#poly! dreamteam x reader
deliwrites · 2 years
ℂ𝕠𝕞𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕥 𝕊𝕝𝕦𝕥 // 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊 // Dream Team
// DATE // 26th of November 2022 // PAIRING // DreamTeam x fem!Reader, george x fem!reader, sapnap x fem!reader, dream x fem!reader // WARNING // flirty!reader, use of real names, tease!reader, playgirl(ish)!reader, reader being playfully teased   // WORDS // 2,5k+ // SUMMARY //  Your first day in America with the boys. (it's a bit of a filler cause I've been very busy with college, sorry!) // CREDIT // I have use a small paragraph of the first book of the "to be claimed" series from "Willow Winters". I highly recommend it if you are into a/o/b stuff.
// SERIES // Intro // Part One // Part Two // Part Three // Part Four // I’m open for serie title suggestions for this one! Feel free to comment your suggestion here or sent it into my inbox!
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After our group hug, I looked up to actually look at Clay. Nick and George going to grab my suitcases.
“I knew you would be gorgeous,” I told him. I don’t think he was expecting exactly that. A loud chuckle coming from him in surprise. A bright smile covering my face. Standing on my tippy toes, I peck his cheek. “Now, where is Patches?” I ask with excitement. Don’t tell them I said this, but Patches is definitely the biggest reason I decided to move.
“Alright, let’s let those two deal with the suitcases,” we laugh at the two somehow struggling to get them out of the car. Wrapping an arm around my shoulders, Clay starts leading the way to the front door.
“Patches!” I sing song the moment the front door closes behind us.
“Last I saw her she was in my ro-”  a meow interrupts him—patches. She walks over to us from the living room.
“Hmm,” I giggle evilly. “I guess you forgot to tell Patches about your plan,” smirking, I stand on my tippy toes again, this time pecking his lips now that we were in private. Clay smiles, only a little defeated. He did at least get a peck. I peck his lips two more times before walking over to Patches slowly. Lowering to the floor. “Hi cutie,” holding out my hand for her to sniff. Cautiously strutting over, she starts sniffing my fingers. Quickly after nudging my hand. Allowing me to pet her. “Awh, you like me already!” Gently I pick her up, cradling her in my arms like a baby.
“Of course, she likes you,” Clay says, watching fondly at the interaction. Watching me baby-talk to the cat. She somehow meowed back in response. “You’re part of the family,” getting up from the floor I sent him a smile. Still holding onto Patches who decided to hug me.
“So, where is my - unfinished -  room?” Before Clay can answer, the front door bursts open. George and Nick arguing as they stumble inside with my four suitcases. The commotion causing Patches to jump from my arms, using my shoulder. Leaving a slight stinging sensation from her claws. Running who knows where to hide from the two. “You guys okay?”
“I thought you packed light!” George exclaims, making the question sound more like a statement.
“I did?” I answered with confusion. I had been carrying all four suitcases and hadn’t really noticed one being heavier than the others. Maybe one because of books, but not so much heavier that it would cause such a struggle. Walking over I took the heavy suitcase, noting that it seemed heavier. Placing it on the floor. Unzipping it, I take a peek inside. “She did not,” I mutter, smacking the suitcase shut. I had no idea what else was in this suitcase. But I did not want them to see what mom had put in it.
“What? What’s in it?” Nick asks, his voice filled with curiosity.
“Let’s not worry about it,” I quickly go to zip up the suitcase, not noticing the look the three share. “Hey!” I squeak when I am suddenly pulled away from the suitcase. Clay having a tight hold on me. Leaving us both to sit on the floor. Trapped I am unable to move out of his hold as I trash around. I’m forced to watch Nick and George open the suitcase. The first thing in sight is a - one of my many - baby albums. One I didn’t plan on bringing, along with a box filled with other pictures from my childhood. Under those, I could see - spicy - books and a black Hunkamüller box. That box was not filled with lingerie tho. No, no, but I think you can guess when I tell you that I would rather have them look at my baby pictures.
“Y/n’s baby pictures,” George smirks. Immediately flipping through the pages quickly. Laughing when he finds a picture of me naked. Showing it to all of us, I was laid on a cushion, on my belly. Ass plumb nice and round in true baby fashion. ‘Awh’s filled the entree way as they continued flipping through them. All the while I groan in both embarrassment and frustration, hiding my face in my hands.
“They are just baby pictures!” I try to minimize the hype of the photo album. “I don’t know why mom packed those.”
“She packed it so we can tease you with it,” Clay says from behind me, still keeping me trapped in his hold. Though I stopped trashing, just letting it happen. Scoffing, I rolled my eyes, not that he could see.
“And what are these,” Nick grabs one of the few books in the suitcase. These were my favourites, there were more going to be shipped by my mom. But they didn’t need to know what they were about.
“Just books… Nothing to worry about,” maybe I should shut up though. I didn’t like lying and I especially couldn’t lie to these three idiots. Besides, nothing I say is going to make them stop looking through my stuff. I wouldn’t mind but like this, it felt very exposing. 
“To be claimed, Willow Winters,” Lucky for me I got the discreet version, so as long as they didn’t open the book I would be in the clear. “What’s this about?”
“I’m not saying anything,” I should really listen to my own advice. With a mock scoff, George takes the book from Nick. Opening it to a random page.
“Before the torn clothing even hits the floor, his tongue-”
“George stop,” I try to stop him from continuing as he reads from the book. He just glances at me, smirk devilishly on his lips.
“His tongue is on me. His rough stubble scratches against my inner thighs and it’s even better-”
“George ple-” before I can finish my plea Clay’s hand covers my mouth.
“Shh, we’re finding out how kinky you really are,” he says in a hushed tone.
“ ‘Please!’ I can’t stand the torture any longer. I need my release. He moves from between my legs and hovers over my body while wiping my glistening arousal from his mouth with the back of his hand. His lips are swollen and his silver gaze doesn’t hide his desperation to be inside me in the least. At least both of us are affected. ‘You need me to fuck you, Grace?’.”
“Wow, we know you’re horny, but not this horny,” Nick teases me when George stops reading. Thanks fuck. Pulling Clay's hand down I mock a laugh.
“At least the men in these books are able to pull more girls than you guys,” laughs fill the space. Clay finally let go of me. Thankfully they decided they had done enough snooping for today. Instead, actually deciding to show me around our home. Ending at my empty bedroom, lucky me, it has an ensuite.
“So, as I explained before, for now, we are rotating beds,” Clay says after putting one suitcase down in the room, George, Nick and I doing the same with the other suitcases. “Tonight, my room is all yours. Tomorrow George’s, then Nick’s. And it will repeat until your room is ready.” 
