phanfictioncatalogue · 10 months
AU - Rock Band Masterlist
Acid Rose (ao3) - heyitsnxel
Summary: A tour, friends with benefits, ignored feelings. What could go wrong?
Blue Fish (ao3) - potatocakesparker
Summary: PJ leant back and laughed. “Oh my god, oh my fucking god, it’s just your luck isn’t it? Out of thousands of crazy, random fans, one of them is your soulmate!”
//Daniel Howell is the lead vocalist and guitarist of alt-rock band, ‘Hanging Grims’ he created with his best friend, PJ Liguori. Last night, he played a normal show and did a meet and greet. This morning, he woke up with the mark of his soulmate.
Come Back Home (ao3) - kawaiikanai
Summary: It’s been years since Dan’s rise to fame made his and Phil’s relationship come crashing down; but in that time not a day has gone by that he hasn’t thought of him. After some unsavory shots of Dan gets passed around the media, Phil begins to worry about Dan’s health, no matter how much he tries to deny his leftover feelings for him.
Give Me Some Of That Bass (ao3) - drxpdead
Summary: Playing music has always been a big part of Phil’s life. From the time he was five, and banging spoons against the table, to present day; seventeen years old and apart of the upcoming Alt. Rock/Everything-In-Between band, Heinous.
It’s an easy life to live, he’s sure. Making music with his best friends, trying to avoid failing high school the best he can, and getting his parents to stay off his back about ‘that God-awful noise’.
And there’s Dan Howell.
Groupie (ao3) - Nefertiti1052 (Succubusphan)
Summary: Dan follows a punk band with a hot lead singer around a lot but feels crushed when he watches a live interview.
Heart Strings (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Music! Phan AU created by wavyfoxtrot Dan is a piano virtuoso who's world is turned upside down when he meets Phil, the lead guitarist of a rock band
Keep the Time (ao3) - starwatersong
Summary: This work was written for Phandom fic Fests Holiday Exchange 2018 for PartlyCharlie! The original prompt was: Dan and Phil in a band.
Dan, still recovering from a rough break-up, works in a coffee shop by day and plays in a band with his friend PJ at night. The problem is they've never had a gig and they need a new drummer. Dan meets Phil and finds much more than the drummer they're looking for.
Modern Fairytale (ao3) - howelllesters
Summary: Dan hadn’t even wanted to go watch his flatmate’s friend’s band perform, but now he was backstage and trying really hard not to make eye contact with the guitar player because he was really, really, unfairly cute.
my fire was fate with you (ao3) - obsessive-fics (xoPrincessKayxo)
Summary: Dani is less than thrilled when her band gets a gig opening for Fiona Lester, someone she considers to be the opposite of everything she stands for. But after being on tour forces them together, Dani realizes she might have misjudged Fiona, and an unlikely friendship blooms
Pastel Panic (ao3) - metal_arm_metal_shield
Summary: Phil Lester is the lead singer of the rock band “Pixel”. To his fans he’s a confident, sexy, rock god, but in reality Phil suffers from panic attacks that are beginning to ruin his life. Dan just got tickets to see his favourite band live and is excited to see his secret crush, front man Phil Lester. But he’s even more excited when his friend, Chris, somehow gets him backstage.
Sure Feels Right (ao3) - developerdaniel
Summary: Aka the fic where phil is a rock musician and in love with his roommate and best friend and fuck buddy dan, and since both of them are a little too scared to start the conversation, phil writes a song for dan, hoping it would get his point across and start that conversation for them, leading them to hopefully boyfriends and not just blow-induced fuck buddies
We Don't Have Much Room To Live (ao3) - starrywrite
Summary: “And I had these dreams that I would learn to play guitar, maybe cross the country, become a rockstar. And there was hope in me that I could take you there, but dammit you’re so young - well, I don’t think I care” - Something Corporate, Konstantine.
