#patrick hutchison
travelingviabooks · 4 months
Cabin: Off the Grid Adventures with a Clueless Craftsman by Patrick Hutchison ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Genre: nonfiction, memoir, nature
Country: USA
Quick Summary:
The author purchases a rundown cabin in the Cascade Mountains to restore. The catch is, he doesn’t have any prior carpentry experience other than building forts in the woods as a kid. This book is the heartwarming and humorous tale of his struggles and successes with the help of good friends.
I expected this book to be more about the cabin itself, but I find that the author focuses a lot on the people too. This is not a complaint. I love that Hutchison talks a lot about the friends and acquaintances that helped make the cabin great. It makes the book feel so much more positive and heartwarming.
I also really enjoyed the humorous way the story is told. The author doesn’t take themself too seriously and overall, this gives the book a very lighthearted and overall cozy feeling.
It’s a love letter to a perfectly imperfect cabin. The perfect book for reading in your own cabin or while daydreaming about your own cabin.
Would I recommend this book?: Yes, if you love books about nature, friendship, and journeys of self-discovery, this book is for you.
Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin’s press for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.
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whitewaterpaper · 2 years
SoR/LotR: “Alloyed” [S01E08].
Serie: Sagan om ringen: Maktens ringar
Originaltitel: The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power.
Skapare: John D. Payne.
Författare: J.R.R. Tolkien (boken).
Författare: Gennifer Hutchison & John D. Payne & Patrick McKay (avsnittet).
Regissör: Wayne Yip (avsnittet).
Publicerad: 2022.
Medium: TV/Prime Video.
¡Oi! Spoilers, stavfel och alternativa fakta kan förekomma rakt föröver!
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Så kom den så då till slut: seriefinalen. Och kanske är det här det bästa avsnittet i hela säsongen… Så lagom nu att bli intressant. Eller: nej jag överdriver en aning.
Man inleder med att försöka lura tittaren att alla spekulationer att meteoritmannen är Gandalf är fel. Det är det givetvis inte, men det är lite kuligt att se när Hårfotingarna lyckas befria meteoritmannen och de androgyna varelserna inser att de inte fått tag på sin store mästare.
Jag skall erkänna att även om jag var misstänksam mot Helbrand (som om han ständigt höll något hemligt) så var det lite av en överraskning att han var Sauron. Jag kan bara utgå från att han genomgick samma minnesförvirring som Meteoritmannen, och att han under en tid kanske till och med trodde han var söderns återvändande konung. (Och typ, det var han – men inte på det viset Galadriel väntade sig).
Överlevande från Númenor återvänder till ett land i sorg då den gamle kungen lämnat in. Det sista han säger är någon yrande profetia om att landet kommer gå under om de inte återvänder till de gamla sederna. Och minns jag inte fel så gick väl landet under? Visionerna Galadriel hade i Palantír:en visade att en tsunami sveper in över landet – något som då påminde mig om legenderna om Atlantis. Det känns som om serien inte är klar med folket från Númenor än.
Han har inte haft många scener i säsongen med alvernas högste kung är verkligen en karaktär, direkt otrevlig i de flesta av sina scener och jag börjar misstänka att det kanske finns mer än bara rent mjöl i hans påse. Själva smidandet av de tre ringarna är sällsamt odramatiskt. Men gillar att vi får reda på varför de tre ringarna ursprungligen smiddes.
Det här har varit en lång och tung säsong, där det varit svårt att se fram emot varje avsnitt. Berättarglädjen har helt enkelt inte funnits där, och Daniel Roman på WinterIsComing.com kanske sammanfattar serien bäst:
For my money, The Wheel of Time stands head and shoulders above The Rings of Power in this regard; in fact, I’d say that writing is The Rings of Power’s single biggest weakness, which is a dangerous fatal flaw for a show to have. It looks gorgeous, has solid actors and a beautiful musical score. But its first season has consistently felt like it was moving down a list of bulleted plot points, rather than diving deep into its characters and getting viewers invested the way great shows do. (Källa: winteriscoming.net)
Och jag håller med i mycket av vad han säger berättandet var en sammanställd checklista och berättarkonsten låg att dra på det i åtta avsnitt. Och allt förpackat med effekter, skådespelare och musik som berättandet egentligen inte förtjänade. Och då nämner jag ändå inte hoppen. Halva säsongen spenderades med maniskt hoppa runt mellan karaktärerna med samma snabbhet och grace som Sanna Kallur på 100m häck. Ingen tid spenderades, som citatet ovan säger, med att låta oss lära känna karaktärerna.
Avsnitten har kanske varit i det längsta laget de med, dock så noterar jag med humor att avsnitten till den tredje säsongen av The Orville varit bitvis längre (längsta klockade in på 1h:27min) men där märktes längden inte av alls. Det är en konst att berätta bra och engagerande – Amazon har med LotR:RoP och WoT visat att budget är inte allt.
Jag avrundar med att tacka @kulturdasset för sällskapet igenom den här säsongen. "Delad glädje är dubbel glädje, delad börda är halv börda" som man brukar säga.
P.S. Regissören till det här avsnittet regisserade även ett par avsnitt av WoT, kanske därför det tillhör ett av de bättre?
The Wheel of Time should’ve gotten The Rings of Power’s huge budget.
