#out of all the people who it might be i am gonna say wee john and izzy were kinda vibing
in 8 hours time someone in the pirate television show is going to get laid. its likely to be ed and stede. but if izzy gets some vibes at least from fucking... somebody. i am gonna buy myself a ice cream. if he gets laid thats two ice creams.
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daincrediblegg · 1 year
okay your turn if nobody else has asked: TOP FIVE JH CHARACTERS GO
... girl... how does one choose? how does one??? when there are so many beautiful boys??? ok. OK I'll give it a shot.
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5. Captain Crow - The Sea Beast This film is just incredible on every front. One of my favorite concept artists worked on it (which I did not know until a few weeks ago but now that I know I feel like kicking myself because I REALLY SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THEIR STYLE WELL ENOUGH BY NOW). But I remember watching this, and screaming when the credits began to roll because WAIT?!?!?! THAT WAS JARED HARRIS??? OH!!! WHAT A DELIGHT!!! I LOVE THAT GUY!!!! (oh babygirl wait a few months it's gonna hit you so bad). He's great. I hope we see more of him in the sequel that would be great for me.
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4. Hari Seldon Honestly. What a little shit. "But Egg," you might ask "If he's such a little shit why is he on here?" well. He's hot. Really I am not over how hot this dude is. I know I couldn't fix him not in a million years. But idk. Something about him always makes my brain go brrr. So he's on here. Also I just love how fucking atypically written this show is and I have a wee soft spot for asimov. They didn't have to cast Jared as Hari and make him unbelievably hot. But they did. And he's so enigmatic. I love that.
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3. John Lennon Egg's love for Jared Harris Origins. I was a Beatles girlie, ok? I'm not ashamed to admit that. It was my introductory fandom experience at the ripe old age of baby, and I really ate it up. I remember going into this movie being like "oh it's some dumb TV movie about John and Paul how good can it be?" Very good, as it turns out. And having assigned myself a John Lennon girlie I literally could never get over this depiction. The mannerisms, the fucking tripped-out way he philosophizes in conversation, the softness, and ofc the old friends tension. Jared got it all. Of course I'd seen him in stuff here and there, but this was the one that cemented him as a beloved actor in my mind for me (I literally re-wound the kiss scene as well like 20 times don't judge me but that awakened some stuff in me). Been following him ever since.
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2. Lane Pryce - Mad Men This dude broke me for real. I didn't get into Mad Men until college, and binged it all on my friend's hulu account. And lemme tell ya. Did NOT see his final episode coming. Did not. And it made me genuinely weep. He was a highlight in the show. He was one of the only guys I could actually say is a good dude in that show, and he deserved so much better than he got in the end. I look at him and I'm just like... leave ur wife. Leave your job. Lets just go out of this capitalistic hellscape. I want to make him Well. I will love him forever for how he just completely destroyed me.
1.Francis Crozier / Valery Legasov - HA! you thought I was not going to tie them? WRONG! I can't keep these bad bitches apart.
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Francis really needs no explanation at this point. I am so actually genuinely in love with him I'm writing a whole ass gothic romance novel of a fic for him, as you all know (and which has summarily turned out a BANGER of a modern AU as well). I made a bloody self-insert oc for him. Gothic Cinema is literally my favorite genre and Francis is the most Gothic Hero of all time, honestly (well besides Valery obviously). The serotonin he continually gives me makes my meds redundant. He is my sweet husband who I love with my whole life and that's that.
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And Valery? sorry you can't put a babygirl of a man like that in front of me and not expect that I would want to jump his bones like? Not only is the constant existential dread relatable, but as much as people tell him he's not brave, he IS without a doubt, and honestly, just by virtue of uttering the most iconic logline ever fucking created he deserves this spot on this list. Both of these dudes make my soul ascend in a certain way not just with how brilliantly they were written, but with how incredibly Jared executed them (for which I want to kill the academy for not giving him awards on either). Top Beloveds forever and ever and ever amen.
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freddieslater · 2 years
5 Shows
Rules: Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. Don't cheat. Tag 10 people
Tagged by the lovely @geekinthefuschiahair
My shows:
High School Musical: The Musical: The Series
The Vampire Diaries
The Dumping Ground
Who is your favourite character in 2?
I think it might be Freddie? It definitely used to be Spencer because I always wanted a big brother like him, but now I've definitely grown more attached to Freddie.
2. Who is your least favourite character in 1?
Ooh. That's actually a hard one, I don't think I really have a least favourite? I mean, maybe Lily? I don't hate her, but I obviously like her a bit less than the rest of the characters, so probably Lily.
3. What is your favourite episode of 4?
I have three! "All Debt's Paid" because it's the first time we meet John, "A. Malcolm" because Young Ian and adult Fergus, and "Hour of the Wolf" because OUCH.
4. What is your favourite season of 5?
I'm struggling to choose between 3, 6 and 8. But I think I might lean more towards season 6; it has some lighter episodes that are still really good, plus it has a few new character introductions which I really like. But 8 is a close second in terms of how well-written the serious episodes are without being so serious that I tend to skip them on rewatches.
5. Who is your favourite couple in 3?
Oh, but there are so many. I say that as if I don't know my favourite canon couples right off the top of my head. Obviously it has to be Stefan and Elena, and also Tyler and Liv. They simply deserved better, okay, and I will always be bitter about their ending.
HOWEVER, if we're talking non-canon then that is a whole other story and I would have to say Damon and Enzo but ALSO Caroline and Valerie, am I right? Yes, of course I am.
6. Who is your favourite couple in 2?
Oh, Carly and Freddie without a doubt. They are endgame, as they have always been, and I can't wait to see their happy ending. If I'm allowed some more creative freedom with canon then I would also like to throw in Spencer and Socko.
7. What is your favourite season of 1?
I think I enjoyed season 2 more? Obviously I adore season 1, it sets the base for us to get to know the characters and I'm a sucker for the HSM soundtrack. But there's something about the Beauty and the Beast plot of season 2 that I just love, and the original songs are gorgeous. Plus, it gave us some more Portwell, the fun dynamic between Ricky and Carlos when they write that song for Seb, the DANCE BATTLE to the mob song?? Yeah, I cannot fault season 2.
8. What is your favourite episode of 5?
Oh, hard question, TDG has so many good episodes. I'm gonna give a top five instead, it's a lot easier. So, we start with "Sittin' in a Tree" because it's the first time Jody realizes she has feelings for Tyler. Then we have "Wasters" because Alex goes to do work experience at Lily's cafe, I have to add in "Auld Lang Syne" for the Jyler rivalry + all of the Rabbie Burns stuff. "Sasha Claus" because it was a (mostly) fluffy Christmas episode and I just love snowed-in episodes. LAst but definitely not least is "Breaking Chains" because 1) Kingsley is dead but also 2) Jody being allowed to grieve in her own way with some kind of closure and 3) Tyler's return and 4) Bec's coming out storyline.
9. What is your favourite episode of 2?
Okay, if we're talking original iCarly then I think my favourite might be... "iSaved Your Life" for all of the creddie stuff but also a shoutout to both "iGo One Direction" for the comedy and also "iTwins" because it was a fun decision to give Sam an identical twin and confuse the hell out of Freddie. If we're talking about the reboot, then it's a choice between "iLove Gwen" for the schemy dynamic between Carly and Millicanet + getting to see Millicent's school, and "iTake A Girls' Trip" for all of the Creddie hilarity and awkwardness, but also "iGuess Everyone Just Hates Me Now" for the same reasons.
10. How long had you watched 1?
Literally only about a week? Maybe two? But I have fallen very hard very fast and I can never escape now, HSMTMTS will forever live in my heart (especially Ricky)
11. How did you become interested in 3?
I had initally refused to even consider watching TVD; my sister loved the first few seasons, but I was so obsessed with Harry Potter that no other fandom even seemed worth it. And then I had been having a conversation at school with someone who was kind of my friend at the time about werewolves, and she told me I should watch TVD because she was absolutely in love with it. I went home, watched a few episodes and ended up slowly watching the entire show. I have never been the same since.
12. Who is your favourite actor in 4?
Without a doubt, John Bell. I have adored that man for years since he was in TBR, and I was so happy to discover he was in Outlander. He was actually one of the main reasons I watched it at all.
13. Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?
Oh that's so not fair. I grew up on TDG and iCarly, but oh my god the love I have for HSMTMTS is unbelievable. I might have to side with iCarly here but then again, I just don't know. TDG I have an emotional connection to, you know, it's got some really complex stuff that hits really hard and I appreciate that. iCarly is fun and light and comedic. HSMTMTS is musical and hilarious and the characters are hard not to love. I truly cannot choose.
14. Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3?
Uh, well, I've watched both shows in their entierty, so I'll switch it up a little as well. I totally binged HSMTMTS in nearly a night and have almost binge-watched every episode AGAIN today, but I've definitely REwatched more episodes of TVD (for now), just because I've been in that fandom for so long and so have had the time to do so (plus it was necessary for fic writing, which isn't something I'm doing yet for HSMTMTS)
15. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
That's a question. Do I really want to be any of them? They all go through the ringer quite a bit and I'm not entirely sure I'd survive half of that shit. But I suppose if I had to choose, I'd WANT to be Lord John or Josiah. I wouldn't mind being Bree or Roger but only for like the present day parts, like, before they go back in time.
16. Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
It... it could? It would have to be something involving maybe on of the Mikaelson or Katherine or Lexi, but... yeah, technically speaking, it's possible. Outlander's main time period is the late 18th century, and since they're in Scotland most of the time, it's possible that one of the originals was roaming around there in that time, probably Klaus. Oh god, I don't even want to imagine a meeting between Klaus and Jamie. Or Klaus and Claire. Or Klaus and Randall. It would be a nightmare, truly. Point is, it's definitely possible and I do not like it.
17. Pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple
Yes, my time has come for HSMTMTS rarepairs! Or crackships, I suppose, but okay let's think about this properly. An unlikely pairing would most definitely be EJ and Carlos, and I honestly don't think they'd make a bad couple? I liked their dynamic in "The Tech Rehearsal" so it could be interesting. But also Ricky and Carlos? 👀 This mainly comes from Ricky helping Carlos write that song for Seb. But also what about Carlos and the French exchange student? I don't know his name, but I just really liked the part in the dance battle when those two were singing at each other, and I feel like MAYBE they could be something fun there? I don't think that Ricky and EJ are unlikely which is why I didn't put them at the top, but they would definitely make a good couple and I would be so here for it.
18. Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
See, The Dumping Ground doesn't have one consistent storyline the entire way through a single season, because the point is that the episodes are all something different. The general plot is that it's a bunch of kids in a care home trying to deal with their issues and adjust to life in general, so it's not exactly comparable to a show like The Vampire Diaries, whose plot is supposed to be fantastical and more about things that AREN'T real as opposed to things that are. It's impossible to compare them for that reason; 3 is realistic and a way to sort of cope with life, sometimes in a light, fun way, sometimes in a deep, personal way, and 5 is an escape into a world where the problems are vampires and werewolves and other supernatural horrors. I enjoy both dearly.
19. Which has the better theme music, 2 or 4?
While I love singing along dramatically to the Skye Boat Song, I will always vibe with the iCarly theme, it's just so upbeat and funky.
20. What is your favourite episode of 3?
Jesus, you're asking the impossible now. A favourite of The Vampire Diaries? Just one? Okay, I actually have at least three on the top of my head so, "162 Candles" minus the ending because I love Lexi, "The Birthday" because I just like it, and "Resident Evil" because I liked the Stelena dynamic with the visions, and some of the Denzo dynamic.
Tagging @childofsquidward @nbvethbrenatto @donnas-troia @alltid-og-for-evig @infp-obsessing-over-everything @mariedemedicis @benedictbridgertonss @cescalr @dance-is-life27 @imaginearyparties @emberandshadow and anyone who sees this and wants to do it! It's actually a lot of fun! <3
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kaywinchester · 3 years
Dark Power Pt. 8
Read Part 7 HERE!
Summary: Y/N is about to figure out the source of what has been causing the incidents she’s been having, giving everyone a scare.
Word Count: 1,919
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Sam sat down the next morning to tell Y/N his theories.
“So, you know the dream you explained to me, the one you keep having?”
Y/N nodded.
“I’m pretty sure I had the exact same dream last night.” Y/N looked at Sam with a weirded out expression.
“Uh, when you saw the girl and the baby, were they in an apartment? The walls, were they a beige color with dark green curtains?” Sam tried to get Y/N to remember.
“Yeah.... how’d you know?”
“Because I saw what you saw, and I know what it means.” Sam breathed.
“You mean, you know what can stop this?”
“No, not necessarily. But I know what happened to you.”
“What did happen to me?” Y/N wasn’t aware something happened to her to make her like this. She thought she was born like this.
“That baby in your dream, that was you. And the blonde, that was Uh, that was Jessica.” Sam sighed.
“Wait, Jessica your girlfriend that we used to live with?”
“Yes.” Sam clarified.
“So that thing in my dream did something to me as a baby? So I was fine before?” Y/N got upset.
“That’s what it looked like, I think whatever it did when it touched you, made you have some sort of ability that you didn’t know you had. Maybe that’s why you can’t control it right now, because you haven’t acknowledged it or something.” Sam thought.
“I don’t want to deal with this. How do I get rid of it?” Y/N worried.
“Sweetheart, you have to understand something. From the things that have been happening to you, they look like something that is a little out of my control. I don’t want you to worry about this, I’ll see if I can find something to help. But until we know what this is I just need you to be calm and act as if nothing is happening.”
“So there is something after me, isn’t there.....”
Sam remained silent. He didn’t want to face the truth.
“Is it something that involves your hunting job?”
Sam looked at Y/N with surprise. “Dad, it’s okay. I kind of understand what’s going on. And yeah, it is a little scary but I’ll do my best to keep it on the low. Just please help me get rid of it.” Y/N said.
Sam brought Y/N into a hug and held her tight. Y/N’s face was smushed against Sam’s chest. “When did you become so smart?” Sam let out a stressful but relieved sigh.
Sam had talked to Dean about what he had discovered. Dean thought it was crazy, but he was ready to help.
“Okay, Dean is on the way over here with someone who might be able to help. Now, whatever weird stuff happens, just go with it. Unless I say something.”
Y/N looked surprised when Sam said that. About an hour later, there was a knock on the door. Sam opened it to reveal Dean and a woman standing next to him. She was short, had bright red hair, and wore a long lacey dress.
“Sam, this is Rowena.” Dean said before being abruptly cut off.
“Oh, this is your wee little brother you were telling me about? He’s a much taller fella than I imagined.” Rowena cheered in her Scottish accent.
“Oh and is this your sweet niece? It’s a pleasure to meet you deary.”
Y/N showed a small smile. “So yeah, uh she knows about the whole thing, so uh let’s get to work.” Dean was ready. Sam pulled Dean aside.
“Who is this woman and what does she do?” Sam asked eagerly.
“I know she’s a little out there, but she’s a witch.”
“A witch?!” Sam yelled in a whisper.
“Yes, but she’s a very well known witch and she’s very powerful. She’s done some good work and I think she’ll be able to help us.” Dean explained.
“Okay. But if she pulls anything-“
“She’ll be fine, I told her Y/N is still new to all this stuff so she’ll take it easy.” Dean reassured.
“Shall we get started?” Rowena announced. Sam and Dean looked at each other, Sam and Y/N gave each other looks. 
“So, she’s going to help me get rid of this thing?” Y/N asked Sam. 
“Well, we I don’t know what I’m working with yet.” Rowena interrupted. “Come sit here my dear. I’m going to stir up a few things for you, once the potion flows through your veins, I’ll be able to connect to you and see what we’re dealing with.” Rowena explained.
