notiddygxthgf · 1 year
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synopsis: the one where you have the hots for your dealer, and Wakasa is always eager to please a customer. (don't let your boyfriend stop you from finding your husband.)
pairings: wakasa imaushi x f!reader, light takeomi x reader
content warning: smut, prn with some plot, car sex, cheating, oral sex, sneaky link, sexual tension, vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, sex while high, consensual drug use, mentions of abuse, waka is a FREAK, MDNI
word count: 4.5k
authors note: shit is about to get real hehehe... comment suggestions on what yall wanna see in the next chapter (iykyk ;)) thank u all for the support!
part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part six | part seven | part eight
YOU HAD BEEN AVOIDING HIS TEXTS for a week or so now. Actually, that was a lie. There was no “so”; you knew exactly how long you had been ignoring his texts. It had been a week and two days.
|  i hope u got home safe doll
|  gn
Delivered 1w ago 
|  hey u ok?
Delivered 1w ago 
|  call me when u get the chance
|  i wanna talk to u
Delivered 2h ago 
You stared blankly at the phone screen. 
Takeomi strolled into the room. Setting his phone on the dresser next to a glass of whiskey left unfinished from last night along with a pack of cigarettes, he shrugged his coat onto the floor. You watched his chest heave as he sighed with relief. He slicked his hands back over his hair, laying down a few strays.
“You okay?” You asked. Normally you wouldn’t – you didn’t want to be the one that anger was directed towards, and Takeomi was like a ticking timebomb – but today was one of his good days. “You seem tense.”
You felt your own shoulders tense as his weary eyes met yours, cold and unreadable. To your surprise however, he answered. 
“Shit day at work,” he sighed again. He approached the edge of the bed, and then took a seat. His hands began working at the first few buttons of his shirt. He glanced back at you. “You want to help me get my mind off of it?” he asked, clearly hinting at something more.
You didn’t want to. Not really. But, shit, the guilt from last week was eating you up inside. You figured it was the least you could do. 
You clicked your phone off, ignoring the way the screen lit up for a brief moment as you went to flip it over. With a slight tilt of your head, you offered, “Come over here then.”
Takeomi grinned.
You felt your whole body jolt upward as he pressed into you. The weight of a fully grown man against your chest – squishing your sore breasts into your ribs in a way that was nothing short of agonizing – wasn’t one of your favorite feelings, to say the least. No, you weren’t a fan of that.
Nor were you a fan of the harsh and brutal pace he had set. His hips slapped your ass with a bruising fervor. He had your arms pinned around the pillow. 
Sex with Takeomi wasn’t the same as it used to be. What used to be night after night of passion-filled movement, words of unadulterated praise soon became hard, bland sex, devoid of love or affection.
Takeomi’s hands gripped your hips with such force that you knew it would leave scars. He growled, “You like that, you whore?”
“Yeah,” You sighed. You didn’t, really, but you didn’t want him to know that. Instead, you kept your eyes trained on the ceiling. Anything to avoid eye contact. You feared the worst, although you weren’t sure what that entailed. Perhaps he could read your mind, peer into your soul from your eyes like tiny windows and see you in the backseat of a benz getting your guts rearranged by his least favorite cohort. 
As his thrusts became more erratic, more harsh, you knew he was close. You weren’t.
His hands found your chin, forming a light grasp on your neck and then bringing your attention to him. Your vision was blurred a little as you fought back memories. Memories of a certain blond tearing you up from the inside, memories of lilac eyes peering deep into yours, pulling at the string of your resolve as he took you further and further away from your morals. 
And when you glanced up, you swore you could see him for a moment. You swore that for a moment it was him hovering over you, sweat rolling down his tatted chest and arms while he drove into you. 
That it was his strong arms braced on either side of you. Perhaps he would reach over to hold your hand. 
“Such a good slut,” Your boyfriend purred – though it was sort of odd. It sounded like him, but when you glanced up at him once more you knew it wasn’t. His pretty face was dusted with a gentle, rosey hue – and, God, he smelled amazing. Wakasa licked his lips, glancing down at your exposed chest before staring at you with an almost feline hunger. He sighed, “You feel so good.”
You felt yourself begin to smile. It felt nice, actually. You fought the urge to say his name.
Quickly shaking your head, you tried to ground yourself. Focus, you said.
Takeomi groped your breast. “Shit, baby,” he groaned. “I’m gonna cum.”
You finally pulled together the strength to look at him. Throwing your arms around his neck, you braced yourself for impact.
Takeomi looked towards the nightstand. His phone was buzzing. Though the screen was flipped over, the faint blueish light reflected off its surface. 
With an agitated sigh, he paused his movements, reaching over your naked body for the device. He lifted it up, checking the screen to see who had decided to call him at that particular moment in time.
Incoming Call: Wakasa Imaushi
You felt your heart sink.
Takeomi groaned, pulling out of you with enough sudden force to tear a gasp from your lungs. He sat up, raised the phone up to his ear, and then said – with all the kindness of a man who had just been interrupted mid-sex, “What do you want?”
You tried your best to hear his response, thought it sounded muffled. You could hardly hear him over the incessant beating of your nervous heart. 
With a slight raise of his brow, your boyfriend shifted away from you. “Yeah, why?”
He spared you a sideways glance. 
Shit, you thought. He knows. He knows. 
“Yeah, I’ll be right over, give me like…” Here he trailed off. You tried to ignore the way his eyes befell your bare body. “Ten minutes.”
He hung up, and then he sighed. There was a brief silence – during which Takeomi slipped out of bed. He began reassembling his outfit. “I gotta go, toots,” he said.
“What happened?” You asked, sitting up. You tried to seem like you were concerned about him. In reality, you just wanted to make sure Wakasa hadn’t told him about the… business meeting the two of you had had.
Takeomi slid his jacket on over his wrinkled shirt, and for the hundredth time, he told you, “Work shit.”
You pursed your lips. You hated it when he said that shit.
Before you could pry more details out of him, he was on his way out. The door shut behind him with a loud thump.
You sighed. For the hundredth time, it seemed, but there was nothing else you could do. The cold air on your bare skin was a harsh reminder of your stance in your boyfriend’s life. He didn’t even care enough to stay behind and cover you up.
So you pulled his sheets over your own cold body, nestling into the pillows and relishing in the silence that followed the departure of your boyfriend. Extending a hand out towards the nightstand, you felt around blindly for the pack of cigarettes he had left behind. You reached for the lighter you knew he always kept in his bedside drawer with the other.
You considered, although very briefly, the possibility of running after your boyfriend. There was a slim chance that Wakasa was telling him all about your endeavor with him, of course. You figured that at this point, there was nothing more you could do to change the situation, so why bother?
Flipping open the red pack, you produced a slim cancer stick, rolling onto your back and then holding it with your teeth. 
After the week you’d had, you could use a smoke.
The lighter clicked a few times before you were able to actually light up. The end of the cigarette sizzled as you pulled from it. The warmth blossomed across your cheeks and down your throat. You blew it out with a relieved sigh.
Before you could relish in the feeling for too long, you felt your phone going off beneath your head. You clamped your teeth down on the cig, digging around beneath the pillow until you produced the device. 
The brightness was turned all the way up. You winced slightly before your eyes actually adjusted to the screen.
Incoming Call: Waka
And there it was again – that shitty, sinking feeling in your gut. 
All of a sudden, you understood why your boyfriend had answered the phone so angrily. The appearance of his name on your screen had you shifting uncomfortably. 
Should I? 
No. Let’s not open that can of worms. 
But no one’s around… 
You glanced at the screen, biting your lower lip between your teeth. 
Fuck it. You picked up on the last ring.
