#otp: celestial bodies
galedekarios · 3 months
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Gale: That's Tara - loyal, intelligent, brave, and apparently unwilling to follow even the most basic of instructions when her own safety is at stake. I wouldn't have her any other way.
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Myths of the Realm Part 2
After my guess on the first 4 of the twelve was pretty much correct I wanted to make a part two, now that the new trailer is out. so here we go again...
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So first we see the woman in the middle and than it switches to a view with all five we get to see in the trailer (two of them we can see only the hand and a spear for now). I want to start with the guy on the right.
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This is Althyk, the Keeper, the surveyor of change and god of space and time. He commands the element of earth and his symbol is the hourglass which we can see on his shoulder cape pyramid things. He is depicted as an emperor wielding a greataxe. He is the father of Azeyma and Menphina, and elder brother to Nymeia. Who comes next.
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This is Nymeia the spinner, the watcher of celestial bodies and goddess of fate. She commands the element of water and is depicted as a weaver wearing a white silken veil. Her symbol is the spinning wheel. She is the younger sister of Althyk, and the master of Rhalgr.
Here on the left side of the picture we have Nymeia and Althyk (on a horse) together. It seems we fight them together.
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Sadly we don’t get a good look at the next one who is Nophica, the matron, tender of soils and harvests and goddess of abundance. She also commands the element of earth. She is depicted as a farmer holding a scythe, and her symbol is the spring leaf. Nophica is the Daughter of Azeyma, younger sister of Llymlaen, and the rival of Halone. Nophica is also the patron of Gridania.
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Next we have this little cute bean and I could not be happier with her design. I love her so much and I can’t wait to see her together with Oschon. My true otp among the twelve.
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She is my favorit among the twelve. This is Menphina, the Lover, keeper of the moon (formerly two moons) and the goddess of love. She commands the element of ice. She is depicted as a maid carrying a round skillet. Her symbol is the full greater moon. Menphina is the younger sister of Azeyma, and the divine lover of Oschon.
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Next we have (and might I add she looks stunning, kinda reminds me of Melania with her helmet) Halone the Fury, mover of glaciers and goddess of war. She commands the element of ice and is depicted as a relentless warrior holding a bronze greatshield, and her symbol is three spears. Halone is the patron of the Holy See of Ishgard, and is bitter rivals with Nophica.
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For the last Part of Myths of the Realm we still have Thaliak, Llylaen and Oschon left to meet. (can’t wait to meet Oschon maybe he realy is somhow linked to Deryk)
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allylikethecat · 5 months
January OTP Prompts
Here we have another night time prompt fill so please, keep your expectations low. I finished it though!! And at this point that is what matters. Thank you so much for following along on this journey with me! Only a few more days left! 🎉
23. Snow angels
“What are you doing?” George asked, an amused smile dancing along his chapped lips as he watched Matty throw himself down into the snow with a giggle, his arms starfished out at his sides. His jeans darkened with moisture as his body heat caused the snow he was laying in to melt. George hadn’t even realized it was supposed to snow, until they had exited the restaurant to find that at least three inches had fallen in the last two hours. He had started to call an Uber but Matty had shook his head, his eyes sparkling and said they should just walk home, it was only a few blocks and the snow was pretty. 
Matty was hovering in the warm, floaty space between tipsy and drunk, his final glass of wine at dinner sending him over the edge. His cheeks flushed as he giggled, tripping over his feet as he clung to George’s hand. They cut through the park in hopes of Matty sobering up during the cold air journey, hoping to ease the inevitable hangover that was waiting for him the next morning. After nearly twenty years, George should have known that Matty wouldn’t be able to resist plopping himself down into a snow drift, especially after he had been drinking.  
His Prada jacket, while warm, was not truly meant for spending time in the snow and Matty soon found that soaked through as well. He was thankful for the wine warming his bloodstream, keeping his shivers at bay. He tilted his head further back into the snow and stuck his tongue out, the glittering flurries melting as soon as they made contact with the pink, wine stained muscle. His dark, gray streaked curls were spread out around his head like a halo against the bright white of the freshly fallen snow, seeming to glow in the moonlight. 
“Making a snow angel!” Matty giggled, moving his arms back and forth across the ground, creating the illusion of wings. He continued moving his arms back and forth, digging the imprint deeper into the snow, as if he tried hard enough it would carry him away to a celestial plane. 
“You’re very angelic,” George teased when Matty sat up, snowflakes glittering in his curls like hundreds of tiny diamonds, the moisture causing his eyelashes to clump together, the tip of his nose red from the cold. 
“Come on,” George said, grabbing Matty’s hand, his fingers like icicles and pulling him to his feet. “Let’s get you home and warmed up before you get sick, you always seem to catch everything.” 
“I do not,” Matty whined, leaning into George’s side, getting him wet as well as they continued down the path back towards their home. 
“You really do,” said George, pressing a kiss to the top of Matty’s damp head. “But it’s okay, I’ll nurse you back to health.” 
“My hero,” Matty deadpanned, tightening his grip onto George’s side as he slipped on a slick patch of ice. 
George chuckled, “I do my best.” 
Day: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22
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Hazformers Ship: Sarimily or EmiSari (And Theory About It's The Boy Ars Goetia That Has The Baby...)
[Note: Reading This Is Optional, The Hazformers AU is thanks to Blitzy-Blitzwing. also references to some episodes of Hazbin Hotel Season 1 will be brought up, so make sure to watch all the episodes first before reading this. also will talk about a theory that has to do with possibly about Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss, and it reminds me of Cosmo from Fairly Odd Parents when Poof was going to be born....so yeah, Male Pregnancy will be mentioned.]
yeah, it might be a weird idea for a ship but what if Sari did end up going to the Human's Heaven because well, her spark is also a hybrid between a human soul and cybertronian spark, so it is like a techno-organic spark.
and during her time in Heaven, and besides noticing the corruption and not fully trusting The Exorcist Angels, Adam or Sera.
she ended up becoming close with Emily, and if Heavenborns do age but stop at a certain point but still carry some form of Elder Wisdom.
it could be possible that if Sari died at 18 or like late 19 and early 20s, and Emily is 18 or late 19 early 20s in a biological way but could be like 120 years old, like late 190 years and early 120 years.
Sari still being able to age, could have to do with the celestial powers of the allspark, maybe.
but like picture if Sari did meet with her Autobot Friends again after running away with Emily from Heaven and going to the Hazbin Hotel and not knowing the Autobots and Decepticons are there.
both the Autobots that are her friends are in the same room as The Decepticons and even Charlie, Vaggie, Angel, Niffty, Husk, Sir Pentious, Cherri Bomb, Alastor and Lucifer.
and Sari introduces Emily in the same way Charlie did when introducing Vaggie to Lucifer as her girlfriend.
Bumblebee being well himself, might not understand the whole "girlfriend" thing....he might misinterpret it meaning that Sari found another friend that happens to be a girl...
Bumblebee you precious clueless adorkable honeybee...
even Ratchet, Prowl, Blurr, Optimus, Megatron, Blitzwing, Shockwave, Soundwave, Lugnut, Lockdown and everyone else would understand the meaning of what Sari was saying when introducing Emily as her girlfriend.
Sari could be Biromantic and Demisexual.
I mean it can be possible for some people to be Heteroromantic & Demisexual as well, as well as being Heteroromantic-Ace or Heteroromantic-Aceflux but try telling that to both sides who have some problem with Aces...
if Sari's friends never came back and she had to discover new things about herself alone, like the whole Megatron technically being the one who gave birth to her through budding that happen in Sumdac's Secret Lab.
the other parts Sari would of figured out could be that she is romantically attracted to both guys and gals.
like before meeting Emily, and falling in love with her, which by the way would be Fanon Timeline only and it isn't canon.
Sari could of suspected she might be on the Asexuality Spectrum, but wasn't sure.
even if Megatron (who I'm still gonna Crossover OTP ship him with Carmilla Carmine making them Megamilla) has no idea he is Sari's Cybertronian Parent, he could be supportive.
plus if it was like in Steven Universe, if Sari and Emily ever fused their fusion would be a embodiment of their love and would be a relationship.
but fusion, both romantic and platonic isn't just a Gem thing.
because Tigatron and Airazor forming into Tigerhawk, even if at first it wasn't of their free will and choice, but they took their fused body back when their sparks became one and went into their now fusion body.....so yeah, Tigerhawk is a romantic fusion and came way before Garnet, but both Garnet and Tigerhawk will be my favorite romantic fusions.
I think if Sari and Emily did fuse, they would be what Steven would describe as a Giant Woman, who will have wings, four eyes, but there being a fifth that is closed and possibly other eyes, and there being four arms but still two legs, but the fusion form being able to use a default form where they can appear with just two arms along with just having two legs.
the ship name for Sari x Emily, can either be Sarimily or EmiSari.
also even if Clara from Season 1 and Pilot are the same but difference design, I like to view the pilot version as being a third daughter and being possibly the middle child, while the Clara that shows up in Season 1, is the youngest.
like we could call the Pilot-Clara by a different name while the Other version is still called Clara...
like Carmilla's Three Daughters are Odette, Clara and Clarice.