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graphicpolicy · 2 years
Review: Rings of Power S1E8 "Alloyed"
The first season of Rings of Power ends in a dark place, but not without hope #ringsofpower #lotr
“Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky.”— J.R.R. Tolkien in The Lord of the Rings In its series finale, Rings of Power resolves its lingering mysteries (Who is Sauron? What’s the deal with The Stranger?) and sets up new paths, both dark and light, for its characters. Writers Gennifer Hutchison, J.D. Payne, and Patrick McKay predominantly focus on the Harfoots and Elves/Halbrand…
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bookwormlily · 2 years
Our scales are balanced.
Rings of Power: Alloyed (2022)
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Skill of the Week: Handle a Car That’s Hydroplaning
Patrick Hutchison • April 14, 2024
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An important part of manhood has always been about having the competence to be effective in the world — having the breadth of skills, the savoir-faire, to handle any situation you find yourself in. With that in mind, each Sunday we’ll be republishing one of the illustrated guides from our archives, so you can hone your manly know-how week by week.
Hydroplaning is a terrifying situation for even the most experienced driver. It occurs when water is forced under your tires, causing them to leave the surface of the roadway and you to lose control of the car. In normal conditions, your tires are designed to shed water to the sides. But, in deeper pools of water, or when your tires are worn, the grooves on your tires may not be sufficient to force water out of the way. When water isn’t sent to the side, it goes underneath and hydroplaning occurs. At higher speeds, the problem is only exacerbated.
As with most emergency maneuvers, the best way to deal with them is to avoid them entirely. A few pointers for prevention:
Keep tires properly inflated
Replace worn tires
Avoid cruise control in wet conditions
Drive slower in wet conditions
Avoid road edges where puddles tend to accumulate
If you do find yourself losing control, staying calm and making smooth maneuvers is important. As outlined above, what specific actions you take depend on the type of car you drive.
Illustrated by Ted Slampyak 
Help support independent publishing. Make a donation to The Art of Manliness! Thanks for the support!
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naturalrights-retard · 8 months
Conspiracy theory time. Interim Speaker of the House Patrick McHenry wasted no time before booting Nancy Pelosi from the “hideaway” office. He ordered her to vacate the office almost immediately, which is a privilege afforded to a very select few in the House.
According to Harold Hutchison at Daily Caller:
McHenry ordered Pelosi to move out in an email sent hours after eight Republicans voted to remove House Speaker Kevin McCarthy along with 208 Democrats in a 216-210 vote Tuesday, according to Politico. Pelosi served as Speaker from 2019 to 2023 before Democrats lost the House of Representatives, despite Republicans underperforming expectations of a “red wave” nationally. “Please vacate the space tomorrow, the room will be re-keyed,” an email from the House Administration Committee to Pelosi’s staff said, Politico reported. McHenry, who serves as chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, was McCarthy’s first choice to serve as Speaker pro tempore in the event that he was forced out, according to Politico. “Sadly, because I am in California to mourn the loss of and pay tribute to my dear friend Dianne Feinstein, I am unable to retrieve my belongings at this time,” Pelosi told Politico.
There’s a decent conspiracy theory floating around, but let’s start with the most obvious possible reason why Kevin McCarthy refused to boot her before McHenry rushed to do so. Privileges granted by the Speaker of the House are often considered courtesies, especially for adversaries. Pelosi, for example, allowed her predecessor to retain privileged office space for a time.
“This eviction is a sharp departure from tradition,” Pelosi said. “As Speaker, I gave former Speaker [Dennis] Hastert a significantly larger suite of offices for as long as he wished.”
As for why McHenry would boot her so quickly, it seems reasonable that he was simply lashing out after all Democrats joined eight Republicans in removing McCarthy from the Speaker position. Perhaps McCarthy and McHenry, who are close friends, appealed to Pelosi to intervene with House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries. When the vote came down, it was clear that McHenry was livid.
