#posted on my side blog as opposed to my main blog 'cause my main blog's not really art centered
blazingblorbos · 1 year
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"For you? Anything."
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isa-ghost · 5 months
Attention JSE Community: Important
This will probably blow up in my face, but something needs to be said. Besides, anyone who comes after me for this supports genocide, so. Whatever. Free blocklist if anyone sends me hate anons.
There's a person in the community, who runs a few blogs you may know, which you'll want to block if a) you're Palestinian or b) you wholeheartedly oppose the genocide taking place against them. I'm going to provide context, then list the blogs you'll want to block.
Back in November or so, when I first started reblogging pro-Palestine posts, I as an American wasn't as informed at the time about the war going on as I am now. Like any sensible American, I fully expected that any major media source I'd be given info from would be feeding me propaganda or just lies in general. (I'm right but I digress). As soon as I started reblogging pro-Palestine posts, I got concerned asks from two anonymous Israeli people who were formerly veteran followers of mine (one had been following me for at least 6 years). I thought their concern was reasonable, given I doubted the media sources I'd be most likely to get information from. I offered to let them correct me if I reblogged misinformation, assuming America would lie to me about both sides of the war, because of course I want to ensure I'm not perpetuating misinfo.
Mind you, I only reblogged 3 types of pro-Palestine posts: charity signal boosts, posts BY Palestinians, and videos of actual literal real life footage of proof or interviews about what Israeli forces are doing to Palestine and its people.
The anons I was getting started getting angrier, more aggressive, and guilt-trippy. I'm not sure which post was their last straw, but either the main anon (the one following me 6+ years) or BOTH anons I had previously heard from attacked me in my askbox calling me antisemitic and saying other nasty things because I was supporting Palestine. The main anon guilt-tripped me and straight up claimed Israel is not harming Palestine whatsoever, in other words denying the genocide is happening. Then they unfollowed me. This person owns the blogs I'm going to list to you.
I haven't heard from this main anon or the other one on Tumblr since, however they both were, until recently, also in a JSE Community theorist server I mod in, and recently blew up in there after the server mods declared their support for Palestine. The server owners AND the mods have been getting hate anons from Zionists (presumably the two anons sending multiple asks) for the last few days because of it, just like I did when I kept reblogging pro-Palestine posts.
One of the two anons, I'm unsure which, also owned a blog called @/hamas-is-isis, which is now inactive and/or deleted. You can still block the blog regardless just to be safe. Whichever anon didn't own the blog was reblogging its posts. So both anons supported the blog to say the least.
The main anon, the one denying the genocide is happening, owns the following blogs, two of which are/were major community blogs (which is why I'm fully expecting this to blow up in my face somehow).
@/aceofspades-lena (this is the main anon & possibly the owner of @/hamas-is-isis)
I strongly urge anyone who sees this post to block them, because I and at least 6 other people I will not name to avoid them getting harassed further, have witnessed this person being legitimately malicious towards Palestine and the topic of it. Again, they sent me an ask denying that Israel was hurting Palestinian people.
The second anon, the server mods realized today, had previously been sending subtle Islamophobic dogwhistle art in the server. We didn't catch it until after it came out that they're Zionists. Obviously, for any members of the server who see this that may be concerned, the mods have now deleted that art. The following blogs are theirs and I'm urging anyone who sees this to block them too:
On the spacetimesystem blog, there are other sideblogs they listed in their pinned post if you want to go as far as to block those too.
I won't share it on this post, but the mods of the server I mentioned have screenshot proof of some of the hate anons that have been sent (I don't have any of the ones I got months ago unfortunately), as well as some other things these two have said. We also have a screenshot of the art.
I also want to mention, we found them discussing the idea of making a JSE community space that would "accept them." If you see Discord invites floating around, be wary. You could unknowingly be joining a Zionist-owned, anti-Palestine server.
Absolutely mind-boggling to me that these two would do all this or be this way when the charity that Sean supported for Thankmas this year is helping Palestinians. Not to mention he just straight up doesn't want hateful people in his community at all. But I digress.
Anyway, I urge you to block the blogs I listed. At least one of them is genuinely malicious and has attacked multiple people on anon over voicing support for Palestine. The other made art that implied Palestinians are monsters.
Free Palestine, and stay safe.
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sysmedsaresexist · 3 months
We really need to come up with better terms for syscourse stances because the main ones aren't cutting it
Anti endo can mean everything from staunch disbelief and bad, aggressive posts to completely believing that endogenic systems are real and valid but not wanting them to interact with CDD-specific content
Being pro endo can mean someone believes DID is caused by trauma and that the CDD community must be protected above all else, to people actively villainizing CDD systems and everything in-between
Endo neutral can mean everything from not caring at all about syscourse and refusing to engage, to allowing interaction from all sides without judgement despite personal beliefs
Anti-misinformation had promise at one point in reference to the massive amounts of misinformation in both communities, but it wasn't working
Any and all of these labels can mean you think the DSM or ICD directly affirms endogenic systems and they can also mean that person has never picked up a DSM in their life
None of them are accurate
None of them convey the full picture
These are useless labels
(I don't want to hear a peep about the syscourse code, that's not cutting it either, no one has time for that)
People getting upset over pro endo mods on anti endo blogs don't realize that you can share the exact same beliefs about science and the communities and use opposing labels.
Some pro endo blogs should try putting an anti endo on their team to control misinformation and point out ableism, seriously, interaction is how you start learning, anti endos seem more willing to take that step than pro endos and that's pathetic
I also think it might be good to remove the focus from the validity and acceptance of endogenic systems (anti/pro endo) and place it back on what's important-- protecting traumatized individuals
Maybe something like "#CDDs first" can convey that your intention, attention, and audience will always prioritize the CDD community and their safety, but even that... someone can be well-intentioned when they misquote things
I don't know, I'd love to hear the communities' thoughts-- both pro and anti, I'd like this to spread around a bit, I think it's important that people realize that labels don't mean there's disagreement on ideas and concepts-- a pro endo can share the same goals and ideas as an anti endo and vice versa
For example, at this point, I'll happily interact with anyone who agrees that DID is a childhood trauma disorder. That's it. That's my bar. No more, no less. There are pro endos who believe the exact same things I do on all fronts, despite calling me anti endo.
It really just doesn't make sense.
Maybe together we can come up with something better
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sixthwater · 1 year
Mini Analysis: Mako Komuro
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Here's our surprise focus for, I guess, my first semi-formal breakdown on a former public figure? Yay! I was going through my main blog and came across the semi-old post regarding her and her husband and I went to go check up on them and fell down a rabbit hole lmao, so here I am!
If you are familiar with the British royals and engage in all of that drama, then you might've caught wind of something similar around 2017 in regards to the Japanese imperial family. If you didn't, I'll try and summarize. She was the eldest of her family and it was pretty much a done deal that she was to marry her childhood love/friend, and the imperial family will move as always. However, during her time at University, she met her now husband and they both made the announcement that they were going to be getting married instead, and if you're familiar with royal families and breaking tradition, then yeah. There is a lot more to be said about it, and I'll reference some pieces as I go on, but I encourage you to read up it yourself!
Natal Chart
Mako, formerly known as 'Princess Mako of Akishino', was born on October 23rd 1991. Making her a Libra Sun, Taurus Moon, and Leo Rising!
There is a lot to look at within her chart but I'll try and keep it short. Her chart ruler being Libra in the third house points to both elegance but also keeping up appearances. By that I mean communication, family ties, fairness, governing over close community and making sure everyone is cared for, the energy of overseeing with a gentle fist. Her sun is at a critical degree, teetering between one house and the other -- there will be some leakage from the fourth here. However at the same time, there's a heaviness that you have to make sure everyone likes you -- or at least sees your best side most of the time. Always saying the right thing. Her moon being in Taurus would usually help balance the struggle there, but it's opposing her Sun. Her Taurus moon sitting in the tenth is going to tell everyone that she's always gentle, generous, motherly, stable, reliable -- like the perfect archetype since the moon is exalted here. So what does that really mean for her:
It's slightly suffocating in a way. In private, she can probably work through these issues and come to a solution. In public there is a lot of give and not much take. Long time followers know how I feel about Libra. So you have moon in a sign that is pleasant but it also doesn't put up with much. Then you have her ego in a sign that will be diplomatic but it's also Air, Cardinal, and Masculine. If they want to tell you something they will, and the signs that influence that are usually Fire signs, Scorpio, and maybe Gemini. Guess what she has? Scorpio Stellium. Her Sun conjuncts her Mars, and that Mars opposes her Moon as well. So her ego works well with her ethic and if she gets a little heated, they're friends. Both of those elements are not too compatible with how she works with her emotions or that landscape. There can be frustrations with the ego not getting the emotional needs in order, and not properly handling their feelings -- but I'd say it's more like containing everything because we also have a Moon square Saturn which we'll touch later. But that gives us a??!!! T-SQUARE!! THAT'S RIGHT!! This causes a lot of friction and emotional bubbling. We have a tenth Moon going against that cluster of aggression within the fourth, and then the T-Square. This can always point to struggles or issues while growing up but I'm not going to get into that since it seems personal and it was hinted at anyway.
A T-Square is when you have two planets opposing each other, and both of those planets will square another. If you head back to the chart and look at Moon, Mars, and Saturn: you'll notice it's making a tiny little red triangle. That's your T-Square.
I'm going to end her natal section with two more things. Her Scorpio influence along with an earth moon and Libra Sun? Yes there was a struggle growing up, but it was more like struggling for control over herself and if that struggle was worth the outcome. Both these elements are very protective over themselves but they don't like sacrificing those that they care for, and I don't doubt that she still loves or holds a special place for her family. Her Virgo Venus adds another layer to such a level of dutifulness, care, love, and sincerity that even if she wasn't born into this family, I think she'd naturally just hold that air to her.
Now I'm going to get into the love aspect of her chart because it's insanely cute and I'm merely in the clutches of my cancer venus okay
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Seventh House
So everyone usually points to Aqua in the seventh as finding someone who is unusual a little quirky a little Out There, but her husband is just some cool guy who seems really sweet tbh. So now we have to remember the context, and of course all the headlines that popped up and like only recently disappeared once people moved on:
"Japan's Princess Mako finally marries commoner boyfriend-" "Japan’s Princess Mako Marries Commoner-"
I'm not joking when this happened none of us knew his name he was just known as "Commoner Boyfriend". So considering she was born into an Imperial Family, and was expected to marry a certain person -- yeah the Aqua theme still fits because it's still unusual, and yes her Saturn sitting there fits perfectly with this, but we'll get into that
So her seventh house ruler is sitting. . .in the seventh! Which means meeting them through someone or making new connections, meeting in a formal setting, meeting through business, etc. Which, they did meet at university -- which yes yes is ninth house territory, but it's still a somewhat formal setting AND the University was for International students and those who wanted to go abroad. So that's meeting new people and painting this meeting with the qualities for Aquarius, which people need to remember that it's co-ruled by Saturn for a reason. Aquarius will not throw caution to the wind for no reason. It looks at what's in place and sees what needs to go, and what can stay. If something is no longer working for it, then it gets trashed. If things are fine, then they can stay. It utilizes Saturn in a less suffocating way.
