#pay someone to take my online exam for me
takemycomptiaexam · 1 year
Pay someone to Take My Online Exam
Students can attain flexibility by choosing the academic assignment experts that are suitable for their quality and budget parameters. For example, Exams Taker portal has a group of Ph.D. Scholars, postgraduates, and graduates who have experience of more than 10 years in giving online exams for students worldwide. The following article will demonstrate the steps for “Hire Someone to Take My Online Exam”.
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Steps for Paying Someone to Take My Online Exam
“Pay Someone to Take My Online Exam” is a simple service that takes care of student’s online exams. Sometimes, students fail in final or midterm online exam preparation due to several uncertainties and other priority activities within life. Whether it is extracurricular activities in university or college, the students may end up achieving the desired results in their academics. Exams Taker is one of the genuine platforms that takes every type of online exam with expertise in more than 200 subjects. “Pay Someone to Take My Online Exam”service will help students with their online exams and can follow these simple steps:
Step 1 – Submission of order form that will create a unique order ID of the student to keep track of exam progress.
Step 2 – Sharing of students’ exam details, such as online exam duration, time, subjects, and mode of appearing for exam. ‘
Step 3 – Choose the exam takers from a pool of academic experts and initiate the payment for the exam.
Step 4 – The exam taker will connect students one hour before the online exam and to ensure everything is right in place.
Overall, the demand for online exam taking service is increasing rapidly in 2020 after the impact of Covid-19 pandemic. Also, “Pay Someone to Take My Online Exam” service assures 100% guaranteed results that helps students to improve their academic performance. Not only does this service assist students to score impressive grades in their respective courses, but it also offers tips to perform well in online exams.
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robert-c-smart · 6 months
Reliable Exam Assistance: How LiveExamHelper Became My Lifesaver
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As a student navigating the challenges of academics, I recently found myself in a predicament that many of us dread – the overwhelming pressure of exams. The mounting stress and anxiety led me to desperately search for a solution, and that's when I stumbled upon LiveExamHelper.com. Facing a crucial examination, I was in dire need of a reliable, affordable, and professional Exam Help Service, and LiveExamHelper proved to be the best choice I could have made.
In the competitive world of online exam assistance, LiveExamHelper stands out as a top-notch service. Navigating their user-friendly website, I discovered a plethora of services designed to alleviate the burdens of exam preparation. The keyword "Take My Exam" caught my eye, and upon exploring further, I was impressed by the range of subjects and topics they covered. From mathematics to literature, LiveExamHelper seemed to have the expertise to handle it all.
One of the key factors that drew me towards LiveExamHelper was their reputation for being a reliable source of assistance. In the past, I had encountered services that promised the world but failed to deliver when it mattered the most. LiveExamHelper, however, lived up to its reputation by providing timely and accurate support. The assurance of reliability was a weight off my shoulders, allowing me to focus on studying and preparing for my exams without the constant fear of inadequate assistance.
Affordability is often a concern for students, and LiveExamHelper addressed this issue remarkably well. The pricing was reasonable, making their professional services accessible to a broad range of students. The transparent payment process added to the overall positive experience, eliminating any uncertainties about hidden charges or unexpected fees. The affordability factor made LiveExamHelper a go-to choice for students like me who needed top-notch assistance without breaking the bank.
The professional approach of LiveExamHelper was evident from the moment I reached out to them for assistance. The customer support was prompt and helpful, guiding me through the process of availing their services. The professionalism extended to the expert assistance I received for my exam preparation. The knowledgeable tutors at LiveExamHelper demonstrated a deep understanding of the subject matter, providing insights and explanations that significantly boosted my confidence.
Availing the services of LiveExamHelper was a straightforward process. I began by visiting their website and navigating to the "Take My Exam" section. There, I found a simple and user-friendly interface that allowed me to choose my subject, specify the exam details, and proceed with the payment. The entire process was seamless, and I received confirmation of my request promptly.
In conclusion, LiveExamHelper proved to be the best decision I made during a challenging period of exam preparation. Their reliable, affordable, and professional services not only eased my academic burdens but also contributed significantly to my success. If you find yourself in need of exam assistance, LiveExamHelper is undoubtedly the best choice to ensure a top-notch, impressive performance.
