#past james/lily
Can you do one where Sirius gets hit on by a very pushy and handsy jerk who makes him uncomfortable (maybe due to past experiences?) and James gets excessively overprotective even when they aren’t even together yet at this time? I’m thinking of a feelings realization story where when questioned, James realizes that his overprotectiveness is not just because they are best mates
Sirius wished they weren't in a muggle club, because if they'd been in the Wizarding World, he would've been able to tell the arsehole that if he didn't leave him alone, Sirius would hex him-- and he’d follow through with the threat-- but they were surrounded by muggles, and Sirius was trying to behave himself because exposing magic once had been forgiven, but that wouldn't happen a second time. Sirius was trying to be responsible and all the rubbish that went along with it, and that meant not hitting this bloke with a confundus charm so he would walk the other way.
"Look mate," Sirius said, struggling to keep his voice even, "I already said no. I'm not interested."
"It's only a drink," he insisted. "What harm is one drink?"
"I dunno, maybe the fact that I already said no five times now?" Also, the fact that Sirius was busy pining for his best mate. It took up a lot of time, which people (read: Remus) didn't seem to believe even when he did tell them.
"There's no need to get all defensive."
"I think there's every reason to get defensive," Sirius muttered.
"One drink isn't going to kill you. We can talk, you can get to know me a little better, and then you can make an informed decision."
"Why the hell would I want to get to know you better?"
"See," he said, draping an arm around Sirius's shoulders, "it's prickly answers like that, that tell me you need a drink to help you loosen up."
Sirius looked at the foreign arm on him like it was the Giant Squid's tentacle. Actually, that wasn't fair. He liked the Giant Squid. He did not like this bloke. This was more like finding a bit of vomit on his coat after a night out. It was wholly unwelcome, as well as disgusting. "I'm plenty loose, but not with you. Feel free to take this as your sign that you should find someone else to stalk."
The man laughed, as if that had been a joke instead of a suggestion.
"I think he told you to bugger off," James said from behind him. When Sirius looked, James was glaring and had a challenging tilt to his head to match his rather angry expression.
"Uh-huh," the man said, not agreeing but acknowledging that James had said something. "And who are you?"
"I'm his best mate, and he told you to leave, so I suggest you leave."
Sirius squirmed, hoping to shake off the unwelcome arm around him, but it didn't move.
James caught the motion, because of course he did. He noticed almost everything, even in situations where Sirius wished he wouldn't; how Sirius had managed to keep it a secret that he fancied him, he had no idea.
"We were actually about to get a drink-"
"No, we weren't," Sirius interrupted.
"You heard him," James said. "Go."
"That's not-"
"Now," James said, voice firm and unyielding. Now was not the best time to get a thrill from that tone, but it happened to Sirius anyways.
The stranger-- who wanted very much to not be a stranger to Sirius-- straightened in annoyance. He finally took his arm off of Sirius, so that was a bright side. It was likely the only bright side, since it looked like the two of them were about to come to blows. "Look, I've been working on him all night, so go find someone else."
"Working on him?" James repeated, his voice a mix of anger and incredulity. "You need to leave. Right now."
The man went to grab Sirius again, and James didn't hesitate. He tossed both of their drinks into his face with a scowl.
Sirius blinked in surprise, watching the liquid drip down one very shocked looking face. Just as that same face started to contort in anger, Sirius stepped between them. "Like he said, go." He gave a little shove to accompany the words, and it finally got through the guy's skull that Sirius wasn't interested in him.
He mumbled a few unsavory things as he went, but all Sirius cared about was that he left.
They'd garnered a bit of attention, what with the throwing drinks in someone's face thing, so Sirius lowered his voice and said, "Thank you. I kept trying to get rid of him, but he wouldn't leave me alone."
James continued to scowl in the direction he'd left.
Sirius waited, then frowned a little. It wasn't like James to keep dwelling on a problem after it was solved. Sirius, yes. He could never let anything go, but James went with the flow. After a problem was solved, it was out of his head for the rest of his life unless it would make a good story. Rescuing Sirius from some arsehole that thought he was playing hard to get wasn't the sort of thing that made a good story.
He waited a little bit longer, but James was still upset. 
This didn't make any sense. The guy walked away, and James should've rolled his eyes and either made a joke or asked if Sirius wanted to leave. The silence and the glaring were new.
"You all right there?" Sirius asked.
"Fine," James said, but it was wholly unbelievable because he was still glaring after a person that had (by now) long since retreated.
"Sure," Sirius said, drawing out the word so that James knew he didn't believe him.
James finally looked over at him. "What?"
"You look like you want to run after him and beat him into the ground. He was annoying and pushy, yeah, but not worth getting into a fight over." Sirius knew how much he was stretching the truth with that, considering how close he himself had come to saying sod it and punching him, but it was different when it was James.
"He wouldn't leave you alone."