Now, let’s turn to Rogan O’Handley for the other prominent theory…
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ofallingstar · 1 year
List of books I read this year
The Summer Children by Dot Hutchison
My Sister, the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite
The Reader by Bernhard Schlink
Kink: Stories by R.O. Kwon
Ada, or Ardor: A Family Chronicle by Vladimir Nabokov
Franny and Zooey by J.D. Salinger
The Vanishing Season by Dot Hutchison
If Beale Street Could Talk by James Baldwin
Nana by Émile Zola
Poesía completa by Alejandra Pizarnik
Hija de la fortuna by Isabel Allende
The Cure at Troy: A Version of Sophocles' Philoctetes by Seamus Heaney
The Complete Fairy Tales by Oscar Wilde
The Butcher Boy by Patrick McCabe
The Dalkey Archive by Flann O'Brien
The Likeness by Tana French
The Gathering by Anne Enright
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
The Plague by Albert Camus
Ham on Rye by Charles Bukowski
Book of Mercy by Leonard Cohen
Book of Longing by Leonard Cohen
The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Prince Caspian by C.S. Lewis
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Dale
Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood
The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin
Água Viva by Clarice Lispector
Graveyard Clay: Cré na Cille by Máirtín Ó Cadhain
Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C.S. Lewis
New and Collected Poems: 1931-2001 by Czeslaw Milosz
A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin
Close Range: Brokeback Mountain and Other Stories by Annie Proulx
My Year of Rest and Relaxation by Ottessa Moshfegh
Lunch Poems by Frank O'Hara
The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd
The Silver Chair by C.S. Lewis
The Tombs of Atuan by Ursula K. Le Guin
The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie
As Normal as Possible: Negotiating Sexuality and Gender in Mainland China and Hong Kong by Yau Ching
The Black Phone by Joe Hill
The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis
Firelight of a Different Colour: The Life and Times of Leslie Cheung Kwok-wing by Nigel Collett
The Farthest Shore by Ursula K. Le Guin
Reborn: Journals and Notebooks, 1947-1963 by Susan Sontag
I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy
To Paradise by Hanya Yanagihara
To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf
Tehanu by Ursula K. Le Guin
The Magician's Nephew by C.S. Lewis
How Now, Butterfly?: A Memoir of Murder, Survival and Transformation by Charity Lee
Santa by Federico Gamboa
Farewell My Concubine by Lilian Lee
Villette by Charlotte Brontë
Tales from Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin
Temprada de huracanes by Fernanda Melchor
The Silent Companions by Laura Purcell
The Doll-Master and Other Tales of Terror by Joyce Carol Oates
The Year of the Witching by Alexis Henderson
Dracula by Bram Stoker
Kissing Carrion by Gemma Files
The Last Battle by C.S. Lewis
Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche
Sybil: The Classic True Story of a Woman Possessed by Sixteen Personalities by Flora Rheta Schreiber
The Other Wind by Ursula K. Le Guin
Columbine by Dave Cullen
Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto
Eva Luna by Isabel Allende
Posion for Breakfast by Lemony Snicket
A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess
Postcolonial Love Poem by Natalie Díaz
Girl, Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen
The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros
Rilke on Love and Other Difficulties: Translations and Considerations by Rainer Maria Rilke
You can follow me or add me as a friend on Goodreads.
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demonscantgothere · 2 years
“Not dark. Not with you at my side.”
So how we feeling about this?? Do we think he would have been able to keep his promise? Was he even being honest or just doing everything he could to get her to agree to his marriage proposal? Would he really have been a good boi?!
I'm going to quote this interview with two of the shows writers, J.D. Payne and Patrick McKay. In the Vanity Fair interview, J.D. and Patrick said this:
In the final episode, we see the creation of the three rings Sauron will later use to try and control the elves. They’re making them out of mithril, and using the most powerful forge ever built, but it keeps backfiring. Halbrand/Sauron proposes they stop trying to force the elements together and instead let them mingle and draw together on their own. Is this a metaphor for what he’s doing to the various societies and tribes in Middle-earth? Payne: It’s a moment he’s genuinely learning something as a character. I don’t think he was just keeping that in his back pocket and tossing it on the table now. He’s been trying to conquer and force people forever. But being with the elves and watching how they do things and watching what’s effective, he sees another path and offers that up. Then that becomes the key that unlocks the entire thing. McKay: I would go further, and here’s where I think we can tip our hats to Gennifer Hutchison who wrote quite a bit of this episode. The title of the episode is “Alloyed,” and there’s a rich metaphor there of things that don’t belong together being coaxed together, and complementing one another, and balancing one another. That’s very much what’s going on emotionally with Galadriel and Sauron. That’s his pitch. “If you and me do this together, you’ll balance my dark side, and I’ll give you the power that nobody wants to give you.” He’s pitching an alloy to her. And that’s what is happening with the rings.
Payne tells us that Sauron didn't have this whole ploy with the rings in his back pocket all along. He has just been following Galadriel around to see what would happen. Curiosity, perhaps. He hasn't had a masterful plan this whole time. He is learning as he goes, so the whole thing with Galadriel couldn't have been just a grand, mass scheme of manipulation because Sauron didn't have a plan to begin with. Once he's in Eregion working with Celebrimbor, he develops a plan. That's when Sauron sort of spirals out of control and back into his ways of desiring/amassing power.
McKay tells us something much more interesting, though. "There’s a rich metaphor there of things that don’t belong together being coaxed together, and complementing one another, and balancing one another. That’s very much what’s going on emotionally with Galadriel and Sauron. That’s his pitch. “If you and me do this together, you’ll balance my dark side, and I’ll give you the power that nobody wants to give you.” He’s pitching an alloy to her."
McKay has literally SPELLED IT OUT FOR US that Sauron's pitch to Galadriel is keyword: emotional. This is one of the writers for the show. Not an actor, not a director. One of the writers who came up with the concept of this story and is executing it. The writers are the most important part of any show, period. They control the entire narrative.
McKay said Sauron's pitch to Galadriel is emotional: “If you and me do this together, you’ll balance my dark side, and I’ll give you the power that nobody wants to give you.”
So, yes, Sauron meant it. He hoped Galadriel would help him. She doesn't, so I'm excited to see where this goes, but yes, 100% Sauron meant it and it wasn't just some part of a manipulation. He IS being manipulative towards her to appeal to her because she won't listen to him, but his pitch isn't manipulative. Only his methods of attempting to get her to agree to it.