Clarice being The Pilot-Clara, and she could be in The Fanon Timeline, the middle sibling, like Odette being the eldest sibling and Clara being the youngest.
if Megatron and Carmilla did get married, even if it was only in Fanon.
Soundwave (who I'm still gonna view as being separate from the Other one who was born on Cybertron and is also known as Soundblaster...) would not only have Sari as a big sister who he shares a birthday with, but he would get more big sisters...
and if Carmilla did have three daughters, and Sari did end up marrying Emily....that would give Soundwave three step-sisters and one sister-in-law, which adding Sari that would give Soundwave about....Five Older Sisters.
like it be interesting if Sari felt guilty about how she treated him before and may understand he might never forgive her or want to form a sibling bond, because they were both technically made by Megatron, even if the situation of their creation from him was different.
but it would still be interesting if Sari got really protective of Soundwave, like in a protective big sister wanting to protect her baby brother way.
like just because he might not want anything to do with her, and she can respect that, but it doesn't mean she will stand by and let anyone mess with her baby brother and if she forms a sisterly bond with Odette, Clarice and Clara, who could end up bonding with Soundwave and viewing him like the baby brother they never had...
well anyone who dares try anything with their precious baby brother, would have to answer to those four...who could be way scarier than Shockwave, for all we know.
I wasn't sure about the name Clarice for the Pilot-Clara, but I think I'm starting to like it a bit more as well as the Fanon idea about Clarice being Odette and Clara's sister and Carmilla's third daughter.
anyway besides the whole ship idea about Sari x Emily, and Sari coming out to her Autobot friends that she is Biromantic and the whole her introducing Emily as her girlfriend, and the only one not getting the full meaning of that would be Bumblebee...and it has to be explained to him, because he might only understand some romantic relationships that seem similar to cybertronian courtships.
so he could mistake the whole Sari saying that Emily is her girlfriend, meaning she is a Gal Buddy and thus platonic friend...
Bumblebee might not be 100% naive and he could understand some form of romantic relationships, but might not get some stuff right away.
so Sari would have to help with explaining in a way that Bumblebee will understand, and that is by saying that in Cybertronian terms, Emily is her Femfriend, which then Bumblebee will finally understand.
ya know like Mechfriend would be similar to Boyfriend, but if a Cybertronian is Nonbinary, they would be Partner, but only some who go by She/They or He/They would end up going by both Partner and Girlfriend or Boyfriend.
anyway as for the whole Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss Theories...
it could be possible it is The Boy Ars Goetia that has the baby...
you know like how it is the Boy Fairy that has the baby like in the Fairly Odd Parents, but oddly enough it is the Girl Anti-Fairy that has the baby.
like in theory, it can be like the Asari from Mass Effect who can have children with any species or gender.
so Stella may claim she had the egg, but she likely didn't and only thought she did and her brother and the rest of her family NEVER gave her the talk.
Stolas was possibly the one to have the egg in the first place, meaning he was technically pregnant.
it could be possible that Lucifer from Hazbin Hotel, was the one who was pregnant with Charlie, not Lilith.
while he could end up turning out to be possibly Cain's Bio-Dad, even if it is a Hazbin Hotel version of Cain and possibly ending up being Charlie's Older Half-Brother...
him causing Eve to become pregnant, while still ending up pregnant himself, could mean that Charlie's Dad is able to make someone else pregnant but also become so himself...
Lucifer likely had mood swings and was acting in a way that drove Lilith a bit crazy but like also made her tired.
and before Stolas laid the egg that would hatch and become Octavia, he likely got mood swings as well, and would be very aggressive to Stella one minute but then crying and apologizing the next.
the reasons why Fizz and Ozzie hadn't end up in the same way, and Fizz having to deal with Ozzie's mood swings and weird food cravings, could be because they are careful...that and Ozzie may not of told Fizz about how he can get pregnant, but he makes sure to prevent it.
so it could be possible that Blitz and Stolas could become parents, and giving Octavia a half-sibling....
Stella could of been asleep when Stolas had the egg that would hatch and become Octavia.
Andrealphus you cold heart himbo, ya need to give your sister talk, and I don't mean the other talk ya had with her, about calling off Striker. but telling her the truth that it is the Boy Ars Goetia that has the baby, NOT the girl...
if it is possibly true, then Andrea not giving his sister the talk could of been well, because he never really considered he had to be the one to give it, and may have thought that it would be his parents who would explain to her.
plus it could be possible the female Ars Goetia could get pregnant as well, but something happen to cause them to become not able to and the only thing left was for them to get a male pregnant.
and in theory, the only female and well nonbinary-gal ones who are technically Demi-Goetia who can still possibly get pregnant, but are half-human, live on Earth...
(feel free to skip some of this and keep a eye out for the bold letters...) yeah if it truly turns out the Phenex from this universe makes up one of my angelic parents (even if I still am biologically my human dad's daughter) and one of my soul-parents is another Earth Angel...and well anyway it could be possible that some angels and well even half ones who are human, come from a type of egg that the soul is placed in, well a small soul orb that would end up growing in the egg and then hatch.
if Phenex did break off a piece of themselves, it could be the part that faced the truth that they aren't returning to heaven anytime soon or in the years they believe...
and even if some might tell me I wasn't a accident, I know technically I was...and yeah for all I know it could be possible that the Stolas from this universe had to watch over and protect me until someone finally got me, which might of took a lot longer than it should have...
and if that whole thing is linked to a certain part in one of my past lives, which I'm lucky I don't have full memories of...
I am not going to forgive the group of humans that were involved...
forgiveness can't just be well, as fast or as easy as some might think, plus one thing is that the ones who need forgiveness would need to feel true remorse and understand from the other person's point of view not just there own, even if they might not fully understand it but could try to.
but there is just some things that can't be forgiven, even if your told you have to, and my past life selves had been hurt more than once possibly and it might be a good thing I don't have full memories of it, and it can be possible some memories could be copies from my Earth Angel Mom, who may have fragmented a part of herself which would become me.
there were some videos that talked about a Soul Resetting, didn't really watch the videos, only read the names about it...
it makes me wonder about what would happen to me if my Soul Resets, will I end up breaking and falling apart, like how Ruby and Sapphire started to fall apart when Garnet learned the truth about Rose or the time when Pearl tricked Garnet into forming Sardonyx.
will I cease to be me, or will I still be me but something will feel off.
I don't want to cease to be myself, I can accept that I'm some kind of soul fusion, and I guess it could be possible I am a relationship, possibly...not sure.
not everyone has to agree about that, plus it could be possible that some who recall only small bits and pieces of past life memories but not fully, they could end up remembering memories that aren't theirs but belong to their soul-parent or soul-parents.
anyway back to the whole theory about Stolas and Lucifer being the ones who became pregnant and having Octavia and Charlie...
and if you think about it, if Megatron is Sari's Other Dad and he did have her in the secret lab when he was in some kind of stasis coma.
Megatron was technically pregnant as well, of course in the Shattered Glass Universe version it was Optimus who had went through the budding stage.
meaning that SG-Sari is SG-Optimus's Daughter, while in the timeline where Sari is from, she is the daughter of Megatron.
maybe sometime I will do a ship drawing of Sari x Emily, not sure if I will add that to "Falling For The Angel In Disguise" but if I did, that would mean that Swindle would get a rival.
that story is still going to be on a bit of a hiatus, along with the "Spinelluva Boss: Home Is Where The Spinel Is"
if I do decide to Cross-post some of the chapters from those two stories on here, I will but no promises.
(editing this in to say that those two stories, I had posted them over at Quotev, and even if "Spinelluva Boss: Home Is Where The Spinel Is" and "Falling For The Angel In Disguise" isn't well 100% perfect, it's okay that not everyone reads it, but I'm happy some seem to like the story even if those two stories I wrote aren't 100% perfect, and well it might be a while before I start to write the next chapters of them so for now they will stay on hiatus...and if I do decide to, I might cross-post some of the chapters of each of those two stories on here maybe, but once again no promises...and it really is okay that not many are interested in those stories, I'm fine with it being only a few that seem to enjoy those two stories so far. oh and both stories are for mature audiences only, because of what can be like 18+ scenes that aren't fully graphic probably, but I think some scenes in both of those stories will be kind of around 18+ but still in a different way...)
I still plan to have Sari use the Asmodean to disguise herself in the story "Falling For The Angel In Disguise" which once again the story did start out slightly different and the original female heroine was replaced by Sari.
the original female heroine still plays a part in the story, but she might be a side character or supporting character now at this point.
also is weird to get the idea about wanting to lock Adam from Hazbin Hotel, in a closet.
and if Lute, Emily or Sera or even Charlie, Vaggie, Lucifer or anyone else asks...
