#once again if anyone knows what stress said at the start Please let me know
motherspores · 1 month
Stress: Can I have my ball back please? Jevin: We could kill you. Iskall: No you couldn't. That's funny, but you couldn't.
Xisuma, putting up his shield: I've got a shield, Jev, look. Xisuma, putting it back down: Can't kill a man with a shield. [Jevin hits him.] Xisuma, panicked: OOoOOAAaoOoaaH!!!
[Xisuma flees and takes flight. Everyone else laughs.]
[Xisuma plays a horn that has a clip of him howling like a wolf as he departs.]
end transcript]
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sexilene · 2 months
thinking about rafe, topper, and kelce, helping to teach you how to drive….
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you were about to be gifted a pretty new car for your birthday but you still didn’t know how to drive so the boys said they’d help teach you! you stood in the shade picking at your nails as the boys planned an easy enough route for you to practice on without hitting anything or anyone. 
“can we get going pleaseee, you guys can trust me- i read a car manual once, i know how things work….”
“fine, we should be alright i guess…” rafe mumbles as he opens the drivers side car door for you to hop in, he sticks out his hand for you to grab to help you climb into his truck. with rafe in the passenger seat next you, top and kelce in the back you put on the seat belt and place your hands onto the steering wheel to wait for instructions. 
“i can’t believe you are lettin' her use your car man.” kelce shakes his head with wide eyes 
“it’s better than lettin’er practice in one of yours, mine the safest one if anything were to happen.” rafe turns his head back to you “j’us don’t crash…kay?”
“mmhm…how do i start?”
rafe, with his tendency to stress easily, guiding you through the basics of starting the car and adjusting the mirrors. his hands grip on the steering wheel as he instructs you like a child to put your foot on the brake pedal.
"kay, slow and steady now babydoll" rafe says, his voice stern yet soft, letting go of the wheel so you could try keeping it straight. "we don't want to accelerate too quickly, jus' easeee onto the gas...not too much!" you press down on the pedal with your foot as the car moves forward a few inches then breaks suddenly causing everyone in the car to jolt forward. 
“jesus!!…” topper breathes out, both him and kelce then grip onto the handles on the inside roof of the car.
"oh god, i'm sorry!" you wince
“s’alright s’fine just try- try again…” topper encourages as you place your foot back on the gas pedal again
slowly you start to get the hang of it, cruising slowly down the street at a decent pace, everyone seems to be relaxed as you are gaining confidence behind the wheel. then your phone starts to ring, you look down to were you set it down near the cup-holders which causes you to lose a little control of where you are going and makes the car swerve slightly and speed up. 
“EYES ON THE ROAD!” they all shout boyishly, panicked and clearly stressed. rafe’s hand flies out in front of you to emphasize its importance.
“that might be kie, can i get it?” 
“NO!!!” they all shout again
“jeez, ohkay!”
kelce mutters little prayers under his breath "please, let us survive this.” you let out a nervous yelp when up ahead you see a squirrel just chilling in the middle of the road.
“what do i do!”
“JUST SLOW DOWN!” “EYES ON THE ROAD!” the boys shout overlapping their panicked voices, you scream and squeeze your eyes shut and turn your head away.
“NO HEY! DON’T CLOSE YOUR EYES WHAT ARE YOU CRAZY!?” rafe shouts all rambly
“ohkay!” you hit the breaks just before the squirrel scampers off up a tree.
“ALRIGHT OUT.” rafe commands, pushing his hair back out of his face, then unbuckling you. “I’m driving the way back, switch.”
as rafe gets out of the passenger seat and rounds the hood of the car to get into the driver seat as you climb over the armrests to get to your new seat. 
“jesus kid…you know what?...you wanna go somewhere in your new car? call me and i’ll take you wherever you wanna go….s’dangerous havin' you out on the roads like this.” rafe huffs as he starts the car again.
“we almost died!” topper lets scoff almost in disbelief at how things took a turn.
“I got slightly distracted! wasn’my fault.”
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i luvvvv the kook trio
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blissxjj · 4 months
The brothers (Lucifer/Mammon/Beel) + dateables (Diavolo) make mc cry
You were being scolded in his office as usual along with the other brothers, for some reason, he kept blaming you for everything saying that
"You are the attendant you must stop them blah blah blah"
You never talked back to Lucifer in these moments where he was really angry, you just shut up and take it, but you couldn't help the feeling. You lips quivered and he noticed it along with the others. You suddenly burst out crying like never before. You cried of stress, anger, frustration it was all too much to handle.
Lucifer felt bad and told everyone to leave before he held your hand and pulled you close for a hug he swore to never blame you again and he made it up to you with a month off the attendant work.
He was playing in the casino when you came in and ordered him to leave. He was stubborn and you had to use the pact power to drag him out once outside, he started screaming at you saying that he was about to win the whole thing. You tried to reason with him because Diavolo is the one that gave you strict orders to get Mammon immediately. He wouldn't listen, he kept yelling at you amd you found yourself being overwhelmed with emotions
Amd there it was, a tear ran down your eye and you started bowling. Mammon panicked and didn't know what to say other than stuttering and apologizing over and over, you screamed at him
"I was ordered yo get you out the c-casino and back home" you explained to him your actions. And now it ached even more Mammon tried his best to cheer you up all the way back home and bought you ice cream.
We all know how he gets when he is hungry, i am talking real hungry...
Unfortunately for you, you were the first one to meet him after his fangol match that he lost. And yes he was tired and starving, and really just not in the mood for anyone, and there you were running towards him . You said
"Beel! You were amazing-" he cut you off saying "MC please i am in no mood for talking right now"
You quite down, but keep smiling nonetheless. He brushed past you and you walk behind him, you said
"You played well there are more matches to come" he suddenly looked back and lashed out on you telling you to shut up
"What do you know about fangol anyways just leave me alone"
Your eyes started to water and he snapped back to his senses , but it was too late to say anything as you ran away crying
"MC wait!" Only then he realized his mistake, he waited fir you and him to calm down he grabbed a snack to fill his stomach and came to talk to you in your room, you ended up apologing repeatedly to each other before you burst out laughing and hug it out.
He normally is a calm, collected and nice person. Poor you saw theworst of him today when he was scolding you for leaving the house late at night without one of the brothers by your side
He was worried for the image of his exchange program, what would they thing if MC got hurt. He forgot that the most important is the student itself
He stopped yelling when he heard your sniffling, Diavolo never seen you cry before and he panicked and came to your side, he cupped your face in his hands and wiped your tears away with his thumb, all he wanted now is to hold you and tell you how sorry he is for letting his anger distract him from keeping you happy.
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goldenwilliamson · 6 months
hard launch | leah williamson
pairing: leah williamson x reader
a/n: merry christmas!!! enjoy some christmassy awfc fluff x
summary: reader and leah film their parts in the arsenal christmas gifting video. reader receives a gift that shows everyone who's girlfriend she is.
word count: 1.3k
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The Arsenal media team had set up a Christmas tree lined with presents for all the girls to open for a video. You obliged happily, excited about having a present to open before Christmas. Leah however had to be convinced.
"It's bad luck! You can't have us opening gifts before Christmas!" She said, her voice firm.
"Ease up Lee, it's just a little present from the club," you said, rubbing the space between her shoulder blades while silently laughing at your girlfriends commitment to tradition.
"My Mum can't find out about this, she'll have a fit," Leah says, eyeing the tree scornfully.
"Well she might see this video when it goes up," Frimmy says from behind the camera.
You move out of the shot now and watch through the screen of the camera as Leah steps into frame and speaks directly to the lens, "Do I look as awkward as I feel? Because I'm sorry Mum, I don't normally do this before Christmas day, I'm being forced to."
Shaking your head, you and many of the other girls watch on in anticipation as Leah unwraps her gift, and when she pulls out the electric keyboard you all exchange knowing glances. It's no secret that learning piano has been Leah's latest mission, and you more than anyone have been along for the journey. Most evenings now your night was soundtracked by Leah sitting at the piano stool, reading her sheet music and practicing.
When she was preparing for her performance with the BBC orchestra you must have heard her play that Shania Twain song about 200 times before you had to cut her off.
"You've got it Leah, I promise," you had stressed to her.
"I'm just so nervous, I need to know I can do it perfectly!" She demanded, starting to play it again.
"Nope. No. I'm sorry, but I'm cutting you off. It's time for bed," you had said. Even though you were always supportive of her endeavours, you knew she was only stressing herself out with the drive for perfection.
"Baby, please just let me practice it one more time, then bed," she pleaded like a little kid asking for five more minutes of play time.
"Fine. Once more. But I am telling you it's been perfect 98% of the times you've played," you said.
She just waved you away and played it once more all the way through, perfectly of course, and then finally conceded to your request. When you finally crawled into bed together that night you turned towards Leah, murmuring into the darkness.
"I'm starting to get worried that I'll have Shania Twain stuck in my head forever."
Leah giggled but reassured you, "I won't be playing it forever. And trust me, I'm sick of it too."
Now today she was sitting down, playing the little electric keyboard and trying to get everyone to guess what she was playing. You knew straight away it was Adele, because she had played it for you just last night, but it took everyone else a little longer to catch on.
Leah, pleased with her present moved along to allow for the next girls to go through. You stepped in, ready to unwrap your presents with Steph and Kyra, but before you got to pull off the paper one of the Arsenal media people pulled you out.
"We'll get you to open yours on your own, Y/N," they told you. You weren't really sure why, but you trusted their vision and waited for your turn.
When you were finally standing in front of the camera after Steph and Kyra, you felt your present through the wrapping and you could tell that it was a piece of clothing. As you pulled it out, you unfolded it to reveal a t-shirt. And you instantly realised why they'd got you to open it on your own. It seemed to be a fan made t-shirt that had pictures of Leah all over the front as well as LEAH WILLIAMSON printed in large pink block letters running down the side.
You bent over laughing, not even sure if you should show it off to the camera. While you and Leah were officially together, it hadn't really been confirmed publicly. The media team knew that and obviously got you on your own so they could easily leave your clip out of the video.
"Really?" You looked up at the small crew, holding the shirt up next to your face.
Leah, watching on began to laugh now, seeing what you'd been given.
"Best present of the day guys!" She exclaimed.
"So ridiculous," you said as all the girls behind the camera laughed.
"Hard launch," Kyra said, teasing you both.
"Shut up," you smiled, "This won't be going on the Instagram," you said assertively, pointing directly down the barrel of the camera.
"Why don't you put in on, Y/N," Leah suggests.
"You'd like that wouldn't you?" You narrow your eyes at your girlfriend, knowing how much of a kick she would get out of seeing you wearing the top, looking like a fan.
"Go on," Steph urges you.
Begrudgingly, you pull your training shirt up over your head, receiving playful wolf whistles from the girls before you pull your new t-shirt down over your body. When it was on you held your arms out, showing it off.
"How do I look?" You said, giving a little spin as the girls clapped for you.
Leah walked over towards you and held onto your waist, admiring herself on your shirt.
"I bet this inflates your ego," you say, seeing the cheeky sparkle in her eyes.
Leah didn't even say anything in response, she just moved to stand next to you, threw her arm around your shoulder in a very platonic manner and posed towards the camera.
"I love meeting fans," she said, smiling at her own joke.
"Ha ha," you said sardonically, rolling your eyes and nudging her away from you.
"We should get a photo of this though," Leah said, pulling her phone out of her pocket and handing it off to Steph who snapped a picture of you both. When you looked back at it Leah wore a very cocky smirk and looked as if you were posing for a photo with your favourite footballer.
Katie stood over your shoulder to peer at the photo, "Oh that's got to go in a photo dump girls."
"I don't think so," you said quickly, leaving it there. Though you did wear the top around for the rest of the day, finding it surprisingly comfortable, until you tucked it away into your bag before heading home.
You had honestly forgotten about it until Christmas Day when you were scrolling on Instagram in bed after the long day of festivities and you saw Leah had tagged you in a photo. She was right next to you sitting on her phone with a smirk on her face.
"What have you posted?" You asked, clicking onto it and swiping through the various Christmas photos until you saw your own bashful face reflected in the photo that Steph had taken of you in the shirt. The caption read, Best time of year (love my fans @Y/N.Y/L/N) x.
Katie McCabe had already liked the post and tagged you in a comment, President of the Leah Williamson fan club aren't ya? @Y/N.Y/L/N.
"Leah!" You said sharply, looking at your girlfriend in disbelief.
"What? It's a great photo," she said.
"You're fuelling the fire," you said, referencing the ongoing speculation online about your relationship.
"So what? I don't care if people know we're together, do you?" Leah said simply.
You realised that you also didn't care, in fact you would be proud for people to know, so you shook your head.
"Of course I don't," you said, reassuring her that you were okay with this.
"Good, then stop being grumpy about the photo," she said, leaning over to give you a kiss.
"It's such a bad photo! I genuinely look like a teenage fan girl," you laughed.
"That's what makes it so great," Leah says, giggling at her ability to annoy you.
You shake your head and pick up your phone again, feeling confident in your relationship with Leah, no longer caring if people know or they don't. This leads you to respond to Katie's comment with two simple words that are enough to send all the fans spiralling over the small confirmation: Hard launch?
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aperrywilliams · 1 month
Douchebag Falls Short in This Case (Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader)
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Author Masterlist
Part 1: If Anything I Find it Educative
Part 2: It Was Horrible Until It Wasn’t
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader.
Summary: Spencer and Reader can’t have their scheduled lunch, but they keep talking by phone and texts. After Spencer returns from a case, they can see each other again. If Spencer hadn’t been mesmerized with Reader, now he is, and maybe is more than that.
Word Count: 5.8k
Warnings: Some strong words. Description of Road Rage Disorder. Talking about bad experiences at high school (nothing explicit). Emily is the best older sister to Spencer.
A/N: The prospect of them having a date was too tempting not to do it. This one is part 3 of “If Anything I Find It Educative” (Part 2 of “It Was Horrible Until It Wasn’t”). Let me know your thoughts!!! I’m here to read you guys.
Spencer's POV
Me: Are you free on Saturday at midday? We could go to lunch. Let me know. Good night. S.R.
Heimlich Master: Yeah. Lunch sounds great. Let's talk about the details later. Good night :)
My face hurts from the big smile I sport right now. Smile that doesn't fade once I get to my apartment.
How did I manage to text her right away? I would never know, but I thank that moment of confidence.
Now I can't wait to see her again on Saturday.
I should have known making plans wouldn't work for me. It's Friday afternoon, and I'm on the jet about to take off for a case in Los Angeles.
There goes my lunch with (Y/N).
I grab my phone to type a text to let her know.
Between last night and today, we have been texting back and forth about what time on Saturday works for us and whether I had a place in mind. I did, but I told her it was a surprise.
Now I must cancel, and I can't stress enough my disappointment.
Me: Hey. I'm so sorry, but I'm leaving for a case in L.A. Can we reschedule our lunch? Please don't hate me.
Heimlich Master: Oh, it's okay. Don't worry; of course, we can reschedule.
Heimlich Master: Let me know when you come back. And don't be silly; I don't hate you.
Heimlich Master: Can I ask you for something, though?
Me: Sure. Anything.
Heimlich Master: Can you prevent Morgan from kick-down doors this time? The bureau budget would appreciate it.
I can't contain the snort that leaves my lips, gaining Emily's attention. Bad luck of mine; she is in a seat just in front of me.
Me: I'll do my best. Promise.
Heimlich Master: Thank you. Have a safe flight :)
Me: Thanks :)
Look at me! Even using emojis.
Penelope would be proud of me.
I set my phone on the table to exchange it for the book I chose for this flight. Emily's voice stops me before I can do that.
"So, are you going to tell me why you are so smiling?"
And here we go.
"Me?" I lift my eyes to Emily, who has a smirk on her face. I hate that she already knows what's happening, not even knowing what's happening.
"Sure, genius. I don't see anyone else here so amused and focused on his texts. Not to mention the grin that could illuminate the whole D.C."
"No, I'm not!" I defend—a poor attempt to keep the transparency of my face at bay. Emily scoffs, and that's all it takes to know she doesn't believe me.
"I understand you don't like to talk about your personal life. I get it. And I won't bug you as Morgan would, yet knowing it is related to your love life. But don't try to fool me. It's insulting," she says, the last part faking hurt. That makes me chuckle.
