#pabu life headcanons
twinsunstars · 30 days
the batch and omega would do a mother’s day special with gifts for echo after learning what the holiday is (mainly omega’s idea), and eva, jax, and sami (with baryn) would introduce emerie to what mother’s day is and make her some gifts with flowers as a thanks for helping to save them
edit: just wrote a fic on this :D
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archivistofnerddom · 8 days
The Batch + Life In Retirement On Pabu
Slightly AU: Tech lives, though he’s got a prosthetic leg as a result of his fall.
Hunter’s fashion sense swiftly nose-dives into that of every dad at an amusement park. Don’t ask why that happened so quickly. It just did. He’s rocking cargo shorts, corny shirts, and comfy shoes like they’re going out of style. (Crosshair gave him a tactical fanny pack as a joke. Hunter wears it all the time with all due seriousness.) It takes years for the rest of the Batch to get him to branch out from that.
Tech alternates between his space jeans and sweatpants, depending on his mood. The sweatpants were necessary when he first got his prosthetic leg during his post-Eriadu recovery process. He too starts wearing ironic shirts, but somehow makes them more fashionable than Hunter.
Crosshair has the widest selection of island-appropriate hats and sunglasses anyone has ever seen. No one knows how he gets so many, and he’s certainly not going to tell on himself. Omega is the reason why he has so many floral-print shirts though.
Wrecker discovers overalls and pretty much lives in them. No less than half of his overalls have the legs cut off at the knees. This is more practical than fashionable though. He’s just so big that he has a hard time finding pants that fit him at the waist and have a long enough pant leg.
Omega finally gets to decide on her preferred style now that they’re permanently in one place. She still wears a lot of hand-me-downs from her brothers though. Omega spends a lot of time helping out around the island, so she needs clothes that no one minds her getting dirty or ruined when she’s working on a project.
Echo has an extensive collection of sarongs he stores on Pabu that he only busts out when he’s visiting. Rex knows not to ask Echo to do anything if he sees him wearing one. (Visiting the family on Pabu is the only time Echo gets a break or a chance to relax and destress.)
Batcher gets a pretty collar and a massively cushy bed. Someone starts bringing her sweaters to wear when she gets cold. (Crosshair is the leading suspect. Hunter won’t confess to anything.)
Wrecker has an extremely extensive cookbook and recipe collection. He picks up cooking as a hobby post-retirement, and he is really good at it. Given the diversity of people and species on Pabu, Wrecker spends a lot of time learning different recipes from across the galaxy.
Crosshair and Wrecker go fishing together pretty regularly. They don’t say a lot during those times, but that’s okay. Crosshair enjoys spotting where the best fishing areas are. Wrecker just sits back and lets his baby brother take the lead on this. (He brings snacks and a cooler of drinks to keep them fed and hydrated when they decide to make a day of it.)
Tech upgrades the Archeum to improve how things are stored and protected. Omega helps out. They spend a lot of time adding details about the specific items housed therein, including any historical details, cultural relevance, and any notes about how best to handle the items. They’re working with Phee on an oral history component to the Archeum as well, so that the stories about the items in the Archeum and the residents of Pabu are preserved.
Crosshair makes hammocks and strings them up around the island in random places. He says it’s so that he can take a nap wherever and whenever. Really, it’s just his contribution to life on Pabu. (Plus, making hammocks were good physical therapy when he got his new prosthetic hand.)
Omega instituted regular family game night. (Echo is expected to be there as his work with Rex allows.) Depending on their moods, Batch family game night is either extremely chill or extremely cutthroat. There is no in-between.
Wrecker is the first one to “move out” of the shared family house. It’s only because he built an upgraded kitchen with a huge family room attached. The shared family home couldn’t accommodate those upgrades. His house is two houses down and is still where everyone eats dinner almost every night.
Tech moved out second. He moved in with Phee. It was a combination of their evolving romantic relationship and him wanting to be closer to the island repair shop that he runs in his spare time. (Tech became the island’s mechanic once he recovered from the injuries he sustained on Eriadu.)
Hunter develops a massive green thumb. The family shared house (which eventually is just him, Omega, and Crosshair full-time) is overflowing with plant life. He built and maintains a greenhouse for Wrecker to grow speciality plants for his cooking.
Echo usually crashes with Wrecker when he comes to visit. Wrecker renovated part of his house to be prosthetic leg friendly and got a really comfy recliner for Echo. Crosshair put in a hammock for Echo in the backyard.
Crosshair, Hunter, and Omega go on early morning runs together. It’s their bonding time.
Tech upgraded the whole family’s prosthetic limbs many times over the years. Hunter made a point of keeping the older models as a reminder of how far they’ve come since they retired.
Batcher is the most spoiled dog on the island. She adores the attention and winds up becoming the unofficial therapy dog for every new resident and refugee who finds their way to Pabu.
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martianbugsbunny · 1 month
there's no way Omega didn't eventually spend some time with the ghost crew and their assorted family friends during the rebellion, partly bc the second her and Hera found out each other was fighting they would've burned down the galaxy for some gal pal hours and partly bc the second Rex and Omega found out each other was fighting they would kill to catch up with each other's lives
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starrylothcat · 10 months
♡ Home ♡
The Bad Batch Ask You to Live With Them Headcanons
Pairing: Individual Bad Batch x GN Reader.
Warnings: Fluff, fluff, fluff. Smooching. Everyone is happy on Pabu AU. 🫶
A/N: This is just some silly fluff I wrote at work today. It was hot AF and I’m still sweating so I apologize for any errors, not really proofread.
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Scenario: You and The Bad Batch have been settled on Pabu for some time. Long-held feelings between you and your Batcher finally had the opportunity to blossom as you eased into a peaceful island routine. You are happy, your love for one another secure and strong.
You’ve discussed moving in together, but island life is calm and your lives are no longer in a rush. You haven’t made that leap in your relationship quite yet, but little did you know your Batcher had plans…
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You were sitting on the beach, the sun’s last rays catching the calm sea as stars twinkled into view.
Hunter’s arm was wrapped around you, holding you close against him, his head leaning on yours.
“You know that cottage we walk by every day, the one with the garden?” Hunter mumbled, gently tracing his fingers up and down your arm.
“Yeah…I’m surprised no one has moved in there yet. It’s in a perfect location.” You murmured, his fingers putting you in a relaxed trance.
“It is perfect.” He said, his smokey voice lulling you further into a relaxed, carefree state. “I can’t wait to see what you do with the garden.”
You shifted your head to look at him, confusion in your expression, his fingers stopping their caress.
“Omega wants to try to plant meilooruns.” He met your gaze. “And she’s already picking out decorations for her room.”
“Hunter…” you started. “What are you saying?”
Hunter pressed his forehead to yours. “It’s ours. If you want.” He ghosted his lips across your own. “All I have to do is give the word to Shep.”
Your breath hitched.
“Hunter, you mean, that cottage…? It’s really ours?”
He nodded, gently tracing his fingertips across your cheek, the fading sun reflecting in his honeyed eyes.
“I love you, and Omega does too. We’ve spent so much time on the run, never knowing what comes next. It’s time…to put it behind us. Settle down for good. And I want you to be part of that. But if you’re not-“
You grabbed the collar of his shirt and tugged him in for a passionate kiss, his arms immediately pulling you close to him.
“Hunter, yes.“ You beamed, breaking the kiss. “I love you, too.”
Hunter smiled, nuzzling his nose against yours, never having felt so content in his entire life, excited for this next chapter in your relationship.
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You had just closed up your shop and were waiting for Echo. He promised to take you out tonight and told you he was planning something special.
He met you at your shop, kissing you deeply as his hello.
“Hello to you, too.” You giggled, slightly flustered at his kiss as he looped his arm with yours. “Where are you taking me tonight?”
“It’s still a surprise, mesh’la.” He winked, leading you down a a few quiet roads.
“There aren’t any restaurants up here.” You gave him a look, having no idea what he had planned.
Echo didn’t say anything, the evening lights flickering on throughout the island, casting warm glows onto the street.
A few more turns and Echo stopped. You stood in front of a cottage, a soft glow of light coming from the front windows.
“Echo-“ He just smiled, leading you up the cobbled path to the home.
“Echo, if your idea of a date is breaking and entering…” you teased, still confused as to what was going on.