"I know, I was there. It's not like you to be this upset over it, that's all. He got the message, he left, and he won't bother me again. We're done. It's time for you and I to start enjoying ourselves like we came here to, yeah?" Sirius said, grinning at him.
For a second, he thought it wouldn't work. He worried that James was going to hold some weird grudge about that guy for the rest of the night.
Then James looked at him and smiled like nothing had happened. "Yeah. You're right. I should er get us new drinks," he said, a hint of abashment coming through as he realized they didn't have drinks anymore, having thrown them rather happily into the face of the bloke that had been bothering Sirius.
"I'll go with you this time," Sirius said, "since clearly you can't be trusted to get them on your own."
James rolled his eyes, but it was with his usual fondness and the small smile that usually graced his face, making him always appear happy. "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. Anyone would've done the same."
Sirius knew for a fact that neither Remus nor Peter would've stepped in like that. They would’ve stayed out of it and trusted, as they always did, that Sirius would want to handle it himself. In fact, if anyone had tried that, Sirius would've been pissed. James was the exception to that rule, the same way he was to all of Sirius's rules.
They turned to walk to the bar, and James put an arm around Sirius's shoulders, holding him close to his side. It wiped away the feeling of that other guy, and frankly, Sirius thought that his shoulders had been molded into this exact shape so that James's arm would fit there.
"Thanks," Sirius muttered, reaching up to five James's hand a squeeze.
"Of course," James said. 
'Of course'. It was always 'of course' with him. Any time Sirius asked him for anything, he said 'of course', like it wasn't a question that had even needed to be asked.
Sirius’s heart warmed, and he tried not to put too much faith in it. 
"-and he wouldn't leave Sirius alone even though he must've told him half a dozen times to sod off. Can you believe that?"
Lily tried not to sigh as she looked at the clothing rack. "Yes, I can believe it because you've told me this eight times." More like three times, but still. That was two more times than she needed to hear it. "Why is this bothering you so much? It's not like Sirius got hurt. The way you tell it, he forgot all about that berk by the time you left the club. Probably before that, even."
"It's not bothering me," James said, a blatant lie.
"Right, you always talk my ear off about things that don't bother you," she replied dryly. "Look, you don't have to tell me, but at least don't lie to yourself about it."
James was quiet for a minute.
He followed Lily as she decided to look at shoes instead of blouses.
It was only after she'd sat and started trying on a pair, that he spoke again. "I don't know why it's bothering me so much. It just feels like a big deal, you know?"
"I mean this in a supportive way, but no, I don't know what you mean. Talk it out, see if it makes more sense aloud than in your head." It always worked for her, at least.
"I didn't know it was weird until you said something. How am I supposed to talk about it now and have it make sense?"
"I dunno, give it a try. Brainstorm."
James looked at her for a moment. "If I'm ruining your shopping trip with this, you can say so."
"It would take a lot more than this to ruin the trip for me. This is more like gossip, which never ruins a trip. Besides, it's Sirius. You wouldn't be you if you didn't talk about Sirius at least once while we're hanging out." She stood and surveyed her reflection. Nice. Of course, when it came to James, he talked about Sirius a lot more than just the one time in a conversation. As she tested out walking, she continued, "You always talk about Sirius. Not sure if you noticed that."
"Everyone says that," James said with a sigh.
"Have you considered listening to everyone then?" she asked.
"What would listening mean? Yeah, I talk about Sirius. I am aware of that. He's my best mate, and we live together. Of course I talk about him."
"Right, but Marlene's my best mate and we live together, and I don't talk about her near as much."
"But you still talk about her."
"Yes, I do. Look," Lily said, trying on a different pair of shoes, "this isn't a question of 'do you talk about Sirius', it's a question of why do you talk so much about Sirius. You're close, I get that, but sometimes I wonder if there's any point in inviting you out but not him, because all you do is pine away when he's not around."
"I do not pine," James grumbled; he never grumbled when Sirius was around. 
"Whatever you say. What do you think of these?" she asked, turning this way and that so he could see.
James looked and considered before answering, which she appreciated (he used to just say she looked good in everything which was terribly unhelpful). "They're a bit short for what you usually wear."
"Mm, you're right." She liked how they fit, but James had a point. If they didn't match her others, she'd never wear them, because all her outfits at home were made to match the style of shoe. Delightful though these were, she wouldn't wear them. She took them off, put on her own shoes, and said a quick, "I'll be back in a second," so she could find another pair, one more suited to her wardrobe. When she came back, James was still sat in the chair, a small frown on his face like he hadn't moved a centimeter in her absence. "You all right?" she asked.
"Do I really pine when he's not here?"
"I mean... yeah. It's not a bad thing, you just like to spend all your free time with him."
Instead of this comforting him, he groaned and covered his face with his hands. "I do pine. This is terrible."
"I think terrible might be an overreaction."
James did not look like he agreed when he took his hands away from his face and crossed them over his chest.
Lily tried on the new pair of shoes she'd grabbed and gave James another glance; he hadn't moved at all. "Okay, erm, I didn't mean to make you panic."
