#one piece ch 844
kaizokuou-ni-naru · 4 months
Hello! I have a tiny question about chapter 844 ( arc: Whole Cake Island). Depending on the translation there are two versions of speech given by Luffy after the famous duel. First version says - “without your help I can’t become the pirate king” second - “without YOU I can’t..”. Do you know perhaps what would be the correct translation from Japanese? I hope I don’t bother you too much with this question. :)
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of course you didn't bother me! it should be 'without you.'
お前がいないと/omae ga inai to -> "with you not there, (i can't become the pirate king)."
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Reason ~ ch. 32
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pairing: female oc (devon alba) x levi ackerman
tropes: instructor x cadet, strangers to lovers, male mc falls first
warnings: angst/slow-burn, strong language, upcoming smut(18+ readers only for those chapters pls 🙈), mentions of death
brief summary: This story takes place a few years after the Fall of Shiganshina. Devon Alba is in her final year of the 101st Training Corps (844-847), due to her success as a cadet she gets the chance to meet Captain Levi. She doesn’t think too much of him until he catches her in the midst of doing something that she isn’t entirely supposed to be doing. But surprisingly, this leads to something unexpected...
ch. 1 [...] ch. 31 | chapter 32 | ch. 33
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“I’ll kill–I’ll kill you if you die.”
She set down the hair brush and placed her face in her hands.
She groaned, “Who says that?”
Of all the things she could’ve said, her intoxicated self chose to say that.
She didn’t remember much of what happened yesterday evening, it was still coming back to her in bits and pieces. But for some reason–she remembered everything from their last encounter clearly.
How handsome he’d looked sitting at the edge of the bed. His cravat loose on his shoulders and the dark contrast of his suit in the dim candlelit room. The dark hair atop his undercut slightly ruffled–as if he’d been running his hands through it occasionally.
She had to question if he was real.
She couldn’t get his tiny little laugh out of her head. His subtle chuckle after her meekly said threat. She wished she’d seen his face when he’d laughed. It was stupid… she knew, but she wished she’d just seen it.
She shook her head, letting her hands fall from her face.
Last night was supposed to be something different–something nice. It was supposed to be a light, fun evening that allowed her to unwind with the new people in her life. An excuse to dress-up and simply enjoy herself.
Instead, she’d fully passed out and gotten escorted out the bookstore in Levi’s arms.
She smacked herself in the forehead.
She was supposed to handle her liquor better than that. She was convinced that not embarrassing herself in front of her coworkers was simply not an option for her.
Though, she supposed Levi being there was truly a lifesaver.
She looked in the mirror’s reflection, at the cold cup of tea and folded towel on the nightstand–then the empty bucket at her bedside. He’d been so prepared to take care of her.
Instead she’d awoken only for a moment. To tell him a lame threat and get lulled to sleep in his arms.
She still couldn’t believe he’d let her lean on him. He’d stroked his hands through her hair, and hadn’t complained about her rambling. She wasn’t sure what she expected… but, it felt… almost unusual to be looked after.
She was just so used to feeling like she was looking after him whenever he came. Bandaging up his wounds. Leaving extra food in the fridge for him to eat. Preparing his pillow and blanket on the couch since he was starting to sleep at the apartment more often.
She liked feeling like she was making his day a slight bit easier.
But she forgot, it was him at the end of the day… making her life easier. He didn’t want a penny for rent. He didn’t want her paying for groceries when he was around. In fact, he didn’t want to see any of her earnings used on necessities. He also never asked her how long she planned on staying.
He was always willing to take care of her.
She still wasn’t sure if she even understood it–why he’d do such a thing. It still felt out of character for him to do.
All she knew was the indescribable feeling she got in her gut when he was near. He didn’t even need to touch her to light her up. There was this subdued magnetism… one that she wasn’t fully sure how to acknowledge.
His lingering stares. Easy touches. Reassuring words. They were all affecting her somehow.
And now, he was gone. Back to his job.
She didn’t even get the chance to ask for how long…
The ache that spread within her shouldn’t have felt as strong as it did. She swallowed hard, her hands curling into fists as she rested her head on her arms–completely leaning on the vanity.
Levi had installed a vanity in her room a week ago, along with a matching stool. She’d been too flabbergasted to speak on it. She just hadn’t expected him to notice the not-so-neat stack of bins she’d bought to stuff her things into.
Everything was reminding her of him.
She shoved off the vanity, seating herself upright on her stool. She stared back at her red-rimmed eyes in the mirror. She could almost see the turmoil within them. The ache within her was almost too tangible–too real. It wasn’t good for her… missing him like this.
She looked down at the hair tie on her wrist–the hair tie he’d given her.
“You have to come back.” she whispered.
Her fingers shook subtly as she touched the hair tie, “You have to, Levi.” her voice cracked.
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She was shouldered aside and she automatically snapped her head up.
Just as her eyes narrowed at the young man he raised his hands up, “Sorry, Miss.”
She merely looked away and sighed under her breath. The main road was unusually packed today, she just wanted to get home in peace.
She readjusted her cloak’s hood before glancing into a nearby alleyway. She’d only taken that route a few times-when she was in a rush-but she supposed anything was better than being stuck in this horde of slow moving people.
She slipped into the dim alley. She kept her eyes low, careful to avoid stepping on the trash.
She glanced around, doing her best to ignore the ominous feeling of being the only one using the alleyway. Though, she supposed she couldn’t blame others for not wanting to use this route–the stench of garbage had somehow worsened.
She nearly flinched when she saw a stray cat scurry past her.
She chuckled at herself. She’d been feeling a bit out of sorts all day so she supposed it was catching up to her now that she was alone.
She shrugged it off before raising her hand to cover her nose as she walked onwards.
She was suddenly forced to halt when a shadow passed before her.
She froze before deftly looking around. Nothing had changed in front of her so–she looked up. Other than the rather gloomy sky there was nothing to see beyond the edge of the rooftops.
She frowned–not wanting to be in the alleyway longer than necessary so she picked up her pace.
A shadow appeared before her again and this time she immediately glanced up. She caught sight of the edge of something disappearing into the nearby rooftop.
She didn’t waste a second and instinctively broke out into a run. She didn’t know what the hell that was and she didn’t want to find out.
Her hand gripped her bags firmly as she ran. Her other hand drew her cloak close to her chest.
The shadow passed overhead once more and she almost faltered mid-step.
No way. She must be imagining it–but she swore she thought she heard the familiar whirring sound of ODM gear.
ODM gear–here? She couldn’t understand why-or how? But she didn’t get the chance to think too much of it because bits of pebbles and dust began to suddenly fall from overhead.
Whoever it was seemed to be running alongside her on the nearby rooftop.
A jolt of fear spiked through her body and her pace picked up drastically. She was now more than certain she was being pursued.
She ran full-speed out of the alleyway–almost crashing into someone dragging along a cart.
“Sorry!” she yelled out haphazardly before bolting to her apartment building.
She shoved open the building doors before bounding up the steps to her floor. She quickly slipped her keys out of her cloak pocket before roughly unlocking the door and slamming it closed behind her.
Her breath was ragged as she raised a shaky hand to lower her hood–only to freeze when she saw Levi standing in the middle of the living room.
In the midst of her panic she didn’t notice that the living room windows were wide open or that he was fully strapped in his Scout attire, ODM gear as well. And that she wasn’t the only one breathless.
Relief seeped into her the second her eyes landed on him.
She ran towards him, “Levi! Thank God you're here,”
Her hand absentmindedly went to his chest as she quickly turned her head aside to eye the door–instinctively checking to see if her pursuer had followed her here. 
She spoke through short breaths, “There was someone–following me–with ODM gea–”
Suddenly, firm hands grabbed the curve of her waist–forcing her to face him as she was pulled flush against his chest.
The next thing she knew his lips were on hers.
The bags fell from her hand.
She gasped at the pressure of his lips on hers. His lips were unrelenting–almost begging, begging for her.
Her hands found the sides of his face and suddenly the kiss intensified. His arms held her so close that she felt his racing heartbeat against her skin. His chest was taut against hers, his skin warm to touch.
And suddenly the world was non-existent. No one else but them. She didn’t care about his sweat, the way the belts of his uniform bit into her skin or the way he kissed her like he’d die if he didn’t.
She wasn’t breathing, only letting his lips do whatever they wanted. Her body alight in a way she’d never experienced. She didn’t want it to stop. His hands on her felt as if they were born to be there–and he seemed to know it too because he couldn’t stop touching her.
His hands slid from her waist to her hips to all over her back–touching, caressing, grasping–before winding an arm around her back so hard that the front of her body was completely pasted to his. She couldn’t breathe but she didn’t need to–because his lips–his lips.
He pried her lips open with his and slid his tongue through hers–as if desperate to find something within her. She tried to match his intensity but–he was too wanting, too needy. The hunger in his touch… god, she couldn’t take it.
Her mind was lost in a complete haze as his hand slipped into her hair, holding her head close to him as he kissed her further. His lips never leaving hers–even for a second–it was as if he were afraid she might disappear at a moment's notice.
His arm around her so firm that she couldn’t even move if she wanted to–but that was the last thing she wanted. There was nowhere else she’d rather be. Nowhere else that would feel like this.
Her hands slipped into his damp, dark hair. Her chest pushing into his as she kissed him back.
His response was immediate. He tilted his head, impossibly deepening the kiss.
She gasped, letting a hand drop to his shoulder as she tried to keep herself from losing balance. Her whole body felt alive. Wherever they touched, her skin was ablaze. Her thoughts raced–at an even faster pace than her thrumming heartbeat. She couldn’t believe this was happening.
