#pain and suffering and crying and throwing up
duncanor · 1 year
Never surviving the way Wolfwood put himself and the orphanage on the line for Vash's ideals
and Vash breaking his century old promise to Rem for Wolfwood's sacrifice.
They really were each other's most important person.
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sheepkebby · 1 year
Completing Hard Rain on expert difficulty
I don't even have a witty tagline for this one, this was just terrible
Day 1.
Once again joined by Tabitha, most god gamer alive. Today Ellis is wearing an outfit called 'Neon Slasher'. No idea what it is but it looks dope as hell.
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So the first map wasn't so bad, that's how it usually goes with this challenge. We only died once, but we had used up quite a few health kits. By the time we got to the saferoom we were all out. So uh, yeah we didn't have a lot of supplies going into the next map.
Still, we tried our best! On maybe our second or third attempt, I got a message from our very good friend Black who asked if he could play too. Hell, why not? A third human survivor oughta increase our odds, right?
Well, not under these circumstances.
Y'know how I told you we used up all our medkits before getting to this saferoom? Yeah, we really needed those. We decided pretty quickly that we should just restart the campaign from the beginning and try to save as much resources as possible.
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Luckily, we did just that! We got to the saferoom again without dying and we had three health kits to spare!
Now came the real challenge. We had the supplies. We had the audacity. All we needed to do was get through the sugar mill, and the rest of the campaign would be smooth sailing... Hopefully.
Let me tell you man, it was rough. I don't know how many witches we startled but I do know that I'll have that terrifying choir music ringing in my ears forever. I think avoiding the witches is the most difficult part of this entire campaign, if not this entire expert challange.
It was nice to cuddle my homies in a corner in terror as the witch killed the bot, though. Love canoodling with my homies.
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On one attempt, I threw a Molotov at a tank right when Tabitha got incapped. So... yeah, she burnt to death. My bad. I immediately got my karma though, as a smoker dragged me into my own fire. I didn't get a screenshot of it, but here's an artistic recreation of the scene.
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At some point, Black threw a pipe bomb and it blew up almost this entire shed. Like, it's just a skeleton now. I don't know why but that was for some reason really funny to me. Look at it. He turned it into a gazebo.
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On another attempt, I had accidentally friendly fired at Tabitha, incapping her. I then immediately friendly fired at Black after that, incapping him as well. I also somehow managed to startle a witch in the process. This all happened within the span of a few seconds. I don't know how I managed to fuck up this badly. I really don't. I swear to god I'm usually much better than this.
I didn't even fight the witch that was running towards me. I accepted my fate. This was my punishment for what I had done.
I swear not every death was my fault, we all had our fair share of fuckups. I just had to bring up my blunders because even though it was painful it was also kinda hilarious.
Thank god there's like 8 respawn closets on this map. Like, there was one around literally every corner. I've got no idea how many times we had to rescue each other, but I know we had at least one or two revivals per attempt.
At least whenever I died I got to look at Nick's amazing outfit. The pink and yellow glasses are really a serve. Absolute fashion king over here.
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Sadly, after about 15 deaths, we had to call it for the night.
We managed to get to the bottom of the elevator once, but I died juuuust across the street from the gas station. Maybe if I had an adrenaline or a bit more health I could've made it. At least we know it's possible! If we can do it once, we can do it again.
We're all pretty certain the sugar mill is the most difficult part of the campaign, no way the run back or the finale would be more cruel than this.
I'll look up some strategies from other players who've attempted this, and we'll try again tomorrow. Stay tuned for part 2!
In the meantime, look at my spray. I completely forgot I had it LMAO
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aadj30 · 4 months
When your card declines at therapy so they bring up this video
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xthecaptainssaviorx · 7 months
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New footage of Coriolanus and Sejanus in The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (2023)
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niko-ur-local-moron · 8 months
do you guys think post season 6 BoJack goes through his old pics with Hollyhock and weeps like a lil baby knowing he cannot ever speak to her again
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krisssssssy · 5 months
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“He’s become the monster I made him out to be…”
Episode Ardyn - Prologue
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ssaseaprince · 7 months
Reba McClane: I drew a freak
Will Graham: You didn't draw a freak. You drew a man with a freak on his back. There is nothing wrong with you.
Reba McClane: The blind attract them.
Will Graham: Not just the blind.
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screaminsthings · 4 months
To bang or not to bang That is the question:
Whether tis nobler in the mind to endure
the sillys and goofys of outrageous your mom
Or to take arms against your mom
And by opposing bang them. to die -to sleep with
yes more; and by sleep we say fuck
the heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to: 'tis a consummation
devoutly to be bang'd. To die, to sleep with;
To sleep with, perchance to fuck- ay, that's a dick
for in that sleep of death what creams may come,
When we have shuffled off this mortal flesh
Must give us pause - theres the refractory
That makes virginity of so long life.
For who would bear the whips, leashes of collars
Th'submissive's wrong the proud whore's
The pang of degererate'd love, the law's daddy,
The ignorance of ovum, and the sperms
That patient merit of th'unworthy fucks
When he himself might his cock take
With a bare ass? Who would fardels bare,
To moan and sweat under a horny life,
But that the dread of something the morning after,
The unwhore'd country, from those ills we have
Than annoy to other that we know not of?
