#one piece bogard x reader
fanaticsnail · 4 months
The Break is Never Easy
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Word Count: 5,175
Synopsis: You were invited as an artist to showcase your work at the bi-anual ball thrown for the marines. A decade has passed between you and your severance from your ex-fiance, old flames reigniting as tension builds throughout the night.
Themes: Marine!Bogard x Artist!Reader, right person wrong time, dance series fic, lost love, love reignited, angst, domestic angst, military themes, death suggested, love found once more, dancing, miliary ball/gala.
Notes: This fic is dedicated to the beautiful @i-am-vita, creator of the banner for the storyteller au collaboration for Mihawk's Sapsorrow. Bogard’s angsty chapter for the dance-fic series is all for you, dear! 
Tag List: @sordidmusings @gingernut1314 @feral-artistry @writingmysanity @since-im-already-here
"You had my heart // I had yours too // My fight’s withdrawn, believe me // The break is never easy"
Staring at the ornate canvas encrusted in gold, you allowed a warm smile to rise against your lips to highlight your face with its mastery. This, your prized creation in the entirety of your collection, was the reason you had been invited to showcase your artistic skill within the ballroom of the upper class admirals within their bi-anual commemoration ball. 
The imagery within the oil painting showcased the grief of war: the violence within battle, alongside the families they left behind as they ran off to rid the world of the ravenous plague of piracy. A valley of skulls littered alongside the crystal shores of a cove you knew well in childhood; the woman within held resemblance to yourself, distant enough to not draw similarity within the crowd; the version of yourself a decade your junior as she clung to her marine lover. 
Her back had been riddled with bullets, the blood cascading down her back, as she shielded her Marine lover from their incoming carnage. Holding the woman by the waist, the expression of immense bittersweet adoration and sorrow, resembled the younger version of your ex-fiance. 
Crafting this depiction of war caused you to experience the pain over and over again, feeling the exact moment your heart shattered into a million pieces as he left you. The words he spoke to you, the tone he used, the feeling of his hand caressing your cheek to wipe your tear stricken face of the falling droplets of sorrow - all depicted in the utter chaos within the portraiture. 
You raise your glass of sparkling wine to your lips; the amber hue bounding from the glass as you take a small sip of the liquid within. The beading of the bubbles tickled against your tongue, the bitterness of the tannins dancing with the sweetness of the juice as it trickled down your throat. Feeling a presence beside you, you withdrew the glass from your lips and crossed your arms. 
“Is this one of yours?” the familiar brogue of the man who stole your ex-fiance from you caused your spine to tingle and the bile coat your tongue with its flavor. 
“Does it surprise you to be informed that it is?” you retorted, refusing to break eye-contact with your painting to spare the gentleman at your side the luxury of a glance. The warm chuckle felt oddly comforting despite your disdain for the gentleman. His voice held a brutish warmth within, almost pride in standing next to such an accomplished artist within their field. 
“Not in the slightest,” he confessed with the small shake of his head. At this comment, you turned to face him. Your dress danced at your feet, the slit from ankle to thigh flashing a moment of exposed skin to him as you drew yourself closer to the man who stole your love from you. He extended his right hand to you in a gesture for you to take it, an action you reciprocated by placing your right hand within his palm. 
“In fact, love,” he uttered, drawing your hand up to his lips and brushing them against your knuckles, “I have never been more proud to be proven wrong.” He withdrew your knuckles from his lips, the tingling sensation of his stubble remaining behind as he released your hand from his.
“Wrong in what capacity, Vice-Admiral Garp?” Your narrowed eyes held your question with more venom than what you had originally intended, the sting of the break festering beneath your skin the longer you stayed within the aura of your painting. The dryness of his humorless chuckle stung against the rapidly reopening wounds of your sorrow; both of your attention being recalled to the painting of the defeated woman within the arms of her Marine lover. 
“Artists serve a purpose in war,” he commented, bowing to the painting before turning and bowing further to you, “And I was wrong to trigger such a break in union from my right hand and his bonnie lass.” Upon hearing those words, you felt the swell of vindication in your blood swell to your heart and mind. 
If you remained the person you were ten years your junior, you may have yelled, screamed, hit, slapped and gnashed your teeth at the highly decorated vice-admiral at your side. In your decade of severance from your lover, you had learnt to navigate the upper class and to smolder the flames of your raw emotions enough to articulate your meaning verbally alone. 
“How honorable of you to repent a decade in the latter to the event, sir,” you nodded, your lips curling up in a smirk hidden by your chin’s tilt. Rising from your stoop, you held the brutal gaze of the vice admiral and remained unflinching in your resolve, “May the next time you assume weakness amongst the arts, you think back to this moment and make the wiser decision.” 
“Aye, that I will,” he nodded, a knowing twinkle held within his intense and wild eyes, his decorum faltering as the beast within him lurked beneath, “And should Bogard ever attempt to push back on a hard boundary again, I may yet acquiesce to his request.” The sting of the name of your ex-fiance had your blood swelling, the hurt remaining and resurfacing the longer you stood next to Vice-Admiral Garp. You stepped toward him, your body smothered by his great height, but unwavering in your resolve.
“May your heart be open to receive such pushback, Vice-Admiral,” you nodded, awaiting dismissal from one so high in the commanding chain against a meager civilian. 
“Rest assured, bonnie,” he stepped closer to you, clapping a hand over your shoulder in a gesture of familiarity, “It will be.” At that, and a brief nod, you both departed from your proximity to the painting while watching eyes held firm to your departure from the shadows of the corner of the room.
Bogard held onto your every word; his heart swelling at every syllable departing from your lips. He had not heard a whisper of your voice in over a decade, the silence plaguing him with each moment that passed in your absence. His eyes stuck to your frame at your departure from his commanding officer, and captain, Garp. The way your dress swelled at your feet, the way the hem cascaded down the exposed skin of your back to the hue of the material illuminating beneath the lights. 
After all this time, Bogard’s heart belonged to you. His soul screamed at him to rush forward and hold you in his arms, smothering you with open adoration and affection; regardless of who’s eyes were watching. The unspoken concept that was holding him from sprinting to your side, was the mystery surrounding your correspondence to the letters and calls he attempted to reach you with. 
He had stretched his resources until they snapped, breaking off relationships with communicators and transponders that held only silence in response to his heart dissected upon the pages of the parchment paper sent to you. For the first three years of serving Vice-Admiral Garp as his right hand man, he was an emotionless drone and lackey. His only outlet was sketching and scribing his mind to you and sending you his thoughts from the corners of the blue sea he had found himself traveling within. 
Nothing. Not a semblance of a whisper of a word. His heart was met with a cold, hard nothing. No simple “okay,” no complex hatred and rage scrolled onto a tanned page of scrap paper. Nothing. In that uncertainty, he had no idea how you would respond to such a swell of affection. 
Have you moved on? Were you married? Did you have a beau or a spouse? Did they court you the way he did? These questions remained unanswered, even as you reached for another glass of sparkling amber wine and drew up your emptied former glass to place on the tray. He had to know. Moving forward from the shadows, he glanced up at the painting his superior and the former holder of his heart were glancing at. 
His breath was stolen from his lungs as his eyes met the painting. The imagery was so intensely intimate, he felt a blush begin to litter his face with its warmth. He didn’t know how to feel, angered that his likeness was depicted in such a way, or proud that this moment of time was artistically captured within the brushstrokes within each injury depicted within. It was beautiful. 
Each movement within the piece had his heart cracking like porcelain meeting concrete at a harsh velocity. He could see your heart, your soul; his ex-fiance and holder of his affection depicting such unjust injury upon the canvas. 
You smiled at the attendees. Young marine cadets who sparked and jittered in place with their hands clenched and nervous had your heart swooning in memory of the man who held your heart in your youth. The small string orchestra swelled their melody, your body swaying in response to their bow-strokes and finger-picks almost against your will.
Several members of the attendees had joined the circular dance floor, swaying jovially to the rhythmic beat and swell of the melody with precision. You smiled a vocalless laugh in encouragement of a pink-haired cadet out of their depth dancing with a skilled marine dancer, Vice-Admiral Garp also spinning a widow on the dancefloor within his skilled arms. Although you had reservations about the vice-admiral, you did appreciate the intention behind the break he caused with your beloved. 
He wanted to protect you in a multitude of ways, your youthful wonder being your downfall in assuming the best in those around you. Your artistic soul was not meant for war, no matter the individual who held your affection. But in time apart from Bogard, your heart began to harden and turn wrathful. You changed your familial name, fled to a new beginning to make something of yourself as you processed your grief. 
With no name nor family to hold you back, you thrived in your artistry. Your popularity gained and nurtured you with each piece created by those rallying to your support. The first item you produced with a piece of your soul scribed within the canvas was the piece you were staring at with Garp moments prior. In the silver healing of your scars, you silently thanked Garp for prying you apart from your beloved Bogard to allow you to depict such pain upon the page.
As the serenade concluded, you applauded the musicians with your hands and a joyous cheer flung from your lips. You also applauded those brave enough to dance, nodding to Garp in respect with a small smile he reciprocated. 
A presence fell to your side, the familiar cologne drawing up to your face and alerting you of his presence before he had even spoken a word. You tensed, your newly emptied glass clutched firmly within your strong grip before an attendee wordlessly collected it from your fingertips. 
Neither of you could find the words to articulate to one another, feeling the tension gathering between your bodies with each inhale and exhale you took silently beside each other. You refused to be the one to break the silence. He was the one to end your union, he should be the one to apologize. 
Bogard did not know how to approach your silence: the same silence he was met with for each letter he sent to your residence depicting his heart; piece by piece. He wanted so desperately to cast all decorum and title aside and simply escort you outside and fall to his knees and beg for an answer to a single question be asked within the pages. 
Questions you had no knowledge of. No parchment paper, scrap nor call had found you on the other end of his many stretches from his base to your home. How could it have? You had changed all you were to become who you are. No name tied you to your history, abandoned alongside your heart cast aside by Bogard now standing beside you. 
“Would you care to dance?” he asked after clearing his throat, prompting you to turn your chin towards him to meet his darkened eyes. 
After all this time, his aura still held the same pull it always had. You felt your soul call for him, your body almost moving against its will to be pulled into his arms. You curtseyed deeply, prompting a small click of his tongue and turn of his head in displeasure. 
“I would be honored,” you uttered monotonously, extending your right hand to him for him to claim within his left. Your breath hitched at the contact, prompting you to mentally scold yourself at such a response. 
As your eyes met, you almost looked past the man he was now to the boy who held your heart a decade ago. His eyes held a similar reflection, meeting with the person you once were behind your eyes. Refocusing both your gazes on one another, you were met with an unfamiliarity you had no map, nor compass, to navigate. 
The hazelnut glow of his eyes still held you breathless within their depths, as much as your parted lips held his similar focus. He led you onto the dancefloor, the music swelling as he began to twirl you within his arms in front of his superiors, colleagues and underlings. You had no idea where to begin the unspoken conversation, feeling almost awkward within his arms the longer the silence was held between you both. 
Being the first to break the silence, you held your gaze firmly against his after huffing out a breath of frustration. Smiling, you darted your eyes between focusing on each of his, feeling incredibly exposed beneath his focus. 
“Are those new medals, sir?” you asked him, gesturing with your chin to his left breast pocket. 
“Sir?” he asked, his left hand gripping yours a little more firmly before relinquishing its intensity on your hand while holding firmly against your hand. “My darling, I don’t know what you-...” his words rushed out of his lips without restraint, a small cough from his throat refocusing his mental state with a deep inhale and exhale. 
“It has been a few years since last I held you in my arms,” he nodded, ushering you out to the side of him before twirling you within his arms. Your back fell flush with his torso, his every essence overwhelming you with emotions you thought to have buried a decade ago. “I have earnt a few titles over the years, yes. I appreciate you taking the time to notice.” 
“Of course I would notice, Bo,” you answered him with as much hase as he did earlier, taking a moment to collect yourself as he swayed you within his arms. You briefly shook your head, allowing him to wield you as an extension of himself with another twirl; this time ending with you facing him. “I always notice.” 
He hummed in response. There was no way he could ask all questions plaguing him for each swell and step of the melody from the orchestra. In lieu of interrogation, he opted to focus on you externally. He focussed on the ornate way your hair was drawn up, the way you held your face beneath its painted and accented appearance, the way your dress clung to your body and held an illusionary barrier between tastefully covering the necessities while leaving little to the imagination for what falls beneath. 
Both closing your eyes, you fell almost organically against one another. The automatrons beneath your inhibitions had your chests pressing against one another, your foreheads holding a similar fate with their proximity. As soon as his forehead was pressed against your own, you felt the person you were a decade ago resurface and lean towards him.
“You-...” his voice fell short, the stutter and waver in his voice had your heartstrings tugging like a wolf leashed beneath its owner's muzzleing. Opening your eyes, your brows arched up in the center as they fell on Bogard’s lengthy eyelashes. You witnessed his eyes darting beneath the small shield of flesh, dreamlike in its make while searching for a word or phrase. 
“We were perfect, weren’t we?” you smiled through your sigh, his eyes opening to meet yours at your words, “We were the right people for each other, but the wrong time. You were a Marine in the prime of your life, while I was an experience-.”
“-You were everything to me,” his voice cut your sentence like shattered glass through tender flesh. The raspy tone of his voice matched with the intensity of his eyes had you truly wanting to believe his words. Your breath hitched, unable to find stability within the large gathering of people on the dancefloor. 
Bogard continued to lead you through the dance, silent and brooding through each twirl, spin and sachet. His questions continued to swirl behind his lips, his brow furrowing and deepening the more the dance continued to leave his questions unanswered. 
“You never gave me a whisper of where you were, what you were doing, if you were okay or struggling,” he began, his heart pouring from his lips in a hushed whisper, “You were to be my wife. My love, I would’ve never accepted the promotion should I have known the agony I would endure at your silence. I would have become a sword for hire, a bounty hunter-.”
“-And I would have never asked you to make such a sacrifice, my heart,” you confessed, feeling the music begin to decrescendo its swell and teeter off, “I loved you, and you held my heart within your hands,” you drew yourself closer to him, feeling the final dip in his movement before he drew you into an embrace against his body, “You were my love to lose, and I will be forever grateful to be a chanel for your affection.”
Applause resounded within the hollows of the room and reverberated from the dome of the room. You broke from Bogard’s embrace and bowed to him, and he to you. 
“We would have been best side by side,” he confessed, his lip stuttering beneath his words, “I would have had you with me. My light,” he continued, stepping towards you and reaching to reclaim your fingertips to brush against him, “My heart. You were mine-.”
“-I was yours, Bogard,” you nodded with a false smile to mask the pain resurfacing, “And now our light is gone, and the break was not easy on either of us.” You stepped away from his outstretched hand, subtly shaking your head at him and attempting to stop the rapid rise of familiar sorrowful emotions within your heart. 
Taking your bottom lip beneath your top teeth, you held your widened eyes fixed on  his to warn him not to pursue you in your retreat before you left the dancefloor - a warning he refused to follow, even if it was commanded by the most superior officer in the chain of command. He had lost you once, and the memory of you was once again slipping through his fingers in each moment he watched you turn away from him.
“Let her be,” Garp’s voice broke him from his silent brooding, Bogard’s jaw clenching as his teeth ground behind his firmly clasped mouth, “Just let her be for a moment before you chase her.”
“Sir?” Bogard asked, his brow arching up at his superior officer in question. Garp’s stern expression began to falter beneath his hardened exterior. A grin rose to his lips, his eyes holding a foreign twinkle usually reserved for the pursuit of a particularly difficult adversary. 
“She is a rare soul to walk among us mere mortals,” he confessed, his eyes fixed on the retreat of your body as it disappeared through the threshold of the exit, “And she needs to be treated as such.” Turning to his underling, Garp clenched his firm hand on his shoulder and gave it a squeeze beneath his wide grip, “Allow her the luxury of navigating her own feelings first before you confess your own to her.” 
Bogard nodded, his broad hat covering his eyes to shield the emotions gathering behind them. He could see how you were struggling beneath your learned hardened exterior, truly unsure as to who the person you had become really was after all this time. All he knew within his soul was you were his, and he is still yours. 
Upon exiting the central floor your dance was held upon, you breathed in a heaping gulp of air unoccupied with the sting of unnatural perfumes, colognes and lotions within the dancefloor. You hang your head back, lulling it upon your shoulders within the solitude the gardens provided for you. 
“May I join you?” the familiar voice of your ex-fiance asked you, prompting you to both repress a groan of frustration within your lungs while your heart cried out in affirmation of his presence. Your internal conflict did not provide you with any resolve within your being, prompting you to provide a half-hearted shrug and a nod in response. 
Stepping closer beside you, he felt uneasy in your radiance. He took the opportunity in your own internal argument to look over the way your dress clung to your body. Raking his eyes slowly, he drew them up from your shoes, to your calves, to the split in material against your thigh which prompted his breath to hitch. He slowly withdrew his gaze from the small glimpse of flesh to your hips, chest, exposed neck and face - your brows continuing to be knit with a mixture of confusion, rage and sorrow. 
Before he could utter a single word or compliment your way, you spoke with your sharpened tone, causing him to stumble in his own mind.
“What do you want from me, Bogard?” you asked him, turning to face him with your heart weighing heavy within your chest, “I gave you everything. I gave you my youth, my body, my time, my heart, the prime of my life - leaving me in this shell of the person I once was, no longer an object of desire-.”
“-You never answered a single letter,” he interrupted your train of thought, prompting your frown to deepen in the centre of your forehead, “I sent you mountains of wasted paper for you to not return a single scrap of a word, nor semblance of a phrase. I would have appreciated a simple reprimand, a crude expression telling me to leave you alone-.”
“-Bogard, need I remind you that you left me?” your voice elevated to a small and firm argumentative tone, your jaw clenching with your every word, “You left me. You left me on that island with a simple relaying of the word from your commanding officer. One that he relinquished tonight, in fact: ‘Artists have no place in war. I shall leave you now so we are not burdened by the loss of one another’,” you mocked him, stepping closer to his body diminishing within the shadows. 
You allowed a dry and humorless laugh to escape your lips as you stepped closer. Allowing a moment of tension to continue to swell between you, you snarled at him with your eyes narrowed.
“Did you enjoy my painting of us?” you asked him, your brow and lip twitching in anticipation for his response. You expected anger and wrath at the depiction of his likeness within the canvas, his passionate ignition of flamed fury directed at you. In its stead, you received a small whisper in response. 
“I saw your heart reflected on its page,” he uttered, stepping closer to you with his head bowed, “A heart I have tried so desperately to reach in the decade that has held us apart.” Your heart fluttered with its rage within you, desiring to both shove him to the side and leave, but also draw him close for an embrace. 
“After all this time, you continue to chase me?” you spat at him, your heart now elevated to a heightened pace of anxiety and a rush of rage, “Tell me. What do I have that a flurry of others do not? What do I have that another cannot return to you? That another that would be more suited to provide for you, could not? Tell me, Bogard. What do I have to offer you-?” 
Bogard stepped in, claiming your waist within his left hand and holding you flush against his chest, while his right hand claimed your left cheek within his gentle caress. 
“You still hold my heart,” he whispered, his breath dancing on your lips on each syllable, “You rule my heart,” his words drew you in, your eyes swelling with the emotions of your youth. “I would build a citadel around your leadership, as queen of my heart,” he continued, his eyes dancing between your own. Your breath hitched as his eyes met with your parted lips, his own parting as his body swelled to join yours all the sooner. 
“You command my every being, in all these years apart,” he continued, reaching his right hand up and weaving his fingertips within your hair, anchoring the heel of his palm against your jaw and forcing your eyes to meet with his, “I never stopped loving you.” 