“Potion? What am I gonna turn into something?”
Rowena laughed as she gathered her supplies to create her mixture. While she was busy explaining to Y/N what she was going to do, Sam and Dean discussed the situation. “You think this is, what a demon? What if it’s Azazel?” Sam breathed. 
“The same one that went after mom?” Dean confirmed.
“Well, yeah maybe. I mean first mom, then Jess. Now this whole thing with her, I’m just worried he's trying to finish what he started.” Sam fretted.
“Don’t talk like that. Whatever this is, we’re gonna fix it. That’s what we do, and I won’t stand by and watch your kid suffer because of some son of a bitch demon.” Dean emotions and anger started to get the best of him.
“Here, drink!” Rowena handed a cup to Y/N. She held it and hesitantly drank the liquid, she made a face of disgust after swallowing it. 
“It should be affective now, let’s see what’s going on.” Rowena placed her hands on Y/N’s head and closed her eyes. “Try to remember the dream you had that Dean told me about.” 
Y/N closed her eyes and tried to think of the shadow man, and the feeling she felt whenever she saw him. Rowena’s eyebrows furrowed as she leaned her head closer in. 
The two sat like that for a few minutes, Rowena started swaying and humming. Sam looked at Dean with a questionable look. Rowena jumped all of a sudden with a loud gasp, Y/N opened her eyes and leaned back on her chair. 
“What did you see?” Dean asked.
Rowena paced as the three Winchesters sat down in front of her. “Please explain to us what you saw.” Sam asked.
“There was a banshee.” Rowena spoke.
“A damn banshee? Wouldn’t she be dead by now?” Dean asked.
“Did you hear any screaming in your Dream?” Sam asked Y/N.
“What? No. What the heck is a banshee?” 
“The banshee wasn’t after her. It’s what she was seeing in her dream, but it was trying to warn her.” Rowena explained.
“Why would a banshee try to warn someone, that’s really unusual.” Sam thought. 
“Well, Dean my dear, you were right.” Rowena said.
“Right about what?”
“It was him.... The banshee was trying to warn her about him.”
“It was Azazel.” Rowena said softly as she looked at the three of them.
“What’s Azazel? What’s a banshee? Can someone tell me what’s going on!” Y/N started to worry.
Sam took a deep breath and readied himself to explain. “A banshee is a creature, usually they appear to warn people when they are about to die-”
“I’m gonna die?!” Y/N gulped.
“No, Y/N you're fine. That’s what banshee’s usually do. But from the look of your dream, the one that I was able to see, it was trying to warn you about Azazel. He is a demon.” Sam paused to let Y/N understand.
“So there's a monster trying to warn me about another monster? And Azazel is a demon? Why are they after me?”
“Remember the story I told you about your grandmother, Mary?”
“Yeah, the whole thing with the house fire....”
“The fire wasn’t an accident. I was going to tell you about that eventually, once I told you about hunting and everything. Azazel is a demon that killed your grandfather, John. Your grandmother made a deal with Azazel. He would bring John back, but that meant he would have to come after Mary. He’s the one that started the fire.” 
“So why is he after me? I didn’t make a deal with him.....”
“Yes but, he is the one that visited you when you were a wee baby. He is the reason that you’ve been experiencing these abilities.” Rowena added.
“So all of this is happening because some demon came after me as an infant. Why is he doing this?” 
“I think if Azazel did this to her when she was that young, and she’s been fine up until this point..... I don’t think he’s trying to kill her. I think he’s been planning something.” Dean explained.
“Are you able to find out why?” Sam motioned to Rowena.
“I wish I could. All I can do is see who or what it is. There is one thing I can sense..... Y/N has some sort of spell that she is under.” Rowena said.
“What kind of spell?” Y/N asked.
“I’m not so sure. If I got a little bit of blood and put it together with a few things, I could try and extract the spell from her.”
“How dangerous is that?” Sam’s parent instincts kicked in.
“Not harmful at all! Aside from the fact that we would need to take some of her blood.” Rowena added.
“Can we try it dad?” Y/N asked, sounding hopeful.
Sam sighed. “We can try one time, but I’m not gonna have her be a test subject or anything.”
“You think I’m that unexperienced of a witch where I’d need a second try? Please, step aside.” Rowena snarked.
Sam raised his hands as he let Rowena gather her supplies. She mixed a few herbs into a bowl and added some vials of liquid. “Give me your hands.” Rowena said as she and Y/N grasped hands over the bowl. She said a brief part of the spell and pulled out a small knife. Before Y/N could blink, Rowena sliced the skin across her palm.
“Ow!” Y/N cried out.
“Rowena, what the hell!” Sam yelled.
“Relax, where else do you want me to take it from? I’m not going to go cut up her arms.” Rowena breathed.
Y/N winced as Rowena squeezed her hand above the bowl, letting blood drip into it. As she was done cleaning and wrapping gauze around her bloodied hand, she grasped them again and said the rest of the spell. The bowl started to emit some light, the light started to ascend into the air above and hovered towards Y/N. 
She looked up at Rowena with a questionable look. “I feel something.”
“That means the spell is working.” 
The light grew brighter, as it got closer to Y/N she started to feel a pain in her chest. It grew stronger and stronger and led her to toppling over. “What’s happening?!” Sam grew worried as he rushed to Y/N’s side.
“The spell is too powerful, I don’t think it can be taken from her....” Rowena sensed.
“Cut it out!” Dean yelled as Y/N fell into more pain. Rowena grabbed a mallet and smashed the bowl into pieces, stopping the light from shining. Y/N gasped as the pain was finally relieved and sat up, falling into Sam’s arms. “It’s okay, I gotcha.” 
“What’s the deal?” Dean asked.
“That’s what I’m trying to figure out...” Rowena answered.
“Winchesters!” A voice sounded from the room. The four of them all looked around the room and spotted a man standing in the doorway.
“It’s been a while.....” Azazel spoke.
Requests Are Closed Read Part 9 HERE
@mersuperwholocked-lowlife​ @gracie-and-the-superwholock-gang​ @samsgirl93
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willow-salix · 3 years
For the ask game for fanfic writers, number 35 please. 🙏 (What is your favorite review?)
My favourite review? Oh lawd, don't put me on the spot like that, I can't pick just one.
Any of the reviews that prove to me that I'm doing it right I guess, ones where people see the healthy side of their relationship and the way I'm trying so hard to chip away at societies misconceptions. And also any that people wrote after finally seeing the pieces of a long arch puzzle fall into place. I have plans for the story and most of the time nothing is written by accident, it's all there to have meaning and I like to weave threads through chapters that might not be apparent until the reveal, then I just hope they make sense. So any review pointing them out is good for me.
I tend to get reviews come in when I need them. I love how most people have embraced Selene. I know that for some people that have actively put aside their dislike for OC's to read it and I'm so grateful for that.
Introducing an OC is always a gamble, and I knew that I would never get that popular with my story, or have that many readers because of the OC, but I did it anyway because my boy deserves it.
I have times when I want to give up, to just write the stuff that others seem to want, to bow down to the pressure of producing the popular things, but every time that happens I get a review that makes me stop, evaluate (kick myself up the arse) and keep going.
All of the people that read my stories are amazing and I love and appreciate them all so much. So I can't pick just one review, but I will pick some of my favourite reviews from my loyal readers that have been following along for some time.
"That was HAWT on so many levels. The fact that they actually talked during sex! That there was consent. Openly acknowledge consent! On both sides!
Wee! Damn good- well everything"
"I honestly have never laughed so hard in my life 🤣🤣 I could have broken a rib laughing so hard at this chapter. I can't even say what I enjoyed the most. But hear John Tracy say the word "Scrote" was the funniest thing I ever read"
"I love how much she loves him and they all love each other. Seriously, who ever would have thought John would be the first to find such a love? I'm just so happy you did! I really appreciate your exploring all their individual relationships within the family whole."
"Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!! after reading bits and pieces, I knew I had to find a day where I did nothing but read this from start to finish and WE DID IT FAM!!! only took like ten solid hours, but WELL worth the time, I had (and hopefully will continue to have!!) a blast! I love love love how your incorporate Selene's powers into daily life and how John and her just accept each other for who they are and try to bring the best out of each other :DD I love how we can see John getting more and more comfy with her as time goes on!! "
"And I’m crying. Beautifully written!"
"Best chapter yet, and that’s saying something as they are all fantastic."
"Ouch, I could feel her panic 😭😭😭
But John was just being John. This is where their differences collide and create worry and fear."
There are soooo many more that I just can't drag them all out, but I can promise that I am so very thankful to every single person that has taken the time to read my idiots, to follow along and to leave me reviews.
I've been writing for a long time, but I have never felt the same kind of anxiety when releasing a novel as I did when I started this and often still do when I put out a chapter. I often feel that my take on the boys, my writing and the world I've built for them isn't good enough because it's not how everyone else sees them or how other people write. Most don't do the romance thing, most don't do the OC thing, so, seriously, I treasure each and every review because they push me to keep doing it.
Gonna go off and cry now.
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Supernatural 15.16
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What can I say? No, seriously, what can I say this was such a disappointment I just wanna salt it, burn it and forget it. 
This is not what I wanted nor what we were told we were gonna get, the promo’s and the way it was promoted made it seem like this was gonna be a heavy brothers centered episode and we were gonna get to see flashbacks of Sam and Dean hunting solo together, without their dad, for the first time. It wasn’t.
This episode is snake oil. It was advertised in all the right ways to make us buy into it but it has no real substance or value.  
The plot is simple: Sam and Dean have to investigate the death of an old, sort of friend they made in one of the motel’s they stayed at back when they were little and haven’t spoken to in over 20 years. And let’s talk about this real quick because at the beginning Sam and Dean don’t know they’re going to investigate their friends’ death they think they’re going to the funeral cause the victim’s sister, who was also a sort of friend of theirs back in the day, invited them to the funeral to guarantee that they would go which is so stupid, people miss funerals all the time especially when they’re the funerals of people who they only knew for a week over 20 years ago and didn’t keep in contact. So, the stupid starts early in this episode. 
Back to the plot, the thing that Sam and Dean are hunting is something they had hunted and thought killed years ago back when they were the wee!chesters, and by “they” I mean….Dean and the girlie. I’m sorry you thought, we were gonna see young!Sam and Dean actually hunt together? No. 
The four of them sort of work together to figure out where the thing might be hiding and Dean’s all ‘I’m handling this on my own�� and Sam’s like ‘I’m going with you’ and Dean’s like ‘no’ and the girls like ‘then i’m going with you’ and Dean’s all ‘no’ and so he goes off on his own but the girl follows him so it’s the girl and him hunting this thing down while Sam is stuck back in the motel on babysitting duty of the girls little brother which I’m sure the writer is patting herself on the back for because at the beginning in the first flashback Dean was all ‘I used to babysit you when I was your age’ so now Sam is stuck babysitting...get it? Get it? I think it’s supposed to be clever…...excuse me a minute
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*clears throat* where was I? Oh yes, so anyways after some investigating and Dean finding a bunch of children’s corpses they arrive at the hotel in time to see the thing they’re hunting attacking Sam and the other kid and Dean’s all ‘Sam get out of the way’ and stabs the thing which makes it turn to dust so they think it’s dead which we all know it ain’t but let’s talk for a minute about the fact that Dean just walked to see a monster attacking his baby brother AND HE DOESN’T EVEN RUSH TO CHECK ON HIM WHEN THE THING IS DEAD!!!! Also, this thing was hunting kids that were around Sam’s age but Dean doesn’t seem to give a fuck. 
So what was the thing Sam and Dean were hunting oh so many years ago when they did shit re-search even though we know that they knew how important research was but this writer doesn’t know how to write this characters in present time why would she be able to write young! them? Baba Yaga! But they still don’t know that they’ll find that out later in the episode, in like a 5min scene that really does not do this figure justice but neither does the rest of this episode as this writer doesn’t really care and treats Baby Yaga more like a traditional vengeful spirit. 
For real though, it is a shame that this writer doesn’t care enough because Baba Yaga is a folklore figure with so much history they could have really done something interesting and scary; such a famous folklore figure and she was treated like a footnote. 
But that’s what young!Sam and Dean were up to what about our Sam and Dean? Well, after they find out the truth that they’re there to investigate and not attend a funeral that happened a week before they go check what’s up at the motel since that’s where everything happened years ago and the dude died, Dean is feeling guilty af for so many reasons including that he had yet to tell Sam Jack was gonna die, at first Dean doesn’t believe it’s the same thing they had hunted but then he’s like ‘okay maybe it’s not as dead as I thought’ and leaves Sam and the girlie to do research while he has a scene with Billie where she tells him the end is coming and while that’s happening Sam finds out it’s the Baba Yaga and the girl gets attacked and then Dean returns and he and Sam go their separate ways to find her because of course the do and Dean gets attacked but Sam arrives and then they properly kill the monster. 
Anyways, it all ends with their “friend” telling Dean for like the 20th time that he has changed and then they have a hug which gives us our final flashback where after him and the young girlie say goodbye to each other him and Sam are waiting for John to pick them up and Dean’s all ‘I don’t know about this college thing but we make a good team’ which would be great if we had actually seen them work as a team.
With the thing dead Sam and Dean make their way back home and Dean tells Sam the truth about Jack dying. We’ll come back to this scene. 
And that’s the episode in a nutshell. It’s bad. It’s unforgivably bad. This is the mediocre, poor man’s version of Something Wicked. 
It’s got no soul, with the exception of one scene it’s got no emotion. It stays at the surface level, we don’t truly get to see young!Sam and Dean work together, we don’t really get to see their dynamic with each other, we don’t learn anything new about them, Dean clearly didn’t like Sam thinking about college but it wasn’t really explored he was just an ass to Sam about it and then was all ‘we make a good team’ but like I said we didn’t truly get to see them be a team so it just falls flat, there weren’t really any proper scenes between the young brothers, Baba Yaga is not explored she’s more a footnote, we also don’t get to see adult Sam and Dean hunt together. 
You compare it to other flashback episodes like Something Wicked, A Very Supernatural Christmas, Just My imagination to name a few, and you can’t. You can’t really compare it cause those episodes were well written and actually explored Sam and Dean’s emotions and their relationship. This episode is the worst flashback episode we have ever gotten and I wish it didn’t exist. 
I wanna talk about the young!Sam and Dean actors real quick cause no shade to them but I didn’t like them one bit not just because of the way they were written but also because they don’t really embody Sam and Dean’s personalities in the way that their predecessors have, I look at them I don’t see Sam and Dean. Also, their acting? Not the best. 
So, all around this is a failure as far as young!Sam and Dean.
There was one scene in this whole entire episode that had any sort of emotion: the final scene with Sam and Dean in the car where Dean tells Sam everything and about Jack dying and Sam is pissed off and they get into a fight. That’s the only scene where Sam and Dean got closest to acting and sounding like themselves and the only one that was worth something and I give full credit to Jared and Jensen for that because their acting in that moment was standing ovation worthy, they honestly almost made me cry. I think if this epi had been better written and emotions actually explored it would have managed to make me cry. 
I don’t like that the epi finished with the boys fighting, even less that the one proper scene we got between them was a fight but it was the best scene of the episode and it should be watched if for no other reason than to see Jared and Jensen put on an amazing performance, 
But that scene alone is not enough to save this episode. 
The writer of this epi once recommended that you could put the first 2 seasons of this show on as background noise and maybe if she hadn’t done that and actually paid attention to the foundation of the show that paid her bills she wouldn’t have given us the mediocre version of Something Wicked or would have learned how to artfully weave the main plot of a season into a stand alone episode like Phantom Traveler did instead of sticking in a scene right in the middle for some exposition. As it is, you can use her episode as background noise. 
