#park dojoon texts
key201303 · 2 months
What would look like to be on a relationship with Dojoon while tour (text version)
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etherealyoonghwa · 3 years
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The Rose Kim Woosung
I Want Fake Text
*reblog or like if you saved*
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hamsanwich · 4 years
Me, already counting down the days until Dojoon returns home:
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roseband · 5 years
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we 🌹 you
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gustingirl · 4 years
Hajoon, texting: You don’t have to sign your name on texts.
Dojoon, texting: Dear Hajoon, suggestion noted. Sincerely, Park Dojoon.
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freefalltaehyung · 5 years
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Daily Boyfriend Texts with Park Dojoon
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mydaysix · 6 years
#30DaysTheRose Challenge Day 26: The Rose as aesthetics
Woosung: going to concerts , infectious whispers, expensive chocolate  Dojoon: every expression possible, joy in a bottle, sunrise eyes  Jaehyeong: art in simplicity, plaid shirts, hands worth holding Hajoon: saying beautiful words, balcony views, memorable keepsakes 
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excusemyobsessions · 6 years
The Rose Requests
Taking The Rose requests because I'm in my feels because of our boys (especially you, Kim Woosung).
Here's my masterlist where you can find what you can request, along with my previous writings.
Here's the lastest Jaehyeong drabble I also wrote. I'm proud of it, I think it came out quite sweet. ❤
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(You're free to request for other artists I write for too, just in case you want to)
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mauloveskpop · 7 years
Honestly bless this fancam for filming Dojoon’s hands for 40 seconds straight, thank you
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flurrys-creativity · 3 years
Winter kimchi
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Pairing: Park Dojoon/Leo (The Rose) x Reader; Genre: Crack, Fluff, Established Relationship AU; Rating: sfw, PG-13; Warnings: Dojoon is teasing the reader; Wordcount: 679; Event: Winter Hearts from kdiarynet; Prompt: Number 26 - “Making winter kimchi together”
Summary: You never heard of the term winter kimchi before and after some teasing you decided to make some for yourself. Much to the dismay of your boyfriend, who never expected this result after teasing you.
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“Babe?” You called from the living room for your boyfriend. “I just read something on the internet.”
“What is it?”
“This blog is writing about winter kimchi. I never heard of that before.”
Dojoon came into your view, nodding his head in thought, before he grinned brightly. “So you don’t know about the seasonal kimchis?”
You raised your eyebrows in wonder and slowly shook your head no. 
He gasped in shock and clasped his hands over his chest. “I can’t believe you never heard of summer kimchi, or spring kimchi, not even autumn kimchi?”
Once again you shook your head, pouting slightly from the embarrassment of not knowing. You’ve been with Dojoon for a while now and you regularly ate kimchi but you still had no idea.
“What else is this blog writing?” Dojoon asked and came over to you, sitting down on the couch next to you. He scanned the screen of your laptop quickly, nodding at the information he got there. “Informative.”
“But it doesn’t explain the difference between the seasonal kimchis. It only explains the history of kimchi and how to make it.”
Dojoon snickered before he schooled his expression again. “Then you haven’t read it close enough.”
Your eyes flickered back to the screen immediately, reading the text over and over again. Still not getting the information you wanted, you turned back to Dojoon, seeing him smirk and a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“There are no seasonal kimchis, right?”
Dojoon bursts into laughter, falling on his side and holding his stomach. “I can’t believe you thought this was a thing!” He gasped between his giggles. Tears brimmed at the corners of his eyes and he gasped for air more repeatedly now.
You scoffed and crossed your arms in front of your chest. “Fine, you got me there but according to this blog winter kimchi exists. So let’s make it then.”
He stopped laughing and instantly straightened again, looking you right in the eyes. “Are you serious?!”
“Of course I am!”
“Uh,” Dojoon leaned closer to you again, reading over the instructions written on the blog, “sure. Seems easy enough. Do we have all the ingredients though?”
“Yep, we got everything here.”
You grinned triumphantly and stood up, pulling him along with you to the kitchen. While you took everything you needed out of the fridge, Dojoon stood in the middle of the room and just stared at your back blankly.
“And what exactly do you plan on doing with this much kimchi?” 
Dojoon stared at you in disbelief when he saw the amount of ingredients you pulled out of the fridge.