At that, his body surged forward; his lips claiming yours beneath his in a slow and firm movement. Your eyelashes were immediately flooded with silent tears spilling from the corners and littering your cheeks. Your soul yearned for him, surging your body to react to his touch with your own desperation. 
You had never stopped loving him either.
Hooking your arms around his neck, you pulled him into yourself with your heart pulsating with a dangerous rapidity for each second you continued this embrace. He ushered you over to the darkened corner of the wall, coaxing your body to respond further to his ministrations within the shadows to hide from prying eyes. His tongue darted out to dance with your own, a groan siphoned from his lips as you reciprocated his advances. 
You unhooked your arms from his neck, choosing to grip at his collar beneath your fingertips and drawing him impossibly closer to you. The ruckus from within the halls had you pay no mind, too swept within the arms of one another to have a thought or care cast at its elevation. The music swelled within the room, Bogard continuing to operate with his lips collecting each scrap and semblance of affection you allowed him to skillfully claim.
It was as if the pain of the decade ceased to exist at this moment. The two of you pictured the life you would have had within the arms of one another: marriage, stability, equality, relationships being at the forefront of this illusionary divergence. 
At the booming voice of Vice-Admiral Garp within the ballroom, addressing the soiree of Marines within, Bogard broke his lips away from yours while panting desperately against your lips as he listened to the orders of his superior officer. At that break in caress from the word of Garp, the illusion shattered and you were swept back to your position as the ex-fiance to the right hand of the Vice-Admiral. 
Bitterness swelled within your heart, you opting to push Bogard away from your arms as his attention was pulled elsewhere. His eyes quickly darted back to you upon this action, your own eyes refusing to meet his as you wallowed within your own disgruntled fury. 
Bogard felt a similar choice was to be made, akin to the decision he made a decade earlier. He could choose to rejoin the ceremony at this stage, leaving you out here to wait for him to return - should Garp let him; or to remain out here with you. You: the light of his life, the person he gave his heart to in youth - and its current owner as queen over his body. 
As he felt you pull away and begin to shepherd him to return to the halls, his eyes snapped as he made his decision. 
“I lost you once,” he uttered, his hands grasping your hips and holding you firmly in place, “And I refuse to lose you again.” At this small utterance, you would be a fool to admit anything other than the swell of your heart within your chest and your eyes softening at such a notion. Putting aside your own selfish desires to keep him further with you, you shook your head and reached up on your toes to place a chase kiss against his cheek.
“I will still be here if you choose to return to me,” you ushered him with a small smile, “And if you don’t, I will not hold it against you this time.” He leaned forward, the tip of his broad, gray cap circling the crown d your head as he placed his forehead against your own. 
“I will never break from you willingly again,” he confessed, his tone holding all of the emotion resurfacing from the decade taken from him, “Nor would I ever allow the light to leave us. You have my heart,” he nudged his nose against your own, “And I desire nothing in return-.”
“-Should you desire it or not,” you spoke over him, ensuring your voice was heard over his inner monologue, “My heart has been with you from the moment we first met,” his eyes met with yours as you continued, “And was only returned to me when you shattered it upon your departure.” 
He claimed your lips beneath his, feeling the roll of your raw emotion within your lips the longer he held you against him. Breaking away, he gazed intently into your eyes and uttered his final confirmation.
“No matter how long it takes: I swear to remake your heart and treat it kindly should you offer it once more.” 
“My heart is yours, Bogard,” you sighed in response, the swell reigniting within your chest as you allowed him to cradle you against himself. Ignoring the calls and words of Vice-Admiral Garp within the hall, addressing the marines and tailoring their awards to them without his right hand beside him, Bogard was intent on showcasing how deeply he loved you regardless of the time that departed.
Garp continued his relay, his eyes darting to meet with the image of an entanglement with his right-hand man and your body pressing romantically against one another with a twinkle in his eye. He remained relishing in the fact he was able to right the mistakes of his past and reset it to shepherd it into a promising and fruitful future; Bogard finally able to meet with his bonnie lass once again and treat you with the utmost respect you deserved.
He refused to come between you again, swearing at that point to never offer an ultimatum to an underling in return for their loyalty.  
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luxthestrange · 8 months
OP Incorrect quotes#10 Garp's One Fear...
In A marines meeting
Garp*Eating with a spaced out look* -You know what Teenage Girls don't care about?...
Sengoku*Looking at him weirdly*"Since when was he raising a teenage girl?"...
Bogard*Raises brow at him*...
Garp: Is your feelings...*Sees their confused expression and cackles knowing Sengoku got a son and the other admirals who may have daughters*HAHAA-OH MAN I'm sure your daughter or granddaughter have said something to your face and-
Garp: "I would punch a grown man in the mouth for saying that shit to me" Can I tell the shit she said to me-
Garp starts to explain how he took you and his kids to the beach...on his vacation to see you all
Garp: WE WERE AT THE BEACH-and'm at the beach wearing beach attire you know shorts, no shirt...She is reading a book by the way they deliver their insults WITH ZERO EMOTIONS...right to your face super matter-a-fact...
-At said beach with you reading a book and passing by Garp who was putting sunscreen and Ace,Sabo & Luffy making the biggest sandcaste already in the back-
Teenage!Y/n*Looks at him briefly*...Nice Titties
Garp*Freezes and looks as you sit down under the shade*...THESE are pecs...
Teenage!Y/n*Not looking back at him*Maybe they USED to be...but those are titties now
-Back to Meeting-
Garp*Deppressed his face on the table*-RIGHT TO MY FUCKING FACE-
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i-am-vita · 2 months
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Yesterday, @gingernut1314 got me thinking about having to choose between my two blorbos as endgame for my Oc Ghost Rose, then I remembered THIS scene (NSFW link, trio, nakedness) from a spanish movie (you can activate english subs) I saw by chance like more than ten years ago and crackep up so hard because how on earth one can write these two to interact like THAT 🤣🤣🤣
Another idea for the Mihawk x Ghost Rose x Bogard Modern AU vault...
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jintaka-hane · 2 months
Fight for her
(Bogard x f!reader based on @i-am-vita's Ghost Rose)
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Summary: Bogard lost the love of his life a decade ago. Immersed in his ascent within the Marines, he has endured your absence for years… until a random encounter shatters everything and confirms his long-held suspicion: your passion still burns. Desperate, he contemplates this forbidden love, trying to convince himself that there's nothing he can do to win you back again… or is there? Notes: This short fic is a poisoned gift to my friend @i-am-vita, because she deserves everything 💕. It is based on her Ghost Rose OC and its aim is to add a bit more angst to A Night at Loguetown and try to... make the writer... doubt 😈. Vita, you can't make us all fall in love with Bogard and then not expect us to act accordingly! Come on, Bogard!! Fight for your love!! ⚔️  Words: 900 Warnings: angst, some violence, not NSFW but sexy Song that inspired me: Quizas, Quizas - Cuarteto patria, Manu Dibango
The night was oppressively hot, the air thick with humidity. The relentless chirping of crickets provided a constant background noise, punctuated by the soft whir of the ceiling fan blades, their feeble attempt at cooling the stuffy inn room.
A nearly drained bottle of whiskey graced the bedside table, alongside a well-worn tumbler. Draped over a chair, an elegant suit jacket and marine coat were meticulously poised for the coming morning. A gleaming, well-kept, and sharp sword slumbered in its scabbard, resting upon the chair's seat. Atop the backrest, Bogard's signature fedora added the finishing touch to the ensemble.
The bed was a mess, its sheets tangled and creased from repeated use, damp patches betraying the night's discomfort. The pillow lay askew, disrupting the bed's symmetry and adding to its air of disarray and weariness.
Bogard embraced you from behind, his arms tenderly pressing against your abdomen to keep your body as close to his as possible. With his face buried in your hair, he inhaled your intoxicating scent of spring flowers while delicately lowering one strap of your black dress with his fingers. Revealing your bare shoulder, he placed a tender kiss upon it, making you chuckle softly.
Smiling, you turned around to face him and encircled his neck with your arms. You sealed your lips against his in a slow, deep kiss which he willingly reciprocated, his hands now caressing your bare back through the opening of your dress.
With slow, deliberate movements, you both reclined on the bed. You straddled him, your thighs framing his hips and the dress hitched up, revealing them. His hands trailed between your shoulder blades, pulling you closer, and you leaned in to kiss him again while your hands caressed his freshly shaved chin.
Your kisses grew increasingly passionate on his neck, and he surrendered it entirely to you, like a blank canvas awaiting the brush of your crimson lips to paint sins upon.
“Rick… I love you”
Fight for her
Bogard woke abruptly, his body drenched in sweat and his breath coming in ragged gasps. His trembling hands reached out desperately, searching for the warmth of lips around his neck, only to find emptiness. He looked around frantically, his pupils struggling against the darkness as they searched for you, disoriented.
His fingers fiercely stroked his damp neck, desperately trying to fill the void left by your touch and warmth. They descended to his torso to hold and comfort himself, his chest rising and falling in an agitated rhythm as he struggled to catch his breath. He continued touching his skin, granting his body respite to adjust to your absence.
He sat up in bed, growling loudly with frustration, and brought his hands to either side of his head, gripping it tightly as he rocked back and forth in a small, restless motion.
She still loves you...
Catching his breath, he managed to calm down. He reached for the whiskey bottle on the nightstand, bringing it before his eyes to confirm its nearly empty state. With a grunt, he returned it to its place and stood up to wipe away the sweat and freshen his face in the bathroom.
Leaning over the sink, he turned on the cold water and let it run for a few seconds before cupping it in his hands and splashing it onto his face, the coolness gradually pulling him out of his daze and back into reality. With the water still running, he leaned his hands on either side of the sink for support and looked at himself in the mirror, his reflection infuriating him and causing his fingers to grip the sink's edge tightly.
You had her. You had her and you lost her. And now that you've got her back, you're losing her again.
In a burst of anger, he released his right hand from the sink, clenched it into a fist, and struck the mirror forcefully in the center, creating a crack that diagonally sliced through his reflection. It took a few seconds for him to feel the pain in his knuckles, staring blankly as a trickle of blood made its way through his skin.
You still loved him, he was sure of it. The kisses you gave him the other night were unlike any he had found before on other lips, when he sought solace in other women. Women who weren't you.
Your kisses were pure, unbridled passion. And he had felt it when he held you in his arms, his chest overflowing with love and desire, as his fingers traced the heart-shaped curve of your upper lip.
You still loved him…
He raised his eyes and stared at his shattered reflection in the broken mirror, bitterly reflecting on how it perfectly mirrored his heart.
It was clear you were hiding something, and he wasn't a fool... he could perfectly well imagine what your new life consisted of. And this information made everything even more complicated, turning you both into antagonists of a forbidden tale.
But... what if things didn't have to be this way?
In his career as a Marine, he had seen many things outside the norm. He had witnessed various kinds of relationships: pirates falling in love with Marines, Marines secretly marrying individuals wanted by the law...
And he wasn't just some random guy. He was the damn right-hand man of the Vice Admiral Garp. With the right steps and circumstances, he could make the right moves to have you again.
You could have a clandestine relationship that no one would dare to judge. And with his power and authority, he could offer you protection if you ever needed it.
You were the love of his life.
And a love like that was worth fighting for...
... even if that meant he would have to challenge the world's greatest swordman himself.
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soultek · 6 months
In Another Life - Bogard x Female!Reader (One Piece Live Action)
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A/N: This actually started as much more based on the lyrics of this song than it ended up - I guess this wasn't exactly my intent! It was initially meant to be so much more angsty. But that's how you roll when you just let the characters point you in a direction when you're writing. Every point on my plan got covered - that's all that matters! 😁✌
ALSO this is the first work I've EVER had properly edited for me, so, thank you very much Josh! I appreciate you taking the time to read this! [You don't know what you've got yourself in for agreeing to do more... haha! 😈]
The format editing on Tumblr broke me. So you get what you get below and I'm very sorry but I just could NOT anymore... You'll see it because it is very SPECIFICALLY one sentence that Tumblr seems to find issue with - so now that's just a random paragraph by itself in the middle of a conversation.
Disclaimer: Only the reader character is mine. He's kinda pieced together using elements of his anime counterpart because hell yeah I went back and watched those episodes for further characterisation. Nothing I've used is spoilers. The origami thing is original - but that's only because I've seen a ton of [fan] art of him with birds and I was like "Is this a thing? I need to include it somehow!" Turns out the birds are just a Marine HQ thing - but I liked the idea so I've kept it!
The 'backstory' is also originally because we don't know a whole lot about him yet in either media... sooooo...
Warnings: innuendo, sexual connotations, mention of injury, smoking, mild swearing, mild plot-relevant OOC.
Premise: HQ 3 is back in town. And for you, that ship brings a lot more with it than just injured marines. You're prepared for the usual push and pull this 'situationship' brings. You might not be so prepared for the other news he has for you...
Word Count: 7906
Song Inspo: Another Life - Tenille Arts
Full Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/29SKzlmL31pHFk54BwnO7k
--- Cause I don't wanna kiss anybody else's lips I don't wanna feel anybody else's touch I just wanna be the old you and me We'd be married, have a house and kids by this time In another life
In another life I would get to kiss you goodnight Hold your hand, play with your hair, feel your arms around me Giving me the best hug Yeah, we'd be so in love
In another life
I wouldn't have to kiss anybody else's lips I wouldn't have to feel anybody else's touch We could just be the old you and me We'd be married, have a house and kids by this time And you'd be here tonight In another life
Nothing new. That was how you would describe the day. Sitting in your office working through the papers of every Marine coming in and out of your ward; you weren’t sure you knew what busy was anymore. It seemed to be the same all the time - with very little variation in the amount of work you had to do day-to-day - sometimes you just had to work on them faster. With more and more to do for the Marines on the front lines, and with seemingly every other person declaring themselves to be a 'Pirate' these days, at least things were never dull - that you could count on. Today, another ship arrived, apparently with a lot of injured Marines on board, given how many new papers you had stacked up on your desk. You sat back in your chair and blew out a breath. You were glad at least none of these new patients appeared to be in any serious condition. The most interesting thing to you was the newly docked ship's designation: HQ 3. You regarded the papers again, and began to rifle through them slowly. He hasn’t said anything, you thought. Figures. There could be a reason for that, of course… he could be in here. You dared not go through them too quickly to find out. These days he had no reason to tell you, either.
Marking another case as not urgent, you became aware of a sudden clamouring outside your office. Back and forth yelling that sounded more like panic. So much for hiding away... Pushing yourself up from your desk, you opened the door and leaned against the frame, poking your head out into the corridor. Several nurses and doctors were running between rooms, each and every one worked for you now. Which meant that when you called out to them, they stood to attention. "What's going on out here!?" "Nothing we can't handle." "Oh, I have no doubt - is everything okay?" "Some of the new inpatients have a flair for the dramatic is all M'am!" You chuckled, folding your arms, and touched your head to the doorframe too. "Sounds right. Maybe we should give them something to be dramatic about!" You cracked a grin. "If sedative is necessary, get that going - but nothing appears serious. I don't want anyone else on the ward panicking or getting distressed though. Try to get them to keep it down." You winked. "Else I’ll be forced to tell them to, and I'm pretty sure they won't want that."
The small group who had paused to listen to you nodded along, before almost shying away from you, and retreating into the rooms they had come from. You were about to ask why – unless they were scared you were about to force something more upon them yourself – before your question was answered for you. "Oh, I don't know about that." You couldn't have stopped the smile spreading across your face if you'd tried. Not at the sound of that voice. You turned your head to him slowly. HQ 3 meant Garp, and the Vice Admiral brought with him his right-hand man, who was now staring back at you with something of a small smile lifting the corner of his mouth.
Bogard was leaning against the wall right outside your door, letting it support his full weight, right arm held across his body, left hand raised to his chin. If you'd have bet on that stance, you might have won. He had a nasty habit of just appearing like this, but you would never be one to complain about that.   You let your eyes linger on him as you drew them up and down his body. You could pretend it was for your deduction, but you both knew better. "What are you doing here? You don’t look injured to me.” His dark eyes swept the ward, which now hosted a group of Marines from the ship he sailed on. “Where he goes, I follow.” He started. “And, if I leave the ship here, I get to see you. So, it’s not all bad. Guess we’ll be staying while we stock back up, do repairs,” he paused briefly. “The usual.” You bit back the words you really wanted to say. "Doesn't sound so bad. Guess you'll be wanting the recent discharge list?" "You read my mind." "I know you!" You let that statement linger before adding, "all business. Let me get you that list."
You withdrew back into your office, gathering the papers of cleared Marines now waiting to be assigned back onto any ships that were currently docked who were in need of recruits. Much to your surprise you found your hands were shaking. You took a deep breath to steady your nerves; maybe you were more excited about this encounter than you anticipated. To say your relationship with the man standing outside your door was complicated would be an understatement. Something along the lines of a long distance, long term situationship might sum it up best - but they were just a few words that meant nothing to the history of it.
You had been a cadet when you'd first met him. He was a few years older than you. Back when Bogard was just finding himself in the Marine's. It was obvious to you then how fast he was going to climb the ranks. You'd been friends since day one - well, almost. Once you'd graduated your cadet training and had chosen to be stationed as part of the medical division, you began to realise just how injury prone and stubborn he was. At least that was the way he always presented himself to you. The number of times early on you'd found yourself patching up his gashes and wounds with him insisting they were just scratches were innumerable. You found yourself very quickly worried about him in ways that went beyond mere friendship. And the next time he'd done it had been your final straw. You couldn't recall your confession exactly, but you did remember that it came out in the middle of a heated ramble. You had been in tears – you were mad at him for getting hurt, and you were crying because you didn’t want to lose him. Fixing him up that time quickly led to a first kiss, and soon after a relationship. But it didn’t last.
Although he would never tell the story that way, the truth was at that point Bogard had been just dumb enough to make sure he always got an injury, so he had an excuse to stop by and see you, but smart enough to make sure he was never in any real danger. He had mellowed out a lot since then - he was so much more serious and careful now - especially with the responsibilities he had. Man, the more you thought about it, the more you realised just how much time had passed... You carried just as many responsibilities yourself now, but could you say that you didn't still worry about him? No - but he was always so far away that you couldn't allow yourself to dwell on it too much. The 'see you when I see you' was fine if he was going to turn up at your door looking as pristine as he did today. Bogard knew what he was doing - he wouldn't be Garp's second in command if he didn't. You trusted that you had no reason to worry about him. Not even on the Grand Line. If he did ever come back injured - you didn't want to think too much about it - you knew you'd go above and beyond. If anyone had ever been curious about what you were, then that scenario would probably hold all the answers. Though while that wasn't happening, it was fine as a mystery.
He hadn't moved an inch when you returned with the stack. "Here you are, unless I should be giving these to the Vice Admiral?" Bogard took the papers in a way that suggested which was wisest; to him. You held your hands up to indicate that was well noted. "Just let me know who stays and who goes so I can update my records." He flipped through them quickly. "Of course. I suppose it will depend on how many we want that aren't cadets." "Cadets? I mean there might be some fresh faces there, but they will come with a little experience." "Might need that where we're going." This time it was his right hand held to his chin as he moved to answering your question quickly. "Yes, cadets. We're training them." "You're training cadets?" You could see it, actually. He'd be good at that - tough but fair. His captain too. "Lucky cadets." Bogard placed the papers in his pocket. His expression seemed to suggest that might not be the phrase he'd use. He looked up and passed you, studying the corridor and listening to the activity you'd just set in motion, before turning his attention fully back to you. "The whole ward, huh?" "It'll be the whole medical centre soon." "So I hear. Never in doubt when it comes to you." You looked away bashfully - voice quiet. "Thank you." "Still, you could be out on a ship as the main doctor. A HQ ship even. You're plenty good enough." You made a noise, but didn't want to look like you were laughing at his suggestion. "Despite being a Marine, I still prefer dry land. I'm comfortable here. I enjoy my work! I’m even about to be promoted. Where do you go once you're a ship doctor for a HQ vessel?" "It would be worth it for all the places you would see,” he continued. “The prestige." You knew where this was headed, and turned it back on him as quickly as you could. "And you, what about when they call you to World Government bureaucracy and pen-pushing, and you spend more time in a building than you do on the open ocean?" You asked. Bogard made a face like he was considering it, but you knew he wasn't. “Right now, I would probably decline such a position.” he huffed. “I think I have much to learn before I go there." “Uh huh." You knew that, how could you not? Just like he knew you didn't want to be out at sea. No matter how many times he would try to persuade you out there every time he saw you.