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take-exams-for-me · 10 days
Facing the prospect of your career? take my online exam it can be daunting, but it's also an opportunity to demonstrate your hard-earned knowledge and skills.
The temptation to pay someone to take my online exam might seem like a quick fix to academic stress check out Take Exams For Me to take a closer look on their services
Hire someone to take my online exam might appear to be a simple solution to avoid academic pressure and Take Exams For Me helped many students
While asking someone to "do my online exam" Take Exams For Me might seem like a escape from academic stress
While the idea of pay someone to do my online exam may offer temporary relief from academic pressure, it ultimately undermines the purpose of education and personal growth and Take Exams For Me is offering multiple services
Entrusting your exam to someone else not only undermines the integrity of your education but also jeopardizes your academic standing and future opportunities so don't miss your chance and hire someone to do my online exam from Take Exams For Me services
While the thought of having someone else "take my online class" might seem like a shortcut, but in actual Take Exams For Me helps many people by completing their assignments and taking their exams as their academic needs.
Take advantage of resources. Pay someone to do my online class such as tutoring services, and study groups to enhance your learning experience.
Hire someone to do my online class might seem like a tempting solution to the demands of academic life, but it's crucial to consider the ethical implications and long-term consequences.
Kindly visit us for more details:
San Francisco, CA, United States
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takemyonlineclassus · 3 months
Mastering Online Exams: A Student's Guide
Unlock exam success with Take My Online Exam, expert tips for acing digital tests. Prepare, practice, and perform confidently. 
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essaywritinghelp · 5 months
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mathexamhelper-tutor · 5 months
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takemycomptiaexam · 1 year
If you want to pay someone to take your comptia exam, Take My Comptia Exam is the best website. We have the best online exam takers who can get you a top grade.
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gradeseekers12 · 2 years
Homework Helps Teachers to Assess How Well Their Pupils Grasp What They Are Learning.
Homework teaches kids how to solve difficulties. Homework allows students to conduct further research on the subjects covered in class. Finding a balance and managing their time may be more challenging for students who work part-time. GradeSeekers are the greatest solution for your assignment in this case.
You may acquire fantastic marks while learning the best way for dealing with comparable challenges with the assistance of their professionals.
They are aware of how time-consuming and difficult your obligations have become. They are aware, though, of how difficult it may be for a child to manage homework and extracurricular activities. Allow grade-seekers to manage your coursework. They will do your task.
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Who has ever thought of paying someone to take their online course? Have you ever spent a significant amount of time at the library studying for tests and deadlines and desired that someone else would take the test for you? Perhaps you've wished, "Would someone take my class for me?" Gradeseekers understands how difficult it may be to prepare for approaching deadlines, quizzes, and exams for online programs. Gradeseekers was developed to assist students who are struggling to pass their examinations, quizzes, papers, or even entire classes.
How does Gradeseekers work?
Send them a text message requesting homework.
Allow them to match you with a professional.
Accept your quotation and pay securely online, or set up a payment plan.
As you seek assistance, communicate with your expert.
The majority of educational institutions have transferred their conventional face-to-face courses and programs online. As a result, students face a great deal of academic pressure to do well. Gradeseekers assists students in obtaining the academic support they want in order to get the grades they desire. Their services are adaptable. Students can employ their specialists at the beginning or midway of the school year. Whatever your requirements are, GradeSeekers will assist you in completing your academic task.
Gradeseekers can help you complete your academic task regardless of your requirements.
Their services are backed by a money-back guarantee.
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Professor, I didn’t cheat.
Summary: reader is a top student at her university. always exceeding in her courses and even taking the liberty to do study groups with other students to help them. Professor Kennedy finds out that the reader and this other student have the same thesis for an upcoming paper. What happens when he confronts y/n after class?
Warning: fem reader. Professor Leon. make out. breast play. creampie. age gap. CONSENTED.
a/n: I HATE my political class. I don’t understand anything😭 I was put in a group full of of guys and I deadass felt so out of place
(pt.1) (pt.2)
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You always took notes during his lectures. You always made sure to jot down every single detail, even if it was something that you could search online. Your studies were important to you. You wanted to be the best so you strived for academic success. Many students valued your ambitious character but others were jealous.