“Hmm, are you sure you trust me in your rooms?” I smirk evilly.
Around noon whilst we were all relaxing on the living room couch, my phone started ringing.
“Shit,” I mumble, quickly answering the phone. “H-hey mom..,”
“Y/full/n, you’ve made me worried sick! You said you would call when you landed!” my mom's voice rings loudly.
“I’m so sorry! I promise that I’m okay. I have arrived safely-”
“I don’t believe you! Hand the phone to George.”
“What? George is more believable than me?” I ask offended, the guys laughing at my reaction.
“Just hand over the phone, unless you’re not actually with them.”
“Okay, okay,” doing as told, I give my phone to Geoge who puts it on speaker.
“Hello Mrs Y/l/n,” he says calmly.
“Oh thank god, my angel hasn’t been kidnapped.”
“What!?” I exclaim. Clay wheezed beside George.
“Honey, the only way I would know for certain would be George’s British accent,” mom says like it’s nothing. “If you would have just turned your video on-”
“It’s okay, Y/n, you can turn the cam on,” Clay reassures me like he was reading my mind.
“You sure?” He nods with a sweet smile. Taking my phone back from George. I turn on the front camera.
“There you are,” mom smiles tearily.
“See, I’m alright. I’m in one piece. I’ve just been fed by Clay,” I turn the camera trying to show her I was actually in one piece. Also showing the empty plate on my lap. “I’m being well taken care of.”
“As promised!” Nick says, popping his head into frame next to me. “Also thank you for making her bring a baby photo album,” he smirks, making me roll my eyes.
“I actually can’t believe you put it in my suitcase!”
“Awh, but hun, I had to give the boys something to tease you with,” she grins like a Cheshire cat making the guys laugh.
“I thought you were on my side,” I pout.
“Oh, but I am. I am always on your side.” She says in that motherly voice. “But since I won’t see them myself. It meant I couldn't tease you with the pictures myself.”
“Fine, I’ll let you get away with it. But I’m definitely going to hide it.”
“Oh, we’ll find it,” Clay promises, making me reach over George, hitting his arm. 
The call goes on for a little while longer. Ending when Mom goes to bed.
At 9 pm I gave up on trying to keep myself awake. Saying goodnight to the guys, pecking their cheeks. Retreating into Clay’s room after sending him a wink. Using that as a way of saying he was allowed to join me when he went to bed.
I quite literally plummet onto the bed the moment I’ve undressed. Wrapping myself in the comfortable sheets. Which smells delightfully like Clay. It was such a new scent but it was so comforting. Almost like I hadn’t left home. I tried to fight the sleep but almost instantly fell asleep.
It was close to 2 am when Clay was finally able to sneak into his own room. George had gone to bed around 11:30 but Nick stayed up another hour. Not waiting to risk waking those two he had to wait longer. 
Grinning when he saw her figure in his sheets, her face nuzzled in his pillow. Quietly taking off his clothes. He crawls into his bed, on the other side of her. With gentle hands, he pulls her figure closer to him. She grumbled a bit, Clay softly chuckles. But that’s enough to make her stir. Blinking slowly Y/n looks at Clay, a smile forming on her lips.
“Hey,” she says sleepily, a lazy smile on her lips.
“Hi cutie,” he grins at the lazily blinking girl. She snuggles closer to the tall male. “You tired, baby?” she nods against his chest. “That’s alright, go back to sleep,” he pecks the top of her head. He obviously hoped something would happen between him and the teasing minx he was currently cuddling. But he understands how tired she is. It was a long day for her. So much to digest. A whole new life to get used to. There would be many more days for just the two of them. The thought of it brought a smile to his face. Not that she saw.
“Love you,” the confession shouldn’t have shocked him as much as it had. Y/n often told him, Nick and George, that she loves them. But hearing it in real life felt so much different.
“Love you too,” he replied softly, giving her another peck on her head. Clay laid awake for a while longer. Not used to sleeping with someone. Especially, someone, he cared for as much as Y/n. 
He had spoken about it before. And he truly means it. He spoke about Nick and George being his soulmates. Maybe not in the traditional sense. But he thinks the same of Y/n, it might just be a little different. What he knows for sure is that he loves the three of them so much.
The next day I was happy yet surprised to find Clay Next to me. A quick flash of a memory reminding me that he had joined me late last night. He was still asleep cuddled into me. With a grin, I worm my right hand free. Reaching up to softly caress his face. My thumb traces his cheek, his slight stubble catching on my skin. I took my time appreciating his face. Loving the light freckles scattering across his nose and cheeks. He had told me he had them of course, I just hadn’t seen them. And now I get to stare at them as long as I want. Beautiful lashes decorating his closed eyes. Wild curly dirty blond hair framing his face. Plumb slightly pouty bottom lip. Tracing my thumb softly across the pink skin. I watch as it subconsciously gets pulled into his mouth. Licking his lip softly, making me bite my lip. I quite desperately wanted to kiss him, but he’s asleep.
“I can feel you staring.”
“Huh? What? No, I’m not!” I replied startled. Turning away like I wasn’t just appreciating his face. He chuckles, pulling me closer to him. Arms wrapped tight but lovingly around my waist. Giggling as he peppers the top of my head with kisses. Turning back to face him I smile up at him.
“Did you sleep well?” he asks gently, his left hand coming up to cup my cheek. A blush flushing my cheek as I nod to answer him.
“It feels like home,” I tell him. I wasn’t necessarily talking about sharing the bed with him. But it all just felt like it was normal. Like I didn’t just move countries. This is my home. With my three boys. It’s meant to be this way.
“I’m glad,” his voice is soft. Slowly leaning in, giving me the option to pull away. Instead, I met him halfway. Our lips slotted together in a tender kiss. No tongue, just lips pouring out feelings of finally making the dream come true. 
“Hmm, I’m hungry,” I tell him romantically the moment we pull away. Biting my bottom lip with a grin.
“Idiot,” Clay chuckles. “Go get dressed, I’ll be in the kitchen.”
“Okies,” I peck his lips once more before getting out of bed. Clay doing the same, smacking my ass to get moving. I squeak watching him smirk as he goes to his closet. Leaving the room, I go to mine. 
When everyone was awake we made plans. Our schedules weren’t free for shopping for the next two weeks. So we freed a random Wednesday, Thursday and Friday for shopping and building. Clay would have done his face reveal by then. So he agreed to do a building stream with me, along with George and Nick.
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sunshine-on-marz · 2 years
hii! I saw ur post about poly dream team x reader asks so I thought id send one:D maybe poly!dreamteam x shy reader head canons? U dont have to do this ask if it makes u uncomfortable!!
