battlemaiden13 · 6 months
I was just wondering what kind of drunks do you believe the skelebois are? Sad, happy, flirty etc-
Who are lightweights and aren’t- and how’d they act around their S/O while drunk-
Ah THIS IS IN MY NOTES! my note for my character sheets! As such I have an answer for all of the skeletons in HND. ehehe ok here we go!
Sans -A tired drunk who seems very relaxed. He is a pretty average drinker so not that hard to get drunk but knows his limits and is very open with his S/o while drunk.
Papyrus -It is almost impossible to get hum drunk but if it ever happens he is a clinger. He will latch onto someone and hug them for the rest of the night.
Red -Is a sad drunk and will often cry if he gets drunk enough. He's an above average drinker and knows his limits but by the time he's at that stage he can't bring himself to care. He will usually cry to his S/O.
Edge -Has a high alcohol tolerance and is a secret drunk. You won't be able to tell when he is drunk or not as he hides it very well. His Undyne swears she's never seen him drunk but his S/O knows because he compliments her more.
Blue -Is a perverted and flirty drunk. He is a pretty light drinker and is just very touchy with his S/O. His dom side defiantly comes out when he drinks.
Orange -Is a fun drunk, he jokes and laughs a lot. A very giggly and entertaining skeleton to watch when he drinks. He's not that much different with his S/o when he's like this. He has an average alcohol tolerance.
Berry -Is a sleepy drunk. He gets really quiet and tired and just wants to take a nap. He doesn't drink often but has a low tolerance. He's more likely to be asleep or curl up in a hug with his S/O just wanting to be near them.
Syrup -Is a pretty aggressive crush, he will often fight people and cling aggressively to his crush. He has a pretty high tolerance though and doesn't like to drink so it's unlikely to see him like this.
Axe -Is a tired drunk and seems very relaxed. His reflexes slow down even more and he has a great difficulty following along with conversations. He will often just stare at his S/o in bliss and sit in his drunk state. He has an average tolerance but for his size that's more alcohol than most can handle.
Crooks -He is almost impossible to get drunk and when he does he's a clinger. His back will be mad at him in the morning but he goes around and hugs literally everyone. Showering his S/o with kisses as he does.
Error -Can't get drunk on alcohol, he has experienced it with an electric magic surge that hit him once and he was just bit dizzy and giggly but that only happened once and he can't get drunk
Ink -alcohol doesn't effect him so he can't technically get drunk but he would mirror everyone around him and act drunk. He'd mirror his S/o the most though so whatever they are like he would act like.
Nightmare -If he's drunk he'll pass out could. It's almost instant, as soon as he hits that threshold he's just gone. Unconsciously his magic tentacles will grab his S/O and pull them close to insure they are safe if his S/O is close to him when he's passed out. He has an average tolerance.
Dream -Is a teasing drunk. He seems almost mean as he just says whats on his mind but he's also very giggly. He'll tease his S/o and try to get her to laugh. He has an average tolerance.
Killer -Is a tired drunk. He gets more sleepy then relaxed and goes into a disassociated state as his different personalities argue. He will just grab onto his S/o sleeve and stare into space. He has a lower alcohol tolerance.
Daydream -Is a flirty drunk and a pretty light weight. He also lets his perverted thoughts out so he can be pretty forward. His only goal is to make his S/o blush.
Mint -He blushes a lot when he's drunk. He has an average tolerance but when he does get drunk he can start to feel emotions again and it just messes with him a bit. The warm feeling in his chest irritates him and he wants his S/o close so he can protect them.
Mango -Is a complete lightweight but a calm drunk. He doesn't act much different other than his shyness disappears and he can hold conversations with people. With his S/O though he gets really loud and has no volume control.
Roulette -Is a teasing drunk with an average tolerance. He likes to laugh and make fun when he drinks in a friendly way. He teases his S/O a lot more with the goal to make you both laugh.
Sniper - He is almost impossible to get drunk but when he is drunk he is a clinger and excitable. He gets loud and just wants to talk and be with the people he cares about.
Colt - Is a sad drunk and will often cry when he drinks. He has a sweet spot though when he laughs and is really fun to be around and he knows exactly where his limit is.
Musket -Much like Edge he is a secret drunk. No one knows when he's drunk though even his S/O as he is pretty complimentary towards them normally. He has a high tolerance too.
Carbine -Flirty drunk with a lower tolerance. He gets a bit handsy with his S/o but will back down if they tell him too.
Rifle -Is a fun drunk he jokes and laughs a lot. A very giggly and entertaining skeleton to watch when he drinks. He's not that much different with his S/o when he's like this. He has an average alcohol tolerance.
Lust -Is an aggressively perverted drunk. He will flirt with anyone and everyone and it's clear just how horny he is. He's whining to his S/o a lot about exactly what he wants and is defiantly feeling them up. He has an average tolerance.
Charm -is a jovial drunk. He's just here to have a good time and loves telling stories. He's here to make sure that everyone is having a good time and will constantly be checking on people. He has a lower alcohol tolerance than average
Wine -He has a high alcohol tolerance and is an evil scheming drunk. Just doing things that mess with others, either for the drama or his own personal game or to entertain his S/O.
Coffee -He is a quiet drunk and often won't talk but will cling to his friend or S/o. He's also a tad scary, glaring at others who come near him and his friends. He has a surprisingly high tolerance.
Black -Is a tired drunk. He just wants to rest yet when he's drunk someone else is usually dragging him around. He has an average tolerance and wants to just go to sleep with his S/O.
Mutt -Is a flirty drunk with a low tolerance. He will flirt with anyone and with his southern drawl it packs a punch. He talks a lot more when he's drunk and will be very flirty with his S/o.
Vi -he's a ranting drunk. He will just rant about anything that's been irritating him and it's hard to get him to shut up. He has a pretty high tolerance and just want's to talk to his s/o.
Money -Doesn't drink. He is five years sober (narcotics) and probably could but he doesn't want to risk a relapse and will stay away from consuming alcohol. He's fine with others drinking around him though and is the designated driver.
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soccerpunching · 10 months
That Outercode Anthology with GouKidou just keeps on rotating in my mind. I don't think I ever recovered. Why were they made like this?! Teasing each other too whaaaaat
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If you want to check out the whole chapter (it's just one) to know what it's about, it's in reddit here!