Here’s the thing, you can make the argument that it’s not as bad as it could have been or as what we have gotten, or that we should expect the episodes to be bad because it’s all we’ve gotten, or that we should just be happy with what we get and listen you feel how you wanna feel about this episode and/or tell yourself what you need to make yourself feel better but that don’t work with me. I’m not going to thank the writers for taking a smaller shit on this show than they did last time, and expecting the episodes to suck doesn’t mean we don’t deserve better and that we shouldn’t be upset. 
And I am upset. I am angry. I am sad. I am bitter. I am disappointed. 
You know what stings most about this episode? What makes it cut differently than all the other shitty, insulting, disappointing episodes that have come before it? That this is the last time we’re going to see young!Sam and Dean. This was the last ever flashback episode. A badly written episode with barely any proper interaction between the young brothers, is the last time we’ll see young! Sam and Dean. 
I so badly wish I could recommend this episode but the truth is that I can't. What I can recommend, and I highly do, is looking up the final scene and enjoying that beautifully acted, painful, brother moment. And then if you still want to watch young!Sam and Dean, just re-watch Something Wicked. 
In conclusion,
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three-drink-amy · 5 years
All the Shine of a Thousand Spotlights
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masterlist - AO3
Chapter Four - The World’s Gonna Know Your Name
It was Thursday and Jamie still hadn’t reached out to John. I was sweating, trying to keep working. I knew John was surely losing his mind, too. We both tried to go about our jobs as usual. Actors made us wait all the time. But this felt different, and we both knew it. 
At 10:00 am, John ran into my office, nearly sliding against the wall as he rounded the corner. “Are you busy at lunch?” 
My brow furrowed in confusion. “Aside from actually eating lunch? No.” 
“Okay, we have a meeting at noon.” He started to walk away. 
I called to him, making him turn back. “John! Who is the meeting with?” 
His head came back around the corner. “Jamie Fraser. He wants to meet with us in person.” He eyed my office. “We’ll have the meeting in here. Your office looks more presentable than mine. Marilyn can’t make it, so it’ll just be us.” 
John was gone before I could reply. I stared down at my desk, seemingly frozen. There was plenty of work to do, but I thought it might be pointless for me to do it. For the millionth time since I talked to him last, my mind drifted back to Jamie. I wondered if he’d take my offer. Or was he coming to turn the role down in person? That didn’t seem likely. I looked at the papers on my desk, realizing I may be out of a job this afternoon. 
I couldn’t just sit there, so I got up and paced. When that wasn’t enough, I sat back down. I continued the pattern of pacing and sitting until I couldn’t take it anymore. I pulled out my phone and started looking at contacts, wondering who I could have help me get another show to direct. My mind was running too fast to focus on just one thing. I was certain though, that Jamie would be accepting the role. No one met in person to turn down a part. 
I prayed that my breathing was under control when John wandered back into my office. He pulled one of my chairs from in front of my desk and sat it next to my chair. I could tell that he was nervous. Even if I didn’t want to lose my job, I wanted John to stop being so antsy. We’d found the perfect lead and that was supposed to be the end of casting. Both of us were sweating nerves and there was really nothing we could do to stop it. 
A knock at the door shook us from our anxiety ridden silence. We looked to the door to see Jamie standing there, a nervous smile on his face. John jumped up quickly, welcoming him into my office. “Welcome, Jamie.” Jamie nodded his head politely, sitting down in the chair across from my desk. 
“I appreciate ye taking the time to meet wi’ me,” he started, leaning forward a bit. “I realize I left you hanging and I wanted to give ye an explanation.” 
My stomach was tied in knots. Surely, he wasn’t going to give a full explanation, right? His eyes were on John, only flitting to me for a short second or two. “I was very grateful to be given the opportunity to even audition for this role,” Jamie started. I couldn’t tell where this was going. “But when ye called me, something had come up in my personal life and I wasna sure that I would be able to take the role.” John nodded understandingly. I sat there frozen, wondering which direction he was taking this. “So, I really was thinking things over and trying to find a way to accept this part,” he continued. 
“And?” John asked. 
I looked between the two men, my gaze settling on Jamie. “And, I would be more than honored to accept the role if the offer still stands,” he said, a large smile gracing his face. 
I felt happy for a brief second before I remembered what it all meant. My eyes drifted closed, wishing I’d thought of another way to get him to take the role. 
“Thank goodness,” John said, standing up to shake Jamie’s hand. “I’m so relieved. You’re simply too talented for us to find another suitable lead.” 
“Well, thank you,” Jamie said, trying to hide a shy smile. “I canna begin to express what a great opportunity this is. I mean, it’s every actor’s dream to work wi’ Claire Beauchamp,” he exclaimed, finally resting his gaze on me. “I would be crazy to turn down that chance.” 
I felt my mouth fall open some as I stared up at him. Could that mean what I thought it meant? Was he letting me stay? But why? John was excitedly responding to Jamie as I tried to sort through the mess of my mind. 
“Let me go get something! I’ll be right back,” John said, turning to leave the room. 
Jamie sat back down, not looking at me. 
“Does that mean what I think it means?” I finally asked. I knew we only had so long to be frank before John walked back in. 
“What do ye mean?” 
“I offered to leave, but what you just said –”  I cut myself off, trying to find the proper way to explain my thought process. 
“Aye, it meant what ye thought,” Jamie clarified. “You dinna have to step down.” 
I nodded, looking down at my desk. Looking back at him, I tried to see if I could get any answers from his face. His face was a blank mask. “Why are you doing this?” 
His fingers tapped on the desk. “I thought back on why I was so desperate to get even just an audition,” Jamie started. “And the real reason for that was that I wanted to work wi’ Claire Beauchamp. I suppose at some point, perhaps, I should have looked ye up. I’d heard yer name enough to know how much of a legend ye are nowadays, but I didna even ken what ye looked like.” 
I chuckled to myself, shaking my head. 
“But no matter, I knew that I’d regret it if I made ye hold up yer end of the bargain,” Jamie finished, giving me a look. 
“What about your concerns? They were valid, Jamie. I completely understood where you were coming from.” 
He nodded, biting down on his bottom lip. “Ye’re no’ going to tell anyone what happened, aye?” 
“Of course not,” I promised him. I held his gaze, making sure he knew I was serious.
“Well, me either.” He took a deep breath. “It can be our wee secret, then. And hopefully it willna get out otherwise and I’ll be able to avoid such accusations.” 
“Very well,” I replied, unsure of what else to say. 
Thankfully, John walked back in and saved us from any further awkward moments. “Jamie, here you go. These are all the things you’ll be needing. The schedule is on top. As you can see, production officially begins Monday.” 
“Great,” Jamie said, picking up the stack John had just given him. “I canna wait. Thank ye so much.” 
“No, thank you!” John replied, shaking Jamie’s hand too hard. 
“John, I think you’re coming on a bit strong,” I told him softly. He glanced at me with an embarrassed face. I reached my hand out to Jamie, hoping no sign of our private conversation showed on my glass face. “I look forward to it, Mr. Fraser.” 
“Likewise,” he said, taking my hand. 
I tried my best to ignore the spark from just a handshake. Swallowing thickly, I nodded to him, taking my hand back. John turned to walk him out and I sat down in my chair. My head was leaning against the back of it when John wandered back in. 
“Isn’t he just the best?” 
“Mmhmm.” Suddenly, I was torn. Did I want to have to work alongside Jamie when just his touch made me react so? Or would I have rather lost my job due to a personal secret? I didn’t know the answer, but I did know that this show was going to be a very different experience for me. 
* * *
The entire cast was gathered for the first table read. I looked around the room at the people I’d handpicked to be there. As I watched them mingle while they waited to begin, I hoped that once again, I’d been right in my instincts. Louise de la Tour wandered over to me as I stood at the Director’s place at the long table. 
“Claire, so lovely to see you again,” she said, wrapping me in a hug. “I am excited about this one.” 
I smiled at her. “Me too. But are you sure you’re ready to return to the stage?” I teased. 
She rolled her eyes. “Goodness, if one more person asks me that…” 
I laughed, laying a hand on her arm. “No one should begrudge you the right to take your career in a different place than theirs. Believe me, if they’re actually mad at you, it’s because they’re jealous.” 
Louise smiled at me with a grateful expression. “Thank you, Claire. You’ve always been so kind to me. You know I wouldn’t come back for just anyone.” 
I grinned with a small shake of my head. “Oh, I know.” 
Jamie nodded to me as he walked past. I smiled in response. He was poised to keep going until he noticed who I was talking to. Freezing, his eyes went wide. “You’re Louise de la Tour,” he said, a bit in awe. 
She turned to look at him. “I am.” 
“Wow.” He shook his head. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I’m a huge fan of yers. I’ve seen so many of yer movies. Ye’re a phenomenal actress.” 
She put a hand to her heart. “Well, thank you. And — I’m sorry — you are?” 
He smiled, holding out his hand. “No’ to worry, I’m a new face. I’m Jamie Fraser.” 
“He’ll be Peter,” I told her. 
She nodded, her eyebrows raising. “That’s right. I remember hearing you went with a no name.” She glanced back at Jamie. “No offense.” 
“None taken. I am a no name.” He laughed, waving her off. I couldn’t help but grin watching their interaction. There was a dark, disturbed part of me that wondered if he was flirting with her. 
“So, how does your husband feel about being back in New York?” I asked Louise, mentally shaking my head at myself. 
She shrugged in reply. “I think he’s happy with it. He always loved the place. And we’ll be here for a while, so I think he’s excited for some stability.” She glanced over at some of the other actors. “Anyway, I need to go catch Joe before you get things started. Lovely to meet you, Jamie.” 
“Lovely meeting ye as well,” Jamie said as she walked away. He turned back to me, his eyes wide. “This is a whole new experience for me. I’m afraid I’m no’ holding myself together well. I just avoided Joe Abernathy in general because I fear I’ll make a fool of myself.” 
I chuckled. “Jamie, these are your colleagues now. You better get used to being around them.” 
He nodded, looking back over at the other group. “I suppose ye’re right. It’s still just a wee bit crazy to me.” He leaned closer to me, whispering conspiratorially. “I still canna really believe ye actually wanted me to have the part.” 
“You wouldn’t be here if you hadn’t earned it,” I promised him. “Same as everyone else.” 
He smiled, looking down at his feet. “Thank ye, Sassenach.” 
His eyes went a bit wide at his name for me, like it had slipped out. I wanted to ask him what that word meant, but I didn’t want to make him stop calling me whatever nickname he’d given me. He walked off toward his chair and I took a moment to pull myself together. The man brought out the wrong side of me and I needed to make sure that at work I was nothing but the consummate professional I’ve always been. I began to wonder if I should have been worried about my own set of accusations. What if people thought I went daffy for my new lead? 
Would they be wrong?
Shaking my head, I walked to my chair and stood behind it. I cleared my throat loudly, gaining the attention of most of the people in the room. Once the cast was seated and the crew behind them, I began my traditional start of production speech. 
“Welcome. Today is the first day of production which means that today is the first day of your new life. We have people in this cast and crew at every level of experience, but I’m going to treat you all as if you are completely new. Each director is different. I’m even different from the director I was three years ago. So, in a way, all of you are inexperienced in the ways of this show. But that’s not a bad thing. It’s good. It gives us a fresh look at our art. And in the end, gives us a better show. I expect the best from you and I hope you, in turn, expect the best from me. You all earned your place in this room, but you can easily be replaced if need be. I hope none of you take this opportunity for granted. Just think, right now, there is some high schooler somewhere who would kill to be in your shoes. So, don’t forget that. Put 100% of yourself into this performance and we’ll give the people the best that we can give them. Okay?” 
The rest of the room broke out in an applause of agreement, nodding their heads to me. “Great, then let’s get to work.” 
I pulled out my script and held it up to them. “We are going to read through the first act. After that, we will break for lunch. Once lunch is over, we will begin blocking scenes one and two. Alright?” Nods circled around the table like a messy version of the wave. “Great.” 
* * *
“So, production has officially started, right?” 
I was sitting at dinner with Uncle Lamb and he had barely waited for us to order drinks before jumping into my latest show. 
“That’s right.” 
“How are things going?” he asked, glancing up from his menu. 
“So far, so good,” I replied noncommittally. He shot me a look. “It’s just been the first week.” 
He nodded, sighing in agreement. “Alright, that’s fair. I read the script you gave me. This play sounds fantastic.” 
I smiled. “Yeah, I’m really excited about it. For a straight show, I think it’ll still get a lot of buzz. I mean, this playwright is incredible.” 
“Oh, yes indeed.” Uncle Lamb took a drink of his water. “Who did you end up casting in the lead?” 
My eyes closed for a split second. Even in my home life, I couldn’t get away from mention of Jamie. I knew Uncle Lamb was living vicariously through me. After he’d gotten sick, he hadn’t been able to return to the theatre. Each time I started a new play, he gave me the same rundown. There was no way for him to know what his current question was doing to me. And I’d never tell him. 
“We actually went with a new actor. Never been on Broadway before,” I informed him. 
He raised one eyebrow at me. “A no-name? Why, I’m impressed. I’d heard that Bradley Cooper was auditioning for the role.” 
I laughed into my drink. Hearing Uncle Lamb saying current non-stage celebrities names always amused me. “So he did,” I admitted. 
“Good for you for not casting based on name popularity.” 
I smiled. “What can I say? The man can’t do a Scottish accent to save his life.” 
“And this no-name can?” 
I nodded emphatically. “Yes, he’s actually Scottish.” 
Uncle Lamb chuckled. “Well, that’s basically cheating. But what a find.” I nodded in agreement. “What’s the man’s name?” 
“Jamie Fraser.” I took a deep breath, hoping my face didn’t betray any secrets. “His name is Jamie Fraser.”
Next chapter
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stargate365 · 5 years
[SGA] 2.18: Michael
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Gif by JumpingPuddles
Who dis? What happened?
Is he gonna be okay??
Michael? Do we know him? Ohmygod am I a terrible person who forgot one of John’s minions??
Well he clearly has memory loss, so I guess it’s okay that I don’t remember him. He’ll never know.
Wh… why do John and Carson and Liz look so… so space-y?
Why do we have like ten cameras on him?
Oh you just had to say it, now it’s jinxed. Bound by universal law to get much, much worse.
Okay, Michael likes Teyla. This is… good news?
Okay, now I’m starting to wig out bc Teyla implied that she just lied to that kid and idk why shed do that. Also, why is Kate there… and why are we saying “released”?
Okay, now I know they’re making this shit up. There’s no way this boy is Texan.
Lol. Rodney the man who is terrible with people is actually seeming the most natural with him…
Okay, how does a amnesiac know what… interesting. Sorry Rodney, I don’t buy it.
Okay, ouch… Teyla doesn’t play nice or go easy, does she.
Jfc Ronon what the hell??
Poor Michael.
And now the dreams… well… we know where this is going. Remember Teyla’s dreams?
All of this sounds soooo hinky. Yes! Why are we not telling the truth!!
Tbh, the way Ronon seems so… jfc what the hell?!! Ronon’s acting like the kid is a wraith. Hey, maybe he was a worshipper??
…am I the only once noticing how Carson’s calendar says “Kenmore” on it?? Like, as in Michael’s supposed last name?
Peculiar vid files Carson… Okay, wow, past Michael seems really pissed off.
And rather… possessed…
Oh… okay… not a worshipper… a Wraith. Dude, Michael looks freaked.
Yeah Carson, you better look guilty!!
(Atlantis in fog is super pretty)
John, I love you, but Michael has the right to be pretty pissed off.