AHHH YESSS!!! This is more of a collection of blurbs then headcanons but I hope you still like it! I’m also not super shy so I’m sorry if this is shit
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Malls are hard
They are loud and crowded and confusing, which almost always leads to social interaction that you don’t want
But somehow the boys convinced you to go
“Bubba do I have to go, yall can always leave me home and have a guys day” “nope, as far as I’m concerned you’re apart of ‘the guys’ so you’re coming” “but I don’t wanna” “c’mon, I’m sure George will hold your hand the whole time” “well good to know you’ll be supportive of my social anxiety” you joke and he lightly shoves your shoulder. “Now you know I would just end up dragging you around the whole mall” “true, at least George doesn’t want to go into every. single. tech store.” “That’s not fair! The stuff is cool and you like them to!” “Yes I like them the first 3 times we go into one, but by the 6th one per trip?” The two of you burst out laughing and sit on the couch while you wait for the other two to be ready
You were forcefully dragged to the car and sat in the back next to George
“I wanna stay home” “c’mon babe” “it’ll be fun” “bull shit” George wrapped his pinky around yours and rested his head on your shoulder “you’re gonna like it, plus I’m here now so it’ll be better then whatever these dorks did before” sap turned around for a second to stick his tongue out at George. You giggled and Dream reached back from the passenger seat to put his hand on your thigh.
George keeps his word
Is no more then 5 feet from you at literally all times
If you get scared to talk at the checkout he’ll talk for you, then pay because “I talked to the cashier so I buy the stuff”
You guys get recognized and you’re more scared then the fan
Dream holds your hand through the whole fan interaction
The boys make sure you don’t have to do any talking you don’t want to
Hell, they’ll go ask a worker for your clothes in a different size if they need to.
Sap starts kissing on you in line and Dream has to physically pull him off because of how embarrassed you looked
You do give Sap a kiss on the cheek after because you hate saying no to his kisses
When you get home George gives you a massage because of how tense you where
Then there’s a movie night to recharge your social battery
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eminems-skittles · 2 years
random karlnap x reader headcanons
karlnap x reader
i am begging for karlnap x reader requests pls i will take anything (or poly!dreamteam+karl x reader <3 this is just stream of consciousness writing lmk if u want more
sapnap is the driver idk why it just fits
i can see karl sitting in the back middle seat hanging over the center console while you guys are driving around
night drives with them would be so fun
they would either be the most chaotic drives or the most chill
having weekly date nights
most date nights are just you guys piling onto the couch or someone's bed and watching youtube or a tv show
you do make an effort to go out on dates but sometimes you guys are just too tired or don’t want to deal with potentially seeing fans
they’d make you join their streams in someway
chat would love your relationship <3
they’d also love when you would paint karl’s nails and just hangout on stream
there’d be so many edits of how the boys look at you <3
yk the vid of karl n sap hugging at twitchcon (this one)
there would be hugs like that every day
sleepy cuddles with them all the time
all of your sleep schedules are a mess
all of their friends r protective of ur guys relationship since it’s a lil out of the norm
and obvi they r your friends too
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ravenxd · 10 months
the dreamteam and finding out you’re pregnant. it can be angst
Omg I love this concept, can it be poly? (Individual is fine too, just wanna write dt x reader poly stuff again.)
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kat-got-lost · 3 years
hi cool im the anon that asked if you wrote for ND readers with tics and stuff like that, I was wondering if you could do headcannons with Poly DT, Wilbur, Ranboo, and Tommy (Last two platonic ofc) taking care of the reader after they injured themselves after a complete tic attack, if that makes any sense? I hope you have a wonderful day!
anon,,you read my mind i literally had this planned but didn’t know how to start,,mwah ily ur so great :) /p 
different dsmp members taking care of reader after a tic attack
poly!dt, wilbur, platonic!ranboo, platonic!tommy x gn!reader (seperate) warnings// mention of tic attacks genre// fluff, comfort  format// headcanons 
(A/N: i personally get tics from things like ADHD and anxiety so i wrote off my own experience, i was debating reader’s tics being because of Tourette's but decided against it since i don’t have experience with that :)
i feel like they would all try and help you avoid tic attacks
like, if you have specific triggers like stress, loud noises, overwhelming environments, etc, they would try their best to keep you away from them 
but obviously sometimes things happen so tic attacks are bound to happen 
dream would try and stabilize you
if you asked him he would hold your hands to try and suppress your tics 
if you don’t like to be touched/don’t like people trying to suppress your tics he would take you to a safe place, like the couch or the bedroom
he lets you do your thing while whispering comforting words 
after you’ve calmed down a bit he offers you a bottle of water and checks for any injuries 
he cleans, treats and bandages any cuts, scrapes of bruises you may have gotten
after he turns on a comfort show or some soft music and take a nap with you
george at first would freak out, but once he learns what to do, he mostly just comforts you and takes care of you
he’ll let you calm down and like dream takes you somewhere where you can’t hurt yourself very easily
he’ll distance himself a bit so you have time to calm down
once you’ve calmed down and motion to him that it’s okay to come closer, he’ll start cuddling you and whispering sweet praises and comforts in your ear
he’ll ask if you need anything, normally gets you a bowl of your favorite fruits to eat while he tends to any injuries you might’ve gotten
sapnap is probably the most panicky, he has a rough idea of what to do but it still scares him a bit, he hates seeing you in any kind of pain :( 
if you’re in a public place he’ll take you to a quiet space or to a bathroom, but if you’re at home he probably doesn’t move you in fear of making anything worse
he’ll loosely hold you, letting you calm down, interfering by gently holding your hand back a bit when you start to tic a bit too hard
once you’re completely calmed down, he cuddles into you and asks either george or dream to bring the first aid kit 
if you happen to have a tic attack when you’re around all three of them you won’t be left alone
someone, normally sapnap stays with you, making sure you’re safe and trying to help you calm down
someone else, normally george is getting things like the first aid kit, water, fruits, snacks and bringing them to wherever you and sapnap are
and someone else, normally dream is preparing the bedroom, fixing the pillows and getting your favorite show on so you can immediately just relax and calm down when you’re back there
overall they all take such good care of you
the first time you go into a tic attack he gets so scared
doesn’t really know what to do, and is scared you’re gonna end up hurting yourself 
he asks you what you need, scared if doing something that might make it worse
after a couple times Wil finally gets used to what to do
it does still scare him and make him a little anxious but he’s much better at helping you now
depending on how bad it is, he’ll either sit there and rub comforting circles on your back, or he’d pull out his guitar and play soft sounds to ground you
after he’d get you some water and tend to any wounds you might’ve gotten
he presses kiss over any bruises/cuts you got and just rests with you for the rest of the day 
ranboo (platonic)
he’s prepared, he has a general idea of what to do
i feel like he’d be super educated on this, and he’d also make sure to ask you what you needed when you had a tic attack when you first mentioned your tics in the early stages of your friendship
he sits with you and takes you to a warmer/colder room depending on your preferences, he sits across from you and tries to help you steady your breathe and ground you
after he makes sure you’re okay he takes you out on a walk, probably to a park and he messes around with you
once you get back home you guys make snacks and have a movie marathon 
tommy (platonic)
he literally panics so bad
he’s just like “uhh fuck fuck what- what do i do-”
he takes you to a quiet place and drapes a blanket over you
at first tries to get you to breathe with him, trying to steady you
once you’re a bit calmer, he starts making jokes, trying to make you laugh 
gets up to get water and snacks 
once again panics when he sees that you ended up hurting yourself, probably gets something like and ice pack or calls wilbur for help
like ranboo he’ll probably take you on a walk, tommy would take you to like an ice cream shop to try and distract you and cheer you up
once you get home you guys go back up into his room and either mess around on minecraft or watching some tv 
aaa this has been sitting in my drafts for like forever, it’s 2am, i spedran this so im sorry that ranboo nd tommy’s r short :( working on some other requests!!