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banished-to-ebott · 1 year
Rules and Writing
7:00pm, March 25, 2023, Est
So, I'm falling hard back into my UnderTale phase. It's been.. almost 8 full years since the game came out, and I feel old. It's been Four years since I last fully interacted with the fandom, and I'm in need of nostalgia.
So I'm opening an UnderTale Tumblr page.
I'll be writing for the characters, ranging from Flowey to the Dog Knights, from Sans to Asgore, to even the AUs and outercoders.
But first, I have to lay down what this page will be about.
Requests; Open (Current count: 3)
I do not charge for anything I write. It's written for pleasure.
Masterlists ---- Under Construction
Rules below---
This will be suggestive, smut filled, etc. I'll have that under the tag 'boning.'
There will be dark themes of mental issues, physical issues, yandere, toxic shit that will come from yandere themes, etc. These, of course, will have trigger warnings.
I will write for trans readers, cis readers (masc or fem,) enby readers, poly, and more. I love to write for amab charcters, as there isn't a lot of representations for them.
I will do match ups with my characters, but I won't write a story around ocs out of nerves for bringing them out of character.
I will not, however, write incest, pedophilia, anything to do with feral animals, and much more. I'll update as things comes up.
I will not condone bullying, bigotry, or harassment. You'll be blocked.
I won't give personal information about myself.
I'm not aging up the kids.
I'll write a multitude of universes, just suggest it and I will most likely write for them, just as long as I know about it.
My main writing will go to Mafia au, but again, I will do any au as long as I know about it. And if I don't? I'll research :)
Send in all your requests, I'm very happy to do then :)
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undertaleandyou · 4 years
aw hell yes!! outcodes with the accidental kiss thing?
Of course~!
He probably meant to platonically kiss you on the cheek or something. You just so happened to turn your head and he kissed your lips on accident. His face flushes brightly and he tries to laugh it off. You smile and try to pretend that nothing happened, but your face feels really hot and you feel like you’ve embarrassed yourself. Ink is still learning about his emotions, but he knows that you’re upset at something. 
“Is everything okay?” He asks. You tell him that everything’s okay and you shouldn’t worry, but he knows better. So he turns your face and kisses you properly this time.
You were just having a little fun with Error initially. You took a little bit from his chocolate stash and now he’s chasing you around like a madman. You’re cackling, but you realize you’re coming up on a dead end. You slow down and turn to him, ready to admit your defeat when he suddenly collides with you. You two fall onto the floor and next thing you know, his mouth was on your lips.  He lingers there for a moment, processing what just happened, and then sits up quickly. His face is the brightest blue you’ve ever seen and error texts cloud up his sockets.
“Th-That didn’t happen, got it?!” He shouts at you. You point out that he was the one who lingered while you were at his mercy. “SHUT UP, NO, I DIDN’T. NOT AT ALL.”
He’s been avoiding you lately. You can’t really understand why, since prior he’s been good company. Did something happen that you aren’t aware of? You’ve tried talking to him about it when you two meet up, but he always brushes it off and tells you that it’s nothing. Eventually, you get fed up with him and go to confront him about it.  This will lead you two getting into an argument. He’s in denial that he’s been avoiding you, but you keep bringing up the times he obviously did. You’re determined to leave with some answers. In the heat of the moment, he just grabs you. You think of the worst and brace yourself, only to feel his mouth against your lips.
“There! That’s why! You get it now?!” He shouts, shaking you. You stare at him, unsure how to respond. Suddenly, his socket grows wide and color rises in his face. “Oh... Oh God, what did I just do...?”
He was in his garden, just getting ready for your visit. There’s tea on the table, under the gazebo, still brewing and some shortbread cookies cooling on plates. He figured he’d pull some weeds out until you arrived. However, you arrived just a little early. You figured he wouldn’t mind too much. You just had nothing better to do that morning. You see him working in his garden and thought it’d be nice to surprise him. You approach him and make yourself known, only to accidentally startle him. He jerks back so suddenly that he hits you, making you stumble back. Both of you are apologizing and he looms over you to check if you’re alright.  You sit up, though you misjudge how far his face is from your’s. Your lips brush against his mouth for a moment, but you pull back as soon as you felt it. It was too late. He’s so bright in his face as he stares at you. He laughs softly, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Um... If you wanted a kiss, you didn’t have to play a trick you know.” He says. Your face burns and you playfully swat at him.
You’re typically okay whenever he visits, so long as he doesn’t make any trouble for you. Right now, everything is just alright. Your legs are draped over his lap as the two of you are watching this mind-numbing show, making commentary of how trashy this is. 
“Aye, yo, pass me the clicker.” He asks, pointing to the remote that’s by your head. You tell him to get it himself. Mistake. He tries to move your legs off of him, but he’s only half successful, only getting one of your legs to dangle off of the couch. He huffs and starts leaning over you, reaching for the remote. You grab it and hold it just out of his reach. 
“Yooo, c’mon! Don’t be such a square!” He whines, reaching even further. His knee slips, making him fall on top of you and his mouth lands right against your lips. He sits up quickly, now realizing what sort of position he’s in. Thank God for these shades, you have no idea how much he’s staring at you right now... Uh, yeah, quick! While your guard is down, he snatches the remote from your hand and returns to his seat.
“Ah... Heheh, yeah. I got’cha good, huh?” He chuckles dryly. 
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sinmedaddy · 4 years
Nsfw drink hcs?
I thought for a moment, in my sleep deprived brain, “Drink nsfw headcannons? Like, alcoholic beverages? Like ‘sex on the beach’ sort of drinks?” Then, I remembered Dream and Ink’s ship name is literally DrInk and I stared at my screen as my mental walls began to crumble.I’m a mess. XD ~ Goblin
Dream is so soft and gentle that it makes Ink a mess. 
They honestly don’t have sex much, but when they do it’s still so gentle and loving and soft.
They don’t really have a dom/sub dynamic. They both love to make their partner feel adored.
So many cute, chaste smooches
Neither of them can keep their hands off the other. They’re a tangled up mess of “I love yous” and soft touches.
When heats hit with either one, they’re still pretty gentle and soft. However, there are times Dream gets a little more dirty and sometimes becomes more of a brat. 
Either way, when they’re done with the deed, they stay in each other’s arms and eventually fall asleep with each other.
These two are just so gentle and so sweet with each other okay? Even during sin, they’re so cute. 
