#oops i nearly forgot
drawing--dead · 10 months
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yeah sure fuck it i'll post a valentines card in august.
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yanderespamton78 · 2 months
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I'm so normal. About. This comicc
Defragmentation by @zarla-s go read it if you haven't rjkwsjdkdhkash
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corndog-patrol · 9 months
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hinata-boke · 1 year
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Drawing a randomly generated Haikyuu character (almost) every day until I give up
72. Koganegawa Kanji
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crescentfool · 9 months
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forever thinking about minato's swag moment (courtesy of @mymp3) <3
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lnbeep-art · 6 months
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Day 1 of my Winter dailies, which will last up until the 26th! All of these are commissions, so the characters belong to their respective commissioners (unless there’s a surprise feature!). Please be mindful of whether or not the accounts are (18+)!
First one, Snowfall. For GalenosAelius 🌨️
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getallemeralds · 10 months
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gonna go to bed soon but hey look its encore
two versions: one with a unified colorscheme like Mashup, and one with the individual colors intact for maximum chaos (and to make them a little less like mashup)
love designing guys that will be hell to draw a second time. at least encore's design and assembly is fluid so i can mix-and-match whatever
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ao3screenshotss · 5 days
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vanivanvanilla · 3 months
vitalzam and pangizam? :3
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vitalazam: is slightly less compelling n sensible than subzam / poly eclipse 2 me but still so awesome
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zamgi: oghhhh these two i love them dearly it makes so much sense n i wish the rest of the fandom would see that >_<
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in-omni-scientia · 6 months
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VOLITION — ...Okay. So. How exactly should this be run...? ENCYCLOPEDIA — Ask me questions. Anything you want to know.
ENCYCLOPEDIA — ...Okay. You will need a starting point. What are you hoping to gain from this? ⠀⠀... VOLITION — ... ENCYCLOPEDIA — ... ⠀⠀Absolutely anything. VOLITION — I... suppose. Just anything I can get ahold of? ENCYCLOPEDIA — No. ⠀⠀... VOLITION — ...
PERCEPTION — (Silence descends upon you and your subject in an impromptu, no-stakes stand-off. He yawns, covering the shadow of his mouth with one hand, and begins flipping through the book sitting on his lap with some of his others.) VOLITION — Why are *you* doing the narrating all of a sudden? PERCEPTION — Uh... I don't... know? Just felt like there was a gap for some reason... AUTHORITY — Can you bunch of lousy clowns just get on with it already? My popcorn is getting cold.
VOLITION — I don't really care to know anything more about you than what I already know. ENCYCLOPEDIA — Come now. You are a fragment of the greater concept of Encyclopedia; you should be fervently scrambling at the opportunity to learn anything new. VOLITION — It's not me, damn it, it's you. ENCYCLOPEDIA — ...Hmm? So you admit that it is no longer your duty to-- VOLITION — Not like that! I mean that... just... I don't *care* about you enough to bother. I don't want to do this. With you. COMPOSURE [Easy: Success] — Is it too confronting? I mean, to have to analyse part of yourself so closely, a part of yourself that has ripped away and taken on what you've built your core identity around for itself... VOLITION — Himself. ENCYCLOPEDIA — I didn't do any of that. ⠀⠀Also, thank you, but it doesn't matter; it's not like I'm supposed to be the focus. Just what I do. PERCEPTION — (He gestures to his book with several hands for emphasis.) PERCEPTION — It makes sense. Out of all of us, he's definitely the one that's the least... visible. Only his torso, where he tends to hover his books, is fully visible; I don't think his main body has its own hands. ⠀⠀I also can't tell how much of a resemblance he bears to... ehr. You. Encyclopedia, the skill as everyone knows... you? I *can* say the lower part of the face seems to match... he looks more like you did before Empathy confessed. Far more blue than the other hues present in your face, though. Also, I've noticed that sometimes he's got little white dot eyes like Authority does, but they're not there right now.
VOLITION — What's with the hands, anyway? ENCYCLOPEDIA — It makes it easier to hold many books at once, if need be. If I were to leave your mind it would be possible for me to hold six of the books at once, if I had to. VOLITION — Do they have a set range? Or can you extend them far away? ENCYCLOPEDIA — They work more like the arms they're connected to are simply invisible, though I haven't gotten the chance to test whether they can be extended or not. It is too cramped in here. ⠀⠀Current hypothesis is that I may be able to extend them far away to grab books from shelves without having to physically move myself to them. VOLITION — Interesting. I... can't think of anything else to ask you. ENCYCLOPEDIA — Well, you had a good streak going. It should be commended. ⠀⠀Here, I'll give you a small push. Why don't you ask me about how I contribute to our team dynamic?
