#please I'm listening to all of pretty odd again and again rn
bunn-iiii · 1 year
Absolutely fucking crazy about George Ryan Ross the III
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potionpeddlerpatchy · 11 months
Patchy! My darling, my sweet, my beloved, hello! :3
I’ve just seen your ask and I am working on responding rn! It is so sweet of u to wanna know more of my selfships; to encourage and enable me >:3.
While I’m working on my reply, I thought I would indulge you too!
So please, tell me anything you’d like about one or multiple self ships you have my dear~. I am listening diligently 🫶🏾.
And if u needed specific questions to get your thoughts started:
Would your fave(s) of choice be the type that enjoys matching or coordinated outfits with you?
What do you think their thoughts are when they hear your laugh?
What part of you do they tend to look at most?
How do they like to hold your hand? Clasping hands? Interlocking fingers? Linking pinkies? One of you grabbing the other’s thumb? Or maybe they like when you take a hold of their arm?
How do you think you would design/decorate a house with your fave(s)?
I KISS U :D 💋💋💋
I do need questions cause I am so dumb that I can't ever think of self-ship stuffs for myself, it's almost embarrassing😑
Alright, let's break out the love of my life Sero for this one; cause I can totally answer these questions no problem with him 😋
We do like coordinating outfits together, though we only tend to do this when we planned to go out somewhere; so if we're going out for in impromptu ice cream date or going grocery shopping we won't match. And we tend to coordinate rather than match, so we'd look similar most of the time, but on the odd occasion, we'll wear the same print and take cute pictures! He's also got great style, I am so blessed
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And Sero ADORES my laughter and all the different kinds there are. Like his heart melts at my little giggles, or when I chuckle silently but my body shaking betrays me. But he cannot help but feel triumphant and laugh loudly along with me when I full-on cackle at something. It doesn't really suit me and that's why he loves it the most.
I tend to focus on Sero's hands the most, for which he calls me a perv 😒, but in reality he's the perv because he stares at my lips all the time. Almost as if he's mesmerized by them. When I'm talking, his eyes are just glued to them. I tease him a lot over it, asking if he wants a kiss, which of course he does. He just thinks they're a nice shape and lead to a pretty smile 😊
I prefer holding arms, just something a little more intimate with that. But that being said, oftentimes I find myself linking pinkies with Sero. Just something small so we can stay connected but not have to deal with sweaty hands all the time, which I am not a fan of. Though if we're eating out at a restaurant, we'll entwine our hands at the table. Yes it may cause issues with eating, but its worth it 💛
And we all know that Sero has a very zen sense of style and decor! I prefer cozy, so we do our best to incorporate both into our living spaces. Though our offices are COMPLETELY different, as is his sort of TV/Gaming room. But again, they're our own little spaces. Together it's a mix of both!
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And of course, as we all know cause I wrote it, we but we have a beautiful rock/zen garden he made
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silentxxsoul · 2 years
The 'this is going to be hella chaotic bc its week 3 wee woo and week 4 tyler higbee please go off i need the points' reaction dump
Listen I'm like deadlocked this week in fantasy football and really need my guy Tyler to show OUT against the 49ers but I'm also invested in all things Bathena so this could not be a worse scenario for my mediocre focusing skills.
I've got so many screens going at once idk how this is gonna go lmao
Lord help me when its playoff baseball and NHL bc 💀
Anyway, gimme all the Bathena tonight PLEASE. I feel like we've only really gotten crumbs from them since COVID hit and Peter and Angela took a step back (also Angela filming BP2), and I'm so, so hyped for more1
The way the actress is playing Athena's mom is talking with her hands is soooo Athena. IDK if it was a conscious decision or not but I love that little detail.
Man, that had to be so terrifying and traumatizing for her
The fact that the foundation was so exposed is sus, but also the timeline is hella confusing. I feel like Jr's dad was only mentioning it so that Athena would question her dad more and not look at him, the guy who poured the foundation. Plus the odd looks Junior was giving his dad--the man knows something.
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Bobby being supportive husband ♥♥♥
my lil tyler bud out there doing tight end thins
Honestly, props to Athena for recognizing she really doesn't know who her dad is beyond her house. A lot of family members can't take the blinders off (literally happening in my family rn) or refuse to entertain the idea their family members might be a bad person.
Wait - they both snuck out ??? I mean, that explains the quick change from wanting to shoot Athena point blank and then inviting her inside, but yikes
Something definitely happens at this party, I can feel it. Then Junior and his dad cover up by hiding her body in the foundation. That's the reason for the girls hearing the truck...
Also, I'm still not convinced JR isn't a bit sus outright, especially after the comment about chasing Athena around. He's clearly older--old enough to be passable for drinking age, probably 15/16/17, so that's 10ish on Athena. It's a bit gross to think he was chasing her or however they worded it being that much older than her.
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Bobby is about to lose his shit. Like I can see why he'd take her in, but also I can't actually believe they're taking her in.
Is he going to try something ??
Well, actually he is but you don't know that yet
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Oh look Matty boy got sacked again lololol
oh christ woman why didn't you put it up?
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Unrelated but Kittle my guy, I'm gonna need you to get some yards here in the next 3 quarters okay?
Always with the villain monologue. I remember in the promo Athena clocked a dude with a shovel and I was pretty sure it was Jr, so like give it a little more oomph
I mean this dude is a fucking creep, right?
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kinda poetic it's going to end here though, she can get her peace while he gets justice where it all happened.
Okay, so I knew this was going to be a heavy episode but holy shit was this a heavy episode I mean ----
Holy shit there were more
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I'm just
holy shit that ending
I -
I need 3-5 bus days to process yall bc WHAT
Like, this was such a good episode. I know people will be booing because it was Bathena only "aNd noT tHe 118", but y'all this was fucking fantastic. The acting, the story, the execution. Like, the TWISTS. I knew it was likely to be a plot of this kind but the way they got there I was not expecting. Also, to get the supportive!Bobby and his dad-glasses moments ?? S - W - O - O - N
Plus bad ass Athena again? Clocking the shit out of that creep? Doing detective things with her hubby? In this economy??
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((tyler you're doing great sweetie!!!))
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iwadori · 3 years
Haikyu boys when they take a joke/prank too far (Iwaizumi,Daichi)
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Word count: 1.9K
AN: In the spirit of April Fools I tried to make my first work based on that I hope you enjoy!! (LOL I can’t actually believe this was the first thing I’ve ever written)
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“Okay so it’s April Fools Day who are we going to prank?” asked Makki “One of the first years?”
“Do we have to prank someone this year..” replied Iwaizumi “so childish”
“Iwa-Chan!” Oikawa said “Don’t be such a spoil sport.”
“Anyways, it can’t be a first year they’re boring to prank a first year coach will be mad at us, we need someone else.”
Just then, you enter the gym, catching their eye as you approach the group sitting on Iwaizumi’s lap “Hey babe, I can still come over to yours to study right?” you ask.
“Yeah of course, practice finishes early so I'll be there before you.” He said
“Alright, see you then bye babe, bye guys” you said, giving Iwaizumi a kiss on the cheek sauntering off and waving at Makki, Mattsun and Oikawa.
“bye Y/N!” They teasingly responded in unison making you laugh.
As they watched you leave, it seemed as if a lightbulb pinged off in all of their heads (besides Iwaizumi) realizing who would be a great person to prank.  
After a lot of convincing, they finally got Iwaizumi in on the ‘harmless’ plan, all they needed to do now is wait on your arrival.
