#one of these was gonna be spicy but i self checked myself
hai-nae · 2 months
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just vibin'
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kapposuch · 1 year
You get in a fistfight
Bad Batch x reader (headcannons)
Warnings: Fighting, Alcohol, Slightly suggestive in some spots, nothing too spicy though
I'm super fucking ill rn and have been recovering from a medical procedure so here's some 100% self serving headcannons about my favourite group of boys because I'm itching for some sort of drama <3
apologies if this isn't great but I'm here to entertain myself for the long run
It's an easy going night, and you're all in Cid's parlour, sitting in a booth and relaxing with drinks after a lovely payout from a very high-risk high-reward job. As the night went on, the rowdier you happened to get, as did the remainder of the group of people that had come into the parlour to bet on Omega's killer games of Dejarik, much to Hunters disdain.
An imposing zabrak seemed pretty intent on getting hefty winnings, so when things didn't go his way and he was beaten by the girl with the sunny smile, he too, got rowdy.
You were heading back from the bar with another round of drinks served by Cid, when he grumbled some obscenities towards Omega, to which, you were very much not impressed. Now, you're in no way a helicopter parent over this 5-parent child, but like hell were you letting that slide.
Can't have a Ho-down without a throw-down.
And so, you hit the fuck it button, my personal favourite, and take one of the drinks to pour down his face. A fist fight ensues. Naturally.
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He wants to be surprised, he really does, but he saw this coming from a mile away
sort of just sits there and sighs, a lil shake of his head as he waits for you to finish this man and head back to them
he is in no way, shape, or form, worried about you. in the same way he'd let his brothers kick up a bar fight without stepping in to help, he'll do the same with you, because clearly, you can handle yourself.
and Christ, can you handle yourself
fists are flying, people are cheering, and Hunter feels a twinge of pride come barrelling towards him
a sort of 'hey, I taught them that' moment
you're honestly having the time of your life, which is valid, but also makes you some what of a target
if someone else steps in to help the zabrak who instigated, he's sure as shit gonna stand up and give them the coldest glare known to man.
you're definitely relying on hand to hand right now, keeping on your toes and being swift, all the while being at least a tad tipsy, which, props to you, Hunter is shocked by your tenacity
the fight doesn't take long to end, especially since you're hyped enough to take on a Rancor. last time he did that, it took Wrecker at least 10 minutes, and all of his own energy to do that
he'll settle you by his side once it's over, and have a sort of look that says 'you really shouldn't have' while he cuddles you tight to his side and takes a swig of his drink
if you're wounded in any way, expect some PDA. while it's not usually his go to, he's not particularly sober so wouldn't mind kissing your knuckles or grazing his fingers across your cheeks to check for cuts or scratches.
if there's anything bad, he'll scoop you into his lap and make sure to rub or kiss you better, and promises to administer first aid whenever you're ready to go
he knows alcohol works like a numbing agent, so either way, you'll be feeling it in the morning. so he may as well let you enjoy the rest of your fun as to not leave a sour taste in your mouth
he's proud as fuck, honestly.
depending on how much he's drank, he'll coo into your ear how much he'd love to 'spar' with you another time to help you out with some techniques.
all the while, snaking his arms around your waist, resting them on your thighs, and giving a light squeeze.
nothing better than some possessive squeezes to ignite the fire in your belly
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in most circumstances, this man would just stand up when this asshat throws, or even threatens, to punch you, and that would just about chase anyone away
but he's had some drinks, and wants to witness chaos as much as the next good Samaritan. and who are you to deny the sunshine rainbow boy a healthy dose of chaos
there is a lot of items being thrown, much to Cid's clear disdain, but you don't care. you have claimed a chair and it is no longer for sitting, it's an improvised projectile
you land plenty of hits on this poor sod of a man, before he eventually backs down, all the while Wrecker is experiencing the entertainment of his life
it's hilarious to see someone he'd consider relatively calm lose their shit and start swinging, and to have that person be his? he already knows you have his back no matter what, but you have sealed the deal
"Your hand, I need it. so I can marry you."
you're probably hurt. you threw a chair, hon, you're gonna be hurt, it probably ricocheted and bounced directly off your skull, which
I'm not saying is a good thing, but I'm so glad, it made him keel over laughing. he cares but Christ it was beautiful.
if you come back to him hurt, he'll start pestering Tech to take a look at you, all the while cradling you like a baby and providing you with kisses and compliments on your wild gremlin-like fighting skills
you fit perfectly in his lap, so that's where you're staying, where he can keep you safe and let you calm down from all the excitement.
he's proud. he shouldn't be, because you just about beat that man within an inch of his life, but he's proud.
"That's ma' pardner!"
sounds like a cowboy because since when does he pronounce words properly. we love him though, our big dumb cowboy
you're the chaotic duo no one asked for
if it happens again (it probably will), no holding back. he will start throwing things. including his food if necessary
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he was waiting for this.
saw it coming a mile away
you're not the best at fighting but you're not the worst, so he wants to let it play out, but at the same time, he's calculating the chances of a tipsy, maybe even drunken you winning a fight with someone who's clearly more sober than you are
but he knows better than to underestimate the power of alcohol, and his love of course
most of the time is spent staring down at his holopad, with the occasional glance up to check that you're still physically standing
at some point, he gets bored of not having your presence next to him, so he'll stand and make himself known to your assailant
"I'd recommend sitting back down, y/n. It's clear someone so desperate for masculine validity isn't going to back down until you're giving in."
You look at him with the most confused eyes, having just about no idea what he said, but you know it was a roast as this zabrak has eyes on Tech
now, our sweet boy has no reason to prove himself. he's plenty good in battle, as you've seen, and it's naturally a mistake to try and take on a clone
your foe just about throws himself towards Tech with quite a lot of force, to which goggles simply steps to the side, takes his dance partner by the wrist and thigh, and tosses him over his head onto the floor
you're absolutely gobsmacked
Tech seems utterly unfazed and grabs you by the wrist this time, gently pulling you back to the table, all the while stepping over this poor bastard sprawled on the dirty floor
he sits you down, gives you a once over for bruises or wounds, before getting comfy and diving into his holopad
he shuts things out for a little while, though eventually, a free hand makes its way to lace fingers with yours between you
he'll lean over and whisper as to not interrupt his brothers conversation
"If you like, I'll teach you proper self defence. You're fine on your own, but it'd be smart to learn suitable techniques."
it's endearing, and the sort of compliment that doesn't sound like one, but you know it is, and you absolutely agree to it
anything to spend more time with him
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he's stunned for the most part, considering how calm you often tend to be around him
but he's not seen a bar fight since he was last at 79's with the 501st
a blast from the past, but a welcome one all the same
he's close to getting up and joining you while you're throwing punches, but he decides against it. he'll step in if you need him, so he'll just sit back and watch
considering he's had quite a few, and despite being half machine, he's still got the guts and brain of a clone, he's happily tipsy
some of the patrons don't seem so happy to be dodging a fight between a complete gremlin and a man with a dick smaller than your pinky nail, and you get a few threats from others mid fight
you're already too focused on your swings, dodging here and there to notice the words
Echo noticed though
now, he promised himself he wouldn't get involved, but now that you're getting threats to be ganged up against?
no sir.
he's swearing like a sailor, honestly. throwing a few 'shit's and 'bastards' here and there as he grumbles his way over to you
the zabrak eventually notices he's got what looks like a tank of a man hounding up the way behind you, and gradually raises his hands, asking to drop the fight
you have no idea Echo is now behind you, and with a healthy swing, you get a nice crack to your foes jaw
and down he goes
everyone gets back to it and your opponent, slumped on the dirty floor where he belongs, is left to sit
by the time you realise Echo is behind you, he's already chuckling, snaking his arm around your waist to pull you to his chest
he's mighty proud of you for handling the situation, and tells you he came for moral support, or defence if anyone else got involved, leaving you giddy
"good job, mesh'la, maybe you could... show me some of your moves another time?"
leaves a rough kiss on your cheek, almost as if to say to the rest of the parlour, 'this ones mine'
confident drunk. change my mind. I dare you
he's a bit too whizzed to check you for injuries, but so are you. you're not feeling anything but a flame in your belly as you sit down with him, almost on his lap
he won't let you go for the rest of the night, always reaching around you to pick up his drink to take a sip. his arm will not unwrap from you. you're stuck with him
I don't think you mind, though ;)
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he really wants to care
but Jesus Christ he's had enough of this shit from the good ol' days with the rest of the 99'ers when wrecker would throw his food tray
but honestly? entertainment factor just went up
watching his drunk little partner stumble around with a switch blade, god knows where you got it from, was so funny to him
he's doing his best to hide his grin, but considering his brothers are all far to drunk or unbothered to point it out, he lets go and simply gets comfortable
eventually, your swinging slows out of exhaustion, since you're pretty sleepy from the mission
cross notices pretty quick, and considers getting up
he waits a moment more to see what the zabrak does, until his grimy, dirty hand grabs your bicep
oh no. not a chance, buddy.
Cross still doesn't move from his seat, but simply pulls his own tactical knife from it's sheath and it absolutely flies across the room
in the zabrak's bicep
all's fair, right? he touches you, he gets punishment, yeah?
the zabrak just about screams and rips the blade from his arm, blabbering on about how the pair of you are crazy, before running off
you, still a tad weary, pluck his blade from the floor and look over to a very possessive looking Crosshair, whom is patting the space of the booth beside him, silently demanding you sit
you do as your told, snuggling into his side, and he simply leans down with a quiet whisper
"if you wanted my attention, all you had to do was ask, cyare."
his arm is snaked around you, and his hand comfortably glued to your thigh.
he's not letting you out of his sight
and god, he's glad he gave you a switch blade. maybe you need lessons
he'd happily oblige on the conditions that you... return favours for him
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
Prank Wars AU: How does Cinder react to Adrian calling her Aunty, even though her and Jaune have only been dating a few weeks?
Prank War IV
Saphron: So, how did my brother land a hot babe like you?
Cinder:There’s not much of a story to tell.
Saphron: Seriously? Jaune, getting a girlfriend like you, and there isn’t one hell of a story to tell?
Cinder: You don’t think your brother can’t get a girl like me?
Saphron: Yes.
Cinder: Are the rest of your sisters like this to, Jaune too?
Saphron: Well… It’s, Jaune. So yeah.
Cinder: Well… That explains, Jaune’s self doubt issues.
Saphron: Quit looking for excuses, and tell me how you two got together!
Cinder: Very well. Jaune, and I got into a prank war. Just playing little pranks, and teasing one another. But, there was an unspoken rule that no pranks could be done if we hurt one another, or were too embarrassing.
Saphron: Bet, he got you good. We used to have little prank wars all the time. Jaune was… rather vindictive with some of his pranks…
Cinder: Oh, he was… Anyway, this was just between me, and Jaune. Then one day this team of students, Team CRDL got involved, and pulled a prank on me…
Saphron: What happened?
Cinder: I rather not talk about it. All I will say is that it was extremely humiliating. Everyone was pointing in laughing at me in a way that… broke me. I saw, Jaune among them, and I was terrified how he would act, but, he grabbed a blanket, and covered me up, and took me to the nurses office to gwt looked after. Called my team, and then when they came to check up on me, he left.
Saphron: Then what happened?
Cinder: Nothing. He did nothing because of what happened so, I tried to do something myself.
Saphron: Another prank?
Cinder: No, but he thought it was one.
Saphron: Oh ho ho ho~! You did something spicy didn’t you~?
Cinder: I wore a rather… skimpy maid uniform as a thank you for him helping me.
Saphron: Oh, I bet you looked good in it~!
Cinder: Well, we did make use of it later~! But, he ran when he first saw me in it. But, we managed to clear things out after that, went on a few dates, and here I am; Taking a mini vacation with him to visit his family.
Saphron: But, your happy though, you seem very happy.
Cinder: I’ve never been more happier in all my life before. Meeting, Jaune was the best thing to ever happen to me.
Saphron: That’s nice to hear. He seems really happy with you too. Take good care of him, or else.
Cinder: Don’t worry, I’ll keep good care of him.
Saphron: I’m serious; You hurt him, or you’re gonna regret it…
Cinder: N-Noted…
Saphron: Good! Well, I best get dinner ready. You mind watching, Adrian for a bit?
Cinder: What?! No! Nonono! I don’t think that’s a good idea!
Saphron: Oh relax, you’ll be fine! Adrian’s a little angel! Well, have fun!
Cinder: Uhh…?!
Adrian: …
Cinder: Hello…?
Adrian: Bwah~!
Cinder: …
Cinder: Oh you are so adorable~!
Jaune: Hey, Saph, Cindy, we’re back!
Saphron: Hey, Jaune! go check on your girlfriend, she’s in the living room watching, Adrian.
Terra: Is something wrong?
Saphron: No, everything is fine! Mostly…
Jaune: Okay…?
Terra: Is everything fine?
Saphron: Eh… Depends on how you look at it.
Jaune: Hey, Cindy! Is everything… Okay…?
Cinder: You are so precious! How can you be such a cute little angel! Yes you are! Yes you are~!
Adrian: Bha-hahaha~!
Jaune: Uhh… Everything alright, Cinder?
Cinder: Adry! Adry! Tell, Uncle Jaune what you called me!
Adrian: Aunty Cindy!
Cinder: you hear that, Jaune! He called me, Aunty Cindy! Oh that is so precious!
Jaune: Oh that is cute.
Cinder: Aunty Cindy~! Oh that is so cute~! He needs a sibling!
Jaune: Uhhh… You want, Terra to have another kid?
Cinder: Only if you, and Terra are willing to have another one!
Jaune: Uhh… W-What are you talking about?
Cinder: Don’t lie to me, Jaune! I recognize his adorable pout anywhere! Its the same as the one you have!
Jaune: …
Jaune: Saph!
Saphron: You’ll thank me for it!
Jaune: Haa… Okay! I am the father, just leave at that. Besides, I don’t think, Terra wants another one anyone.
Terra: If it means I get to sleep with you again I do!
Jaune: Wait, what?!
Cinder: Wait! I have a better idea~!
Jaune: Haa… And, that idea would be?
Cinder: Well, how about you give me a baby instead~?
Jaune: …
Saphron: Why don’t you have a threesome with, Terra! That way you can each have a kid!
Terra: I’m down for that!
Jaune: WHAT?!
Cinder: Oh, now doesn’t that sound fun; what do you say, are you up for it too, Daddy~?
Jaune: …
Jaune: Haa… I knew I would regret bringing you here…
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aurora567 · 3 months
Little Mouse Ch. 15
Warnings this fic will contain mature themes. Such as but not limited to teasing, kidnapping, Stockholm syndrome, very unhealthy relationships, some elements of non-con/rape, threesomes, drug use, breath play, voyeurism, branding, sex.
Summery: Rin is starting to see those around her more as people. and of course some spicy fun time with Dabi
Word count: 6222
Last Chapter Next Chapter
"If you two continue your going to give this old man a heart attack," the voice above her had her jump though she had nowhere to go to actually get away from Dabi as she was pinned between him and the bed. But that didn't stop her from pushing Dabi back some and squirming her way around and to glance over the side of the bed at Compress as he was laying there those hazel eyes glancing over at her as she checked on him.
"You'd like that old man," she could hear Dabi's snide remark to Compress but she paid it no mind aside from the fact it earned him a smack to the chest with the back of her hand.
"How are you feeling?" She asked even though she could hear Dabi click his tongue off of his teeth for the smack he earned himself.
"Like I lost an arm," was that his attempt at a joke? Rin wasn't completely sure but still she softly sighed and shook her head at the man laying on the bed.
"Here I'll give you a little something to help the pain. But you have healed up as much as I can do myself. Just gotta let your body do the rest. Shigaraki says he knows someone who can make you an artificial arm but we need you to heal up first," Rin said as she grabbed the first aid kit she had beside the bed. Pulling out a vial and syringe, she quickly filled the syringe before placing the vial down beside the first aid kit.
