#percy be the hero but dont be the hero
ofswordsandpens · 10 months
Riordan: And the grand lesson that Percy needed to learn over the course of hoo, the culmination of his character arc of this series, the moment where the fate of the world hangs in the balance because of a single decision he has to make... is realizing when he needs to take a step back :)
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bananacatmeow · 3 months
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ah yes, even at 12 percy still messes with frank in spirit.
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h0rsegirlpercy · 9 months
Us when the Lotus Casino episode drops
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everyone keeps talking about Jason vs Percy but why isn't ANYONE talking about how powerful they looked when they both used their powers TOGETHER at the same time, side by side, in Mark of Athena? Like Annabeth even got goosebumps watching them cook up such an intense storm from afar. Sparky and Seaweed brain, Power duo smh.
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lilsillustration · 1 month
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percy through the years
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yendts · 3 months
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wands + headcannons for the heroes at hogwarts au i drew here
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helyeahmangocheese · 5 months
yall.... maybe this is a lukewarm take but Gabe is still 100% an abusive asshole in the tv series... he very clearly is negligent of Percy (and just generally Mean to him because nobody should ever talk to a 12 year old like that)... he doesn't really care about Sally's consent and ownership of her stuff and her time... he may not snap on screen but he shows signs of being able to and the way Sally has to speak to him does not indicate he's just some Guy now... just, abuse takes on many forms and being more implied about it is a much stronger choice for this series in many ways
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Nico: SHIT I can't see anything. What are we going to do?
Will: Wait, I've got this *cracks his knuckles*
Will: *starts to glow like a glow stick*
Nico: WHAT
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lilislegacy · 3 months
Ok guys this is somewhat of a controversial take on Jason Grace’s powers. You can tell I was nervous writing this out because I used capitalization lol. Please read till the end
I want to start by saying I love Jason Grace. He is such a cutie. I adore him. And he is a very, very powerful demigod. And he is totally capable of very evil things, just like Percy. This take concerns a certain ability that a lot of people seem to think he has, but I don’t think people realize how unrealistic is. (I mean people can still hc whatever they want, it just doesn’t mean it’s canon.) Okay, here goes
There is absolutely no evidence or reason that Jason Grace would be able to control the electricity in our bodies. And here’s why…
I know so many of you really love that idea, and justify it by using the logic that percy can control people’s bodily fluids, so since jason can control lightning, he could control neurons and action potentials. But here’s the thing: The reason percy can control bodily fluids is because bodily fluids, like saliva, blood, and tears are largely made up of water, so he can manipulate the content of those substances that is water. And water is water. H2O is H2O. Percy directly controls all water. That’s his power.
Jason, however, controls weather. Which means he controls clouds, thunder, wind, rain, and yes, lightning. But just because lightning involves electricity does not mean he controls ALL electricity. He controls rain, right? Rain is water. But jason does not control all water. Just rain. Because it’s weather. And before you completely ignore what I just said about rain, and argue “but if he can control the electricity that causes lightning, he could control the electrical signals in people’s brains and muscles,” I see where you’re coming from, but the electricity in lightning is NOT the same electricity in our bodies. Unlike water, not all electricity is the same. Water is a basic chemical compound, in all its forms. Electricity, however, is the flow of electric charge through conductive materials, which produces energy. And those materials and types of energy vary. There are different types. The two we are discussing here are static electricity and bioelectricity.
Static electricity is the accumulation of electric charge on the surface of an object. Did you ever do that experiment where you rubbed a balloon on your head and your hair stuck up? Static electricity causes lightning when there is a buildup of electrical charge in the atmosphere during a storm. When the charge difference between clouds, or between a cloud and the ground, becomes too much, it creates a sudden discharge of electricity, which we see as lightning.
Bioelectricity involves chemicals. It refers to the electrical signals and currents produced within living organisms. It works through the movement of charged particles, called ions, across cell membranes, which allows for communication between cells, nerve impulses, muscle contractions, and various physiological processes.
So here’s the thing. Even if Jason could control ALL static electricity, which likely is NOT the case, it’s not even the same type as the electricity that makes neurons fire. And like I stated, Jason/Zeus has control over weather and storm elements, which may involve electricity, but does not mean he controls all electricity.