Now, her Saturn Squares her Moon & Mars yes, but it also Squares her Sun. A ton of restriction and like. Rules when it comes to affection, love, or even expression. But they're self-inflicted in a way, like after being punished so much you understand you kinda have to do it this way. Her Saturn actually isn't making one soft aspect in her chart. Which brings me to this relationship bringing nothing but hardship and possibly being a late marriage (which leo can sometimes point to if there's enough to back it up, or at least delayed), but definitely a ton of obstacles to break through, but if you have dedication it can work. There was a moment of piece before the public had outcry against them, digging way deep into her spouse's family history for whatever 'dirt' they could find, the family was resistant to give them blessings, and they had to delay their wedding (which ironically took place during her saturn return, so...blessing?????) due to a financial dispute over the ex-fiance.
However if we look at her Juno next, it's in a really cute spot. Capricorn in the Sixth. She's looking for a soft stable relationship. Something with structure, someone she can come home to, help her forget about the stress of the world, and that's exactly what she said about him
her attention was captured by his "bright smile that seemed like the sun". If she'd ever questioned whether she'd marry, falling in love with Kei made it clear to her that what she truly wanted was to have "a warm and comfortable household" and "a family full of smiles".
"To me he is irreplaceable," she would tell the world. "Our marriage is a necessary step for us to be able to protect our hearts in a cherishing way. We, the two of us, will start our new life. I guess there will be different types of difficulties, but we want to live together by working together."
I was going to add a piece about her Saturn return in here, but this is already loooooooooooong so I won't lol. I'll just say there was a revelation about relationships, what she really wanted, and a major shift (which was, obvious now).
Another piece is that I think a soft trend with those bearing an Aqua Descendant that's working strong is that: a road to pursuing a spouse you want might not be easy. Depending on the aspects it's making and what else is happening; someone might have to give up a lot. That's not easy to ask. Mako gave up her title and moved to another country, but she's happy because she's with someone she loves, even if that upsets a shit ton of people. Depending on the other person, they might've had to do that in order to stay with the Aqua Desc native. It depends on the situation at hand, but this is no easy placement to have unless it's really being helped.
Right now they're living a happy life doing what they both want, and I'm super happy for them. No, Kei isn't some white dude from California, but he was more than enough to absolutely shake up a lot of things within the family and Japan itself. So her Aqua descendant is working just as it should. I'm wishing them the best and I'm glad everything worked out for them and I hope it continues to do so!!
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do you mind telling how your ocs stories go? cause their designs are amazing but i want their lore lol
(and i love your artstyle smm <33 )
You're too kind, thank you! It means a lot that you care about my oc's!! I'd be thrilled to talk about my oc lore! I'll do it below the cut, because this is going to run a little long, lol. Not as long as it was going to be (I spent 3 hours writing out an unbelievably in depth response but something wonked out and it all got deleted) but it will still be long.
Since I've posted a few different sets of oc's on this blog I'm not 100% sure which one's you're asking after, but I'll assume these guys based on context clues!
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(If you meant someone else feel free to ask again, I'd love to blab about the other ones too haha)
All these characters come from a webcomic that I've been slowly (very slowly) been chipping away at for the past three years. I am waiting to publish any pages until I have a significant chunk more of it done, so unfortunately it can't be read anywhere yet. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The setting is your typical kinda-but-not-really-medieval fantasy world. Magic is not yet well understood by the general population, but some adventurous few have managed to master it.
First I'll go through the characters one by one!
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The angular woman in blue is Valen Turnbull, our first of two main characters. She was born and raised in the cliffside town Blackport. Ever since childhood she has been strong, brave, and dutiful. She even had a little bit of a rebellious streak, though she (mostly) grew out of it. She left home after a vicious attack from Sea Spirits sunk most of the town. She felt tremendous guilt that she couldn't do more to protect the town, despite the fact that she single-handedly kept the equivalent of a sentient hurricane at bay. The only one she told about leaving was her best friend, Darius. He wished she would stay, but in the end he understood. Everyone copes differently. There is a lot more to say about her, but frankly I cant find the heart after losing a whole paragraph to a computer glitch. X﹏X
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The smiley woman in red is named Laine Feywell, and she is the second of the two main characters. As a young adult her best friend (who is unnamed but will be referred to as 'Green') left home so start his own adventuring guild, so naturally she joined him. As the Guild grew, eventually Valen joined and became fast friends with Laine. Unfortunately, the Guild was not fated to last. Out of greed Green began taking morally questionable jobs for the Guild to do, which Valen opposed. This ended in a battle, in which Laine took Valen's side and defeated the rest of the Guild. After that the Guild disbanded, and Laine and Valen continued to travel together.
I actually have an animatic about it! I'm no animator, and it's the only animatic I've ever managed to finish, but here's the link if you want to see it!
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The last character I'll go over today is this scraggly and emotional man in green- Darius. Though he is only a side character in the comic, he champions my heart. I unfortunately have no good art pieces of him, only the panels from the comic he's featured in. I'll have to remedy that someday! Darius's backstory mimics Valens a good deal, since they grew up and went to school together in Blackport. Initially Darius was very shy and unsure of himself, but Valen's boldness proved infectious, and he eventually grew up to be a brave, yet scrawny man. On the day the Sea Spirits attacked Blackport, Darius tried to talk Valen into evacuating with the rest of the citizens for her own sake. Valen wouldn't have it, despite how scared she was. Darius relented, and after evacuating everyone else actually came back to help her. He chucked everything he could reach from a traveling merchants stand- which luckily happened to be selling magical curios. Eventually something he threw seemed to work, and the Spirits abated their attack.
Finally, here's various fun facts about the characters/story!
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Laine and Valen eventually get married!!! They fall in love after the guild incident, and confess their feelings after another near death experience. As young adults, they're really unusually intense and kind of scary together. Thankfully they mellow out with age (somewhat lol)
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The town of Blackport is actually named after the ex-general-turned-minor-god who founded it! The God is referred to as 'Lady Blackport' or 'The Lady.' She is said to still watch over and protect the town, though her temple was dragged to the bottom of the ocean by the Sea Spirits. People who believe in or follow this god are known to use exclamations such as "Oh Lady above!" or "Lady forgive me." or even "Lady Blessed."
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Laine has been working to teach Valen magic over the years. While Laine mastered it a long ago, Valen has been slow to pick it up. However she is both stubborn and eager to learn, so she'll surely master it someday!
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The final thing I'll mention is a little au I have of this gang. They're just a bunch of teenagers running an urban exploring youtube channel. Laine is the leader of the bunch, but prone to injury because of her over-eagerness. She also puts together the cutest outfits before delving into abandoned buildings! Valen is their cameraman and Laine's girlfriend, and though she isn't as injury prone as Laine, she's just as foolhardy and actively encourages Laine into dangerous situations. She's also on her school swim team! Darius is the relative straight-man of the group, but not by much. Rather than talking them out of exploring potentially dangerous abandoned buildings, he'll just research if they need to be concerned about asbestos or similar concerns. He is the heart-throb of the DnD club <3
Anyway, that's all I'll say I think! The post is already massive, but hey it's not everyday someone prompts me to talk about my oc's!! So thank you for that again I love you for that!!! I think I covered most of the basics of things, but if there's anything anyone wants to know do not hesitate to ask! Clearly I love to blab ahahah I'm sure this is more than you were bargaining for when you actually asked, but oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Once again it was going to be longer before my computer vetoed it and deleted the whole damn post lmaooo.
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typicalopposite · 1 year
Well, hey there!
Welcome to my completely all over the place — that started out just as a Destiel but morphed into this multi fandom posting, self and others creations promoting, show/movie reacting, sometimes random personal life ranting — blog!
There’s a lot going on here.
Here you will find posts about my fandoms... which are as follows… going in order of how strong of a grip the hyper-fixation has on me at the moment.
The Untamed (WangXian of course, with a side of XiCheng)
Supernatural (Destiel… duh ☺️)
Heaven Official's Blessing/Tian Guan Ci Fu (Hualian... although I do enjoy FengQing and BeefLeaf as well)
Stranger Things (Steddie)
Shameless (Gallavich)
Our Flag Means Death (GentleBeard)
Good Omens (Ineffable Husbands)
The Musketeers (Portamis… or Flort if you’ve seen the reaction posts… and I’m also not opposed to Annamis or just platonic based fics of this show)
Starsky & Hutch (they don't have a fandom accepted ship name but I will call them Hutsky and (or) Starch anyway because they are canon names and I love them)]
The Witcher (Jeraskier. I have barely even watched this show and this ship has on my soul is unfair, unjust, and should really just be illegal)
Lucifer (Deckerstar... but I say this begrudgingly because Percifer -- as brief as it was in the show -- owns my heart)
Dark Angel (No ships really, but I'm also only a couple eps into the second season)
Other fandoms I'm less active in, or not active in at all but enjoy
Doctor Who (eventually I plan to kick this one back up into the actively active category)
Once Upon A Time
NCIS (McNozzo)
Psych (Shassie, but I like Shules...is it Shules... see not active)
Criminal Minds
etc etc etc... You see, like I said, there's a lot going on here!
Here you will also find links to my fics...
I'm on AO3 and FFNET
Here you will find a lot -- and I mean A LOT -- of posts about or in collaboration with @scripted-downfall aka Wench.
Here you will find reaction posts to shows, and if you are interested in that sort of thing we have a main blog for it right HERE
Here you will find selfish promo's for the discord I help run, and the one I created ( Raised for Perdition and the odd side of fandom) not saying you should totally join them but you should totally join them... cause they have been pretty dead lately...
Here you will find that sometimes life gets really annoying and I just need an outlet to vent about it and it has absolutely NOTHING to do with fandom at all.
Here you will find I am into many many manyyyy types of fics/art (almost all the things there is to be into) angst, fix its, mutul pining, abo, AU's, long chapter fics, short one shots, and mpreg are among the top.
One thing you wont find here is hate, or tolerance for hate. I can't promise there will never be fandom negativity, that feels almost impossible to try to avoid, and I am only human! I dislike plenty and want to talk about it. But just vile blatant unreasonable and unnecessary hate is not welcome here! Also Hurt/no comfort and MCD because... just why?!
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British "masters of the field" : The disaster at Brandywine
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Illustration of the Battle of Brandywine, drawn by cartographer, engraver and illustrator Johann Martin Will (1727-1806) in 1777. Image is courtesy of the Library of Congress.
This post is reprinted from Academia.edu and my History Hermann WordPress blog. It was originally written in September 2016, one day after the anniversary of the battle, when I was a fellow at the Maryland State Archives for the Finding the Maryland 400 project. Enjoy!
On the night of September 10, 1777, many of the soldiers and commanding officers of the Continental Army sat around their campfires and listened to an ominous sermon that would predict the events of the following day. Chaplain Jeremias (or Joab) Trout declared that God was on their side and that
“we have met this evening perhaps for the last time…alike we have endured the cold and hunger, the contumely of the internal foe and the courage of foreign oppression…the sunlight…tomorrow…will glimmer on scenes of blood…Tomorrow morning we will go forth to battle…Many of us may fall tomorrow.” [1]
The following day, the Continentals would be badly defeated by the British and “scenes of blood” would indeed appear on the ground near Brandywine Creek.