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foreverbrainrot · 3 years
Fucking when you’re not supposed to. //POLY!Dteam
Humiliation, slight choking, multiple partners
940 words
Clay and Sapnap decided to go shopping, they left before you and George had woken up. British boy was the first one to wake up after the other boys left. He let you sleep and he went to check for his boyfriends. George walked around the whole house only to confirm it was empty, he walked into the living room and put on some movie to kill time before you’ll wake up. Shortly after you got up you started to look for your boys, and when you got downstairs you heard some noises coming from the tv. You got to the room and saw George laying on the couch buried in blankets. He didn't say anything, he just lifted the cover next to him making more space for you to join him.
After a while you begin to feel a little bored with the movie so you decided to try and get George hard. He was usually more of an submissive guy despite him being the oldest in your relationships, but the times he did took control over you were just so good. So you started to move around, at first it looked like you were just trying to get comfy but as soon as he felt your ass on his dick he knew exactly what you were doing. He grabbed your thigh and pressed his hips into yours. “Is this what you want?” he asked with a bit of an morning raspy voice, you moaned in response. “Use your words baby” he whispered in your ear while his hand traveled all over your body.
“Yes sir, that’s exactly what I want. ” you said with a smile knowing that if will drive him insane. George groaned as he played with your clit a little longer kissing and biting your neck. He slid your pants down and he entered you, slowly accelerating the pace. You loved it whenever George fucked you, he was a perfect balance of everything you needed. He made you feel loved and taken care of, but there was nobody else you wanted to obey more, he could turn you into an actual whore, make your mouth spit incoherent sentences, your mind all foggy. You were both so lost in the moment you didn’t hear garage door opening. “We are back!” Clay yell but no one seem to hear him, at first he thought you were both still asleep, but as soon as he heard moans coming from his living room, he knew he was wrong. He looked at Sapnap with a smirk on his face ’’ told you we shouldn’t leave them alone’’ he said as they both walked into the room. Your eyes meet with Clays, and you felt George slowing down his action. “don’t you dare stop” he said to George not breaking the eye contact with you until your eyes rolled back in pleasure. “You’re looking a bit needy, love” George breathed out looking at Nick. Your eyes shoot up to look up at him. His lips were slightly open and his eyes were locked on your body, he was already hard, without the courage to touch himself. Clay came up to him and grabbed Sapnap’s throat with his hand “Can’t wait for me to take care of you, huh?” he said pulling Sapnap closer “do something useful and take off your clothes” Clay said letting go of the grip he had on Sapnap’s neck. Loud moan coming from you filled the room and brought the attention of everyone to look at your state. “Look at them, Nick” you heard dream say “Two needy little whores fucking each other”. He chuckled and walked slowly towards you, leaving Sapnap all alone. Grabbing your face in his hand, dream squeezed your cheeks together. “You like that huh? Being fucked like that, with your two boyfriends watching?” he says and all you could do is moan again. Clay always knew what to say to drive everyone crazy, You were pretty sure he could make you finish without even touching you, dirty words leaving his lips were enough. He turned to look at Sapnap and saw him touching himself and whining watching you and George. “Oh puppy” he said coming over and griping his chin to make him look in his eyes “I don’t think you asked for a permission to do that” Clay said with a small laugh “I guess I’ll have to punish you” he added biting on his neck. Seeing the mess he made out of Sapnap was enough to bring you over the edge. “S-sir I’m.. oh god I’m going cum!” you screamed struggling to keep your eyes open “Already? That’s pathetic. ”George spited out. “Please sir! I’ve been so good for you” you said holding in a moan. “So you think you’ve been good?” Clay asked “Fucking George when I’m not home? You call that being good?” he said while holding Sapnap. You squirmed at his words “I can’t hold it anymore…please” you cried out burring you head in a pillow “Make a mess” George whispered in your ear as you came with a loud moan. After you’ve came down from your high. You felt the British boy exit your hole leaving a trail of kisses on your neck. George helped you turn around to face him, and he covered you with a blanket. He started patting your head to calm you down as he holed your body, but a fire of excitement entered your body when you heard Clay speak again “Don’t you think that’s it, be a good slut and take care of Sapnap. ”
Hope you guys like it! If you will I'll make part 2 of this story ;) Sorry for any mistakes! I'm off back to 📝
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sweetpeahoneybee4u · 3 years
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Rules Honey-Buns
This blog is only for sfw writing. I have another blog, spicysweetpeahoneybee4u, for nsfw.
I will always do female readers by default since I am a girl and it's more comfortable for me but if asked I can do gender neutral.
I will only write for the Dream Smp but you can request for an au of the Smp. I will also do Tales of the Smp is requested.
Yandere is allowed but nothing to hardcore. It'll be soft yanderes. You can find the hard ones on my other blog.
Who I'll write for is down below ⬇️
c!Jack Manifold
c!Tommy (Platonic)
c!Tubbo (Platonic)
c!Ranboo (Platonic)
(Poly Ships x reader)
c!SBI (Platonic)
c!Chaotic Bench Trio (Platonic)
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deliwrites · 2 years
ℂ𝕠𝕞𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕥 𝕤𝕝𝕦𝕥 // 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝖙𝖜𝖔 //Dream Team
// DATE // 9th of November 2022 // PAIRING // DreamTeam x fem!Reader, george x fem!reader, sapnap x fem!reader, dream x fem!reader // WARNING // flirty!reader, use of real names, tease!reader, playgirl(ish)!reader, use of 'good girl', 'baby girl', 'little brat', slight degration, one picture of lingerie   // WORDS // 2,6k+ // SUMMARY //  You finally move to America! And Nick is the one to pick you up from the airport. Which means, private time! // SERIES // Intro // Part One // Part Two // Part three // Part Four // I’m open for serie title suggestions for this one! Feel free to comment your suggestion here or sent it into my inbox!
