#percy you're one of the most powerful demigods ever (if not the most powerful one currently alive)
ofswordsandpens · 10 months
Riordan: And the grand lesson that Percy needed to learn over the course of hoo, the culmination of his character arc of this series, the moment where the fate of the world hangs in the balance because of a single decision he has to make... is realizing when he needs to take a step back :)
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triptuckers · 5 months
I've got you - percy jackson
Request: yeah! "percy x fem!reader are on an unofficial quest together just before the big titan war (so set just before last olympian). idk what the quest is but basically reader gets injured during a fight w a bunch of monsters and percy goes a little crazy and does everything he can to protect her and once all the monsters are dead he’s super gentle and sweet w her??" Pairing:  Percy Jackson x reader Summary:  you're busy battling a handful of monsters when for a second it looks as if it might be your last fight. luckily, percy is there Warnings:  fighting, mentions of blood, injuries, swearing, angst Word count:  1K A/N: the show creators need to add grover's song from ep3 to spotify because it's been stuck in my head since wednesday. thanks for your request, enjoy!
gods forbid you're ever on a quiet quest.
you can't wait to get this over with so you can go back to camp and actually get a decent amount of undisturbed sleep.
the other kids at camp are probably spending their afternoon relaxing, or polishing their weapons, or sitting by the lake, or literally anything that's peaceful. not you and percy.
you're busy getting rid of at least half a dozen monsters.
percy's is in the distance, fighting his way through a couple of monsters. he's a blur of movement and you occasionally hear him curse or make a sound.
you know percy can handle himself. but it doesn't stop you from looking over your shoulder every once in a while, to check on him.
the second time you try to catch a glimpse of percy, it's a mistake.
you feel something sharp sink into your side.
with one swing of your sword you decapitate the monster, but not before his fang breaks off, still stuck in your leg.
'oh fuck.' you mutter as you see blood start to gush out of the wound around the fang.
but there's no time to rest. another monster lashes out at you, raking his claws through your shoulder.
you yell out in pain, getting percy's attention.
you drive your sword through the monster just as percy starts running toward you.
'fuck.' you mutter, looking at your leg.
well, that doesn't look good. you know demigods don't live long. but you would have liked some more time with percy. preferably when you don't have to fight monsters.
'y/n!' yells percy, who has nearly reached you.
'percy...' you say as he catches you before you fall to the ground.
'shit, hold on.' says percy. he carefully lowers you to the ground in his arms. there's a panicked look in his eyes as he looks at your leg.
he quickly reaches down and tears off a piece of his shirt.
'percy!' you yell, looking at a monster that's running towards the two of you at full speed.
with one swift motion, percy slices through the monster with his sword, then he drops it and turns back to you.
he pulls you towards him and wraps the piece of his shirt around your thigh, above your wound.
'how many behind me?' he says.
you look over his shoulder, quickly counting the monsters that are making their way to you. it doesn't look good. 'seven.'
'wait, for what-'
you're cut off as percy pulls the knot tight, sending a sharp pain through your leg.
'fuck! percy!' you curse.
'I said sorry. stay here do not pull that out.' says percy, pointing at the fang that's still stuck in your leg. he presses a quick kiss to your forehead before turning around and charging the monsters.
you knew percy could fight but holy shit.
it's like he moves with unnatural speed as he works his way through the monsters, making sure none of them slip past him to you.
even more so, he makes it look easy. almost god-like.
when you overheard someone from your cabin say that he's the most powerful demigod of your generation, you thought "sure he's a poseidon kid, it makes sense". you hadn't really thought much of it.
to you percy had always been, well, percy.
he always makes you laugh with bad jokes and saves you a spot at the campfire. he'll walk with you to your cabin if it's raining so you wouldn't get soaked. he prefers to sleep with you next to him, claiming it's so he won't get nightmares, but you know it's because he just wants to use you as his pillow.
but as you see him fighting off the monsters, lashing out and stabbing them like it's nothing, you realise what others see when they look at him.
suddenly percy is in front of you again, brushing monster dust off of his shoulder like it's no big deal.
'you okay?' he says, kneeling in front of you. he reaches out to gently cup your face.
you're silent as you look at him.
'y/n?' he says, looking you in your eyes, brows furrowed.
'did I mention I'm like, really really in love with you?' you say.
percy smiles briefly. 'yeah you've mentioned it.' he says. 'how are you feeling?'
'lucky to have you on my side.'
'I meant your leg, y/n.' he says, moving so he can inspect your leg.
'still hurts.'
'that shoulder also looks bad.' says percy. 'listen, I'll pull the fang out and give you nectar but it will still hurt, okay? then we'll look at your shoulder.'
'alright, make it quick.'
percy nods, then hands you some nectar.
'want me to count down?' he asks.
you nod, reaching out to take one of his hands in yours.
percy wraps his free hand around the fang.
you take a deep breath and nod at percy.
percy looks you in the eye and gives you an encouraging smile. 'sorry in advance. 3... 2... 1!'
with one swift motion he pulls the fang out. blood gushes out of the wound and the pain is unbearable. you close your eyes and feel how percy gently pushes the nectar to you and you take a sip.
it tastes like the drink sally made for you when you visited percy's home for the first time.
you keep your eyes closed as you wait for the pain to go away. you can feel percy rubbing circles on the back of your hand with his thumb, comforting you.
'it's already helping.' says percy softly.
you reach out and wrap your arms around percy.
'it's okay. I've got you.' says percy, holding you close. 'we can sit here for a while, but then we have to keep moving, okay?'
'okay.' you say, feeling percy press a kiss to your forehead.
you're really glad percy's here with you. if it weren't for him, you're not sure you would have made it back to camp in one piece, or at all.
A/N: If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rulesHere’s the list of characters I write for. Everything that I have written can be found on my masterlist. Please don’t repost my work, as I spend much time and effort on it!! Thank you for reading! Much love, Marit/Max
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lebrookestore · 3 months
nct 127 as demigods!
authors note: i have no time to even be doing this i don't know where it came from but the pjo brainrot and phase is so real and back with a vengence so please enjoy while i hope i won't be failing my mathematics final. and yes, i absolutely want to write a full fledged fic based on this.
Mark: as a son of Poseiden!
listen...this man is everywhere and is so important that its no surprise he's the child of one of the big three.
has a natural affinity for swordplay.
used to depend on his swordsmanship a lot more than his inherited powers from his father but learned to strike a balance between both as he grew older.
has a very obvious, clearly powerful aura, but he's also Just A Guy.
when he first arrived to camp, everyone thought he was a child of Hypnos actually because he quite literally slept through the first two days he was there due to how exhausted he was.
got claimed on the third day and everyone was shocked (yes he's my Percy stand in and what about it)
doesn't really like how much everyone looks up to him, it makes him scared for the moment that he inevitably disappoints them all - or so he thinks.
bro is clueless for the most part but always manages to pull through and get himself out of any situations (*cough* monsters *cough) he finds himself in.
when he's especially emotionally disturbed or angry, he causes earthquakes.
Johnny: as a son of Hecate!
when he was little he didn't really understand how he could make things simply appear or scenes in front of him change by simply imagining it.
it kept him out of a lot of trouble during his younger years.
manipulation of the mist has always come easy to him, he barely even breaks a sweat.
his weapon is an enchanted spear.
it helps channel his power and helps in physical battle as well, though he tends to rely on his powers more.
the spear was a gift from his mother, the only time he's ever met her or spoken to her.
he tends to make people nervous with so much as a glance.
its not just the fact that he has that demigod aura of power- he's just an intimidating figure.
the air of mystery around him is furthered by how private he is, but he's all smiles and jokes if you're a close friend of his.
knowing how easily he can make someone nervous, Johnny uses it to his advantage often, whether it be to get out of trouble or to get his way.
Taeyong: as a son of Iris!
take a moment to see the vision here folks
he totally has the vibe of a hippie rainbow goddess' son.
was brought to chb when he was fourteen, which is relatively old for a demigod.
the colour of his eyes varies and changes according to his moods and emotions.
when the sun hits his hair it seems like that too changes colour and shifts from one shade to another.
once tried to tie-die his camp half-blood shirt with Jaehyun to make it a little more stylish since the both of them were tired of the bright, unflattering orange. lets just say it did not turn out well.
his weapon of choice is a scimtar - a wicked curved blade.
for someone so peaceful and smiley, he's scary when fighting with his scimtar, quick on his feet and downright deadly. unlike his siblings, who tend to despise conflict, he's one of the best fighters.
like all children of Iris, he can create a rainbow barrier for protection
he possesses photokinesis, a rare power among children of iris, in which he can focus an intense beam of prismatic light which will burn anything it touches.