That was the point you had known it wouldn't work out. You wanted him safe with you, whereas he wanted you to go travelling the world with him. Neither would comprise. And so, every time you met, you would dance around this question again. Asking without saying 'why aren't we together, really?' in a different way every time. The reality was you'd both chosen your preferred lifestyles and your work over each other. But you weren’t about to admit that out loud, and Bogard wasn't either. So, here you stayed.
To make sure this didn't get too heavy immediately, you cleared your throat and changed the subject. "I heard you were in the East Blue?" He gave a short nod, but instead of offering any more information, he hit back with a rumour of his own. You couldn't say you was surprised that he would keep his official work a secret - such the man he was these days. You knew you'd get it out of him eventually. Though it might take something a little less... professional... "I heard you were with some captain." Try as he might to hide it, Bogard let his emotion seep into his voice. It was obvious who and what he was referring to, and he wasn't happy about it. You bit the inside of your cheek to keep yourself from teasing him about being jealous - that wouldn't end well. And what with where you were right now, you had to be very careful what you let slip, just in case of any prying eyes and ears. And you also knew that Bogard knew he had no right to be jealous - regardless of the truth. Still, this was one thing you wouldn’t tease him about. Reassurance was the only way forward. "Rumours fly.” You dismissed. “That was never a thing." Which was true, after all, you still only had eyes for the man in front of you. Despite the fact that there had never been a conversation about it between you. You could date someone else. You just weren’t sure if Bogard believed you, especially as you didn't know how long he had been holding onto that knowledge for. You knew how much he valued the truth though, so lying would have been unwise at best. “I’d never do that.” you continued. To you, you thought. But you left that part off. You were met with the same steady look he'd been regarding you with throughout this whole conversation so far. You sighed, glancing behind you back down the ward - all seemed calm right now. They knew how to reach you if they needed your help. Turning back to him, you offered a gentle smile. "Care to take a walk with me?" He pushed himself away from the wall with a smile. Turning across, he offered you his arm - ever the gentleman. You smiled back sweetly, wrapping yourself around him, and allowing yourself a moment to admit in your mind just how much you'd missed him.
For a while there was silence, but it was comfortable and more relaxed. You both knew you wouldn’t be able to stray very far. It'd be more like a walk around the block, but it was still away from unwanted attention. He watched you closely. You carried yourself and your rank well. You coped with the pressure of it all. You could handle yourself. You just wouldn't answer the call to open ocean. It seemed strange to him, but he admired how sure of yourself, and your convictions you were. He would not change your mind, no matter how much he wanted to. Still, there was something about the rumour that was bothering him. It wasn't that Bogard thought you were lying - of course you wouldn't. You knew how much he disapproved of it. It was the subject of the rumour that hurt Bogard most. Of all the people that rumours could fly about with you, not him, but someone else? Someone who must have seen you far less than Bogard did… at least he would hope so. People were aware you had been something once. Was it so hard to believe that you might be making it work again? Bogard put in the work even when he was so far away. There were more than enough reasons to conclude that he was still with you. In many ways, he wanted to be asked. Even if he went against his principles and denied it. Though, given you weren't technically a couple, it wasn’t technically lying. He hated how much it caused him to wonder if you had ever been with anyone else ever since you broke up. If Bogard couldn't even get a rumour going, but someone else could? It bothered him that he could get wrapped up in such a way. You weren’t his. But the exclusivity was an unwritten rule. It was expected that you would always be able to return to each other like this. That didn't mean if either of you fell in love with someone else… Surely you had both expected the other to have moved on by now. You both should have moved on by now! It hadn’t been months after all; it hadn’t even been a few years. It was closer to decades, and here you both were. Bogard just didn't want to hear it being discussed. He wasn't sure what heartbreak would feel like; but he didn't want to know either way. And he hated even more that, after all this time, if he lost you for good, he knew his heart would break.
The silence from him wasn't something that you thought was particularly unusual - Bogard was notoriously a man of very few words.  Though you often wondered what ran through that head of his; but someone had to keep Garp in check, so you knew his mind was sharp at least. They seemed like complete opposites - which, you thought, made them perfect for each other. Walking with him this close around the medical centre was enough for you right now. It was nice getting used to his presence again. Even if you knew you'd have to let him go soon. And too soon at that. Glancing over to him, you recognised Bogard’s look was a little further away than you had expected. Realising that you wanted those gorgeous brown eyes back on you, you broke the silence. If he was in his head about this stupid rumour - which you wouldn't be surprised if the Marine Captain had started and stoked himself - then you knew what he needed to hear. And if he felt the truth was so important, he was about to get some. "I have to say, I'm not entirely sure why you're so worried about that rumour. It's me who should be thinking about things like that. Why, I bet you have a girl in every port!" It was clearly a joke, but his look was a little too sharp - Bogard clearly took offence to the idea he was worried. Even if he was. Luckily, his expression quickly softened. "Guy on every ship." He quipped back. You gasped, ready to take full offence to that. "That's way worse than the rumour! Stop it! What do you take me for!? At least mine could happen!" You weren’t stupid - he was a good-looking man. Loyal, dedicated; an old-fashioned romantic. Work-driven sure, but you'd seen other women fall for him. All it would take was for him to find one who he could fall for too, who would share in his dream and actually want to travel the world on a ship with him as a Marine. It scared you a little how easy it was for you to imagine that he could be in a very happy relationship right now. Bogard raised an eyebrow. Surely you didn't believe that, he thought. And if you did, how wrong you were. Surely the ridiculousness of his own statement only highlighted the ludicrousness of your own? How untrue it was? For you though, it was clear you had a point. Besides, what did he have to be worried about? Who would you date anyway? It wasn't like you were about to pick up a guy at a bar or something. "Nearly all the men I see around here are either sick or injured." You protested. He shrugged, and when he doubled down, you were glad you could hear the jokey tone to his voice. "All the more time to get to know them then." "Please." You scoffed, pushing his arm a little. "Besides, you're the only one writing to me, and making me origami, so..." He stopped so abruptly, but you were ready for that. Halting to measure his reaction. He looked across to you curiously. You never wrote him back; he didn't expect you to. Bogard smiled - for once a little wider than usual. Possibly more of a smirk. "Like those, do you?" He teased. You allowed yourself to blush under the weight of his look. The bolstered confidence in him at your words, and then your admittance. "Maybe a little too much."
Despite the jokes you made, it was barely covering up what you really meant - bringing to light exactly what you were both most worried about. And the ego-boosting rush of hearing that it wasn't true. The real truth was no matter how nonchalantly either of you said goodbye - see you later - neither of you wanted to see the other with someone else. Neither of you would like it very much. The difference was you were quite prepared for the possibility of that eventuality. Bogard was not.
Once you had made the full circle and wandered back to your office, you resumed much the same positions as you had before. Although closer and more comfortable this time. Once the ice had thawed a little, you were now acting more as friends. (As if that was all you were.) Where you could get him to smile a little, and if you were very, very, very lucky, you might even get a huffed laugh out of him. Although he did have one last piece of official business to pass by you. He pulled some rolled-up papers out of his Marine coat. "You asked about the East Blue before." He started. "I did." You straightened your relaxed posture a little. Assuming you wouldn't have to do any work to get a candid answer this time. "We were there chasing around a new upstart young group of Pirates." He continued. "Another group?!" You very nearly rolled your eyes; you’d lost count of the crews popping up all over the place over the years. HQ 3 seemed a little overkill, though. "You guys? Really?!" Bogard shook his head. "Understandable reaction. But this crew has potential." He held the roll out to you. "May I request you put these up around the wards?" You looked from the roll to him and back and took it gently. "These upstarts already have bounties?" You asked. "Their captain does." He replied. You continued to stare at him questioningly, but when all he did was stare back, you knew the answer was on the paper itself. You unravelled them and almost let out a laugh.
'Monkey D. Luffy' - the name explained everything. You looked back at Bogard with an amused expression and raised eyebrow. Bogard merely shook his head, expression in understanding of your reaction. 'Let's not go there!' "Sure. I'll put these ones up! That's quite the bounty for the East Blue though! Who'd he piss off!?" You walked back into your office to put it with your unfinished pile of admission checks. This time Bogard followed you, standing in the doorway. "Nezumi.” He replied. “Oh, that weirdo? With the rat face?” You circled your head with your finger. “Rat would certainly be one way to put it.” You couldn’t help your perhaps overly loud reaction. “Oooh! Ooooh. Ooh! Would you like me to tell him that next time I see him?” Bogard placed his hands either side of your door frame, leaning in a little.  ‘Oh yeah you would badmouth me like that!,’ he thought - instant reaction - mouth opening before he changed his mind. Returning to a more relaxed lean, and crossing his arms. “I wouldn’t waste my breath.” You whistled. “Damn! You got a mouth on you.” Sharp as the blade he carried - when he wanted to be. But perhaps also a sign of how close you were, that he would speak as freely as this. Instead of responding, he opted to watch you with his eyes narrowed. You chuckled. “No, I know you. I know that you don’t waste your words.” Pausing for thought, you placed the papers down slowly. Raising your eyes to the window, you mused. “I guess I feel honoured that you share so many of them with me.” “Writing letters is completely different.” He replied. You looked across to him; voice sweet, and smile gentle. “That’s not what I meant.” Bogard bit his lips together, unsure of a comeback. Instead he wound the conversation back, nodding to the poster you just placed down. “Highest bounty on the East Blue now, actually. Doubt he'll stay there though." He said. "Ah. Grand Line bound!" You replied inquisitively. For a while the whimsy of it all had you smiling, until your smile dropped in realisation. If HQ 3 had been chasing them around the East Blue? You looked back to him slowly. Was Bogard going to follow them around the Grand Line? How long would that take? How long would it be until you saw him again? Even he knew he didn't have the answer to that. As he'd stated - where Garp went, he did. No questions asked. Still, Bogard couldn't leave it like that. He felt compelled to reassure you. "Of course, we might not follow them. We had investigations going on before they arrived on the scene." You remembered. "What now then? You really think you'll be back to 'Baroque Works'?" "We were heading that way anyway. I don't see why that would change now." He shrugged. "Doubtless you'll find out when I write to you!" You chuckled, running your fingertips over the picture in the wanted poster. A new kid on the block in a straw hat? Generations had seen this before.
Silence fell for a moment, which allowed him time to look around your office. Then he really couldn't help but smile. Lined up along the window frame, and just about every spare space on your shelves were collections of intricate origami. Bogard had sent you every single one of them. His preference was birds of different shapes, sizes, and colours. But they were all there. Every letter he had sent you came with one, and he'd sent you a letter every time he felt he had something worth saying. Writing back wasn't the point of it. He could guarantee that no one else knew where these came from. Whether you made them or they just appeared. But they weren't there for anyone else to know about - they were there for you. And every time Bogard saw them he wondered how the hell he could ever let himself get worried about any feelings you might have for anyone else. He looked back to you - having finished studying the picture of Luffy, you were now watching him - and Bogard knew he'd been caught with a rare smile on his face. He let it bleed into his words. "You kept them all." It wasn't a question, and his heart swelled. You giggled, pulling a box draw out from the top of your desk. "Honey, you have no idea!" From within it spilled forth letters upon letters, all wrapped up in Marine paper and blue ribbon. You had kept every single one of them too.
It was a little later in the day, as you were finishing up another round of administering medication, when you returned to your office and found that another Marine had made himself comfortable there. And not the one you would have expected. "V-Vice Admiral!" You stood to attention as he rose from your chair, "Sir! How can I help you?" "At ease, please!" His smile was warm, "In fact it's me that I think can help you!" He held out the stack of papers you'd given Bogard earlier. "I trust my second in command’s judgement on these." You took them gratefully. "Of course. I'll make sure everyone is prepped and ready to cast off when you're ready to set sail, Sir." "Better make it sooner rather than later, Lieutenant.” Garp placed his hands in his pockets, expression serious. "I don't want to be hanging around for too long. We have much to get started on." "Oh- I see." You knew you was failing at hiding your look of disappointment. Letting go was never easy, but if you had to do it sooner than you expected? You'd only just got Bogard back - you weren’t ready to let him go again just yet. Garp could see it on your face. It wasn't as if he hadn't seen Bogard interact with you before. They'd stopped off here plenty of times. He'd just never pried into the private life of his second in command before. But something was clearly going on this time. If he hadn't thought so before. He indicated to the origami on your shelves. "I always wondered where these went. Clearly, Y/N, they all come to you!" Your eyes widened. You didn't even know anyone else knew Bogard made them. "Y-yes, when he writes he always sends..." You gestured to the shelves, wondering if you'd said too much. Did Garp know that he... wrote to you? "Would have thought writing was his preferred method of communication. I know he’s a man that’s concise at best.” he continued. “Though he never seems to have that problem around you. Which is something in itself." You knew you was blushing by now, and you couldn't quite meet the Vice Admiral’s eyes. What he was saying was by no means untrue. "He's not always been like that." You were lying and you knew it. But you had to say something. You had no idea what Garp did or didn't know, or what Bogard would even want his superior to know! "Mhm." You weren’t sure that response was convincing enough. "Can't help but wonder exactly what's going on between you two." he enquired. Dammit! You were definitely turning redder now. "He-" You paused. Then took a deep breath, locking eyes with Garp this time. "We were once a couple, yes. But, we went our separate ways due to our own work preferences." You gave a shrug, realising how sad you suddenly felt as you smiled. "He wouldn't stay. I wouldn't go." "...Shame." Garp nodded. "From what I’ve heard, you have enormous potential. Definitely something we could use out there." You bowed deeply. "Those are kind words, Sir. Thank you. But it was never what I wanted. The front line isn't for me, and I would be outright useless in a fight. I'm no field medic." "We could change that." He interjected. You laughed. "I hear you're training cadets?" You weren’t sure you wanted to go back to that, weren’t sure how you would act being trained by them, honestly. "With all due respect Sir, many have tried and at this point I think I'm fine being a competent medic, and a pathetic fighter. I barely scraped through weapons training, and I decided that I would never want to handle one again! At least not by choice." "Competent would not be the word I'd use." He took a few steps forward, causing you to stiffen your posture. "Brilliant, maybe." He tilted his head. "Funny you should say that and be going off with a swordsman." You gaped for a minute. "We-Well I--" You tried to compose yourself. "That was always Bogard's thing." Your laugh was nervous. "Though I admit I can't help but be fascinated. I notice that people are intimidated by him without him even having to draw. So, once he does?" It was hot. It made you feel a little something something, and you'd never really seen him in action in a real fight.
Though of course you were not about to mention this to Garp.
"Well, there's always room on my ship. If you want this to be something more.” He paused for a brief second. “Intimate again." Garp's stare was intense. "I do hope you'll consider it, Y/N." You swallowed hard. Intimate? As if you weren't still--- "A HQ ship would be an incredible honour, Sir. I…” you paused. “Surely will consider it." "Glad to hear it." he replied enthusiastically. Garp swept past you, but stopped at the door. "I have no doubt you'll have the Marine's prepped and ready for our departure. I do suggest if you want to spend any more time with my second, you get as much of it in as possible." Even if you couldn't see him, you could hear the amusement and smirk in his voice. "Should I send him back up to your office, Y/N?" You opened your mouth, but found you couldn't answer before he walked away laughing.
Next thing you knew you was back in the arms of your situationship - under the sheets.
Despite what Bogard and Garp had said, it was nice for them to stick around for a little while. It reminded you that you shouldn’t get your hopes up that it would be permanent. But it gave you a taste you couldn’t help but crave. He really was all yours here. And you could pretend you were somewhere in the past, thinking about this as your far-off future. One where neither of you had ever put anything above the other. Breaks were rare when you had work to do, but right now, you also couldn’t afford to spend any free time anywhere else.
Bogard was sitting on the steps to the medical wing when you found him. Hunched over what could only have been a lighter, given the small smoke trail.
You sighed gently, folding your arms and shaking your head. Taking the steps slowly towards him - it wasn’t like you were about to sneak up on the swordsman, he knew your footfall well enough by now - it still didn’t cause him to extinguish his smoke. You stopped on the step above the one he was sitting on. Two heavy steps down, to let him know you were less than impressed, hands moving to your pockets as you bent slightly over him - feeling all at once like a doctor scolding your patient. (Well, it wasn’t like you hadn’t already had the opportunity to check his full physical health at this point.) “You know those aren’t good for your health, right?” You started. As if to mock you, he took a long deliberate drag. “Trust me, if you were on my ship, you would need these to relax too.” He replied. You narrowed your eyes. “Oh no, Mister. No using your captain as an excuse!” “He’s a damn good one.” He protested. Another drag, before he removed it from his lips, but he didn’t put it out. You leaned yourself a little closer to him, lowering your voice – positively saccharine. “Don’t worry, you can order me around!” Bogard raised a hand to his mouth slowly, and coughed. You waited with a smirk on your face for him to take the bait. “Don’t tempt me.” Bogard gave his voice the appropriate stern edge. You had the cheekiest little grin on your face, and hummed like you were a little too happy with yourself for that one. He gave you enough time to bask in it, before looking back to his smoke. “You’re going to ask me to stop, right?” You folded your arms, sighing. “At the risk of sounding like a broken record. You know my spiel by now.” Bogard gave a single nod of agreement. “You’ve never quite got me to quit yet. I think by now you’d know it wasn’t going to happen.” His eyeline had remained level until that moment, but he looked up at you now. “How’s work?” He asked. “Nothing changes…” You shrugged. “But I do have five minutes.” You took the next step down and sank to sit with him. Bogard’s smile was gentle, no matter how obvious it was that you would choose to spend your precious free time with him when he was around, it didn’t make it any less significant of an act.  “Smoke?” He held it out to you. “Ha!” You liked that he smiled at your sarcasm though, his eyes back on whatever he was watching before. “What are you-?” Bogard nodded forward, then pointed, you followed his fingertip down to the beach. Upon it were Garp, and two marines whom he looked like he was giving a stern talking to. “Oh! Your cadets?” “Mhm.” “And you’re up here because?” He scoffed. “Please, you think they’re ready to take me on yet?” You almost rolled your eyes as he took another drag, making sure to blow the smoke away from you. “I can take on both of them using only my less dominant hand. It’d be hardly worth their time either. What does it teach them? Something they aren’t ready for?” You couldn’t help the smirk that toyed with your lips. “Do you have one of those?” “One of what?” He enquired. “A less dominant hand?” You teased. You couldn’t look at him, because you knew you’d crack - but you knew the kind of stare he was giving you, before he jogged your shoulder. “Stop.” You couldn’t help the quick burst of laughter you let escape.
You continued to watch the two young men train with Garp for a while. And eventually you let yourself unwind enough to lean up against his shoulder. It was funny how much more you felt his body sink into relaxation below yours after that. And he put his smoke out too. He was content to sit with you like this. Yes. This was exactly what you dreamed of. Even if you couldn’t say you missed Bogard often (you were far too busy working here to do much of anything!), at least you didn’t let yourself and your thoughts linger on that feeling for too long. This physical contact was exactly what you needed. His letters could cover almost everything else, letting you know he was okay and that you didn’t have to worry. It was exactly what made this work without it having to be a relationship. But they couldn’t hold you. They couldn’t replace his touch. Your eyes lowered to his hands. It was weird for you to think just what they were capable of. He could be so gentle, but his swordsmanship? Just how many lives had Bogard taken with the exact same hands that held you the way he did? You sank your teeth into your lip as you frowned. You could think these things all you liked. Right now you just wanted to hold them - that’s what you knew for sure.