Okay besties, now before you show up in my comment section aggressively defending jason and assuming I think he’s weak, let me clarify: I am not saying Jason is not powerful as hell, or that he could not do some creepy ass evil things. He definitely could. For instance, he’s shown through his control over wind that he can manipulate air currents in various ways. MEANING he could create a vacuum effect, and suck all the air out of a person’s body. Like… HELLO? He could collapse their lungs. Deprive their brain of oxygen. He could repeatedly suck the de-oxygenated air, aka CO2, out of their lungs, and then force it back in. Which would be torture. Death by slow suffocation. So using his control of wind and air currents, Jason could be terrifying as hell if he wanted to be, and could do unspeakable things to human beings. I’m simply saying that his ability to summon lightning has absolutely zero connection to the hypothetical ability of being able to control people’s neurons. They’re not even somewhat related processes.
Please don’t yell at me. I love Jason. I think he could be very very scary and evil if he wanted to. Him as a villain would be catastrophic, and I’m not doubting that in any way.
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ssparksflyy · 12 days
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having a migraine with leo valdez ౨ৎ ⋆ 。˚
pairing leo valdez x gn!reader summary based off this request ! an sorry these are pretty short !!
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the first time you got a migraine, he was so confused
he really didn't know what to do and was just nervous
entered bunker nine to find you miserable and went into panic mode
"are you ok? do you need water? what's wrong? what hurts? ill put some vaporub on! it helps with everything, it'll bring you back to life!!"
as he's running around, searching through drawers, trying to find something that'll help you.
once you tell him youve got a migraine, he's quick to turn down the light (he SO has a light dimmer) and shut off anything that's making noise (really doesn't care if he goes crazy without white noise, you come first!!)
i like to imagine bunker nine having leo's main work area, but then having a room in the back that he stays in (with an attached bathroom of course) so he'll lead you over there and help you lie down comfortably then pulls out a literal solid ice water bottle for you to put on your head from his mini fridge/nightstand
cause this man does not have ice packs bye
he makes you coffee in hopes itll have a helpful affect
and itll help you sleep !! (using adhd knowledge here guys)
you cannot convince me that this man is not a fruit addict
he has some strawberries from the fields in his mini fridge that he'll give to you so you have some vitamin c in ya
( if youre allergic to strawberries, imagine any other fruit that helps cause i guarantee you, this man has at least a handful of it )
once you finish he tucks you in and gives you a little peck on your forehead before turning the lights off and closing the door as he leaves
cranks the ac UP cause nobody likes feeling like shit and being hot
while you sleep, he does something quietly
i dont even wanna say he'll probably start drawing up some plans for a new project he's been wanting to work on
cause he was probably going to!! but then he finds a rubiks cube he left unsolved and starts playing with that
leo is one of those people who can solve a rubiks cube quickly for sure
hes no national title holder, but hes quick
he solves it, and then scrambles it again, and then solves it, and then scrambles it again, and then solves-
oh look youre awake now !!
he asks you if your ok now and if you need anything else ♡♡
you tell him your fine and thank him for helping you :))
he'd obviously do anything to help you in a heartbeat, no questions asked
takes you out for a walk in the woods so you can get some fresh air
he'll pick some dandelions for you on your walk and will help you put them in your hair if you ask him ♡
the first time had to be the most stressful, but now if you ever get a migraine you got a boyfriend who knows what to do !!
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floatingshoelace · 2 months
Leo Valdez who loves like a lovesick puppy, who follows who he has a terrible crush on.
Leo Valdez who loves like a hurt dog who was given the bare minimum and loves them so fiercely he defends them with all his heart and love.
Leo Valdez who can't help but shove himself the depths of a relationship like it's the last thing be will ever have because he can't bear to have them leave him and he can't bear to ever have them disappear.
Leo Valdez who lays awake at night waiting for them to text back because they're his everything but to them he's just another boy.
Leo Valdez who falls in love with Jason Grace but by time that happened he's so tired and sick of loving people who doesn't love him back he blinds himself from all the obvious signs that Jason likes him because that's what friends do.
Jason Grace who loves Leo Valdez so softly and treats him gently and takes his hand so softly in his own and waits patiently for him to come to him and love him back, Jason who waits for his crush to love him back so he can show him that love doesn't have to be pure devotion and that he's always there.
Okay goodmorning!