In the previous month, a British flotilla consisting of 28 ships, loaded with over 12,000 troops, had sailed up the Chesapeake Bay. [2] They disembarked at the Head of Elk (now Elkton, Maryland) in July, under the command of Sir William Howe, and had one objective: to attack the American capital of Philadelphia. [3] Howe had planned to form a united front with John Burgoyne, but bad communication made this impossible. [4] At the same time, Burgoyne was preoccupied with fighting the Continental Army in Saratoga, where he ultimately surrendered later in the fall. With Howe’s redcoats, light dragoons, grenadiers, and artillerymen were Hessian soldiers fighting for the Crown. [5]
Opposing these forces were two sections of the Continental Army. The first was the main body of Continentals led by George Washington, consisting of light infantry, artillery, ordinary foot-soldiers, and militia from Pennsylvania and Maryland. The second was the Continental right wing commanded by John Sullivan, which consisted of infantry from New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia, and Maryland. The latter was led by William Smallwood and included the First Maryland Regiment. Other Marylanders who participated in the battle included Walter Brooke Cox, Joseph Marbury, Daniel Rankins, Samuel Hamilton, John Toomy, John Brady, and Francis Reveley. While the British were nearby, the 15,000-man Continental Army fortified itself at Chadd’s Ford, sitting on Brandywine Creek in order to defend Philadelphia from British attack. [6]
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A map by Johann Martin Will in early 1777, in the same set as the illustration of the battle at the beginning of this post, which shows British and Continental troop movements during the Battle of Brandywine.
The morning of September 11 was warm, still, and quiet in the Continental Army camp on the green and sloping area behind Brandywine Creek. [7] Civilians from surrounding towns who were favoring the Crown, the revolutionary cause, or were neutral watched the events that were about to unfold. [8]
Suddenly, at 8:00, the British, on the other side of the creek, began to bombard the Continental positions facing the creek complimented by Hessians firing their muskets. [9] However, these attacks were never meant as a direct assault on Continental lines. [10] Instead, the British wanted to cross the creek, which had few bridges, including one unguarded bridge called Jeffries’ Ford on Great Valley Road. As Howe engaged in a flanking maneuver, which he had used at the Battle of Brooklyn, the Marylanders would again find themselves on the front lines.
As the British continued their diversionary frontal attack on the Continental lines, thousands of them moved across the unguarded bridge that carried Great Valley Road over Brandywine Creek. Washington received reports about this British movement throughout the day but since these messages were inconsistent, he did not act on them until later. [11] At that point, he sent Sullivan’s wing, including Marylanders, to push back the advancing British flank. [12]
These Marylanders encountered seasoned Hessian troops who, when joined by British guards and grenadiers, attacked the Marylanders. Due to the precise and constant fire from Hessians and a British infantry charge with bayonets, the Marylanders fled in panic. [13] Lieutenant William Beatty of the Second Maryland Regiment, who would perish in the Battle of Hobkirk’s Hill, recounted this attack:
“…[in] the Middle of this Afternoon…a strong Body of the Enemy had Cross’d above our Army and were in full march to out-flank us; this Obliged our Right wing to Change their front…before this could be fully [executed]…the Enemy Appeared and made a very Brisk Attack which put the whole of our Right Wing to flight…this was not done without some Considerable loss on their side, as of the Right wing behaved Gallantly…the Attack was made on the Right, the British…made the fire…on all Quarters.” [14]
As a Marylanders endured a “severe cannonade” from the British, the main body of the Continental Army was in trouble. [15] Joseph Armstrong of Pennsylvania, a private in a Pennsylvania militia unit, described retreating after the British had crossed Brandywine Creek, and moved back even further, at 5:00, for eight or nine miles, with the British in hot pursuit. [16]
Despite the “heavy and well supported fire of small arms and artillery,” the Continentals could not stop the British and Hessian troops, who ultimately pushed the Americans into the nearby woods. [17] The British soldiers, exhausted and wearing wool, were able to push back the Continentals at 5:30 on that hot day. [18] As Washington would admit in his apologetic letter to the President of the Continental Congress, John Hancock, “…in this days engagement we have been obliged to leave the enemy masters of the field.” [19]
As the smoke cleared, the carnage was evident. Numerous Continentals were wounded, along with French military men such as the Marquis de Lafayette. [20] Despite Washington’s claim that “our loss of men is not…very considerable…[and] much less than the enemys,” about 200-300 were killed and 400 taken prisoner. [21] This would confirm Lieutenant Beatty’s claim that Continental losses included eight artillery pieces, “500 men killed, wounded and prisoners.” [22] In contrast, on the British side, fewer than a hundred were killed while as many as 500 were wounded. [23] Beatty’s assessment was that the British loss was “considerable” due to a “great deal of very heavy firing.” [24] Still, as victors, the British slept on the battlefield that night.
Not long after, the British engaged in a feint attack to draw away the Continental Army from Philadelphia and marched into the city without firing a shot, occupying it for the next ten months. [25] In the meantime, Congress fled to York, Pennsylvania, where it stayed until Philadelphia could be re-occupied in late June 1778.
In the months after the battle, the Continental Army chose who would be punished for the defeat. This went beyond John Adams’s response to the news of the battle: “…Is Philadelphia to be lost? If lost, is the cause lost? No–The cause is not lost but may be hurt.” [26] While Washington accepted no blame for the defeat, others were court-martialed. [27]
One man was strongly accused for the defeat: John Sullivan. While some, such as Charles Pickney, praised Sullivan for his “calmness and bravery” during the battle, a sentiment that numerous Maryland officers agreed with, others disagreed. [28] A member of Congress from North Carolina, Thomas Burke, claimed that Sullivan engaged in “evil conduct” leading to misfortune, and that Sullivan was “void of judgment and foresight.” [29] He said this as he attempted to remove Sullivan from his commanding position. Since Sullivan’s division mostly fled the battleground, even as some resisted British advances, and former Quaker Nathaniel Greene led a slow retreat, the blame of Sullivan is not a surprise. [30] Burke’s effort did not succeed since Maryland officers and soldiers admired Sullivan for his aggressive actions and bravery, winning him support. [31]
Another officer accused of misdeeds was a Marylander named William Courts, a veteran of the Battle of Brooklyn. He was accused of “cowardice at the Battle of Brandywine” and for talking to Major Peter Adams of the 7th Maryland Regiment with “impertinent, and abusive language” when Adams questioned Courts’ battlefield conduct. [32] Courts was ultimately acquitted, though he left the Army shortly afterwards. However, his case indicates that the Continental Army was looking for scapegoats for the defeat.
The rest of the remaining Continental Army marched off in the cover of darkness, preventing a battle the following day. They camped at Chester, on the other side of the Schuylkill River, where they stayed throughout late September. [33] Twenty-four days after the battle on the Brandywine, the Continental Army attacked the British camp at Germantown but foggy conditions led to friendly fire, annulling any chance for victory. [34] While it was a defeat, the Battle of Germantown served the revolutionary cause by raising hopes for the United States in the minds of European nobility. [35] It may have also convinced Howe to resign from the British Army, as commander of British forces in North America, later that month.
In the following months, the Continental Army continued to fight around Philadelphia and New Jersey. After the battle at Germantown, the British laid siege to Fort Mifflin on Mud Island for over a month. They also engaged in an intensified siege on Fort Mercer at Red Bank, leading to its surrender in late October. In an attempt to assist Continental forces, a detachment of Maryland volunteers under Lieutenant Colonel Samuel Smith were sent to fight in the battle at Fort Mifflin. [36] By November, the Continentals abandoned Fort Mifflin and retired to Valley Forge. Still, this hard-fought defense of the Fort denied the British use of the Delaware River, foiling their plans to further defeat Continental forces.
As the war went on, the First Maryland Regiment would fight in the northern colonies until 1780 in battles at Monmouth (1778) and Stony Point (1779) before moving to the Southern states as part of Greene’s southern campaign. [37] They would come face-to-face with formidable British forces again in battles at Camden (1780), Cowpens (1781), Guilford Courthouse (1781), and Eutaw Springs (1781). In the end, what the Scottish economist Adam Smith wrote in 1776 held true in the Battle of Brandywine and until the end of the war: that Americans would not voluntarily agree with British imperial control and would die to free themselves from such control. [38]
– Burkely Hermann, Maryland Society of the Sons of American Revolution Research Fellow, 2016.
[1] Collections of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Vol. 1 (Merrehew & Thompson, 1853), 70-72; Lydia Minturn Post, Personal Recollections of the American Revolution: A Private Journal (ed. Sidney Barclay, New York: Rudd & Carleton, 1859), 207-218; Virginia Biography, Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography Vol. V (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1915), 658. Courtesy of Ancestry.com; George F. Scheer, and Hugh F. Rankin, Rebels and Redcoats: The American Revolution Through the Eyes of Those who Fought and Lived It (New York: De Capo Press, 1957, reprint in 1987), 234. Trout, who was also a Reverend, would not survive the battle. While some records reprint his name as “Joab Traut,” other sources indicate that his first name was actually Jeremias and that his last name is sometimes spelled Trout.
[2] Andrew O’Shaughnessy, The Men Who Lost America: British Command During the Revolutionary War and the Preservation of the Empire (London: One World Publications, 2013), 254; Ferling, 177; Letters from Gen. George Washington, Vol. 5, Papers of the Continental Congress, National Archives, NARA M247, Record Group 360, roll pcc_344144_0001, item number 152, p. 87; “A Further Extract from the Examination of Joseph Galloway, Esq; by a Committee of the British House of Commons,” Maryland Journal, December 7, 1779, Baltimore, Vol. VI, issue 324, page 1.
[3] Washington thrown back at Brandywine, Chronicle of America (ed. Daniel Clifton, Mount Kisco, NY: Chronicle Publications, 1988), 163; “The Examination of Joseph Galloway, Esq; before the House of Commons,” Maryland Journal, November 23, 1779, Baltimore, Vol. VI, issue 322, page 1. Joseph Galloway, a former member of the Contintental Congress who later became favorable to the British Crown, claimed that inhabitants supplied the British on the way to Brandywine.
[4] Stanley Weintraub, Iron Tears: America’s Battle for Freedom, Britain’s Quagmire: 1775-1783 (New York: Free Press, 2005), 115.
[5] Bethany Collins, “8 Fast Facts About Hessians,” Journal of the American Revolution, August 19, 2014. Accessed August 31, 2016. They were called Hessians since many of them came from the German state of Hesse-Kassel, and many of them were led by Baron Wilhelm Von Knyphausen.
[6] Chronicle of America, 163; Letters from Gen. George Washington, Vol. 5, Papers of the Continental Congress, National Archives, NARA M247, Record Group 360, roll pcc_344144_0001, item number 152, p. 33. Courtesy of Fold3.com; Letters from Gen. George Washington, Vol. 5, Papers of the Continental Congress, National Archives, NARA M247, Record Group 360, roll pcc_344144_0001, item number 152, p. 37. Courtesy of Fold3.com; Letters from Gen. George Washington, Vol. 5, Papers of the Continental Congress, National Archives, NARA M247, Record Group 360, roll pcc_344144_0001, item number 152, p. 41. Courtesy of Fold3.com; The Annual Register or a View of the History, Politics, and Literature, for the Year 1777 (4th Edition, London: J. Dosley, 1794, 127-8; Mark Andrew Tacyn, “’To the End:’ The First Maryland Regiment and the American Revolution” (PhD diss., University of Maryland College Park, 1999), 137; The Winning of Independence, 1777-1783, American Military History (Washington D.C.: Center for Military History, 1989), 72-73.
[7] John E. Ferling, Setting the World Abaze: Washington, Adams, Jefferson, and the American Revolution (New York: Oxford University Press, 2000), 175-176; O’Shaughnessy, 107. O’Shaughnessy argues that the encampment at Chad’s Ford was an “excellent defensive position.”
[8] Thomas J. McGuire, The Philadelphia Campaign: Brandywine and the Fall of Philadelphia Vol. I (Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2006), 172-173. Reportedly, some Quakers ignored the dueling armies and went about their daily business but others such as Joseph Townsend did watch the battle and worried about their fate if the British were to be victorious.