“Hey,” you said. God fucking dammit, why did that sound so casual? 
You heard him rustling around on the other end of the call. 
You took another hit. Then you exhaled. “What just happened?”
He laughed. That devilish little laugh of his. “You’re inside, right?”  
“Inside where?” You asked. In retrospect, you should have known better.
“ Take’s place,” he deadpanned, like that much should have been obvious.
You let the silence build up before you answered. “I… Yeah, uh… yeah, I’m inside.”
“Come outside,” he said. “I’m waiting for you.” 
Then, rather stupidly, you felt yourself answer, “Okay.”
The silence was thick, palpable, and extremely uncomfortable. You sat in the passenger seat with your hands folded neatly in your lap. Right now, you were counting the stitches on some of the accents on the leather dashboard. You were at 23 so far, but realistically it could have been any number. You were just trying to keep your eyes down and away from the devil in the seat next to you.
You felt his gaze burning a hole into the back of your head before you heard him. 
“We gonna talk about why you’ve been ignoring my calls?” He asked earnestly, but the domineering undertone had you squeezing your thighs together. 
Stop that. 
The faint aroma of his cologne was dizzying, notes of amber, fruit, and spice whipped together in one delightful elixir that had your head spinning a mile a minute. He smelled of nicotine. The way you had been thinking about him, he could have been made of it.
“Sorry,” was all you could muster up. 
Wakasa stared out past the windshield, onto the street below, the same place he had picked you up the first time the two of you had hooked up. It looked different now in the middle of the day–
The first time?  
You scolded yourself for thinking that way. First? There wouldn’t be a second.
“You had me worried, you know,” He sighed. His voice sounded different today. Maybe it’s because this was the first time you’d been this close to him while sober. 
Close. You were suddenly hyper aware of that fact. The fact that his arm was braced on the same armrest that was pressing against yours. Face flushed, you averted your eyes.
A hand on your arm roused you from your reverie. Your eyes traced it back to Wakasa.
His eyes were soft and, under the afternoon lighting, seemed prettier than usual. Like windows peering into a field of lavender flowers. He’d opted to leave his hair in a ponytail today. The pretty locks hung over the back of his neck and cascaded down over the top of his broad shoulders. 
He looked…
You found your way back to the image of his hand on your arm again. “Did you tell him?”
You saw him shift out of the corner of your eye. “No,” he said. 
You felt some of the weight be lifted from your shoulders. Not much, but some. 
More silence.
“Look…” you trailed off. Your mouth felt remarkably dry all of a sudden. “This can’t happen again, okay? I’m not a cheater.”
The man next to you huffed out a little humorless laugh. “Yeah?” He asked, though there wasn’t a drop of sympathy in his voice. “Takes two to tango, doll.”
“It was a mistake,” You snapped back, perhaps a little louder than you’d originally anticipated.
Wakasa poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue. “Okay,” he said. “Well… can’t just pretend it never happened.”
“We can, actually,” came your quick retort. “And, ideally, we will.”
He sighed. You watched his grip tighten on the steering wheel ever-so-slightly.
Keeping your gaze trained out the window, you spoke again. “I’m telling you we can’t see each other again. Okay?”
For a moment, Wakasa looked like he wanted to say something, like he wanted to make you stay. Worst of all, you kind of wanted him to.
Eventually, he answered. “You can pretend it never happened, but I’ll know,” he muttered. “You’ll know.”
“That’s for me to deal with,” You replied. There was another long, horribly awkward silence that spanned for a minute or two. You looked outside, at the evening sky, and then back at your lap. “Can you take me home now?”
He looked at you. With a quiet scoff, he said. “You sure, princess? Don’t have nothing else to say to me?”
You did.
You had so much to say to him. You wanted to reach out to him and tell him to leave you alone. You wanted him to beg you to stay. You wanted to part ways with him and never have to see his stupid, pretty face ever again.
You had all of these conflicting feelings all at once that had just been building up over the last week and a half, so many that your head felt full even thinking about them.
But then the reality of the situation hit you. Your feelings probably didn’t matter to him. You were a cheater, probably one of many easy hookups on his roster. This – all of this – was probably just him getting his sloppy seconds in.
You didn’t matter.
So, yes, you had a hundred thousand feelings you wanted to pour out to him in that moment, but none of them came out. 
It was just a hookup, you reminded yourself. Who gives a fuck? 
“No,” you affirmed. “I have nothing more to say to you.”
For a moment, it almost looked like he had an objection to make. He pressed his lips together in a thin line. “Alright,” he sighed, pressing the ignition button to start the car up again. “Then let’s get you home, doll.”
You didn’t want to go home. You wanted to stay right here with him and at least bask in the last few moments you had with him before your inevitable return to a dreary relationship with a dreary person. Call it stupidity, you didn’t care.
You felt different around him. Who knows? Maybe it was just an illusion.
But one more look back at your dealer – his shoulders tense, his eyes avoiding contact with yours as he shifted the car into drive – had you reconsidering. 
It couldn’t have been your imagination.
. . .
You hated formal outings. Your boyfriend being part of a criminal organization was something you tried hard not to think about when it wasn’t necessary. You hated how Takeomi brought you around like some sort of trophy wife to show you off to all of his friends. He would make you take off of work, and then he would make you put on your nicest dress and spend 3 hours on your makeup to look “presentable”. It was all so incredibly fake. It made you crazy.
Tonight was one of those nights. 
You twisted the golden bottom of your Revlon stick, pushing the tip of the lipstick up and revealing a deep, rich shade of red. Pressing the flat end of the tip to your bottom lip, you carefully lined your lips with the pretty hue. You pressed your lips together and spread it around. 
Praying the limousine didn’t hit a speed bump, you touched up the area just above your lips.
Another week had passed since your confrontation with Wakasa. Under any other circumstance, you would have been worried about bumping into him, But if there was one thing you knew about Wakasa, it was that he hated attending formal events. 
If Waka was in fact the notorious Wakasa of Takeomi’s drunken tales – the same Wakasa who you hadn’t met before in the entire six years you’d been with Takeomi for this reason – then hell itself would freeze over before he showed his face at a formal event.
Your boyfriend’s freshly shaven face revealed itself as you tilted the little compact mirror in your hand towards him. He looked as if he was about to say something, then he paused. He looked at your lips, and then up at your eyes. “Red?”
You nodded. After applying a second coat of the color and pressing your lips together once more, you asked, “You don’t like it?”
“No, I don’t,” he hummed. He looked handsome tonight, hair slicked back and a fresh-ironed dress left unbuttoned at the top. You didn’t bother voicing these thoughts, though, because you knew they wouldn’t be reciprocated. “Red is a whore’s color.”
Recapping the little tube of lipstick, you set it down on your dresser. If only he knew. 
You gazed into your reflection in the mirror in your palm. Sitting in front you was a girl you hardly recognized. Her face was done up like a porcelain doll. A long black dress cupped her breasts and her waist, cascading down over her daintily crossed legs. Her hair was done up, slick, not a stray hair in sight.
She looked perfect.
The mirror reflected the image of your boyfriend bracing a hand on your shoulder. He leaned down to press his nose against your ear and then, like a strong reminder of your place in his world, he whispered, “Don’t let me catch you so much as looking twice at another man while we’re there.”
You were Takeomi’s girl. That’s all you would ever be. 
“Okay,” You swallowed. Though his words were only cautionary, you understood the deeper implication.
The limousine rolled to a stop. 
“We’re here,” Takeomi said. He shifted towards the door of the limousine, popping it open and then offering his hand to you. “Be on your best behavior.”