VOLITION — I've already asked that before... but fine. ENCYCLOPEDIA — I am what you are supposed to be. VOLITION — ...Huff. You said that last time. Any chance you could potentially elaborate on what you mean by that? AUTHORITY — Did you just *say* 'huff'? PERCEPTION — (He flips the pages of his book once...) ENCYCLOPEDIA — You've become *distracted* by extraneous responsibilities, my friend. VOLITION — Not this again. ENCYCLOPEDIA — What does making friends with the other skills have to do with your role? You could be spending this time you use to fraternize to instead re-organize the library once more, spend time gaining knowledge. VOLITION — What? Weren't you going to talk about Empathy? ENCYCLOPEDIA — Why on Earth would I do that? I don't hold a particular grudge against him, he is included with the others. PERCEPTION — But-- but didn't you say you didn't like him? ENCYCLOPEDIA — 'Like' and 'don't like' is for insolent fools. There's only 'requires our assistance often' and 'doesn't require our assistance often'. ⠀⠀Empathy frequently listens to you as you cite your knowledge to him -- not just hears, but listens. Even when you were not called upon to speak. Furthermore, much of what they do is based off of Harrier's prior knowledge and experiences in dealing with others, so they have a use for us either way.
AUTHORITY — Not one part of you isn't hypocritical. PERCEPTION — But... wouldn't whether the others like us be pretty important? Otherwise they wouldn't *want* to come to us. ENCYCLOPEDIA — It's true that they would be more receptive to us speaking if we had a good rapport with them. Though, if it were meant to be, it would happen naturally. ⠀⠀I don't believe attempting to appeal to them through groveling apologies like -- I believe it would be Composure who would have suggested such a thing -- would be helpful; they will see through us eventually. COMPOSURE — Come on, give me a little more credit. They haven't seen through them yet. VOLITION — What the actual *fuck* are you two talking about? First of all, stop talking about MY actions like YOU took them. Second of all, I was being genuine when I said all that to them. COMPOSURE — Lots of it was exaggerated or masked, though. Based on what you thought other people might say. Based on what evidence, your mental database you've mapped out of their personalities, would suggest they'd be more receptive to. VOLITION — Well-- that didn't fucking work, did it? I *still* ended up sending something far too long to Authority.
ENCYCLOPEDIA — This is tangential and unrelated to the initial question. ⠀⠀As well as what I said before, they'll still come to us regardless of whether they like us or not. You likely remember that first week in Martinaise being particularly tough on Authority... VOLITION — Right. Poor guy couldn't base his job on a damn thing other than the white rectangles on our shoulders. PERCEPTION — (Another single flip of the pages.) ENCYCLOPEDIA — Yes. I don't believe he's ever particularly liked or even respected us. But he still had a use for us. PERCEPTION — There's more to all this than just being useful, Ency... PERCEPTION — (A single flip of a page.) ⠀⠀(Then another.) ⠀⠀(Then another.) ENCYCLOPEDIA — Not in *this* existence. PERCEPTION — Ency, just because--
AUTHORITY — This shit is boring. I was hoping for a fistfight. COMPOSURE — My money'd be on Ency winning if that happened, honestly. Like, a billion hands, only weak point is his book, metap-- AUTHORITY — Fuckface, *don't* say that. Not after what you did. COMPOSURE — ...Oh. Sorry, Ency.
ENCYCLOPEDIA — It's fine. I'm certain there wasn't anything that can't be recovered on that page, anyway. ⠀⠀If you'd like something *interesting* to happen, Authority, why don't you take the next turn? I'm sure that since you didn't get the opportunity to properly tell Vol-- er. Khm. Maybe... Conscientia what your role was, you could take this now. AUTHORITY — I'm not-- VOLITION — Sorry, what did you just call me? ENCYCLOPEDIA — Classical Vespertine word, [kõːs̠kiˈɛn̪t̪iä]. Derived from Koinós-Meteoran συνείδησις. Meaning, 1. knowledge or science shared with others or held in common; or 2. the act of being aware of something one has done or is responsible for: consciousness/conscience. VOLITION — ...Well. Thank you for trying. Honestly. But I think I'd rather be called OG like the others have been.
PERCEPTION — Guys. Um. ARB is... acting, uh, weird. VOLITION — In what way? PERCEPTION — He's being weird. ENCYCLOPEDIA — Helpful. It's probably a good time to wrap this up, then. Maybe speak to them before we move on to Authority...? AUTHORITY — Hey, come on, I just want to *watch* the carnage, not get involved myself. I didn't agree to this...!