She staggered backwards and broke the kiss. She inhaled a desperately needed breath.
His hands didn’t leave her–continuing to hold her upright as she caught her breath.
His face was flushed, bits of dirt and a faint pink scar along his jaw marked his features. Sweat made strands of his dark hair stick to his forehead. There was an edge of lust in his narrow eyes but it was nearly obscured by the look of sincerity and restlessness on his face. He looked like he hadn’t slept in weeks.
And suddenly she knew–with dawning certainty. Something is wrong.
Her hands in his hair slid low around his neck, her thumbs grazing his jaw as she spoke, “What happened?”
He looked down, “N-Nothing. I’m just.. happy you're here.”
He was quiet for a moment. She could almost see the thoughts brewing within his mind.
She stared at him intently. Her gaze dropped from his face to her hands on his neck—still in complete disbelief that she was touching him.
He was so tense that she could feel it at every point of her skin that was in contact with his. He’d even been tense throughout their lip lock.
He shook his head, “I’m being stupid.” he spit out lowly.
“No..” she prompted.
His eyes met hers once more. Despite their typical sharpness she could almost see through it now—the undercurrent of forlornness within them.
He searched her face. His eyes lingering on her lips but she gently placed her fingers over his mouth—not letting him get away. She knew if she let him kiss her again she’d completely lose her train of thought.
“Tell me.” she urged—her voice uneven.
His lips moved against her fingers, “We lost about 190 soldiers. Nearly three fourths of the entire damn regiment.”
His expression was bitter, full of resentment and hopelessness. It was clear he’d been around to see it all. She could only imagine what a sight that must’ve been.
His eyes were distant, lost somewhere lower on her body as he continued.
“We were surrounded… but Corinna..”
His eyes flickered towards her-watching as her eyes widened.
“Corinna? My roommate?”
Corinna was her roommate in the Training Corps. They weren’t particularly close but Corinna always performed well during the activities—apparently she ranked high as well. Plenty of the boys in their corps had a crush on her, Keith being one of them.
The only thing Devon ever concerned herself with-in relation to her-was when she tried not to wake her whenever she snuck out for her nightly kitchen escapades.
He nodded, averting his eyes.
“She was recently added to my squad. She died right in front of me—I know-“ he gritted out his words, struggling, “I know s-she’s not you. But I-you were the first thing I thought of—It felt like you.”
She didn’t need to hear the words to know what he’d been thinking. It could’ve been you.
She saw his eyes widen—as if reliving it.
“I wasn’t fast enough.” he said almost too quietly to hear.
“Levi.” she gasped out, before bringing his forehead down to hers.
“Stop.” she ordered, heartache making her voice waver.
It wasn’t surprising that he saw similarities between her and Corinna. In fact the entire cadet corps saw it when it became apparent how good the girls were. It was a running joke for a time that their room ‘2A’ was for two aces. Devon didn’t care much for it but Corinna ate it up.
The jokes soon ended when Devon’s skill grew unmatched.
Last she remembered, Corinna had gotten ranked in the top ten so she was sure the girl was going to join the Military Police. It came as quite the surprise to hear that she chose to be a Scout. It made her respect her more somehow… not that it mattered anymore.
“You did as much as you could.” she didn’t need to be there to believe that. She just knew he must’ve.
She saw the spiteful doubt crawl into his eyes but the second he met her gaze it slipped away. He must’ve seen her conviction.
“I know it.” she added, her voice steady.
He was still for a moment before she felt his shoulders sag. His hand on the back of her head slid down to her neck, his fingers raking through her hair.
“You’re right here.” The low rumble of his deep voice seemed to ignite the air between them.
His hand tightened around her nape, drawing her closer.
“Wait,” she blushed before stammering out, “Y-you should shower.”
A glint of humor broke across his stoic expression, “You sayin’ I stink?”
She couldn’t help but crack a smile, “Maybe.”
A tiny smile of his own seemed to flicker across his lips.
His grip on her loosened as he stepped back. He threw off his dark green cloak before efficiently unstrapping his ODM gear–it was clear he’d done it several times before.
He glanced at her, faint pink creeping into his cheeks.
“Don’t go anywhere.” He ordered.
She watched him slip into the bathroom.
In truth, she hadn’t even minded his smell. In fact, she didn’t mind anything that had just transpired and that simple fact was sending her into a complete disarray.
That kiss… it wasn’t a kiss of someone who’d just randomly did something on a whim. Sure, it might’ve been an impulse move on his part but… that was the kiss of someone who was yearning. He kissed her like he’d been craving her.
And his words… he’d gotten that unsettled because he’d lost his comrades and because… he’d thought of her when Corinna died. He thought of her in Corinna’s place.
He thinks of me when he’s away?
For some reason she hadn’t thought he did. He was always so good at masking his emotions she wasn’t sure… she always doubted… 
She ran her hands over her face. Her thoughts were completely scrambled.
“What is happening?” she whispered to herself.
Corinna is dead.
The first one of her cadet mates that she’d heard of passing on. Her stomach sank at the thought. She didn’t need to be close to the girl to feel her loss.
Her breath came out ragged as she ran her hands through her hair once more. She felt like she was losing her mind.
She suddenly wished Imada were here. She needed to talk to someone—anyone–someone else. She needed air. Fresh air. That would help.
She straightened, readjusting her cloak around herself as she quickly walked over to the bathroom. 
“I’m–I’m gonna step out for some air!” she shouted so he could hear her over the running shower.
She quickly turned around and headed for the front door. Just as she pulled it open, a hand appeared beside her head–slamming it shut.
“Where are you going?”
She froze. She felt his forehead against the crown of her head.
“I just wanted to take a walk, s-so I could think.” her words came out in a whisper.
“Think here.”
When she didn’t respond his free hand found her hip, easily turning her around. She backed into the door.
She had to hold her breath to not gasp out loud at the sight before her. He was shirtless, his dark hair dripping wet. His pale, scarred skin dotted with water as well, his muscles taut with tension. His pants looked as if they’d been put on in a rush–hanging a little too low on his built frame.
His sharp eyes searched her face, “Okay?”
She couldn’t think when he looked at her like that–so much concern and want—maybe even a hint of fear. She couldn't ignore the tinge of desperation in his tone.
“Give me five minutes. I can walk with you, just..”
His hand left her hip to cup the side of her face, “Don’t leave.” he spoke quietly.
Her breath caught.
He appeared strained as his thumb brushed over her plump bottom lip.
The next thing she knew his lips were on hers, probing at first before growing more wanting when he heard her low whimper.
She pressed her hands to his wet chest as he kissed her–driving her head further against the wall. She could feel his fervor thrumming through the heat of his skin. The cool water dripping down his face doing nothing to quell it.
Her hands curled over his firm shoulders, her hands shaky as she kissed him–attempting to kiss him back when all she wanted to do was melt. Her thoughts a complete muddled mess.
He pushed her up into the door–nearly pressing his groin against her only to catch himself a millisecond before. He pressed both of his hands into the door, forcing himself to pry his lips off of her.
“Fuck.” he gritted out, his hands curling into fists. He had to calm down.
All he wanted to do was slide his hands around her thighs and wrap her legs around himself–but he knew if he did that he wouldn’t stop.
Her face felt hot, she didn’t need to look at herself to know she was probably blazing red. Her lips parted, inhaling and exhaling rapidly as she tried to find her breath. He always seemed to chase it away.
She absentmindedly watched one of her hands slowly slide down his chest, his wet skin was marked with healed scars. Some weren’t completely healed–like the one at his navel. It was the one she’d bandaged up months ago and yet its scar still hadn’t faded. She wanted to touch it–
He caught her wrist, his ragged breath made his words sound rough, “Don’t leave.” he repeated.
She was drawn out of her daze. She tried to respond but no words came out, so she merely nodded.
He watched her intently–doubt swirling within his gut but he used his hand on the door to push himself back. He knew if he stayed there any longer he wouldn’t leave her alone.
She finally met his eyes, despite the harshness of his cold gaze she finally saw through it. The veiled indecision.
“I’ll be right here.” she found her voice–even if it was hoarse.
His headstrong stare never left her as he nodded.
He turned around, running a hand through his wet hair before disappearing back into the bathroom.
She stood still for a moment before sliding down to sit against the door with her knees to her chest. She raised her shaky hand to touch her swollen lips in disbelief.
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She knew he’d be hungry after his shower so she decided to postpone their walk.
He watched her observantly as she prepared their dinner. She kept her eyes glued to the plate before her. Once she finished pouring the soup into the bowl she carefully placed the bowl onto a plate. The plate had cut up pieces of bread to dip into the soup.
She carefully held up both of their plates before setting his down in front of him. She hesitantly placed hers down in the seat next to his. Normally, she sat across from him but…
Just as she was about to move her plate back to her usual seat across from him, his hand slipped around her wrist and sat her down on his lap. She froze, trying not to focus on the feeling of his firm thigh against her ass.
She glanced down, eyeing her legs between his spread legs. Her face felt hot.
He kept a hand on her back as he reached around her to pull her plate next to his.
“Smells delicious.” he murmured.
She’d used a new recipe from one of the cookbooks from the bookstore. One she particularly liked because it was quick to make. Wild rice & mushroom soup. She liked to add spinach to it.
He easily broke off a piece of bread and bit into it. He peered at her tense frame from the corner of his eye.
He slightly raised the thigh she was seated on–to catch her attention, “Eat.”
She glanced at her steaming plate before turning to look at him. God, he was so close.
“Since when did you want to kiss me?”
This time he froze–he held her gaze, “A while.”
“Since when?”
