#or use it as a verb in a sentence
satoruluvies · 29 days
its so fun yapping and brainrotting about our favourite jjk men and women !!!! send in yaps my yappers <33
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souldagger · 10 months
so normal about the gender fuckery of the Polish murderbot translation (lie i am on the verge of tears)
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catilinas · 1 year
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cicero, pro archia poeta 24 trans. n.h. watts
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velaraffricate · 4 months
im honestly so close to making like a quizlet or something of yakaɬ and properly learning it............ i feel like this conlang would actually be feasible to learn if i could bring myself to memorize all the pronouns and case endings and verb conjugations. and itd take a while but theres not an insanely huge amount of those
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transingthoseformers · 10 months
Wait quick question because I've thought about this a lot
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sentofight · 2 months
ooc. u know since i started teaching i think my grammar is getting..........tiny..........tiny...weeensyyyyyy eaaannyyyy better. i know how grammar works but then i write my brain: *slides arabic structure here because it can* and then you have arabizi*
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the-way-astray · 10 months
he's a roy that is very fitz who occasionally enjoys vacking very, very averyily
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thistledropkick · 11 months
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"Recently, Homicide threw a trash can at me and it smashed my ribs.
'I'm really feeling better'
is what I thought, but.
Sasaki's knees spiked me on that splash and smashed my sternum.
Dunno when I'll be able to do barbell squats again."
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pagesofkenna · 4 months
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This post makes me SO amused because, my friend, I don't think you understand how much strongly you made your own counterargument
Like. I get it. I understand the anti-capitalist intention behind this line of thought. But no way in hell am I going to replace one verb which is colloquially understood with four verbs which I have to repeat in sequence
Like if I'm talking about favorite podcasts I say 'listen', but when I use the word 'consume' its because I'm talking about multiple formats of media. I think thats... how I always see it being used. I'll use a different word when y'all come up with one that means everything wrapped up in one
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elipsi · 2 months
the guys at volunteering are all so shy about speaking italian in front of me except when it's making fun of each other, it's hilarious
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elibean · 11 months
here’s fic 2. lu guang is whipped: the fic (again). 
           Lu Guang can’t say no to him. And that’s the root of the problem, isn’t it. If he could just tell him “no” (and mean it) and be firm, it would save him so much trouble.
           Of course, the real trouble is when he gives in and lets Cheng Xiaoshi go into a picture he really shouldn’t, or agree to a stupid plan, but those were arguably much bigger problems, with much larger consequences, than this current predicament.
           No, the current problem was that face, that face that he loved but dare not ever say so, was asking to KISS him, of all things. And he could never say no to Cheng Xiaoshi, not really, but this—this couldn’t be right. A fantasy. A dream, maybe? Lu Guang was prepared to take these feelings to the grave. But this…
           “Lu Guang?” Cheng Xiaoshi repeats, looking like a kicked puppy. “You can say no,” he murmurs sheepishly, and oh no, that’s right, Lu Guang hadn’t given him an answer yet. He clears his throat.
           “Um. I—Ah. What?” Smooth. Cheng Xiaoshi snorts, at least.
           “As eloquent as ever. I asked if I could kiss you.”
           “Right, but. Why?” At any other time, Lu Guang would have appreciated the red that creeps up Cheng Xiaoshi’s face, but he’s unfortunately too busy trying to keep his own composure. Cheng Xiaoshi rubs the back of his neck, avoiding eye contact.
           “C’mon, you’re really gonna make me say it?” Lu Guang doesn’t answer. Can’t answer, can’t think straight, this is all too much too much too much—
           “I thought maybe I liked you before, and then I thought about it more and more and decided that was right, that’s what these feelings are, and I know I just get on your nerves and am a thorn in your side, but—but, blame Qiao Ling! It’s her fault, she said she was sick of hearing me talk about this all the time, she told me I should just tell you, I guess I should have just told you how I feel instead of asking for a kiss, that was dumb huh—” Lu Guang shut him up with a kiss. Damn, if he’d known all this time it was this easy to get him to shut up, they should have been kissing a lot sooner.
           When they break away, they’re silent. Cheng Xiaoshi blinks once, twice.
