#post f&c
8-0mph · 4 months
Amnesia fox and ice grandpa go on an adventure.
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Next morning.
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Bonus page:
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the-pobble-terrarium · 8 months
Oh Scrabby, won’t you open up?
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bee-a-garbage-shipper · 6 months
Dick: Did you two have sex in the manor?
Jason and Tim: *Nod.*
Dick: Are you serious? Where?
Jason: *Stares at him.*
Tim: *Looks away and avoids eye contact.*
Dick: Where?
Jason: *Stares more intensely.*
Dick: *Voice breaking.* Where, Little Wing?
Jason: Seems like you already know where.
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scribz-ag24 · 4 months
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Post-Canon AU where Scarab has to take care of fionnaworld and ends up becoming closer to Kheirosiphon, but Prismo is still a bit too sensitive and lonely to give up on his situationship with Scrabby (He doesn't have to do that but he feels left out).
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(They'll work it out eventually dw)
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wizard-enthusiast · 7 months
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do you guys remember the half ponytail thing he canonically had going on for a while. pretty sure marcy would encourage his fashion choices greatly
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inkclover · 4 months
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They are battling for child custody I think - 🙄
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veeferns · 8 months
The ship we didn't know we needed
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glassgob · 11 months
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bad news folks. got into another sci-fi podcast [Image ID: Digital reference sheet of Sokrates and Cassander from Friends at the Table: COUNTER/Weight. Sokrates and Cass are both fish-people, Sokrates taking design inspiration from the red scorpionfish and Cassander the Mediterranean parrotfish. They are adorned in a modified version of Minoan fashion, featuring flowing garments with vibrant primary color patterns. They both have long, black hair greying at the sides. Cass is several inches shorter than Sokrates, excluding headspines. End ID.]
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moomeecore · 8 months
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cool that adventure time has blood now! i think betty should get to kill someone extremely violently.
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soup--champ · 2 months
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day 5 prompt: superheroes/blood
for @smallchaoscryptid’s spiderbit week
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the-pobble-terrarium · 8 months
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insomniackel · 3 months
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“. . .”
More versions below - mas abajo 👇
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bee-a-garbage-shipper · 4 months
so i headcanon that there's a gap between dick being fired from robin (the second time) and him becoming nightwing
so in jason's first night as robin tim's out and he hears that batman is patrolling with robin
and he's so excited because dick is so cool
but then he finds the duo and it's very clearly not bruce and dick
and he's a little annoyed
but you know what
bruce is batman and he can make his own choices about who gets to be robin
and tim doesn't want to miss out on pics anyways
so he starts taking pictures and he ends up getting a shot of jason laughing at bruce as he turns midair
he doesn't think much about it just thinking that new robin may not be dick but jason was still pretty cool
but then he develops his pictures and he sees what he caught on film
and it's jason mid leap hair pressed against his face mask bent in such a way that shows that his eyes are crinkling and a wide smile so bright that tim can almost hear jason's breathless laughter again
and oh
tim's hit with a dizzying amount of want
for that laugher and smile and bright ice blue eyes to be directed at him
he's never wanted anything more even his parents attention wouldn't compare to getting jason to look at him even once
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shima-draws · 4 months
One Piece where everything’s the same except Cora doesn’t die but Law’s still determined to absolutely beat the shit out of Doflamingo anyway. Cut to post Dressrosa where Law gets a VERY frantic phone call from Cora who’s like what the actual FUCK I saw the newspaper this morning you went up against Doffy all by yourself?? You promised me we would do this together you little SHIT do you have any idea how fucking scared out of my MIND I was when I saw the headline and I thought something happened to you, Law I swear to god, and Law’s like yes Cora I went up against him by myself, like HELL I was going to let him lay a single finger on you. And Cora’s like THAT’S MY LINE!!! You’re MY kid and I should be the one protecting YOU!! And Law’s like what with your shitty devil fruit powers? What could you have done? You would have fallen on your ass and gotten hurt or shot or worse and I’d be too fucking worried about you to focus on anything else. And Cora’s like this conversation is NOT over but I’m so so glad you’re okay. And he starts crying and he’s like oh my GOD Law you know how insane Doffy is I could have lost you. And I wouldn’t have even known until after the fact. And Law goes all quiet and he’s like I know I’m sorry but I could have lost YOU and I couldn’t handle that. I couldn’t. And Cora’s sobbing and he’s like I love you so much Law and Law’s like yeah. I love you too 🥺
Meanwhile the Strawhats witnessed this entire conversation and they’re like. Wow okay that was a lot to unpack. Law’s got a dad and they’re very protective of each other and apparently his dad is Doflamingo’s brother?? And Law literally dismantled Doflamingo’s entire criminal organization and DIDN’T bother telling his dad about it?? No wonder he’s pissed. And they’re also like awwwww we’ve never seen Law so soft and vulnerable before 💕 and Law looks at them and he’s like. You repeat ANY of what you just heard and I WILL kill you. And they’re like ‘Mhmm okay yup we hear you loud and clear. Btw what’s your dad like’ with the BIGGEST shit eating grins and Law’s like Okay! Killing you now!! And proceeds to chase them with his katana
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7roaches · 8 months
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yuri win
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