"I'm not panicking," he mumbled.
"Sure you're not. Look, I didn't mean anything by it." She checked the shoes in the mirror. A good fit, and in her usual style. This was a yes. She sat down and put them in the box and started packing up the others so she could put them back on the shelf. "You and Sirius are close, there's no harm in that, but I think you're going a little overboard by being this upset about something that didn't hurt him. And he doesn't care about," she added, because if Sirius cared, then it would make sense for James to care equally. But this was nothing. Sirius was fine, he didn't care, he probably didn't remember it, and here James was two days later, still stewing over it like it was an offense to nature.
James looked up at the ceiling, leant back so far in the chair it looked like he was going to slide right out of it and land in a puddle on the floor. "Yeah," he said, but Lily got the feeling that wasn't a response to her so much as it was to something in his head.
"Do I get to know what's going on in that mind of yours?" she asked as she stacked up the shoe boxes she’d rejected.
"Do you want to?" James asked, which was a fair point.
"If it'll help you, I'm here."
He hummed, considering that. "It's fine." He pushed himself up to a more normal sitting position. "Oh, are you done already?"
"Here, I can hold those," he offered.
Lily passed them over and thanked him, but in the back of her mind, she wondered if their conversation had had a bigger impact on James than he let on.
"I'm in love with Sirius," James said. He was the only one in the room. He’d wanted to hear how it sounded when he said it aloud instead of thinking it.
It sounded more official out loud. Like it was real. He'd already known it was real, of course; he'd had that realisation while shopping with Lily. He nearly told her, but it didn't feel right for her to know something about James before Sirius did.
He sighed, turning to the side so he could lay down on the couch. Sirius would be getting home soon, and James should tell him. It was the right thing to do, but he wished he knew how he was going to react. Most of the time, he knew how Sirius would react-- they knew each other well enough. For this, he knew what he wanted to hear, but there was no telling how Sirius would actually react.
Obviously, it would be wonderful if, when James said, "I love you," Sirius said it back. That was the dream, but he wasn't sure if that was realistic to hope for. Wouldn't there have been some sort of sign if Sirius felt that way about him? James's possessiveness was a pretty good sign of his own feelings, but Sirius didn't treat him like that. James didn't think there were signs out there that he'd missed; he thought they weren't there at all. He could choose to read into a few actions, but Sirius had been doing those for years. It wasn't a sign, but Merlin, how James wanted it to be.
He sighed again. He was like a sighing machine ever since having this realization about Sirius. He felt a little melancholy now, and he'd have it for a few more days after Sirius turned him down before he finally went back to normal.
James wasn't meant for this. Useless pining didn't suit him, and he knew it.
Although, maybe it suited him more than he'd like to admit, because the one bloke he'd tried to date had been... well, a lot like Sirius. James hadn't realized it at the time, but he had been. Not so much physically, but the leather and the devilish smirk should've been a dead giveaway. James had thought that he had a type that Sirius also so happened to fall into when he'd thought about it, but the thing that had drawn James to him initially was his laugh. Now that he knew he'd latched onto the person that was closest to Sirius that he could have, he felt a little queasy. How had he not realized it sooner?
He was still beating himself up about it when Sirius got home.
Sirius took one look at him and said, "Okay, so did something terrible happen while you were shopping? Because you've been off ever since you and Lily went out."
"No, I'm fine," James said, heaving himself back into a sitting position. "I had an epiphany is all."
"Please tell me you and Lily aren't getting back together," Sirius said, wrinkling his nose.
James snorted. That relationship had been awkward for both James and Lily, and all of their friends hadn't liked the way they constantly sniped at each other over rubbish that didn't matter and no one cared about. "Definitely not getting back together with Lils. I'm dumb, but I'm not that dumb."
"You're not dumb," Sirius said.
James gave a weak smile, and Sirius stepped closer.
"You sure you're all right?"
"You and me, we're- we're close, right?"
Sirius looked more concerned as he sat next to him on the couch. "Yeah."
"So erm, this doesn't have to change anything if you don't want it to, but I was thinking that maybe we could go on a date. Sometime. If you want."
"I- sorry, quick question. Is asking me on a date what had you so worried the past couple days?"
"It's only been the one day," James hedged. "But yes."
"Why would that make you miserable?"
"It didn't make me miserable," James said immediately. "I was doing a lot of thinking. I didn't know that I fancied you until then, so it was a shock for me to find out."
"You learned you fancy me yesterday and almost immediately asked me out?"
"Erm. Yes?"
Sirius smiled slowly at him. "Wow. I'm beginning to feel like the world's biggest coward, in that case. I'd love to go on a date with you, by the way."
“Great,” James said, trying not to smile too wide, but it was a losing battle and they both knew it. 
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wolvesandshine · 2 months
“You know now that Regulus isn’t an asshole it’s getting harder to ignore the other thing.”
Lily simply raised an eyebrow. “What other thing?”