"That being said, I just want you to know I'm here if you need to talk. It's not always good to keep things to yourself."
Not waiting for my response, she picks up the folder with the current case details to read.
I have known Emily for a few years now, and even if we didn't start on the right foot - entirely my fault - she's proven very supportive. Gosh, once she endured a whole beating from an unsub only to keep me safe.
Beyond that, she knows how to talk to me without treating me like a kid. Sometimes, I can't say the same about the rest. Of course, I don't blame them; they've always seen me as the team's baby, but I appreciate Emily doesn't.
"That's the thing. This," I point my gaze where my phone is. "I don't know what it is," I sigh. Emily's eyes are back to me. She sees how confused I am.
"What do you think it is then?"
I don't want to betray (Y/N) 's trust by spilling details about her life, so the specifics of our talks are out of the table.
"I can't deny there is a connection between us. We only met twice—both by chance. But they led us to talk for hours. And I ask myself, am I reading this wrong, and she only sees me like a, I don't know, potential friend?"
"Why would she? She told you she was only looking for a friend?" Emily asks, her hands resting lightly over the folder on her lap.
"No, she didn't. It's a deduction of mine, though. I mean, she recently ended a relationship —a very serious one."
Just remembering the reason that led to that breakup makes me sick.
"Okay. That could be a thing, but not necessarily. Maybe things ended precisely because she wanted something different. That's not bad," Emily hypothesizes. I shake my head.
"I'm not so sure. Let's say she wouldn't have ended the relationship until something big happened. Big enough for her to realize the guy was a total -"I trail off. What would be the right word?
"A douchebag?" Emily offers.
"I think douchebag falls short in this case," I point out. Emily's eyes widen.
"That bad, uh?" I nod.
"She is vulnerable right now, and I don't want to take advantage of that. But at the same time, I want a chance with her. Am I a bad person?"
"What? No! Spencer, don't say that," Emily rushes to stop my spiral. "Far from that. You are considerate enough to see she's in a complicated situation. Most of the men don't even care about that. Cut her some slack, though. She is a grown-up woman, and if she wants to get to know you, why not let her? If she hasn't already, I bet she will see the great man you are. And not only as a friend."
My eyebrows furrow.
"Do you think so?"
"Sure. And for how you describe her, I don't think she is the type to play with people's feelings. Although, I strongly recommend being honest with her. That will prevent false expectations."
I take in Emily's words, and they make perfect sense.
"Thank you, Emily. I didn't think about it like that," I
muse. "Can you do me a favor, though?"
She nods, anticipating what I'm going to say.
"I know. Not a word to anyone. Got it," Emily confirms with a reassuring smile.
The heat in Los Angeles for the last three days has been overpowering. Just as catching this unsub has become extremely frustrating.
I'm in the meeting room they lent us to work in, reviewing the details of the case over and over again. The rest of the team is outside the precinct following our latest leads.
My head started to hurt, and I had to close my eyes for a moment.
As I focus on breathing, my phone pings. I open my eyes and see a text from (Y/N).
Heimlich Master: How are you? I read that L.A. has a heat wave; I hope it's not hitting you too hard.
I can't help the smile that pushes the corners of my lips upward.
Me: I'd like to say it's not affecting me, but I don't want to lie. I will survive, though. Please tell me how nice the weather is in D.C., and I'll aim to finish this case as soon as possible.
Heimlich Master: I thought our lunch was enough incentive for you to do that. Now I feel bad.
Oh, fuck. What did I do? Of course, it's an incentive for me. It is THE incentive, actually. I have been thinking about that since Friday when I came here. Now she's assuming I don't care.
How can you be such an idiot, Spencer?
I must fix this immediately, so I hit the call button—a confused (Y/N) answers on the other end.
"Hey. I - uh. I decided to call because I needed to explain myself. Please, don't feel bad. Of course, I want our lunch to happen. I wasn't saying it like if I don't. I mean, the heat is fucking insane here, but it's not-"
"Spencer, hey, don't-" she tries to make me stop. Still, I am so determined to say everything necessary to explain myself that I continue my rant.
"What I'm trying to say is-"
"Spencer, wait!" (Y/N)’s firmer voice halts me in my failed attempt at an apology. It's sufficient enough for me to shut up.
"Sorry. What were you about to say?"
"I'm sorry for stopping you, but it sounded like you would run out of air and pass out. Now I feel awful because the last thing I wrote was only to mess with you. I didn't want you to feel like I was accusing you of something, much less that you owed me an apology."
"Oh," I mumble, now making sense of the whole exchange. My cheeks heat up realizing I went from 0 to 100 in seconds. (Y/N)'s voice sounds anxious now.
"Please, forgive me if I worried you that way. That's why I hate texts; I can't control my teasing tone as I do when I talk to someone."
I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I don't want (Y/N) to think she did anything wrong, though.
"No, don't say that. I'm not good at - literally - reading social cues. I should have noticed. I just need some practice," I chuckle. I can hear a chuckle on the other end, too.
"Well, since we already cleared up our first miscommunication problem. How are you?"
That sentence shouldn't make my heart skip a beat, but it does.
Get your shit together, Spencer.
"With the heat and the lack of progress in the case, it is a bit frustrating. But we'll make it. How about you?"
"Good, actually. Not the load of paperwork I had last week, and my boss just asked me to prepare a lecture for the trainees in forensic accounting."
"Wow, that's amazing!" I chirp, excited.
"I'm a bit nervous, though. But I'll live," (Y/N) sighs.
"You'll do it great. I didn't know you were into teaching," I muse, remembering our prior conversations.
"I didn't, either. But I've had some previous experiences, and they have been okay. So, the case? That bad, uh?"
That brings me back to L.A. and the case. I was very comfy with my mind in (Y/N).
"He's taunting us. I mean, the police force. But we have a strong profile. One more piece, and we have him," I assure, trying to be convincing enough.
"You guys know what you're doing. You'll catch him, Spencer." (Y/N) sounds like she has no doubt. It fills my heart with warmth because although she doesn't have to put that amount of trust in me, she does it anyway.
"Reid?" I turn to see Morgan and J.J. walking into the room. She hears it, too.
"They need you. You have to return to work," (Y/N) concludes. I let out a sigh.
"Yeah. I have to go," I mumble apologeticly.
"Of course, you're working. It’s okay," she affirms with understanding.
"I'll let you know when I'm done here. Take care, okay?" I whisper into the receiver.
"I will. You too, be safe. Bye."
I can see Morgan's smirk and JJ’s curious look when I hang up.
I know they're dying to ask me questions, but now is not the time, and I don't want to either. So before any words come from their mouths, I hasten to speak.
"Did you find anything? I was examining what we have so far, and I think we are missing something. Look at this," I tell them, pointing to the scattered photos on the table. They look at each other and hesitate to interrupt me or play along. Thank goodness they opt for the latter.
Me: Did you know L.A. has an abandoned underground tunnel network? If they are put together, it will stretch out 17 kilometers. They exist due to the Prohibition. When alcohol was banned in L.A. in early 1920, 35,000 gallons of wine were poured into its sewers. But, far from eradicating booze, prohibition pushed its use underground, literally.
Heimlich Master: Wow. I didn't know that. But I'm afraid to ask why are you telling me this. Are you trapped in one of those tunnels, and this is a call for help? [see attached photo]
Me: Ha Ha Ha. Let's say I've been studying those tunnels all day. Good thing we have Morgan and Prentiss to do the dirty job, though.
It's my fifth night in Los Angeles, and I don't know whether to laugh or cry. The only things that have kept me at least in a decent mood are the texts and short calls I have shared with (Y/N). I've never been very fond of using technology, including my cell phone, but thanks to (Y/N), I haven't even questioned it.
We've been sharing fun facts and memes. If you had asked me a week ago what a meme was, I wouldn't have known what to answer. The word was familiar to me thanks to Garcia, who often mentions them, but now I can say that I know more about them than I would have expected to. (Y/N) is a regular, and I can understand more of her sense of humor because of that. She especially loves the ones with a philosopher dinosaur and those where a woman yells at a cat.
Heimlich Master: How is the case going?
I'm about to reply when hard knocks shake my hotel room door. I hear Morgan's voice on the other side. "Reid! There is a break in the case! Move your ass right now!" Before leaving the room, I texted (Y/N).
Me: Hoping to wrap it up tonight.
Two hours later, we have the unsub in custody, not before running into a frantic chase for L.A. streets. Now, completely wasted, we are packing our things to return home. Usually, when we wrap cases at this hour, we stay until the next morning and then take off. But everyone is so drained that Hotch called to the tarmac saying we’re flying back tonight.
Being already on the jet, I feel like writing to (Y/N), but it doesn't seem appropriate, considering it's 2 in the morning. I refrain and try to catch some sleep, knowing exactly what I want to do first when we touch down in Virginia.
It’s the first time I've put foot on the third floor of the Quantico Headquarters. It doesn’t look too different from the others I do know. A bunch of people walking in and out, agents perched at their desks, deep in folders or computers. Phones are ringing, and the sound of copy machines is unmistakable.
But none of that matters right now. I have a mission to accomplish.
After navigating between several desks, I find the one I’m looking for.
“Good morning, agent (Y/L/N).”
At the sound of my voice, (Y/N)’s head whips up.
“Hey! When did you come back?” she asks, seeming confused. The last time we spoke was last night before the unsub takedown, so for her, I still could be in LA.
I check my watch. “One hour and fifteen minutes ago.”
“I hope you slept on the jet.”
“I did. A bit.”
I won’t tell her how I barely closed my eyes, excited about returning to Virginia.
“So, to what do I owe the honor of having you here, Dr. Reid?”
“A crucial matter that can’t wait.”
“Is that so?”
“Uh-hu. I have an announcement and a question for you.”
“Oh yeah? Okay, shoot.”
“Morgan didn't kick down any doors during this case.”
(Y/N) snort a laugh. What a beautiful view it is to see her laugh.
“It's what I needed to start my day with the right foot.”
“You're welcome.”
“Okay, that was the announcement. And the question?”
“Yeah, about that. What do you say if we switch our failed lunch last Saturday for having dinner tonight?”
(Y/N)’s eyes widen in surprise.
“Tonight? Are you sure? You just came back.”
She’s inspecting my face, looking for certainty. I nod solemnly.
“Yeah, tonight. Unless you already have plans. If that’s the case, it’s okay. We can do something another day.”
After pondering my offer for a second, a smile creeps in (Y/N)’s face.
“You’re a lucky guy. Did you know that?”
Is it too much to say I’m feeling a lucky guy since I met her?
“I’m realizing now. Pick you up at seven, then. Is that okay?”
“Perfect. I’ll text you my full address.”
After saying our goodbyes, I take the elevator back to BAU. As the doors open at the sixth, I go face-to-face with Garcia.
“Oh, there you are! Everyone was looking for you to start the debriefing. Where were you anyways?” Penelope says, worried about my whereabouts.
Shit. I forgot Hotch wanted to do that quickly so we could finally get over this case.
“Uh. I had to use the bathroom.” I try to sound normal to avoid making a big deal.
“On another floor?” She asks, visibly confused.
Sometimes, my IQ gets lost in my odd way of doing synapses.
What the fuck I was thinking when I said that?
“Did you know the men’s bathroom paper toilet in the seventh is better quality than here?”
Oh, Spencer Reid, please stop.
“Really? I always knew they had more privileges than us. But the paper toilet? It’s infuriating,” Garcia huffs. And I know doing this is not very kind of me, but I promise to explain to her. Not now, though.
“Uh. I’m going to the conference room now. The others are waiting,” I announce, and Garcia nods, ushering me there.
“Yes. Go, go!”
Aside from the looks of 'Where the hell were you?' no one commented on me being late. Once we debrief, Hotch officially closes the case, instructing us to finish the paperwork and head home at lunchtime, which is perfect for my plans. It gives me enough time to prepare for dinner with (Y/N).
I know I look like a teenager, but I don't care.
Around three in the afternoon, I am already in my apartment and have made a restaurant reservation.
I decided to take a quick nap, although I didn't know how much sleep I would get given my nerves. It's not that being with (Y/N) makes me anxious per se; It's the anticipation of being with her.
Maybe I'm expecting too much from this date.
Shit. 'This date' Is this actually a date?
I feel like it is, but for (Y/N), will it be the same?
I invited her to dinner but never told her it was a date. Derek would tell me it is, but I don't want to assume.
Now is when Emily's words ring in my ears: 'Be honest with her to avoid false expectations.'
With her words in mind and the tiredness from the last days catching up with me, slumber finds me after a while.
It’s seven pm sharp, and I’m knocking on (Y/N)’s door. I can hear some rustling from inside before the doors open, revealing her frame greeting me with a smile.
“Hey! Just in time!”
“H- hi,” I say, almost breathless after taking in her appearance.
It's true that the first time I saw (Y/N), she was dressed to the nines. It's also true that when I saw her on the terrace that night, I couldn't help but think how beautiful and captivating she was.
The next time was at Quantico. She wore a classic and elegant office outfit, with black formal trousers, a white silk blouse, and a fitted maroon jacket. The image of all the confidence and resolve I bet she has at the job.
But now? My jaw shamelessly drops.
She's wearing a sleek, form-fitting black dress that accentuates her curves and black heels that elongate her legs. A beautiful cardigan wraps elegantly in her upper half. Her hair is styled in loose waves cascading over her shoulders, and she's accessorized with long silver earrings and the same necklace with the compass I saw on her the first time. She looks sophisticated, alluring, and just perfect.
“Let me get my purse, and we can go, okay?” (Y/N) says, jutting her thumb to the inside.
“Su- yeah, sure.”
Great. I’m a stuttering mess.
The drive to the restaurant is filled with light conversation. I talked about the last heatwave in Los Angeles, and she annoyed me by telling me about the rain in Virginia last week.
Now I ask (Y/N) if she has a car. It happens that she owns a car but doesn't like to drive.
“I just discovered years ago I don't like it. But I kept the car only for emergencies, which is stupid if I think of it,” she prefaces.
“Why?” I ask, stealing a glance at her.
“Because now all emergencies I can think of entail myself incapable of driving.”
Her laugh fills the car now, and I can’t help but join her.
“Okay, okay. But really, why you don’t like it?” I ask when our laughing fades. (Y/N) clears her throat.
“Uh - are you familiar with the term road rage?”
I nod, not peeling my gaze from the streets ahead.
“Yes, I do. Colloquially known as ‘angry driver disorder,’ it is aggressive or angry behavior exhibited by motorists. These behaviors include rude and verbal insults, yelling, physical threats, or dangerous driving methods targeted at other drivers, pedestrians, or cyclists to intimidate or release frustration.”
A sigh escapes (Y/N)’s lips. “Yeah. That.”
Using the chance a red light gives me, I look at her with an eyebrow furrowed.
“So, do you have RRD?”
She averts my gaze, focusing on the windshield instead.
“I thought I had it. At first, I didn’t give it any importance. I said it was just me trying to adjust to the jungle. Who hasn’t yelled as driving? But there were times when I freaked out of myself and feared doing something more than screeching or honking like crazy. So, I stopped driving for a while. I did my research and learned techniques to get it under control. But since then, I never enjoyed it again.”
A nervous giggle escapes from (Y/N)’s lips.
“Jesus, you are going to think I’m a society threat.”
I shake my head without a second thought.
“Of course, you are not. Furthermore, I find it admirable that you realized it was unhealthy and took action before living a worse experience.”
I see a blush creeping (Y/N)’s cheeks from the corner of my eye.
Not five minutes later, we are at the restaurant parking lot.
Descending from the vehicle, I hurry to (Y/N)’s door and open it for her. Once she is out of the car, I offer my arm so she can lace hers with it.
The hostess greets us at the entrance, and once he checks our reservation, he leads us to our table.
It's the first time I’m here. I chose it because Rossi once said it was perfect for a date.
Again. A date. Something I still don't know if apply here.
A waitress approaches us as soon as we sit, handing us two menus.
“Miss, sir. I’m Emma, and I’ll be at your service this evening. Can I offer something to drink?”
After Emma leaves us with our orders, (Y/N) turns to me.
“Spencer, this place is amazing.”
And she is right. The soft lighting from the small lamps creates a warm atmosphere. The decor includes cozy tables spaced apart for privacy, with comfortable seating and plush cushions. Soft and muted deep reds and browns fill the interior, with classy artwork on the walls. It's really nice.