[9] Ferling, 175-176; “Journal of Captain William Beatty 1776-1781,” Maryland Historical Magazine June 1908. Vol. 3, no.2, 109. The British had endured two weeks of horrible weather conditions in their journey from Elkton.
[10] Tacyn, 138; Ferling, 175; O’Shaughnessy, 7, 226, 228.
[11] “II: From Lieutenant Colonel James Ross, 11 September 1777,” Founders Online, National Archives, last modified July 12, 2016; “III: To Colonel Theodorick Bland, 11 September 1777,” Founders Online, National Archives, last modified July 12, 2016; “IV: From Major General John Sullivan, 11 September 1777,” Founders Online, National Archives, last modified July 12, 2016; “V: From Colonel Theodorick Bland, 11 September 1777,” Founders Online, National Archives, last modified July 12, 2016; “VII: Lieutenant Colonel Robert Hanson Harrison to John Hancock, 11 September 1777,” Founders Online, National Archives, last modified July 12, 2016; “From George Washington to John Hancock, 13 September 1777,” Founders Online, National Archives, last modified July 12, 2016; “To George Washington from Brigadier General Anthony Wayne, 19 September 1777,” Founders Online,National Archives, last modified July 12, 2016; Scheer, and Rankin, 235.
[12] Tacyn, 138-9; Scheer, and Rankin, 236; McGuire, 184-185, 167, 171, 186, 193, 196, 241.
[13] The Winning of Independence, 1777-1783, American Military History (Washington D.C.: Center for Military History, 1989), 72-73; Tacyn, 139; David Ross, The Hessian Jagerkorps in New York and Pennsylvania, 1776-1777, Journal of the American Revolution, May 14, 2015. Accessed August 31, 2016. The British and Hessians advanced with minimal casualties.
[14] “Journal of Captain William Beatty 1776-1781,” 109-110; Muster Rolls and Other Records of Service of Maryland Troops in the American Revolution Archives of Maryland Online Vol. 18, 189, 310, 344, 345, 363, 379, 388, 519. William Beatty would become a captain in April 1778 in the Seventh Maryland Regiment, then in the First Maryland Regiment in early 1781.
[15] Letters from Gen. George Washington, Vol. 5, Papers of the Continental Congress, National Archives, NARA M247, Record Group 360, roll pcc_344144_0001, item number 152, p. 49. Courtesy of Fold3.com.
[16] Pension of Jacob Armstrong, Revolutionary War Pensions, National Archives, NARA M804, Record Group 15, pension number S.22090, roll 0075. Courtesy of Fold3.com; “VII: Lieutenant Colonel Robert Hanson Harrison to John Hancock, 11 September 1777,” Founders Online, National Archives, last modified July 12, 2016. Jacob served as a substitute for his father, Simon Armstrong.
[17] The Annual Register, 128-129.
[18] Ferling, 176.
[19] Weintraub, 118; “VIII: To John Hancock, 11 September 1777,” Founders Online, National Archives, last modified July 12, 2016; Letters from Gen. George Washington, Vol. 5, Papers of the Continental Congress, National Archives, NARA M247, Record Group 360, roll pcc_344144_0001, item number 152, p. 53-53a; “VIII: To John Hancock, 11 September 1777,” Founders Online, National Archives, last modified July 12, 2016. This letter was published by order of Congress.
[20] Tacyn, 140; The Annual Register, 129-130; Letters from Gen. George Washington, Vol. 5, Papers of the Continental Congress, National Archives, NARA M247, Record Group 360, roll pcc_344144_0001, item number 152, p. 53-53a; “VIII: To John Hancock, 11 September 1777,” Founders Online, National Archives, last modified July 12, 2016; Letters from Gen. George Washington, Vol. 5, Papers of the Continental Congress, National Archives, NARA M247, Record Group 360, roll pcc_344144_0001, item number 152, p. 287. Courtesy of Fold3.com; “To George Washington from Brigadier General William Woodford, 2 October 1777,” Founders Online, National Archives, last modified July 12, 2016; Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1781-1784 Archives of Maryland Online Vol. 48, 458; Scheer, and Rankin, 240.
[21] Ferling, 177; O’Shaughnessy, 109; Washington thrown back at Brandywine, Chronicle of America, 163; Letters from Gen. George Washington, Vol. 5, Papers of the Continental Congress, National Archives, NARA M247, Record Group 360, roll pcc_344144_0001, item number 152, p. 53-53a; “VIII: To John Hancock, 11 September 1777,” Founders Online, National Archives, last modified July 12, 2016; Petitions Address to Congress, 1775-189, Papers of the Continental Congress, National Archives, NARA M247, Record Group 360, roll pcc_419789_0001, item number 42, p. 159. Courtesy of Fold3.com; Pension of Jacob Ritter (prisoner after battle), Revolutionary War Pensions, National Archives, NARA M804, Record Group 15, pension number S.9080, roll 2052. Courtesy of Fold3.com; John Dwight Kilbourne, A Short History of the Maryland Line in the Continental Army (Baltimore: Society of Cincinnati of Maryland, 1992), 14; Howard H. Peckham, The War for Independence: A Military History (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1979), 68-70; Scheer, and Rankin, 239. Washington’s letter was later published by order of Congress.
[22] “Journal of Captain William Beatty 1776-1781,” 110.
[23] O’Shaughnessy, 109; The Annual Register, 129-130; “To George Washington from Major John Clark, Jr., 12 November 1777,” Founders Online, National Archives, last modified July 12, 2016; Peckham, 70; Scheer, and Rankin, 239.
[24] “Journal of Captain William Beatty 1776-1781,” 110; Peckham, 70; McGuire, 209. Claims by Continentals that there were many British casualties may have been explained by British tactics.
[25] “A Further Extract from the Examination of Joseph Galloway, Esq; by a Committee of the British House of Commons”; “The Examination of Joseph Galloway, Esq; before the House of Commons”; Weintraub, 115; Tacyn, 143; Trevelyan, 249, 275; O’Shaughnessy, 110.
[26] John Adams diary 28, 6 February – 21 November 1777 [electronic edition], entries for September 16, Adams Family Papers: An Electronic Archive. Massachusetts Historical Society
[27] “A Further Extract from the Examination of Joseph Galloway, Esq; by a Committee of the British House of Commons” ; “General Orders, 19 October 1777,” Founders Online,National Archives, last modified July 12, 2016; “General Orders, 25 September 1777,” Founders Online, National Archives, last modified July 12, 2016; “General Orders, 3 January 1778,” Founders Online, National Archives, last modified July 12, 2016.
[28] Tacyn, 142; Letters from General Officers, Papers of the Continental Congress, National Archives, NARA M247, Record Group 360, roll pcc_4345518_0001, item number 100, p. 69. Courtesy of Fold3.com.
[29] Tacyn, 141.
[30] Tacyn, 140-141.
[31] Tacyn, 143.
[32] “General Orders, 19 October 1777,” Founders Online, National Archives, last modified July 12, 2016.
[33] Pension of Jacob Armstrong; Weintraub, 116-117; O’Shaughnessy, 109; “Journal of Captain William Beatty 1776-1781,” 110; Kilbourne, 14.
[34] Pension of Jacob Armstrong; The Annual Register, 129-130; Sir George Otto Trevelyan, The American Revolution: Saratoga and Brandywine, Valley Forge, England and France at War, Vol. 4 (London: Longmans Greens Co., 1920), 275; O’Shaughnessy, 110; Ross, “The Hessian Jagerkorps in New York and Pennsylvania, 1776-1777,” Journal of the American Revolution, May 14, 2015. Accessed August 31, 2016; “Journal of Captain William Beatty 1776-1781,” 110-111; Kilbourne, 17, 19. As Beatty recounts, Marylanders were joined by the Maryland militia and were still part of General Sullivan’s division.
[35] Trevelyan, 249; O’Shaughnessy, 111; Christopher Hibbert, George III: A Personal History (New York: Basic Books, 1998), 154-155.
[36] “Journal of Captain William Beatty 1776-1781,” 110; Kilbourne, 14.
[37] Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, April 1, 1778 through October 26, 1779 Archives of Maryland Online Vol. 21, 118; Kilbourne, 21-22, 24-27, 29-30, 31, 33.
[38] Adam Smith, Chapter VII: Of Colonies, Part Third: Of the advantages which Europe has derived from the Discovery of America, and from that of a passage to the East Indies by the Cape of Good Hope, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (ed. Edward Canman, New York: The Modern Library, reprint 1937, originally printed in 1776), 587- 588.
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thecourtjester12 · 4 months
Hello, friend!! Can I call you that? I'm not sure... I'm so sorry I didn't send an ask sooner! How have you been? I hope you've been well! Make sure you've been getting plenty of rest and water, and please do take breaks if you need them! I'm sure your event has been stressful to manage, and I've heard you had a lot of alt blogs on top of that! That's quite the juggle!
Please do fill me in on what's been going on since my last asks to you, my birds only tell me so much. No pressure, of course, but I feel as though you deserve to at least reflect on your accomplishments! Doesn't everyone need a confidence boost like that?
~🌻 Sunflower Anon, who has missed you dearly!
Sorry it's taken me a few days to answer you! I wasn't ignoring you or anything, just wasn't too up to answering and wanted to answer you properly! Always nice to see you too!
Hello! And sure! I'm perfectly ok with you calling me friend if you'd like! ^-^
And no worries about taking a bit to send another ask, send them whenever you want to and are feeling up to, don't feel bad if its awhile in between!
I have been ok, sometimes stuff can get too much so I try to step back for a bit and go with the flow a bit and focus on being ok again :3 The same goes back at you! Make sure to get enough rest and drink water and take care of yourself as well! ^-^
The event hasn't been too bad to manage, I most do things in the background, occasionally pull some strings and keep things organized as much as I can, which works great, I much prefer to work behind the scenes (While I am not opposed to spotlight, theres simply something nice about keeping all the lil details of something organized :3)
I certainly have a good few (not as many as SOMEONE I know, yes, I mean you Moonlight, they keep growing) But most of them don't get as much virtual traffic to them so I mostly do things on two 70% of the time which are this one and my main side one jestersdlc
Two other's are ask blogs, and those don't get asks too frequently so they mostly just chill there :3
And the last (known) one is a group one and that one is pretty slow on us all to update it, so it's not toooo bad :3 I can't remember exactly when your last ask was...(time wise I mean >_<) So I'll try my best! Not sure there's much to say tho :3
Idk if PDC was made before or after...but me and a pair of friends (whom you may know, Qwill and Sol) made an au blog called playdatecollectorau where we kinda shove a bunch of our au's together so we can have our beans have 'playdates' theres LORE of course, cause lore is awesome
Mostly just intro stuff on there atm but it's fun to have and plan
I have accumulated....more AU's, there is...so many for DCA au's there is....10 and a half (the half is PDC) (JDCAU, J-TOL, LOTC, MIW, LSAU, REDACTED, NBCau, ESSau, CTAMK and secret) along with a few TSAM's ones which there is...less of 3 and a half (Starboy, CuddleBug, SolarMoon and Dream Eater (which is the half cause its...all encompassing lets say)
And just recently got the SolarAndMoon blog up and running which is nice, they look real squishy
I have a couple little projects on the go or completed as well, a few oneshots have been posted (mostly on my side blog...) and am currently working on a mini series for Aromantic awareness week!