Doyoung: as a son of Athena!
was taken to camp when he was nine and quickly adapted although he was so young.
the definition of a know-it-all, but its kind of in a lovable way.
he has the habit of rambling so his attempts at sounding all knowledgable tend to come off as dorky a lot of time.
make no mistake though, Doyoung is as cunning and resourceful as they get.
although every child of Athena is talented at battle strategy, Doyoung is the one most of the other campers turn to in times of crisis for guidance through any battle.
spends countless hours reading and studying the old stories of great greek heroes and demigods and his favourite is Odysseus.
is proficient with almost all weapon but usually uses a sword.
his fighting style is more calculated than most, his mind is always racing and thinking about weak spots and dissecting his opponents fighting style and flaws.
although a good fighter, he first and foremost relies on his wit and strategic skills and can make use of whatever is at his disposal to hold his own.
Yuta: as a son of Ares!
competitive little bitch (and we love that for him).
got kicked out of three schools because he would pick fights (and win them).
usually leads during capture the flag.
during battle, there tends to be a somewhat manic glow of delight in his eyes because no matter how dangerous the situation is or how bad the odds are, fighting his what he's the best at.
to him, its an art form.
his weapon of choice is a pair of daggers.
usually children of ares don't opt for small weapons as such, and although he has control over any weapon like Doyoung does - though Yuta's control is more innate and in built- he prefers the versatility his daggers give him.
he's quite deadly with them.
the only person that can take him in a fight is Taeyong, and that is also quite rare.
his fighting skills are enhanced when angry or particularly vengeful.
impulsive when it comes to any sort of fighting - prefers to deal with it head on and directly.
Jaehyun: as a son of Aphrodite!
his birthday is literally on valentines day i will not take criticism about this.
bro is literally stunning.
his weapon of choice is a sword.
a surprisingly competent fighter considering his siblings don't particularly enjoy any form of sparring for the most part, and helps out with teaching the younger campers sword fighting.
has the ability to melt anyone with that pretty boy smile of his.
knows exactly how to win someone over and use his natural charm, but doesn't know how to stop it from going too far, which leads to people falling for him left, right and center.
this doesn't mean he's oblivious to those who like him - make no mistake, he is well aware when someone is crushing on him.
unfortunately, he hasn't quite mastered the art of gently letting someone down, which leads to very awkward moments after some poor soul confesses to him.
thus he unwittingly follows the whole 'heartbreaker' agenda the Aphrodite cabin has, though he doesn't approve of it.
doesn't have charmspeak but can tell when its being used on him.
Jungwoo: as a son of Hephastus!
a literal genius.
could solve college level mathematics in the third grade, but his mother never made that fact known - simply because she knew about his demigod nature, being one of the few mortals who could see through the mist.
she didn't want to attract any more attention than necessary.
first came to camp half blood when he was twelve.
can sense how any sort of mechanism works.
possesses pyrokinesis unlike most children of Hephastus, but it takes a lot out of him.
usually relies on his fire manipulation while fighting, but otherwise makes use of an axe as a weapon.
while he is pretty damn good fighter, he prefers to take a backseat and work behind the scenes on weaponry and creating traps to capture or unarm the enemy.
can easily disarm any traps and can sense them if close by, but can also make traps deadlier.
spends a lot of time in forges.
also loves working with the Hermes' campers to construct devices for pranks for fun.
Haechan: as a son of Apollo!
literal sunshine boy.
must protect at all costs but is honestly quite capable of protecting himself and then some.
his mother is a nurse and with her busy schedule he was left alone at home for the most part when he was younger, so being taken to camp half blood by his satyr when he was 10 seemed like the perfect solution.
chose to be an year-round camper since it was safer that way.
an excellent archer.
isn't much of a healer, but if his siblings need help in the infirmary, he'll assist them.
leans into his musical gifts more - his voice can quite literally make anyone stop in their tracks.
if an especially young demigod shows up at camp, he goes out of his way to make sure they're okay, knowing how daunting it all was when he was their age.
gets along well with the Hermes campers due to his mischievous nature.
his favourite trick is putting a rhyming curse on whoever the victim of his prank is.
Taeil: as a son of Demeter!
he's been at camp since he was ten years old.
very level-headed and calm, due to this he often is able to break up any fights started by the Are's cabin.
has an addiction to froot loops.
my boy is badass as hell his weapon is a scythe.
for most people, its too big and bulky to fight with, but he knows just how to make it work.
it takes the form of a hand weeder when not in battle for easy transportation.
can summon, manipulate and and control all sorts of vegetation.
he can make them grow faster but on the flipside can also make them decay quicker.
spends a lot of his time in the strawberry fields since working with working with agriculture is hardwired into him.
has a motherly presence, a lot of campers turn to him for advice.
especially fond of Haechan and is also one of the only reasons the Are's campers haven't gone all psycho on the boy- Taeil is the only one who can calm them down through their bouts of rhyming phrases (which happens suspiciously often).
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In HoO and beyond, the greek gods may be under the delusion that Percy likes going on quests.
Yes yes, i know the premise of cotg was Rick's shitty shitty writing but let's temporarily put that aside for a moment and look at a possible in-universe explanation.
Let me explain. From the reader's POV, it's clear that Percy is tired of going on quests. He's said it to us and to Annabeth, and it's obvious from what he went through in HoO.
But from the gods' POV its not clear at all.
I mean, if you think about it aside from the first quest, Percy chose to go on all 4 prophecies/quests in PJO. In SoM, Percy snuck out to go blatantly defying Mr.D & Tantulus. In TTV Percy also snuck out to go. In BOTL, Percy agreed to go when Annabeth asked - he was given the option. In TTC Percy chose the great prophecy that dictated what happened in TLO.
The gods know all of this bc either Mr.D was there, one of them was there or Percy or Grover or Tyson told them. None of them were there when Percy declared at the end of TLO that he was done with quests. How could they have known that Percy didn't want to be in a second war/go on more important quests?
In HoO Hera mentions somewhere that she kidnapped Percy like 6 months early or something so that he wouldn't go on Jason's quest - which supports this theory: Hera thinks that Percy wants to go on more quests.
It's also incredibly unclear if all the gods know the suffering Percy went through in Tartarus. We know that Mr.D and Athena (probably) know he fell in. But what happened - seeing Tartarus, Nyx, Akhlys? Probably not, unless Percy or Annabeth told them.
Now consider this: You're Zeus. You have a problem: the most powerful demigod to have lived ever looked like he was going to attack you at the end of the last war. You still haven't fully recovered from that last war, or the first one against Typhon. Now this demigod:
(somehow survived Tartarus -> if we're assuming Zeus actually knows about this),
has the alliance and loyalty of both demigod camps,
over half your parthenon is incredibly fond of him -> including many of your children
your brother (who's more or less your equal in strength) is next level protective of him, openly calls the demigod his fav son *ever*, has put himself on the line to vouch for him, was willing to let his entire kingdom be destroyed on the request of his son and will definitely not let you kill him (without waging war as revenge)
the demigod Is probably one step away from actually being a god (due to the CoA your wife didn't entirely remove) and already regularly not only fights but wins against immortals, gods and titans.
this demigod is a terrifying battle strategist - he's the one that came up with the plan to successfully defeat your greatest enemy: Typhon in the matter of minutes.
You're in a very tough spot. You're capable of killing him, but then your brother would wage war and destroy the world. Your only good option is to appease the demigod, and hope he doesn't pull a Luke Castellan 2.0 and start yet another war. How do you appease him? You've already more or less fulfilled his request for the gods from tlo (Hera is working on Calypso so you consider that done). You look at the limited facts you know about him and realize that this demigod loves quests. He snuck onto 2 of them, and chose to do another 2.
So to appease him, you assign him 3 more quests to keep him happy.
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riddlerosehearts · 4 months
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when i was a kid i thought percy jackson was a super cool and exciting escapist fantasy about finding out all the things that are "wrong" with you and that make you "weird" are actually proof that you're a demigod with magic powers. and it is that, but now i realize it's also an escapist fantasy about being a disabled kid with such a wonderfully kind, patient, and accommodating mother as sally jackson. a mother who has gone through so many struggles and must still get frustrated and overwhelmed, but still does her absolute best for her son and never makes him feel anything less than unconditionally loved. i'm so sad that people who have only seen the show don't understand her :( like... i'm sorry but the problem with show sally to me is that i just wouldn't quite believe it if percy said she should get to marry a millionaire because she's the nicest lady in the entire world. the problem is that show sally wouldn't do this:
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she wouldn't immediately try to comfort percy and assure him that she wants him around. and i know she wouldn't because when show percy asked sally "why are you trying so hard to get rid of me?", she just walked away from him without a word. genuinely one of the most confusing scenes in the whole show to me tbh because why would sally jackson ever do that. book sally wouldn't. she would've made sure right then and there that percy knew she loved him. sally is such an incredibly strong character in the books and i adore her.
