#overdrawn at the memory bank
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Overdrawn at the Memory Bank | 1983
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mst3kgifs · 3 months
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I'm not cleaning it up, either!
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iforgottohitplay · 2 years
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Overdrawn at the Memory Bank (1984)
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babygray-dam · 1 year
‘Pearl and Observer sing a duet during "Overdrawn at the Memory Bank"’
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danburyshakes · 1 year
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the-laridian · 2 years
is there an Extreme Babooning gif anywhere?
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Remembering Emmy Winning, Golden Globe Winning, Tony Nominated actor Raúl Julia! ^__^
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alecsv · 2 years
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trashpoppaea · 5 months
Review of Napoleon (2023)
So I saw Napoleon (2023).
eyes glaze over
collapses and melts into a puddle
This is possibly the most soporifically boring, relentlessly mediocre so-called "epic" I have had the misfortune to see.
Plotless, pointless, and devoid of anything approaching characterization, the movie can be best described as reenacted scenes from a wikipedia article about Napoleon as written by the Anti-Jacobin.
The whole thing is suffused with British reactionary propaganda circa 1815. The characterizations are all courtesy of the Anti-Jacobin and Rowlandson’s cartoons. Robespierre is a tyrant, Napoleon is a buffoonish loutish thug, and Josephine is a slut. There’s nothing there. There’s no character arcs, no development. Sure, it’s pretty enough, but it's boring. So, so, so boring.
While watching it, I was frequently in a fugue state, floating over my body, wondering, "what is a movie? is this what they're like now? with no drama, no characters, no arcs, no interest?"
In fact, I didn't watch it: I endured it.
Joaquin Phoenix is awful. He is completely miscast on every conceivable level. Mumbling, monotone, and charmless-- I never for one moment thought I was watching Napoleon-- it only felt like Phoenix's cosplay. He and Vanessa Kirby have so little chemistry they might as well be appearing in different movies. They supposedly have this grand obsession/love story, but this amounts to sitting in the same room staring off in boredom. There's the occasional ridiculous sex scene which is always doggie style with clothes on. But for the most part, Josephine just stands in the rain or stares off into the mist.
Oh yeah there's the occasional battle. Eh…
Napoleon’s life was filled with colorful characters like the foppish, extravagant and brave Murat, the bold and foul-mouthed Lannes, the scheming, irrepressible Fouche, and the bubbly nymphomaniac Pauline, none of whom are here, and you have a bunch of interchangeable extras standing around rooms or battlefields. The only character who makes any impression whatsoever is Edouard Philipponnat as Czar Alexander, and I would have rather had a movie starring this actor. Alas, that's not what we got.
A lot of money was spent on this movie. A lot of choices were made. The result was a bland, forgettable dud that immediately fell into a memory hole as soon I departed the theatre.
As Napoleon himself would say, BAH!
PS. @microcosme11 and I didn't watch the entire thing, because it is 2 hours and 40 minutes long. As all the restaurants in the neighborhood were closing at 10, we left half an hour early, right before Waterloo and after Josephine died of pneumonia, so we could have burgers and a richly deserved beer.
PPS. Feel free to ask me for specifics!
@thiswaycomessomethingwicked @lordansketil @joachimnapoleon @usergreenpixel @twice-told-tales @josefavomjaaga @bunniesandbeheadings @jefflion
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MST3K 822 ⚬ Overdrawn at the Memory Bank (1983) ⚬ 1997
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mst3kgifs · 4 months
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What's your favorite show here on Public Pearl? Oh, sure. I love that show. Jeremy Brett is one of the best. Thanks for helping out.
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iforgottohitplay · 2 years
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Overdrawn at the Memory Bank (1984)
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gtnmemesandreferences · 9 months
A highly unthorough and lacking compilation of memes and references in Gideon the Ninth
I've seen plenty of compilations of memes and references in HTN, but very few compilations for GTN. And so, behold! I hath created this. Enjoy! (All page numbers are from my paperback copy. I shall include citations for people who found various things when applicable).
Act One
p. 53: "Oh, nonsense!" said Harrow languorously. "She’s a genius. With the proper motivation, Griddle could wield two swords in each hand and one in her mouth. While we were developing common sense, she studied the blade. Am I right, Griddle?"
This is a reference to a meme dating from 2016, "I studied the blade." https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/i-studied-the-blade
p. 69 (nice!): Gideon realised that Harrow was trembling; little licks of hole-black hair were pasted to her pale-grey forehead with sweat, threatening to dissolve the paint. Gideon realised with a start that she was trembling and sweating in concert. They looked at each other with a wild surmise, and then started dabbing at their faces with the insides of their sleeves.
