#please send asks about any of these!
WIP Fic Tag/Ask Game
Tagged by @unlifeira ! Thanks :3
Rules: In a new post, post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Okay, well, I have A LOT, so I'm putting them under a cut
Not tagging anyone because I don't know too many other fic writers, let alone 58 other fic writers, so if you want to do this, consider yourself tagged.
Let's go!
5 Attempts to Ask on a Date
A Million Ways to Say Goodbye
Achilles Come Down
Almost Hallmark
Angel AU Thingy
Angel Demon AU
Avengers Sleepover
Blackbonnet Angst Fic - Title TBD
Bucky and Sam and Alpine
Bucky Birthday Fic
Bucky Makes Cookies
Bucky Teaches Steve to Kiss
Bucky Teasing Sam Smut Fic
City of Ghosts
Dean Winchester Knew He Liked Women
Enby Bucky - I'm Leaving for New York
Fixing My Immortal
Howard Stark as a Father
I Need You to Teach Me How to Kiss - Stucky
In Full Color
In Your Pages
It's a Sex Pollen Fic
It's Been a Short, Short Line
Lips Like Licorice, Tongue Like Candy
New Year's Eve Smut - Stony
Not Even God
Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice
Sam Wilson Birthday Fic
SamBucky Christmas Fic 2022
SamBucky First Date
SamBucky Soulmates (Possibly)
Sam's Nightmares
Steve Birthday 2021
Steve had Always Hated the Cold - Stucky
Steve Rogers Birthday Fic
Steve's Letter to Bucky
Stony Birthday Smut
Stony Pole Dancing
Stony PTSD
Stony Smut Fic - Trauma and Suit Sex
Stuckony - Physical Touch
Stuckony Fanfic
Stucky - Nightmares and Trauma
Stucky Christmas Fic
Stucky Fic - WIP - Cuddling Together
Tony Gets a Cat - Winteriron
Werewolf AU
Werewolf Stucky
Words of Affirmation - Stucky
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 5 months
wear headphones :)
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As much as I'd love to witness more of your prowess, I'd very much like to have that body of yours.
Is that a strap-on?
Machine, I'll cover you in more than blood.
Fuck. *exhale* Shit. Fuck-God! mmmm-ohohoho. fuck. fuck. h-Harder, Machine. Mph! *whimper* Hah... Come on!
End transcription
Sorry for this. I promise this is the worst thing I'll ever post. Unless he somehow manages to do something worse.
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I can't really provide the audio sources in a neat way because this is 6 clips stuck together.
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butterfilledpockets · 10 months
Old men doodle ideas- I could totally see the B.E.N.T squad having poker nights.
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Raph keeps throwing cards at other players
Ronin has won the other three's pensions in just one round
Leo's pension was the first to go
Donnie has no idea how he is loosing, suspects one of them of eating cards
bonus brought to you by shitty doodles
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mizuski-broken · 4 months
Pac stealing Fit's blood homoerotically the other day gave me an idea for a Mad scientist AU :0
I definitely don't have the skill to do anything with it so if anyone wants to adopt it feel free lmao
I might explode into brainrot about it on here occasionally tho 👍
Think combination Frankenstein+ Monster and Capitan America style scientifically created supersoldier... But reverse.
So Pac is a scientist who specializes in chemistry and biology (with a dash of mechanics... Unless Mike handles that) who recently signed up to rehabilitate, heal, and re-humanize chemically-created supersoldiers after the end of a recent war (because leaving them crippled, traumatized, and dehumanized in more ways than one is no way to honor them for their service... As long as they're no longer of good use)
Fit was a particularly powerful and infamous super soldier, one of the first actually. (So leaving him on active duty would be seen as a threat to other countries). But... Beyond that, he's also very very badly injured.
Becoming a chemical and partly mechanical monstrosity isn't exactly good for you, so it's sort of expected that even if you don't die during the transformation process, you'll either die sometime afterwards or at least much earlier than the regular human life expectancy. Going through a whole damn war definitely didn't help. (I'm thinking maybe blown up by specially designed "End" crystal explosions at least 35786543 times). So by the time the war was over, he was more or less found in an explosion-torn ditch in the middle of the wasteland, surrounded by corpses, entirely unable to move, and in constant unimaginable pain (he's still pretty much in constant pain all the time btw. Everything hurts). There's little-to-no chance he'll ever fight again.
This is where Pac comes in.
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bisexualchaosdemon · 1 month
Basically me with aftg at this point:
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ask-shane · 1 month
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hello! shane's auntie here. if we haven't met yet, my name is marnie. i'll be taking over his blog for this little event he has going on.
the tag will be "marnie takeover event 🌾"
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lexintothenex · 4 months
I can't help but feel guilty about all this nonsense shipping drama - I made a post the other day on my sideblog replying to an anon who came into my inbox mentioning how they were uncomfortable with the rayfrog age gap, to which I agreed. because even if they're both adults, it is a large age gap! it's completely reasonable to be uncomfortable with it.