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(This au belongs to me) 
 OUTERCODE!                                                                             INFORMATION:
soul trait: monster soul 
nickname: Unknown
gender: gender-fluid 
Pronouns: he/her/them/it 
Love interests: None yet 
Sexuality bisexual 
height: 6'9
Unknown is white skeleton like his brother but has random black spots around his body. his eye socket is fully back with no eye lights in them. he wears a rusty mask over sockets to hide the scar on his left socket. wears a very dark body armour with a dark blue outline around the armour. black gloves. 
unlike the other papyruses. He is very quiet and is very hard to get a word from him. he is very distant like his older brother and kind of blunt with his words and doesn't give a second f9ck about people's option and around people he cares. he is bit more chatty and nice, understanding when you having troubles and give great advice. 
He is actually a personal knight for king asgore, he spends his days protecting asgore for future danger or training with Undyne to get better in battle.
powers and abilities:
Summon bones, soul grab, blaster gaster, special attack and a new skill he recently learned is weapon summoning. 
he couldn't see frisk so he couldn't really give an opinion on them but he can sense their presents in the room...
he thinks chocolate is an interesting kid. seeing that they love to run around and trying to befriend every monster is amusing to him since this au isn't a very friendly place to be in. he sometimes have to time in before a monster could kill the kid or watch in awe when they successfully befriend a monster but he still doesn't trust the kid...after all they did kill him once. 
Unknown and axe are brothers! they have an understanding and respectful relationship with each other even if they argue about..things, unknown wouldn't admit this out loud but....he kind of sees axe more like a father figure instead of a brother-probably because he did raise him.
Unknown doesn't remember much about him but having random memories appearing in his dreams about void. 
respects him due to keeping his brother company when his training or on duty with asgore. Unknown fully trusts him since he knowns Grillby wouldn't do anything to hurt his brother. 
He USED to admire her, thinking she was strong and brave but growing older and started to join the royal guard.. she made him change who he really is. now he just sees Undyne as a trainer to help him protect the king. 
respects him the most in the entire underground beside axe. Asgore tries to break papyrus cold demeanour and succeeded . they become friends alone and act professional around others. 
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inazuma-pics · 5 years
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【Inazuma Eleven Outer Code】 Episode 2
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Help me plz
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battlemaiden13 · 14 days
Since HND part two have been going on for a little while now. I am curious on the HND skeletons relationship wise with reader as it's been a little while since it was last asked about. The latest update to this being at chapter 135. How do they feel about the MC romantically and such up to the most recent chapter 171?
HND Feelings chapter 172 since I just posted that one XD
Sans -His crush is still going strong but he also still has no idea what he should be doing about it. He’s not great when it comes to these sorts of feelings and they always leave him feeling sick with nerves. When you came back into the skeletons' lives he realized just how strong his feelings were and seeing Papyrus also be in love with you was killing him, that was until the two of them talked. He still feels horrible about ruining your date by confessing to his brother but he doesn’t want to push down his feelings for you anymore either. 
Papyrus -So his brother threw a bit of a wrench in the works and being apart from you for so long made him feel odd about just asking you out right away as more than a friend but he still plans to. He still needs to find the perfect moment though and he now wants to make sure he doesn’t hurt his brother's feelings in the process. It’s a very complicated thing but he is working up a plan. 
Red -So he doesn’t think you hate him anymore but he is still convinced that he's not good enough for you. He ended his casual thing with Casey over guilt and he couldn’t bang someone else knowing the love of his life is right there. He’d seriously do anything for you but has convinced himself that you would never like him as anything more than a friend. 
Edge -He actually feels much better about himself and feels ready to ask you out, if only he could find the words and a way to do it without dusting his brother by accident (From breaking Red’s heart accidentally). Seeing you again and you being so excited about him made him feel like all of his hard work payed off. He’s still unsure about whether or not he could actually protect you but he wants to be with you. You just make him feel safe and seen. 
Blue -He’s working on it. Honestly the Interview boosted his ego on this a lot. If people thought you were dating already perhaps that idea could begin to sprout in your head. He already knows you're attracted to him but he doesn’t want just attraction. He wants love. So he’s being patient and building that up first.
Orange -Has it bad. He gets so jealous over every interaction you have with the others it’s driving him insane but he feels like you wouldn’t date him if he asked. He feels as if he has been nothing but bad luck to you and that he always ruins or makes things worse. This of course won’t stop him from getting jealous when you flirt or mention being interested in someone else. Like Kal. He hates Kal for no other reason than he thinks you were going to sleep with him 
Berry -Still in love with you and very much working up the nerve to kiss you and propose a poly relationship where he can share you with his brother. He has been working a lot since you came back into the skeletons' lives so he’s missed seeing you but his feelings for you haven’t changed in the slightest. 
Syrup - If he hadn't of made that deal with his brother he would have asked you out the moment that you admitted that you loved him. He still can’t think straight whenever your around and knows he’s going to go back to making an absolute fool of himself if you spend time together. If it wasn’t for Charm telling him he’s an idiot and that he would scare you away he would be in full stalking mode. 
Axe -Still doesn’t remember your real name but he knows he likes you. He can’t say how much he likes he just knows it’s strong. He can’t remember the last time he felt so strongly about anyone. He wants to protect you and keep you safe. The others have noticed Axe will often ask about you even if he hasn’t seen you in weeks proving just how much you are on his ever slipping mind 
Crooks -He still has a crush on you and still doesn’t have a name for it. If asked he says that he likes you a lot and will gush about you but he believes this is just a strong admiration. He doesn’t understand why he feels bad hearing your hanging out with other people or why when you tell him he’s hot it’s the first time in a long time he actually believes you. Even if he can’t name his feelings as a crush he knows he wants to be around you as much as he can. 
Error -Is still trying his hardest not to fall in love with you. And he doesn’t. You're annoying and an earworm. His only saving grace really is that you were hardly around but now your back and he finds himself wanting to see you and also wanting to stay as far away from you at the same time. When he heard about your trip to the hospital it really got to him and now he keeps checking in on you which is just pissing him off. He’s probably going to be annoyed the next time he sees you purely because of the happy feeling that will spread through his chest when he does. 
Ink -He still is conflicted about you. He doesn’t feel a rush of love or anything for you but he is still very curious. Surely there is more to you than what you are showing him. More than anything he misses the version of you he knew. He was probably one of the only skeletons unaffected by your absence and sudden return into the skeletons' lives. 