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I ended up listening to Dream. I sat in a call with him. Discussing what I wanted to bring, while also discussing new pc parts. He was sharing his screen with me. His shopping basket full. Whilst I was making a copy of files I wanted to keep.
"So, I'm guessing not all three of you are going to pick me up from the airport?" I ask watching my files load onto the external drive.
"Sadly not," Clay sighed. I could tell he was disappointed. "But Nick is going to pick you up."
"Awh so no Georgie, either?" my cam was on so I send him a pout.
"No," he chuckles. "George and I will be setting up your pc."
"Awh, that's sweet, thank you."
"And until we have time to go on a shopping spree, we will rotate on beds, 'cause we don't want you to have to sleep on the couch for however long."
"Hmm, but what if I want to share the bed with you?" I smirk teasingly.
"Is that so?" I nod eagerly while biting my bottom lip. "Hmm, it will have to be our secret," clapping my hands in excitement.
"I'm so excited to finally be all of us together."
"Same, it took a good while but it's finally happening."
Arriving at the Orlando airport had my anxiety pumping. We decided not to announce when I would be flying. So lucky for me and my anxiety. I now only had to deal with meeting Nick for the first time in real life.
As I wait for my luggage I record a little bit more for my video on the move. Talking about my nerves to the camera. Getting interrupted by Nick calling me.
"So, the flight was long. I was able to sleep a lot tho. Now I'm just waiting for my suitcases to come thro-. Oh, Sap is calling me. Hey Sap," I smile when the facetime call connects.
"'Ello darling," he says. Lucky for me it wasn't out of the ordinary for him to call me that.
"Are you- are you still in the car?" I ask in disbelief.
"Well yes, I'm here though. I just wanted to ask if you were at baggage claim yet?"
"I am! I think I see one of the suitcases already."
"Alright, I'll see you in a bit then!"
"Okies!" Hanging up, I look back at the camera. "I can't believe he was still in the car," I pout at the camera before grinning. "Anyways, I'm gonna get my suitcases, so I'll see you lovelies later!" Waving at the camera before ending the recording.
Dragging my suitcase into the hall, I'm immediately met with a sign. My name poorly written in bold letters, hearts covering any free space. Chuckling at the sight. I abandon my suitcases, running over to Nick. Throwing my arms around his neck.
"Well hello," he chuckles, not expecting me to do this. He knew how nervous I was, but his gentle smile when I saw him made it all fade. Dropping the sign his arms wrap around my shoulders.
"Sorry, I'm just so happy," I tell him, slowly letting go of one of the best hugs. He chuckles in understanding.
"I know, let's get your suitcases and start this drive," taking the suitcases, Nick leads the way to his car. Once the suitcases are in I get surprised. A gasp leaving my lips when I get turned around, back pushed into the side of the car. Nick had me trapped against his black Tesla. "You know," he smirks. "Now there will be consequences to your teasing," a blush flushes my cheeks at his words.
"Will there now?" I decide to fight the shyness. Teasing him while giggling smugly.
"Oh, you'll see," moving away he opens the door for me, then going to the other side. Before we even drive off Nick's hand finds its way to my thigh. The dress mom made me wear was a wrap. So the moment I sat down the leg Nick's hand holding become bare. "Did you wear this dress for me?" he asks, fingers softly caressing my inner thigh.
"Maybe," I smirk. Deciding not to tell him it was actually my mom who wanted me to wear it. Just to swoon the three of them. "Do you like it?" I ask trying to look as seductive as possible.
"You look breathtaking, darlin'."
"What about now?" Taking the ribbon that ties the dress, pulling on it. Opening the dress, revealing the orange lingerie set I was wearing.
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Looking over, his grip on my thigh tightens, though nothing comes from him. When Clay told me Nick was the one picking me, I had already mentally picked out to wear this.
"You think you can just tease me like this?" his voice is dark which surprises me a little. Eyes slightly wider as I look at him.
"Whatcha gonna do about it, driver?" recovering quickly from the initial shock. I put emphasis on 'driver'. At this point, we had reached the highway.
"Y/n, what care are we in?" the question is asked slowly. The slowness had me confused.
"Y-yours…?" I answer his question with an unsure answer. He chuckles, shaking his head cutely.
"Yes, but that's not what I asked darlin'. What type of car are we in?" he asks even slower. Even more, confused now, I wreck my brain. I open my mouth a few times to answer, though nothing comes out. There is a smirk playing on Nick's lips as. He starts tapping the steering wheel. It catches my attention. Looking at his hands a gasp leaves my lips.
"Tesla!" I tell him, pointing at the logo in excitement.
"Good girl," his praise brings back the flush in my cheeks. "Do you know what that means?" I shake my head. He pulls the right gear stock down twice. A do-do sound rings through the car. "It means, I don't have to do anything," I look at him wide-eyed. His hands leaving the steering wheel. The car now driving without his help. "You are in so much trouble now," a startled squeak escapes my lips. His right hand having just pulled my leg up. I hated to admit it but that was so sexy.
Nick couldn't help but smirk as the predicament she was in slowly sunk in. To his surprise Y/n pulled up both legs, turning to face him. A small wet patch on her panties has the smirk returning.
"Awh, you're already wet for me?" a shy nod comes from the female. "You enjoy teasing so much, huh? Little brat. I guess you want me to do something about it, don't you baby?" Y/n nodded eagerly mumbling 'please'. "What happened to the brat, you're all shy now," he teases, his hands dancing along the shy brat's skin. His right-hand stops just above where she needs him to touch her. A soft needy whine came from her. Y/n moving her hips to try and move the hand down. Both hands moving to take hold of Nick's right one. Fighting the man's strength to push it down.
"Please, touch me," she asks, voice needy. He moves against her tries, barely putting in any effort.
"Oh, you're so desperate," he chuckles darkly. Finally, Nick slides his hand down, thumb grazing over her barely clothed clit. It makes her jump a little in her seat. Giving a few pats to tease her more, the same happens. Thighs threatening to close around his hand. Little gasps and whines escaping her lips. Deciding not to tease the horny female further, his hand swiftly slides back up, into her panties. Fingertips immediately met with her wet lips.
"Fuck," she whimpers. The position is a little awkward making Nick pull his hand away before Y/n gets to enjoy his touch. Before she can complain though, Nick speaks.