But above all, the company makes it even better.
Our conversation flows as easily as in the car. It's so comfortable as we have known each other for a long time. And we just met less than two weeks ago.
“Okay, let me get this straight. So you are from Vegas and couldn't bear the L.A. heatwave?”
“I have lived in DC for almost eight years, so I adapted better to this climate.” I shrug and (Y/N) hums.
“You don't get to go there that much? I mean, do you have family there?”
“Just my mom. And no, I don’t see her very often,” I confess—a tint of guilt in my voice.
I see (Y/N)’s face, and I know she wants to ask, but she is respectful enough not to. Not everyone is.
“I’m an only child. And my dad left us when after my tenth birthday. With no siblings, it is only my mom and me. But even if I don't see her often, I write her letter daily.”
I look at her again, expecting the same face everyone gives me when I talk about my family, the one that screams pity. But no, if (Y/N)’s face screams anything, it’s understanding.
“Old school, uh? I’m sure your mom loves your letters,” she says, sipping her glass of wine. I nod,
telling (Y/N) more about my letters to my mom and how detailed she likes me to write them.
“And I think it helped us not to break the bond.” I shrug, taking a bit from the fork. “What about you? Did you say you are not from DC?”
“No. I’m not. I’m from Minneapolis. My parents settled there at a very young age. They were born in the South. I have two siblings: an older sister and a younger brother. My parents are still in Minneapolis, and my brother is, but he lives with his boyfriend now. My sister left for Chicago when she married her fiancee years ago.”
“Do you see them often?”
(Y/N) shakes her head.
“Not quite. Just in holidays or major events. But we call each other often. I always know what happens there, and they know what happens to me here.”
(Y/N) tells me she is not that close with her sister, though. Since she started dating his current husband, they distanced. And that only worsened when (Y/N) moved to DC.
“I’m sorry. That must have hurt.” I don’t know what having a sibling is, but I see in her eyes that she is not okay with how things turned between them.
“Yeah. But neither of us has done something about it. And here is where I need to clarify that stubbornness runs in my family,” she chuckles.
I pull a face, faking surprise. “Yeah, that’s so you can realize who you're dealing with,” she says, pointing her fork at me.
Our conversation bounces from topic to topic until we land on the school phase.
I tell her about what it's like to be a child prodigy in a public school in Las Vegas. The bad things and the not-so-bad ones, because believe it or not, I can see something positive from that time at this point in my life.
“Clearly, I didn't have it as difficult as you, but I am sure we all felt out of place at some point during that time,” she muses, cutting a piece of her dessert with the spoon.
“Did you?”
She lets out a chuckle. “Let's say I haven't been very ‘typical’ in my life, especially in high school. I mean, if following a stereotype was required, mine was quite different from the other girls my age.”
I narrow my eyes at her. “How is so?”
“Well, while my friends dreamed about having a Mr. Darcy-Elizabeth kind of love, I found Heathcliff and Kathy's relationship more appealing,” she stops from her explanation with a snort escaping her lips. “Ha! I should have known it would be a problem later.”
Why do I think other people would know what she is talking about while I don't?
Of course, she sees the confusion written all over my face.
“You don’t know what I’m talking about, do you?” I pull a face, shaking my head.
“At risk of being disrespectful, uh, no. I don't.”
“Don’t worry. You don't have to, I guess. But if you read Wuthering Heights someday, you will know.”
I will—first thing in the morning.
“But the main idea is that I never expected life would be something close to a fairy tale, you know? I just didn't believe it, and my friends hated that of me.”
It's fair to say that we are so caught up in chatting that we don’t realize we are the only ones left in the restaurant. We do when Emma approaches to ask if we need anything.
After paying the check, we left the restaurant and headed to my car. The ride is mainly silent this time. I don’t want this night to end, and I think (Y/N) doesn't either because of how she bites her lower lip with her eyes trained on the road ahead.
We begin a light conversation for a few minutes after arriving at her building. With the car in parking, I reach her side of the vehicle to open the door for her. I offer her my hand, and she takes it, giving me a warm smile.
“I'll walk you to the door.” She nods softly, “Okay.”
The three floors to her apartment are pure agony in my head. I want to be honest with her, but I also don't want to scare her into thinking I'm a creep or whatever. If she notices my internal dilemma, she doesn't mention it. We reach her door, and (Y/N) takes her keys from her purse. I don't trust my hands and keep them in my pockets as she opens the door. She turns to face me now.
“Thank you, Spencer. I had a great time tonight.”
I see it in her eyes. She is genuine. And my heart skips a bit.
“Me too. Thanks for accepting my invitation.”
My hands feel clammy, so I take them out of my pocket and dry them discreetly on my clothes.
“Of course.”
We remain silent without taking our eyes off each other. Emily's words reverberate, and I know what I must do.
Okay. Here we go.
“Can I - can I ask you something?”
I wish I could speak without stumbling over my words.
“Would you say that tonight, that is, our dinner - would you say it was a date? I mean, would you classify this as a date?”
(Y/N)’s eyes are trained on me as if trying to follow my train of thought.
“A date? Why wouldn’t I?”
She is still careful but curious about where I’m going with all of this.
“It's just that I never said it was a date when I talked about dinner.”
“So, you didn’t want it as a date?” (Y/N) asks for clarification, and I feel like the stupidest human being on earth.
“No! I did. I do. It's just - I thought you maybe thought of it like something different?”
She narrows her eyes at me. This is not working. I take a deep breath before starting over.
“The thing is, I don’t know if I’m reading this wrong. From the times we have seen each other and what we have talked about in these two weeks, I feel that there is something that feels so good between us, and I wonder if maybe you don't feel it or if you see it as something similar to a friendship. I know things in that part of your life have been messy lately, and I would understand if you wouldn't want anything to do with me, but I can't stop thinking-“
My rant is halted when I notice (Y/N)’s palm caressing my cheek. There is a glimmer in her eyes that makes my heart stop.
“Spencer. You are not reading this wrong. I feel the same way you described it as ‘right,’ even if I’m unsure what it is exactly.”
I let out a dramatic sigh I didn't know I was holding. That makes (Y/N) giggle. I join her with a chuckle myself.
As the giggle subsides, I hold her hand and place it over my chest near my heart. My other hand softly tilts her chin so I can look into her eyes.
“You are amazing; did you know that?” I whisper, and her breath hitched. I flick my gaze between her eyes and her lips. She does the same. And that's what I needed to get the courage and lean in. Slowly, the distance between us gets short, and I swear my heart is going to burst out of my chest. I can feel her breath fanning my face as her eyes flutter close.
And then, our lips met for the first time.
It's slow, and I can taste the sweetness of her lips.
I've never felt something like this kissing someone before, but now that I know what it's like, I never want to stop feeling it.
Her hands go up my shoulders, seeking a grip on the hair at the back of my neck. My hands fly to her hips to pull her closer to me as our kiss deepens. I sweep my tongue over her lower lip, and she parts them to grant me access. One of my hands leaves her hip to cup her face to get a better angle for continuing our kiss. Her arms tighten around my neck, pulling me impossibly closer.
I don’t want it to end, but the need for air is too much. After breaking the kiss, we are both panting with our faces flushed and lips swollen.
We breathe out at the same time, followed by a fit of giggles.
Her laugh is definitely my new favorite sound on Earth.
I cup her cheeks and lean again to steal a quick kiss from her lips, and when I’m about to part again, she tightens her grip on my suit jacket lapels and brings me to her lips again.
After two or three more kisses, we lose the hold of our hands off each other, with a wide grin spread on our faces.
“I think we already give my neighbors enough of a show for tonight,” (Y/N) points out, biting her lower lip and peeking at both sides of the hall behind me.
“Yeah,” I mumble as I stroke her cheek, gaze focused on her eyes. “I should get going.” (Y/N) nods. “Text me when you are home?”
“I will.”
After another quick kiss, I muster the will to say goodbye. Wishing me goodnight, (Y/N) enters the apartment and closes the door. I linger there for a few seconds, excited like a child after the best day of his life.
I feel like it is.
Right now? I'm beyond grateful to Hotch for making me attend that stupid gala.
Spencer Reid's Taglist: @dreatine @nomajdetective @jayyeahthatsme @rosalinasam2 @averyhotchner @lovelyxtom @princessmiaelicia @pastelbabygirl19 @reidsbookclub @alexxavicry @gspenc @spencerreidisbae123 @calmspencer @pauline5525mgg @anamiad00msday @milivanili99 @laylasbunbunny @leahblackk @miaxx03 @missabsey @taintedstranger @khxna @hiireadstuff @pleasantwitchgarden @dysphoricsanity @levi-of-starz @themoonchildwhofell @silver138 @lovelybaka @shinytinywhispers
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cultofdixon · 6 months
Stress is a silent killer
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • Don’t get me wrong, mothers are strong motherfuckers. But that doesn’t mean you can abuse an expecting mother’s abilities. • ANGST/SFW • TW: Pregnancy / Pre-Term Labor Anxieties / Anxiety
Requested by: Anon
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Daryl silently returns his home he shares with Y/N who was currently seated in the living room wide awake. She was decked out to go outside the walls and search for him after the news but thankfully he came back in time before she risked herself at the hour it was.
“I’m sorry”
Y/N didn’t say anything, all she did was let the tears that build up roll off her cheeks.
“I’m sorry I walked away when yea first told me” His voice broke as he brought himself to kneel in front of her resting his hands on her thighs watching her tearful expression meet his gaze.
“I’m scared, Dar…”
“I know, me too. Cuz I want this. I want this with yea and I’m afraid of losing you…like Lori…or like…the others. I can’t lose yea to anythin’ or anyone.”
“You can’t…you can’t walk out like the way you did” She choked out through her sobbing as Daryl brought his hands onto her cheeks wiping away them while they fell. “Please…if you do that again, I’m only going to think the worse possible things”
“I’m stayin’ right here, sunshine. I’m never leaving again.” Daryl pushed himself forward and wrapping his arms around her as she did the same gripping onto his vest. “I’m never leaving you and this baby, I promise”
7 1/2 months later…
Another cold spring morning comes through causing the somewhat irritable not-a-morning person Y/N to bring herself to sit up the best she could given her “natural” circumference was different compared to the first and second trimester.
“Did you leave the window open?” She tiredly asks her husband who had sat up when she did, given the closer they get to 9 months the more he’ll be up and at it for anything.
“It was stuffy last night, yea asked me too” Daryl yawns stretching out his back hearing his partner hiss when she heard the occasional stretch out crack. “I’m good”
“Working on the wall repair does you no good…and I think I just forgot I asked you to open it” Y/N frowns bringing herself to the edge of the bed causing Daryl to get up in his shirtless glory about to close the window. “What are you doing?”
“I told yea you don’t have to get up and close it”
“I gotta get up and pee cuz a certain someone is stepping on my bladder.”
“So is that a no on me closing it for yea, love?”
“Can you please close it and help me stand up?” Y/N gave him a tired smile as he did exactly what was asked and while Daryl helped her up she couldn’t help but grab his face to bring him to her level to kiss him before separating to do what she needed.
“Are you sure you don’t need me or want me this morning? Rick completely understands why I can stay here” Daryl started to remind Y/N about the run he was asked to go on that involved stopping at the Hilltop to drop off supplies and go pick up more from the Kingdom.
“You pawned it off to somebody for the past two weeks. I’m not going to go into labor the second you leave. I’m not 8 months yet”
“Pre-term shit. You were put on bedrest during the second tri—whatever it’s called because your stress wasn’t helpin’” Daryl states slipping off his sweats to put jeans on when Y/N stepped out of the bathroom. “It’s easy for yea to stress out and back in the prison you passed out once cuz of it. Now you’re pregnant and Siddiq said it could cause more harm than good”
“Are you trying to stress me out now?”
“No, I’m just telling—-“
“It’s only for half the day. Both Maggie and Ezekiel know who you have to come back home to, they won’t hold you up and we also know Carol will shut Ezekiel up if he does start another endless conversation with you. You’ll be back before nightfall and I’ll be here waiting for my husband to come back”
The archer only gave her a worried expression because of how calm she was being, since a month ago she’d scream at him for just leaving the house. He brought himself over kissing her lovingly and holding her for as long as she let him, which could be hours and he’ll not be able to go anymore. But Y/N knew this trick.
“You seriously walking me out to make sure I actually go?” Daryl smiles walking his bike with his pregnant wife on the other side of such still wearing her sweats and one of his shirts.
“Did you forget about the morning and evening walks we do?”
“Nah I did not. Which reminds me to tell yea to wait for me for the night one. Take it easy walking back home and stay away from the new infusions”
Y/N whistled for Daryl to stop given she can’t maneuver fast enough to grab his arm. “Stay away from the new infusions?”
“Rick let in more ex-saviors to help around here. They are staying in the apartment looking houses” Daryl parked his bike a moment bringing himself to rest his hands on her belly. “Two of them are annoying shit stains of humanity. I don’t know the other one’s name but one of’em is Bryan and they’d much rather pawn their work off to somebody else”
“Daryl. I doubt they’d make a pregnant woman do shit”
“Well. I told Aaron to check on yea if he sees you doing anything sketchy”
“Seriously. Rick is at Oceanside, Michonne is watching a sick Judith, and the others are working on the bridge repair. You won’t let me stay to make sure you don’t over exert yourself. Somebody’s gotta check on yea and since he’s takin’ care of a baby girl at the moment? He’s more than happy to check up on you when Gracie is napping”
“You really have everything planned. Even have a radio?” Y/N smiles crossing her arms as he took out said device to show her resulting in a playful eye roll. “I’ll do my best, my love. But I’ve never seen those individuals before…you can’t blame me if something happened”
“Yeah, but I sure as hell can kill a man if he harms my wife and baby” Daryl states, sneaking in a kiss before getting his bike back up and heading toward the gates.
“I promise nothing will happen, Dar”
What was meant to be an easy day, turned into a weird one.
When the gates closed, Y/N held her belly for a moment feeling the shifting baby inside her make it a bit difficult to go immediately back to her home. She decided to take a longer walk around Alexandria, stopping occasionally to talk to her friends and see what they were up to improve their community. Then on her way back there were two Alexandrians carrying a few boxes to the pantry and infirmary. Both looked at her with curious expressions…
Y/N ignored it at first until she flinched to the sound of the box dropping beside her.
“You’re Y/N right? The other Dixon in this place”
“Yes…? And you are?” She frowns, not liking the feeling the atmosphere gave when the individual didn’t share his name right away.
“I’m new here. Do you mind helping us with something?”
“Uhm I’m not exactly supposed to be…lifting anything heavy” Y/N gestures a bit on the obvious side about her pregnant belly as they both still gave stone cold stares.
“We’ll carry it to the pantry and infirmary. Just could use somebody to put it away while we bring the rest”
“Is Siddiq not her—-“
“Seriously, Dixon. You’re just pregnant not incompetent” one of them stated only for Y/N’s expression to go south as she supported her belly telling them that she’ll meet them in the pantry first to unload the boxes.
Once she stepped far enough, one of them couldn’t help the laugh that escaped his lips.
“Cant believe that worked”
“Can it Bryan. We still gotta bring the boxes over then we can go fuck off for the rest of the day” The other scoffs picking up and the box carrying it to where it needed to be.
It had been a couple hours of putting supplies away in their perspective areas, thankfully Y/N has worked with Siddiq before so she knows where he likes everything to be. The doctor just didn’t expect to come back from checking on the little ones of Alexandria after lunch time to find Y/N standing on a stool putting away spare gauze in a tub that Siddiq put them in.
“Are you crazy?” Siddiq frowns watching Y/N stumble a bit unexpected as he quickly drop his medical bag to help his friend off the stool. “What’s wrong with you? Why are you in here?”
“Because I have to be useful!”
“Y/N what the hell do you mean?!” Siddiq frowns watching the discomfort grow on her face along with the tears forming. “Okay, come on. Sit down and tell me what happened” he made her sit on the gurney sitting with her.
“My husband—-“
“Did Daryl get hurt?!”