Reminding yourself that you would be okay, you allowed him to help you out of the limousine. The skirt of your evening gown fell over your clean shaven legs, just in time to protect you against the gust of cold wind that blew past. 
Pulling a strand of hair away from your lips, you allowed Takeomi to hook his arm beneath yours. The two of you began crossing the street.
You knew what being on your best behavior entailed for Takeomi. It meant that you would be pretty, poised and quiet, not to speak unless spoken to. You would stay away from the men when he was not present and stick with the women. 
That was your place in this world.
Wakasa wouldn’t be there tonight. There wasn’t a lick of doubt in your mind. But still, a little part of you hoped he would show. That he would come and sweep you off your feet again and give you another whirlwind night to remember.
Your heart belonged to Takeomi. That’s how it had to be. Yet it seemed these days it wasn’t his name that was being sung deep within it. It wasn’t the image of his jet-black hair or his deep eyes that peered into yours in your dreams; it was someone else’s.
And silently you cursed yourself for letting yourself get so hung up over a man who you had only seen a handful of times, even if that man had shown you more passion in one night than Takeomi had in the last two years of your relationship with him.
Takeomi stopped in front of a security guard. The man looked him up and down before bowing slightly and stepping to the side.
Takeomi pulled the door open for you, letting you step around him to get in first. 
You silently nodded your thanks.
The building looked much bigger on the inside.
The clouded scent of perfume and liquor that hit your nose the moment you entered was damn near enough to knock you off of your feet. The door opened immediately to a large room – shrouded almost completely by darkness, save for the purple and pink neon lights which flickered and flashed to the beat of the music. The bass was loud enough to rattle your ribs. 
Directly in front of you on an open dancefloor was a sea of drunken, grinding bodies. Bars and tables framed the open floor. There was a stage on the furthest wall from the door, directly across from where you were standing, where half-naked women slithered around metal poles. There was a door hidden inconspicuously in the wall next to it. In all honesty, the only reason you had even been able to tell it was there in the first place was because you saw a few dancers passing through. 
You slid your fur coat off your shoulders, hanging it on the coat rack next to you. The dance orgy a few yards away from you may have generated enough heat to warm the entire room, but the gust of wind that blew in from behind against the bare skin revealed by your open-back dress sent shivers rising up and down your back anyway.
Takeomi slipped dutifully through the crowd, heading towards the nearest bar. You followed close behind. He stopped in front of a staircase off to the side of the place, someplace secluded and marked off with a sign that read “VIP ONLY”.
The two of you began your gradual ascent. You struggled to keep up with Takeomi, heels threatening to catch in the steps.
You followed Takeomi to a door. He brushed past it, letting it fall back against your shoulder. 
Asshole, you thought. It would have been nice if he could have pretended to care.
This room was different. There was a provocative song blaring from the speakers. The small stage you were on danced with colors from the lights below. Your heart began to race. You always got nervous in big social settings like this, even if you had done it too many times to count before.
You were anxious.
It was a stupid sentiment, but as the adrenaline began to wear off, you finally processed what was about to happen. The VIP lounge spanned lengthwise in either direction. There was a long velour couch in the middle of the room facing a stage, where a group of five or six men sat. They were being flocked by female waitresses, and the ones who weren’t serving them drinks were entertaining them in conversation.
Takeomi approached the men with his back turned to you, greeting them with a grand smile.
You eyed up the couch. Swallowing thickly, you reminded yourself of what had been eating you away this whole time. He’s not here. 
Breathing a sigh of relief, you followed after your boyfriend. You could do this. It was only for a few hours.
He’s not here you reminded yourself again as their faces came into sight.
But, still – almost as if you wanted to be wrong – your eyes scanned the men on the couch.
Thank god you did.
You glanced nervously between two more men, and landed on a familiar face you really were not expecting to see tonight.
His legs were spread open so casually, as if he had made himself quite comfortable on the couch. As if he knew you weren’t expecting to see him here. His sharp lilac eyes tailed your every move; intense, unwavering, aware. 
Feeling the rhythm of the music thrumming in your veins, rattling your heart against your ribcage – or perhaps it was the sight of him that did that to you – you licked your lips.
The first one to greet you was Sano Shinichiro. You knew him well. He was the leader of this successful group, the one with the little brother in a wheelchair. He stood up and offered his hand to you. “Nice to see you again. You look lovely.”
Feeling yourself soften a bit at the compliment, you let him kiss your hand. His lips pecked the spot just short of your wrists – a respectful distance. “Hi, Shin.”
“Waka, you’ve met my girl, right?” The sound of your boyfriend’s tensed voice brought you back to his side. He smiled at Wakasa, hell, he even sounded friendly. But his energy was everything but.
Blonde-purple hair tied into a bun this time – half up and half down – he was a sight to behold. He donned a form-fitting white dress shirt, though the first few buttons were undone. It seemed to be intentional. His sleeves were rolled up, revealing sleeves of those intricate tattoos of his that spanned the length of both of his arms. He had a black suit jacket draped over his shoulders, and the slacks he had on fit him in all of the right places, just tight enough to illuminate his thighs and waist but still managing to fit loose enough over his frame for it to look casual. It was an effort for you to tear your eyes away from his pants. 
Wakasa’s eyes glinted with something that made heat shoot down your core. He was looking at you as if you were the only one in the room, and you’d be lying if you said it didn’t awaken something you had actively been trying to suppress for the last week. He looked so pretty today, though that seemed to be the case every time you saw him. Statuesque features were illuminated by the light above you, colors dancing across the man’s face. When his eyes settled on your made-up face, a devious smile graced his lips.
“We’ve met,” He had deadpanned, though his eyes were a dead giveaway. They seemed to drink you up with a hunger that bordered on animalistic. 
“Pleasure to meet you again,” You feigned a smile, offering him your hand. It was for the sake of public appearance, of course, but you couldn’t deny the way you trembled as you reached for him.
He followed your movements, staying perfectly still like a predator waiting for the right moment to strike its prey.
He was here. Against all odds, with all of your luck, he was here.
He leaned closer towards you, gently taking your hand into his warm grasp – sending sparks flying up and down your body as he did so. Bringing it up to his face, he pressed a gentle kiss just above your knuckles. Even after the warmth of his lips left your skin his touch lingered over your fingers. “The pleasure is mine.”
Gracefully plopping down onto one portion of the cushioned couch, Takeomi gestured for you to take a seat next to him. Keeping your head down, you followed.
Behave, you reminded yourself.
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chrollohearttags · 7 months
we don’t talk about plug!eren, who is the perfect gentleman. The one who holds doors open for you, great manners with your folks, best friends with your younger siblings and cousins, your homegirls love him and just an all around good dude. The one who would drive clear across town in the middle of the night to get your favorite snacks, the one who’d hear you stressing and talking about some bill or expense you have and quietly go take care of it. “I already told you, don’t worry ‘bout that, mama. It’s handled.” Or the one who never exposes you to his lifestyle because it’s the last thing his princess needs to concern herself with. He’s so sweet, kind and loving..one would never guess he wouldn’t hesitate to kill a dude who shorted him on his money or supply. Or that just shortly before coming home to you, he probably beat someone unconscious for trying to set him up on a lick. You wouldn’t know a thing..not when he quietly slides into bed, where you’re lying flat on your stomach, in nothing but a t shirt, bonnet and panties, waiting for him to slide them off while he kisses down your spine. Muttering in your ear to just stay still and let him take care of you. “You awake, mama? I missed you..” In the deepest gruff as he delicately touches your skin, appreciating every inch. And you realize just how much he does when he spreads you open from behind, gripping your asscheeks and planking firmly on top you as he feeds you deep, passionate strokes. Slowly drilling you..with those sweet whimpers underneath him. You didn’t even have to move an inch, all he needs you to do is keep moaning and let him claim that beautiful pussy. That spot opening up so nicely after a couple thrusts. His tattooed hand and gold watch placed at the small of your back to keep you pinned down. “Mmm…just like that, baby. You ain’t gotta do shit..daddy got you.”
and he always will take such good care of his girl.