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wowyoulikeflowers · 5 months
headcanon list:
(mostly solangelo, but the others are present)
nico ADORES children, and the children adore him right back. he's nervous, at first, that they'll find him weird or creepy, but they all love his powers and ask him so many questions. he very quickly, and easily, becomes the favorite among the campers 12 and under. (nico and estelle become besties, and percy regularly jokes that nico is stealing his little sister from him).
will struggles with romantic gestures, not because he isn't a hopeless romantic, but because he overthinks everything to the point he talks himself out of them. nico, on the other hand, has vague memories of his mother teaching him how to court someone (girls, but all the theories apply regardless), so he has no issue with being romantic.
Sally Jackson is the biggest ally you'll ever meet. she's been decimating bigots since she was a teenager, and to this day, will verbally spar with any xenophobe. paul adores this about her and is her little cheerleader, holding her purse or earrings or shoes, whatever she deems necessary to have him hold.
nico was terrified to come out to Sally bc she's the closest thing he has to a mom, and so he's shaking when he tells her he's dating will. she just smiles at him and asks nico to tell her about will. later, when he leaves, feeling so light he could float, she pulls him into a tender hug and softly thanks him for trusting her. nico goes back and cries in will's arms from relief.
percy and nico make "not your type" jokes, but only after they have an in-depth conversation where they both apologize for their mistakes and wrong-doings against the other over the years. it's during this conversation that percy comes out to nico as bi, and it completely changes his worldview, bc it's one thing to be told you're not alone, and another to actually see it.
piper has made her peace with being a daughter of aphrodite, but she finds it hilarious to continue being "upset" by it. she'll make jokes, like, "ugh, if only my mother was a USEFUL godly parent" and the other campers will stare at her terrified while she giggles. aphrodite is never mad about this bc she knows emotions and can feel how piper is happy and content with her parentage.
nico, contrary to the belief that he doesn't feel emotions, is actually a very emotional person. he feels everything to the extreme, and started just shutting emotions out as a coping mechanism that was only ever encouraged by minos.
the most powerful demigods tend to look the most similar to their godly parent's chosen form. percy is a great example of this, as he's constantly referred to as a "mini-poseidon". nico is another, though he gets his eyes from his mom. a surprising one that no one remembers is will, who looks just like his father's preferred form.
(I can't remember if I read this somewhere else or if I dreamt this up) continuing with the will is powerful campaign, with apollo's children, there's an easy way to figure out how powerful they are. each of his partners appeals to one of his domains, and his children almost always are most proficient in said domain. for example, kayla knowles: her mortal father is an Olympic archery coach, and she is most proficient in archery. will is the first child of his to break that pattern in a century or so, and is his most powerful kid since asclepius. this is easily told by his mother, naomi, appealing to the music domain, but will having his proficiency be in healing; especially since he's incredibly talented with said healing powers.
nico has always been an ally, even in the 30s. he never understood why people were considered lesser bc of their skin color, and was never given an answer that made sense whenever he asked. he especially never liked how people talked about women, because his mama and bia were (and are) his heroes, so how on earth could they be lesser than him?
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bigfan-fanfic · 5 months
Settling Down (Peter Parker x Percy Jackson x Dick Grayson x Reader)
Requested by @jayfeather965 for Short fic request! Moving to the Pokémon world with Dick, Peter, and Percy?
A slight modification in that we're assuming they're already in the Pokemon world, and helping you choose your first Pokemon/general headcanons about them with Pokemon. Dick has a Lucario that he taught Acrobatics. Peter has a Pikachu that knows Electroweb. And Percy has a Dewott.
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With the three loves of your life being lifelong Pokemon trainers, it may be surprising to some that you have never had one.
But you've never had the time, or the room, or inclination.
But with two vigilantes and a demigod as your partners, now you have all three.
Your apartment, a floor-through space, though technically Dick owns the whole building, is Pokemon friendly and accommodating. Percy uses the water room for training along with his Dewott, which is way more disciplined than he is - though sometimes they train with Dick and his Lucario in the gym area. There's a lab for Peter's experiments where his Pikachu helps expend its excess energy by producing the electricity for his machines when not utilizing the solar power grid.
But, since it's a chill day before you've asked your partners to help you actually find a Pokemon, you decide to see if they have any final advice.
Peter and Pikachu
Peter got his Pokemon the conventional way, from a Pokemon Professor.
He was a shy kid, and his Pikachu helped him come out of his shell, so to speak, mainly because it was so outgoing.
And quick to electrocute his bullies.
Getting his superpowers was, pun intended, quite a shock.
But now he finally had the strength and the speed to keep up with his zippy little friend. He could swing around New York with his little buddy zipping along like a lightning strike.
It was probably that that cemented their relationship.
They looked out for each other, developed new techniques, and perhaps most crucially, finally exhausted the little mouse of its boundless energy.
So with a much calmer and less aggressive companion, Peter and his Pokemon seem at peace.
When you find him, he's in his lab, and his Pikachu is playfully bouncing sparks around in the little wire cage they use to expend the surplus electricity.
"Hey! Excited about tomorrow, babe?" Peter chirps, grinning at you.
"Yeah. Just... trying to see if there's any last minute tips you have."
"Well... don't count out a Pokemon just because they seem too different from you. Pikachu and I get along so well, but we were so different at first. It took a while to realize how much it likes napping on me, even if it makes my hair stand up, haha."
Moves - Electroweb, Quick Attack, Electro Ball, Magnet Rise (speedy moves + floating to easier maneuver with Peter)
Dick and Lucario
Dick only got his Lucario from Bruce. It was an egg that hatched into a Riolu.
Bruce had been endeavoring to help Dick learn some responsibility.
So Dick raised the thing from a Riolu pup, taking care of it. A task he took to like a fish to water.
At first, he didn't want to take the Pokemon out with him on patrol, knowing it'd be in danger.
But one day he came home injured, and the worried Riolu sat with him all night, working so hard on something.
When Dick awoke, he realized his Pokemon had evolved. And not only that, it had learned Heal Pulse to try to help him.
Dick felt so bonded with his Pokemon then, and they began to work together, even on patrol.
So they trained together, with Dick's style even helping his Lucario learn a move it ordinarily couldn't - Acrobatics.
Dick trusts his Pokemon partner with his life, and it him - so much so that it rarely, if ever, is in its Ball. It tends to just chill in its own space.
"Your Pokemon tend to teach you as much as you teach them. Don't think about what a Pokemon can do for you at first - instead, just focus on feeling that starting connection. You're finding a friend for life."
Moves - Acrobatics, Heal Pulse, Aura Sphere, Bone Rush
Percy and Dewott
Percy caught his Oshawott in Montauk - perhaps it was sent to him by Poseidon.
Unlike Dick or Peter, his Pokemon tends to be a lot different than him - instead of strengthening what he knows, it covers some of his deficiencies.
His Pokemon is both more childlike than him, and more disciplined.
Which means it tends to help him him relax when he needs to, and urges him to train and focus when he should.
Meanwhile he can be the midpoint between its playful and focused moods.
When it became a Dewott, they made the choice to have its scalchops edged with Celestial bronze, and it helps destroy monsters with as much aplomb as Percy does.
They have both made the decision together not to evolve it further, as Dewott likes to be able to use tools.
Of the three, Percy tends to use his Poke Ball the most to take care of his Dewott. It's a quick way to get it out of danger, and Percy doesn't like when it wanders off.
He'll have it stored in his Poke Ball in public, usually, and unleashes it to battle or at home for leisure.
You encounter Percy listening to music and chuckling as the Dewott tries to dance.
"You can't worry about it all that much." Percy says to you with a smile when you ask for advice. "Your Pokemon will choose you just as much as you choose it. They're not just pets, they're partners too."
Moveset: Razor Shell, X-Scissor, Icy Wind, Air Slash
At the end of it all, you feel pretty excited at the prospect of finding a Pokemon of your own.
Dick has reminded you to focus on the connection, and not the potential capabilities of a partner.
Peter has told you to keep an open mind.
And Percy has reminded you that it's a two-way process.
With all these tips, your anxiety is mostly calmed.
And of course, it's forgotten before bedtime when Dick playfully lines up their Pokemon and makes them "promise" to make your new buddy feel at home.
Pikachu chirrups playfully, Dewott nods seriously, and Lucario crosses its arms and holds one paw out, trying to do a thumbs up.
And you just know that no matter what happens, your new friend will be coming to a great home...
