#one of my favorites omg
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anyways. What
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akariss · 1 year
A mother’s pain truly is such a heartbreaking thing bc Camila didn’t even see Luz crumble away but still felt she lost a child and mourned her “death” despite being locked away in her puppet like state, unable to have any control over her own body
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r-aindr0p · 1 month
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Too many genshin characters, no way I'm doing that many stickers in such a short period of time for the con I'll attend so I settled for the french (a few of them/the faves).
Yea Neuvillette is the fave, so I drew him twice, I love character with blue so much hhfhdsljf
simplifying their costumes was a bit of a struggle, especially for furina and neuvillette omg
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jadedchainsaw · 1 month
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I totally didn’t forget day 2 haha what you’re crazy-
Luffy Week day 2 & 3 - favorite outfit and sunflower
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archangeldyke-all · 4 days
can you write something about sevika getting chubbier by skipping the gym because she's focusing on you and other priorities in her life. and finding out she's pleasantly surprised by the extra weight
men and minors dni
since you've moved in together six months ago, sevika's put on some weight.
she's a tall woman, and she's ripped with muscle, so it's hard to tell at first. but... over time you begin to notice a bit of a change.
her hips are a little plusher beneath your grip, her ribs aren't visible anymore, her sharp jawline gets a little softer.
it makes you so fucking happy.
when you first met her, the woman barely ate. besides whiskey and bar nuts, her appetite mostly consisted of eating whatever scraps jinx leaves behind on her plate after lunch.
you made it a habit to shove snacks in her hands at any chance you got. trail mix, granola bars, sliced fruit: just whatever you had near you that you could give her. she always digs in without hesitation, never tries to deny the food, so you start shoving snacks in her pockets when you do her laundry, and her beg when she's not looking.
as you guys grew closer, sevika started blowing off her nightly visits to the gym to visit with you instead. you asked her once over dinner if she missed her hobby, and she'd just shrugged, smiling at you. "i'll still get a pretty good workout in with you once we get home, babe." she teased. you snorted and elbowed her, shoveling another bite of cake in her mouth, and she smirked as she spoke around a glob of chocolate frosting. "gym's not as fun as you, anyways."
she's still just as strong as she was before; if anything, the extra fat on her body just gives her more fuel to last longer during her fights-- more padding to block and diffuse her opponent's blows.
as much as you love the visual confirmation that you're feeding your girl properly, and she's treating herself a little softer these days; most of the time you don't even notice the weight gain. it's still sevika: the love of your fucking life. she's never brought it up to you, and you've never brought it up to her.
but now, she's standing in front of the mirror, pouting down at her pants.
you blink up from you book and watch her for a second, her hand groping the little pouch of fat she's put on her lower stomach. her lips twitch up at the side just a bit, just for a second, but it still makes your heart flop over to see.
"sev?" you ask.
she turns around to look at you. "my pants don't button anymore." she pouts. you chuckle, making grabby hands for your girlfriend from your shared bed. sevika launches herself in your arms without hesitation. she huffs against your tits, nuzzling your chest.
"i'll alter 'em for you. i know how attached you are to those dusty things."
sevika chuckles, pinches your side before she glares at you. "you like these dusty things too-- they show off my ass."
"mmhmm, real well." you say, nodding and smacking her ass on top of you. sevika giggles and collapses against you again.
she's quiet, drawing a pattern on your skin with her finger. you know she's got something on her mind, you just wait patiently for her to find the words.
"y'know i've gained, like, forty five pounds since we met?" she asks.
you raise an eyebrow at her.
"yeah?" you ask, trying to read her mood. sevika smiles.
"yeah." she says. "i've always been skinny-- at least, since i started puberty. i was a chunky kid, though." she chuckles. you grin at the image of a chubby baby sevika toddling around.
"are you... upset?" you ask quietly.
sevika chuckles. "fuck no." she says. "it's... nice?" she asks. you grin down at her.
"yeah. i dunno. it's just... i don't feel like i have to train everyday anymore. i don't feel like a fuckin' failure if i skip a day at the gym. i don't get migraines or hangovers as bad anymore, and..." she trails off, looking away from you. you nudge her, recognizing the flustered look on her face and dying to know what's got her blushing. "i dunno." she whispers, chancing a glance up at you. "when i look down and see my stomach's soft... it just makes me think of all the nice meals i got to eat with you to get this way." she says with a sweet smile.
you choke a bit on your breath, then flip the pair of you over, groaning as you bury your face against sevika's giggling throat. "sev!" you whine.
"what?" she asks, laughing.
"you can't just say sweet shit like that baby, you'll make me cry." you whimper against her.
sevika kisses you head and smacks your ass, her free hand drawing patterns into your back. "you can cry babe. i'll hold you."
this does nothing to stop your tears. you groan and pinch sevika's soft side, relishing in the squeal it pulls from her, and the way her rock-hard abs are covered in a nice layer now-- all 'cause of you.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai @vikasub @glass-apothecary @m0numents @macaroni676 @vixel352 @artinvain
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elodieunderglass · 8 months
When does Tolkien start entering the public domain?
(In reference to this poll https://www.tumblr.com/elodieunderglass/730451774219190272 where I tagged it supporting my own personal theory and added that when Tolkien enters the public domain WATCH OUT)
Tolkien’s works enter the public domain in the USA, uk and Canada 70 years after his death - so 2043 with open season starting 2044.