James sighed, waving his hand in the air. “You know. The thing we all know but can’t say in front of Sirius.”
As Lily connects the dots, a slow smirk appears on her face. “Is the thing that Regulus Black is good looking?”
James scoffs. “He’s not just good looking. He’s the most gorgeous man I’ve ever laid eyes on - the way his hair falls in perfectly styled curls, his inquisitive eyes hiding so much knowledge -
Lily rolls her eyes. “Okay lover boy. I’m beginning to see why we didn’t work out.”
But James doesn’t stop. He’s on a roll. “I love it when he says my name. Even when he’s annoyed with me - “
“Is that so Potter?”
James jerks up in his seat, hitting his leg on the table in his haste.
He feels himself blush as he meets amused grey eyes. Lily is cackling in the background.
“So.. How much of that did you hear?” James asks, aiming for subtle and missing it by miles.
Regulus smirks. “Enough to know that apparently everyone should find me hot.”
James groans loudly, burying his face in his hands.
“Is there any way you can forget I said that?”
Regulus leans in and smirks - a very dangerous expression on him that James should not find as hot as he does.
“Only if you forget that I think everyone should think you’re hot too.”
And oh -
Well. What Sirius didn’t know couldn’t hurt him.
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nightoftheldead · 4 months
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he is THE dad moms try to impress during kindergarten pick up (since reggie does most of the drop offs lol) harry is an amazing older brother ! (of two actually, still working on the marylily one)
anyways meet mia! my jegulus fanchild bc why the f not :]
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vomits0cutely · 1 month
Regulus: does she make you laugh?
James: she doesn’t make me cry.
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lynsstrange · 12 days
the marauders as color/winter guard performers headcannons
(For the enjoyment of me and the probably one other person on the platform who’s two niche interests somehow overlap)
Section leader during marching season, team captain during winter season
Takes it VERY seriously
Is the reason they have twelve hours of practice a week, but also the reason they score very high
Everyone hates him the second conditioning comes around, constantly yelling at the team (Sirius) to try harder while they’re doing suicides and across the floors at seven in the morning
Rifle prodigy (he cannot stfu about showing off how many rotations he can do)
The overzealous upperclassman that scares off incoming freshmen
Always the one lending money at competitions for food. Also has first aid stuff, electric tape, hand warmers, and just about anything else the team could be in need of packed
Basically Team Mom ™
TECHNICALLY co-captain
Her and James are constantly bickering over whether her position is official (“That’s Mary, our FLAG SERGEANT” “WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT EVEN MEAN”)
She’s much more involved in flag, doesn’t like weapon as much
A good teacher, but brutally honest to anyone she sees as not meeting expectations
Resident playlist-maker, and has dominion over the speaker in the back of the bus
Is constantly critiquing the show design and advocating for aesthetic cohesion (“the rifles would look so much better if the bolts were taped blue, just saying”)
Is good at weapon, more so sabre
Doesn’t like flag as much, but always gets stuck on solos on it because he’s talented
Manages to miss his drill dot EVERY FUCKING TIME by just a little bit and it sends James into rage
Never really knows the counts, but always in time
Manages to look good even in the shittiest of costumes
Trauma dumps and tells wildass stories in the back of the bus on the way back from late night comps
Constant guard terminology sexual innuendo (“Remus, I need you to strip- your silk, Remus, mind out of the gutter 🙄”)
He doesn’t know how he got here
Meaning he got dragged into it by Sirius and James
(Mostly James)
Is basically being held hostage because of his skill- that being that he’s a lot stronger than he looks, so he’s good at rifle when he actually tries
Always has some dusty ass beat up novel in his competition duffle (me)
Late to practice or gone often because he has so many other academic commitments lmao
Always covered in bruises from getting whacked by equipment
Competitive only when it comes to Sirius. (Sirius can do a one handed forty five?? Remus can do a DOUBLE one handed forty five)
Marching band historian during fall season
Runs the guard’s social media pages
Organizes all team parties
A STICKLER for team traditions, and makes sure they’re continued on each year
Pretty well-rounded, but prefers flag
Like Remus, only truly competitive and spiteful when it comes to James
All the freshmen love her because she’s a good teacher, and she has a special talent of talking just about anyone into auditioning
Always mad about the state of disarray in the guard room
Like Remus, isn’t sure how he ended up here
Isn’t really that great at anything, but he tries real hard
Plays trumpet or smth during marching season lmao
And somehow ended up in guard by peer pressure and a crippling fear of being left out
Weapon NERD
And honestly all around guard nerd
Is almost as enthusiastic as James
She even did baton for a short period of time for fun
Is one of those people who can just whip rifle around in that effortless way (you know the type of person I’m talking about)
Constantly coming to James with feedback about choreography, and they’re always either getting along very well or at odds
Definitely on her way to DCI
Resident makeup helper (she can do a mean cat eye, even on a highway in a school bus)
Maybe at some point I’ll do the skittles or other various characters lol but for now I’m imagining just the in-universe Gryffindors/marauders as one team haha
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I couldn't reblog @we-r-loonies 's reblog of @not-rab 's post but I linked it over.