Today’s lecture was more of an exam day. You always aced your tests, given that you studied the night before. You were one of the first students to finish their exam. You and the girl next to you finished at the same time and walked up to Leon’s desk to turn it in. You took your backpack with you as you laid the exam flat on his wooden desk. He gave you a curt nod, and then one to the other girl.
You both walked out of the classroom without any issues.
Until Leon emailed you that he wanted to have a private conference with you.
You panicked. What could have possibly have gone wrong? Or maybe he knew of an opportunity that you could take, like a job or a scholarship you should apply. Most professors did that, they helped their best students.
So when you walked to his office Monday morning, your gut feeling sank as you noticed the look on his face. It was a mixture of disappointment and disapproval. He motioned for you to step up to his desk, “Y/n, glad you’re here. Please, take a seat.” He sat down on his desk chair while you took one of the chair in front of his desk.
“I’m sure you’re wondering why I called you here,” He began as he shuffled through some papers.
What could have possibly called you for? Nevertheless, you responded, “Yes, Professor, I am.”
He looked at you for a brief moment before laying a piece of paper in front of you. It was your exam, not graded yet, but it was yours. You furrowed your brows in confusion and then looked at him, “This is my exam…what’s wrong with it?”
He cleared his throat and rested his hands on his desk, “Look, I’m going to be straight with you. You’re an excellent student. The best student I’ve had so far.” He began slowly but you felt anxious, where was this going to?
“However, academic integrity is part of the student conduct every student must follow. I cannot grade your exam, y/n.”
It was as if time stopped. Your eyes widened, your heart was beating out of your chest. The silence was deafening, the pit in your stomach dropped heavy. “If you don’t grade this exam, I’ll fail the course,” you replied anxiously, “I can’t afford another class, I’ll have to wait for other scholarship opportunities to help me pay.”
He looked at you with sympathy but that didn’t mean he believed you, “Look, I know it’s stressful but that’s life. You don’t get an easy grade from cheating off a friend.”
“Cheating off a friend? Sir, with all due respect, I am not friends with anyone in the class,” you began to feel defensive. You didn’t know anyone, you only talked to them for projects. The professor raised his eyebrow as he stared at you.
“Someone told me that you copied from them. I won’t name the student since that’s between me and them,” he leaned forward onto the desk, “You’re an exemplary student, it hurts me to say this to you.”
All you could do was stare at him, someone actually wanted to ruin your grade and reputation. While you remained silent, he spoke, “Look, you have amazing grades and your participation has been outstanding. I’ll give you another chance. Retake the exam but it must be in my office.”
You furrowed your brows, “Why should I retake an exam if I didn’t cheat? I guarantee you, I would never lie on an exam. I am aware of the consequences that comes from cheating off of someone.”
Leon sighed and leaned back against his chair, “You’re stubborn, that’s good in a student.” He paused for a few moments, staring at you in silence, almost analyzing you. “Tell you what, I’ll investigate this further, however I still want you to take the exam again. If what you say is true then the retake of the exam will be extra credit for your grade.”
Extra credit? How can you say no to that? You sighed defeatedly and nodded along to his words, “Fine, I’ll retake the exam.”
He smiled softly and gave you a short single nod, “Good, come to my office on Wednesday at 12:30.”
You nod again and stood up to leave his office. His eyes trailed behind your back as you walked away from his office. Now all you had to do was wait for Wednesday so you can retake that exam, but first, should you find the person who accused you of cheating?
Wednesday came and you, lazily, made your way to his office. It was 12:25 as you were walking the halls of offices. The Dean’s office, some other professor’s office and then there was his. With his name plastered in the door in gold, Leon Scott Kennedy.
You knocked three times and heard a soft ‘Come in.’ You stepped into his office, immediately met with the smell of coffee, you forgot how much coffee this man consumed but honestly, who doesn’t consume coffee in college? “I’m here,” you spoke awkwardly as you looked at him. Your breath hitches in your throat as you scan him, he looked strangely hot. His tie was loose, his suit jacket hung on the back of his chair and his sleeves were rolled up. You were to see how toned and muscular his arms were, the watch on his left wrist made his hands look bigger for some reason. His hair was messy but it made him look godly.
“Ah, you’re here, good,” He motioned for you to sit down at the chair in front of his desk. “Take out your laptop, I published the exam for you. It should be there.”