“Am I supposed to know the exact second I wanted to suck your face off?” His natural monotone made the question sound all the more mocking.
She blushed–embarrassed. His jaw locked to mask his chuckle.
He decided to answer, his tone a tad gentle, “I’d say.. started sometime at the training corps, after our late dinners.”
She squinted in doubt, “Impossible.”
“You never acted like you liked me.”
“Why would I. You were a cadet, I wasn’t even supposed to think about you.”
A faint blush appeared on her cheeks as she contemplated that. She supposed he was right–as her instructor he must’ve felt obligated to ignore those thoughts but.. to think he started to see her like that, that soon? She couldn’t quite comprehend it.
What did you even see in me?
She froze when she realized she just asked that question out loud.
“Are you serious?” There was an edge of annoyance in his flat tone. “Don’t act like you don’t know how tempting you are.”
He didn’t miss the light pink color sweeping across her cheeks to the tips of her ears. Or how her legs shifted.
His eyes narrowed, “I’ve never wanted to ruin someone and watch ‘em succeed til you.”
She didn’t know how to take his monotonous words, or the indescribable undercurrent within them.
She merely let out a small awkward laugh, “Ruin’s a bit dramatic–”
His hand on her back moved discreetly. He wrapped a strand of her hair around his index and middle finger before pulling—making her gasp as her head tilted back.
His eyes ran down her parted lips, down the inviting column of her neck.. His gaze hardened with distaste.
“Look at you.” a dark edge to his calm voice, “This pretty face s’just begging to be ruined.”
She turned away from him, easily pulling her hair out of his grasp in the process. She didn’t want him to see how much his words were affecting her.
She always thought she wanted to hear him compliment her—she just didn’t expect it to undo her like this.
Her heart raced, “Don’t flatter me.”
“Do I look like the flattery type.”
They both knew the answer to that.
But there were still more answers that she wanted to hear from him. So much she wanted to know and uncover.
“Why.. why did you wait so long?” she kept her eyes away from his.
His eyes widened before a small smile flitted across his lips. He raised his knee, drawing her further down his leg—closer to him.
His nose grazed her jaw, “Ah, do you wish I acted sooner?”
She shivered when his thumb began to make circles on her back. She was too distracted to form words.
He continued, quietly, “I wasn’t sure you wanted me.”
She met his gaze, “What made you think I want you now?”
“I never thought that–not until you kissed me back.”
His usual flat tone ended on a somewhat light note. A rare occurrence really–rare enough to make her go silent in shock.
He’d said those words with such.. simplicity—as if that were the only explanation he needed. He sounded almost… happy.
He leaned forward and pressed a delicate kiss to her lips. When he pulled away she was still staring at him—unbelieving. Even his most delicate kisses were doing something to her.
He must’ve caught something in her gaze because his grip on her back suddenly tightened–his fingers curling around her waist. His lips were on hers again, more demanding this time.
His free hand slipped around her throat, drawing her face closer. She melted underneath him, letting him hold onto her as he took reign over her lips. Her hand went to his chest.
His lips felt so good it was nearly impossible to register. She never thought it was possible to feel this way. She felt like she was levitating.
She pulled away slightly.
He leaned forward, unready to part lips with her.
She pressed her fingertips to his lips, “I-I can’t breathe.” she murmured.
He went still, his eyes never leaving her face as she caught her breath.
Her brows furrowed before she placed her hand over his face.
She flushed, “Don’t look at me.”
She felt him smile underneath her lips, “My apologies…”
He removed her hand from his face, “-for looking directly in front of myself.”
Her eyes widened before she huffed slightly. She rose off of him.
Before she could even get to her feet, a hand slipped around her stomach—pushing her back down.
“Who told you to move?”
She was beet-red, “I-I can’t eat like this.”
He reached over and dipped a piece of bread into the soup. He raised the piece of bread to her lips.
She instinctively opened her mouth and took a bite.
“Not too hard, was it.”
“Shut up.”
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She grabbed a book from the shelf before glancing over.
Levi sat on the couch, looking rather focused as he wrote on the paper before him on the coffee table.
They both had stepped out to try take a walk moments ago but the second they stepped out of the building, all they did was share one look and simultaneously went back inside. It was way too cold.
Levi had decided to do some work. He’d retrieved a couple books and paper from his ‘forbidden’ closet and laid them out on the coffee table. It didn’t take him long to get seated and start writing. His dip pen moving gracefully across the parchment. His expression solemn.
She had wanted to ask about what he was writing but she was too nervous.
She quickly looked away, facing the book in her hands.
She usually sat on the couch when she read but he was in her spot. There was enough room for her to sit on the other end of the couch but… he was right there.
I’ll just sit at the dining table. Wait—that’s too obvious… he’ll know I’m avoiding him.
She swallowed. It wasn’t like she wanted to avoid him. She just didn’t know how to be around him anymore, not after their kiss—or, kisses.
Just sit on the damn couch, fool.
She turned, pretending to be nonchalant as she flipped to her bookmarked page while heading towards the unoccupied end of the couch. Unaware that Levi was watching her the whole time.
She sat down, letting her half-raised legs occupy the space between them. Her bent knees being the stand for her book—and also blocking him front sight.
Suddenly a hand was at her calves and she was being pulled.
She yelped when she looked to see her legs had been thrown over one of his spread ones. His arm rested over her knees.
His sharp gray eyes examined her, “Why’re you so far.”
She blinked, coming up with something on spot, “Uh.. I didn’t want to disturb you.”
His eyes narrowed, “Tch. Don’t be stupid.”
She opened her mouth and then closed it. At least, one of them wasn’t having physicality problems.
He ran a hand over her knees before leaning forward again. He resumed writing on the paper before him.
She bit at her lower lip before readjusting herself slightly, letting her legs rest over his thigh at a more comfortable angle—with her back resting against the couch’s backrest.
She was still so close to him. Her stomach swam with butterflies—God, why am I so nervous?
She felt like such a kid.
She peered at him. He seemed comfortable hunched over, writing away. Continuously glancing back at one of his reference books as he wrote.
If he’s fine, I can be fine. She convinced herself.
She glanced down at the book before her, forcing herself to focus on the words on the page.
Once she finally managed to immerse herself in reading. She felt him run a hand down her leg and immediately glanced up.
“I can’t concentrate if you're gonna keep bouncing your leg like that.”
She immediately stilled. Shaking her leg was one of those unconscious tics of hers—usually happened when she was nervous.
His head was turned, facing her. He appeared to be assessing her.
“You’re nervous.”
“No.” she responded instinctively.
He was quiet for a moment before reaching out and touching her cheek.
“This pink face is telling me otherwise.”
He leaned towards her and pressed a kiss to her lips. It was sweet, slow and gentle. The type of kiss to leave you feeling warm all over.
When he pulled away, her hand impulsively held onto his collar.
Suddenly his hands were on her, easily pulling her onto his lap—making her straddle him.
Her eyes were wide when she saw him directly before her.
He was so handsome up-close it was almost criminal. His stunning, narrow, dark-gray eyes were almost impossible to look away from. His lengthy dark lashes only enhanced their shape. The contrast of his jet black hair against his pale skin suited him so much it was almost unfair. There was nothing on his face that wasn’t cohesive—even the darkness underneath his eyes.
She wanted to sigh. Only he could make tiredness attractive.
In her distraction she didn’t notice that she wasn’t the only one perusing the other.
His hands on her hips twitched.
“I’ve escaped death many times but you’re actually gonna kill me.”
When a small, shy smile made it across her lips his eyes narrowed.
“I’m certain of it.” he added.
A light laugh escaped her. She kept her voice low to hide her nervousness, “Don’t you have work to do..”
“I do,” he muttered, “but I can’t focus.”
His lips were on her in an instant—devouring her. Leaving no room for hesitation-not that she would anyway because the second his mouth met hers her stomach erupted in butterflies. The feeling was euphoric.
She didn’t know how she was going to survive if his kisses kept doing this to her.
His hand slid down her hip to her thigh—squeezing tightly as he resisted the urge to seat her directly over his groin. She was so close. Mere inches away but he had to restrain himself—had to be patient with her.
His thighs flexed underneath her ass.
His other hand tightened around her nape, keeping her close as they kissed each other eagerly. Her chest pressing into him as she held his collar. The pressure of her passion making him fall back into the couch’s backrest.
She broke the kiss, suddenly red. 
She wasn’t the only one flushed. A few buttons below his collar had gotten undone—revealing a hint of his pale chest. The peek at his chest line below his collar bone made an image of his shirtless body flash within her mind. To think that his firm chest and compact abs lay just below her hands, hidden by his thin dress-shirt… her body temperature went several times higher.
Despite this, she still couldn’t ignore the zip of fear bouncing within the back of her mind.
His neck seemed constrained, bringing attention to the thick lines and subtle adams apple underneath his skin. He stared at her-eyes searching-before using his hand at her nape to gently pull her into him again.
His lips dominated hers once more—leaving her body tingling and giddy with butterflies. But as her hands slid down his chest to his taut abdomen she realized she could feel it.. the tension coiled within his skin. The heat in his hand gripping her thigh. His hand gripping and releasing her hair at her nape… he was restraining himself.
The idea of him having more passion to give..
Suddenly a flare of warmth burned at her core and the jolt of fear floating within the back of her mind began to ricochet—all at once.
She broke the kiss, overwhelmed to another degree.
Her fingertips went to his lips as she blurted-breathlessly, “I can’t—I can't think straight.”
He was quiet for a moment before saying, “You think I can?” The words gruff on his lips.
She looked down, letting her hand drop from his lips. She kept her eyes on her hands over his firm abdomen, taking a moment to catch her breath.