I strted writing the fanfic guys! (Link below) https://archiveofourown.org/works/56205865/chapters/142783447
The people who commented that they wanted this fic to be written: @theghostofjamie @drowninkystar @moon-girl88 @jaydoesshit @wolvesandshine @singulxarity @bribril24 @thatonedumbtomato @idril-dornwe @dumbass-gryffindor1960 @folkloreforever @unhingedwizardfan
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james-sunshine-potter · 9 months
Going in order of talllest to shortest, this is my opinion of the marauders era characters height (with no explanation) ->
> Remus - 6ft 5
> James - 6ft 3
> Dorcas - 6ft
> Evan - 6ft
> Barty - 5ft 11 1/2
> Sirius - 5ft 11
> Regulus - 5ft 9
> Mary - 5ft 7 1/2
> Marlene - 5ft 7
> Peter - 5ft 7
> Pandora - 5ft 5
> Lily - 5ft 3 1/2
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enbysiriusblack · 3 months
i don't think james is an exceptionally nice person. if i was describing him, the words nice or kind wouldn't even come up.
i think he's very nice to his friends. asks them how they are and genuinely wanting to know. gives them money all the time- not because he pities them but because he's got all this money, what's the point of it if not to share it with his friends? he stays up with them if they can't sleep or had a nightmare. etc.
but he's not so nice to strangers/people he doesn't actually love. like yes he would help someone who fell over in the street. but he'd laugh first. and tell it like a funny story to his friends later, even if the person got injured. he'd leave a huge mess on public transport or cinemas or whatever without a second thought about it.
i suppose he is nice, but only when he's older (late teens/adulthood). james was a bit of a mean child/teenager. i love him so much, but i do think we tend to brush off his character development and faults. james was a very overly confident, self-centered, ignorant boy. and he then grew up to be still an overly confident, less self-centered, not ignorant man.
james isn't really a 'sunshine', always happy, super nice and kind person. he cares about people. he is an activist that actively fights for people's freedom and rights. he tries to be understanding to people's situations. but he worked hard to get there. he had to unlearn a lot of prejudice and ignorance, just like sirius.
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pascaloverx · 1 month
To Begin Again
Summary: You're a new teacher at a large and influential school. It's a risky step for you, as you've been running from your ex for almost two years. But when Dumbledore asks you to take on a class at the renowned Hogwarts, you can't refuse. However, your life as a newly arrived teacher won't be easy. Especially when the other teachers don't seem eager to make friends. Or rather, two teachers in particular: Sirius Black and Remus Lupin.
Author's Note: Welcome, dear readers. Please leave your comments if you enjoy fanfiction. This fanfic takes place almost in the real world (with the addition of werewolves) and is not a wizarding fanfic. There will be some differences and changes in things from the Harry Potter story or other fanfics in the HP universe, but I promise to do my best writing this fanfic. There will be a love triangle coming in this fanfic.
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To flee is easier than to face your problems, than to confront the demons you left behind long ago. And your life has become an eternal escape. Not only moving from place to place, teaching from school to school, you were living a temporary life each time.  Until one day, a letter arrived, yes, a letter for you from London. It said that you were invited to teach temporarily at Hogwarts Academy. Dumbledore needed you. He was a great friend of your father. They even taught at the same time, but when you were born, your father and mother decided to move to the United States for some undisclosed reason. But Dumbledore's letter comes to you as a good excuse to cover your tracks. Restart.
"What a piece of crap. My cell phone is out of battery and I'm lost in the middle of nowhere." You mumble to yourself. No one is listening anyway. A beautiful full moon night is in front of you, lighting your way. Hogwarts, despite being influential, seems to be located in the middle of nowhere. You jump back when you hear a loud howl. Are there wolves near a school? Isn't that dangerous? 
You look at your phone wishing there was some battery left so you could call someone. Noticing that it might be dangerous, you walk towards what you think might be the path. One step hurriedly each time. But the howls get closer and closer. Until you see a sign saying that Hogwarts is nearby. But as soon as you look ahead you see a dog. I mean, something similar to a dog but bigger. Or will it be a very hairy man?
"Leave or I'll throw my suitcase at you. Whatever you are." You say threatening the furry creature with your suitcase. The creature seems to stare at you, but not understand you. At that moment you laugh at your foolishness. Now who in their right mind would try to reason with a creature that doesn't seem to reason?
"Listen, I don't want to hurt you. I'm against animal abuse and I've participated in campaigns to rescue many from the streets. But if you come any closer, I won't have any other choice." You speak and while the canine creature or something looks like it's ready to attack you. When the creature gets a little closer, you throw your suitcase at it. With all the strength and aim possible. And then you run. Run as fast as possible, hitting some trees along the way but maintaining your speed. You hear the creature's grunts of pain. Then everything is silent, you rest a little. Your legs hurt, your arms are sore and bruised. And then you hear a long howl that alerts you that the creature is coming. And then you run again, as fast as you can. 