PLEASE. read those words again. "they're both adults". they ARE, in fact, both adults. people can be uncomfortable with a pairing without necessarily trying to claim that it's Problematique.
some people will be uncomfortable with the ship. and that is okay! it is not a personal attack, I promise. if someone IS trying to attack you for liking it for no other reason than the fact that you like it, then that is obviously not okay. no one should be attacking anyone in this situation. let's just all hold hands and be friends okay.
not a fan of rayfrog? cool! me neither. that's why it's such a delightful thing that tag filtering and content filtering exists. block the tags! block people if you need to! curate your own experience. it is OKAY.
love rayfrog? also cool! see someone complaining about the ship in the tags and think it's annoying? block 'em! it's YOUR online experience!
both parties, just stop going at each other's throats, PLEASE! this is supposed to be a community! we're all buddies here! some of us don't see eye to eye, AND THAT. IS OKAY. BLOCK! BLOCK, BLOCK, BLOCK. I cannot stress this enough. THE BLOCK BUTTON IS YOUR FRIEND.
people have different boundaries. what you think is fine and dandy might be someone else's discomfort. that's just how things are! just look the other way and move on with your day.
bonus points: if you use tumblr on desktop, install xkit! it's got an extension that completely removes posts with filtered tags/keywords. no more "this post contains filtered tags". it's gone! out of the world.
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lee-hakhyun · 5 months
i see people thinking that the side story is the bad ending for kim dokja. and don't get me wrong, he doesn't come back after the door opens, but that is because kimcom CHOSE that.
they had the option to open a door where kim dokja woke up, but they chose to go through the door where he doesn't wake up because they know that first door is a trap (like 49/51), and they want all of kim dokja. and when they go through, kim dokja is gone, but he's left a note. he is STILL OUT THERE (and part of him is with lhh right now. it's complicated)
anyway this is just to say KIM DOKJA IS BACK IN THE SIDE STORY. he is just not with kimcom *yet*. i need to make this clear because i keep seeing people saying things that sound like people think he's gone for real in the side story.
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a2zillustration · 6 months
Hello! I just HAD to come on here and say how much I LOVE your art and Croissant, they're my newest obsession!! It's 4 am right now and I still have work in a few hours but I've been binging your Croissant comics and I'm literally IN LOVE 🥹❤️❤️❤️
They're so lovely and chaotic, and I've been a bit stressed lately but I'm SO happy I stumbled upon your magnificent comics and I've literally been trying to stifle my laughter from reading them cuz it's late 😂
And the way you show Croissant's interactions with the companions? Absolutely IMMACULATE!!! I really love Croissant's character design and their personality, they really shine 🥺💕 Plus you capture the companions and their dynamic with Croissant SO well, Croissant has actually become one of my fave Tavs ever and I just wanna give 'em a big hug!! Also, one of my faves in your comic is the one about Lenore where Croissant gets hugged. That was so sweet and I honestly got quite emotional when you drew the close-up for Croissant's teary eyes 😭
Thank you SO much for sharing your wonderful talent and comics 🥰 Also, you're such an amazing person!!!
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Thank you???? This is so incredibly kind of you to say, I'm glad that you've been enjoying Croissant's adventures so much!
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minthara · 3 months
it's my birthday bitches joining all u hoes in ur late 20s ✌️✌️✌️✌️😔 anyway here's some pictures of me when i was young and still slayed ARIES SEASON 👹👹👹👹
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a friend of ours, @jerk-bending just had something really really sad happen. the team talked to the polar bears, and they all agreed that this is a serious and sad occasion, and they are willing to give a one time allowance on Polar Bear Sunday to @jerk-bending's favorite bears. So with the polar bears' blessings, please join us in sending our friend nothing but much love, kind words, and loving thoughts, and occasional bears 💙💙💙
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personasintro · 1 year
Make sure you read this post before voting!!!!
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ohitslen · 1 year
🌸Trigun fics recommendations🌸
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Links are attached!🌈✨
Dropping the fics I’ve read so far in my free time with summary and all that :) [in no specific order] oh and these are almost all Vashwood so brace yourself for that. I did put a warning in my description
‼️Be aware that most of these take place in Trimax so spoilers are a given‼️ it’s up to you to read the tags to have a better idea of its contents im just here to provide the list 🫡
1. “Falling stars” by Dozycerberus
“When a set of twins are found wandering the desert without any family in sight, Hopeland Orphanage is the only logical place they would end up.”