He stared at her, silently. His hand at her neck moving ever-so-gently to her face. His fingertips skimmed her jaw before going lower to her neck. His thumb slipping underneath the rim of his plain long sleeve shirt that she wore. He touched her like he was scared she would break.
“I’m-” his voice cracked and he swallowed, “I’m leaving again tomorrow.”
Her eyes immediately latched onto his.
“Have to help deal with the bodies.” he clarified mutedly.
She shivered. That statement in itself was rather morbid.
“How long will you be away?”
He twirled a strand of her hair around his finger, “Not sure. I want to say tomorrow evening but it’ll probably be a couple days. Erwin mentioned having some sort of commemoration for the fallen soldiers but… I’m not sure how he wants to go about that.”
He sighed, letting his hand drop to watch her hair unravel around his finger.
“I should probably go back tonight.” he muttered.
“To Scout HQ?”
He nodded.
“Why?” She’d kind of hoped he’d stay the night here—his presence always brought an added sense of security.
“Have to speak to Erwin. The mission failed and our next expedition relied on this one so now we got to figure out what the fuck to tell the Government.”
A scowl appeared on his lips as he spoke bitterly, “MPs are gonna have a fuckin’ field day with this.”
She bit her lower lip. This was the most he’d ever spoken about his job and she was more than curious to know the details.
“What are you guys going to do now?” she asked, worriedly.
He ran a hand through his black hair, “Don’t know. Erwin’s always got some shit up his sleeve so I'm assuming he has a plan.”
His brows furrowed as he added, “He always does.”
“Isn’t he going to sleep?” she asked, in reference to Erwin.
“Doubt it. If we’re all up and there he’ll call a Squad Leader meeting when he wants.”
“Wow.” she murmured, genuinely surprised.
“He doesn’t like to waste time.”
“Sounds like.. a proper leader to me.” she noted in a low murmur.
Sure, it definitely must be taxing on the team leaders but time efficiency was a quality that was necessary in areas of leadership. Especially in the Military.
Shadis would always drill into their heads that learning to think on your feet wasn't a trait that could be taught—but rather one you had to refine. 
You always had to have a plan. And a back up plan. And if you were smart-according to Shadis-you’d even have a backup plan for the backup plan.
“Tch. There you go again.” He’d nearly forgotten about her unwarranted admiration for Erwin.
Even if he knew it wasn’t entirely misplaced it still agitated him to hear her say it.
She suddenly grabbed his collar, “You better get some sleep after the meeting. I don’t care if it’s only a couple hours—get. some. sleep.”
The darkness underneath his eyes truly was concerning her.
A subtle smile tugged at his lips. His hand slipped up her wrist, before letting his fingertips twist her engagement ring.
“Acting like my wife already, hm?”
She felt her cheeks burn.
“I like it.” he continued.
Her grip on his collar tightened-doing her best to ignore the feeling his words caused as she insisted, “I’m serious, Levi. Promise me you’ll try?”
He looked worn, “I can promise but there’s no guarantee sleep’ll actually come to me.”
Her eyes widened as she remembered, “I have chamomile tea! I bought some before you left but the store owner said it’s supposed to help you sleep. You should take some with you.”
His brows furrowed as he deliberated, “I suppose… I could.”
He raised a brow, “You bought that for me?”
She looked awry-suddenly abashed, “Um-well, you said I had to restock your tea so..”
“I drink black tea.”
“Bah! I know I just—your dark circles worry me, okay?” she spat out, completely flustered.
He smiled. Even if the smile was just a bit wider than his usual ones—even if the smile had a bit of sadness to it, she was absolutely star-struck.
It suited him so much.. she was certain she would’ve fallen if she was standing.
He leaned forward and kissed her. A light peck that left her yearning for another.
“Don’t worry about me.” he murmured against her lips, before pressing another kiss to her lips. This kiss a bit longer—more greedy.
It was hard not to be greedy with her, when all he did was want to consume her whole. Her little breathless sounds only making it worse. He wanted to hear more—feel more.
He pulled away before his lust caught up to him.
“You have work tomorrow?”
She nodded.
He ran a hand down her hair, “You should sleep.”
“I’ll sleep when you go.”
His expression turned pained, “Don’t.”
Her brows furrowed, “Why?”
He closed his eyes, “Because I-“
He swallowed before speaking quieter than usual, “I won’t be able to go.”
Her eyes softened, “Levi-“
“Just this once.”
At her silence, he opened his eyes, “Please.”
She was frowning, “I.. I don’t like this.”
He pressed his forehead to hers, his voice a low growl, “I know.”
His hands at her waist squeezed—his voice strained, “W-when I let you go, I need you to get up and go to your room. Don’t stop, don’t speak and don’t look back.”
His eyes searched her face, “Alright?”
She didn’t meet his eyes.
Her hands at his collar moved slightly but she still didn’t meet his eyes.
“Devon.” he spoke through gritted teeth.
She met his eyes.
“Can you do that for me?”
She looked away again, her voice low, “Y-yes.” 
His lips encapsulated her in a bone crushing kiss. Stealing her breath and securing her heart with steel wiring. She was a complete goner.
His lips pried hers open, kissing her deep as he tilted his head. His hands sliding into her hair and around her lower back—nearly drawing her close but he refused the burning urge. It’d bring her lower region too close to his own.
His lips lit up every square inch of her body—the feeling heedy and addicting. She couldn’t get enough. There could never be enough.
She gripped his collar like her life depended on it.
He pried himself away from her—nearly yanking himself into the couch’s backrest so he could get at least some distance between them.
He had to stop.
He stared at her breathless form before him. The sight so damn appealing he nearly lost all control then and there. His dick so hard it hurt.
His hands squeezed her waist once more.
“Sleep well, baby.” his low voice rough.
And before she could respond, he released her waist.
She froze, suddenly tense. Her heart already aching.
She swallowed, not meeting his eyes as she let go of his collar. Her hands sliding down his chest as she hoisted herself off of him.
She stumbled slightly when she stood up—completely disoriented from his mind numbing kiss. She couldn’t believe how excruciating this felt, stepping away from him. Each step she took more painful than the one prior.
Just a couple days. Just a couple days. She kept trying to tell herself.
But it was too long. Too long.
He'd been away for longer-much longer-and she knew that but.. it was different now. Who knew how much a little skinship could change things..
She stopped right before her door, her hand trembling over the doorknob.
I want to look at him.
She squeezed her eyes shut—refusing to listen to that little voice. If she could make this as easy for him as possible, she would be happy.
I’ll see him in a couple days. A few days! C’mon you got this. She tried to convince herself.
‘Sleep well, baby.’ His words echoed in her mind.
Her belly warmed with butterflies.
Why’d he have to say it like that?
She managed to open her eyes and open her door. She quickly stepped inside and shut it behind her.
Levi stared after her, his brows drawn in distress. Once she slipped into her room, he lay back against the couch. His head resting on the backrest as he stared up at the ceiling.
He already missed the feeling of her warm body on his legs. Her little needy hands at his collar. Her swollen lips against his.
How am I gonna survive a couple days?
His hands twitched at his sides. He was more grateful than she knew that she complied. He truly wouldn’t be able to go if she hadn’t left first.
He needed that and she knew it. She was always too good to him.
How'd I get so lucky?
He swallowed hard before glancing back at her bedroom door. Everything he craved was behind that shitty, wooden door.
His hands tightened into fists at his sides.
I’ll be back. He promised.
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namism · 2 years
rating names with: sanji
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➳ category: in-universe · female reader who uses (but not limited to) she/her pronouns
➳ warnings: a little nsfw, minor spoiler warnings for ep 808/ch 844 and below
➳ notes: i can’t stop writing these short posts but an actual sanji fic is coming soon, trust 🫲 for now, check out my second sanji fic here! i forgot to add tags the first time so it doesn’t appear in searches :(
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“Mellorine” - 3/10
Used to be a 7/10 but became a 3/10 at best.
“Mellorine” was Sanji’s default pet name for a woman he was infatuated with before you started dating him, so if he were to see a beautiful girl his first instinct was to suck up to her by calling her “Mellorine,” a unique nickname that has frankly become overused.
Back when you were still crushing on him, you would dream to the moon and back for Sanji to call you “Mellorine” because it meant that he found you just as attractive as the many women he had his eyes on; this desire grew the more you kept your feelings to yourself. He would use the nickname on Nami the most which sparked envy within. But it didn’t take long for Sanji to drop it when he found out that you liked him.
Since then, he would reserve the nickname only for you and mix it with the occasional “(Y/N)-swan.”
Sanji kept calling you “Mellorine” until he began calling you other pet names which he thought suited you better. You were (and are) indeed as sweet as mellorine, but he figured he should find other names for you to go by.
And although being addressed as “Mellorine” had made you the happiest person alive, you were starting to feel a little troubled with it.
Sanji would use it as a default nickname so much that it didn’t feel too special anymore—a little selfish, you know, but it was widely used for other girls that the moment Sanji began using it only for you, it made a few heads turn especially from your crew.
“I thought Nami was ‘Mellorine,’” Luffy wondered aloud, prompting everyone to think the same. Nami glared, then punched him across the face.
“Get the hint, will you?!” she yelled.
It felt like a shared nickname with somebody else, and you weren’t a big fan of that. Hence a 3/10. (You decided to give bonus points for creativity.)
Your name - 4/10
Not bad, but Sanji only calls you by your name if he’s being serious and has something to bring up with a negative connotation or if he’s talking to somebody else and has to namedrop you. You seldom hear him call you by just your name nowadays because he would always prefer adding his famous “-swan” or “-chwan” honorifics.