"I can't believe I'm going to die here, like this." You mumble as you run. You're so distracted that you don't notice a stranger in front of you. Until you bump into him. Making you both fall.
"Fuck. Don't you watch where you're going?" The stranger speaks in a rude tone and you look at him in confusion.Isn't he noticing that you're running from death? Or is he not hearing the furry creature's noises?
"Shut up and follow me." You say, holding the stranger's hand and asking him to follow you. Why you helped him, you don't know. But you wouldn't be able to sleep with guilty conscience if he died. Strangely, he follows you a little further into the forest. But who designed a school that has a forest with ferocious animals on the loose? 
"Come here." The stranger pulls you close to a hiding place. Hideout that actually seems designed for this type of situation. It's a small hut covered in bushes. You think about saying something but the stranger covers your mouth and points outside. Your eyes follow the stranger's fingers and you observe the creature outside. From a distance this creature looks like something from another world, from a fantasy world. A werewolf better said.  The creature sniffs for a while and then disappears into the forest.
"You saw that?" You ask the stranger who is currently adjusting his somewhat long, silky, and slightly wavy hair. Sweat is dripping down his forehead, but he seems fine. I mean, he's attractive. I mean, what the hell are you thinking?
"I did see it, still got the ability to see after some lunatic knocked me down out of nowhere. And you're welcome, by the way." The man says as he rummages through a closet. You look at him indignantly. What do you mean you should be grateful to him?
"Sorry to wake you up from that illusion you're in, but it's you who should be thanking me. That creature was about to attack both of us, and I pulled you to come with me. So, Prince Charming, get off your imaginary horse and thank me yourself." You respond proudly, starting to feel the pain of the bruises you accumulated along the way. 
"If that's how you feel, would you prefer to go out into the forest right now and try your luck?" The man says mockingly, and you glare at him angrily. What an idiot.
"Look, I'm new around here, and I don't want to sound presumptuous, but you seem like a jerk. But unlike you, I'm going to appreciate your help. Thank you for helping me escape from the big hairy creature out there. Satisfied?" You say, swallowing your pride, and then you extend your hand to the stranger. He gives a smirk, almost charming. What a jerk.
"Very satisfied. But now that we're here, would you mind telling me your name? I find it strange to spend the night with someone whose name I don't even know." The man says, sitting on the wooden chair next to you. You, who are sitting in an armchair, look at him, feeling strange about the idea of spending the night together.
"My name is Y/N. And yours?" You speak to avoid seeming rude, but the truth is, you want to know the reason why you'll have to spend the night together.
"Sirius. Sirius Black." He pauses before continuing, "And before you wonder, we have to spend the night here because it's still out there. But don't worry, as soon as dawn breaks, I'll take you to Hogwarts." Sirius speaks, squeezing your hand firmly. You shake hands, and he looks at you as if trying to unravel all your secrets.
"How do you know I want to go to Hogwarts?" You ask, and he smiles as if he finds it amusing.
"Let's just say I have a good sixth sense. Now, I suggest you rest. Tomorrow will be quite a day for you." Sirius says, handing you a pillow and a blanket. You thank him softly as you watch him grab another pillow and lie down on the floor. It looks uncomfortable, but you're too tired to be polite and offer to sleep on the floor instead.
"Hey, Sirius. Thank you so much for today. I might not be alive without you." You say sweetly and sleepily as you settle into the armchair. Sirius lifts his head and looks in your direction. Wow, he's handsome.
"I echo your words. The only difference is that I'd be alive with or without you. But I'm grateful for the company. It tends to be pretty boring around here." Sirius replies before turning over to sleep. You try not to dwell too much on what he said and then let sleep finally take hold of you. When morning comes, Sirius seems a bit more grumpy than before. You deduce that he might not be a morning person. You both leave the cabin early and walk for a while towards Hogwarts. The journey feels almost endless, but when you finally arrive, you're dazzled. The beauty of the architecture almost makes it worth almost dying to get in here.
"Well, princess, you're delivered. I won't be able to come in with you because I need to go check on something, but I'm sure we'll see each other again soon. Until then, take care. I won't always be here to save you." Sirius says, kissing the palm of your hand before leaving without giving you a chance to respond. You find him presumptuous but decide to move on.
Walking through the corridors of Hogwarts, you observe children playing from side to side. A boy with glasses and dark hair is hitting another boy with white hair on the ground, which startles you. You immediately run towards them. As you approach, you manage to separate the two, pulling the dark-haired one off the light-haired one. They both seem a bit bruised, and as you separate them, you realize that the effort has caused you significant pain in your back.
"You shouldn't be fighting. At least I think so." You say with some difficulty as you feel the pain growing. It's strange that despite the dark-haired one being the aggressor, he seems to take you more seriously. Meanwhile, the light-haired one is smiling mockingly with his arms crossed.