Echo chuckled, opening the door to the cottage, surprising you that it was open.
“Just trust me, mesh’la.”
You stepped inside, gasping slightly. The cottage was empty, save for a blanket that was spread on the ground in what would be the living room.
A few candles were the only light source, highlighting the picnic that was spread across the blanket, and two empty glasses for the bottle of wine that sat in the middle of the spread.
You looked at him, still just as lost as before.
“It’s not much, but I figured we should celebrate the first night in our house.”
You opened and closed your mouth, processing his words.
“Our…house? Echo, you mean…?”
He wrapped his arms around you, hugging you tight.
“I love you and…I want to spend every moment together. Build a life…together. I saw this cottage was available and talked to Shep. It’s ours if we want it.”
Tears clouded your vision as you kissed him, overwhelmed by his words. You nodded excitedly against his lips, your heart ready to burst with joy.
“Me too, Echo. I love you. I want to build a life with you, too.”
He smiled, wiping the tears from your cheeks.
“Let’s crack open that wine then, shall we?”
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Tech had been busy as of late, which is normal. He always had some project or idea that was occupying his mind.
But you knew something strange was going on when he kept hiding his datapad from you, or quickly pushing flimis under other piles of half-worked on gadgets whenever you walked into his room.
Finally, you decided to ask what he was working on, and what has been so intensely engrossing his mind the last few weeks.
“Can I ask what it is you’re working on?” You queried as you lounged on his bed in his room, watching him work.
He turned to you, and it looked like he was hesitating, and almost nervous to say something.
He let out a breath and fully faced you.
“We’ve been together romantically for some time now…” he started. “And we are happy, correct?”
You raised you eyebrow, nodding. “Yes, of course Tech. I love you.”
“As I you.” He stated. “So I have been pondering of what should come next, and I determined it was time to begin the next phase of our relationship, if you agree.”
Tech held out his datapad toward you as you stared at him, wondering what he was going on about.
“I began investigating homes we could share. There are plenty of available cottages throughout the island which I have researched thoroughly, though none are up to my standards.”
Tech adjusted his goggles as heat began to flush your cheeks.
“So, I took it upon myself to explore ways on how to build one myself.”
Your heart fluttered at his words as you sat up completely. “Tech, you want to build us a house?”
“Precisely. If you want to cohabitate with me, that is.” The last part of his statement came out quiet, as if he wasn’t sure of what your answer would be.
You peeked at the datapad, which had blueprint schematics of a cottage, all designed by him.
You looked back at him, not stopping the large smile on your face as Tech fidgeted, waiting for your response.
“Tech…” you said softly. “Yes, I’d love to live with you. I want it more than anything.”
You watched as his shoulders seemed to relax as you set down the datapad, closing the distance between the two of you.
Tech took your hand, his thumb gently tracing over yours.
“Of course, I’ll need your input on the final design, but I think you’ll approve of what I have so far.”
You smiled, leaning into him, his other arm holding you close. “As long as I’m with you, it’ll be perfect.”
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Wrecker was giddy, practically dragging you down the road as he picked up his pace.
“Wrecker, where are we going?! Wait a sec, you’re walking too fast!” You could barely match his strides.
“You’re gonna love it, I promise! We are almost there!”
After another turn down a street, Wrecker finally stopped at the end of a row of small cottages.
“Here!” He exclaimed loudly, gesturing to you to follow him.
“Wrecker, what is this?!” You gasped, out of breath.
“It’s our new house! I know we talked about having our own place awhile ago and…here it is!” Wrecker excitedly tugged you in through the front door, your mind trying to play catch up to what he was saying.
You stepped inside, Wrecker eagerly pointing to different areas of the cottage.
“The windows in the kitchen are big, so we can have a great view while we cook together. That was the first thing I thought of…” Wrecker blushed as he turned, pointing to the door that led to a back patio.
“Oh, and look at the porch! Ya can grow all the herbs you’ve been wanting to! And wait until you see the view out the bedroom window-“
Wrecker stopped, noticing how quiet you were being.
You were gazing around the empty house, your mind spinning with surprise and happiness.
You were moved at Wrecker’s excitement and having a home to call your own, with him, not expecting this in the slightest.
Tears were sliding down your cheeks, and you didn’t even notice until Wrecker’s large hand was gently wiping them away.
“Mesh’la, I’m sorry, I got carried away. If ya aren’t ready I understand, or if ya don’t like this cottage we can-“ Wrecker sighed, thinking he ruined everything. “I’m sorry if it’s too much.”
You looked up at him, smiling.
“Wrecker, this is more than I could have ever wanted. I love this. I love you.” You placed your hand over his that was now cradling your face. “I want this.”
Wrecker smiled, relief washing over him.
“Now, tell me again about the kitchen?” You laughed, happy tears still running down your face as Wrecker kissed your cheeks, laughing with you in your new home.
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You were laying with your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as you almost drifted off to sleep, Crosshair’s arm keeping you close to him.
You noticed he had been a little on edge today, restless and fidgeting more than usual.
You suggested a nap, which he agreed to.
He continued to be restless, though, not able to get comfortable as you laid on him.
“Want to go for a walk?” He grunted, shifting under you.
You lifted your head, blinking a few times. “Sure.” You smiled sleepily, sitting up from your laying position.
You often went on walks in the evening, a ritual you began not long after you became a couple.
You walked quietly under the full moon, the streets silent. Crosshair’s hand found yours, enjoying one another’s presence as you strolled through the winding avenues.
You let Crosshair lead the way, and you walked up into a cluster of cottages that you often passed by on your walks.
You’ve mentioned before how you like this part of Pabu, this subset of cottages getting the best view of the sunset.
Crosshair suddenly stopped, still grasping your hand.
“Is everything ok?” You asked, wondering why he stopped so suddenly.
He looked at you as he lifted your hand, turning your palm up, his silver hair almost indistinguishable from the moonlight casting down on the two of you.
“I was going to wait until tomorrow, but here.”
Crosshair placed a small key in the center of your palm, closing your fingers around it.
“Crosshair, what is this?” You asked softly, confused as to what he was doing.
“It’s ours.” He stated. “The one with the blue door.” You glanced behind him at the cottage with said blue door.
You focused back on him, trying to piece together what he was saying, his expression unreadable.
“What do you mean?” Your voice quivered, clutching the key.
“You know what I mean, doll.” His tone was soft. “It has the best view of the sunset. I made sure of that.”
You practically jumped at him, swinging your arms around him and crushing yourself into his chest, tears pricking at your eyes.
“Crosshair, I-“
He leaned his head on yours, his lips brushing against your forehead. You didn’t need to finish your sentence.
“It’s ours, now?” You whispered.
“As of yesterday.”
You looked up at him. “How did you know I’d say yes?”
Crosshair smirked, his lips close to yours. “You did, didn’t you?”
You smirked back, his lips capturing yours in the moonlight in front of your new home.
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Taglist: @littlemissmanga @secondaryrealm @sinfulsalutations @anxiouspineapple99 @secretthegriffin @idontgetanysleep @starqueensthings @dystopicjumpsuit @wings-and-beskar @dreamie411 @aconstructofamind @coraex @multi-fan-dom-madness @freesia-writes @kashasenpai @wanderer-six @blueink-bluesoul @the-cantina @king-chaos-world @wolffegirlsunite @523rdrebel @dukeoftheblackstar @pb-jellybeans @sleepingsun501 @sunshinesdaydream @din-miller
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green-alm0nd · 29 days
Hey hey! Could you do platonic headcanons with TBB where the reader reveals that she’s pregnant and they’ll be “uncles” after the events of the finale? Keep up the great work <3
[The Bad Batch x fem!reader (Headcanons)]: Platonic uncles
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After the events of the finale, you find out you're pregnant and you decide to tell your friends that fought hundreds of battles alongside you.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: none really, just fluff and Crosshair being a bit of an idiot.
I hope you like it Anon :p!
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Already knew because of his enhanced senses.
He could probably feel all the changes your body was going through.
He's really happy to see you happy.
Kinda protective over you throughout the entire 9 months.
Like yeah he knows you can protect yourself since you've fought alongside his brothers but he can't help but become just a tad bit protective.
When the kid grows up, he's probably going to teach them how to hear noises by concentrating (even though it's not as good as his enhanced senses).
One time he lost his vibroblade and found your kid with it.