The most recent memory of Sanji calling you by only your name was when you were still a regular at Baratie, back when you barely knew each other. And truth be told, it wasn’t long until he resorted to calling you pet names to charm you.
“(Y/N)-swan” - 6/10
This deserves a 6/10 (can surprisingly be cranked to a 7 if he calls you this in the right times) because it’s cute and fascinating to hear Sanji’s linguistic habits.
Sometimes he says “(Y/N)-chwan” depending on the mood, but either way you appreciate Sanji’s unique honorifics. It's funny in the best way that he has his own pronunciations and endearing at the same time. Sanji puts a lot of emphasis on his tones, especially in the presence of the ‘W’ in “-san” and “-chan,” which is one of the many things you like hearing the most from him.
He prefers to call you with the “-swan” honorific because it reflects exactly what he sees you as: a swan, an animal of grace, beauty, and intricacy, and he likes reminding you of that because he's naturally transparent with his feelings.
He pronounces honorifics the same way for other women but it doesn't bother you at all; Sanji’s honorific usage might have begun as a flirt tactic, but now that he’s in a committed relationship with you, his usage is more likely out of habit.
“Princess” - 8/10
This can also be cranked to a 9 on the proper occasions.
The One Piece universe has prominent royal bloodlines so calling a woman “Princess” nine out of 10 times means that she is indeed a princess. Sanji knows this very well because he was once royalty, hence why he seldom calls you as such. But wishful thinking betrays you and you've come to love being addressed as “Princess” without telling him.
You don't want to be the daughter of a real monarch—especially not in this universe—because royalty means having to deal with external and internal pressures from your kingdom, and that is the last thing you want to experience. But you and the rest of the Straw Hats once had to play pretend as royals from other nations, so when it came to interaction, you were called "Princess (Y/N)" often.
You were raised far from royalty so the closest you ever got to being a real princess was dressing up and letting your imagination handle the rest. Sanji doesn't know about this silly childhood dream because it was never the topic of conversation, and it's a little embarrassing to converse about it with a former royal so you kept it to yourself and never told anyone.
That's pretty much how you developed a secret liking to the term and it merely intensified when Sanji himself called you "Princess" while in disguise. At the time, you were doing your best to ground yourself to reality because Sanji's form of address meant a lot to you. Not only did it feed into your childhood desires, but it also made you feel special that he saw you as someone worth calling a high rank.
However everything then was not real, and only lasted for a few hours until you and your crew rid yourselves from the island and escaped. Once aboard the ship, it was back to your ordinary life as a pirate.
The nickname “Princess” would only resurface when Sanji unknowingly randomizes the nicknames he should call you or when he lets it slip in bed. He won’t realize it because he’d be too concentrated on something else, but he’ll most likely catch on the more you react to it.
In particular, you always soften when he lets the nickname slip up and get pretty clingy soon afterward. Sanji would suspect a thing you have with the nickname and do a few tests to see if he’s right.
And he is, so he begins to call you “Princess” more often just to see how you would react.
“Angel” - 10/10
A perfect 10/10 including its variants, with “pretty angel" and “angel face" being at the top of the list. It arguably becomes dirtier in bed though.
But Sanji uses this a lot as if it’s your name; your crew’s lineup is basically Sanji, the rest of the Straw Hats, and “Angel.” Though if your name is (even something remotely similar to) Angel, Sanji would use a variant so that it doesn’t feel like he’s calling you by just your real name.
He likes casually calling you “Angel” because it’s a reminder that he sees you as one, and also because it’s easy to pronounce and remember. That way, people would easily know that you’re taken and only his, so he wouldn’t have to worry about anyone else stealing you.
Honorable mentions
“Sweet” - Alternatively, “Sweetheart.” It deserves a special mention because it was one of Sanji’s alternatives to “Mellorine” back when he was still getting to know you.
“Honey” - Another honorable mention that can be an alternative to “Mellorine.” Very endearing, and very sweet like honey itself. It was never your favorite, but it did make you smile a couple of times before.
Overall, Sanji’s nicknames for you are more on the sweeter side because he wants you to feel special. He’s open to other nicknames as long as he knows that you feel good about being addressed by it; if you are, then he is more than willing to call you as such to make you happy. If you aren’t, then he’ll gladly stop and apologize.
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chikabika · 4 years
I wanna talk about Whole Cake Island too!
So, I’m reading Whole Cake Island right now. And I have THOUGHTS about Sanji and Luffy’s “”””fight””””. And it’s probably nothing anyone hasn’t said before but I’m gonna write it out anyway.
(TL;DR Sanji and Luffy fight and it hurts because they both go for the throat. Also Nami has been through this shit I am surprised she’s putting up with Sanji trying to leave in the slightest.)
So first, yeah, I’m screaming into a pillow because this shit is rough. Let’s get those personal emotions out of the way first. 
Sanji’s whole thing is that he cares and serves, right? His love language is acts of service and that’s primarily shown through feeding people. When we meet the Vinsmokes (I shall not be referring to them as his family) we see pretty quickly that they are the antithesis to everything Sanji is. 
The men are literally said to lack the ability to sympathize or empathize. Not only do we see this is the case, but Reiju says so herself:
They do not value cooking nor food. Judge tells Sanji to never cook again, Niji wastes food.
And, of course, the brothers have no qualms about hitting women. The whole chivalry/won’t hit a women thing is a huge can of worms I don’t feel like unpacking in part because I don’t feel like I could talk about it without discussing women’s power levels and roles in One Piece. And I’ve already digressed too much.
So yeah, the Vinsmokes are the opposite of Sanji and hold none of his values. In fact, they may be why he holds some of his values, because they are as far from the Vinsmoke’s values as possible.
Okay so the two chapters in particular when Luffy and Nami find and confront Sanji! 
Pretty immediately we see that 1. Sanji was not expecting them, 2. He’s distressed that they’re here, and 3. It complicates things for him.
Like, that is not a face of someone happy to see his friends who have come to save him. That is an “oh fuck” face. (And as a sidenote, yeah, it’s a whole lot harder to sacrifice yourself when you’re confronted with the people you’re leaving behind, HUH, SANJI????)
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Luffy’s all happy to see him, feels like they’ve accomplished their goal, doesn’t question that Sanji would want to come back. And he’s got things to do! Like save Wano and beat up Kaido! Chop chop Sanji let’s go on adventures! Plus, I would think that Luffy would also have the expectation of his crew that they understand that no one gets to leave if they’re doing it to sacrifice themselves. He’s already shown he’s gonna come get you and Sanji knows this. Sanji’s first arc with them after Baratie was going to save Nami from Arlong and her self-sacrificial bullshit! Luffy’s modus operandi is saying “Oh, you thought you were in a lose-lose situation and the only solution was to sacrifice your happiness and well being? Fuck that! You’re my nakama, let me save you!”
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Both Luffy and Nami aren’t questioning Sanji’s wanting to come with them. They’re here, it’s time to go!
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And so then we see the surface level reasons why Sanji would say “No, I can’t go with you.” And we also see that he knows Judge is watching him.
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I don't think Nami's buying it either. She's done this. She knows what it's like to be trapped by circumstances, to have your loved ones held hostage. And she did this shit too! She fuckin laid it down, lied to her nakama about it all being a farce in her efforts to keep them out of her dangerous situation! Maybe the words sting, but I think this face of hers is even more from her thinking about how they all know eachother so much more, and know how Luffy wouldn't leave one of them behind. So Sanji must be under some real duress right now. Like, I feel like she could extrapolate a lot from what he's saying because she knows that's not who he is. And because she's tried the same shit. And, I wonder if she’s hurting for him because she knows what it’s like.
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Every chance she gets, she reiterates that there was nothing between them, that she doesn’t care about them, that she tricked them, and even uses her supposed killing of Usopp as support of her betraying them. She is desperately trying to get them off this island. Arlong is well covered, we all know what’s up.
And, the parallels are pretty clear for Sanji. He’s got family being held hostage (Zeff, and the Strawhats too), and he couldn’t leave anyway because he’s got explosion bracelets on. Plus he’s got his own self-sacrificial streak (which I could guess comes from being raised in a household where you’re told you don’t have any value and everything you do is wrong-the fact that Sanji still cried at Judge’s rejection of him right before his escape speaks to how as a child he still wanted Judge’s approval and love as a father).
So, he comes out swinging with the thing that we previously established would be the shittiest thing to say, that Luffy rejected the possibility of him saying.
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And then he starts on this buckwild speech that is so fucking hammed up I almost questioned if Sanji meant for them to understand the opposite of his words, and was just putting on a show for the Vinsmokes.
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Nami only says he’s going too far when Sanji starts insulting Luffy’s dream, which the whole crew believes in and supports. 
Also, as a side note, it doesn’t really make sense to me that Nami would just take on the role of “you’re going too far, you can’t believe what you’re saying!” Maybe Chopper would do that cuz he’s gullible and shit. BUT NAMI FREAKIN DID THE SAME SHIT. I would almost expect a “...” speechbubble from her and later her saying something like “He really tried his best to make that look convincing, didn’t he? He’s not very good at it.”
Nami’s savvy!
But anyway, yeah, Sanji tries to go for the throat to push thme away saying shit about Luffy not being able to become the Pirate King. My first reaction to this whole thing was: 
Usopp has tried to leave too, but his situation was different. His reasons were stated clearly and he didn’t try to pretend that all the shit they’ve gone through together and the bonds they’ve formed were fake. Nami, Robin, Sanji? They try to do the “ah, I never loved you” bullshit. 