You’re finally done with school after a long and tiring day of exams upon exams and wanting nothing more than to cuddle with your boyfriend (after he teaches you Pythagoras theorem of course.) You did think he was acting weird when you met him this morning in the gym and throughout break and lunch but you just concluded that it was because he was having an ‘off’ day.
You reached his house and used a copy of his key that he gave you to enter we just enter houses up in this bitch  calling out his name “Zumi-babe, I'm here...”  
“Lets get this shit over with” you said tiredly
Upon entering, you notice none of the lights being on or curtains drawn ‘odd’ you think. You go upstairs going straight to his room hopefully to find your boyfriend in his bed or on his Xbox or something. To your surprise his bedroom door was somehow locked shut (even though not having a lock on his door anyways.) Suddenly, you hear creaks slowly trailing up the stairs and an eerie feeling surrounds you... now you start to feel pretty panicked jiggling the door handle to Iwaizumi’s door as it’s practically the only place you can go.
AN: I hate what I’m writing rn but onwards we right
The footsteps on the stairs start to quicken, and you almost certain that you felt something brush pass your shoulder only adding onto the panic and anxiety that you already feel. Ok, the footsteps on the stairs are basically right near you, so doing the only logical thing you can do you body slam the ‘person’ on the stairs as you motherfuckin should  as tears fill your eyes and you pick up bag bolting through the front door, slamming it shut now in full tears and shakingly scared.
You look behind you and see Iwaizumi’s front door re-open and out comes the ‘iNFaMouS sEiJOh fOuR’ in tears... of laughter. It seems that the boys were in laughing fits that their prank ‘payed off’ getting a reaction out of you. You couldn’t see Iwaizumi’s reaction, but you didn’t care you were hurt, annoyed and wanting to get into your bed.
Once you get home, you decide to block your so called ‘friends’ who decided to make you scared shitless and ignored Iwaizumi’s messages asking “where were you today”.... the AUDACITY.  
The next day, the boy’s seemed to realize the consequences of their actions after spending the whole day trying to get your attention only to be straight up ignored. Iwaizumi is immensely regretful after all his efforts to try talking to you were denied, he decided after his practice he was going to get you to talk to him or at least get you to listen to his apologies on what happened yesterday evening.
You left your clubroom and made your way to the school gate to go home.
“Y/N!” shouted Iwaizumi touching your shoulder making you flinch ‘wow did we really scare her that bad?”  
“What do you want iwa?” You asked very agitated
“Y/N I just want to apologize for yesterday, since it was April fools day and all the boys really wanted to prank someone and I-it just happened to be-”
“It just happened to be me. Right?” you interrupted “Gosh Iwaizumi, I was really scared.. I already had a tiring day and all I wanted was my boyfriend to teach me the stupid Pythagoras Theorem and cuddle me afterwards, but no you and your friends just had to be dicks for a day” you turn around planning to walk away before he grabs you again  
“Wait! Just wait y/n, im sorry and I wont ever prank you like that again” he pleaded
“.. and i’ll help you study?” he added pulling the sweetest face of all time to try and convince you  
“ugh, fine stop pulling that face... and you better teach me Pythagoras Theorem” you said rolling your eyes
“yeah yeah whatever you say y/n” he said pulling you under his arm and walking in the direction of his house.
A/N: WOW I DID NOT like the way this turned out but its my first official thing that I wrote hopefully HOPEFULLY MY WORK IMPROVES (I THINK IT WILL) SO please join me on this ‘ride’ in improving my work  
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You decided this morning that you were NOT going to participate in your annual April Day Fool’s prank with Tanaka and Noya... only because of your not-so new boyfriend Daichi saying he didn’t need his teammates corrupting you any longer so you decided to not get involved. With that being said you wouldn’t even think of your boyfriend pulling a prank on you so you didn’t think you’re getting pranked today.
In the gym, the boys were doing the usual: Hinata and Kageyama running after eachother, Tanaka and Noya oogling Kiyoko, Tsukishima listening to music, Yama and Yachi going over club schedules whilst Daichi sat with Sugawara and Asahi.
“So are you pranking anyone today?” sugawara asked
“Pranking someone, isn’t that a bit too juvenile suga?” Asahi replied
“Not you silly, Daichi” said sugawara “With Y/N on his arm they always have to stay on eachothers toes right..she’s a ‘jokester’ right?”
“...right?” Daichi hadn’t thought of it that way, he did know of all your joking escapades before you even got together and how you still liked to joke around now as you date.. He didn’t want you to think that you thought he was too boring for you ?
“Ok. What type of prank should I pull on her..”
Daichi, Sugawara and Asahi (who didn’t really contribute to Suga’s scheming) made a plan for you to meet him at the gym locker with the claims that he had a ‘surprise’ for you .. oh how he was wrong.
Daichi: meet me at the gym locker I have something to show you  
Y/N: Ok!! I’ll be there in 5 minutes
Daichi was nervous, and that was an understatement he didn’t want things to go left and have you thinking he couldn’t even do a simple prank. Once you got there, he saw heard you talking to Sugawara and Asahi outside the door about him wondering where he was in which Suga told you inside the locker room.
“Hey babe” you greeted “what's the occasion in why we’re in here?”
“I...uh..um I need to get something one second” Daichi spoke quickly and rushed out the room closing the door leaving you confused. Minutes passed, and you were now impatient and kinda scared since the room was dusty, dark and cold definitely not your place to be in. You tried texting Daichi but just your luck you have no service ://  
As time went on you tried opening the door but it was jammed shut no hope opening at all you forgot you left your bag outside which of course had your inhaler which did not help the sudden shortness of breath you started to get because of your asthma and claustrophobia. All you wanted was to get out of this room and talk to … Daichi.
Daichi. How convenient that he manage to slip away before the door got closed hmm but he wouldn’t intentionally prank you after ALL the lectures he gave you about not doing pranks this year right?
You didn’t notice how you started to cry and whimper wanting to leave.
On the outside, Daichi heard your cries and ordered Sugawara and Asahi to find the key to immediately get you out which it seems to take a while because Daichi has now stopped hearing your tears making him gulp in fear thinking something bad has happened to you in there.
Sugawara comes to you handing Daichi the keys, his handing shaking as he tries to unlock the door when he eventually does he finds you passed out on the ground of the dusty storage room. Very cliché I know ://
You wake up in the Nurses Office a bit confused on how you got there until your eyes land upon Daichi, remembering how you locked you in the Storage room where you had an asthma attack and passed out. You turned your body away from Daichi not wanting to talk to him right now after the hypocrisy he did.
“Y/N.. Are you alright?” He asked
“Do I look alright?” You responded in a bored tone
“I am really sorry Y/N... I know what I said to you about not doing pranks this year but Sugawara roped me into this and I didn’t want you to think I was too boring for you so I thought doing this prank would make you see me in a different light” he said
“yeah i saw you in a different light alright” you sassed, you then realised what he said ‘too boring’ kind of feeling less mad and more sad that he feels this way “Dai, you’d never be to boring for me … you’re one of the most funness is that a word? guys I've ever met.”
“really?” he asked  
“Of course! I’m kind of still mad at you for letting this happen but I do sort of understand why” you said giving him a hug.
You were eventually cleared to go home and as you left the clinic you saw Asahi and Sugawara standing at the door.  
“Y/N WE’RE SORRY” they bowed to you waiting on your responses
You chuckled slightly at their cuteness and ruffled both of their hair “all is forgiven, just make sure there’s ‘pranks’ this year “
Which they agreed upon.  
