#orange bee shrimp
coridallasmultipass · 1 month
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plusie · 10 months
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anotherscrappile · 4 months
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O - O - O
O - O - O
O - O - O
Odd buttons, part 28/?
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thereignclub-trc · 1 year
100 foods that you should eat:
1. Oysters
2. Liver
3. Eggs
4. Wild game
5. Salmon
6. Bone marrow
7. Kefir
8. Microgreens
9. Steak
10. Shrimp
11. Scallops
12. Raw milk
13. Blueberries 
14. Pomegranate 
15. Kiwi
16. Potatoes
17. Butter
18. Olive oil
19. Ghee
20. Chicken
21. Rice
22. Spinach
23. Carrots
24. Clams
25. Mussels
26. Avocados
27. Coconut oil
28. Watermelon
29. Yogurt
30. Sauerkraut
31. Kimchi
32. Sourdough 
33. Raw honey
34. Bee pollen
35. Cacao
36. Fresh herbs
37. Sweet potatoes
38. Lobster
39. Crab
40. Pork
41. Bone broth
42. Raw cheese
43. Onions
44. Zucchini 
45. Cucumbers
46. Garlic
47. Ginger
48. Turmeric
49. Strawberries 
50. Blackberries
51. Raspberries 
52. Colostrum
53. Honeycomb
54. Dark chocolate
55. Sardines
56. Tuna
57. Cod
58. Pumpkin seeds
59. Brazil nuts
60. Mushrooms
61. Grapes
62. Oranges
63. Apples
64. Dates
65. Asparagus 
66. Cherries
67. Lemons
68. Limes
69. Bananas
70. Mango
71. Dragonfruit 
72. Olives
73. Pineapple
74. Peaches
75. Grapefruit
76. Brussel sprouts
77. Beets
78. Cabbage
79. Cauliflower 
80. Mahi mahi
81. Seaweed
82. Salmon roe
83. Cod liver
84. Lamb
85. Coconuts
86. Tomatoes
87. Pickles
88. Artichokes
89. Beef tallow
90. Squash
91. Avocado oil
92. Spirulina
93. Eggplant
94. Celery
95. Chia seeds
96. Flaxseeds 
97. Pistachios
98. Cinnamon
99. Goji berries
100. Vanilla
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irradiatedsnakes · 11 months
my mob psycho 100 furry au COMPLETE i did it
mob - eurasian tree sparrow
reigen - "acheroraptor" (microraptor)
dimple - kitty :)
ritsu - house sparrow
teru - aardwolf
tome - jumping bean moth
shou - vermilion flycatcher
serizawa - black myotis bat
tsubomi - thylacine
mezato - black & rufous elephant shrew
toichiro - eastern kingbird
minegishi - kunpengopterus
shimazaki - southern black racer
shibata - zuul (the ankylosaur, not the ghostbusters monster)
hatori - buff old german owl pigeon
joseph - spinner shark
musashi - cow
sagawa - leopard seal
yamamura - horse
kumagawa - great white shark
onigawara - red kangaroo
shimura - volcano hummingbird
inukawa - shiba inu
saruta - nepal gray langur
kijibayashi - ring-necked pheasant
takenaka - dusky dolphin
hoshino - pteranodon
asahi - variable bush viper
kurosaki - tiger leech
kaito & daichi - duck-billed platypus
mitsuura - orange rili cherry shrimp
mogami - carrion crow
shinra - capybara
jodo - chimpanzee
minori - orchid mantis (mobfrog's idea)
kamuro - common raccoon (sammisafetypin's idea)
tokugawa - painted dog (shigayokagayama's idea
roshuuto - numbat (shigayokagayama's idea also)
hoshida - river otter (handsmotif's idea)
emi - white mouth moray eel (localdopplerradar's idea)
sakurai - blue-spotted tree monitor
koyama - green iguana
matsuo - aye aye
mukai - sunda night carpenter bee (torchiclove's idea)
tsuchiya - peregrine falcon
muraki - cape golden mole (once again, thank you leo shigayokagayama)
terada - striped skunk
ishiguro - warty octopus (Graneledone verrucosa)
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gaillol-13 · 2 years
Tumblr x Twitter enemies to lovers 10000000 words
Chris Farley was gonna be live action captain underpants before he died.
Spongebob is a terrorist.
The bee movie supports beestality.