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miravayl · 5 months
#Mira-Marathon | LOTR
Finished watching Lord of the Rings in the new year😄
Serial Name: The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power | Season 1 | (2022); Production studios: Warner Bros. Television, Amazon Studios, New Line Cinema, Cause and FX, Reunion Pacific Entertainment, Tolkien Enterprise, Harper Collins Publishers; Director by: Wayne Yip, Charlotte Brändström, Juan Antonio Bayona, Sanaa Hamri, Louise Hooper; Screenwriters: Patrick McKay, John D. Payne, Justin Doble, Jason Cahill, Gennifer Hutchison, Nicholas Adams, Stephany Folsom; Starring: Robert Aramayo, Owain Arthur, Nazanin Boniadi, Morfydd Clark, Ismael Cruz Cordova; Genres: Fantasy, Adventure, Drama; Running Time: One series – 1 hour 10 minutes | All series – 9 hours 20 minutes;
"The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power" is an epic web series based on the works of Tolkien, which captivates the world of Middle-earth and enthralls with an intense plot. With beautiful visuals and characters, the series offers a unique perspective on the history of this world.
My rating: 7/10
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princessamyrose87 · 1 year
knuckles spin-off series cast
Vector the Crocodile - Bruce Campbell, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Micheal B. Jordan, Seth rogen
Espio the Chameleon - Daisuke Tsuji, l.j. benet
Charmy Bee - Colleen o'Shaughnessey, Jacob Tremblay
Mighty The Armadillo - Micheal Mando, Micheal B. Jordan, Brady noon
Ray The flying squirrel - Tara Strong, Hudson Meek
Fang The Sniper - John Patrick Lowrie, Hugh Jackman, Karl Urban,
Bean The Dynamite - Aziz Ansari, Steven Ogg
Chief Pachacamac - Danny Trejo Sofía
Tikal the Echidna - Díana Bermudez, Ana de la Reguera, Selene Luna, Sofía Espinosa, Isabela Merced, Salma Hayek, Nisa Gunduz
E-102 Gamma - Corey Burton
Wendy Witchcart - Mia Goth, Shohreh Aghdashloo, Harriet Samson Harris
Battle Kukku XV - Nolan North
Speedy XVI - Maria Bakalova
Dr. Fukurokov - Mark Ivanar
Breezie The Hedgehog - Regina King, Janelle Monáe, Jena Malone, Pollyanna McIntosh
Vanilla The Rabbit - Maggie Robertson
Amy Rose - Kimiko Glenn, Anna kendrick
Big The Cat - Dave Fennoy, Patrick Warburton, Micheal B Jordan, Kevin Chamberlin
Cream the Rabbit - Melissa Hutchison, sabrina glow
Sticks the Badger - Margot Robbie, Paola Lázaro
Gerald Kintobor - Ron Perlman
Maria Kintobor - Mkeena Grace
Commander Abraham Tower - Frank Anthony Grillo
Subject Shadow The Hedgehog (Terios Kintobor) - (Paramount stated they want an A-list celebrity to voice Shadow) Keanu Reeves, Robert Pattinson, Pedro Pascal, Oscar Isaac, Micheal B Jordan
Rouge The Bat - Chloé Hollings, Marion Cotillard, Mélanie Laurent, Camille Cottin, Jordana Lajoie, Scarlett johansson
Tom Wachowski’s father - Bob Odinkirk, Dustin Hoffman, Bill Murray, Micheal Keaton, Kurt Russell, John Goodman
Metal Sonic - Ben Schwartz(robotic filter)
E-123 Omega - Micheal B Jordan, Terry Crews, Jon Bernthal
Hazard The Bio-Lizard (Marzanna Kintobor) - Ivana Miličević
Void TrapDark - Jude Law, Dane DeHaan, Gerald Way, Scott Williams, Freddie Highmore,
Lumina Flowlight - Tabitha St. Germain
Blaze’s Mother - Janina Gavankar, Sakina Jaffrey
Blaze The Cat (Indian/British accent) - Priyanka Chopra, Devika Bhise, Varada Sethu, Simone Ashley, Ulka Simone Mohanty, Natasha Chandel
Marine the Raccoon - Sia, Katie Bergin, Bella Heathcote, Isla Lang Fisher, Rylee Alazraqui, Kendal Rae
Blaze’s Rival: Frost The Axotol(example)- Michelle Yeoh, Fala Chen, Antony Starr
Jet’s Father - Matt Ryan, Iwan Rheon
Jet The Hawk - Tony Hawk, Aaron Paul, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Dante Basco, Ken Jeong, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Jimmy O. Yang
Wave The Swallow - Sarah Margaret Qualley
Storm the Albatross (pacific, Oceania) - Dave Batista, Taylor Wily
Emerl The Gizoid - Augus Imrie, Kendal Rae,
Clutch The Possum - Micheal Rooker, Benjamin Byron Davis, Robert Allen Wiethoff
Tangle The Lemur - Lauren Keke Palmer, Brenda Song
Whisper The Wolf - Stefanie Joosten, Ana de Armas
Mimic The Octopus - Richard Colin Brake
Doctor Starline - Troy Baker, Hugh Grant,
Starline’s Love interest and partner -
Rough and Tumble the Skunks - Will Ferrell and John C. Reily, Jordan Peele and Keegan-Michael Key
Surge The Tenrec - Rachel Bloom, AJ Michalka
Kitsunami The Fennec Fox - Michael Cera, Kyle McCarley
Zavok - Christopher Judge, John Cena, Jon Bernthal
Master Zik - Frank Oz, Randall Duk Kim, Dustin Hoffman
Zeena -Mindy Kaling
Zor - Jaeden Martell, Dane DeHaan, Gerald Way
Zazz - Danny Brown,
Zomom - T.J. Miller
Black Doom -
,Keith David https://youtu.be/9LmOwEfPHUo
, Jackie Earle Haley - https://youtu.be/sF8zxctevXc
, Jon Bernthal - https://youtu.be/sDp4AuNen0Y
, Sean Schemmel -
, Ray Porter - https://youtu.be/aR8p4DIpxxE
,Karl Urban - https://youtu.be/ccF3uvpJ96I
Eclipse The Darkling - Norman Reedus
Callisto The Darkling - Carrie-Anne Moss
Dark Oak - Jeremy Irons
Black Narcissus - Angelina Jolie