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punkeropercyjackson · 24 days
Re afro-dominican book!Percy and how foul and fake the fandom is with it because i can never shut the fuck up(as i shouldn't),y'all not only don't write him as a black man but y'all don't even write him as PERCY JACKSON which is what makes him work as afro-dominican to begin with
Can he call Sally Mamí?Can her and Paul be black love since he's giving dorky black sitcom dad and dosen't have an in-text race either?Can we keep Laura as her mom's name like we were originally given since it's a normal name for a latina?Can Percy be short for Perseo?Can he be transfem bigender and a black femme?Can he have black hairstyles?Baby dreads in TLT,wicks in TTC,twists in TLO,afro for most of SON as he dosen't remember what styles he likes but dreads by the finale,adding beads in MOA and long locs by the time he's 19?Can he be monoracial instead of a cringe ass instagram lightskin and work as commentary on black and latino stereotypes i.e being poor with a deadbeat birth dad and a physically abusive stepdad and how it's not the fault of black people our intergenerational trauma has been used against us by colonizers who literally made it worse for us historically?Can he overcome them by being literal royalty on his BLACK-greek's dad side and the best greco-roman hero ever in-universe?
Can part of Sally's love for the sea come from being dominican?Can she have passed that down to her Tesoro Perseo not JUST because of Poseidon but also as afro-carribean raising?Can Percy be crustpunk,afropunk,seapunk AND solarpunk because the sea does not like to be restrained?Can she be autistic with no masking game and that's another big reason she's an outcast even amongst other demigods and why her mortal world childhood was even worse than their's?Can she know how to diy things that don't even exist and play video games only on seconshands/emulators/phones for anti-capitalist principal and go to thrift stores and drink energy drinks but only the blue flavors and have a preference for the tropical ones and do deep dive research on punk culture?Can she love female rappers and punk rock and Lo-Fi beats and hipop?Can he be trilingual?Can he be a skincare and haircare king?Can he have blue durags and blue bonnets and blue hair beads?
Can y'all let the 'slutty bisexual' allegations go seeing as he's obviously demisexual?Can his type not be blondes but black women,which not only has an in-universe basis thanks to canon Percabeth and Leah Jeffries combo but is also mythological accurate as names have powers in Pjo and Percy's namesake was married to Andromeda,the princess of ETHOPIA?Can Percy and Leah be black solidarity even just platonically?Can they bond and be close and not have poor Leah be forced into 'black hair means boy and blonde hair means girl' syndrome,especially because book!Annabeth explicitly hates being blonde and y'all fake clowned her for it only to make actual darkhaired Annabeth blonde so you're automatically faker than she is cause at least she meant that shit and the universe granted her wish?Can Rachel be nigerian yoruba and them black anarchist besties at Goode High as Rachel teaches him how to do protests and takes him to charity events and they graffiti public property together and them be in love and dating for a bit and being even closer post breakup with no regrets to past Perachel?Can Thalia and Jason be black/white mixed with Jason a natural dirty blonde browneyed lightskin and Thalia darkskin with almost all of Zeus' looks as per canon so Jercy can be black mlm so it's ruined for horndog nonblack freaks and we can get even alt black rep?
Can Nico be black too to defy the 'black girl always has white siblings' trope and disregard him being described as 'a scrawny white boy' by Hazel since y'all disregard everythin' about Percy like seeing Nico as a little kid-HIS little kid even-to make him sexually harrass him over getting over him because your younger siblings don't love you and you creep minors in fandoms out?Can Nico,Hazel and Percy be a black siblings trio?Can he basically be their dad and Sally legally be their guardian because Hades is a fucking abusive freak?Can Hazel be explored on since she's got infinitely more going for her than any background characters y'all obssess over and Nico be recognized as the precious traumatized lil boy he is instead of just an edgecase,BOTH of which Percy sees them as canonically?????Can he have a backbone against the gods as he does,again,CANONICALLY,instead of pathetically emulating them like Luke and take direct action and fix the system himself?
Can he love latino memes and legos and Pokemon?Can he dunk on Hp fans for being geeks instead of freaks?Can he own dominican flag merch?Can he call Nico and Hazel 'Papito and Mamita'?In DC aus,can he be Duke Thomas' Super instead of being forced into Tim Drake's core cast or worse yet adopted by Batbags?And in Marvel aus,can he be a Spiderpunk Variant since like how he's not Batkid-coded but Kryptonian human hybrid-coded,he's not Peter Parker-coded but Hobie Brown-coded?Can be he brutal and unrestrained and tough yet salty sweet and gentle?IT IS 2024,ENOUGH WITH THE RESPECTABILITY POLITICS IN FUCKING PJO HCS OF ALL PLACES,I DON'T PERCY TO BE PALPABLE,I WANT HIM TO BE A NIGGA!!!!!!!!!!!
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m4gp13 · 10 months
Okay time to talk about Al's hero complex and Ethan's martyr complex more in-depth because I love it so much <3
Al's hero complex is pretty obvious. He thinks he's Katniss Everdeen fighting a valiant battle against the Capitol because no one told him he's not the main character. He sees himself and those who agree with him as the Heroes (tm) while any who oppose them are the Villains of Unrivalled Evil because obviously his people wouldn't be fighting them if they were anything less. Al definitely has the overwhelming optimistic approach of a heroic paragon who believes it's impossible for him to fail because he's the good guy and good guys always win (Ladies, Gentlemen and Assorted Genders I would now like to direct your attention to "heroes never die, right?"). Which is how he ended up getting the remainder of his army massacred because he wouldn't accept defeat and pushed them on for a last-ditch attempt at victory. He's willing to sacrifice his people for the greater good, and in this way he and Percy are like the inverse of "Villains will sacrifice the world to save their loved ones, heroes will sacrifice their loved ones to save the world."
Al was the most powerful child of Hecate and as such was chosen to lead the rest of her children into battle. For such a young guy, this probably gave him a sense of grandeur, importance and self-respect which translates well into him seeing himself as the hero of his story. He had Luke and his propaganda to look up to, Mt Othrys to run things from and the Princess Andromeda to help things along, as well as a swarm of younger demigods who saw him as a hero. Now I'm not saying it all got to his head but that is pretty much what I'm saying. There's also Hecate, who is a pretty loving mother all things considered and was helping and supporting Alabaster and her children all the way through the war. With her encouragement exacerbating Al's self-righteousness instead of giving him a reality check, his hero complex could only grow until it made the Al we see in Son of Magic. He has lost everything and has never been in a worse place but he is still so sure of himself and his own moral superiority.
Ethan's martyr complex is a little more subtle but it's there if you're looking. My guy sacrificed his eye to his mother and was A-Okay with the arrangement. He was asked, from a very young age, to go through a lot of short-term physical pain with the result of a long-term disability in order to make a change in the world, which he agreed to. So he already doesn't think too highly of himself which is a great start! His mother uses him as a vehicle for her goals and he is aware of this and consenting to it. He has already relegated his own life as a tool for someone else. And then there's the arena battle in the labyrinth where he was very quick to offer Percy his own head on a platter. He was thinking very pragmatically at the time. He didn't seem to care much about "holy shit I'm going to die" and was instead just thinking "If he kills me then I die but if he spares me then we'll both die 2-1=1 so if we go with the first option then that will be one less death" HE DOESN'T GIVE A FUCK. His own life is something he can step back from, view in the context of the bigger picture and figure out how detrimental the loss of it would be to everything else going on around him. And then to further prove my point the last thing he ever does in the series is actually martyr himself to stop Kronos from ruining his mother's plans. Way to make it easier for me buddy.
As for how he ended up like this, his mother is fucking Nemesis. A hero complex and a martyr complex run antiparallel to each other with the key difference being that a hero will do whatever it takes to succeed while a martyr is all too happy to throw their life away for The Cause. In the eyes of a young child desperate to please his mother who is known for harshly punishing the prideful and arrogant of the world, being a hero who desires personal success and glory would be far too egotistical, and in order to be a hero his mother would approve of, he must be entirely selfless about it. She would despise anything else.
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catofadifferentcolor · 2 months
Terrible Fic Idea #86: Percy Jackson, but make it Time Travel
I was minding my own business at work this morning when a terrible, awful, wonderful idea for a PJO time travel fix-it hit me out of the blue.
Or: What if a deified Percy was sent back to the start of canon?
Just imagine it:
Percy wakes screaming, which is immediately disconcerting as he's not slept in nearly 100 years. He summons a storm practically out of reflex, still caught up in the horrors of everything he just left behind, and promptly passes out, his 12 year old body not used to the strain.
-because he is twelve again - mortal again, - in his bed at Yancy Academy again, a week out from the field trip that will change his life.
Not that Percy realizes this straight off, what with the panic and the passing out, though he does pick it up fairly quickly once he wakes up again in the school infirmary. This nearly sends him into another tailspin of panic - (he is small, he is weak, he is alone in his head, one hundred years in the past, and can barely feel any of his domains) - before Percy manages to get himself under control enough to come up with the basics of a plan: get somewhere safe so he can start figuring out what the Hades is going on.
Percy manages to sneak out of the infirmary while everyone else is at dinner, hails the Chariot of Damnation even though he's way out of their normal service area ("We'll put it on your tab, dearie," the seeresses say, "we know you're good for it."), and arrives at Camp Half-Blood just after midnight.