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all-too-unwell-13 · 2 months
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frank zhang, you will always be dear to me
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yonemurishiroku · 8 months
Imagine every camper is like “We’re still waiting for Percy and Annabeth’s wedding” bc ya know golden couple bla bla bla whereas Nico and Will are literally there with a family of 20. Who’s the first runner of family milestone now huh.
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aryxchse · 2 months
talking to you about you. / percy jackson x female! reader.
a / n : i cute little blurb i came up with, thx to the bf asmrs
warnings : i mentioned getting wet like once
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you groaned to your pillow.
it was hard to breath, and the position you were in was not the most comfortable way to lay in bed. but you were so.. frustrated with your feelings that you had to throw up to someone about it.
"hey baby," percy called as he entered your room, immediatly laughing the moment he sees you. "hey, what're you doing pretty?"
you groaned again. he just has to make you feel all mushy-gushy inside, doesn't he?
unfortunately, with a boyfriend like percy, there's no personal space. he flips you to your back with a simple motion, smiling at you. he fixed the hair you messed up with your pillow, and his other hand helded your waist. "hi."
"i hate you." you said, looking at him with a straight face. percy kept his smirk, knowing this is how you say i love you.
"good to see you too, lovely." he said, giving a peck to your nose. "gonna tell me what's going on?"
you tried to hide your face in your palms, but percy kept your hands under his hold. "no hidin' now, pretty."
you sighed, knowing there's no escape. so you faced the fate and fixed the expression on your face. which he thought, you were gonna cry.
"i love you, so much that i need to yap about you to someone but i don't like sharing our personal life you know? like i don't wanna go to piper and say 'oh my gods i am soo in love with percy, did i tell you what he did yesterday', like no i don't want that because it's my special memory and i kinda don't want to share you with anyone else and-"
"breath baby." percy stopped you, smiling like a little boy. he had an understanding expression and he never once judged as you rambled. and you did what he said—you took a deep breath and continued.
"if you were my crush, it would've been much easier because i would get to yap about my delusions to my girlfriends easier since none of it is official, but when it comes to our relationship, i don't want to share but i need to talk about it like a little girl. you know what i mean? no of course you don't, im not making any senc-"
"y/n." he stopped you once again, letting out a low chuckle. which, you added to your 'think later and scream about it.' list. "i do understand you baby, i always do."
you pouted. "can you do something about it?" your voice camed out like a pray, wanting to end the overwhelming feeling inside you. percy thought for a good two minutes before smiling.
"how about you yap to me about me?" he asked. you tilted your head to the side, a questioning look on your face.
"like, i could pretend to be someone else," he begin to explain. "then you could talk to me about me. how's that sound?"
this boy was smart when he wanted to.
"promise you don't think i'm some teenager in love?" you raised an eyebrow.
"baby we are teenagers in love," he giggled and you hit his arm playfully. "you know what i mean, perce."
"okay okay, i promise." he sat straight and pulled you on his lap. "but it will be my turn after this okay?"
"deal." you said with a smile. before you started talking, percy closed his face with his palms and opened them again after a couple of seconds.
"girl you need to UPDATE ME with percy likee-" he couldn't continue because of your laughter and his own giggles. but you liked it so much that you stopped yourself and waited for him to finish with your quiet giggles.
he speaked in such a girly voice and expression that someone would think he geniunely acted like this in his normal life. "i know that boy is treatin' you well and i need to hear EVERYTHING."
you giggled once again before shaking yourself, immediatly getting into the role. "okay so, last night we were sleeping together on the bed okay?"
he nodded with the most serious expression, and you smiled. "and i tried to get up to you know, start my day and whatever and you know what he said to me?"
"girlll, what?"
"don't. go." he gasped and putted a hand on his mouth, screaming with you silently.
"honey this boy KNOWS what he's doing like, boy shut up you tryin' to make me wet or somethin'?" you laughed at this way too much for your own liking that you forgot what you were talking about. and he just sat there, watched you with his own giggles.
later he made you continue and took a mental note of everything you said, making sure to do these more often.
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just a reminder that the pjotv is gonna be the first contact of many kids to the percy jackson world and probably will influence a lot of them to pick up books for the first time so everyone please be nice and tag tlt spoilers. let kids (and adults) feel the same enjoyment you did while finding out about the pjo world for the first time
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lyralee333 · 1 month
Perseus “No one touches her!” Jackson.
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