#otp: bi widower dads
bi-widower-dads · 3 months
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Barduil Month is back! Running from 1-30 April, this year we have four themed weeks each with a handful of prompts for you to choose from (or use them all!)
Week 1, Monday 1 to Sunday 7 April: First Meetings
different first meeting | differences and similarities | Battle of the Five Armies | first impressions | uneasy allies
Week 2, Monday 8 to Sunday 14 April: Getting Together
overcoming differences | finding common ground | diplomatic incidents | first date | introducing the family
Week 3, Monday 15 to Sunday 21 April: Established Relationship
blended family | anniversaries | parties, festivals and holidays | downtime, time to relax, days off | family traditions
Week 4, Monday 22 to Sunday 28 April: Endings (happy or otherwise)
happily ever after | loss and grief | hope and despair | reunions and reincarnation | memories
As always, any kind of fan creation is welcomed and encouraged, whether that's fic, art, crafts, meta, or anything else. The AO3 collection is here if you want to post there too. We just ask that you stick to our rules of conduct, tag us in your posts and enjoy yourselves!
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omg. omg omg omg!
I think I might just have finished All I Want Is You. It's been resolutely refusing to cooperate for at least two years, but I thought I'd use the May Writing Challenge (200 words a day, very manageable, and I've actually written a fair bit more than that most days) to work on it and finaly wrestle it into submission...and it seems to have worked, with a week to spare! I haven't quite written the ending I thought I was going to write, but there's room for that in a one-shot this Writers' Month or next or sometime - but it feels completed, and I will absolutely take that. AAAAAAAAAA!!!!!
Now off to my fabulous beta @lemurious, and then some sort of posting schedule beckons I guess!
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herawell · 2 years
Tenellous for Thranduil?
Thranduil has never favored emerald green.
Moss and pine and sage are his cafetans, basil and shamrock his robes, fern and juniper his sashes. He is bound so intimately his forest, protecting it as he does with his own magic since he lacks a ring of power, and his attire reflects his beloved realm, but he has always favored green’s more natural and muted shades, rather than the bright garish of emeralds.
But the accursed thirteen then woke a dragon, slain by Laketown’s bargeman turned bowman turned king, and that reluctant king now stands behind Thranduil in Dale’s steadiest dwelling. Girion’s heir drapes Girion’s necklace on the Elvenking’s neck. They do not gleam unearthly as the white gems of Lasgalen did, nor are they so finely wrought, but they are still warm from the King of Dale’s hands as they rest against the Elvenking’s throat, as warm as Bard’s breath ghosting along Thranduil’s ears.
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vixsims · 4 years
Ship that makes you sad: 💔
answered this but hmm...ok another one that makes me sad that isn’t where one of them is dead is Tank/Johnny (unrequited). Like...it’s just sad, gay angst. I headcanon Tank as gay but very repressed for obvious reasons and I think he really, really likes Johnny and probs always has but he can’t process/cope with those feelings so he’s repressed them hard and instead lashes out and stuff. And I think he feels like super angry and jealous too that Johnny is able to be very out and open abt his bisexuality and oooof!!! Tank and Ripp’s bad relationship also def stems from the fact that Ripp is super close to Johnny and also doesn’t give a fuck abt what their dad thinks so he’s just like “yup i’m bi! deal w/ it.” Whereas Tank is just cannot do that. So yeah...it makes me rly sad :( 
Ship that you used to have as an OTP: 💙
Always used to pair Brandi and Darren together bc they had the whole sad, single widows thing going for them. But then I realized Brandi/Dina was basically the same thing but gay so better. Also Bella/Mortimer...back in the day when I was a wee child and knew nothing abt game corruption or the fact that ST!Bella wasn’t even the real Bella, I totally corrupted my game moving ST!Bella to Pleasantview just to reunite Mortimer and Bella. Now I’m just like, meh Morty is a boring old man and Bella deserves better! 
Ship you’re curious about: 👀
Speaking of Tank again...in my old Megahood I almost had Tank/Dustin happen and I’m still super curious abt them because like Tank is all about Rules and the Law is the Law, whereas Dustin is just...a straight up criminal. So I’d be interested in exploring that whole dynamic. 