"You touch that vial and I'll rip your fingers off," she said coldly as her eyes remained on the syringe. But both men in the room knew who was talking to at that moment as if she had been able to feel Dabi eyeing up the bottle of morphine.
"Awe you're no fun," Dabi said as a wide grin pulled at his lips.
"I have a limited supply and Compress will need it. Also you would probably kill yourselves with that much," Rin said as she stood up and leaned across the bed as she gently took Compress's right arm in her hands and carefully slid the needle under the skin in the bend of his inner elbow and into the vain.
"This will ease the pain. Stay in bed and I'll go fetch you some food. You may feel a bit off but please try to eat and drink as much as you can," she said softly as she watched Compress's eyes softly start to glaze over as the strong pain killer also seemed to give him a little high.
She watched as Compress relaxed into the bed seeming to not have any issues now that the pain in his body was numbed. Without having to worry about him being in pain for the moment she turned her attention to Dabi. Keeping him away from her small drug supply was now her main concern.
"Come on. Let's go get some food. He's gonna need something to eat," she said as she started to push Dabi out of the room making sure that she never turned her back on him.
"You know it's the middle of the night. Where the hell are we gonna get food," he complained though he didn't fight her as she pushed him out of Compress's room.
"Convenience stores are often open twenty four hours. Though we really need more healthy foods that will have to do for now. I wonder if Shigaraki could get me a heating plate or something and some actual food so I could do some cooking?" The question had been mumbled softly more so meant for a self conversation but it's not like she cared if Dabi heard her talking to herself. After all out of the two of them she was the more sane one, or at least she hoped she was.
"Lead the way Princess," Dabi said, letting her take the lead down the hall.
"You know I hate when you call me that," she growled softly remembering how he had called her that when he first kidnapped her. And that was still a bit of a sour thought. And yet at the growl from her Dabi burst out in a deep laugh enjoying the way she growled at him. His shy and timid little mouse was growing a backbone which made her all the more fun to bug.
"And that's why it's so fun to call you that," he said simply with a wide smirk. As he followed after her with his hands stuffed into his pants pockets and his eyes lingering on her ass as she walked ahead of him.
"I hate you," she growled softly under her breath as she walked ahead of him heading for a back door, and stormed out of the warehouse with Dabi on her heels.
"Love you too princess," jeez she just wanted to turn around and punch him. But that too would probably give him what he wanted. He enjoyed ruling her up. It entertained him was what she believed he liked to say.
"Once we get to the convenience store you stay hidden outside. I don't need anyone spotting that burnt mug of yours and calling the cops," she said as she walked down the street with Dabi now falling in step with her. Of course she could hear him click his tongue off his teeth.
"Don't worry I'll stay hidden. Though it's not like it would matter. I'll just burn up whoever tries to call the cops," Dabi said simply having no issue at all in killing someone.
"No! We need to stay on the down low. That means no picking fights and no killing people unless it's a must have," she hissed at him as she shot a glare at him as she watched him scowl unhappy with being told what to do. And yet he didn't actually argue with her. After all, they both knew she was right. Just starting a fight with people and pulling in hero's would cause them issues.
Weaving their way through empty streets and dark back alleys they found a decent looking convenient store. Of course Rin told Dabi to stay hidden in the alley way as she left him to run across the street and into the store. She still had a small bit of money on her so she made her way through looking for simple and cheap things. Of course she ended up grabbing some instant ramen for her, Dabi and Compress before she made her way through the store looking for anything else that may catch her eye but nothing did. Though a flash of blue across the street for a split second had her sighing. It was only a second or two that she saw the flash. But she wasn't stupid she knew what Dabi had just done. And after she just told him not to go around killing people. Of course she knew that leaving Dabi alone invited distaste, so she wasn't much surprised. Instead she grabbed her things and rushed to the front counter to pay and then rush out and across the street.
Of course the sight that greeted her still made her stomach turn even though she had tried to steel her nerves. But still the sight and smell of a burnt corpse had her biting back the urge to empty her stomach. It was probably a good thing she was hungry.
"Holy fuck Dabi," she growled as a hand covered her nose and mouth as if that may keep the horrible smell out.
"What's the matter princess?" He asked, smirking as he watched her reaction as she tried not to empty her stomach at the sight of the lump of burnt flesh before her.
"I said not to kill anyone. I was gone for fifteen minutes," she growled, turning her eyes to him as she glared at him rather than continue to look at the sight of the mangled corpse.
"He knew who I was. I couldn't let him just walk away," Dabi said simply with a shrug of his shoulders as if it was no problem.
"Ugh whatever. Come on let's get the fuck out of here before someone sees something," she said before grabbing his arm and leading the way down the alley and back towards the warehouse. At least now she had an idea of where the warehouse was now that she had been allowed to leave without being portaled around.
Of course Dabi found it incredibly funny to watch the woman nearly run back to the warehouse with him on her heels. After all, it was entertaining to watch how paranoid she was as they headed back. While he on the other hand didn't give two shits. After all, Dabi felt strongly he could burn anyone to a crisp who stood in his way. But Rin was far more realistic. She knew she didn't have a strong enough quirk to take on just anyone. She never even made it onto the ranking board when she was a hero. So there was no way she would be able to fight with someone who was ranked top fifty if not even top one hundred. And she is even less strong now than she was three years ago even. Sure her quirk abilities have been honed a little better but still she would never be able to hold her own in a fight with a top ranking hero. Or so she felt at least.
Once they had returned to the warehouse Rin was able to breathe again as she took a deep breath of the dusty and stale air welcoming the calming sense of safety. That probably should have rang out red flags right there. She honestly felt safe with these people. Sure they were a little crazy and insane. But she no longer felt like they were going to try and kill her. Well Dabi might still try but it almost felt like he was no longer as rough with her as he had been before. It had been a while since he smashed her face into a wall. And he only grabbed her throat when they fucked. That's an improvement? Right?
Ugh once again she didn't want to think about how horrible it was that she felt so safe and welcomed. Even as they were greeted as they entered through the large door. Toga gave a forced smile but that bubbly energy she typically had seemed miss placed. The loss of Big Sis Megs had seemed to hit her hard. Though it was a flaw of working around killers, you never knew when someone was going to die.
It wasn't till Shigaraki approached them that Toga walked off. She looked exhausted. Was it staying up nearly all night ? The rough day they had? Or the most likely answer was that it was both. But before Rin could think to ask she ended up with Shigaraki glaring down at her. Though she was starting to find the man less and less intimidating as long as she stayed out of arm's reach that is.
"How is Compress doing?" Was the scratchy question that came from Shigaraki as he looked down at her with those red eyes.
"He's stable and seems to be doing well. We grabbed him some food which will help him even more," She said as she raised the hand that held the bag of stuff she had grabbed from the convenience store. Shigaraki seemed happy to hear that as he simply gave his head a nod to her. But the hand that nearly violently scratched at the raw skin of his neck told her that something else was bothering him.
"Shigiraki come with me please. There's more your healer would like to talk to you about," She said softly, giving him a soft smile hoping he would not snap at her for walking him to do something she said.
She watched the man scowl at her and for a moment she was expecting the man to snap at her and tell her once again that she was not allowed to give him orders. She knew to be careful, trying to remember to talk to him more like this was some sort of game than real life as he seemed to take that the best when she had something important to say. Though she rarely played rpg or mmo style games so it wasn't exactly easy for her. But still she tried her best and that's all she could do, though it seemed to be getting easier as Shigiraki seemed to be growing more friendly with her or maybe more civil was the better choice of words.
"Fine. Let me know what you have to say," He said simply as the clawing of his neck seemed to slow to a simple little itch and he nodded his head.
"Thank you," she said softly with a bow of her head. She started to make her way out of the main room and decided to head towards the little makeshift kitchen area. She waited till they were out of the main room and no one else was around before she dared to ask her next question.
"There appears to be something on your mind? Does it have something to do with the Yakuza from tonight?" She asked him softly as she glanced over at him.
"Yes. He's a very important player. He needs us more than we need him but still it would be best if we could get him to work with us," Shigiraki actually answered her. She was a bit surprised he told her something that could be important.
"He has an impressive quirk and a lot of ties to the underworld. I imagine he would be an important person to have around," She said simply after a second of thought. She could see why that man and his group could be important. They were a strong group to still be alive and not how did Compress put it? Extinct? It showed that someone his age who was currently running the immoral group was not someone to take lightly. He was strong, in multiple aspects. Other people rarely will follow another person for no reason. Whether he controlled his group with fear, strength or something else was hard to say. But no matter how he ruled, the fact that he looked not much older than herself meant the man was also dangerous.
"Yes my master had talked about him and he is importants," The mention of that faceless man she had met when they had tried to kidnap that poor blonde boy had a shiver run up her back. She had learned later that the man that stood toe to toe with All Might was who Shigiraki called Master. That man was terrifying in its own way.
"Then it's probably important that we try to mend the bridge with him then. So how do you plan to do that?" She asked as she paused in her steps for a second before walking into the little kitchen area. Well all it really was, was a room with some counter space and a sink. But it worked as a cooking space for Rin.
"I do not know,'' was the reply Shiggy gave her which didn't surprise her. She had always had a feeling that Shigiraki was not the brain. He was the puppet that was simply being controlled. But now came the concern that with his puppet master gone there was no one to keep Shigiraki in check other than Kurogiri. But Kurogiri was more like a babysitter and there was no way he could control Shigiraki. This was a bit of an unnerving realization.
"May I make a suggestion?" She asked, waiting till he nodded his head before she continued, "I would suggest trying to talk with him again. Though maybe leave the League here. Take Kurogiri with you so you can get away if a repeat happens. Try and figure out what you can do to get the man on your side. He would be a good ally to have so making him happy is not a bad thing."
Shigiraki knew she was right, having Overhaul on his side would be incredibly convenient for them. And she wasn't wrong, trying to make that annoying man his comrade was not going to be easy. And Shigiraki was not overly happy with the thought of having to meet up with that man again. But it would be unavoidable if Shigiraki wanted the man and his strength to be a part of the league's forces. Shiggy needed to swallow his pride for once and do something to try and fix the issues that were standing in his way of this task.
The days to follow seemed to blend together as Rin cared for Compress till someone Shigaraki called Giran delivered some sort of new metal arm for Mr. Compress, it was easy enough for Rin to install it for him. Though it seemed Compress had bounced back pretty quickly making jokes and already showing off his sleight of hand magic tricks even with only one hand. But all that time together she had grown to know a bit more about the man behind the mask who she used to not trust at all. He told her stories of how his grandfather and father were both criminals. He grew up with this life unlike the others who appeared to be people who fell through the cracks. Which explained why he was still so sane compared to the others. Or maybe he was just a different sort of insane? Rin wasn't sure anymore what made a person sane or not now a days.
And with the new arm he really seemed to come back to life. He seemed so much closer to his old self which was relieving. It also meant Rin no longer had any reason to hide from Dabi, though she wasn’t able to do that well even when she was caring for Compress. Dabi was more often than not her loyal shadow, groping and grabbing her ass any chance he could. But at least he kept his pants on while others where around so it won her a few days or no rough sex. But of course that only meant she found herself assaulted every time she was alone. And yet she often didn’t mind. It was such an odd relationship they seemed to have. Was it fair to call it a relationship? Probably not fuck buddy's was probably more accurate but nonetheless Rin wasn’t exactly sure what the best way to explain it even was.
In the meantime it had seemed that Shigaraki was trying to take her advice as he eventually reached back out to the Yakuza leader that she had briefly met that night when Compress lost his arm and Magne her life. Supposedly Shigaraki was supposed to meet the man again. Then again Rin didn’t know what day it was or how long it had been since she had offered the man her advice and thoughts on the matter? Had it been three days or three weeks? Her internal clock was gone now.
Walking back into the main room after what felt like days of staying hidden at Compress’s bed side she was greeted by a few familiar faces. Though some were missing. Shigaraki and Kurogiri were missing, as was Dabi for once. Were they all together? Or had they all set out on their own missions? She probably wouldn’t know the answers till someone got back.
Toga was quick to spot the woman and go bouncing towards her all the while rambling off quickly about how happy she was to see Rin and how lonely it was without her. How annoying it was that Shigaraki was giving Dabi and the others orders while she was stuck with nothing to do. And so as usual Toga was happy to gossip about whatever little thing Rin had missed while caring for Mr.Compress. There wasn’t exactly much to gossip about. She was mostly just bored and unhappy Shigaraki wasn’t giving her stuff to do like a lot of the others. So she was spending her free time around the alleys and along the shadows of the underworld.
Rumours were spreading like wildfire about the downfall of both All Might and All for One. Who was going to fill either position? Not only was there no leader for the hero’s, but there was also no leader for the underworld. Who was going to fill that position? Sure the league of villains had been making a name for themselves but there were a few others who wanted that spot. Though Rin didn’t really care about who wanted or got that position. Though she had a feeling Shigaraki was going to be aiming for that title. After all it was his master who held it before him. In a sense it seemed only correct that Shigaraki would be the one to step up and take that position. Unless the man had a kid? Hmmm maybe Rin didn’t want to be thinking too hard about that man and what he did with his life behind that tv screen.
“Toga do you know where Dabi is?” Finally at some point Rin was finally able to ask as she looked around noticing after half an hour Dabi had still not returned while she was sitting and listening to Toga ramble.
“Not a clue. Shigaraki has been giving him some orders about new recruits but I’m not actually sure what the hell he’s doing,” Toga said with a shrug of her shoulders. Of course the blonde kid would know the gossip from the shadows but wouldn’t have a clue what some of her fellow league members were up to.
So this meant that Toga wouldn’t have an idea on when in the world Dabi would be returning. And now Rin was trying not to pout like a child. Hell when in the world did she actually start to enjoy that annoying murder's attention? Maybe it was cause they didn’t try to kill each other any more and just enjoyed some rough sex? It was hard to say. Maybe it was the same time she started to see the people around her as that. Real people who fell through the cracks. The system failed them, society failed them. And this was their way of lashing out, or they were trying to in some twisted way fix how fucked up the system was. Was this the right way to go about it? Rin really didn’t know that answer anymore. On one hand she felt it wasn’t but another side of her felt it was the only way to actually make a difference. When had the world turned so grey? What used to be black and white, good and evil. No longer felt that way when she could no longer tell where that line was.
Well this sucked so now she was stuck waiting around in the big main room for Dabi to return. Though at least Twice spotted her zoning out barely listened to Toga which irritated the poor girl. Twice was quick to join them sitting on the other side of Toga more than happy to reply to her chatter and gossip. Rin flashed the man a soft smile as a silent thank you to the man who just helped her out and kept Toga from throwing knives around at her. And so Rin sat there silently waiting for Dabi to return. Not even aware that as she was waiting she ended up with her head rolling forwards and her eyes drifting shut as she fell asleep.
How long was she asleep for? She no longer felt she was leaning against a wall or crate or what did she even fall asleep against in the first place? She couldn’t remember any more. But she did know the warm body beside her was incredibly welcoming as she found herself cuddling up against the warmth. Though the vibration of a low chuckle only continued to pull her brain from the fog of sleep before she slowly forced her eyes open to look up at those bright blue eyes that were apparently watching her sleep as she had nuzzled up against his chest as he was laying back just watching her. Apparently she was back in their bed. How she got there she didn’t have a clue.
“Good morning princess,” was the greeting she received from him. Which she tried to glare at him for.
“I hate when you call me princess,” she groaned, still half asleep. Which only had him laughing lightly some more.
“And that is why I love calling you that,” he said as he laughed and watched her continue to glare at him.
“When did you get back?” She wanted to change the subject from the annoying nicknames he often liked to give her.