Certain characters are being...uncooperative...but I shall figure something out! (...moreso idk much on certain beans yet so its making it finicky to write them >_<)
and IT IS ARO WEEK NOW! ٩(^ᗜ^ )و ´-
So that is exciting, excuse to wear green (one of my favorite colors) and spread awareness for aromanticism! Its great :3
AND new pronouns! Idk if you popped in last before or after that but that was a funky thing, I now use she/they and ey/em/eir so thats fun! ^-^
And I have a few lil secret projects of course :3
I think that sums everything up.....sorry for the really long response! Hopefully you don't mind >_<
I'm in ramble mode rn from rambling to my friend about certain beans being disaster bi's and a disaster lesbian and silly shenanigans for certain au's
How have you been doing? If you're comfy sharing of course, feel free to ramble in turn if you'd like! No pressure tho! ^-^
But remember you deserve a nice confidence booster too :3
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night-wyld-system · 5 months
Hi Wylds!!!
I really like your art and your posts! I just feel unsafe to interact atm, you probably don't know who I am... But I really appreciate you and all the information you bring towards intersex folks, I really identify with all yalls your sentiments.
That being said, do you have any advice to people like me who need to pick sides? I don't like to divide friendships, and I hate that I can't freely interact with cool ppl on the internet because my friends & their friends might not like eachother.
You don't need to reply to this ask btw, I'm just curious to what you think I should do? / I don't want to bring drama to your blog, just a legit question from another afab boygirlthing that has little to no representation online... We should stick together.
Sending love!
Thank you! It means a lot to me. I know I've changed my main focuses from system related stuff to more talking about being queer, disabled, intersex, my art and so on and I wasn't sure if people were more opposed to me because of that and so on. I do infact have no idea who you are lol but hey that's okay it's bound to happen at times.
When it comes to the other stuff I think there's a mix of things I could say as an answer.
I've been in situations where I've felt I've had to pick sides both in situations where that was reasonable and in situations where it was not. I think it depends on how reasonable it is for if you should cut contact with others. Like I've cut contact with people for abusing, harassing, stalking, or otherwise hurting my friends as well as being racist/homophobic/transphobic/ableist to others whom I care about (this has happened a lot throughout my life). I've also ran into situations where my friends despise each other but it's been over smaller things and had little to nothing to do with anything important. I usually end up phasing out of those situations due to my issues in the past with conflict aversion (I've gotten better over time though!)
I'd say if the current friends (for example) see me as an awful person and would hate you for associating with me depending on what they believe I have done especially, I can understand not interacting with me and deciding it's better to keep the friends you have now. I don't personally like ruining others friendships or lives when they've done nothing to deserve it even if it's requiring me to sorta be seen as bad.
But in something like a situation where friends hate each other but neither have asked you to cut contact with the other- I think it's fair to sorta both sides things and be friends with both (as long as you're not friends with someone and their own abuser at the same time- I had an ex-friend pull that with me in highschool and when I found out it mentally destroyed me so I know how badly that situation can fuck you up).
I think also if all you can do is sorta be anonymously and awkwardly sometimes check up on things from someone that's fine. I just also don't want to cause any issues or drama with others as well. I've had no reason to recently anyways.
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joeabdelsater1 · 8 months
Blog Post 1: Narratives
In this first blog post, I would like to inspect the nature of narratives in video games. I would also like to try finding my own definition of what a narrative is in the digital world of video games. In order to do that, I will have to refer to a few game creations that have been developed over the years and observe their narratives' structures, to then identify key components that would help differentiate them and set them apart.
Tomb Raider 2013
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Generally speaking, this version of the game holds key aspects of a traditional narrative. First, the personality written for Lara Croft, the main character of the game is well believable and realistic. I remember from playing the game, how the plot shows a relatively steady development in Lara's character: she is first shown to be innocent and fearful as her adventures begin, and her decisions seem to be based on hesitation and uncertainty. Throughout the story, the main character ends up following a path of personal development and her actions start to reflect more logical decisions based on both her emotions and reason. All along she is accompanied and abandoned multiple times by a group of well-rounded side characters who both help her and ask for her aid at times. Not only does the narrative follow Bordwell and Thompson's three main components of time, space, and causation (Bordwell, Thompson, and Smith, 2023), but it also closes with a clear ending depicting a victory led by Lara and her friends who escape danger and return back to safety. Other than that, the narrative's structure that is adopted by the game designers seems to be linear, similar to the ones found in books and film, which is not surprising knowing that the first version of the game dates back to 1996 when it first debuted on the PS1 console. Even with the emersion of new versions, the game still limits player interactivity and control over the plot. The game can only be played the way the story was written, and its completion requires passing through all stages or events that are predefined.
Kena: Bridge of Spirits
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Although this is a relatively fresh game produced by a new company, Kena: Bridge of Spirits follows a familiar narrative that can be identified in many older games. Its most notable nature comes in the shape of Levi-Strauss' theory which claims that most narratives have two main opposing characters (Strauss, 1963). In this case, there is an apparent contrast between light and darkness throughout the game. I remember from playing the game that the narrative does not focus on Kena's backstory, it instead gives priority to the battle between good and evil. Nonetheless, it is easy to identify with Kena since she represents "good" and most players can feel involved in her cause. Kena is a spirit guide, her mission is to free spirits that were trapped by evil throughout the villages in her world, and this was possible because of many interventions from NPCs (or side characters) who play a key role in helping her reach her goal. The narrative's structure in this game seems to resemble the string of pearls model where the storyline does have a clear beginning and ending, but its narration might slightly change between one player and another. This type of narrative allows players to venture on their own and engage in multiple side quests or paths before they end up at the designated ending stage. This exploration allows the player to be more in control of the game narrative, specifically in the temporal aspect of it as their actions specify how long the game takes to be completed.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
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Unlike the previous examples, this game offers a nuanced way of observing narratives in video games. It heavily relies on player interaction to determine the way the storyline progresses and even the way it ends. Although not the first of its type, The Witcher 3 remains one of the most well-known games that have a branching plot. Across all gameplay, the decisions that the main character Geralt takes affect the entire outcome and development of a lot of other characters (Millard, 2016). For instance, choosing how to respond to Ciri, his adoptive daughter, determines her future character. Choosing the types and the ways to interact with NPCs, and what sidequests to engage in, alters the entire storyline (Baker, 2022). Thus, making it impossible for all players to have the same linear progression of the game. This approach takes player engagement to the next level as interactions become the key components that drive the game's narrative.
And this brings me to the question...
How can I define a narrative?
Compared to conventional media like books and film, video games tend to have a much wider array of ways to go about writing narratives. Some games like Cities Skylines, a city-building simulation, don't even have any characters or stories prebuilt. Therefore, leaving it to the players to have the full creative freedom of creating imaginary plots and characters that fit their gameplay experience. In such instances, it becomes very difficult to give a clear definition of what a narrative is. In other instances, an entire game's narrative might be set on its environment or the emotions and feelings it exudes, like in the game Journey which is set on the exploration of the game world. Journey doesn't even provide linguistic dialogue between the player and the world entities. Only chirping sounds can be heard, which leaves it for the player to interpret the storyline. For these reasons, I believe it is crucial not to mix video games and other media when it comes to exploring narratives. Video game narratives cannot be confined to simple definitions as they come in an endless variety of forms. The only way to organize them is by classifying them in regard to their structures, or identifying whether the narrative is embedded or emergent when a storyline is available.
Bordwell D., Thompson K., and Smith J., 2023. Film Art: An Introduction ISE. [e-book] McGraw Hill. Available at: https://www.mheducation.co.uk/film-art-an-introduction-ise-9781265205478-emea-group [Accessed 6 Oct. 2023].
Strauss C.-L., 1963. Structural Anthropology. Translated by Jacobson C. and Schoepf B. G. Basic Books, Inc. New York. [pdf] Available at: https://monoskop.org/images/e/e8/Levi-Strauss_Claude_Structural_Anthropology_1963.pdf. [Accessed 6 Oct. 2023]
Millard D., 2016. The Narrative Structure of The Witcher 3. David Millard. [online] Available at: https://www.davidmillard.org/2016/12/the-narrative-structure-of-the-witcher-3/. [Accessed 6 Oct. 2023]
Stone C., 2019. The evolution of video games as a storytelling medium, and the role of narrative in modern games. Game Developer. [online] Available at: https://www.gamedeveloper.com/design/the-evolution-of-video-games-as-a-storytelling-medium-and-the-role-of-narrative-in-modern-games. [Accessed 6 Oct. 2023]
Tabari, M., 2021. Kena: Bridge of Spirits review — Familiar yet wonderful. [online] LaptopMag. Available at: https://www.laptopmag.com/reviews/kena-bridge-of-spirits [Accessed 6 OCt. 2023]
Baker, B., 2022. The Witcher 3: The 22 Most Important Choices You’ll Have To Make In The Game. [online] Game Rant. Available at: https://gamerant.com/witcher-3-most-important-choices/#pretending-to-capture-triss-amp-interrogating-menge [Accessed 6 Oct. 2023]
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handirtys · 1 year
FIRST & FOREMOST: I expect all of my rules to be read, as this blog is post-canon based and highly critical of the Grishaverse in all variations. When I follow someone, it is always after I have read their rules and about page. I expect the same etiquette to be followed in return. I will know if you do not read any of my pages and I will hard block those who show that they have not, with no warning and no hesitation.
DISCLAIMER: This is an independent writing blog for an exploration of the Grishaverse character, KAZ BREKKER. I do not own the Grishaverse, its canon characters & materials, or my faceclaim. The lore that I pull from is also not mine. Any headcanons that you see here are mine and mine alone.
PORTRAYAL: This characterization of Kaz is highly critical of his canon material. Nonetheless, I typically default to post-book canon. I am not show-based; however, I do use Freddy Carter as my faceclaim and as such, I utilize content from the show. This does not reflect agreement with the writing done in SAB. I'm currently rereading the Crows duology, which I use for characterization and portrayal framework. Kaz is the leader of the Dregs gang, owner of the Crow Club, and a very good thief. REGARDING SHIPPING: Due to Kaz's trauma and his extreme haphephobia, it isn't a priority of mine to write romantic or sexual dynamics. Also, because I write mostly post-book, I adhere to Kaz's complex feelings for Inej Ghafa. Kaz is difficult to ship with and I will not write him otherwise for the sake of a forced dynamic. I wouldn't say it's impossible, but it is unlikely we will write out that kind of dynamic.
WRITING: This blog is mainly PLOT-BASED. I love world-building and creating complex dynamics between muses. I prefer writing in third person. My default verse for Kaz, as stated above, is set after the Rule of Wolves timeline. He is 23 years old. In his main verse, he is in Ketterdam, the leader of the Dregs, and considered the King of the Barrel. I currently have several modern-based verses found on my main blog's pinned post. However, I am open to creating other alternate verses for ease of plotting and writing if none of those suit!
Kaz is a very violent and unhinged character. I will not water him down for the sake of a better dynamic or to satisfy egos. I will not woobify a murderous criminal. He can and will lash out. He did not become a feared crime boss by doling out mercy. His mercy is cutting off fingers and ripping out eyeballs instead of killing people. If your muse is mouthing off and being smart, he's bound to cause injury. On the flip side, he's smart. Very much so. And he knows better than to strike someone who is very obviously more powerful than he is. Plotting is great for discussing these kinds of interactions! But if you don't think you (or your muse) can handle the aggression and violence of a gang leader, please refrain from interacting.