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satorusdiary · 1 year
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Dating basketball player Eren jaeger.
Basketball player! Eren who has a necklace with your initials, filled with small diamond jewels. Not only that but you have a necklace that his initials, just so everyone knew who was yours.
Basketball player! Eren who doesn’t go to parties, which is unusual since he was the one who would attend all parties that was happening with his friends. Instead, he’s in his dorm room with you in his bed watching some scary movie you begged him to play for what it seemed like forever.
Basketball player! Eren who drives the both of you to his practices. Every day or night, whenever he has practices your coming along for sure. Just so he could see your cute smile sitting on the bleachers, whilst watching him practice to make you proud.
Basketball player! Eren who makes out with you in the hallways infront of anyone who has a crush on him. Just so he could prove to them that he’s only yours.
Basketball player! Eren who looks out for you in the crowd during a game when he makes a shot. Shooting a wink at your direction along with a cute bright smile. He always notices whenever you blow a kiss his way.
Basketball player! Eren who won’t stop bragging about you to his teammates! Whether it would be in the locker room, or in the court while their practicing for their upcoming game.
“Bro, i’m being serious. Y/N is a fucking angel. I love her soo fucking much, did you see how cute she was in my jersey?” Eren rants to his friends, being half naked with a towel covering his bottom half.
Reiner rolls his eyes, and sighs.
“yes eren, i think we know how lucky you are to have a hot girlfriend with an ass.” Reiner blurts out the last part, on accident. Now his eyes are wide.
Eren glares at Reiner.
“I know she’s hot Reiner. But if you stare at her like that i’ll fucking pull up to your neighborhood at three am, i’m not playin’ around.” Eren grunts, slamming his locker closed, sending a strong push of wind towards Reiner who watches his friend leave the locker room pissed off.
Basketball player! Eren who walks you to your classes. Always having an arm wrapped around your waist to pull you closer to him, not letting any male besides the guys he’s cool with close to you. After you both make it to your class, he kisses your forehead and your lips waving you goodbye and to have a good class.
Basketball player! Eren who has you on his lap whenever he does attend a party. Most likely he would go if you wanted to go. He’s sitting on a chair beside the pool whilst interacting with his friends, and teammates going over the next game.
Basketball player! Eren who unfollows any girl who isn’t you. This only happened because you mentioned once about how many girls he was following as a joke.
“Rennie.. why is your following count so low on instagram.” You nervously ask your boyfriend who was sitting on his desk doing his homework.
His hair was out of its bun, freely laying against his shoulders. He looked, utterly focused on his homework that would be due tomorrow.
“Jus felt like it. Why should i follow any other girl when they aren’t my pretty girlfriend?.” His smile gets brighter, sending a heartwarming feeling into your chest. Your lover for him always increasing from his actions.
You grin, walking over and sitting on his lap. Eren chuckles at the amount of kisses your pressing all over his face.
“Mwah! i love you s’muchhh.” You pressed another kiss.
Eren cups your cheek, placing a sweet kiss on your lips.
“I love you more, pretty girl so much more than you know it.
Basketball player! Eren who punches the shit out of any dude who checks you out in front of him. It gets really bad when he needs three of his friends to pull him off of the dude who decided to disrespect you. His girl.
Basketball player! Eren who fucks you rough, just because he lost a game for the first time in so long. He has you on all fours, begging him to slow down when his big cock is jamming inside you multiple times. He had one of his hands slither down to your clit to toy with you more, making you arch your back more and cry out his name.
Basketball player! Eren who fucks you against the lockers in the changing rooms after his victory game, just to make one of the players who have a crush on you jealous that Erens the one that’s fucking you. The look on his face never fails to make Eren grin in satisfaction.
His jersey is over you, and is the only thing your wearing while your getting pounded. Your legs wrapped around Erens waist, and him pressing kisses to your cheeks muttering how much he loves you, and how much he would love to have a family with you and marry you.
After that the other player who had a crush on you never showed up to practice ever again.
Basketball player! Eren who gets head from you before a game happens. The both of you are in a small closet, with you on your knees taking Erens cock in your throat as best as you could. Eren, who is standing beside the wall, forcefully thrusting his dick inside your sweet mouth.
Basketball player! Eren who invites you inside his dorm to study, when later on your going to be sitting on his face with his mouth sucking and licking your folds.
Basketball player! Eren who sends the guys who flirt with you a photo of you on your knees giving Eren a blow job. If they manage to piss off Eren more, he ends up sending the boys your guys sex tape just so they would stop flirting with his baby.
Basketball player! Eren who stuffs you full of his cum, and uses your underwear to stop it from leaking out when the both of you are walking bath to a class you both have together. All of your classmates look at you both, noticing how messy you both looked. But they aren’t a stupid, they knew you fucked.
Basketball player! Eren who touches you inappropriately and makes out with you infront of the girls who flirt with him. Never forgetting to introduce you to them, a sad and embarrassed expression playing on their faces as they apologize to you.
“Oh, this is my beautiful girlfriend y/n. Did you she’s going to move in with me once we graduate? Not only that, but did you know she sucked my dick about.. hmm.. 12 minutes ago?” A menacing grin appears on his face.
Basketball player! Eren who cockwarms you whilst you do your homework. It doesn’t take long before you start bouncing on his dick, begging for him to cum inside you.
Basketball player! Eren who takes photos of you filled with his cum, naked with only his jersey on, and on his dick when his cum gets on your whole body. He never fails to keep the photos in his wallet, his binder, and on the mirror in his car.
Basketball player! Eren who always tells you he loves you, and always spills all of his feelings to you whenever you both are having soft, slow, loving sex just for you to feel better whenever you have a bad day.
Basketball player! Eren who makes it clear to anyone who tries interfering with his relationship that you’re his favorite girl. And that you both belong to each other. No bitch is going to ruin that.
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buggachat · 2 years
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Part 131 of my bakery “enemies” au!
fun fact! I was going to add another panel to the beginning of this part, but my computer kept crashing. so um. pretend something like this is there:
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the-other-puppet · 10 months
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Tasque manager whoa (temporal Berdly spot)
Spamton's superior, and his direct boss..
A firm, controlling and bossy woman with an obsession with both symmetry & order (all good traits), enough to want to work on The Admin's side and get everything in order once she enters on their equivalent to cyber world
fun fact; the little snake tail thinks on it's own (and knows a lot of gossip from work)
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torasplanet · 6 months
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𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮 ; your plug!bf lovesss taking you for rides in his hellcat;)
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 ; smut, gn!reader for armin and eren, afab!reader for connie, car sex, oral (m!receiving/armin), backshots(eren), p in v(connie), petnames (baby, slut, bae), cheating (armin), homewrecker!armin coffee addict!eren, drug dealing, praise, light degradation, can you tell armin's my fav? reader kinda has a bit of a tummy in connie's, belly bulging(connie) skin color not mentioned
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Armin loved having you ride with him and you loved it too. You loved it even more after getting out of a rough argument with your boyfriend because being with him just made everything so much more amazing!
So when Armin texted you asking if you wanted to come to ride with him a day after you argued with your pathetic excuse of your boyfriend leaving you all sad because he nearly hit you, of course you agreed even though you knew what he was going to do.