His entrance is much less spectacular than it was originally, but no less startling for all Mr D is the only one awake to see it, for the moment Percy crosses the ward lines the magic begins to recognize him as the future Camp Director - which in turn startles Dionysus just enough that he doesn't immediately smite Percy when he practically throws himself at the god and starts going on about how pleased he is to see him.
The truth comes out in fits and starts, with Percy's exhaustion (and Dionysus' gifts) being the only thing keeping him from another panic attack. His story boils down to this:
Percy has always been a powerful demigod, perhaps the most powerful child of his father ever to be born to a mortal. His actions from his first quest onward only pushed him closer to the brink of immortality. Divinity did not come until several months after the events of ToA, when a camper had jokingly raised a glass to Perseus Jackson, Trainer of Heroes, which was all that was needed to push him over that final precipice.
As Lord Perseus, he was from the onset more powerful than most minor gods, his domains being the eclectic mix of Heroes, Natural Disasters, and Misery - the first earning him the permanent position of Director of Camp Half-Blood and Patron of Camp Jupiter, the second keeping him quite busy in an era of climate change, and the last having been unwittingly stolen years before from Akhlys in Tartarus. It is this power that causes Zeus to become even more paranoid.
-which is saying something, as his paranoia had already skyrocketed to new and greater heights after Apollo returned improved from the events of ToA.
It grows worse over the better part of the next century, with the Titan War, Giant War, Triumvirate, and all that follows eventually disabusing the majority of the gods that Zeus will never be an effective ruler. Apollo leads a rebellion against his father - and would have succeeded, had not Zeus not managed to somehow push Apollo directly into Chaos as Apollo was preparing for his final blow, which has the unfortunate effect of the universe trying to unwrite one of the most important gods from the history of Western Civilization and undoes the fabric of reality in the process. Percy was watching it unravel before his eyes (desperately, desperately trying to weave it back together but it won't hold) when he suddenly found himself screaming 100 years in the past.
It is a fantastical story, but Dionysus has no choice to believe it.
("But why did you come to me? Why not your father?" Percy looks down, running a finger along the grain of of the wooden table, "We became friends in the future. Misery and alcohol, you know? One of the oldest pairings in the book." There's more, Dionysus can tell, but the boy is already flagging, unused to the weaknesses of his childish mortal body. It can wait.)
The events of canon proceed apace - or at least as much as they can when Percy shows up at camp almost two months early knowing more about the Greek and Roman pantheon than anyone who hasn't lived through it, with the attitude of a hero who's been through Tartarus and the power levels of a minor god burning him up from the inside. All while sneaking off in his spare time to 1) plot to stop the end of the world with Dionysus and 2) hang out with Dionysus, because he is one hundred twelve, thank you very much, and needs adult company every now and then, for all he’s missed his long dead friends.
I actually have no idea how the events of the books themselves would play out - Percy has neither the patience or the ability to let everything play out exactly as before, but the major beats of PJO still take place, with Percy doing his best to undermine the arguments that drew so many to Kronos as he can while still mortal. (Advocating for cabins for minor gods and/or undetermined, or combined housing with temples. Gods being forced to claim their children when they arrive at camp, etc.)
Perhaps Kronos tries harder to sway Percy to his side once he sees how strong a demigod he is, showing his hand too soon and causing the Titan War to be an all out war from the start of TTC until the Battle of Manhattan? Percy is more than just a child solider - he is a seasoned teenage general, directing battles, saving many with is experience but still loosing too many; a one-man army who eventually ascends on his sixteenth birthday, Luke's misery as he kills himself being the last push Percy needs to reclaim his divinity and his domains.
Gaining his godhood early allows Percy to temper the events of HOO and TOA (the Giant War still happens, but a generation later with a different set of demigods, and allows Zeus to redeem himself somewhat by being an effective war leader; Apollo never becomes mortal but the Triumvirate is destroyed a generation after that), if not prevent them. Though a part of him will always long for his mortality, it was never in the cards. It was either godhood or an early death, and Percy would rather spend an eternity protecting demigods and giving them the training they need to protect themselves than the alternative.
And so that's what Percy Jackson does, because that's what he's always done: accept as much misery for himself to make the lives of those he loves as misery-free as possible.
Bonuses include:
No hint of Percy/Annabeth in the new timeline, with the pair in the original having broken up shortly before Percy's ascension, having realize their codependency was not healthy, nor was it actually romantic love. From 100 years on, Percy is critical of his first relationship, but still counts Annabeth as one of his best friends, even if they're not as close in this timeline.
Although never widely disseminated, several individuals come to learn of Percy's trip through time and the circumstances that lead to it. (Poseidon, Sally, Thalia). A few others suspect Percy has some level of prophetic gift to go along with his other powers. But for the most part no one has any idea Percy is anything other than a powerful demigod with some really bad luck; and
It eventually coming out that Percy and Dionysus had a thing in the future, with Percy over the course of 100 years coming to like, respect, and eventually love the God of Wine. Percy is absolutely convinced it was entirely one-sided, their thing only adding up to a few drunken fucks between friends (because that's what Dionysus does with his friends), but Dionysus after he learns of it not being so sure (because it's really not what he does with friends and hasn't been for millennia). Whatever the case, it is exceptionally awkward when it comes out, especially as Percy's only physically 14 at the time, and attempting to resolve this awkwardness is how Thalia ends up learning about the time travel.
Extra bonus points if Percy and Ariadne were decent friends in the original timeline, become decent friends again in the new one, and settle into a polyamorous relationship with Dionysus (after Percy is deified and comes of age) that has Hera spitting teeth for decades.
And that is far, far more than I'd ever thought I'd have, but I think this plot bun somehow merged with a thread of an idea for a Dionysus-positive fic that's been tickling at me for years now. As always, feel free to adopt, just link back if you do anything with it.
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copajay · 5 months
lightning bolt
⋆˚✿˖° 𐙚 ₊ ⊹ ♡
ITS BEEN ALMOST 3 YEARS SINCE I LAST LEFT THIS SERIES OMG but here’s soobin! not even gonna lie I hate this one esp bc I'm rusty after my writing break </3
summary: choi soobin has been madly in love with his best friend since they were kids, but she's never seemed to notice. when she starts showing interest in another guy, soobin realizes he needs to make a move or move aside. (not proofread)
date: 12/28/23
series: txt demigod series (located in masterlist)
scenario themes: best friends to lovers!au, percy jackson! au
idol: soobin or choi soobin of txt
concept: fluff
warnings: swearing, soobin making bad decisions
word count: 2.1k
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choi soobin's father is none other than the king of the Gods. the widely revered and respected zeus, who also happens to be quite the lady's man...if you consider turning into an animal to seduce a woman romantic.
soobin, on the other hand, isn't so lucky when it comes to romance. he could easily get with most of camp half-blood's residents with his impressive height, handsome features, and high status (being zeus's son and all). but soobin has only ever had eyes for one demigod: y/n l/n, the child of dionysus and half-sister of choi yeonjun, soobin's good friend.
like your brother and father, you're exceptionally outgoing and flirtatious. meanwhile, soobin is exceedingly reserved and has virtually no game. the two of you are polar opposites, which is why it comes as a shock to most people once they find out you're the closest of friends.
growing up in the same neighborhood with your respective human parents, soobin and you walked hand-in-hand through every stage of life--from sitting next to each other on the school bus in kindergarten to finding out that you're both full-blown demigods on a class trip to the empire state building.
once you guys made your way to camp half-blood upon the discovery of your mythological lineage, soobin felt a surge of confidence. he was related to the most powerful being on mount olympus, there's no way you'd curve him now... right?
unfortunately, right before he could even attempt to make a move, he met your newfound older half-brother and camp counselor, choi yeonjun, who scared the absolute shit out of him. luckily for soobin, he was able to form a close friendship with the older boy, but that doesn't mean he scared him any less.
it's always been difficult for soobin to express himself romantically, especially around you. terrified of rejection, he could never bring himself to tell you how he feels. you, however, have no problem making romantic advances towards others. notorious for being a camp heartbreaker, you often share tales of your many flings with soobin, unbeknownst to the fact that he absolutely despises hearing about them.
the only thing that keeps soobin from sobbing in his pillow every night is knowing that you're never serious about any of your prospects. sure you have a tendency to go on and on about them, but in a matter of days, you'll simply move on to the next.
although it frustrates him to no end, he'd rather have it this way than have to see you actually in love with someone else. soobin wouldn't know what to do with himself if you actually fell for someone that isn't him, which is why he was a complete and total mess when you finally did.
it started off just like any other short-lived crush of yours: giggling over the new addition to camp half-blood: lee jeno, son of aphrodite. he might be painfully good-looking, but soobin was sure you'd be over him within less than a week.