Pala Bayleaf - John Leguizamo
Yellow Zelkova - Terry Crews
Red Pine - Pat Casey or Josh Miller
Cosmo The Seedrian - Carol Anne Day, Liliana Mumy
Lyric The Ancient(Owl like Longclaw) - Jackie Earle Haley
Johnny Lightfoot - Taron Egerton
Tekno The Canary - Paula Burrows
Porker Lewis - John Boyega, Daniel Radcliffe
Shorty “Shortfuse” The Cybernik - Cillian Murphy, Barry Sloane
Ebony The Cat - Gratiela Brancusi
Sonia The Hedgehog - Kiernan Shipka, Evan Rachel Wood, Isabella Merced, Jena Malone
Manic The Hedgehog - Joe Keery
Sally Acorn - Zendaya Maree Stoermer Coleman
Antoine D’Coolette - Tomer Capone, Bradley Cooper(hes fluent in French)
Bunnie Rabbot - Alex McKenna
Rotor The “Boomer” Walrus - John Cena
Nicole The Holo-Lynx - Ashly Burch
Lupe The Wolf - Amber Midthunder
Dulcy The Dragon - America Ferrera
Chip - Tom Holland, Freddie Highmore
Professor Dillion Pickle - Ian McKellen
Imperator Ix - Gary Oldman
Shade The Echidna - Lady Gaga
Infinite The Jackal - Kit Harington, Jon Bernthal
Silver The Hedgehog - Steven Yeun
Gold The Tenrec - Simone Ashley
Professor Von Schlemmer - Matthias Schweighöfer
Dr. Negan Robotnik a.k.a Eggman Neo - J.K. Simmons, Jeffery Dean Morgan, Giancarlo Esposito, Bryan Cranston, Pedro Pascal
Dr. Grimer Wormtongue - Ian McShane, Jackie Earle Haley
Chris thorndyke - Graham Verchere
Frost the hobidon - Dakota lotus
Juliet suter - Sydney Scotia
Antia/tania - Cassie glow
Perci - Stephanie lemelin
Preteen bokkun - Brett Gray
Park ranger - Patrick Warburton
Ashe - peyton r. perrine iii
Burst wisp - cherami Leigh
Uncle Charles - David Lengel
Bernadette - Melanie Zanetti
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emarasmoak · 2 years
Rings Of Power Writer Gennifer Hutchison's Challenges, Temptations, And Favorite Scenes In The Season Finale
Very insightful interview. Highly recommended.
The first season of "The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power" is only the first part of a five-season story arc that amounted to nearly half a decade of work (including pandemic delays).
The first season spent a lot of time establishing the show's massive cast and sprawling setting. It provided background, set stories in motion, and ended with some major reveals.
Gennifer Hutchison, one of the primary creative talents behind the series, doubles as one of the show's executive producers and primary writers, spearheaded writing the script for both the second and eighth episodes and was able to share some fascinating insights into many of the creative decisions that went into the final moments of Season 1.
Read more for the biggest narrative challenges, her favorite scenes, the potential of visiting Rhûn and some insight into where the other Rings of Power are hiding.
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Writing challenges and the potential of more Rhûn in season 2
Question: You have executive producer credits throughout the first season, but you wrote Episodes 2 and 8, correct?
Answer: Yes. I wrote Episode 2, and I co-wrote Episode 8 with Patrick and JD.
Q: As one of the primary writers on that episode, how much creative input did you have on the finale compared to the rest of the season?
A: Just as much. We all built the season together. The writer's room worked together to build the story for the entire season, and then writing the finale, myself, Patrick, and JD had a hand in every scene and every beat in that episode.
Q: What was the biggest challenge with trying to tie up so many storylines at once and then set the stage for Season 2 at the same time?
A: The biggest challenge is figuring out where to stop the scene. You want to answer a question, but you want to ask another one. It was figuring out the best way to build those climaxes of our two big reveals but still leave it so it's like, "Now what happens?" and making sure that was coming through, where you feel a satisfying character arc, but you also are intrigued to [wonder] what comes next.
Q: To zero in on one of those scenarios, in particular, we have a still-undefined Wizard who is heading east by the end of this episode. Assuming we can't get any identification specifics still, can you at least give us a little bit of the background on the decision to officially name-drop Rhûn and then include the eastern regions of Middle-earth in the show?
A: That's a world that exists in the Legendarium, and we know a little bit about. We don't really get to see as much in the primary text. When you're doing a show that you have that space, it's such a temptation to go into that world and get the opportunity to expand it since it's there. We love the idea of exploring it.
Where are the other Rings of Power?
Q: Shifting gears to Eregion — we all know the Ring Verse, which lists 19 Rings of Power and One Ring to rule them all. In the source material, the Three Elven Rings are made last and without Sauron present, like you had in the episode, but only after the Nine Rings for Mortal Men and the Seven Rings for the Dwarf-lords are completed. Where are those Rings in the show?