You've gone on so many rides with Armin while he was dealing and doing shit that he even thought of getting your name stitched on that passenger seat.
He might as well get it stitched on the backseat too because everyyy ride, you seem to make your way back there with him going back with you.
"Fuck..." Armin groaned loudly as he threw his head back against the soft black seats of the Hellcat, it was a drastic difference from the Frostbite exterior that you adored. His hand tangled in your hair as you looked up at him mouth full of cock and your nose buried into his surprisingly curly blonde pubes.
You blinked up at him almost wanting to smile at his face full of pleasure "I love you so much, baby." Armin moaned out his back arching slightly as your hands that were sat on his knees slid up his denim jeans and rested on his thighs. It was a little crazy for him to be moaning that so loud when he was supposed to be waiting for a customer to meet him here.
How could he control himself when your head was just so fucking amazing?
You brought a hand to grip him as you pulled your mouth off smiling up at him "Wanna kiss." You muttered as Armin looked down at you a smile forming on his face, he grabbed your jaw and leaned down before pressing his lips to yours sloppily as you continued to jerk him off. Unlike your stupid boyfriend, Armin had no problem giving you anything you wanted and not like material things. (though he does do that too.)
Armin didn't care if he was around his customers, friends, or whatever, if you wanted a kiss, you'd get one. The deepest kiss anyone's ever seen actually. Shit, if you wanted to drag him away for maybe a quickie or because you just can't help but want his cock in your mouth, he'd allow it. Dropping a whole conversation just to satisfy you.
This is why when a customer was taking wayyyy too long and said that his friend was gonna come pick it up for him, he let you climb into that backseat and give him head when you asked if he wanted some.
"Love you s'much." You blubbered breaking the kiss before putting your head right back down on him your swollen lips wrapping around his cock once more "Shittt! You're my best slut baby...ugh." The blonde said grabbing the handle of the door that was luckily locked because if it wasn't, everyone would've seen his best baby.
Too bad that was cut short with a knock at his tinted window "Hold on baby." Armin said with a groan turning to the door as did you taking your mouth off him as you shoved him back into his PSD boxers "Hand me my shit, will you?" The blue-eyed male asked you a little pissed off because he didn't get to cum while looking back down and you happily nodded.
Reaching back and grabbing the little baggies that sat in the driver's seat before handing it to him. Armin rolled down the window and there he was.
Your boyfriend standing there looking down at the scene in front of him his gaze going from you to Armin back and forth as you plucked one of Armin's pubes from your tongue "What the fuck?" He cursed frowning down at you and Armin. Guess he must've been that friend.
"So I take it you don't want your shit anymore?"
Eren felt just horrible.
He woke you up on his way out to get his morning coffee because he sucked at making coffee and he had customers later today so there was no way he could get through that without coffee. You knew this and knew how he'd try and sneak out without waking you up because he knew how much you hated waking up early and how you would insist on going with him because you didn't want to be alone.
So you were in the car with him still in your pajamas practically falling asleep in the passenger seat and he just felt horrible for that so he decided to make a little detour to give you a small pick-me-up.
Eren's hands gripped your hips harshly as his hips snapped into yours repeatedly as you moaned loudly "Unh! 'Ren!" You sputtered loudly your hands running down the tinted window looking for something to grip. Shit you were even going to grab onto the seatbelt, you were that desperate.
It was just so good, that you needed something to grab onto or bite onto.
"Still tired baby?" Eren asked as he leaned closer his chest pressing against your back as his cold hand trailed from your hip to up your shirt grouping gently as your back arched from the sudden coldness on your nipple.
You hated it when he was teasing you. Of course, you weren't tired. Not with his cold hands wandering all over your body and his hips continuously snapping into yours with noises of him sliding in and out echoing throughout the car.
You turned your head back to gaze at your boyfriend but with an especially hard thrust, your cheek pressed against the window "Ow! Eren!" You whined looking back at your long-haired boyfriend, he let out a small smile before pressing a small kiss on the nape of your neck.
"Sorry baby," Eren muttered trailing kisses from down your nape to down your spine, and his thrusts slowed a bit. Eren's apology was empty and meaningless, he probably meant to do it just to see the pout on your face.
Such a meanie.
The tickling of his wet kisses made a giggle escape your lips through moans and whines.
You looked down not wanting to soil the pitch-black seats, this car was so expensive...probably worth more than your entire life but Eren clearly didn't care from how he'd initiate shit like this almost every time you hopped in that car.
You didn't understand that. There'd always be a white stain on these seats and he looked like he didn't have a care in the world but oh let any of his customers touch that Octane Red paint on his car and all hell would break loose.
Guess you were just different huh? Special even. "You still need coffee or is this enough huh?"
Connie absolutely adored you.
You were pretty, smart, and such a good fuck.
Soooo it was only right that he celebrated you getting a 100% on a test you've been studying for forever by giving you the best present ever right in the back of his hellcat<3
You were so pretty moaning under him laid out in the backseat, your face twisted with pleasure, sweat beads rolling down your forehead and drool dropping down from your lips to your chin from your mouth that refused to close and just kept spilling out more and more whines and moans.
Connie ran his hand down from your throat and to your bare stomach resting it there before pushing down gently earning a yelp from you. You couldn't even think straight, you'd used up all your brains on that test, and the little that was left, Connie was busy fucking it all out.
His strong smell of weed and cologne filled your nostrils along with the amazing and clean smell of his car, it just made everything more pleasurable for you.
"Look at me, bae." Connie cooed pressing down on your stomach again making your eyes shoot open and another loud whine escape from your throat.
"M' sorry!" You blabbered out your head nearly hitting the door over and over with Connie's thrusts, Connie's hand went to your face comfortingly "Don't apologize baby. Just wanna see yo' pretty eyes." The springer boy said with a reassuring smile on his face leaning down to press a kiss on the tip of your nose.
A small laugh escaped your lips from the tickling feeling as you gazed up at your boyfriend with such adoration and desire in your eyes as your hands came to hold onto the back of his neck "When we get home I'll give you more." Thoughts of what Connie could do popped into your head continuously as a smile formed on your face.
He could eat you out maybe? Maybe let you ride him? There were so many things he could do when this was over and he drove you two home.
Connie was a freak. There was no doubt about that, he liked some shit you'd never even heard of before you met him and was down for anything and everything which only made the possibilities of what he could do endless.
Connie leaned forward kissing you passionately as his thrusts got sloppier and harder. Your tongues fighting for dominance with his winning almost instantly earning a small chuckle from him but it stopped just as soon as it started as the kiss got deeper.
He was stealing the breaths from you with every thrust.
"Next time you get an A, we'll do it anywhere you want."
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©torasplanet .ᐟ reblogs and likes are very appreciated! pls do not repost!!
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 6 months
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Ninjavember Days 20 - 24
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1-900-venusluvs · 1 month
i still adore you, I swear
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🍃! Plug! Miguel x Fem! reader !🍃
A/n: guys i was mf arching my back and typing this out on my laptop n I'm so glad ppl like the first one I rlly appreciate itt pookies! also I had to crop some of this out cause my man was full on arching his BACKK but credits to JesGreenEight for this banner!!!
cw/smut warning: pure smut, Miguel being a freaky man, weed, shitty ending bc y'all KNOW i'm absolute dog dookie at writing them, creampie, oral (m receiving), somewhere in it I said that reader has a bad reflex and I'm so sorrayy.
So now here you are, smoking a joint with your plug. The harsh yet sweet aroma of weed filled his room. He passes the joint back to you letting you take a rip. You cough a little from the smoke clouding your lungs but still manage to have a smile. You pass the joint back to him without a word. Breaking the silence Miguel spoke in an almost slurred tone. 