“A while ago. But you were fast asleep in the main room along the crates. You know you snore when you sleep sitting upwards,” of course the snide little comment earned him a back handed slap to his chest which only made him laugh at her once again.
“What have you been doing?” She was curious to know what Dabi’s been doing with his time away from her. And for a split second he was quiet.
“Shigaraki has me on recon looking for good people to join him,” well that was a short answer that didn’t exactly tell her anything more that she already knew.
“Any luck?” She simply asked, she knew she was being nosy but she was curious what the man was doing.
“No. They're all just a bunch of useless pieces of shit,” she couldn’t help the soft snort that escaped her when she heard that answer.
“I have a feeling Shigaraki should have left that job to someone with slightly less standards than you,” she said simply as she looked up at him and could smell the burnt flesh that clung to him. She didn’t want to ask what he did with the people who did not meet his strict standards for those who wanted or should join the league.
“Nah we can’t just let any idiot join,” he said simply as a hand reached over and she watched him grab a pack of cigarettes before pulling one out and tucking it between his lips before a small brilliant blue flame lit from the end of his index finger. She really only saw the blue flames when they first met. At that time she didn’t exactly stop to admire the flames. Even such a small flame was so hot that it didn’t even need to touch the tip of the cigarette for it to start burning the tobacco. And yet Rin just watched eyes completely zoned in on the flame as she watched it continue to flicker even as he inhaled the lung full of cancer.
“Well aren’t you easy to impress,” was the chuckle that greeted her ears before she forced her eyes to look away from the flame to look up at him before looking back at the flame.
“Do you know how hot a blue flame is? Actually don’t answer that question. It’s amazing to see that you can create a flame that reaches nearly 2,000 degrees Celsius. It’s amazing that you're even able to create such a hot flame,” though the look of his hand and the burnt skin was a very quick reminder that clearly his body couldn’t handle his quirk. And it was easy to see why nothing would withstand that crazy high heat without burning to some degree. But still it was odd to see a body housing a quirk it clearly could not handle.
“Yeah yeah I get it super hot blue flame is cool,” complete sarcasm laced his voice as he rolled his eyes at her. Though a part of him was thankful she didn’t mention his burnt skin.
“It’s beautiful when I don’t have to worry that it’s going to burn me,” Rin answered rather bluntly. After all it was true, the blue flame was breathtakingly beautiful when she didn’t fear it was going to burn her to death.
Though that comment and the clear bluntness of it did surprise Dabi a little. He had never seen his flame as beautiful before. Still couldn’t even though she seemed sure it was. His flame felt more like a curse, the only thing it was good for was killing people and being strong. Exhaling the lung full of smoke into the air above him he watched her nose scrunch up as the smoke filled the air around her. He felt her body tense up before she started to cough.
“Geez can’t you smoke outside?” She whined, raising a hand to try and wave away any smoke that lingered in front of her face as if that would magically make room for new clean air for her to breathe.
“Don’t like it you can go outside,” of course he would tell her to go outside if she didn’t like him smoking around her. Just as she was pouting she had no desire to get up. Oddly enough it was nice for once actually cuddling up against the man. He never let her cuddle, but she must have done so in her sleep and he couldn’t pry her off. And so she didn’t make any movement even as he purposely blew smoke into her face when she didn’t move.
“Ass,” she cursed as her eyes watered and she started coughing again as Dabi laughed at her. Well at least one of them was enjoying themselves.
Rin still wanted to know what was all going on, she may have been more welcomed now than before but it was still clear they didn’t fully trust her with the way they kept information from her. I or maybe it was Dabi who didn’t trust her since Shiggy seemed so much more willing to chat with her and didn’t seem to give just a single barely a sentence reply. That’s who she needed to talk to if she wanted actual answers.
“Do you know if Shigaraki is back yet?” She asked to pick her head up off his chest about to push herself up and off of him but froze as she watched the scowl that crossed his face at her question.
“And why the hell do you want to know if he’s back?” Was the hiss that greeted her. Well fuck she probably shouldn’t answer that question but she still did anyways.
“I want to chat with him,” she said simply, which had things take a one eighty, quite literally as she found herself with her back against the bed. A hand wrapped around her throat as Dabi had her pinned. Which earned him a scowl from her.
“Why the hell do you want to chat with that crusty ass?” Once again this was another question she should have known to not answer.
“None of your business but I find him fun to talk to sometimes. At least he chats with me more than you do,” she growled up at him as he glared down at her. Clearly Dabi did not enjoy that she was about to get up and leave him to go look for some other man. The hand around her throat tightened in response, cutting off a bit of the blood going to her brain. Which in turn brought some high she had started to enjoy as she struggled not to moan. Though the look on her face and the way her eyes had nearly rolled back into her head gave away the pleasure she was feeling. That hard his scowl turned to a smirk. So much for wanting to go find Shiggy to chat.
She felt his body lean into hers as the hand continued to tighten. It wasn’t till his hips ground against hers did the moan she was trying to suppress escape her. And that was exactly what Dabi wanted as his lips crashed against hers. Her head was swimming and yet she happily returned the kiss. Her questions would have to wait a little while before she would be able to hunt down those answers.
Hands were all over the place. Hers were roaming along the edges of his shirt before tugging them up. His free hand was nearly ripping at her own shirt. It took seconds for clothes to go flying, and Dabi showing off his skills at unclipping her bra with one hand while still keeping her pinned down. The best she could do to help him was to try and arch her back off the bed. Fingers pinched at her nipples drawing more moans from her though they were a little quieter due to the difficulty of getting the air out of her lungs. She even found the hand warming up a little as he teased her body and watched as she could only squirm and moan beneath him.
The second his fingers let go of her nipple they instead headed south giving no warning before two plunged deep into her depths. That had her back arch, her hips thrusting up against his palm as he smirked down at her. Though that didn’t last long either as her pleasure was building as his fingers worked and all of the sudden the fingers disappeared. Her muffled cry gave away how desperate she was to have the fingers return to their job. But the wide shit eating smirk on his lips gave away that his fingers would not be returning up that position.
When had his boxers come off? Then again she couldn’t remember when her own panties were ripped off. Both probably hit the floor at the same time. For a second the fingers around her neck relaxed a little allowing blood to rush to her head making her light headed as Dabi lined himself up. A single rough thrust buried him deep within her body. She cried out in pleasure at the sudden assault on her body as her walls quickly tried to adjust to Dabi’s large size. His piercings just seemed to hit every spot perfectly as she moaned happily before the fingers around her neck tightened once again cutting off the blood to her brain and even cutting off a bit of her air.
Though her brain was fogged up and seemed to just want to shut down, her body continued to move on its own as her hips moved in time with his as they both chased their highs. One hand had found its gripping his upper forearm of the hand that kept her pinned down. Finger nails digging into the toned flesh. Which brought groans from him but he made no action to stop her nor pull his hand from her neck. Neither of them ever got away from sex without some sort of marks. Claw marks and hand marks were nothing new for either of them, a little blood drawn or bruises were now normal for her life.
Dabi’s pace had never slowed even as Rin found her climax first, her head rolled back. A cry of pleasure escaped her as her body spasmed beneath him. Instead his pace became wild and rough as he chased his own climax before a low groan escaped him and both body's became still. The sound of heavy breathing was all that filled the room as Rin blinked her eyes pushing the black dots away as the fingers around her neck fully released her and the hand moved away as Dabi rolled off her to look for the half smoked cigarette he had tossed to the ground when things started.
With her breath caught and the weight that kept her pinned down gone she slowly sat up glancing around the room for her clothes as Dabi found what remained of his cigarette and lit it back up with that beautiful blue flame of his. Oddly enough Rin found her emerald green eyes glancing over the man's bare body. The scarred skin drew her gaze, and of course she couldn't help but lean forwards and reach out to run a finger along a line of stapled skin. That probably wasn't the best decision as his hand grabbed her wrist with an incredible tight grip. She winced softly at the pain that shot through her wrist.
“What do you think you're doing?” he growled at her as his grip nearly broke the bones in her wrists.
“Your scars are mesmerizing,” She said simply as she looked up at him to watch the surprise cross his face as he dropped her wrist as if she had just burnt him. No one had ever said anything about his scars like that. And he did not know how to reply or even react to that. And so in a panic he tossed on his pants and without a word had left the room and a surprised Rin who was still naked in bed and was stuck watching as Dabi now ran from her.
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cosmicstarlatte · 8 months
Oommgggg okay okay. My number one is Mammon, tied for two is Satan and Beel with Lucifer coming in hot. My typical Bias is a mix of Mam and Satan (Anger issues but soft all overrrr)
OMG ANOTHER OL!!!! Bro omfgggg. I love COVE AHH!!! Yes! The Baxter DLC and Derek DLC is out. Wedding DLC has been out and there's even two spicy bonus moments with Cove on their patreon 👀👀👀
Ikesen thooo. Nobu was my favorite but we don't talk about his thing for feet BC that's not my thinggg. IkePri uhh Chev. I have a thing for the ones that want me dead at first bc I'm delulu and my brains like nah that didn't happen bc I'd be dead bc I'd fight back.
Mysme was okay for my HS self. I blew threw it and used guides. Zen is my anomaly I love himmm.
Cinderella Phenomenon tho?? It's so good tbh. It's definitely long in story telling but once you get locked onto a route of your choosing it's soooo good I love it.
TokyoRev involves time travel and gang themes. I got into it bc I thought the charas were adults but a huge chunk is like.. during their middle school years but they show them as adults years into the future so it's worth it for me. Painful but not as painful as Demon Slayer. Lawwwdd. I love Sanemi ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️
Also dw we all a lil wild on main 🥴
-Angsty Anon
It's so hard not to love Mammon!! ♡ Actually I posted a little mammon drabble today! 😆 Satan is really cute (I finally got on that train w NB) & Beel & Lucifer have always been a part of the harem!♡ dude yes! I'm a sucker for anyone who's a little rough but actually soft (especially when its just for you 🥹!!)
Hehe I'll continue the rest here!!
THEY FINALLY HAVE BAXTER'S!?!?! OMG. I'm gonna have to treat myself and replay it! That dating sim SERIOUSLY left a lasting impression!!! Tbh, it might actually be the best one I've played? And that was just with Cove at the time too, insane! 😵‍💫 ...Spicy cove content you say?? 👀💕
Nobunaga had me going insane! He was so annoying but I *literally* squealed so many times playing his route & couldn't get enough of him! Dude yeah the puffy toes thing... LMFAOOOO. (But ngl...I like having my feet kissed. /recently discovered that)
Chev just likes to play hard to get, his type always come around, ignore the threats 😌
Dude even with guides I was like nah this game is asking for too much 😭
Tbh I don't mind long story telling! I'll have to check it out!
I def got gang vibes from Tokyo Rev but time travel!?!? I did NOT expect to read that lol! & partly middle schoolers!? Another shock! 😂 wow I really didn't know anything about it lol
ohh I like demon slayer! I still haven't watched the most recent season though! The last one I watched was the one with Tengen! I'm def a tengen & rengoku stan ♡
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felawnie · 2 years
about me
tagged by @marvelingjules
last song: *stares at the screen in ‘can’t remember things and slept for 17 straight hours before this’* Uh, if I pull up my youtubin window...Looks like it was  Start Again (Feat. Fiora) - Seven Lions. Ooo I should listen to that again. And then maybe thanks for the memories cause it’s stuck in my head.
last show/series: I don’t have cable nor any streaming services and I checked out Robocop weeks ago from the library and STILL haven’t watched it! I don’t watch things very well. A while ago I watched the first season of Columbo? I was very proud of myself..I managed to watch it in a week or two. Now if we were talking fanfics, I just recently finished an Avengers kick. Wait, should I be considering youtube in this?
currently watching: If we’re considering youtube, that would be Cracking the Cryptic, Far Lands or Bust, Fascinating Horror(when something comes up since that is the ONLY channel i am up to date on), and I’m checking out Usefulcharts. But like, I only watch stuff while I’m eating and only listen to stuff when I’m playing something that doesn’t need sound. Otherwise I could be reading... If we’re going with fanfics for this question, I am reading through a SuperBat rec list. Will I stick with SuperBat? I dunno. I just really want the angsty/pining/touch starvation recently. Been down in the dumps, wanna feel worse. Uh. In the way that people like being scared by horror or rollercoasters, yanno?
favorite color: GREEEEEEEN. I love green. I love green so much I can’t even trust my decisions. Listen. I was looking at a picture book I loved when I was younger and realized my favorite character wore green. At a dinner at Dad’s coworker’s house, I picked a place to sit and after I sat, realized the plate was green. My favorite bubble tea at the place around here is jasmine green tea(well, fela, it says green tea in the name. LISTEN ON THE MENU IT JUST SAYS JASMINE I DIDN’T EVEN NOTICE THE GREEN TINGE UNTIL MY FRIEND POINTED IT OUT). When I worked at Mcdonalds I worked the morning shift. If you work the morning shift you make yourself some coffee because it’s 4 fucking am. I liked the hazelnut iced coffee. The syrups have a colored plastic wrap at the top. It took me A YEAR to realize hazelnut had a green wrap! DO I LIKE HAZELNUT?? OR WAS IT THE GREEN? ...I have become convinced that if anyone wanted to marry me, they’d just have to wear green around me until I fell in love with them. Green comes up so often it’s become a joke. Help. I also like blue and purple. Peacock colors!
sweet, spicy, or savory: savoury! 
currently reading: :I Oh boy. The Winter Long by Seanan McGuire(Ocober Daye series is so good) The Way of the Househusband by Kousuke Oono(fucking hilarious) The Fires of Vengeance by Evan Winter(will this boy ever get a break? no.) Anno Dracula by Kim Newman(about to start) Great Courses:Introduction to Geology(yeah mostly this is a listening thing but i’m currently reading the guidebook for the first part) Rogue Protocol by Martha Wells(Murderbot is ALSO a very good series) Spectacular Silver Earthling by Mara Lynn Johnstone(a fun book and one i should have finished ages ago but) Antimony by Tenorreaper(spooky Danny Phantom fanfic) running til we’re out of time by Pasdecoeur(one of the SuperBats from the rec list and oooooof *fans self*) Poetic Justice by Limmet(the last avengers one. the last time i read it was while it was being written and less than 30 chapters. saw it in the avengers list and realized it had hit 142 chapters and it shocked me right out of the avengers kick LMAO) Various other fanficsI’ve stalled on and left the tabs up in the hopes that I’ll go FUCKING FINISH READING THEM. If anyone wants that list they’re gonna have to ask. 81 fucking library books.Do my friends(who i work with) mock me? Yes. Does one of them play a game with me where whichever of us who has less books wins? Yes. DOES SHE ALWAYS WIN????? YES. 5 items on this list are from that 81 book pile so. I’m TRYING. Oh god please don’t ask me for a list of these.
what I'm working on: Just like, Flight Rising stuff. I have a breeding project, lair expansions, gathering a new set of lvl 10s for the next push(whatever kind it is), the set of three challenges I was trying to tie together, the long drop challenge. Also the 81 books I have out. I...I need to read those...
currently obsessed with: :/ I don’t get obsessions. I’m barely existing as it is.
tagging:  @asthmaticsarcasticasshole @owl-troll @fractal-baby @faeymouse @zubneogeist @poorlydrawnsonya @bloodlinemagick  No obligation, of course. And if anyone else sees this and wants to do it and tag me so I can read it, that’s cool too
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lpfreakification · 6 months
2023 Schaumburg Adventure Post!
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I'll actually start from the Plan Of Attack I created this morning.
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1. Left the house with money given to me from dad.
The default outfit I wore all day (with my lovely assistant + husband, Axel ☺️)
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2. Recognized a store clerk I haven't seen in a long time. He was the one who taught me how to buy gas from the counter. ("$.. on pump #... please") I told him how lots had changed the last time I saw him. He asked if I still worked at my old job next door. That was one of the big changes I mentioned: me leaving my old job of 6 years to focus more on school + how I'll be quitting my other job in January b4 school starts again. After a nice bit of catch-up, I filled up my car + went to Target.