"Be a good girl for me," nodding her head before he even finished his demands. "Take off your panties and sit on your knees, facing me," he chuckles under his breath at her eagerness. Watching her as she does as told. "So, obedient," he praises her. In addition to the demands, she decides to take off her dress as well as her bra. Abandoning her sneakers on the floor, clothes on the back seat. A little stunned at the ravishing site he's met with, she takes advantage of the opportunity. Leaning over she's finally able to claim his lips for the first time. His stubble scratches at her skin, though she doesn't mind. Nick's hands find their way to her naked body, right hand on her waist, left hand cupping her soft face. Holding her gently steady inside the moving car. Slowly pulling away from his soft lips, she pecks him one, two, three more times. "God, you're even more gorgeous in real life," Nick says. "Such a beautiful baby girl," a shy giggle coming from her. "Oh, you're so cute. Are you getting shy again, little brat?" he teases.
"Niiick," she whines quietly. Wanting him to just touch her already.
"What is it, baby?" he smirks, looking directly into her eyes.
"Touch me," she whines again. Taking hold of the hand still on her waist. Again, trying to move it where she needs him.
"You've been waiting for so long, haven't you, darlin'?" she nods with a pout on her lips. "Hmm, I think you can wait a little long-"
"Noooo, please! I'll do anything!" she begs. His thumb teasingly caressing her waist, watching the desperation spiral in her eyes. Her hands still trying to move his hand.
"Anything, you say?" Nodding vigorously. "Alright, I'm gonna hold you to that," finally his hand moves between the desperate girls' thighs.
Fingers slip between her wet folds, thumb rubbing against her clit. Having his skilled fingers on her heat had her weak in the knees. Her left hand coming to rest on Nick's shoulder to keep herself steady. Nick's smirk never leaving his lips. Being able to touch the girl he's been flirting with for years. And having this effect on her filled him with pride.
He doesn't waste time, slipping two fingers into her dripping core. Sharp nails digging into his shoulder along with a gasp from her. Y/n had been so touch-starved since George moved. Feeling extra sensitive now with Nick's hand on her. Making 'come hither' movements with his fingers. Fingers much bigger and longer than hers. Reaching places she never could.
"Com on baby, bounce on my fingers for me," his tone is enough to make a soft squeak leave her lips. Doing as told, she slowly starts up a pace. Her thighs already quivering. "That's it, good girl," the squelching noise becoming louder as Nick decides to help her out. Thrusting his fingers into her at a fast pace. Gasps and squeaky moans escaping her, eyes closed at the amazing feeling.
"Fuck," she squeaks, the warm feeling in her abdomen coming quicker than she hoped. Willing herself to last longer, she suppresses it. Subconsciously squeezing around Nick's fingers. It was like he knew what she was doing.
"No, no, darlin'," his voice is dark. Scissoring his fingers to stop her from squeezing. His thumb starts working on her clit. She buckles, trying to get away from the expert movements. But with his fingers inside the gorgeous girl like a belt loop, there was no escape for her.
Thighs shaking in delight, with a smug look Nick watches her break under his touch. A chain of moans escaping her lips as her back arches. Giving into the honey-sweet feeling. Body stuttering as Nick rips an orgasm from the female.
"That's it, baby," riding out her high, breathing heavily. Her eyes slowly open as she sinks backwards against the car door. His slick fingers slipping from her heat. A grin on his lips as he brings his fingers to them. A flush covering the girls' cheeks as she watches him clean his fingers. Bringing her arms up she hides shyly. "Can't wait to actually get to taste you," having come down from her high she starts putting her clothes back on. Accepting the water bottle Nick hands her.
"Thank you," I take the bottle from Nick. Taking a few sips before putting it away. Turning to sit on my knees, I go to lean over. Wanting to return the favour. Having obviously noticed the bulge in his sweatpants.
"Whatcha doing?" Nick asks having gone back to driving as we exit the highway.
"Want to return the favour," I pout which has him chuckling.
"That's okay, we'll have many more opportunities for that," he says, sending an evil smile my way. My cheeks heating up at all the things we could do now. "Plus, we're almost home," just that has me sink back in my seat with a content sigh.
"Yes," he grins sweetly. His hand finding its way back to my thigh. smiling I place my hand on his, fingertips curling around his palm.
Finally we pul up to the house, clapping my hands in excitement. It really looks like home. "Alright, I'll get Clay. You wait here," to be honest, I had completly forgotten that I would see Clay in real life for the first time. "Are you nervous again?" nodding slowly as I pull my knees up to my chest. Giving a soft chuckle, Nick exits the car. Walking around the front, going to my side. Opening the door, he crouches beisde me. "It will be okay, we've been friends for years, remember?" turning to face him, I nod, a pout on my lips. Leaning up he pecks my pouty lips. A grin quickly replacing the pout. "He is no different in real life, okay? I'll get George first that way you don't have to wait alone."
"Thank you!" I get out of the car with new found reassurance. Pecking Nick's lips in a thanks before letting him go. It doesn't take long for George to exit the home.
"Y/n!" he sing-songs, a squeal coming from me. Running over I wrap my arms around him, jumping together in excitement.
"Georgie! I missed you!" I tell him when we stop jumping, leaving my arms on his shoulders.
"Hmm, now you get to pay for your teasing," he grins taking hold of my waist, he pulls me closer. With a giggle, I peck his soft british lips. Having missed the feeling more then I thought I would. Pecking his lips a few more times before pulling away. Just in time for the front door to open again.
"Ah, I'm nervous!" I exclaim, hiding behind George. "It's just me, darlin'," Nick chuckles, walking over to George and me. "But you're not the only one. Clay's nervous too." "He is?" I ask, peeking over George's shoulder. Nick nods with a wide grin. "Oh, that makes this so much easier for me," I giggle, moving away from my hiding place.
"But how was your flight?" George asks curiously.
"Sleepy," I giggling. "I was too nervous so I slept most of the flight. Now I'm finally home!" I squealk, jumping while clapping. Did I look weird? Probably yes, but they knew me this way.
"Weirdo," I heard from behind me, though before I could turn around, I got wrapped in a hug.
"Of course, who else!" I recognize his voice. Turning in his hold, I wrap my arms around him.
"We're finally complete!" George says, ganging up on the hug. Nick also joining in.
We are finally all together. I am so happy!
// SERIES // Intro // Part One // Part Two // Part three // Part Four // I’m open for serie title suggestions for this one! Feel free to comment your suggestion here or sent it into my inbox!
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deliwrites · 2 years
𝕊𝕟𝕖𝕒𝕜 𝕡𝕖𝕖𝕜 // Comfort slut
Because I've been making you guys wait. I've decided to give you guys a little sneak peek as I am writing the second part of Comfort slut!