I am not a Funko Pop. Please don't use this blog as an addition to your Kaz collection. I thrive on story and world building, and I want meaningful interactions and dynamics that are well-developed. I work best when my writing partner and I match energy. With that being said, I have no intention of collecting canon characters either. This is especially significant given that I write Kaz post-series in his primary arc and will likely diverge from future installations. If you have no intention of plotting or writing with me, refrain from interactions. Also, if you don't want to follow back, please hard block me so I won't risk forgetting that I first followed you and try re-following; I'd hate to be unwittingly a nuisance!
MUN: My name is Rionach, or Rio. I’m twenty-seven years old, she/they pronouns, and I work full time as well as go to school. I’m highly selective and mutually exclusive. Wary of duplicates, but not entirely opposed. If you don’t have your name somewhere on your blog, it’s no from me. Don't be a dickhead. Art on my pinned post is by NanFe. Will remove upon request of the artist.
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This is my sideblog for atheist memes / posts that are mean / rude / seem a bit aggressive to religious people.
To make some stuff very explicitly clear, I do not hate religious people. I do not want to force people to stop being religious. I do not want to harm or oppress religious people.
I am, however, very very displeased with the many problems in the world, including but not limited to Covid, all the other horrible infectious diseases that are killing people, preventable disasters that weren’t prevented including those caused via climate change, assorted bigotries, etc. A significant number of these problems are caused or enabled by one or more religions or cults. Or, in many cases, by one or more religious persons, often persons of prominence, who use their religion to justify the harm they are doing, and to justify why they can’t or shouldn’t question or change it, and influence others to do likewise. Fuck those people.
I DO oppose and dislike the idea that belief without proof is equal to or superior to belief with proof, magical thinking, and the belief that your personal religious rituals are equal to actually working on problems. If you see someone drowning and, instead of helping, offer to keep them in your prayers, you are the problem I am talking about and you are invited to go fuck yourself for each such offense.
I do not subscribe to the idea that a person being wrong about one thing necessarily means they are wrong about all or most others, and vice versa. Richard Dawkins, to take a notable example, can take his assorted bigotries and go fuck himself with them. That doesn’t mean he is wrong about the number of gods in this universe. Similarly, the fact that X religious person says “we should be kind to other people actually” and is correct about that moral statement does not mean they are correct about the number of gods in the universe.
I am here to complain and vent and find the bits of flawed arguments that got stuck in my brain when I was an indoctrinated religious child to shake them out and figure out where I want to go from there. Please note that my description of my past self is meant to be literal and not derogatory, I literally left my religion when I was 18, and the ordinary course of teaching a person a religion and its doctrine may be literally and legitimately called indoctrination and I use it in that manner.
If you catch me with a straw-man feel free to inform me, I don’t actually want to play with those because they are boring.
I am not particularly interested in throwing sharp words meant to hurt their feelings at religious people. I may still do so if actually necessary to get them to stop doing something harmful, but not for it’s own sake. That is why I am making a separate side blog. So you can follow my main and don’t have to see this. Or not. Up to you.
If you are a religious person feeling offended by stuff I post here, for reasons that aren’t strawmen or other logical fallacies, please feel free to block and/or unfollow me and never look at my blog again. My blog is not for you, and I won’t be offended if you opt out of having it in your space.
I block and report bots. I may ask you to text me like an actual human in dms if you follow me and your blog resembles the profile of a bot. In particular, it is suspicious to have never posted anything. I am informed that this is often occurs among the actual humans likely because you are accustomed to the rules of some other sites such as instagram. It is not the custom here and is genuinely one of the signs of being a bot. I do not say this to shame you, but to provide context. Please post / reblog something, that’s how we share with others on this site. There is technically an algorithm but we don’t like it and many of us turn it off completely. Thus, likes do very little to increase visibility.
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gigantomachy1916 · 2 years
L, Misa, and Sex in Death Note
Well well well, if it isn't me again, using this site like an actual blog and writing goddamn essays for an audience of like 5 people because I don't understand how Tumblr works.
I've just been thinking recently that it surprises me a bit when people see L/Misa as an implausible crack ship, especially compared to the much more popular ship of L/Light. I mean, I get why people like Lawlight. I went through my own Lawlight phase, and I still read fics about them sometimes. The homoerotic subtext between L and Light is pretty obvious.
But L's sexual interest in Misa isn't even subtext. It's literally just text. Yes, you can argue whether it's real or just an act. But in canon, every single time we see an unambiguous expression of sexual interest from L, it is directed towards Misa. (By "unambiguous" I mean "this dialogue/action is clearly intended to be sexual," but that doesn't make it necessarily genuine, since L could be lying). I'm putting the rest of this under a cut cause it's long.
The funny thing is, though it contradicts the way L is usually interpreted in fanon, out of all of the main characters, Misa and L are probably the ones who display the most sexuality. Whether L's displays of sexuality are an act or not, he's much more likely than Light to make comments about sex or to do shit like this:
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And then there's the fact that L and Misa's interactions are often sexualized, even when L's actions have logical explanations. For instance, L touching her butt to steal her phone, or restraining her in an unnecessarily fetishy sort of way (she could've been held captive in the same way Light was if Watari had just worn a helmet every time he entered the room). A reader might believe that L doesn't see those situations as sexual at all, and was just doing what was necessary to catch Kira. But it was an active choice that Ohba made, to make L's actions in investigating Kira "just happen" to require sexualized interactions with Misa.
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My friend @litterateur97 (who I also have to thank for reminding me about the above panel) has made some good points about this as well: as they said in a post the other day, "I noticed in the manga and in the anime that most of the time when L and Misa argue, they lean in towards one another, as if pulled towards one another. He is also often seen watching her, on cameras and in person, in a manner that looks sexual to me." This gif I stole from them illustrates both points, not only showing them getting in each other's personal space during an argument, but also, as they pointed out, L begins by looking down at Misa's chest before making eye contact with her.
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Besides that, L and Misa have a tendency to be playful with each other in ways that could be interpreted as flirtatious. Compared to L and Light, who tend to be more dramatic and serious, Misa brings out L's more childish and teasing side. She pulls his hair, he bonks her on the head with a megaphone and threatens to kick her, etc. They have a very different type of chemistry than L and Light, more fun than serious, "opposites attract" as opposed to the intellectual match that L and Light have, but to my eyes, the chemistry between L and Misa clearly exists.
I've been wondering why people seem so quick to overlook this, or to brush off all of L's interest in Misa as purely an act and think of L as basically asexual. I think part of it is that Misa's role in Death Note involves personifying the romance/sexuality that is mostly omitted from the plot and the other characters. (Which is a pretty classic thing for a sexist author to do: Misa is our Token Woman, and women are identified with sex and romance, thus Misa must be.) She's sexualized in many of her interactions with the other male characters, though to a lesser extent than she is when she interacts with L.
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So it seems to me like people attribute the sexual nature of their interactions to Misa, not to L. It's seen as an extension of Misa being the Sexy One, not as a true expression of L's sexuality. I personally have some ideas as to why so many of Misa and L's interactions in canon were sexualized; I think that L is used as a surrogate by which the authors can sexualize Misa.
One interesting thing is that, despite sexuality being such a fundamental part of her character, Misa isn't actually sexualized in the art very much. Compared to other manga, even other shonen manga, her artwork doesn't feel that male gaze-y. We don't get many cleavage/upskirt shots of her; even when she's wearing lingerie, she's drawn pretty neutrally, with a few exceptions. We can see that she's trying to look sexy, and that many of the characters find her sexy, but they're not especially trying to excite the reader. My guess is that Obata and Ohba purposefully avoided fanservice because they felt it would make the manga seem less serious.
But despite the lack of fanservice, they still wanted to convey that Misa was the Sexy Character. How to do this, if not through art? They used L. Compared to Light, who takes himself seriously and is more composed, L usually behaves in socially inappropriate ways. So they use L's behavior towards Misa as one of the main ways of indicating to the reader that Misa is seen as a sex object.
This especially stood out to me in the omakes (4-panel comics). There's the whole joke plot where it's implied that L is trying to figure out whether Misa's "carpet matches the drapes," only for it to be revealed that he's actually wondering about her sock color (which is a case where Ohba is injecting the concept of sex into their relationship even if L's actual intentions are innocent). There's also this moment, where L makes a totally unprompted sexual comment about Misa:
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Another reason I think that people see L/Misa as a crack ship is that L's sexual interest in Misa is pretty much always played for laughs. Ohba seems to find it comical to consider L as a sexual being at all (apparently he considered making Near and Mello L's sons, but decided against it because he couldn't picture L having sex). In much the same way that L is used to draw attention to Misa as a sex object, Misa's sex appeal is used to give Ohba a reason to allude to L's sexuality, which is mostly done as comic relief. But the fact that it's portrayed as comical doesn't mean that it's "crack," or that L's attraction to Misa isn't a real aspect of his character. After all, L's obsession with sweets is similarly used for comedy.
Obviously there is no real need to justify our ships by canon, or to care that much about the canon take on things. Still, I think it's interesting to consider how much of L's sexual interest in Misa was meant as genuine. My take on canon, which may be very different than others, is that L does have sexual desires, if not any real-world experience with sex. And I think that if we accept that L is sexually attracted to anyone at all, there is the most evidence for that person being Misa.
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Does he exaggerate that interest in order to manipulate Misa, or to weird her out? Absolutely. A lot of his socially inappropriate behavior seems like a front that he puts up in order to distance himself from those around him and prevent them from knowing him as a person. But at the same time, I think there is a kernel of truth behind the front. I don't think it goes as far as romantic interest (I wouldn't say that he actually "fell for" her), and it doesn't mean that he doesn't find her irritating and dumb much of the time, but I think that his behavior towards Misa is so consistently sexually charged that I would be surprised if it's 100% fake.
Besides that, even in a reading where L is entirely asexual/gay and only faking interest in Misa to make her uncomfortable, it's undeniable that Ohba is purposefully sexualizing their interactions, likely as a shortcut to sexualizing Misa herself without having to include a bunch of fanservice. So if the people in this fandom like to read into every bit of homoerotic subtext between L and Light (which, again, I am on board with), I don't really see why y'all would be surprised by people choosing to explore the sexual component to L and Misa's interactions that's been purposefully included in canon.
Honestly, I think this is what first got me interested in the ship. When I was a lil preteen in the early Death Note fandom, I, like about a million other people, had a crush on L. And I liked to watch his interactions with Misa. Because sexuality and romance was mostly sidelined in Death Note, and they seemed to have an attitude that serious geniuses didn't care about that stuff, I found it exciting when the show implied that L was a person who felt sexual or romantic desire, and that Misa brought out a side of him that was not seen in his other scenes in the show.
Whether Ohba intended it to be real or not, I wanted to believe it was real, because it made his character more interesting and compelling to me. It humanized him in some way, made him more vulnerable, especially when compared to Light, who always seemed very cold and sterile to me. And because of that, this ship has always had a special place in my heart.
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spiderling-space · 4 years
Henlo Liho-san~! A new follower of yours uwu May I ask for hcs of how the dorm leaders would react with having an f!s/o who is mostly respectful and polite, suddenly about to throw hands with someone as they may or may not have said or complained about the dorm head they were dating. It was not a compliment in any way or form- I hope I didn't cross over any rules! But if I had to pick 5 out of 7 of them, it's Riddle, Azul, Idia, Kalim, and Vil. Thanks a bunch if you notice this~! Good Luck!!♡♡
Hey yo Nocturne! I know of you from liking I and Brew’s OC (twisted-whimsies): Mozerella Trein and a couple TW related posts of mine.
Prefects and Vice Prefects are exception from character limit.