"you don't get it. his nose is, like, perfect." you raved as soobin felt the biggest eye roll of his life coming on. "uh-huh" the boy absentmindedly responded.
once you had officially been fangirling over this jeno character for two weeks, soobin started to get worried.
"why don't you approach him, then?" soobin asked, irritated. you've been talking about jeno nonstop for an hour and it was seriously starting to piss him off.
not only that, but you told yeonjun of all people. you've never told yeonjun about any of your small crushes before, so why are you starting now? soobin was beginning to panic, was he really about to lose the love of his life to some guy she just met?
"because... I guess I'm nervous. i don't know?" you responded awkwardly. "you? nervous?" he teased, "it's weird, I don't think I've every felt this way about someone."
uh oh.
that was all he needed to hear to confirm his worst fear. you were actually starting to like this guy, and soobin had yet to tell you how much he liked you first.
"i've gotta go." he said abruptly, leaving you mid-conversation. what the hell is his problem? you thought to yourself.
soobin didn't know what to do or how to feel. whenever he has a problem he usually goes to either you or yeonjun, and he definitely can't go to you for this one.
after pacing around camp for nearly 10 minutes, he wound up at the dionysius cabin door. with a shaking fist, he knocked gently on the wooden door. per usual, yeonjun opened the door with a wide smile on his face, and all soobin could think of is how that smile would disappear after the conversation he was about to initiate.
"could I talk to you in private maybe?" the younger boy proposed, hands still shaking. "of course. is everything alright?" yeonjun responded, ushering soobin inside.
"you know how to get girls right?" soobin asked awkwardly once the pair had made their way to yeonjun's desk. chuckling, yeonjun simply nodded his head.
"look, i need you to promise me you won't get mad." he pleaded. "of course I won't, soobin." yeonjun promised. "i'mkindainlovewithyoursisterandnowshelikesanotherguyandidontknowhowtowinherover." soobin stammered.
yeonjun's pursed lips quickly transitioned into a cheshire smile. "soobin. everyone knows you like y/n, why would I get mad?"
"well, I guess not y/n herself, but pretty much everyone else."
was it really that obvious? soobin thought he was pretty slick, but people definitely began to connect the dots after he rejected yet another admirer to follow you around all day.
"then what should I do?" soobin retorted. "have you tried telling her how you feel?" yeonjun shrugged, leaning against his bedframe.
soobin felt himself turning red, far too embarrassed to answer. "of course you haven't" the other demigod replied. "isn't there another way?" soobin pleaded, ignoring yeonjun's facepalm.
"this guy belongs to the aphrodite cabin, right?" yeonjun began, causing soobin to nod his head vigorously. "well good luck with that, it's impossible not to fall in love with one of aphrodite's kids. they're walking love potions."
"love potions? those are real?" soobin prompted. yeonjun's face immediately stiffened, "are you seriously about to use a love potion on my half-sister."
"nope. I'm going to use it on jeno and make him fall in love with someone else." soobin declared excitedly. "that doesn't sound like a good idea bro-"
"don't worry about it! I won't!" soobin hurriedly shouted before his friend could protest. "shit, what did I just do?" yeonjun mumbled to himself as soobin made his way out the door.
perhaps soobin was acting irrationally out of desperation, but he couldn't care less. in moments like these, he really resembled his father: going on a fiery rampage over something seemingly insignificant. he was in way too deep to turn back now, and as he marched to find a way to access a love potion, he found his golden ticket: choi beomgyu.
beomgyu is a mutual friend between soobin and yeonjun, but more importantly, another son of aphrodite. if anyone could get him a love potion, it was the youngest choi of the trio.
"beomgyu! what's up buddy," soobin mused. turning around, the slightly shorter boy cheerfully responded, "long time no see, soobin. what's up?"
"you wouldn't know how to get a love potion, would you?" soobin feigned a nonchalant attitude, getting straight to the point. "a love potion is pretty easy to make, but what would you use it for?" beomgyu questioned. "umm I'm just curious! I think I read about it in a book somewhere." soobin lied. although he felt guilty, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
as soon as beomgyu listed the ingredients, soobin ran off in the opposite direction, shouting a quick "thanks!" before heading out
that night, soobin ran all around the camp and forest to find everything he needed to create his very own love potion. finally finishing around 2 a.m., he crashed in hopes of succeeding in his plans.
the next morning, as he confidently made his way to the mess hall, he saw jeno and you sitting side by side eating breakfast. the sight made his stomach turn and him even more eager to hatch his plan so he could finally win you over.
all he had to do was create a distraction so he could slip the love potion into jeno's orange juice, so he shot a lightning bolt directly at the window to shatter it. maybe that wasn't the smartest idea, but soobin was running out of patience. as the campers ran to investigate the window, he rapidly poured his homemade love potion into jeno's drink before taking the seat opposite him.
as you and jeno made your way back you noticed soobin was sitting at the same table that you were previously at. "soobin!" you waved. the boy turned and shot you a smile before dapping up jeno beside you.
"what are you doing here?" you asked, ignorant to the situation. "oh, I got a bit hungry and saw that this table was empty. what a coincidence!" he shared awkwardly.
jeno simply laughed and reached for his juice to take a sip before soobin realized just how stupid this whole plan was. he didn't even know how a love potion works... who's he going to fall in love with? how fast would the results appear? is it even ethical to use a love potion? IS IT EVEN LEGAL?
before jeno's lips could touch the cup, soobin reached over and slapped the drink out of his hand. the silence that followed was deafening. you and jeno looked up at him in shock, along with the rest of the campers at the mess hall.
humiliated, soobin ran out. he wasn't sure where he was going or how he was going to face you. he just knew he couldn't handle all the attention he was getting back there.
"soobin, what the hell was that?" you yelled running behind him. turning around, he struggled to find the words as you looked at him equally disappointed and angry.
"woah woah what's going on?" yeonjun butted in after hearing you yell across the patio, with beomgyu trailing behind him. "what was that for?" jeno confronted angrily, emerging from behind y/n.
the next thing soobin knows, he's cornered by four people he lied to and he can't think of another lie to get himself out of this situation.
"I was planning on using a love potion to get jeno to fall in love with someone else and not y/n." he admitted with his head down.
yeonjun simply sighed while beomgyu gasped. you were still processing why your best friend would sabotage your first potential relationship until jeno opened his mouth.
"fall in love? I was just looking for a hookup. she isn't really all that anyway," jeno quipped.
you immediately whipped your head in his direction, dumbstruck. "excuse me?" yeonjun quickly retorted, fists balling up. meanwhile all beomgyu could do is gasp again.
for once in soobin's life, he didn't feel nervous or hesitant. he felt angry, furious even. without thinking, he pushed jeno to the ground, hovering over him.
"soobin, calm down." yeonjun interjected. confused, you decided to take matters into your own hands.
"first of all, you're an asshole jeno," you began, "and you." pointing at soobin, "are an even bigger one."
you stormed off but you could hear soobin trailing behind you. "leave me alone." you sputtered. "please just hear me out, y/n," he begged.
"how could you possibly justify that? how could you defend anything you did?" your voice broke towards the end of the sentence, breaking soobin's heart. it felt like he was being hit by a million lightning bolts.
"I can't. I acted immaturely and carelessly. the truth is I've liked—loved you for a long time now, but I didn't know how to tell you, and i felt threatened by how much you liked jeno so I made an idiotic decision. i know it’s not enough but im sorry.”
as mad as you were, you couldn’t help but feel bad. were you really that oblivious?
“you’re right about it being an idiotic decision…” soobin’s gaze was stuck to the ground in shame at this point. “but i’d be lying if i said I didn’t have feelings for you. I guess that’s why i never really settled for one guy, because none of them were you. and jeno… was clearly a mistake.”
soobin finally looked up hopefully, “does this mean…” he started, “not until you make it up to me.” you shut him down.
“oh.” he replied awkwardly, scratching his neck. “…by taking me out tomorrow.” you added, grinning.
“of course.” he agreed, mimicking your smile.
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edgyandoverzealous · 1 year
Hot take(possibly??): most of the demigods in pjo/toa/hoo are villain coded. Not all but a lot of them and the best part of this is they're villain coded but they're known as untouchable heroes which is incredibly interesting for me.
For example, the cliche, the obvious, Percy. I love him don't get me wrong but that man's fatal flaw is canonically his loyalty, his personal loyalties specifically. The reason he went on his first quest initially was to bring his mom back from the underworld, essentially back from the dead because his mom is extremely important to him more so than his dad who was absent most his life, not retrieving the lightning bolt though he did end up doing that and Hades had Sally safe and well. The common saying is "a hero will sacrifice the one he loves to save the world. a villain will burn the world to keep the one he loves safe." You cannot look me dead in the eyes and tell me Percy Jackson, the man who while angry and bitter about his mother's "death" and this quest sent Medusa's head in a box to olympus, who after falling for Annabeth couldn't forget her even when Hera wiped his memory, would EVER let anything happen to her. He went to literal hell with her has killed monsters in brutal dark ways while in said hell and even before that jumped into siren infested waters to save Annabeth personal safety and quest be damned. He has turned down immortality for her. The gods could give him an ultimatum and he would choose Annabeth every time over anything, except his mortal family, but even then Percy would save everyone and then burn Olympus for daring to make him make that choice.