“No! He warned me about some slackers and I just. I didn’t think I was this stupid enough to fall for their shit” Y/N frowns wiping away her tears before wincing and holding her belly instantly. Siddiq pulled away to get the portable machine helping her lay down onto the gurney adjusting it for her to sit up. “It was just one damn conversation and I felt like I was being useless. We won that stupid fucking war. Lost a lot of people. Then this happened and it’s the best thing but all my hormones are all over the place—-“
“And that’s normal! It’s normal for hormones to take over control with all your other emotions.” Siddiq carefully rolled her shirt up to apply a bit of the gel and gently place the wand to check on the heartbeat. “Can you tell me your pain level? And I’m talking from the moment you’ve felt uncomfortable”
“A six…”
“Are you lying?” Siddiq stated watching the tears build up more. “Y/N how long have you been working today?”
“About an hour after Daryl left”
The look on Siddiq’s face only grew even more worried for his friend as he cleaned her up and before she even tried to get up, he carefully helped her back down grabbing a blanket to cover her.
“You’re having contractions and I don’t want you to force this baby out from your stress because it’s too early and while I think we can…handle that intense situation…I don’t want you to lose this baby if it goes south.” Siddiq frowns covering her more in the blanket and putting the gurney in the trendelenburg position to have gravity help slow the contractions. Before he pulled away to grab a few things that will help, Y/N grabbed his arm. “You stay here and I’ll get someone to radio Daryl to come back a bit early”
“You think he’ll…uh…y-you think he’ll be mad at me?” Her voice broke as Siddiq took her hand into both of his shaking his head.
“No. But when he finds out about who made you overwork, they aren’t going to see the next day”
By the time Siddiq got Daryl on the line, he was already making his way back to Alexandria and when he heard about his wife he was speeding even faster. Daryl parked in front of the infirmary, dropping his bike without another thought as he enters the building bringing himself to her side resting his hand on her belly.
“How are yea feeling?”
“I’m sorry—-“
“Love, please—-“
“I’m really sorry” Y/N broke down in a sob making her husband out of instinct gently wipe away her tears. “I’m really sorry I didn’t take it easy—“
“Y/N. I’m serious when I say this. You don’t have to apologize.” Daryl frowns rubbing circles on her belly watching her bring her hand over his. “Did Siddiq tell yea how long you’d have to be—-“
“She can go back down.” Siddiq interrupts the two coming down from his flat above the infirmary with a filled canteen for Y/N. “You can take her back to your home to be more comfortable in her bed but again, bed rest—-“
“Fuck” Y/N sobbed hating it already and she’s not in her own bed.
“Just for a week until your stress levels and blood pressure go down. Thankfully trendelenburg worked with the contractions but don’t want you, again, to overwork yourself” Siddiq set the canteen down to help Daryl get Y/N on her feet before giving her the filled bottle. “Don’t let her leave the house, then maybe nobody would abuse your hormones” he stated letting them be to finish what Y/N started before he made her rest.
After getting Y/N back home and in their bed, Daryl stuck by her side thinking of the words Siddiq had said before they left. But he wasn’t going to address it when she was still experiencing a bit of discomfort.
“You want another pillow?”
“Then what are you going to sleep on?”
“A mattress? I don’t need a pillow, just need my woman comfortable while she’s a human incubator” He jokes getting a short lived laugh out of her as he moves the extra blankets and his pillows to support her back and belly. When she first started getting uncomfortable, he tried looking for one of those pregnancy pillows that Carol had told him about but it was a lot of work and he didn’t want to leave her at all. Like he promised and is semi-regretting given he left to take care of business and some assholes were pushing her limits with emotional abuse.
“Daryl…?” Y/N tiredly calls out for him as he returns with her canteen filled for a fourth time since being home as he brought himself to sit on the edge of the bed setting her bottle on the nightstand.
“Yes, sunshine?”
“You still love me right…?” Y/N pouted only for Daryl to scoff at such a ridiculous question, leaning over to shower her in kisses making her bring her arms around his neck to keep him close for the moment. “Dar…”
“I’ll always love you. Even when yea risk yourself. But, imma stick by yea for the rest of this.” Daryl states. “No more tellin’ me I gotta go cuz I promised somebody. Someone else will get the work done, doesn’t have to be me and definitely doesn’t have to be you”
“Can you hold me tonight?”
“As long as you don’t kick me out of the bed when it got too hot” he laughs softly, bringing his lips to hers for a few short soft kisses before pulling away to get into comfortable clothing to sleep in and hold her.
The second Y/N fell asleep and was in deep enough sleep for the archer to slip away to check on a familiar hiding spot in Alexandria. Said hiding spot would have those who didn’t want others to notice they were smoking. Knowing damn well he’ll find the right men that have been bothering his partner.
“Ayo the other Dixon has retur—-“ Bryan immediately shut up when Daryl grabbed him by the collar forcing him against the walls of the community.
“You talk to my wife today? Mess with her and had your buddy over here help?”
“Dude I have no idea—-“
“Don’t lie. Don’t even try, or I will fucking end you right here and now” Daryl hissed shoving him harshly against the wall letting go of his shirt. He quickly turned to his buddy who put out his cigarette before holding his hands up defensively. “If I see you and or this son of a bitch near my wife or even hear about it, I’ll feed you both to the walkers after I’ve knocked the living shit out of you both. And don’t yea worry…I’ve got friends to let me know if yea fuck with the love of my life and soon to be mother of my child” and with that he took his leave letting the two regret their decisions and contemplate being moved to a different community to avoid the harsher Dixon. But even then, he’d tear them apart anywhere.
Y/N shifted slightly when the bed moved behind her, she relaxed instantly feeling her husband bring his arm around her pulling her into him.
“Where’d you go?”
“Got yea more water, and heard somethin’ outside”
“Another possum?”
“A pest that’s for sure”
“Mmm…” Y/N snuggles into his embrace getting comfortable as Daryl kissed her temple. “Nothing you can’t handle right?”
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sensei-venus · 1 year
How does hawk react when he finds it his chubby gf has never been eat out before? Not bc she didn't want it bc bc her ex partners never cared
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He's in shock but he hides it. How did no guy want to go down on her? Is it not every guys wet dream to be smothered between thick thighs with a pretty wet pussy in their face? Because it was definitely one of his.
Their in her bedroom, her parents long gone for the next few days on a work trip.
Both of them have been dating for a while but they only recently started having sex. Mostly just fingering and handjobs, a few times they actually got down to having penetrating sex. They decided together that they wanted to try something new so Hawk brought up the idea of oral. They both agreed to try it, Hawk didn’t notice the way Reader played with her fingers out of nervousness.
Her first time giving him a blow job was interesting. Hawk let her control the situation as he watched her bob up and down on his dick. At first she could only take half of him into her mouth but after a few good try’s over a few minutes she was finally able to take him down to the base. Her puffy lips wrapped around his cock and pressed against his pelvis, her nose flat against his pubic hair. She gagged and moaned around him the whole time, sucking him down with every pass. Spit dribbled over his dick and dripped down her chin. One last thrust into her hot mouth and he busted down her throat, his hot load dripped down her throat. She pulled off with a wet pop, strings of spit and cum connected her now raw lips to his softened cock. She kissed the head before licking the thick cum ring from his base.
That’s what lead to now.
Reader completely naked laying on the bed with her lower half dangling off the edge. Her legs where clamped shut tight. Her hands playing with her stomach as her face flushed. Hawk stood over her looking her right in the eyes with a raised brow.
“I-I uhh just have never-“
“This is just kinda new to me I've never had anyone…..”
“No guy has ever gone down on your fat little pussy before? How?”
Reader puffed out her cheeks, she could feel herself getting hot from the slight embarrassment “I don’t know, my last boyfriend never wanted to, he said it was gross and nasty to do that to girls so we never did....I just gave him blowjobs....” a frown crossed her face at the thought of the old memories of her ex. The idea of him giving her oral was only brought up once, and it was a firm no followed by multiple verbal lashes on why it was stupid of her to even ask about it.
She never brought it up ever again.
Hawk’s hand grabbed roughly at the flesh of her big thigh, squeezing it like a stress toy. He smirked as he looked down at her, his eyes full of mischief. He bit his lip as he started to grin at her. His eyebrows going up as he talked.
“Baby I want to get between your legs and never come out. I want to drown in your pussy juice and suffocate between your thighs. It’s not nasty, being able to please a girl with your mouth is a “luxury” Princess. Let me make you feel good?”
Reader could only nod as she released her legs and let them fall open for him.
Leaning down he kissed from her face down to her neck and over her collar bone. He got lost in her tiny sounds as he kissed down her breasts and took a moment to suck at one of her nipples. Sucking until her nipple was hard and covered in his hot spit, he kissed it before moving down her belly. Sucking marks into the soft skin of her belly. One of her hands moved from his face to his shoulder as she felt him go lower down her body. At this point she couldn’t help but pant out as he worked her whole body open, the feeling of his lips against her skin was intoxicating.
Hawk finally got down between her legs. He smirked as he pulled her legs apart and threw her legs over his shoulders. He took a minute to look at her cunt, he watched as her clit twitched in need. Taking his thumbs he pulled her lower lips apart and watched as she glistened under the rooms light. Her lips where drooling, getting his fingers wet and sticky with her nectar. She jerked as he blew air onto her clit. He gave a small chuckle at her reaction until he licked a fat strip from the bottom of her hole to her clit.
She tasted even better then he had imagined in his dreams.
Her clit was hot and throbbing as he licked at it, lapping at the bud before giving it a wet suck. She yelped as her thighs wrapped around his head with every suck he made to her clit. He moaned out around her. She moaned and gasped out as she started to figure out his little game. He suckled her and traced patterns into her sensitive clit.
He unlatched from her bud to lap at her hole. She twitched and drooled at his attentive actions. He open mouth lapped at her slit. 
Slowly he started to insert his tongue into her wet heat. She locked up around him as he started to tongue fuck her tight hole open. Her cunt pushed against his tongue with every thrust, he couldn’t help but grunt out with every pass of his tongue into her pussy. She gripped at his head as he worked her over. She squealed when his nose brushed against her clit when he got his tongue as deep as he could inside of her.
She tried to cover her mouth as she rocked against her boyfriends face. She couldn’t stop her hips from jerking up to meet the thrusts of his tongue. Her pussy felt like it was on fire, she was sensitive all over and her stomach wouldn’t stop bubbling in pleasure. The pressure inside of her was building with every minute, her gut felt tight and burning hot. Tears brimming in her eyes.
“Eli I'm cumming I'm cumming! Please I can't please-” she couldn't hold back her sobs and babbling. Her mouth just couldn't stop moving as he played with her sensitive area. Her pussy almost going raw.
It was over when he stuffed three fingers into her tight cunt, roughly fingering her open. With one last moment he sucked her clit back into his mouth and sucked as hard as he could.
She practical vibrated underneath him. His arms had to hold her down by her thighs with the way her lower body tried to jerk up. Hot cum and slick leaked from her hole in violent streams. He slowly worked her though her orgasm so she could enjoy the last bits of pleasure he had given get. He removed himself from her clit once she stated to whimper at his attention. He removed his finger from her gapping pussy that still twitched from her rough orgasm. He licked them clean before moving up to meet her at the head of the bed.
Her eyes where closed as she tried to catch her breath. She was practically glowing. Hawk licked his lips before smirking.
“So I think we are definitely doing that again soon, like everyday? Because I would be so cool with that.”
Reader could only give him a shaky thumbs up before letting her head fall back into the bed.
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confusedblakex · 1 year
Pairing: Eijiro Kirishima X Deaf Reader (GN)
Summary: Kirishima always wondered why he had no words on his wrist, but when he meets you it all makes sense
AU: Soulmate AU - Soulmates have tattoos of the first words their soulmates say to them
Wordcount: ~1430
Warnings: Self consciousness (inferiority complex)
Requested by: Me stressing about finals
Notes: As a hearing person, please let me know if I offend anyone with the way I've written the reader (or if you have any constructive criticism)
Last edited: 24th May 2023
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Kirishima was self-conscious about many things. His looks, his personality, his quirk. And the fact that he had no soulmate.
The first words a person’s soulmate said to them would be written as a tattoo-like mark on the inside of their wrist. Everyone found their soulmate at some point in their life, whether intentionally or not, they would end up as friends or lovers or something in between.
Not everyone wanted to find their soulmate, but having no soulmate at all was even rarer than being quirkless. And on Kirishima’s wrist, there was nothing.
His love of sweatbands and nice watches wasn’t because of their usefulness and functionality, but because it meant he never had any questions about his soulmark. Though that didn’t mean he completely avoided the subject, and he always felt a sting in his heart whenever his friends brought it up.
But UA would be different - he told himself - at UA, he wouldn’t fear judgement because of it. And so for his first day of hero school, he didn’t cover his wrist, the empty space looking so abnormal to him.
Yet on the first day, quite a few people found their soulmates. He may have felt his heart ache, but reminded himself of the new person he was. He wouldn’t let this get him down. So when the topic of soulmates was brought up, he didn’t shy away - though he was nervous - and told his class about his lack of soulmark. No one made a fuss, and no one made him feel bad. Bakugo even called him lucky for not having destiny be the one to decide his partner.
So manly.
And though he still wished he had a soulmate, he didn’t let himself feel upset that he didn’t have a soulmark. Well, that was until he met you.
You were a transfer student who joined midyear, and apparently you knew Uraraka since she greeted you with a hug the moment she saw you. And then once Aizawa walked in,  you introduced yourself to the class.
Notebook in hand, you took a deep breath and stood in front of the class. Kirishima watched as you flipped open the first page of the notebook and gasps and whispers filled the room.
“Hello, my name is (y/n), and I’m deaf” 
And you flipped the page again.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you all”
You were nervous, he could tell you were nervous, but you smiled through it regardless. You were shown to your seat by Aizawa, and the moment he tried to go back to sleep the class erupted into chatter. Uraraka ran over to you and started making quick hand movements to you, which Kirishima realised was sign language.
The rest of the class followed suit, all rushing over trying to talk to you and asking Uraraka to translate. You took out your notebook with some pre-written answers for common questions. Things like:
“I do have hearing aids, but that doesn’t mean I can hear fully”
“If you want to talk to me, please make sure I’m able to see your face so I can better understand what you’re saying”
Once the fuss all died down, Uraraka ended up convincing you and a bunch of others to start a club to teach people sign language so you could communicate with them more easily. Which was then followed by Bakugo, of all people, going up to you and challenging you (and probably also insulting your quirk) in fluent sign language.
But Kirishima never took his eyes off you. You were gorgeous. The way you interacted with the class as they asked you questions, and how cute you were when you were focusing on listening to someone. Your smile and the positive aura you had.
He had fallen hard.
He walked up to you one day with the intention of asking about joining the sign language club, but he couldn’t seem to think clearly. He had never spoken to you before, so once he had your attention his mind blanked.
Instead he said the first thing that popped into his brain.
“Hey, I uh… just wanted to say I think you’re really pretty…”
Your eyes went wide as your wrist started to tingle and then gently burn. It only lasted a moment, but you knew exactly what it meant. You pulled your sleeve down just enough to see the words glowing, and then turned to furiously sign to Uraraka, who was already understanding what was going on.
“Oh my gosh, (y/n)’s your soulmate!” She exclaimed, probably a little louder than she intended as you winced at the noise.
“What?” Kiri asked, not because he didn’t figure it out, but because it simply wasn’t possible. And yet it made so much sense.
The silence that followed rang loud, and yet your bright smile made everything alright. Kiri couldn’t help but pull you into a gentle hug, one that you quickly reciprocated.
From that moment on, Kirishima felt complete, felt as though his heart was whole. As though all those years spent feeling insecure about his lack of soulmark, and all those nights he spent wishing he’d have a soulmate were nothing.
And your friendship quickly became something more. Kiri didn’t want to feel like he was pushing you into a relationship, but it just felt so natural. His love for you was unlike anything he had ever felt, and it only grew greater each day.
Kirishima wanted to confess his feelings for you, but he wasn’t sure how. Not once had to two of you spoken about your feelings regarding the realtionship, and he wanted it to be special. 
He finally convinced Bakugo to teach him sign language - even though Bkakugo wouldn’t tell Kiri why he knew it - and planned the perfect way to tell you. On his birthday.
Unbeknownst to him, you wanted to do something special too. With the help of Uraraka, Momo and Jiro, you all came up with a plan. The three of them were the best friends you could ask for and were so supportive of your feelings for Kirishima. Together, they helped you learn over the months, and for Kiri’s birthday you were going to tell him you loved him. With words.