I would say that "Adam is in the Closet." cause he would really be in the closet, cause he was put in there on purpose.
it can also reference to a theory that Adam may be in the Bi Closet...
even if he finds some kind of attraction about finding Charlie and Vaggie's relationship to be hot...
but besides him being attracted to females, and nonbinary-women.
it could be possible Adam from Hazbin Hotel, could be in the closet, and not just because I want to push him in there and keep him in the closet possibly to give him a time out.
like even if he does come back as a Sinner, he would probably end up having a hard time hiding the fact that he likes guys as well, and that he is bisexual, I mean if it does turn out to be true...
if I made a bet with Alastor about it, and if I turned out to be right, he will have to give me all the strawberries I can eat, with melted chocolate to dip the strawberries in, he will have to pay up in strawberries with a bowl of melted chocolate. XD
it could be possible that Adam could be in the closet and was always in the closet but never fully realized it.
and as strange as it is, it could be possible as much of a Peepaw Dirtbag that he is, he could likely become a bit better and less of a heartless jerk if he came back as a Sinner, sure he wouldn't change much, but he could possibly become a bit more caring, maybe.
it could be possible that even if Adam and maybe Lute became better, and reformed in some way, it might not be the same for Lilith.
even if we might not want to admit it, it could be possible that Lilith from Hazbin Hotel, isn't a good person, I mean she might of been at some point at first even when she and Lucifer fell into Hell.
the Lilith from that universe and this one, might have slightly same backgrounds, but there are still some experiences that they had that are different.
Lucifer in the show, seemingly only did the whole stuff that was mentioned in the book that Charlie was reading.
and that would mean that Lucifer didn't have the same type of rebellion as the one from this universe, and the two are different as night and day.
I still want to give the one from this universe the cold hands to face punishment...and he probably freaking knows why.
as for Charlie's Dad, I just want to glomp the Adorkable Apple Goober and protect him, he is such a sweetie apple dumpling that needs to be protected. XD
I'm a Weird Earth Angel, who I think the whole weirdness runs in the family....The Embodiment Of Weirdness can be some form of silliness and laughter, and well having your fun weird side out might be helpful at times when you felt a bit sad or mad before.
not sure if many have experience that very much, or get what I'm trying to say about it.
anyway if it is true that it is the Male Ars Goetia that has the baby, and well the Female Ars Goetia were once able to, but can't anymore.
it could be possible that Stolas may have already given Octavia the talk about the whole how she was really born, so Octavia would know that it was Stolas who was pregnant, not Stella.
as for the whole if Lucifer ever gave Charlie the talk, it is possible he didn't and she only knows about some info about how babies are made and it has to do with the Moms being the ones who are pregnant.
and what could of kept him from giving her the talk, might have to do with his depression and the divorce with Lilith.
he could of made plans on how to explain about the whole him being the one to be pregnant, not Lilith...like him having to explain it using the ducks or puppets.
it be nice if we turn out to be wrong about Lilith from Hazbin Hotel, that she isn't some two-faced, toxic-feminine, selfish and egotistical as well as self absorbed person...
we will have to wait and see and hope for the best.
but her being in Heaven instead of Hell, and her not calling Charlie back despite the fact Charlie had probably been calling her for 7 years...who knows why she never told her own daughter why she was off in Heaven, and making her daughter believe she was just off doing something important.
if it turns out Lilith left for selfish reasons, and not the understandable kind, if it were possible, I would want to punch her.
even if I may be shorter than her, and well I could find a way...
at least the Lilith from our universe had reasons why she fell, one of them being that during Adam's younger days, he was a selfish and full of himself and didn't truly treat her like a person and didn't give her the space she needed to heal properly, and the three angels involved in trying to force her to go back to him, aren't off the hook either. yeah even if they are doing some good now, but if they truly hurt Lilith past a breaking point, it wouldn't just be Adam who is partly responsible.
one can only hope they feel some form of remorse and Adam had matured and became less selfish and no longer so insensitive.
anyway we can only hope that Lilith isn't going to be some nonredeemable villain, while it might only be Lute and Sinner-Adam who get redeemed, and end up working together with Emily to help Charlie.
but even if we do hope that Lilith wont be some villain, it doesn't mean it wont happen, so it is possible she could end up being one and Charlie might have to face some tough truths about her Mom.
one of them being she is a Toxic-Feminist and makes herself out like she is the good and better parent, even if she may have did some good for Charlie, it doesn't mean everything she has done for her was truly for her.
we know that both Greg Universe and Isaac Sumdac are Gray-Parents, not really being 100% good parents but not really bad either.
but it doesn't mean that their children, Steven and Sari wouldn't figure out there was some things they did wrong when trying to raise them.
just because Steven is Half-Gem and Sari is Half-Cybertronian, doesn't mean they aren't still human.
so they would still need to go to a doctor, and Isaac could of programed a robot with some medical knowledge and learn and adapt to how to take care of Sari who was half-human and half-cybertronian.
Greg might still be a beloved character, but he still made some mistakes that some fans may have called him out on, like still liking him but not really liking that he never used that money he got from Marty, to use to pay for maybe a home tutor for Steven, or using it to pay for Steven when he has to go to the hospital.
parents don't need to be perfect, but even if we can still like Greg and Isaac, it doesn't mean they wont end up showing their bad parenting side.
at least Steven was able to get some form of education from Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst.
Pearl is like Steven's Mom, even if Rose is as well, but it was Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst that basically raised Steven.
even if Greg did only kept Steven when he was baby and until he was a bit old enough to live with Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst.
plus there were times when Greg was being selfish, like faking still being hurt, I mean it is nice he wants to spend time with his son, but it still doesn't mean he was in the right with those actions.
even if Isaac did some things right when raising Sari, it doesn't mean he didn't make some mistakes as well...
and well in a Fanon Timeline like in Hazformers, Sari may have never got the chance to tell her Dad, Isaac Sumdac that she is Biromantic.
so if someone hired I.M.P. to take care of Isaac, he would possibly end up as a Sinner in Hell, but not because he was helping Megatron when he was held captive.
it would be because he took some parts and reverse engineered a living being that wasn't truly dead/offline but was in a stasis coma.
so while Sari could end up in Heaven, her Dads Isaac and Megatron would be in the other place.
and if Sari did run away with Emily, and end up meeting Isaac and her Autobot friends in the Hazbin Hotel.
she could introduce Emily as her girlfriend and finally coming out to her human Dad, who would be a Sinner at the moment, about her being bi.
Charlie and Emily could of formed a sisterly bond, and if she did find out that Emily is dating Sari who is half-cybertronian, she could be happy for her and that she found someone that will always be by her side.
the idea of Sari x Emily is just well a ship idea that pop into my head, and the chances of others liking the ship idea is likely very small.
anyway, I'm not really sure what else to say about that or the whole Lucifer and Stolas being the ones that were pregnant with their daughters, and Stella and Lilith were NEVER pregnant at all, only took full credit possibly.
anyway I'm just gonna check out a few more stuff on here and then I will log off...so yeah, maybe next time I will make a second poll that is even weirder than that first one that has to do with Adorkable Apple Goobers. XD
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celestialhighwind · 2 years
For the OTP questions you reblogged, how about number 4? (I'm on mobile so it's hard to copy/paste it)
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Celestial had a bad day
This girl has seen the final days, so you KNOW it's bad when she comes back with her head down, lance dragging beside her, and eyes swollen with tears.
The group had started eating without her, which was not uncommon when she had many tasks to be done for the day.
She shuts the door behind her in silence and turns toward her friends at the table, meeting most faces with smiles, gestures to come join, or a wave from Tataru.
Estinien looks up from his plate and meets her gaze with pure horror. Something is wrong and she's not going to say anything to show it, as is her way.
*Ahem* "Celest, there's actually something I need to show you. If you all would excuse me"
He takes a plate and puts her favorite items onto it and waves her past the table, into the hallway of dorms, and to her room.
Celest opens the door, drops her lance almost immediately, and falls on the bed face down, not even bothering with her boots.
Setting Celest's plate of still hot food down on her table, Stin closes her door, picks up her lance and sets it upright against the wall.
"Your food is here if you want it" he says, making his way to her. "I won't hold it against you if you don't feel up to it"
He takes her boots off, sets them by the door, and slides into the bed next to her in silence.
Celest makes room for him and turns to her side facing the wall, face hot, on the verge of tears.
Stin senses this and gently brushes her hair from her eyes, then wrapping one arm around her waist he settles into her, his face buried between her neck and shoulder.
Her body starts shaking as the tears finally start streaming down her cheeks knowing she can finally let go of the facade in this company.