We live in a society where if men get yelled at, they need to be a better spouse. But apparently is women get yelled at, they need help.
I live in a shoe.
The real reason timmy turner wasn't in nicktoons unite globs of doom was because Dib would've exposed his fairies. Since the dimmsdale residents at least have some braincells.
Tom Kenny, Christopher walkin, tom cruise, rob paulsin, jim Cummings, weird al, and gollum were ALL in annoying orange. WILLINGLY. The show was so big in the 2010s that Hollywood stars were actually featured in it. Let that shit sink in.
Everything Butch Hartman has ever created is queer coded despite the bitch himself being a terf.
Shrimps can be polyamouraus
What do trans peacocks look like.
I miss the days when people cared about Annoying orange.
You can't spell shoes without hoes.
Micheal jacksons N-word pass expired.
I fucking love lesbians.
Danny devito should be the voice of Wario.
Elon is dumb af.
A long time ago, my old neighbor (who I was close friends with) gave me her entire littlest pet shop collection, which was all in a big ass bin. But my dog chewed it all and I was disappointed (you'd think I'd be devastated, but no, my little child brain was surprisingly chill about my toys being destroyed). A few years pass, and I rebuild my collection. But I never played with it so my dad told me they had to go. I told him the story in tears, but alas. Those toys will be with other kids. The one thing that connected me to my old childhood friend was gone.
Somewhere out there, there is a steve burns x reader and that both intrigues and TERRIFIES me.
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seashellcosmos · 6 months
You mentioned it before so now I must know: Which bug has Gonta assigned each of his friends to and for what reason?
Shuichi- blue noctuid moth! Shuichi has big moth vibes, and (according to research the author has done) this moth is sometimes associated with death :) but it is very pretty
Kirumi- orb weaver spider! Spiders are arachnids, not insects, but Gonta still likes them- and orb weavers are very delicate and organized spiders, often observed tearing down and rebuilding their web daily (i have seen this with my own eyes it rocks)
Korekiyo- praying mantis! Tall and thin, can come across as unsettling, but is sorta just minding its own business. Stares at you for too long.
Himiko- ladybug! Small and cute and round, with a similar color scheme and habit of just hanging out wherever they feel like. Also fall asleep like…. As soon as they are somewhere cold or dark. Which is endearing
Ryoma- June Bug! (June beetle) a small, round, endearing beetle in the scarab family. Are very small and resilient (despite their clumsy and self destructive flight patterns)often used to symbolize transformation? Apparently? Christmas beetle would also work for him tbh.
Kaito- firefly! (Lightning bug, fire bug, etc) while not as flashy as Kaito tends to be at first glance, these little show stoppers quite literally light up the night sky like little stars in lonely rural eras
Angie- painted lady butterfly! Maybe a little obvious, but this tiny butterfly has splattered oranges and white and black across its wings to make a vibrant pattern! They also fly around very excitedly, and are attracted to bright colored flowers like echinacea or sunflowers
Rantaro- Atlas Moth! A large, striking moth found in many parts of Asia, with beautiful eye markings and wings that bare a strange resemblance to cobra heads as well. Often used to symbolize travel and wandering
Miu- primrose moth! partially for her signature pink and yellow color scheme, partially for their pickiness when it comes to host plants, and partially because these little critters are often active day and night once they pupate and reach adulthood.
Kiibo- Pill bug! (Rolly Polly, Armadillo Bug, etc) a tiny isopod that’s more related to shrimp and crustaceans than true insects, with slate gray armored backs they have a tendency to hide behind if startled
Kokichi- Emperor Moth Caterpillar (and the moth itself) a very flashy little creature with eye designs and frills along its body to trick predators, known for that one metaphor that symbolizes life’s struggles
Kaede- Monarch Butterfly! A delicate but incredibly resilient butterfly with very vibrant colors!! Often used to symbolize strength and endurance
Tenko- Grasshopper! A high energy insect found all over the world, known for their high jumps and cute little chirps
Maki- Glasswing Butterfly! Small, delicate butterflies with translucent wings they used to blend in with their surroundings. Pollinate and lay their eggs on plants in the poisonous nightshade family
Tsumugi- Leaf Cutter Bee! While a little more plain looking than other bee species (heh heh) these bees are very unique! They cut parts of leaves to make their home, stitching together little nests for winter.
Gonta sees himself as a rhino beetle, big and silly and strong enough to protect his friends!!