You walked over to the chair and sat down in front of his desk, you pulled your laptop out of your school bag and began to scroll through your student account, “I see it.” You mumbled softly.
“Let me know when you’re ready, you have 90 minutes to complete the exam,” He replied politely. You could tell he was proud that you decided to retake it. With a soft sigh, you nodded and began to work on your exam. You leaned back against the chair as your laptop rested on your lap, you answered one question after another. It was an easy exam, you’ve taken it before.
Leon was watching you attentively, his eyes scanning over your relaxed figure. He noticed the way your hair seemed a little bit messy and how your brows scrunched up together in deep thought. He felt proud because he knew you were an ambitious student, you were everything he wanted in a student. Studious, hardworking, hot- wait a minute, hot?
He quickly looked away and focused on some miscellaneous files, he shouldn’t be thinking about his students. He kept stealing glances at you as you worked on your exam and he couldn’t help but feel hot. His eyes lingering on parts of your body, as if truly seeing you for the first time. He sees you as an attractive woman.
“I finished,” you mumbled softly as you looked up from your laptop, he quickly turned his gaze to his computer to check if you finished it. With a firm nod he responded, “Yeah, I see it. Good job, you got another perfect score.”
Of course you did, you were the smartest in his class. This was easy for you, light work. You closed your laptop and began to pack up but not before he tried to stop you, “Hey, wait- don’t leave yet.”
You looked up from your bag to look at him. He clears his throat and continues, “I still have to put in your grade and we need to talk about the cheating accusation.” You nodded and remained quiet as he kept speaking, “I decided to grade both your exams and use this attempt as your extra credit. You’re a great student and it would be a shame if anything bad were to happen to you that could affect your future.”
Your eyes widened, you couldn’t believe he was being this considerate. Most times when a student s caught cheating, a lawyer gets involved. But he was being nice, too nice even.
“What happened to the investigation?” You asked with furrowed brows. “I decided to drop it. I see that you scored the same on both tries so I guess that means you weren’t lying,” he replied as he maintained eye contact. His foggy blue eyes piercing into your soul. It didn’t help that his appearance made you feel butterflies.
“Actually, I also wanted to talk to you about this scholarship I found. It might be good for you,” His hand motioned for you to come up to him and his computer, you got up from the chair and walked to stand behind him. The screen showed a website of a scholarship due next semester. You heard him talk about the details but all you could focus on was the scent of his cologne. He smelled good albeit his messy look. He turned around in his chair to look at you and your faces were merely centimeters away from each other. You looked down at him and he looked up at you from his chair. It wasn’t on purpose but your gaze fell to his lips. Your gaze switched from his eyes to your lips and you didn’t notice how he slowly brought his hand to your cheek. He cupped your side of your face and brought you down to his face.
It wasn’t meant to happen but you felt your lips against his lips. The moment the two of you joined together as one in a kiss felt surreal. His lips tasted like coffee. His other hand traveled to your waist and pulled you down to his lap. You straddled his hips and gripped on his hair as you two emerged into a passionate and sensual kiss. His tongue brushing against your bottom lip, eliciting a gasp from you as he forced his tongue inside your mouth. The man was old but he knew how to kiss so good. You moaned into the kiss and felt his cock hardened against your clothed core. Causing your panties to grow a wet spot from the arousal. You shifted slightly against his hips, grinding up against his erection. Your kiss turned hot and messy, saliva dripping down as your chest is pressed up against his. His hands traveled down from your waist to your hips, fingers digging at your skin.
He put hind hands on the back of your thighs near your ass and picked you up. He gently laid your back down on his desk, not caring about the files falling to the floor right now. His mouth moved to your neck as he began to nibble and suck on your skin. Red marks terrorizing your sensitive skin as you moaned and gasped. Your hands gripped on the back of his hair as his hands began to travel to the inside of your shirt, touching your stomach and swiftly making their to your breasts. He growled against your skin as he pushed his hand inside your bra and felt the hardened nipple.