Nightmare -Still in love with you and still is trying to not get involved. He doesn’t want you to get hurt, he couldn’t do that again. After checking in on you at the house and seeing your face again it’s all he could think about. He wants to spend more time with you but his scared. What if you aren’t what he thinks? What if you get hurt again? Or what if he loves you more than he did when you were his sacrifice? 
Dream -Still likes you and has no idea what to do about it. As such he's in a sort of waiting period where he won’t do anything, not even seek out your company but whenever you are around he gets all giddy and happiness floods over him. He has never actually acted on his own feelings before in the ways of love so he’s not even sure what his supposed to do. 
Killer -Fuck he missed you. He didn’t realize how much he missed you until he saw your face, until you snapped him out of spiral with a simple touch and how you had grounded him so easily. Killer also knows as much as you ground him you also make him insane. He wants to be near you but couldn’t bear the thought of you getting hurt. Whatever he chooses though doesn’t stop the fact that he is very much in love with you. 
Daydream -He thought he would be ok. He thought he could just be friends with you but after that kiss the memories of his wife flooded back. He is still madly in love with you but being near you hurts too. He knows he could get you to fall in love with him again but feels greedy for wanting that. He is going to avoid you as much as he can until he can get his thoughts straight. 
Mint -Still hates you purely based on the fact that you are a human although there is something itching at him. You don’t disgust him as much as some other humans in fact he finds himself being comfortably numb in your presents. He’s always numb but you seem to make him falter and he’s not sure how to act near you. 
Mango -He might have a small crush. He hardly knows it's there though he’s just happy to have another human friend. He’s so excited that you seem to want to talk to him more that he’s going to send you a million messages and then get embarrassed that he sent you that many. His crush will only get bigger the more the two of you talk and the nicer you are to him.  
Roulette -He is no longer concerned for your safety, well, he is to a point but he’s no longer concerned about you getting involved in his job. It's obvious you can take care of yourself but he still thinks you should avoid getting dragged into their family business as much as possible. His crush has grown the more he spends time with you and he’d be happy to date you but would actually feel more comfortable if you were dating some others as well. That way there's more people looking out for you and you wouldn’t be lonely when he’s away at work. 
Sniper -He’s completely and utterly embarrassed. He now knows he loves you, he wasn’t sure until he tried to apologize to you at dinner again and you shot him down but even though he knows you can take care of yourself now he still doesn’t want you to have to put yourself on the line and if you were dating he knows you’d have a strange obligation to do so. He’s trying to come to terms with the fact that the two of you won’t ever be together but it’s hard to get over someone you are madly in love with. 
Colt - Next time he sees you he is going to ask you out. The only thing that will stop him is if any of the others get in the way but he’s made up his mind. He was in love with you long before he knew it was you and ever since meeting you that love has only grown stronger ever since meeting the skulls. Seeing you in action just gave him the push he needed. He wants to be with you. 
Musket -You telling him off for saying he needs to be stronger for you really made him fall harder, which he didn’t think was possible. He likes that you told him how you felt about the gang and actually enjoyed being a part of it part time. He wants to ask you out too but is planning his moves very carefully. 
Carbine -Is still convinced himself that this is just a little crush and nothing more. You are literally the only being who can make him put his work down but that doesn’t mean you're special or anything. Of course if you asked him out he’d say yes but you have so many skeletons to choose from he is doubtful that you would even pick him. 
Rifle -Fuck he has it hard for you. He will still go out of his way to listen in to any conversation that might be about you and will full on fanboy about you when he has a moment. He snuck away from work to visit you in the city and even almost got a kiss. Now the two of you are planning a beach trip. Even if it won’t happen for a while he’s excited to spend time with you. He won’t ask you out though, convinced you’ll say no and just see him as a friend. 
Lust -He’s interested to say the least. He thinks you're very attractive and would like to do many things to you but there are moments when his attraction feels like more. He’s not reading too much into it though. Love doesn’t really exist after all and even if it did he would be far to horny for a single partner. He would very much like to kiss you. 
Charm -Is still very attracted to you physically. Personality wise he thinks your lovely and he can see why the others hold you in such a high regard. He would still love to explore that physical attraction but with Syrup being his best friend it feels wrong to ask so he’s content to stay on the sideline and help his friend make better decisions to win you over. 
Wine -So that kiss may have fucked him over. He wasn’t expecting it to be as good as it was nor turn him on as much to put you in your place. He wouldn’t call it love or anything though. Just an attraction that he would very much like to see more of. He’s more shocked at how fast you have gained his attention more than anything else. No one has been able to catch his eye as quickly or efficiently. That slap you gave him must have knocked out some brain cells. 
Coffee -He was in love the moment he laid eyes on you. He never really believed in love at first sight until then. Because of this he also had no idea how he was supposed to act around you. What is he supposed to do with his hands? He gets so embarrassed around you he just doesn’t know how to act. He’s never been in love like this before
Black -He’s so very annoyed that he likes you. Mainly because he hates you at the same time. He’s also very much still convinced you hate him. Sure you called him a friend but the two of you argue so much that there’s no way you actually like him as anything more than an annoyance, which is making him even madder about his feelings. After all you never actually said you didn’t hate him, you were clearly putting on some sort of act for the other monsters. 
Mutt -He liked you from the moment on the train. Now he’s just trying not to make a complete ass of himself. Him and Coffee often talk together about you as neither know what the fuck to do. Mutt may come across like he has a lot of experience in dating but he has very little. Either way he fell quickly for the human and now he’s stuck with these feelings. 
Vi -There might be something there but he hasn’t registered it yet. Sure he panicked when he saw you having a panic attack and his soul feels lighter when he sees he’s scheduled to work with you for the day but that’s purely just because your nice and nothing more. Probably. 
Money -He likes teasing you and thinks you're cute with how obvious your crush for him is. He doesn’t have feelings beyond friend for you though and is convinced he won’t develop any more as it’d be too much work with the amount of other skeletons trying to get with you. 
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ut us uf ht fs mt mf ms skeleton Bros and outercodes react to Male s/o who is tall and looks intimidating but actually has sweet and warm personality. so basically gentle giant s/o. if you're uncomfortable doing the request you don't have to do it😊
Not uncomfortable at all! If anything, this is real cute and I love it -w-
I hope you're ready for this! I made it more that it’s just a crush at first but they do end up getting together.