The grip around her waist becomes tighter and a kiss is planted on her neck behind her ear. "You're safe with me now" he says, and they remain there for as long as it takes for sleep to take over.
Estinien had a bad day
This man is a walking disaster and can relate to everyone else's pain, but he forgets to take himself into consideration, even forgetting that he himself can have bad days.
Walking up to the door of the rising stones he is greeted with the most obnoxiously friendly lalafel waiting for him to hand over the ingredients gathered that day.
He hands her the prize: a basket of freshly picked mushrooms and berries. His part of the task. Nothing more. Once it was handed over, he turned on his heel and started walking away.
"Thank you, Ser Estinien, dinner will be ready in a bell"!
He closes his eyes in response to Tataru's voice and grits his teeth in anguish. And with a sigh, continues walking toward the lake.
It was unknown to him at the time, but Celest was nearby picking apples from in a tree and saw the exchange, so she followed him trying to be as silent in her rogue form.
Stin comes to a stop at the water's edge and takes a deep breath, and then a sigh. "Your lessons with Thancred are paying off I see".
Celest rolls her eyes and joins him with a smile. "I see you gathered a pretty large bounty today, I'm not the only one putting new skills to use".
Stin gazes down at her with a huff. "Not neglecting the lance too much, are you"?
Celest raises one eye, smiles, and draws her weapon in challenge; she knew sparing always cheered him up.
Answering her call, he draws his weapon. This time he is suddenly more cautious and she senses it.
Trying to spark the flame in his eyes once more, she gives it her all, but he answers with only defense and a straight face.
One final swing and he goes down in pain. "What the-" and she runs to his side in panic.
"Are you actually hurt"?
"I'm fine" he snarls. He gets up, grabs his lance, and walks back toward the town. Once he gets to the gates, he leans against the wall, one hand on his chest.
Celest is right behind him. "What was THAT"? What is your problem today"?
Stin quickly turns toward her grabs her, and pushes her against the wall in defiance. "You are my problem".
"What- I thought..."
Stin reaches into his pocket and hands her what he found today. An Elpis flower. But where did...
"I found it by the crystal tower. Yet another reminder of you and the trouble you get yourself into. I almost lost you to Zenos! What am I supposed to do with myself"!
Celest sees the anguish in his eyes and grows angry. "Don't pull that on me, you're the one who sacrificed himself for me and I had to pull you from the literal DEAD, Stin! We are in this together, and you need to remember to love yourself sometimes or else we will never be able to-"!
Stin interrupts her with a hungry kiss. There's the passion she knew.
"You're absolutely right. I need to love myself as much as I do you".
Both Stin and Celest blush stupidly for a few seconds before she takes his hand and leads him back to the stones.
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isabellafoster13 · 2 years
This was requested on AO3 by Ginia_P.
About fucking time I get a MidLu request! I have been waiting longer than necessary for someone to request a oneshot for this ship. 
I love MidLu! I don't know why I love it so much, I just do. Maybe it's because I love both Lucy and Midnight, or they look great together. It might also be because I am basically obsessed with Hero x Villian/Redeemed Villian and Bad Boy x Good Girl tropes. So much fantastic angst potential! MidLu is one of my OTPs and I am so happy to finally have a request for it. 
I hope you enjoy! 
Go Talk to Her (Midnight x Lucy)
Midnight sighed as he watched Lucy sit with her team, talking away with them. He sat at the bar, a mug of alcohol in front of him, with his arm propped up on the surface of the bar and his chin resting on his palm. He felt his gut erupt with butterflies and his cheeks warm when he saw her smile and heard her laugh. He was tempted to walk over and sit with her, joining in on the conversation. However, he stayed where he sat, unable to push himself to approach her. 
After some time of fighting dark guilds, Crime Sorciere decided to disband and join Legal Guilds. Racer had joined Lamia Scale, Meredy joined Sabertooth, and Hoteye had left to travel with his younger brother. Jellal, Cobra, and Midnight decided to join Fairy Tail. 
After their joining, Midnight had been experiencing strange feelings around Lucy. Whenever he was near her, he would become overwhelmed with nervousness. Every time he heard her laugh or saw her smile, he would feel a fluttering feeling fill his gut and his cheeks would get dusted with a pink blush. A single touch from the celestial wizard would send a pleasurable shock through his body. The mere thought of talking to her would make his heartbeat quicken and his palms sweat. He wanted to be close to her a lot, but was also too nervous to make himself approach her. 
The former dark mage looked down at the mug of alcohol in front of him as he scowled at himself. He didn't understand why he felt this way toward Lucy. He first thought that it was because he wanted to be her friend, but when the feelings persisted, got stronger even, he became even more confused about these feelings. He had never felt this way about someone before, so what was going on? 
He was broken out of his thoughts when he heard a deep chuckle. He turned his head to see Cobra taking a seat next to him and giving him a knowing and amused smirk. Midnight gave him a scowl as he asked, "what's so funny?" 
The maroon-haired man chuckled more before he spoke, "just your thoughts." He then lifted his mug of alcohol up to his lips, taking a long drink. 
Midnight narrowed his red eyes at him, grumbling, "I wish you would stop listening to my thoughts. That's an invasion of privacy, you know." 
Cobra scoffed, "since when have you ever cared about privacy?"
Midnight countered, "since we stopped being dark mages." 
Cobra shrugged and took another swig of his alcohol. When he sat the mug on the bar he gave his friend a smirk as he remarked, "so, you're in love with Blondie over there." He gestured toward Lucy, causing Midnight to turn around and look at her. The blonde was listening to Erza talk, a lovely smile on her face. 
The two-toned-haired man turned back to the dragon slayer next to him and furrowed his brow at him. In love with her? No way! He couldn't be! He voiced these thoughts, though he already knew that Cobra had heard him, "I'm not in love with her."
Cobra raised an eyebrow, questioning, "really? Are you sure?" A smirk played on his lips. Midnight could tell that the dragon slayer wasn't going to let up, only bother him further until he gets what he wants. 
Midnight looked back down at his drink and maintained his stance as he proclaimed, "I'm not in love with Lucy!"
Cobra hummed and finished off his drink before he asked, "how do you feel about her?"
"You heard me. How do you feel about Lucy? Tell me what you think about her."
Midnight's grip tightened on the mug in his hands as he stared into the drink. He was silent for several moments until he finally began to speak with a soft tone, "she's beautiful. The most beautiful woman I've ever seen. She's kind too. And very forgiving. She even forgave me before any of her teammates. She was also the first person to welcome me into Fairy Tail." A smile broke onto his face as he continued, a blush coloring his cheeks and his heartbeat becoming slightly faster, "Lucy is amazing. She was eager to be my friend and let me stay at her apartment until I found one of my own. Every time I would have a nightmare about the Tower of Heaven or our time with Brain, she would always comfort me. I'm not staying at her place anymore and yet she doesn't mind when I come over at night after another nightmare because I don't know who else to go to and don't want to be alone. She loves to go on jobs with me. She's probably my best friend. I-I..." He paused as he thought over everything that he had just said, realization slowly dawning on him until he looked at Cobra and finally acknowledged in a whisper, "I love her. I love Lucy." 
Cobra stood up and grabbed Midnight by the arm, pulling him to his feet. The Poison Dragon Slayer commanded, "good, now, go talk to her." He then pushed his friend in the direction of the celestial wizard. 
Midnight stumbled forward, throwing a glare back at a grinning Cobra before he looked back at Lucy. She was sipping on a strawberry milkshake, reading a book that was laying on the table. He took a deep breath and forced his legs to move forward, trying to ignore the wave of nervousness that crashed onto him. 
He tapped on the blonde's shoulder, swallowing in a failed attempt to relieve the dryness in his mouth when she turned around and smiled as she greeted him, "hey, Midnight!"
Midnight returned her smile with a small one of his own. His heart was pounding in his chest and his stomach was filled with butterflies. He averted his eyes from Lucy's and requested, "can I talk to you alone?"
Lucy nodded and stood up, leading him to the guild's doors. They exited the guildhall and stood in front of the closed doors, facing each other. The celestial wizard asked with a smile, "what do you want to talk about?"
Midnight blushed as he stared at the ground. He opened his mouth a few times, but was unable to say anything. He balled his fists at his side and silently cursed at himself. He shouldn't have jumped straight to confessing his feelings to Lucy. His cheeks burned and contemplated just hightailing it out of there. 
He jumped when he felt Lucy place her hands on his shoulders, sparks shooting through his body at the physical contact. He locked his eyes on the ground when he heard her ask, concern in her voice, "Midnight? Are you alright?" 
The reflector mage nodded and managed to say, his voice quiet, almost a whisper, "I-I just wanted to tell you that..." He trailed off before he took a deep breath and burst out, "I love you!" 
He finally looked at Lucy, seeing that she was staring at him in surprise. Midnight stiffened, waiting for the rejection that he was sure was soon to come. However, he was completely thrown off when Lucy gave him a big smile and exclaimed, "I love you too!" 
