#ons chapter 127
voijjd · 11 months
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“Father, I’m scared. I can’t find the courage to do it. But… I love you a whole lot too.”
Owari no Seraph | Chapter 127
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kenny-ackermanswife2 · 10 months
If Seraph of the end Characters have insta Who would yall definitely follow!
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angiiiiexx · 11 months
What if angel Mikaela didn't kill himself.
Maybe he couldn't do it but someone came in the last moment and killed him. That's why shikama says that god killed him.
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winwintea · 1 month
secure that card! 01. the plan
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SUMMARY ▸ zhong chenle is the owner of many cards. a black card? he owns that. he even has a stanford student id card. the one card he doesn’t own though? a green card. and if chenle plays his cards right, he just may be able to secure one by wooing you. or it could all fall through… who knows?
AUTHORS NOTE ▸ “肏你妈” is a slang in chinese that means ‘fuck you’ but it’s literal definition is ‘fuck your mother’ 💀 + in chenle’s last message to yan an “爱你哥” is just him saying ‘i love you bro’ in chinese. also apologies for the shitty cropping 😭 i learned how to crop the texts better later so bare with me
TAG LIST ▸@marvelahsobx @lyvhie @odxrilove @jkslvsnella @aquaphoenixz
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manga-meow · 4 months
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lynaerith · 11 months
Chapter 127 and Possibilities for Mikaela's Character Progression
i'm trying to piece together my thoughts on how this is supposed to be developing our understanding of Mika's character, and what this means for his overall character arc.
Time and time again, we witness Mika's selfless actions—and how far he's willing to push himself just to ensure that the people he cares about are safe. We've already seen Mika kill himself on three separate occasions: and each time has been of his own volition and sacrifice.
I saw someone on Twitter mention that perhaps the moral theme of ONS will turn out to be that Yu must learn to let go of Mika, but I don't think this is the case.
Yu has always had a passive role in relation to every time Mika has decided to off himself. As a homunculus, he was kicked out of the fighting area between Mikaela and Paimon; as an empty vessel, he simply waited for Sika Madu to resurrect Mikaela; as a human, he was ordered/forced by child Mika to run away, and then forced to watch vampire Mika give his life to protect him.
In other words, Yu has never had a choice on whether he could "keep" Mika around, because he was never actively partaking in the choice.
Moreover, I think that what this means for our current Mika, is that he must actually learn to be selfish. He must learn to put himself before others.
Every time Mika has died, in one way or another, it was for someone else. Mika choses to die, time and time again, because he has this self-perceived notion that the happiness and well-being of other's whom he cares deeply about is above his own.
I think this also ties into Mika's horrendous self-image and self-worth—which we see mostly when Mika is a vampire, and briefly as a demon.
Of course, this brings up a lot of questions as to why Kagami handeled vampire Mika the way he did for so long, but I digress.
Throughout the entire story of ONS, Mikaela has always been selfless; not just in death, but also in life. He gives himself up to Ferid to provide for his orphan family, he holds Seraph Yu back from killing his squad, he comes to the aid of the Shinoa squad despite quarreling, etc.
So, I think that now—especially because not once do we ever see demon Mika's face in chapter 127 as the entire ordeal occurs—Mika must realize he can't be selfless. He can't just keel over and die for others. He needs to start being selfish and wanting things: he needs to want to live. It's ironic, because Yu even tells Mika when they reunite in chapter 36 that he won't listen to anyone who so easily throws their life away.
Perhaps Mika's learned selfishness will play a key role in ensuring Yu is able to resurrect both humanity and Mika. Selfishness does share a similar weight to the seven sins biblically, and given just how biblical ONS is, perhaps sin itself will aid in the ordeal.
Anyways :') Please feel free to add your own commentary in reblogs/comments, offer your own insights or counterpoints. This is invitation for discussion!
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black-sapphire57 · 11 months
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If I’m dead dead dead honest! I never really cared about Angel Mikaela until this very moment. He’s so kept in the dark and innocent that it’s practically a crime to have killed him (ironic how it’s not) I don’t hate either him or Paimon.
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This panel… This panel…
Hit me right where it hurts. Omg 🥺 I miss Nanami so much. 💛
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algumaideia · 14 days
Sanji picked up the phone and just went with lying, they were lucky it was him and not Luffy or Zoro
Mr 0 didn't realize he was speaking to another person or he did and just decided to go with it?
Either he doesn't talk much with his associates or he doesn't care
Anyway smoker is back and I'm not happy about it
Bye slug phones! I'll miss you
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go-to-the-mirror · 1 year
Once again, this is a stream of consciousness ramble as I listen along. All quotes will be take from the official transcript. I have a lot of thoughts about this episode, so this'll probably be a bit more organized than a lot of my other streams of consciousness rambles.
Without further ado, enjoy.