(Band!AU. Phil and his band are about to embark on their first tour, and his boyfriend - and biggest fan - Dan is coming along for the ride. What could possibly go wrong?)
We’ll Figure This Out (ao3) - violently_knits
Summary: Dan Howell is in a rock band called Burn This City Down. When Phil Lester, the band’s manager, is assigned a bunk on his tour bus, they start to get closer and closer.
With Plans, With You (ao3) - queerofcups
Summary: I can’t get any work done I just think about you all the time.
Your Biggest Fan - dxnhowell
Summary: Phil is in the middle of a world tour with his rock band Killing Daisies. They’ve only been on tour for a couple of weeks now and it’s their first time touring in America, so they are still getting the hang of things. One night, their tour bus breaks down in the middle of nowhere. Luckily, someone passes by who’s willing to help them. This someone just happens to be their biggest fan.
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dickwheelie · 4 years
ok like for the tma ask... helen???? helen? helen. :)
my otp: Helen/the frankly delectable vibes she’s exuding these days. Keep it up queen
my notp: Helen/the rudeness Jon has been serving to her. She probably deserves it but that doesn’t mean I have to like it
my brotp: Helen & the appletini she’s been nursing since the apocalypse started
how i picture them: big hair, big heels, big acrylics. also she wears bellbottoms
my favorite fan art: sooo many great helens to choose from but I really like this one
my favorite quote: “I always knew you crazy kids would make it work” same girl same
my favorite episode ft. them: the first one she shows up for in s5, her vibes are perfect, she’s glowing, I love that for her
what song i associate with them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXBHCQYxwr0
headcanons: Helen has an entire room in her spiral hallways that’s just an endless McDonald’s ballpit
my opinion: Queen. she could step on me and I’d buy a house from her
how hot they are: 100/10
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bunkernine · 4 years
LMFAO ok one idk i wasnt following u idk why two bro ur like a legend in valgrace now..... how does it FEEL bro?????? and three my friend and i were talking and..... do u think percy had a new york accent when he went missing...... and he shows up and hazel n frank r like “oh. yeah we know where ur from”???? ok im going to bed ly GOODNIGHT
idk why you weren't following me that is not my decision man 😤😤😤 we were best friends for YEARS what is with this slack
lmao um, the vg is kinda crazy. like damn, you were really there watching me struggle and toss random ideas at you for years and shshdh here i am now. hmmmm. i am just doing my part. 😌 they deserve it.
hnnnnnng there was that exact same post about percy's accent, but the accent people think of literally isn't from harlem lmao. mmm at the same time i don't have an accent while my dad does, but its only really noticeable on certain words for me. other people can pick it out instantly though. er, he pribably has an accent but its not as comical as everyone thinks lol
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he says
he says i want you, and i think - you don’t want me. you want these hips, wide as an ocean. you want these thighs, thick like a mountain. you want these lips, curvy and wide. you see them, and you think you want me - you don’t want me. 
he says i need you, and i think - you don’t need me. you need a therapist, someone to listen to your problems. you need a loving father, someone to hold you. you need a younger sister, someone whose hair to pull. you see that in me, and you think you need me - you don’t need me. 
he says i crave you, and i think - you don’t crave me. you crave chocolate. you crave a good wine. you crave something you can consume. you can’t consume me. 
you try to swallow me,       but my hips are too much salsa,       too much bachata,       too much four-step for you to get down. you try to swallow me,       but i sit in your stomach,       feet shoving against your abdomen,       until you have no choice but to rip me out. you try to swallow me,       but i hook two fingers in your throat and       you throw me back up. 
i’m not nothing enough for you to consume me. 
you say you love me, and i think - you love the idea of me. you love these eyes, twinkling. you love this laugh, loud. you love this smile, bright. you don’t love me -
but i say i love you too, 
so maybe he really has swallowed me. 
maybe i’m writing this from inside him, legs twined around his vertebrae and heart thumping in time with his. 
maybe he has consumed me, and i just don’t know it yet.