You almost killed Hunter when that happened.
Overall, he's a good uncle and a very nice friend when he's around the kid.
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Actually surprised when you told him you were pregnant.
Like Hunter, he became slightly protective of you.
A bit reluctant when you introduced your significant other.
But if you trust them he trusts them too.
Best. Uncle. Ever.
Lets your kid play with his scomp link.
Echo is the type of uncle to tell your kids his story. From the Domino squad to him joining the Bad Batch to him joining the Rebellion.
Probably plays pirates with your kid because they told Echo he looked like a pirate because of his hand.
Overall: a cool uncle, probably a bit grumpy, but still a cool uncle.
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Super excited to have a mini-you running around Pabu.
When you actually told him he did not understand.
However, after a session of Tech's-info-dump, he got the idea.
I have a headcanon that he is a very nice uncle.
He will hide every single object from war so that the baby doesn't accidentally hurt themselves.
Actually tried to learn how to cook to make your kid Mantell mix. Spoiler: it goes wrong.
Will make shenanigans with your kid.
Overall, Wrecker is probably the most chaotic uncle of the entire galaxy.
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"Oh. Well, congratulations." Were his only words.
He is probably the least surprised out of the entire Batch.
Reminds you to take care of yourself.
Definitely keeps track of EVERYTHING.
He really cares for your safety and the safety of your kid.
Of course, he'd definitely be a good uncle.
I think Tech would be the uncle that-knows-it-all since he really is a walking Wookiepedia man.
Whenever he is alone with the kid, we will RAMBLE. Even though the kid will not understand, he will ramble until he needs to catch some air.
Overall: Human dictionary uncle (I love him for that)
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Will act pissed, but he's actually proud that you made a life for yourself after everything you went through.
Not surprised at all when you told him. He just shrugged.
And then he joked about it saying that 'If he couldn't handle you, he couldn't handle a mini, more hyperactive version of you'.
He learnt how to sew to fix Wrecker's tooka bear and give it to your kid.
You will find it endearing but he will deny it nonetheless because he does not like people seeing his sweet-side.
He's surprisingly good at calming the kid down for some reason you can't really figure out.
Not really protective because he knows you can take care of yourself. But, that doesn't mean he won't keep an eye on you some days.
When the kid grows up, he will NOT show them his rifles because he knows the risks and he knows that you will probably kill him for showing weapons at a six year-old.
Overall: he's the type of uncle that will disappear for ten months and then come back and act like nothing happened. But he's still a nice uncle.
Finals start this week :')
I hope you enjoyed your request anon!
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maidenvault · 1 month
Okay I guess everyone’s got Pabu headcanons now so. Hunter works on a fishing boat. Crosshair is the really grumpy bartender who doesn’t want to hear about your life.
Wrecker works in a bakery and becomes this guy.
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And the whole family gets extra income from growing space weed that Phee exports for them.
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doodlingfoolishness · 11 days
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The Bad Batch birder headcanons: Crosshair.
Crosshair’s not the first member of the Batch to get into birding. Tech enjoyed birding by ear tremendously, recording hundreds, thousands of different songs on his datapad. But Crosshair’s the first one to call himself a birder.
The ice vulture on Barton IV inspired him, and after he starts to heal and recover on Pabu, he starts noticing the different species all around the island. He uses Tech’s datapad to keep track of his life list, and gets intensely into the competitive aspects — though only with himself, as he’s his only competition. He strives to add to his list every year, meticulously keeping lists based on seasons and local patches, always seeking to do better than the year before. He can be an obnoxious little shit about it and Wrecker and Hunter tell him to knock it off sometimes.
He takes Omega out with him frequently, but makes Batcher stay home — she’s way too likely to scare off a shy species. Hunter comes with him sometimes when Crosshair’s in search of a particularly skulky species; he resents it a little when Hunter can sense a bird and he can’t see it yet, but he also knows sometimes, it’s the only way he’ll find it.
Crosshair also wears the ugliest possible hat he can find to shade his eyes. He loves it to pieces and it’s part of the fun for him. XD
More to follow!
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twinsunstars · 29 days
Thank You, Mother's Day - a small Bad Batch fic
Sypnosis: Omega learns what Mother's Day is, and she's got a few ideas, while Eva, Jax, Sami, and Baryn prepare something for Emerie.
Oh my gosh, Mother's Day is almost over for me where I am in like less than an hour, but I started working on this all day after putting up this post this morning and just finished it quickly (I was so inspired by my own thoughts lol). I hope you guys like it, and Happy Mother's Day!
also up on ao3! read under cut if you want to read it on here instead!
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The galaxy had many unique holidays shared around many planets. Life Day, Harvest Day, and the Festival of Light were a few that were more commonly known. One holiday had grown very popular recently as it was coming up soon, as many people on Pabu were getting ready to celebrate it with their loved one.
Mother’s Day. 
When Omega first learned about the holiday from Lyana, she was curious to hear more. Lyana barely remembered celebrating Mother’s Day with her own mother, who had unfortunately passed away from a heavy illness when she was three. Lyana showed Omega a few holophotos she had left of her mother, reminiscing in the memories.
Omega listened closely when Lyana described what a mother was upon her asking. A kind, caring, nurturing, and strong female who always watches out for her family, making sure her kids are safe and healthy.
Nala Se had taken care of Omega ever since she was born, though Omega wasn’t sure about any of those motherly characteristics matching her. All she did to Omega was run tests and make sure she was staying healthy for her own purposes. 
While Lyana described what a mother was, she added, “But you know, mothers don’t quite have to just be female. My dad is like my mom too, and he does everything he can to keep me safe.”
Omega thought about that. Her brothers matched those characteristics way more, always there to make sure she was safe and cared for her wellbeing.
The brother who did this the most was Echo. He always broke up Hunter and Crosshair’s fights before they escalated to violence, helped Omega sew Lula back up whenever Lula got a hole in her fabric or one of her ears ripped, made sure Wrecker wasn’t overeating and wasn’t eating anything that would make him sick, and always tried to get Crosshair to eat something. 
“Lyana,” Omega began, thinking about an idea. “What if I do something for Echo? He’s always taking care of all of us, and he’s my brother but Hunter and Crosshair like joking that he’s the mom.” She would always hear things like “Listen to your mom” or “Okay, Mother” whenever Echo was around, but Omega never got the chance to sit down with her brothers and ask what that meant. 
“That sounds like a wonderful idea!” Lyana said. Lyana was already planning to do something for her father and having Auntie Phee help; ever since her mother had passed away he was fulfilling that role, and even if it wasn’t Father’s Day she wanted to have her dad feel appreciated. 
Omega began brainstorming ideas, asking Lyana what people usually do on this day. Gifting flowers, making a heartfelt message card, giving them gifts and letting them know how much you appreciate them. She had to share this with her brothers. 
“Mother’s Day for Echo?”
Omega nodded with excitement, deciding to talk with her brothers about her ideas during their time out fishing today and telling them what the holiday is. “Lyana told me about it, and you all always call Echo the mom.” 
“He certainly does act like a mother,” Crosshair scoffed, chewing on his toothpick and holding the fishing rod with his one hand. Batcher leaned over the ship, keeping an eye out for any fish. 
“Yeah, we always joke about it,” Wrecker chuckled. “But would it be right? Echo’s not actually a mother.”
“Lyana said someone close to you who acts like a mother doesn’t actually have to really be a mother to be celebrated on this day. She’s going to celebrate her dad. I feel like we should do the same for Echo, and he’s coming back for a visit on that day. It’ll be fun!”
Omega hopped up and down, trying to convince her brothers to agree. Omega had a point; Echo always took the most care of them and made sure they were keeping things neat, clean and tidy. Wrecker and Crosshair exchanged a look, and then looked over at Hunter, who was lost in thought. 
“We… could give it a try,” Hunter began. “Echo has been doing a lot lately with Rex. He does need a break.”
Hunter also didn’t want to say no to Omega. She looked so determined to appreciate Echo, he had to give her a chance to experience a Mother’s Day celebration like natural-borns do. 
Omega squealed, telling her brothers the plan. 
“Do you think we should do something for Dr. Karr?” 
Eva, Jax, Sami, and Baryn resided under the tree in central Pabu, relaxing after chasing around the moonyos and playing a lot of games to keep Baryn entertained, who was now sleeping soundly in Sami’s arms. 