3. I was able to stop at Target to find what my brother's fiance wanted: a pair of dumbells. I quickly texted my brother if this brand + set was ok. Thankfully, he answered fast + got a yes. Yes! Not knowing I'd find a set like this, I didn't grab a cart (had a basket instead) + was hauling this with my two arms thru out the store 😵‍💫
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Also managed to grab an item of food my brother wanted for Xmas + some grapes for the kickboxing Xmas party.
It was quite an endurance test bcuz an old lady was in front of me. I kept thinking to myself, "damn, I should've grabbed a cart if I knew I'd find this. At least, this is a good workout for my arms."
I was able to set these dumbells on the ground as I waited in line. I lightly scooted my basket as I carried the heavy item 😵‍💫 I was telling myself that if someone asked how I'm doing, I'd say I'd be sweaty.
As I was approaching the next available self-checkout, that's when my coworkers from my old job ran into me with their Starbucks drinks. Hugged one fully + the other carefully bcuz she had Starbucks drinks. Ha, I was right about a person asking how I was doing, + my response was being sweaty 😆 One grabbed a cart for me as they saw my struggle. Once she came back, I was catching up as I was scanning my items. My Plan Of Attack, the coffee for the guys back at my old job, Genshin (Sumeru is gonna be long), + their recent cheer conference 😄 I finished scanning + paying as we parted ways. That encounter cheered me up, too (my reason is on IG Stories). I can't help but remember how much my favorite manager loves his pink drinks X3
(Quickly doodled my favorite manager from memory)
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(He's still such a bad@$$! 😍)
4+5 I'll skip bcuz I got everything at Target + used the atm drive-thru. Nothing eventful.
6. I showed up at 1:30. It was locked. I definitely had a good time jamming in the car to Linkin Park's Faint, Cascada's Every Time We Touch, + The Killers' Somebody Told Me as I waited. Didn't take too long until the owners came to open the door + set up. I set down the grapes + jammed to Linkin Park's More The Victim.
[Time out, I need to drown out the sound of praying with loud Linkin Park >B( *does that, starting with A Place For My Head* Much better 😊 Ok, time in 😚]
They were setting up the majority of the time I was there. I set a timer to 45 minutes so I wouldn't lose track of time. I mostly (happy) danced to whatever music was playing in the bg, whether hard or soft.
The best part during my short time was that there was one of my kickboxing classmates dressed up as Santa! He brought some homemade habanero jam with cream chese + crackers. Normally, I don't like spicy foods (despite having a "spicy" personality at times). However, I was a bit curious. I had a bit of heat kicks underneath my tongue. I surprised myself that I liked it??? The Santa classmate was right: my mouth wasn't on fire, + no steam coming out of my ears 😂 He looked like he was happy that I liked it.
[Aw, my speaker died. Faint was next 😭 *listens* Ah, silence. Good.]
There was another dip made from Little Debbie's cakes + Nilla wafers. It was too sweet, even for me, the one with the sweet tooth. Strangely enough, the Habanero jam was more memorable. The sweet dip's 2nd
As I hung out, I checked my phone + saw my very pregnant sister wanting me to pick her up on the way back 🙃 It's not bcuz it's far (it's actually close), it's my fear of driving with passengers ever since... *flashback* My car accident in February 2021? 2022? (the day Russia invaded Ukraine). Long story short, bad weather + got hit in the passenger side, totaling my previuos red car. I was lying to the internet about "losing my car" + kept that a low profile so they wouldn't freak out as much + didn't want unwanted attention. I was like, "Are you sure???" (Clearly still traumatized)
It's too bad people were trickling in by 2:30, aka the time I had to leave. So I said my goodbyes, + left with a plate of food.
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(It's a good thing I bought + brought the grapes, or else it would've looked bad, grabbed food, and + not contribute anything)
7. And so, I drove to my preggo sister's place, I switched to the passenger side, + she drove my car back to the house. What a relief! I was so scared of driving a passenger, let alone, the very pregnant sister.
8. The main event: the Schaumburg Adventure Post!
We didn't enter thru our usual entrance at the now-extincted Sears. Instead, it was like the opposite side of the mall. It's like standing in one place + starting to spin around in circles in one direction + then spinning around in the other direction. It feels weird.
1st store I saw was SuperDry. I fell in love with this store when I went to Washington DC in 2018 😍 The hoodie im wearing rn is fron SuperDry. I managed to try on two sports bras. The size 8 is a tight fit but good for keeping my chest in place. The size 12 is a comfortable fit but doesn't secure my chest as well. The siblings weren't too sure of the initial sizes, henced the reason i tried them on. As i was leaving, the preggo sister arrived. I showed her the two items i tried on. Needless to say, I got both.
Urban Outfitters, i got my other brother a candle that says "Magic S***" + two Pokémon card packs.
Next, Sephora. *c+p Twitter post*
"The line at Sephora is incredibly long. It's not my favorite place to be in, considering how anti-makeup I am. I'm near halfway there only to find out that someone already got the thing but didn't mark it as "Bought."
F*** it, imma buy it anyway so my time won't be in vain." - 12/3/2023 4:50 PM SUNDAY...
(I also bought an item online for her, just in case >BP)
Vera Bradley - a black lanyard strap for myself
Too Cool - An Aggretsuko pencil case + more OHSHC stickers 😍
Box Lunch - initially, I bought two bib sets for my future nephew. As soon as I got out of the line, The Blue Eyes White + Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragons pins caught my attention. I went back in line + bought them 😅
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Hot Topic - I was looking at the band shirts. Obviously, I was looking at the Linkin Park shirts. I was like, "I already have that one, I already have that one, + oh? I don't have this one o.o" It was the One More Light shirt. What a find for me! And I got loads of pins/buttons. I resonate with the big crying corgi one the most (bcuz this was when I was running low on money).
Mall - I found this timeline that wasn't here b4 😮 Apparently, it's this mall's 50th anniversary. Woah.
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I took pics so I could read it later, + there's also a link to all these pics + history:
Needless to say, A LOT has changed. I think I'll make a separate post on that. I think.
The mall was close to closing.
I traveled towards the old Sears entrance. The Rainforest Cafe is now Peppa Pig World 😢 The 1st floor of the now-extincted Sears is closed off. The 2nd floor has been replaced with "Primark". Combining descriptions of what my sister + dad say, it's like a Kmart version of Forever 21? Idk, I can't really wrap my head around it bcuz it's so new, the vibe + fashion isn't for me, + I'm still holding onto my childhood nostalgia of Sears.
I quickly visited F.Y.E. nearby. It triggered a memory of buying yaoi Manga there. Thus triggered another memory of being a bookstore that had so much more yaoi Manga. My memory has served me correctly of where it was located, but it was too late.
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(Noooooooooo!!!!!) The mall was closing up at this point, so some stores were already closed 😞 I could've redeemed myself to get Heavens official blessing, but then again, I haven't touched my yaoi Manga all year long 😨
As I was making my way towards the exit, one last store caught my attention.
Ximi-V - This was where I went ballistic with pen shopping. I had trouble with paying bcuz I didn't have enough, so I put some things back + reduced my purchase by half. In short, I bought 8 pen refills, 6 pens, a multipen, + a mini Zhongli mirror ☺️
(I can only fit 10 pics on a Tumblr post so words will have to do)
Of those 6 pens, one of them was a mystery Genshin pen. Apparently, I grabbed their last one. The character I got was the Raiden Shogun (a very powerful character in the game). A lucky find for me. Although, it looks like I can fit a Zebra Sarasa +/or Pentel Energel ink refill in half of these pens. The barrels look cute, though 😍
I was the last person to meet up with everyone else this time because of how ballistic I was in that last store.
Overall, stores were relocated (like Urban Outfitters), some stores are gone (like where I found the Sora bust last year), + more anime stores are popping up. 🤔 I feel like it'll get overwhelming by the next one or two years. It was a good nice + short visit this time around. Either bcuz we had a short amount of time or bcuz we're getting older, thus getting slower. Oh yeah, there's online shopping, too.
9. We went to City Works to dine. We all had to run to the bathroom b4 we got settled into our seats. The men were hypnotized to the football game on TV, the women were feeling baby's kicks, + I was lost in thought. About my purchases, my plan of attacks, + ideas. Ordered two drinks, my usual amount, + devoured my food. I felt like I wasn't satisfied enough + didn't want dessert. Usually, I drink my 1st drink fast, + my 2nd drink is slow due to the amount of food I just ate.
10. Finally, I will end this post (+ Plan Of Attack) now that I've been home, + been writing this for the past 3 hours 🫠 Time is short. I want to catch up on Genshin b4 I actually fall asleep. I got kickboxing in the morning, too. Ultimate question: How should I go about publishing this to Twitter if Twitter Circles are now gone?
Option 1 - upload link publicly (+ make sure siblings don't see)
Option 2 - dm this to my two favorite mutuals (you guys know who you are 😎)
Option 3 - Figure out some alternative?
Option 4 - don't, + leave it here on Tumblr.
I'll see to this (eventually?)
Nite y'all!
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0 notes
shadowonwater · 9 months
Pokemon Scarlet Playthrough part 18 (final): poking a dark crystal and surviving, and getting a pair of magnets
Playthrough Masterlist
This should cover anything I have left to cover hopefully, maybe. The last post was supposed to do that too but I decided there was enough stuff in it. Yeah anyway the goal here is to get Sandy Shocks and various other forms of Pokemon, including 3-Segment Dundunsparse. Also I'm still trying to get some Sweet magic herbs for a certain chef.
Tera Raids, The Black Crystals
I found a 6 star tera raid. Turns out that they are very obvious on the map and I don't actually have too check them in person like I thought. The Black Crystal was cool, being all static-y and stuff. It defiantly came across as dangerous.
I wanted at least to try it, not expecting to win. The Tera was flying and the Pokemon was a Tauros. I didn't really have that many Pokemon to choose from because I'm sure I'm going to need level 100s for those raids. The Pokemon I choose was Chien-Po because it's ice move powered up by Nevermelt Ice should do a lot. It was risky though because Chien-Po is double weak to fighting. I actually managed to win, many thanks to the CPUs, even after getting knocked out twice.
I still have yet to find what I'm truly after, the sweet herb. I now now have 3 spicy, but what I want is the sweet one.
Defeated a 2nd Black Crystal, but I got a Salty herb this time.
The 3rd one, more Spicy herb... what's a fellow gotta do to get sweet herb?
The 4th, got my first bitter herb, still no sweet herb. I bet I'm gonna get that last ain't I?
The Dex part 2
Got a Encounter Meal Power for Fire because I wanted the Blaze version of Tauros. This is actually my first time even seeing one but I saw it right away. And I was quickly able to find a duplicate for trade.
For the duplicates what I have left to grab are Deino, Stonjurner, Silther Wing, Sandy Shocks (which I still need one for me), and Roaring Moon. I imagine meal powers will really come in handy here.
I now have duplicates of everything. Except for Sandy Shocks which I have yet to find for myself.
Found it! Have caught a pair. :D I have all the Paradox Pokemon for Scarlet.
Authentic Sisnistea
Made my first efforts to get it. Used Encounter Power Ghost Meal Power. I know how to check for the mark without having to battle it. But boy oh boy is this draining. I hate this, it's so boring. And when night time came a whole bunch of different ghosts spawned in. I guess note to self, don't hunt until just after nightime so I don't have to deal with the other spawns. I find myself wondering if I can actually keep this up or if I'm going to give up.
[I gave up, lol. This is why I don't shiny hunt.]
3-Segment Dundunsparse
[I was gonna try hunting for this as well but I didn't. Or I only ever did a little bit of hunting. I haven't played Scarlet in months.]
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The Market (Part 2) 
This one got really spicy so minors be gone and anyone else please proceed with caution. Gender neutral fae/gender neutral (afab) reader. No use of “y/n”. 18+ ONLY!!!
(Part 1 here)
I definitely freaked Renée out; she keeps side eyeing me as she drives us home, though she isn’t asking me any more questions, which I appreciate. I still can’t believe how long I spent playing mind games with Oleander. It honestly felt like less than half an hour but sure enough when we got back to the car and checked our phones, hours had passed. I lost an entire afternoon and I’d been none the fucking wiser.
The ring is scaring me, too. Somehow it feels warm and alive in my palm, thrumming gently against my skin with its own little heartbeat. I don’t want to put it down because I’m scared someone else will pick it up and end up hurt, cursed, or dead. Thorough research will have to be done on how to properly dispose of it; I’m not about to be responsible for unleashing the actual plot of “The Ring” on an unsuspecting random in the name of self preservation.
Renée sighs as she pulls into her usual space in front of our home.
“I’m really sorry,” she twists in her seat to better face me, “I forced you to come with me and now you’re stuck with that thing.” I smile and reach for her hand, squeezing it twice for reassurance.
“You have nothing to apologize for. We learned our lesson and I won’t go back. It’s gonna be fine, don’t worry.” She looks about as convinced as I feel, but her fingers briefly squeeze mine back before we both exit the car and make our way inside.
When I get into my room, I dig out an old, empty glasses case and drop the ring inside, glaring at it for a moment before slamming the case and shoving it into my nightstand drawer.
The following month passes so uneventfully I forget about the fae market entirely. Work is busy and stressful, as usual, and by the time I get home I have no motivation to pull out the ring and inspect it for clues or do any research on fae “gifts” and bargains. Days are repetitive and tiring, my only joys are found in the time I’m able to spend with Renée; cooking, watching movies, walking in the parks around town, playing video games, and just talking when we’re both too exhausted for anything else. Nothing out of the ordinary taunts either of us so, foolishly, we carry on and leave the incident in the past.
It’s late one night, over a month later, when I find Oleander’s name crawling off my tongue once more. I’m home alone; Renée is staying over at her girlfriend’s apartment, probably for the whole weekend. I’m deeply engrossed in one of the books I bought ages ago but never read when a polite knock sounds at the door. The firm rap startles me but I shake my head and try to get back into the novel, not planning on answering it. I wasn’t expecting anyone and Renée would’ve told me if she was having anything delivered. Just as I get comfortable again I hear another knock, this one a bit louder than the first. Anxiety sprouts a small bloom in my chest but I weed it out. Whoever it is will get the hint and leave, shortly.
A long pause of silence proves me right and I nod to myself before refocusing my attention to the page.
Three loud bangs rattle my closet doors, frightening me so much I vault off my bed like a damn Looney Tunes character and land ass first on the floor. Adrenaline overpowers my senses as I scramble up, shrieking incomprehensibly when another barrage of knocks quake the flimsy, folding doors. Somehow, someone broke into my house without my knowledge and is lurking inside my closet! I fumble blindly for my phone on the nightstand behind me, refusing to take my eyes off the doors, but my fingers never find purchase.
“I left it on the couch,” I whisper, stomach curling as I recall exactly which armrest it’s currently occupying, happily plugged in and charging away like nothing is amiss. The freak in my closet must be aware, probably having been stalking my movements and choosing this particular moment to reveal themselves when they know I’m unable to call for help.
Well, fuck them. I heave myself forward despite every cell in my body screaming “flight!” and lurch slowly towards the closet. I’ve never been this scared before; every part of me is trembling out of sync as I struggle to grasp a wobbly handle and tug the right side of the closet open. I wince in preparation for whatever violent confrontation I’m about to face but… nothing happens. The knocking has cut off and it’s quiet, like I imagined the whole thing.
Beyond agitated, I fling the other door open and rifle around, looking everywhere someone could squeeze and hide inside the narrow, dark space. There is no one.
“Great. One night home alone and I’m already losing my fucking mind.”
“Not quite.” My scream might’ve actually broken the sound barrier. I whip around too fast and lose my balance, diving backwards into the stupid closet and tangling my flailing limbs among the clothes hanging inside.