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and what it means to fall
for charlie
hello, dearest, has it really been a year? the world has indeed spun and, it feels like, spun out of control.
the convergence of sin and virtue is upon us. i wish i could say we can save ourselves and believe it without shaking. i read a lot this summer, not of stories but of theory, and isn’t it all about the possibility?
oh, poet, how much faith can you balance on a flipping coin?
bless your feet upon the streets. the march and the moon and the rain are with you, and know that i think the sun is too. we rise up, we fall down to learn, we keep moving.
now, can we travel far enough to leave our origin in the past, or are we bound to return over and over again? to stare and be stared at, like looking in the mirror every morning?
poet, i digress. what are these ideas for but for comfort? maybe we aren’t straightforward functions, but chaos theory, the drunkard’s walk, and something about that sounds more like freedom, actually.
lately i have dreamed nonsense. my heart is saying this is all too much and i reply it’s almost fun. i saw a shooting star one evening when i needed it most.
poet, when we survive to be old, the stories of this time will be both fossils and jewels. valuable, of course, beautiful in different ways. maybe sharp enough to draw blood. right in the midst of it, i just try to remember. this hotter-than-ever summer i studied abroad, visited my senators, worked on music and languages, and turned time and restlessness into homemade tortillas and cake.
did you know that in chinese, the word for heart and mind is the same? our souls are telling us what we yearn for; listen closely, and trust the voice well.
from seventeen years on our blue, bitter home, i’ve learned to appreciate unlikely signs, and sweet grass, and weeds that no poison can quell.
i worry that nothing is going to change. i worry that i will change and it won’t be enough. but i finished my first year of college, my brother moved out for work, and my mom and i have lined our windows with plants.
i think i’ve found a new favorite word: solarpunk. it is an uprising. a rebellion. have you ever tried to unsee the sun? ever seen a slab of pavement win the war with the wildflowers?
have you ever heard: we are all broken, that’s how the light gets in. i think perhaps it’s true. an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. the object can break. and let the growth through.
i hope you stay safe in this raging night, stay brave in the fading light. i hope you see the colors in the blush of an august sunset, hear the curvature of dreams unrealized or unsaid, and sense the story in everything.
our lives are not meant for regrets.
love, rosie
in response to what comes after the rain by @partlycharlie​
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mthofferings2019 · 5 years
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See partlycharlie’s existing works here and here.
Preferred contact methods:
Preferred organizations:
- Anything from the list of approved organizations
Will create works that contain:
LGBT content, shrinkyclinks, non-serum steve, modern bucky, human disaster clint barton, SAPPY STUFF. dad!tony and son!peter
Will not create works that contain:
rape, sexual age play, death, MC violence, sad w no happy ending
-- Fic or other writing --
Auction ID: 498
Will create works for the following relationships:
"James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers - MCU
James "Bucky" Barnes/Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers - MCU
Peter Parker & Tony Stark - MCU
Peter Parker/Wade Wilson - any universe - except Holland!Peter
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - MCU
Work Description:
Hello! I’m offering 5k to 20k. I’ll be able to start working in 2020, and it should take me around 2-4 months depending on word count. I work better with specific prompts and am open to pairings not discussed. Feel free to email me with any questions!
Ratings: G, Teen
The auction runs from October 19 (11:59 PM ET) to October 26 (11:59 PM ET). Visit marveltrumpshate.com during Auction Week to view all of our auctions and to place your bids!
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pixiechoso143 · 5 years
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Winter couldn’t make my days dark x
Instagram: flowerisshh
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phandomficfests · 5 years
i have no idea but everyone read "keep the time" its so fucking good
Click here to read it!
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alittledizzy · 5 years
partlycharlie replied to your post “What kind of phandom fic-centered events are being planned for this...”
@phandombigbang @phandomficfests !!
hmm, do we have confirmation that pbb is running again? I mean, I definitely hope it is, but I can’t see any mention of it on their blog at the moment and it looks like most of the mods went totally AWOL. 