Sans- Man when Sans first met him, he wasn't really too sure how to feel about Y/n. He was just so big compared to Sans, even their hands were different sizes! He had pretty small hands though, to be honest. Of course he still went to go and talk to him, just because he would be kind of a dick for not talking to some random person just because they were big, tall, and  was kind of... scary lookin' he's seen scarier. The first time he spoke to them he went up to do the old whoopie cushion in the hand trick and when the guy shook his hand his grip tightened around Sanses hand which made him tense up feeling like he was about to get thrown, but then Y/n snorted, and started to giggle covering his mouth with his free hand turning his head away. When Sans saw that, heard the giggles from such a big guy he... yeah, he got hit by emotions real hard. Wow. Okay. Wooooowwwww he has a crush now he guessed. Fuck. He kept making up excuses to be in places that he knew that Y/n would be at until his friends found out about his little crush on the other guy and Alphys said something about Yaoi? He wasn’t sure he wanted to know what the hell that was, but he was too busy hiding in his jacket because they were teasing him.
Papyrus- Depending on how tall Y/n is, he's either taller or shorter than him as he is 6'6.5 himself! If Y/n is taller than him, he's going to be a little shocked but excited to meet them. The first time that they met it was because Papyrus had been running and ran right into them! Knocking himself over and he looked up to see the tall and... honestly grumpy looking human looking down at him. "Oh hello! I, the great Papyrus, is very sorry for bumping into you!" he saw the tall humans lips go up in a small smile and he takes his hand into his own helping him up shaking his head in a way of saying it's fine, and asked if he was okay. The humans hands were so warm! Papyrus thought to himself, feeling just a tad embarrassed. It was a weird feeling in his stomach. Then they stood there in silence for a little while Papyrus holding onto the humans hand while he was most likely waiting for Papyrus to let go. After a full minute the human clears his throat and starts to talk "Hey are you-" Papyrus quickly says. "would you like to go on a date?!" then he realized what he said, making him cover his mouth with one hand, then the other, and turns running away shouting how sorry he was. Ugh come on Papyrus, you're better than this.
Blueberry- Blueberry loved to work out, often he would go to the gym to do it there after they got out of the underground. The only annoying thing was the fact that sometimes people would worry about him and see if he needed help a lot. Yes, he knows that he's a skeleton, and yes he knows that he's 4'8 but that doesn't mean he's a child! It meant he was short and had bones. His favorite thing to do were pull ups but he could also lift weights, which he was doing now or at least will do. He put the weights onto the bar humming under his breath and looks around. Of course he knew that he needed a spotter because if he didn't, it could be dangerous... he saw a human male sitting typing on his phone making him smile and he walks over tugging on his shirt lightly "Excuse me! I, the magnificent Sans, would like to ask you for a bit of help." the human turns his head looking at him and squints a little bit making his bones tense. Oh... okay, this one was a tad scary! Not that he would judge, of course, that would just be mean! "Ah-... I would like to lift weights but I need a spotter, would you mind helping?" the human shrugs his shoulders saying sure, and gets up. He was so tall! Blueberry shook his head to get his mind off that and hurries over to get onto the table the guy following after with a soft laugh. As he lifted his weights, they spoke to each other and Blueberry learned that the human looked a little scary, but was very sweet in personality! Blueberry liked him.
Stretch- Man Y/n could crush him and he'd thank him. When Stretch first met Y/n, it was when he was heading home from the store. His brother just asked him to go and get things, it was tiring and he didn't really wanna go but oh well, he couldn't say no. While he was walking he lost his balance, almost falling to the floor but before he could hit the ground or even short cut to catch himself he felt a pair of arms get wrapped around him catching him from falling and when he looked to see who it was, it was a human! A male human who looks down at him frowning "you okay?" he asked. Stretch would have to stare up at the person, not saying anything. It was embarrassing but to be honest, he loved it when people were stronger than him, it wasn't the hardest thing to do because he's a skeleton so his body isn't the strongest but still! He'd slowly mumble that he's fine and stand up straight fixing his hood to be over his head, hiding his bright orange face. Then he would have to teleport away, home, knowing he was tired and that might not have been the best idea. Well annoyingly, the human and his brother turned out to be friends so he comes around fairly often and Stretch's crush just kept getting stronger and stronger. This was embarrassing! He didn't even think about the fact that the guy looked a little 'threatening' because he's seen worse.
Red- Y/n? Why are you asking about Y/n? Fuck off! He doesn't want to talk about that tall asshole... okay so since he's 5'8 he isn't the craziest tall person but still he thought it was good enough. Then he met Y/n, and it was a shock for him. When people looked scary to him, he didn't trust them, because he knew that most of the time those people were mean and aggressive so he was cold to Y/n and never spoke to him and he never tried to talk to him either so it worked out for them. Until it didn’t. He was at Grillby’s new place drinking his mustard talking to Inferno rambling about shit that his brother did and while he was doing that he spoke about the tall threatening looking guy, Y/n right? Inferno smirks and mentions the fact that he hired that guy and called him over making Red's face go a deep red color, mostly at his cheeks sweat forming on his brow. Holy shit, what? Why? Inferno leaves even though he reached out to try to stop him. Y/n let's out a small chuckle, resting his head against the palm of his hand. "Hi there" he purred, looking amused. As they spoke, Red found out that Y/n was really sweet and kind and honestly? A little shy. Red knew he was  in trouble then! Dammit, why'd he have to go and talk to the tall guy? Ughhh now he has a crush. Damn it all. It’s so weird that Y/n looks threatening but has to be one of the sweetest people that he’s ever met... that’s so nice. 
Edge- It was a little strange for others to be either just as tall as himself, close to it, or taller! It confuses him at times, if he was to be honest. When he first saw Y/n it was while he was walking around the shop trying to find the things that he needed, and he was a little annoyed that he couldn't find the things yet. "Ugh! Why do humans have to keep everything in weird places?" he turns around the corner, bumping into someone's chest and since he was a little light, being a skeleton and all, he loses his balance starting to fall backwards. Damn him and him lowering his guard, why would he lower his guard here? He should never do this! Dammit. Before he could hit the ground though he felt a pair of arms get placed around him, catching him and a voice saying "Geeze, sorry there! I didn't mean to bump into you like that, fella" Edge stares up at the person that he bumped into, that was now holding him, seeing a guy that looked quite threatening in looks how interesting? Though he was also much too close making his boney cheeks warm up with a deep red blush. "Do not call the terrible Edge, fella!" he pushes on the humans chest, forgetting about the fact he was being held so he lost his balance falling down to the ground. With the thud he grunts and opens his eyes looking up at the human who frowns holding out his hand to help him up, but he smacks it away and gets up, stomping away blushing. He was angry and embarrassed! Dang it, that's so not fair! Ugh! Plus after this he started to meet up with that human more often for some reason.