"And who are you to say anything?" Asks the child, around eleven or twelve years old, with a bruised face but intact hair. He's the one with the light hair.
"You must be thick, Malfoy, if you didn't notice that she must be our new teacher. Or maybe I hit you too hard." The dark-haired boy responds, already angry again. He seems both fearless and temperamental.
"Stop. Both of you! I don't want to hear insults or nonsense in my presence. You, with the white hair, I am your new teacher, so I suggest you change your tone when speaking. And you, with the dark hair, violence is not a solution to anything, not even insolence. Both of you, go far away from each other and think about how to be better." You speak calmly but very seriously. Despite their reluctance, both boys stop fighting and move on.
You feel the pain in your back get worse and walk to the first place you see an adult. Until you find a room, which seems almost abandoned. There is no one inside. You observe the room that has some old books scattered around and appears to be someone's room. 
"Can I help you?" A male voice speaks from behind you. You turn around nervously thinking it's rude to enter someone else's room. 
"I need help..." You were going to say more, but you were startled when you noticed a mark on the face of the man in front of you. You figured he must be in pain.
"There's no need to be afraid. I got involved in a mess last night and was a little injured." The man says getting closer and you feel like you're being rude.
"I'm sorry, I imagine it hurts. I'm sorry for my rudeness." You say, getting a little closer and looking deep into the man's eyes. Eyes you felt you've seen before.
"No need to apologize. It really hurts. My name is Remus and this is my room." Remus speaks as you watch him and before you can say anything, you simply pass out. 
 To be continued...
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resident-gay-bitch · 8 months
jilypad raising baby harry but still having sirius be his godfather - cause harry is obvi still biologically jilys - and it might confuse a toddler to teach him he has three parents whilst he’s only just learning about mummies and daddies at kindy. but one night he has a bad dream or something and goes to find his daddy for help because he’s the best at nightmares (he’s had so much practice with sirius at hogwarts) and he sees james and sirius kissing and then also sees sirius and lily kissing sometimes because harry’s so sneaky with quiet little footsteps right. and so harry thinks it’s very normal to kiss your friends and that’s how you show that you’re best friends because lily and james always refer to sirius as their best friend.
and so harry goes to school and gives draco a kiss on the playground one afternoon because they’re best friends amd that’s what best friends do and little draco who never sees his parents kiss - who reads books about kisses being a very magical special thing - goes bright red and spends the rest of his kindergarten year thinking him and harry are boyfriends and brings him flowers and things and this litteraly goes on for years until they’re like 12. because they’re kids - a little pec is as crazy as it gets and harry still thinks it’s normal for besties to do that and draco is so in love with his silly boyfriend.
and then one day james sirius and lily sit harry down and decide it’s time to explain polyamory and talk about their real big feelings.
and then harry just freaks out.
they think he’s freaking out because he’s been taught by other kids at school that queerness is bad or whatever but then harry’s just like “so… is it not normal to kiss your best friend? is it not normal to hold their hands when you’re walking down the street and get them flowers. you only do that because you’re all in love?”
and now they’re all freaking out because they don’t know if harry has a boyfriend or not and all the boys are too chicken to ring up and ask because that’s so embarrassing for harry and lily is just sitting there with her head in her hands wondering how the hell her son ended up just as stupid as her dads.
one call to narcissa from her, and she figures it out, “oh, lily! hi, i was going to call later and ask you all over to dinner next week for draco and harry’s anniversary, he just came out to us.”
once again, lilys the one who has to do the communicating for these loveable idiots.
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whoreed · 1 month
has anyone ever delved into the realization lily had when she got pregnant? her nineteen self being scared and alone and in a war an not thinking truthfully about what was she even supposed to do in those conditions. i've always seen the news being portrayed as this joyful happy discovery but it seems to me such a downplay of her character to see that she's pregnant and just???? accept it???? no resentment or internal conflict in sight? during a WAR at NINETEEN??
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seriousbrat · 2 months
what do you think lily's flaws were likely to have been? I hear so many people complain about her being a "Mary Sue" and I feel like it's true that the narrative doesn't really give us problems with her character in the way that it does for James/the other marauders.
Love this question!! I actually think we do see some of Lily's flaws in the narrative, they're just not quite as obvious (or grievous) as Sev's or James's.
In her conversations with Sev in the Prince's Tale, we see that she's willing to overlook pretty unforgivable behaviour because of her friendship with/loyalty towards Sev. He's friends with Mulciber and Avery, he calls the attack on Mary 'a laugh'. In the post-SWM conversation, she displays awareness that Sev calls other people 'mudblood'. Sure, she's not okay with it, but she still tolerates it; it's not until this actively affects her that she decides to end the friendship. I read this as a mixture of naïveté but also just willing blindness. She knows better deep down, but chooses to ignore it because of her love for Sev.