Additionally another one of my favorites who is increasingly more complex or at the very least somewhat the opposite to Percy in his villain coding is Nico Di Angelo.
For starters he's lost so much and has failed to save whoever was most important to him, twice. His fatal flaw is canonically, that he holds grudges, which is specifically noted to be dangerous for kids of Hades. Probably because demigods have shown on multiple occasions to have their powers connected to their emotions. IE: Percy through the entire first book and Nico in his first battle with Percy where he essentially summons an army in a panic. Or possibly because of their connection to death, the afterlife, and creatures from the underworld. Luckily this son of Hades is in control as he gets older so it's most likely the ladder in this case. Anyways after Percy got his sister, the only person Nico had left, killed Nico started running and using avoidance as a coping mechanism. Which in itself is a classic villain backstory set up because once someone has nothing they can be pushed to risk everything. However, my personal hypothesis is he spent that time running to avoid a violent outburst and act out on his grudge to cause Percy harm or put him into harms way, on top of the crushing guilt he must've felt for having a crush on the one who got his sister killed. To gain control over his emotions and come to terms with his new reality without his sister and with his new lineage and powers associated with. When he first comes back he is untrusting and distant. Then there was the whole "I have a friend who fully accepts me and I may be able to learn how to love again, trust again, and have friends" thing with Jason and then Rick killed him. That alone gives Nico more than a right to be angry and start fucking shit up tm. But he didn't and now he has Will. Classic case of the fooled me once shame on me fooled me twice shame on you imo. The set up for the same to happen again is underway as well. So at the very least three strikes you're out because I genuinely believe if anything happens to Will, Nico will no longer follow the heroes path. I believe the world would crumble and quake beneath his feet as the most guttural scream escapes his mouth. The dead will rise as he storms Olympus for giving him a story so cruel despite how hard he's fought and how good he's tried to be. I believe he would raise hell so intensely that the gods themselves would resurrect Will in fear of being overthrown by the wrath of the prince of darkness.
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kajawrites · 5 months
🔱 "WE VISIT THE GARDEN GNOME EMPORIUM" assorted dialogue from s1 e3 of percy jackson and the olympians. feel free to change pronouns as needed.
' i was told a quest isn't a quest until you say so. '
' you seem busy. i'll come back. '
' time is short. '
' customarily, one waits to hear a name or two before choosing. '
' are you sure you don't wanna hear more? '
' if the mission requires someone to push me down a flight of stairs for it to succeed, you'd want someone who won't hesitate when they do it. '
' dude, what have you been eating? '
' whoa, hey, wait. i'm not trying to antagonize you. i'm just genuinely curious. '
' so, who'd you choose to go with you? '
' ...funny. no, seriously. who'd you choose? '
' i chose you. '
' i trust you. and right now, nothing's more important than that. '
' i'm gonna pack the best snacks. '
' how much money did they give you? '
' i think they're canadian, maybe? or from chuck e cheese. '
' dollars for human world, drachmas for mythic world. '
' i brought you this. '
' well, these are... interesting. '
' a gift... from my dad. '
' i thought about choosing you before choosing _______. '
' hey, ________ is a lot stronger than people think. '
' i was afraid. '
' i can't let anything stop me. '
' just take care of each other out there. '
' she's really gonna miss that tree, huh? '
' the most powerful being in the universe's idea to save his daughter's life was to turn her into a tree? '
' she was the bravest demigod i ever knew. '
' she fought valiantly, and she met a hero's fate. '
' she met a pinecone's fate. '
' forbidden children are always in danger; even the strongest ones. '
' do exactly as i say, and maybe you survive this. '
' does she think she's in charge? '
' who'd you think would be in charge? '
' i guess i thought we'd do show of hands or something. '
' heroes' quests are world defining events. '
' a quest is a sacred thing, and to be charged with one is to be in conversation with the gods themselves. '
' there is no way this is what sacred smells like. '
' we're soldiers on a mission. it's not a vacation. '
' it isn't just the monsters that are gonna be trying to stop us. '
' it smells terrible back here. '
' monsters can't smell you through that, so that's where i want you. '
' i wanna vote. '
' there's no voting. '
' i really don't wanna be a tie-breaker. '
' oh golly, the road's gettin' bumpy... '
' dude, what are you doing? '
' our voting system's broken. '
' they smell fear. '
' that's bees. '
' nothing will stop them. not even death. '
' if you guys were better at your job, i might not have noticed you here so easily. '
' you're not the frightened little girl i came for all those years ago. '
' don't kid yourself. i wasn't that afraid. '
' i'm here to collect your friend. '
' some children must learn the hard way. '
' look, i'm not against the idea of consensus, i'm just not sure the song is doing what you think it is. '
' why are you so afraid of who you are? '
' you are a part of something so much bigger than we can understand right now. '
' we have to move forward, whether you like it or not. whether you want to or not. '
' i wasn't like you, sweet heart. i was you. '
' i had embarrassed her and i needed to be punished. not him, me. '
' so, we're gonna need a new plan. '
' we are not our parents until we choose to be. '
' maybe things need to get a little upsetting before they move forward. '
' they will see this as impertinent. '
' you're gonna sing the song, aren't you? '
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dearlyfictitious2 · 1 year
Prompt #3:
When you're dressed like that.
Demigod conversations 😁
"Soooo, what's up with you and your dad?"
Frank, Hazel, and Jason all froze and stared at Leo in disbelief, he grinned and rest his chin on his knees as if he didn't just commit a giant faux pas.
Frank stared down at his melting ice cream and mourned the end of what had promised to be a rather pleasant day. The skies were clear, the sun was out, and the winds were soft and billowy; it made for a perfect setup for a day at the beach.
He looked towards the demigod in question. While all of them were dressed in modern swim wear, Percy had opted to go with something much more traditional. It looked like a skirt/loincloth hybrid and was a lovely green and petal pink color embroidered with golden threads and polished shells that made a delicate tinkling sound whenever he moved. It was obviously a gift from his godly family, one that he wore with practiced ease if the way he was lounging against a bean bag was to go by. How he managed not to flash them his junk was beyond him, Frank thought.
Percy had been looking off into the distance at the water when Leo had sprung the question out of nowhere, his blue moon ice cream was uneaten in his hand and still frozen, most likely due to him keeping it frozen with his powers. He turned his attention towards them and replied in a dazed manner, "Sorry, what'd you say?"
Leo, obviously not caring for the tension he was potentially causing carried on with question, "I'm just gonna say it since no one here is macho enough to say it. What's your dad's deal with you?"
Percy blinked, "His deal?"
"Yeah, his deal." Leo scooched over and poked one of the gleaming bronze armlets adorned on the Son of Poseidon, "You let him deck you out in some pretty ritzy stuff; metals that even I can tell are heavily enchanted with some gnarly defenses."
When Percy had come back to the surface, he was adorned with all sorts of simple, but eye catching ornaments. You didn't need Lou or her siblings to tell you he was basically a walking nuke to anyone who wished him harm. What was odd was that Percy would usually forego such drastic measures, what had made him comply so easily now?
Percy gave them his full attention, "Guys relax, it's more for monsters if anything. It's not like they ever hurt anybody during spars, or," he narrowed his eyes at Jason, "When someone's trying to force you into pants."
Jason threw his hands up in exasperation, "Would you let that go already?"
"Percy." he paused when he felt a warm hand on his shoulder, Hazel had a soft but firm grip on his bicep, "What Leo is trying to say is that maybe, have you considered that your father is being a bit too generous?"
"Bro." Jason gave him a hard stare, "No deity just gives and not expect anything in return."
They lapsed into an uncomfortable silence.
Percy, for all that he usually projected, was more than capable enough to read in between the lines and he didn't like what they were implying. It wasn't as though he never stopped to consider it as well, but he had to set the record straight.
"Now look here-
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold it!" demanded Leo, "I ain't trying to say anything like that." His outburst startled everyone on the picnic blanket.
Frank ran a hand through his hair, pushing down some feathers that had sprouted subconsciously, "Huh?"
Leo was now on his knees with his arms akimbo, "You heard me, don't put words in my mouth."
"Well then, what were you trying to say?" asked Hazel wide eyed and even more weary.
The Son on Hephaestus clicked his tongue in annoyance and got up close and personal to Poseidon's Prince with a grip on his well toned shoulders, "So how'd you do it?"
"Do what?" Percy was completely lost at this point and didn't know what to expect.