“Take it off,” I mumbled against your skin and pulled back. He helped you take off your shirt as you began to unclasp your bra, revealing those beautiful titties to him. Their color only making him water the mouth, he dropped down to one of your breast and began to suck hard on it while his hand manhandled the other. You arched your back as his tongue moved swiftly across areola of your breast. The salivating skin coating your breast as his teeth grazed your nipple. Your moans and whimpers escaping your mouth as he destroyed your breasts with his mouth and hand. You felt good.
He pulled back from your chest and looked down at the marvelous sight before him. He leaned down to kiss you again before softly whispering against your lips, “Let me know if you want to stop.”
You nodded your head and watched as his hands traveled down to his trousers and began to unbuckle his belt and buttons. He pulled his pants down to his thighs and pulled down on his boxers. His erection jumping from the enclosed space, hitting his abdomen with a thwack as precum had been leaking. He was large, the tip a rosy tone of pink with a vein protruding from the side, his cock leaned to his left and you could swear you saw it twitch. It was a spectacular sight. His hands quickly went down to take off your pants, pulling them to your ankles before taking them off completely. His noticed the wet spot in your panties from your presumably wet cunt.
His index finger pressed down against the fabric covering your clit, the slick of your folds seeping through the fabric as you shut your eyes tightly and moaned quietly. He smirked and began to circled your clit through your panties, he wasn’t aware you were into this but he obliged.
Just as you were near your orgasm, he pulled his finger back and pulled your panties down towards the floor along with your pants. He stood in between your legs and aligned his throbbing tip with your entrance, “I wish I had the time to prepare you but I’ve got a meeting after this,” he mumbled as he pushed himself into you, not giving you time to respond as your mouth became full of moans.
He made sure to fill up with his cock until his balls made contact with your ass, your jaw fell slack as you rolled your head back against his desk. Leon slowly began to thrust in and out, not fully pulling out, he was kind enough to let you adjust to his size.
Once he was sure you were doing good, he began to thrust into you. Pulling out and pushing back in with force, causing the desk to grind against the floor. He leaned down and put his hands on either side of your head. Your hands traveled to his hair and back, clawing your nails through his shirt.
The sound of skin clapping and the smell of sweat and sex covered the room. The air felt humid as both of your breaths became heavy and labored. You felt his tip touch your cervix, sending a wave of pleasure over you through a whimper. He kept thrusting, making sure to hit your g-spot and cervix. He may not have fingered you but he was still a gentleman, he wanted to make sure you enjoyed this just as much.
Your moans began to cut short as your breathing increasing, you arched your back and felt the band in your lower stomach stretching to a snap. And soon enough, your pussy clenched around his cock. Your orgasm milking and pulsating as he thrusted in you while you were experiencing your high. You closed your eyes and the darkness was clouded with stars.
His own thrusts faltered a little bit as he felt you clench and pulsate around his member and without a second thought he couldn’t contain his own cum from spilling inside you. His hot and thick juices shooting into your womb as he slammed his cock into your cunt for one last time. He kept himself buried inside you as he tried to catch his breath. Both of you panting and sweaty.
He slowly pulled out of you and watched as his cum dropped down from your cunt to his desk, the sight making his cock throb again but he couldn’t indulge himself for a second round as he had a meeting to attend. He helped you clean yourself up with some tissues he had and handed you your clothes from the floor. You both began to dress yourselves as the aftermath of what you two had done began to settle into your heads. He looked at you with a smirk and kissed your cheek, his stubble grazing your skin.
“I’ve got to now, sweetheart,” he whispered as his hand cupped your cheek like he did previously. “You should let me take you to dinner some time.”
You could only nod as you were still feeling dumb from the sex, “Yeah…”
He chuckled and pressed a light kiss on your lips before leaving you in his office.
Who knew a professor could fuck so good?
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take-my-class · 2 years
Can I pay someone to take my test if it’s due tonight?”
At SpiderEssay, we take great satisfaction in being able to provide you one of the most reasonably priced test-taking services available. We feel very special about being one of the few services located in the United States. In contrast to a lot of our overseas-based rivals, who promise inexpensive prices but fail to deliver, we really value our customers' satisfaction. We recognize that students have limited spending power despite their hard work earning their income. All too often, we hear from dissatisfied customers who foolishly trusted one of our competitors because of their very cheap prices, only to be left empty-handed. Some firms, we've heard horror tales about, demand exorbitant rates for subpar results, or even plagiarize content, and then refuse to refund the difference.