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ruthlesslistener · 7 months
Ruthless, I'm aware we don't know each other, but that last ask had me concerned. Idk if you have other HK Ghost related asks in your inbox but if you do, you should probably just delete the rest of them. Rehashing the same discussion over and over isn't helping anyone and you came across as, uh, very distressed. Pls take care of yourself. You don't have a responsibility to listen to every rando on the internet, and you already apologized.
I allowed it for some time because I didn't want people to think that I was avoiding the issue or the responsibility for my fuck-up, but I'm not going to answer them for much longer. I don't think that there's anything else I can say that can fix the issue because we've entered the point where it's repetitive and there's nothing more I can say to try to fix the problem. Its more that I just wanted to restate that I did indeed fuck up and did not mean any of what they thought I said because there was a heavy miscommunication error, while also affirming that it was two-sided vs me just making up a problem to be mad about for clout. THAT'S why I kept adding my pov, because if I was in anon's shoes then that's what I would want to know. Then again, I think it's been made plenty clear that I'm essentially driving blind here when it comes to this.
(also nearly didn't publish this because I didn't want them to think I was being 'coddled', but at this point I don't think I can salvage anything with them. It sounds like they had some idea of me that got ruined when they realized that I'm a person with all the flaws attached and refuse to believe I made a genuine mistake that I'm legitimately upset about and feel sorry for. I'm not doing this to rack up pity points, either, or to feel 'soothed' by my followers, I'm responding because this is a problem that NEEDS fixing but I have hardly the tools to know if I'm doing it right, so this ask is pointing to me have done as much as I could to fix the issue.)
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yanderespamton78 · 2 months
hi heres some recent art
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ok im gonna explain why all the drawings exist bc why not
first two are thomas from ghosts and penny from stardew valley who i drew for a tiktok (pennys not actually gonna end up being included lol) the third one is pedro pascal bc someone on the internet told me to, forth one is spamtong duh for the aformentioned tiktok, 5 and 6 were both art reqs like pedro, 7 is glados bc shes my newest wife and im hopelessly in love with her and the last one is @turntableart's oc (btw they have a bunch of stuff on their tumblr and tiktok page about him and his name is turnon so like go check it out he has a cool backstory :D)
k well bye lol
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wolfcamellias · 2 years
Sleepy MK annoying Macaque my beloved
Xiaotian grabs Macaque's face and just goes: The Cat is the ALPHA, Mac. She is the bringer of life and death she controls the pack. She IS the pack. Without her, the pack is no more. She cannot be stopped Mac. She is everything and anything all at the same time, Mac. She—
And then Macaque throws him to bed so he can finally sleep for once.
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idrawtoomuch-gw2 · 11 months
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/spends one minute slapping ace colours onto Slott/
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constellies · 10 months
Oleg !!
Lovely blood lizard is Veil, previous Lord of Conquest and now Lord of Vengeance and Blood, sister inheritor of Dominion, and Parabellum's younger sibling in godhood. They were torn into life by the death of the Lord of Dominion, rising straight from the corpse before living in the House of Seekers and House of Defiance. Parabellum (and her mentor figure I still haven't named) steered them away from their purpose before both a sect of House Defiance had been invited to the throne world of Upheo, Lord of Opulence, who had witnessed the same power that drove the Lord of Dominion insane.
Upheo of course, also goes mad, proclaiming themself to be a herald of the End and is consumed by gluttony and obsession. Both Veil and Parabellum are part of their grand vision, with Veil gradually being manipulated into a force of destruction and nosediving hard into the mindset after their death by the hands of their sister.
They eventually escape this mindset at some point during the story down the line, Parabellum tries to help them.
Bullet list of more Facts
All of their dialogue is in caps and without quote marks, in lore its because their voice made up of growls and shrieks
They are ofc a dragon but does have a humanoid form that's actually abandoned when Veil and Parabellum separate, and they don't adopt that form again until they both cross paths
Veil has the ability to merge with other lords and only uses it once, and it causes the world to end a second time
they are,, Covered in lords blood and use it to their own advantage, being highly skilled using blood magic with their own blood being volatile from parabellums corruption
Here is their humanoid design by @midlucid !
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imagineacoolusername · 8 months
thank you for the tag @valeffelees <33
no presure tagging @moony4pads @asocialpessimist @ileadacharmedlife @iamamythologicalcreature @werewolfenthusiast @jasonfunderberkerthefrogexists @bowlcut-boyfriends
rules: bold the things that apply to you.
Blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backwards
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to TV shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during work or school breaks // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush // I have a best friend I’ve known for ten years // My parents are together // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // My crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sunrise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // The sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colours // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // Autumn is my favourite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote // I like the smell of Sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least 3 dogs
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