Axe- unless Y/n is giant like over 8'5 then he’s not going to be bigger than Axe. Yet he can still be a gentle giant, and he doesn't mind. If anything, Axe thinks it's cute. When he met Y/n, it was a rainy day and he was walking without an umbrella with his head tilted forward. The rain was pouring down soaking into his clothes, and pouring into the hole in his skull which caused the water to run out of his eye sockets. It felt a little strange, but more annoying than anything... then he felt a tug on his sleeve making him pause and he turns his head to the side seeing a human staring up at him, a frown on his face. Tall... looked threatening... then he saw movement so his eye shine shoots over to look at it but pauses when he saw that the human was offering his umbrella a small smile on their face "Hey buddy... I see you're getting wet here, you want to burrow this?" Axe stares at the human, then at the umbrella and slowly takes it curling his sharp fingers around the handle "Tha...nk you" he mumbles out and moves it to block the rain for them both having to step a bit too close to the human for his liking but they didn't seem to mind. That's how they met for the first time, then later Axe found his scent again, and followed it, starting to talk to him again.
Lord- Does Y/n think he's better, just because he's taller than lord? Well jokes on him! Lord doesn't care about heights! He can still crush that tall fucker under his heel. Yes he was the full shortest out of them all but he didn't care, not at all. When he met Y/n it was sort of a bad first meeting. He lost his brother and was searching for him, when he heard familiar crying! He ran to it to see a human standing over his brother so he attacked! Mostly running to be in front of his Bro snarling out an ask of what the hell was going on? Y/n quickly panics and explains that his brother tripped and fell and that's why he was crying and Y/n came to see if he was okay. When Lord heard that he hums then yells at his brother for running away. He hates the fact that Y/n was... Attractive. Oh also how his brother somehow got his number and invited him to hang out! Damn you Mutt!!
Mutt- He thinks Y/n so cool! He loves how tall he is... Plus with how threatening his datemate looks, nobody really bugs them! They met in a funny way, you know? You see Mutt likes to try to work his magic often, it gives him headaches when he overdoes it because his magic is too out of his control and sometimes it does things that he doesn't like, or the crack in his skull would get worse if he overworks his magic. That's why he's been trying to work on it! His brother doesn't like it so mostly Mutt does it without his brother knowing. Either he gets better with it, or he'll end up dying, either way it's good, right? No wait, that's a bad way to think! Back to his datemate. While he was working on his magic, trying to ignore the pain his skull, it started to get a little too much out of his control, and he tried to stop it but he couldn't and he teleported! His vision went black as he fell, passing out. When he woke up, he was in the arms of a tall threatening looking human! He was looking down at him, his eyes squinted before they softened and he tilted his head asking if he was okay! Mutt couldn't say anything still feeling tired and sick to his stomach, the pain in his skull was pounding and he knew that Lord was going to be mad at him. All he got out was a nod and most of his address before passing out again. This time when he woke up he saw the same human sitting on the chair beside the couch where he was laying, an ice pack on his forehead where his hood was pushed back just a little bit. He thought his leash and collar were taken off, that's new... he turned his head to see the human and he mumbles out a soft greeting the human perking up and calling for Lord to come in. Yeah, he got yelled at so much for that. To make a long story short, Mutt loves his datemate so much and he's so happy that he met him! The tallness is nice and he likes how threatening he looks, it's funny how sweet and cute he is.  
Wiseguy- A tall threatening looking guy? That's just what they need in his job! Sure, they already have Clip and Boss, but they're both tiring and both skeletons so maybe a human could be good for their work, he thought at first. It wasn't because he might have a bit of a already crush on the human, no, not at all! Okay maybe a little bit... he was just so cool and tall and threatening looking, that's so cool! Ughhhh. Their first meeting wasn't really the best but wasn't the worst thing either, which he was pretty happy about. You see, he was out on a job when his hat got blown off by the wind and he had to chase after it. Sure, he could use his magic, but the people they were trying to find could sense magic use so it would be better for him to not do it, because they might already be able to sense him from just being a monster made out of magic. Well while he was running after his hat he didn't notice there was someone in front of him until he ran right into them, one of their arms went around his waist his eyes shut from running into them and he looks up, to see the human looking down at him. His eyes were slightly narrowed, holding the hat before his eyes warmed up and he smiles putting the hat back onto him "Here you go, maybe be a bit more careful there" Wiseguy stared up at him with wide eye sockets, then a deep blue blush on his face and he teleported away forgetting about the whole magic thing. Oh god that was so embarrassing! Now he has a crush on someone and he might not even feel the same. God he wishes he could just kill the human since that's easier!...not really.
Bones- It wasn't too much of a strange meeting, Bones was just heading home from something that he needed to do that day, and was carrying some bags humming under his breath. He was happy, because he got to talk to Undyne today! Sure, they were supposed to be 'enemies' but he couldn't bring himself to hate her she's just so cool! He loves strong people he wishes that he could be a cop as well, but he's part of the mafia because of his family.... he doesn't really want to be here anymore but he couldn't leave his brothers alone! No, of course not. That would be evil. While he was walking though, one of the bags broke, making him look down "oh no!" he frowns and places the bags down, starting to gather up the items mumbling "Of course this happens on the day that I can't drive" he heard footsteps then someone crouches down grabbing two of the cans helping him put them away making him blink and he looks up "nyeh?" there was a tall guy in front of him, a serious look on his face, then looks at himself and smiles. The smile was so warm, so soft and welcoming making his eye sockets widen making a nyeh sound a bit louder than the other one in question. The guy lets out a little laugh. "I'm sorry if I scared you, I just saw that you dropped your stuff so I came over to help out" He holds up one of the cans, winking playfully. Bones looks down at the things on the ground and shakes his head "Right!" He starts "thank you! I did not mean to drop all this, it seems as though the paper bags got wet maybe?" he shrugs, rubbing his neck smiling sheepishly. The human shakes his head in a silent way of saying it's fine and helps him put everything into the other bags. Then tehy went on their own ways. When he got home he started to put everything away and he found a piece of paper that had a number. Oh golly! The person gave him his phone number?!