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funkii4-blog · 2 years
I may have a had an impulse autism moment late the other night and listed a ton of interesting yet unrealistic ideas for new things that would be very cool to add in the next Animal Crossing installment;
3 New Flowers;
Orchid (w/y/r/pi/g/o/blu/pr)
Glory (r/pi/w/blu/pr)
Dahlia (r/y/w/pi/o/bla)
3 New Bushes;
Lantana (orange/pink)
Lilac (purple/yellow)
Paperbush (yellow)
3 New Villager Species;
Bat / Gecko / Aardvark
New NPC;
Takes sales and sends models of deep sea creatures
Species: Puffin
Visits home location just as CJ and Flick do
New Museum Collection;
Old: 4 Fossil
New; 3 Fossil 3 Mineral
40 Total Minerals, Same Count As Fossils:
Clear Quartz / Rose Quartz / Citrine / Onyx
Amethyst / Selenite / Bixbite / Garnet
Opal / Goldstone / Zircon / Alexandrite
Malachite / Kunzite / Garnet / Bloodstone
Carnelian / Lapis Lazuli / Sapphire / Tanzanite
Peridot / Tourmaline / Jade / Charoite
Danburite / Red Jasper / Bumblebee Jasper / Agate
Topaz / Ruby / Emerald / Pyrite
Aquamarine / Beryl / Sugilite / Sodalite
Moonstone / Adamite / Dioptase / Druzy
20 New Fish, Bringing Total To 100;
Kuhli Loach
Queen Parrotfish
Zorro Catfish
Royal Gramma
American Shad
X-Ray Fish
Flowerhorn Cichlid
Oscar Cichlid
Kissing Gourami
Clown Triggerfish
Marbled Salamander
20 New Bugs, Bringing Total To 100;
Tiger Swallowtail
Monarch Caterpillar
True Katydid
Luna Moth
Hissing Cockroach
Wheel Bug
Thorn Bug
Green Lynx Spider
Common Mayfly
Soldier Beetle
Steelblue Ladybird
Leopard Caterpillar
Giant Leopard Moth
Dragon Caterpillar
Red Orb Weaver
Giant Weta
Hummingbird Moth
Tent Caterpillar
10 New Deep Sea Creatures, Bringing Total To 50;
Lettuce Sea Slug
Sea Nettle
Tadpole Shrimp
Chocolate Chip Sea Star
Leafy Sea Dragon
Longnosed Skate
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fyresnow · 2 years
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~ SnowAfterFyre . redbubble . com ~
Got around to making a redbubble account! I’ve started by uploading some shrimpies! I’m super super super excited to share them, I think the shrimps are really cute.
You can get them individually or in sticker packs (the first two pics- they come with driftwood, a marimo moss ball, and bubbles so you can arrange them as you’d like!) If there’s any other shrimp you want to see let me know! I’m also working on a tiling design with a bunch of aquatic plants that have shrimps on them. Follow my shop to see it when it’s complete!
In the top picture are caridina shrimp- blue bolt, golden bee, crystal red, and crystal black.
In the middle picture are neocaridina shrimp- cherry red, blue dream, jade green, and yellow.
In the bottom picture (from top to bottom then left to right)- trans, genderfluid, genderqueer, nonbinary, aromantic, asexual, gay rainbow, pansexual, lesbian (orange and pink), and bisexual.
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maythray · 1 year
current shrimp picks (more updated than last post abt this)
DLL - longspine urchin
Erasey - red bolt (missing eye)
Hanger - ghost bee
Kit - red tibee
Record - orange base golden boa
Tissues - purple tiger pinto (skunk pattern)
Undecided - Peanut, Rosey, Spraypaint
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pensarecool2 · 2 years
Frequent Fronters
This post shall be linked in our introduction post for convenience of anyone who cares. Will be updated over time and whenever we feel like it.
Alan has an intro post here.
Alex has an intro post here.
Anaconda has an intro post here.
Angel has an intro post here.
Bee has an intro post here.
Bent has an intro post here.
Biscuit has an intro post here.
Bug has an intro post here.
Boo Moo has an intro post here.
Brock has an intro post here.
Bryan has an intro post here.
Caleb has an intro post here.
Cimago has an intro post here.
Clover has an intro post here.
Coil has an intro post here.
Crissy has an intro post here.
Dan has an intro post here.
Duckie has an intro post here.
Dragonfire has an intro post here.
Fin has an intro post here.