But Sanji’s is the first time that from the get-go, the audience knows before the confrontation everything that’s going on for the crewmember trying to fake betrayal. With Nami and Robin, we didn’t learn their backstories until after they tried to push people away. With Sanji not only did we get it beforehand, but when Luffy and Nami show up, we are shown the three pieces of information that Sanji thinks about and that motivate him to push his crewmates away:
His hands (his treasures) are bound and threatened.
His nakama are threatened.
Zeff is threatened.
He’s backed into a freakin corner! And he know’s Luffy’s track record on crew members trying to leave! So he goes for the throat and when that doesn’t work (or for the whole performance he’s putting on for the Vinsmokes) he attacks Luffy.
Luffy says he won’t fight Sanji, and I wonder if this is because of Water 7 and Usopp. That fight was so fucking painful, I wonder if Luffy vowed to never fight someone like that again?
Clearly he isn’t getting through to Sanji, even though, to him, Sanji should know what the deal is by now.
So he goes for the throat himself! Which is honestly just heartwrenching on Oda’s part and pretty unfair on Luffy’s part. Though, when has Luffy ever been fair lol. His whole crew agrees his selfishness levels are above emperor!
This page pretty much sums it up:
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Also, throughout this entire encounter we get glimpses of Sanji thinking about the crew and meeting Luffy, which is cool to see his internal world somewhat.When Luffy first shows up. I mean. Look at the pain on his face.
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This is not a “we have a difference in ideals and are fighting over it and I’m thinking about how we met because I regret that it’s come to this.” fight. It’s not even a fight. It’s Sanji desperately saying “Please leave before you die because of me!”
Actually, maybe it is kind of a fight of ideals because Sanji is fighting to say “leave me behind I’m not worth it” and Luffy’s saying “yes you are.”
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For all the extremely clear things going on emotionally for people in this scene, I’m surprised Oda just left Nami’s responses at this. But, since he did, it means I get to interpret them how I please!
This could simply be read as her feeling betrayed and shit. But again, they all know the history of the crew. This could just as easily be her saying “You went too far.” or “I can’t believe you wouldn’t believe in Luffy enough to come back with us.”
I said she could probably guess at him feeling like he’s stuck, backed into a corner. And if I remember correctly she is aware that the Strawhat’s lives are threatened if Sanji doesn’t comply with Big Mom’s wishes. But she probably wouldn’t guess at the bracelets being bombs and doesn’t know (but might guess) at the Baratie being threatened too. Nami knows all about people who claim “family” as an excuse to hurt and bind you.
But basically, I would think for her, it would be a situation of her feeling like at this point Sanji should know Luffy well enough to know he won’t give up, and to trust Luffy enough to take Sanji home. So why the fuck would he try to play this game when they’ve all seen that it doesn’t work? Why say the most hurtful things he can think of? And why not just come home now?
I don’t think she’s angry at him for the betrayal he’s trying to act out, I think she’s angry at him for the betrayal he’s committing for not trusting the crew to get him out of there.
(Again, haven’t read past this part but I could absolutely see later Nami saying “do you think we acted hurt enough for them to buy it?”)
And then of course, the last four pages of the chapter where Luffy clearly calls bullshit on Sanji, saying Sanji felt the pain of his kicks more than Luffy did. And Sanji is just starting to fucking lose it. (panels from right to left)
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Like, Luffy. Chill. It hurts so much! But no, he can’t just call Sanji out. He’s gotta go for the kill, present Sanji with an unacceptable situation he knows he can’t refuse. Or at least hopes he can’t refuse. Because for Luffy, Sanji leaving is an unacceptable situation.
Not only will he not eat (which, god, using that against Sanji is almost too much, fuck, Luffy), but he won’t even fucking move so get your ass back here soon before I starve, Sanji.
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To use the two very deeply entrenched facts about these characters this way is sure something, huh?
Sanji will feed anyone who is hungry. He cannot stand hunger, almost.
Luffy eats all the damn time and lots and never refuses food. For him to say “i’m going on a hunger strike, I’m not eating until it’s from you” IS JUST SO MUCH.
Also side note god what cruel people to laugh at Sanji’s pain as Niji and Yonji are doing.
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Sanji thought he could get away with thinking he’s expendable (just like Judge has said in every time period we’ve seen him on the page) Luffy flat out rejects that. Sanji is essential, an required part of the crew and a required part of Luffy’s dream. Just like the crew have adopted his dream as a part of all of their own ultimate goals, so Luffy is saying that they are all part of his ultimate goal. He has adopted them into him becoming the Pirate King.
And goddamn if this arc isn’t about found family. The blood of the covenant is thicker, don’t cha know.
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sanjiafsincedayone · 7 years
Masterpost - SanjiAFsincedayone
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All my Sanji and One Piece posts in one place.
One Piece 902 - Review/Thoughts
One Piece 899 - Small review
One Piece 892 – Review/Thoughts
Semla~~~~!!! (OP ch 866)
One Piece 862 - Review/Thoughts         
One Piece 856 - Review/Thoughts
One Piece 846 - Review/Thoughts
One Piece 845 - Review/Thoughts
One Piece 844 - Small review
One Piece 843 - Review/Thoughts
One Piece 842 - Review/Thoughts
One Piece 841 - Review/Thoughts
One Piece 840 - Review/Thoughts
Chapter 840 and Sanji
One Piece 839 - Small review
One Piece 836 - Review/Thoughts
One Piece 835 - Review/Thoughts
One Piece 834 - Review/Thoughts
One Piece 833 - Review/Thoughts …and Sanji!
This chapter… and Sanji’s past… (ch833)
One Piece 832 - Review/Thoughts
One Piece 831 - Review/Thoughts
One Piece 830 - Review/Thoughts
One Piece 829 - Review/Thoughts
One Piece 828 - Review/Thoughts
One Piece 827 - Review/Thoughts
One Piece 826 - Review/Thoughts
One Piece 825 - Review/Thoughts
One Piece 824 - Review/Thoughts
One Piece 821 - Review/Thoughts
One Piece 820 - Review
One Piece 815 - Review/Thoughts
What to do with Sanji? (ch815+)
Sanji theory and ch 814 review
The year of Sanji is killing me! (Ch 813)
It’s here! Episode 755
One Piece Ep.739 - SANJI IS BACK!
One Piece GOLD (movie review)
Character analysis:
Sanji~ Please come back soon!
All the Sanji hate…
Sigh, why so much hate towards Sanji?
More on the Sanji hate
Sanji is far from useless!
Sanji and Violet/Viola
This chapter… and Sanji’s past…
Happy Birthday Sanji~!
Regarding Sanji and Purin
Oda’s development of Sanji! Part 1
Oda’s development of Sanji! Part 2
Sanji as a leader P.1 - The Chef
Sanji as a leader P.2 - Disciplining the crew
Luffy – A “Brief” look
Nami – A “Brief” look
So many theories about Sanji.
Sanji’s future…
Crazy Sanji theory - Aliens
Sanji the Devil - Possible connections?
The Wholecake foreshadowing! Chapter 830
Chapter 672 - The tortoise and the hare - Sanji vs Zoro
Sanji x Nami:
My top 25 favorite SaNami moments – Part 1
My top 25 favorite SaNami moments – Part 2
Masterpost: Cover pages - Sanji x Nami
Cover pages - Sanji x Nami P.1
Cover pages - Sanji x Nami P.2
Cover pages - Sanji x Nami P.3
Cover pages - Sanji x Nami P.4
Cover pages - Sanji x Nami P.5
Cover pages - Sanji x Nami P.6
Cover pages - Sanji x Nami P.7
(Part 1) Sanji x Nami hints - 373
(Part 2) Sanji x Nami hints – Colors and symbols
(Part 3) Sanji x Nami hints - Thematic parallels
Sanji & Nami - When the rain stops
SanNami and Time
Crazy Sanji theory - Nami
My Crazy SaNami Thanks!
Hidden SaNami - Manga and filler
Sanji and Nami – Fights and danger
Top 10 weirdest choices if SaNa doesn’t happen.
SaNa is a good ship
Touch has a powerful romantic value - Part 1
Touch has a powerful romantic value - Part 2
Touch has a powerful romantic value - Part 3
Touch has a powerful romantic value - Part 4
Touch has a powerful romantic value - Part 5
Sanji x Nami Promo
My blog really ships SaNami
SaNami - Lucky nr 77
Sanji and Nami, hints or not?
SaNami + Numbers (again)
Nami thinks Sanji is stylish
Some possible SaNami clues? (Chapter 45 vs 845)
SaNami - In your arms collage
Happy Valentine’s Day
Cigarettes and Mikan
SanNami week Day 1 - Fashion
SanNami week Day 4 - Teamwork
SanNami week Day 6 - Sisters
Rants and other stuff:
Happy birthday Sanji-kun!
Happy Women’s Day
I need Sanji
One Piece character poll
Meme: 11 Questions
Sanji posts stolen.
All my love to Hiroaki Hirata
I love Sanji so much!
I got these when I watched One Piece Gold
One Piece Tokyo Tower
One Piece Tokyo haul~
THANK YOU!!! 1000 followers~
Sanji has come so far!
Romance in One Piece
Thank you reply! (ch845 review)
Ask - What do you think binding kiss means?
Ask - From your point of view, how do Sanji and Nami think about each other?