Thus conscience doth make whores of us all,
And thus the native hoe of resolution
Is slicklied o'er with the pale spray of come,
and enterprises of great passion and the moment
with this regard their currents turn of events
and lose the name of action
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halflife-2 · 5 months
*wiping tears from my eyes* Thank you fan fic writers
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roadkillrats · 2 years
Murata announcing the newest OPM chapter is ready
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Me after reading the new chapter
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sheepkebby · 1 year
Completing Dark Carnival on expert difficulty
Ah shit, here we go again.
Day 1.
Playing with my girlfriend Tabitha again, bless her soul. First things first, I made sure Ellis was wearing a pink outfit to match the rest of the team. Very important.
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The first and second maps we got through without any issue. The tunnel of love was actually the tunnel of seething hatred, though. We kept getting witches and tanks in very inconvenient spots, and at some point my dumbass blew myself up with my own explosive rounds LMAO.
Eventually though, at the cost of the entire team dying, Tabitha managed to complete the coaster! (While a charger squished Ellis into a pancake)
Then came the fourth map, and holy shit,
Just getting to the panic event was painful enough. We barely had any supplies since the bots and I all died before this area. We were scrounging around every corner for extra pipe bombs and pills like greedy little rats. While we were doing that though, we noticed there's no respawn closet on this entire map??? Like, absolutely nowhere for your teammates to rescue you if you die. That's nuts. I knew there were no respawn closets in finale maps, but this one not having a closet was so weird to me. Never noticed that before. Anyways;
Every single time we got back to this area outside the barns I saw this gun floating in the air. I do not know how or why. Tabitha said she didn't see it. I fear I may be going insane. I have no braincells left.
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Finally, on like our 15th attempt or something, Tabitha just barely managed to crawl into the saferoom!... And there was a witch in there.
(Shoutout to her goofy Splatoon mods)
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After that we decided it was time to call it quits for the night 😔
So, that went about as well as expected. After just over two hours of attempts we didn't even make it to the finale. But we'll try again another day! I'm one stubborn lil shit and I refuse to take an L
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aadj30 · 3 months
“Friends, teammates, childhood buddy, rival… everything but a lover.”
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hanzajesthanza · 11 months
some terrible part of me wants to comparatively analyze the reynevan/jutta sex scenes VS the birkart/douce sex scenes as good VS evil…
it’s about the worship of VS subjugation of…
#sapkowski kind of kinkshamed with that he said no rights for S/M LMAO#no before you know it there will be people who are like ‘he’s my joker and i’m his harley quinn’ but with the wallcreeper and douce of pack#dude how the black riders slowly start becoming less of a supernatural force and more of a just general banditry and sadists#and how the wallcreeper gets WAY more context and backstory compared to the two previous books#that being said when he and douce um… met for the first time#i reread it like thrice trying to ascertain if this was r*pe or not#and then i realized it doesn’t really matter because. evil. that’s why#like what happens when two murderous sadists throw themselves at each other. that. that’s what#honestly i was very happy that douce of pack showed up and played a part and wasnt just forgotten about#she made my blood run cold in her introduction in warriors of god so i’m just happy that she met her equal and also suffered horribly ❤️#dude when she’s fucking crying for help to not be left alone and birkart is like. ✌️bird form see ya#like contrasted with reynevan and jutta. as she. oh my god#i am loving the contrast actually it took him like this long to make the wallcreeper like a guy and not just a phantom#i mean you kind of see it in warriors of god too but. its kind of this awkward part where it feels inconsistent with the character#dude the way that over the three books everything just loses its sheen and becomes so real and painful#txt#hussite trilogy spoilers
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literary-mafuyu · 2 years
"You should really start prioritising other more than yourself."
"People are hurt and you dont care about them, you should understand."
"Stop being dramatic and get a life and go study. This is for yourself have you ever thought of that?"
"Do you even know how hurt your parents are to do everything and do hardwork only for you and you dont accept it and instead give them embarasment and disgust?"
"Why are you overthinking on you classmates so hard, they should be the one to judge you."
"That goes for the teachers aswell, you know that job is hard yet you continue to rant at them and take out your anger on them for no reason, do you even know how hard it is to check and compute a bunch of grades and how tiring it is for them more than YOU, yet you still so it? Grow up."
"You should start being more generous and accept people and your parent's critisim it is an important part of your life and you need to grow with it!"
"Stop being embarassing and do better for the people around you, they are in pain at you and your actions so do better."
"Just do what and people say and BALANCE YOU FUCKING TONE. Dont sound angry, dont be annoying, dont be quiet, dont speak low and speak fucking louder."
"Ignore your feelings and priorites others just grow up. Its part of fucking life."
Dont say your real feelings, just keep nodding, even to yourself
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returnofahsoka · 3 months
on one hand rewatching dw is so good. on the other hand i just experienced the end of time again and i am incosolable
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cinnamon-coffees · 7 months
i’m so sorry but some of y’all don’t even like enemies to lovers. like babes they gotta fight to the death before getting together
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