#posting again because i found a tiny error and it's driving me insane
beatsheetromanroy · 1 month
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maesphantoms · 1 year
Dear John (John Price x Fem!Reader)
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Warnings: slight mention of injuries
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 2,151
This is completely due to @uselsshuman and because I’m reading Midnight Sun so I needed to write soft Price haha
Also if there’s any weird formatting that’s completely due to posting this from mobile haha
Edit: I found the original letter I wanted Sparrow to write and found some errors that made it through my proofread haha
From the moment you met John Price, you could tell that this was the man you wanted to spend the rest of your life with, no matter how short it may end up. The first time you laid eyes on him, was when you first joined SAS. You both had no idea just how crazy your lives would get in the future. Whenever you were on a mission together, your bodies moved as one unit. You both had no problem being able to protect the other or in the event of one being an idiot, slapping some sense into them.
"You drive me insane sometimes, it's ridiculous." John hissed under his breath as he slowly began to suture a wound on your shoulder. His hands were ever so gentle, even if all he wanted to do was strangle you for not being more careful.
"Just doing my duty in trying to turn your hair gray." You joke, trying to not focus on the pull of your skin with every stitch.
“Well, you’re doing a damn good job of it…” He mutters.
Closing your eyes, you tried to push away the wave of nausea you always got with stitches. John could sense this and patted your forearm before going as fast as he could. It was so easy with him. You drove him absolutely insane, but he would always look out for you. And he did the same to you.
“At least I saved the beard.” You breathed out.
John let out a quiet chuckle. He was now placing a bandage over the sutures. His hands were warm against your skin, leaving what felt like tiny zips of lightning in their wake. As soon as he was done, you felt his arms snake around your waist, signifying you were clear to open your eyes. The safe house was quiet. The rest of your teammates were outside, loading up their equipment as you got ready to move.
“When do you have to leave?” You whisper, putting your hands on top of his and entwining your fingers.
“As soon as we get back. We have to figure out where the bastard is.” His voice rumbled as he leaned into you.
You hum quietly. Your relationship was complicated, both of you knew the other had feelings for the other. The fear of not knowing what would happen while off on missions apart from the other kept you from moving passed what it is now. A mutual pining. Hand holding, letter writing. It was your idea to start the letters, in fact. Mostly a joke, you found it hilarious to write out the words Dear John. The mental picture of Channing Tatum in John’s bucket hat? Your favorite.
The biggest thing that stopped the two of you was the fact that his other team, his task force, kept him constantly going. You both never knew if he’d come back. He could tell you some of the things that occurred, but not all of them. None of the super confidential stuff. You knew he got betrayed by some higher-up and that he had to find him to make him pay.
“What if we got our own flat? Somewhere where it’s just us. That way I don’t have to worry about the others peeking at our letters?” You said in a small voice, leaning your head back on his shoulder. Opening your eyes, you could see a small smile on John’s face, a gloating smile.
“Mmhmm, for the letters.” He teased, whispering in your ear, “No other reason.”
“Mmm,” You smiled, “You write some pretty saucy things, Captain. Don’t want the men to know that Ole Price has a soft side.”
“You don’t know the half of it.” He smiled into your neck before reluctantly pulling away from you. Once again, duty called you both out of your bubble of happiness.
It was a month before you saw John again. A brief smile was exchanged across the hanger. He was surrounded by 3 other men you instantly recognized as Lieutenant Riley, Sergeant Garrick, and Sergeant MacTavish. Sadly, you were on your way out to your own mission, you made a mental note to ask him about the new pink scar he sported on his check as you loaded into a helicopter.
John felt the familiar ache in his heart when he saw you. No matter how brief of eye contact you shared, you never failed to make his heart beat out of his chest. And he's been away for oh, so long. The one thing he was looking forward to more than a hot shower and his bed was you. It didn't surprise him that you were tasked to go on a mission the day he was getting back. It happened a lot.
"Okay, boys. Go get some rest. Soap, Ghost. Go see medical for your wounds" John looped his fingers in his vest. Oh, how he wanted the damn thing off. But he had to find your letter first. it was routine now. When the letters first started, you left them on each other's beds. Then you decided to hide them. Something to keep the other on their toes. John enjoyed it as much as you did.
"Where did you hide it this time, little sparrow?" John mumbled under his breath as he closed his door.
To his surprise, you left it on his bed. He narrowed his eyes as he picked it up. The familiar scrawl of your handwriting warmed him. He'd never admit it to anyone, but your letters were a source of deep comfort for him. He's kept all of them. They were hidden in a box you wouldn't know about until way later. Not by his choice either, you little snoop. His fingers ran across the words.
Dear John,
This is something I would've liked to tell you in person, but duty calls. Funny how it always seems to call when you’re coming home lately. If I didn’t know any better I’d say that the heavens had it out for us. And even if they do, I wouldn’t give up that easily. Oh, right! The point of this. I got us a flat! Well, it's more of a townhouse. No, more of a remote cottage. We can’t get any more private than that! I expect you’re going to pitch a fit about making such a big decision without you, but trust me, it was a steal. It's a bit of a fixer-upper, but nothing we can’t handle. I’ve hidden the key and the address, just to be an asshole. Good luck! I’ll see you when I get home.
Your little sparrow
John's heart bloomed. He thought you were teasing him when you said you wanted to live with him. Smiling to himself, he quickly looked around the barren room. The aches in his exhausted body were long forgotten. There weren’t very many places you could hide things. Lifting the mattress, he saw a key with a small J attached to it. It was real. You two had a house. A place where it was just you two.