Jonathan Fanshawe is writing such a salty breakup letter and I love him for that.
I could get was a sense of resignation and the insistence that his master, who I took to be Albrecht, wanted the tree dead. I am sure that he used that word, though. Not ‘burned’, not ‘removed’ or ‘destroyed’. Dead. I resolved to ask Albrecht about it when I saw him.
I wonder what that tree was. Like, Albrecht must have had some reason. Maybe it says what it is later, I've forgotten some of this episode.
an errand I remind you, Jonah, I undertook at your insistence.
He sounds so angry when he says that, as he should tbh.
Again, he ignored me. Instead, he took the seat opposite me and started to tell me a story. And then another. And another. A stream of strange tales began to pour out of him, and I just sat there, transfixed, desperately wishing I had the strength of will to stand and leave, but all I could do was listen. He told me of a seamstress who laced her body with fine black thread, and when she pulled it all out in a single swift motion, her skin dropped away like a loose shift. He told me of a man so scared to die he spent a year weaving a rope blindfolded, so that he would not know the length and could not foresee the moment it would tighten around his neck when he finally threw himself into the void. He told me of a fire that burns so hot and fierce that to even know about it is enough to burn a man’s tongue from his head. He told me so many terrible things.
I don't know what to say to this. Spooky? It sure is spooky. Obviously it has some similarities to Jon's whole thing, especially in the eyepocolypse, it's safe to assume Albrecht was an avatar, or perhaps just cursed by these books. The seamstress who laced her body with a fine black thread seems to be the only one that isn't connected to The Eye, however if these books were from before Smirke codified his taxonomy of fears, or at least before it caught on, then they're probably more interconnected, or separated in a different way.
“You do not understand,” he said to me in German, “I do not read the books. They read me.”
This reminds me of one of the books Mike Crew encountered.
I spent some time with a small grey volume, I think it was in Cyrillic, that decided it was at home amongst my bookshelves. I couldn’t read it, of course, but… when it tried to read me back, I buried it on a lonely stretch of moorland.
It's probably not the same book, but it makes sense that Mike's book would have been Eye aligned, in a categorization way to make it comprehendible way.
What shall I tell you, Jonah, about this fool's errand, that damnable journey we embarked upon? Shall I regale you with the awful experiences of transporting a library’s worth of books through the Black Forest? Perhaps I should write you an in-depth account of finding that ancient cemetery, of descending into that bleak and frozen mausoleum? Or would you prefer to hear about the hours we spent placing volume after volume on empty, grey shelves, ignoring how out of place the new bindings appeared against the antique stonework? No. I’m sure all you want to know was how Albrecht died. Why it was that, as I replaced the last book taken from that place, I heard his scream from the top of the stairs and ran up to find him sprawled and dead before the stone coffin.
This reminds me of a couple of statements, what first comes to mind is MAG 38 - Burnt Offering and MAG 102 - Nesting Instinct. The statement giver being angry at having to give their statement, or the person giving their statement. I like that. Anyway, Jonathan, get his ass!!
I hope they bring you much wisdom, Jonah, for the cost was dear enough.
Do I need to tell you what I found, Jonah? Do I need to detail what covered his organs, his bones, the inside of his skin? What clustered together in their dozens, and all turned as one to focus on me as I opened his chest, their pupils constricting in the light, with irises of every hue and colour? Because whatever it was that did this to him, I know in my heart that it is your fault.
Chills. CHILLS! It's just. I love this statement. Love this barely contained rage. Fuck yeah Jonathan!!
Hm. Jonah Magnus. I’ve never really given much thought to him, not nearly as much as I should have. I suppose I had always hoped there was a chance he was… innocent in all this. I know, I know. But I had… I had just hoped that maybe the founding of the Institute was in earnest and not simply the foundation stone for all the terrible things that have happened here. But no. Whatever is happening now has its origins two hundred years ago, in the work of an evil man.
Oh, Jon, you don't know the half of it...
ARCHIVIST Just another scar for the collection.
First of all, Jon please treat your body with some respect challenge. You need to live in it. Being so cavalier about your physical health isn't great! Though, understandable considering your current mental state (bad). Secondly, uuhhhhh yeah sure, just another scar for the collection. Definitely not anything more than that. Don't Worry About It.
BASIRA You were sat on the floor for like four hours. ARCHIVIST Oh. No, I was, uh, I was… listening. You know, trying to see if any of the statements… called to me.
Basira just comes into Jon's office and sees him just lying on the floor lying on the celling and just backs away slowly asdfdaf
ARCHIVIST It’s… hard. It’s like there’s a, a door, in my mind, and behind it is, is the entire ocean. Before, I didn’t notice it, but now I, I know it’s there and I can’t forget it and I can feel the pressure of the water on it. I, I, I can keep it closed, but sometimes when I’m around people or places or… ideas, a drop or two will push through the cracks at the edges of the door. And I’ll Know something. BASIRA What happens if you open the door? ARCHIVIST I drown.