After finishing this, I realized I wrote something between a ficlet and headcanon. I hope you’ll like it though 💕
My German knowledge is bugging me to write Vil’s surname with ö instead of o yet my order-loving side is telling me to stick to how it’s written in TW
Before I start I’m gonna add a quote from a fandom of mine 👀 one look at my OG blog would reveal which fandom it is.
“Fallaces sunt rerum species”
Meaning: The appearances of things are deceptive
Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle can handle himself. At least he could before his overblot episode. No body dared to talk behind his back.
But now he holds back, not using his unique magic frequently anymore which caused some students think he became too lenient and a couple students started to abuse this leniency
Every time someone tries his patience he counts to 10 internally or just ignore them. Don’t get him wrong, he still sticks to rules and makes his dorm follow the rules but he cannot force people to stop talking about him
Today is going to one of the days when he would ignore any bad mouthing because he is with (Y/N), the sweetest person he ever met
(Y/N) already saw at his worst when he overblotted. He doesn’t want her to see any more incidents such that.
He and (Y/N) decided to take a walk in Rose Gardens as a date. Then decided to get into Rose Maze, holding hands strictly for to not get lost.
“Prefect Rosehearts became such a softie. He is no longer fit to be our prefect.” “He never was. Mommy Issues needs to go back to kindergarten.”
(Y/N) and Riddle were in East side of Rose Maze when they heard 2 Heartslabyl students talking which made (Y/N) stop in her track. Riddle tugged her hand to move on but she didn’t budge.
“Riddle, honey, either push away those bushes or I’ll climb over it and have a nice chat with them.”
“There is no need.” — “okay then I’m climbing”
And she did. Riddle didn’t know how but she managed to go to other side of bushes by climbing to them.
“Hey jackasses! Would you like to say that again?” The two students were shocked to see Riddle’s girlfriend jump from above. “Wh- what?”
“I asked if you wanted to say those to my face.” And no answer.
Meanwhile Riddle was on the other side of bush walls, listening what’s happening.
“Did Riddle or did he not manage to increase Heartslabyl’s average grade?” “He did...” “Did he or did he not helped your dorm to have better ranking at Magift?” “He did...” “Did he treat you unfair ever since he fixed how he acted?” “No...” “Then what makes you say he is unfit? Is it because he is more tolerant on rules? Is it because he cares how his dorm mates feel?” No answer again. “I hope you come to your senses now because next time I hear something like this will be the first and last time you taste my wrath. Are we clear?” — “Yes ma’am!”
(Y/N) climbed over the bush again and landed in front of Riddle. With a kiss to his cheek, “Just because you give less punishment doesn’t mean you need to let people bully you. If anyone else acts this way, I’ll have a talk with them.”
She held his hand and pulled him into the maze again. Meanwhile Riddle was still wondering how his girlfriend climbed over a maze’s wall.
Leona Kingscholar
Leona is used to people bad mouthing about him back in his palace. While in Savanaclaw, his dorm mates respected him and didn’t dare to oppose him. That is until they saw his vulnerable side during his overblot accident.
He heard a couple dorm mates say “He can’t do anything by himself.” “Good for nothing.” “All that lazy lion does is sleep.” “He must have lack brains to repeat the same year over and over again.”
He is used to ignoring them and sleeping it off. And his favorite pillow, (Y/N), helped him to dismiss their thoughts.
Leona only asked (Y/N) out because he figured she would be great body pillow. Certainly not her lively and cheerful attitude, nor her bright smile.
Leona asked (Y/N) out for a night date in Savanaclaw. It’s because he wanted to nap in his dorm. It’s absolutely not that Savanaclaw lounge looks romantic at night.
When (Y/N) arrived, she unfortunately heard those.
Leona tugged her arm to lead her to where their date suppose to take but no avail.
“Hold my purse, kitten.” (Y/N) handed her purse to Leona and went where those dorm members stand.
“Hey there is something in your face!” The main jerk looked up “Huh?” Proceeded with a punch to his face. “It was PAIN!” And ended with the guy falling to ground, holding his nose.
“Does anyone else have something on their faces?” The remaining ones shook their head in NO. “Good.” She turned on her heels and went to Leona’s side.
All Leona could do was admire her right hook. He did not think how she wouldn’t feel out of blue in Afterglow Savannah if she were to live there because women in his hometown are strong and fighters.
Azul Ashengrotto
(Y/N) first caught Azul’s eye when she sat down for 7 hours to read every single detail in his contract and demanded a change in certain conditions. Azul refused to make contract with her then offered her a job in Mostro Lounge.
With persuasion from the twins, Azul gathered courage to ask (Y/N) out. And she accepted.
They often stayed late hours in Mostro Lounge to spend some alone time.
After their quick date followed by closing of Mostro Lounge, Azul walked arm in arm with (Y/N) until the mirror passage. As they were walking, 2 Octavinelle student were messing around.
“Look at me! I’m the crybaby who hides behind two eels!” — “No one is making contract, I’mma cry now!” — “Maybe I can turn my crying into money. I can sell all the ink I cry!” “Nice one dude!”
One look to Azul’s face, (Y/N) understood he would deal with them either personally or the twins would play with them.
Not today Satan!
(Y/N) let Azul’s arm go and slowly approached the duo. “I am (Y/N), you can’t insult my boyfriend like that; prepare to die... socially I mean...” — “What are you saying?”
“I don’t have patience, time nor crayons to explain this to you but I’ll let you on a secret. Sometimes a nasty rumor, which doesn’t have to be true, can ruin someone’s entire school life. Maybe telling everyone your secret wish that you once asked from Azul or you offering a different type of payment to teachers to pass the grade.” — “You can’t do that!” — “I can and I will unless you cut the crap, ask for forgiveness and work for free in Mostro Louge for a week.” — “It’s a deal!”
Azul came to (Y/N)’s side as the two boys run away. Azul once again saw his angelfish using her wits to get what she wants. He knows she didn’t need to do that but he is flattered by the fact that his girlfriend wants to protect him.
Kalim Al-Asim
Kalim asked (Y/N) out after spending time together after Jamil overblotted.
He is still the sunshine bean that brings smile to everyone’s faces. (Y/N) is as cheerful as Kalim and that’s why he hit it off
Kalim took (Y/N) to another carpet ride as a date. She loves the feeling of wind on her face on top clouds.
As they returned to the dorm, they heard a couple students talking.
“I don’t care what Jamil did. He was right! Kalim is unfit to represent us. After he became prefect, we became the last at everything.” — “How many Kalim can change a light bulb? None because he is too idiot and too incapable to change one. Hehehehe”
(Y/N) saw tears building up on Kalim’s eyes then she snapped. She made carpet to fly over them in law altitude then she jumped down in front of them. “Surprise motherfuckers!” Before anyone can understand what happened. (Y/N) kicked the one that made bulb joke between his legs then held and twist the ear of the other two. “You have 10 seconds to reconsider what you just talked. I suggest not to waste time.”
The trio tried to dismissed what they said but the glare they received made them comply. “Prefect Kalim, we are sorry to make fun of you.”
Kalim as the personification of sunbeams forgave them. Then turned his attention to his beloved. He was impressed by how she jumped down and was ready to protect him without any hesitation. He never thought someone as kind and happy person as her could hide a fighter in her. Not going to lie, he loves seeing this side of hers
Vil Schönheit
Being with Vil is exhausting. Don’t get her wrong, it’s not him (Y/N) is complaining. It’s the people around them.
(Y/N) started paying more attention to her appearance
(Y/N) was waiting for Vil to get ready, sitting on his bed. Vil had free time that day and they were going out.
As they went out of the room, whispering ensued as always but this time, for the first time, a Pomefiore student bad mouthed about Vil.
“He is compensating his wretched personality with his looks!”
Vil isn’t someone to care opinions of a no-mark but (Y/N) is
“Hold my earrings, my love.” (Y/N) took out her earrings and handed them to Vil. “I’m going to snatch his wig!” — “He’s not wearing a wig...”
“I take it you weren’t burned with overabundance of schooling. You think you’re a Gucci but you’re not even Lacoste. Now apologize before I think your face needs a makeover.” — “Gucci? Lacoste?” — “And I suggest hide your jealousy better. You can’t get near Vil as a fan and you try to make up for it by talking about something that you have no idea on. Honestly I am jealous of people who haven’t met you.”
(Y/N) waves back the boy, going back to Vil’s side then putting her earrings again.
Vil is quite pleased what has occurred. Not only he saw how (Y/N) can destroy someone with just words but he also saw a glimpse of what she thinks of him. Maybe he should hire some people to insult him so he can see this side of hers again.
Idia Shroud
Idia tries everything he can to stay in his room but there is an anime con that he and (Y/N) are going so he needs to get out of his room.
Idia and (Y/N) dressed up as his favorite anime couple.
Idia left his room voluntarily without any compulsory reason! It became a quick hit topic in Ignihyde.
Idia and (Y/N) went to anime-con and Ortho tagged along to record the ordeal.
They had to return early because some drunk in the con spilt juice on (Y/N).
So they returned NRC then Ignihyde. Ortho left for somewhere as Idia and (Y/N) walked in Ignihyde lounge.
“He doesn’t even go Dorm meeting but doesn’t have a problem with going a stupid con! Idia is an embarrassment to Ignihyde! All he does is play games and ramble about them!”
(Y/N) coughed gathering attention from the group.
Idia freaked out by being in highlight, hand pulled his chest, eyes widened.
“Baby, get behind me.” (Y/N) stepped in front of Idia and strutted to the Ignihyde student that was shit talking. “Pick a God and pray.”
The boy gulped. “Wh-What?!”
“Did I stutter?”
“I don’t know what—“ He threw his hands to air in frustration. (Y/N) grabbed his wrist, twisting and pulling his arm. The momentum caused the boy to fell face forward. (Y/N) still holding his arm twisted, “Now, dear, you’ll apologize and promise that you’ll never speak of Idia that way. Then get out of my face or else..” — “Yes ma’am!” The boy did as he was told.
Idia couldn’t guess in a million years that his goody two shoes girlfriend was capable of pulling this stunt. What he saw right now made him think the fighter beautiful ladies in anime. It was like a dream come true for him.
Malleus Draconia
People feared Malleus for a really long time that he couldn’t remember anything else.
People avoided and tend to talk behind his back yet those didn’t reach insult level.
Who was stupid enough to dare that?
Malleus asked (Y/N) if she wanted to explore Diasomnia dorm and hear about the gargoyles of Diasomnia.
Of course she would love it. She loves when Malleus goes on about gargoyles for hours. And she is the only member in his club. Plus nightly strolls are their dates.
“He has no friends and no body loves him. For goodness’ sake, his intimating aura makes rest of dorm unapproachable! Can’t he just be gone already!?”
No genius is needed to know who that Diasomnia student was talking about.
Malleus’ mood turned sour immediately. He could curse that boy but this would only prove those wretched rumors.
(Y/N) finds Malleus’ sulking face extremely attractive (he is too attractive to be real) but no one has any right to upset her beloved.
“I’m about to end this man’s whole career.”
“Dear, wait me here. I’ll be back in a minute.”
Off (Y/N) went to defend Malleus’ honor.
“Hi there! Couldn’t help but hear you. Have you ever thought you have no friends because you’re an ass?” — “Who do you think you are? Oh it’s you.” — “It’s me Mario!” — “Huh???”