The kids still resided on the island for their safety, waiting for their chances to go back home once the older adults found a safe way for them to get back to their families. The tricky part was finding Baryn’s family, but the kids had hope that he would get to be reunited with his mother. 
Everyone was talking about Mother’s Day during their stroll in the market, putting up sales and handing out flowers and chocolates. None of the kids had been away from their family on Mother’s Day until now. They missed their mothers much more, longing for their warm hugs. 
Eva suggested giving Dr. Karr a Mother’s Day gift to fill that void of longing to appreciate their mothers. Dr. Karr had been the nicest to Eva, and she felt like appreciating her. She had been away from the island for a while, so Eva was excited to see her again. 
Jax tilted his head, confused. “She’s not our mother though.”
Sami replied, “But she helped us escape and kept us safe. Mothers try to keep their kids safe.” 
The memory replayed in her head of when her mother tried to keep her away from the strange man who was trying to take Sami away. Everything else was a blur after that. She laid her chin on Baryn’s head gently, trying not to cry. 
Eva nodded. “I have a friend who always celebrates her dad for Mother’s Day. Dr. Karr has been so nice, and Omega said she’ll be coming on that day to visit.”
Sami thought for a moment. “Should we ask Omega? She could give us advice. Dr. Karr is her sister.”
“I think she’s near the docks right now. Dr. Karr did try to protect us Maybe it could be fun,” said Jax. He missed his mom a lot, as he would always make drawings and pick flowers for her.
Eva knew how he felt. Eva missed her mother and father so much, and she prayed it was only a matter of short time before getting to be reunited with her again. Dr. Karr had given her the hay doll Eva grew to love so much, reminding her of the small plush dolls her mother would buy for her to feel happy and safe.
“Let’s go find her.”
“That… sounds really nice, Omega.” 
Omega had commed Emerie to talk about Mother’s Day for Echo, sitting in a corner near the docks on Pabu. She was really excited, and Echo was bringing Emerie along too during his annual visit. Omega wanted her to be a part of her plan. 
Emerie found this Mother’s Day interesting. Just like every other clone, she never had a mother, nor any parents. Nala Se may have taken care of her for a short period of time, but she wasn’t quite someone who you would call caring and nurturing. Hemlock may have raised her after taking her in, but he didn’t fit any of those categories either at all.
“I knew you would like it!” Omega said. She was about to tell Emerie more, but she heard an outside voice calling her name. 
“Sorry, Omega,” Emerie turned with a frown. “I have to go take care of something. But I promise to keep it secret.”
Omega smiled. “It’s okay. We can go over the plan later.”
Emerie gave her sister a nod. “Be safe, Omega.” 
The call ended, and Omega tucked in her holo-comm into her pocket. She turned to see Eva, Jax, and Sami coming over. Baryn was awake, snuggling with his toy. 
Omega noticed Eva had a nervous look on her face. “Hi! You guys doing okay?”
The kids nodded. Eva held her hands together behind her back. “We wanted to ask you something.”
“Sure, what is it?” Omega gave the young ones her full attention, feeling a little concerned. 
“Well… everyone says Mother’s Day is coming. Our moms aren’t here, but we felt like giving a gift to Dr. Karr.”
“She’s been nice to us, it’s the least we could do,” Sami added. 
Omega’s eyes widened. “That sounds fantastic! I’m going to do something for one of my brothers, and Emerie is going to help. She’ll love your surprise!”
Eva smiled. “You really think so?”
Omega nodded. “Emerie never had a mother either, but I know she will love your gift.”
The kids were happy that Omega liked their idea. Now they just had to think of the perfect gift. 
It was perfect timing. Mother’s Day was today. Omega had been wide awake since the sun rose, awaiting Echo and Emerie’s arrival. She had her brothers help her paint banners, pick flowers, and cook some food. She had drawn a picture of her and her family together for Echo to keep with him, and she had Lyana help her frame it. 
Omega had gotten Mox, Stak, and Deke to join in, who were helping the Batch set the table. They had decided to make handmade bracelets for Echo to have on his missions, adding touches to his new painted armor. 
Lyana came over, informing Omega that the ship was arriving. Omega ran out, Hunter exclaiming to tell her to be careful. Batcher followed her, wanting to see Echo and Emerie. 
The ship landed, and Omega ran to Echo, leaping into his arms. 
“Whoa, good to see you again too kid!” Echo returned the hug, carefully setting Omega down. Omega gave Emerie a hug next, as Emerie knelt down to give her sister a tight one. Omega was still getting used to seeing Emerie without those rose-tinted glasses, but she looked pretty either way. 
Batcher nuzzled herself on Echo’s legs. Echo smiled, giving her some pets. She came over to Emerie, who slightly flinched. Batcher tilted her head and sat down calmly, allowing Emerie to come near her when she felt comfortable.
Emerie was still getting used to Batcher, as she would always see the lurca hounds as these vicious creatures who could easily rip one’s throats with their claws. But there was nothing to worry about with Batcher; she wasn’t one of them anymore. Emerie slowly reached her hand out, gently petting Batcher’s head. She smiled, enjoying the feeling. 
“Dr. Karr!” Emerie heard little voices call her name, looking over to see Eva and Jax running towards her. Sami walked over with Baryn in her arms; the baby never wanted to leave her gentle hold. Emerie stayed down on her knees to receive a hug from each of them. 
“Hello, Eva, Jax, Sami. Baryn.” Emerie smiled and scrunched her nose at Baryn, who giggled, happy to see her. “You all can call me Emerie. You don’t have to keep calling me Dr. Karr.”
“Okay. Emerie,” Eva responded, getting the feel of calling Emerie by her first name.
Echo looked around. There was no sight of the Batch. “Where are the others?”
Omega smiled. “Getting ready.”
Echo raised an eyebrow. “Ready for what?”
Omega grabbed Echo’s hand, pulling him to go with her. “Come with me. You’ve got to see this!”
Echo laughed, following his sister to where she wanted him to go. Emerie began to follow Omega, turning to the kids. “Coming?”
Eva replied, “In a bit. We’ll  be there.” Emerie nodded, following Echo and Omega.
“Let’s go prepare her gift,” Jax whispered. The kids nodded, heading off to get Emerie’s Mother’s Day gift. 
Omega excitedly led Echo to her family’s new home on Pabu. Echo noticed her being more energetic than usual, wondering where this girl had in store for him. They reached the door, but Omega stopped before opening it. 
“Could you close your eyes?”
Echo scrunched his eyebrows, starting to grow suspicious of what was behind those doors. He hoped it wasn’t one of their pranks they convinced Omega to do with them. Last time he had a whole mishap with his scomp arm and sticky string.
“Please?” Omega held her hands together. As much as he was worried, Echo couldn’t say no to his favorite girl. He shut his eyes, feeling Omega take his hand again and heard the door open. Emerie opened the door so Omega could lead Echo in.
Echo slowly walked, trusting Omega to take him safely. He felt Omega stop walking as he stopped as well. 
“Okay, open.”
Echo swallowed, ready to face anything that was thrown onto his face. He opened his eyes, and all he saw were his brothers, standing together with smiles on their faces. There was a whole table set with food and flowers carefully arranged. A painted banner was hung above on the walls with the words colorfully written in Aurebesh: “Happy Mother’s Day.”
Echo was about to ask what Mother’s Day was, but Omega began, “Everyone may joke that you’re our mom, but in a way you really are. You take so much care of us, and we wanted to thank you for it. Happy Mother’s Day, Echo!”
“Yeah, happy Mother’s Day, Echo!” Wrecker exclaimed, happy to celebrate. Hunter and Crosshair couldn’t help smiling at their older brother. Mox, Stak and Deke came over to Echo, handing him the bracelets they made. 
“For your new armor. It’ll add some color,” Mox said. 
Echo smiled, grateful for all of this. 
Omega walked over to the table, reaching for a frame. She handed Echo the frame, who got to see her drawn picture of him and Omega standing together, the rest in the picture as well along with Emerie. “I drew this for you to have wherever you go, so you have a picture of us for you to look at whenever you miss us on your missions.”
Echo knelt down, holding the frame. He loved it so much, and the picture being drawn by his little sister was the best thing for him. “Thank you, Omega.”
He pulled her into a hug, which Omega returned warmly. Wrecker joined in, and so did Hunter. Wrecker dragged Crosshair into the hug, which he actually enjoyed.