Cool hands clasp around my wrists and pull me free, straightening me with ease as I attempt to find a shred of stability both physically and internally.
“Apologies for the fright,” Oleander smirks, looking everything null of sorry, “though in order to be seen by a mortal’s eye outside the perimeters of our realm, an invitation is required.” I twitch.
“You don’t have my invitation!” The tall fae laughs far too elegantly to be genuine and tucks a glossy, dark braid behind their pointed ear.
“An open door suffices.” Of course it does.
“What were you doing before I opened the door? Just watching me like a creep?” Oleander rolls their glowing eyes and huffs, stepping backwards and taking a seat on the edge of my bed. It’s a comical sight; an ethereal fairy dressed to the nines sitting on my tacky comforter, but I’m too frazzled to laugh about it right now.
“Please,” their tone oozes distain, “you’re hardly something worth spying on.” Something, not someone.
“Then why are you even here?” I seethe, glaring at them so hard I can feel a cramp forming in my brow. They stare at me, somehow down the length of their nose despite having a lower vantage point than I do.
“You have yet to don my favor.”
“Come again?” Oleander crosses one long leg atop the other.
“The gift, human. You haven’t worn the gift.” My gaze darts momentarily to the nightstand before meeting theirs once more.
“So?” The fae’s posture appears relaxed, but a storm of aggravation that could easily be provoked to rage brews in their stare.
“I am unable to sell more wares until you accept my token and place it upon one of your fingers.”
“That’s ridiculous! You said yourself that it’s a gift, why does it matter if I wear it or not?”
“Precisely,” Oleander nods, “why does it matter? Simply accept the offering and I’ll leave.”
“That’s not what I meant!”
“I don’t care what you meant,” they sneer, their vibrantly white teeth gleaming in the light, seeming to elongate and sharpen as they speak, “procure my gift and don it, immediately.”
“No!” I refuse incredulously, almost laughing at their audacity. “And why are you talking like that? Why won’t you call it a ring?” The air between us churns, suddenly weighing down with an oppressive tension that flickers the lights and floods me with goosebumps.
My arms instinctively cross and curl around my body as I move away from Oleander, inching backwards in the direction of the open bedroom door. The fae monitors my movements, fractionally tilting their head akin to the way a practised predator might observe their next meal. I’m not prepared for my door to slam behind me, or for Oleander to abruptly stand and advance, cornering me against the closest wall.
“Where is my gift?” They whisper from far above just as the lights sputter out and submerge us into stifling darkness. Their uncanny eyes flare and dive until they are alarmingly close to mine, wide and demented in a way that will certainly bedevil my next nightmare if I live to have another.
I slide to the floor, whimpering as the infernal orbs follow, yet unable to tear my gaze away.
“Where.” Their voice is distorted beyond anything remotely anthropomorphous; it fizzes and pops like static around my ears and echoes sonorously inside my head. Limbs like thick coils of veiny tendons wriggle and lurch up my body, squeezing my arms and legs with enough force to bait pain yet impede its complete delivery.
I’m lifted off the floor and dangled mid air, caught in Oleander’s strange hold, lost in an unnaturally dark room with only the fae’s shining eyes for light. I should be screaming, or thrashing, or something, but all I can think about is how good this feels. The roiling grip curled around me is inexplicably turning me on. I desperately wish one of the muscles would snake between my legs and squirm about to relieve some of the intense, throbbing pressure, but that’s definitely not where Oleander’s intentions are.
I know they’re trying to scare me, and, admittedly, their giant, unblinking, florid eyes are unnerving, but their inhuman voice combined with the strength and strangeness of their limbs are awakening something inside me I’ve been trying to repress my entire adult life. I can only clench my jaw and squeeze my eyes shut when impossibly large hands cup my cheeks and long, skeletal fingers sink into my hair. I don’t think I’ve been this wet before; I can actually feel my cunt drooling into my panties.
“Tell me where it is.” Their tentacle like appendages tighten, squeezing my hips until I can’t hold back a pitiful moan.
Even in the dark, I can feel them stilling.
“Are you,” they pause and my eyes crack open to find theirs, still glowing but now wide with interest rather than menace, “aroused?” I clear my throat and squirm slightly, biting my lip as their touch pulses all around me.
“My, my!” Their chuckle reverberates throughout the room. “I have certainly heard rumours of humans with curious tastes,” they pull me flush against their chest and I grunt, my core clenching around air as their fingers trace delicious patterns over my scalp, “though I never expected to find one for myself.”
“I’m not wearing your ring,” I moan, then cry out when a thick, cold tongue laves up the column of my neck.
“We shall see.”
“Fuck, Oleander!” I hum when their coils actively begin to grope me, kneading me over my clothes. The fae moves us, but in the blackness I can’t see where.
“I enjoy hearing you whine that name… perhaps one day I’ll gift you with my true one.” Cold lips find mine, kissing gently at first, then nipping and sucking until I have to rip my face away and gasp for air. I’m lowered to the familiar comfort of my bed while unfamiliar touches slip beneath my clothes to remove them.
The moment Oleander’s grips wane from my arms, I sit up and reach for their face, mapping my fingers over their features. I can’t really tell what I’m feeling but I enjoy touching them, nonetheless. Their skin has a unique, silky texture, almost like a high quality silicone covered in the shortest, softest fur imaginable. Without them touching me, my head clears enough to process what we’re about to do.
“Are you sure you want this?” I whisper, noting how their eyes shudder closed as I contour the delicate skin around them. “I’m still not gonna put that thing on until you explain what it is.” Coils twine around my body, opening my legs and pinning my arms above my head.
“Our argument will keep.” Their voice blots within the dark like an audible ink stain, bleeding into each of my senses at once. It’s strangely reassuring. “I’m rather engaged, presently.” I don’t understand what’s so funny, but their dark snicker curdles the atmosphere until their solid form presses into my flushed skin and cool lips lock over mine.
Oleander’s tongue has a mind of its own; twisting and prodding inside my mouth, exploring every millimetre of space until it finally circles around mine and tugs teasingly. Their hands grope my skin at the same time, palming and squeezing the fleshiest parts of me while they kiss me breathless. I desperately wish my legs were free so I could fling them around Oleander’s waist and hold for dear life, but the fae’s weird, extra limbs grip me steadfast. Icy digits dance infuriatingly close to my core. I tear my face away from theirs and groan, muscles straining under their thrumming restraints.
“Goddess, you’re so wet and I have yet to touch you.” Their fingers tease down my slit, too slow for my keening lust, but their hold forces me to remain still. “Listen,” they rasp, the deep, unnatural sound of their voice sending pleasant shivers down my spine, “to how wet you are.” Without warning, they plunge two of their long fingers into my weeping hole and moan alongside me at the lewd, slimy squelch it makes. I gasp when they jerk their fingers out and immediately thrust them back inside, curling their lithe digits to rub against the spongy spot within that sets every nerve alight. I’ve never been able to cum from penetration alone, but there’s an undeniable chance Oleander’s fingers will find an orgasm if they keep fucking me like this. My back arches uncontrollably when they add a third digit, pumping faster and harder than any mortal could, their excess limbs writhing over my flushed skin and squishing my flesh to anchor me in place as I strain to buck my hips in tandem with their fingering.
An icy, wet tongue laves unexpectedly over my folds, flicking and flattening over my hot, swollen clit in rapid successions. I cum instantly, shouting as I squirt into Oleander’s mouth. They slurp up my release greedily while continuing to chase me through my orgasm, drilling their crooked digits in and out as they suck relentlessly at my clit.
Eventually I can’t take it and my thighs tremble closed, easing their face and fingers away from my wrecked pussy.
“Exquisite,” the dark hums, “you come undone beautifully.” Something moist surrounded by what feels like dozens of wriggling nodules brushes the top of my thigh, then my belly and chest, before prodding at my chin and lower lip. A sharp intake of breath pulses throughout the room when I flick my tongue out experimentally and graze something slippery and tart. I do it again, longer this time, exploring their unusual genitals with my mouth, trying to tease more stuttering breaths out of them. The coils binding my arms and legs retreat giving me freedom to trace my hands over their cold skin until I find their needy entrance. I was right; they have a plush cunt surrounded by little, sensitive, tentacle like protrusions that wiggle and squirm at my touch. Each is certainly reactive, but the largest nestled at the top seems to provoke the loudest growls and gasps when I begin to lick and suckle at it.
I notice their hole gush as it spasms on air so I attempt to push my fingers inside, pleasantly surprised when it clamps and swallows around my whole fist with ease. Oleander cries out, their muscles trilling around my hand as I pump it in and out of them while sucking harshly at their roiling, swollen clit. Thick gobs of slippery cum trail down my wrist and forearm as their cunt squeezes tighter and tighter around my fist until I can’t move it around inside them. The blackness around me seems charged enough to burst, so I suction my lips over their engorged clit as forcefully as I can, even nipping it gently between my teeth, and Oleander explodes. They wail and grind over me, flooding my face with cool, viscous release. I giggle when they shove my head away so I can’t tease their spent clit anymore. 
After a brief pause, their many limbs slither and curl around me once more and I can’t help the happy sigh that parts my lips.Their long tongue laps at my cheeks, then my arm, cleaning up where their cum painted my skin.
“Again?” They purr, then swallow my affirmative moan with a cold kiss.
We fuck all night, only stopping when I’m too overstimulated and exhausted to continue. Oleander carries me to the bathroom and helps me clean myself up, pressing tender licks and kisses to my shoulders, cheeks, and scalp as I use a warm, damp cloth to wipe away our sticky releases. They seem surprised when I fumble in the darkness to find a fresh cloth and clean them, too.
“I am capable of doing this myself.”
“I know,” I hum quietly, mopping at their velvety skin, “do you want me to stop?”
“Okay.” A small grin quirks at my lips. When I’m satisfied, Oleander carries me back to bed, tucking me in and combing their fingers through my hair as my eyes droop closed. I think I hear them say “goodnight” but sleep claims me before I can respond.
Hours later, well into the afternoon, my eyes peel open, immediately watering at the bright sunlight beaming through my window. Rolling over, I startle a bit at the sight of a shadow, at least eight feet tall, hunched over to accommodate my bedroom doorframe. Floor length, pitch black coils that resemble intricate braids of different widths twist and sway independently around them. Those must be the extra “limbs” I felt last night. Their features are much sharper and more severe in this form, but I can still see pieces of their “mortal” glamour in this visage. They truly are beautiful, in a haunting, eldritch way. Massive, glossy eyes, darkened by the daylight, fix on mine.
“Hey,” I start vapidly, pulling myself upright. Oleander nods and steps gingerly into my room, carefully minding their movements like they’re afraid I’m going to scream and smash through my window to get away.
“What’s wrong?” Their long, skinny fingers twitch at their sides and they shake their head once before advancing a bit closer.
“Dawn often brings clarity alongside its new day. If you are frightened by this form, I will change it.” I smile and reach for them, interlocking our fingers as soon as we’re close enough to touch.
“No, thank you. I think you look gorgeous.” One of their hands releases mine to smooth across my cheek and caress my earlobe.
“Strange little mortal…” Laughing, I lean into their touch, savouring the coolness of their skin against the warmth of mine.
“Oh!” Crawling towards the mattress’s edge, I tug open my nightstand drawer and rummage for the glasses case, easily finding it and settling back into my place in bed. Oleander silently watches me as I crack the lid and bring out their ring, admiring its delicate colour for a moment before I move to slip it onto my finger.
“No!” They rumble, their grip latching around my wrist. My brows knit together, wordlessly questioning their hesitance. “By wearing it, you agree to become my spouse. Had you chosen any other token from either of my cases, you would have been married by fae law to the respective owner the moment you donned it.” I stare at them, then at the ring, then back at them.
“But your ring wasn’t in either of the cases.” Oleander grins wryly.
“Yes, I thought similarly.” They sigh and drop their hold. “When I sell or gift one of my wares, my cases lock until the recipient dons it. You surprised me,” they smirk at me, “in more ways than one, now.” I giggle and playfully bump my shoulder against theirs. “At any rate, my cases are locked, and locked they shall remain until you accept my engagement by wearing that ring.”
“Hm. That’s definitely not as bad as I thought it would be.” Oleander cocks their head. “Oh, I thought I’d be cursed or something.” They grin, wide and wicked, revealing a stretching maw of jagged, dark teeth.
“To some, marriage is a curse.”
“True!” I laugh in agreement, enjoying their maniacal smile. “So what are we gonna do, then? What happens if I don’t wear this?” The fae shrugs.
“I have never failed to persuade a recipient before. I imagine my cases will remain locked, most likely until you die and I’m able to reclaim my token.”
“Oh.” I fiddle with the pale lavender band, feeling its almost imperceptible pulsations against my fingers. “And if I wear it?”
“As I’ve said,” Oleander answers quietly, “you would become my spouse.”
“Yeah, but what does that mean?” I press.
“Circumstances define their unique relationships. Some fae wish for their betrothed to live with them in our realm. Others yearn for escape and choose to live with their spouse here. Either is within their right as half of a mated pair.” I nod thoughtfully, swallowing my horror at the thought of a random stranger appearing and whisking me away or moving into my house.
“What about you? What would you do?” Oleander stares at me for a long moment, then slowly responds.
“Truthfully… I had every intention of prompting you to accept the engagement and simply leaving,” they side eye me sheepishly and continue, “but you’ve captured my interest. I wish to court you,” they smirk, “and fuck you, and perhaps one day see you don my ring in earnest.” My core trills at their words. I already want them again.
“That sounds really nice.” Oleander pulls me into their lap and wraps their long, lean arms around me. We’re both nude, free to enjoy the feel of each others bare skin against our own. I tuck my face into the crook of their slender neck for a moment, then pull back enough to see their intense face.
“I’m hungry. Do you want to eat breakfast with me?” Their head tilts, slightly reminiscent of a demonic entity from a horror movie I saw once, before nodding. I smile and bump my lips to their cheek, then untangle myself from their lap and practically skip through my open door, grabbing my housecoat as I exit. Once we’re in the kitchen, I pause and reach for their hand.
“You know, I have a weird feeling I’ll be wearing that ring sooner than later.” Oleander stares down at our clutched hands, then meets my gaze. An apprehensive, tender sort of smile pulls at their lips.
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whoneedsapublisher · 2 years
Here's some very spicy NicoMaki for you, inspired by the tenth image in the very spicy pixiv artwork with the ID 97666385.
Words: ~700
Summary: In the past, Nico told Maki to "take a picture, it'll last longer". But she didn't really expect Maki to take her up on that offer.
Also on Ao3
“Haha, what, you’re so enchanted with my body that you want photos?” Nico says. Maki, kneeling behind her, tugs on one of Nico’s legs, and Nico obligingly spreads them.
“Yeah,” Maki says. Maki can see Nico grin nervously in the mirror as she looks at herself, exposed, her eyes flickering between the reflection of her pussy and the phone in Maki’s hand.
“Fine. Take ‘em,” she says. “Since you’re so obsessed with me. But who can blame you, when I’m so beautiful?”
Nico gulps as the shutter clicks on Maki’s phone. One. Twice. Three times.
“God,” Nico says. “You’re such a needy little bottom.”
“Uh huh,” Maki says, not bothering to debate it. One hand still holding her phone, she reaches the other between Nico’s legs, running her fingers along Nico’s pussy. Nico lets out a hiss.
“You’re gonna masturbate to these photos, right?” Nico askes.
“Yeah, “ Maki says.
Nico groans and Maki feels her pussy twitch as the phone’s shutter clicks again and again.
“Tell me about it,” Nico says.
“Hm?” Maki says.
“Tell me about how you’re gonna masturbate to them,” Nico pants. She grips Maki’s thigh. “I need to know.”
“I’m going to keep them on a secure folder on my phone,” Maki says. “So no one else can see them.”