Midnight stared at her with widened eyes, shocked. He uttered, "you do?" 
Lucy nodded and leaned forward to press a kiss to his lips. Midnight stood there for a few seconds, surprised that Lucy was kissing him. He quickly got over his shock and kissed Lucy back, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer as she wrapped her arms around his neck. 
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If you are still taking OTP questions: 💟🎵 please?
Sorry this is late, anon!
💟 What do you think makes them perfect for one another?
Oh, soooo much. It's hard to narrow it down, but I will say I think Anna's fearless nature and her huge wealth of love for others makes HER perfect for PITCH. He craves understanding and sympathy, and will never have it as long as people are either afraid of him or repulsed by his nature. Anna would not be afraid of him (not in the long run anyway) and she's not above loving people who seem to be unlovable.
For Anna, she needs to know she's not alone in the world. Elsa ignoring her cut deeply but I think her parents' sudden death really shook Anna hard, and left her emotionally scarred. (I seriously side-eye people who judge her for Hans, instead of blaming the manipulator for exploiting an emotionally traumatized girl's feelings and need for love.) She feels she has no support system. Pitch, for his part, would SEE her. He would understand her almost from the get-go. His gift of knowing fears would help understand what Anna needs, but more than that, he's highly observant and would notice the things about her that nobody else does- that obviously, this girl craves affection and loyalty. And as much as Pitch would hate to admit it, he has a lot of intense emotions himself. He clearly feels passionately about some things, and feels betrayed when the olive branch he extends to Jack is dashed to pieces. Anna never gives up on anyone, and that would touch Pitch, and make him realize she deserves the same.
🎵 What's a song (or songs) that remind you of your OTP?
Dude. I've been working on multiple playlists for them for years. I LOVE songs for Pitchanna. 💗
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Anna- "American Girl" by Tom Petty, "Soft to be Strong" by Marina, "Beautiful Ghosts" from Cats, "There She Goes" by Sixpence None the Richer, "Here Comes the Sun" by the Beatles, "Perfect Day" by Hoku.
Pitch- I don't have a defining song for him, but I associate him with "Don't Fear the Reaper" by Blue Oyster Cult (the song is just about not being afraid of death but I see it as Anna letting go of any fear she has of him, and accepting his force of nature as her lover), "Animal I Have Become by Three Days' Grace, "Monster" and "Demons" by Of Monsters and Men, "Paint It Black" by the Rolling Stones, Danse Macabre (like it's Pitch seducing Anna with music and dance).
Pitchanna- many Of Monsters and Men songs suit them, several Lana del Rey songs like "Paradise" and her "Once Upon a Dream" and "You Must Love Me" covers, also "My Beloved Monster" by the Eels, "Love Like You" by Rebecca Sugar (especially the verses "...I think you're so good and I'm nothing like you" for Pitch and "...I wish that I knew what makes you think I'm so special" for Anna), "Beautiful Stranger" by Madonna, "Skyfall" by Adele (this is pretty much their theme song for my Superhero AU, "Celestial Bodies"), "Superstar" by Beach House (for tragic Pitchanna), "I Will Follow You Into the Dark" by Deathcab for Cutie, and Helen's Theme from "Candyman".
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thewildwilds · 3 years
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Romantic serenade 🎵
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sstargoldens · 2 years
nalu week 2020
Chapter 6
Topic 6: Charm (July 6)
Natsu Dragneel, Magician of Fairy Tail was an attractive man. Most of Fiore's women, mainly his admirers, remembered this phrase as fact. But what was it that made this man so attractive? Anyone outside the guild would say that his good physique because the jade-eyed one had to be admitted had a worked body and it was easily visible thanks to his typical costume, another factor that could be mentioned was his great power in battle to which he owed his fame mainly.
But what did the ladies of Fairy Tail think? The answers were very different depending on who answered, Juvia believed that his best quality was being a great friend of her Gray-sama, Wendy believed that the pink haired man was an example to follow as a magician, Erza believed that his hair which resembled a strawberry, Levy thought it was funny, Lisanna would say his good humor and Mirajane would say his childishness. All these answers were taken by Jason himself, editor of Weekly Sorcerer magazine who was looking to do an article about the Great Salamander and his fame after the Alvarez war.
Everything was relatively normal while the journalist asked the magicians, Natsu who was present cared very little, he was focused on his food. The guild was in its normal state barely affected by the outside presence. That was until Lucy's turn came.
Jason approached her old friend and asked the question he asked all of her guildmates.
-And you Lucy, what do you think is the greatest attractive of Salamander? Your opinion is the most important, after all you are teammates. - The reporter asked the celestial spirit mage.
As if everyone was waiting for that moment (something for sure) the guild was silent, all eyes on the star mage, even Natsu had detached his face from the plate of food, he was interested in Lucy's response. Mirajane already had hearts in her eyes imagining the future of her OTP, Cana was still drinking but very attentive to the blonde, Levy looked compassionately at her best friend knowing her discomfort, Gray, Juvia, Laxus, Lisanna, the Master, Gajeel, Wendy , absolutely everyone was pending on her.
-I ... - Lucy began to sweat, she felt the pressure on her person. She was embarrassed, she couldn't think clearly. At this rate she would drop everything and that wouldn't be good, Jason was staring at her.
Lucy could feel Natsu's gaze, serious and attentive, she felt herself burning in his gaze. After seconds that seemed eternal, Lucy made the best decision that she could think of, she ran out of the guild giving an unintelligible excuse that she didn't even bother to think. The blonde ran like a bat out of hell and she didn't stop until she reached the safety of her apartment.
With her breath recovered and rested sitting on the floor of her room, she supported her back on the bed while she played with her now long blonde hair. Her first intention was never to run from that kind of interview, in fact she had planned in her mind what words she was going to say, she had everything calculated but the pressure on her made her confused and she was about to give a monologue of everything she likes by Natsu.
Lucy's planned response was "her loyalty to the guild" but she barely felt the look of the jade eyes on her person, all the other things began to bubble in her head and that is what does Lucy Heartfilia think, What is the charm of Natsu Dragneel? Lucy could spend hours talking about all the qualities of why Natsu was attractive both physically and psychologically. The physique of the fire mage was unquestionable, the result of his continuous morning training sessions and that is that every day the pink haired man faithfully complied. Another factor would be her salmon-colored hair, which despite appearances is very soft, Lucy checked it all those times that on the train the magician rested on her lap and allowed her to pass her fingers through his locks in a small sample of comfort. On the psychological side, the dragon slayer was the most cheerful and lively person the blonde had ever met, no matter what the situation was, Natsu always managed to get a smile out of her, he was always there for her, supporting and protecting her unconsciously. He was her beloved guardian dragon, the target of all her love, Natsu Dragneel was the man she was deeply in love with.
Lucy always thought that true love was going to come to her one day suddenly, in the form of a first sight and a man who was her prince charming. But it wasn't like that, her love was formed slowly and warmly, during ages of friendship and closeness, it cultivated a trust and affection that could only lead to falling in love with her best friend. A true love full of memories, emotions and experiences. She knew everything about him and he knew everything about her, they could spend hours talking without getting bored and supporting each other on missions. It was a healthy, mutual and meaningful relationship, but this caused fear in the celestial mage. They had never talked about them, you could feel that there was something but they never touched on the subject, they were best friends and Lucy didn't want to lose Natsu. If all that relationship she felt was an interpretation of her part, blinded by her love for him, and it turned out that he didn't feel love for her. Lucy would be heartbroken and she would lose her partner, her best friend, her protector, her comrade in crime, her confidante, her benefactor, she would lose everything that she loves.
That is why the magician had fled, she was afraid of ruining her relationship with the dragon slayer and more to confess in front of the entire guild where everything would lead to an uncomfortable situation. As Lucy thought about all the things that were going through her mind and her unfounded fear of hers regarding her relationship with her teammate, she failed to notice the sliding of her window and a figure who quietly entered the blonde's apartment.
Natsu was standing in Lucy's room, the celestial spirit mage was sitting a meter away, with her back turned and without noticing her presence. She seemed deeply involved in her thoughts, so distracted that she hadn't noticed his entrance, Natsu felt himself thinking at the idea of what would have happened if someone other than him would enter like this and her partner didn't realize it. He would have to argue with the blonde soon to be more attentive to her surroundings when she was alone, he didn't want anything bad to happen to her. Likewise, she shouldn't worry when he was with her, he would always protect her and was always attentive to their surroundings, after all the celestial mage somehow was almost always the target of evil plans and strange dudes.