Books- Man Y/n was Books favorite type of person. He's tall, strong, threatening looking, it made him kind of want to be carried but... it's embarrassing to ask about that, you know? He's getting a little ahead of himself though, he normally does. Okay how they met was fairly interesting, not too much but enough. Books was at the library and was up on the latter trying to get a book that was out of his reach, while some were already in his other arm "Oh come on..." He leans over more grabbing the book making his grin widen but he felt the latter slip out from under his foot making his eye sockets widen and he squeezes his eyes shut tightly as he started to fall down through the air the books dropping out of his arms. Dammit, why'd this have to happen?! If he gets too much damage this could be bad but instead of feeling pain he heard thuds and he lands on something soft making him open one of his sockets, then both looking down then up to see a human holding him bridal style and he asks "Are you okay?" he was so tall and looked pretty threatening but his eyes held so much warmth in them. "I-I" Books starts, but stops the words getting caught in his throat. Of course the human took him over to a seat to sit down, and grabbed his books for him lightly teasing his reading choices which just made Books more embarrassed. Oh lord he can't handle this much, stop teasing him and just... ughhhhh. Of course his brothers realize his crush on the human and they tease him about it all the time, he wishes that they wouldn't but they like to.
Crank- Crank met Y/n on a weird day, if he was to be honest. He was out of his plants so he was on edge. He couldn't stay inside and hide in his bed all day or his brothers would most likely worry for him and try to get him to come out and do things so early in the moring he snuck out telling them with a note that he'd be back later and that he was going to do a 'job' he'll just avoid them for now, he's getting more later anyway. Then he got to the park and was sitting under a tree, watching the world around him go. He knew that the people around him weren't judging him, they didn't know his past, they didn't know what he did, but he could still feel eyes on him. They were judging him, they knew what he did, he was evil and they hated him. He lets out a small mrrr sound and reaches up, putting his hands on top of his skull. Feeling the leather against his skull felt a little nice but still he didn't even really think about it too much. Dammit, he hated this, why did he have to do all this? Before he could do much else he heard a gentle voice say "Hey, you okay bud?" he lifts his head quickly to see a human crouched down in front of him, a frown on his face, his head tilted to the side slightly. Oh... Clip stares at him silent and lets out a shaky breath, turning his head away just shaking his head a little "Anything I can do to help?" Guess this could be a way for him to get something? He chuckles and tries to joke "I'd like ice cream?" it didn't really sound like a joke, but the human agrees holding out his hand which Clip slowly takes. Okay guess this is happening... guess it isn't the worst thing, he could use it to get his mind off that. Well annoyingly he started to go to places with the human more often learning his name was Y/n and haha he got a crush. God dammit.
Fresh- Y/n isn't threatening compared to Fresh, and even if he tried to be, it's really hard to threaten Fresh and to be honest, it isn't a smart idea to try to threaten him. You know why? Because he will kill whoever that he thinks is too much of a threat to himself or people that he 'cares' about which really... isn't many people? Why should he care about someone? Then he met Y/n. At first he didn't really care much about him because he was just another human to Fresh, there are so many humans so why should this one be any special? Then he saw how sweet he was! Y/n tried to help people out whenever he had the chance to, asking them what they would need. Fresh saw just how often he gave up things that he wanted for other people and after a while he decided to go and talk to the human. It started off with just an interest to Fresh but slowly he got a different feeling in his body it was... strange? He figured it was more just him being very interested in the human, until he got asked out by them! That confused him so he agreed to go on a date with him and then after that it just sorta went on like that! He feels little affection at first but is slowly learning.
Echo- I'm just going to make it so Echo's able to go out into the real world sometimes, because of reasons. Don't say anything I will fight you. Anyway. It was during one of those days when he first met his datemate! Y/n. It's a long story, that I'll be telling you now! Sometimes Echo liked to go and take walks, out of the void. He knew that that was dangerous for him, because there's always a chance he could end up dying and the whole forever dying thing haha... he could stay out in the real world for a few hours at a time but the longer the less energy he had and the more tired he would feel, and if he stayed there for too long he could end up dusting. Why was he still going? He didn't know, why didn't he just dust already? Because he was scared maybe? Eh whatever. It was a fine day and he was taking a walk in the park holding onto his scarf his head turned down; glad that there weren't a whole lot of people since he didn't want to deal with anyone asking him questions... maybe he should get some nicecream? Or just some ice cream now since he's above ground, how shocking, right? That might be a little too much for his body right now though, he's already been walking around for a while... well then something started to happen, his body felt so tired his legs feeling like they were about to lock up under him which sadly they do making him fall down to the ground with a huff of breath. He opened his eye socket a little bit seeing the blurry form of someone tall coming towards him a scarf getting blown by the wind was that... he passes out before he could finish that thought. When he woke up again he saw a human standing above him, making him tense up kicking out his leg knocking them in the guys stomach making him stumble backwards and Echo sits up about to summon a gaster blaster but a shot of pain went through him making him lay back down squeezing his eye shut tightly "ugh.." the human coughs, covering his stomach with his arm and mumbles "ouch" then they asked if he was okay. After a few minutes of talking, Echo learned that the human helped him out and brought him to his house to wait for him to wake up... after that Echo had to leave but he couldn't stop thinking about the tall and threatening looking human that was so nice! It's embarrassing but he went back to talk to him and then he just kept going back.
Fresh Ink- Oh man expect him to steal all sorta clothes. Even if his datemate doesn't wear the same type of clothes as Fresh Ink, he still likes how big the clothes are on him. He's just a little bit taller than Ink who is the shortest of Sanses which is... depressing for him, if he's to be honest. Like yo for real? So yeah, expect to see him wearing a hoodie that's much too big he thinks it's all up and comfy yo. When they first met, he didn't really find Y/n all that threatening looking, even if he's taller than Fresh Ink himself, that ain't good to judge! Just based off looks, brah, but then he learned how nice the human was! Well ain't that shockin'? He got interested in the tall and sweet human that looked so threatening, so kinda started to stalk him at first. What? He wasn't the most smart person in the world. It took a little while until Fresh Ink decided that he got bored of following after and decided to walk over. "Ey yo! What up my bomb bro? Names Fresh Ink and ya gotta be one of the best ocs I've seen in a bit!" when he saw them flinch and get startled he just grinned since aww that's cute, he finds their fear honestly a little adorable. Over their friendship, Fresh Ink drew him so often and even some... showy things and would sometimes try to sit on Y/n's lap or ask him to take off his shirt so he could draw him well. He'd kiss his friends neck sometimes or his cheek it's just something he does but he knows that that's a human courting thing... so when Y/n asks if he has a crush on him, he says no but wouldn't mind dating if the human had a crush on him! How nice of him, right?