Bogard regarded your body language. Even when you weren’t looking at him, he knew what you desired. It didn’t matter how damn long you had been away from each other. At this point, it was simply muscle memory. You could both say whatever you wanted. Sometimes he wondered if being “single” really was the easiest option for you. It sure sounded like it. But he knew how it complicated things. How it twisted your feelings. Maybe you couldn’t make it work together. But you couldn’t make it work without each other either. Bogard knew you were thinking about how this could be your life. How could you not be? He was thinking it too – and by now he knew you better than you knew yourself.
He moved his hand from his knee, extending it towards yours - palm up - still watching your reaction. You hesitated; too shy to look at him now. Bogard knew, of course he knew. At this point he might as well have been a mind reader. Your movements were slow and deliberate. You took his hand gingerly; lacing your fingers together. Before moving your other to fit his hand between yours. He watched you do this with a smile, before pulling your hands gently back into his lap. You made a small noise before burying your face in his shoulder; surely blushing now. He focused back on the beach, running his thumb over the back of your hand. Yes - this was worth coming back for. Even if accepting the way you otherwise lived meant he sacrificed this to miss you the rest of the time. And if neither of you would move to give that up, you always would.
*** Seeing him off came all too quick. His return seemed but a fleeting moment - a heartbeat, and you were having to let him go again. The thing that stopped you from letting this be anything more than it was. But you were kidding yourself. You were in a relationship. The code; the unwritten rule, the exclusivity of it. There'd never been anyone else. Neither of you were calling it that, though. Neither of you referred to each other as ‘Partners', or ever enquired if it would be like that again. Everything but in name. Yet you would continue to tell yourself this was for the best - and that you wouldn't hurt for a little while as he sailed off into the distance.
Everyone around you on the dock was moving fast, getting final-final preparations done before they set sail. For the two of you, time was virtually standing still. Your hands were in his, and right now all you wanted was for them to stay there as long as possible. As tradition stated, you both had one more try in you - one more line of persuasion before the same conclusion would be reached, and you went your separate ways once again. Bogard leaned into you. That small near smile on his lips that reflected so much more brilliantly in his eyes. And in that moment the light was hitting them just right; illuminating that brown colour in a million beautiful shades. His voice was soft and sweet - as if this time he was really pulling out all the stops. "You should come with us.” he said. “We could always use a doctor." You chuckled, shaking your head. But you were grinning. You couldn't help but smile brilliantly at the way he was making you feel. Of course he was still trying to get you to go with him, despite already knowing your answer. You had to admire that spirit – every single time. "My place is here." You said firmly. You bit your tongue between your teeth cheekily for a moment, before teasing back with. "You could always stay." It was Bogard's turn to chuckle. "You know I can't do that." Your head tilted. 'Exactly'.
But he kept leaning, and you weren’t about to stop him. Now might have been the time to be professional. But it was also the exact time to be unprofessional. You pushed yourself up to meet him in a goodbye kiss. Both of you probably expected it to be short and sweet, but then again neither of you were pulling away - content to stay in it. You couldn't take it anymore, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him closer. He reciprocated, hands on your waist pulling you into his arms. At some point someone whistled. You felt him laugh, but he didn't pull back – Bogard just kept kissing you. Not even with the thought in his head that he was doing this in public. A little harder, edge a little more possessive of you. There was something in this kiss meant to completely destroy the idea that there was, or ever would be, anyone else, ever. Even when you were merely joking about it, even when he was too. You surrendered to it, and to him, completely.
Back on the ship, Helmeppo has spotted what was happening on the docks below. And if he was surprised by the kiss in the first place, the fact that it was going on - the stoic second in command swordsman that Bogard was? The guy who wore a perpetual frown most of the time! This wasn't happening - in fact it was beyond being seen to be believed! It was a ‘pinch me I must be dreaming’ moment. He smacked Coby - who was only oblivious because he was working - perhaps a little too hard. But he didn't care, and threw his other hand just to check that he wasn't the only one seeing this! The smaller cadet also couldn't help but stop and stare, almost gaping.
Garp watched the scene with a shake of his head, and a laugh. Sometimes it was good to be right!
Eventually you both had to pull back, if for nothing but a need to breathe. But you kept close. Your fingers gripped his Marine coat tight as you held him close to you. His head dipped to yours. Bogard kept his arms wrapped around you. You closed your eyes and tried your best to hold back your tears. "Stay safe." You whispered, emotion flooding your voice. "I don’t want to see you back here anything less than immaculate.” “Stay safe too." His voice was equally emotional, strained against the proper tone he was trying to emulate. "Don’t take any shit.” You pulled slightly back from him, laughing. “You come back to me.” "You know where we're going. I can't make any promises. But…" He relinquished your warmth none too fast, reassuring you. "I always do."
You stood for a moment like that, unsure where to go from here. You couldn't help it, pulling him back for one more kiss goodbye - and much shorter, to your own dismay. Before drawing your hands to the centre of his chest, fussing with his Marine coat for a second, and making certain to pull it straight, ensuring that the emblem presented itself dead centre. If you were going to tell him to be immaculate when he returned, you damn well weren’t sending him away if he was anything less! "You tell those other girls..." You laughed, unable to finish the joke. "Tell them what?" "They c- can't have—y-!” You kept laughing through it. “I can't even finish that thought." You grinned, putting it another way instead. "You're mine." He shook his head at you. "Always was." Before bowing low, "Until next time, Y/N." Bogard left you with a smile, and with that, began walking a few feet to the ship’s gangplank. You called after him, "I'm already looking forward to that letter!" He nearly laughed.
Upon boarding, Helmeppo and Coby still hadn't got over the scene. Staring at him almost in awe - definitely with a million questions for the man helping to train them. It took just one look, a single stare to swear both of them to eternal silence. Maybe they would get their answers one day. Maybe he would want to talk about it. Right now, Bogard wasn't sure. He did know he considered it private, no matter how passionate and public his goodbye was to you.
You stood back, listened to him shouting commands to get the ship running with a smile on your face. Just like that he was in his element again. He was working now. He was the second in command to a Vice Admiral. 'That's my man.' For a moment, you wondered if you should have asked. You’d still never had a concrete conversation around being officially together again. You supposed it was as unsaid as the exclusivity. The illusion that you would both still be single; until the time you met again. But what was more official than 'Always was.'?
Whatever you were, you were content.
As the ship pushed away from the dock, Bogard appeared at the starboard side railing, offering a hand up gesture as a wave goodbye. You waved back enthusiastically. Glad to see him one last time before he sailed into the sunset. And here you would be the next time he was able to visit you. Because you would wait for him. And maybe one day, you’d give in to him. Or he would settle down with you.
Whoever’s will won out in the end, right now you knew one thing for sure. You didn't care if it meant you were together.
Two swordsmen down one to go! 🖤💚💛
Other OPLA Fics: 'Late to the Party - Roronoa Zoro x Reader
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honeybeezgobzzzzz · 1 month
One Piece Reading List: One Shots
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One Piece Reading List
Reading Masterlist
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myonepiece · 3 years
Yuh! Then could I request Bogard having a crush on pirate (gender-neutral is alright) and he hates it bc he’s never felt this way before? I don't doubt Garp wouldn't tease him about it either 😩
(Lowkey feel like Bogard doesn’t hate pirates though, something about him just gives me the vibes he finds some of them funny or cool. I honestly have so many headcanons for him even though we know little to nothing ab him-)
bogard crushing on a pirate
description: what bogard crushing on a pirate is like
a/n: we have like a pinch of info on him but i just rewatched every scene with him and i got a lot of ideas, the most obvious is he's a total tsundere
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-the first time he sees you he falls for you but he doesn't realize what exactly he's feeling, he's instantly sweating though
-you through him off guard completely and it takes him a moment to get back to normal
-he doesn't hate pirates, he does in fact think they're cool and he likes hearing/learning about them and adventures (he loves adventure books) he just doesn't like the "bad pirates"
-he is a bit embarrassed about falling for a pirate and because garp can't whisper to save his life, the gossip reaches all marines withing a week so bogard is faced with glances, giggles, and sengoku + akainu yelling at him
-everytime you run into each other, garp elbows bogard and shoves him into you
-that really cliche thing, bogard would get pushed into you and you either both fall and he lands on top of you or you fall back and bogard catches you in a dip position, has happened multiple times thanks to garp
-he sweats a lot when you're around, a lot, the closer you are the more, and if you talk to him or touch him forget about it
-he doesn't really talk to you unless you speak directly to him or garp tells him to say something, but. even when you talk to him he might ignore you, you'll walk up beside him to start some small talk while garp handles whatever, andbogard just stares straight ahead not. ignoring you just not answering
-sometimes you think he hates you and really wants you arrested
-he's pretty protective, if something happens while you're wherever they are, he'll help you once he's done with his own duties, and protect you most of the time, like one time you tripped and almost fell down a really small rocky hill but bogard caught you and landed with you cradled against his chest, he internally combusted
-he'll get you flowers sometimes, this is only after a good month or two of him liking you and staring at you from afar (kind of creepily) and he's super awkard giving them to you
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fanaticsnail · 8 months
Snail Navigation Masterlist
Hello and welcome, I'm Snail!
I write mainly "x reader" for the One-Piece fandom, all catalogued below the cut. I enjoy writing in my free time, forever chasing the green leaf of lettuce dangling in front of my eyes. I hope you enjoy your time on this page. It is a pleasure carving out worlds that you get to be placed in the middle of. Love you 🖤
Ao3: Archive of our Own link, if you prefer reading on that platform.
WIP List: My current works in progress.
Request: Guidelines for asking for a particular craving to be written for you.
Fic Gift Swapping: I write for you, you write for me. It's a win-win.
Ko-Fi: If you feel so inclined to support me as I keep creating works, this is a link to enable that should you so desire.
Fic Inspo: mood boards, clips and prompts for all to use.
Glimpses: parts of my life I share.
Fic Recommendations: a collection of works I find myself returning to, written by some beautiful authors.
Art with my fics: short dialogue
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I have divided up my large collection of fics and drabbles into their own categories. Each fic has a description within their own Masterlist, including content warnings should minors be present. I hope you enjoy your time exploring my writing, and happy reading!
Straw-Hat Masterlist
Heart-Pirate Masterlist
Kid-Pirate Masterlist
Red-Hair Pirate Masterlist
Donquixote Brothers Masterlist
Cross-Guild Masterlist
Misc & Marines Masterlist
Drabbles Masterlist
Pollen Masterlist
Dreaming of You Masterlist
Dance Series Masterlist
The Kissing Booth
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fanaticsnail · 8 months
To the ends of the earth
I am so sorry, I let the words run away with me again. I had no idea how much I had in me for this plot until it sprung onto the page.
Word Count: 6.814 (Again, I apologize but I truly couldn't resist!).
This is angsty, and I am sorry. This is my first time writing for Koby, at the request of @bonedaddi3. (I hope you and your friend enjoy!)
If you enjoy my writing, please let me know. It really encourages me to continue honing in on my little hobby.
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As the sails lay rustling in the breeze directing the large, sea-worn ship into Shells Town. You closed your eyes and relished in the scent of the salt-riddled water engulfing your senses. Seagulls shrieked above, directing your attention to the beams supporting the crows nest. You squinted your eyes and smiled at the sight as you continued to bring the vessel into harbour.
“Lieutenant!” you heard Vice Admiral Garp call, addressing you by your formal title. You snapped your head towards the direction of his voice and stood to attention as he briskly made his presence known to you.
“Sir!” you sharply responded from your place adjacent to the helm, saluting to welcome him to the deck.
“At ease,” he directed you while raising his right hand and nodding his head. You responded by separating your legs and releasing the hold of your firm posture, pulling your hands behind your back and resting them with interlocked fists. You trailed your eyes over your Vice-Admiral before looking behind him to acknowledge commissioned Officer Bogard, nodding to him.
“We’re going aboard shortly,” Garp said, bringing your attention back to fall before him, “as you had been informed yesterday evening, things have been slipping here for some time.”
You nodded at him as he continued to instruct you in your duties.
“As discussed, I am relieving the Captain of his title and issuing a formal reprimand for his behaviour,” Garp added, looking to the approaching shore, “I may even string him up in the stock-yard for losing the map to the grand line.”
You noticed a small smirk appear on Bogard’s face at the thought of knocking Captain Morgan down a few paces.
“I’ll be leaving my ship in your command, Bogard will join me in Shells Town,” he added, nodding to the man behind him. You accepted his orders with curt, “yes, Sir.”
“From what I’ve gathered, he’s got a volley of cadets in dire need of training,” he smirked slightly, his eyes twinkling in thought, “I’ll be bringing them aboard for you to train.”
You smiled at the new command broadly. Your current title of lieutenant was thrust upon you at a hastened pace; as your renowned battle-ready and iron-clad will were the topic of many dinner conversations with the higher-up military generals. This was part of the reason why Vice-Admiral Garp requested you personally to join him on this particular voyage. Your military expertise at running drills until your underlings either passed out from exhaustion, threw up the contents of their stomachs or withdrew their applications from the Marines in service would break in the most successful cadets Garp had seen.
“Yes, sir,” you responded, prompting him to smile and turned on his way towards the dock where you steered the ship to make port.
Vice-Admiral Garp and Bogard exited the ship, leaving you with a bare-bones crew to continue to maintain the vessel against the port. You sent off your Boatswain to collect enough ingredients for the chef to prepare rations for the new recruits, leaving you to your duties as Quartermaster.
You maintained an air of formality while instructing your crew to create enough crew-quarters for the new arrivals as they were brought aboard.
After several hours of preparation, the Vice-Admiral and his Brigadier returned aboard the vessel with twenty fresh-faced recruits trailing behind them. In acknowledgment to Garp’s arrival, you marched down the steps atop the deck to welcome your leader to his ship.
“Vice-Admiral,” you stood to attention as you did hours prior., saluting him in respect.
“At ease, Lieutenant,” he responded with a curt nod. He used his beard-whiskered chin to nod for you to follow him away from the new recruits with Bogard following along silently.
“Quite the array you’ve managed to claim, Vice-Admiral,” you acknowledged the troops with a downward nod, prompting Garp to follow your gaze.
“That I have,” he agreed with you with a slight, downturned smile, “I can’t wait to see what you’ll mould them into.”
You smirked at his compliment before asking him, “how did the formal reprimand go with Captain Morgan?”
“As well as you could expect,” he chuckled, “I’ve instructed the newly branded Captain to leave him tied in the stocks for a week or so.”
You hummed in response, turning again to look at the cadets as they climbed aboard your ship. Your attention was immediately drawn to a small cadet with circular broad-rimmed glasses who was slightly drowning in his oversized uniform. You quirked your brow at him slightly, prompting Garp to follow your gaze.
“Ah, that one,” he acknowledged, prompting you to return your sights to your superior officer, “he’s the newest recruit.”
You nodded in response before furrowing your brows.
“And you are certain you desire me to train this troop exactly as I would back at base?” you asked him before looking over the young recruits. Vice-Admiral Garp paused for a moment before leaning in close to your ear and issuing one final command.
“Break them,” he voiced above a whisper and clapped his left hand atop your left shoulder before turning back to address the cadets.
“Cadets, you had better prove yourselves if you are to sail under me!” he ordered in a booming voice, “the pirates who attacked Shells Town have a head start, but once I sink my teeth in; I won’t let go.”
You turned your head slightly to the right to release a sharp crack from the joint at the nape of your neck.
“Am I understood, Marines?” Garp barked.
You joined the ship-wide singular voice responding to his question, a loud: “Yes, Sir!”
He smiled at his crew before gesturing to you to step forward to begin an introduction.
“This is my Lieutenant,” he boomed as you stepped forward into view. You held a determined look adorning your features as you assessed the twenty young members of crew.
“She is under my direct instruction to train you and rid you of any inadequacies you had learnt under the former Captain Morgan,” he continued sharply, “she has my sanction to use any means necessary to break you in, understood?”
“Yes, sir!” echoed throughout the deck as the cadets began to bring their attention to you. You rolled your shoulders back began issuing your first commands.
“Fall in, recruits,” you sharply ordered, prompting five rows of four cadets per row. You wove between them, sharply assessing each of them as they stood. You noticed several cadets had their cravats slightly skewed, prompting you to reach up and firmly readjust them with your hands. Stalking their forms and trailing your merciless gaze over them, not uttering a single word as you began your trial of intimidation. You flicked a loose button on the vest of a cadet with your index finger, prompting them to trail your gaze to your administration.
“Repair that,” you ordered under your breath.
“Yes, Ma’am,” they responded sharply, holding their gaze ahead. You continued your stalking assessment through the final two rows, noticing two mismatched individuals at the head: the smaller cadet with glasses and a tall blonde with a ridiculous hair cut and what appears to be a fresh blackened eye.
You focussed your gaze on the smaller of the two, looking him over as you assessed his presentation.
“You need a new uniform,” you commented in a monotonous voice, “this one is far too large.”
“I-it was all they had, Ma’am,” he quietly managed to stutter out while not making eye contact. You noticed the tall blonde snicker at the comment made by the cadet you formerly addressed and snapped your gaze over towards him.
“Something amusing, cadet?” you sharply asked him, prompting a small smirk to disappear at the corner of his mouth. He looked at your sharpened gaze, eyes wide at your immediate attention.
“No, Ma’am,” he responded quickly in a hushed tone.
“What was that, cadet?” you asked him with hard direction, narrowing your eyes and sizing him up.
“No, Ma’am!” he responded withholding no hesitation in his voice.
“Disrespect your fellow cadet again with something as atrocious as a snicker, and you will be dealing with more than just a black eye, understood?” you threatened him, prompting him to again reissue a resounding: “Yes, Ma’am!”
You returned your attention back to the pink-haired recruit with a sinister gaze. He continued to stair ahead, a slight quiver from his shoulders did not escape your attention.
“What’s your name, Marine?” you asked him, bluntly.
“Koby, Ma’am,” he responded in a quiet tone.
“When I give you an order, you respond with ‘Yes Ma’am’, understood?” you reiterated.
“Yes, Ma’am,” he responded quietly, fixing his gaze at the floor and quiver slightly under your direction.
“Eyes forward, Koby!” you barked at him, prompting him to jolt his shoulders slightly before bringing his gaze up to meet your unrelenting aura of authority.
“Cadets, what are we?” you barked.
“Marines, Ma’am!” you heard them respond in unison.
You nodded your head and began to pace the front of the five rows silently before beginning a small monologue.
“We are Marines,” you confirmed, pacing the rows and staring out into the open sea with slight pause.
“I have been instructed to break you,” you continued, again pacing the five rows, “and believe me when I tell you, I will.”
Several cadets appeared to be slightly rattled at your threat, but continued to fix their gaze ahead.
“There will be pain,” you said, stopping in front of the right-most front facing cadet, “there will be sweat and blood pulled from places you never thought you could sweat and bleed from,” you said, continuing to stop in front of the leaders of the lines.
“And you will take every inch of training I bestow upon you until you feel yourself break under my authority, is that understood?” you directed at them in a firm voice.
“Yes, Ma’am,” they responded, keeping their eyes fixed on the horizon line before you.
“I do not care who you are or where you’ve come from,” you halted in front of the blonde who snickered moments prior before moving on to the circular glasses-clad cadet in front of you, “you are mine.”