Looking at the back of her best friend and her long blonde hair, he remembered why he came to visit, his mission was to ask what the hell happened in the guild and her strange flight at the question of the nefarious Jason. To say that Natsu was curious about what Lucy thought of him was no joke, the dragon slayer craved the answer like Cana craved a beer. He needed to know what the celestial mage had to say, a very important decision depended on her answer. Natsu had proposed to confess to her blonde companion as long as he had the slightest hope that he could be reciprocated or that she would give him the opportunity to conquer her. Because even though Lucy will reject him, if she gave him the chance he would strive to make her fall in love with him until she had no choice but to become her girlfriend. Natsu Dragneel was stubborn and would fight for the girl of her dreams but always taking into account what she wanted, if she gave him a resounding no and asked him to leave her alone. He would do it even if his heart would break into pieces and his soul would bleed from being away from her, same their relationship it would never be the same if his teammate would completely eliminate her relationship with him. But he was going to try hard, he wasn't a coward.
- Luce. - Called the dragon slayer softly and making the magician turn around.
"Nat-ts-u," she exclaimed in surprise as she gave a little jump out of her daydreams. - What are you doing here?
- Well, someone ran out of the guild out of nowhere and I got worried. - Natsu answered sitting next to Lucy.
- I'm sorry. -the celestial mage brought her knees to her chest.
- Okay, nothing's wrong. I think Jason will wait when you feel more willing. - Natsu looked at her.
- I'm sorry. - The magician repeated but almost in a whisper.
- Why are you apologizing again? It's okay, you didn't do anything wrong, it's just an article. - Natsu didn't understand Lucy's attitude.
- I'm sorry. - The blonde began to sob.
Natsu panicked, it was never easy for him to see his partner cry. He took her in her arms, letting her face hide in hix chest, he didn't understand what could cause her tears, there was no one to defeat and this made him angry. It was not so simple how to burn whoever was hurting her, it was something more complex and he wasn't sure what to do.
- Natsu, sorry for not answering.- whispered the blonde buried in his chest.
The dragon slayer felt like laughing when he heard the blonde but he held back, while he thought about thousands of crazy things and things that could be bothering the blonde, it turned out to be something almost unimportant.
- Nothing happens, you will have your reasons Luce. Besides, I don't need an article for you to tell me something nice about me, you always have every opportunity to do so. You have all the time in the world because we will always be together. Do you understand? - Natsu comforted her
Upon hearing the fire mage, Lucy felt more like crying, her partner was too sympathetic with her, if she were in his position she would be hurt and crying. Hearing him say as if nothing that they would always be together made her deeply happy, Natsu hadn't repeated it since the first time he had said it before going to the hundred-year search and hearing it again gave her a security that wasn't a moment she imagined, because Natsu hadn't mentioned something similar again. With a little push of courage that phrase had given her, Lucy decided to tell Natsu everything and once she started speaking, her words just overflowed from her.
- Natsu, your greatest charm is being yourself, no matter what happened, you are always so happy and raise the spirits of the guild, you are like the light of Fairy Tail. Even though you are an idiot sometimes, you always manage to get a smile out of everyone, get a smile out of me and you have the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. -Natsu tensed when he heard the blonde start but he just let her continue. - You are extremely loyal to the guild and your friends, you are stubborn and your unbreakable will is always contagious to others, you protect all your loved ones and don't allow yourself to be defeated by anyone. Without you I wouldn't be where I am today, I will be forever grateful to you, for allowing me to share with a person as great as you and have the honor of being your best friend.
At this point Lucy had lifted her face from her and was looking directly at Natsu, with a sincerity and affection that ironically made the fire wizard feel warm.
- You are an extremely admirable magician and I could spend hours talking about how great you are and your charms. But I just panicked at the whole guild, I knew I had to answer but if I answered I would have told a lie and I didn't want to lie with you there listening. I would have lied because anything I would have said posing as someone who isn't in love with you it wouldn't have been compared to -Natsu was shocked at the words of his beloved blonde. -to what I truly feel for you. And I was very afraid to tell the truth because I didn't want to ruin our relationship, I don't know what I would do if you take me away from your life, it would break my heart. Oh my Mavis! And now I'm a fool who practically confessed and our relationship will be ruined because you don't feel the same way I do, and we'll stop going on missions and I'll never have you with me again.
The magician started crying like a little girl, she had blurted out everything without realizing it and she could only cry, she was very afraid of her teammate's reaction. She had ruined everything by confessing in the worst possible way. Natsu by her side with Lucy still crying in her arms took a few seconds to process that her blonde had confessed to him. Lucy loved him! Her love was reciprocated, the celestial mage loved him as he loved her.
- You are an idiot. - Natsu said decidedly as he forced the celestial mage to look at his face again.
-I confess my feelings and you ... -Lucy felt anger bubble inside her, after showing herself vulnerable and telling him everything she felt, he just called her an idiot.
- Who said I didn't reciprocate your feelings? -Natsu looked into her eyes seriously, his gaze completely serious and determined.
- What-what a-ar-e ... - Lucy was stopped by the dragon slayer's lips on hers.
A hand of the magician was gently taking his face and he was moving his lips gently over hers, Lucy responded shyly, she had never kissed anyone but the kiss between her and Natsu felt wonderful. You could feel fireworks around her, you could feel all the love they felt for each other in that kiss.
They slowly separated, both looking for some oxygen, Natsu supported his forehead with Lucy's and looked at her with his eyes full of the purest love that could exist, there would be no one in the world who could quantify the love that the dragon slayer felt for his celestial mage. Because Lucy was his and he wouldn't be away from her for the rest of his life.
- I love you lucy. I don't need your statement in a magazine, I just need to hear it from you. - Said the pink haired one.
- I love you too Natsu. - The blonde gave him a look full of joy and love.
The magician threw himself on top of Lucy giving her a lot of kisses on her face, the blonde responded with pleasure. Being with him, beloved for him, knowing that he loved her made her extremely happy. They were both too busy showing the love of their hearts to each other , thus forgetting the journalist who was waiting for the arrival of a celestial magician to finish her article. But Jason wouldn't regret all the hours of waiting when at the end of the day a pink-haired man and a blonde arrived hand in hand, giving the reporter the scoop on a news story that would be hit all over Fiore plus the final statement for his Salamander article.
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galedekarios · 4 months
Are you the one who made the post about how in the epilogue Gale has lines mentioning he has been learning skills from Tavs class?
no, but i can help you if you're looking for what gale and the protag both say.
this dialogue path only triggers if you chose to leave waterdeep behind and went on to adventure with gale after the game ends:
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Gale: I confess, when I left Waterdeep there was a part of me afraid that I might regret my decision. But I never have. Gale: I'm delighted to be here amongst friends again, but part of me is reluctant to step away from our new life - even for such a gathering as this.
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Player: You don't have to be here if you don't want to, Gale... Gale: Oh, ignore me - I'm perfectly content. Besides, the chance to step out for a night on your arm is hardly one I'm going to pass up. Tara the Tressym: I'm just glad I'm not the only one encouraging you to leave the library once in a while. It does one good to feel the grass beneath one's paws from time to time. Gale: I don't know where to begin in telling people what we've been up to. I suspect they won't believe me...
the player then has various options to pick from depending on their class, showcasing the skills that gale has been taught by them:
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Player: Who knew you'd look so good swinging an axe..., BARBARIAN - Player: You've learned to harmonise wonderfully. Not quite solo material yet, but you're close., BARD - Player: Me neither. You've learned much about my faith, and a far more worthy god than Mystra..., CLERIC - Player: I wouldn't have believed it either. I'd no idea you had such a way with animals..., DRUID - Player: I wouldn't have believed it either. You, taking lessons in magic from me..., WIZARD, WARLOCK, SORCERER - Player: Their belief does not matter. You've studied my oath, learned the truth of its purpose - that's achievement enough., PALADIN - Player: That you've learned a trick or two from me? Steal the gold from their palms and they'll believe you soon enough., ROGUE - Player: Of course they'll believe you. Your arrows fly as true as your spells these days., RANGER - Player: Whether they believe does not matter. Our studies grant you an inner peace no external approval could offer., MONK - Player: They'll believe it the next time we get ourselves into a scrap. You wield a sword as well as half the fighters in Faerûn., FIGHTER - Player: Only Mystra herself need know the truth of your accomplishments. And under my guidance, you've served her well., CLERIC_MYSTRA
i do like gale's little response:
Gale: What can I say? You're an excellent teacher.
it's a sweet callback to his spell teaching / weave scene, where the player can tell him he's an excellent teacher after helping them channel the weave.
i do think this - in addition to the little tidbit you get in lae'zel's origin where it's revealed that gale learns tir'su for her - really highlights how truly and genuinely invested gale is in his partner and their relationship together.
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blissfulalchemist · 2 years
you know i gotta return fire and say multiples of ten for marc and sahar 😌
Soon we will have Mark to discuss and add into this mix. But please have these two and all the times before all the angst of it all.
OTP Questions
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10. How do they resolve their arguments?