Emerie came over to Echo, holding an untied bracelet. “Senator Chuchi told me about these bracelets that are shared between brothers and sisters. I wanted to make you one as a gift. It’ll bring you good luck.”
Echo looked at the delicate bracelet in Emerie’s hand. He reached out his arm, allowing Emerie to put on the bracelet for him. Emerie smiled, tying the bracelet onto his wrist next to the bracelets the young triplets gave him. Echo loved his gifts, and he was happy that his family decided to do this for him. 
“You should eat, you’ve probably had a long journey,” Hunter suggested. 
“The cake is delicious! Your favorite berry is in it,” Wrecker said. 
Echo nodded, following his brothers and sister to the table. 
Emerie was ready to follow Echo, but she heard Eva’s voice behind her. The kids stood together shyly, and Emerie noticed a red box in Eva’s hands. 
“We… thought of making something for you for Mother’s Day,” Jax said. 
“For helping keep us safe,” Sami added. 
Eva reached out the box. Emerie was shocked. She wasn’t expecting to get anything for Mother’s Day. She didn’t feel she really fit the qualities of a mother. 
Emerie knelt down, taking the box gently from Eva’s small hands. She opened it carefully, revealing a beautiful woven necklace.
“Did you all make this?” Emerie asked. The kids nodded. 
“It was Sami’s idea,” said Eva. “You can wear that on your adventures, and when we go back to our families, you can have that to remember us by.”
Emerie held the necklace, fond of the design. The colors of gold, maroon, and dark blue were so beautifully woven together. She had never received a gift as precious as this. 
"I have some flowers for you too," Jax said, handing her a bunch of colorful flowers he found around Pabu. Emerie took the flowers gently.
“Do you like it?” Sami asked. 
Emerie smiled, tears welling up in her eyes. “It’s beautiful. It’s perfect. Thank you." 
The kids smiled, coming in for another hug. Baryn cooed as Emerie set a hand on his head. She felt grateful to be loved by these children. 
“Emerie, come eat!” Omega called. 
“Come join,” Emerie said to the kids. She stood up, holding Eva and Jax’s hands. She helped Sami set up Baryn so he could eat something good for him. 
The family was happy to be together like this, just like other normal families in the galaxy spending a holiday together. Echo had listened to Omega explain Mother's Day to him and often looked over at his bracelets, loving his gifts. Emerie had Eva put the necklace on her carefully, loving to wear it. 
Mother’s Day had become a new special holiday for them in their hearts, and Omega was ready to celebrate it every year, just like this.
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sergeantgoggles · 22 days
Maycrowzer Headcanons (SFW)
I'll get back to writing prompts eventually. Been a little under the weather lately with an injury that isn't healing, so I made a self-indulgent list of headcanons for my favorite Bad Batch OT3.
TW: Mentions of PTSD, alcohol abuse, anger issues, body dysmorphia, and eating disorders.
Howzer is jealous of Mayday when they first find and rescue him from Tantiss. He’ll never forget the way Crosshair forgot himself and ran into Mayday’s arms amongst the bodies littering the floor of the base. The only greeting he got was an anxious sneer when Crosshair showed up on Teth.
The threesome was Mayday’s idea. He pitches it to Howzer so casually that Howzer thinks he’s joking at first, but when he sees that Mayday is serious, he figures he has nothing left to lose.
None of them expected the outcome, especially Crosshair. No way was his luck so high that he had reconciled and found love with Howzer AND was able to rescue Mayday and be with him, too.
Moving to Pabu just seemed right. Mayday wasn’t willing t fight anymore, and he was determined to keep Crosshair safe. Howzer took some convincing, but ultimately, being where they were was what he wanted.
They build their house close to the beach. It didn’t matter much to Crosshair where they ended up as long as they were together and his brothers and sister were nearby.
Howzer, having initially been trained to be a marine soldier, loves being near the open water.
Mayday, having spent much of the last couple of years in a cold, frozen planet, like having the warmth of the sun and colors of the sunset filtering through their bedroom window.
He also has a garden in the backyard that he tends to daily. His garden becomes the island’s best source of medicinal herbs and vegetables for harvesting and Mayday is very proud of it.
Also, this man is so into Dad Rock. Sometimes he can get Crosshair to loosen up and rock out with him in the living room, but other times Crosshair comes in from shopping to see Mayday and Omega with Hunter’s old bandana wrapped around her head playing a mean air guitar.
Howzer picks up a job as security detail for the island. It makes him feel like he’s still contributing to the rebellion by keeping his loved ones and Pabu safe from the Empire. He’d heard about Tech’s brainwashing and what he did to Pabu while he was under the Empire’s control, and he vows to never let anything like that happen again.
Crosshair spreads out his time doing odd jobs for the people on the island and picks up a whittling hobby. He’ll sit on the beach with his toes in the water and a knife watching the sun move across the sky and make little trinkets out of wood. He’s rather good at it, and most residents of the island have one of his masterpieces in their houses.
But not everything is perfect in paradise.
They all have nightmares. Some of them are easier to get through than others. Sometimes, they’re bad enough that someone needs to be restrained.
The first time it happens, Crosshair clocks Howzer in the face because he thinks Howzer is a Shadow Clone that’s come for him and his family. Howzer understands, but Crosshair apologizes for weeks after the incident.
Mayday develops a drinking problem, which is to say, he gets violent and angry when he’s had too much to drink and has a habit of taking it out on Crosshair and Howzer. Howzer can handle it, but if Mayday starts in on Crosshair, Howzer makes Crosshair leave to stay with one of his brothers until Mayday calms down and sobers up.
It doesn’t happen often. Many times Mayday can have several drinks and be fine and happy or maybe even horny, but when it does happen, Howzer knows they’re in for a long night.
After two years of living the island life together, they make their relationship a marriage. They don’t wear rings. Rings can get lost or ruined or given back. Instead, they get matching tattoos of three planets, one for how they each met one another: Ryloth, Barton IV, and Coruscant. (Technically, Howzer met Mayday on Tantiss, but they collectively agreed that planet has no place in their lives or on their bodies anymore). The three planets all surround one in the center, Pabu.
Mayday has his on his chest, right over his heart, because he’s a romantic sap.
Crosshair has it on his left hip.
Howzer has his on his right calf.
When they’re a little older and the lush, island lifestyle begins to catch up with them, Howzer develops an eating disorder. His physical appearance is important to him, and he’s worked incredibly hard to maintain his physique and proportions, but age can’t help but make him softer around the edges, and he hates it.
He wakes up one morning after a few months of eating only what he needs to and working out endlessly to see himself in the mirror. He’s pleased with what he sees, unable to tell that he isn’t healthy. He’s too thin and looks frail, but he’s finally happy with what he sees in the mirror.
Mayday looks at him that morning, REALLY looks, and he sees what Howzer can’t, but Howzer is smiling in a way that he hasn’t in a short while, and he’s so proud of himself. It breaks Mayday’s heart.
(An intervention occurs, and Mayday and Crosshair do their best to keep reassuring Howzer that he’s not less for enjoying the life that he worked for).
They have family dinners once a week, usually at Hunter and Tech’s place, but sometimes at Wrecker and Shep’s house. Omega and Lyana love to cook for them (with help from Shep and Wrecker, who takes interest in it when he learns just how much you can do with food).
One of Crosshair’s favorite photos is one that Tech sneakily took during one of the festivals on the island of Howzer dancing with Omega and spinning her around. He gives a copy of the photo to her when she confides in them that she’s joining Hera’s fleet in the resistance.
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billfinarts · 30 days
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Some Star Wars headcanon stuff I've had forever (probably shared these on my old account)
So... with the finale of Bad Batch, I figured it was time to revisit and touch up some of my headcanon and oc stories.
Today, I give Nomad Crosshair now more fitting for Pabu and my ocs that play a role in Crosshair's story in my CW headcanon.
Liri Scaleback is a bounty hunter who was taken in by Embo and raised to be a hunter. During the clone war, she met the Bad Batch on Saleucami. With a turn of events, they worked together and particularly grew a liking towards the sniper. The two would cross paths frequently during the war, growing close. They separated for a time after events on Yalbec Prime but would later reunite on Pabu after the fall of Tantiss.