You saw his Adams-apple visibly bob as an indication of him swallowing a wad of collected saliva behind his lips. His eyes flittered between your hardened gaze, before triangulating down to rest his sights momentarily on your lips before hastily returning them to your eyes.
“Do I make myself clear, cadets?” you fixed your gaze, baring directly into his eyes.
“Yes, Ma’am!” their confirmation resounded in unison, but your sights were continued to be fixed on the small cadet in front of you.
“Good,” you said with a small smirk and an arch of your brow. Up closer to the small cadet, you accidentally assessed his features. Your attention was brought to the semi-frightened intensity displayed freely from his blue irises before your eyes flickered down to rest slightly on his supple, parted lips before you hastily returned your gaze to his eyes once more.
“Boatswain!” you called suddenly to your coworker.
“Yes, Lieutenant!” he responded, stepping forward with a salute.
“Assign the the cadets their chores,” you ordered, turning to face your boatswain, “I will be watching them very closely.”
“Yes, Ma’am,” he responded with a salute. You nodded your acknowledgement at your coworker before returning to your cadets.
“Dismissed!” you said, prompting the twenty newcomers to fall in line to receive their orders from the boatswain. You remained stationary as your eyes trailed the cadets as they eagerly scurried to receive their orders from the boatswain, paying particularly close attention to the smaller, pink-haired individual you intimidated moments prior.
You watched him as he, even before receiving instruction from the boatswain, began checking the rigging for faulty knots, moving any hazards from the pathway between the arched corridors of the large vessel. You narrowed your eyes in thought, almost not hearing the approaching footprints of your Vice-Admiral.
“Nicely executed, Lieutenant,” Garp complimented you, prompting you to angle your body towards his without breaking your gaze from the small recruit; nodding to him in gratitude. Garp followed your gaze to the small recruit and arched his brow before bringing his sights back to your form.
“Impressed already?” he asked you, prompting you to tear your sights from watching Koby successfully undo a slipknot you had purposefully rigged and retied it skilfully before he turned to receive his orders from your boatswain.
“The cadet, Koby,” you began, looking slightly behind Garp to address Bogard, “who is he?”
Garp let out a small chuckle at your question.
“He was travelling among the Alvida pirates as their prisoner until arriving in town with the leader of the Strawhat pirates,” Bogard informed you monotonously.
“A pirate prisoner?” you asked him with your eyes slightly widened.
“I thought you said you didn’t care who they were or where they came from,” Garp taunted you slightly, prompting you to bring your attention back to him, “do not relent your training on his accord.”
“Yes, sir,” you responded with a curt nod, “may I be dismissed so I may supervise the cadets, sir?”
“You are dismissed,” he nodded at you, prompting you to salute and turn on the balls of your feet to supervise the newest members of your vessel.
“I was initially hesitant at your request to bring her along,” Bogard addressed the Vice-Admiral and stepping beside him, “she seemed far to young to undertake this task, but after that little display; it’s safe to say I’m impressed.”
“I wouldn’t let her youthfulness dissuade your confidence, Bogard. I’ve seen the marines she trained, and her results speak for themselves,” he confirmed with his underling, which prompted him to nod in response.
Over the course of several months, the marines would only eat when you allowed them to eat; slept when you permitted them to sleep and you trained them in combat until exhaustion would overcome their bodies. You taught them to maintain their uniforms to an appropriate standard; teaching them to maintain their stitches and polish their brass buttons with ample discipline. You continued to monitor the progress of Koby as he quickly rose to become one of the best cadets this particular allotment produced. It also did not escape your notice that he hastily became the starred protégé of Vice-Admiral Garp, who called him into his office for intellectual challenges.
One evening, Bogard came to fetch you while you were leading a particularly heavy cardio and combat-intensive training exercise for the recruits.
“I know you can give me more than that, cadets!” you taunted them with a smirk, prompting them to make their movements harder, sweat dripping from their faces at your command. Koby flicked his eyes over to you while panting hard through partially open lips at the drill you were instructing him. His face was flushed partially from the over-excursion of the drill and the fact that you were focussing your eye contact with him as you continued to taunt them.
“This is the final stretch, cadets,” you called to them, stepping closer to Koby as he continued to push himself at your command, “make me proud.”
Koby wanted nothing more than to push himself beyond the point of exhaustion to satiate your desire for absolute excellence. He adhered to your taunt and strenuously pushed his body to complete the spirited task you had appointed all of the cadets. You smiled in response at him with slightly surprised eyes before turning your attention to another recruit. Although your eyes no longer focussed solely on him, he continued to push and push, tasting the familiar metallic twinge of blood over his tongue as he exhausted his body for you.
“Lieutenant, the Vice-Admiral requests you join him in his office immediately,” Bogard interrupted your instruction to inform you. You growled slightly at the interruption, but relented.
“Alright, Marines,” you addressed your cadets, “that will be all for today. Cool down your bodies so they don’t seize up. Focus on your arms first, they’ll need it most.”
A collective, resounding sigh of relief could be heard passing through the lips of the marines, after acknowledging your instruction with a: “Yes, Ma’am”.
This prompted you to laugh slightly in response to their relief. Over the past few months, you successfully broke the young recruits in and eased up on your hardened exterior; forming friendships with several of the newcomers. Although you continued to hold an air of authority over the troop and never engage in inappropriate conversations with them; you were closer in age to this lot than any you had trained prior, and it showed.
Garp would often watch you engage with the recruits and smile at how organic you were with this collection. After he requested your attendance on his vessel, he grew very fond of you and the rapport you engaged with him.
“Don’t be too relieved,” you said with a small smirk, “I will be pairing you up in size and skill tomorrow and lead you in sparring against one another. You are not to hold back, only stopping once your opponent is either unconscious or otherwise incapacitated. Is that understood, cadets?”
“Yes, Ma’am,” the cadets responded in unison.
“Dismissed, then,” you said to them with a small salute and a warm smile, “I’ll see you all at dinner.”
You turned to bring your attention to Bogard and grinned at him before stepping forward to greet him. You walked in step with one another towards the office of your Vice-Admiral, blissfully unaware of the eyes baring into your retreating form.
“Alright, out with it,” Helmeppo prodded his fellow cadet with a roll of his eyes, “What is it, Koby?”
He noticed Koby’s eyes were continuing to focus on the lieutenant as you finally fell out of sight beside Bogard.
“N-nothing, Helmeppo,” he responded, turning back around and readjusting his uniform to be as pristine as he could make it.
“Are you sure it’s not the fact you have a little crush on our commanding officer?” he teased him slightly with a nudge from his shoulder to Koby’s. Koby’s eyes widened and his face immediately flushed a warm pink tone.
“I don’t have a-,” he stuttered slightly, “-a crush on the Lieutenant.”
Helmeppo smirked broadly and felt as if he finally had a leg up on Koby. Although he had the history and knowledge of someone who grew up on a marine base under the command of his father; he did not foster favour with any of the authorities on this vessel. He needed to use this to his advantage somehow, hoping sharing this moment with Koby would grant him favour with at least one of the commanding officers.
“Oh yes you do,” Helmeppo reiterated, “I’ve seen the way your beady little eyes trail her when she’s ordering us around. I know you push yourself hard to impress her in physical training, even though you absolutely suck at it.”
Koby gulped the saliva he collected in his mouth and nervously flickered his tongue out to dampen his lower lip. Helmeppo widened his sinister smile at the reaction he managed to bring from Koby at his sudden taunt.
“The sooner you come to terms with it, the sooner you can do something about it,” he advised off-handedly. Koby didn’t grace Helmeppo with a response, choosing to kneel down and undo and retie his shoelaces.
You made your way throughout the hall to meet with your Vice-Admiral, knocking lightly on the doorframe to alert Garp to your presence.
“Enter, Lieutenant,” Garp called to you, prompting you to open the door. You pushed on the frame to reveal your boss seated at his desk.
“Sir,” you addressed him, clicking your heals and offering a salute, “you asked to see me?”
“That I did, Lieutenant,” he responded, “at ease.”
You widened your stance and laced your hands behind your back at his direction. He reached down to a draw beneath his desk and retrieved a bottle of rum and twin crystal short-glasses. You knit your brows together at his movements, prompting him to smile.
“Come and sit,” he gestured to the chair in front of him. You nodded your head and made to walk over to the chair before him. You pulled it out and took a seat, keeping an alert posture as you watched him pour the liquid into the glasses.
“You have done a more than excellent job in training the recruits,” he said, placing one of the glasses in front of you, “they have made me proud.”
“Thank you, sir,” you said, accepting the glass he placed before you.
“They are a direct reflection on you,” he continued, “which means you, in turn, have made me proud.”
You smiled slightly at his comment, before adding another; “thank you, sir.”
He smiled, clicking the side of his glass against your own and raising it to his lips and taking a small sip. You followed his example and brought the liquid to your lips and taking a sip, savouring the smoky and burning liquid on your tongue before swallowing it.
You both sat in comfortable silence as you sipped at your rum.
“What do you make of the cadet, Koby?” he asked you with a small twinkle in his eyes.
You searched your mind for an adequate response, thinking only of words of absolute praise. You can admit to only yourself that you harboured more than the feelings of comradery for the cadet, but you would never express those to a commanding officer.
“I was taken with him immediately, as you recall,” you said, nodding your chin to the Vice-Admiral.
“Yes I do remember that,” he confirmed, bringing the glass again to his lips.
“His strength has improved,” you added, “he pushes himself further in physical training than any of the others, although they all give me their strength. He’s determined, experienced in sea bearing activities and eager to learn.”
“That he is,” Garp smiled into his glass.
You finished your glasses and reflected on the various months of strenuous training you had provided to break in the cadets for several more minutes before Garp dismissed you to retire for the evening meal.
“There looks like there’s a storm brewing,” Garp said, gesturing out his window towards the grey clouds eclipsing the once clear sky, “go get some dinner before making sure everything is fastened to brace for some choppy waves.”
“Yes, sir,” you said as he dismissed you.
You walked down the corridor of the large ship towards the dining quarters. The waves began to pick up, clashing against the wooden frame of the ship and rocking you slightly as you walked down the hall. You held onto the side of the ship to brace yourself against the hull, steadying your movement over as another choppy wave flung itself against the ship. After pausing, you continued to make your way towards the dining hall. Turning one final corner, another large wave seemingly threw you from your feet. You attempted to brace your body, in the process colliding your form directly into the chest of the circular glass-wearing, pink-haired cadet.
“Apologies, Lieutenant,” he said, stepping back from your close proximity and saluting to you to the best of his abilities. You smiled warmly at the cadet.
“At ease, Koby,” you chuckled slightly at his immediate reaction, “it was my fault. I was miles away and these waves don’t help either.”
He released a nervous chuckle from between his lips and smiled at you. You collected yourself and used his arms to steady yourself and rode out the final reverberations of the wave as it quietened.
“I don’t think I have ever expressed this to you before,” you began, bringing his blue irises to rest on your own, “I’m truly proud of you. You’ve come so far and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed watching you flourish under my instruction.”
He gasped slightly at the affirming words you were bestowing onto him. You released his forearms from your grip with a light chuckle, nodding to him in thanks for allowing you to brace yourself against him.
“Thank you, lieutenant,” he said with a warm smile, eyes shining brightly at your compliment. You smiled warmly at him as you watched him beam in the ambiance of the compliment.
“I-I can honestly say,” he stuttered with a smile, “I have enjoyed having you break me. I-I’d do anything for you.”
He froze after speaking those words, his smile dropped and a tinge of red overcame his features. You widened your eyes at his confession.
“I didn’t mean it l-like that,” he spluttered out his words hurriedly, “I mean, I would follow your commands. I would do anything to continue to make you proud-.”
You creased your brows with a small smile as you watched the cadet continue to use a hypothetical shovel to dig a deeper hole for himself, choosing to remain silent; giving him all the time he needs to find the correct words he wished to express toward you.
“-The marines, Ma’am!” he continued to correct himself, “-to make the marine’s proud. I would follow you to the ends of the earth to make the marines proud.”
You broadened your smile at him, enjoying watching him squirm slightly while falling over his words. As he continued to depict his affections for you, and you refused to smother the growing feeling of affection rising in your chest for the pink-haired cadet. As he continued to spur words of adoration for you, the well seemingly erupted as your body tingled with an almost giddiness you had not experienced prior.
“I just-,” he halted his words, “I just want you to know how much you mean to me-.”
You giggled slightly at his words. The waves began to swell again and clash against the wooden ship once more, your bodies both swaying slightly as you rode through them together, interlocking your knees to steady yourselves against the impact.
“-to all of the cadets, Ma’am,” he furrowed his brows and avoided your eye contact by looking all throughout the empty hall; focussing on anything other than your gaze. The waves began to dissipate once more, allowing you to steady yourselves. Koby continued to blink sporadically around the cabin and avoid your gaze in an attempt to stifle his flushed emotions.
You reached up with your left hand and placed it on his right shoulder, immediately bringing his rose-tinged attention to fixate on your face. He gazed into your eyes, triangulating down to your lips and holding his attention there slightly as he did the first day he met you before bringing his blue orbs back up to your knowing eyes.
This was not the first time a subordinate had developed feelings of affection towards you, especially as you trained them over the course of several months. It was, however, the first time you felt yourself reciprocate the affections of a crewman; and a cadet at that.
“It’s ok, Koby,” you reassured him with a fond smile, quirking your head to the side in amusement. You allowed a momentary softness in your formal demeaner as you gazed into the affectionate, timid eyes of the pink-haired cadet. He flittered his sights to the placement of your hand against his shoulder, feeling the warmth you offered so freely to him before looking back to your face.
He switched, flittering his eyes between focussing on one of your irises before swapping to the other nervously.
The waves again began to swell aboard the vessel, prompting you to release the cadet from your grip and look to your surroundings to ensure the rigging to be completely secure in the lower decks. He followed your gaze slightly, focussing on the rattling chains adorning the walls as they shook in sync with the waves.
“Lieutenant?” he asked you suddenly.
Your face adorned a slight amount of unease at the large swell of the waves breaking against the hull of the ship. You reached again to Koby’s shoulder and brought his body against yours while you both braced for the swelling impact of the approaching tidal waves. You frowned in determination and fixed your sights to the stairs leading to the upper deck. You saw water begin to flow down the steps and enter into the lower decks, indicating an object not correctly fastened above the chambers below.
“Stay below decks, Koby,” you commented before releasing your grip from his shoulder for the third time since you interacted with him.
“Ma’am?” he asked you, focussing on fixating his gaze following your own.
“Cadet, I need to go and secure the loose object above decks,” you said, turning to look directly in his eyes, “stay below deck and stay safe,” you emphasized your final instruction.
You began to brace yourself against the walls as you were thrust into them from the swelling waves brought onto you. You wiped stray hairs falling into your face that became damp with offensive seawater away from your vision and pulled your body above deck by the ropes adorning the walls.
While maintaining a blissful ignorance to your surroundings, you were unaware that the cadet you instructed moments prior to remain secure within crew quarters disregarded your orders and followed closely behind you.
As you brought yourself above the deck, you noticed several weighted cannons had become loose at their rigging, prompting you to spring into action to resecure them in place. Squeezing your eyes shut between sprays of sour seawater as they splashed onto your face, you paid them no mind as you continued to make safe the cannons by securing them with complex knots.
While securing the last cannon in place, you felt the true weight of the object as it barrelled into you, successfully trapping you between the polished wooden frame of the ship. Freshwater sprayed onto your face as the clouds above swelled the substance over your face, combining the with the prior saltwater from the swells to successfully shield your vision from any approaching figureheads.
The surrounding bellowing clashes of thunderous clouds combining with the swelled waves provided no response from your struggle against the weight of the final cannon. You felt yourself begin to panic slightly under the weight of the cylindrical object as it pressed you against the side of the deck.
You witnessed a large wave begin to swell, your eyes widening at the sheer size of it. Before you could utter a sound of plea for rescue, you noticed a truss of candy-pink damp hair field your vision. You felt the cadet audibly strain against the weight of the cannon, utilising all of his strength to pull the object from its hold on your body.
“Koby, what are you doing here?!” you barked at him in surprise, “I ordered you to remain below deck!”
“With all due respect, lieutenant,” he said while grunting, pulling the cannon from your body by issuing all of his strength, “you can’t do everything alone.”
You nodded at him, still with a frown adorning your features as you both utilised the reserves of your strength to pry the weapon from crushing your body.
You managed to feel the cannon pull away from your body, meeting each other’s gaze with a laugh of relief. The relief, however, was short lived as the large swelling wave thrust itself against the stern of the ship and managed to sweep you from your feet and carry you overboard into the dangerous waters.
“Man overboard! Lieutenant overboard!” reverberated in your ears as you felt yourself be pulled beneath the surface, your senses becoming overwhelmed with the pressure of the water below. Although you were a confident swimmer, you felt yourself continually be pulled beneath the surface of the water; unable to claim a breath of air to sustain your lungs. As your vision began to spot with darkened circles, you saw a small object join you beneath the surface of the water; an arm claiming your body and bring you to rise to the surface. Your vision became clouded and you found yourself succumbed to the darkness the water had desired to bestow before you.
Before your body could comprehend what was happening to it, you found yourself suddenly thrown back against a hard surface. You had no idea if you were dead or merely unconscious for some time. All you were alerted to was a pair of soft lips against your own as you felt air enter your lungs as water sprayed onto your face.
“Breathe, lieutenant!” you heard orders being thrust onto you, “please breathe!”
You coughed slightly, ridding your lungs of the toxic seawater. You rolled onto your side as you continued spluttering up the liquid consumed by the chasms within your chest. You heard a sigh of relief from the form above you while you gasped for breath and continued your coughing.
After you inhaled a burning breath into your chest, you rolled onto your back as you felt the waves subside. You watched a small eye in the clouds above begin to form, flowing beams of warm rays from the sun onto your skin as you continued to inhale the air surrounding your body. You shut your eyes and focussed on deeply inhaling life-sustaining oxygen before reopening your eyes and focussing on the cadet kneeling in front of your reclined form.
You narrowed your eyes, noticing the pink-haired cadet no longer supported his spectacles on his face and his uniform was incredibly damp.
“Koby?” you breathlessly asked him, confirming the individual was exactly who they presented themselves to be. You searched his eyes for security, noticing his waterline was slightly red.
“Lieutenant,” he gasped, eyes wide and an air of anxiety pronounced over his features.
“You disobeyed a direct order,” you reprimanded him sternly, bringing your elbows up below your torso to rise your chest from its reclined position below you, “why did you disobey my direct order?”
He immediately bowed his head before you in apologies, bringing your attention to a slight sniff from his nose as his shoulders began to shake slightly.
“Because I couldn’t let you go,” he murmured while maintaining his concentration on the wood below you, refusing to bring his sights to gaze upon your own.
You brought your fingertips to your mouth and traced the outline of your parted lips. You noticed a slight swell beneath your fingertips, indicating a pressure had been applied to your body.
“I was down, wasn’t I?” you asked him, eyes widened in shock.
“Yes, Ma’am,” you heard him confirm in a low tone above a whisper.
“How long was I down?” you asked him, releasing your lips from beneath your fingertips.
“Twelve minutes, Ma’am,” he uttered, continuing to keep his head bowed to you. You coughed slightly before lifting your body into a seated position, feeling the weight of your lungs that you believed to be priorly weighed down with seawater.
You gazed to Koby’s form, noticing his bent knuckles as he grasped the polished wooden floors beneath his fingers, his face shrouded by his candy-floss pink hair. He appeared to be trembling slightly at the shoulders, whether it be from the cold water dampening his clothes or from the adrenaline spiking his senses as he brought you back above deck; you were unsure.
“Koby,” you whispered, bringing your hand to his chin, claiming it between your fingers. He stifled his shuddering slightly, his shoulders solidifying at your sudden touch. You lifted his gaze to meet your own, noticing tears had began to well at his glazed-over eyes.