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me? the writer for team j? a dumbass who can't read numbers? more likely than you think.
hafl;djfdlas big mood 
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fth2018offerings · 6 years
Charlie - FTH Contributor Page
See Charlie’s works here and here!
To contact the seller before bidding, please email [email protected]
If you have a very specific prompt and are not flexible, it’s best to contact the seller before bidding, even if it fits within their listed parameters. If you are asking for a specific kink, always ask first.
Charities these auctions benefit: Bidder's choice of any of the listed groups
(See full list)
Charlie’s offerings:
Charlie Auction #1
Type of fanwork: fan labor (such as betaing, brit-picking, translating, etc.) Subtype(s): Betaing, Culture picking Fandom(s): MCU (Captain America), Sherlock (BBC), Check Please! Highest rating creator will work with: E (explicit) Length: 10 - 20k words Especially interested in: Unwilling to address: explicit: rape, sexual scenes, murder, depictions of violence [injuries and aftermath of all of the above is acceptable] Notes:
Minimum Bid: $5
Auctions run from 8 January 2018 (Midnight, EST) to 14 January 2018 (Midnight, EST). Bids before or after this period are invalid and will not be counted.If you would like to bid on this auction:
Step 1: Check the bidding spreadsheet to find out what the current high bid is. (Note: It may take up to five minutes for a bid to appear.)
Step 2: Fill out the seller’s bidding form with a bid that is higher than the current high bid. If you want to make it harder for someone to outbid you, bid higher! You will NOT be notified if someone outbids you, so please bookmark this page and check frequently. You will only be notified if you are the high bidder after the auctions end.
Charlie Auction #2
Type of fanwork: fanfiction Subtype(s): N/A Fandom(s): MCU (Captain America), Sherlock (BBC), Harry Potter Highest rating creator will work with: E (explicit) Length: 10 - 20k words Especially interested in: LGBT themes Unwilling to address: explicit rape, murder, sex scenes, and/or graphic depictions of violence (though the inclusion of aftermath is okay) Notes:
Minimum Bid: $5
Auctions run from 8 January 2018 (Midnight, EST) to 14 January 2018 (Midnight, EST). Bids before or after this period are invalid and will not be counted.If you would like to bid on this auction:
Step 1: Check the bidding spreadsheet to find out what the current high bid is. (Note: It may take up to five minutes for a bid to appear.)
Step 2: Fill out the seller’s bidding form with a bid that is higher than the current high bid. If you want to make it harder for someone to outbid you, bid higher! You will NOT be notified if someone outbids you, so please bookmark this page and check frequently. You will only be notified if you are the high bidder after the auctions end.
Thanks for participating in Fandom Trumps Hate!
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botanistlester · 7 years
hey,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, sweet pea ? good shit like Da,mn.
hey,,,,,,,, you? good shit like Da,mn
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bunkernine · 5 years
1-10 and 16
i knew there was a reason why we r friends 😭😭😭 thank you for fulfilling my wish... u r my santa, u r my claus, u r my christmas
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i owe u my life sandy claws 😭😭😭
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what comes after the rain
for rosie
hello poet. it’s been too long, again - this greenandblue planet of ours has traveled so far and yet so little since the last time we exchanged letters.
it has wandered so far, for so long (a year and more), that it landed right where it started.
it’s been one year, one month, five days - thirteen months, five days - fifty-seven weeks, one day - four hundred days. that’s three hundred ninety-nine days too long, poet.
the moon has waxed and waned, poet - grown fat on a diet of hearty laughter and wolf howls, starved with nothing but shivering children and hateful men, risen again with a fist, held in the air, screaming for power, justice, freedom,
in other news - i marched this year, with millions of people just like me, rainbows printed on our clothing and our skin and our hearts.
it rained the morning of our march, water flowing down the windows of skyscrapers and washing away the sins of this city like an omen from the moon - take this water. drink it in. relish in it. find beauty in what comes after it.
find beauty in your saltwater bandages, she said to us, and i promise i’m trying to listen.
you mentioned sine waves, poet, and i find myself likening my days to them once again. 