It wasn’t as though you couldn’t speak, you could, you were just so self-conscious about how you sounded - and of course it wasn’t easy. But it was something you were willing to do for Eijiro. He was so uplifting to be around, and encouraged you endlessly. For years you were worried that your soulmate wouldn’t be interested in you romantically because of your disability, but Kiri didn’t care. He loved you regardless, and you couldn’t be happier.
But when the day finally rolled around, you suddenly didn’t trust yourself. What if you sounded weird? What if he didn’t like your voice? You knew it was just your thoughts bringing you down, but they were so difficult to ignore.
A tap on your shoulder brought you back from your thoughts, and your turned to face Bakugo and Kirishima. You smiled at Kiri, but Bakugo had something to say.
“Stupid hair had something important to say, so you better pay attention” he signed, “I’ll kill you if you don’t treat him well”
His face softened, and he patted you on the back before leaving, which took you off guard. It leaft you and Kiri alone together, but you were still confused.
He looked nervous, but before you could ask any questions, he bagan signing.
“It’s my birthday today, and I wanted to do something special”
“And I really don’t want to come off as weird, but it’s not manly for me to keep my feelings hidden from you”
He signed to you fluently and confidently, making a few mistakes here and there, but you could tell he was really trying. And it was wonderful.
“I love you (y/n)”
This was not how you expected it to go, but it was perfect nonetheless. He confessed to you! It was practically the perefct setup.
“I love you to-o, Kiri-shima” You said, making sure you carefully sounded out the words so you didn’t say anything wrong.
Kiri didn’t even have time to process that you just spoke. You loved him too!
“Really?! Ow-” He felt his wrist burn, and he hadn’t even noticed until it hurt. He tugged his sleeve down to see what had happened, but paused when he saw there was no wound. Instead, his wrist was glowing with words appearing on his skin.
‘I love you too, Kirishima’
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hopesangelsprite · 7 months
Stress Relief
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Pairing: Battinson x reader
Warnings ⚠️: zero plot whatsoever, pure filth, mating press, overstim, male moaning/whimpering, dubcon maybe (??? Idk), unprotected p in v (wrap it before you tap it bros), creampie obviously, marking if you squint
Protecting an entire city would take a toll on anyone, so of course some kind of stress relief would be on order. And if that someone was constantly sleep deprived, full of internal conflict, and said city happened to be Gotham... that poor soul had better found a damn good stress reliever.
That's where you come in, pinned underneath your cities' Vengeance for however long he'd keep you there. Night after night, sunrise after sunrise. Tonight was no different than any other except the fact that your broody boy toy had more of an appetite than usual.
Right now, all you can feel is him and all he can feel is you. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you wonder just how long he'd felt this way, just how much frustration he harbored within himself. But the drag of his member against your warm walls is enough to dismiss the thought completely.
"Fucking hell.", Bruce breaths into your shoulder at your clenching walls, "You're so good to me.". Butterflies invade your stomach, intertwining themselves with the stir of your orgasm. You're close to coming again for the nth time this session. Just what had he seen on those damp, dark streets tonight.
"Y-you mean it?", you whimper out as if he isn't fucking your brains into the mattress beneath the two of you. He groans and nods feverishly as his hand abandons your tits to grip the headboard that's banging loudly against the wall. "We're gonna be together forever, princess. Won't let anyone hurt you... just me and you.", he promises in that sweet voice of his. The sweetness of his words and the smoothness of his thrusts mingle perfectly enough to send you farther over the edge. You call his name as you continue coming.
And he talks you through it, praising you and whispering the sweetest nothings. He never misses a stroke, thoroughly fucking you through your orgasm and well beyond it. Your walls continue to flutter and your body feels scorching underneath his. The tips of your fingers as well as the palms of your hands buzz, a telltale sign of overstimulation. You mewl at the feeling of another orgasm building already. Then, his pace changes as he begins to lose himself for the first time tonight. This time you're unable to stop him.
"Fuck.", he swears as his hand leaves the headboard and grips the pillow next to your head. Bruce's face falls back into the crook of your neck and he audibly moans. You can feel the tension rolling off him in waves, the smell of his leather suit now completely masked by the smell of sex in the air.
His pace quickens and more curses fall from his reddened lips. You mewl and begin to squirm as the overstimulation starts to grow far too much. Though your brains have been thoroughly fucked out, you manage to beg, "P-please... I can't-". You cut yourself off with a loud wanton moan as Bruce's other hand slips between you from your other thigh to press on your lower abdomen. He feels so good inside of you it's unbearable.
Your moans spur him on as he presses a bit harder. "Need... need you to come for me. One more time.", he requests drawing a whine from you. "Can't, 's too much!", you whine as you feel your thighs shake on either side of him. He huffs as he presses again earning pretty sobs of pained pleasure from your puffy lips. "You can, princess, know you can. Said you could take it, didn't you?", he encourages in between pretty moans and you can hear his sanity slowly slipping away. Still, you protest once more.
He growls lowly as his hand dips lower to begin mercilessly toying with your swollen clit. You yelp as you reach between your bodies to weakly tug at his wrist. He's stronger than you so your struggling waxes futile. "Bruce-", you try to reason with him, "Too much!". He quickens his ministrations at your words and you cry out as you feel the familiar knot begin to form in the pit of your stomach.
"Shh shh shh, it's okay... almost there, princess.", he whispers through labored breaths, "I'm almost there.". You want to tell him that you almost are too, but you can't seem to form the proper words. His grip on the pillow tightens, and the movement of his hips becomes jerky.
"Fuck, please I need it so bad... So, so badly.", he moans quietly, almost to himself, "please, please, please..". Hearing him completely lose his composure nearly throws you off the edge. The way he's begging damn near sends you into orbit. "Pretty girl's gonna let me cum inside, right? Please?", he asks and your heart swells with love. Who are you to deny him when he's asking so politely?
You nod as your vision fills with stars, "Yes!". He whimpers into your neck as his frantic thrusts signal his impending release. You begin to squirm harder, and his hand slides from the pillow to grip your hip. His hold on you is strong despite the soft sounds leaving his mouth.
He presses you farther into the mattress, and you're sure you'll have a bruise on your hip the size of his hand tomorrow morning. "Jus' a little bit more..", he trails off to bite at your hickey covered shoulder. "Need to finish, I'll be so f-fucking good to you... be so fuckin' good to my princess, promise.", his words slur together. With that, you come for the umpteenth time and he's not too far behind.
The both of you shudder with overwhelming pleasure, and weak whimpers of each other's names seem to be the only thing either one of you can articulate. Hot, thick ropes of his cum spurt into your spasming walls painting them white and filling you up so much it begins to leak out.
Secretly, you hope Gotham's streets keep sending him back to you even more needy than this.
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purplifield · 11 months
imagine, a Christian girl/boy (reader) x hobie brown. How would he deal with them?
Love this idea a lot 🥰 first time writing in headcanons, honestly I probably went off the rails but hopefully I fulfilled your wishes!
I kept it as gender/race neutral as I could, if you see flaws, please let me know
🪻| Crosses and pentagrams
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First of all, this boy is not waiting till marriage. He doesn’t believe that marriage is necessary and if that would be your only need in life, you would sadly have to part your ways.
BUT he is quite persistent. So he loves himself a challenge.
You met when you were volunteering for church, handing out flyers for a charity concert that would take place in church yard. As intimidating Hobie was, you decided to walk up to him and start your usual introduction
“Hello there! I’m y/n, a believer in goodness! Would you be interested in coming to a charity concert? Coming to mass afterwards is…optional” you said, last sentence was unsure, since while you talked you took a look at his outfit, full of spikes, heavy jewellery and a pentagram necklace. Yet weirdly, he stopped and listened intently instead of quickening his pace like most did.
“Tell you what, gimme your number and I’ll think of more questions to ask about the event” he smiled sheepishly and gave you a marker from his pocket, tapping the flyer.
That’s how your situationship started.
You never saw the pentagram on his neck again once you said you don’t like it. You noticed little things he did for you, compliments on your mostly white and usually modest appearance.
Like the devil he was, he tempted you to wear your more revealing tops, your excuse being the heat. (You thought he didn’t notice but oh boy he did)
Soon situationship turned into a relationship and you enjoyed kissing his pierced lips. You found out that making out did make you feel good. But you were scared so once it felt too good, you would back away and hear a frustrated groan.
It was cute seeing you two together; it was an ‘opposites attract’ typa couple. Him in black, silver jewellery with different crystals, piercings everywhere. And you- a modest person with minimalistic neutral color palette and simple gold jewellery. The only ring you wore ever was your purity ring.
Which eventually got taken off when you finally felt the urge to suck his dick, slowly learning that you were just a mere mortal with desires.
Hobie was ecstatic, knowing that the two months he waited were worth it and now he guided you to get on your knees and prepare.
This man is such a tease. He knew that you felt bad for giving in for your desires, and had a field day with this information
“Such a bad Christian you are, shouldn’t you wait for marriage?” He smirked, leaning into the chair and held you down on his dick. He groaned, feeling the little vibration of your moan.
After your first time he couldn’t take his hands off of you whenever you two met.
He would make you cum in an alleyway, suck him off in the streets at like 4am when rarely anyone was awake.
He would love when you had your cross necklace on, tugging on it whenever he wanted to kiss your fucked out face.
When nowadays you would get on your knees in the church, your cheeks would flush at the dirty thoughts you had.
He was possessive; if he saw you talking to another guy, he liked to mark you up, he knew that you would stress over it and try to cover it.
“Good child of god knows that they should be loyal, so what the fuck was that about?”
Would love to fuck you dumb, corrupt your mind.
It was truly the end of your journey with god once you decided to move in with him. Despite the fights with your dad, you finally gave in to Hobie
It was evening. You just changed in you pyjamas. You felt how Hobie was staring at you, but you didn’t mind.
“Finally you done with your skincare shimcare routine, I was wai-”
“Shush” you silenced him and kneeled leaning on your bed, starting to pray. You mumbled the prayer to yourself, eyes closed. Your felt how the mattress shifts and something touches your elbows. You slightly open your eyes before re-signing.
Hobie was sitting in front of you, legs spread, you were now in between them. He tilted his head with smirk, looking at his hardened cock, showing through his boxers and sweats, briefly.
“Did you say your goodbyes to god yet? Can you please show attention to me now?”
His dick inside of you, as you tried to reach your orgasm. He smiled at your needy and fucked out expression. He has edged you for a while now, pulling out as soon as your moans get higher.
“Please please, let me cum Hobie”
“Who’s your god now?”
“You! You’re my god. Please just let me cum”
“Your wish is my command”
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I've been reading some of your request responses and I'm very impressed with your work! I'm also a simp for all things Rhys. I'm usually picky with my fics but I really hope you'll do my request justice.
I would love to see Rhys x reader on her period. I have an idea of how that would work but I'd love to get your perspective
Please don't fee stressed, obligated, or pressured to do this I just really love the mental image of snuggly Rhys!
What would I do without you?
Rhysand x f!Reader.
Warnings; mentions of blood, pain and sex.
First of all I would like to thank you for your kind words and for choosing me to write your idea. It means a lot to me and I hope you will enjoy this. If you don't you can always ask me to rewrite it! I would really love to get a feedback for this.
You hated the mother, you hated the cauldron and cursed on all the gods new and forgotten. Your circle came and decided to grip all your intestines and rearrange them. The pain was unbearable, your powers were completely out of control and your mood could change in a blink. The day started with you alone in bed crying… you were crying because of the pain and then sobbing because your mate -Rhysand wasn’t in bed with you. Then you got up to take a bath… you didn’t realise the power you used to shut the door and watched as it snapped in half. Fuck. You cried…again.
Once you were done cleaning yourself you slipped back in bed and clenched your eyes shut. A new wave of pain hitting you and taking your breath away. 
The door of your bedroom burst open and Rhysand walked in, his eyes frantically scanning the room. 
“Sweetheart I felt pain down the bond are you okay?” He asked, approaching the bed and sitting next to you.
“I’m on my circle” you cried out “and Mother decided to act like a bitch” 
Rhysand frowned and placed his hand on your back.
“What can I do for you?” His voice was soft now.
“Kill me please” you groaned. He shook his head and stood up.
“Wait here I’ll be back in a few minutes” he said and walked out.
“Like I could go anywhere” you murmured to yourself and massaged your abdomen.
A few minutes later Rhys entered the room again with a tray in his hands, this piqued your interest and you sat upright.
“What’s that?” You asked.
“Breakfast and a tonic Madja used to make for my mother” he explained and set the tray on your lap. 
Your mouth watered at the sight of the food. He had gotten every kind of food you craved when you were on your circle. He noticed your expression and said “I know your cravings sweetcheeks” earning a smile from you.
“What would I do without you” you breathed and picked up the fork.
“What would you do without me indeed” he chuckled and stripped his clothes. 
“You arrogant Illyrian” he threw his head back as he laughed and then crawled on the bed.
“I thought I was an Illyrian baby” he pouted and you slapped his arm.
“Hey that’s the thanks I get for being the best mate anyone could ever have?” He faked a hurt expression and you snorted.
The light moment was completely ruined as another wave of pain hit you and you groaned. 
“Come on baby eat so you can drink the tonic” he frowned and sat next to you, his hand grabbed your thigh and he started massaging it.  
After you were finished with your breakfast you grabbed the cup that contained the tonic and gulped it down eagerly. 
“I want the pain to go away” you groaned and placed the tray on the floor next to the bed. 
“I know” Rhysand murmured and pulled you in his arms. He manoeuvred both of you in a spooning position. You felt his talons caressing your mental shield and you let him in. He put you to sleep and planted your favourite memories of the two of you for you to dream. 
When you woke up again Rhysand’s soft snores filled the silence, he was still spooning you and his hand was placed on your abdomen massaging it. 
You softly turned around and hugged his waist, you nested your face in his neck and breathed his scent… so spicy yet sweet. He stopped snoring and you could feel his smirk. 
“How are you feeling love?” He whispered and pressed you harder against him, his hands rubbing your back soothingly. 
“Better” you murmured. 
He didn’t respond he just kept rubbing your back and placed soft kisses on your head. 
“I think we should change the sheets and clean our thighs.” He softly said with a last kiss on your head. 
“What? Why?” You asked and removed yourself from his arms. You gasped as you saw your blood spread on the sheets, on your thighs and to your mortification on Rhysand’s thighs. Your face burned and you quickly stood up. 
“Baby I’m so sorry” your eyes filled with tears and your nose wrinkled in disgust. 
“Why? It’s completely natural.” He shrugged and got up too. He flicked his fingers and the sheets disappeared, a new pair covered the bed and you heard the bathtub filling up. 
“Let’s go” he said and guided you in the bathroom stopping for a second as he noticed the broken door, chuckling he flicked his fingers again and the door was replaced with a new one.
You couldn’t speak, the way he treated you made your heart melt. 
He stripped your nightgown and his underwear before grabbing a cloth and cleaning your thighs and his too. He stepped into the bathtub and opened his arms waiting for you. You got in and sat between his legs. 
“I would never feel disgusted by you…” he murmured in your hair. “Especially for something that you have to go through in order to have our baby one day” 
Your heart swelled at the thought. 
“Our baby” you whispered and his hands moved to your abdomen, he pressed them against it and took a deep breath. 
“Do you want me to fill you up? Put our baby in there?” His voice sounded deeper and raspier than before. 
“Yes please” you almost moaned at the thought. 
And once your circle was done he fulfilled his promise. 
Requests are open!
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faithshouseofchaos · 7 months
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mi ángel guardián—mafia!Carlos sainz x reader
Tagged— @moss-on-tmblr @toasttt11 @norrisleclercf1 @sarahedwards16 @carlossainzwho @darleneslane @yours-sophia-1988 @astraeaworld @omgsuperstarg @ironcowboycopnickel @otako5811 @lollypop90907 @laura-naruto-fan1998 @f1ln4dr3cl16mv33 @charlesf1leclerc @norizznorris @dudenhaaa27 @alwayzbeenale @dark-night-sky-99 @80sloverry @reidsworld @lollypop90907 @laura-naruto-fan1998 @lipringlrh
“Oh my god are you okay?” You asked the man who lay on the ground bleeding from his shoulder.
“No” he wheezed out. Getting on your knees you put pressure on his wound
“We need to get you to a hospital,” you said, stressed out.
