A couple of things I’ve only just noticed….
During the championship game after Jason misses the basket Lucas takes the ball and wins the game for the team. But just before Lucas throws the ball we get a close up of the digital clock saying 001 and afterwards we get a close up of Lucas lifting off of the ground!!
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Either this was simply foreshadowing for Chrissy dying shortly after the game and every other death that followed, or my boy Lucas is in danger in s5……
During the basketball/hellfire sequence we get a lot of close up character shots and amongst those close ups we also get Steve and the girl he took to the game who is actually wearing triangle earrings and we know that triangles were used this season to symbolize queerness. Another girl that is standing behind them is also wearing a rainbow heart necklace:
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Now, his could of course simply apply to the girl but I think it’s rather interesting that the next character we get a close up of is actually Mike:
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There is a dice roll in between those shots though which features cans of Mountain Dew which is a brand by Pepsi and there’s also generally a lot of rainbow lighting stuff going on in the hellfire room:
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In the airport scene when they’re walking out of the airport and El talks about her plans for the day, there‘s actually a guy wearing a shirt with rainbows on it in the background:
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I‘m pretty sure I‘ve found the shirt on the internet though even though it might not be an exact match it is still very obvious that the shirt in the show does feature rainbows.
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The guy also stands by the telephones which is…. interesting (phonegate).
These scenes are parallels:
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It’s their first and their last heart-to-heart of the season.
the scenes have the same color scheme and every color appears almost in the exact same spot [the green dresser and the green curtains on the left, the green chair and the green trees peaking through the hole on the right. The yellow light and the yellow bits of the tapestry in the middle, Will with his yellow shirt on the right. The blue picture on top of the dresser and the blue kit/tank whatever that is on the left, Mike with his blue shirt on the left as well].
In their first heart-to-heart they’re divided by the vertical line on the tapestry and in their last heart-to-heart there’s a big stream of light between them.
In both scenes Mike’s arrow pocket points at Will.
In the bedroom we have the upside down tapestry and in the cabin we have the upside down sofa.
Will is talking about second chances: Mike getting a second chance to tell El what he didn’t tell her and El getting a second chance to win against Vecna [funny enough Mike’s reaction to the former is a fake smile, reluctantly accepting the advice he doesn’t wanna take, and his reaction to the latter is: “let’s hope not”….. interesting].
They’re talking about how it’s up to them to defeat Vecna in both scenes.
In the bedroom scene they’re talking about Owens and in the cabin scene they’re talking about Brenner.
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Also can we please talk about how in the first couple of minutes after the recap, they also decided to dunk on Gal Gadot and her idiot celeb friends by making The Deep lead an Imagine sing along after Soldier Boy’s explosion on Midtown? 😂😂
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Spent a lot of my night on the new Fire Emblem. Been pretty fun so far, if the story is a little bit bare? 's not bad, just feels like it lacks compared to some of the older titles in some way.
Pepsigal is also very cute in her workout gear
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scoutonwho · 7 years
Finally saw that Pepsi ad. My favourite part is where she shoves her blond wig into the hands of a black woman (who makes a face very appropriate to that shit happening to her) like she’s not even a person.
I just. The amount of effort, time and money that went into this. The number of okays it had to get before it was put out there for us to enjoy.
It’s baffling; I am baffled.
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gaykarstaagforever · 7 years
The time Pepsi apologized for being racist, and their apology was sexist.
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blenheimapricot1999 · 7 years
fact: ricky nixon’s first corporate sponsor was pepsi
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freijudas · 7 years
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‪Frei Judas. Beat the Whites with the Blue Pepsi. 2017. (After El Lissitzky.)
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bondvagabond · 7 years
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Less Passive More Resistance Better Results #PepsiAd #Pepsi #PepsiGate #KendallJenner #AudioVisualTerrorism art by @vgbnd
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stillwithhernothim · 7 years
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We ....HAD to!!! 😂 The most genius, hilarious, gut busting meme in response to #Pepsigate goes to!!!!! 👏🏿 Hilarious AND adorable!! Lord have mercy.... 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 We'd also like to take a special moment to thank god for @pepsi and @kendalljenner changing the world one commercial at a time with their greed, corruption, and blatant disconnect with reality. Well done clowns... well done! Can we now all just agree that everyone involved in this folly should be fired ...FOREVER! ??!Especially that crappy #kardashian ... 😝 #Repost @holliewoodandfriends ・・・ For future reference 😏 - • • Tag a friend/Share/Follow us! @holliewoodandfriends • • #HolliewoodAndFriends #Pepsi #kendalljenner #ad #kuwtk #blm
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cantquitu · 7 years
While we're on the subject of Pepsigate, can I also just point out that Kendall has only spoken about it on KUWTK? As in a show that Kendall is paid to feature in and owes its success to stoking controversy? Kendall is paid to appropriate imagery from racial justice protests, to mak this shit about her, then when they realized the controversy was a liiittle too big, she was paid to cry on camera about it, breeding defefensiveness among the show's fans. Fuck that, fuck her and fuck her family.
Yeah, her apology comes at a delay of six months and is now being used to promote her own show so, as I said, it had better be a damned good apology. Right now she has done nothing - literally zero - to indicate that she regrets what she did, understands why it was wrong, and will try not to do it again. All that’s happened so far is that Pepsi publicly apologised to her, and she said jackshit.
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fvriva · 7 years
it’s interesting how most of the time when y’all’re just “x will be the new meme” we all just kind of collectively ignore it 
but i guess after pepsigate tumblr hates corporations enough to give proper rise to the whole “John C. Miller ,CEO and President of the Denny’s Corporation, is a capitalist running dog and his wealth must be seized and redistributed to the people” thing
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I have a series of drawings in tomorrow's @NME. Here's one of them. I made a border of fizzy-cans before #PepsiGate so I guess I'm mystic.
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magolor64 · 5 years
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gaykarstaagforever · 7 years
Of course, if Pepsi is going to be the official cola of politically active "urban youths," you know that means Coke is going to start sponsoring SWAT teams and handing out refreshing ice-cold Coca-Colas to thirsty, hard working ICE agents. Which is a dystopian nightmare. But at least then the "cola wars" will actually involve real shootings.
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