“Why did you dive in for me? The sea could’ve claimed you, too,” you said, releasing his chin from your grip and tracing them gently against the line of his jaw, prompting him to inhale sharply and shut his eyes, leaning into your caress.
“I told you, lieutenant,” he whispered into your palm before reopening his eyes and looking beneath his long eyelashes and baring his blue orbs into your own, “I would follow you to the ends of the earth.”
You upturned your brows at him and offered him a half-smile at the corner of your lips. He looked away from you, turning to the righthand side of the deck.
“Koby-,” you began with a deep sigh, releasing his jaw and cheek from your caress.
“-and I know it’s inappropriate, lieutenant,” he interrupted you with a slight sigh, “but I couldn’t leave you. I-,”
He paused, bringing his gaze back to yours before again declaring; “-I-I love you.”
You felt the air hypothetically this time flee from your chest at his sudden declaration.
“A-and I don’t care if you don’t feel the same way-,” he began, halting his words only at your sudden outburst of adoration. You claimed his shoulders in a warm embrace, holding him against your torso and smoothing over his back.
“Koby,” you again whispered into him, bringing your cheek flush against the side of his pink hair.
“Ma’am,” he responded in a breathily whimper. You released his shoulders from your embrace before bringing your forehead to rest against his own, your eyes closed. You inhaled through your nose, breathing in any anxiety he continued to hold, feeling the waves of his unease dissipate with each passing moment.
You felt him snake his arms around your waist and bring you closer against his body, continuing to press his forehead against your own for as long as you would permit him to do so. You opened your eyes and brought your forehead away from his own, keeping only a few centimetres between you.
“I owe you my life,” you whispered into his face with a warm smile, “and I am willing to spend each moment of the rest of the life I could’ve lost just now to show you just how much love I truly have for you.”
You heard him inhale sharply first before you witnessed how wide his beautiful blue eyes were, beginning to brim slightly at your declaration. You giggled slightly at his reaction, scrunching your nose; teasing him slightly.
“Does that mean I can kiss you?” he innocently asked you in a hurried voice, prompting you to giggle in response.
“Koby,” you half laugh-sighed deeply before hooking your elbow behind his neck and suddenly bringing his face flush with your own. You leant your lips into his and pressed a deep kiss upon him, filled with the adoration you truly held for him. You were apprehensive to express yourself further to deepen the kiss than what he was comfortable with, noting his anxiety in your prior interactions.
His enthusiasm was quickly expressed through his administrations, bringing both of his hands to your lower ribs as he pulled your torso against his own with a small whimper falling between his lips. You smiled into the kiss and gasped into his lips as you unhooked your elbow from behind his neck and opted to cradle his cheeks within your palms. You could feel his body begin to shake with all of the emotion he was holding back, prompting you to respond empathetically as you continued to hold him against.
Koby nearly lost you; not only his superior officer who had trained him so vigorously in his quest to achieve his dream of becoming an elite marine, but the woman he came to truly love. He administered chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth to your unresponsive body for twelve whole minutes before you sucked in a shaky breath and ridded your body from the salt-water your lungs had filled beyond capacity. He cried for you, willing every fibre of his being to bring you back from the brink of death to be at his side.
You felt warm tears freely spill down his cheeks as he continued to press his lips against your own, exchanging angles to deepen your kiss between gasped breaths.
You broke from his lips only to bring your thumbs up to his cheeks and soothe over the free-falling tears he released from his eyes as he was overcome with a tirade of intense emotions. You opted not to speak, but continue to administer a gentle touch over his skin as his body trembled. You kissed his cheeks softly as he whimpered into your touch, bringing his hands to your wrists and gently holding them against his face as he continued to enjoy your touch.
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He pressed his lips into each of your palms before looking deeply into your eyes with a broad smile after he worked through the complex emotions, emitting a laugh from his lips in absolute joy as he processed the fact you were returning his affections.
You returned his laugh with a small chuckle of your own as you gazed affectionately into his eyes before bringing your lips to press against his once more as to seal an unspoken promise made between you both.
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fanaticsnail · 1 month
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To the ends of the earth (one-shot)
The newest recruits taken under the wing of Vice-Admiral Garp are desperately required of breaking in their training. Leaving them in the care of a young lieutenant, Koby begins to develop a crush on his superior as he pushes his body under her command to perform to the best of his abilities.
Téir Abhaile Riú (3/3 Series)
The mighty Marine vessel Vice-Admiral Garp captains was in dire need of repair. Docking against the peer of a small country town, the Marines are welcomed to the shore by an impromptu performance by the local town celebrity band: the 'Merry Mellifluous Quint'. One of the five members catches the eye and attention of the fast-learning, pink haired cadet who in term becomes immediately smitten by the attention she receives from him.
It's All Okay (NSFW One-Shot)
When submissive Koby gives in to his dominant craving, and all he's met with is support, praise and affirmation in your arms.
Please, I'll be good (one-shot)
After rescuing you in the heat of battle, he can no longer contain his desires for you. He was so good. He can keep being good if it means you'll keep kissing him.
Koby, Sanji, Corazon, Sabo, Buggy, Shachi, Ace, Penguin
How They Kiss (drabble)
Four different kisses with all of your favourites. Where would you place them in these categories?
Bound to the Enemy (One-Shot)
Engaged in a heated battle between pirates and marines on neutral ground had the locals enact a punishment befitting the crime. Bound back to back with a marine, you come up with a plan to work together to break out of the trap and return to your crew.
Charlotte Katakuri:
Beautiful (One-Shot)
Big Mom has found her son, Charlotte Katakuri, a partner she deemed worthy enough for him to court for matrimony. While he is smitten immediately with you, he is determined to make a good impression on you by not revealing his face. Your curiosity gets the better of you.
Dreaming of You (One-Shot) NSFW
He couldn't help it. You looked so heavenly in his dream. The way you writhed on his lap, cried his name and allowed him to please you had him wake to sticky blankets when he jolted upright. His thoughts got the better of him, and he was wracked with a new mission to seek out whether it was a possibility to see it become a reality.
Elegia (Part 2 to Dreaming of You) SFW
After the events of Elegia with Tot Musica and Uta, you awaken to the looming figure of Katakuri standing above you. You apologise for the events that transpired, asking forgiveness for putting his siblings in danger, and only have respect meet you in your wake.
I Don't Want To Hurt You (One-Shot) NSFW
You have been married to Charlotte Katakuri for five years, and not once has he engaged with you intimately. You had not even seen his face without the shroud of fur atop it. In desperation for grandchildren from the minister of flour, his mother drugs him with a powerful aphrodesiac. The only cure is to give in to his desires and finally claim you as his spouse. Pollen trope.
Right here beside me (One-Shot)
The weather is getting warmer, and you decide to enjoy the warmth of its radiance on the deck of the ship you served on. Your crewmate joins you at your side, and you take the time to chastise him for interfering in the growing relationship between Oden and Toki while enjoying his embrace.
The Break is Never Easy (Dance Series) (request) (one-shot)
You were invited as an artist to showcase your work at the bi-anual ball thrown for the marines. A decade has passed between you and your severance from your ex-fiance, old flames reigniting as tension builds throughout the night.
Monkey D Garp:
Bonnie Lass: Part 1, Part 2(NSFW) (2/2 Series)
As the assistant to one of the warlords of the seas, it is your task to man the small den-den-mushi earpiece assigned to Mihawk: managing his assignments, scribing the notes of importance. As the receiver drones on, you answer the call and are greeted to the familiar brogue of the Vice-Admiral you had not yet met face to face. 
Bouquet of Red Roses (one-shot)
Your work day was interrupted by an open display of devotion from your lover, something you both agreed was for the best to keep secret from your colleagues.
Chef Zeff:
Honey Glazed (one-shot)
After completing the closing shift of chaotic energy aboard Baratie, conversations turn into flirtations as the chef's hold a completely hypothetical conversation regarding how to adequately prepare and cook-with human. The front of house manager offers her body to be the central focus for the fixation of the chef's unhinged thoughts. Zeff does not shy away from a flirtatious challenge.
Dreaming of You (drabbles)
They couldn't help it. You looked so heavenly in their dreams. The way they had you wrapped around their body as a marionette in their minds, dancing for them as they awoke to sticky blankets when they jolted upright. Their thoughts got the better of them, and they are wracked with guilt. Koby, Helmeppo, Smoker
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i-am-vita · 5 months
Ghost Rose musings: Loves and Friends
Some shorter Headcanons for OcReader because I have too many ideas to concentrate in my actual WIPs. And I still have to finish her bio and family. And her Phantom Pirates crew because stupid overachieving brain has to create full Ocs and lore. I swear I worked on this a normal amount of time.
Based on my first OPLA older menxfemreader headcanons
👉 Masterlist
Phantom Pirates Crew already.
Soon the Strawhats.
Characters: Shanks, Beckman, Mihawk, Bogard, Garp, Buggy, Zeff, Kuro, Crocodile, Do Flamingo, Big Mom.
Warnings: Swearing, back at excessive and unnecesary use of the word Fuck. Suggestive themes. Some spoiler of future OP (for the just OPLA readers).
Expect: Use of You, not y/n. Still bad english. These are not the Consistent Time Tenses you are looking for. I wrote half of this instead of working.
Still not beta'd because I exist in the void.
Redhead "I Ran Away with Him not Abducted by" Shanks
Bestie (with benefits most of the time). The person you trust most in the world. Always there when you need him, somehow. You love him to death, as a friend because man’s anti commitment in the best of days and you know it.
He is NOT jealous that Mihawk is interested in you and you reciprocate enough to have ended his benefits indefinitely. Not at all... Of course you deserve someone who loves and cherish only you as the treasure you are, to wake with you in his arm for the rest of his life... Fuck.
Fave of your Captain Erik. He still believes he can convince Shanks to settle down with you. Maybe he should arrange more jobs where you end up stranded somewhere and Shanks has to pick you up.
Benn "Hang in There, Old Man" Beckman
Just marry his Captain already so he has another babysitter that's not him, damn it! Give a man a break. May teams up with Eriksson to rid Shanks of his libertine ways.
Totally not getting Shanks all riled up by wondering out loud if Mihawk would actually propose to you. Should he tell him about the Bathhouse incident?
Dracule "I'm not Falling for Him" Mihawk
Woman, you stole from him, cinderella-ed him and he keeps looking for you. Get your shit together and fuck him already instead of running away after smooch him and heavy making out with him every time he finds you. It's not like you're falling in love with him. Nop... Fuck.
He is absolutely not so head over heels about you that has started to name your future child. Damn, you want to bring over your redhead plaything idiot from time to time? Go ahead. That Marine fucker better keep away from you. No, he’s not drunk in your favorite sweet red berries juice wine that he despises but still drinks because it reminds him of The Day You Met and the taste of your lips… Maybe.
Fave of your captain's wife. Full going for he's-the-catch-of-the-season victorian-matchmaker mode. May be arranging an unusual amount of balls and inviting him. Has the wedding planned already.
Bogard "It Would Never Have Worked" Rick
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We don't talk about Bogard. Too sad and guilty for leaving him hanging in your youth. You can't help but still care for him. Maybe still love him. A little. Let's not think about him.
He's not dying inside to have discovered you're the Ghost Rose and you may be in love with Mihawk. Absolutely no... Fuck.
Wait until he finds out about Shanks.
Monkey D. "My Son is the Most Wanted Man in the World" Garp
He is all for Bogard to "go fight for her, you idiot". Actually likes you and your boss.
If the Duchess arranges a ball, he's sending Bogard undercover to inform him if he notices some "suspicious activity". Bogard isn't getting it, would just byronicly sulk in the noir corners, doing his job and longing for you from afar.
"And why didn't you dance with her, moron? yOu WeRe DoInG yOuR jOb... I didn't get married and had a son by staying away just doing my job." Wait, was he married to the mother of his son? "Am I a barbarian like Roger? Of course I am married to the mother of my son." Wait, is she still around? "Like alive? Of course. She left and hates the guts of me for being absent all the time and driving our son away to an anti-government life but... still!" Hence...
Neither of you knows what is your bosses deal or history but Garp may be the only Marine in the world who knows that Duke Shostakovich Eriksson is the Phantom Captain. And gives no shit because he's a pal.
Who else is going to snitch all the gossip from his son's whereabouts and the marine highest ranks info they try to hide to him? All those jobs of sneaking in Marine Bases to get intel? They didn't come from him. Not at all... Oh.
Buggy "It was Just One Time" the Clown
You were wasted-drunk and freshly dumped Kuro!!! Not happening again because STANDARDS. Just don't let him sweet talk you and look at his pretty blue puppy eyes at the same time. DO. NOT. LOOK.
Somehow, your captain adores him, thinks he has potential. For what? You have no idea. Outdo him in extravagance?
Buggy kisses the ground your captain walks on. Even when he already told him that Roger never confessed to him about the One Piece. Doesn’t matter. Eriksson rocks. Yes, he knows his identity as does Shanks since he was besties with their captain. Never telling, clown’s promise!
Your crewmates Raoul and Carlotta may or may not have a crush on him. They can have all his chop-chop parts for all you care.
Red "I Ate my" Leg "to Save This Little Flirty Gremlin" Zeff
Eriksson's old bestie. Worked together for a while to seek information about the All Blue. They just talk in insults to each other.
They were supposed to meet that time his ship was wrecked and looked for him for months until your crew found him in that rock with his new kid. "And why the fuck did you tough it was a great idea to raid a ship in the middle of a storm, you mangy landlubber?" “There was something suspicious! Germa 66 was in the area some weeks ago, gossip said they may have planted something important there, you hornswogglin' son of a biscuit eater!” *Kid looks around pretending not being there*. "And that's why the intel dealer is me, not you, scurvy-ridden old sea rat!" *Eriksson looks pointly at kid while Zeff isn't looking*.
Helped him to retire and open his restaurant. His kid may have had a massive crush on you.
Kuro "Fuck That Guy and His Fucking Plans"
Except you did. Literal and metaphorical. And then dumped him for being a piece of shit. But the guy dared to threaten your niece and spat your identity in front of Bogard. Now they can truthfully give him up for death.
Sir "I Hate that Guy" Crocodile
He DARED to mistake you for an escort and groped you when he went to try to make a deal with Eriksson (as the Duke, not the Phantom Captain, he’s unaware of his alter ego). You almost beat the shit out of him (Gara vs Rock Lee style, see: Naruto) but ended up very even at the time.
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(Doesn't look like I thought about this obsessively.)
After that, he actually respected you but still ogles you shamelessly. Not forgetting it for the rest of your life. It goes without saying he never got a deal from the Duke.
It would be a shame if in the future it reaches the ears of a certain Best Swordsman to whom Croc is allied.
Don Quixote "That Fucking Bastard" Do Flamingo
Your captain despises him. They have history. Say no more, for you that's enough.
Charlotte "Big Souless Ugly $%&! Bitch Mom" Linn Linn
Hate her with all your being. No more comments or you may stab someone.
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fanaticsnail · 5 months
A Message from FanaticSnail
Hello, my beautiful readers and mutuals. How are we all going today?
I have a small ask of all you lovely individuals. I think I can pump out one more fic before the year ends, if given enough opportunity whilst interstate on holiday.
I simply can't choose.
If you would like to choose from this list what you'd most like to see before the year comes to a close, please select from the following!
I've also got two throuple thoughts to choose from 👀:
Cabaret at Baratie (Dance Series Sanji x dancer!reader x Zoro / Zeff one-shot)
Eyes On Me (unhinged smutty plot Sanji x second-mate!reader x Zoro one-shot)
I would absolutely adore hearing from you, and I aim to please!
@gingernut1314 @i-am-vita @feral-artistry @writingmysanity @sordidmusings @since-im-already-here - I'd love to hear your thoughts!
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i-am-vita · 2 months
A Night at Loguetown
A Bogard x FemOcReader Oneshot
+ 7,700 words Looong, I don't know what the hell happened here.
👉 My Masterlist, Oc Ghost Rose Masterlist
Fic based on my OPLA hot older guys headcanons. Just a little angsty love for the five Bogard fans out there. Shot out to those who wanted some Phantom Captain content.
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Summary: 8 years ago you had to go into hiding with your little niece to protect her after the demise of your entire stranded family. During the process to claim her as your ward, you meet again with the man whose heart you broke along with yours when you ran away from the life your family had decreed for you.
Warnings: Some swearing. Mention of family loss. Bittersweet, things may get angsty. Mention of drinking. Light NSFW, no smut but implicit sex. Definitely angsty ending.
Expect: They have History... and not just Bogard and Reader. Lovers to Strangers to Lovers. Idiots in Love who won't talk things out. Lost Chance. Use of You, not Y/N. FemOcReader, fem pronouns. Bad english, consistent time tenses not detected.
Any other warning or expectation you detect, let me know.
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Really, dear showrunners had no business hiring such a young handsome actor for Bogard. I accept no complaints.
8 years ago...
Poorly. You had thought of this poorly.
You've made a career in white collar robbery and piracy by planning and being prepared for every eventuality. You didn't enter a room without a full plan of action and at least three escape routes.
But all those years of pirate life went to hell the moment you heard of the ultimate demise of your entire estranged family. So when you knew of the survival of your niece and where she had been sheltered after the shipwreck, you had to make an effort not to zoom into the Loguetown Marine Base in a frenzy that would rival Kuro's during one of his bloodlust nights.
Still, you charged through the main door and into the hallways with such a pose and authority that the guards took a while to realize you weren't an Officer or even a Marine at all, despite your pristine two-piece cream suit.
Really, the pencil skirt and heels should have been a clue.
"I shall talk with the captain in charge of this base!" You demanded while looking in your pockets for the permission with the appointment when intercepted by two guards who didn't take kindly to being bossed by a random civilian woman and rudely grab your arm. "Get your paws off me!"
In an instant, you had the first guard on his knees in a painful joint lock, his twisted arm being held by your right hand, your fingers pressing certain paralyzing points on his flesh. Your left was preparing to deflect the baton of the second one when a scabbard appeared and intercepted the weapon, sending it flying with the smallest of flourishes along with the guard who ended up crashing against the wall.
Your eyes followed the length of the scabbard to the figure of a man dressed in a formal gray suit with the white coat of a high rank Marine Officer, a gray fedora obscuring the features of his face.
Suddenly you were aware of the situation you found yourself into, bursting into a Marine Base and technically attacking an officer, with absolutely no escape route or back up since you practically jumped the ship as soon as you docked.
Then, the man in the fedora raised his face and the world stopped spinning for a second.
Oh, fuck...
Because of all the Marine Bases in all the Blues, you had to storm into the one he was stationed.
Bogard had heard some Marines calling for a person but it had been the feminine voice speaking with such authority that stopped him in his tracks.
He turned the corner of the hallway in time to witness a guard rudely grabbing the arm of a well dressed woman while spitting words unfitable for a respectable Marine towards a civilian, let alone a lady.
"What the..." He heard the Vice Admiral who was turning himself while you immobilized the guard.
In an instant, Bogard had advanced towards the conflict and got rid of the second guard with a flourish of his still sheathed sword.
A heavy silence followed as he heard his first name from your lips. Nobody had called him anything but his family name since he had enlisted in his youth. Since you.
Your name too escaped his mouth in disbelief. His eyes widened as they traveled up and down your figure, taking note of your polished appearance but, more shocking, your martial pose.
You were never a fighter. Even from the short time you spent together in your youth it was clear you lack the ability to put on a fight. And here you were, ten years later, having blossomed into this stunning woman capable of dealing with a fully trained man bigger than you with only your non-dominant hand. In a skirt and heels.