ART and collections:
The year of Sanji is upon us 2016
Sanji sketch by my sister
Sanji and Bellemere parallells collage
Sanji pre-timeskip collage
348 notes · View notes
Reason ~ ch. 22
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pairing: female oc (devon alba) x levi ackerman
tropes: instructor x cadet, strangers to lovers, male mc falls first
warnings: angst/slow-burn, strong language, upcoming smut(18+ readers only for those chapters pls 🙈), mentions of physical assault/violence, mentions of scars, heavy sexual tension
brief summary: This story takes place a few years after the Fall of Shiganshina. Devon Alba is in her final year of the 101st Training Corps (844-847), due to her success as a cadet she gets the chance to meet Captain Levi. She doesn’t think too much of him until he catches her in the midst of doing something that she isn’t entirely supposed to be doing. But surprisingly, this leads to something unexpected...
ch. 1 [...] ch. 21 | chapter 22 | ch. 23
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Devon jolted awake. She knew what she heard—someone had just entered the apartment.
And only one other person could do that.
She sat up.
It’d been a month since she’d seen him last. She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t starting to feel a bit lonely at times.
She thought about her friends often. What were they upto? Where were they? Is Keith an MP now? What division did Imada and Monty pick? She never got to know… 
Then-surprisingly-she’d find herself thinking about Levi. She’d wonder what he was doing… Is he safe? Is he at Scout Headquarters? Is he outside the walls? Is he hurt?
The last question always left her feeling unsettled–so much so that she’d freeze up whenever she thought about it.
Her co-worker had caught her once…
She’d been putting books back on the shelf and stopped mid-way when she saw that the book was about different kinds of tea leaves and their benefits. The first thing her mind had gone to was him. It didn’t take her long to start growing concerned about his whereabouts and… his well-being.
The thunderbolt of fear that encapsulated her body shocked her. The book slipped from her fingers and hit the ground with a low thud.
“Hey, you okay?”
She turned to see Piper staring at her with a concerned expression.
Devon immediately bent down to pick up the book, “Y-yeah.”
Piper’s hand was suddenly at her shoulder, “Hey, if you need a break I can cover you.”
Piper was only a little older than her–probably in her mid-twenties but she knew Piper was skeptical of her. She theorized it was because she didn’t socialize much at work but luckily Piper never treated her differently because of it.
Devon attempted to smile as convincingly as she could, “That’s alright! Thank you.”
She hadn’t told her co-workers that Levi was a Scout because she didn’t want to hear the entourage of questions it was certain to bring about. She just mentioned that he was in the Military–which sector was up to their interpretation.
Luckily, Piper had left after that but she had stood still for a long moment after that.
It threw her off–just how fearful she’d gotten in merely seconds.
She knew it was ridiculous. He was more than capable of taking care of himself but it made no difference. It gnawed at her–a constant nag in the back of her mind that would render her utterly frozen when brought to the forefront of her mind.
It scared her that if something happened to him she wouldn’t find out until it was too late. It scared her that there was even a chance that he wouldn’t come back to the apartment.
It scared her much more than she would like to admit.
She stood up and walked out of her room. She glanced over to see a low light coming through the small space underneath the bathroom door.
She walked up to the door and knocked.
There was a moment of silence before she heard a soft-spoken, “It’s unlocked.”
She hesitated for half a second before entering the bathroom.
Her lips pursed at the sight before her. It was just as she thought..
He sat on the edge of the bathtub. He was shirtless. His dark hair was slovenly—bits and pieces of dirt could be seen strewn within its black strands. Even though he wasn’t looking at her, she could tell that his eye bags had gotten darker. His jaw was clenched as he stared down at his feet.
Her heart lurched.
Her eyes zoned in on the jagged, deep red cut marking his collarbone. Out of all the thin cuts and scabs running along his body, it was clear that that one needed attention the most.
He was hurt.
She walked over and grabbed the gauze pad out of his hand and got to work.
She bent down slightly as she slowly wiped away the blood coating the wound. The wound had clearly not been cared for for a while.
She wondered if he’d came straight back from the expedition here..
She noticed him lean back slightly. She blushed furiously when she realized her chest had nearly grazed his face. She felt her hand go unsteady when she realized she was standing in between his legs.
She quickly turned around towards the sink. Forcing herself to even out her breathing as she disposed of the used gauze pad and grabbed another.
When she turned around she was careful not to touch him as she stepped between his legs. She bent down slightly once more, her hand trembling as she dabbed at the wound. She hated how aware she was of her chest being in his face.
He shifted slightly and her over-attuned self jolted at the action. She hadn’t expected him to move.
Her hand went to his bare shoulder to steady herself. She felt his shoulder flex underneath her hand.
“S-sorry.” she mumbled.
Just as she lifted her hand she was suddenly pulled down to his lap. His arm was around her back, holding her upright on his thigh. She couldn’t help but notice how firm his lean thighs felt underneath her bottom.
She met his unwavering dark gray eyes and almost stopped breathing.
Up-close she could see just how haggard he was. His face was smeared with dirt. And his eyes…there was a certain emptiness to them that she couldn’t comprehend. The typical harshness in his gaze remained-even if it was fainter than before, it still made him appear withdrawn. His jaw was tight with tension.
She couldn’t explain the trickle of fear that swept through her body.
What happened out there?
She wanted to ask but bit her tongue. She couldn't break the rules he had set.. 
She blinked, lowering her gaze to remember the task at hand. Her hand continued to shake slightly as she dabbed at the wound. Her arm brushing against his bare chest with each movement.
His eyes never left her. She knew it because she felt it. His gaze was like an added weight, making her skin go warm and body feel present. His gaze created this inexplicable knot within her–the kind of knot that only he could elicit.
It was different from the kind of knot she typically experienced before a nerve-wracking moment. Like before completing her first ODM gear training assessment or right before receiving a score from an educational exam.
She didn’t understand how or why it existed. She only knew how it made her feel… 
His hand slowly slid down the curve of her waist to her hip.
They were too close. Too close.
She felt like he could hear her erratic breathing. her pounding heartbeat. her ceaseless thoughts.
What is going on with you?! She mentally scolded herself.
She was drawn back to reality when she realized the gauze pad had caught most of the blood and the wound appeared to have stopped bleeding. She glanced towards the sink, spotting the bandage tape on the counter.
Just as she got up to grab it, his hand on her hip pulled her back down. He kept a firm grip on her hip as he reached over to grab the bandage tape himself. He handed it to her.
She took it-a bit reluctant-before glancing down to see that he’d given her scissors as well–which she appreciated because she didn’t think she had it in her to ask him to rip it apart with his teeth like last time. She cut the tape to the needed length and slowly pressed it to his wound.
She felt him tense slightly but he appeared otherwise unaffected.
She used a bit of the excess tape to bandage a couple of his smaller wounds.
“Done.” she murmured.
He took the roll of bandage tape from her hands and placed it on the tub’s ledge. He made no move to release her.
She finally met his gaze only to see him turn his face elsewhere. Had she caught his gaze a second earlier she would’ve seen him staring at the bit of revealed skin at the neckline of her shirt. She wasn’t as broad as him so the neckline of his shirts tended to dip a bit lower on her narrower frame.
It was absolutely humiliating to him how he drank in even a morsel of her skin.
He faced her.
He went still when she leaned forward slightly and blew at his eye. His brows furrowed when she swiped at something on his cheek.
He looked down to see her peering at an eyelash in her hand. His eyelash.
She glanced at him, “Make a wish.”
“You believe that shit.” he muttered dismally.
She rolled her eyes, “If you won’t, I will.”
“Go ahead.”
She closed her eyes for a moment. Her face expressionless before she re-opened her eyes and blew away the eyelash.
She felt his hand on her hip twitch.
“What’d you wish for.” he asked quietly.
She stared into his gray-blue eyes. Maybe it was just the dim lighting but it made his eyes appear to have a tinge of indigo blue.
“I wish you slept more.”
“Tch, you don’t think I try?”
“I don’t know,” she frowned, “All I know is that you look more tired.”
He didn’t respond.
Her subtle frown deepened. She figured he wouldn’t respond because he never discussed himself but it hurt her slightly regardless.
“I’ve had trouble sleeping for years,” his pensive tone suddenly turned bitter, “You’d think it’d be the opposite.”
Her eyes widened slightly–she hadn’t expected him to explain. But she couldn’t help but agree with the latter. It would take her merely seconds to close her eyes and fall asleep during the training corps. The physical exhaustion of training always made her eager to sleep.
She could only imagine how physically exhausted the scouts were after their Expeditions. Using ODM gear for long periods of time took a strenuous toll on the body.
She remembered in the beginning of training she could only utilize ODM gear for half an hour before running out of stamina but overtime her endurance grew–as well as her strength. Now she could use ODM gear for hours on end and it would feel as natural as walking; but even achieving that took three years of training.
She could only imagine that the scouts had it exponentially worse–atop of the mental stress of being outside the walls and facing titans, they had various missions to complete. They couldn’t afford any imperfect ODM gear usage; not when it could cost your life.
“Is it because I stole your bed?” she blurted.
The second the question escaped her lips she felt idiotic. She hadn’t meant to spit that out so impulsively.
Her mind had gone back to her time at the training corps so she’d suddenly remembered that the other cadets hated the beds at the barracks. She wondered if it was the same for the scouts at Scout HQ. But she knew there had to be more to it–she doubted the scouts got any sleep during their expeditions.
To her surprise, he let out a laugh. It was a short, deep chuckle that made her eyes widen.
He wished it was that simple.
“No. It’s because my shitty brain refuses to shut the fuck up.”
She paused–lost in the fact that he just laughed. It felt like an insurmountable feat somehow.
As she scrambled to find her thoughts to continue the conversation she hadn’t realized she’d taken too long to respond.
He glanced over at her. His dark gray eyes scanning her distracted expression as he asked, “That ever happen to you?”
She blinked, “Um-yes… when I’m worried about something.”