“No no please no hospitals”
“I don’t think you have a choice dude”
“I can’t go to the hospital because the police will get involved and I’m not exactly a model citizen”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m the leader of the Spanish mafia”
“Well, what the hell am I supposed to do with you?” I said, keeping pressure on his wound.
“Just please take me to your home and let me stay there till I recover a little bit”
“And then I can leave”
“Just please”
“Okay come let’s stand up”
“It hurts so bad”
He slowly got up clutching his shoulder. He put his left arm around you for support.
“Thank you”
“What’s your name”
“I’m y/n what’s your name?”
“I’m Carlos, leader of the Spanish mafia”
“Please tell me you’re joking?”
His eyes widened as if he wasn’t expecting you to believe him.
“I’m serious”
“Of course you are”
You managed to get him to your apartment, once inside he sat down on the sofa. He held his shoulder. As if expecting it to start hurting again.
He looked towards you as if awaiting orders from you.
Walking to the bathroom you grab the first aid kit along with the rubber gloves and rubbing alcohol. Walking back into the living. He watched on, intrigued by your every movement. He was amazed by how good you were under pressure. And he was also shocked by your beauty.
His eyes locked with yours for a brief moment, and he looked away embarrassed.
“Ok I need you to take off your jacket and shirt,” you say
He quickly got rid of both items, his muscular body was now on display. His abs glowed in the light coming from the window.
The wound was now more visible, the bullet had hit the muscle of his shoulder.
He looked down at you as if waiting for you to do something.
Putting on the rubber gloves you unscrewed the lid to the alcohol to disinfect the tweezers. After disinfecting the tweezers you dry them off “Try not to move I don’t want you to bleed out in my living room”
He held still, his heart was pounding. He looked at you as if he wanted to ask a question but couldn’t find the courage.
He couldn’t remember the last time he was this vulnerable around anyone.
He looked nervous, his eyes darting around your apartment
Hou carefully removed the bullet, setting it down on some paper towel. Putting the tweezers on the table, you wet a few paper towels with the rubbing alcohol. “This will sting,” you say, cleaning up the wound so you can sew it up and put bandages on it.
He flinched when you cleaned the wound. He was clearly in a lot of pain. He looked at you, his eyes begging for more attention. But he did not speak a word. He had a soft smile. He found this moment quite intimate, but he would never admit it. As you stitched him up he felt a sense of calm overtake his body as he watched you work.
After finishing the stitching you bandaged his wound. He was now feeling much better. His eyes looked towards you, he was filled with admiration. He had never been treated like a human by anyone else, it was a weird feeling he loved it. You could sense his admiration for you.
“You’re incredible” he whispered.
“You don’t even know me,” you said
“I don’t need to know you too know you’re incredible, you just saved my life”
His voice had a soft gentle tone to it. He had a very sexy Spanish accent, and his soft tone, along with his looks was a deadly combo.
“Well thank you”
“You’re beautiful,” he said seductively, his eyes locked with yours, his voice still soft and gentle, but there was an edge.
He held your gaze for a few seconds then quickly looked away embarrassed.
His cheeks were now a light shade of red.
“You lost a lot of blood,” I said, cleaning up the coffee table. I went into the and got a cup of orange juice and some Tylenol for the pain.
“Thank you so much”
He took the medication immediately and drank the orange juice. He took a deep breath to compose himself after your kind gesture.
“You probably think of me as a criminal, after all, I am the leader of the Spanish mafia”
“I’m not gonna lie I’m kinda freaked out”
“I’m sorry for scaring you”
His face was filled with concern, he was starting to regret telling you who he was. His soft and gentle tone went away for a second as he got slightly defensive.
“Yeah look I had a long day so I wanna go to bed I’ll set you up out here you can stay the night if you want but If you leave just lock the door behind you,” you said.
Leaving him in the living room you went to find some blankets and pillows to set Carlos up on the couch for the night.
“Where you go.” You say walking into the living room. Carlos stood up from the wincing in pain “Do you want an ice pack?” You asked about setting up the couch as a makeshift bed.
“If you would that be great”
He was impressed with your hospitality. He had never experienced it before. He started to feel close to you.
His eyes remained on you as he spoke softly and gently.
“Here you go,” you say, holding out the ice pack for Carlos to take, which he does.
“Thank you”
“Your welcome if you need anything else help yourself I’m gonna go to the oh and the bathroom is just down the hall,” you say
“Can I ask you a favor?”
He looked you deep in the eyes, he was almost pleading at this point.
“Can I stay more than one night?” He said softly. His eyes pleaded with yours.
There was one side of him that was still the leader of the Spanish mafia. But the other side was completely helpless, and he wanted some company. He had never felt this way about anyone.
“Yeah I guess so”
He was taken aback by your response. He didn’t expect you to be so open.
“You sure?”
He didn’t want to overstep any boundaries. But he also didn’t want the time with you to end.
“Yes I’m sure but I have conditions,” you said
His eyes were wide in pure excitement. His heart was pounding with each second that passed.
“Name your conditions”
“#1 The second and I mean the second one of your enemies finds you here. I need you to leave because I don’t want to get hurt.
#2 Don’t bring whatever work you have back here.
“Of course, I promise”
He smiled at you. “I am so grateful for your kindness” his eyes showed how grateful he was.
He was starting to feel like a child, but for some reason he loved it. All of these new emotions he was feeling had taken hold, he was beginning to fall in love.
“Can I ask something else?”
“Sure why not?”
He was trying to work up the courage to ask her another question, his face was a deep shade of red. He was scared he was being too forward.
But after a few deep breaths, he finally blurted out what he wanted to say.
“Can I kiss you?”
Squinting your eyes at the Spaniard you walked back over to him rolling your eyes as you leaned down and kissed his forehead. “Go to sleep,” you say walking into your bedroom.
A wave of sadness rushed over him as you walked away. He sat on the sofa and put his head down on the table.
His face was still the shade of red, his heart pounded in his chest.
He could just barely make out the sound of your door slamming.
“Fuuuuck” he whispered under his breath.
He lay there in deep thought. Wondering what he did wrong.
Did he come on too strong? He was so confident until he asked to kiss you. He felt like such an idiot now.
He slowly sat up, he got up from the sofa. He slowly walked to your bedroom door, it was almost as if he was a scared kid.
“Are you awake, y/n?”
He spoke softly, but loud enough for you to hear him. His confidence was shaken after being rejected, he felt like an idiot.
He wanted to apologize and explain that his feelings towards you were genuine.
“Can I come in?” He said, still speaking softly. His voice was filled with a slight anxiety now.
He stood at your door for what seemed like an eternity.
He was trying to find the courage to enter the room.
After what felt like hours, he managed to gather the courage to just leap.
“I’m coming in”
He slowly opened the door, he was nervous to enter the room. The door squeaked as he pushed it open.
Once he entered the room he sat down at the end of your bed. He was still as silent as he’d been, but he had a look of desperation on his face. He sat there anxiously. A million thoughts ran through his head.
He felt so nervous about what you might say after his advance. He felt like he’d ruined everything.
His heart continued to race as if it was trying to escape his chest. His eyes darted around the room, he thought of anything to say to break the awkward silence.
“I’m sorry about earlier.” He said, his nervous tone back again.
“I guess I got a little carried away”
After saying his piece he waited a moment. He could feel his heart beating faster than ever, it was making him feel sick. He thought that at any moment you could tell him that the feelings weren’t mutual.
He took a deep breath to calm himself. His heart started to slow down slightly.
He kept his eyes focused on the wall opposite him, he wanted to avoid direct eye contact as much as possible.
“I guess I was just…” he couldn’t work out exactly what to say for a moment, his mind went blank.
“Carlos,” you said cutting him off
He looked over to you, you still had his full attention.
“Yeah?” He said his voice was filled with anticipation. His soft tone had become excited now.
He had a dumb smile on his face, he genuinely wanted to know what you were going to say.
“You’re not going to sleep in the living room are you?” You asked
He had a look of pure joy wash over his face. The fact you were inviting him to stay in your bed was a clear sign that he did not screw his chances.
“No, I can sleep here?” He said still excited about the previous events.
His face was still a light shade of red but a smile was still plastered on it. His heart was pounding again, but this time for a better reason.
“I can sleep here right?” He asked again.
Sighing, you lift the blanket for him. “Don’t make me regret this,” you said.
He chuckled to himself. He sat up and got into bed. He lay down on his side and looked over to you, he could feel his stomach doing flips.
His heart was pounding, the fact you let him lay in your bed meant that you trusted him and he didn’t want to break that trust.
“I’ll keep my hands to myself,” he said with a cheeky smile, he was beginning to regain the confidence he lost earlier.
He looked over to you and said “mmhm?”
His face was filled with intrigue, the way you said his name was both intimidating and attractive.
He felt like he wanted you to continue speaking but he also was scared to speak out a response.
“Yes?” He asked nervously.
“For a leader of a mafia you act like a little kid you know that”
“Is that bad?”
He had a look of genuine concern, his eyes lit up with curiosity again. He knew that most people would probably be scared of talking to a mafia leader. But you were not phased by him.
He lay there in bed as if he were about to be told a bedtime story, but the fact that you were still entertaining him was a clear sign that you were enjoying his company.
“No just unexpected”
The thought of you thinking that he was cute made his face redder and his heart started to flutter again.
He was enjoying the playful banter between the two of you. He was also starting to like you, he was beginning to develop feelings for you.
His heart raced nervously. What he felt was unlike anything he had felt before.
“Is that a good thing?” he asked with a cheeky smile.
“Carlos please go to sleep”
“Please, just stay and talk for a while longer”
He gave you a look that was filled with desperation. He didn’t want to be alone, being with you made him feel safe.
He was also very interested in you, he wanted to know more about you.
His heart was pounding with excitement, this was the most attention he had ever received from a woman.
He felt like a dumb kid asking his crush to “please just stay longer”
But he couldn’t help it, he liked you.
“Alright but if I’m tired and cranky in the morning I’m blaming you”
“I’ll take that risk”
He smiled.
“Thank you”
He was so grateful that you had accepted his request.
He was desperate to be close to you.
He felt his chest get tight with excitement, his heart continued to beat faster.
“So can I ask you a question?” He asked with a big cheeky smile, his voice soft and gentle again.
“It Depends what’s your question”
“What made you so willing to let me stay?”
He looked over to the side.
The fact that you had trusted him was still on his mind.
He was so used to having women be scared of him, that the fact that you were so willing to trust him still shocked him a bit.
“I mean I’m surprised that you let me stay, especially after all the stories you’ve probably heard about the Spanish mafia,” he said with a cheeky smile.
“Honestly I don’t know”
“Because you are attracted to me?” He said with a smirk. He couldn’t believe he said that out loud but he had to know.
The way you let him stay was so out of character for you.
He couldn’t keep up with the teasing and joking. At this point, he was in full flirting mode.
“Or am I just that charming” he had a sly smirk as he said this, his voice was still soft and gentle but filled with confidence.
“I’m just a good person,” you say changing the subject with a smile
“Good people aren’t normally so attractive” he teased. He couldn’t help himself now.
His teasing was a clear indication that he was attracted to you. The words might have been jokes but his heart felt every word.
He felt the adrenaline starting to kick in again.
“So you don’t think I’m cute?” He said with a cheeky smile. He raised his eyebrows. As if he was challenging you.
“Oh no, you adorable and annoying that’s what you are,” you said playfully with a smile.
“Good people aren’t normally so attractive” he teased. He couldn’t help himself now.
His teasing was a clear indication that he was attracted to you. The words might have been jokes but his heart felt every word.
He felt the adrenaline starting to kick in again.
His emotions were high right now, he didn’t care about anything else other than making you his.
His heart raced as he waited for your response.
“If I say yes will you go to sleep?”
His face filled with embarrassment. “That will work for me,” he said with a cheeky smile.
“So you do find me attractive?” He said trying to get a confirmation.
He wanted you, more than anything. But before he did anything he needed a clear answer.
He lay there just waiting for you. His heart raced hoping you would say the word that he was desperate to hear.
“Yes I do”
He felt a wave of excitement go through his body, he was ecstatic. “You do?” He asked again.
The fact that you were giving him a clear answer drove him wild.
At that point, he only had one thing on his mind, and that was trying to make you his woman.
He could no longer hold back, his emotions were in control. Every word that you spoke drove him mad.
He wanted you, desperately. “Can I ask you another question?”
“What happened to going to sleep?”
He let out a nervous chuckle. “Yeah, about that”
His smile got wider as his eyes started to wander over your body. He was desperate to touch you.
His confidence was at an all-time high, at this point nothing in the world mattered but you.
“I just wanted to ask one last thing,” he said seductively. “May I kiss you?”
He raised his eyebrows.
He wanted to be able to say that he kissed you.
He didn’t want the night with you to end.
“If I kiss you can you please go to sleep”
“I promise”
He leaned in towards you.
He closed his eyes and put everything he had on the line. His heart raced, his mind was blank and his brain was turned off.
But there was one thing that he knew for sure and that was the fact that kissing you was what he wanted.
He slowly made his way to your lips.
His hands slowly slid towards your head, he put his fingers in your hair, he just wanted a moment with you.
He didn’t want the moment to end.
Sitting up on your elbow you lean down and kiss him. His heart raced, he felt like time stopped for the brief moment when your lips touched his. He felt as if the whole world was in slow motion.
It was the most perfect moment of his entire life.
He let the kiss last longer than he intended, he enjoyed it so much he didn’t know when to stop.
After an eternity of bliss, he pulled away.
“I promise I’ll go to sleep now,” he said with a cheeky smile.
“God you are immature but good night Carlos”
“Goodnight beautiful”
As he said that he lay down on the bed and closed his eyes.
There was no way he was sleeping, he was far too excited about the night. The fact that he kissed you had him filled with energy.
His heart was still pounding with adrenaline. His mind was constantly replaying his kiss with you.
But most of all he was filled with a deep love for the amazing woman that lay beside him.
As his eyes started to get heavy he let out a gentle sigh.
His mind was filled with thoughts of you.
As he lay there he had a smile on his face the whole time. His whole body was filled with the feeling of love and a deep affection for you.
The feelings he felt for you were unlike anything he ever felt for anyone else, not even his ex-girlfriends.
His eyes started to feel heavy, the excitement was slowly fading and all that remained was a peaceful calm.
“Goodnight mi ángel guardián” he muttered as he fell asleep.
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random0lover · 1 year
Open Wounds and War Paint
Pairing: Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x GN!reader
Word Count: 1,614
Warnings: Angst/no comfort, SFW, reader death(?), proclamation of love, blood, emotional shit, reader gets called dove and love, reader calls Simon baby one time.
Things to know: Should be POC friendly! If you notice anything that makes you feel otherwise please let me know! I never want anyone to feel excluded with/in my work ♡, Also a warning to anyone that decides to follow me- if you do not have your age in your bio or a pinned post I will block you… just a fair warning.
Notes: This has been sitting in my drafts for like two months now and I’m having writer's block on the main piece I’m writing and I had motivation for this so here we are! I might write a second part to this and maybe two different types, one that continues that angst/no comfort and one that is a happy ending and fluffy. This isn’t my best work and honestly I don't know how to feel about it :/
Part 1 (You’re here!) Part 2
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You’re laying with your head in Ghost’s lap just thinking about things. Letting your mind wander into some saddening thoughts.
“Yeah love?”
“Sometimes I’m scared I’ll never find real love.”
He doesn’t say anything but you know he’s listening, he was always listening when you spoke.
“I know I have you and the rest of the team and that we all see each other as family and I absolutely adore that, I really do.”
You pause thinking about what you want to say.
“I want someone to love me. Not my body or who I am at work. I want them to be in love with my soul and I want to love their soul right back.”
This whole time you had been picking at a loose string on Ghost's cargo pants but finally risked looking up at him and for once he’s not looking at you instead he’s staring up at the ceiling.
You look away again.
“I want to be so comfortable with the love that we have that when we wake up in the morning my first thought isn’t about how if I look okay or if I looked like I was attacked by a pack of wild dogs,” you push air out of your nose in an attempt to laugh, “I want to make myself a cup of coffee and bring them a cup of tea exactly how they like it and there be a comfortable silence. I want to watch the sun rise with them and know that they love me as much as I love them.”
You look up to find him already staring down at you, his pupils dilated to the point of almost pushing the soft molten out completely.