This is a reference to John Keats' poem, "On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer," from 1816.
"...He star'd at the Pacific—and all his men Look'd at each other with a wild surmise— Silent, upon a peak in Darien..." (https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/44481/on-first-looking-into-chapmans-homer)
Special thanks to Locked Tomb References, who found this one! (https://lockedtombreferences.tumblr.com/post/616309681665736704/embed)
Also p.69: Gideon winked at her increasingly agitated companion. She said, sotto voce: “But then you couldn’t have admired … these,” and whipped on the glasses she’d unearthed back home. They were ancient smoked-glass sunglasses, with thin black frames and big mirrored lenses, and they greyed out Harrow’s expression of incredulous horror as she adjusted them on her nose.
Badasses wearing sunglasses is a common staple in fiction, but I have a source as reliable as Herodotus's (which is to say I saw a guy say they read somewhere that Muir said that) these sunglasses are a reference to Dave Strider's sunglasses from Homestuck. (https://mspaintadventures.fandom.com/wiki/Sunglasses)
Act Two:
p. 94: “Nooo Magnus! Don’t say we’re overcome!” moaned the nasty girl, sotto voce.
This is also a bit of a stretch, similar to the one above, but the speaking patterns of Jeannemary and Isaac may be a reference to the eponymous character in Charlie the Unicorn's speaking patterns. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKd_2vqPrmU&pp=ygUUY2hhcmxpZSB0aGUgdW5pZmNvcm4%3D)
p. 131: "Fiat lux!" If you want to talk about being improbable, let's talk about this"--a scrape of stone on stone--"being three thousand and some years older than this." A heavy clunk.
"Fiat lux" is Latin for "Let there be light," and is a reference to Genesis 1:3. (https://www.drbo.org/chapter/01001.htm)
Act Three:
p. 222 “Let me make my business plain. I have no interest in Septimus’s woes,” Harrow said. “The Seventh House is not our friend. You’re making yourself an utter fool over Dulcinea. And I dislike her cavalier even more—” (“Massive slam on Protesilaus out of nowhere,” said Gideon.)
This is a reference to Mystery Science Theatre 3000's viewing of the trashy 1983 SF film, Overdrawn at the Memory Bank. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIBBbI-55fQ)
Special thanks to u/Leoriste, who found this one! (https://www.reddit.com/r/TheNinthHouse/comments/14vsoxp/meme_reference/)
p.230 Gideon mumbled, "Harrow, you can't just ask someone why they want to be a Lyctor," but was roundly ignored.
This is a reference to the Mean Girls quote, "Oh my god Karen, you can’t just ask people why they’re white." (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8wrqe72YG4)
Act Four:
p. 318: Silas took an infuriatingly long drink of water. The pallid column of his throat moved. “They died on the way back to their home planet,” he said, wiping his mouth. “Their shuttle exploded. Curious, considering it was a perfectly good Cohort shuttle with an experienced pilot. This was the shuttle you had intended to commandeer, was it not?”
This might be a stretch, but could also be a reference to The Simpsons season 8, episode 14, "The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show," which includes the line, "Poochie died on the way back to his home planet."
Special thanks to u/CowgirlSmut for finding this one! (https://www.reddit.com/r/TheNinthHouse/comments/14vsoxp/meme_reference/)
p. 412: Half a dozen tendrils came after her. They would have given her an interesting array of new airholes for speed, but a skeleton staggered out of the darkness and took most of the blows, jawbone crushed into powder as a tendril lashed open its skull.
This is a reference to The Simpsons, season 6 episode 15, "Homie the Clown," in which someone tries selling Homer a car with bulletholes, "for speed." (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whnms4CLJys)
Special thanks to u/altacc2020 for finding this one! (https://www.reddit.com/r/TheNinthHouse/comments/lodjro/comment/go6ac2u/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)
Act Five:
"The land that shall receive thee dying, in the same will I die: and there will I be buried. The Lord do so and so to me, and add more also, if aught but death part me and thee," said Gideon.
This is a direct quotation from Ruth 1:17. (https://www.drbo.org/chapter/08001.htm)
And that's everything I've got so far! If you've got references to suggest or I snagged something you think you found first without due credit, let me know! Thanks, everyone!
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howard-ly · 1 year
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MST3K 8x22 “Overdrawn At The Memory Bank”
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randomthunk · 1 year
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In the journey of showing my husband as much MST3K as possible, we just watched Overdrawn at the Memory Bank twice. Mr. Thunk was like “I'm surprised you haven't done anything with Crow’s catchphrase”, so I took that as a challenge.