“I know it’s not the weed speaking but has anyone told you you're so attractive, ma?” His veiny hand finds your thigh before rubbing the flesh without knowing. You immediately snicker as you answer back in a flirty tone.
“Hmm no Miggy they haven't” he trails his hand closer and grips your inner thigh while chuckling, you two were just on the moon. He replies to your comment after taking a hit.
“Honestly I should show you how attractive you are to me.” your eyes widened at his statement but you were intrigued at most. The way his shirt hugged him, the way you can see his cock print through his sweatpants. It was all so feverish. He comes closer to you with his lips up to your neck making the hair stand up practically. 
“You smell so good.” he finally says before placing kisses on your neck making you moan. His kisses go lower to your chest. He takes off your shirt revealing your skin to him. He instantly kisses your neck now having his hands on your waist, pulling you closer. The smell of weed and anticipation is clouding the room. Your panties are already soaked from when he first called you attractive. Before you know it he speaks in an entertaining tone.
 “How about you taking it out for me?”
 You instantly pull down his pants and his underwear. His cock bounces to his stomach before standing back up. His cock was decorated with some hair. Your breath caught in your throat after realizing how hot it was. You knew it was wrong but it felt so damn good, you can say that.
He puts the palm of his hand on your cheek as he rubs your bottom lip with his thumb, he looks down at you with love in his eyes. Were you always this pretty? 
“Look at those pretty lips.” 
he says in an admiring tone. You faintly smile before giving a couple of kitten licks and then actually putting your whole mouth on the tip. 
“You like that?” You mumble out on his cock. Miguel could’ve just came right then and there. He saw how sexy you looked with your soft lips wrapped around his cock like a glove.
 “There you go” he muttered under his breath. You push your head deeper onto his cock but you choke on it due to your horrible gag reflex. You pull back with a saliva string pulling with you.
“Hmm, Miguel..” 
 you say, slurring your words a bit. You were cockdrunk from him. 
“You did such a good job, didn’t you? m’ so proud baby.” He spoke out while looking down at you. He breaks the moment of silence by saying. 
        “Think you can bend over for me mami?” He says before stroking his cock. You bend over to feel his huge hands grabbing and kneading the fat of your hips and pulling your pants down. He gasps and chuckles when he sees your panties with a wet spot making it noticeable. “I see you getting wet for me.” He says.
 He pulls your panties to the side to see your plump lips soaked It just looks like you wanted to get fucked by him. He knows what you need, Just let him guide you. Suddenly you feel his fat mushroom tip lay on your clit. 
“Are you ready bunny?” He just makes you feel mushy inside even if he’s saying simple things. You nod your head before preparing for his cock. He shoves his tip in, You whimper as you can feel being stretched out by his thick tip. 
“Awhh shit. Your pussy’s huggin’ around me.” He moans out. He can even admit that your pussy did make him moan and groan. He has fucked many girls but they all just felt like he had to do it. With you, it feels special. 
“Hmm, M-miggy..please move..” you moan. Your moans sounded pornographic. He bucks his hips into you while grunting. 
“Ah this pussy got superpowers or somethin’ hm?” He jokes before smacking your plump ass. He loves the way it jiggles when he smacks it even lightly. 
“God d-damn.” You manage to yelp out. He thrusts deeper into your pussy. “Fuck you're gonna make me cum. Can’t believe I have your cute ass under me.” 
After minutes of moaning and groaning, you feel a full feeling. His cum sprays inside your cunt and you feel it Immediately fill your cunt up. When he pulls out his soft cock you can feel you can feel his cum leak out of your cunt.
“Your mine got it? my stock is coming soon but you're mine from now on,” he says hugging you to the bed and holding you fairly close to him. You feel butterflies roam around your stomach when you see his hand on your lower waist. Before you even spoke you heard his snores filling the room. You giggle quietly at the fact that he fell asleep in a second.
and here's to my taglist ( ◜‿◝ )♡: @moon-rivr @monstera02 @lazyjellyfish300 @yougavemeyourheartyouknow @yournextbimbogf @chiwhorei
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candle-scm · 6 months
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hi i did the meme and i love yueki now, thank you @ avatar fandom
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sincerlycas · 1 year
pretty lady.
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summary: a connie drabble where he has to deal with dating the most prettiest girl.
warnings: mature scenes, slight smut, etc.
commission for: @tojisblondebimbo
don’t forget to dm me for commissions <3
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connie loved you with his hearts content, he loved when you would come up to him squealing because you got a new dress, he loved the way how tight the dress clunged to your body leaving no where for imagination. your ass pocking out the bottom of the dress when you would bend over showing your lacy thong clinging to your mound so tightly.
connie loved the fact you were so damn pretty, you were hard headed and stubborn, but soft and poise. he loved how sometimes your beauty could get you anything. for example, you forgot your purse in the house so you turn to look at connie while pointing at the Chanel bag “pa pleaseee I’ll pay you back!!” shaking his head he agreed to buy it knowing damn well you won’t pay him back. but he knew something was up when you seemed to forget your wallet multiple times. what can you say, why would you spend your own money when your man is right there?
but you being pretty can also cause problems. the amount of times he had to beat niggas asses left and right because they couldn’t keep their hands off you. sometimes he wished you wore a plastic bag over your head when going out. he wished your dresses weren’t so mesh and tight on you showing everyone a preview of what’s up under there. but it’s not really his baby’s fault that she’s so pretty so all he can do is grunt about it and move along while rubbing onto your ass any chance he can.
the times he really loved though was being between your legs sucking with his hearts content. looking up momentarily seeing your bambi watery eyes staring right back at him, your plump lips letting out the softest whines possible. slurping sounds filling the room as you rock back against his face trying to catch your nut. connie’s tongue did wonders that sometimes you had to deprive him from the pussy. like one time he wanted to fuck while you guys were at a family gathering and cupped your pussy with his hand after slipping it through the slit of the skirt “connie !!” “whatt? let’s go in my old room hm?”
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your hair messy and all over the place, makeup and lip combo smeared, legs kicking around everywhere, toes curling, back arching off the bed “you taste so good mama~ how come you won’t sit on my face forever huh~? don’t that sound like a good idea pretty lady~?” slapping the side of your thighs with pinching your overstimulated clit. “what you think mama~? tell ‘pa’ what you thinking in the pretty little head of yours~” biting your lip you grabbed his hand making him hover over you. watching your plum lips connie heard “you won’t be able to handle it pa~” did I forget to tell you he loved that slick mouth?
he couldn’t leave you alone even if he tried. you were a little bit toxic. everytime he went to do a deal you would latch onto him telling him if he left you in the house alone for an hour max you would leave. of course knew you were bluffing but he still sighed a stayed with you a while longer knowing if he you guys broke up, you’d find a nigga the same day. ouuu he was just like the song area codes by kali, that one line that said “matter of fact, scratch that imma send you a stack just cuz you fine as hell” and bitch that nigga hand you two racks!! while saying “give me a show and I’ll add an extra hermosa” who were you to decline the offer?
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overall being connie’s pretty girl had many perks it’s a 10/10 experience <3
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carpetbug · 2 months
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darling duusu my beloved
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savnofilter · 21 days
Guilty | a. shouta
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         Plug!Shouta Aizawa x [FEM]Reader
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WARNING(S): sexual content, mentions of weed, drug use (cannabis), high/inebriated sex, infidelity (don't do this y'all), it's consensual tho they both suck, Reader is a "older-sister deals with a lot mess" tease, fingering (m -> f), lube, making out, light petting, barely any foreplay besides that, p in v sex, protected sex, unestablished relationship.