It's not that you had been pinning over the memory of your first love all these years. You've lived the life you chose without regrets and had your own share of lovers through the time. But it had been an emotional amount of weeks with the memories of your beloved sister and previous life haunting you even in your sleep.
And with the memories of past times, inevitably came him and the day you broke both of your hearts…
The throat clearing of his boss brought both of you out of your reverie.
"Ejem... Madam, would you be so kind as to release the Ensign." You heard the heavily accented voice of an older man in full white suit and Marine coat pointing to the guard who still remained immobilized by your left hand.
I'll be damned... You thought when recognizing Vice Admiral Garp.
You loosen the guard's arm who snatched it and tried to regain his footing while reaching for his baton. A heavy glare from Bogard was enough to freeze him in place.
"Dismissed, Ensigns. You will answer for your manners later." He commanded both guards before returning his gaze back to you.
"... Madam, is there a reason why we shouldn't proceed as protocol for this exchange?" Garp questioned looking from you to Bogard who still remained unable to take his enthralled eyes off of you.
You barely managed to withdraw your eyes from your former suitor to look at his superior when another visitor showed up.
"Excuse me, Vice Admiral Garp, isn't it? May I intercede?" Spoke an elegant gentleman coming from the opposite side of the hallway, being escorted by a couple of guards. Dressed a little over the top with a dark blue three piece suit, a short cape, top-hat and a rapier sword at his hip, the old man looked like he had just come out of a ballroom.
Of course you knew your Captain Erik better. That was his to-go outfit for almost everything not pirate-related. And now he was presenting himself with his real identity to save your sorry impulsive ass.
"Shostakovich Eriksson, from Angel’s Arts and Exports." He introduced himself with an ostentatious curtsy. "I believe my employee has a meeting with the current captain of this base regarding the custody of a certain late Captain Charles’ child." He extended a folded paper accompanied by an ornate business card. The same paper with the appointment you had forgotten in your hurry.
Bogard received the papers and scanned them while Garp looked intensely at the newcomer, like trying to figure out something about him.
"Have we met, Mr. Shostakovich?" With a little gesture of his hand, Bogard showed his superior the card with the full name and rank of the gentleman. “... Duke Shostakovich.” Garp corrected himself.
"I believe we have spoken on the Mushi from time to time..." Your Captain answered enigmatically, giving the Vice Admiral a very particular gaze.
Both assistants looked baffled at their bosses.
You had no idea Captain Erik maintained certain communication with Vice Admiral Garp from all high rank Marine Officers. He tended to avoid them like the plague. Meanwhile, Bogard was sure at that point he knew all of his boss' associates out of the Marine but that gentleman's name had never come up.
Unless it was one of his unsavory contacts only known by a code name...
His sharp gaze went from Duke Shostakovich to you wondering what kind of job you’d do for someone like him. His only clue about what had become of you after breaking your courtship was a very recycled story from your family of you going away to be an artist against their wishes and cut all ties with them… and himself.
“A nasty situation.” Garp finally spoke. “Captain Charles was an exceptional Marine. Still, we are used to losing even the best of us, but his family too?” A pregnant pause. “I’m sorry for your loss, Madam.”
“Thank you, Vice Admiral.”
“Let's put behind this little misunderstanding. We have an appointment after all.” Suggested Eriksson signaling the hallway that led to the Base Captain’s office and making a small salute by bringing a hand to his top-hat as a farewell sign.
You were about to turn around when the Vice Admiral voice called for your Captain.
“Your Grace, may I have a word in private?”
A look of panic filled your face at the prospect of being left alone with the man who once asked for your hand so many years ago.
“... Why not?” Was your Captain’s answer.
Well, fuck.
Garp extended the glass of whisky he had just served from the local Captain’s stash to the elegant gentleman and served himself a second.
“... Really, Erik, a Duke?” He asked finally after assessing his counterpart.
The Phantom Captain made a small shrug that did little to alter his perfect sitting pose while sipping his whisky.
“You never asked about my real identity.”
Garp sighed heavily and drank his whole whisky in a go.
From all the things he expected to uncover after Captain Charles and his family’s perish, the identity of one of his oldest associates was not in the list. While his acquaintanceship went as far as The God Valley Incident thirty years ago, when Garp teamed up with Roger and his allies to fight off the Rocks Pirates, their formal arrangement started as recently as after the execution of the King of Pirates. As a last gesture, Roger had shared with him the contact of his main informant, the elusive Phantom Captain, just in case he needed something. Since then, his exchange of information was limited to Den Den Mushi calls and the occasional meet with the mysterious masked figure.
“And why now? After all these years…”
“I've learned to go with the current when the unexpected happens. Would you rather me to deny everything and leave you suspecting with all these other dubious facts around the former Captain of this base?”
“And about your little assistant?” The Vice Admiral inquired about the pretty lass that had single handed immobilized one of their officers and had his subordinate so entranced.
“Ah, that information is not up to trading. She’s been like another daughter to me and her secrets are her own.” The threat was evident in Eriksson’s tone. Garp understood, he himself was protective of his underlings too, no matter how old and experienced they were.
“Funny thing, I was considering giving you a call as long as I was out of here. What information do you have about Captain Charles?”
“Native of somewhere in the New World. No registered relatives. Surprisingly wealthy young man. Enlisted at 21 years old under your personal tutelage. A meteoric career. Married at 26 to the eldest stepdaughter of late Admiral Thorne. Very low profile since then.” Eriksson kept enlisting the many accomplishments of his assistant’s brother-in-law. “Recently promoted to Loguetown Base… Killed a month ago during a raid at the ship that transported him and his family to his new residence. No survivors except for his only child.”
“Officially, that was an accident.” Grunted Garp tightening his hand around the glass. It had been frustrating to be asked by the upwards to let the case be archived as a shipwreck and brushed under the carpet.
“... That’s new.”
“Fresh from this morning.”
“Oh? They found out the culprit, didn’t they?”
“Not to my knowledge. What do you have?”
“Uhm… Didn’t you ever wonder about your former pupil's family name?”
“Are you calling a family feud? But no, no registry of his family.” Garp considered this new angle for a second. Marines hardly have any ties to their families once enlisted. Orphanhood being a most common occurrence. “Charles…” Understanding finally entered the Vice Admiral's mind. “No way.”
“Alleged fifth son, expelled and erased from the family records at 19 years old. Managed to steal a large amount of treasure before disappearing. What he took that was so valuable they were after him all these years and how they finally found him remains unknown.”
“Treasure or not, that would make that little girl the grandchild of…” The Phantom Captain made an affirmative nod. “No wonder they were eager to send her somewhere hidden and secure.”
“To send her…”
“The child was sent to a secure location when it was apparent the claiming process by her aunt was going to take a longer time than anticipated.” Eriksson’s left eye twitched in annoyance at not having been privy to that knowledge.
Like you would’ve said: well, fuck.
The insistent tic of a nearby clock marked the pass of seconds since both older men had entered the small office an overeager Captain had borrowed, leaving their younger underlings at the small and empty waiting room.
Bogard’s gaze almost hadn't left your figure since the moment he caught sight of you, feeling like a caress in its intensity, leaving you flustered like that young debutante in his first ball that you were once.
"You look good." His words broke the heavy silence, finally addressing you for the first time in ten years.
"Thank you…” You found the courage to take your attention off the clock and back to your former beau. Time had certainly suited him turning that young promising officer barely out of teenaging that you were so enamored with in your late teens into this earnest and dashing man. “... I like your hat."
An unamused chuckle followed your remark. Bogard diverted his face to the side while taking a step towards you before returning his intense dark gaze to you again.
“... Are pleasantries all that’s left of us?”
Bogard had thought himself prepared to face you. After the death of his dear friend Charles with his wife and in-laws, it was obvious there was only one person to take care of their surviving child and the family's inheritance. With Vice Admiral Garp in charge of the investigation, it was inevitable that your paths cross again.
But a week passed, and then two. A solicitor from a private firm assured them you were on your way. More weeks… And just on his last day ashore, you stormed into the Loguetown Base, assaulting the first guards who dared to stop you from your meeting, looking all proper and polished with a Duke as your benefactor.
He was prepared to face the girl that had rejected his hand, he was not ready for the stunning woman that arrived instead.
“I didn’t believe there was an us left after...”
“After you ended it all?” The accusing tone was evident in his low voice, something that was expected. What you didn’t expect was the pang of longing in your heart when another step brought him closer to you, enough that, if you dared to uncross your arms, you could raise your hand to touch his clean shaven jaw and discover if it felt as soft as it looked.
“I understand if you’re still angry at me, but this is hardly the time…”
“There hasn’t been a time in ten years.” He spat coldly. “I looked for you. I asked and asked again but nobody would tell me a damn thing. Sometimes I wondered if you were still alive…”
Those first years after your departure were a torture to Bogard. Wondering where he went wrong for you to reject him and leave so suddenly. What befalled to you? Where you safe? Did you even make it to where you were supposed to?
“Because nobody knew.” You fought to keep your voice low in vain. “I didn’t want to be found. I didn’t want anything to do with that life anymore.” It had taken you years to finally dare to contact your sister, a fact she had sworn to keep a secret. Still, not even she would have been capable of pinpointing your location.
“... Was the prospect of marrying me so daunting?” Were his affections not enough for you? He knew his heritage was not nearly as much as your family may have wanted but his promising career and friendship with your brother-in-law were considered adequate enough when he asked for their permission to court you.
“It wasn’t. That’s what scared me the most. You were ready to reject the Vice Admiral’s promotion to stay with me and I was suffocating at the idea of a life like my mother and my sister.”
There it was, you’ve finally said it out. You both had your own dreams and ambitions before meeting each other, how were you so ready to let it all go wasted after mere months together?
“You were my first love, you still are the only man I’ve ever loved…”
You knew you never loved Shanks as more than the best of friends even if your on and off relationship had been the longest of all; Kuro had been a lie, a master manipulator that knew how to twist your affections and the memory of your first love to his interests; Buggy was a pretty eyes nuisance, it was just one time and you were wasted drunk after dumping Kuro. But Bogard? You may have been just a teen but your regard towards him was still one yet to be surpassed, and it was precisely its intensity that scared you off.
To hear that confession from your lips after so many years was like a balm to Bogard’s heart. His hand raised almost on its own volition towards your face, his fingers barely grazing your cheek when your next words halted his movement.
"... but we were too young.” You added in a defeated tone. “We knew very little of each other when we were together all those years ago and now… it’s just too late. We have our lives. I'll go with my niece soon and you to your next commission. If we leave it this way we may remember the good of those days as happy as they were instead of the tragedy that brought us today.”
Bogard wanted to punch himself for his idiocy. Here you were, dealing with the sudden demise of your family, changing your entire life that you had made for yourself to take care of an orphan child you barely knew. And here he was demanding and complaining for his ten year old unresolved feelings towards you like the sulking teenager he once was.
An apology was already forming on his lips when the office door finally opened letting out Garp and Eriksson who regarded their younger assistants with equal looks of bewilderment at their closeness.
You backed away to a proper distance, knowing that whatever time life may have offered you with your old flame was gone.
“Farewell, Lieutenant.” You made polite curtsy like those you were taught in your youth.
Bogard brought your hand gallantry towards his lips in a goodbye kiss. His dark eyes never leaving yours. You let out a small gasp, soft red lips slightly opened like begging for a proper kiss akin to the one he couldn’t give you the first time you went away from him.
Sad eyes followed the figure of the Vice Admiral Second while both Marines walked away into the hallway.
“So… that was The Guy.” Eriksson murmured in a teasing tone. You could feel the blush taking over your cheeks. It had been years since you shared the story of your first love at a drinks night with your crew. You didn’t think he would remember.
At that moment, the current Captain of the base called you into his office to start the process you were called upon.
“So… that was The Lass.” Garp murmured to his second. Bogard cleared his throat uncomfortably, not letting his mask of stoicism drop from his face.
How could Garp forget all those years ago when the best of his young former cadets, freshly promoted to Petty Officer and ready to be permanently assigned to his ship, almost left everything for the hand of a pretty lass? A pretty lass that displayed a little more common sense by rejecting the proposal and returning his prize pupil to his original ambitions.
Garp knew it had been a bitter pill but the life of a Marine rarely left time for personal attachments and romance. Most officers ended up having few contact with their families and significant others until the relationships cooled down into mere acquaintanceships.
Eriksson's little assistant had made the right call and for that Garp respected her. Enough to make a small concession for a day, even if it came years in the after.
“All is in order to set sail with the first tide in the morning.” The Vice Admiral commented after several minutes of silence while the pair exited the base, heading to the docks.
“Aye, sir. All permits have been signed.”
“Good, good. Let’s take the rest of the day off.”
“Life's too short to not enjoy a nice free evening when it shows up so unexpectedly.” The older man gave his younger companion a significant look. “I may look for a nice place to dine, call upon some acquaintances if they’re still around. See you on the morrow, my lad.” Garp gave a friendly path over his collaborator's shoulder and parted away leaving a very astonished Bogard.
Bureaucracy was the worst.
Paperwork filling, walking from office to office, and explaining time and time again why it had taken you a month to arrive at Loguetown to fulfill your new responsibility as the only direct heir of your family and ward of your niece.
“You try to cross from the other fucking side of the Grand Line in less than a month…” You would think bitterly.
“Do not mistake the tardiness of my First Assistant as apathy toward her duty.” The Duke would supply, detecting the signs of stress over the fidgety of your fingers. “My dukedom is not around the next island and the Grand Line is not smooth sailing on the best of days.”
The presence of the Duke and the lies of your parents over your disappearance had worked well on your behalf. The fact your sister kept the carefully edited letters you sent her from time to time over the years and your personal Den Den Mushi contact helped too. That’s how the family lawyer had found you.
You were yet to be taken with your niece. They won’t even tell you where she was and that was the worst. Was she injured? Scared? Was somebody with her or did they keep her alone in some hide room for her own sake?
“All papers are in order…” The Marine Lawyer finally declared to you and the solicitor from the family that had taken your niece, a kind lamb-look-alike gentleman that introduced himself as Mr. Merry. “Miss Thorne may lay claim over the child as her legal tutor at any moment from now.”
“Excellent.” Claimed happily Mr. Merry offering to shake your hand. “I'm so glad this matter was finally settled. I don’t know how many more days I would be allowed to wait at Loguetown for the legal procedures.”
“And I deeply apologize for the delay, Mr. Merry. It has not been the easiest of transitions.” You said to the lamb-man.
“Of course, and I am deeply sorry for your loss, Madam. Your sister and her family were greatly appreciated by my employers and rest assured you and your niece are welcome as many times as you wish at their state. Their daughter, Miss Kaya, would be delighted to have her dear friend close.”
It relieved you to know that your niece was well cared for among family friends and arranged with Mr. Merry to set sail to Syrup Village in your respective ships the next day after brunch.
The sun was low in the sky when you and Eriksson finally walked out of the Base. The weary sight of you gaining a concerned look from your Captain.
You were one of his best assets on the field, steady and fast when retrieving any information he may be after, your knowledge and culture toward appraising any of his retrieved pieces of art and treasures remarkable, your leading as his First Officer for the last years outstanding, but your patience towards more polite intercourses runs thin. Added the emotional turmoil of the last month and your recent encounter with whom he assumed was your first love… He knew you were ready to snap.
“What was all that with the Vice Admiral?” You asked suddenly.
“Dunno. What was all that with the Vice Admiral’s handsome subordinate?” A small smile finally appeared on your lips at your Captain Erik’s antics. “Where do you think all those assignments to acquire intel from Marine Bases came from?”
“...  You've got to be kidding me.”
Would there ever be a day when the Phantom Captain didn’t leave you stunned with a random fact about his mysterious acquaintanceships?
An hour later, you were still munching the new information about Vice Admiral Garp and Captain Erik’s association. Does that mean Bogard would be privy to the same information? Would his superior share the identity of the Phantom Captain with him? He looked as surprised as you at Garp’s assessment of the Duke when he introduced himself. Would Bogard judge the fact you ran away from your engagement to end up becoming the same thing he fought against? That you were the Ghost Rose?
“Stop, I can see the smoke coming out of your ears. If dad thought it acceptable to share his identity with the Vice Admiral it means he’s legit and won’t snitch on him.” The soft voice of Raoul tried to serene your thoughts.
“For once, it’s not the well being of the Captain that concerns our dear rose, is it?” Added Carlotta between sips of her pink cocktail.
“Ohhh, more like some tall, noir and handsome Lieutenant in a fedora.” Purred Meg giving you a nudge.
You drank your glass of sweet red wine in a go to have something to blame for the subtle blush on your cheeks. After you came back from your appointment at the Marine Base, your crew decided a farewell night of drinks was due. It had been during one of your first bonding over drinks night that you had shared the story of your first love and how you came to be where you were with them. You couldn’t believe they still remembered but that’s what you get when you deal with a crew who thrive in collecting intel from all the seas.
“Hey, if you need the night to sort things out, we won't hold it against you. I know these past weeks haven’t been easy.” Murmured Carlotta, giving your hand a friendly grip.
Your crew knew that while you loved them to death, you were also a person who valued more alone time when something plagued your thoughts.
That’s how you found yourself wandering the streets of the city of your youth, letting your feet guide you wherever they desire.
From your vantage point on a stone bridge, you could sight The Angel of Music at port, captain Erik’s favorite vessel, where you had been sailing for the past years.
It was ironic that, from all the crews sailing the seas, you ended working for an extravagant Duke posing as a Pirate Captain.
“Nobility was suffocating me. I could no longer live among the fake and lies of the World Government so I decided to run away to discover the secrets of the world.” Your captain had shared with you when you asked him why he had chosen you as a protegee among the Red Hair Pirates. “Your Redhaired boyfriend was raised in this Pirate World and has all the intention of living and dying in it. We had a very different upbringing. Life has a way of finding us and pushing us back where we come from, one way or another. So we, upper runaways, should stick together. We have better odds to face the comeback side by side.”
How forewarning have been the Duke’s words. Your old life had indeed found you and dragged you back where you started.
Your eyes catched the sight of the Marine Vessel captained by Vice Admiral Garp. Small figures in white running up and down, ensuring their evening chores, preparing to depart at first light in the morning and, hopefully, with it the memory of your encounter with your first love.
You turned from the view of the port and kept walking the polished and well kept streets of Loguetown, lost in your head among memories and ghosts of the past but sure of the certainty of your decision. You’ll go the next day to meet with Mr. Merry’s employers who had taken your niece temporarily under their wing. Whether she wants to go living with you to your birth town or both stay in Syrup Village with her friend, your life would change irrevocably. Again.
You found the square following the melody of string instruments. More like a hidden corner between the tall elegant buildings. A little cafe spreaded its product’s scent on the air along with the bread, cheese and spices of the adjacent diner. A few young Marine cadets and civilians occupied tables and benches, enjoying the still warm weather of the late afternoon and the ocean view.
A small band at the corner played soft tunes to which some couples danced at the center of the square.
You love dancing. It was the only joy you found among the insipid upper class you were dragged to after the second marriage of your mother in your infancy. You wanted your little town by the sea back, the seasonal festivals full of lively music and food, the narrow shabby streets with intimate corners such as this one…
You were brought out of your reminiscence by the silent approach of the same gentleman that plagued your thoughts earlier. His stoic countenance softened by the smallest of smiles while his eyes roamed your figure now free of your previous formal wear and encased in a fitting black lace dress.
After your exchange of words that morning, Bogard had thought you gone for good again. Dread filling him at his inability to express the longing for you in his heart. So many years of putting on a facade of soldierly professionalism had taken its toll and it had been tough to let himself be vulnerable with another again. He had gone defensive over your candor at addressing your past courtship and inexperience in dealing with the fervor of your affection toward one another.