A: We have seen the rings that have been created, so there may be a little bit of a shift in the sequencing of the Rings, but yes, the Rings that you have seen [are] the Rings that have been made.
Q: Is this the way it's been from the beginning, as far as fitting the making of the Rings into the finale itself? Was it always planned to make the Three Rings at the end here and then other Rings later on?
A: Yes. This season was about tracking the Elves and their story of dealing with the fading and Galadriel's journey with Halbrand. Coming to that ending for this season was always, at least very early on, the plan because [we're] focusing on that story and making sure we're servicing that one for this season.
Q: A slightly nitty-gritty question: How much time in the story takes place once they get to Eregion, because Elrond requests three more months, and then it's hard to tell how quickly the Rings actually end up being made. Is that actually known or not?
A: We don't really say exactly what it is, but you can assume that it is within that timeframe that he asks for it. It's certainly not ... I don't think it's an immediate thing that's happening.
Q: That's important, right? They do have that spring deadline that has been established and so days versus months matter at this point, right?
A: Yes.
Addressing Annatar rights and potential Sauron/Galadriel romantic tension
Q: Do you know in Season 2 if there is going to be any kind of a time jump or is this going to pick right up where you left off?
A: I can't really speak to that, but I will say we've set some stories in motion that we definitely want to keep following, so whatever's going to best serve that is the direction we're going to go.
Q: In the source material, Sauron masquerades — a lot of people are aware of this — as the immortal being Annatar. That's the name everyone was looking for when he makes the Rings. Did you guys have permission to use that name and chose not to use it, or is it outside of the range of material that Patrick McKay and JD Payne have expressed you have full permission to use?
A: That's a Patrick and JD question. I don't know the specifics. It may be about the rights issue, but they are way better suited to answer specifically that question.
Q: With the Sauron and Galadriel sequence that took place in her mind, I guess you'd say, is there a personal or romantic motivation behind Sauron's desire to have Galadriel as his queen or is it purely... We know he's a deceiver. Is it a power and control situation?
A: People can bring their own reads into that scene, especially with a character like Sauron. He's a little slippery. So much of what we were building to was less intentionally a romantic thing and more a meeting of the minds — this idea of this team together challenges each other to be their best in a lot of ways. She inspires him, and he helps push her. That was what we were thinking about [while] writing that scene — him selling this idea of "Together, nothing could stop us." That was the intention behind it. I love people being able to look into a scene and bring what they bring into it and get their own reads from it.
Q: Yeah, that's very Tolkienian, right? He liked to have other people interpret as well. It wasn't all allegorical or preset.
A: Yes.
Season 2 storylines and Hutchison's favorite part of the finale
Q: Moving forward, what storyline are you the most excited to work on in Season 2?
A: Oh my gosh, I love every world. Now that we've uncloaked Sauron ... What's he going to do? That's so exciting. Also, I'm so invested in Nori and the Stranger and seeing where they go, now that she's finally gotten what she wants. She wants an adventure. Now, she's on an adventure. What does that look like for her?
Q: Did you have a favorite part of this finale in particular that you really enjoyed writing?
A: I loved writing the Galadrial, Halbrand, and Sauron confrontation, and the Nori goodbye scene was also one that was so close to my heart when I was writing it.
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dankusner · 19 days
Trump tells NRA crowd that gun rights are ‘under siege’
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He calls Texas his second home, Abbott a ‘hot politician’
Former President Donald Trump, in Dallas to address the National Rifle Association convention, said Saturday that Second Amendment rights were under attack as part of a deterioration of America under President Joe Biden.
“Our Second Amendment is under siege. Our Constitution is being run through the shredder. Our borders are being obliterated,” Trump told convention delegates, who responded with several loud ovations, particularly when he lashed out at Biden.
“It’s time for a president who will replace weakness with strength, turn poverty to prosperity and vanquish Joe Biden’s corrupt tyranny with a great restoration of American freedom,” he said.
Trump used a phrase from his old television show, The Apprentice , to sum up the election in a fiery 100-minute speech that included touches of humor.
“To achieve the future you have to march into the voter booth and tell crooked Joe Biden, ‘Joe, you’re doing a horrible job. You’re a horrible president.’” Trump said. “Like Apprentice , Joe you’re fired. Get out of here, Joe.”
Promises deportation
Trump also promised that as president he will implement history’s largest deportation of undocumented migrants.
“It will be a big one,” he said.
Trump also promised to boost the Texas energy industry.
“Drill baby, drill,” he said.
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Before Trump’s NRA speech, his campaign announced a new Gun Owners for Trump coalition led by “over 50 Olympic athletes, firearm industry leaders and Second Amendment advocates.”
And, as expected, NRA officials announced Saturday the group had endorsed Trump.
Democrats criticized Trump’s appearance at the NRA convention, which comes in the same month as the one-year anniversary of the May 6 mass shooting at Allen Premium Outlets, where a man with an AR-15 assault-style weapon killed eight people and injured seven others.
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“There is one thing that drives this senseless epidemic — the shameless inaction of the Republican Party that has been bought and paid for by the NRA,” Dallas County Democratic Party Chairman Kardal Coleman said in a statement. “To add insult to injury, the City of Dallas and Texas could pay a combined $1 million in tax-payer dollars to host a convention that does not reflect the values of Dallasites.”