“Haven’t you read the blog?” You teased him with a smile. “They mentioned a bunch of different foods where we can add the kimchi.
“This is going to be months worth of kimchi!”
“I know. And with every passing day it will taste differently. At least according to this blog.”
Dojoon sighed and stepped next to you, knowing he couldn’t argue with you anymore. Instead he decided to lower the chaos you created around the kitchen.
You even asked him if he made winter kimchi before, or actually kimchi at all. No matter the season. It made you laugh, hearing he helped a little as a kid but never too much, so he was surprised how much work making kimchi required.
“It is indeed more work than expected.”
“I should call my mom and thank her for all the hours she spent on making kimchi,” Dojoon mumbled and wrapped his arms around your middle. “Maybe I should thank you too.”
“No need, you can make summer kimchi once this batch is all eaten.”
Dojoon laughed loudly, overshadowing your light giggles. “I’ll even invent spring and autumn kimchi for you.” Promising you that, he kissed your temple and pulled you closer against his chest. “I’ll invent whatever you want or need.”
You smiled gently and pecked his cheek. “Right now, I need a container for all this kimchi.”
“Coming right up!” He gave you another kiss before he hurried to find some containers.
© all rights reserved
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fanficsofmine · 5 years
Wake Me Up - Chapter 3
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Summertime. Young. Single. Free.
You were living your dream life. You had a great place, amazing friends and a steady job. Independent and happy and free, what more could you ask for?
You didn’t think that meeting Chanyeol at a concert or Minho on the beach would influence your life as much as they did. They weren’t supposed to, anyway.
What exactly are you to do with whirlwind romances that show up when you weren’t expecting them?
Characters: Park Chanyeol, Choi Minho, OC’s and appearances by others.
Soundtrack: Geronimo - Sheppard
Chapter 1, 2
We couldn’t stay late this time. We had added several hours to our trip home and both Presley and I had to be at work early in the morning. It was hard to say goodbye, though. Chanyeol and I linked pinkies as we walked to the car. My heart sank more and more with every step. We exchanged phone numbers on the way, and he promised to FaceTime me from the road as often as he could.
He got to the passenger side with me, but neither of us reached for the handle to open the door. I reached down and fiddled with his shirt. “I don’t know how I’m supposed to get this back to you…”
He reached down and cupped my chin, gently forcing me to make eye contact with him. “This isn’t the last time that I’m going to see you. We’ll figure something out. I promise.”
I smiled at his promise and nodded. He leaned forward and gave me another small kiss before Kihyun, from the drivers side with Presley said, “we really should let them get on the road.” We all agreed and Chanyeol finally opened my door for me. I got into the car and, after one final kiss to my forehead, he shut it.
We started driving home, and I promised to stay up with Presley as best as I could. We talked about her future with Kihyun and what they were going from here. The only answer she had for me was a shrug.
“I missed him. It was like a wave crashed on me when I saw him again, yknow?” I did know. That feeling was all too familiar for me, which is why it made me nervous.
“You don’t think you’re just forgetting the bad to focus on the good? I mean, you told me a ton of stuff he had done to you. I just don’t want bad habits to repeat just because y’all had a good weekend.”
“If they do,” she said, “then at least I got to experience the rush of being giddy again.”
“You don’t want to experience the rush of being giddy over someone new?”
“Different rushes.” Presley looked at me and smiled. “Why? New rush overwhelming you a bit.”
I was glad it was dark, because I knew that I had blushed. I cleared my throat. “Yeah. I… uh… I’m not really sure where that came from.”
“You’re the last person I ever expected to have something like that happen to you.” Presley said. “You’ve been so shut off from the idea of a relationship lately.”
Nodding, I said, “I know. After Mark…” I rolled my eyes. “But maybe that’s why this happened; because I wasn’t looking for it? Does that make sense?”
The drive was rough. Over halfway, I ended up taking over for Presley since she was struggling to keep her eyes open. We made it back to my apartment around 4 am, and both immediately crashed out. Presley made it to the couch and didn’t even wait for me to get her a change of clothes or a blanket. I was fairly certain that I had fallen asleep while walking to my room.