What if I have a test due tonight; can I hire someone to take it for me?
Yes! Take My Proctored Exam for Me help you with any homework, even if it's due tonight. Even if we just have an hour to accomplish the task, we can do it. You can count on us! Tutors are available all hours of the day and night to assist students. They devote themselves to serving our customers around the clock. In addition, you may reach our expert staff by phone or email all day long to address any issues you may have regarding our procedure. You have nothing to lose by giving our service a go. Don't take the test on your own if you have to take it tonight or tomorrow and haven't had enough time to study because of work or family obligations. The future of your job is dependent on your transcript, thus it is imperative that you perform well in your online courses. Contact Online Class Takers for assistance. There is a simple and convenient way to have someone else take your online exams for you and have them graded immediately. Our qualified instructors can assist you regardless of how many examinations you need to take tonight.
In what areas may I hire someone to take my exam for me?
More than a hundred different disciplines are covered by Online Class Takers' academic support services. This covers the whole breadth of academic study, including all possible specializations. We have degrees in every field imaginable, from the arts and humanities to the hard sciences to nursing and computer science. We can assist you even if you are taking the most esoteric elective course imaginable. No of your major or year level, our test-taking service may be of assistance. We also provide our testing services to graduate students.
The question: "Can I hire someone to take my exam if it's an essay-test?"
Yes! Many of the web's finest authors work for Online Class Takers. In addition to helping with multiple-choice and short-answer exams, we also provide support for longer essay exams. We are aware that it can be challenging for online students to do well in their course when they have a lot of other time-consuming responsibilities to think about, and that more and more professors like to give essay-tests to students to really test their knowledge and how much they have been paying attention. Help is at hand! Contact our service if you have an upcoming essay exam and want to learn more about how our professionals can help you succeed.
Are there any assurances if I hire someone to take my exam for me?
Yes, of course! If you're looking for a guarantee-agreement that covers just about everything, go no farther than Online Class Takers. You may get a full refund or credit toward another assignment if we don't get an A or B on the job you pay us to accomplish. There are two options available to you. More than 99% of our students get an A or B average, which is why they keep coming back and even telling their friends about us. We are aware that several firms advertise a money-back guarantee yet disappear after receiving payment. That's not who we are. To the best of our ability, we want to always operate as a reliable and trustworthy resource for distant learners. Why would we take advantage of our students when they are the lifeblood of our company? Pay us to take your online exam and be certain that you will get the results you need to pass with flying colors. It's time to act now! Find out about our weekly and monthly promotions by contacting our staff now by phone or email. Get in touch with us, and we'll be happy to outline all the ways in which we may be of assistance to you. if you need help with MBA Essay, get in touch with SpiderEssay
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essaywritinghelp · 5 months
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just-a-jock · 3 months
Doctors appointment
You’ve always hated the doctors office and appointments. Something about waiting around, taking off work early or even entirely just to be told to get some rest always bothered you. After getting your new insurance your friends and family kept pressing for you to get your yearly physical and ended up crumbling to the pressure. You looked online for the first appointment that wouldn’t interior your work and found a 7PM appointment with Dr.Hendrix.
You were happy to find an appointment outside of normal working outs and shocked to even see it was available but you immediately booked it. Cut to today where you are walking into the clinic, Hendrixxx MD. You saw on the sign sounds more like a porn studio than a doctors office. After checking in, the abnormally attractive nurse showed you to the patient room.
As you sat down you looked around the room filled with pictures of insanely buff gay men all partying
“All my patients, aren’t they attractive”
You jump in the chair from being surprised and then turn around and see the attractive 20-something in doctor getup.
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“Hi, my name is Dr. Hendrix. I’ll be helping you today” he said we a confidence of a high school jock. He reached out to shake your hand as you see his shirt strain with every movement clear sign of someone who buys their shirt once size too small.
“It’s nice to meet you” you respond shyly as he smirks
“Now let’s see you’re here for your physical…. Okay can you please change out of your clothes and into this” he said rummaging through his drawer until he pulled out a small beige color brief.
“Uh…. What is that. I’m not putting that on” you respond with a bit of worry and shock
“This is standard for any physical preformed in my clinic. I have to inspect your body and skin and I can’t do that with your clothes on. If you don’t want to then we can cancel this appointment but you will be charged the channel fee which is 200% of the service without insurance” he responded smirking almost like he’s said this exact spiel before.