“Make the password goddess,” Nico says.
Maki suppresses the urge to roll her eyes. She was going to make the password “xT#34g-6T”, but whatever, it’s not like Nico will check. “The password will be goddess,” she says. Nico pants. “And when I’m alone at night, I’m going to take off all my clothes, relax on my bed, and look at these pictures.”
“Fuuuck…” Nico lets it outlike a long exhale, trembling a little. “Then what?”
“Then I’m going to slip a finger inside myself, just like this.” Maki presses a finger to Nico’s pussy and slowly pushes it in as Nico moans. Click, click, goes the shutter.
“Then what?” Nico manages.
“Then I’m going to finger myself, obviously,” Maki says, sliding her finger in and out of Nico.
“Fuuuuck,” Nico moans. “Harder.”
“In a minute,” Maki says. Click. Click.
“What? Don’t you wanna come?”
“I want it to last,” Maki says. Click. Click.
Nico groans with pleasure and frustration.
“While I do it, I’ll think about how arrogant you are,” Maki says.
“My self confidence is founded on reality,” Nico says.
“And how annoying you are,” Maki says.
“You love every second of it,” Nico says.
“After a while,” Maki says. “I’ll put a second finger in.”
Nico moans as Maki’s finger slides in, the shutter clicking again.
“And that’s when I’ll start playing with my clit.” Click. Click. Click.
Nico comes quickly after that, letting out a loud moan as she collapses backwards.
Maki moves aside and lets Nico slide to the floor, standing over her and looking down. Nico is splayed out on the ground, limp and dripping. Click. Click. Click. Click…
“So,” Nico says, catching her breath. “You done?”
“Not yet,” Maki says, an as idea comes into her head. “Roll over.”
Nico smirks at her, and does so. “See something you like?” she taunts, wiggling her butt at Maki.
“I can think of something I want to see more.” Maki slaps Nico on the ass, hard.
Nico let out a yelp that turns into a moan when she hears the shutter click again and Maki’s fingers brush against her pussy. Slap. Click. Stroke. Nico’s ass gets redder as her pussy gets wetter. Maki slips her fingers inside Nico’s pussy again, fucking her rapidly, hurriedly. Nico moans, louder and louder. Already excited, already ready, she’s done quickly again. She squirts, the shutter clicking wildly as she does.
Nico lies there on the bathroom floor, twitching. Her ass is bright red. Click. Click. Click.
“You’d be so lost without me,” she finally says, as the sound of the shutter stops at last. “Admit it, you’re addicted to my body.”
“Sure, whatever,” Maki says, flipping through the photos.
“Ha,” Nico says. “Such a bottom.”
Maki saves the folder. And doesn’t point out that Nico is the one who can’t walk right now.
I’m a switch, Nico insists, whenever anyone asks.
As if.
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thatsbucknasty · 3 years
she used to be mine (xi) waitress au
summary: Inspired by the broadway musical. Y/N Beck is a pie baking force to be reckoned with. She’s pregnant with her lazy ass husband, Quentin Beck’s baby. As everything around her turns upside down, Doctor James Buchanan Barnes charms his way into her life.
pairing: Y/N x Bucky
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author’s note: Alrighty guys, we’ve almost reached the end of this story. I hope you’re still reading, please tell me if you are!
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chapter 11: she used to be mine
I wake up startled by a searing throb down the side of my belly. I quickly remove the sheets and there’s no blood so I try to lift myself up from the bed and start walking to the kitchen to get my decaf ready. I remember Bucky talking about the Braxton-Hicks contractions in one of our appointments a couple weeks ago and he told me I should walk so I walk. I have one of Wanda’s pregnancy books that she keeps sending me and walk, walk, walk for what feels like hours, although it’s only been 15 minutes.
I see myself in the mirror and I can’t recognize myself. My body’s changed so much, I’m pretty sure I have a few more wrinkles around my eyes and a few more freckles from all the damn walking under the sun. But that’s not what bothers me the most about all these changes. I just don’t feel like the person I used to be. She was good, a bit messy but always kind, she had a lot more hope in life for herself and those around her. I don’t know if it’s the pregnancy, or the divorce, or everything combined that’s made this version of me so bitter. And this isn’t something I can fix with a little more butter and sugar, in fact I don’t think it can be fixed.
It’s been the longest week of my entire life. Old Nick and Sam collectively decided to gang up on me, and I feel Bucky had to do with it a little bit too. They forced me to go on a “stay-at-home-vacation” until the baby is born, which should be any day now, so I’m just here, alone on a Saturday morning, while everybody is working, Quentin is sleeping with that woman and hasn’t even bothered to call me or show any interest in either his unborn child or our imminent divorce.
This is boring, I feel useless and I need to get out of here. This house, this awful, lopsided couch, that crooked picture frame of me and Quentin at prom so many years ago. I want to throw all of it away and start fresh in a nice, picket white fence house, just me and my baby. Wanda and Nat would come visit and I would bake some of my “La vie on rose petals and vanilla ice cream pie”, we would have a no boys allowed day when it’s just us, and sitcoms, and I could have wine or coffee again, little peanut could have a puppy or a kitty to play with and I would give her all my love and we could be a real, whole family. If I wasn’t tied to this place, these curtains that never let any light on, that man who was always so violent and disgusting but only just showed his true self, maybe I could have that pastel colored life that I should deserve. But what if this is what I deserve?
I called Quentin six times this week. Matt finally was able to send me the divorce papers that I already signed, but that lying, cheating, bastard hasn’t sent them back to me and won’t even dare to answer my calls or texts. I cleaned every surface of this dingy house and put every item that reminded me of my screwed up marriage in a box outside for the garbage collector to take away. Quentin can buy new shirts and underpants, if he can’t answer the stupid phone I can throw away his stuff. I don’t even care anymore.
I find myself walking again but not around my kitchen. I’m waking to the diner cause I felt trapped in the house and I need to cook, something with lots of garlic or onions, I will call it “Wrecked home scrambled eggs pie” served with sauteed bell peppers on the side and a spicy sauce dripped on top of the crust. 
I go through the back door and into the kitchen before the girls see me, Sam reacts by giving me a side eye and continuing flipping the burgers he’s working on right now.
“Table 9 order’s ready!” Sam calls out and Wanda takes it.
“We have a pregnant lady in the back, stress baking”.
“I can hear you!”
“Alright good, well you shouldn’t be here. You’re lucky it’s a busy day so we can’t just drop everything and drive your ass back home where you should be!” Nat’s in the kitchen window scolding me now too, perfect. I knew this was coming and to be honest I prefer their banter than the deafening silence I felt at home.
“Just so you know, I’m texting Bucky and he’s coming over” Sam interjects.
“Wha- guys, I’m just baking one pie and then I’ll go, tell him he doesn’t have to come”.
“Why couldn’t you bake this one pie at home then?” Wanda asks with genuine curiosity in her voice.
I decide to be truthful.
“I felt trapped and lonely, I missed the diner. Plus I didn’t have any bell peppers at home and I was craving them”.
They all look at me weirdly, there’s no pity in their eyes, there’s just… tenderness.
Bucky arrives an hour after I got here, with a stern face and his lab coat still clinging to his frame.
“Hey, what’s up, sweetheart? You’re supposed to be resting”. He rubs my shoulders and all I can think is how grateful I am for this little family and this man life blessed me with.
I explain how awfully sad and stressed I was feeling at home and he takes a seat between me and Steve, who’s eating a slice of pie while Wanda’s showing him what she calls “satisfying cleaning Tik Toks”, and Sam’s chatting with Nat about a concert he’d like to take her to next week. Everything about this feels so calm and I’m even starting to feel sleepy with Bucky’s skilled hands rubbing my knotted neck and shoulders.
“Well, well, well. Look who’s decided to finally stop being a fucking hypocrite! It’s Y/N and the stupid fucking Doctor. Tell me, Doc, did you enjoy gazing at her lady parts when she’d go for a “check up” and fell in love because you too are lame and boring?”
I grab Bucky’s hand and stand between him and Quentin, using my other hand to protect my belly.
“What the hell are you doing here, Quentin? You’re not welcome here anymore”. I say, head up high but voice trembling.
“Came home to drop your divorce papers- that I’m not signing by the way- and to tell you to fuck off because whether you like it or not, I’m gonna be a father and you can’t do anything about it baby girl. It’s you and me! It’s always gonna be you and me, so tell you precious Doctor and your friends goodbye. We’re coming home!”
Quentin grabs my hand and tries to yank me away from Bucky but before I can do anything else Steve and Sam are already punching the shit out of Quentin, sitting him down on the floor and pushing his arms around his back. Bucky is taking me away from the fight, shielding my eyes from the view, he knows I don’t need this kind of stress. Nat called the cops when Quentin arrived, knowing the asshole would pull out a stunt like this. Minutes pass and I can’t step away from Bucky’s embrace to see his ass handcuffed and thrown into the police’s back seat.
Bucky takes a step back to look at my face as he feels me trembling and his shirt soaked with my tears.
“Y/N, sweetheart, it’s over. He’s gone”.
I try to form words but then it hits me.
The pain.
This is not what I asked for.
The excruciating cramp-like aches in my lower stomach.
If I’m honest, I’d give this life back for a chance to start over.
The water running down my legs.
I would rewrite the story, from beginning to end.
I can’t feel my legs. All I feel is fear, pain and anger.
This is the life that I’m bringing you into, little girl. I’m so sorry. To you, but also to the little girl I once was. Because she also deserved a good life and she’s gone, but she used to be mine.
chapter 12: contraction ballet
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georgiapeach30513 · 3 years
What’s Ransom and Kitten’s first Thanksgiving as a couple like? Does it change as their family grows? ☺️
I've been saving this one! Wanted to post it closer to Thanksgiving. This is such a sweet ask.
So their first Thanksgiving Kitten was VERY pregnant with Blade, but with the few years of life with Andy, you did learn a thing or two about cooking. And you LOVE it. Now typically with the Thrombey's someone else is preparing the meal, but you insist you want to make something.
The two of you sitting in the bed, you get all excited, "Ooh! I want to make the pumpkin pie," you say cheerfully. Your back is leaned up against Ransom's front. His legs on either side of yours as his hands smooths over your belly.
"Kitten, you don't need to make anything," he whispers into the shell of your ear.
"But I want to," you press your hands over his, holding them there as Blade rolls around in his temporary home. "This boy of ours. He's quite active right now. Can you just let me make the pumpkin pie?" tilting your head back so you can view him, a giggle bursts out.
"How about, I let you make a pumpkin pie? Because my dear wife, I want you to myself. I do not want you in the kitchen all day."
Not that you aren't continued friends with Sam, Nat, Bucky, Sarah, Wanda, and even the new Vision, but since Curtis was going to be there with his family, you thought it best for you, Ran and the girls to sit this year out.
That doesn't mean that Steve, who was obviously invited because he needed to see his fiancé Marta. Your best friend Jake and his wife Yelena, it didn't take those two crazy kids to elope. And just so you didn't have to split anytime, Ari, Frank, and Mary.
You had woken up really early to start the pumpkin pie, because you knew if not, the caterers would be taking up all the space. Your pregnant self constantly narrates what you're doing to Blade, "Okay, says here that I need...evaporated milk. Check. And then, baby boy, this is my favorite, the spices. I'm feeling extra spicy though, so let's add a bit more," Ransom stands in the kitchen doorway with a fond smile. Never saying a word, just watching you talk to your son.
"How's the pie coming?" he asks walking behind you. You had only just put the pie in the oven, when he cages you into the counter.
"Just have to wait forty-five minutes to bake."
It takes a long slow inhale, hands roaming over your body. "You know when you first lived here, and you walked around in one of my sweaters, and those fucking socks?" you hum up at him. His hand drifting from your belly to in between your thighs. "All I could envision was me taking you on this counter."
You whimper when his hands touch your folds, "Ran, the caterers will be here soon."
"Just gonna have to make it quick then."
Through the years, and ALL the babies later, Thanksgiving is continued to be hosted at the estate, just because there's enough room inside, and plenty of space outside should anyone want to venture into the cold. And you still make the pumpkin pie. Because there's nothing you love more than seeing your husband take that first bite of the pie, and he let's out that deep moan approval, giving you a wink to let you know he'll be partaking in another dessert later.
Thanksgiving is one of your favorite holidays. There's less drama than Christmas, there's no need to buy gifts, and it's a day that you get spend with all your favorite people. Together under one roof. Some you'd be okay with getting rid of, but family and all.
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sisterspooky1013 · 3 years
Only One Choice, Part 2, Chapter 10
Read it here on AO3 / Tagging @today-in-fic
Sent: April 28, 1997 10:46am
Subject: Coffee?
Hi Monica,
It’s Dana, from pathology. I was wondering if you’d like to get coffee tomorrow around lunchtime? I have a break in classes from 11-2, so anywhere in there would be fine.
I hope things are going well with VICAP.
Sent: April 28, 1997 10:48am
Subject: Wednesday/Thursday
I’m mildly shocked that you hadn’t already emailed me before I got in today. Are you alive?
If you’d like to meet up for lunch or coffee this week, I can do Wednesday or Thursday, sometime in the 11-3 timeframe. Let me know which works for you and I’ll block the time out so nothing else ends up on my schedule.
Sent: April 28, 1997 11:12am
Subject: RE:Coffee?
Hi Dana,
I’m so glad you reached out. I’d love to get coffee tomorrow; I can meet you just outside the autopsy bay at 1pm, if that works?
I look forward to it.
Sent: April 28th, 1997 12:16pm
Subject: RE:Wednesday/Thursday
Hi Scully,
I see that my exceptional self control has paid off in spades. I am alive, and have resisted emailing you this morning through a combination of sheer will and a two-hour budget meeting.
Wednesday sounds perfect, I’ll be there at noon. Don’t ask me how many hours that is from now because I haven’t calculated it and I have no idea.
About an hour after returning from her coffee date with Monica, which was very pleasant and is something she hopes to repeat, she starts to feel just a little bit achy. She pushes through the rest of her work for the day and by the time she slumps through her apartment door at six, there’s no denying that she’s sick. She takes some Tylenol and goes to bed, hoping it will have passed in the morning, but when she wakes up it’s even worse. She calls in sick to work and goes back to sleep.
When she wakes again, the phone is ringing. She ignores it, only for it to start ringing again the moment the machine picks up. Dragging herself out of bed with a pained moan, she trudges to the hallway, retrieving the cordless phone and walking back to her bedroom as she answers.
“Scully! Are you okay?”
“What? Yes. Mulder?” She burrows herself back under the covers with the phone tucked against her ear.
“Yes, it’s me, you didn’t answer my emails all morning and never showed up for our coffee date. I was worried.”
“Shit, Mulder, I’m sorry. I came down with something yesterday and called out sick. I totally forgot we were having coffee today.”
“You’re sick?” he asks, clear concern in his voice.
“Yes, just a virus or something, I’ll be fine.”
“Can I bring you something? Soup? Juice? Bad movies?”
She chuckles a little. “No, you don’t need to do that.”
“Who's gonna take care of you?”
“Mulder, I’m a grown adult with a cold, I can take care of myself.”
“Are you sure?” She can tell by his tone that he wants to do this more for himself than for her.
“Yes, I’m sure. I don’t want you to see me all sick and disgusting, Mulder. It’s too soon to ruin your image of me,” she says somewhat sarcastically.
“Seeing you sick is not going to change how I feel about you, Scully,” he says very tenderly, and she knows he means it. Still, she doesn’t like the idea.
“I’ll call you tomorrow, okay? Sorry to make you drive an hour for nothing. Rain check?”
He sighs noisily. “Okay, fine. I think you inadvertently left ‘stubborn’ off your list of flaws, though.”
“Well, I didn’t want to ruin all the surprises,” she replies with a smile.