COUNT: 2.5k words.
READ MORE: masterlist | adults masterlist
A/N: this is funny cuz ive never been high a day in my life. ive never gotten high or drunk... ive tried but. 🤷🏽‍♀️ 😭 if i get sum wrong with the terms, SORRY. my knowledge is only extensive to what i hear my friends be saying okay?! okay. sorry weed heads lol. this was originally gonna be car sex but it ended up... not being that so maybe next time. 👀
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▶• ılıılıılıılıılıılı. 0:69
‘Just come upstairs plssss, I’ll slip you extra’
[✓] 23:56
Aizawa huffed at your whining. He knew better than to do it but tonight he wasn't being stern with himself. The last time you had come down to his car to get what you normally did, it went in a whole other direction that wasn’t intended.
You were a good person.
Meaning you were currently in a high level of schooling, soon to graduate and finally full send into your desired career. You were dressed somewhat modestly in your day to day life, avoided using unnecessary swear words and was always polite when needed. You were a model student, rounding up to be on the dean's list as the final exam period rounds the corner. You often helped out with your community and even volunteered in a soup kitchen.
Not to mention, you were the kid parents dreamed of. Being the first born you didn't really have that many choices. You were already in a serious relationship, the guy you were with had a lot more destined for him as well so it only made sense for you two to be together. You had met them through your parents, actually. Thankfully they weren't ugly nor was they that bad to be around. But did you really want to marry?
To everyone else, you were a “good person”. But your underlying secrets said otherwise.
Aizawa was starting to question it himself. The last time you two had crossed the line hadn't been the first. You see, your “good” reputation was only merely an act. You weren't the worst person on the planet, no, but there was a lapse in your judgement as you slowly felt like your life was a lie. The somewhat arranged relationship and the hand held future into what you should desire instead of what you actually wanted to do caught up to you eventually.
You had met Aizawa a little bit more than a few years ago through a friend of yours. At that time, you were single and his romantic situation wasn't any knowledge to you. Not that it was any of your business to begin with. That night you had bought from him was your first time smoking, ever. Your friends had convinced you to do it and you weren't entirely against the idea so you went along with it.
It was at some beach party that he could only care so much about and he was in a mode operating strictly for business despite knowing the party owners himself. Though when you had first come up to him, weary and looking the prettiest you've ever been. Shouta had seen so many people in his lifetime, but looking at you for the first time had him starstruck. It was almost embarrassing how he nearly zoned out when you two caught eye contact. The way your lips moved and how you hugged your body as a sign of needing direction in the whole process intrigued him. You stuck out like a sore thumb between you and your friends that accompanied you, even though you all clearly arrived together.
The moment he first saw you replayed in his head as he stood at your door, waiting for you to let him in. He knows he shouldn’t be doing this, interfering with your life but it wasn’t all his fault; it took two to tango.
“Leave your shoes at the door,” Your voice called out to him. His eyes refocused as you turned around, eyes taking more than enough time to take your appearance. A hoodie that fit your figure in a way he knew wasn't yours covered your torso while a small pair of shorts hugged your ass all too well and only a pair of socks to keep you comfortable in your warm but drafty apartment is all you wore. Focused, that's what he needed to be. That's what he should be reminding himself of. This should only be for business.
He absentmindedly does as you say though, the process of removing his shoes easier than usual since he adorned a comfortable pair of designer slides (gifted to him by someone close to him, of course). You instruct him to rest the grams on your living room's coffee table, already giving away how many times Shouta shouldn't have been in your apartment. Still, he wordlessly pads his way to the room, his feet covered in socks also thudding against the padded floor.
Shouta follows your instructions on placing the bag on your table and promptly attempts to leave before making any choices he'd regret later. Your plans were different as you stood in the doorway, not blocking the walkway at all, but for sure trapping him. You glance at him with a pout full of confusion and longing.
“Could you help me roll one? You know I struggle with it.”
His eyes were glued to your plump lips as you talked, mesmerized at your words. That was a damn lie and both you knew it. Though he couldn't hold back the gulp as he nodded his head in hesitation, glancing towards the door behind you, reluctant to the idea of a special someone waltzing in that door. As if reading his mind, you smile and walk towards him, shoulder briefly checking his even with the amount of room that should've been left between you two.
“My fíance is out of town, they usually help me.” You get yourself comfortably sat on your couch and beckon him over, and pat the free seat next to you for him to sit. You don't wait for him as you rest your rolling tray on the table. “Come sit,”
And so he does.
With his hands stuffed in his pockets and eyes glued to the product he brought to you. He walks around the table to not interrupt you and gingerly sits as requested. If anyone walked in on you, there would be no mistaking the tension in the air. Shouta’s body posture was more than stiff as he tried not to pursue you. He clears his throat once you've finally pulled your gram out, getting your shredder to help mince the plant.
“None of your friends are available?” Shouta asks, leaning back in to your sofa as you busy yourself with preparation. You shrug and glance at him with a grin.
“You're a friend, no?” You tease him as you beckon him to get closer and move the tray in front of him.
He rolls his eyes as he gets busy, glaring at the rolling paper as he lines up the sativa. “You know what I mean.”
But you have no answer for him. Instead he watches as you purse your lips and cross your arms, body language closing him out without you having to verbally say it. He feels a little smug though, finally being able to turn the tables on you in this situation instead of the opposite.
He sits back as he finally finishes up the roll and glances around for the lighter. Although at this time you refused to make eye contact, you read his actions pretty well and dig into your hoodie’s pocket for the pink lighter. You hold it out to him once your fish it out, palm open with invitation.
“Open.” Shouta says curtly, but you understand what he meant all too well. He holds up the blunt and you grin happily in content. You scoot closer to him, the two of your bodies now touching each other as you leaned closer to his hand. You look up at him as he gently places the blunt to your mouth, your hand quick to top off the process by lighting it up.
You take a deep drag from it and lightly pull away, holding in your breath before puffing it out in a soft breath. You hum happily as you lean back against your sofa, still sitting close to him as he takes his own turn in having a drag of his own. The exchange is continued in silence minus the bustling city noises and people outside to accompany it. As the air grew thicker in scent with weed, so did the tension between both of you.
As you sat back with your body language open and muscles relaxed, his large and heavy hand rested on the inside of your thigh, squeezing every few moments or so. The light movement had you giggling—mixed between the airy headed sensation filling your senses and the tips of his fingers itching for more had you eager to receive it. Sharing another puff you gently pass it to him and use both of your hands to guide his wandering one straight to your clothed core, the only thing stopping him from properly touching you is the thin material or your shorts. His hand palms your pussy through the material, his unabashed groping bringing a light moan from you. You open your legs further in an attempt to encourage him further, the gesture working.
Though, Aizawa pulls away, ignoring your whine in protest and snubs the end of the tiny end of the blunt onto the rolling tray. He finally sits back and pats his thigh for you to climb up on it, and you happily follow his lead. In a few seconds you're climbing over his lap comfortably, and sitting across it as your hands find his neck in solace. Your eyes are lidded and already heavy with arousal, needing nothing more than to take him.
He isn't in the mood to play coy either as his hands slip down to hold your ass and thigh respectively. He gives your skin a squeeze and you finally lean in to plant a messy kiss against his. It takes everything in Aizawa to hold back the groan that threatens to leave his lips, mouth moulding to yours as you both try to develop a rhythm that worked for both of you. You were a grinning mess trying to get into the motion, pride already swelling within you as you could feel him poking at the side of your body. Of course without hesitation you palmed him, needing not to shy away from him anymore.