These don't necessarily give each other the silent treatment, but they do take some time away from the other. Like their celestial counter part associations though they do meet up again and talk it out or they really can't remember what it even was that started it. The longest time they were apart was when Marc finally was arrested by Wilson Fisk's men. It was about ideology and how to proceed going forward since by this point Sahar had joined and followed Hunter's Moon and his way of Khonshu.
20. Do they give each other nicknames?
He calls her Sunny, because of her very sunny personality (affectionately derogatory) or his Right Hand as a play on him being the Left Fist of Khonshu, and she followed Hunter's Moon for a little while who himself dubbed the Right Fist of Khonshu. Sahar though will call him Marcy Marc, Edge Lord, and on occasion Stupid Moon Man (affectionate). When its Jake she will call him Sir Lockesly and Steven get dubbed Wall Street.
30. Do they attend any clubs or formal parties together?
Does the Midnight Mission count as a club? These two kind of just like to stay in their own little bubble as they get called to join many teams that really it get exhausting by the third hero team up.
40. Thoughts on kids?
Neither really want kids, I mean life's complicated enough as it is and Marc already has a daughter that if she were around Sahar would try her best to be a good "stepparent" to her. However if it were to happen, they would take care of them and Sahar would be the one to step down from heroism to care for them until they were old enough to care for themselves.
50. Who makes the best flower crown?
Sahar, though Steven is pretty close.
60. Who will punch someone out if they are rude to their partner?
Both. Though Sahar has the smaller fuse when it comes to this. She's defensive and more so when people resort too much to calling him crazy or dangerous to trust or be around. Now granted there is some legitimacy to these concerns, but its more when people don’t acknowledge all that he’s done to get to a better place. There are a few people she’s okay with and context is key to a lot of this, especially since these two will poke fun at the other’s mental issues, but if its not in good context then yeah she's not going to be happy about it and will let you know.
70. Who is the hopeless romantic?
Both and neither. Neither of them fit into the stereotype of hopeless romantic, but they have their own kind of understanding and yearning for companionship.
80. What do they love about each other the most?
Both would tell you how much the other understands them and doesn't want to try and change them, instead supporting who they want to become as individuals. Marc's past relationship was riddled with expectations for him to just be as normal as possible while Sahar just goes with it all learning more about his alters speech patterns and body language for example. While he did try to deter Sahar from leading a vigilante life, he chose to support her and taught her how to do what he does while also working through her grief and rage. These two just have this way about them that just gets one another, like they know what the other needs in order to grow.
90. Who is the one that would bring the puppy home?
Sahar. She’s already brought home a cat sort of by befriending a stray. More so when she’s thrown into a new universe and Rheese brings the cat to the mission to be cared for until she comes back. Yes they like to sit in Marc’s lap while he’s listening to what people need help with.
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theinkedfoxsl · 2 years
list two, 20-40, Dark Side of the Moon
20. Who tutors the other?
It's sort of hard because Ay is a God so he's always learning about the people of the Realm. In which case it'd be Corvus or Koga. But in regards to abstract thoughts, it's Ay!
21. Do they have similar taste in movies?
Koga and Ay do! They usually outvote Corvus. Corvus doesn't mind though, he's a.. secret... thriller buff.
22. How do their personalities compliment each other?
You have sort of brash, uncaring, but dry humour Koga. Serious and straight to the point Corvus. Then Ay who is sneaky and yet dense. These personality types don't typically mesh all that well, but all three people who put A Lot of effort into what they do. So it works well!
23. How do they tell everyone that they are going to be having a kid/adopting a child soon?
I dont think they talk about it. Ay can't die, well not by mortal conventions. The other two will. I don't think he WANTS to think about kids yet.
24. Who has better fashion sense?
None of them bro... At least Corvus is coordinated i guess.
25. Who will punch someone out if they are rude to their partner?
Koga first, then Ay, then Corvus. But ultimately depending who is talking shit, they all will.
26. What songs do they sing together in the vehicle?
Corvus said no singing 💔
27. What other couple would your otp get along with?
I like to think Kai and Kinessa. Ay and Kai are already best friends. And Kinessa holds no real ill will towards any of the other three. So they have the best chance.
28. Who likes to prank the other?
Ay likes to prank the other two hehe
29. Who is the one who loves to take pictures?
Corvus surprisingly. He doesn't have a lot of memories with his father, so he makes up for it with pictures of those hes close to now.
30. How would they react if they found out they were soul mates?
Koga: Three way soulmates exist?
Ay: I thought my sister would be my soulmate or Ha Minh and Kai.. why is it-
Corvus: We get it you like them more.
Koga: Nobody is surprised.
31. Where would they live?
If Corvus had his way, his family manor.
32. What type of dragon would they own, if they could have one?
Dragons can be their own ppl in this world so ima go with none.
33. If they were both vampires, what type of vampires would they be?
Corvus does have a vampire skin!! Hes posh and a bit more jokey. Its cute. Koga is a feral vampire for sure. Ay is the ancient vampire trying to learn new tricks trope.
34. What would they dress up as, for Halloween?
Ay WILL steal Corvus' clothing. They just all switch. Hehe
35. Can they name each other’s favourite food?
Oh for sure! If one is the gone, the others can order np.
36. Do they have pet names for one another?
Ay's are all moon or celestial body related. Corvus uses those traditional posh ones. Koga will call the other two his buttered biscuits
37. How do they cheer each other up?
Ay will do fun card tricks! Koga brings them to a bar. And Corvus is surprisingly touchy.
38. Do they show a lot of PDA?
Ay shows the most pda, Corvus the least.
39. How old were they when they got together?
Mid 20s and several thousand years old.. one is a God.
40. Who is the one that would bring the puppy home?
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thebigqueer · 3 years
fierrochase or shelper
(also i am going to post some shelper art. do you want to be tagged?)
Hmm I can’t tell if you’re asking me which one is better or if you want headcanons on them, but I’ll just tell you right now that I love them both sm 🥺🥺
If you’re looking for headcanons, here you go!!
Oh my god Alex is always making fun of Magnus (like not in a toxic-mean way but their relationship is super sarcastic) (but they love each other very much)
She constantly calls him Kurt Cobain
Magnus hates it so he calls Alex a watermelon, and he says it in that vine voice (idk if you’ve seen that vine but it’s like “WATERMEEELLOOOONNNEEE”)
They constantly steal food from each other
I feel like Alex is that kind of person that will absolutely say “I hate you” while climbing all over her partner so yeah that’s exactly what happens
Sometimes they sleep under the stars together in Magnus’ room 🥺🥺🥺🥺
I think those are probably the moments Magnus likes best because Alex is so... like.... otherworldly under the stars. Alex may be jokingly mean to him but underneath all that she’s this celestial body bursting in the seems of a mortal vessel who seems to have the most insightful ideas and Magnus loves listening to her talk
Listen I know Alex has that pink/green aesthetic but on his masculine days he’s probably always stealing something from Magnus just for the sake of being OTP because Alex takes pride in the fact that they’re a fucking cute couple
They probably make themselves OTP of the century and then start some kind of weird OTP competition at Valhalla and no one takes part in it so they’re dumbasses and say that they won and literally no one cares
They literally make trophies for themselves DHDJFBFJFN
I think Magnus actually starts questioning his gender identity too and probably asks Alex for advice
He starts wearing more feminine clothing and Alex is like 😍😍😍
Listen I fucking love the concept of people stealing clothes from each other so the same applies here. Piper and Shel constantly steal clothing from each other. I also think Piper kind of shifts her clothing aesthetic and becomes a little more punk/grunge, and in my head that’s the kind of style that Shel wears, so it’s a good way for Piper to ✨expand their horizons✨
Both piper and shel use she/they pronouns
I think shel is like half East Asian/half something else (I don’t really know what the other half is but I’m kind of thinking they’re also half south Asian? Or maybe half Latina?)
Honestly when I think about shelper I constantly think about girl in red but I feel like shel probably hates girl in red but Piper loves her. They often ride to school together so shel is always like “one song. Because I love you. Only one girl in red song.” And it makes piper’s day
They probably have sleep overs at each other’s houses all the time
Piper comes out to their dad pretty early about their sexuality (as for gender identity, I think she’s still grappling with that so she doesn’t talk to him about it until some time later) and when Tristan sees Piper hanging out with Shel a lot after finding out they’re queer he’s like “👀👀👀 piper 👀👀👀 do you 👀👀 have 👀👀 something to say 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀”
Piper and shel met on pipers first day at school while in the drama room because Piper 100% probably starts getting into theater (I think her dad kind of influenced her. Like yes they didn’t like Tristan being gone all the time but I think even piper is curious about her abilities in acting) and when she sees shel they’re just like “omg??? Cute??? I am gay???”
PFFT THEY PROBABLY PULL OFF A GAY ROMEO AND JULIET TOGETHER (but only with their friends and not for like the whole school to see)
Anyway I hope you liked those!!