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spearcast · 7 years
0: i know this isn't your overwatch blog but what are some of your favorite things in ow? like, fav ships, fav characters, fav relationships in general, fav headcanons, etc
aaaa, thank you! i much appreciate the message
well. fav ships would have to be symmarah, symbra (sometra? sombra/symmetra), sombramaker, reaper76- but my all time fav is mcgenji. it’s so Good and Soft like?? bless. i do really like others tho they’re not necessarily “otp” status for me, like mchanzo and roadrat and pharmercy, and i’ve seen quite a few things that i like from rarer ships like hanzo/widow and hanzo/symmetra and symmei and stuff!!
take three guesses as to who my fave character is and i bet you’ll get it on the first try
THAT BEING SAID while mccree is My All Time Fav Best Boy Ever i really like genji too and i need to give him more love- i probably couldn’t pick a fave out of the ladies bc they’re all So Good (but pharah and d.va come to mind first)- and like. even characters i wasn’t sure about at first are really growing on me, like hanzo and mercy and such
HAVE I EVER BROUGHT UP HOW MUCH I LOVE THE FAMILY DYNAMIC BETWEEN GABRIEL AND JESSE AND ANA AND FAREEHA AND SOMETIMES JACK because God Damn i am here for that and all the angst that can be associated with it. that and stuff like mercy and mccree being friends, mccree and sombra being sibling-y, dad!gabriel and dad!jack whether together or like a divorced couple moving on in their lives. i’m Here For It and it’s my fav
fave headcanons... mccree being mexican/native american/mixed, dad!gabriel and son!jesse, confused college kid jack who isn’t actually as Golden Boy Perfect as most believe, Hana Song who is yes  a trickster and mischevious but also who is a Big Goddamn Hero to her country and the world and expects you to treat her like it bc she deserves it, bi!mccree, and honestly? any sexuality/gender headcanons are usually good with me like. i love seeing characters interpreted as trans or nb and seeing characters interpreted as any variety of sexualities like. yes, be free my lgbtq+ children
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bi-widower-dads · 2 months
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Barduil Month 2024 Week 1, Monday 1-Sunday 7 April: First Meetings
Welcome to the first week of Barduil Month 2024! The prompts for this week are:
different first meeting | differences and similarities | Battle of the Five Armies | first impressions | uneasy allies
Happy creating! Don't forget to tag us in your posts so we can add them to our queue for reblogging!
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bi-widower-dads · 2 months
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Barduil Month 2024 Week 3, Monday 15-Sunday 21 April: Established Relationship
Here we are in week 3 of Barduil Month 2024! This week's prompts are:
blended family | anniversaries | parties, festivals and holidays | downtime, time to relax, days off | family traditions
Happy creating! Don't forget to tag us in your posts so we can add them to our queue for reblogging!
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bi-widower-dads · 2 months
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Barduil Month 2024 Week 4, Monday 22-Sunday 28 April: Endings (happy or otherwise)
It's our final week! Here are the prompts for this one:
happily ever after | loss and grief | hope and despair | reunions and reincarnation | memories
Happy creating! Don't forget to tag us in your posts so we can add them to our queue for reblogging!
FAQ | AO3 Collection
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bi-widower-dads · 3 months
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Barduil Month is back for another round!
This year we're running four themed weeks in April, each with a set of five prompts, and we'll be posting the prompts in the next couple of days. In the meantime, please see our updated FAQs and get ready to flail about our lovely bi widower dads all over again!
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Hobbit (Jackson Movies), The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien, TOLKIEN J. R. R. - Works & Related Fandoms Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Bard the Bowman/Thranduil Characters: Bard the Bowman, Tilda, Thranduil Additional Tags: Miscommunication, the kids are all right, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Rock Band, Alternate Universe - Heavy Metal Series: Part 7 of Dancing in the Dark Summary:
Bard hasn't heard from Thranduil in a while. He's assuming the worst, but Tilda (and the rest of the kids) has a plan.
Written for week 3 of Barduil Month 2024 over at @bi-widower-dads (come and join us!) - this week's theme is 'established relationship', which this one kind of skirts a little bit. :D The very lovely @redeemer46 requested a bit of miscommunication, as Thranduil gets tangled up with his career and Bard assumes the worst, and although that's a bit outside my comfort zone, it actually got me thinking, and definitely produced some results!
Also very much leaning into the series title, now I've figured out what to call it. :D :D :D
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Hobbit (Jackson Movies), The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien, TOLKIEN J. R. R. - Works & Related Fandoms Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Bard the Bowman/Thranduil Characters: Bard the Bowman, Thranduil (Tolkien) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Autumn Series: Part 14 of All I Want Is You, Part 1 of A Very Barduil October 2023 Summary:
It has been a long time since Thranduil has enjoyed autumn at Greenwood Hall, but this year, despite everything, is different.
Written for @bi-widower-dads' A Very Barduil October day 1: 'changing seasons'.
This is set during the autumn of 2020, when Bard and the kids have been living at Greenwood Hall since March (and just between lockdowns...)
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bi-widower-dads · 2 months
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Barduil Month 2024 Week 2, Monday 8-Sunday 14 April: Getting Together
It's Week 2 of Barduil Month! This week's prompts are:
overcoming differences | finding common ground | diplomatic incidents | first date | introducing the family
Happy creating! Don't forget to tag us in your posts so we can add them to our queue for reblogging!