This is such a good explanation! I like how it ties in with some future lines, and all of that. It's got the door stuff, oh boy, and it just really helps me conceptualize what spooky knowledge is, you know? People have explained it better than I have, so I'd recommend just finding those if you want people to wow you with their incredible brain thoughts. This episode is just really good for thinking about.
BASIRA The part where you pretend you don’t spend your whole time watching us? ELIAS Sometimes I’m eating.
In conclusion, I love this episode, Jonathan Fanshawe my absolute beloved, Basira don't do it don't trust him please. I hate Elias sososososo much and this episode has like all the reasons <3.
Your obedient servant,
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diesemn · 11 months
I tryed to do headers in new style😭💙💫
mika always looks so freaking gorgeous🥲
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dylanconrique · 6 months
thank god the percy jackson is just a little over 350 pages otherwise i don't think i'd be able to speed through the book before the show drops tomorrow. 😭😭😭😭😭
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roydeezed · 1 year
Chainsaw Man-Chapter Round-Up(Chapter 127)
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I’m trying to write this, but all I can think about is that last page and I can’t stop laughing. We’ll get to it though. This week’s chapter was surprisingly relevant to the thoughts I had on the last chapter. That despite his circumstance’s Denji wants to keep on living, and it’s really admirable. Last chapter I said that he dulls his thoughts and doesn’t think about them or dwell on the bad stuff, but I was wrong. Really, really, wrong. And it’s really good that I was because it’s so much more interesting. Of course his persistence is still there and it’s still admirable. But it’s always fighting against real, tangible, dark thoughts. That he fully understands and acknowledges the weight of even if he can’t get over them. And this chapter shows why Asa is such a great foil to Denji. And in like so many more ways than is apparent. Let me freak out about this ‘cause I love it so much!
So first, obviously, Denji has an incredible will to live. His desires evolve as he attains them. And though he may have cited his greatest desire as sex right now, it follows the trajectory of his dreams. Denji’s fulfilling his promise to Pochita, he’s chasing his dreams and fulfilling them. That’s living to him. And when he attains it, he’ll find another dream. Maybe sex now but love and romance later. Asa on the other hand, is losing things to keep her alive. Her desire sheds more and more everyday and she’s quite vocal about it. First her cat, then the sense of belonging, then her literal life, then friend and then a potential love life as well. 
Let’s focus on the vocal quality about Asa as well. She shares a lot with Yoru. Almost like she’s eager to, which she is. It’s safe to. No one else can hear her. She intellectualizes all of her pain and tries to think it all away but she refuses to confront the core of her fears. She ignores confronting it all. Denji, on the other hand, as we learnt in this chapter, actively thinks about everything that’s gone wrong. But he doesn’t hide from it. He acknowledges it but doesn’t intellectualize it either. He said it himself. He’ll eat that crapburger. He sees it for what it is. Pain. Pain that’ll stay there for a while if not his whole life. It’s not something that should get in the way of living though.
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They’re foils. They’re opposites. And opposites attract. They go hand in hand. And we see that this chapter! Like actually see it! Visually! Denji grabs on to Asa and death pulls on her and life pulls at him, gravity and not. While she reminds him of Aki and Power and brings out the fact that a lot of bad shit has happened to him, he grounds her, reminding her of the good things, that there’s things to look forward to and that someone might even come jumping through the air to catch you. They acknowledge each other’s pain and for the first time it seems like they have someone to actually open up to about it all. I’m still blown away by this beautiful visual metaphor of them bringing each other to their respective worlds. 
And getting away from analysis for a second, is it just me or do they make such an adorable couple? Like they’ve been through so much shit that I just want the best for them. They deserve each other and I mean that in the kindest and best way possible. Fujimoto’s stories have a lot of pathos and other than Fire Punch have satisfying and kind endings, though not always in the way imagined. Well a fellar can hope. 
Let’s end it off with a lil’ theory. For a while now, this end of days thing has been foreshadowed with Hell seemingly making a plan for August of 1999 if I remember correctly. I feel like it’s gonna be something of a living Hell that the demons turn the current world into. And while Denji helps Asa survive in this world, I think Asa is going to help Denji live in the new world to come. And the baggage they both bring. Denji had Nayuta and Asa has Yoru, both integral parts of their life and Asa and Denji could help each other with these parts of their lives they’re having difficulty with. Thinking about it, has it been a love story all along?
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axoskellig · 1 year
“Until you're strong enough... I'll protect you.”
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wanderersbell · 1 year
nobody tell scara but i’m absolutely rotting over blue lock. bachira ,,,,, oh my god
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manga-meow · 4 months
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