One of my personal favorites! If not my favorite. All I have for this one is praises.
2. “Love and it’s decisive pain (sunlight)” by FlowerCitti
“He hears a rumbling laugh, like the wisps of cigarette smoke and the crack of the first shot in a gunfight, like the pleasant sting of whiskey in his throat— “I take it that he was looking for you, huh?” A voice rasps from behind him, and everything in Vash feels like it comes to a halt. He knows that voice.”
Reincarnation fic (you will see a lot of these) that I willingly let destroy me. You will also see lots of Flower’s works here, they are great at hurt/comfort trust me.
3. “Donuts are one way to the heart, the other one is with a knife” by Dezace
Another favorite author of mine that you will see more works of on this list.
Vashwood antics, them being sweet and a angst sprinkled here and there.
This is actually a collection of works that I definitely could list individually but this list is way too long for that— so, feel free to check it out! How vague I know OAJSKW
4. “Tell me why your hands are cold (show me how)” by desertblooms
“Wolfwood eases him back down into the bed. Runs a hand through his own hair, digging his nails in just to feel the burn because he’s seriously starting to think he’s bitten off more than he can chew. “You idiot,” he breathes into the open air, “I’m goin’ to kill you when you wake up.” If the sickness doesn’t get to him first. But that thought goes unspoken.”
Sick fic you know how it is. “I need you” absolutely life changing.
5. “Forgive me father for I have sinned-Wolfwood (P.S. He isn’t sorry at all)” by Dezace
““I want to fuck a priest.”
“A good one?”
“I understand.”
“Good, good.” (Or: Vash and Wolfwood are fucking thirsty for each other and everyone suffers(Except Meryl, she has popcorn ready))”
Crack fic! Because it’s needed after you’re drenched in angst. I know what you read. You’ll appreciate a cackle or two.
6. “Bendición ” by varilien
“Having been dating for as long as they have, Wolfwood's known that it was only a matter of time before Vash popped the "do you want to meet my mom?" question, although admittedly he was hoping he could put it off a little longer.”
Modern setting in where Wolfwood meets Rem (she’s alive so that’s always a plus), and it’s so sweet and it’s pure fluff. That’s all.
7. “Bag of bones” by chaiku
“Not only was he fucked up physically, but he fucked up in front of Vash of all people. He was the last person in the world that Wolfwood wanted to see him like that: broken and helpless. And now he would also need to explain it all…His head hurt just from thinking about it.”
Wolfwood being vulnerable. That’s all I’m gonna say to hook you in.
8. “Who’s to say I don’t hold everything in my hands?” by Dezace
“Wolfwood likes to try and figure out Vash the Stampede whenever he had the chance. Traveling with him gives some insight into the man behind the bounty. He doesn't mind what he finds.”
Vash being the smarty pants he is! I love to see it. It’s so lovely I adore it.
9. “To the white of your eye” by Dezace
“Vash doesn't only have scars across his body. Wolfwood finds out and nothing changes.”
Face scar Vash is on.the.table. You’ll notice a trend in Dezace’s work of how WW is down bad for Vash no matter what and honestly I can relate to that heavily, we all love Vash.
10. “Hold my body down” by The_IPRE
“You're dead.” Vash's eyes are shiny behind the glasses, unshed tears barely held back. “We waited! We tried to bring you back! I kept them from burying you for as long as I could but you were dead!” Wolfwood lets himself follow the pull on his shirt, leans into Vash’s space to rest their foreheads together. “Guess I’m pretty hard to get rid of, huh?”
So basically, WW is all casual about coming back from being “dead” and Vash isn’t. Hurt/comfort mhm.
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ultrainfinitepit · 3 months
That gay man flag is the most well known and is perfectly fine, some people just think it's lesbophobic due to it being kind of similar to the lesbian flag (it's not lesbophobic, I'm a lesbian and me & most other lesbians I know do not care, actually I think it's neat). It was created by @gayflagblog if you want to find out more about it, but there's really nothing wrong with it. Some people, mostly people who aren't gay men, are just really nasty about that flag for no proper reason.
Okay thanks for the link to the blog and for the info Anon! This is really helpful insight. I will keep those colors then :))
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dyed-indigo · 5 months
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so you know how i said i was actively losing the ability to process media through any lens other than "what would crunch and wesker do". uh. crusker/hualian outfitswap/roleswap AU. sorry to everyone ever for being deranged, but also you WILL look at my OCs
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orcinus-veterinarius · 5 months
I’ve got a series of polls I’d like to do!
As a reminder, being pro cap does not mean supporting wild captures.
Different species refers to different cetacean species (for example, supporting keeping bottlenose but not orcas). This poll is only about cetas!
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