 5 months
i’m trying to break out of it but, when it comes to their relationship dynamics, so far no fic has managed to top the one skiing au where bokuto and akaashi try and convince kuroo and tsukki to be in a poly relationship that i followed religiously back in 2015, like. (almost) no other fic has managed to tap into what i find so appealing about that group’s whole dynamic, their humour their earnestness their chaos as four, the way akaashi and tsukki balance kuroo and bokuto’s energy (except everyone knows the real trouble is tsukki and bokuto), and like the individual dynamics are incredible too, every pairing just worked so well, even ones i wouldn’t have considered before like kuroo and akaashi. like how in 100k words did this author manage to develop every relationship just so damn well??? there should be way too many moving parts, at least one of the dynamics should have fell flat or fell to the background but none of them did ughhhhh oh my god it’s so good i just need like. a dozen more fics exactly like it rippppp like i’m watching s2 (again yes ik) and all i can think about when i see the four of them interact is “wow that author really nailed their dynamics, what they wrote is exactly how those four would be in 10 years time” god fanfiction is incredible
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