Flame has an intro post here.
Foam has an intro post here.
Fox has an intro post here.
Frey has an intro post here.
Gummy has an intro post here.
Ice has an intro post here.
II has an intro post here.
Jam has an intro post here.
James has an intro post here.
Jane has an intro post here.
Jinx has an intro post here.
Kim has an intro post here.
Lemon has an intro post here.
Macintosh has an intro post here.
Maple Oak has an intro post here.
Mark has an intro post here.
Marvy has an intro post here.
Melody has an intro post here.
Moss has an intro post here.
Murdoc has an intro post here.
Nebula has an intro post here.
Old Man has an intro post here.
Onion has an intro post here.
Orange has an intro post here.
Otto has an intro post here.
Pansy has an intro post here.
Pebble has an intro post here.
Pip has an intro post here.
Potato has an intro post here.
Root Beer has an intro post here.
Ryan 2.0 has an intro post here.
Sam has an intro post here.
Shrimp has an intro post here.
Snail has an intro post here.
Sunny has an intro post here.
Tea has an intro post here.
Twelve has an intro post here.
Vert has an intro post here.
Wazzy has an intro post here.
White Rabbit has an intro post here.
Yo-Yo has an intro post here.
Click the tags at the bottom to navigate. Different intros contain varying levels of information. For the most part, personal information is stored elsewhere and not in these tumblr posts. If anything, most of these are brief with picrews & pronouns (picrews are linked if you like them).
-> Subsystems
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coridallasmultipass · 4 months
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So many spimps. Smimp heaven. Skrimp skeven.
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abookishdreamer · 2 years
Character Intro: Notus (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- Lord of the South Wind by the people of Olympius
The Heat by Chi & Aphrodite
Age- 18 (immortal)
Location- Paros, Olympius
Personality- He's very fiery with a quick temper. He's also very energetic, adventurous, & outgoing. He's straight and currently single.
Being the god of summer (and the south wind), he has many abilities. He has the ability to fly, due to his large bright orange wings. He also has the ability of psammokinesis (to control/generate sand), photokinesis, heat immunity, and pyrokinesis (his flame burning a bright orange). He also has limited hydrokinesis and is innately stronger during sunny days. He can induce heat stroke/dehydration to his opponents & he always emits an aura of heat, making others around him start sweating. He can shapeshift into a pegasus as well as communicate with them.
Notus lives in a spacious beach house (on his own private beach). There's also a nearby horse farm. Inside his house, there's a continuous warm breeze blowing and a thin layer of sand on the light wooden floors. His bed (& those of the guest rooms) are hammocks. There's a MASSIVE kitchen island with most of the furniture being made out of wicker, wood, or being woven.
He loves his brothers and is especially close to Zephyrus (god of the west wind). He's currently estranged from Boreas (god of the north wind). Notus has a good relationship with his mom Eváeros (goddess of air & zodiacs). She's often his cloud surfing companion and he loves when she makes the ultra fluffy ambrosia salad!
Notus has a good friendship with Iris & doesn't want his brother to break up with her. He especially likes when the three of them go surfing with them stopping by The Frozen Spoon afterwards, enjoying strawberry sorbets.
His go-to drink is a bellini. He also enjoys beer, pineapple mojitos, mai tais, and a sex on the beach (a drink made with vodka, peach schnapps, grenadine, orange juice, & cranberry juice). His usual from The Roasted Bean are olympian sized fruit punch splashes & iced tea.
He also loves snacking on strawberries, peaches, and watermelon.
For work (aside from working for Zeus), Notus also models for Bow + Arrow & Cerulean Stone. He has also released his debut signature cologne (Wild Heat).
In the pantheon he's good friends with Delphin (god of dolphins), Apollo (god of the sun, music, poetry, healing, medicine, archery, plague, light, & knowledge), The Hesperides, Phaenna (goddess of jewels), Horme (god of energy), Chrysos (god of gold & riches), Aphrodite (goddess of love & beauty), Dionysus (god of wine), Méli (goddess of bees & honey), Himeros (god of impetuous love), Eos (Titaness of dawn), Hemera (goddess of the day), Zelus (god of envy, jealousy, & zeal), Eupraxia (goddess of well-being & success), Calliope (muse of epic poetry), Pothos (god of longing & yearning), Auxo (goddess of summer, vegetation, & plants), Adranos (god of fire), Erato (muse of love poetry), Aeolus (god of wind), Euterpe (muse of music & lyric poetry), Terpischore (muse of dance), Polyhymnia (muse of hymns), Thalia, and Euphrosyne.