"Your deal with you dad... what'd ya do to butter him up and get him to give you all this cool stuff?"
The three Romans behind Leo had no words to describe their incredulity.
A smile began to creep on the Sea Prince's face, "Butter him up?"
"Stop parroting what I say!" Leo complained with a humorous crack in his voice, "Impart your wisdom, tell me your secrets! How do I get my grumpy pops to send me cool stuff too? Do you have any idea how many things I could make if he- quit laughing, I'm being serious!" he squawked indignantly.
Percy had tears in his eyes he was laughing so hard, "I didn't do anything. Dad, Mother Amphitrite and Triton just give me stuff when they feel like it."
"Lies! You have them wrapped around your little finger." he emphasized this by wiggling his pinky in the space between them.
"I'm telling you the truth man."
Leo scoffed, but eventually let go of him, "Selfish. You won't even tell your ol' pal how to get the good stuff." he whipped around and gave his chuckling friends behind him his best stink eye, "Aren't you guys curious too?"
"He's Lord Poseidon's only demigod child, maybe he just likes doting on him?" reasoned Frank.
"And he's probably not as annoying." ribbed Jason.
Hazel caught her breath and joked, "Maybe he gives him a little kiss on the cheek when he wants something. I used to see snooty rich girls do that with their daddy's when they wanted a new dress or lipstick."
"Oh yeah, that'd definitely work." Percy rolled his eyes and said sarcastically. On a whim, he pulled some seawater from the ocean and held it in a sphere above his palm, "Hey Dad? Can I have a shiny new yacht and some fancy anklets maybe? Pretty please?" he asked sweetly and gave the globe of water a big fat kiss.
Their fit of giggles were cut short when startled shrieks of nearby campers had them on alert, but they were just as quickly disarmed as a gorgeous pearlescent cruiser was now bobbing merrily in the ocean waters.
Their attentions were diverted again when a quick golden flash traveled down Percy's legs; after the light had subsided, a pair of gleaming celestial bronze, blue nacre lined, pearl encrusted, beautifully engraved greaves now adorned his shins.
The demigod's on the blanket were torn between staring bug eyed at either the shiny new yacht or the impressive ornamental armor.
Percy groaned and hid his burning face behind his hands, "Daaaad..."
Leo's jaw nearly hit the sand, "No. Freaking. WAY."
Queen Amphitrite rubbed her husband's back lightly as he unknowingly mirrored his precious demigod son's embarrassed pose; his face aglow with golden ichor.
"Oh my dear Husband," she cooed, "You're just too easy."
I had to do it. If Percy wants it, Daddy Poseidon will do his damned best to get it for him! Hephaestus better watch out the next time Leo's around lol.
I had an absolute BLAST writing this :)
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ottpopfic · 2 months
Katie's opinions/relationship on the seven
If all the ladies love Leo then Katie is the ladies. She thinks he's the coolest best person ever. Epitome of fun uncle, she adores him
Picture this, you're a little Hephaestus eight-year-old and the strongest child of Hephaestus alive is not only your Goddad but is also going to let you come play in his workshop and take you rides on his giant metal dragon. And he's not going to be the coolest in your brain? He has a magic tool belt he can pull candy out of, he teaches you to use a blow torch at nine, he lets you explode things on the roof, hes the best
When Katie moves to the Way Station full-time she trains under Leo, both as Hephaestus spawn and for when Katie eventually becomes the Way Station caretaker, but their dynamic doesn't change much
He's her cozy person. The best at hugs the best at toting her around. She loves him very much and always wants to be picked up when she's little, which he happily obliges. He also takes her flying which is very dope. He's such a safe person in her mind, the best person after Will to fall asleep on.
When Katie gets older they talk art a lot, he takes her to galleries and museums when Katie visits through highschool. If Katie needs an adult to back her she goes to Jason, he's very bad at saying no to her
She thinks she's super cool and super smart. She's permanently convinced Annabeth knows everything, like a walkingWikipedia. She is also the best at doing hair, she wants her to braid her hair all the time when she's little. They are book buddies too because once Annabeth finds out she likes to read she's sending Katie everything she has in accent Greek and Katie loves that. When Katie gets older they talk about building stuff, Katie's favorite person to sightsee with because she knows everything
When they learn Katie was also a ‘gift’ and a descendant of Athena Annabeth becomes kinda protective of her. They talk about being a gift sometimes, its good for Katie to have that
HORSE AUNT. Hazel teaches Katie to ride, and after she gets Skeletor they go riding every visit. They also talk about rocks, and Katie gets most of the gemstones for her work from Hazel. They both wish they were closer though, but living at opposite camps makes it hard, but they IM when they can. The spring break Katie spends with her strengthens their bond a lot
For a long time they don't have much of a relationship past ‘Aunt Hazel’s Husband’. This stems partly from Frank and Hazen never getting off at the same time, partly that Hazel can't come to family hell dinner, and partly distance. Then around when GrandMarie dies and they all learn more about Katie’s bio family Katie spends a spring break in new rome. Turns out their families left Greece at the same time, descendants of Poseidon and Athena going in different directions. (Franks family to China and Katie to Scotland and then Ireland) They bond over their shared heritage and alumni powers, and get close after that
The one of the seven she is the least close with. This is mainly due to the fact that Piper has tried to leave all of demigod life behind, and Katie is very entrenched in being a demigod. They do love each other though, they just don't know each other well as they would like
Lame, she thinks he's such a lame-ass doofus. He will never be cool in her mind, he's a dwebe. Hero of two wars savor of Olympus, uh huh sure so is her Papi you don't see him making a stink about it. All he does is eat blue food and take care of babies, he can breath under water so what her Goddad can make them both a bubble and then they can hang out he's not special. Everyone finds this hilarious but Percy
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love-nakamura · 5 months
For the character ask game, Percy Jackson numbers 4 and 18?
first of all HI FRIEND<33 thank you for asking you are so brave and amazing and I love you
[so the thing about Percy is 1. I love him and 2. I havent read the source material in.... Years.. but I shall answer most honestly]
4: If I could put Percy in any other media where would I put him?
a) technically he does have 2 movies hes in a TV show now my baby!!!!!!
b) actually I think this question is asking if I could put him in another world maybe..?
If so, with the pre-requisit he travels with Annabeth, I would honestly love to see him in a Brandon Sanderson universe, specifically the Reckoners series. I think it would be interesting to see him fight other People with 'powers' rather than gods/non humans.
All of the Percy Jackson series in my head always has people fighting for causes that are blamed on a higher power or another group/being (eg. the fights, although against another demigods, are people who side with demigods vs people who side with gods, titans, monsters, etc. to fulfill human desires/pride... yet at the same time these guys are being manipulated by others... ) and I would love to see him navigate slightly more human-blamed causes and issues!!
Also he would just be so cool and strong!!!!! hahah
18) A relationship Percy has in canon that I admire
all of them m...... Percy has great chemistry with Everyone, but two more specifically:
a) Grover. I think theres so much missed potential tbh in the series as time goes on. Grover is like a full ass adult but theyre also best friends. technically Grover lied by omission to percy for like the start and basis of their friendship but also they have an emotional and mental bond that connects them for life. they have saved each others lives a hundred times over. theyre brothers. also theyre stupid.
I think Grover must have felt a lot of like.. fakeness? Imposter syndrome? at first because dude hes basically a spy whos in charge of taking care of this kid, specifically a kid who reminds you a lot about a kid he Failed before.... and yet Percy forgives him and loves him and the fact that hes a half goat and an adult is like hey whatever since we're friends
It speaks a lot about Percy's character (and his loyalty) to me and also if you've read the other series you'll know Grover doesn't really go on quests anymore/show up a lot and yet their love for each other is still there and hey thats what friendship is yeah?
b) Nico. AHHH NICO *ahem* anyways. I Love Percy and Nicos relationship. one sided crush, percy is So Cool and like the Awesome Older Guy™ you know whose like..??? everything to you?? and also you're Gay and Percy freaking Hurt you and you feel like he was Wrong and Broke a Promise to you but you also realize as you grow older that guy is Literally Just A Guy™ and a Child at that.. and for Percy like.... this kid who looks up to you and hey this is actually like..? the First time in your life where someone explicitly states they think youre cool and a good role model and that Pressure!! and you feel that responsibility but also youre like 14????
and then later when you both get older you realize that the other person is so much more than you can ever see or understand and the portrait you had of them in your head barely scratches the surface and thats a Good thing because it means that people are so much greater than you knew and your past does not define you and moving on from something doesnt mean you dont love it anymore
I think Percy and Nico's relationship is admirable because theres so much forgiveness (both for each other and for themselves as they navigate what it means to have/make/maintain relationships with people that you've never experienced before) and thats beautiful to me.
this was Super Fun and I hope you have a wonderful day muah <3333
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