Kada Scaleback is daughter to Crosshair and Liri. She was conceived on Yalbec Prime and born shortly after Kamino fell. Her mother later brought her to Pabu after hearing word from the batch. Kada would grow up on Pabu, living a life of peace but learning the ways of a warrior and hunter. She's young and still has much to learn.
Rakki is Liri's trusted and loyal mudhorn companion. She took him as an egg for a bounty but kept him shortly after he hatched. In many ways, he was her first kid and is a loyal protector and friend. A gentle giant.
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greenconvor · 2 months
So it’s really been bothering me that Hunter’s reaction to Omega turning herself over to the Empire was almost nonexistent. Like, sure I get it could have just been writer’s choice to focus on the overall plot, but the same writers have gone out of their way to show how passionate Hunter is about keeping Omega safe and how much it effected him when she was captured at the end of season two. SO, I got an idea:
What if Omega surrendering during the invasion was always the plan?
Okay, hear me out. Omega has been very vocal about her desire to go back to Tantiss even before they’d actually escaped. Leaving the other prisoners behind never even crossed her mind. On the other hand, Crosshair has done everything he can to ignore anything remotely related to Tantiss except Omega. Hence why he won’t address the real reason behind his hand tremor.
Now consider: Omega is wracked with guilt/determination, finding it more difficult each day (especially as she sees the extent of Crosshair’s trauma) to sit back and do nothing while there are still so many clones stuck in that awful prison undergoing who knows what torture. So she goes to Hunter, resolved to do Something. Except, there’s nothing they can do until they get the base’s coordinates. Which Hunter and Wrecker already know is nearly impossible since they’ve been trying since Omega was kidnapped in s2.
THEN it becomes apparent that Crosshair isn’t telling them everything. They try to talk to him repeatedly, but nothing is working. He’s locked up tight. So someone (probably Omega) comes up with a plan.
If Omega, the only person Crosshair feels has never abandoned him as well as the one he’s the most protective of now, is taken back to Tantiss then Crosshair will have to reveal what he knows in order to rescue her.
It’s kinda mean and manipulative and very dangerous, but it’s the only feasible plan they’ve got. And as Omega says to Crosshair before she turns herself over: they need to focus on the bigger mission and they, as individuals, are only a small part of it. Omega clearly knows this and as bad as she may feel for forcing Crosshair to return, she knows they HAVE to save the imprisoned clones. It’s a matter of life and death.
And because Omega is Hunter’s weak spot (he will literally do anything for her since she’s basically his child— which makes his sudden lack of reaction even weirder) he agrees.
So Hunter approaches Cid, convincing her to tip off her Imperial informant either out of guilt or monetary incentive. Cid’s info leads CX-2 to Phee who leads him to Pabu. Then all they have to do is get Omega in a position where she seems to have no choice but surrender. It’s not hard to predict, the Empire’s done all this before.
THIS is why neither Hunter or Wrecker are losing it like everyone thought they would. It’s why they’re not blaming Crosshair or running themselves ragged or burning down the galaxy to find her. It’s why Omega is so calm even though she’s back to square one in Hemlock’s ‘care’. It’s why Crosshair seems to be the one most effected by her loss. The others knew what was going to happen; they were prepared. They trust Omega implicitly, knowing that she can keep herself safe until Crosshair leads them to Tantiss. In return, Omega trusts that they will find her. She trusts that Crosshair won’t leave her behind.
I know this is highly unlikely to become canon, but I think it would make all their seemingly uncharacteristic behavior actually very in character without the vague explanation: Writer’s Choice. Either way, that’s my headcanon and I’m sticking to it!
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heyclickadee · 9 months
Some kinda silly Techphee head-canons/thoughts under the cut (I wrote this ages ago but never posted it):
1. I’m honestly still not sure that Tech wasn’t trying to flirt back in “Entombed.” Not even necessarily in a serious way, because I don’t think that switch completely flips until “Pabu,” but in a, “Hhmm. She’s interesting,” sort of way, but his flirting language just ended up going completely over Phee’s head.
2. Likewise, I still like that things between them are moving really slowly and that we’ve barely gotten to (kinda clumsy and very mild) mutual flirting. It’s a negotiated relationship and not a whirlwind romance, and I appreciate that.
3. This is partly head-canon, but I also kind of appreciate that both of them are trying to figure this out. Phee has this interesting combination of having a somewhat flirty baseline personality while also being somewhat standoffish in the most extroverted way (I kind of head-canon that she’s one of those super outgoing people who still manages to keep people at arms length and has a vveeerrrry short list of close friends because emotional intimacy is terrifying), and that could potentially make it hard to communicate when she really likes someone.
And then with Tech—I kind of think it’s new territory for him. In a way. I don’t personally head-canon Tech as ace or aro, though I appreciate that other people do, and I honestly don’t have a head-canon either way on whether or not Tech’s ever hooked up with anyone. Maybe he hasn’t, maybe he has, could go either way, for me it just kinda depends on whether he ever had the opportunity or the time. What I think, though, is that any experience he might have with sex or kissing or whatever was limited to one night stands with people he knew he was never going to see again. Phee, though—Tech has had the time to get to know her a bit, and he could potentially have a life with her. And those are two things—time and the chance of a life or an actual romantic relationship with someone—that would’ve never been on the table before because those were things the GAR didn’t allow. That’s what I mean by it being new territory, and that could make someone cautious, however into another person they are.
Tl;dr: They’re both struggling to figure out what’s going on between them and I love them being gently disastrous because of it.
3.5: Kind of an aside, even though I don’t head-canon Tech as ace or aro (I identify very strongly with Tech, and I’m ace, but I also like leaning into the ways I think he’s very much not like me at all), I do actually kind of head-canon Hunter that way. And I mean that I headcanon him as being completely uninterested and even a little confused that other people are. Though I appreciate that other people don’t headcanon Hunter that way. (This is one of those cases where it’s really fun seeing other people’s interpretations).
4. When Tech comes back and if Tech and Phee do end up together, I’m really hoping that they’ll be a bit like Kanan and Hera in Rebels, in that they end up being best friends who are also very in love and extremely married in a science adventure battle couple kind of way. (I also really adore the sibling energy between Phee and Hunter, so I. Like. Need them to be space in-laws). Friendship and romance don’t cancel each other out and can not only co-exist, but strengthen one another as well. I feel like media does us a disservice when it says that romance ruins a friendship or that friendship is a stepping stone or, worse, an obstacle to romance. I want them to steal stuff from the British Space Museum and then also smooch from time to time.
5. I’ll admit that I’m kind of compelled by the fact that Tech and Phee won’t really get to grow old together. Even if they get to live peaceful lives, Tech’s going to be old long before Phee, and he’s going to die before either of them are really ready for it. And there’d be something interesting about one of them—I imagine Tech but it could be either one—saying, “This is going to be over too quickly, and that’s not fair,” and the other going, “No, it’s not—but let’s live life anyway.”
6. I’m on the fence on whether or not Phee and Tech would want kids if they do end up an item, but if they did (I mean, okay, if the writers make them want kids, but if we’re buying into the narrative here), I actually think they’d be good parents. Tech’s kind of already got a kid that he’s pretty good with (there was a learning curve and Hunter’s the main dad, but Tech’s right there co-raising Omega, and she’s his kid/little sister as much as she’s Hunter’s), Phee’s actually pretty good with Omega, too, and Lyana clearly adores Phee. It’s not the same as being primary caretakers, but it’s a step towards not being awful at it.
And it’s not as though they’d be on their own if they did decide to raise kids. (I’m including adoption of the very informal ‘a kid who needs a family and protection found us so we’re parents now’ Star Wars variety as a possibility here, btw). While I don’t think the the batch is going to settle down on Pabu all together all the time after season three (I have thoughts), any kid Tech and Phee would have would probably end up being raised by the wwhoooooolle family. Hunter, Crosshair, Wrecker, Echo, Omega, and probably Shep and Lyana are all gonna be Involved, not to mention the bazillion distant uncles (like Rex) that kid would have. That kid’s getting doted on.
6.5. Another aside, but I’m really curious how Phee and Shep met, and how Phee became part of that little family.
7. Tech’s and Phee’s relationship isn’t the one I’m the most interested in exploring going into season three—the sibling/parent/whatever relationships within clone force 99 are the ones I’m most invested in, and the Techphee stuff has been so low key that I don’t expect it to take precedence over anything else, or think it should —but I am still very invested in it and want to see where it goes.