“Now now, let’s talk shall we? All you do is complain yet you don’t do anything to improve anything. You hold others accountable when you fail while there is no one but you to blame. You’re so wrapped in your tiny bubble that you can’t see outside world. That’s what small minded people do. Whoever told you to be yourself simply couldn’t give you any worse advice.” The guy was left speechless, gaping like a fish out of water. “Close your mouth or else you might swallow a fly.”
(Y/N) went back to Malleus side, winking at him. His heart skipped a beat, thinking this was such a queen act. Defending her beloved with her words. To be fair, Malleus finds everything (Y/N) does a fitting trait for a queen, the way she rambles, snorts, breaths, smiles...
Malleus only wishes he met (Y/N) ages ago.
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merethicera · 3 years
wuh-oh it's the obligatory tes blog "heres what skyrim couldve done better" post
i'm beating dead-then-resurrected-then-killed-again-then-taxidermied horses here but. I really do think the worst thing ab Skyrim is the wasted narrative potential when it comes to the LDB and their nature as someone w/ a dragon soul + the way the Voice is implied to be super dangerous in general.
Like you've got all this... Stuff, right. The Greybeards (Arengir aside) all speak in very hushed tones when they do speak at all, because their voices are enough to cause massive damage. Them just saying your name causes High Hrothgar to shake. There's mention of users of the Voice having to take up voluntary mutism to not just rip people apart by talking, and that the practice of using the Voice requires incredible mental fortitude and self-control. And these are just like, Guys. They're not the LDB- we can assume they're far less powerful than the LDB will ever be. The 'Beards themselves seem to acknowledge this by constantly trying to get the LDB onto the side of pacifism. Like, sure, that's their overall philosophy in general, but rationally anyone w/ knowledge of how strong the Voice is would try to mitigate the potential damage the LDB could cause if they were led astray.
(more under the cut (including my obligatory maybe-shitty "heres how id fix this" takes) bc this gets long and i already look like enough of a megadork as it is being pedantic ab a nearly 10-y/o game)
To get even more explicit in how potentially dangerous the LDB is implied to be, paarthurnax says "We were made to dominate. The will to power is in our blood. You feel it in yourself, do you not?" Like. There's explicit confirmation that the LDB feels the same urges for domination that dragons do, on top of being a mega-powerful Hero, who coincidentally needs to responsibly handle a power that is known for its difficulty of control. But despite all of this implication of an internal power struggle, there are no actual narrative choices you have to make that reflect that struggle- or really any choices poses to the player that are dramatic enough to support these implications at all.
I mean, sure, you can look at it from a few different angles- it's easy to say Paarthurnax (the quest) is that kind of choice, but it's framed so poorly that it's barely even a choice for most players. You could say that Paarthurnax's speech about controlling power refers more to the player than their LDB- referencing the innate Gamer Bloodlust™️ and resisting the temptation to just Unrelenting Force people halfway across Whiterun because you Can™️. You could even say that resisting the urge to collect daedric artifacts or join the DB in play into that theme of self-control; but the truth of the matter is that those quests are self-contained and have no long-lasting narrative effect on the story. I just think that, especially given the opposing factions thing going on w/ the Blades and the Greybeards, that you could so easily write a story about an internal power struggle and the extreme weight that being forced into a near-godlike position has on an otherwise mortal person.
Imagine siding with the Blades- having your character groomed into this perfect dragon fighter by Delphine and Esbern- and then watching them lose control of the LDB, who's completely neglected the warnings of the Greybeards, as their hunger for power outgrows their own and becomes a threat.
Alternatively, imagine siding with the Greybeards alone, and having a far more difficult Alduin fight because you spent all your time meditating, learning to control yourself, and no time actually applying yourself. Imagine even walking a careful line between the two, constantly torn between both factions, having to make harder choices to keep the peace between the two while you try to save the world.
Allowing the player to side with themselves and fall into a rabbithole of trying to siphon the powers and techniques of the old Dragon Priests as a means of defeating Alduin, and then potentially being corrupted by that power would work too. Just any amount of like, depth of story combined w/ further player choice (ex. being able to usurp the throne at the end of the civil war and deal w/the consequences of that, literally anything tying the factions to the MQ that isn't Season Unending, etc) would be better narratively than what we have.
Even a non-story function, like a system of debuffs and buffs depending on the number of dragon souls absorbed (ex. you're stronger, but the restlessness of your absorbed souls scares citizens and causes NPCs to become hostile more easily) combined with a meditation feature (to quell said souls, etc.) could've worked to simulate that balance of power. I'm getting further from canon and more into headcanon territory here, but yknow what I mean.
I dunnou. It's not like you can't write all of this stuff into your own characters outside of the game but from a video game perspective I just think there's a big waste of narrative potential there, and as-is Skyrim's main story is very unfulfilling as a player.
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dreamersleeps · 3 years
thanks for your answer! I read the meta you quote, but I was curious about your thoughts on Hawks' desires to help todoroki family with Dabi and to help the hero society and if they will lead him to sacrifice himself, as a redemption of his actions toward Twice. I've a feeling he will die in the end... (sorry if I wasn't clear about it in the previous ask, I'm not very good with English)
Again no need to apologize, your English is quite good! I’d actually like to apologize about the delay in answering your ask. During that time, the official translation for Chapter 306 came out as well. 
I’m not sure if I will have anything insightful or analytical to say because I feel like a lot of other blogs have done a good job explaining their opinions, but I will do my best.
On Dabi 
Hawks has been on opposing sides with Dabi ever since they first began interacting. Not to mention, he had exposed private information he had wanted hidden, to the public. It had also been revealed that Dabi is Todoroki Touya who is related to Endeavor. Hawks had expressed that he wanted to “help” Endeavor in Chapter 299 probably due to the relationship they have as pro heroes. 
Currently, Dabi is one of the prominent faces of those seen as the “villains” who are trying to tear down the fabric of hero society which Hawks had been trained to uphold and defend. 
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And looking at Chapter 306, it seems like he may be up to something again. 
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Anyways, Shigaraki, Dabi and the others are trying to get their voice heard through violence, they do have a point in that hero society is flawed. I know I’ve probably talked about the same subject multiple times now but I think if we want to speculate about Hawks’ future, we have to look back at Jin’s death, and the aftermath. 
Press Conference 
In the most recent chapter, the top three heroes hold a press conference. While are many people who are furious, disappointed or have lost hope in the heroes, however we see that there are still many others who still want to believe that they can still trust and rely on the heroes.  
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During the press conference we see Endeavor and Hawks addressing the points that came up in Dabi’s broadcast. So far in previous chapters we have not been explicitly shown or told whether or not Hawks feels any type of regret or remorse for his actions. In Chapter 306, we get to see Hawks’ response to the public about the death of Twice. 
“As for the matter of Bubaigawara... I felt I was left with no choice at the time.”
“If he had been allowed to wield his quirk freely... we would be looking at more widespread death and destruction.”
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I think while it is important to note that this is his official response to the public, we have yet to think otherwise based on what his inner thoughts may be. So far he seems to believe that his actions were justified. 
“I couldn’t find a proper way to help him atone for his crimes...” 
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I find it ironic that Hawks states that he could not “help” Jin atone for his crimes, while he himself has committed a crime and that one of the questions that we are exploring is if he will realize what he has done and will attempt to atone for his actions.
This is off topic but Horikoshi focuses in on Endeavor, with the side of the scar he received during the High End fight closest to us, while Hawks is talking about atoning. 
“...and that is truly a shame. It speaks to my lack of character.”
What I personally think is a shame is that Hawks states that he believes his failure to help Jin atone for his crimes is what he points out as a testament to his lack of character. The fact that he took someone’s life does not come first. It is very, very dismissive towards his actions and demeaning to the entirety of Jin’s life and who he was. 
Hawks and Midoriya
As you know, from the post I had linked in my first response, I think that we are supposed to be comparing Hawks to our main protagonist. I hope you don’t mind but I will be bringing up some of my points and arguments from that post again. 
The major similarity which was the main cause of both conflicts was that they were up against individuals who had a quirk that was capable of widespread death and destruction. However the key difference between the two was their heart for empathy and understanding for the other, or in the case of Hawks, his lack of either. 
While Hawks and Midoriya both are quite analytical and collect a lot of information, Hawks seems to be lost in the numbers if you get what I mean. Cold-hearted. He states that he believes that Jin is a good person as we see in Chapter 264 but I believe this is only because he and Jin had become close during his undercover mission. 
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Anyways, it quickly turns in to this: 
“When neither side will give up... somebody has to die.” 
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While the heroes were attempting to take down Shigaraki and the other villains (which may have also ended in death), Midoriya displays compassion towards Shigaraki despite all the destruction, hurt and pain he had caused before he loses consciousness. 
In Hawks’ own words, Jin was not beyond being helped or saved because he was “a good person.” But he does not receive the response that would have satisfied him. However, as many argue, death was avoidable. It was because of his calculations that Hawks went after Jin, and it was also because of calculations that he believed the murder was justified. Hundreds of thousands of lives over one: he could apologize about it later. 
But Midoriya was and is also put in the same position. Hundreds of thousands of lives over one. Why am I bringing up the same arguments I talked about in that post? It’s because Chapters 305 and 306 is comparing the two yet again. 
In Chapter 205, Midoriya is asked: “If a person who looks like they need saving... actually turns out to be someone beyond saving... will you have the resolve... to kill him, if that’s what it takes?” 
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To which, at the end of his answer Midoriya states, “One for all is a power meant for saving, not killing.” 
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The fact that the chapter with Midoriya’s meeting with the previous OFA holders and the press conference where Hawks addresses Jin’s murder come right after one another gives me further confirmation that we are supposed to compare these two characters. Meaning, I’m wondering if Hawks (vs Jin) actions will be set up as a foil against Midoriya’s (vs Shigaraki). 
A hero is someone who saves and one of the key themes of BNHA/MHA is to explore what it means to be a hero. Hawks’ actions serves as an example of a hero’s failure to uphold his duty and it looks like MIdoriya’s heart is out to do his best to save Shigaraki despite what he’s done and what he may do. 
If Hawks can not see what was wrong with murdering Jin, then I doubt he will do much to address the flaws in hero society. If he continues to fight for what was the status quo, then he will be defending the very system that failed individuals like Jin and the reason why he was killed. At the moment it seems that it is the adults, or the former generation who have fallen with hero society and that the younger generation is supposed to be the ones to right their wrongs and improve on their mistakes. 
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I really like Hawks and am always hoping to see change in him, however I think so far his arc is not setting up for redemption. Even the question of redemption with him is complicated and I’m sure people are divided on that topic. 
I always express this: the story is still set in motion and anything can happen between now and by the time we get to the end of the series. So far, based on what we have been given it seems that Hawks is being set up to fall again. If we bring up the angel reference or metaphor, perhaps it’s implying that he believes that he can not do wrong. It is like a sacred job he undertook to protect humanity. He believes he is merely fulfilling his duty, when in reality maybe he is has become like a fallen angel. 
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“If getting my hands dirty can somehow bring everyone peace of mind.... I’ll gladly take on this task.” 
But then again in this panel from Chapter 192, it is also possible that what Hawks is actually thinking about does not not line up with what he is saying. He’ll take the fall if someone needs to. With the current state of things, society is looking for someone to stand up for them and despite all that has happened, Endeavor, Hawks and Best Jeanist have chosen to stand up. 
I’m not sure about whether I think that Hawks may die, but if he does I’m pretty sure that his death will mean something: as in maybe it will serve as some sort of commentary for who Hawks was and what he fought for. 
Thank you for sending in your ask, and I hope that I properly answered your question :) 
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