He reluctantly says goodbye, and as soon as he hangs up, she calls the first number on her speed dial.
“Hello,” calls Missy in her typical singsong greeting.
“Missy, can you come over?” she whines, little sister mode in full effect, “I’m sick.”
Missy arrives forty five minutes later and fusses around, gathering a glass of water, Tylenol, and the thermometer that is buried in the bottom of a bathroom drawer. Dana has relocated to the couch, and makes a face around the thermometer propped under her tongue when Missy sets four crystals of different shapes and colors on the coffee table, along with two herb-filled capsules. The thermometer beeps angrily and Missy plucks it out of her mouth, shaking her head.
“One hundred and two,” she says with a frown, “here, take these,” she holds out two Tylenol and two of the herb capsules with a glass of water.
Dana takes the Tylenol and leaves the others.
“Whatever those are, I’m not taking them. And you can pack up your crystals,” she says to Missy as she pops the Tylenol and chases them with a big gulp of water.
“They’re just echinacea, Sis, they won't kill you. And neither will the crystals.”
“But they also won’t help,” Dana says dryly, setting her water on the coffee table and burrowing back under her blanket.
“Well, I’ll just leave them right here,” Missy says, standing and going to the kitchen. “Why’d you call me, anyway? Shouldn’t playing sick maid be Mulder’s job now?” She’s looking through cupboards, pulling out a pot and a can of soup.
“It’s too soon for him to see me all congested and disgusting,” Dana replies, stifling a shiver. “He wanted to come over, but I told him not to.”
There’s a knock at the door. Dana sits up, exchanging confused looks with Missy.
“Did you order food?” Dana asks, and Missy shakes her head, moving to the door.
Dana watches from the couch as Missy opens the door to find no one on the other side. She looks at the floor, then down the hall one direction and the other. She stoops down and picks something up, then walks back to the couch with a paper bag.
“What is that?” Dana asks, and Missy shrugs, setting it on the coffee table and sitting at Dana’s feet. There’s a sheet of paper stapled to the bag, and Missy plucks it off, opening it while Dana explores the contents; a carton of tom kah gai soup.
Missy’s face is a mask of confusion as she reads whatever is written on the paper.
“What does it say?” Dana asks, and Missy hands it to her.
Every atom of your flesh is as dear to me as my own: in pain and sickness it would still be dear. Your mind is my treasure, and if it were broken, it would be my treasure still.
Dana’s chin puckers as her bottom lip sticks out in a pout. “Oh my god,” she gushes, “it’s Mulder.”
“What the hell does this mean?” Missy asks, taking the paper back and reading it again. “Does he write poetry or something?”
“No,” Dana answers, pulling the lid off the container and breathing in the spicy coconut smell, “it’s a quote from Jane Eyre.”
“Oh my god,” Missy says with a disgusted look, “you two really are meant for each other. This is sickening, Dana, you realize that, right?”
Dana is smiling, taking sips of the hot Thai chicken soup that he somehow knew she needed. “Yes, he’s also a giant nerd, if that’s what you’re saying. But beyond that, I don’t think we have much of anything in common, actually.”
“You both work for the FBI,” Missy offers.
“Yes, but in totally different areas. And he’s an atheist, and believes in unverifiable phenomena like aliens and spontaneous human combustion. And he’s impulsive and easy going, and he makes decisions with his gut,” Dana lists off Mulder’s attributes like she’s describing the trim level on a car. He’s cute, and he has a leather interior.
“Well, I certainly wouldn’t use any of those words to describe you,” Missy says pointedly, setting the note on the table, where Dana plucks it back up and reads it again. “But there’s something to be said for being with someone who’s different from you.”
“I don’t really buy into the idea of ‘opposites attract,’” Dana says flatly. “I think that’s just a lie people tell themselves to justify horribly mismatched partnerships.”
“I think ‘opposites attract’ implies that your qualities clash, like the odd couple. One is messy and the other is clean,” Missy replies, propping her elbow on the back of the couch. “But I heard about this idea of ‘perfect opposites’ which is more like someone who complements you, or helps kind of level you out. So perhaps you lean to the extreme in some areas where Mulder leans to the other extreme, and you learn to meet somewhere in the middle.”
Dana gives her a doubtful look. “What is the middle between believing wholeheartedly that Bigfoot exists, and knowing that he doesn’t?”
Missy takes this under serious consideration. “I think,” she says without a hint of sarcasm, “that the medium would be accepting that it’s possible that he exists, and possible he doesn’t, but there's no way to know for sure.”
“So a Bigfoot agnostic?” Dana asks, and Missy nods in confirmation.
Dana shakes her head. “Maybe you should have gone out with him, I think you two might be better suited.”
“Don’t give me any ideas,” Missy says with a coy smile. “Speaking of which, does he have any single friends?”
Dana shrugs around a gulp of soup. “I don’t know, I haven’t met any of his friends.”
“Well, when you do, keep an eye out would ya? Now that I’ve lost my single buddy, I may as well get back out there. God knows it’s torture enough hearing your lurid tales from the bedroom.”
“Missy, I haven’t told you a single lurid tale,” Dana chastises.
“I know, what’s up with that?” Missy retorts in mock offense, “speaking of, what happened when he took you out to dinner Sunday night?”
Dana shakes her head.
“Oh come on, Dana. I have no life, let me live vicariously,” Missy whines.
Dana shakes her head again. “The only thing I’ll say is; maybe don’t eat off the kitchen counter,” she says before giving Missy a guilty look.
Missy’s mouth drops open.
“Wow, I’m not sure if I’m more grossed out or jealous,” she says as she stands, “I’m gonna get out of here, if you’re good. I think I need to go pick up a guy at a bar for some meaningless sex.”
“Yeah, I’m okay. Thanks for coming by. If you need a condom there are some in the bathroom,” she adds with a sarcastic smile, and Missy sneers at her.
“Ha, ha,” Missy replies as she slips on her shoes and opens the door, “last time I checked, you can’t get pregnant from a vibrator.”
Dana gives her a sympathetic pout and Missy pulls the door closed behind her.
It’s a quarter past eight when the phone rings, and he pushes Priscilla onto the floor to retrieve it from his desk.
“I can’t find it,” says a garbled voice.
“Hello?” he asks again, “who is this?”
“It’s really cold. It’s also too hot,” the voice says around a sound like fabric moving over the mouthpiece.
“Are you okay?”
There’s a pause. “Mulder?”
“Yeah, I’m here. Are you okay?”
“Mulder, where are you?”
“I’m at home. You called me at home. Is Missy there?”
“No, she had to take her vibrator to a bar,” she answers, and it’s clear that she’s completely delirious.
“Scully, I’m coming over,” he says, standing up to find his shoes and wallet. “Hey, Scully, I need you to do something for me, okay?”
“Can you stand up, and walk to your front door?”
She sighs. “That’s very far.”
“I know it is, but I need you to unlock the door so I can get in. I don’t think your super would be very happy if I broke it down.”
He hears her groan and her voice becomes quieter, then disappears. He waits, and just when he thinks she may have hung up, she picks the phone back up.
“Hey, did you unlock the door?”
“Yes, it’s me.”
“Mulder, where are you?”
He snickers a little. “I’m on my way over, did you unlock the door?”
“I...I don’t remember,” she says, and she sounds exhausted.
“That’s okay, go back to bed. I’ll figure it out. See you soon, okay?”
“Okay, bye, Mulder.”
He waits but the line doesn’t go dead. He hears her shuffle around a bit and then it’s quiet for a long time. Setting the phone on its cradle, he drives over to her apartment.
The door is, thankfully, unlocked, and all the lights are off.
“Scully?” he calls out, not wanting to scare her. “Scully, are you awake?”
When he gets no response, he slips off his shoes and makes his way to her bedroom, calling out her name intermittently. He finds her twisted up in her sheets, and one touch to her forehead has him jerk his hand away with how hot she is. He strips the blankets off of her, finding her in only a T-shirt and panties underneath. Next he finds a washcloth in the bathroom and soaks it with cold water, then grabs two Tylenol and a glass of water. When he returns to the bedroom and drapes the cloth over her forehead, she starts and opens her eyes momentarily, but then closes them again.
“Scully,” he says softly, shaking her shoulder, “I need you to wake up, honey. I need you to take these.”
Her eyes open slowly and she blinks at him with heavy lids.
“Mulder?” she asks groggily, and he gives her a sympathetic smile.
“I’m here. Can you sit up and take these?”
He helps her prop herself up just enough to swallow the Tylenol and a sip of water before she collapses back against the pillows.
“I feel like shit,” she complains, but her eyes are already closed and she’s on her way back to sleep.
“I know. Get some rest. I’ll be here.”
She wakes up to harsh beams of sun pouring directly through her eyelids. Her first thought is that Ethan forgot to close the blinds again, but then she remembers that she and Ethan aren't together anymore and he doesn’t live here, so she must have forgotten to close them. She moves to roll out of bed and is met with the shock of aching muscles, and remembers that she had been raging with fever last night. She probably shouldn’t have let Missy leave, but thankfully the fever seems to have broken during the night. She rolls away from the window, no longer motivated to get up and close the blinds, and finds herself nose to nose with a sleeping Mulder.
“What the hell?” she says out loud, and he opens his eyes and smiles at her.
“Hi,” he says softly, “how do you feel?”
She gives him a perplexed expression. “Confused. How long have you been here?”
He chuckles “I knew you were out of it, but I didn’t think you were that far gone. You don’t remember?”
She shakes her head ruefully.
Mulder rolls to his back and stretches, then turns back to face her. “You called me last night, totally out of it, and I came over to make sure you were okay.”
“How did you get in?” she asks skeptically.
“You let me in.”
Her eyes widen.
“You were burning up, I just force fed you some Tylenol and kept an eye on you. Around 3am you started shivering, so I think that’s when the fever broke.”
She is quiet for a moment, taking in her surroundings. “Mulder...am I not wearing pants?”
He holds up his hands in self defense. “That’s how I found you, Scully, Scout’s honor.”
“What time is it?” she asks, feeling disoriented.
He peeks at his watch. “A little after nine.”
She sits up too quickly and gets dizzy. “I’m late for work,” she says, one hand to her head.
“Scully you were delirious with fever six hours ago, you’re not going to work. I called for you,” he says, sitting up too.
She gives him an incredulous look. “You called out sick to work for me?”
He nods.
She sighs and looks away from him. “I got the soup, and the note,” she says, “thank you.”
“Of course,” he answers, rubbing a palm over her back.
She looks back at him, taking in his sleep rumpled hair and second day stubble. She furrows her brow, a slight scowl on her mouth.
“What’s wrong?” he asks.
“You’re my boyfriend, aren’t you?” she says with a defeated tone, and he laughs.
“I’d sure like to be, if you’ll have me.”
She groans and slumps against him, sighing as he wraps his arms around her, petting her hair.
“Okay, fine,” she says flatly.
“Well don’t sound so excited about it,” he teases, and she pulls back and smiles at him.
“Thanks for taking care of me,” she says softly.
“Thanks for letting me,” he replies.
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onbeinganangel · 3 years
hello! question for a rainy day. what are your top five favorite fics you've ever written? why?
hello my evil little darling, brightest star in the sky 🌟 you know exactly what you’re doing with this question and i hate you so much for it, thank you xxxxx
1. [redacted fic I can’t talk about as well you know, you terrible, terrible human being]
seriously though, even without that this is such a tough question buuuuut in chronological order we have:
1. Forever Yours/Yours Forever (wolfstar, M, 2.8k) — This was the first thing I ever posted on ao3 and it’s a very Mari brand of angst imo! At the point I posted this I think I had finished writing Inevitable but was too scared to post something that long and I had also finished taught by thirst and wanted something angstier and less spicy to balance it all out. I wrote it in one sitting and I’m still really proud of the post-Azkaban Sirius voice that I wrote for it. My feelings and thoughts on the Harry Potter series have shifted a lot in the past few years for a lot of reasons, but Sirius has always been a character I really love and I think even in canon his story is so so heartbreaking and he’s truly one of those characters you wish you could wrap up in a blanket and protect (shit just keeps happening to this man, like, give him a break) and I really enjoy writing his POV.
2. taught by thirst  (jeddy, E, 6k) — I wrote taught by thirst for Sudsfest 2020, which was my first fest, so that makes it really, really special in my eyes. I didn’t know a lot of people back then, I was mostly still lurking and I was super nervous about it, but really wanted to go for it. I immediately fell in love with the prompt that inspired it, but I told myself to wait a couple of days (convinced the prompt was so good someone else would take it) and if no one took it, I’d claim it. And there it was, waiting for me when I went to check days later, so I no longer had any excuse not to write it. The prompt also came with a really good choice of pairings and I think I was a bit nervous about writing Drarry and just thought why not try my hand at a little bit of Jeddy? I think it’s a really fun piece and I do like a devious Teddy (I mean, come on, he is Tonks’ AND Remus’ kid, the boy is TROUBLE!!!) and I think there’s a really good balance of smut and sweetness and mischief in it.
3. Inevitable (From the Very Start) (drarry, 54k) — Lord, I’m sorry, I AM going to talk about it again. You did ask, though. I started writing Inevitable sometime… last summer? I don’t know? And I was… not doing so hot back then. This is truly one of those “I want to read a fic about X” and then you blink and you’re suddenly writing a fic about X. I keep describing Inevitable as my ultimate horcrux — I think everything you write or create ends up having a little bit of you in it whether you want it or not, but I am convinced Inevitable may have a little bit more of my soul in it than your average piece lol. I don’t like re-reading it because I feel like I’d write it really differently now but I still love it a lot. It’s Drarry in their 40s just… navigating life and really settling. You’ve got a neurotic widower Draco carrying a fuckton of grief and anxiety with him wherever he goes and you’ve got a no-fucks-given go-with-the-flow divorcee Harry just completely arse over tit for Draco. There are some big angsty/dramatic moments in it, but I feel like it’s all very slice of life, falling in love, lives melding together with all there is to them (friends, children, devious ex-wife, dead wife, jobs, dreams, etc).
4. Petrichor, Pineapple and Pomegranate (wolfstarbucks, E, 6k) — What’s a girl to do if she really loves triads and Wolfstar but also has a soft spot for Prongsfoot? Write. This. Fic. I’m going to be honest, I don’t even remember how my Year Of The Threesome Series idea came to be anymore (other than I was affectionately bullied into it by some people) and I don’t know how I decided that this would be the first one but it just happened. I wrote most of it in one day, it has one of my favourite passages/paragraphs I have ever written in it, I got to indulge in some scent kink and I got to write three best friends just banging it out. What’s not to like?
5. heavy (drarry, E, 6k) — Right. This one. Good afternoon from the most self indulgent shit I have ever written. Truly. heavy is the last of my Kinkuary series which proceeded to kill my ability to write while also teaching me that I am capable of so much more than I could have ever imagined. I’d saved the drarry pairing for last because they’re my favourite and tbh it seemed like a lot of pressure. There are already so many good kinky Drarry fics out there and I was so intimidated by the idea — so many of my favourite fic writers write mostly/exclusively Drarry and it was honestly daunting to even think about it. So I ignored it and wrote all the other filthy rarepairs like there wasn’t a massively scary thing waiting for me at the end like a sour middle to a delicious sweet. What ended up happening was that I was so fucking exhausted when I got to the end of Kinkuary that I went ‘fuck it.’
(Where’s that ‘I’m gonna give [me] everything [I] want’ or that ‘I’m gonna create a [fic] that is so [self-indulgent]’ meme when I need it? Lmao)
All through February, I kept a list of possible kinks to write for it since the last day didn't have a prompt/was a wildcard, and when I got to it I just... wrote a fuckton of them all into the same fic just because I wanted to!
In the end, I wrote the scary kink I’d wanted to write for ages, I wrote drarry falling in love through little snippets of smut packed with a ton of subtext and feeling and I was just really pleased that I put together this porn soup I would have never have put together in any other context.