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novakiart · 3 years
 @pankracy​ oh you’ve unlocked Opinions
How I feel about this character
so meg is one of My Favourite Characters to write and it’s definitely 95% because i think rachel miner has the hottest voice on god’s green earth, like.....i get to hear that silky silky voice in my head when i do dialogue for her and...where are the cons..... that out of the way, i think meg is 1) sooo unabashedly freaky. this freaky little demon just stole her vessel’s name and everyone is like. Fine With It. and 2) she’s a surprisingly complex character and while her redemption arc in spn was a little undercooked, they had everything moving in the right direction and godddd did i want them to explore that
All the people I ship romantically with this character
i like one-sided megstiel A Lot. castiel literally threw her into holy fire and used her body as a bridge and i just. man i think she’d be So Into That. this celestial eldritch horror is not at all living up to the fluffy do-gooder angel stereotype and don’t you dare tell me that meg isn’t losing her goddamn shit as she burns to a crisp like 👀 ok ok icu clarence ok damnnnn babe 👀
she’d probably also kiss abaddon’s feet but like who wouldn’t
My non-romantic OTP for this character
sam & meg are so interesting?? like lucifer, meg has Actually Been in sam’s freaky little bloodfreak head, and she gets him more than most people ever could. there’s a lot you could do with that!!! she uses it as a kind of snarky lil way to briefly connect with him in s8 but i think it should have been explored more
also, the fact that meg and dean both served as alastair’s apprentices..... the dynamic there....
My unpopular opinion about this character
not sure if it’s “unpopular,” but her sacrifice was pretty dumb in its context. i’m not against the whole sacrifice endgame in theory, but i don’t think spn actually built up to it well enough, and the crowley torture arc was pretty undercooked, too
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
honestly just more sam & meg. girl’s been around since s1, she knows sam from his fresh off stanford days. make them interact, you wimps!!!!!
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jcmorrigan · 3 years
Seen your post so a few more asks from me
Fandom: Danganronpa
Top 5 episodes
5. Chapter 6, DR1. Because of Junko being Junko.
4. Chapter 6, SDR2. Junko has returned and has a pretty legit evil plan to re-take over the world. Monomi defeats her with THE POWER OF RAINBOWS.
3. Chapter 2, DR1. Look, the way they treated Chihiro's gender was kinda fucked, but the fact that Mondo moved his murder victim's body to preserve their honor and secret, the stuff that came out about him and Daiya, Taka's breakdown as Mondo is hauled off in the end...so many heartstrings were pulled on that day.
2. Chapter 3, NDRV3. Look. It's fucked up and I like horror things. The entire atmosphere of that floor is just a chef's kiss from me, and the way it panned out that Kiyo was not at ALL what he presented himself to be was just the kind of cold shock I love in the murder mystery genre.
1. Chapter 4, SDR2. The Grape/Strawberry House scene change was super cool and horrific, and Monokuma picked maybe the best ever motive to get them to kill or else. But mostly I'm here for Gundham pulling the sacrifice move. He may be a murderer, but he's the GOOD kind of murderer.
Favorite character: Kazuichi Soda! Good bean.
Least favorite character: Pretty much every villain who debuted in Ultra Despair Girls
OTP: Crossover - Kazuichi Soda x Weiss Schnee (RWBY). Non-crossover - Sondam!
Favorite non-romantic relationship: Canon goes to Shuichi and Kaito, but let's be real. I want Kazuichi and Gundham to be actual friends and bury the hatchet. I'm not really that into the ship (no shade to those who are), but please make them friends and my heart will melt.
Favorite villain/arc: Junko Enoshima, SDR2. I love her, I love her, I love her, she's so fucked up, she's so FUN, I love her.
Least favorite villain/arc: The Warriors of Hope and/or Haiji Towa, UDG. The Warriors were all just a bunch of cool designs with incredibly wasted potential, and the FUCK was up with that throwaway line they gave Haiji about you-know-what and then that's not even addressed as part of his villainy? Aside from that, he was frickin BORING.
5 songs I associate with it and why:
1. "Unstoppable" by Sia - had discovered this song in general, and I was unofficially using it as a theme for the survivors.
2. "Dressed in Black" by Sia - was listening to this while playing DR1 and just randomly imagined the dead gathering on a celestial stage to sing this song together. (Note: this was, uh, before Sia had her little...meltdown. I DO still like the songs but to clear the air, I do not think she acted appropriately or chose a good way to go about that project.)
3. "All Things Must Die" from RWBY - made a joke vid that I left unlisted where I sped up the trilogy openings to fit to the runtime of this song and see how well it all fit together, and it...was pretty spot-on and fun.
4. "The Devil" by Blue Stahli - the line about how "you're the architect of your despair" IMMEDIATELY made me think of Junko and then the whole song became about her, I don't make the rules
5. "Candy Store" from Heathers - Had a small AU going for fun where it was DR Heathers, starring "The Junkos" - Junko herself, Mukuro, and Tsumugi. And they sang this to recruit Celeste, who would then team up with Korekiyo to raise hell...never really went anywhere but it's still really fun to picture those fabulous ladies in song and dance!
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enbyleighlines · 4 years
My MDZS Ships (because I multiship like heck):
Lan Wangji / Wei Wuxian: the otp, cannot be broken up. They have everything: opposites attract, childhood friends, enemies to lovers, mutual pining, love at first sight, slow burn, oblivious idiot, soulmates, etc. Plus they care so deeply and respect each other so much, even tho one is a lawful good dignified gay and the other is a chaotic good disaster bisexual.
Wei Wuxian / Wen Ning: Wen Ning is aro-ace but he loves Wei Wuxian with all of his heart and soul, to the point that he wasn’t sure he was aromantic for a while because he just loves Wei Wuxian so much??? But yeah he doesn’t care for kisses, he just wants Wei Wuxian to cuddle him and call him A-Ning.
Jiang Cheng / Wen Qing: the ANGST possibilities, marriage of convenience trope ahoy! Plus??? Wen Qing is an older sister with a younger brother, and Jiang Cheng is a younger brother with an older sister. Except Wen Qing is nothing like Jiang Yanli, and Jiang Cheng is nothing like Wen Ning. So the dynamic is weird at first but also strangely thrilling? What I’m saying is that Jiang Cheng is generally not a sub, but he’s a sub for Wen Qing.
Jiang Cheng / Nie Huaisang: awkward bros being super awkward together. I like this best as Nie Huaisang pining from afar and Jiang Cheng just being perpetually confused by his attraction to Nie Huaisang’s feminine mannerisms. Combine this ship with genderqueer Nie Huaisang and it is perfection.
Jin Zixuan / Jiang Yanli: duh! The best married couple. Jin Zixuan is whipped for Jiang Yanli. Jiang Yanli thinks her husband is kind of dumb but she likes that about him.
Lan Xichen / Jin Guangyao: closest platonic friends in the world... until they are not. But it’s not meant to be! Lan Xichen is the heir to a sect!! He must begot children!!! Lan Xichen yearns, but softly, and pretends to be happy with what they have.
Xiao Xingchen / Song Lan: get along despite being opposites. Their relationship is hella unconventional. Song Lan does NOT like human contact, so Xiao Xingchen blows him kisses from a distance.
Xiao Xingchen / Xue Yang: one-sided, Xue Yang gets a taste of someone actually caring for him unconditionally and he doesn’t know what to do about it so he just. Toys with him, yet mourns when he dies. It’s hella unhealthy and can only end in tragedy.
Lan Yi / Baoshan Sanren: one was the only female leader of the Gusu Lan sect. The other was a genderfluid recluse who rescued forgotten and unwanted children and taught them high up in her celestial mountain. They were two rebellious pioneers who sometimes argued because they were just too similar, but their love was true and very passionate. So passionate that the Gusu Lan had to bury the many suggestive poems Lan Yi wrote about Baoshan Sanren’s body, like a Chinese Sappho.
Jin Zixuan / Mian Mian: I like to think these two were best friends from childhood, and Mian Mian yearned for her friend. They were the snobby popular kids of the Lanling Jin sect, turning their noses up at anything they found tacky. They see eye to eye on a lot of stuff, too.
Jiang Yanli / Mian Mian: Mian Mian starts off hating Jiang Yanli for being betrothed to Jin Zixuan, Mian Mian thinks Jiang Yanli isn’t worthy: She’s plain, and she isn’t good at cultivation, so why does she get to marry Jin Zixuan? It’s one thing when Jin Zixuan agrees that she’s not worthy of him, but then he falls in love with her?? But then Mian Mian gets to know Jiang Yanli and she Gets It. Mian Mian never considered herself a softie but Jiang Yanli says anything in her soft voice and Mian Mian MELTS. Mian Mian is in love with both of them now. What happens next?? I don’t know, but angst or eventual poly, this ship gives me emotions
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