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Hello, beautiful anon 💚
Small reminder to my followers to please send all asks to this blog and not my main!
The Bad Batch Happily Ever After Headcanons
His happily ever after consists of his entire squad being together and being safe. It's all he's ever wanted, and it will make him the most content. He doesn't care where, as long as they're together. Family is the most important thing to him. Ideally, they'll settle down somewhere quiet and peaceful, like Pabu. He'll raise Omega into a beautiful, well-rounded young woman who can also murder people. Then he'll watch the rest of his squad go about their new lives and smile like an idiot.
His happily ever after is all about his brothers. Echo can never rest easy if other clones can't. Ideally, he wants to save them all and shuttle them back to Pabu for safe keeping, where they can build new lives and live how they want to. Once his mission is complete, he and Rex are going to retire themselves to Pabu and live out the rest of their days in the peace and quiet they deserve. They'll continue to work on helping other clones adjust, but their armor will sit neatly in the closet collecting dust.
His happily ever after doesn't include blowing things up. In fact, Wrecker finds complete and total satisfaction in helping others. He puts his incredible strength to use in acts of service to the community around him. Someone needs something heavy moved? Wreckers got it. Someone needs something repaired? Wreckers got it. Wrecker probably has the smoothest transition from soldier life to civilian life, and he embraces it to its fullest. In his downtime, he fishes off the docks with his feet dangling in the water.
His happily ever after revolves around his growing relationship with Phee. I am 100% on the Tech/Phee bandwagon, but I prefer the slow burn approach. They'll spend hours and even days just talking with each other, trading stories from the different places they've been, things they've seen, and experiences they've had. Enjoying each other's presence. Tech will always be Tech, and I know he'll still be working hard and finding away to improve everyone's lives on Pabu.
His happily ever after involves the most painful redemption arc ever. Once reunited with his family, he has to work to gain everyone's trust again, and it's hard. Broken trust is the most difficult thing to mend. His first breakthrough is with Omega. Omega and Crosshair bonded on Mount Tantiss, and she's the one who convinced him that the Batch would take him back. So, he's very much a part of her life now, and with that, eventually, he gains Hunter's trust and respect again. But his brotherly love? Well, that was never lost to begin with.
Her happily ever after is all about family time on Pabu. Once settled, she can finally be a kid. She makes friends, explores new places, learns new things, makes mistakes, crushes on boys, and all the other great things that kids her age get to do. She doesn't need to be protected anymore, not when she's safe on Pabu, but she does learn to protect herself and how to protect others. She loves working with the refugee clones and helping them transition to civilian life.
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badgermolebender · 7 months
So I have a lot of thoughts about Wu and team Avatar. The show kind of sets him up to have poor relationships with each of them, but they have to work together (Ruins of Empire), and he and Mako are so clearly in love. And I just think about the development of Wu’s relationships with team avatar like all the time. I think Opal would warm up to him first, then Korra, then Asami, and then Bolin.
But I was thinking about how Asami and Wu would bond, because that seemed the least obvious to me, and I now have this headcanon that it’s over a game of Pai Sho.
So in S3 E9 “The Stakeout,” Asami and Bolin play Pai Sho, and they have different philosophies behind the game. For Bolin, it’s a fast-paced, game of chance. For Asami, it’s the slow, methodical game that Iroh played in ATLA. And this seems to be showing the differences between Mako/Bolin and Asami. Because of their differences in class, they grew up in very different Republic Cities and have very different cultural backgrounds and experiences. And Bolin and Asami play a lot of games, and Bolin only “wins” once (Pabu knocks over the board).
And I just love the idea of Asami and Wu being in a situation where they can play Pai Sho. Because Wu would know how to play the slow, methodical, and aristocratic way. And he’s smart and analytical and able to look at situations big picture (in Ruins of Empire he’s really the only one considering the broader political implications besides Zhu Li). So I just love the idea of Asami being forced to reconsider her judgements about Wu, the silly, irresponsible, spoiled prince, during a five (or some other unreasonable number of) hour game of Pai Sho in which she ultimately falls into his trap and loses. And they aren’t besties by the end, but Asami finally has true respect for Wu beyond “well he’s the least evil leader for the Earth Kingdom.”
And then once that initial ice is broken and mutual respect is forged, Asami comes to appreciate having someone in her life who understands the world that she comes from. Someone who comes from a similar cultural background and experiences. And then she and Wu ultimately forge a true friendship over their shared experiences of wealth and growing up in that environment and being overlooked by others.
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dindjarindiaries · 9 days
Hey hey hey girl! It's the Spicy Hunter Anon™️ - remember me? I'm back with another round of headcanons - domestic life on Pabu/post TBB finale edition!
Sweet family dinners with the entire squad (and their friends) are an absolute must!
Hunter would want to have at least a few kids with his lover and would be the absolutest sweetest during the pregnancy, birth, and child raising years
That being said, I can also see him being totally open to adopting as well! Him and his lover would definitely be parental/role model figures to all of the other children on the island
Would love doing outdoorsy things with his kids - swimming at the beach, playing in the woods etc.
I could see Hunter recounting stories from his days in the Republic to the children, like sitting-around-a-campfire style lol
Maybe getting a tiny bit insecure as the accelerated aging starts to kick in at the beginning, but his lover would reassure him that he's only going to get sexier with time ;)
He loves beach days/nights alone with his girl - would watch the sunrise/sunset with her often, and if they have complete privacy, would sunbathe nude with her and make love to her under the stars ;) ;) ;)
Occasional romantic off-planet excursions, as long as safety and a private place outside of the Empire's reach are ensured beforehand
Spicy Hunter Anon you are a TREASURE.
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Thank you, I have new thoughts to hyperfixate on now
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freesia-writes · 1 year
Tech, Phee, and a Fix-It Fic
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Took this post from @ashyybees-art and ran with it, though it totally got away from me. It should have been wayyyy shorter and more simple. But, alas, here we are. Also... this was really hard to write cause I'm not a huge fan of Phee just yet. :/ Sorry. Prolly cause I was elbows deep in my own Tech/OC fanfic when she came onto the scene. But it's a lil somethin to hold us over with a happy headcanon until we get further news in season three. <3
Words: 2k SPOILERS for the season 2 TBB finale! -=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Phee had always told herself she would be independent. Capable. Self-sufficient. Strong. She didn't need anyone but enjoyed the company of others… a little too much, recently. The squad of "deviant" clones had left a lasting impression in her life that she hadn't quite been able to shake, especially the demeanor and appeal of one bespectacled crew member in particular. 
So when she put a tracking beacon on the Marauder, she told herself it was for practicality, for protection. She wasn't one of those clingy sorts who got too attached and fawned over someone; she was a clever and skilled woman who thought of backups and contingency plans for herself and those she… loved? It wasn't something she would utilize unless she absolutely had to; better to have it in place and not need it than to wish she had. 
Something felt different the night they left. Omega, typically delighted to share anything and everything with her, had been uncharacteristically cryptic about their covert mission. She'd made an attempt to get a clue from Tech, but he was even more shifty than usual, and eye contact was enough of a struggle to get from him, let alone a straight answer. She couldn't tell if he was distant because of stress or anticipation, or perhaps she had done something to offend him? Perhaps he had changed his mind from the warmth and interest he had shown when they first arrived on Pabu?
Regardless, she had responded to his nervous little goggle adjustment with the typical flutter of the heart and a small smile. She knew him to be incredibly proficient, unassumingly strong, and incomparably intelligent. So they parted with a casual farewell, and she anticipated the next time they would see each other. Perhaps he would share what had been weighing so heavily on him for this particular mission. 
She couldn't sleep that night, alternating between tossing and turning with anxious hypotheticals and drifting into periods of sleep that were punctuated with disturbing nightmares. This was unusual, and in the wee hours of the morning she gave up, heading to the balcony of her home to watch the sunrise. It wasn't an obsession, or a need to have him in her sight the whole time… just an undeniable sense of foreboding. She doubted he would react favorably to her shadowing him, but perhaps if he didn't know… 
Breakfast found her equally unsuccessful in focusing on anything else. The nagging feeling had only grown, to the point that it was becoming unbearable. She hit her limit. An hour later she was prepped and in her ship, activating the tracking beacon. She'd just take a look, a quick fly-by, to assuage the unrelenting plague of worry. 