Yeah, he’s got a point. Eugenics is not a light topic…
John… sweetie… that’s not really an excuse.
They eat food! That’s what living beings do. How they treat their food is a whole other question. I don’t see you discussing this with your dinner. The only people who have a leg to stand on here are Vegans – even if I do think they’re a wee bit crazy.
Oh boy… Michael… scaring the therapist is not a good idea here.
Okay, but did we really expect any other outcome than this??
…that… was an interesting expression on his face when he shot the dude. Definitely a reflex, and not malicious. But he didn’t seem cut up afterwards. Probably got some mental instability and lack of empathy thanks to the amnesia and identity crisis.
Yeah, I believe you mate. I actually do.
Oh would you now, that’s nice. But you still have him locked up in a cage like a rat. I’m sorry, but this has got to be against the Atlantis Charter.
Guys… I’m sorry, but I really do not like this. Sure, this drug might suppress the ‘urges’, but if he looses his memory again, you realise you’re essentially murdering his personality for a second time. Carbon-based lifeforms are not meant to be wiped every time you mess up the coding.
Hm… I wonder if her Wraith DNA is… oh… oh, he’s putting the whammy on her… yes, I was right.
That’s an interesting trick you have there bro.
Ack!! Teyla!!!
Why is he taking Teyla? Is she a snack, a hostage, or is it his crush?
Oh wow… he’s… starting to look a little less human.
I wonder how his night vision is??
Wow… that’s a Hive ship.
Dude, the bones in his face restructuring must really hurt. His pain tolerance is something to be in awe of.
I’m curious about the hair pigmentation though… I mean, I understand how his skin colour could change, but hair... hair is dead keratin strands… so did the Lanteans dye it brown??
Dude, John, you have some absolutely Wizard timing.
*ominous music is ominous*
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rockinrpmemes · 5 years
❝So I Married an Axe Murder❞ (1993) Meme
Adjust anything to fit your muses!!
Excuse me, miss? There seems to be a mistake. I believe I ordered the *large* cappuccino. *Hello!* Look at the size of this thing!
It's practically a bowl. It's like Campbell's Cup-O'-ccino!
Every time you meet a nice girl you can get close to, you always break up with them for paranoid reasons.
~If you think I'm sexy and you want my body, all you've got to do is call~
You know, Scotland has its own martial arts. Yeah, it's called FA-QUE! 
It's mostly just head butting and then kicking people when they're on the ground.
She was a thief, you got to belief, she stole my heart and my cat.
You know her, I mean... you DID sleep with her?
What would you say to silver dollar pancakes, fresh squeezed orange juice, bacon, and Kona coffee?
That other stuff will probably kill you... Whereas Froot Loops are light, and reasonably high in fiber. I care for Apple Jacks a great deal. 
Do you actually like haggis? 
I think most Scottish cuisine is based on a dare. 
Tell me one bad thing that you've done, and it better be evil. Like so evil, that you would say it was E-VEEL, like it's the FRU-ETS of the DEV-EEL. E-VEEL.
Brutal's a subjective term. What's brutal to one person might be entirely reasonable to someone else.
What do you look for in a woman you date? 
I know everyone always says sense of humor, but I'd really have to go with breast size. 
So bright women intimidate you?
I like the night life. I like to boogey.
You know what this place needs? A large, oversized poster of Atlantic City.
Maybe it IS late. You know, I'll be honest with you. I had a really great time tonight and, uh, I'd really love to kiss you but I think that if I kiss you we'll end up kissing on the couch and if we end up kissing on the couch then chances are we'll kiss in the bedroom and if we kiss in the bedroom then, you know, that's the part I always rush into and I just don't think it's a good idea to rush into spending the night together. 
I want to spend the night with you.
Wow, you've turned into a right sexy wee bastard. Do you know that? 
I find it interesting that you call The Weekly World News "the paper." A paper contains facts.
*This* newspaper contains facts. Look at this: "Pregnant man gives birth." That's a fact!
Move that melon of yours and get the paper if you can, hauling that gargantuan cranium about!
His head's like Sputnik. Spherical, but quite pointy in parts.
Give your mother a kiss, or I'll kick your teeth in.
Look at the size of that boy's head. It's like an orange on a toothpick!
That was off-sides, wasn't it? He'll be crying himself to sleep tonight, on his huge pillow!
Turn off the Bay City Rollers! The soccer game is about to begin!
Well it's a well-known fact, Sonny-jim, that there's a secret society of the 5 wealthiest people in the world, known as The Pentavirate, who run *everything* in the world including the newspapers, and they meet triennially in a secret country mansion in Colorado known as: ‘The Meadows.’
I hated the Colonel, with his wee beady eyes and that smug look on his face! ‘Ohh you're gonna buy my chicken!’ Ooh! 
How can you hate ‘the Colonel?’
He puts an addictive chemical in his chicken that makes you crave it fortnightly, smart ass!
You have the face of a wee angel, do you know that?
I like this one, she’s quite a filly!
______tells me you're a butcher. Do you link your own sausage?
Lighten up. You've got a pickle up your ass again.
I’m just gonna go to the wash room, evidently I have a pickle up my ass.
Make sure there’s enough paper--and LIGHT A MATCH!
Come with me, I have wonderful photographs when ____ was a wee baby.
Show her the picture of _______ when he shit his pants at Niagara Falls!
You know what I like best about you? That I can tell you anything at all, and you don’t judge me.
Have you ever stood at the edge of a cliff or a subway platform with someone and you thought just for a split second: "What if I pushed him?"
Usually I follow the Judeo-Christian ethic of "Thou shalt not kill" but that's just me.
I could do *anything* to you in your sleep. You're lying on your side, totally asleep, and I could just, Oh, I don’t know... stick a needle in your ear--?
I’m just trying to show you what a great relationship we have!
I’m a human blanket~
I'm smitten. I'm in deep smit. 
My name is John Johnson but everyone here calls me "Vicky."
Have you heard of this? Mrs. X? She murders her husbands on their honeymoons, then changes her identity and marries again. 
Two words: Therapy.
I'm afraid you're gonna ki - leave me.
I'm having doubts about being a cop. You know, it's not like how it is on TV. All I do all day is fill out forms and paperwork.
Hey Paisane! You screw up one more time I'm going to kick your spaghetti bending butt back to Milan! 
“’He wants you back, he screamed into the night air like a fireman going to a window that has no fire... except the passion of his heart. I am lonely. It's really hard. This poem... sucks.’”
____ years ago today, ____ and I were married. Some of you were there, some of you weren't born, and some of you are now DEAD! But, we both said ‘I do,’ and we haven't agreed on a single thing since. 
I'm glad I married you, because hey, could've been worse. Besides, I still love you.
I want you to have my children, and I want you to have your children, and that sounds like an awful lot of children... but I love you.
Alright everyone, shut your cake hole!
We have a piper down! I repeat, a piper is DOWN!... 'S all right, he's just pissed.
Let's get pissed!
Everything you do is art, you’re a sex machine. Get on the scene with the sex machine!
She confessed to the murders of Abraham Lincoln, Julius Caesar, and Warren G. Harding. She's a nutcase!
Happy in her cage, no longer full of rage. She roosts.
You acted cuckoo 'cause you thought I would leave you~
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Love, Death & Robots.
Can I just say, how happy it makes me, that the anthology series is back?
I mean, Love, Death & Robots isn‘t the first by a long shot … but still, I am glad that this art form is back. It lends itself so very beautifully to the telling of small stories.
I lnow I am late on the band wagon, but this is my hot take on Love, Death & Robots. Just fresh of bingeing it. No reflection just feeling … or in other words, the result of rubbing my last two sleep deprived braincells together.
It‘s just my opinion, nothing more.
On the technical side of things …
This show is fucking gorgeous. The style usually goes with the general tone of the story, all of them competently and craft fully realized. The same goes for the voice work, the sound design and the soundtrack.
On a side note, diversity is so so, could be better but could be worse … I‘d say average …
It‘s definitely NC-17. Blood, gore, violence, sex and lovingly rendered co**s. We have it all. If you are sensible … you might want to skip some of the stories …
Beware … here there be spoilers
"Sonnie's Edge"
A woman named Sonnie remotely controls a genetically-engineered monster in underground gladiatorial battles. A rich man offers her a lot of money to lose, but she refuses. After she wins the combat, he comes back to make her pay, only to discover he got things very wrong.
I really liked the concept of the story, though not so much the execution. I am just not a huge fan of the „live begins at rape“-trope and I thought that backstory element was rather clumsily handled. I also feel like we could have reached the same twist wit a different backstory …
It‘s a really great twist.
I mean, I am not to clever, maybe you‘ll see it coming a mile away … but I still think it‘s a good twist …
Carefull, gore and boobs …
"Three Robots"
After the destruction of humanity, three robots take a vacation tour around seemingly abandoned city, trying to understand how humans lived based on their limited knowledge of them and the things they left behind. The surprise comes when they met a cat.
It‘s exactly what it says on the tin. It is sweet, adorable, funny … surprisingly meta in it‘s message, without getting too heavy handed, it has kittens … I love it.
If you have problems with skulls, skip it, there a loads of it here …
"The Witness"
A woman witnesses a murder in a building in front of the hotel where she is staying. She flees from him through a surreal city.
What it say on the tin. The twist isn‘t really a surprise if you pay attention, but it‘s a case of blink and you miss it.
I like the concept a lot and the execution was alright …
Nudity … lots of it … also blood … so, if that is a no, for you … skip it. Otherwise, I really like the twist … I say that a lot …
A small community of farmers pilot mech suits to defend their land from an invading swarm of insectoid aliens.
Again, what it says on the tin … a little heavy handed with the characterization, but they have only minutes to establish them, so that‘s O.K. for me. The characters are all very sweet and caring … not so much a twist ending as a WTF moment.
The violence is relatively tame … maybe PG 13, if you can stomach alien blood and a major character death …
"Sucker of Souls"
Awakened by an archaeological excavation, a bloodthirsty demon fights a crew of mercenaries.
What‘s on the tin.
I really liked this one. I like the  archaeologist, I like the mercenaries, … The ending is a bit … not disappointing … but you feel a bit cheated.
I also feel like this could work very well as Terror AU, with Goodsir being the archaeologist and the mercenaries being Crozier, fem-Blanky and … maybe Fitzjames …
The actual gore … rather graphic, though the style isn‘t hyper realistic … if you‘re sensible, definitely skip this one …
"When The Yogurt Took Over"
Yogurt developed by scientists becomes sentient and takes over the world.
What can I ay? It‘s what‘s on the tin.
Rather tame, except for a few moments of very dark humor … the style is very cartoony, so … not for the faint of heart maybe, but it should be fine for most people.
"Beyond the Aquila Rift"
Blue Goose's crew—Thom, Suzy, and Ray—are on a mission to reach beyond the Aquila Rift, but an error in the routing plot causes unexpected events to happen.
Sort of, what it says on the tin … but not …
I really liked it, … not particularly gory per see except for a quick scene … but if you hate spiders, definitely stay away … also boobs …
This one would also make for a great Terror AU, with Crozier as the Captain and Sophia as his long lost acquaintance …
"Good Hunting"
In early 20th century China, a boy becomes friends with a shape-shifting huli jing after his father kills the huli jing's mother. Years later, living in a steampunk Hong-Kong, they find each other again.
I really like the idea behind this … the thought  that magic can not exists in a world full of iron and steam. I loved that concept back in Lords and Lady's and I still love it.
I just could have done without the sex trafficking …
I‘d prefer d if she‘d just gotten a new body on her own terms, … Because I really like the concept that she has to change herself completely in order to control this new magic …
Definitely not for the faint of heart … what‘s on the screen is upsetting enough … the implications even more so …
Also, lots of nudity …
"The Dump"
A city inspector tries to convince Ugly Dave to move out of his house which is located in a dump. However, Dave and his pet are not intent on doing so.
This one was wearing tapp shoes … but I still like it … its cute … and dark … sensible people … maybe skip it …
Nudity … death and gore … also a puppy …
Two close friends in the Marines with supernatural powers have to fight one of their own in Afghanistan.
Whats on the tin. Short, sweet, heartbreaking … gore … major character death … Nudity
"Helping Hand"
An astronaut faces a life or death situation after an accident while spacewalking in orbit. Now she has to decide, arm or live …
This was a hard one for me to watch … not so much for the gore … there is none … but just seeing her being so brave and inventive and … so so fucked … it was a hell of a ride, for me it was worth it …
God damn she is awesome!
"Fish Night"
Two salesmen get stuck in the desert, and discover that the desert is not what it seems at night.
I love it!
I loved the concept wen Pratchett came up with it for wee free men … where he mentioned it in a throw away line … and I was angry at myself for days, that I never came up with it myself …
Spooky, pretty … bloody … there was a shark … Nudity
I was sad, but I‘ll definitely give it a rewatch …
This doesn't so much work as an entire Terror AU, but I feel like, the concept does lend itself easily to being used with Silna …
"Lucky 13"
A pilot recalls her missions aboard the dropship Lucky 13, which had already lost two crews before.
Boy did I cry at this one … bit gory … and onions, so many onions … who the fuck needs so many onions at this time of night?
But yeah, I have a thing for ships … sue me …
"Zima Blue"
A reclusive artist gives a final interview after 100 years.
I love this … the style is very stylized and lends itself beautiful to the story … ah … I think this is even something for the faint of heart … also, in my case onions …
A cyborg crew attempts to rob a convoy.
What‘s on the tin, pretty straight forward … nothing special … but I feel that is less the stories fault and more the fact that it is simply outclassed among all the others …
Violent, but cartoony … so … no idea … proceed with caution?
"Ice Age"
A couple who just moved into the apartment finds a civilization inside an antique refrigerator.
What‘s on the tin.
Really sweet, really cute … cute couple … I feel like, some of the lines could have used one more rewrite, but that is me nitpicking. I really liked it, it was awesome, definitely gonna rewatch it … I feel like this is even for the faint of heart …
It is also very refreshing to see a married couple just hanging out together … love it
"Alternate Histories"
Multiversity, an alternative history research simulation app, shows the viewer the death of Adolf Hitler in 6 different timelines on their welcome demo.
I feel like Douglas Adams came back from the dead to write this … I get defined Hitchhiker vibes.
Ah … dark, but super cartoony, so the violence is rather tame … still, not G rated, despite the style … Nudity
I liked it a lot …
"Secret War"
A platoon of Red Army soldiers hunt down the undead in the forests of Siberia.
What it say on the tin.
The style is super realistic, so nothing for the faint of heart. Blood, gore … more blood, more gore …
I liked it …
And, is it just me, or is the Lieutenant the spitting image of John Morfin?
This would make an amazing Terror AU, you pretty much only have to change the names … even the Lieutenants second gives me Collins vibes …
I hope I got all the Nudity, but there is a lot of it … not even always in a sexy way, just in a “humans sometimes are naked” way …
And that was  Love, Death & Robots.
Was it good?
Hell yes!
Do I want more?
Definitely …  though I don‘t have to high hopes for a potential second season … once burned twice shy … But I‘d be delighted if we get one as good or even better.
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survivenovascotia · 4 years
Episode 1 - I have no idea what I'm doing. - Eric
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Everyone’s pretty active. Certain people know each other and I’m pretty much a newborn deer in the ORG community. Chrissa says “I’ve added pretty much everyone” as a contact but didn’t add me. So then I added a few people and no response or people added me back. Like my god I could go home for being a newbie. No hun.
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I have no idea what I'm doing. It's honestly been so long I'm just trying to talk to everybody and get to know them. I don't remember when the time to start alliances are and other things and it's a whole mess but we are working with it!!