My alarm rang at 7:30 and I whined. I knew that I couldn’t call in. My boss had overheard me talking about my trip, so she had made a comment in passing about “making sure I show up on Monday.” I woke Presley up so she could use the second bathroom to get ready and she rummaged through my closet for work clothes to wear. After a quick shower and light make up, I trudged my way out the door in an outfit that, more than likely, wasn’t going to be considered “professional” enough. I was too exhausted to care though.
My morning conference started out as hell. The coffee I had made at the office had run out too quickly and was taking its time in letting its caffeine kick in. There was no way that everybody around me didn’t notice my eyes flutter closed once or twice. At one point, my coworker Jongdae kicked me under the desk to jolt me awake. I appreciated the gesture, but would have liked his kick to hurt less. Eventually, though, the meeting ended. My boss reiterated the importance of finishing the reports due tomorrow and I nodded as I headed off to my desk to plug headphones in and to block out everyone else.
Punching numbers and collecting data for things such as stock increases and decreases was boring enough as it was. Add in that, tomorrow, my extra quarterly report of what the budget increases would allow for pay increases, and my day felt set up for failure. I groaned to myself that I would never, ever take a trip like that again when I heard a voice over my headphones.
“Long weekend?”
I spun to see Jongdae standing there with a venti from Starbucks stretched out to me.
“I am 99 percent sure that you are my guardian angel.” I gasped as I reached out for the coffee, without even knowing what was inside of the cup. Luckily, Jongdae and I had done enough coffee runs together that he knew how to flavor my coffee for me.
“One day,” he started as he pulled a chair up next to me, “I’m going to get you something completely different, just to watch your face when you take a sip.” I laughed, but silently feared that day.
“How was the trip?” he asked. Jongdae was my one coworker I could be completely honest with. We had trained together, and he and his girlfriend, Nikki, were one of the only other couples I could tolerate being around without feeling like a third wheel.
I thought about how I was going to answer, but Jongdae said, “ahhh! What’s that smile for?!” My hand flew to cover my mouth and I realized that, just even thinking about Chanyeol had brought a grin to my lips.
Embarrassed, I shushed him before spilling the whole story. His eyes grew wide as he said, “wait, wait, wait. Miss ‘I cancel a date because a guy called me pretty so he’s obviously moving too fast’ has met her match?”
“Shut up, Dae.” I rolled my eyes. “Let’s be honest. Now that the weekend is over, I’ll probably never hear from him again.”
Saying those words out loud settled some disappointment in my chest that I didn’t dare show outwardly.
As if the universe was laughing at me, in that exact moment, my phone lit up on my desk. Chanyeol’s name flashed across the screen and my cheeks grew warm.
“Sure. Never again.” Jongdae winked at me and stood up to leave my office. I thanked him again for the coffee, then, after a quick scan to make sure my boss wasn’t around, I opened the text.
Received text: Good morning, gorgeous.
Sent text: Good morning sleeping beauty.
Received text: hey! In my world, waking up before 11 is waking up early.
Sent text: oh the life of a rock star. It must be so difficult to be you.
Received text: thank you for acknowledging my struggle.
Received text: I hope your morning hasn’t been too rough.
Sent text: I’m pretty exhausted.
Sent text: ...but it was worth it.
Received text: I’m glad to read that. What time are you off? Wanna FaceTime before my show tonight?
Sent text: sure! I’ll try to leave by 5:30.
Received text: I’ll talk to you soon then.
I laid my phone back down and got butterflies all over again. He wanted to FaceTime?! It was only one day, but he was genuinely making an effort. I started to wonder how long that would last, but I also knew that I couldn’t do that to myself. I needed to enjoy this for what it was. Whatever it was- it was nice.
Making sure I had hit send on my reports, I grabbed my bag and bolted out of the doors at exactly 5:30 pm. Jongdae told me to slow down and shouted something about leaving when he still has reports to do. I waved my phone at him and told him I would fill him in tomorrow, which didn’t lessen his whines.
Thankful I lived close, I sped home, only slowing down for red lights and the one speed trap that I knew a cop hid behind. I don’t even remember running to my apartment and unlocking the door. Desi’s voice was laced with confusion as she asked if I was okay as I sprinted past her in the kitchen to get to my room. I said, “tell you in a minute!” before shutting the door and sitting on my bed. I took a deep breath, opened my front facing camera to make myself look less disheveled, and then pulled up Chanyeol’s contact name to hit “call.”