A/N: WOW I DID NOT like the way these turned out but its my first official thing that I wrote hopefully HOPEFULLY MY WORK IMPROVES (I THINK IT WILL) SO please join me on this ‘ride’ in improving my work. Feedback is VERY MUCH APPRECIATED and request too since I will literally write whatever...
I may do a part 2 … any particular characters people want?
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Season 3 notes popping off
due to my desire to not completely fail all my classes this year i made myself slow down significantly while listening to this season, and the fact that the other person i'm listening along with had to catch up. We've managed to convert several other people to start listening and its pretty great.
ep 81: what does it even mean to be chosen by one of them? And if he was chosen by the eye. we know Gertrude wasnt? Because she cut the eyes out of the magazines?
ep 82: elias lmao. I understand why people like him so much bahshdhdk i thought he was gonna snitch on Jon but he didnt so he's fine. Ok but how do we think he knew all that stuff. Idk probably just institute connections. I love the fact that the recorder just wants to record stuff randomly bjahsjdhd. Elias feels a lot like Michael in the sense that he knows more than he should and talks in a way that implies he just wants to wait and see how things play out for his own benefit. I understand him knowing the things that happened but his description of her emotions implies something paranormal. Maybe he's connected to one of the entities. Which one I cannot guess.
ep 83: did a file get delivered randomly to the place he's staying at? Probably elias lmao. He thinks the mannequin is related to the stranger. Idk I would believe it.
ep 84: worms? I know he says earth worms but idk. Again? Is she making gordon golems out of trash? Martin popping off. You can tell the statements get to him more that they get to Jon. How come martin is so mad about it? I want to assume he just doesnt want her to get stuck there but idk. Jude Perry. The calliope organ. Jon heard a circus in one of the last episodes
ep 89: he's talking to perry? Like jude Perry? He says ... God? Is that what it is? Lmao. The Desolation. Jon is tired of ppl being vague and not telling him stuff lmao. Oh God Jon is so confused. Compel her? Is she assuming he has some kind of power? Does he have powers? Hmm. im agreeing with jon here please jesus christ why does everyone have to be so cryptic. Just say what you mean. "maybe you get an itchy eye" bahasjkdfklsjdf girl what. Agnes saved her? Oh this is the girl from the cafe story? So theres the Cult of the Lightless Flame? They worship whatever entity this is? The Desolation? Why do they all seem like they sorta worship her then? Is Gretchen gonna die oh god. fuckin michael. a different michael aaah. i see. dont do it shes gonna burn you. sir. please. sir dont you dare do- WHAT DID I SAY what did you think was gonna happen hhh.
ep 90: try to make it less obvious you're trying to get fired big T. Elias that doesnt sound like the most healthy thing to do. oh dear is this gonna be triggering for me. uuuuuh. uuuuuuuuuh. doesnt seem like it ok gonna keep listening. Jared. hmmmmm. Ok we've seen Keay and hotner or whatever his name was.
ep 91: Michael Crew. Oh is this the lightning scar guy. Mister jon sir did you just die. No? God everyone is so fuckin cryptic. Say normal things please. They all just like to go on about pain and agony and j e s u s c h r i s t we get it you got hurted by whatever thing. So theyre avatars? question mark? Jude Perry is an avatar of The Desolation? hhhh fractals. thats a spiral thing innit. Yup. messing with your perceptions. God they all talk about feeding their god and feeding that which feeds them and. hh what does that meann. Leave big J. please. uh oh. is it daisy? how come he has the web lighter still? the tape recorder just turns on sometimes you know how it is. So he can compel people? not that he knows it obviously but. a bit wack. powers go brr i guess? If the eye just wants knowledge i guess he feeds it by getting the statements? b/c i doubt it wants him to murder ppl or whatever.
ep 92: elias you all knowing fuck what do you know. (i guess all given what i just said) Lukas. Heard of them before. Mordecai Lukas. Loneliness. The lonely even. Jonah Magnus. Elias ur sounding like a bit of a dickhead rn. lmao jon's just like "i dont care" elias what is ur deal. Why does he want to tie her in. ohh i see. lmao theyre all just like "elias why" The Unknowing lol seems very much like something the eye wouldnt like. lol elias is gettin all philosophical. what does it really mean to be human. this still doesnt answer why gertrude wanted to destroy the archives tho.
ep 93: bahsjdfh he seems so dead inside rip. awww admiral. i love him already. ghh breacon and hope. purple mold. doesnt sound like anything we've seen so far. I think the funniest explanation for breacon and hope is that they dont actually serve the stranger they just kinda happen to be a random neutral party that cart around random spooky entity related stuff. ooooh. when we hear the slight static of the tape recorder it's cuz he's compelling ppl.
ep 94: the end! listen man they were all just grayed up for 4/13.
ep 95: the end also? death but also savagery/ animalistic shit. aww martin. lmao becerra. she's just been chillin in the corner.
ep 96: return to sender. haha minecraft go brr. prediction: breacon and hope? yup there we go. jon why is there an echo. are you in a stairwell? is he gonna eat it- yup. how did i call it. unsure abt what theyre talking about but ok. they kidnapped someone? Sarah Baldwin. ooooh that guy.
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ok im just putting this here so i have notes for when nicholas gets to this part. It seems like (from jon's conversation with jude perry) that the desolation and the eye are kinda at odds with eachother? like i guess not directly but it seems like they dont really vibe? so how could be with both. Cuz if he has the heat powers and shit then we know he's an avatar of the desolation. but then why does he have so much eye imagery. also he got burned intentionally? like jude did when she went on her monologue about the feeling of burning? but then why did he wear the eye pendant. it stops him from being burned all the way which seems like he's not fully accepting the fire or whatever.
Nooooo I lost like a bunch of my notes rip. I keep forgetting to save.
Ep 104: tim gives a coherent statement without jon even being there. Ugh. Fucking robert smirk. Dont like him. Joey. Dont recognize the name. The show must go on. Clown. The spooky circus?
ep 105: total war... shogun 2? jon is just understanding languages again. "if i understood mandarin or cantonese" are you sure you dont big man?
ep 106: havent we heard this one already? mans in space? oh no this is just another episode in space. fairchild... uuuh. cant remember. oh! this is related to that! this is one of the ppl from the other side. sounds like a Vast thing. oh he's the one that the dude saw? but that guy didnt have a face... she's sorta like jon. wanting to dismiss the statements. lmao i love the workplace gossip. ace jon for the win! oh cmon elias dont be a dick. sunny meadows or whatever. thats the place we heard about.
ep 107: oh great is it jude perry again. Third Degree. bahahsdkfj she was arrested. sorry but imagining this old british lady getting arrested is funny. she was trying to resurrect him. using the skin book. he's not feeling well. jon take a nap. i wonder if this is what happens when he uses his powers too much. He gets into The Zone when he reads statements lol. didn't we have a burning train car in anothre statement? is it julia fairchild? bahahahs "kidnapped. Again." poor jon honestly. julia... about her dad. daughter of the murder shed guy? hunting like your dad liked to hunt or normal people hunting. oh hunting vampires!
ep 108: melanie has been suffering. poor martin peter lukas why do you have to be like this. can he not just use the front door? does he have to bother the ppl doing statements?
ep 109: how come he cut her off? kinda rude tbh. its either jon's influence or there was smth he didnt want her saying. is it gerard on the table? this sounds kinda like smth from one of the university episodes. is it the closed eye on the hand? yup. he's like one of the students! if the thing listening in is elias then... he can do that without the tape recorder yknow. plus who's to say it wont just turn itself on again
110: who wants to bet its a leitner?