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Russell deserves all the wins
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So I think Austin and I may have started an alliance. He seems pretty nice and I believe that he wants to be loyal especially since it's only be 2 hours since the game started. I'm hoping tomorrow us two can find some other people to make a larger alliance. I get good vibes from Heather and Chips specifically. Chips I knew before I left the community a while back, and I know he has a lot of passion for ORGs which I think is very valuable in an ally. I also really like Heather because we are very similar people. We are both starting college, both just returned to ORGs. It just kind of felt meant to be. Obviously I have to listen to who Austin likes too. I think when I played orgs in the past, my errors were both not making the alliances soon enough, and also trying to control them. If I want to win, I have to play differently.
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Im BACK. Imma make this quick. Welcome to Cast First Night Impression Vibes Coco~ Havent Spoken to him too much yet since it was 4AM when things came out for him. Seems sweet. Says he played on tengaged and zwooper. Stephen~ We played in the past. I think 2 games, one where I was completely against him and one where I tried to be on his side then everyone voted him out early. I think both were atomic games. He messaged me right away since he knew I took a long boi break which was nice. Gotta talk to him a bit more. Austin~ Seems pretty chill, we had convo about horror stuff and atm talking about Winners at War (I'm not gonna spoil anything. Don't yall worry) I can definitely see potentially working with him. Livingston~ Talked for a little bit. Shared a little bit of theatre stuff with each other since he does a lot of tech for his school where as I do onstage and offstage things. There is potential. Dylan~ We talked a bit. Im vibing. I hope he is too. talked more music tastes and all. POTENTIAL Eric~ Eric and I are one. We were talking and realized we are the same person and are the voices in each others head. I definitely want to work with him the most out of anyone so far. Splat/Evan~ Pretty chill tried talking to him. I feel a connection but like not like the biggest. I think things could definitely look up in the future tho Chips~ CHIIIIIIIPS. I love Chips. I didn't talk to him as much as I should have my previous game with him like 2 YEARS AGO. We talked a lot today and I think this game I can possibly work with him. Glo~ We played a big brother org together toward the beginning of my break, which was a rough time in my life and why I stick to survivor games. She messaged me and I messaged back, but I have yet to get another message from her yet. We will see in the morning. FOR IDOL SEARCHES: I checked an I am gonna write down the paths I take. I got a deadend this time.
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GLO GLO is spilling the tea . I have only done live chat with DYLAN so far but OMG we connected and he reminded me of two players I loved and do to this day one for over 10 year the other for 5 years who are close to me to this day. Me and Dylan connected talked about life game laughed shared stories and somehow FINAL 2 has evolved and I am super happy about this.
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Ok this is the most social I’ve ever been at the start of a game I called Gloria since we’re both I Love Money alumni & we hella bonded ??????? She’s so sweet 🥰🥺🥰🥺 we literally talked for two full hours on cast reveal day, wow. I would love to work with her far into this game, maybe even to the end 🤭 if we could do that Stephen is cool, I’d like to work with him. He’s loyal & smart & good at challenges so ✌🏻 Eric & I had a very interesting dynamic in middle earth, but I think we were able to smooth over that together Evan also seems really cool, I just met him but we’ve already switched friend codes so it’s getting pretty serious also glo was like ‘You better not betray me for a man you have a crush on’ and I was like uhhh I’m emotionally unavailable don’t worry glo you’re safe
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I feel less stressed atm. Chatted to a couple people. Nothing major, no alliances made (or if add production to it). I hope I can continue manoeuvre my way to find a footing in this alliance otherwise I’ll be the first boot and be annoyed at myself. Just worried about past connections and my no connections.
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Heyyy, first confessional of the season!! So the tribe seems pretty chill, no one i hate, a few i know. Dylan and Heather might be an issue if they hold grudges? But i doubt it. What I’m really looking for healre is a solid group of 4, I could see chips and heather being a part of that as they arent goats, but who knows. The idea is to group with people who will play and take the heat off me, instead of goats who might gang up on me at end game
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Personally coming into this game as a new player, one of my biggest concerns were past relationships. So I talked with my secret alliance member Choo about who he has played with in the past, and he mentions Austin. After doing that, I ask Austin who he has played with in the past, and he tells me that he has never played with anyone before. Immediately I knew he was bullsh*tting. However, I really need to keep my mouth shut that Austin lied about this to me, but when the time comes, I'll be sure to expose his ass.
My strategy in this game is to create as many options for me to take as possible to get to the end. The way I'm doing that is by playing the "clueless 16 year old" card so that people see me as naive, when in reality, I'm probably just as ready to backstab, lie, cheat, steal just as much as any of these people are, if not more. So far it seems to be working and I sense that a lot of people feel as though they can trust me. But I will take the option that best suits me.
Immediately I was able to create a secret alliance with Coco, due to a mutual friend, being Evanw919. Evan is one of my best friends irl and was actually the person that introduced me to this game. After talking to Coco a lot, I feel as though he is someone I can trust, and I do intend to go as far as I can with him... unless it's in my best interest to take him out if necessary. I may intend on trusting him, but I don't intend to let friendships impact my decision making.
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First day went great I feel ! Everyone is super nice so far and I hope we can win a few challenges together.  COCO IS HERE! I love coco and hope we can go far together already . I have trusted him before and it turned out really good for me.  Glo is a sweetheart and gotta love her. Livingston is nice and so is chips tho I feel they may need to go down the road.  Stephen and me have talked a lil in the community so I feel I can maybe trust him . I'm excited and nervous to be playing again but ready to go ! 
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I like this cast and like the people on my tribe i hope they are not too annoyed hearing about my internet but they have to know what they might be dealing with obviously it only happens at certain times depending how many people are on the internet with rogers, so if i get voted out cause of it i won't be mad, but also i am hoping for a lockdown end sooner than later so we can switch providers. as John Coffey said it's a very bad time to be having these internet problems.
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Okay! The season is officially on! Not much to report about yet but I want to make a confessional right now just in case I forget to do it later. Gotta avoid those strikes! So far all I know about my tribe is that John Coffey and I briefly played together in a previous game, though we weren’t ever on the same tribe, and Chrissa and I played together at some point though I can’t remember anything about when we did. I’m looking forward to the challenge and I hope we can crush it!
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I have managed to talk to everyone on my tribe and I definitely feel good vibes from most apart from maybe Livingston who doesn't really seem interested in talking to me. What is interesting that Evan asked me if I had known anyone from previous game(s) and I told him I knew Austin and Livingston BUT Austin told him that he knew NONE. So now Evan doesn't trust him but trusts me. I really like  Evan,Eric, Heather, Austin and also Glo and Dylan. I'd like to work with them but mostly with Evan, Eric, Heather and Austin.
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Right now what I'm trying to do is to get these people caught in a lie, but I intend to save the lie to expose them when the time is right. People say one of the worst mistakes you can make in survivor is playing too hard too fast. However, playing hard quickly can be gotten away with if you are sneaky about it and don't get caught. I'm trying to get these people to think I'm incompetent as they aren't even aware they are being manipulated
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2ND Confessional OK so far my 2 favorites I have talked to are Dylan and if the truth is being told we are in 2 man alliance. @nd I have messaged with most is CoCo real name David. He said he is knew to orgs and is afraid of alliances happening which probably is true. Dylan and I both like CoCo so we are bring him in as our 3rd hopeful in a possible alliance. CoCo actually said he wanted to work with me so hopefully I have him and Dylan watching my back as I will them if they stay loyal but if they run their mouth goodbye quick if needed. So far I am happy with these two and have no idea what other two I hope to round up. Both Dylan and I agree about getting CoCo with us and hope it don't backfire with a new player to orgs.
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I’ve chatted to Kevin and acted like I’m paranoid (I am a wee bit but I’m definitely adding spice) and he’s like “If I hear your name I’ll let you know” which is what I’m looking for. If I can play a ditzy “I’m just happy to be here!” act I think it’ll make the more strategic players come to me and make them act like I’m a pawn in their chess game. (I have good episode title material Yass). Also I’m gay.
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I love music video challenges, but everyone seems to not like them so I am a bit nervous. I got closer to Coco and I love him!! I definitely wanna work with him and he said he feels comfortable with me Austin and Eric, which same so I right now feel good but its only been a day. I hope we get a good score, although we already know one person who would prefer to not be in it oof.
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The idol hunt, love the idea. Me and Darcy are working together and telling each other where we went. My first way was a flop, not helpful. Darcy’s first route was T2, R, L, R, R and went out and my first route was shorter. I think if we keep going this way we’ll get to the idol soon. I told Darcy to go T2, R, L, R, L, L as I think that will bring us closer.
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They voted Call Me Maybe. I want to die but I want to win more so HEY I JUST MET YOU
Have I confessed too much in the past few hours? Nah. So Coco and I are planning to work together and we seem to be on the same wavelength and he seems to trust me. He shared about his idol hunt and I think we are gonna try and map out together different tunnels. I mentioned how I dont think anyone would have the idol yet, but I could be wrong.  We also talked about hoping to get Austin and Eric in to potentially work together, which I am down for as long as we can get the numbers. I do think I have to feel out more before I do anything drastic as we LITERALLY HAVENT DONE A CHALLENGE YET. Any who, I think I am having a decent social game at the moment, but you know thats just my point of view. I hope no one hates me yet (thats for later). I wanna do a tribe call but Im lowkey nervous that chaos will ensue or it will be too quiet for some reason. I mainly want it to form more bonds with people, and possibly play a jackbox game of fibbage to see who the best liar is (it is a science).
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Looking at my options for a four-man super-team power-rangers/voltron alliance, my instinct is to team up with Chips, Heather, and Dylan. While one benefit is I have some prior experience with each of these guys, the main reason is that each of these have made a consistent effort to talk to me and we have some form of rapport. Glo has also tried to talk to me but like, I know nothing about her? Its been hard to have a clear conversation. The others are fine, we’ll see how we go.
should i aim for chips-heather-dylan for a 4 alliance? or chips-heather-eric?? i know its early but this kind of alliance should be i think, at the same time though being pushy can lead to being seen as a threat... maybe i should wait to see if we loose immunity
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The tea is that today Evan told me he had formed a secret alliance called "Florida" w Heather. I am okay w it because I trust both of them! We made an agreement that Evan would check tunnel 1, I would do 2 and Heather would check 3 for the idol. I hope I managed to put myself in a decent position. That's all for now I guess.
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So last night we decided to pick Call Me Maybe as our song for the Lip Sync challenge which is iconic and the pretty people tribe will win!! Today was a little bit more lowkey. I spent a majority of the day finishing off my persuasive speech assignment. Towards the afternoon though, Heather talked to me about how we could work together in the game and I was REALLY glad for that. I was intending on talking to her anyway about starting an alliance with her. Earlier, Austin and I confirmed our strategical bond by making an alliance and talking about who we would want to join us. I said Heather and Austin said Coco. I really like both so I'm glad. Heather told me that she was told about the 4, so it's nice to see that everyone's on the same page. Hopefully we win the challenge, but at the moment I feel good about the group that's beginning to form.
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My one fear in this challenge (aside from public humiliation) is that I think our songs a little basic and too over done? We’ll find out how the judges feel I guess
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I don’t have much new to report other than Mac saying he wants to work with me in the game. So I’ve got that going. John’s a fantastic guy and I’d love to get something going with him too. That’s a far cry from a majority in this game but it’s a start. I’m hoping we can pull through and win this challenge so we don’t have to worry at all about going to tribal first. I’m not confident enough in my position in the game right now that I’d be able to survive a tribal.
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Soooooo a alliance finally started with me eric , evan, heather,and coco which I'm 100% down for with the time being . I really like everyone tho so I hope we win this first challenge . Even tho I really hate music videos . I'm awkward and never know what to do . Hopefully my tribe can carry me by with this one .
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Eric tells me about this 5 person alliance plan, with himself, Austin, Heather, Coco, and myself. What I tell him, is that I am completely comfortable going with his plan and that I feel blessed to be a part of the group. However, what Eric doesn't know, is that I was the one who initially created this plan. There's a core secret 3 person alliance here with Coco, Heather and myself, along with two semi-trustworthy guys in Eric and Austin. The best part about this, is that Eric and Austin have no idea that they are on the bottom of the alliance. In fact, they think they were the ones to instigate it.
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So tis' 10:53 PM on a april 12th night and the alliance between myself, Heather, coco, austin and evan is official. Coco really wanted evan involved and honestly evan is really cool and kind of a mini-me so I'm fine with him being involved. Austin and Heather also like evan so everything's good. I hope we win the challenge because I like the whole tribe but the others haven't talked with me quite as much. Glo is nice but when she dms she, she explains herself like Im silently disproving of her which is weird because she can do whatever she wants idc she's a queen. Chips is nice and we talked the most out the other 4, but sometimes I don't understand what he's saying. I don't think that's a bad thing necessarily, but I just feel more comfortable around the other 4. Stephen and Dylan are nice as well and I think they are cool, but we just haven't really got to talk that much. I really hope we win the challenge because I don't want to vote anyone out but we will see.
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Wow ok Im in an alliance. Me like that. I named us the prettier people because we call our tribe the pretty people tribe. I really like the people in it as it includes Austin, Eric, Evan and Coco. Evan wants to make Coco Evan and I the core 3 in the group, however, I feel closest to Coco and Eric as of right now. Lets hope we need to talk game more LATER since I want to win the challenge rather than vote someone off. Im hoping I can somehow get alliances with the Eric Austin side, making us a core 3, and the Coco Evan side making us a core 3.
Oop Stephen is trying to form a tight 3 person alliance, today is the rise of the game play
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So i decided on forming an alliance of three instead, smaller but a bit less intimidating, and I let Heather choose the third for diplomacy, she chose austin who wouldnt be my first choice but still good. Hopefully this is a good first step.
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Alliance 1: The Prettier People: Me, Coco, Austin, Eric, Evan Alliance 2: The Chatty Trio: Me, Austin, Stephen (Stephen mentioned sides with Livingston and Chips as well so Id say they are affiliations) Alliance 3: Unnamed as of right now and yet to form a chat: Me, Coco, Evan I guess Austin sees us working well together so Id say that's definitely a plus so woo This happened very quickly. It has been quite an Easter in Canada
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Sunshine and myself had a nice long Skype call last night getting to know each other! Darcy was there for much of it as well but it was mainly Sunshine talking. It feels really good to build a bond early on and I’m hoping we can keep that up and work together in this game. Right now Jessie seems to be the least active person on the tribe. She doesn’t really speak much in tribe chat and I’ve only had a brief conversation with her in PMs.
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WE WON! Call me maybe more like Call us the winners BABY WOOOOOOOOO
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Hey so I just got off an almost hour long call with Glo... and she is terrifying!!! Seriously if it wasn’t for the fact I’m 80% sure I couldn’t do it I’d want her out first. HOWEVER We Won!!!!! party party. While early tribals can be good I feel like I’m doing well enough in the bonding not to need it.
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WE WON WOOOO. I was so worried!! We can all live in peace for a day Bless Up
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Russell deserves to win
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Well we lost the first immunity challenge which is a huge hit to morale. My only goal for the next 24 hours is to just convince people to not write my name down. I don’t feel like I’ve bonded as much as I should have with some people but I think I can keep my name off the block. I’ve already spoken with Mac, Darcy and Kevin and they’ve all agreed to work with me. So that’s 4 of the 5 majority there. I had a long call with Sunshine last night so I think I can get him on my side as well. I should be okay. But things can change so quickly in this game. As for who I’d like to vote out. Jessie has been the least active in tribe chat. But Dan is who I’ve spoken with the least out of everyone. Kevin being on exile island makes this vote both easier and more difficult. There can’t be a rock draw. Someone is getting straight up voted out.