You tease his lower lip by giving it a small bite as you pull away and look down to watch yourself palm at his building erection. Usually at this time you'd drop a remark but you were too thirsty to even do so. It'd only been a few days since you've gotten some and you were fiending for him. As his eyes flicker back up at yours, you glance back at him and lean in to take his lips with yours again. It's intoxicating how he has a soft dominant nature to him; the way Aizawa’s mouth overtook yours was so natural and steady. Not too much nor too little. You were so lost in his kisses that you didn't even notice you were switching positions with him until you were properly straddling his lap and your hands were resting on his shoulders.
“Ride it.”
He had said in a haze, glaring eyes staring back at yours with no patience behind them. Despite you two only making out and petting for only so long you feel giddy to finally get on with it. You slowly nodded your head as you carefully tried to get off his lap to remove your shorts. Aizawa did his part in reaching into his back pocket and only letting down his pants only enough to let his cock out. Due to his inebriation he wasn't the hardest as he typically is, but that'll all change once the real part comes in.
Your eyes quickly scanned the scene as you reached under the cabinet of the coffee table for your lube to help slick you up, not having much foreplay beforehand. Once you grabbed it you happily straddled him again and put a healthy serving on his awaiting cock. Thankfully he had already wrapped himself up so you didn't have to fumble with that this time around. Once you put the amount you were comfortable with, you got in position and lined yourself up on his tip. You toyed with your lip as you slowly sunk yourself onto it, you two pulling in a deep breath as you continued to do so. It wasn't until you had basically taken in most of his length did you two exhale in relief, the sensation so much better than you remembered.
Aizawa's hands find your hips to help guide you once you start to move, a heavy moan escaping your lips as his sizable hands gripped your skin. You dared to look back at yourself, out of breath and riding off pure ecstasy and lust. You watched as he grew more greedy, instead of going with your original pace and speeding you up as he sunk himself deeper into your greedy cunt. Because that's exactly what you were. Greedy.
You lean your body more against his as you try to adjust, the sound of his cock hitting up into you growing louder by the second. Skin slapping against skin, with the occasional sound of his hand slapping your ass for good measure. He wasn't discreet in checking you out either, every so often glancing towards the mirror you had in your living room that perfectly gave him a view of you riding his cock like no tomorrow. Or at least he was making you do so.
Your whimpers filled the room as you were starting to get overstimulated by the second. You were mumbling his name and cursing as if you were trying to rid of him, eyes closed in bliss and hands tightly fisting the couch that sat behind him and his sweatshirt. Against your better judgment and his, you didn't even think to question him sucking and biting your neck, leaving evidence with his kisses that he was claiming someone that will never be his. A sharp nip on your skin is what catches your attention, a frustrated groan coming from you once you realize.
“Ngh…” You start to speak but fail miserably. As best as you could lean away from his lips without sacrificing your position didn't work as Aizawa wraps his arms around your waist and effortlessly flips you two over on the couch.
With his cock still in you, he pounds into your wet pussy, mouth once again on yours and swallows your vocal sounds. Your hands are tangled in his black hair as you have completely forgotten about your complaint, legs wrapped around his hips to help lock him in. You try your best to gyrate up against him, head tilting back as you near your first intimate high for the night.
You breathe out his name in the form of his nickname, the sensation of hearing you whisper for him against his ear bringing a guilty shiver down his spine. He even lets out a small groan as you manage to clench unbelievably tight around him as you come undone, the feeling almost unbearable. He dishes out a few more thrusts of his until he's filling the condom he wore. Unlike you though, the kisses you delivered onto his neck had him sobering up fast and quickly coming to terms with tonight's exchange. Aizawa couldn't bring himself to judge you as a person, either.
Knowing he has his own partner waiting at home, oblivious.
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chrollohearttags · 11 months
when you get home…
eren spoiling his special lady after a long day of work.
content warning: plug!eren, black fem!reader, tummy kissing, weed mentions, him being a sweetie pie :(, oral (f. receiving), hand holding
📝: for my bae @spaceforher! 🫶🏾 I saw that you were having a bad day at work and I hope this makes it a bit better. Love youuuu!! 🤍
it was very seldom that you’d come home with exciting news..that you’d have a completely easy day with no worries or headaches. Even so, you’d come through the door with a faint smile on your face and try your best to brave it. Despite his many attempts to allow you to be his full time arm candy in place of your employment, you’d tell him that you were fine. Normally, he’d just trust your judgement and try his best to accommodate for his baby. But tonight…he had an even better idea.
“Go ahead, baby..I’m listening.”
“I—ahhh…well we had a b-busy day. It’s not that important..”
light huffs escaping your lips as his pouty one’s traced over the curvature of your toned stomach, leaving soft kisses all down your torso as he slowly lifted your uniform shirt. Moving slowly down your body; marking your flesh with each delicate peck. Each one sending a tingling sensation to your lower half, which he was quick to tend to as well..unfastening those pants without so much as a
“Shhh..it’s okay..here, hold my hands, beautiful.” Cooing you along as he reached the lowest part of your belly and eventually tugged the string of your panties with his teeth, practically ripping them off but the second he rendered you nude from the waist down, he’d brush his fingertips across your swollen clit; hugging your thighs in his muscular arms. On the nightstand next to you rested a blunt he had been nursing that he’d tell you to grab. Whilst you inhaled and then blew a cloud of smoke, he was teasing you..still touching those sensitive nerves and kissing those plump lower lips. Giving that dripping little pussy a couple slaps before suckling at your bud and flicking his tongue around your folds. Just as abruptly though, he’d stop! He wasn’t going to give you the full pleasure you desired until you returned his sentiment…
“Now are you gonna tell me how your day went? I’m not gonna let you come if you don’t, mama. You know I don’t like seeing you stressed..”
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yugiohz · 1 year
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the sillies
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One of the biggest challenges about writing a modern OFMD AU is you might be really tempted to send Stede to therapy. Especially if you're writing a fluffier piece, access to therapy and the Internet will help Stede realize he's a flaming homosexual and get on better footing with himself before he even meets Ed, allowing you to bypass many of their canon struggles as your Stede will be in a better position to actually use his words and communicate with his boyfriend.
However. It will also cause issues. And the biggest issue is that your Stede will now know Therapy Vocabulary and it will add an immediate +25% modifier to his Insufferable stat.
Ed will be crying and having a bad time and Stede will sit down with him, hold him close, kiss his sweet face, and then say "don't worry Ed. You're experiencing something us mental health experts call a Symptom 😔"
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biconickyoshi · 3 months
Mannn can y’all imagine if NAtLA had just aged up the characters to all be around their late teens (like the LoK characters)? Because IMO there’s no reason for Aang and Katara to be as young as they were in the show when so much else has been altered.
If they had aged Aang up to say like 15-16 (and probably Katara as well bc I think Zuko and Sokka’s NAtLA ages are fine) I not only think the story would work better for the gritty live action they want, but this would make things a lot easier for shippers in general lol.
I’m making this post specifically in response to the amazing chemistry Zuko and Aang have in NAtLA. Like these two have much more chemistry in one episode than Aang has with either Sokka or Katara in the entirety of the rest of the show.
Like imagine all the Zuko and Aang interactions from NAtLA, but Aang is only a year or two younger than Zuko. Two young men who are on opposing sides of the war, but who are also two halves of the same coin, yin and yang, whose destinies are intertwined?? The amount of Zukaang shippers that would bring about would be astronomical!
Anyways if y’all are interested in reading a slowburn enemies-to-friends-to-lovers rewrite of the original series in which Zuko discovers Aang in the iceberg right after he’s banished at age 13, check out my fic The Avatar and the Fire Prince on ao3 (28 chapters currently posted, most recent being The Siege of the North, Part 2)
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