It only rang a few times before his face filled my screen. The giddy feeling was back. He beamed at me and I couldn’t help but smile back at his infectious grin.
“She lives!” he cheered.
“Barely! I’m surprised I’m even awake right now. You should feel special that I didn’t come home from work and just pass out.”
“Well thank you for gracing me with your presence!” he teased.
We talked about my day and my job. He asked for details on the reports I had to be done, and it was nice to talk to someone so genuinely interested in learning about me. He told me about their drive from Austin to Albuquerque, New Mexico. Apparently Kihyun and Dojoon had argued about Presley and what it meant for the band since the last time, apparently there was drama.
“It’s great song writing material, isn’t it?” I joked. Subconsciously, I got worried that this would mean bad news for Pres in the future.
Chanyeol shrugged. “Not my relationship. Not my business. They tried to bring you up too but I told them that was my business, not theirs.” I felt a twinge if guilt for gushing about him to other people when he seemed to want to keep it between us, but that faded when he finally said, “I did end up telling them that I thought you were great and I couldn’t wait to get to know you better.”
His ears turned red and he bit his bottom lip, waiting for my reaction to his confession.
“Well, Chanyeol, the feeling is definitely mutual.”
Relief crossed his face and I heard Kihyun in the background calling out to him.
Chanyeol looked disappointed as he said, “I guess it’s time for our sound check. I’ll text you after the show?” I nodded and told him I would talk to him later.
The second that we hung up, Desi threw my bedroom door open.
“Who. the. hell. was. that?!” Her eyes were wide and each word was accented heavily
I buried my face in a pillow and began laughing. She sat down and I filled her in on the whole story. I told her Chanyeol was the reason we had gone to Austin and added an extra day to the trip. I showed her his shirt that I had kept. She stared at me in disbelief.
“You hate love!” she shouted at me.
“I do not!” I objected.
“Yes you do!” Collin called ou tfrom the other room.
“Hey! I didn’t receive your RSVP to this conversation!” I yelled back.
Desi laughed but said, “this is good! This is growth! You’re opening up! That’s amazing.”
I rolled my eyes. “I’m not getting married tomorrow. I’m just…” pausing, I realized that I had no clue what I was doing. “What the hell am I doing?!” I looked at her and she shook a finger at me.
“Don’t you dare start that! Don’t do that thing where you overthink things!”
“I’m offended at your accusation!” I swung my pillow at her.
“Give this a chance,” Desi’s voice was soft and serious. “You deserve to be happy in love again.”
Sighing, I told her she was right.
We ordered delivery and, immediately after, I passed out. I was so exhausted from not sleeping for most of the weekend that, although I wanted to wait up for Chanyeol’s text, I knew that it wasn’t going to happen.
The next morning, I woke up and, after shutting off my alarm, saw one unread message from Chanyeol on my phone.
Received text: I hope you’re sleeping well, lovely. Talk to you in the morning.
I pulled my phone close to my chest and couldn’t help the smile that crossed my lips. Maybe this was going to be a very good thing after all.
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etherealyoonghwa · 3 years
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The Rose Wallpaer
Flower Edition
*reblog or like if you saved*
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dojooned-blog · 6 years
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request notes here!
t h e r o s e ↦  CLUELESS | park dojoon a broken sink and a clueless boyfriend trying to fix it; what could go wrong?
↦ SAFE | lee jeahyeong thunderstorms are dangerous, you know it and he knows it. so what now?
↦ DREAM COME TRUE | kim woosung you’re a maid, he’s a prince; what are the chances?
↦ STARSTRUCK | lee jaehyeong music is your passion. it’s his passion as well.
↦ YOURS | lee hajoon because he loves you.
↦ GOT YOUR BACK | the rose sometimes your biggest enemy, can be quite the opposite really.
↦ TWICE LUCKY | park dojoon who says lightning never strikes twice in the same spot?
↦ SMITTEN | kim woosung he is completely and utterly smitten by you.
↦ WITH YOU | park dojoon (social media!) you miss him, so you send him a text.
↦ PICNIC | lee jaehyeong a little picnic date maybe?
↦ BEST DAD | park dojoon he truly is the best dad to your kid.