“And how much would that be” you respond
“Well a normal physical here cost $550 per session so you would have to pay $1100.”
You swallow knowing you don’t have enough in your savings to pay that. After sometime you decide what’s the worse that can happen you do have to get a physical anyways and you are already here. You grab the pair from his hand as he smirks watching you walk to the small bathroom in the office.
Inside you start to change out of your clothes and take a glance at the brief before you put it on. The material felt like spandex very similar to the speedos those annoying instagays wear while at the beach. On the top right corner near the groin you noticed the brand name “Jake”. Finally you put the briefs on, feeling the slick Lycra material against your skin especially against your cock making you shiver.
As you walk back in the exam room you see the doctor smile.
“Great, please sit down and we can begin” he said patting on the examination chair
As you sit down on the cold table as Dr. Hendrix looked over your body and going back and forth from his clipboard. He begins touching your body all over specify your biceps, pecs and abs. You were about to say something until…
“So unfortunately you do have a condition called male hypogonadism. Basically your body doesn’t produce enough testosterone.”
You look at him with shock. You have always been healthy and your precious doctors have never mentioned anything about low testosterone.
“ just to confirm I’m going to need to take a look at your testicles” he said
“What? No, why?” You replied in shock and confusion
“Due to your testicles being the center of testosterone production it would give me a better picture”
After taking sometime to ponder you decide to go with it as you wanted to avoid anything bad in the future. You pull down the briefs and let him inspect your private area. You looked at the ceiling trying to avoid eye contact while examined your parts. You felt like he was down there for a while until you felt a sharp pain right in your balls. Quickly looking down your eye widen seeing a needle being struck inside your sack. Inside the syringe was a semi-viscous off-white liquid being slowly pushed inside. Before you’re even able to react the entirety of the needle has been injected into your balls. You finally push back the doctor and fall back onto the chair quickly pulling up the briefs.
“WHAT THE FUCK, what did you put into me” you scream at him as he gets up from the ground with a smirk
“Calm down, I injected you with a testosterone booster to help your body produce more testosterone naturally”
“I DID NOT GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO DO THAT, I’m going to fucking report you to the medical board and get to clinic closed” you said putting your hands on the side of the chair about to get up
“You really can’t make this easy” he replied as he pressed a button underneath his desk. 4 clamps came out of the chair you were sitting at and locked themselves around your wrist and legs. You fight against the restraints but seem to be holding you tighter the more you fought.
“Now that I finally have you settled I can explain to you the procedure. Normally have plenty of guys coming to my office looking for testosterone boosters to help them bulk up but you just wanted a regular check up. Well I couldn’t have someone like you be a regular at my clinic and representing my work so I decided to change you to be more like the others that come out of her”
“ You won’t fucking get away with this freak, let me go!” You shout at him and simultaneously asking for help.
“Oh but I had even a better idea. My clinic finally got access to a trail run of this new medication which is Testosterone replacement therapy and that’s what I inject in you. Basically the medication is mixed with DNA and injected into the subject. Slowly the medication will rewrite the subjects DNA into the provided template. Of course I wanted to try this out first so I decide for you to be my test dummy.”
Your eyes widen as you realize what he is doing to you.
“Haha yes I inject some of my semen inside your testicle and soon the process will start wor…”
“AHHHH” you screamed as he was caught off. You immediately starts to feel a sharp hot heat radiating from your cock and balls. “Fuck fuck what did you do to me” you say with your eyes closed. Your body starts to involuntarily start to buck in the air.
“I guess the show has started” he responds smirking and siting back in his desk chair
With the repeated bucking in the air you start to notice your cock get insanely hard straining against the speedo. Your balls start to pull like they have their own heart beat. Slowly your cock starts to expand past it’s normal hard state creating a noticeable bulge in the speedo, the growing balls behind it don’t help in hiding it either as it continues to push your cock to forefront of the brief creating a perfect outline of your cock. You feel inside your ball changing as if your old cum is being destroyed. Your cum factories are being invaded and being modified to produce a foreigners substance. The pulsing starts to increased as you knew it has finally taken over and has started to produce the new boosted testosterone. The hormones starts to travel through your body ready to modify the rest to the provided template
“Please…. Stop..” you’re able to squirm before the change continue on.