FAQ | AO3 Collection
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Hobbit (Jackson Movies), The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien, TOLKIEN J. R. R. - Works & Related Fandoms Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Bard the Bowman/Thranduil, Sigrid (Hobbit Movies) & Thranduil (Tolkien) Characters: Sigrid (Hobbit Movies), Bard the Bowman, Thranduil (Tolkien) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Reincarnation, Alternate Universe - Reincarnation Series: Part 5 of stained glass heart Part 8 of A Very Barduil October 2023 Summary:
Camping in the woods at autumn half term, Sigrid meets the forest king at last.
Written for @bi-widower-dads' A Very Barduil October day 8 'darkness and light/where the veil grows thin'.
This is for the utterly indispensable @lemurious, because her piece inspired by this 'verse, Stained Glass Marigolds in its turn rather inspired this one. <333333
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Background Noise (1397 words) by likethenight Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Hobbit (Jackson Movies), The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien, TOLKIEN J. R. R. - Works & Related Fandoms Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kíli/Legolas Greenleaf, Legolas Greenleaf & Thranduil Characters: Legolas Greenleaf, Thranduil (Tolkien) Additional Tags: Coming Out, Father-Son Relationship, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting Series: Part 4 of Writers' Pride Month Bingo 2023, Part 19 of All I Want Is You Summary: Legolas has a difficult conversation with his Papa, with far better consequences than he was fearing.
This one follows on from Archaic, in which Legolas seeks Bard's advice about coming out to his Papa.
Written for @writersmonth's Writers' Pride Month Bingo 2023, prompt 'showing pride', for @celandinebergerac, who suggested "a proud parent when their child comes out". (if you have an AO3, I'd love to make this a gift to you!)
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Piyo's reincarnation idea? I'm curious...
Thank you for asking! And thank you to @scary-grace who also asked about this one :D
This is based on a glorious piece of art that @piyo-13 posted for Barduil Month day 18, 'myths', with some headcanons which they said they'd like to see as a fic, and something went 'click' in the back of my head. I've been chipping away at it here and there for a while, and we've got long-forgotten childhood memories, dreams, much older memories and a mysterious part of the forest that still exists near modern-day Dale that doesn't appear on any maps (and looks a lot like this)...
The summer that Bard graduated from university, taking a break from job hunting, he went camping in the forest that bordered the city of Dale. He’d grown up in one of the outlying suburbs, close enough to see the forest from his bedroom window, to have gone camping with his parents when he was a kid, wandered under the trees and felt strangely at home. Finals had been horribly stressful, and he’d come home feeling thoroughly burnt out, in need of some time away on his own.
His parents lived close enough to the forest that he could have come home and slept in his old bed at night, but it wouldn’t have been the same, so he packed his festival tent and sleeping bag, a rucksack of provisions and a camping stove, and he set out on foot, heading deep into the woods.
“Off to find the forest king, are you?” his mam said as he left, teasing, and Bard laughed.
“There’s no forest king, Mam,” he said. “It’s been a long old time since I believed in him. I’m just going to go and decompress. I’ll be back in a few days.”
“I’ll send a St Bernard if you’re not back by the weekend,” said his mam with a smile, and she waved him off as he headed down the road.
Anyone else want to ask about any of my other WIPs, please feel free!
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Barduil Month sneak peeks part 1!
So, Family, Fake Dating and Coffee Shop AU won the polls, so they'll be happening first! I have to run off to work in a moment, so I haven't time to post all three now, but here's Fake Dating, and the others (and the rest!) will follow later!
Bard jumped as Thranduil approached him at the ball that followed the latest round of negotiations; they were staying in the Lonely Mountain this time, and Bard had been chatting to Balin and Dwalin, but when Thranduil came up to him and placed his hand on Bard’s waist, Bard temporarily lost the ability to speak. He and Thranduil had been on polite terms since the battle, and Thranduil had been most helpful in sending food and supplies to Dale over the winter that followed, but they had certainly not progressed to any sort of physical contact.
Bard wasn’t against the idea of physical contact with Thranduil, mind, and he’d spent the winter attempting to unpick his thoughts and feelings about the Elvenking and mostly failing, but this was - this was a surprise.
“Muin-Bard-nín,” Thranduil murmured in Bard’s ear, so close that Bard could almost feel his lips moving, “please do not be alarmed, but I find myself in need of your help.”
This one's for @mirkwood-hr-department who very kindly prompted me when I had absolutely no idea what to write! :D :D :D
Come and join us at @bi-widower-dads for Barduil Month from 1 April, and sneak peeks all this week!
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