#pessoas normais
hesmorphine · 3 months
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made by me. pls DON'T repost Xx
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noemyreads · 11 months
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normal people - sally rooney
book sinopses
at school connell and marianne pretend not to know each other. he’s popular and well-adjusted, star of the school soccer team while she is lonely, proud, and intensely private. but when connell comes to pick his mother up from her housekeeping job at marianne’s house, a strange and indelible connection grows between the two teenagers - one they are determined to conceal.
a year later, they’re both studying at trinity college in dublin. marianne has found her feet in a new social world while connell hangs at the sidelines, shy and uncertain. throughout their years in college, marianne and connell circle one another, straying toward other people and possibilities but always magnetically, irresistibly drawn back together. then, as she veers into self-destruction and he begins to search for meaning elsewhere, each must confront how far they are willing to go to save the other.
my review
“marianne had the feeling that her real life confessed in another place, far away, inconsistent without her, and she didn't know if she would ever discover where it was and if she would be part of it.”
I read normal people and ended up shocked because the book has actually NORMAL PEOPLE.
what a frustrating book, I really don't know what to think about it. the story goes round and round and always stops at exactly the same place, it surprises me that I still cheered for marianne and for connel to get together.
first, I want to talk about marianne, the character that I liked the most in the book
If there's a character who needs therapy, it's her. throughout the book I felt sorry for her. marianne has such a distorted view of herself that I had a lot of agony reading certain parts. she lives in a self-deprecating role and doesn't see herself beyond it.
studying psychology, I can look at marianne through the cognitive model, she clearly has worthlessness and unlovability core beliefs, she thinks she is bad, that there is something bad inside her and that she is not worthy of love, and the behaviors that she has, keep this belief, because she only gets involved with people who treat her badly and always tries to keep connel away (which is sometimes a idiot). by doing this, she manages to “prove to herself” that she is bad and will never be loved.
now, let’s jump into connel and marianne, I must say, I had a love and hate relationship with these two, at the same time that I was rooting for them, I felt like they were so boring and problematic. there was a lack of basic communication between them, like saying what you want for the relationship, what you need to stay, that kind of thing, sometimes they didn't stay together due to lack of communication. it got to a point where it was difficult to know if they were good or bad for each other, because at the same time that they complement one another, they were delaying each other.
Now, what I thought about the author's writing and pace of the book. I found it boring how the author took the events, I felt that the story was jumping into something good and all of a sudden “three weeks later” and it was another event, it was difficult to connect with the story. another thing that bothered me were the flashbacks, during the chapter I was lost in where was a memory and where was the present, I think there was a lack of signaling by the author.
I'm not even going to talk about the lack of signal in the lines, a real terror!
I end here, giving 3/5, because despite being frustrating, I enjoyed the story.
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b-oovies · 2 years
Pessoas Normais, 2022.
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1ª temporada.
aqui dublado e aqui legendado.
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yolandadiamante · 1 year
"Temos que entender quando uma pessoa não quer conversar, que quer apenas ficar no canto dela ouvindo seus próprios pensamentos".
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incenddiare · 11 months
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"Você se escora esperando resistência e tudo se dissolve bem na sua frente."
Pessoas normais
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la-zu-li · 1 year
Ele se curva e beija sua testa. Eu jamais machucaria você, o.k.?, ele diz. Nunca. Ela assente e não diz nada. Você me faz muito feliz, ele diz. Sua mão se move pelo cabelo dela, e ele acrescenta: Eu te amo. Não estou falando só por falar, amo mesmo. Os olhos dela se enchem de lágrimas outra vez e ela os fecha. Até nas lembranças ela achará este momento insuportavelmente intenso, e tem consciência disso agora, enquanto ele acontece. Nunca se achou digna de ser amada por alguém. Mas agora tem uma vida nova, da qual este é o primeiro momento, e mesmo depois que muitos anos se passarem, ela ainda vai pensar: Sim, foi aí o começo da minha vida.
Pessoas Normais, Sally Rooney
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marycastblogs · 2 years
Eu estou sempre doando minha melhor versão, mais as pessoas sempre enxergam a pior parte de mim, aquela que tanto dói e quer fugir daqui.
_ Mary Cast
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atmissella · 1 year
"Não sei o que há de errado comigo, diz Marianne. Não sei por que não consigo ser que nem as pessoas normais. A voz dela soa bizarramente fria e distante, como uma gravação de sua voz reproduzida depois que ela já foi embora ou partiu para outro lugar."
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wait38 · 2 years
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livrosdakamila · 1 year
agora sabia que não era nada poderosa, e que viveria e morreria em um mundo de extrema violência contra os inocentes, e no máximo ela poderia ajudar só algumas pessoas
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hesmorphine · 3 months
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Normal People headers
made by me. pls DON'T repost Xx
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rotinaparalela · 1 year
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Normal People (2020)
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pickwickclube · 2 years
🛋️ Há mais ou menos 1 ano atrás decidi que iria ler no feriado do dia 7 de setembro o livro “Pessoas Normais” da Sally Rooney, sem grandes expectativas iniciei e o terminei no mesmo dia. A história de Marianne e Connell me fascinou, a forma de abordar relacionamentos contemporâneos como a Rooney faz é encantador e febril.
📗 Resolvi revisitar meus sentimentos quanto a leitura dessa obra, fico embasbacada em como em um ano mudei tanto e o livro, ainda assim, acompanhou esses padrões. No ano anterior jurei pegar mais uma obra da autora, infelizmente falhei, mas não quer dizer que desisti de entender melhor como ela ver o mundo.
🎞️ Gosto de frisar que em, minha opinião, a adaptação para serie (Normal People - Hulu) é sem dúvidas, uma grande responsável por conceber ainda mais beleza na obra da Sally. Acredito que livro e serie, nesse caso, estão intrínsecos, no qual um complementa o outro brilhantemente.
Continuo firme em indicar Pessoas Normais como um livro para bisbilhotar muitos romances jovens do século XXI.
🛋️ PS: Como todo feriado (ou quase todo) planejo também ler alguma obra por inteiro, creio (por enquanto kkkk) que a escolhida desse ano será “Água Viva” da Clarice Lispector, espero que eu seja fisgada para poder voltar aqui daqui um ano e poder reafirmar meus votos de amor e estima pelo livro.
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I love being on my favorite place with my cat anakin, btw I miss watching and reading normal people <3
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shereadss · 18 days
"Bom, não me sinto digna de amor. Acho que eu tenho um tipo pouco amável de... Eu tenho uma certa frieza, sou difícil de gostar."
Pessoas normais, Sally Rooney
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