It wasn't her first time having to sneak past Imperial ships, and she transmitted a trusty clearance code that hadn't failed her yet. As she descended, the radar's beeps came more quickly. She dropped into the atmosphere and her eyes were met with towering rock formations poking above the clouds; it was impossible to tell how far below the planet floor was. Her heart leapt in her chest -- there was the Marauder! It was neatly folded against one of the cliffs, perched on a perfectly-sized ledge. No sign of light or activity, however, so she took a gentle loop to see where they may have gone. 
Sudden alarms notified her of the approach of incoming craft, and she peeled away to avoid being seen, diving down toward the forest canopy. Her ship was small and easy to navigate, and she lowered it into a small clearing as a handful of Imperial fighters shot overhead. She whipped out her electrobinoculars, following their path, and the scene that met her eyes made her stomach drop to her feet. Blaster bolts flew between skyrail cars, and the ships pelted them with shots on a fly by before arcing through the air to come around for another run. She spotted Hunter's red bandana leaning out the window of one of the cars as he sent a few shots at the opposite car, and then a swinging figure caught her attention. 
She gasped aloud. Tech. Dangling far below the cars by a single wire, attempting to climb but moving too slowly as the fighters approached yet again. Her mind raced. What could she do? She wouldn't be able to launch fast enough before they came by again, and even if she did, she would likely be shot down, outnumbered as she was. Before she had the chance to think of any other options, a single blaster bolt fired from Tech's suspended form, breaking the skyrail coupling, and he began to free fall, along with an entire car following above him. 
Simultaneous fear and focus kicked into high gear. She plotted his trajectory, fighting down the waves of nausea that broke upon her, and began to sprint into the forest. The trees and rocks seemed to reach miles into the sky above her, a sickening realization, and she picked up the pace, gasping for air but refusing to slow down. 
Crashing through a wall of bushes that scraped along her arms, she let out a cry as she saw his crumpled form ahead, unmistakable with the white armor and colorful accents. His backpack, cracked in half, dangled from a sharp branch above, and his helmet had splintered, scattering shards across the clearing. Collapsing to her knees next to him, she gently rolled him onto his back, taking a sharp inhale at the horror she saw. His fall had been broken only by tree branches, each one leaving a mark as it hit him with full force. One had whipped across his head, shattering his goggles, which dangled from one ear, and horribly disfiguring his face. Dirt mixed with blood and bone, and she fought to maintain consciousness. She didn't know how extensive the damage was, but she had to get him somewhere, anywhere, and fast. 
Shapes and shadows, muffled sounds… Waves of pain… Dreams of light, always ending in darkness. Weightlessness and water began to form in his mind. The rhythmic sound of mechanical breathing. But all was dark.
Suddenly, weight returned. He was being moved; the ground was shifting below him. He was lying on his back, as far as he could tell, but movement was nearly impossible. Everything felt so heavy, as if he were made of the thinnest glass and could shatter at a moment's notice. And the darkness, the murkiness. He thought his eyes were open but there was nothing but shadows, appearing from nowhere and startling him, taking form and then melting away. 
The whirring sound of servos grew nearer, accompanied by a robotic voice, "CT-9902, can you hear me?"
It took a few swallows to remedy a dry mouth despite the recent emergence from water, and his voice cracked as he spoke, "I can."
"I am your assigned 2-1B medical droid. You have sustained heavy damage."
"Diag… diagnostic report," he breathed, fighting a rising sense of panic at the unresponsiveness of his vision. He tentatively attempted to move fingers and toes, shifting his weight to and fro, but he could see nothing but vague patches of dark and darker. As the droid recounted his injuries, his claustrophobia grew. It was irrational. It served no purpose. But the inability to snap out of it, to look around at his surroundings, felt suffocating. Focusing on the droid's analysis as a way to ground himself, he calculated the possibilities of his future. 
It wasn't a fruitful endeavor, nor did it have its usual soothing effect. He had always been one to successfully employ mind over matter, logic over emotion. But the sensation of being trapped within his own body was a novel one that was proving to be insurmountable as of yet. The droid finished its debriefing, machinery indicating some kind of movement, and the pit in his stomach grew heavier.
"Where am I?" he asked with a gravelly voice.
But there was no reply. 
Time stretched into eternity, and his ability to analyze and predict was significantly less sharp than he was used to. His nose was assaulted with the sterile scents of a medical bay and his ears picked up every beep, whoosh, and whir. His mouth felt dry and metallic, and the sensations throughout his body were a myriad of pain, awareness, and comfort. But his vision was gone. Almost entirely. He assessed the likelihood of what had happened, slowly bringing a hand to a heavily-bandaged face. His eyes were not covered, however, confirming his fears.
Solitude usually didn't bother him, but he found himself yearning for his brothers. The factual analysis of his situation did nothing to improve his mental state. He needed answers, and patience was not a prominent strength of someone who had been able to make things happen quickly and effectively his whole life.
"Well… You've certainly looked better," came a familiar voice, breaking him out of his morose reverie. It was not a voice he had expected, but it was an improvement to the circumstances nonetheless.
"Phee," he said quietly, "What happened?"
He felt a weight on the side of the bed, accompanied by a shifting shadow overhead, then the gentle, warm touch of a hand to his bare cheek that made him flinch involuntarily. A quiet sound of sympathy came from her, and the hand disappeared.
"You decided to go flying without a jet pack," Phee answered, "And the local landscape seemed to have an issue with that. Particularly the trees. And the ground."
"It was necessary," he replied, still struggling to speak more than a short sentence at a time. "My vision is impaired?"
"Your whole body is impaired," she said, attempting to keep it light, though the gravity was betrayed by the emotion in her voice. "You're lucky to be alive. But yes, for now."
Tech let out a small sigh, resting his head back on the pillow in defeat, "That is not ideal."
"You being alive is all that matters. You hear me?" she said with empathetic conviction.
"I do," he answered, resigned to the fact that a satisfactory response would require more stamina than he could afford. Phee rose to her feet.
"Good. Now you work on healing so we can get out of here."
The process was painstakingly slow, even with the miracles of bacta and medical droids, but finally the day arrived that they would be able to return to Pabu. Tech managed to shower and prepare on his own, feeling along the walls and fumbling about for each step. The whoosh of the door notified him of someone's arrival, and the identity was quickly confirmed by that euphonic voice.
"What are you wearing?" Phee asked as she saw him. He was wearing the medical bay defaults, which looked similar to his blacks, but had folded and tied an extra shirt around his eyes like a bandana. She wanted to laugh and cry simultaneously. "I think Hunter has already claimed that particular fashion statement."
"It is likely that the appearance of my face is disconcerting, considering the damage from the fall. I did not want to be the cause of any detestation."
"Detestation! Listen to you. Come here, Brown Eyes," she invited, drawing close. "I'm taking this off, alright?"
"You may have to select an alternative term of endearment," he said as she gently pushed the makeshift bandana up and off his head. His face had indeed healed, but the rich brown eyes that had so captivated her were covered in a thick layer of milky white, and moved unseeingly in her general direction. Scar tissue tracked from his temple on one side to his ear on the other, creating a knotted texture on his previously sharp profile. He dropped his chin a bit, in a posture of shame, and her heart broke.
She dropped the folded shirt on the nearby bed, reaching for his hands with her own. His startle reflex had diminished only slightly; it would take a while to get used to a world of shifting shadows. She traced her hands up his arms, feeling him stiffen slightly at the touch, then up to his cheeks, cupping his face with as much tenderness as she could convey. She gazed into those eyes, wishing he could see the emotion on her face as she did.
"You're not gonna get off the hook that easy," she said, gently brushing his cheekbones with her thumbs. "Besides, Brown Eyes, the phenotypic eye color for all clones is brown, you know, even if you can't see them," she said with a grin that could be heard in her voice.
And for the first time since the accident, a small smile curved the corner of his lips as well.
Requested Tags: @32rotations @cocolinagoodnight @thenonsensebatch
If you enjoyed it, feel free to check out other works on Wattpad or Ao3. :) Got a full-length Tech fic, a short cute "first date" with Gregor, a short-ish rivalry of Tech/Crosshair fighting over you, and an ongoing full-length canon-aligned backstory on Howzer. :D
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