           “Lu Guang?” he asks, whispers really, like he’s afraid any louder and he’ll scare him away. As if. As if this isn’t something Lu Guang’s dreamed of. But…well, in his dreams, it’s a lot less embarrassing, somehow. Here, now, in real life, Cheng Xiaoshi is looking at him hesitantly but earnestly, so genuine like…like he likes him or something. And of course Lu Guang loves him, has loved him for a while, but…But to say that out loud…He turns away, feeling the heat on his face.
           “…Yeah, you can.” A pause.
           “You asked if you could kiss me. You can, and.” He swallows. “And in the future, you can kiss me too,” he manages. Maybe in the future he can say what he wants to say, can speak to the depths of his feelings. To how he wants to hold and protect Cheng Xiaoshi from harm. How despite everything, despite how he’s had to lie to him and hurt him in the past, he really doesn’t want anything bad to happen to the boy, and just wishes for his happiness.
           But for now, that’s all he can manage.
           “Lu Guang!” Cheng Xiaoshi exclaims, jumping up and wrapping him in a tight hug. Lu Guang doesn’t resist, and after a beat hugs him back, sighing as if he’s annoyed (it’s pointless, they both know he’s lying). Cheng Xiaoshi is rubbing his head up and down Lu Guang’s cheek, which tickles.
           “Hey, cut that out!” he exclaims, trying to stifle his laughter. Cheng Xiaoshi eventually pulls away, looking at Lu Guang with a grin. Lu Guang can’t believe he’s the reason that he’s smiling that wide. Instead of returning it, he rolls his eyes. “Idiot,” he huffs out.
           “Yeah, but I’m your idiot now,” Cheng Xiaoshi says, his grin never faltering.
           “Always,” Lu Guang replies instantly, without thinking. He should be embarrassed by the admission—he is, but not enough to turn away.
           “One more?” Cheng Xiaoshi asks, putting on his puppy dog eyes. Lu Guang lets out another sigh.
           “You’re insufferable, you know that?”
           “I didn’t hear a no~” he sing-songs. Lu Guang rolls his eyes (again), but it holds no real malice, and they both know that. He offers a small smile.
           “One more.”
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flamingostalker · 2 months
saw uncharacteristically good Instagram video of like “general education vs special education” teachers reacting to a student saying no and like yeah. A student saying no is something to celebrate like. I remember my first baby baby BABY baby baby when I started working that I loved so much. He went off to another school for kindergarten but I had him for preschool. And we had been working so hard all year modeling functional communication sorts of words for him (go/stop, yes/no, want/not things like that) and the VERY LAST time I saw him. They were having preschool graduation and his parents were trying to put a little suit jacket on him and he said clear as day NO. I was fucking FLOORED like my year was MADE😭😭😭💜💜💜I miss that little guy I hope he’s doing good
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swallowtail-ageha · 2 months
My teacher complimented my prose??? Sobs
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coquelicoq · 1 year
i have finished the first part (of five) of les misérables! that's the good news. the bad news is that i now have to read the second part, which opens with a 70-page section entitled "waterloo". like babe i do not know what ANY of these nouns are though. i'm getting that there was a battle at which lots of people died horribly (as often happens in battles) and we are now describing the battleground thirty years later. okay so are we gonna do this for the whole 70 pages or...
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parisbian · 1 year
Every time I see my students I ask them "what have you been up to?" and explain when they're confused and yet the next time it's exactly the same. They must Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind that particular sentence. And I continue to ask it because we literally say it incessantly and They. Must. Learn.
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reflectionsofthesea · 8 months
Muutama ajatus matkustamisesta ⁓
Ajattelen että matkustaa ensi vuonna myös, haluan matkustaa caten kanssa mutta järjestää on aina vaikea, koska meillä on erilaisia ​​aikatauluja.
Haluan vierailla Skotlandissa, Irlantissa tai ehkä... Berliniissa??
Federica asuu Saksassa nyt, mutta en tiedä mitä kaupunki se asuu nyt. Jossain Saksassa lol
Haluan myös mennä katsomaan Francescoa Lontoon, puhuimme siitä elokuussa, todennäköisesti menan tammikuussa tai helmikuussa. Haluan tutkia lisää Lontoossa, vaikka tiedän sen jo melko hyvyn, se on silti kaunis kaupunki.
Ehkä minä ja Francesco voimme mennä Brightonissa myös, hän puhui siitä viime kerta. 🤔 Se ei ole kaukana, ehkä kaks tuntia junalla?
No joo, vain ajatellut matkustaa taas, se on mun lempiajattelani 😏
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