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I hope my handwriting is readable xD Enjoy and wait in anticipation!
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sunshine-on-marz · 2 years
Could you do living with the dream team headcannons and can I be 🪬anon
I absolutely can!!!! This is my moment to indulge in my love for poly!DreamTeam x reader so yea, I hope ya don’t mind
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-you are an absolute princess (even if you are the biggest strongest muscle dude)
-the three of you all have individual stream rooms but there is also a master bedroom
-they’ll watch your favorite shows and do your favorite things
-the three of you do an at home date night every week and a normal date night every month
-the house is in constant chaos
-you and Clay play pranks on the others
-George would love stargazing with you
-sap will take you on long late night drives
-Mario cart nights and playing Jack box and uno on stream
-Holidays are so fun, extravagant decor and inviting family and friends
-cuddle piles in the big bed
-letting the boys do your hair
-skin care routines every night
-cooking together
-dancing in the kitchen
-sleepy mornings and late nights
-it’s amazing and the four of you love every second
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sunshine-on-marz · 2 years
This is poly!Dteam x reader so if that’s not smthn ur into then maybe go read one of my other fics!
This is based off of Dream’s snap story today
Down for the ride
Poly!DreamTeam x Reader
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The three of you where excited to finally be able to go out on dates together, so when Sapnap brought up the idea of going to watch some racing, you, Clay, and George were down. You got ready, throwing on a cute outfit that you knew the boys would like. You finished up getting ready and grabbed your accessories. When Clay saw you by the door his jaw dropped. “woooo, look at you!” He walked over to you and wrapped his arms around your waist, bending down to kiss you. When Sap walked over he lightly shoved Clay to the side so that he got a chance to look at the both of you. “Y’all are so hot” sap remarked, making you and Clay laugh. “Heyyyy, I’m hot to” George fake pouted on the staircase, and you walked to him. “Mhmm, now let’s go, I’m bored” the boys nodded and you grabbed George’s hand. You and Clay sat in the back of Sap’s car while Sap drove and George rode shotgun. When you guys got there Sap held you hand while the four of you navigated the crowd. Once you found a good place to sit you all started watching the race. By the time you all got home it was dark out. All of you changed and put on a movie to fall asleep to.
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sunshine-on-marz · 2 years
Omggg do you take request??? If you do can you like do a poly dream x george x reader like in twitch con hehe yk them being sweet and stuff yk hehe (which I'll never get:,))
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Light feathery touches and lingering stares wasn’t enough, the three of you needed more. After the first day you, sapnap, George, and Clay had a conversation how at the DreamTeam panel (which includes you, obvs) you and your boyfriends would reveal that you’re a couple. The three of you Sap was ok losing the spotlight a little, he was more then okay with it and even offered to announce it!
[The next day-waking up to go to the panel] Clay woke up and saw you and George cuddled in eachother, his arms wrapped around the two of you. He smiled and kissed the both of your foreheads and George started to stir. When his eyes opened Clay started to talk. “Aw I’m sorry baby, did I wake you up” George shook his head “no, just woke up” George looked down at you and started talking again. “They’re so pretty” Clay nodded his head and responded with “they are, but so are you. My beautiful baby’s” George blushed and started up “stop stop stoppppp” Clay giggled. You started to stir and the two boys froze in place, you could get a solid 20 more minutes of sleep and they wanted you to rest, but to their dismay, you woke up. “Mmph, come back” you groaned and grabbed Clay’s hand, which he had moved when you started to wake. George kissed your cheek and apologized, “I’m sorry we woke you up darling, you can go back to sleep” you shook your head and started to get up. “M’ gonna start getting ready.” You rubbed your eyes and Dream called you back. “Nooo, come back babyyy, please, I want cuddles.” You giggled and walked into the bathroom. After about 45 minutes you where ready and so were the other two. As you put on your lipgloss/chapstick George came over and kisses you lips. “I’m fabulous” he bats his eyelashes and you giggle. The three of you decided to cuddle for a little before you had to go. When you guys went to leave, Dream grabbed you and George’s hands. “Hey, just know that I love you both so much and I’ll fight anyone who says anything bad about us, ok?” You and George nodddd and Clay kissed both of you on the forehead. And with that the three of you left the hotel room.
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kat-got-lost · 3 years
hello hello!!!! could i perhaps request some poly!dt hcs w a transmasc s/o? (only if ur comfy writing it tho!) tysm <3
(A/N aaaa as a transmasc person this request made me super happy :D was very fun to write, tried a new format with this just because i didn’t really know what to write) 
poly!dt x transmasc!reader (he/they pronouns used :)
warnings// mentions of dysphoria (talks about them comforting you on a bad dysphoria day), really light mention transphobia 
genre// fluff, angst if you squint r e a l l y hard
format// headcanons, drabble 
these boys love you so much, they do as much as they can to make you feel comfy 
bad dysphoria days
these boys would be so sweet if your dysphoria was particularly bad that day 
dream absolutely pampers you
you want his hoodie? of course, take all of them! you wanna dress up and go out someplace fancy? he’s already making reservations and telling sapnap nd george. you just wanna cuddle with him and watch TV? that’s great too, he’s already on the couch waiting for you to snuggle up with you
(if you don’t/can’t wear a binder just skip the line under this, reminder that even if you don’t wanna/can’t bind ur still so valid ily bby my dms r always open <33 /p)
if it was a really r e a l l y bad day, he would encourage you to wear one of his larger hoodies because he knew if you got your binder on you probably wouldn’t take it off until a couple days later. of course if you really wanted he wouldn’t stop you, but he’d instead remind you to take it off after 7 hours 
dream goes all out, he does anything to distract you from how you’re feeling. he cooks/helps you make your comfort food and you spend the rest of the day cuddled up in blankets watching your favorite shows or playing games with george and sap 
sapnap is very affectionate with you
he doesn’t always know what to do when you’re having a bad day but he offers you all the support and comfort he can 
will drown you in his hoodies, blankets and cuddles 
he’ll probably bake with you or bake for you, he’ll make cupcakes, bread, brownies, anything he thinks you’d enjoy
george is so soft with you
he’ll be gently cuddling you and tracing shapes and circles on your arms and back
just has a nice lazy day with you and your two other boyfriends 
so sweet about everything, lets you cry into his chest if you need to whisphering out quiet “shh it’s okay baby let it out” or he’d let you rant about how ever you were feeling letting out a “it’s alright, get it all out love, im right here” while running his fingers through your hair/slowly running his hand up and down your back
all three of them are so sweet and so caring when you’re having a bad day and are willing to do whatever they can to make you feel better 
confronting a transphobe
dream is the one who tries his best to be calm and rational about it
he’ll calmly tell whoever’s being transphobic to you to “knock it off” with a cold smile
if they continue he’ll stop being as nice and glare with a scarily calm smile with an almost eerie calm voice “he’s my boyfriend and if you’re not gonna respect him i’m gonna need you to fuck off”
sapnap is the one trying to throw hands
literally you, dream, and george needed to restrain him from punching a couple of toxic fans who saw you guys and made some not so great comments 
would grab whoever invalidated you by their shirt collar and go “what’d you say bitch? that lovely person over there happens to by my boyfriend, and if you’re not gonna give him some basic respect im gonna need to get violent. so you’re either going to go give them an apology or fuck off.”