His thumb drifts across your cheek gently memorizing every line from the ones around your eyes from how much you always laughed to the ones that settle between your eyebrows from the amount of time you’d stressed over everyone’s safety.
The moment is interrupted though with pain filled coughs wracking your body causing your head to jostle in his lap.
The hand that’s holding your tightens.
Once the coughing stops you wipe your loose hand across your mouth and find dark red liquid on it that almost looks black.
He blinks hard.
This was the first time you had used his name during a mission.
You’d only start calling him that when you were both alone on base having early morning conversations while he drank his tea and you your coffee.
You reach a hand up and slide it underneath his mask to rest it on his cheek.
“Simon promise me you’ll find a love like that.”
His eyes search yours and all he can find is love and adoration. You had lost enough blood that you were starting to go numb, your body finally taking mercy on you in your final moments.
His hand reaches up to cover the one you still have under his mask and grips it tightly almost as if he’s trying to ground himself.
You two were not alone in the room but you had already said your goodbyes to everyone else leaving Simon for last. You were worried about what your death would bring for the team, not about the consequences of anyone’s actions but the emotional stability of everyone. They already had hard times dealing with when one of their own were taken but you had yet to see their reaction to anyone that they were close to dying but you’d always imagined that you would be there for them. You would be but they wouldn’t be able to see you, you promised that you would still watch over them in death just like you did in life. You’d become their guardian angel.
Ghost never showed any weakness, he wouldn’t allow himself to after what happened to his family but somehow you wiggled your way into the heart that he thought he had locked and thrown into the deepest darkest parts of the ocean. But Ghost wasn’t the one that was present in this situation, it was Simon.
Simon, the man who knew your exact coffee order, the one that knew how annoyed you’d get at the smallest things when you were tired but you’d never take it out on anyone, the one who knew your real past, the only one you had shown your real full self too.
He knew it was dangerous to fall in love with you. Not because of your work but because he knew if he let you in he’d never be able to let you go and he was fucking terrified of that. He didn’t know who he’d become when you died and even the rest of the team was worried about that. They’d never seen him become so vicious in the field before but once he found out that you’d been hurt, it’s like all he could see was red. He took 8 men all by himself with just a combat knife and his fists. He walked away covered in blood, none of it his.
He blinks again, focusing on you, finding you smiling softly at him.
“You think too much Simon.”
He ignores that.
“Dove,” He runs a hand-covered glove across your cheek.
You drum your fingers against his hand gently at the pet name giving a soft hum.
That was his name for you in the soft moments. He claimed that you were too good, too pure, too caring to be in this line of work.
“But I already found a love like that.”
You let out a choked laugh mixing with the sound of a sob at the same time.
“I know, baby.” Under different circumstances you would’ve never let that term of endearment slip out of your mouth but in this moment you didn’t care.
You can’t help but cough again making blood splatter onto his vest, you try to wipe it off but he just grips your hand and shakes his head gently.
“I got lucky enough to find the love I was always looking for but was too chicken shit to say anything about it.” You attempt to laugh again but it only comes out in a heavy wheeze and your eyesight is starting to go slightly blurry.
You’re starting to panic. You don’t want to die. No no no no. You weren’t ready.
Another sob leaves your chest and you can see the pain in Simon’s eyes, one tear comes out sliding down his cheek and under your hand that is starting to go slightly slack.
“Simon I’m not ready,” your words are becoming slurred, “I don’t want to leave you yet.”
For once Simon didn’t know what to say, he never expected to be in this situation. You weren’t supposed to be bleeding out on a random bed in a shitty safe house waiting for evac that most likely wouldn’t make it in time. He had promised himself he would die for you, die before you. No matter what, you were supposed to be the one to outlive him, make it out of the military life to maybe one day start a family or maybe open that little bakery where you also took in cats to help them find new homes. You were supposed to make it out alive, not him. Not ghost.
He leans down pressing his forehead to yours, “It’s okay love, you don’t have to stay for me. It’s okay to let go.”
You shake your head violently trying to keep yourself awake. Keep yourself away from the warm comfort your mind was offering up to you. To focus on the man that you love.
“But Simon.”
He shushes you gently and you can feel the tears running down his cheek and under your hand. It causes the makeup around his eyes to run slowly, cleaning away the black stains, washing Ghost away and letting more of Simon be revealed.
You didn’t want to do this to him. You had finally started to see Simon come alive and you didn’t want to rip that from him.
Urgently you blink your eyes even though it’s almost like you’re staring out a foggy window and can really only see his eyes now. But that’s all that mattered, you could read everything Simon was thinking and feeling just from his eyes alone.
Pain. Anger. Sorrow.
“Simon, I need you to live for me.”
He breathes deeply, “Love—“
“No, Simon I mean it,”
“Don’t let yourself fade away.” You take a deep breath.
“I need you to find that love again.”
For some reason you remember the conversation you had only hours ago, sitting on that rooftop. Before you knew you wouldn’t make it to the next morning. You had asked him what he wanted to do after the military and at first he just shook his head. He wasn’t supposed to make it out. This was his life and it was going to be his death. You knocked shoulders with him though, you knew what he was thinking and you always threatened to kill him yourself if he ever thought of dying in the field. You told him he wasn’t allowed to die, he had to help you find the perfect spot for your coffee shop and his pub.
“Oh, and that pub you talked about opening? You should really do it.”
You smile at him gently, your eyes starting to slide shut and you can see the panic in his eyes. You didn’t want him to panic, everything was going to be okay.
You tried to tell him that, saying the words in your mind but your lips didn’t move once.
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Hi my lovelies, I hope you liked this little fic! Feedback is appreciated but not necessary. Anyways I hope you all have an amazing day <3
Requests are open! I can not promise when or if I will write them but I do prefer requests that are slightly more specific as I find them a little bit easier to write but it’s not required. Thanks for reading my darlings ♡
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changbinsboiledegg · 8 months
Hiiii I saw your requests post and wanted to ask for Ateez reactions to breaking up with the reader but meeting again later? ❤️‍🩹🥺
Thank you for your request, angsty atiny 🫶 I hope these are what you were asking for and I hope you enjoy, ILY. :) 🫶🫶
Warnings: Breakups, implied cheating (no one actually cheats ofc), Alcohol mention, let me know if I'm missing any!
Note: Okay, some are fluffy, some are angsty. I tried to mix up the reasonings for the breakups so they all don't have the same outcomes lmao. I'm also sleepy so if there are any typos, please turn a blind eye lmao, ily.
You and Hongjoong only broke up due to differing career paths, which meant you two barely had time— if any at all, to spend with each other. As the years pass by, you’re much more stable than you were before and with a lot more free time.
But with free time, you tend to think about Hongjoong, which makes you wonder if he thinks of you too.
“Will that be cash or card?” The cashier asked as you had already ordered your drink at a local cafe.
“Cash.” You replied, trying not to feel pressured by the line forming behind you. You opened your wallet to find the cash you were wanting to get rid of but to no avail. The cashier began to get a bit impatient, already stressed about the line.
As you were searching more frantically, the pin pad beeped and a hand had removed his card from the chip reader.
“Thank you.” The all too familiar voice spoke, sending a chill up your spine. You quickly stepped out of the way as Hongjoong had begun to order and pay for his own drink.
With a friendly demeanor, he walked over to where you waited. By this time, you already found the cash you were going to pay for your drink with and held it out towards him, only for him to decline.
You scoffed, slowly retracting your arm with a small smile. “I see you haven’t changed.”
“I see you haven’t either.” Hongjoong joked, poking fun at the way you were trying to offload spare cash, rather than use your card.
You felt the urge to throw your arms around him, but it had been so long that doing so would feel awkward.
“Join me? Let’s catch up.” Hongjoong gestured towards an empty table while you both waited for your drinks.
You had a feeling this wouldn’t be the last time you saw him again.
Your breakup was mutual, deciding it was for the best. No malice or sadness came from it, although you found yourself thinking about him from time to time.
You moved into a new apartment following the breakup and a year later, you were still there with your roommate.
You hadn’t heard from Seonghwa since your breakup nor did you really speak about him to anyone. He was just another thought in your mind that gave you comfort knowing your past bond with him was real.
You checked the mail while walking your roommate’s dog for them while they were out and started to head back to your unit, not thinking much about the moving vans outside as new people often moved in and out of the complex.
You headed up the stairs with the dog and slid your keys into the keyhole.
“Move slower! I don’t want to trip!” You heard the voice of a male come up the stairs located two doors from your apartment.
You weren’t sure why, but you wanted to see what they were moving up the stairs. But that’s when you saw him, Seonghwa. Your ex-boyfriend. He was on the other end of the couch he was trying to get up the stairs.
Once they were up stairs, you recognized the other guy, Wooyoung. Seonghwa panted, wiping sweat from his forehead before his eyes fell on you.
“You’re my neighbor?” You both said in sync. Seonghwa chuckled at the unison, walking closer to you.
“I was just thinking about you earlier.” Seonghwa confessed, momentarily forgetting the couch.
Wooyoung pinched the bridge of his nose, “hello? Couch? You two can talk in a few minutes.”
You grinned, “better get to it. I’ll be right across from you.”
It was a misunderstanding that broke up your once perfect relationship. It happened when Yunho started to get back home late. Then he used different excuses every time you asked.
Then you saw him at the jewelry store with someone else, laughing and looking at rings.
Now, a year later after your breakup, with a somewhat mended heart, you tried to walk past that same jewelry store in an attempt to get over the hurt attached to it.
You managed to do so without breaking down, but your chest still hurt. It was a process, after all.
You entered a park an decided to sit on the bench in order to take a moment and breath, letting the peacefulness drown out your thoughts of Yunho.
That was until you noticed someone walking up to you in a hesitant manor.
“Hey.” Yunho sheepishly spoke, hoping you wouldn’t shoo him away. You froze when you looked at him, all of the memories flashing through your mind.
“Hey… Oh my God, it’s been a while.” You spoke in a quiet voice and tried to swallow back the lump in your throat. Yunho smiled a bit, sitting beside you.
“How are you?” Yunho asked. You weren’t sure if you wanted to lie or be honest.
“I—” You stopped yourself. Yunho let out a sharp breath of air, “I’ve been wanting to explain myself since a year ago.”
Right. You never allowed him an explanation. You were too wrapped up in jealousy and your broken heart that you didn’t allow him that.
“Who you saw with me, was a friend.” He began, digging into his pocket, holding a ring. “They were helping me find an engagement ring— for you.”
“You kept it?” You felt your heart stop. You were relieved, but very regretful. Yunho nodded, “I didn’t have the heart to get rid of you.”
He widened his eyes, realizing his mistake, “I mean, it. I didn’t have the heart to get rid of it.”
You teared up, feeling more and more regretful, “I am so sorry, I should’ve let you explain.”
Yunho wrapped his arms around you, noticing you were on the verge of tears.
“I would have never wanted to hurt you in that way.” Yunho comforted you, even if he needed to be comforted too.
“Let’s start over,” Yunho eventually pulled away with a much wider smile and holding out his hand for a handshake. “I’m Yunho.”
He was set to debut soon and barely had time to see you. But that didn’t mean he didn’t try. Even if it meant sneaking around or losing more sleep. He loved you. He wanted your relationship to work.
But as he was debuting, he was given an ultimatum. You or his career.
“This is your dream. Your future. I will still be here waiting for as long as it takes.” You reassured him. Yeosang tried to convince himself it would be okay. Which it was, but he wished you were there every step of the way.
And you were. Just not in the way he hoped.
You watched from afar, always there, but never interfering with his work. The last thing you wanted was to ruin his dreams.
Three years later, you were at your favorite spot. The place you and Yeosang always visited when you both wanted to go out but not with people around. You visited almost every day, even if you were alone.
You laid down a picnic blanket on a spot and arranged multiples of his and your favorite snacks. It would be your five year anniversary, had his company let him still continue to be with you. You still loved him and even though you knew the relationship was over, you couldn’t bring yourself to date anyone else. After all, you did tell him you would wait for him.
“Happy anniversary.” You mumbled, blowing out a candle you had lit up a few seconds prior.
“Happy anniversary.”
You snapped your head in the direction of his voice, seeing Yeosang. He looked different. Older. But you could tell he was the same person you fell in love with.
He smiled fondly at you as he sat beside you on the blanket. “You actually waited.”
“I told you, I would.” You wanted to hug and kiss him, but you were waiting for the ‘go ahead’ to do so. Yeosang stared at you, his eyes twinkling with gratitude that you didn’t give up after all this time.
“Good. I’m still very much in love with you.”
“What about your company?” You asked, heart racing in your chest. Yeosang smiled a bit wider, rolling his eyes slightly.
“They aren’t as strict as before. That’s why I finally came back.” He emphasized the word ‘finally’.
You couldn’t hold back anymore, pulling him closer to you in your arms, “I missed you so much.”
Yeosang wrapped his arms snuggly around you, “I missed you too.”
It was the worst argument you two had since your relationship started. Any other argument prior was minor or over something small that you two made up for later. At first, you thought this would be one of those situations but the louder you two yelled, the more volatile the argument got.
Within that same hour, San left you alone, crying and broken hearted. Within a few days, he came for his stuff.
And two years later, he came back.
It was raining and yet that didn’t stop your doorbell form ringing. You weren’t prepared for San to be on the other side, soaking wet and with alcohol on his breath.
“San? Why are you—” You shook your head, letting him inside and out of the rain before he caught a cold.
“I admit, I got drunk and couldn’t stop thinking about you so… here I am.” San’s speech slurred as you grabbed a towel to give him. San wrapped himself in the towel, shivering slightly. “I still hate you.”
You didn’t respond, knowing he was drunk and you didn’t want to argue— again, with someone who had one too many.
“I hate you, but why am I still so in love with you?” San whined, sitting down on the couch, almost missing it completely had it not been for your help.
“Stay here.” You ignored his words, although you can’t lie; your heart skipped a beat.
You came back with water and dry clothes that he forgotten long ago that you never got around to discarding.
San took the water, drinking some of it before taking the clothes off your hands.
“Go change.” You mumbled, wondering what you were doing helping your drunk ex-boyfriend.
San got up and went to change. When he came back, he looked tired as he leaned against the wall to cover up the fact that he almost stumbled into it first.
“I don’t hate you.” San rubbed his eyes. “I do still love you.”
“San—” ”Please, I know you moved on but let me tell you before I regret this in the morning.” His voice still slurred, leaning his head against the wall as well. “I shouldn’t have left. I love you. I never meant to hurt you. I love you! Why did we argue?”
“San, seriously. I would rather talk about this when you’re not drunk.” You blinked hard to hold back your tears. San walked over to the couch and plopped down with a low grunt.
“I love you.”
“Fine. Tomorrow.”
Somewhere along the way, you both fell out of love. It happens to everyone at least once. But you didn’t expect it to hurt as much as it did when you two actually broke up and parted ways.
Something so good had died down, making the person you loved more than anything into a stranger.
You’ve dated other people since the breakup. But they weren’t Mingi. Even if you fell out of love with him and he you, you couldn’t stop but thinking about him and how good he was to you.
It had been months since your breakup and you tried one more time— for now, to date someone and convince yourself you weren’t just trying to rid your thoughts of Mingi.
You waited for you blind date at the reserved table, looking over the menu.
Right on time, you heard the screeching of a chair being dragged against the floor. Looking up, you immediately widened your eyes.
Mingi was just as surprised, freezing for a second before hesitantly sitting down.
“We’ve come full circle, huh?” Mingi lightheartedly chuckled. You immediately smiled at him, shaking your head.
“Guess so. I won’t be upset if you want to leave.” You offered but deep down, you hoped he would stay.
“I’m hungry, you’re hungry.” Mingi shook his head, “and you’re my date.”
You were so sure you didn’t feel anything for him anymore. How untrue that was.
Mingi’s presence felt natural. Relieving. Familiar.
“Right.” You cleared your throat, handing him a menu. “I think you can guess what I’m getting.”
Mingi slightly smirked, glancing up from the menu at you. He then collected the menus and chuckled.
“Me too.”
You two had a strong relationship. Never did you ever imagine someone else would try and successfully break it up.
It started when someone Wooyoung worked with became infatuated with him. Slowly, they worked their way into his and your lives and did everything they could to make you look bad. Even going as far as to frame you for cheating.
Unfortunately, Wooyoung believed them.