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ivyprism · 3 years
Quickly gets everythin packed up in a tote an happily heads out ta the new outercode neighbors house.
Apple: I don't think this is smart, Kay.
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spaceimagines · 3 years
So... I assume you've heard of the seagull prompt that's been floating around of the bird stealing the skeles hotdog 👀 could we get the version of that with some of your characters? Maybe some outercodes of your choice?
Omg I was hoping that I’d get this ask! I’m gonna do a few of my favorite outercodes + the dreamtale bros!
Poor baby has no idea what to do, he barely registered it when it happened. He’s frozen for a bit before laughing it off. Maybe that seagull was hungry, or maybe it just wanted a snack. Dream goes on with his day, silently mourning his stolen lunch.
Is it any surprise that he bursts out in a flurry of curses and explicitives? Because that’s what he does. He doesn’t even bother going after the creature, seeing it as pointless. He buys another hotdog...only for it to be stolen by the same damn bird. He was always unlucky but damn, this had to be the most frustrating. Poor thing basically gives up, opting to just eat at home.
This motherfucker crashes. He just;;glitches. After he reboots he just kinda stands there in all his glitchy and humiliated glory as the people around him start to chuckle at his misfortune. The destroyer promptly leaves the AU,marking it on his shit list
(I’m only writing three since characters weren’t specified...that and I’m lazy.)
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undertaleandyou · 4 years
Cross with the accidental kiss?:>
Anyone with eyes can tell that he has some sort of feelings for you. Well, anyone but you it seems. You just think Cross is nice to you a lot, since he’s stated multiple times that he’s not like that. Or... Something along the lines of that. 
 Cross on the other hand has never had these feelings for someone before. He’s never had to worry about how he carries himself or what you think about him. He knows things would be better if he talked to someone about this, but he can’t do that! Every time he thinks about it, his face gets really hot and his Soul feels like it’s going to burst. Then he starts stammering, which MUST sound stupid and he has to push these weird feelings aside to keep this facade that he’s just some level-headed cool guy or something.   Only, he doesn’t know that he doesn’t have to do that. 
 So, one day, the two of you are training. Cross wants you to be able to defend yourself after all, since there’s a lot of things that could hurt you, since you’re around him so much. He wants you to be comfortable enough with the basics, at least. You’re getting pretty good at it too!   He calls it a day and the two of you take a water break. He’s misplaced his water bottle though... He goes to ask you and...  You aren’t sure what happened. As soon as you felt his hand on your shoulder, you instinctively threw him onto the ground. What you aren’t sure of, however, is how you managed to kiss him in the process.   Well, you’re not getting any answers anytime soon. Cross is as red as a tomato and has ceased to function. The lights in his sockets are gone and he hasn’t moved. 
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Same marriage ask yet instead with the other skelies :3
Classic sans,blueberry ,killer and last but not last lust sans (if you do him that's it :3)
Wait, I'm dumb BSHSHSJSGSHSJSJ but uhhh, I know you asked me for a proposal thing where I did do Classic and Blue.
Also, I do lust sans kskssks but not killer (I might try out the outercodes sometime soon, I just need to get ahold of their characters properly slkssk)
But I do think you may have confused me @readwithimagination I know they did the outercodes and have a huge fluff fest going on uwu
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(This au belongs to me and I can't draw- so When I do draw anyone of them- please expect it to look like shit-)
Soul trait: monster/determination 
Nickname: Axe
gender: Unknown 
Pronouns: Any
love interests: No one 
Sexuality: Demiromantic
height : 5'5 
Axe is a white skeleton, who wears a pinkish slippers and wears a black sweater with a large green hoodie. black and yellow strip shorts. dark blue scarf around axe neck but seems to be little bit ripped at the end of it. Axe eyeslight's seem to be appear like an X instead of a circle and one his left socket, seems to have large scar...maybe from battle? 
Axe seems distant and cold. never seems to be talking to anyone without looking angry or uncomfortable in the situation. has pretty bad trust issues with strangers and new people but with his brother or anyone he truly cares about. his very lad back, cracking jokes and sometimes overprotective when someone hurts them but still distant and cold....
he just helps around the bar with Grillby from time to time and stay in his station in Snowdin to sleep or get away from his problems. 
powers and abilities:
Well just like any other sanses. he can soul grab, summon bones, gaster  blaster but couldn't teleport himself around...but he does have another ability but only uses it in extreme emergencies , he calls it 'inner demon' 
In all honesty, Axe first thought about frisk was annoying kid that had no sense of commend sense. they put themselves in harms way to befriend every monster in the underground which was kind of stupid to him at the time but once he(forcefully) got to know frisk. he started seeing them as his kid and got used to their kind nature. 
Axe wanted to yeet this kid into another au, the moment they started the genocide run. he wanted to get rid of them right away. every time they reseted and walk around Snowdin. his hate towards them grew but started thinking something was up when Chara's eyes randomly change colour when someone threatens them...
They are brothers! they very friendly with each other and show each other respect. playful banter happen daily for each other but arguments happen from time to time. they might not have a 100% good relationship with each other like they used too when they were younger but they still working on it. 
Gaster is Axe and Unknown biologically father! he was kind of a bad father for them growing up. he neglected them for work and never spend time with his sons so you can say their relationship suck and now he is stuck in the ant-void...he just watches over his sons and hope that one day he could fix their relationship. 
Grillby is a very good friend! even though he basically couldn't talk much, axe still enjoys his company and sometimes helps him around the bar for some extra money or just wanted to be a good friend.
He doesn't really have an opinion on her but his bit aware of her and prays that she doesn't hurt his brother or else he will have to take...care of her even thought unknown can handle himself. 
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ratsoh-writes · 4 years
Are you doing outercodes? If so, maybe some Dreamtale bros hcs?
Sorry! I’m not writing for any outer codes right now!
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