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I asked the chat if anyone had animal crossing & Evan was like ‘chip does’ literally WHAT how close are y’all ?? Evan said this was his first ever ORG. Also he straight up asked me who I knew already & who was trustworthy. Like HUH. We played smash bro’s together tho after that so I think we’re chill Anyways, I like everyone on the tribe. Glo wants to form a threesome w us & Coco which I am down for. Heather & Eric both scare me 😟 I always get so paranoid at the start of orgs I’m So glad we won that challenge bc I would be so scared of going home 🥺🥺
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in alliance with Dylan who stole that video and challenge we won. My power went out and neighborhood destroyed with storm all I could do was in house by window scene and was worried I wouldn't get anything submitted but I did get something in thank goodness but I sucked. I have talked to Stephen and have talked to Chips and like both of them. I like Coco also but time difference is killing us trying to chat live but we will make it happen. I am proud of Dylan in that video so much. I want to talk live with Austin cause I have a feeling I will like  him but time will tell. Glad did not have to vote anyone out and i was scared it might have been me. We only won by a point so that was close call for sure. I still try to message and reach people but getting some to talk live is hell. Only one I talk game with is Dylan and nothing heavy yet. lol
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At the immunity challenge today, I believe I did a very good job staying in the middle in terms of how much work got done. I didn't do all the work, but I did enough so that I wouldn't get targeted for doing nothing
There's no denying that online survivor attempts to be fairly similar to how survivor is on T.V. However, there are still some very key differences between the two. One very important distinction is how much easier it is to get away with lying. This is because for one, they can't read your face, and two, the person lying has time to think about what they want to say before they say it. These two factors can make it much easier to lie compared to real life. Right now I'm lying to almost everyone except for Coco, who I feel would likely be a goat who I can take to the end. Don't get me wrong, I am ready to play this game very hard and do what it takes to win, regardless of if my tribe mates see that or not.
Gloria is lowkey weirding me out a little bit. Why does this old lady want to video chat with a 16 year old boy that she's never had a SINGLE conversation with? Why is she consistent continuing to ask about it? These are questions I do have, but in the game of survivor, sometimes you can't always know the answer. If I did ask, I could potentially find myself in hot water and cause bad vibes from her, so as of now I just need to keep declining her requests to video chat until I send her old ass home.
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So coming into this game, I see Kevin and Darcy on my tribe, and I have a relatively okay history with them. However, Kevin is the only one that is really talking to me right now other than Sunshine. Sunshine is sooo TALKATIVE AND ANNOYING!!!!! OMFG HE WONT SHUT UP! However he is good in challenges, so he needs to stick around. honestly I have had no game talk with anyone as of yet, so I dont have much to write about.
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Hey sis, not much has happened which is worrying. Me and Darcy haven’t found the idol which is annoying. I talked to a couple people about the vote and some hadn’t made their mind and I said Chrissa or Jessie as the vote. The lack of people talking is scary tbqh.
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I hate losing cause judges are blind they are wrong anyway on a personal note if i am still in the game at this point my internet should be running better cause my mom finally gave in and called bell to switch. But i am gonna be real no one has messaged me so idk how safe i feel.
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Me being able to get Chrissa out first vote. WOW COME ON NEWBIE! Snakes, they like to stay hidden. Blend in. If a person sees a snake slithering around hissing all the time, people will react negatively to the snake. But if the snake has been blending into it’s surroundings, the person wont realise. I don’t know if I’d call myself a villain or anti-hero. The reason why I want Chrissa out is because she has a bad social game and I want to keep around people who I’ve bonded with. (I swear I’m kind in real life!)
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It’s certainly looking like the vote is going to be Chrissa tonight. I’m a little sad at that since she’s a genuinely wonderful person. Something about this game is just making me super depressed. Everyone’s been so nice and friendly. Everyone has put effort into the game. But Chrissa’s name was the first one thrown out and it’s just sticking. I can’t even think of another name to throw out instead. This game is going to be rough to play I think. Usually I’m not so invested in my other tribe mates but I would truly like for all of us to win this game.
0 notes
unify-my-universe · 7 years
More of Mikey goodness...
She was just about to go back to sleep for a bit when someone knocked on the door.
Surprisingly enough the knock didn’t wake Michael up so Penny had to answer the door. It was John.
“Oh Penny wasn’t expecting you to answer the door.”
“Yeah I’ve slept with Michael the past couple of days. You okay?”
“Oh yeah, fine, fine. I’ve been summoned by Terry, well Terry Jones to get you and Michael up. Apparently we’re filming The Witch Village Scene so that’ll please Mike.”
“Why would it?”
“Well the scene involves having our faces covered in dirt, I suppose it won’t be too bad.”
“Oh no, well people in the medieval times were quite dirty! Hygiene was limited after all!”
“Yes, yes that’s very true. Anyway I’d hurry up getting ready if I were you, you know what Jonesy’s like for punctuality!”
“I will do, see you in a bit John.”
To her surprise, Michael was still asleep so had the job of waking him up. She really didn’t want to disturb him!
“Michael? John’s just been at the door, we gotta get up now. Terry Jones’s orders!”
“Mm? Oh okay love I’ll let you go and get ready.”
Penny went to go and get ready in her room and accompanied Michael in the car to the film set.
“Ah there you are Mike, Penny. Mike I want you to put as much dirt on your face as possible and Penny if you can go to Hazel, she’ll sort you out with your costume for today.” Said Terry J.
Penny’s costume didn’t look particularly flattering but the thing she really wasn’t looking forward to was having her face covered in dirt! She put the bare minimum of dirt. When Michael came up to her, she laughed in his face.
“Michael I get people in the medieval times were dirty but don’t you think you’re going a little overboard?”
She noticed that John too had gone a bit crazy with the dirt whereas Eric on the other hand had like her put the bare minimum of dirt on his face.
Penny’s lines were simple in this scene. She had to shout lines like a witch, a witch! And burn her, burn her!
Today however Eric, John and Michael had got the serious case of the giggles to the point where Eric had to bite into his scythe to stop himself from laughing! Penny for once was being completely professional although it was hard not to join in with the giggling!
She hadn’t got a clue what they were even laughing at but it was nice to see them having fun for a change as opposed to bickering at each other.
Still they managed to film the scene in one take so filming was over pretty quickly. Penny couldn’t believe it was going to be her last day in Scotland. Back to her dreary flat for a few months…
She supposed the wait would be worth it since she was going to marry THE Michael Palin. She wondered what kind of house Michael lived in. Probably a lot nicer than her flat! That wasn’t exactly difficult.
“Honestly what is up with you guys? You’ve been giggling throughout this entire take!”
“Well gotta make light of the situation!” said Eric.
Michael was also aware that this was Penelope’s last night here. He wanted to make sure it was one to remember.
With thanks to a recommendation from Eric on a French restaurant complete with the perfect romantic ambiance, Michael treated Penny to a posh meal topped by a romantic walk by one of Scotland’s many lochs.
Like where Michael proposed to Penny only a couple of days ago, they had the loch to themselves.
“Can’t believe you’re going back home tomorrow…”
“I know. The time has gone so fast but I’ve enjoyed every minute of it.”
“I’m glad love. I will miss you Penelope. When I want to really strangle the guys I’ll be thinking of the next time I see you.”
“I’ll miss you too Michael. When I’m stuck at a boring desk having to deal with silly members of the public, I’ll be thinking of you always.”
“Oh, well since we’re here do you fancy a dip?”
“Uh with our clothes on?”
“No naked silly…”
“I don’t know Michael…”
“What you scared of? The Loch Ness monster?”
“No for goodness sake Michael, that’s only a legend and even if it was real it’s been sighted in the Scottish Highlands not round here…”
“You know sometimes Penelope you really put me to shame with your historical knowledge. What period of history did you study in your degree?”
“Modern history like yourself I believe?”
“Yes I did study modern history. Though who knows? In about 30/40 years time, people at university studying history could be learning about the Two World Wars.”
“Yes perhaps…”
“So you gonna join me for a quick swim?”
“Won’t it be cold?”
“Well yeah a bit but I’ll keep you warm.”
“What if someone comes?”
“Penelope no one will come, we’ve got this place to ourselves!”
Michael at this point had started to undress himself until he was completely naked. Penny marvelled at the sight. And it was all hers to enjoy…
Michael jumped in and flinched out how cold the water was.
“Bloody hell it’s as cold as the shower at the hotel! Come on Penelope, you know you want to…”
Michael’s tone of voice had immediately convinced her.
God damn it why did he have to be so persuasive?
Penny slowly took off her clothes, looking each direction to see if anyone was coming. It seemed Michael was right and they’d got the place to themselves.
“Wow my wife-to-be really is a sight to behold!”
Penny slowly jumped in and was caught smoothly by Michael.
“Oh my god, oh my god Michael! It’s so cold!”
Michael wrapped his arms around Penny’s waist pulling her close to him.
“I know love but you’ll soon get used to the temperature.”
“Do you usually do completely mad things?”
“No only when I’m with you. It seems you have that effect on me…”
“Well I’m flattered Michael but I guess I already knew you were completely and utterly mad!”
Michael encouraged Penny to swim with her and after a while she didn’t feel so cold. Begrudgingly she accepted Michael was right.
She quite enjoyed the swim, it had been ages since she had been swimming! Swimming was one of her hobbies when she was at university. The only good thing her parents ever did was invest in some swimming lessons for her!
“Well, well Penelope I have to say I am impressed by your swimming technique!”
“Not bad for someone who hasn’t swam since she left university! Probably the only good thing my parents ever did was to pay for me to have swimming lessons!”
Just as they were getting into the groove of swimming a few lengths in the loch a torch shone in both their faces.
“Everything alright, sir? Madam?”
It was a police officer. Penny gave Michael the dirtiest look ever.
I’m going to kill you Michael.
Penny let Michael do the talking.
“Um yes, yes everything’s fine officer.”
“Hey don’t I know your face from somewhere?”
“Umm you might do?”
“Yeah I know your face, you’re from that TV programme Monty Python! You’re Michael Palin aren’t you?”
“Yes yes I am. Are we trespassing officer?”
“Oh no, no not at all. I was just checking that your wee lass wasn’t injured at all!”
“No no I’m fine we’re just um, going for a quick dip?” said Penny.
“Aye so I see… Well I’ll leave you two lovebirds to it then.”
As soon as the police officer had gone, Penny punched Michael in the arm hard.
“Ahh that hurt!”
“Oh there won’t be anyone about, goes to show how much you know! I had visions of us being arrested for indecent exposure! That would have looked good front page of the newspapers, Python Michael Palin arrested for skinny dipping in Loch! Honestly Michael I could have killed you.”
“Oh calm down Penelope, you have to admit it was quite funny.”
“Oh well I’m glad you found it so amusing!”
Michael then started to laugh uncontrollably. Michael’s laugh really was infectious so Penny found herself laughing with him till she too couldn’t stop laughing.
“Honestly Michael you’re such an idiot.”
“Ah but you love me.”
“Yes I do, very much!”
She kissed him on the lips and wrapped her legs around his waist.
“You really shouldn’t do things like that Penelope…”
“Oh yeah? Why’s that?”
“Because it’ll be very hard for me to resist temptation!”
“Oh well we can’t have that Sir Galahad can we?”
Penny wrapped her legs even tighter around Michael’s waist, she started stroking Michael’s now wet hair.
“No I’m sworn to chastity!”
Michael and Penny had promised each other that no sex would happen until they got married which was very hard when one was prone to tease the other. Penny didn’t want any unexpected surprises before she got married!
“Well Sir Galahad we’d better get back to the hotel, early start and all!”
“I agree my fair maiden! Right well I uh better get the towels out of the car.”
“What like this?”
“It’ll be fine, it’s not like anyone will be about.”
“You said that last time and you saw what happened…”
To Penny’s surprise, Michael came back with the towels without anything out of the ordinary happening. Penny breathed a sigh of relief!
Penny and Michael dried themselves off with a towel and put their clothes back on. They headed back to the car and straight to bed.
Both woke up relatively early so Michael could help Penny pack and load up her car.
“I don’t really want to say goodbye.” Said Michael.
She put her hand on top of his and squeezed it tightly.
“I know.”
“Don’t miss me too much!”
“I’ll try not to.” Said Penny.
“Make sure you tell your mother the good news.”
“I will love.”
 Penny got into the car and wound the window down. She reached over to Michael, gave him a kiss and drove off.
The next few months were pretty boring for Penny. She worked a lot of hours at the library even though she got quite a good wage packet for her part in The Holy Grail. Probably down to Michael, she thought.
Michael also had a boring few months. The arguing amongst the Pythons had gotten worse, especially between the two Terry’s and John and Terry G. It had got so bad between John and Terry that John had told him to piss off. So for a while they stayed out of each other’s ways!
So Michael was quite glad when his scenes were over and he could go and visit Penelope. Before she went Penny had given him her phone number and address.
Therefore when Michael got back home he rang her up straight away.
“Oh Penelope am I glad to hear your voice!”
“Michael hi! God I’ve missed you. You okay?”
“Yeah I’m fine, just glad to be home!”
“I bet! So when are you planning on coming over?”
“Tomorrow if that’s okay?”
“Sounds great, any idea what time?”
“Okay well I’ll make sure I’m up early! Can’t wait to hear about the rest of your filming!”
“Mm I bet, anyway love I’d better go as I’ve just got in and I want to unpack and have a proper shower!”
“I understand that completely love, see you tomorrow!”
Penny put the phone down and smiled. How she loved hearing Michael’s voice, she couldn’t wait to see him tomorrow.
She immediately started tidying up the apartment the best she could, dusting, hoovering and cleaning the kitchen and bathroom. She didn’t know why she was making such an effort for him… Like he was going to notice!
She supposed it was because she wanted to prove to him she was capable of making a nice home for him. Though Michael didn’t give the impression he wanted her to be a housewife!
Michael couldn’t wait to spend a few days with Penny, he deserved a break after putting up with the Pythons for the past two months! The wedding was already booked, the honeymoon too now all they had to sort out was what they were wearing!
However Michael wanted to make the next few days absolutely perfect for Penny. He knew she had been working really hard as of late and wanted to treat her. The big problem was, he wasn’t too familiar with Birmingham so how could he spoil her if he didn’t know where to take her?
He reckoned Eric might know of good places to take her as he was pretty knowledgeable on the best places to take girls! There was a reason why Eric had a reputation for being a lady’s man!
So he decided to ring Eric up.
“Hi Eric it’s me.”
“Oh hi Mike, got back alright then?”
“Oh yeah fine, listen Eric I need your advice.”
“Go ahead Mike I’m all ears!”
“Well I’m going to see Penelope up in Birmingham for a few days and I want to treat her and—"
“You don’t know where to take her?”
“Well I know there are probably some nice restaurants in The Bullring you know the shopping centre?”
“What about local attractions?”
“Well you could take her to see a show? There’s the Birmingham Hippodrome and since you’re both into history take her to Kenilworth Castle, that’s not far from Birmingham.”
“Thanks Eric, I just want to make the next few days really perfect for her.”
“I understand Mike, well I’ll see you soon!”
Perfect. Michael had got the next few days all planned. Tomorrow night he’d take her to a fancy restaurant, maybe a bit of shopping, the next day take her to Kenilworth Castle then a show of her choice at The Hippodrome and finally to Shakespeare’s Birthplace in Stratford-upon-Avon.
The last day would be spent sorting out their wedding outfits. Maybe they were leaving it a bit last minute but they had been so busy with work, they just hadn’t had the time to find a dress and suit.
Penny still hadn’t sorted out her bridesmaids. It was a difficult job as she hadn’t got any friends. Well except Carol and maybe Connie.