↦ THE BEST FRIEND | kim woosung your friendship at the expense on his dreams? you think not.
↦ NOT TONIGHT | park dojoon + kang younghyun prom, maybe?
↦ NIGHTMARE | the rose dreams are a figment of our imagination, right?
↦ UNFORGIVABLE | the rose an unassuming victim, an unforgivable crime.
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roseband · 5 years
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The Rose's photo capture time after kcon Japan
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minyoongspyjs · 6 years
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Characters: Park Dojoon x Reader Genre: fluff, slice of life words: 700 words
You sigh as you are sitting in the nearby café during your lunch break while watching your phone. Still no message. You lean back against the chair. Your eyes move from the phone, scanning the café before grabbing the little mug in front of you. There’s no one you recognize, even you are one of the regular customers. Thanks to your workplace, which is just around the corner. You take a sip of your coffee and close your eyes for just a second, remembering the last minutes you both shared before he went off to the airport.
“I’ll text you right away when we land, okay?”, he said with his big dorky smile on his face. His hands were softly lying on your cheeks. His thump stroking them gently. You nodded. “Promise?” It wasn’t something to worry about. It was just for a few days. Dojoon and the others of his band would be touring around Europe. Something, he dreamt of for a very, very long time and of course, you were more than happy that he finally had the chance to. On the other hand, you both just made up and faith brought you back together after you both went through a little break from each other. Nothing too bad, just something that had to be done after being together since the end of high school.
“Sure”, he said.
“Sure”, you whisper with annoyance in your voice. So much for being back together in this big lovey-dovey ass bubble shithole or promises he made. Maybe you’re overreacting right now - you sure do! Maybe he is still on the plane, who knows? You definitely wouldn’t know since you had never been out of Asia before. You don’t know how long it would take to get to Brussel. Or any other city or country in Europe.
Your hand moves back to your phone, which was lying on the table in front of you, tipping the round button. Still, no message.
The day goes by and you are now back at home. Still, no message.
You are just about to take a shower since it’s been a pretty rough day and you sure are tired. Also, it’s pretty late now and you have to get up quite early again tomorrow or you’ll be late for the meeting. As your phone starts buzzing, you take big steps to your bed, before you actually fell onto it, roll over to the other side and grab your purse, which is lying on the wooden floor, finally fishing your phone out of it.
You read his name and a big smile appears on your face right away. The annoyance and anger, gone. You take the call and put the phone to your ear. “Hi”, you hear his rough voice and you can tell that he is tired. Tired from the long flight. “Hey …”, you answer him in a more lower voice.
“Sorry that I couldn’t give you a ring earlier”, he explains himself directly. “The flight was tiring and it took us a while to get to the hotel and everything sorted out. And after that, I fell asleep on the lobby couch.” His wearily laugh reaches your ear and you can actually see him, sleeping on the couch of the lobby like a little baby (he is), not even caring about weird out glances the guest would probably give him.
“It’s fine”, you say and it actually is! Sure, you were angry at him first, but to be honest: You were just worried. Worried about the long journey and that maybe something bad had happened to him.
“Good”, he stated and you could feel his smile, he’s wearing right now. “I promised you to message you the minute we landed, but, honestly, I thought maybe a phone call would be …”, he stops and you roll over, now back meeting the fine mattress, waiting for him to finish the sentence.
“I wanted to hear your voice.”
Your smile grows wider, happy about what he just said and a soft sigh leaves your mouth. “It would’ve been okay to just message me, dork”, you say, “I had been worried the whole day, thanks to you.”
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Disclaimer: This is written by myself and of course, all of this is just fiction. Nothing of this happened. I do not own the characters, just the idea of this drabble or story. Please do not copy! I wouldn’t copy your story either :)
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ao3feed-namkook · 4 years
Finding Our Treasure
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/35v8vsE
by Jae_Hee_ah
Discovering a tiny teen sleeping behind a dumpster (bin/trash can) beaten black and blue, is the beginning of this story. Join us on an adventure to find out own treasure.