111: Lukas related to The Lonely. I used to not like Gerard that much but i like him more now. but i thought there were 15? ohhh thats right isnt flesh newer? gerry for the win honestly. finally telling jon things.
112: lol "again" no one ever tells any of these ppl anything. tim and basira are just out of the loop constantly. music, like the war episodes. The hunt or the slaughter? probably the hunt. so Daisy is related to the hunt right? basira likes the reading, she's doing fine at the institute. daisy's getting worried...
113: it just turned on randomly. what is it lol. explossives! oh boy. why do they always assume he turned it on intentionally. melanie youre not making me like you that much. which entity is this about i cant tell. lol he was disappointed it was just the end. The title Breathing Room made me think it was gonna be about the buried but i guess not. So many of these entities deal with death but the end is one that deals in just death. it has no need for fancy deaths, just death is enough
114: more hilltop road statements? the tree. oh boy. ok the tree has 8 arms obviously theres the spider parallels. was she taken into an alternate universe? oh no. jon tries to phrase things so he's not asking questions. thats honestly good. "sometimes i was kidnapped" oh dear. they got gertrude. daisy ur so odd lmao. who wants to bet they dont know the tape recorder's running?
115: silaca? or whatever? antique man? meat grinder... related to the meat is meat episode? oh wow. they buy antiques from him. maybe dont antagonize this creature which can kill you?
116: lol theyre all just so done with elias. music? is it like the one band that if you hear them you die or wtvr. oh its chess? i am very much confused. mmm stranger go brr. gorilla skin? oh shit the dance. woah. this is so good. this is so gender. the words are wonderful. "you can just say tim" lmao trying to fool elias never feels like a good idea.
117: except elias lmaoo. oh shit. leitner getting some use for once idk. bruuh poor melanie she has been thru so much shit. martin you can just say youre worried about jon. lol he's so accurate in his jon impression. lol who was that. was that daisy? lmaoo. oop hi tim. oh god i hope tim doesnt die. i feel like i wouldve heard about that? but im not sure. destroying the source of knowledge is gonna be hard for jon. yay jon! you did a good thing. let him rest.
118: go off martin lmao. awww poor martin. oh god the tape gets that squealy quality and its awful.
119: woah. lots of things happening. uhh. POP OFF TIM!!
120: lmao elias giving a statement about jon's dreams lol. damn jon doesnt even get his own dreams? has to stay Watching even when he's asleep? f in the chat this man goes thru so much shit. oh boy its peter. lol martin my beloved. idk i dont trust peter.
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FINALLY SOMEONE WITH OPEN REQUESTS THANK YOU 🥰🤗 This will suddenly take a dArK tUrN- can you do a Paladins (and Allura) x dying reader? Haha idk but I'm in it for the angst and crying 👌👏 You seem like a wonderful person so keep on being wonderful (*˘︶˘*).。*♡
my cousin gave me the BIGGEST judgemental side eye when she asked what I was writing about and I told her character deaths, I’m tryna not to fite, y’all I ain’t gonna lie imma throw hands frfr
also, so sorry this took so long, I’m pretty sure I rewrote it like five times tryna get it to my damn satisfaction (which is such a nasty habit, don’t reread you’re own shit if you want an honest opinion on it y’all)
also also, I’m on mobile rn so I can’t cut it so just so all y’all know:
this is a long one bois so if you wanna skip around they’ll all be colored as per usual and the order is: Shiro, Lance, Hunk, Keith, Pidge, Allura
please enjoy lovers🥺💜🌸
The battle wasn’t an easy one by any means, it was touch and go for the whole team. You knew it wasn’t gonna end well, but that had never stopped you from putting forth your all. You swung your weapon, keeping your enemies at bay as much as you possibly could. Your team was all over the place, the enemy having succeeded in separating everyone in hopes of tipping the odds in their favor. It worked.
You couldn’t keep up alone. Fighting had always been instinct to you, you had never felt so overwhelmed as you had in that moment. They were closing in and you had nowhere left to go and no tricks left up your sleeve. You were stuck, and there weren't any quick enough plans to keep you out of harm's way this time.
You held your ground for as long as you could, refusing to give in easily. You fought until your limbs were too exhausted to move and your breathing was too shallow to continue. It was in a moment of hesitation from sluggish movements that they finally overtook you, and you felt pain spread through you, worse than any you had ever felt before.
You heard shouts of panic, you listened as the battle got thicker and the enemy retreated, you smiled at the sound of victory. Your team shouted in excitement, another battle well fought, another win for Voltron.
Attempting to sit up, you felt pain rush your body once again, causing you to groan. Your team's cheers quickly died down as they took in your situation. Before you knew it, your head was being cradled by the person you wanted to see the most at this moment. Their eyes were filled with concern and tears were brimming. You attempted a soft smile, in hopes of comforting them. Your breathing was shaky as the brushed your hair away from your eyes.
“You’re going to be okay.” They promised.
Your last thoughts were of your family, earth, the realization you’ll never feel rain on your face again, of your team, who you hated abandoning, and finally, of the one person you hated leaving the most. You knew you weren’t making it out of this one, you despised you were going to pass in their arms. You wished you could turn back time and fight a little harder, you wished things could be different, that you could live the life the two of you dreamed together.
“Don’t blame yourself.” You whispered in response.
They shook their head in defiance. “Don’t talk like that. We’re gonna get you to the castle and into a med pod and you’re going to be good as new in no time.”
You shakily lifted a hand and brushed a tear from their cheek. “I love you.”
Their face was filled with pain and you knew the only thing keeping them from losing it was this being your final moments. “I love you.” They responded, their voice cracking. They leaned down and gently pressed their lips to yours.
You felt everything around you becoming further and further away.
“I’m sorry.” You whispered out to your team as you took a final shaky breath, your senses being overwhelmed as you felt yourself fading.
The tears kept flowing as he watched the light fade from your usually bright, curious eyes. He pulled you into him as he sobbed into your shoulder, wishing you’d wrap your arms around him and tell him everything was okay, that there was no reason to cry. But you didn’t, and you never would again. Your team surrounded the two of you, tears running down their cheeks as well as they watched their leader completely break in front of them, their friend tucked in his arms unmoving.
He tried to move on. He knew you wouldn’t want him blaming himself or wallowing in misery on your behalf. He mourned you, he still does, but he needs to keep leading the team, he doesn't have time to let the memories of you being by his side drag him into complete uselessness.
It was hard, it took a long time, but eventually he could remember you, his lover, his everything, without crumpling immediately.
When the team got back to earth, it was raining. He stood outside, face tilted to the sky, just letting the water drench him. The rain reminded him of you, you always told him it was what you missed most about earth.
It was as he stood outside, head facing the endless clouds, lighting striking in the far off distance, enduring the first rainstorm he’d felt since before the Kerberos Mission, that he smiled for the first time since the morning before your final battle.
Once you had taken your final breath and your gentle hand slipped off his, all composure he had left was out the window. He screamed and sobbed in the middle of that battlefield. His team knew he had a tendency to keep his emotions at bay, so watching him break over your body, knowing there was nothing they could do to help him, was heartbreaking. They all shared his grief, but none on a level even close to him.
You had been his rock, you helped him keep sane and reminded him he wasn’t a horrible person. He sobbed harder as he remembered how excited you were to meet his family once all of you went back to earth.