george would be the one who gives sends them death glares
he knows dream and sapnap have it covered so he mainly keeps his attention on you makin sure you’re alright
“you okay love? it’s alright, we’re here. don’t listen to them, you’re so valid sweetheart. you’re our handsome baby and no one can ever change that.”
sends whoever made nasty comments about you death glares while he hugs you and gently presses your face into his chest 
overall these boys are so sweet and adorable and they do everything they can to make you feel valid, safe, and loved
(A/N i am so tired, and so soft holy crap)
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kat-got-lost · 3 years
master list + anon list
requests: closed
dream with reader who’s feeling burnt out (fluff)
sapnap with reader whos feeling insecure(fluff, comfort) 
sapnap with a country reader(fluff)
taking a nap with george(fluff) 
grocery shopping and cooking with punz(fluff)
jealous!karl x reader(fluff)
poly!dream team:
poly!dream team with a cat hybrid reader(fluff)
poly!dream team with a transmasc!s/o(fluff)
~anon list~
🦜 anon 
🏩 anon
👻 anon
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kat-got-lost · 3 years
shut up and take more of my self projection
poly!dream team w/a touch/love starved s/o. like it's not that they don't have experience with relationships it's more their previous ones weren't very good or they just hadn't been in a relationship for a while so when dream, sapnap nd george smother them with love they're kind of just like ʕ º ᴥ ºʔ ??
let's say one day they're just watching TV or doing assignments on the couch and one of the boys lifts them up and places them on their lap and reader is just so confused because it's like "huh? what- what is this"
or we can play the innocence route where reader is just inexperienced so sapnap, dream and george basically have to teach them about relationships and they take such good care of them (mmm innocence kink,,,, we'll leave that one for the side blog)
i am so soft for these men :((
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kat-got-lost · 3 years
Hello! How are you? I hope you're okay ^^ Well I wanna request (If it's fine) Dream team in love with Y/N and fight for them (For wining their heart) some fluffy stuff u know UwU (If it's not fine with you please ignore this UnU have a good day ^^
hello loves it's 2am, im on mobile and decided to knock out some requests so sorry for weird formats :)
(A/N: changed up the request a bit, bc it was similar to something I've been thinking about the last couple days,,)
poly!dreamteam x cat hybrid!reader
warning// none
genre// fluff
format//headcanons, drabble
poly!dt x gn!reader (pronouns aren't exactly mentioned, male reader is implied but there's fem and gn options as well :)
(in game AU)
(A/N #2: forgot to mention y/n is like a cat shapeshift? they can turn into a cat but they've also got the human form which consists of the cat ears nd stuff)
before they find you they're not exactly dating, they're kind of on that edge where it's like "lol, yes, just homies, haha u n l e s s"
so, one day sapnap's out gathering more stuff from the mines because they're running out of stuff, after maybe a day or two, he's just doing his own thing and then he hears meowing and he's like "what the fuck"
very confused because you rarely see cats in caves and mines, at least not as deep as he was
sapnap's first though was "someone probably has an underground house and their cat got out" but after a bit of examining he realizes you don't have a collar or anything
you had gotten lost and seeked shelter in a cave until you could safely get back to your makeshift shack
you'd decided to stay in your cat form since it was more practical, and it took less energy from you
saps heart kind of just,,melts,,because you'd been lost and it'd been around a week since you felt comfort so you're purring and snuggling into sapnap's touch
sap sets up a small shelter for you and gives you some food and water, he was planning on heading back that day so he decided that the shelter would be safe enough to leave you in so he could finish his job
he takes you home to dream and george and is like "hey lol, we have a cat now" the second he sees you dream basically snatches you out of sapnap's arms and it's cooing at you and scratching your ears *he literally melts at your purs
george on the other hand, not as a estatic, he's not upset to have you here, no, no, not at all he's more "what the fuck we don't have the resources to properly take care of a cat"
dream runs a bath for you because of how dusty you are due to the cave dust
after sapnap gives you a bowl of warm milk and some fish they had, he lets you roam around the house and you settle on george's room where you join him on the bed
george knows you're on the bed and expects to wake up to a fuzzy cat cuddled up to him, but what the didn't expect was a whole ass human snuggled into his chest
screams. fucking s c r e a m s
sapnap and dream think he's just been murdered and run into his room
very confused when they see you, get a little protective of george and start yelling, it scares you and you transform back into your cat form and they're like ",,,o h h"
you transform back and you're like "hh sorry, do you want me to leave? or?"
all three of the boys just collectively go "N O" they all think you're a very cute kitty, kitty that is also a very pretty boy/person/girl? pog?
you explain how you got in the caves and the whole situation
skip forward a bit forward and they're used to your routine, having you around and just you in general
these boys, THESE B O Y S- they will absolutely smother you in affection
it's almost like a competition for them, they like to compete to see who can hold your attention longer or who can just get your attention in general
dream likes to bake with you and you guys curl up on the couch after and eat whatever you guys baked, sapnap likes taking you on adventures, takes you on picnics and through pretty fields, forests, etc george likes napping with you, loves cuddling with you because you're so soft and squishy, enjoys when you play with his hair and likes to play with yours (if you can't play with your hair he likes to just give you headpats and lots of cat ear scratches)
eventually you get annoyed of them arguing over who gets to do what with you and you're like "why don't we date- you three are literally in love with each other and me and i love all three of you 😠😠"
you can see the gears turning in each of their heads *dream just goes "huh, why didn't we think of that before- works for me (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`) " *
now you're all one big adorable relationship
cuddles, so. many. cuddles
lots of headpats, picnic dates and movie dates
constant teasing, which normally sounded like "awwhh such a cute kitty" from sapnap and "such a good boy/kitty (? person didn't sound right there, replace it with whatever gn term you want :)/girl" from dream and george
overall such a cute and cuddly relationship, 10/10, would want to be dteam's cat boy
(A/N it's now,,,3 am,,i'll be writing some other requests tomorrow morning :)
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