And there you have it. I will change my mind again in 0.3 seconds but right now those are my favourite 5 fics I've written! Thank you for coming into my house and forcing me to pick my favourite puppies out of the litter lol
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A Breath of Fresh Air - Chapter 3
Warnings: language, kinda spicy
I woke up to the buzzing noise of my alarm, beeping over and over again until I managed to stop it. The light shone from the window, blinding my eyes. I groaned and and turned around furiously in my bed. One of my feet was dangling over the edge, goosebumps all over it, thanks to the cold room. This place had terrible insulation. I missed the warmth that slowly woke me up in the morning back in Greece. Sadly, I wasn't there, and I couldn't miss my first day of school.
Pushing myself off the bed, I recoiled when my feet met the cold ground, sending shivers up my spine. Checking my phone, I noticed It had taken me 20 minutes to get up, which meant i only had 40 left. Barely enough. Running to the bathroom, I took off my clothes in a hurry and jumped in the shower. The freezing water hit my skin like a million wasps, making me cringe at the sudden temperature change. Despite how unsatisfied I was with it's lack of heat, my eyes were more open now and less puffy, as was the rest of my face. Being more aware of my surroundings, I realised I had forgotten my towel on the bed frame. I beat myself up internally and prayed Victoria wasn't awake.
Opening the door and peeking a little, I noticed my roommate's still body, evenly breathing. Thank god! I tip-toed quickly to my bed and just as I was about to cover myself up, I heard a husky voice. "Well, a good morning to you, puppy" Covering myself up with the speed of light, I turned around and almost fell down. Stumbling backwards, I hit a cupboard and yelped. In response, I heard Vic chuckle lightly. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at her, suddenly feeling self-conscious and embarrassed. "Aw, you have no reason to get so red cucciola, you have the body of a goddess" With that, my mouth fell wide open and, If I had thought I hit my peak redness before, I must have invented a new color now. "Ready for school?" After this little mishap, I was definitely not, but I had no other choice. I nodded softly and picked up my clothes, retreating to the privacy of the bathroom. As I was about to close the door, I heard Vic mutter "Good girl."
Luckily for me, the rest of the day went better than the morning. We had breakfast in an immense dining hall, filled with torches and old paintings. Vic showed me each classroom and introduced to every teacher, as well as many other students.
By the time I had gotten back to my room, I was exhausted. I needed something to soothe me down, and no matter how much I tried to listen to music or study some new plants, I couldn't get the peace of mind I yearned.
Irritated, I slammed the encyclopedia shut and started pacing around the room. Lost in my own thoughts, I didn't hear Victoria entering the room. She watched me for a few moments, eyes filled with understanding, until she spoke up. "Aurora" I quickly turned to face her, my gaze softening. "Yes?" "You look stressed. And exhausted." she had a pitiful expression on her face, which only worsened my mood. "I don't need your pity." "Then accept my initiative of distracting you." I looked back at her, wondering what was gong on in her head. Noticing my weary glare, she headed towards my dresser, and searched for a few moments, until she tossed a swimsuit in my hands. "If I had it my way, you wouldn't need that, but after your reaction this morning I didn't want to push you further." I appreciated her respecting my boundaries. The event from earlier this morning had certainly been embarrassing for me, but there was something about her hungry gaze that made me want more. Pushing that thought away, I headed to the bathroom and put the swimsuit on, covering it up with the clothes I was wearing only a few moments earlier. I stepped out just in time to see Victoria pulling on a shirt, having a swimsuit underneath her clothes as well.
"Well, what's the plan now?"
"Now, cara mia, we wait." she answered with a grin, which only made me more weary of what was about to happen."
A few hours had passed and I was back to my notebook, sketching a few different types of leaves. Suddenly, Vic jumped off her bead and grabbed my arm, leading me out of our room. Before I could say anything, she covered my mouth with her hand, gesturing for me to be quiet. She pulled away and beckoned me to follow her. I did as I was told, a small blush creeping its way on my face.
We had made our way out, reaching a metal gate at the edge of the campus. “Vic, where the hell are we going?” It was midnight, barely enough light for us to see. The cold wind covered my body in goosebumps as Vic quickly jumped over the gate. I let out a sigh and did my best to follow her.
After a few more minutes of walking, Bic came behind me and covered my eyes, her cold hands making my body jolt.“What the hell! It’s not like I can see a thing anyway!”
“I just want it to be a surprise puppy”. The damned nickname. My face started heating up and I was praying she couldn’t feel it, as she guided me further into the woods
We finally came to a stop. “Are you ready? Vic asked full of excitement. I nodded eagerly and she quickly dropped her hands. Before me was a glowing lake, surrounded by millions and millions of flowers, each brighter and more colorful than the other. I gasped at the view and started giggling and bouncing. At that, Vic started laughing as she put a hand over my shoulder. “I knew you’d like it.”
I ran to the shore, almost tripping along the way, and dipped my hand in the water. It was slightly cold, but considering that I would be half naked around Vic, anything that could cool me down was welcome.
Before I could ask where we would leave our clothes, Vic walked past me, already in her swimsuit, and jumped in the water. She swam below the surface for a few moments before resurfacing, a wide grin spreading on her face. At that, I realized I was staring at her, intensely.
“Are you coming, puppy, or are you gonna keep staring at me?” I sighed and mumbled that i would not mind the latter. I turned around and slowly took of my clothes. I could feel her hungry gaze burning through my back. By the time I faced her again I was a flustered mess. She looked at me the same way she had this morning, only perhaps a new emotion in her eyes. One that I couldn’t figure out.
I stepped towards the lake and closed my eyes, jumping in it. My skin tightened from the cold water and I swam up, breathing heavily. In the blink of an eye, she was next to me, grinning. “How does it feel?”
“Cold.” She scoffed. “Want me to show you the caves?” “There are caves here!?” I looked around, trying to find the formation Vic was talking about, but without success. Following my gaze and smirking, she reached out her hand and placed it under my chin, moving my head towards a dark denture in the cliff. “Right there, puppy.” The combination of her delicate hand on my face and her words were almost too much to bear so I swam quickly towards where she pointed.
The tall cliff was now towering over me, pebbles falling in the moon lit water from time to time. “Right this way” purred Vic in my ear as she grabbed my hand and led me into the cave.
We swam through the darkness until I felt a wall in front of me. “It’s a dead end” As I was about to turn around, she dragged me underwater and swam us through a hole. My heart was beating fast and I was running out of breath, until she finally guided me to the surface.
“A warning wouldn’t have hurt.” I gasped, my lungs filling with oxygen.
“Too much thinking.” She started moving again, but I just closed my eyes and tried to calm myself down. We were in a whole other place now. The large rock walls extended up into the air, stopping right before they curved inward. This wasn’t as much of a cave anymore, since there was nothing above us. Only the night sky, filled with stars and numerous constellations. Unlike my first time here, it was clear, and I could spot a few formations here and there.
“AURORA” i heard Vic’s scream as she tried to bring me back to this world. She succeeded. I saw her perched up on a rock, the moonlight shining on her body, giving her an iridescent glow. Entranced by her, I started moving towards where she was sat, with each step examining another one of her features. Her light blonde hair, going from a dark brunette to the color of sand, her stormy blue eyes, always vivid and alive. The tip of her nose, beautifully decorated by a thin gold hoop.
Before I knew it, I was right below her. The boulder gave her enough extra height for her to tower me. Cupping my chin, she lifted my head up in order to lock my eyes in a seductive gaze “See something you like puppy?” Before I could think it through, I nodded carelessly, not taking my eyes off of her. This time, I noticed her belly piercing. I couldn’t help but think about my tongue playing with it as she would pull on my hair. Shocked by my own thoughts, I pulled away and tried turning around.
Before succeeding to do so, she suddenly jumped into the water and slammed our bodies together, her back pressed tightly against the rock.
“Oh you’re not going anywhere until you tell me what’s going on in that beautiful head of yours, puppy.
Damn my brain. And damn her. I didn’t know why I felt like this. I never had any particular crush on anyone, least of all girls. I was getting redder and redder as I saw her dominant gaze, patiently waiting for me to speak up.
“Don’t be shy, cara mia, I would love to help you out with your thoughts” she purred in my ear, her hot breath on my neck making me shiver. I closed my eyes, trying to imagine feeling more. I unconsciously drifted even closer to her, my hand now resting dangerously low on her stomach. Thinking back to the jewelry stuck there, I hesitantly brushed a finger upwards, meeting the cold metal of the piercing. Grabbing my hair and stroking it a few times, she then squeezed my shoulder, encouraging me to explore further.
I kept circling my finger around the pendant, until I felt her shift under me. I looked up and saw her dark eyes, looking at me with a passion I had never felt or seen before. Her gaze pulled me out of my haze, as I heated up again. “Well maybe after another ten minutes you’ll tell me what you want to do with that lovely piercing of mine.” I was even redder than before, now realizing just for how long I had admired a plain piece of jewelry. As if reading my mind, she chuckled. “Maybe you like it so much because it’s on me.” I hummed , my head resting in the crook of her neck. In response she squeezed my waist and slightly tugged on my hair. I gasped at the feeing, which only turned her on more.
Slowly pulling my head back, exposing my face to her, she got close to my ear and whispered “Come on puppy, I’ll reward you if you tell me that you like it.” The heat between my legs intensified at her words, making me whimper. “ I like it.” I whispered it in her ear, barely audible, as If there was anyone around. “ Now you’re just gonna have to be a bit more specific for me, cucciola.” I thought a bit, trying to find the least possible sexual way to word it. “ I like your piercing.” She hummed. “Is that all?” I nodded, trying to seem convincing. She chuckled a bit, and then strengthened her grip on my hair. I bit my lip toughly, trying to hold in a moan. “Say you like it and I just might stop teasing you.”
“I do. I fucking love it.” She smirked at me and let go of my hair. I whined at the loss of contact and stared back at her, lust filling my eyes. She brought her face to mine, closely enough so that our nose touched me. She licked my lip where I had bit it, and left a wet kiss on the corner of my lips, and then another one on the sensitive area below my ear, earning another whimper from me. “Good girl.” She growled against my neck, and I shivered at the feeling of her lips moving.
Pulling away, she swam again to the entry in our little cave, and waited for me to catch up. I tried to get close to her again but she pulled away and grinned. “I said enough teasing for tonight, didn’t I?” At the realization of what she meant by that my face fell. She smirked again. “So fucking needy.” she breathed. We slowly made our way back to the room, my eyes being desperate to see her bare form again. We shared glances every now and then, and I would only get redder, knowing that she noticed I was staring at her.
As soon as I opened the door of our dorm, she took all her clothes off and jumped on her bed, her legs slightly spread and resting her hands on her head “Care to join, puppy?
Was she suggesting that I could sleep with her? Or more? Seeing the confusion in my eyes, she giggled and and shook her head. “Cuddle with me, baby” “Naked?” Another laugh.
“Considering how you were starting at me earlier you’d think you wouldn’t mind it.”
My mind wandered back to her belly piercing. Oh I definitely wanted to say yes. But I couldn’t. She was already teasing me enough. I knew she wouldn’t touch me without my permission, but nonetheless I was scared. My heart started racing thinking of a good excuse.
“You can say no, puppy”
I glanced back at her, thankful for her understanding. I muttered a quick thank you, and got in bed.
Before falling asleep, I thought about everything that happened that day. Our naked encounter this morning, her pulling my hair and licking my lip. I had no idea why she did this. Did she hate me? Did she want to mess with my mind?
I stopped my brain from thinking anymore, before It would ruin my whole night. I focused on my breathing, until I fell asleep.
That was it babes, hope you liked it😌
Again, I really doubt that I will be able to post for a while, but I promise I will compensate afterwards. I’m gonna pull a IWBYS on y’all.
@fuckim-so-gay @messyhairday-me
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theladysexpistol · 4 years
( im also thirsty for mista) can you please do any nsfw hcs for him 😇
Only if you promise to take responsibility for the absolute mess that is about to happen 😂😂
N/sfw below
Letting me go off about my spicy headcanons for Mista. Smh you guys have no idea what you’ve unleashed. I’m a certified Mistafucker y’all 🥵
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Unrelated to the gif but Mista in The Rolling Stones miniarc is peak sex appeal Mista for me. Interrogation scene in the elevator has got me fantasizing about Mista pinning me to the wall slamming his hand next to my head ever since 🥵
A lot of this is just going to be building on the stuff I posted in the Bucci gang sex headcanons
- So as I said before I think Mista had a healthy amount of casual sex during the time of his “simple” lifestyle. If you couldn’t tell from my pfp I headcanon him as bisexual so I think it was men and women too, though he leans more toward attraction to women
- Jumping off that, he’s got kind of a high sex drive, and jacks off regularly. If he gets a s/o he isn’t going to pressure them, but if he knows they’re into it he’s VERY happy for casual, frequent sex
- His type, for both men and women, are generally stocky and curvy. Directly quoting myself here I think Mista is a big fan of a woman’s curves. Likes to grab and squish hips, butts, thighs, all that stuff
- Mista is hot and he knows it. He’s not cocky, but he gets hit on a lot. When a sexual partner, s/o or not, runs their hands over his muscles, it is like stroking his ego though (i could talk about mista’s muscles forever. im going to jail for horny crimes i know)
- That being said he is a little self conscious about how hairy he is, but yanno some people (me included) are really into that. You know what else Mista has that i love since I’m just exposing myself? I find shoulders really sexy. Mista’s got the wide shoulders I like. As for how he smells... Trish said its kinda comforting right? I swear i fell in love before I knew he was smelly.
- Every scenario ive ever read with his s/o seducing him into the shower with shower sex is just pure gold keep writing them please
- He is really good with his tongue when he goes down on his partner. That mostly comes from his sexual experience. Doesn’t mind if they come on his face, in fact he finds it kind of hot
- Take off his hat and tug on his dark curls, Mista loves it. He strikes me as someone who can be the dominate one in bed and the more submissive one. He’s pretty go with the flow according to what his partner’s doing
- Mista prefers slow, passionate, almost lazy sex. Lots of feeling each other up, lots of low moans and breathy kisses. That being said if they want more, he can certainly change it up. Especially if his partner has really been teasing him before they got to bed, he’s gonna be more rough
- Still going with the flow, he’ll do whatever position his partner wants. I imagine he does probably like to be on top a little more, and when he’s with a guy he prefers to give than receive, but has absolutely received before
- I know i’ve mentioned that I headcanon Mista being very reliant on touch, especially when he talks to his friends and such. That continues to the bedroom; Mista is sooo handsy during sex. His hands do not stay still
- Cuddles are necessary after sex for his s/o because again, he needs that touch. It’s almost as intimate for him as sex is. Might be even a little more. Why would you not want to have Mista wrap his arms around you. I’m literally begging the universe please give me a Mista. He is so gentle cuddling in bed, still running his fingers over their skin and planting soft kisses down their neck and back
- Mista probably prefers that vanilla lazy sex but he isn’t opposed to trying other things. I think a lot of what he would be down for involves roleplaying in bed, and no not just because those are my favorite fics that I’ve read. But Mista would also break character so fast to kiss his s/o, he can’t help it.
- I go back and forward on how I think he feels about gunplay. Like I see reasons for him to both enthusiastically do it and reasons for him to want to keep that out of the bedroom. Let me know what you guys think
- Mista would never actually hurt his s/o in bed though. He’s constantly checking on them if they’re trying new stuff and probably wouldn’t go too far into the bondage and such.
- Dirty talk flusters him. He talks such a big game but the instant someone gives it back to him he’s bright red. He’s a dork and I love him
- Other things he likes is making out and just feeling each other up, being teased, his s/o sitting on his lap, going maybe a little too far in public but nothing too bad. He likes the shot of adrenaline but wouldnt actually want to cause more trouble than its worse
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