When she was homeless she barely slept. Not because she couldn’t but because she was scared. Sleeping on the streets at night was dangerous so she’d always have to try to find places to hide. And most of the time the hiding spots weren’t exactly comfortable nor safe.
She subtly shook her head–trying to rid herself of the memory before asking him, “Are you worried?”
“Always.” he murmured–but he didn’t sound entirely too focused.
He was staring down at her legs over his lap. Her breath hitched when his hand went to her inner thigh. His thumb ran over the sliver of skin peeking through a tear in her soft pants.
“What happened here.”
She quickly covered the tear with her hand. His touch was entirely too distracting. His open touches were mixing up all of her thoughts.
He stared at her inquisitively.
She blushed, “Uh–I dropped my knife when I was cooking.”
The knife had cut a small hole in her pants in the process but since she liked the material too much she didn’t have the heart to dispose of them. She convinced herself that the tear was subtle anyway. Of course, his watchful eye had caught it.
“You dropped your knife.” he deadpanned.
Her eyes widened at his sarcasm, “It’s not my fault that the newspaper boy always knocks before sliding the paper under the door! He scared me.”
“Tch, and you wanted to be a Scout.”
Her brows furrowed, “Excuse m-” before she could finish her words an obvious yawn left her mouth. Her body wasn’t used to staying up this late.
“Shit,” he’d completely lost track of time, “You need to sleep.”
He tensed when he realized that she was still on his lap. He hadn’t let go of her when she’d finished bandaging him. He hadn’t wanted to…
He reluctantly dropped his hand from her side and she shot up. She was beet red–as if her sitting on him had been her fault somehow.
He almost yanked her back down. His thigh already ached from her missing warmth.
“Um-are you gonna shower?” she asked.
He raised a brow, “Yes.”
She didn’t meet his eyes as she slowly walked backwards to the door, “Well..you should know that your soap ran out so I bought another.”
She opened the bathroom door, “It’s strawberry scented.”
Before he could express his displeasure she was out of the bathroom in a flash. By the time he got up to chase her, she was already in her room with the door locked.
He banged his fist on her door, “Devon!” he bellowed.
He heard her muffled laughs through the door. “Sorry!”
“This woman..”
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Devon walked out of her bedroom, fully dressed and freshly ready for her day at work.
She yawned as she made her way to the kitchen. She wasn’t used to sleeping too late but–thanks to Levi–last night she had.
She stopped mid-step when she saw that he was laying on the couch–deep asleep.
No way.
He rarely slept over at the apartment. She wondered what had made him stay..
She frowned when she realized he didn’t have a pillow.
She knew from experience that sleeping on your arm for long periods of time could get more than a little uncomfortable. Her arm would go numb and tingly at times.
She briskly ran to her room and retrieved a pillow.
She slowly approached him.
I’m not going to wake him up this time. She promised to herself.
When she saw him sleeping she felt something inside her melt. It was ridiculous-she knew it was-but she liked watching him sleep.
He looked so utterly at peace, she couldn’t help but wish he always looked like that. It also made him look like he aged backwards a couple years.
He looked clean–all the dirt in his hair and face last night was completely gone. A thin crack amongst the curtains let out a sliver of light that reflected on his face, making his poreless skin glow on one side. He was wearing a plain white tee under the blanket but-even through the sheets-she could still see the faint outline of his defined chest.
When she leaned down to gently pull his arm away from underneath his head, she caught a faint whiff of a strawberry scent. She froze before biting down on her lower lip-hard-to keep from laughing.
Don’t wake him. She scolded herself and-luckily-that thought quickly sobered her.
To her surprise, she managed to successfully slip her hand underneath his head after removing his arm. Her heart thudded with nerves.
He must really be dead asleep.
She was sure-had he even been a little conscious right now-she would’ve gotten caught. Especially after almost bursting out in laughter a second ago.
She couldn’t help but notice how soft his hair was. She’d be lying if she said never wanted to touch his hair before but she didn’t dare risk running her hands through it.
Instead she lifted his head slightly–moving at a snail’s pace in order to not wake him. Once there was enough space, she briskly stuffed the pillow underneath his head.
Once she withdrew her hand, she sighed in relief. That felt like mission impossible.
She had to pry her eyes away from him–not wanting to let herself get too hung up. She supposed she only wanted to stare because she wasn’t sure if he’d still be there when she came back from work.
She sighed. Don’t count on it.
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“This book is something else.”
Devon glanced over to see Iris giggling while holding the book open for Piper to see. Iris caught Devon’s glance and waved her over.
Devon set down the book she was holding before reluctantly walking over. They had just received a new shipment of books so there was plenty of work to do but-Iris being Iris-loved to fool around.
“Wow.” Piper complimented as she stared at the page in awe.
Devon looked at the page and immediately wished she hadn’t. On the page was a rather large image of a naked man. It was clearly a painting but his lower regions were more than sufficient.
“This book really is about art, huh.” Iris giggled.
“Why doesn’t my husband look like that?” Piper complained.
Devon chuckled slightly at that.
Just as Iris turned another page-showcasing another naked man with a glorious package-Devon glanced around. She was nervous that Larsa-their manager-would walk in at any second and reprimand them.
“He kinda looks like my husband.” Iris commented.
“You wish.” Piper rebutted.
Piper and Iris were both married. Piper had been married for two years now with a childhood friend. Iris was only a year older than her but she was also married as well. It wasn’t uncommon for women to marry young. Even so, Devon would find herself getting thrown off whenever they mentioned their husbands.
They flipped to another page.
“Now if my husband looked like that he could get it every night.” Piper spoke.
Iris let out another girlish giggle.
Devon was already back at her cart–picking up another new book to organize when Piper spoke.
“Wow, looks like Devon’s man must be good cuz she ain’t even interested in looking at these pics.”
Devon immediately flushed, “It’s not that, I just don’t want Larsa-”
Iris was suddenly at her side, “Oh my god, how big is he? Your fiance?”
Devon reddened some more, “What-”
“I know you guys have done it.” Iris said, “Right? Me and Piper were tryna guess.”
“You guys were trying to guess?” Devon repeated, astonished.
Piper shrugged, “I don’t know. I heard military men know how to get it on.”
“Piper thinks you're waiting till marriage.” Iris added, her eyes glowing with curiosity.
“Erm..” Devon had no clue how to navigate this and she knew if she lied they were both bound to ask further questions–which was a conversation she was absolutely not prepared for.
“No, we haven’t done that.” she muttered.
“Ha! I knew it.” Piper exclaimed, “Give me my money, Iris.”
“Damn, seriously? You guys are patient.” Iris replied.
“Pft. No, she’s definitely the one making him patient.” Piper added.
“What are you saying?” Devon raised a brow.
“Girl, are you serious? I only needed to see him for a second to know that he’s frustrated as hell.”
Devon’s eyes widened.
Iris crossed her arms, “And how can you tell?”
Piper rolled her eyes, “It’s the same look my husband gives me when it’s been a while.”
“Same look…?” Devon muttered–completely lost.
“Y’know, the look that gets you all hot and bothered. Makes you feel like you two are the only people in the room. Like he’s undressing you with his eyes…” at Devon’s clueless expression she trailed off before asking, “You seriously don’t know?”
“I don’t think she does.” Iris giggled, “Have you seen him naked?”
Piper snorted.
“N-no, just shirtless.” Devon didn’t like talking about this. For the first time, she was embarrassed of her inexperience.
It wasn’t her fault that she had trust issues. Imada, Monty and Keith had only recently taught her that friends were even a possibility for her. And Levi.. she still didn’t know what to think of him. He wasn’t her Captain anymore but it wasn’t like how they were saying either…right?
“Shirtless? Ooh, Is he fit?” Iris pried.
An image of his shirtless frame filled her mind. Even when his body was dirt stained, scarred and bleeding, it was impossible to ignore his tightly muscular frame. She’d have to force herself not to stare at his abs protruding whenever he tensed underneath her hands. Even sitting on his lap last night, she still felt the imprint of the compact muscle his thigh was made of.
“Yes.” she choked out. It felt weird to admit out loud. Especially when she actively avoided thinking of Levi in that light.
“Ooh!” Iris squealed excitedly. “You guys live together right?”
“Yes.” Devon raised a brow, failing to see how that was relevant.
Iris and Piper shared a look before breaking out in shameless grins.
“What?” Devon frowned–she felt like she was missing something.
Iris broke out in a fit of giggles just as Piper shook her head.
Piper responded, “Girl, you are a tease.”
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 4 years
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Sanji is using the same word between both of these scenes, it’s just conjugated differently. The word is 帰る/kaeru- ‘to return’ or ‘to go home.’
The first time he says it, when trying to scare Luffy and Nami away, he says 帰れ/kaere, which is an order, and a rather harsh one at that- ‘go away’ or ‘get lost.’ But when he finally admits he wants to go back to Sunny, he uses the same word, but this time it’s conjugated as 帰りたい/kaeritai. ‘I want to go home.’
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 4 years
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Awhile back, I mentioned that さようなら/sayounara, while commonly known as the Japanese word for ‘goodbye,’ is not a very common or casual way to say it. It’s a more weighty word. Outside of formal contexts, it’s mostly used as a more definitive goodbye, like when you don’t expect to see someone for a long time, if ever.
I mentioned it last time because that’s how Robin says goodbye to Sanji and Chopper at Water 7, when she’s not expecting to ever see them again. And it’s how Nami says goodbye to Sanji here.
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 4 years
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After Sanji beats the shit out of Luffy, Nami drops the friendly/affectionate suffix she usually uses for him just before slapping him. The little dots Oda uses for emphasis even show up when she calls him just Sanji rather than Sanji-kun.
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 4 years
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hey this is illegal
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