Trump’s Dallas speech offered a respite from his New York trial over whether he committed felony business fraud related to hush money payments to adult film star Stormy Daniels.
On Monday, Trump’s lawyers will continue cross examining Michael Cohen, Trump’s former lawyer and fixer who is central to Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s case.
“They want to take away my rights worse than Alphonse Capone,” Trump said. “He got indicted less than I did.”
Throughout his speech Trump praised Texas.
And he told delegates he played golf Saturday with former Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo.
Trump has called Texas, a fundraising hub for his presidential campaigns, his second home.
Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick leads Trump’s Texas campaign and has advised the former president on state issues like border security and energy, as well as helping to make endorsements of statewide and local candidates.
Several high-profile Texans listened to Trump’s speech at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center, including Patrick and U.S. Reps. Pat Fallon, R-Sherman, and Ronny Jackson, R-Amarillo.
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Some Texas Republican House candidates also were there, including David Covey, who’s trying to unseat House Speaker Dade Phelan, R-Beaumont.
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Trump called Phelan “an absolutely terrible speaker of the House.” “He didn’t want to go into voter fraud,” Trump said. “He didn’t want to do it. … We have to get the speaker out of there.”
Trump also praised Gov. Greg Abbott, who addressed the convention before the former president.
“He’s a hot politician,” Trump said of Abbott. “You know why he’s hot? He’s doing a great job.”
Abbott demurs
Trump has said Abbott was on his short list of potential running mates.
Abbott responded that he’s flattered to be considered but is focused on leading Texas.
He is fully engaged in the Texas Republican primaries, using his time and resources to push candidates who support his plan to allow students to use public dollars for private school expenses.
Much of Abbott’s speech was about border security, where he praised Trump and criticized Biden.
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“This crisis is about to come to an end in just six months,” Abbott said. That’s when Joe Biden will be fired as president of the United States of America, and Donald Trump will once again become president of the greatest country in the world.”
In his speech Abbott touted Texas legislation that he signed to promote the Second Amendment, including allowing Texans to carry guns without a permit.
By law, Texas is a Second Amendment Sanctuary State, and its agencies and officials are barred from assisting in the implementation of federal gun-control policies.
“Now, more than ever, we must fight to protect our Second Amendment rights,” Abbott said.
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Trump pledges to ‘roll back’ Biden gun rules
ATF chief would be fired, he says at NRA event
DALLAS – Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump pledged to unravel gun regulations put in place by Democratic President Joe Biden during a lengthy speech to the National Rifle Association on Saturday, during which he accepted the influential group’s endorsement.
The address to thousands of NRA members at the group’s annual Leadership Forum in Dallas was light on new policy, but he used the platform to urge gun supporters to go to the polls in the November election.
“We’ve got to get gun owners to vote,” Trump said in his wide-ranging speech, which covered everything from his criminal trials to trade and immigration over more than 90 minutes.
“I think you’re a rebellious bunch. But let’s be rebellious and vote this time.”
The nation’s top gun rights group has now endorsed Trump three times – in 2016, 2020 and 2024.
The organization had cheered on Trump during his 2017-2021 term, as he appointed three conservative justices to the Supreme Court and took a series of steps sought by the gun lobby.
That included designating firearm shops as essential businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic, allowing them to stay open.
During the speech, Trump repeated a pledge to fire the director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, known as the ATF, on Day One of a potential administration.
He accused that agency, which enforces U.S. gun laws, of being heavy-handed with firearm owners and revoking licenses on frivolous grounds.
Republicans largely oppose stricter gun laws, saying the right to bear arms is established in the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment.
That stance has remained fixed even in the face of a steady stream of mass shootings that have led to calls from many Democrats to impose more controls on guns.
“In my second term, we will roll back every Biden attack on the Second Amendment. The attacks are coming fast and furious,” Trump said.
Following the speech, the Biden campaign accused Trump of prioritizing the desires of the gun lobby over public safety. Trump and Biden are set to face off in the general election on Nov. 5.
“Tonight, Donald Trump confirmed that he will do exactly what the NRA tells him to do – even if it means more death, more shootings, and more suffering,” said Biden campaign spokesperson Ammar Moussa.
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As in previous addresses, Trump repeated a false claim that he won the 2020 election, and he went after Biden in aggressive terms, repeating claims of corruption that are not supported by available evidence.
Trump also unleashed a torrent of attacks on independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who is running a distant third and siphoning off votes from both front-runners.
Surveys show gun regulations are a divisive issue in the U.S., though a strong majority of Americans support at least some limits.
In a March Reuters/Ipsos survey, 53% of respondents said the government should regulate gun ownership, while 38% of respondents disagreed.
Among Republicans, only 35% said the government should be involved.
The four-day annual NRA convention gathered tens of thousands of gun enthusiasts and dealers, with many in the heavily Republican crowd wearing Trump gear Saturday, at the annual meeting of the National Rifle Association in Dallas, Texas, Trump floated the idea that he could throw out the constitutional amendment limiting a president to two terms.
“You know, FDR 16 years—almost 16 years—he was four terms. I don’t know, are we going to be considered three-term? Or two-term?” he asked the crowd. Some yelled, “Three!”
Donald Trump tells NRA crowd he wants to retire in Texas
Former President Donald Trump received an ovation at the National Rifle Association’s annual meetings in Dallas on Saturday when he teased that he might relocate to Texas.