She decided to ring up Carol first.
“Hello is that Carol? It’s Penny.”
“Oh hi Penny, I heard the good news. Congratulations! You’re certainly a lucky girl bagging Michael!”
“Thank you. I’m very lucky! Anyway I wanted to talk to you about the wedding.”
“Oh yes?”
“Well I’m estranged from my parents and I haven’t really got any friends so I wondered whether you wanted to be my bridesmaid and help me find a dress?”
“Why Penny of course I will! What day were you thinking of buying a dress?”
“Friday morning? I imagine Michael will be sorting out his suit on the same day as well. I think he’s asked Eric to help him.”
“Yes that sounds fine.”
“Great well I’ll see you Friday then! Oh don’t suppose you could meet me in Birmingham? I can just meet you at the train station and we’ll go to The Bullring?””
“Yes yes of course, Birmingham New Street right?”
“Yes that’s the one.”
“Yep so meet you at the station at about quarter past 10?”
“Yes that sounds great!”
Penny put the phone down and called Connie. She really hoped John wouldn’t answer the phone… She hadn’t told Connie about John having some form of feelings for her as it wasn’t like he’d tried it on with her.
“Hello?” answered a soft American voice.
“Hi is that Connie? It’s Penny, Michael’s fiancée?”
“Oh yes hi Penny. What can I do for you?”
“Well I was wondering whether you’d be one of my bridesmaids? I’ve already asked Carol you see and well you’re the only friends I’ve got other than the Pythons.”
“Why yes I’d love to Penny!”
Penny definitely felt more organised now. She ran herself a hot bath before heading to bed. She fell asleep with the thoughts of seeing Michael again and becoming his wife.
Michael couldn’t sleep as he was too excited about seeing Penny tomorrow. He remembered that he hadn’t sorted out who was going to be his Best Man so he rang up Terry J.
“Alright Terry?”
“Mike why on earth are you ringing at this time for? It’s nearly midnight!”
“Sorry Terry, having trouble sleeping I’m seeing Penelope tomorrow you see so I’m really excited! Anyway the reason why I was ringing is I wanted to ask you whether you could be my Best Man?”
“You rang me up at this time to ask me to be your Best Man?”
“Yes I know it’s late but I just wanted to feel organised. Penelope will go mad if I haven’t sorted out one of the most important parts of the wedding!”
“Mm but Mike you don’t even need to ask course I’ll be your Best Man, now go to sleep!”
“Night Terry.”
Michael and Penny were up very early, with Michael making the drive to Birmingham from London and Penny doing some last minute cleaning of the flat.
To make the long journey more bearable, Michael blasted some tunes with the windows down. Before he knew it he’d reached Birmingham. He spotted Penny’s car a mile off and parked next to it.
He walked to the building and pressed the buzzer.
The buzzer went and Penny immediately knew it was Michael. She gave him a few minutes to come up the stairs and he gently knocked on her flat door. She let him in.
He was stood at the door in a white shirt and flared trousers. His hair looked like it needed a bit of a cut as his fringe was longer than ever. She went up to him, wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed him deeply.
“Bloody hell give me chance to get through the door!”
She started to mess with his hair.
“Your hair needs a cut. Hope it’ll be cut in time for the wedding!”
“Don’t worry love it will be.”
Michael inspected the flat. It looked immaculate but then again he didn’t expect anything less from Penelope. Everything was all open plan which made the flat feel bright and airy.
“Wow Penelope it looks very tidy in here!”
“Haha you sound surprised! Actually it’s extra tidy today because I wanted to make an effort for you.”
“So just a one bedroom is it?”
“Yeah I have no need for another bedroom well except for like a storage room or something. But I don’t have that much stuff so moving out should be easy.”
“Mm so can I have a grand tour?”
“Of course dear.”
Though there wasn’t much to see Penny gave as much of an extensive tour of the flat as she possibly could. Then she got to her bedroom. Oh shit, she forgot about the many Michael posters on her wall…
“Well, well this is a turn up for the books. It seems I’m marrying a woman who is completely and utterly obsessed with me.”
“I was going to take the posters down before you came but it just completely slipped my mind. I was worried you’d think I’d got a screw loose somewhere.”
“Now why would I think that?”
He put his hands around her waist.
“I don’t know because I’m worried about losing you?”
“Penelope I love you for god’s sake. Actually I’m rather flattered if not slightly embarrassed that my future wife has pictures of me in her bedroom. Well least I know you’re definitely in love with me!”
“Of course I am Michael. Now what did you want to do today?”
“Well first my love I want to unpack then you could give me a tour of your hometown?”
“Alright then, sounds good!”
So Penny helped Michael to unpack and they set off into the city centre. Penny quite enjoyed giving Michael a guided tour as every time she went past a building of significance Penny told Michael about the history of the place. Local history was Penny’s speciality!
After the sightseeing, they went into The Bullring only for some window shopping because Michael wanted to spoil her later after the meal then they headed back to the flat to chill for a few hours.
Penny put the television on and they both sat on the sofa. Michael put his arms around her and started to gently stroke her shoulder.
“You know if someone was to say to me a month ago that I would be marrying my favourite Python I’d think they’d gone mad!”
“Well I suppose it has been a bit of a whirlwind romance hasn’t it?”
“Yes it has but I don’t regret any of it!”
They sat watching the telly for a while until Michael said that he was taking her somewhere nice for dinner.
Penny therefore made a great deal of effort in her makeup and outfit choice. Michael did the same, he was fully suited and booted!
She’d never seen Michael in a suit in person before. Of course she’d seen him wear one in many of the Python sketches but seeing him wear one in person was much nicer!
“Mm aren’t you the most handsome man in the world?”
“Mm aren’t you the most beautiful woman in the world?”
Penny tousled up his hair.
“Oh Michael you’re so sweet!”
Luckily Penny’s flat was within close proximity from the city centre so they just walked there. Penny had never been to the restaurant Michael was taking her probably because she couldn’t afford it. She wondered how Michael even had knowledge of restaurants in Birmingham then she guessed that Eric might have had something to do with it.
Michael insisted on paying for the meal, saying that she deserved to be treated.
“Honestly Michael this is the nicest meal I’ve ever tasted but you should have let me pay my half!”
“Penelope I’ve told you, this is my treat!”
“Hm well okay Michael.”
Then they went shopping, Michael took Penny into a jewellery shop and told her to pick any piece of jewellery she wanted. After much reluctance from Penny that she wasn’t worth spending this much money on, she decided on a necklace. A gold necklace with a love heart on it. It was quite expensive!
After some more shopping, they headed back to the flat. It gave Penny chance to try on her new necklace.
Michael did the honours of putting the necklace on Penny, he started to kiss her neck delicately. She had to admit she was pretty turned on!
“Oh Michael don’t do that…”
He carried on kissing her neck, slowly and softly. Honestly he was such a tease!
“Why not? I know you love it.”
“Yes I do but how am I meant to save myself until marriage if you tease me like that?”
“Alright love I’ll stop. That necklace suits you, didn’t think you could look any more beautiful but as usual you surprise me.”
“It’s beautiful Michael but so much money. You shouldn’t be wasting your wages on me.”
“If I can’t spend money on my fiancée then what can I spend money on?”
“You’ll have to let me make it up to you.”
“Well that’s up to you love but you don’t need to buy me expensive gifts to prove you love me.”
She stroked his face.
God he really was perfect.
“Hm okay then, well we’d better get off to bed!”
“Yes I am feeling pretty tired and Penelope darling?”
“Can you perhaps get rid of that picture of me right by my side of the bed? I don’t want to wake up in the middle of the night to my face staring back at me.”
“Haha okay love.”
Penny put what she considered a very cute photo of Michael back in her drawer.
Well I suppose I don’t need all the photos of Michael if I’m going to be marrying the guy!
Both headed to bed straight away, it had been a long day!
They woke up mid-morning and had a shower. Luckily Penny’s flat had an ensuite in her room and a separate bathroom! Michael had been quite secretive of what their plans were for the next few days. This morning all he had said was that they were going to be experiencing some local culture!
She realised where she was straight away. Kenilworth Castle. Although Penny was interested in local history she’d never been to the castle before and had always wanted to go.
The place was stemmed with so much history and Michael took a lot of photographs of the castle and of Penny outside the castle. She really enjoyed herself and being with Michael had made the day pretty perfect.
It had been really nice weather which was to be expected in June. However they were in Britain, where the weather was very unpredictable!
Michael and Penny had even got a slight tan from being out all day. They got back to the flat and Penny decided to cook them both a meal. It was her way of making it up to Michael for spending so much money on her.
Although Michael spoilt her out of love, she was so used to being spoilt as a way of shutting her up. So it was safe to say she wasn’t a fan of people treating her.
They were lying in bed when Penny decided to ask Michael about how the last bit of filming for The Holy Grail went. She was surprised he hadn’t mentioned it earlier! Which made her think that the experience hadn’t been very enjoyable.
“You haven’t told me about how filming went yet, thought you’d be dying to tell me!”
“Ah well the experience hasn’t exactly been the most pleasant. I mean Terry G tried to get me to eat mud for one scene!”
Penny raised her eyebrow slightly.
“Yeah I was meant to be a mud eater and they were like oh you don’t have to eat real mud we’ll put some chocolate there for you to eat. I went how am I meant to know which is the mud and which is the chocolate? And Terry was like oh you’ll know and I thought what is the point? We had to do so many takes for the bloody thing and I just lost it. Jumped into the mud, started throwing my fists about shouting what is the fucking point. Course Gray and John found it hilarious and started clapping. Don’t think they’d seen me so angry before!”
Even Penny found it funny as she was laughing very much. She wished she’d been there to see it!
“Oh dear, poor baby! So I’m guessing the tensions between you lot hadn’t improved?”
“No, John got even more difficult to work with. Him and Terry G fell out completely at one stage! It’ll be weird doing Flying Circus without John.”
“Well you don’t have to do another series do you? I mean your last series was very good!”
“No but I suppose once it’s out the way I can spend more time with you. We’ve only got enough material for six episodes anyway so it’ll be over before you know it!”
“I think it’s because you’ve been in each other’s pockets for so long you’re sick of each other’s company. It’ll probably do you good to have some space from each other.”
“Yeah I think you’re right love. So do you fancy going to the theatre tomorrow?”
“Ooh yes I’d love to! Haven’t been to the Hippodrome in years! But what do you want to see?”
“Whatever you want to see.”
“Hm well I really want to see Phantom of the Opera.”
“My you are a depressing soul!”
“Oh shut up, the book is really good, so full of emotion and well I like my musicals.”
“Alright well Phantom of the Opera it is!”
In the morning Michael cooked themselves a nice breakfast. To Penny this meant he was very self-sufficient! Was there no end to his talents?
“Right well I’ve booked the tickets for the theatre. 2:30 matinee, thought it would be better for you than in the evening.” Said Michael.
“Oh Michael you’re a star!”
“Yes I suppose I am being a Python!”
“Anyway have you sorted out Terry being your best man?”
“Yes I sorted it out a couple of days ago my love. What about you? You sorted out your bridesmaids?”
“Yep Carol and Connie are going to be my bridesmaid. I’m meeting Carol on Friday to sort out a dress.”
“Connie eh? You might be able to find out what’s going on with her and John when you meet up with her to sort out her bridesmaid’s dress.” Michael said with a wink.
“Michael! I will do no such thing! That’s John and Connie’s business, nothing to do with us. Honestly you’re like one of the Pepperpots wanting to know all the gossip!”
Michael had reminded Penny to contact Connie in the next few days about sorting out a bridesmaid’s dress. Come to think of it, she wasn’t sure what kind of wedding dress she wanted let alone what the bridesmaids should wear!
“Ooh don’t I know it love?” said Michael in his best camp voice.
Even when Penny was slightly annoyed with Michael, his impressions always made her laugh. She always thought Michael was the best out of the Pythons to play a wide range of characters. Or maybe she was just completely biased about her future husband’s talents?
They decided to get some food before they headed to the theatre, luckily there were quite a few restaurants within the vicinity of the theatre. Michael again wanted to pay for the meal but Penny insisted on paying for herself. Michael knew not to try and change her mind!
“Penelope you really don’t have to pay for yourself. I told you, I want to spoil you.”
���I want to. Thing is Michael I have a problem with being spoilt. My parents did it all the time to shut me up. I know you do it because you love me but I just worry if you do it too much you’re doing it because you feel guilty about something.”
She started to look down at her feet. It didn’t matter how often Michael told her he loved her, she was still terrified about losing him. He was famous and what was she? Just a wanna-be actress. He deserved so much better. She worried that he’d meet someone prettier and more talented than her and just leave her. Then she’d be all alone. She couldn’t bear that again.
Michael grasped her chin so she had to look into his eyes.
“Penelope, I know you worry about being alone again but believe me I’m here to stay. You won’t ever, ever be alone again. Anyway why would I want to look elsewhere when I’ve got the most beautiful woman in the world?”
He kissed her deeply. She knew he was right but there were still things that Penny hadn’t told Michael about herself yet. The time would be approaching where she had to tell Michael everything.
“Why have you always got to be right?”
“Because I’m Mr Michael ‘Sexy Pants’ Palin!” Michael said with a wink.
Penny looked at him in horror.
“How did you—"
“Darling you talk in your sleep. I mean I’m presuming you mean me when you say Mr Sexy Pants…”
She turned bright red. She wished the ground would come and swallow her up.
Shit he wasn’t meant to know about that nickname!
“Oh bloody hell now I feel a right idiot.”
“Aw actually I found it rather cute. Well makes a change from being called The Nice Python!”
Michael got them front row seats which meant they had the perfect view. The musical was spectacular though it wasn’t Michael’s cup of tea. He preferred more cheerful musicals and plays. Penny was in tears. She loved every minute of it.
Every time Penny reached for her handkerchief and blew her nose, Michael rolled his eyes.
“Did you actually enjoy that? You were blowing into your handkerchief every time I looked at you!”
“Yeah course I was! I told you it’s a very emotional story.”
“If you say so love.”
“So who’s cooking dinner tonight?” said Penny.
“Well I can if you like?”
“Yeah okay sure. I don’t think I’ve got much food in though.”
“Ah don’t worry about that, leave that to me!”
They quickly head back to the flat. Penny gave Michael her flat key as he was going to the supermarket to buy some food. She didn’t have a clue what he was planning on cooking her, all he said was to trust him on this.
In the meantime Penny decided to ring up Connie to sort out a bridesmaid dress for her.
To her surprise John answered the phone this time.
“Oh John hi, is Connie there?”
“Yes yes she is. Good to hear from you Penny, how are you?”
“Yeah I’m great thanks. Michael has just gone to the supermarket to buy some food for our dinner tonight.”
John seemed to ignore what she’d said about Michael.
“Good well I’ll go and get her for you. Connie? Penny’s on the phone.”
“Penny hi, hope John wasn’t being too much of a pain.”
“Oh no not all. I wanted to know when you were free in the next few days as I wanted to sort out the bridesmaid dress. As Carol is helping me find a wedding dress, I’ll sort out her dress on the same day.”
“How about Sunday?”
“Yeah sounds great. Are you okay with meeting in Birmingham, say the train station?”
“Yes that’s fine, about 12ish? We could grab some lunch as well?”
“Yeah okay, see you then!”
She hung up before John could try and talk to her again. Penny set the dining room table up to give her something to do.
After another half an hour had gone by, Michael finally returned.
“Bloody hell Michael you were gone for a while. What did you do raid the whole supermarket?”
“Had to get the right ingredients love.”