If we’re all still around in 20 years’ time, make a note of it! I’ll write you a story with unhinged hobbit family structures, the Shire being a place that dampens magic, and the unauthorised yet strangely canonical adventures of Belladonna Took and the Silmarils. It will be 200,000 words long and written in the correct tone, and I promise to do completely immersive research to colour in the background: every linguistic reference, Anglo-Saxon folkway, Icelandic influence, weirdly deep dives into topics like kinship moiety and subtle mischief that characterises Tolkien’s work. This would be so funny to me.
Everyone will be racing to publish basic porn and games; the d&d franchise which will be world-eating in 20 years will finally get to drop the pretense of “halflings,” Witcher and other franchises ditto; all the fantasy writers who have tugged at the tit for so many generations will finally be able to do it openly, and the films will be constant and abysmal. But we, we alone, we happy few alone and free; we will be giggling together, like playing dolls, over what the people REALLY want: constructing elaborate conlang puns with a 200k textual payoff.
It will be my honor to work on this for no reason at all, and I will ceremoniously give it to you in exchange for £7.99. And we will laugh and laugh and laugh
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fvedyetor · 2 months
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priest!fyodor gets an instagram
original under cut
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laurapetrie · 1 year
- she is a perfect rosebud.
Pierre Choderlos de Laclos, Les Liaisons dangereuses (1782)
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mspaintakus · 4 months
may i see the bug freak (ryuu) with a big big strawberry
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Snack time
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swedenis-h · 5 months
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Hiiiii updated MTA for 2024!
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alecz-obssesionz · 2 months
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◇ Original Sketch Page ◇
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gelphiegifs · 2 months
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"Let me say before we part..."
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parpolaroid · 1 year
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Things Rand learns about Moiraine in the course of five minutes in 02 x 05:
She is from Cairhien.
Her family is RICH. Like marry the Queen rich.
She has a sister and a nephew.
That weird lady who told him the Hunt for the Horn isn’t real and how the rich people in Cairhien disdain the people in the Foregate is her sister.
(Maybe that she’s a Damodred, but I don’t think of Rand as a real history buff so idk if that will mean anything to him.)
She hasn’t seen her family in 20 years.
They don’t know Lan.
Things Rand knew about Moiraine before 02 x 05:
She once had trouble channeling when she was learning to be an Aes Sedai.
(Maybe that she is a lady from a fallen house - depends if he believed/remembered that comment she made to the whitecloaks.)
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oceanwithouthermoon · 7 months
remember how when saiki was crushing on satou and wanted to talk to him, instead of yk.. actually talking to him, he found out all of his interests and displayed his own interest in those things in front of him to try to get him to notice him??
yeah, now imagine him doing that when he has a crush on anyone else..
hes such a silly and awkward teenage boy i love it, like buddy you CAN just talk to your crush, you dont have to try to get him to "notice you.." but hes too silly and awkward so thats like the most he would ever do and would still probably think that that counts as flirting
im just... wondering about how saikis terrible silly flirting tactics would translate if his crush was on one of his FRIENDS.. like someone he could actually be around and would see and talk to him.. would he just like be trying to impress them ?? moving toward them more ?? adopting more of their mannerisms and interests maybe ??
imagine that like EVERYONE in the group would notice it, but it wouldn't be like "omg saiki is flirting" it would be more like "omg why is saiki being extra awkward and talking more" because hes so painfully unclear about his intentions but hes usually so quiet and unassuming that this would be such a stark contrast to his usual behavior...
#hey buddy maybe you should just idk maybe TALK TO UR CRUSH#saiki k#the disastrous life of saiki k.#saiki kusuo#tagging ships this would work with#kubosai#<-obviously my favorite so this is what i was thinking the whole time#that would be so cute everyone shut up#but he would prob accidentally end up for real flirting with kubo since hes trying to pertain to what he likes and he loves romance#saisai#<-i actually also like thid one a LOT for this scenario it would be so silly#saikis god complex accidentally starts manifesting visibly a little more since he's imitating pretentious rich boy#saikai#saikaido#saidou#<-saikis dark reunion jokes accidentally become so frequent he starts saying them out loud by mistake and it's embarrassing as hell#nensai#<-not actually totally sure how this would work in this situation but idk maybe hes more open to having ramen every day#and trying to get over his bug fear omg that would be so funny#imagine him starting with like one bug at a time so he starts with the least scary ones like butterflies and ladybugs#but by the end of it hes prob only a little more okay with things like butterflies+stick bugs+caterpillars cuz they move slow+are easy 2 see#haisai#<-ohohoh haisai he would prob join a club+always be trying to prove to him he takes things seriously#mostly schoolwork but in gym/sports he would always be pretending to enthusiastically participate and break a sweat lol#merasai#<-he takes up baking/cooking as a hobby and is always bringing extra food to school and acting like it was an accident and giving it to her#going to her workplaces and pretending he didnt know/forgot she works there and 'accidentally' ordering an extra portion for her every time#saikechi#<-he already knows a lot about random stuff but he takes an interest in saying his silly facts out loud and sounding like a nerd#meows post
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doctor-who-war-doctor · 2 months
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So like Star is chaotic neutral and I'm so hear for it
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