#pizza debate
Luigi: What’s one thing you think tastes amazing that everyone else thinks is weird.
Mario: Pizza crust dipped in coffee.
Luigi: ...
Bowser: You’re right, that is weird.
Mario: Least I don’t put pineapple on mine.
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nextinline-if · 2 years
k gotta a new pizza debate for some of y’all
My partner said corn is okay on pizza! He said it’s an English thing! I told him I would be posting on tumblr to shame him.
I mean, who the eats corn on pizza? it’s wrong.
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fluffyyymocha · 1 year
I got polls. I've been given power.
[distant manic laughter]
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Pineapple on pizza is always the debate
But what about...
Anchovies on pizza ( it's delicious by the way I'm a fan)
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superkirbylover · 11 months
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pizza tower but they're WOMEN (and one guy)
if i were to name them it would be, from left to right: ms stick (stick in general seems unmarried), peppina, gustava, brickette, noise, and noisette. reason noise and noisette don't swap names is 1) funny, and 2) noisette in french stands for hazelnut and i feel like with him running a cafe it fits too well to change. also these two just feel very gender nonconforming, hence why noise still keeps her moustache in costume
also peppina is still a hairy italian woman imo. we need more hairy women anyhow
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spac3trash · 2 months
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love you so <3
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kierreras · 11 months
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THE SUMMER I TURNED PRETTY s2e03 «love sick»
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kate-bot · 3 months
I just wanna thank you again for the art based on my fanfic! You had every detail perfect!! I appreciate it so so so so much!!!
EEEE OF COURSE!!!!! I’m so glad i got the details right!! I reread it a bunch of times to make sure I wasn’t missing anything LOL i’m usually quite bad at interpreting the details in fanfic but i think you did a really really good job of making everything clear … so im really happy i was able to do it justice!!! :D
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Also i genuinely love them so much it was an absolute pleasure… i am obsessed with this being their origin story i will be first in line for the next chapter im so serious (no rush though heheh!!!)
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So what’s next on the ingredients list for da pizza?
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Peppino: "O-oh, that's-a very sweet of you. It might be a bit soon for me to use the word 'friends', but I'll keep you all in mind if I'm in a situation that calls for a little box with a hundred voices, haha."
Peppino: "But, to get back on topic! For the goggles, I'll see what I can find, and let Pep choose. And for-a right now, I need to finish chopping for the sauce, but, yes, cheese is next."
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Peppino: "I suppose Pep could prepare the cheese while I finish, but... Uh... Hmm..."
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buttercup-barf · 7 months
Bunch'a floatin' heads showing The Timeline of The Man in my eyes.
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Baby chef -> """Tomboy""" who hates going to church -> Trans guy in his "mullet will give me so much rizz (it won't)" arc.
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THE WAR -> Saddest wet puppy shortly after the war arc -> Pencil Peppina jumpscare. (I simply did not have a Final Peppino to put here.)
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toastedjeans · 3 months
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Saw this image in my mind shortly before falling asleep so i had to draw it. Thinking of his shark boyfriend.....
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nextinline-if · 2 years
What are the ROs' favorite pizza toppings? Mine are chicken, sausage, pepperoni, bacon, mushrooms, bell pepper, and black olives (not green olives).
Wow, you like a lot of toppings, huh? I really am basic.
Margaret: bacon, olives (any), red peppers
Constantine: all the meats… 😳
Felix: pepperoni and different combos like with bacon, sausage, beef, or chicken. Only two at a time.
F: just cheese
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nyx-of-darkness-1620 · 3 months
Please tag anyone you know, this needs to be settled
@aaronofithaca05 @jarondont @that-lesbian-gurl @the-decapod @luriuan @some-horse-gurl
Help me please
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malzykins · 1 year
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//wip do u guys like tubes :]
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stinkypeanutbutter · 1 month
ra ra ra rating SBG ships out of sheer unknown impulse
if that makes sense
Aidlyn : 9 . 5 / 10 just cause
sigh . . Guys . . I hate them . I’m kidding but not really . I love them so much I hate them 😿😿 yes yes I know they are overrated and stinky but I LIVE THEM !!!! Plus , I made way too much fanart of them to just be like “ lame , 3 / 10 “ 😹😹😹 ( they SUCKK !!!!! ) love their dynamic ,
Taylyn : 7 . 6 / 10
being honest , they aight . LISTEN !! They just aren’t my favorite . But they are very cutie patootie so they get like uhmsmm yea I could totally see it still . They have their moments , so I do like them quite a bit . :3
Tyden : 9 / 10
I looovooeee them they are so silly so pookie best so shriveled almonds don’t ask anyway I love them . Their dynamic is so silly the bickering is so osisozozojdhsva anyway they would be good together , they have that vibe to eachother and it fits really well
Ashgan ( is that how it is ?? Idk it has Logan and ashlyn ) : 3 / 10
Mmmm nah . Nope . I don’t mean that in a “ this SUXKS I HOPE IT BURNS !!! “ way , more like aaaaa “ It’s notttt it . “ way . I seen them more as siblings lowkey like listen guys they are such big bro little sis vibes you hear me ??? Pslspls
Benlor : 7 . 7 / 10
Also not a favorite ngl . It’s cute , but idk there’s just something there that makes it hard to see but also see st the same time if you get it . Hopefully y’all understand my writing and don’t feel annoyed by it woosys. Anyway , they are cute , but I don’t ship it as much as the others . Maybe it’s cause I just hate drawing ben 😹😹☝️☝️
Tygan : 6 / 10
i like it , it’s silly , I can mayyybeee see it but I don’t like it as much as others may . I need more interacting between them yk ? I ship based on reason like their interactions how they feel about eachother what they done yada yada , and I just might ship them more if they did silly things together more often , and it’s the way their personalities are in some waysysyss . No hate , they cute 🫶😇
yhhh what’s next uhmsm Benlyn : 3 . 5 / 10
can’t see it personally , they don’t interact as much and we might see it more in the future ofc but rn I’m kinda dead on them . They have potential I’ll give them that but they aren’t it for me . ☝️ Plus I see them more like cousins who see eachother once every 5 months or just on thanksgiving yet they hit it off pretty quickly . ( I don’t see them as actual cousins , that’s just rhe dynamic they give me ) :3
Aidgan :
idk how half of these ship names but ushmmm nah not that much . Maybe it’s just Cause Aiden’s and Logan’s personality difference issss . . Different . Can I say that ? Idk it’s just kinda hard to see between them and I see them more as buddies who team together every science project becahse one of them is better at one thing then the other . Also , team cause friendhsip is magic . 🦶💥
Taylog : 7 . 5 / 10
Seriously I couldn’t tell what it was and I thought “ taygan “ but NO MORE it’s taylog now like eggnog or something anyway they are pretty cute I’d say , I can see it but also not really but also quite a bit if you get me . They are very silly together , I like their dynamic throughout sbg and they would be a good pair in some way or another , would maybe ship :3
Ashler : 7 . 4 / 10
Mmmmmm silly , it’s cute , they bicker , I like the bickering . Buttttt I don’t ship it that much . Usually I say that and give it a high rating just why not , its cute just not for me . As everyone else , they certainly changed a lot throughout the comic and their dynamic became more clear and also potential showed . Soosooo
guys idk what other ships there are pleas whlep me I’ll rate polyships next time give me names I can’t think of anymore pslsplspslpsls
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he cooka da pizza
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