“I see. Oh I’ve just been on the phone to Connie and I’m meeting her on Sunday to sort out a bridesmaid dress for her.”
“Ooh you are being organised!” Michael said, teasing her slightly.
“Yeah so organised I haven’t a clue what type of wedding dress I want!”
She had to admit it was stressing her out a bit. The wedding was next week!
“Don’t stress Penelope, I’m sure you’ll know when you’ve found the right dress.”
Michael stroked her hair and put his arms around her. It always felt good for her to be Michael’s arms. She felt safe and, well, not alone.
Michael’s preparation on their dinner took a lot longer than expected which meant Penny was absolutely starving. It seemed making food from scratch wasn’t Michael’s forte!
Luckily Penny came to the rescue and dinner was finally served, at 9 o’clock.
“I’m sorry that dinner took so long love, I just wanted to make a really nice dinner for you.”
“I know darling but seriously Michael, you don’t have to put so much effort into impressing me. You impress me enough by being yourself.”
“I suppose I’m making up for the last two months of not seeing you!”
“I know and it’s really sweet of you to make so much effort but you’re not Delia Smith dear. Maybe stick to less complicated dishes?”
“Hmm may be a good idea! So who answered the phone when you rang Connie?”
“John surprisingly.”
“Ah he must be back from Scotland then.”
“Yeah I was telling him you were out buying food for dinner and he just didn’t respond at all when I mentioned you.”
“Hm sounds like things between him and Connie aren’t improving. His mood did seem to get worse when you went.”
“Have you spoken to him about his feelings for me?”
“God no, things were tense enough as it is without something else kicking off!”
After Penny washed up the dinner plates and Michael dried them, they were ready for bed.
It was getting closer to when Penny had to tell Michael everything. It was only fair she was completely honest with him. I mean she was going to be his wife in a matter of days!
Penny woke up the next morning earlier than Michael and opened up her wardrobe. The top of her wardrobe was where she kept important documents. There were some documents that were very important indeed. She reached up and got them. She checked to see if they were all there. To her relief they were. She put them back where they originally were.
Michael stirred from his sleep. By this point Penny had closed the wardrobe door and was sat on Michael’s side of the bed watching him sleep.
“Penelope? What you doing?” he said sleepily.
He rubbed his eyes. Penny smiled. His voice sounded even cuter when he was sleepy.
“Sorry darling did I wake you? I had to go to the toilet then I thought I’d watch my cute husband to be sleep.”
She stroked his hair, moving a piece of hair from his eyes.
Man he really needs have a haircut!
“I see, in any other situation I’d call that creepy but since you’re my fiancée I’ll let you off.”
Penny made her and Michael a cup of tea, had a quick breakfast and were ready to set off on another adventure.
Penny wanted to drive for a change as she felt bad that Michael had been doing all the driving lately. After much persistence on Penny’s part, they went in Penny’s car and drove to Stratford.
It was certainly an experience for Michael as he’d never seen how Penny drove before. Michael thought she was a good driver but had got the feeling that she hadn’t had the car very long. Her clutch control was a bit woolly at times!
“Penelope you didn’t have to drive you know, I wouldn’t have minded driving again.”
“I know but I felt bad that you were doing all the driving. Also it’s one way of getting used to your future wife’s driving!”
Michael did a very successful job of directing Penny to Stratford as she had never been before. She did love Shakespeare though.
Penny spoke about her favourite Shakespeare plays and her memories of studying Shakespeare when she was studying for her O and A Levels.
“God isn’t this place really beautiful?” said Penny.
“Yes, shame you can’t visit the place where Shakespeare wrote his plays.”
“Yes that is a shame, well maybe one day we’ll be able to.”
Michael loved to take pictures of places he’d visited. Though his favourite subject was always Penelope. She was so photogenic and had the most beautiful smile.
“Michael! Are you going to take some photos of the landscape and buildings or you just going to be taking photos of me?”
“I’m not just taking photos of you, you vain creature! Though what can I say darling you were born to be on camera!” Michael said in a camp voice.
He was such an idiot sometimes but Penny loved him even more when he was being very silly. Maybe he was just born to be a very silly person?
After they’d finishing going round the house, they explored the town of Stratford. It was a pretty village. It was somewhere Michael envisaged him and Penelope living in the future. It was quiet and picturesque place to bring up children.
“You know I wouldn’t mind living somewhere like this in the future.” Said Penny.
“Mm I was thinking the same. It’s so quiet isn’t it? And plenty of pubs!”
Penny laughed. She knew Michael liked a drink or two and drank pretty much anything. However Penny had no cause for concern because Michael knew his limits.
They headed back home as Penny wanted Michael to sample the pubs around Birmingham. Before they knew it, they had got pretty drunk though Michael was worse than Penny! Well someone had to be the more sober one!
“Nice place int’it luv?” said Michael.
It seemed Michael let out his inner Yorkshireman when drunk.
“Yeah it’s great. But maybe it’s time to go home.”
“Aww but I’m enjoying myself so much darlingggggg”
Penny rolled her eyes, god he was embarrassing drunk. But hilarious at the same time.
“I know but you can enjoy yourself at home too. Come on we can grab something to eat on the way back.”
“Aw you’re no fun anymore!”
God now he’s making Python references, definitely time to go home!
They stopped off at the local chippy and as soon as Michael got some food down him, he felt sober.
“I embarrassed you didn’t I, in the pub?”
“Hm maybe a little.”
“I’m sorry Penelope, sometimes I go a bit overboard with the drinking sometimes!”
“Michael it’s fine, you are allowed to let your hair down every now and then. I’m not going to stop you from having fun.”
They settled down on the sofa for the night and finally discussed some of the honeymoon plans Michael had arranged. Michael after all had been quite secretive about where they were going. All he’d told Penny was that they were staying somewhere in this country for the first week and the next week they were going somewhere exotic.
“So am I going to find out any more about this honeymoon? You’ve been very secretive about it!”
“Well I was thinking we could go to this little Caravan Park in Devon then the week after somewhere nice and hot.”
“Yes but where?”
Michael tapped his nose.
“Ah you’ll have to wait and see.”
As much as Penny liked surprises, she didn’t like being kept in the dark about her honeymoon! But she trusted that Michael had picked somewhere they would both love.
They had an early night as tomorrow was a very important day.
“Have you rang Eric about meeting tomorrow to get your suit?”
“Shit, knew I’d forgotten something.”
Penny sighed and handed Michael the receiver for the phone in their bedroom.
“Well do it now. Honestly Michael you’re so forgetful sometimes…”
She left Michael to speak with Eric, as she knew how annoying Michael found people telling him what to say whilst on the phone.
She hadn’t fully witnessed the Palin wrath yet but there had been times when Michael had lost his temper a bit.
It was usually the little things that annoyed Michael, well he was a sensitive person.
Penny still had no idea what kind of wedding dress she wanted. Well Carol’s presence would be useful as Penny wasn’t the best on knowing what style best suited her figure. Maybe Michael was right that she’d know when she’d found the perfect dress.
Michael came out of the room to indicate that he’d sorted out meeting with Eric tomorrow.
“Done it?”
“Yep. You didn’t have to go out the room you know.”
“Well I know you get annoyed when I try and tell you what to say whilst you’re on the phone. One of your pet hates!”
“Oh yes that’s true. You do have a habit of doing that!”
Both fell asleep straight away but Michael and Penny were both very nervous about tomorrow.
Penny was up earlier than Michael and went to meet Carol at the train station.
They went round a number of bridal shops but still Penny couldn’t find the perfect dress. On the plus side she had managed to help find Carol a bridesmaid dress. A yellow coloured shift dress with small white flowers around the neck. Well Carol had got the legs for it…
Penny wasn���t quite sure if that type of dress would suit Connie but she hoped it would. After all the bridesmaids had to wear the same style dress!
Michael on the other hand was having much better luck than Penny, the only difficult decision he had to make was what colour tie to wear!
“What do you think Eric pink or blue?” said Michael, holding a tie in each hand.
“Pink’s a bit bright for a wedding Mike!”
“I thought the colour suited me.”
“You want something a little subtle otherwise you’ll outshine the bride and, well, you can’t have that!”
“Mm you’re right Eric, well blue it is then! Fancy a pint after I’ve paid for this?”
“Thought you’d never ask Mike!”
After a good half an hour browsing through the shop, Penny thought she’d found it. The perfect dress. It was made out of chiffon with crochet lace around the chest, neck and bottom of the dress. It looked quite vintage which was perfect for Penny as she’d always loved clothes from the past.
Carol urged Penny to try it on and it really suited her. She bought a petticoat to emphasise the fullness of the skirt. She complimented the look with a longish veil.
“Oh Penny you’re going to look absolutely stunning in that dress, it’s just so you!”
“Thanks Carol. I wonder if Michael has managed to get a suit yet?”
“Oh I suspect that him and Eric are in the pub now!”
Penny could probably guess which pub he’d taken Eric as him and Penny did have a sort of regular pub they’d go to after they’d been out somewhere.
Carol accompanied Penny to the pub that she suspected Michael and Eric were in and her suspicions were proved correct.
“Penny! Carol! Good to see you both. How did you know we were in here?” said Eric.
“Well let’s just say my fiancé is very predictable in terms of what watering holes he samples.” Penny said with a wink.
Penny sat next to Michael, her arm around his neck.
“So how did you get on love? Managed to get a dress in the end?”
“Yes eventually. Got a lovely bridesmaid dress didn’t we Carol?”
“Oh yes, though not as lovely as the bride’s dress!”
“When do you collect it?”
“Sunday. What about your suit?”
Penny started stroking his hair. She was hoping Michael was going to go to the hairdressers sometime soon!
“I do hope you’re going to have your hair cut sometime in the next few days!”
“Don’t worry my love, I’m going to sort that out tomorrow.”
“Well make sure you do!”
Eric and Carol looked at each other and smiled. They really were a cute couple both of them thought.
“Bloody hell she’s nagging me already!”
“Ha well me and Carol will take that as our cue to leave! Don’t want to be caught up in the middle of a domestic! See you Penny see you at the wedding!”
Penny gave Eric and Carol a hug and a kiss on each cheek before they headed to the train station.
They walked back to the flat hand in hand. It had been a pretty productive day for both of them.
“Oh Michael forgot to say that work rang me whilst you were asleep. They want me to do a shift tomorrow and on Sunday afternoon. I said I’d do it because well it’s good of them to give me so much time off work for the wedding and honeymoon.”
“Yeah that’s fine love, gives me time to sort out a few things for the wedding. Like a haircut for instance?”
She kissed Michael on the cheek.
“Thank you dear.”
It was getting even more difficult for Michael and Penny to save themselves till Monday, Penny wanted Michael and Michael wanted Penny.
Though Michael might not want her after she told him everything.
Penny had to be up early for work so left Michael in bed as he looked too peaceful for her to wake him up. She was doing a full shift today but as the library was closed on Sundays she only had to be in on the afternoon tomorrow to help sort out the new books that had come in.
So Michael was left to his own devices all day Saturday. He decided to get his hair cut. As he knew if he didn’t, he’d have Penelope on his back! He also went to collect his suit and hung the bag the suit was in, in his side of the wardrobe.
He’d told the barber that he only wanted a trim as ‘his girl liked it long’.
Penny meanwhile was busy dealing with ‘wonderful’ members of the public. Well when she meant wonderful she was being sarcastic. She had one person who just couldn’t accept that there wasn’t a book that they wanted in the library. She made Penny check multiple times to find this book, believing it was an error on the library’s part, that it had been put in the wrong section. Even when Penny said to her politely that they didn’t have that book and that she’d have to try another library, she wasn’t having any of it.
Penny felt like strangling her.
God kill me now! I bet Michael is having a much better time than me! Wonder if he’s missing me as much as I’m missing him?
Michael however was pretty bored. There was only so much watching telly he could do! He thought about doing something useful but what?
He tidied up the flat a bit though to be fair it was pretty clean anyway. He knew that Penny finished at half 5 so wanted to make sure dinner was ready for her by the time she got back. After last time’s experience he knew not to make anything from scratch!
After that pesky customer eventually went away, the rest of the day was pretty good. She liked helping people find a good book, especially books that were historical. She also enjoyed recommending similar books to what they had borrowed. She’d certainly read a few books in her time!
She knew that Michael was an avid reader too, he really was her soul mate.
Michael quickly went to the local florist and bought a bouquet of roses. He found a clear vase and put one of the roses in it. He placed the vase in the middle of the dining room table. Was Penny even a flower person? He just wanted to show his love for her without overdoing it. He knew how much she hated being spoilt!
Finally her shift ended and she could get home! She’d missed Michael so much and was looking forward to seeing him again. The poor guy must have been so bored all day!
She turned the key into the front door and opened it. The smell of food hit her and she looked over to the dining room table where there were two plates of food not long come out of the oven. In the middle of the table was a bouquet of flowers with a small piece of paper attached.
She dropped her handbag on the sofa and picked up the paper.
Thought you’d might like these flowers and your tea on the table when you got back from work. Just popped to the shop to get something.
All my love,
Michael X
Man he really is the most adorable man in the world.
She sat at the table and waited for Michael to return. He came back a few minutes later with a bottle in his hand.
“You read my note then?”
“Mm I did, what’s the special occasion?”
“Well there is our upcoming wedding and I thought you’d had a hard day so thought I’d treat you. I took on board the fact that you don’t like to be overly spoilt so I thought I’d be more subtle.”
“The flowers are beautiful, thank you Michael and the food looks good too!”
“Well only the best for you love. So shall I crack open the bottle?”
“Yes please! I think I need a glass or two after the day I’ve had!”
“Oh dear has it been a bit of a day for you?”
“Just difficult customers from time to time! Other than that, it hasn’t been too bad of a day.”
“Well you’re home now and you can relax.”
“Very true my darling!”
Penny and Michael had a few glasses of white wine between them which of course made them very sleepy. Michael was holding Penny in his arms when she fell asleep.
Michael woke up suddenly and saw Penny in a deep sleep, her hair messy and mascara under her eyes. She looked absolutely shattered. Michael moved a strand of hair from her eyes and kissed her forehead.
“My angel.” Michael said to himself.
Eventually Michael carried Penny to bed and then went to sleep himself. Tomorrow would be his last day as a bachelor.
Penny although excited that she would be finally getting rid of her awful parents’ surname, was worried after what she was going to tell Michael tomorrow. He may not even want to marry or even be with her any more.
Penny went to meet Connie and surprisingly enough Connie was happy to wear that style of dress, much to Penny’s relief! Penny also went to collect her wedding dress. Much to Michael’s disgust, Penny kept it very secret the style of dress that she’d chosen!
Although Penny didn’t know Connie as well as she knew Carol, Connie was being surprisingly open about her marital problems.
She knew Michael was dying to know the gossip, so quickly told Michael before she headed into work for a few hours.
She couldn’t completely concentrate at work, she was trying to work out how to explain it to Michael. Well he was a pretty intelligent man so he’d probably understand.
Penny soon finished work and felt completely ready to tell him.
She came in the door and Michael gave her a big hug.
“Really missed you today love, I’ve been bored stiff! Oh Terry rang earlier about a sort of stag do the guys have organised tonight at his house or something so it means I have to travel back to London. But don’t worry I’ll be back early hours of the morning. I’m a bit worried as I’ve got no idea what they’ve planned!”
“Well knowing the Pythons something very wacky indeed! Anyway Michael I need to tell you something, will you sit down?”
They both sat down on the sofa. She held his hand tightly.
“Go on love, I’m all ears!”
“Well I haven’t been entirely honest about my personal life. Yes I was treated like shit by my parents and people were horrible to me at university but well, I don’t know how to put this but I’m not from this time, I’m from the future.”
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