After a while he just, stopped. He had run out of tears, he had his moment of grief, he had to stand tall and move on now. Or at least that’s what everyone saw. Every single day of his life, he blamed himself. If only he hadn’t let himself get separated from you, if only he’d gotten to you a little sooner, if only, if only, if only. In the end, he knew there was no changing the outcome, but that didn’t stop him from imagining worlds in which you were still by his side.
He never thought he’d dread finally going home, but as the team landed, and a woman that looked eerily familiar came rushing from the building towards them, he felt himself snap. HE crashed to his knees as the woman came up to the group, looking around at each of them.
“Where are they?” she demanded. “Where is my child?” She had tears in her eyes as she noticed Lance on his knees, holding back tears and hugging himself.
“I’m so sorry ma’am,” Shiro started but she just shoved him away.
“You let them die?! My child died in outer space, surrounded by a bunch of strangers, and you didn’t even try to save them?!” She had tears rushing down her cheeks. “Who do you even think you are? Do you think you deserve to ball up because of them? You don’t even know them! No, nevermind, yes, you do deserve to be down there, not out of pity, but out of remorse. This is all your fault, all of you! My child never should’ve come to this stupid place.”
He flinched as he took in the woman's words.
“That is enough ma’am. Your child died honorably, saving people, and they were our family. We aren’t just some strangers, we’re the people your child died for. So, in all due respect, I suggest you back away from your child's mourning lover and stop slandering the life they died protecting.”
Everyone shut up in shock as Keith put your mother in her place, causing her to take a deep shaky breath, tears slipping from her eyes at last as she took in his words.
Your hand slipped out of his as your eyes fluttered shut for the final time. He didn’t rage, he didn’t scream or burst, he just silently held you a little longer, his tears running down his cheeks until they ran dry. He didn’t have the energy to leave you yet, he never thought you’d be the one to go first.
The team didn’t know what to do, Hunk had always been the emotional one of the team, never being shy with showing his feelings. He wore his heart on his sleeve without regret, but now, he just looked emotionless.
He tried to distract himself. He threw himself into engineering projects and every mission the team ran he put everything he had into completing. He stopped cooking all together, every time he even so much as looked at the kitchen door, his heart would break slightly more. Memories of the two of you spending hours in that room, cooking with space goo and assorted ingredients you found. It hurt too much to attempt doing something you were both passionate about without you.
He was silent as they finally made it back to earth, his family welcomed him home, having adr him his favorite dessert and everything, but he just didn’t have the heart to enjoy it. The two of you had spent countless hours sharing stories and memories and things you wanted to eat when you finally made it back, and that banana cake had been the one thing you couldn’t wait to try.
He cried himself to sleep that night, wishing he could change the past. It was difficult for him to find something to fight for, a future without you having been something he hadn’t considered since the two of you met at the Garrison all that time ago. He came to the conclusion that his heart would never recover, but that wouldn’t stop him from fighting for the future you so easily described to him, a future where aliens and humans could live in peace, where the Galra weren’t an enemy, where the two of you could live out blissful lives together, having done your time in a war that wasn’t supposed to be yours.
His breath got shallow as yours ceased, his heart racing as your own stopped all together.
“This can’t be happening. Y/n please! Please open your eyes. Please,” his broken sobs echoed as the Paladins watched him plead with your lifeless body.
They didn’t know what to do. The normally stoic red paladin was shattering before their own eyes, more emotions flooding him than they expected to be possible. It was heartbreaking to say the least.
They had all lost one of their own that day, but none felt it more than the broken boy.
You were his family. You stuck by him on earth when no one else would, you left the Garrison with him just so he wouldn’t be alone, where there was him, there was you, and now you were gone, and he didn’t know how to cope without you.
He changed. He was already pretty closed off from the rest of the team, he never really smiled a lot, he wasn’t an extremely emotional person, but after his outburst that day, he completely shut off everything. Jokes that Lance would tell that would once make him smirk fell on deaf ears, even Hunks cooking and Shiros dadly advice didn’t pull him out of it.
The team learned to just work around his new behavior, wishing he’d go back to being a hothead or something. Anything.
He pushed his hardest on every mission, fighting as though he had absolutely nothing left to lose, because, in his mind, he didn’t. He felt alone in a universe out to get him, he knew he had friends, a team, even family now, but he didn’t have you, and nothing would be the same because of that. He would never be the same reckless, hotheaded, careless red paladin he once was, because he did all of that stuff knowing you’d either back him up or smack him upside the head.
Everyone told him time would ease the pain, but as he brought flowers to the memorial grave they created for you, on the anniversary of that day, he knew that no amount of time given to him would ease the pain he still felt. Because he was too painfully aware that all of that time given to him was time taken from you.
Pidge was never exactly one to attach to people, not really, and definitely not so emotionally. Attachment to robots? Sure. But human beings were a whole lot more difficult. Which is why when the two of you admitted to being in a relationship, no one saw it coming or knew what to expect, it was completely uncharted territory.
And now, as Pidge was hovering over your body, swearing to find a way to help you, they once again didn’t know what to do.
Pidge sobbed and made halfhearted promises, telling you that you were going to be okay, but knowing you weren’t, and you never would again. It took the entire team to pry Pidge off your dead body, Pidge immediately begging them to let go, just needing to be near you.
After the shock of it all wore off, Pidge holed up in the garage/workspace, working on this project and that, trying desperately to keep distracted, but nothing worked. Every single thing held a memory, every memory brought you back to life, and every memory would ease and you would just vanish all over again.
Countless nights were spent wrapped up in your clothes, with your blanket, in your/on your side of the bed, weeping into the familiar smell of you. Pidge didn’t express emotions very well, but it was obvious this time. The distracted mindset, the distant gazes, the quiet sobs no one else was supposed to hear, all of it made it glaringly obvious that Pidge was not okay.
Pidge took to wearing your clothing more often than not, determined to keep any and every part of you alive so the memories of you would never fade.
Pidge was never one to attach to people, but Pidge also never imagined a life where you weren’t in it.
She watched you drop from the other side of the battlefield, a heartbreaking shriek escaping her throat as she watched you fall. In her mind you were supposed to be invincible, you were her wonderful significant other that gave her a reason to keep going, you were always telling her that everything was gonna turn out the way it’s supposed to, that the two of you were gonna make it through anything that could possibly be thrown your way.
She ruthlessly fought her way to you, no longer caring for leaving as little harm as possible. They hurt you, they didn’t deserve her sympathy. Once she finally got to you, the battle had ended and the other Paladins had joined her in surrounding you.
“Help me get them to the pods.” Allura pleaded, clutching your lifeless body. “They have to be okay. They can be healed, we just need to get them to the pods.” She was frantic, emotional, scared, and panicking.
Keith gently grabbed her shoulder. “They’re gone, Allura. They’re already gone.” The Red Paladin pulled her into his arms and let her release everything that day.
Everything following was a blur. The team moved forward with plans and missions, Allura never missing a beat. There were points when the team was concerned with how well she seemed to be doing, she lost her lover and was seemingly perfectly okay. But late at night, if they listened close enough, they could here the stifled, choked sobs of the princess as she got out all the pent up emotions in preparation for the next exhausting day of not letting her personal life interfere with the mission.
I might be the only one that got emotional™️ during this one, but I hope you all enjoyed🌸
~Admin Rori💜
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raedas · 4 years
Ooo my time has come! (I don't mean to overwhelm you with this just I finally have someone who wants my theatre recommendations! Yay!) I think there's a word limit on these so I'll try to say as little as possible.