A favorite trip of his was when he along with Adranos, Zeph, and Zelus rode their go-karts along the sand dunes.
A favorite frozen treat of his is strawberry ice cream!
Notus is well known for throwing some of the best summer parties! One of these parties resulted in a one night stand with Pannychis (goddess of nightlife festivities).
He's also the host of the annual Summer Solstice Ball that takes place at the palace on Mt. Olympus.
His favorite meal is garden vegetable rice (with grilled salmon steaks and avocado salsa). He also loves spicy chicken fajitas, shrimp scampi, & a large margherita pizza.
In his free time Notus enjoys being at the beach surfing. He also enjoys playing his ukulele, swimming, tennis, jet-skiing, playing video games, sunbathing, sailing, volleyball, & football (soccer).
"Everything becomes alive on a summer night."
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magicmagica · 3 months
What is your favorite time of day? Favorite season?
Also do you have any pets?
Favorite time of day is right before dusk when its still warm out but getting chilly. Makes the sky all pink amd gold then that orange and purple until its that dark dark blue
I really love the fall! Crunchy leaves and cold nightt. Its not like it used to be anymore though so I'm starting to lean on spring
I have many 😅 2 cats, a pink toe tarantula, bumblee bee millipede, american grass spider, north american giant milli, dairy cow isopods, dubia roaches, and a new planted nano fish tank! Has 3 peppered corycats and 11 chili rasboras (plus too many bladder snails I need to get rid of) but the goal is blue shrimp. It'll be my pepper chili shrimp tank ~
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anonofseasons · 1 year
While I answered an ask a long time ago about what foods El, Howie, and Bee get for their birthdays, I feel like making a post for Shannon and Sophie's birthday meals! Okay, and Rhett, I might as well! It's worth noting that Sophie treats herself on random days in her adulthood. The joys of having baking skills and marrying a decent chef! :P Sophie Breakfast: any sort of baked pastry with apple drizzled with white chocolate, orange slices, and an orange cranberry muffin Lunch: white fish with mashed potatoes all topped in a creamy garlic sauce Dinner: Butternut squash soup with walnut bread Dessert: lilac and vanilla cake with buttercream frosting Rhett Breakfast: He likes omelettes where the egg is super thin and rolled like a crepe around bell peppers and seasoned chicken strips Lunch: spicy cabbage with meat (often a sausage or shrimp) and peppers Dinner: grilled kabobs slathered in seasonings, sun-dried tomatoes, and baked potatoes with sour cream and green onions Dessert: he likes rice crackers (usually savory) and anything his wife will bake as long as it's not too fruity or rich (He doesn't have a big sweet tooth) Shannon Breakfast: peach slices, honeyed toast Lunch: he likes to go into town and buy street food off the vendors, which usually involves a lot of grilled meats, fried veggies, and breads Dinner: mushroom risotto, maybe with some fried zucchini and yellow squash Dessert: he doesn't buy this for himself, but he loves peach pie and Sophie eventually makes it for him It's worth noting that Shannon's childhood birthdays were... efforts, sometimes, financially. He usually got some kind of secondhand book or clothing item, and food was dependent upon what his parents could grow, hunt, and afford. He did usually get squash bc they grew it, and peach pie was his dessert. There's more in an upcoming chapter about Shannon's childhood meals in winter, but he's lucky he's a summer child where they had more fresh produce and a better selection of animals to fish/hunt.
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exteriortexas · 1 year
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A trip to the Cockrell Butterfly Center at Houston Museum of Natural Science showcases the many butterfly species along with their habitat attracting plants. . The Adult butterfly is drawn to red, yellow, orange, pink and purple blossoms! Exterior Texas uses many of these same plants in our residential Landscape installations for Butterfly, Bee & Bird attraction! . -pentas -durantas -firespike -lantana -buddleia -milkweed -coneflower -cassia -dill -citrus -shrimp plant -chenille -salvias -philodendron & monstera -colocasia & elephant ears . #habitat #habitatattracting #butterfly #birdsandbees #hostplants #nectarplants #cockrellbutterflycenter #houstonmuseumofnaturalscience #landscaping #exteriortexas https://www.instagram.com/p/CqRCM9LPEjj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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