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myadhdchronicles · 5 months
ADHD and Comorbid conditions
What is a comorbid condition?
Comorbid conditions are those conditions that occur along with another condition. A lot of people with ADHD have other conditions that occur with it. These conditions add to the challenges of ADHD and make treatment even harder and more complex.
What kinds of conditions are often comorbid with ADHD?
Many things can be comorbid with ADHD. Many people with ADHD also have anxiety, depression, autism, sensory processing disorders, learning disabilities, chronic pain conditions such as migraine and fibromyalgia, and even bipolar disorder. Many things can occur together so the list can kind of be endless.
My own comorbidities:
My own ADHD is comorbid with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Fibromyalgia, PTSD, Migraine, and Dyscalculia (the math learning disability or "math dyslexia") and I also believe I have some sensory issues. This makes life very difficult for me, it causes an avalanche of challenges that just compound with each other to create a perfect storm of issues to be treated. Treatment for me is very complicated and this adds to the stress and challenges in my life.
ADHD and comorbid conditions challenges:
Having ADHD and comorbid conditions causes a lot of challenges that interfere with your life. With ADHD your executive function and working memory are challenged. If you add Generalized Anxiety Disorder, migraine, fibromyalgia, and Bipolar disorder to it they are even more challenged so things like hobbies, housework, careers, relationships, learning, cooking, and more are impaired by them. It is hard enough remembering things and focusing long enough to get through all the steps of a task with ADHD alone, each condition you add to it makes it even harder to remember, focus, and sustain motivation to complete activities you need to get done. It can be hard to remember all the chores you need to do around your house from beginning to end, especially if they have more than one step to them like laundry does. At work, it can be hard to complete projects that have many steps to them, and it can be hard to focus through an entire meeting or multiple meetings. Often times people with ADHD and comorbid conditions spend time at work returning to the printer several times because they've forgotten to grab their printout more than once, or having to ask people to repeat instructions or resend emails to them a lot because they forgot what it said and accidentally already deleted it from their inbox.
Organizing for those of us with ADHD and comorbid conditions can be extremely difficult. It can seem like a magic trick when other people organize their homes, desks, bags, purses, etc. Another thing that happens is that we can organize for a day or so and then the clutter begins to return. One thing I have extreme difficulty with is keeping my desk and apartment from ending up full of piles. That is my default organization system, put it in a pile.
One thing I and a lot of other people with ADHD and comorbid conditions struggle with is finances. For those of us with both ADHD and dyscalculia, numbers are like a foreign language, we just cannot wrap our brains around them. This makes budgeting and dealing with money very hard. It can be hard for us to recognize amounts and this leads us to issues knowing how much money we actually have in our bank accounts, add to this ADHD's impulsivity and you have a recipe for disaster. We often have overdrawn bank accounts, unpaid or late-paid bills, and seem to never have enough money coming in to cover what goes out. And budgeting is a concept our brains just cannot seem to grasp very well, it's like asking someone to do calculus who hasn't even taken algebra yet.
For those of us with ADHD and dyscalculia, calculus is a math we never made it to in school, we likely got stuck in algebra or geometry so we were never eligible to take that course. For me, even elementary/middle school math was difficult, let alone algebra and higher math courses. I barely passed prealgebra with a D, and I scraped by in algebra with a C. I also managed a C in geometry and at that point, I had enough math credits to graduate high school and was unable to get into trigonometry, which was the next class after geometry. The only math I took in college was economics, statistics, and math of finance. I had to get a tutor for all 3 of them. I managed to pass with a C in economics and statistics and I somehow got a low B in math of finance. Math is just difficult. It's literally like learning Greek or something for me, a whole other extremely difficult-to-learn language.
Treatment for ADHD and comorbid conditions:
Treatment for people with both ADHD and comorbid conditions is complex and multilayered. It does not work to treat just the ADHD and not the other conditions. Treatment needs to address all of the issues, from ADHD to Bipolar Disorder, to Fibromyalgia, Dyscalculia, Migraine, Anxiety, and PTSD to work. If you leave any of them untreated, that untreated disorder will undermine the others. You also have to be careful with what you treat things with so that the treatment for anxiety doesn't exacerbate the ADHD, the ADHD treatment doesn't aggravate the anxiety, and the treatments for those don't exacerbate the Bipolar Disorder, etc.
Having ADHD and comorbid conditions is a complex, multilayered situation that requires a variety of different approaches to treat and manage well. It has a huge impact on the life of the person who has them and it takes a lot of work and finesse to manage life with them. Life is complicated with these conditions altogether but it can still be fulfilling and joyful. Stay tuned to My ADHD Chronicles for more great information and insight into ADHD and how to live with it.
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