Alright so if you like Hamilton definitely listen to Natasha, Pierre and The Great Comet of 1812. Like Hamilton it's completely sung through and the songs are absolutely amazing. The cast is so talented and beautiful too (Denée Benton is an absolute angel). Please watch any video you can get of it too the design is gorgeous.
My personal favorite musical ever is Heathers. Like, it will forever be my favorite. Barrett has such a powerful voice and the songs are so, so good and catchy af. It was also the musical that got me into musicals-
And of course I must mention Newsies. Newsies also has a proshot on Disney+ like Hamilton and oh my fucking god don't even get me started on how talented the cast is. Like, the choreography for this musical is insane and they pull it off so well. Jeremy Jordan/ Jack Kelly (his character) is... Perfection. Absolute perfection. The songs are so powerful and, again, the dance skills of this cast is *chefs kiss*.
Next up, Six. Please listen to Six. It's a pretty short musical too which is great if you're like me and have attention issues when it comes to watching and listening to stuff. Believe me as soon as you listen to the first song you WILL be hooked. It's a very upbeat musical aside from Heart of Stone. It's about the ex-wives of Henry the 7th or whatever his title was. But like, the wives are a pop group now- it sounds odd but it's really great.
Waitress is another one I'd definitely recommend. I don't want to repeat myself and just say "it's great and it's amazing and-" again and again so I'll just give you a warning: She Used To Be Mine is one of the saddest and most powerful musical theatre songs you will ever hear. Be warned.
Oh and let's not forget Beetlejuice. This is an extremely popular musical rn and for good reason. It's super upbeat and fun while also having some dark themes. Alex Brightman is just, god I've already used all my good description-y words haven't I? He's a really, really good human being and preformer and I adore him, alright? Alright.
Oklahoma! Is a classic that I really liked. I mostly listen to newer musicals but I really loved Oklahoma!. I'd recommend the 2019 revival if you are listening for the first time. It has a very classical vibe that's also really sweet if that makes sense? Idk.
Hadestown. This is another long one but god is it one of the best musicals of this (last) decade. It's very jazz-y and the songs can be both catchy and make you want to dance or beautiful and make you very, very emotional. Sometimes both! + it has Amber Gray in it so duh of course it's great.
Dear Evan Hansen. This is a VERY popular musical similar to Hamilton's popularity. It's not my favorite since most of the songs are quite slow and not too memorable for me personally but Sincerely Me and Good For You are absolute bops and I'd recommend the musical just for them alone. It has a powerful message about mental health that I know resonated with many people but again, wasn't my thing personally although you may definitely like it.
Hairspray. I'm pretty new to this one but I adore this sixties sound. It's also a very, very upbeat and dancy type musical. There's a couple different recordings of it so it really depends on which you like more. I loved the movie soundtrack but some people prefer the original Broadway show or the live version. Who knows.
Wicked. This is another kinda classic kinda new show that's extremely popular. Basically it's about the Wicked Witch of the West and that's all you need to know before diving in. This wasn't my personal favorite although I did really like it. Popular is a bop and Defying Gravity is one of the most powerful songs (vocal wise) I've ever heard, ever. It was an enjoyable watch that's for sure and I loved the characters.
Oh how could I almost forgot Book of Mormon? This musical is harlious, genuinely. It's a satire musical about Mormons to put it simply but it's also so much more then that at the same time (kinda). Besides it's satirical parts it also has some really powerful songs and lines. Mainly - I Believe. Like,, I love this song, so much. Andrew Rannells has such a good voice also have I mentioned Josh Gad is in this? Because he is. And I love it.
Alright I've been writing this for like, 13 min now I should stop but I must mention Mean Girls. You know what I was saying about Defying Gravity earlier? Well, Mean Girls the musical has it's own version of a powerful vocal song and it's World Burn. I've listened to that song more times then I can count now and I'm still amazed every single damm time.
Quick mention, I'm listening to Spring Awakening rn and this musical is so beautiful I love it.
Anyways, here's my recommendations! 🎵
w o w this looks like it took a while so thank you!!! i might just jump the boat (is that an expression? i don’t think it’s an expression but in my 7 AM brain it made sense) and listen to some musicals soon :))) (ill def listen to one on this list)
also, congrats on sending the longest ask I’ve ever seen!!!! 😂
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kokotaro · 7 years
Hello! I read your Toshinori scenario and I'm blown away by your amazing writing and accurate representation!! Can I have a scenario of Toshinori being a worried and clingy boyfriend when his s/o comes back late (like 3 am late) because she went drinking with some old friends during a reunion?
aw thank you! sorry this is so late, school’s really beatin my ass rn lmao. also, i’ll be using gender neutral pronouns so everyone can enjoy it! enjoy
here’s the previous posts
word count: 2420 
“Please leave your message for-”
“Shit..” Toshinori uttered.
This had been the third time he’d called his significant other and the third time it had gone to voicemail after listening to the dull tone on the opposite end. An anxious sigh escaped him as he stared down at the phone in his large hand. He wasn’t sure how much time had passed since his partner left but he knew they had been out entirely too long in his book. He wasn’t a boyfriend to become possessive and intrusive of their privacy, no! He trusted them as well as their choices because he knows they wouldn’t do anything to betray him. He knew they were fine and having fun with their friends. But there was something that kept telling him that something was wrong if they didn’t send him any quick messages or answer his calls. It made him worried. Very worried.
Being a hero was a tough job, of course he loved being able to protect the innocent and make sure they’re alright, but it also heightened his senses to know when something was wrong. It also made him think that something is always wrong too. That could just be his anxiety creeping up on him now that he thought about it.
“A-Alright.. I know they’re fine. I know that.” He breathed out, calming himself.
He repeated phrases of this sort - “It’ll be okay.” “They’re fine.” “They’re safe.” - under his breath to comfort himself. It became a soft mantra that soothed him little by little. There was no need to be as freaked out as he was. But he couldn’t help it either, with the things he’s seen, fought, talked to, and put in jail, there was a good reason for him to be worried. There could be a villainous attack with people getting hurt or buildings falling or cars crashing or fires starting or anything that could hurt them! Well, great. Now that’s all he could think about. The small moment of peace he was able to find had dissipated. Toshinori paced in front of the couch as he continued to think about the worst case scenarios and he didn’t even realize how deep he was diving into these negative thoughts. His eyes shot to the digital clock sitting on a nearby counter. Midnight.
The hero plopped down on the edge of the couch as he rest his elbows on his knees, covering his face with his hands then letting them slowly run down. The skin on his cheeks were slightly tugged down along with his hands. His hands remained in front of his mouth as he stared at the television screen in front of him. He was watching some random variety shows in order to pass the time and it worked for a while until he noticed how late it was getting. They had left only a few hours before, eight o’clock or so, and he managed to be fine with it for a majority of the time. They said they were with friends they hadn’t seen since high school for a mini reunion and he was comfortable with that. What was genuinely getting to him was how late it was, the fact their phone seemed dead, they were drinking, plus, he wasn’t sure when they’d come back home. On top of his embedded worry he didn’t want to seem like the type of person who would get over protective and manipulative over them either! It was almost frustrating.