Another thing Lily-haters tend to harp on is her defending James, Sev's bully, to him in this conversation. And I do somewhat agree (although I think it's ridiculous to hold this as worse than everything Sev does to her) but I think it's another sign of her willingness to overlook certain behaviours that she shouldn't. She wants to believe that there's good in everyone because that's easier than facing reality. I don't read this line as 'you should forgive James for everything', I read it more as 'why can't everyone get along because that would be easier than dealing with conflict'. In some ways she's right, because there is good in both Sev and James-- it's somehow both her greatest strength and her greatest weakness. This blind trust is what gets her killed, it's what causes her so much pain in SWM, but it's also what saves her son in the end.
Another thing I think we see in SWM is her temper. Like I've said I think Harry gets his anger issues from Lily rather than from James, and I think she's impulsive, reckless, quick to anger. She leads with her heart. It would have been more rational to get a teacher but she dives into the confrontation personally. She insults both James and Sev pretty viciously in this scene (totally deserved, but still). Her giant squid rant is not some well thought out moral indictment of James's character or actions but an emotional response, a personal attack borne of anger. It's very similar to Harry's numerous all caps rages throughout OotP in which he takes out his anger on the people around him.
When thinking about Lily I think it's fair to extrapolate from Harry's character, because they're meant to be similar. Thematically, DH is largely about Harry realising that he's much more like Lily than he realised. Dumbledore says he was counting on Hermione to slow Harry down: Harry represents the intuitive approach, Hermione the logical. Too much reliance on intuition can't save the day, but neither can too much reliance on logic. It's about balance. Sev is the Hermione to Lily-- his learned ability to put aside his emotional needs and impulses for the greater good is ultimately how Lily protects her son through him.
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jegulusofwesper · 3 months
Regulus’ mother approaches him. She ensures that she towers over his shaking form. “Tell anyone else about this little dream of yours and I swear to you that I will have you looked up in a straight jacket before you can take your next breath. Understand?”
Regulus slides his eyes from his mother to Crey, who doesn’t meet his eyes.
“Do. You. Understand. Me. Regulus?” She pushes, emphasising each word as well as speaking with more venom for each word.
“Yes, mother.” Regulus practically whispers.
“Good.” She sneers.
Walburga walks towards Regulus’ doorway, Crey and Severus following after her. She pulls out the key to Regulus’ door that he normally keeps on the table in front of the fire. Regulus’ eyes widen as he realises what she is going to do and a small ‘no’ slips from between his lips as he begs her with his eyes. Instead of replying with her words, she shuts the door and locks it with a deafening click that echoes through Regulus’ bedroom. The last thing Regulus sees is Severus giving him a sadistic wave and a fake smile before he’s staring at the back of his locked door.
first 14 chapters of Finest Wines and Butterflies, a jegulus corpse bride fic, is posted!!!
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nightoftheldead · 4 months
Tumblr media
lewis (marylily's child) saying goodbye to harry at the train station to hogwarts (third year)
harry would be an amazing older brother i will never get tired saying it ! anyways, meanwhile harry and mia have a 3 years difference, lewis and harry have a 7 years one lol
his name is still up to debate so if anyone has a better idea please do say ☝️
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vomits0cutely · 1 month
Mary: does he make you laugh?
Lily: he doesn’t make me cry.
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jegulusfics · 23 days
You Signed Up For This by Solmussa
word count: 293,831
finished?: Yes
main pairings: Regulus Black/James Potter, Marlene McKinnon/Dorcas Meadowes, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Pandora Lovegood/Lily Evans Potter, Barty Crouch Jr./Evan Rosier
warnings: Explicit
Regulus’ best friend Dorcas convinces him to go on a summer trip with her. She dubs it ‘operation make Reg smile again'. It's his chance to break from the cycle of toxic mistakes he keeps repeating in London. James wouldn’t know casual if she walked up to him and introduced herself. That’s why he’s got a rule to protect himself from heartbreak: only hook up with tourists on their last night in town. When James learns the gorgeous tourist he’s just met is around for six weeks, he gets spooked. Six weeks is a long time, but also no time at all. As the Black brothers unexpectedly reunite after ten years apart, James and Regulus are forced to spend time together and James starts to think that maybe rules are meant to be broken. Getting involved with Regulus is going to hurt, but James believes it'll be worth it. Either way, James knows what he signed up for. Or does he?
James and Regulus have a summer fling that they promised their friends they wouldn’t have. Remus and Sirius discover their mutual hatred is just pent-up sexual tension. Dorcas and Marlene are always winning, even when they’re not. It’s a cruel summer for all. I love you (ain’t that the worst thing you ever heard?)
my personal thoughts below
LATINO JAMES POTTER??? james LOVES reggaeton in this. this is such a fun summery fic. theres a bit of angst but honestly its mostly just fun and happy. you get to see sirius and regulus working on their relationship, you get to see SURFING???? marlene is a surfer in this and its my favorite thing ever.
also lily <3
definitely would recommend.
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