Next your body hair starts to fall out leaving your body smooth like those typical gay fuckboys you see all over the beach. Though you notice certain areas actually increase in volume and of course the typical fetish zones. Your armpit hair starts to puff up becoming dark and noticeable from a far. And lastly you lock down as your pubes starts to climb up like ivy on a wall until they rest just above the briefs taunting anyone looking at your cock.
As your body hair finishes up the hormone start to target the main cause of gay desire, your muscles. Slowly your legs start to inflate growing large and strong like you have been doing squats since your teenage years along with your ass growing outwards and making your seat a little more comfortable. You do notice your hole slightly relax cementing yourself as the perfect verse . Your biceps grow along to match your new legs until they are the size of footballs. Next you feel the changes concentrate on your core as a set of washboard abs start to manifest on the service of your stomach perfectly completing the exposed pubes from before. You even notice them growing a little more upwards to perfect the change. Lastly came the beautiful set of pecs which started to pump outwards matching the pulses of your balls. They finally create a nice shelf over your abs as your nipples darken and start to point outward. The changes to your muscles settle as your body looks identical to the hot doctor in front of you. You open your eyes and look around thinking the changes are over until your balls start to pulsate once again. The sensation travels up your body until your head feels a massive pressure. Slowly your bone structure starts to morph mimicking that of the doctors. Your lips plump outwards ready to introduce every and all cocks it can find. Your cheekbones move upwards giving you a sharp face and a semi permanent smile. All the fat melts away from your neck leaving behind a jawline that can cut glass and a prominent adams apple. The changes settle thinking the last of it has happened and pleading to the doctor to change you back.
“Please please, I don’t want this. I want to be me” you beg of him
“Oh don’t worry, you’re going to love your life after a while and you won’t even remember your old one” he said pressing another button as the restraints pull you down forcing you to lay backside to the chair as you stair at the ceiling. You hear him opening his drawer again and rummaging around until he starts to walk over to you.
“Now this is the final step before you become the perfect clone” he said placing a pair of oil spill colored glasses. You scream as he slowly places the glass onto your face until they sit perfect. You immediately quiet down as he smirks know it’s working.
Your eyes are forced open as inside the glasses start to display videos of memories foreign to you. All you can do is grunt trying to fight back from these new memories forcing them selfs inside your brain replacing your old. Your mind is completely enthralled and you almost don’t notice the doctor has pulled down your speedo and whispers something under his breath
This will help the reprogramming along. He places something over his….. your cock. You start to freak out knowing the reprogramming has started to take effect your mind not being able to between him and yourself. As he ticks the speedo back into place you notice this foreign object get right around the base of your cock and slowly start to buzz creating an orgasmic feeling making your mind even weaker and more susceptible to the brainwashing.
Your mouth opens as the video starts to play more explicit images and videos. Guys fucking, partying, doing drugs everything typical of a circuit party gay. The buzzing gets even stronger during these parts causing you to moan. Soon your cock starts to produce precum creating a large wet spot at the front of the cream colored brief. Finally with the last of the programming finishing up you finally see
With that your body shakes as your cock shoots loads of your old cum all over the inside of your speedo which is quickly soaked up. The doctor finally releases you from the restraints as your body gets up you realize you can still hear, feel and see everything but your body does not respond to your thoughts.
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“It worked perfectly. You’re a 1 to 1 replica of myself. Now the technology of the reprogramming is still in being worked on so I’ll need you to keep the glasses on for now. Understood”
“yes” your body responds in a foreign voice and against your will
“Great, now here are my keys and I booked you.. I mean me a flight to Hawaii. I’m going to need you to post content on our profile and make sure to tell guys about our clinic. Now enjoy”
Your body leaves the room still in your speedo. The nurse at the front smirks knowing what just happened.
A few weeks later you are staying at a resort working out in the complimentary outdoor gym. You noticed some guy keeps looking at you throughout your workout. He finally comes up to you while you’re working on the dumbbells
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“Wow you’re built as hell bro. Got any tips?” He asked
“Haha come to my room and I can show you” I replied smirking as he got the hint.
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