Scratch that, it was frustrating. Unbelievably and annoyingly frustrating. He was by no means mad at his significant other nor the fact that they were having fun and he wouldn’t ruin for them whatsoever but he was mad at the fact that he couldn’t seem to get over the paranoia nagging at him as a hero. He huffed, drumming his fingers across one of his knees and staring at the television once again. Maybe watching the shows again would help him although he was doubting it at the same time. He thought of doing something else but then he couldn’t think of anything else to do, so, he stuck with watching the dumb late night shows. Certain guests were entertaining up until his eyes involuntarily flicked towards the digital clock shown on the cable box and he nearly fell off the damn couch.
“T-Two thirty in the morning!? How can the tv waste so much time..” He exclaimed, putting a hand to his forehead as he reached for his phone. He paused midway.
He really did not want to seem clingy or overbearing over his significant other but he felt the worry starting to consume him. His hand slowly retracted from the device on the coffee table as he looked down to the floor with another sigh leaving his lips. There were so many things to be worried over about but at the same time he could be absolutely worried about nothing at all. Then he heard a soft buzz from his phone and he jumped before diving for it, snatching it off the table immediately. He swiped his thumb across the screen, typed in his password, and stared at the notification at the top. After opening it, he felt relief flood throughout his body as it was a text message from the very person he’d spend the most of his night thinking about. They said they were leaving now and they’d be home in about thirty minutes or so. Then another message popped up as soon as he finished reading the first one claiming they’re getting a ride home from a friend they assigned as the designated driver. A smile crept up on him, he felt a bit proud that his s/o had thought that far if they were to drink too much.
One more message came up on screen.
“Heyyyyyyy Toshi~! Have i told u how much i luv u????? BC i REALL Y do.” He read. Wow, they must have been pretty drunk to be texting so oddly.
“Yes, you have. I love you too. I’ll be here when you get home.” He sent back. Now that the worry left, his body felt like it was full of lead and he had to sit back down on the couch, sliding down into a slumped in position.
Not too long later, his phone began to buzz again but this time in a longer and more consistent pattern. Who was calling him this late- or rather, this early? It left him dumbfounded for a moment before he lifted his phone up to read the name. He raised a brow when it was revealed to be his partner and he tapped the screen to answer the call, raising his phone to his ear. He was first greeted with the sound of giggling then small sniffs followed by more laughter mixed with soft sobs. There went his heart rate again. It spiked and he sat up straight, sputtering and fumbling over his own words for a moment. They shh’d him which just confused him as he listened to what he assumed was them trying to compose themself enough to speak.
“You really love me?” They asked. He felt his body become weighted with relief again as his back hit the couch.
“Yes! Of course I do.” He answered, laughing lightly at the sound of them crying harder. He didn’t mean to laugh, really, but he honestly thought it was a bit cute that they were crying over something as simple as their feelings for one another. “Are you almost home?” He asked.
“Yeeeaaaaah. I think so? Yeah. Yes. Yuup.” They seemed to have stopped crying already. “Definitely yeah! I see the.. The-the thing. What is it?” He could hear them speak to one of their friends and describing something even he couldn’t figure out. “It’s like.. Tall and bright.. And.. uh.. And tall!” He snickered. “Don’t you laugh at me Toshi! You nerd.” He could only snicker again. “Wait.. Do you mean that lamppost over there? The one with a plastic flower taped to it?” “YEAH HOLY SHIT THE LAMPPOST!” Now he totally lost it. He was holding his stomach, leaning over doubled with laughter. He felt a few tears prick the corners of his eyes as he gasped for air and in between each little breath he took, he tried to explain to his partner that they were just entirely too funny like this. Once he calmed down, he let out a cough, and find himself smiling like an idiot.
“Well, I’m glad you closer to home than I thought. Do you want to stay on the phone or hang up?” Toshinori offered as he knew they were only a few blocks away from home. The lamppost with the plastic little flower was a somewhat special place for the two. They had ran into each other there, met there for their first date, even shared their first itty bitty confession of feelings there too. He wasn’t sure how it all ended up happening in the same spot every time but he was glad they were able to have such memories. And every time he sees the lamppost with the flower, he’s always reminded of them. Whenever someone would take the flower down one day, it be back there the next. It was odd but cute.
“No, talk to me. I like it when ya talk.” They chuckled and he hummed, thinking of something to say.
“Hmm.. You know you nearly gave me a heart attack staying out so late. I’m not trying to lecture you or anything stupid like that. It worries me, seeing what I see, doing what I do. I’m just more than happy that you’re safe and seem to be in a great mood. It’s also made me realize you mean so much more to me than I even realized before and.. I can’t think of anything better that’s happened in my life than you.” He supposed it was a bit too sentimental to say when they’d most likely forget this the next day but it was also all the more reason to keep talking. He needed to get a bit off his chest. “You’re safe, you’re happy, you’re healthy. I can’t believe you were out so late too! Ahh, I know you wanted to be alone with your friends but I wish I could have gone with you to see what kind of drunk you are or see what kind of trouble you go into.” He chuckled at the mere thought. “Then again, I think when you get home it’ll be better than any night out with a group.” He paused then became silent after that.
The silence remained for a few more minutes and he wasn’t sure what was happening at the moment until he heard keys jingling outside the door. He heard them drop before standing, walking over, then opening it to show the slightly messy looking person he loved on the other side. Their hair was a bit fuzzy, shoes in one hand, phone in the other, and the keys were somehow hanging from their mouth. His eyes went from bottom to top and when he noticed that there were a tiny formation of tears coming to their eyes, he froze. Had he said too much? Did he sound clingy? Was he annoying them? Did he kill their buzz? His eyes flicked from them to the floor and he rubbed the back of his neck.
“I, uh.. Sorry abou-”
Before he could complete his sentence, they jumped onto him in a hug but he stumbled over and fell right on his ass. They didn’t seem to care as they only pushed themself closer to him. His arms instinctively wrapped around their waist and he felt their face being pushed into his neck. There were warm tears falling onto his skin. He wasn’t necessarily sure what was going on nor what they were thinking and he could only assumed this was somewhat good. That or they were planning to squeeze him to death.
“You dummy. You can’t say all that stuff when I’m drunk! I’ll cry! How can you make your loving and perfect little significant other cry like this? Being all nice.. And loving.. Ugh.” They whined, words slurring slightly.
“O-Oh, I, well, I-I.. I didn’t think you’d react like this. I apologize.” Toshinori began to hold them in his lap and gently pet the top of their head in hopes to calming them down. “I’m glad it made you happy though. I was worried it sounded differently. But never mind that now, let’s get you cleaned up and into bed.” He hummed, scooping up from the floor and closing the door with his foot. He managed to lean down and lock it as well.
He strolled into their bedroom, turning right and walking into the next door that connected to the bathroom. He set them down to be sitting on top of the toilet seat then pressed a quick, gentle kiss to their forehead before turning away towards the cabinet behind him. There he pulled out a washcloth and the bag of makeup removing wipes that he saw his s/o using after a night out. He tugged two makeup wipes out of the bag then proceeded to gingerly clean the makeup from their face. They would tell him about their night as coherently as possible as he did so. He couldn’t really understand what kind of story was being told but they enjoyed their night and looked cute too so he didn’t mind. After using both wipes, he made sure to wet the washcloth and wipe down their face one more time for good measure. Once their face was clean, he walked them back into the bedroom to help them change into their favorite baggy pajamas. The way they would lift their arms and giggle after having their dress pulled off reminded him of a small child. He found it endearing, in a way. Soon they were ready for bed and he laid them down, laying next to them and pulling the covers over both. Although neither party hardly made an effort to sleep. So, they talked until the sun rose but even then Toshinori didn’t sleep. 
He didn’t want to despite his s/o telling him he should. 