Now you’re left to pick up the broken pieces of your heart after being wrongfully accused of cheating and even losing friends in the process.
You were home, feeling as lonely as ever when your phone dinged and a message popped up on screen.
You had deleted his number, but you knew right away that was Wooyoung.
-‘Hey. I’m sorry I thought you cheated. I shouldn’t have been quick to believe it. Can we please talk?’
You stared at the message, contemplating whether you actually wanted to see him again or not.
You left him on read for the night, deciding to sleep on your decision. When you woke up the next day, you saw another message from him.
-‘I know I hurt you. Please let’s talk.’
You thought it over, letting your heart speak rather than your brain.
-’Come over.’ you messaged, hoping you wouldn’t regret it.
When Wooyoung arrived, he looked as if he ran a marathon, panting and sweating profusely.
“I’m sorry I didn’t trust you.” Wooyoung took a deep breath to control his breathing. You still felt the hurt, crossing your arms over your chest.
“When did you realize that I never cheated?”
“You had an alibi— Listen, I really screwed up. I don’t know why I didn’t just ask you first instead of jumping to conclusions.” Wooyoung apologized. He had a look of regret as he gave you a pleading look.
“Yeah. I was sent screenshots of a conversation about how the evidence of you cheating were fake.” Wooyoung explained, “I really am sorry. I really screwed up, please. I don’t expect you to forgive me, but at least… consider letting me make up for it?”
You felt tears prick your eyes but didn’t dare let them spill. “I will consider it. But just know that you really hurt me.”
Your breakup happened due to lack of time together. It wasn’t that there was anything wrong, you were just both busy when the other was free. And feeling like it wasn’t fair to either of you, you both made the decision to break up.
After a few years, you were in the grocery store, going off a list you had been meaning to get to. As you walked down an isle to find the last item you needed, you saw it.
Only it was in the back of the shelf and hard to reach. You let out a sigh, reaching as far as you could.
“Agh! How far back does this damn shelf go?” You cursed to yourself.
“Hey, let me help.”
You were startled for a moment, but when it registered and you turned to face the person who the voice belonged to, you instantly stepped out of the way and let him take care of it.
Within a moment, Jongho managed to maneuver the item closer to you. You grabbed it, mumbling a ‘thank you’, and setting it in your cart.
Jongho seemed to have a look of hope on his features as he examined you.
“Wow, it’s been a long time.” Jongho commented, smiling slightly. You looked at him in exchange, your heart fluttering and hurting all the same when you thought of how much time had passed since your mutual breakup.
“Oh yeah… You look… great.” You complimented, meaning it. Jongho’s smile grew.
“You look… great too.” Jongho’s smile turned into a smirk as he teased the way you paused. You chuckled, rolling your eyes.
“I am so glad to see you again.” You spoke with sincerity.
“I am so glad to see you too.”
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dejilovesmochi · 2 months
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Here for you.
.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ . .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ . .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ . .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙
╰┈➤ Summary: Jungwon comes to help you as you are going through a rough time.
✩ ◛ ° genre: angst to fluff/comfort
!! Warnings !! - depression, thoughts of sh and suicide, reader is going through a depressive episode, reader has bad anger, probably cringe cause it’s my first time writing, not proof read.
Pairing: Jungwon x gn! reader
You laid there. Feeling nothing. Thinking nothing. You had been laying in bed for who knows how long, only getting up to use the bathroom. Everything just felt so hopeless.
Knock knock
The sound of someone knocking on your door took you out of your thoughts and back to reality. Thinking it was just one of your friends who have been trying to get a hold of you due to you ghosting everyone, you didn’t bother answering the door and continued to stare at the wall. It wasn’t until you heard the door unlocked which means it could only be one person. Jungwon, who you had given your spare key to while ago.
Shit. You looked like a mess and so did everything around you. How can you even let him see you like this.
As you were busy stressing on what to do next, the door to your bedroom opened.
You quickly turned towards the wall and acted like you were asleep, hoping that he would just go away, but to your disappointment you felt the bed dip next to you. instead of feeling happy that he was here you just felt anger. Why is everyone always bothering you? Why can you just have some peace and quiet for once?
“Jagiya…” Your boyfriend said from behind you. “What’s wrong….” His eyes scanned your body, heart breaking in the process.
You didn’t answer. You didn’t feel like talking. Hell, you didn’t even feel like living.
“Talk to me baby…” he tried again, still getting no response.
After about 5 minutes of him just sitting there with his hand on your shoulder you spoke up. “Go away…”
“Why….” He says with obvious worry in his voice.
“I don’t want to see you or anyone..” you replied a lot harsher than you intended.
“I want to know what’s going on… did something happen? Did I do something?…” he says, pleading with you to tell him.
“Nothing is wrong!” You snap as you can feel your emotions getting the best of you.
Jungwon just sighs and rubs your shoulder. “Don’t push me away y/n… I know something is wrong…. I want to help you… but you have to talk to me…”
How much times did you have to tell him. Nothing is wrong… or at least that’s what you try to convince yourself.
“Please just go I- I can’t…” You say as you sit up, trying your best to avoid eye contact with him because you know you’ll start crying.
“I’m not leaving till I know you’re alright…” he replied as his hand moved a piece of hair from your face.
You quickly turned your head the other direction. You felt the tears come up to your eyes and a burning feeling in your throat.
Jungwon seemed to notice and wrapped an arm around you, pulling you into him.
You notice the tears fall from your eyes as Jungwon hugs you and you try so hard to get out of his grip, not wanting to break down infront of him. You use your arms to push him away, it doesn’t work. He was just so much stronger than you.
You feel yourself crying even more now and as a result of not wanting him to hug you, you start hitting him, trying to get away. (not very hard of course but you get the idea)
“Stop…” he says as he still holds onto you even tho you are hitting him.
You keep going at it until you feel his hands around your wrists, gently stopping you.
“Stop jagiya….” He says looking down at you in concern before hugging you even tighter.
Beginning to give up you just cry. You lean on him and cry your heart out not even caring if you look like a mess. Not even caring about anything.
All you could think of was “I messed up” “how can things go back to normal after this” “he’s gonna look at me differently now”
You continue to sob in his arms as you overthink about the outcome of your actions.
His hand begins to let go of your wrist and rests on your upper arm instead.
The thoughts slowly fade away as you focus on the boy who is currently hugging you like his life depended on it.
His head rests on top of yours, his arms are securely wrapped around you, he’s just so comforting.
After a while of just sitting like this and you calming down, Jungwon speaks up “are you ready to tell me what’s been going on?…”
“I don’t even know…. I- I can’t explain it…” you start feeling yourself getting worked up again.
“Hey…. It’s ok….. try your best…” he says calmly.
“I just…. I have no energy… I have no motivation…. I can’t see myself having a future… I don’t know what to do anymore… And I messed everything up… I can’t just go back to my normal life after this I- I pushed everyone away… they all hate me now probably…. I have nobody… all because I felt sad for no fucking reason…” you start to tear up again “god I just hate myself…. I hate my life… I should’ve just killed mys-“
“Woah woah…” Jungwon said cutting you off “ok… breathe baby…”
“You asked what was wrong so I’m telling you…” you reply.
“Yes I did but… don’t talk like that… I understand you might be feeling that way but don’t say that…” He takes a deep breath before speaking again “I don’t want you to be in that type of head space again… I-“
“Well it’s to fucking late…” you snap back at him, cutting him off in the process.
Jungwon is just at a loss for words, he hasn’t seen you this depressed since your friend died… if anything, this was worse.
“Don’t say that…. Do you understand how many people would be sad if you died? Your friends, your family, the members, me? I would be devastated. I can’t live without you Jagiya…” he says as he starts to tear up “I want you to listen to me… there is no situation worth dying for… no matter how bad it is I promise it will get better…”
“You just have to wait sweetie… I know it’s hard… but if you don’t want to live for yourself then do it for me… I love you so much… I would do anything for you…” tears slip down his cheeks “we still have so much to do together… please don’t give up… I still need to marry you… I still need to spoil you, I still need to cuddle with you.. I just.. need you….”
You find yourself starting to sob again as you listen to him, Actually feeling like you’re needed for once.
“I love you so so so so so so so much….. do you understand that” he says looking at your crying figure.
You just nod, not being able to speak.
He pulls you into him once again, beginning to cry even more.
It takes awhile for you both to calm down but when you do, you guys just lay there. Silence takes over the room as you hold each other. Eventually falling asleep.
4:26 AM
Jungwon wakes up to the feeling of you sitting up. He rubs his eyes sleepily before speaking. “Are you ok Jagiya?”
“I’m really sorry wonnie…” you say with guilt in your voice.
“Huh…” he sits up “why…”
“I’m sorry for the way I acted… you were just trying to help me and I-….. I was being such a bitch…” you pout
“Hey… no hard feelings… I get it… you didn’t do anything wrong…” he says as he pulls you into him.
You sigh “oh my gosh I’m actually disgusting…”
He can’t help but laugh a bit “what?”
“Do you realize I haven’t showered in two days” you say with a joking attitude.
“Doesn’t even matter baby…” he happily continues to cuddle you.
“I feel so gross tho…” you say as the feeling of your unclean clothes was grossing you out more and more by the minute.
“You don’t I run you a bath then hm?” He says as he presses his lips together, his dimples showing.
“That sounds nice…” you reply before poking his dimples.
He giggles before kissing your cheek and getting up to run you a bath.
After a bit you get in the bath and he helps you wash up, being very gentle with you as if you’re made of glass.
You get all cleaned up and Jungwon gets you new pjs before making you eat something even tho you aren’t really in the mood for it.
“I’m not hungry :(“ you pout.
“I’m not asking, eat” he says as he pokes the fork to your mouth.
As you taste the food your hunger immediately catches up to you. Not eating for almost three days really messed you up.
Jungwon giggles as he watches you absolutely devour the food and water he gave you.
“Why are you laughing” you ask, shooting him a glare,
“No reason… you’re just so pretty” he says, mesmerized by your beauty.
“Stopppppp” you blush and look the other way.
“Stopppppp” he mocks you.
“Whateverrrr” you say back in a jokingly annoyed voice.
After you finish your meal you get sleepy again.
“Can we go back to bed….” You say drowsily.
“Of course jagiya…” he says softly before picking you up and laying you down in bed before getting in next to you.
You and Jungwon both look over to the night stand that his phone is laying on.
It was a text from Jay.
Jay: hey are you coming to practice?
Jungwon sighs as he forgot he even had it. But he didn’t care anyways, you’re more important.
Jungwon: no im not feeling the best.
He texts Jay back with a casual lie.
Jay: alright feel better.
Jungwon puts his phone back down on the nightstand before looking at you.
“Who was that?” You ask curiously.
“Just Jay… I forgot we have practice today… I wouldn’t have gone even if I remembered… you’re more important…” he says hugging you to his chest.
“Thanks for dealing with me” you say nuzzling him.
“Don’t mention it…. I would do anything for you… remember that…” he says resting his head on yours. “I love you Jagiya…”
“I love you too..” you say as you shut your eyes.
He kisses your head before you both drift off to sleep, feeling comfortable, no distractions, no worries.
Just each other.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
A/N: this took me forever, I kinda projected on this a little so my bad. If you’re ever feeling like this remember, it’s ok to ask for help. I’m always here if anyone needs to talk. Love ya <3
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lunajay33 · 1 year
My Beast🐺🪵
Summary: Y/n finds a wolf in the woods but isn’t scared, she finds comfort being around the big wolf and continues to go out to the woods to be with it, until the wolf shows it’s true self
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It was the weekend and I thought after the stressful week, I’d decide to go down to La push and relax
I made it to the pretty empty beach and sunk my feet in the sand, I always loved it here, the sound of the waves, the silence away from society, sometimes there would be guys from the reservation but they were always nice when we would interacte
I stayed on the beach for a few hours letting the wind calm me down, then deciding to take a walk through the woods, rarely anyone went out there and most of the time I strayed from the path and wandered around
As I walked through the thick bushes and tall trees I heard a noise, I looked around and saw something in the distance, I followed and once I got closer I realized it was a wolf, I usually would have ran but something about being near this beautiful creature made me wanna stay
It turned around and spotted me, I slowly walked closer and by the look in its eyes it seemed rather calm almost excited
“Hello!” I said smiling
It walked closer and circled me making me laugh in excitement
I placed my hand on it head, gently rubbing its soft fur
“You’re so beautiful, but how on earth did you get this big”
It whined, swaying it’s tail quickly as it laid on the ground, i soon followed
It placed its huge head on my lap and closed its eyes, I could feel it’s strong breathe against my thigh
I brushed my hands through its fur for what felt like forever but in reality it was only an hour, I could stay like this forever
It stood up and walked around me curling its body around me, it’s warmth was so comforting that I ended up falling asleep
When I woke up I felt a push against my stomach, I looked up to see the wolf standing over me, using its snout to wake me up, I sat up realizing it was night time
I stood up feeling sad
“Will I see you again?” I asked knowing I wouldn’t get an answer
But to my surprise it nodded confusing me but exciting me either way
“I’ll be back her again tomorrow, if you understand me please meet me here at the same time” I placed a kiss on its snout and reluctantly started walking away but it followed by my side, all the way until the I got back to the beach then he ran back into the woods
That night I barely got any sleep, all I could think about is how I managed to hang out all day with a huge wolf and leave without a scratch
Once I woke up I raced to get ready, grabbing a quick breakfast and heading back to La Push, the boys were at the beach today, I waved once they noticed me and headed to the woods
I made my way to the same spot as yesterday and the wolf wasn’t there, it was a long shot anyways, to think that the wolf understood me but I sat against a tree, I didn’t want to give up hope just yet
I sat for a while when I saw the wolf running towards me, I stood up and opened my arms as it snuggled it head against mine, I wrapped my arms around it neck and held it close, i still didn’t know if the wolf was a girl or boy but for some reason I had a feeling it might be a boy
“I missed you my pup” I said as I pulled away
It whined and licked my face
“Ahhhh” I laughed wiping my face
It stepped back and leaned down confusing me
“What? Do you want me to get on?”
He nodded and I gently got on, not wanting to pull on his fur, he stood up and ran off shocking me, I leaned down and held around his neck, he was incredibly fast and it felt so freeing
We finally made it to a clearing, noticing a cute house and those boys from the beach were here now, I leaned down and whispered
“Are these your friends?!”
He nodded as I leaned down against him as he laid on the ground letting me hope off but I stayed close, right next to him snuggling into his neck since he was still taller than me
We walked towards the boys noticing they seemed excited
“Hey Seth!” One of them said
“So your name is Seth! It’s nice!” I said and he licked my face again
“Hi everyone! How do you know Seth here?” I asked
“He’s a friend of ours! Part of our pack!” Sam said
I had met them many times but only for small amounts of time
“Wait so…..wait are you guys wolves too or do you just call yourselves a pack for fun?” I asked confused
“It’s true we are all wolves but you must keep this a secret”
“So why even tell me if this is suppose to me kept secret?” I asked
“Seth here will explain everything to you, right Seth?”
“Yup!” I turned to see a boy, a really cute boy standing next to me in only shorts
I didn’t even realize the change
“So you can change into a wolf?” I asked and the look on his face seemed nervous
“Ya it’s in our genes, we turn into wolves to protect people” he said fidgeting with his fingers
“That’s amazing! I wish I could do that, but why show yourself to me?”
“Well as wolves there’s this thing that happens, we can’t control it but we imprint on our soulmates, we are connected to them, to be there to protect, to love, to be a friend, brother, boyfriend what ever the imprint wants and…..I imprinted know you” he said looking at me waiting for my reaction
“So I’m your soulmate?” I said beyond happy, my soulmate is this sweet guy and also a wolf who protect others, I must be the luckiest girl in the world
“Ya you’re my perfect other half”
“Wow this is crazy, I can’t believe I landed the cutest soulmate!” I said
“Hey I’m not cute I’m a man” he whined
“Okay you’re a man, but what does this mean for us then?”
“What ever you want, it’s up to you”
“No I can’t decide everything, this is a part of you too, why don’t we just get to know each other and see how things go!”
“I’d like that a lot!” He smiled and pulled me into a hug, he was still as warm as he was when I first cuddled with him
“I’m proud of you Seth!” Sam said and that’s when I realized the guys were still there but I’m the end I knew that I just became a part of this beautiful and magical family
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