“I want to move to Texas and I want to retire in Texas,” Trump said to applause.
Trump is expected back again Wednesday, when he has a scheduled fundraiser in Dallas with oil pipeline company billionaire Kelcy Warren.
and ….
While in the White House, he made 18 trips to the state, and he has returned 13 times after his presidency. By comparison, former President Barack Obama made 11 visits to Texas over two terms in office. Former President Donald Trump said he would consider tapping Ken Paxton for U.S. attorney general if he wins a second term in the White House.
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theyoshimister · 21 days
Ideal professional/fandubbers voices for your characters, naming as much as possible?
Ideal professional/fandubbers for my characters, huh?
Well, the first that comes to mind is Alex Rochon.
For any others, I'd have to say people like Michella Moss, Michael Kovach, Revtrosity, Tom Kenny, "Weird Al" Yankovic, Laura Bailey, Patrick Seitz, Kellen Goff (bless his voice for Diavolo in GW), Richard Epcar (love his work as both old Joseph and Bobobo), Charles Matinet (a fucking LEGEND), Wendee Lee, Michelle Ruff, and the lovely people who dubbed Mewtwo & Me on the OVAS channel.
I don't usually keep track of voice actors, so I tried to pick out a few notable ones from my favorite media.
(Yes, a chunk of them had roles in JoJo bite me-)
Edit: WAIT SHIT I FORGOT TO ADD DWIGHT SCHULTZ, NICKY JONES, JOHN DIMAGGIO, SAMANTHA KELLY, TYLER SHAMY, MELISSA HUTCHISON (who I've discovered upon writing this voiced Marucho Marukura in Bakugan: Battle Brawlers which is based af, especially since Bakugan is a childhood favorite of mine), ERICA LINDBACK, AND YUKI KODAIRA
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epacer · 8 months
Football Game Preview
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Crawford Colts vs. Mission Bay Buccaneers
Crawford is 0-1 against Mission Bay since October of 2021 but they'll have a chance to close the gap a little bit on Thursday. The Crawford Colts will head out on the road to face off against the Mission Bay Buccaneers at 3:00 p.m. Hopefully Crawford focused on turnovers this week since the team gave up four on Thursday.
Last Thursday, Crawford suffered a tough 37-14 defeat at the hands of Patrick Henry.
Crawford's defeat came about despite a quality game from Joseph Minchello, who rushed for 91 yards and a touchdown.
Meanwhile, Mission Bay had already won two in a row (a stretch where they outscored their opponents by an average of 13 points), and they went ahead and made it three on Friday. They took their contest at home with ease, bagging a 57-6 win over Coronado. With Mission Bay ahead 35-0 at the half, the match was all but over already.
Charlie Hutchison continued his habit of posting crazy stat lines, rushing for 120 yards and two touchdowns on only ten carries, while also throwing for 135 yards and three touchdowns while completing 100% of his passes. Ricky Esquer and his 134 yards on the ground were also a key factor in Mission Bay's victory.
Mission Bay's win bumped their season record to 7-1 while Crawford's loss dropped theirs to 5-3.
Thursday's contest might be decided on the ground as these two are both standouts in the run game. Crawford has been excellent on the ground this season, having averaged 188.7 rushing yards per game. However, it's not like Mission Bay struggles in that department as they've been averaging 156.6 per game. It's looking like Thursday's game might have some serious battles in the trenches.
Crawford came up short against Mission Bay in their previous matchup back in October of 2021, falling 28-22. Can Crawford avenge their defeat or is history doomed to repeat itself? We'll find out soon enough. *Reposted article from Maxpreps by Ken Nelsen on October 19, 2023
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imreadingdonotdisturb · 11 months
Books In My Google Library
In case I ever forget / need to show people what I have
I Have the Right To Destroy Myself, Young-ha Kim
Brave New World, Aldous Huxley
Paradise Rot, Jenny Hval
Tell Me I'm Worthless, Alison Rumfitt
The Hike, Drew Magary
The Butterfly Garden, Dot Hutchison
Tender is the Flesh, Agustina Bazterrica
The Girl Next Door, Jack Ketchum
Intercepts: A Horror Novel, T.J Payne
NOS4A2, Joe Hill
A Certain Hunger, Chelsea Summers
A Monster Calls, Patrick Ness
Heart-Shaped Box, Joe Hill
Coraline, Neil Gaiman
Last Days, Brian Evenson
The Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche
Bonding, Maggie Stiebert
Lovely War, Julie Berry
The Lord of the Rings, J.R.R Tolkien
Lovely War, Julie Berry
Bonding, Maggie Siebert
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Título Original: The Burrowers
Año: 2008
Duración: 96 min.
País: Estados Unidos  
Dirección:  J.T. Petty
Guion: J.T. Petty
Música: Joseph LoDuca
Fotografía: Phil Parmet
Reparto: Doug Hutchison, Clancy Brown, William Mapother, Sean Patrick Thomas, Karl Geary, Jocelin Donahue, Laura Leighton, David Busse, Alexandra Edmo, Brighid Fleming, Christopher Hagen, Galen Hutchison, Harley Coriz, Suzi McLaughlin, Tatanka Means, Seri DeYoung, David Midthunder, Jon Kristian Moore, Cole Resch, R.J. Rice, Bonnie Morgan, Chris Grabher
Productora: Blue Star Pictures. Distribuidora: Lionsgate
Género: Horror; Thriller;Western
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