(it is not a tangent wave anymore, going upupup, but it is not going downdowndown either, most days, and so i take what i can get.)
i wonder though, poet, about the difference between sine and cosine. i question it - if i were to return to my beginning (to my origin, if you will) - would i find myself at the center of a sine wave? 
neutral at both axes, a perfect zero, apathetic in every way i could be? is that my truth?
or am i a cosine wave instead? starting on a high note, a 1 instead of a 0, bright smile and bright eyes?
(i do not think about a negative cosine wave - a -1, so to speak. 
my mother told me i didn’t cry when i was first born. the doctors were worried, at first - all i did was look around, my eyes so wide they took up half of my face.
i’m sure i cried eventually. i don’t remember.)
i’m sorry i haven’t been here for your ups and downs, poet. i’ve been dealing with my own, as we all do.
some days, my life feels like less of a wave and more of a parabola - a downward facing one, except i’ve already passed my maximum value and i’m just heading down, down, down -
some days, the rain lasts too long. the thunder deafens me and the lightning blinds me and i want to hide like my grandmother’s dog does whenever fireworks fall from the sky.
i try not to, though.
i try to remember that there will always be a positive curveball coming my way - i just have to remember to swing at it.
i try to remember that no matter how long the storm lasts, there will always be the sun following close behind, chasing her moon in an endless loop of love and fireworks and rainbows.
i hope you remember that too, poet.
love, charlie
in response to the veins beneath the bark by @rose-curves-and-cardioids
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gray and gold seas
for charlie— hello, flower boy and feline conspirator. thank you for the chords & keys.
you ask for a letter to the moon, but she's gone dark since last night. i traded red letters with my friends and offered my jacket so she could rest her head, and she asked for a knife instead. here are some new facets to my unpolished paradoxes in shades of crystal iridescence: black like obsidian, the flipside of my voice is a pitch-perfect piano, triplet strings tuned to lyrics in echo chambers. white like opal, my life is sailing a stolen ship on a sine wave, up-down-up-down days full of sun and then suddenly none. but maybe those stars farther out, they are stronger. maybe there is no hope in one-upping the sun; there is no glory in being too bright to look at, burning yourself out from the core. this is how you confess to the moon: i stay up too late for you. i watch the sun pull the cloud covers to his chin, craving the moment you tip my head back and i mouth a hello to the stars. the wind gives a dance rehearsal in the dark, mirror, mirror, in the water. my breath curls as a question mark of ice. love, are you going so soon? i'm not going anywhere, she replies. always, i'll come back to you. i believe, or at least i try. what is the knife for, then? she reveals a sharp point of a crescent blade, silver and tarnished, but glowing. for cutting strings on welcome-home gifts. for trimming rose stems. for slicing through cake on the new year. i brace my feet against the wooden rail and look out onto the ocean. we are mostly water, and the moon is rock and dust. smooth sailing is rough. there's a paradox i never tire of. with love, rosie
(in reply to this)
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sapphosangels · 7 years
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member announcement!
sappho’s angels is pleased to announce our members! your admins (ash @gloryformore & violet @saintofbees / @tubishvat) are very happy to have read all the applicants’ poetry. and if you weren’t accepted, we just couldn’t find a space for you in the net at this point in time.
adaeze @quietada 
aimi @aavillainess
aya @avolitorial
charlie @partlycharlie
charlotte @broompeople
chelsea @babymoonpoet
ellanora @rainewrights
kat @wordtamer
sabine @icelandlesbian
quinn @abstractedfocus
we’re going to be doing interactive projects in the future, so don’t worry if you weren’t chosen; you can still participate. we’ll also have weekly prompts. 
if you were chosen, don’t forget to start tracking #sapphosangels and make sure you’re following this blog!
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