The dismissal of his superior for the rest of the day gave him hope to set things right between you. He knew what the bureaucratic processes entailed so he was left with time to seek one of his favorite places for the very few occasions when he had had a free evening in the city and freshen himself up, but he couldn’t resist calling upon some favors to obtain some information about this Duke Shostakovich.
There was something about all that earlier interaction that wouldn’t let him be.
Hours later, he hadn’t come with anything that seemed dubious enough. Duke Shostakovich had had a clean business since he had claimed his title and current lands; his islands were a safe haven in the Grand Line for both his subjects and refugees. Nobody had dared to fight his territories, some islands near him even asked for his protection. If it wasn't for his philanthropic image and lack of expansionist ambition, he could be considered an equal to the Emperors of the New World… And have you been working for him all these years? Doing what exactly?
The sun was already set near the horizon when he was informed through a mutual at the Base that the procedures had finished more than an hour ago and the Duke and his assistant had left.
Bogard cursed his researcher nature for taking so much of his time. In his haste to depart to find you, he left behind his white coat and suit jacket. He was about to go back upstairs for them when a vision of a beauty in a black lace dress crossed his sight.
It was not the first time in the past ten years that he let himself be swayed away by the image of a woman reminiscent of yourself. He had to look twice to ensure that it was indeed you walking in the small square near the inn, regarding the dancing couples with longing.
Years of training made Bogard’s steps almost soundless. He was about to clear his throat to call for your attention when a sudden stiffness took over your back and you turned around. Your left hand moved unconsciously to your thigh where your trusted blades laid sheathed under the fabric of your short dress.
Your eyes danced over the silent approaching figure of the Vice Admiral’s Second. His coat and jacket nowhere to be seen, the cuffs of his shirt rolled over his toned forearms, the gray waistcoat accentuating his lean figure previously hidden by the burlines of his coats.
“Am I under any suspicion to merit this silent approach, Lieutenant?”
“It depends. Have you engaged in suspicious activities recently, madam?” The light jest brought a smile to both former lovers. Oh, if only he knew. “I happen to have a room in this inn.”
“Do you happen to spend many nights at inns?”
“Being in close quarters at sea for weeks can get… tiring. A good night ashore makes wonders.”
“Yeah, tell me about it.” You smiled at the memory of your first months at sea. How that first sensation of liberty turned into dread pretty soon. “I was ready to jump overboard and swim to port the first time we spotted land after three weeks at sea.”
It wasn’t the first time that something in your demeanor was off for someone presumably invested in the arts world, starting with your fighting display from earlier. Bogard wasn’t the most connoisseur of the arts trade but something didn’t match...
“You are thinking too loud.”
“May you elaborate, madam?”
“You have that same frown from the first time we met and I asked you to help me hide from my brother-in-law and whoever of his friends he was set to pair me with.” Bogard chuckled at the memory.
By request of your mother, poor Charles was left with the responsibility of introducing you to his most eligible acquaintances during your debut. Bogard already knew of you, having been asked by his friend to dance with you to get rid of his meddling mother-in-law. He didn’t expect to find a kindred spirit in his discomfort of upper social gatherings. Time flew by dancing and conversing with you.
Like that first night, Bogard extended a hand to you in a silent request for a dance. You gave him your own hand in return and let him guide you to the center of the square where other couples danced at the rhythm of the band’s instruments while a female voice sang about a night of romance in a far away city. He followed the familiar steps of the square pattern with ease and grace.
“You haven’t forgotten.”
“What kind of swordsman would I be if I didn’t have a perfect stance and footing.” He repeated his words from that first time you danced when you expressed your surprise over his skilled steps. “About earlier today…” He added after more seconds of swaying. He had a second chance that day to make it right with you. “Please, forgive me.”
“After how I ended everything, I should be the one asking for your forgiveness…”
“No, you were right in walking away from it all. We were too young and I asked too much from you too soon.”
“Let’s not lean on it, we are not those children anymore.”
You were right to point out how little you really knew about each other. He was so set in enamored you and made you his that he failed to assess your wishes for the future. While he could recognize and accept the infatuation of his younger self as immature in nature, the memory of your past romance was mixing with the current feelings of a full grown man towards a woman whose beauty and mysterious allure enchanted him.
His hand on your waist tightened until pressing your bodies closer in a sensual move that had nothing to do with those he’d attempted when dancing with you in your youth. Your left temple laid gently against his smooth cheek thanks to the added height of your heels. If he moved slightly, he could taste your lips with his and determine if they were as sweet as he remembered…
His intent was stopped by your retreating body while your head denied his advance.
“Nothing has changed from this morning, Rick. We are still set for different paths tomorrow.”
“There’s still tonight.”
Bogard drew you back to him and the soft sway of your bodies at the slow rhythm of the string instruments. Your traitor body eager for his touch, warmth filling your belly at the prospect… Would it be that bad to let yourself get a taste of what could have been?
“What then, Lieutenant?”
“May I invite you a drink, madam?”
A drink turned to full dine at one of the small tables at the terrace, among longing gazes and soft hands touches, sharing under the candlelights and between sips of wine those parts of your lives safe enough to not break the illusion of normalcy that you wished to enjoy if only for the short time you had…
You didn't mean to stay the whole night in Bogard’s bed, but your body refused to part from his warmth, your face hidden in his neck, the scent of his aftershave still lingering on his skin, his fingertips tracing imaginary lines over your naked back and shoulders leaving delicious shivers.
The first time you were set to retire from his room, but his thoughtful care at cleaning you and ensuring your comfort after your joining made you lure him against you again, and then more until exhaustion finally took over, letting yourself be drawn first to a light slumber and finally pass out in his arms.
Bogard woke up first after some hours of rest, his body used to rising before dawn after years of life at sea and setting sail with the first light. Reluctantly, he abandoned the softness of your body under the sheets to retrieve both of your clothes from the spots where they have been left behind during the night.
His foot made contact with a cold metal and he remembered the satchel of rose carved blades tied to your left thigh he had uncovered after removing your dress, the carvings combining with those of the rings that adorned both of your middle fingers. A small sight of panic had seized your eyes before he knelt and his skilled fingers got rid of the offending garment to continue his survey of your skin with his lips.
Now his inquiring mind insisted on his suspicions from the day before but why couldn’t there be a simple and innocent explanation? Yes, you worked for a noble dedicated to the arts and philanthropy for years, a Duke whose lands were located in one of the most dangerous regions of the seas. The Grand Line was unforgiving and a death sentence to those who didn’t prepare to deal with its hazards. You had lived in it, probably sailed it regularly as commissioner of your boss’ exports, of course you had hardened and developed fighting abilities to survive…
A soft slide of sheets brought him out of his thoughts to retrieve your possessions and leave them at the feet of the mattress. Your still sleeping form getting restless without his presence beside you.
He continued getting dressed, the Marine in him insistent in departing towards his duty, the man already yearning for your soft skin and the intoxicating flowery scent of your hair but he wanted to respect your decision of letting it be. In the past, he had overseen your wishes, took for granted that your mutual affection was enough to start a life together at the expense of both your dreams and ambitions.
Now he knew better and pondered if with the years he would have gotten restless or resentful toward renouncing Garp’s promotion and be stationed somewhere safe and have a family with you, like his friend Charles had done with his own.
Even when his body burned for you, more now that he had got the opportunity to have you, he could not feel other than grateful for you taking the decision for both to go live your own separate lives all those years ago but… what about now? You had taken the decision to come back from your life to care for your niece and start anew somewhere safe.
Would you be willing to have him in your life again?
Bogard rejected the thought as soon as it formed. What kind of companion would he be to you or even a father figure to your child? Always absent sailing the seas with the constant threat of losing his life in the line of duty. You had already lost a father and a stepfather like that.
No, you were right from the beginning. It was better for you two to go your own separate ways…
You were pulled out of your slumber by the subtle sounds of movement and fabric, your mind too trained to be alert to keep you in sleep anymore even if it recognized the safe space you were in with your companion for the night. Among the shadows of the predawn, you recognized the male figure of your lover getting dressed, the muscles of his back moving enticingly while he put on his white shirt and the rest of his formal wear.
Knowing the farewell was upon you, you rise from the bed and put on your dress, a sudden need to be covered to face Bogard for a last time. You approached silently and touched his shoulder gently, his lack of a sudden reaction indicative of his awareness of you.
“Let me.” You signaled the hastily made knot of his tie and helped him tidy it. His coats and hat remained at the table next to the door, ready to be taken. You couldn’t help taking the gray fedora to place it on his head, your fingers caressing the line of his short hair, down to his forehead, over his elegant nose and lips…
Bogard pulled you towards him for that last kiss he regretted not giving you before. His mouth eager and passionate while his hands roamed the skin of your back still free of the zipper of your dress. Your own hands wandered over his jaw and clothed shoulders, fighting not to tear off the fabric to feel again his warm skin under your fingers.
His tongue nudged gently your lips to deepen the kiss and yours answered in equal fervor. Both trying to convey with your bodies the yearning for a life that was no longer available to you. His eager lips drift down your neck to murmured sweet endearment in your ear between kisses.
“Mia cara rosa, I…”
“No, please, don’t say it.” If you heard him say it out loud you may have broken right there.
He acquiesced and finally pulled away from your embrace. You’ll remember everything happening very quickly from there. You helping him put on his gray coat, white Marine overcoat folded on his arm. You opening the door, Bogard pulling you in for another kiss, you drawing him in for one more… And then he was gone.
You rested your forehead on the dry wood of the closed door, letting out a small whimper and the tears you didn’t dare to spill in the presence of your love for fear of making him doubt your resolve of going separate ways again but…
Would you dare? You wondered while getting properly dressed yourself.
To share with him your true identity as the Ghost Rose, open up about your recent past, the things you have done, even against the World Government and the Marine.
As Garp’s subordinate, would his sense of order and justice be as flexible to accept you in his life? Or would he ask for no explanation and look the other way around to every suspicious detail of your life, letting the secrets accumulate until you drown each other in distrust?
You walked back to your Captain’s ship, silently and slowly, the heels of your shoes the only source of sound in the dark streets before dawn, unsure if in fear or anticipation of finding Bogard waiting for you after all.
The view of the docks greeted you finally, the first lights of the sun coloring the sky in bright pinks while a Marine vessel set sail to the horizon.
You couldn’t help yourself. You ran towards the space Vice Admiral’s ship occupied minutes ago and to the edge where the waves crashed against the concrete, watching the sea taking your love away the same way he saw you go all those years ago... A hand found a place on your shoulder giving it a friendly grip, you turned lighty to see your Captain Erik comforting smile.
Yes, life had dragged you back where you started, but you had people at your side to face the comeback.
I'm not crying, you are...
Moots and interested people I remember: @fanaticsnail @jintaka-hane @cinnbar-bun @gingernut1314 @writingmysanity @feral-artistry @holylanguagesbatman @triangularz
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i-am-vita · 23 days
Scruffy Bogard Headcanons
To all five Bogard fans out here. If @fanaticsnail brought us Clean Shaven Mihawk, I bring us Scruffy Bogard.
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(Photos from Armand Aucamp Facebook. Kudos to his photographer because daaaaamn, that lightning 👀)
This came from my idea that, if Bogard grew a beard and got rid of the fedora, nobody would recognize him.
The first time Bogard came back on board after a week leave, all refreshed and unbothered, a grown beard and disheveled hair, nobody recognized him. He walked to his quarters leaving a trail of whispers and sighs from the crew.
Hours later he was back in full uniform and properly groomed, ready to set sail.
The crew kept looking around and asking about the new handsome officer that had come aboard. Bogard would blush and chastise them to go back to their chores. Garp cackled so hard.
But also got the Best Idea Ever™️
Since Bogard is so unrecognizable, he would send him on spy missions when needed.
It's a surprising good idea and Bogard is really good at blending in a crowd or tavern and listening to good gossip.
The problem came when Garp decided that he wanted to play too and go with Bogard to infiltrate some pirate lair.
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(Pic from southafrican movie Krotoa starring Armand Aucamp)
As we all can see, Bogard was not amused since Garp is as subtle as an elephant seal, but played the roll of sassy pirate captain surprinsingly well.
Until of course somebody did recognized Garp and everything went to hell. They blew up a little more than their cover, but mostly came out unharmed.
Sengoku was not amused either. They have been planning to take down that lair and capture many pirate crews, just needed a good recollection of the field.
Needless to say that Garp was banned from any spy mission from then on.
Also, also!!!!! Fic ideas (?)
Bogard is on leave and meets Ghost Rose again by chance five years after A Night at Loguetown when she's going back home from a short mission for her old crew. Romantic noir drama ensues again.
Headcanon Divergence - Garp sends Bogard to retrieve some intel from the Phantom Pirates. Normally is the Phantom Captain himself who deals with it, and takes Ghost Rose as back up. She's always in some kind of disguise and stays on the background so Bogard never realizes she's his lost love.
Until one time something goes amiss and they have to escape. They separate from the Phantom Captain. Bogard and Ghost Rose team up to make it somewhere safe to lay low for the night....
Extra kudos if Bogard gets some minor injury and Ghost Rose has to patch him up while still doing her best to keep her disguise.
I have other things to write, why am I doing this to myself???
Moots and interested people I remember: @jintaka-hane @gingernut1314 @writingmysanity @feral-artistry @indydonuts @since-im-already-here
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fanaticsnail · 5 months
Works In Progress: Round-Up
@sordidmusings, thank you for your tag. It's really lit the firecracker and having the fingertips sprinting to complete these WIPS. Thank you for holding me accountable and just being amazing.
@writingmysanity, @gingernut1314: I would love to hear what you're both concocting up with your beautiful words. Share with the class, I'm all eyes and ears.
@feral-artistry, @empressofmankind: Have you got any sneak peeks of your art you'd like to tease? I am keen!!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it!
There are a few, so I'm going to add a page break. If you're keen on reading below, I'd love to hear which ones you'd like to steer me on towards.
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Open Mic Night (request) (One-Shot) Buggy x Reader
A night off from their regular duties, the Buggy-Pirates drunkenly stumble into a small tavern running an open-mic-night for the locals and tourists to indulge in singing away their blues and joyful lilting of melodies.
Usually one to shy away from the spotlight to support others in stampeding towards stardom; Buggy's stage-hand, under the liquid courage and support driven to her by her coworkers, decides to utilise her voice to finally chase the thrill of her own moment within the spotlight. The Clown-Captain is simply enchanted by her.
Kintsugi (one-shot) (mood board) Buggy x Reader
An artist amongst the Buggy-Pirates longs to demonstrate how truly beautiful she finds her beloved clown-captain; even though he himself cannot see it. Through the art of kintsugi and the use of the chop-chop fruit; she paints and repairs him piece by piece to form him completely within her skilled hands.
Mambo: (Dance Series) (request) (one-shot) Bogard x Reader
Leaving him jilted in your youth and opting to become a world renowned antiquities appraiser and artist, you are again reunited with your young love at a night hosted by your boss at his artistic manor. With your art showcased around the halls, embellished in hues of gold and bronze, your confidence was unwavering. Apprehension left you as he invited you against himself to reminisce with him of what could've been, swaying to the music in the arms of one another. Will the smoldered flames rekindle? If not for the rest of your life, surely one night would not change anything...
Bolero: (Dance Series) (one-shot) Garp x Reader
The daughter of a wealthy noble notices the eyes falling to her at the banquet table. Her dalliances' with those closer in proximity to her age was so far inadequate to satiate her desire for adventure and danger. If she askes this silver fox to dance with her after the evening meal, will she experience the thrill she so desires within the arms of an older man?
The Hawk and the Weasel (request) (one-shot) Mihawk x Reader
Overcome with fatigue, exhaustion and rage; the Hawk finally has the Weasel within his talons. At long last, you are captured and will be taken to receive justice at the hands of the world government. The two of you are beyond tired, but Mihawk does not trust you not to wriggle yourself from his clutches. He has no choice but to cuff you against himself, trusting only the gentle flush of the heat rising from your body against his own to be theonly way he knows you're still contained.
The Bear and the Bow (request) (one-shot) Shanks x Reader
To win the heart and hand of a fair maiden, many a foe attempted to best her in her skills as an archer. All failed in their attempt, none succeeding in besting nor wooing the warrior-woman. But there was one that began weaseling his way into her very soul: a red-head with a liver for rum, a smile like sunlight and the eyes of a commanding storm.
Jig (Dance Series) (one-shot) Shanks x Reader
A night of drinking and merriment amongst the red-hair pirates led them to spill their frothy ales atop the benches and floorboards of a run of the mill tavern; much to the disdain of the waitress being tasked with trailing their havoc and tidying their mischief. The captain of the red-hair pirates longs to bring a smile to her face; as she caught his eye with her surliness each time he graced her port, yearning for a reaction from her stony expression. Perhaps if he could persuade her to join him for a jig, she might break from her contemptuous expression.
Foxtrot (Dance Series) (one-shot) Koby x Reader
The Marine Ball was either a joy for the upper-class cadets, or the ruin of many a lowerclassmen amongst them. Admiral Garp began his instruction, pairing up the differing classes of cadets with their perspective counterparts; the pink-haired quick learner becoming flustered under the confident presence of his dance partner. Her compassion for her skill alongside his apprehension to engage in the dance drove her to teach him how to confidently and successfully lead her in dance.
Sapsorrow: (ongoing series) Mihawk x Reader
"Whom so ever fits the ring becomes wed to the warlord who owns it." The Governess of Dracule Mihawk at Castle Kuraigana has accidentally invoked an ancient curse against the worlds greatest swordsman. By slipping a ring onto her finger, she has become engaged to the former Warlord. She lays out three impossible circumstances for him to complete in order for them to be wed, truly not knowing Mihawk's life is at stake should he fail to meet this task. Apprehensively, their walls break down as they get to know each other better in formal courtship - no matter how they try to fight it, it's happening and feelings are being caught.
The Apprentice: (ongoing series) Mihawk x Reader
Mihawk is a bitchy boss, the apprentice is his bratty underling. Professionalism, sword-mastery and affiliation for wine consumption drives their relationship.Mihawk pushed his apprentice a little too far, prompting her to submit a formal resignation effective immediately. Calling her bluff, he attempts to chaperone her towards a cellar door to begin an afternoon of wine-tasting, only to find absence at his side as his apprentice simply walked away from him. And he was angry about it.
Trios One-Shots:
S.O.S (one-shot)(mood board) Sir Crocodile x Reader x Sanji
She longs to escape, but plays into the role of complete obedience to her powerful employer. As a last ditch effort, she sings in French to avoid suspicion; claiming the gaze and attention from a young, blonde chef in Alabaster - immediately longing to release her from her entrapment.
Cabaret at Baratie: (one-shot) Zoro x Reader x Sanji
The Straw-Hat pirates return to Baratie to settle their dining debt. Music coming from the kitchen, the crew finds a mysterious woman completing domestic back-of-house duties with Patty and Carne; wearing scantily clad clothing and performing a dance of mischievous seduction with the two chefs amongst cleaning the dishes. Chef Zeff, welcoming them back, informs the crew: a travelling cabaret crew has been performing at Baratie for the past month. Two crewmen amongst the pirates become immediately infatuated by the playfulness of the woman in the kitchen, vowing to compete for her affection. Who will win? How could she possibly choose between them?
Eyes Meeting: (NSFW one-shot) Zoro x Reader x Sanji
While clutching the back of the open shirt of the blonde chef, braced against the kitchen counter as he smother's your neck and jaw with sweet kisses, you notice a small shimmer of gold in the doorframe. Was Zoro watching you? Was he watching both of you together? Keeping your eyes fixed on the door and silencing your breaths, your eyes meet with the intense hazelnut stare of the swordsman: watching you both intently.
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i-am-vita · 2 days
Bogard Bodice Ripper pt 3 (color)
It took me forever to decide on a color palette, and between writting and vacations I didn't finished it in May as I wanted, but I'm coming back a it!
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