They had fallen asleep first and he simply watched the peaceful person before him. He smiled as he held them closely to himself and, eventually, he fell into a blissful sleep too.
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aibrechts · 6 years
(1 of a lot probably) aaAAAAAND I'm back! This time only at 2am tho haha, and as for why, you see, I met this wonderful, talented young man a few weeks ago and I wouldn't miss talking to him for the world. In any case, on the confidentiality thing, please don't worry meu amigo bonito. I trust your judgement, and either way, I /am/ still masked behind anon y'know hahaha. It's all good
I KNOW ITS BEEN LIKE A DAY AND IM SO SORRY everything is happening all at once All The Time sighs honestly i wish i could just lay back and bask in ur sunny conversation, even if just for one day;;;
that’s true, that’s true, i think i have an idea of who you are (or rather, which blog you run) but it almost seems a shame to figure out... that being said, if you are who i think you are then your writing is absolutely breathtaking, and as golden as your heart
(onto #2!) Chester seems plenty lovable btw haha. And I gotta agree that it'd be nigh impossible to find a better home for him. What he has with you? That's the genuine article, and you take /extremely/ good care of him and the others to boot. I'm sure even a famous boy like him gets awestruck sometimes by how lucky and loved he is. Poor Wisdom though! Like /damn/ hahaha. Tough break, kiddo. Tough break hahaha. That's what he gets for trashing the joint tho. {~J}
chester is the perfect man, it’s true, and wisdom is an absolute brat but he has his moments lol. he’s growing on me, similar to that fungal infection thats growing all over his poor handsome face :( i gave him a special bath for it yesterday, and he LOVED it, he loves being pampered. fifteen minutes of me scrubbing at all his itchy spots and spraying water in his mouth to keep him happy when i have to hose his face, and he looks so lovely clean now!!!!!
i know, i know, its sounds gross lol but it’s really not so bad. we caught it very early and he gets those baths twice a week, so it’s cleared up really well!!! 
it’s simply the time of year, i think. hot and humid, ponies sweating under their rugs, too many of them with stupid injuries - fudge had surgery on two of his legs a few months ago, and he’s about to start rehab; lulu got a.... skin cancer??? cut out of her stomach, and that’s been delightfully gross to maintain; rudi’s vice is flies - he’s very sensitive on his legs, and kicks so hard that he cuts his own ankles, poor boy; nikki went lame somehow and no one knows how or why but she seems fine now???????; and we were SO WORRIED that chester had an abscess in his hoof bc a big chunk went missing out of it, but the farrier came for him today and everything was fine, the hole trimmed out clean and simple. 
BIG SIGH THEY’RE....... SO DIFFICULT. so much to maintain, and rumple is as sick as ever but he’s old so that hardly counts. the only ones who are really maintaining themselves are wyn and louie, and i honestly don’t know how louie does it with how he runs around like a maniac all day. BUT ANYWAY!!!!
3 never did end up coming through lol so i’ll move right on
(and then there were 4) What can I say? Your silvered light dazzles even the sun, and inspires the moon and stars with its iridescent brilliance. It'd be a crime to put someone so amazing on hold hahaha.
i dont know much lol but i know im a saggittarius. i seem to be surrounded by scorpios at this point in my life, and i can hardly find a thing to complain about. you’re all absolutely wonderful, and i always seem to be quite taken with your crew’s company ahahaha. 
rather, im surrounded by water signs in general LOL. my siblings are each pisces, cancer and scorpio, i met a bartender last night who was a scorpio, and kimmy is one too lmao yall are everywhere and im Loving it
(#5 comin in hOt) You were also right on the water-affinity thing though haha. I actually knew how to swim before I knew how to walk, believe it or not. Anyway, that picture is absolute /gold/. It really is. And the prophesy was fulfilled so completely that even Voldysmoldy was blown away. You look dashing, by the way! 120/10 best wrapping paper boob stuffer. On the subject of talking though, /holy hell/ don't tempt me I would /gladly/ talk with you all day without hesitation hahaha
LAUGHS thank you i certainly try my best. my brother’s a good sport, and i somehow feel like a strong mix between him and the sister im now living with (the cancer, if you’re curious ahaha). every day we’ll find ourselves saying the same thing at the same time, and every now and then she’ll give me a strange look and say i sound just like leo, or even that i look like him for a moment ahahaha. 
it’s interesting, it’s strange. i’ve always looked up to them so much (being the youngest and all), so it feels oddly like a compliment, whenever these things happen. 
(#6)(just think, two more of those and you get one of me hahaha). Onto the sleeve tho! The circle maze sounds /fantastic/, and I bet it looks really cool right now, though I'm sure the finished product will be absolutely astronomical. The design you have in mind sounds /epic/! (for real though tatts are so expensive I feel your pain there hahaha)(may the Force be with you I believe in you)(you got this)(you SO got this)(you're gonna kick this resolution's ass). {~J}
lmaoo thank you thank you, i intend to bust so much money on it this year. i still have my lower forearm to design, but i’ve thoroughly plotted out the rest of my arm; the maze is given to inception, the next installment will be vaguely reminiscent of kingdom hearts, and pokemon will take up the space from halfway up my forearm before turning into cc beyond my elbow. so it’s just that part on the back of my forearm that is a bit of a blank canvas rn ahahaha
(holy hell I might need more than 7) I regretfully inform you though that I can't and I shan't cease to flatter you, because you deserve to know the truth of how talented and wonderful you are. And I definitely agree on the balance thing. The devil is in the details and complexity is key, so all the more reason to be proud of how amazing your works are! And /20k/? /Damn/ that's impressive! (and even tho I prefer halloween, I for one will gladly plunge back into the tinsel for you hahaha) {~J}
it’s officially 22k but i haven’t had time to work on it the past couple of dayssssss BUT I FIGURED OUT THE LAST SCENE so it’s only a matter of spare time lololol
(#8 because what's second christmas without snowmen? lol) I'm glad to hear you've got a pretty solid sleep schedule by the way! (and it definitely /was/ worth the discomfort)(still slept like a rock the followin night tho hahaha). I'm really happy that Alma appears to be defying the odds by the way! True to their namesake, and all thanks to their wonderful father. Sheesh. I knew you were dynamically skilled, but this just proves you're magical haha. In your care? I know they'll flourish. {~J}
LOL i am LOVING these message starters btw. yesss tho my family has always been keen on growing things lol. mum had a magnificent herb garden, and i’ve never seen oregano as big as what’s growing in my garden rn. we just planted dahlias where the sunflowers used to be and i wasn’t sure they’d be alright, but they really seem to be flourishing!! im so glad!!!!
(9/9 for the new record hahaha) I'm so proud of both you and them! Not to be punny, but I'm a sap anyway when it comes to plants. or, well, all of nature really haha, and Alma looks really great from the pic I saw! Anyway, speaking of hocus-pocusing, I hope today has been absolutely magical for you, as you deserve no less than the wondrous and the fantastic. Talk to you soon, meu amigo bonito! {~J}
lmfaooo i love that. and yes, their leaves are so cute!!!! so small!!!!! thank u so much tho, the past couple of days have been pretty great. I’m wondering if i can worm a morning off out of my sister, considering she’ll have a day off on sunday and i’ll be working at the cafe from 7 lol;;;; i desperately want to finish starboy, but time really is my enemy right now ahahahaa
thank you so much for all this, i adore you and i hope you managed to get to bed at a reasonable time tonight!!!! sleep well, i’ll see you soon
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