Tags explain kinda... they’re also a mess
But mafia au with bts as mafia bosses and Namjoon being a sugar baby that is badass and protective, and wooyoungie being a sad abused baby
Words: 604, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: ATEEZ (Band), 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS, Stray Kids (Band), The Rose (Band), SEVENTEEN (Band), Day6 (Band)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Lee Minho | Lee Know, Jung Wooyoung, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Kim Namjoon | RM, Jeon Jungkook, Min Yoongi | Suga, Park Jimin (BTS), Kim Taehyung | V, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Bang Chan, Choi San, Kang Yeosang, Jeong Yunho, Kim Hongjoong, Park Seonghwa, Song Mingi, Kim Mingyu, Xu Ming Hao | The8, Lee Jihoon | Woozi, Wen Jun Hui | Jun, Hong Jisoo | Joshua, Park Dojoon | Leo, Lee Hajoon | Dylan, Lee Jaehyeong | Jeff, Kim Woosung | Sammy, Lee Seokmin | DK, Han Jisung | Han, Seo Changbin, Lee Felix (Stray Kids), Choi Jongho, Original Characters, but they’re not hugely important, Kang Younghyun | Young K, Park Jaehyung | Jae, Yoon Dowoon, Kim Wonpil
Relationships: Jung Wooyoung/Everyone, Wooyoung/Everyone, Choi Jongho/Choi San/Jeong Yunho/Jung Wooyoung/Kang Yeosang/Kim Hongjoong/Park Seonghwa/Song Mingi, Jung Wooyoung & Kim Namjoon, Kim Namjoon | RM/Everyone, Kim Namjoon | RM & Everyone, Jeon Jungkook/Jung Hoseok/Kim Namjoon/Kim Seokjin/Kim Taehyung/Min Yoongi/Park Jimin, Jeon Jungkook/Kim Namjoon | RM, Lee Jihoon | Woozi/Everyone, Wen Jun Hui | Jun/Everyone, OT4 - Relationship, OT7 - Relationship, OT8 - Relationship, OT9, OT13, Lee Minho | Lee Know/Everyone, Chan/Everyone, Bang Chan/Everyone
Additional Tags: Mafia AU, Baby Boy Kim Namjoon | RM, Baby Boy Jung Wooyoung, wooyoung is adorable, Namjoon being cute, Cute Kim Namjoon | RM, Cute Jung Wooyoung, Bottom Jung Wooyoung, Dancer Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Weapons Dealer Jung Hoseok l J-Hope, badass bts, Protective Kim Namjoon | RM, Protective Jeon Jungkook, Protectiveness, Abuse, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Namjoon being a mum, Namjoon being a mom, american spelling is weird, Wooyoung being cute, Wooyoung is everyone but OT7 Ateez’ child, protect him pls, Namjoon protecc, Namjoon attacc, Namjoon a snacc, BTS try not be whipped for Kim Namjoon, Joshua is adorable, Bottom Hong Jisoo | Joshua, Soft Hong Jisoo | Joshua, Student Hong Jisoo | Joshua, Student Jung Wooyoung, Kinda, Jung Wooyoung-centric, text fic, story fic, porn fic, this an arcade of fanfic, BTS being Badass Mafia Kings, i stan, Dancer Jung Wooyoung, imma just keep creating tags, is there going to be a summary for this fic, that is the question, i should be studying, aiii exams, Yunho is my bias wrecker so that may shine through, whoops, but like Wooyoungie be soo, Cute, loud, this fic is hella gay, woozi’s guitar was here, probably won’t see either of them for a bit now, What noise, there was no noise, kinda sad, Depression, beware Team Iron Man, we don’t stan a liar in this household, ffff you Captain Ammurica, Namkook being the superior ship, Thighs, as was Mingyu, welp, cRAaSsH, what was that noise?, Taeyong making an appearance and being adorable, but also a mum, Mom - Freeform, American spelling is still weird, Fic Challenge, how many groups in one groupchat, Younghyun is Cute TM, Younghyun is Brian, Brian is Younghyun, Sub Kang Younghyun | Young K, but like shy sub, Also Dowoon being a badass drum, Dowoon loves Younghyun, he cute, Dowoon cute, Jae has given up on his group, he’s leaving, his one man band called Jae6 is now a thing, Day6 as a college band, Younghyun is studying Economics, what a strange child, Tags are a mess TM, Younghyun is a fox cub, fite me, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, Tags Are Hard, Tags Are Fun, This was more fun than working out bold on the text chapter, BoomBoom
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/35v8vsE
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