“Captain? The shower is free.” Gas’s voice pulled him out of his daydream of waking up next to you.
“Got it.” He called back, continuing to search the small room for the address.
As he searched, he remembered the first mission he ever went on with you. He kept a close eye on you because he was scared that something would happen to you. You seemed too fragile to be able to handle yourself. But the longer he watched, the more he was impressed. You were equally as powerful as you were beautiful. He knew from that point on that you were more than capable of protecting yourself.
You fell faster than he did. He had so much kindness for you, always checking on you after missions. Never failing to go with you to the medics when you were injured. There were countless times when you had saved each other on missions. The first time you knew Price felt the same way, you had been shot in the thigh and couldn't walk.
“Listen to me, Sparrow. I'm getting you out of here.” He held your face in his hands as you panicked because he wouldn't leave you. You didn't want anything to happen to him because of you. You could already see the rest of the group was gone. John looped your arm around his neck and wrapped his tightly around your waist.
Once he got you to relative safety, he looked at your thigh and lighted the straps on it, making a makeshift tourniquet. The mixture of adrenaline and panic wasn't quite enough to numb the pain that began searing down your leg as he did so. He mumbled an apology before lifting you again and making a mad dash for the evac. You knew right then how much you had fallen for him. He was just doing his job as Captain, you knew that, but you were so irrevocably in love with him.
Little did you know that was when John began to fall himself. The panic that filled his head once he heard you scream. The fear that you were gone when he watched you fall. It was almost too much to bear. So he told the others to get to the evac point and he ran to you. And he would keep running to you if that meant he could save you. He knew you could handle yourself, but you wouldn't have to if he was there.
The first time you two knew the other had feelings for you was also when you kissed for the first time. It didn't really count, in the end. You were giving him CPR, after all. The others still teased you. You couldn't help but smile. The feeling of his lips on yours? Ah, the best. It's cliché to say, but they felt like they were made to fit yours. It wasn't long before your second and first real kiss came. And you continued to love each other from a distance. Never becoming anything more than kisses, hugs, hand-holding... All when you two were hidden from the rest of your teammates. Silent "I love you"s exchanged. You become each other's source of comfort. A comfort you would unknowingly seek.
John reached underneath the small dresser and felt the edge of paper. His heart soared as he pulled it out and looked down at your familiar handwriting, completed with a small doodle of a house, John's hat, a sparrow, and a heart. He didn't know his heart could beat any faster. Such a simple thing could fill him with so much happiness.
Over the next few days, he did as much as he could to make the one-bedroom cottage with peeling yellow paint feel like home. Of course, he couldn't bring himself to ask any of 141 for help. He didn't know if you wanted them to know. The first thing he did was buy some better furniture than the off-white, broken-down sofa in the living room. The entire cottage smelled like mildew and had a thin layer of dust coating everything. Doing everything in his power, he transformed the small cottage into the place of your dreams.
When you got back from your mission, you immediately went to John's room on base. Even if he decided to not move in with you, you needed to see him. The smiles you exchanged when he got back weren't enough. It was a pleasant surprise that his room was empty. Quickly, you found Sergeant Garrick to make sure he wasn't on another mission. You didn't know if you could take it if he was.
"Oh, no, he's at his new house. I guess he got tired of staying on base." You had to fight back your smile, he obviously didn't want to tell anyone.
Nothing made your heart soar as much as pulling up to the small cottage and seeing John in the kitchen through the window. He obviously had music playing as he danced around. It took all you had to not immediately run inside and hug him. Forcing yourself to grab your duffle bag out of the backseat, you crouched past the window and slowly opened the door to be greeted by the most delicious smell and John's singing. You couldn't wait any longer, throwing down the duffle you ran into the kitchen and abruptly came to a stop, your hands covering your mouth.
John was wearing an apron covered in hearts as he stirred a pot on the store, the table covered in food. He looked over and the smile he gave you brought tears to your eyes. Running over to him, you wrapped your arms around him. He laughed into your hair, hugging you tightly.
“Welcome home, little sparrow.”
You were in heaven.
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pastelgoogie97 · 4 years
How Do I Tell A Girl I Want To Kiss Her? |jjk
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hi guys!! sorry for being away for so long, but i wanted to thank you for showing ‘i thought we said no yelling at 3 am’ so much love!!! i had to post this from my phone so im sorry if there are any errors:/ HOWEVER, i hope you guys really like this post and again i appreciate all the love my other drabble got!!
genre: first date and first kiss FLUFF
pairing: collegestudent!jungkook x collegestudent!femalereader
word count: 2.5k
warnings: mentions of an abusive ex-boyfriend (if you SQUINT)
Y/N looked at herself in the mirror for what felt like the fiftieth time. She kept changing her outfit and messing with the hair she’d spent hours on out of pure anxiousness. She didn’t know what she was so nervous about. Sure, she hadn’t been on a date with a guy in a while, but she never felt as nervous as she did for this one. Then again, her date was going to be with Jungkook.
Jeon Jungkook. The boy she’d caught feelings for that worked in the coffee shop down the street from her apartment. At first, she thought he was adorable considering he was only two years older than her. She also thought she saw him around school a couple of times on her way to class. He seemed like the quiet type, but once he warmed up to her, he found the courage to not only become a friend of hers but to ask her to get dinner with him later tonight.
“Girl, don’t stress. You look, gorgeous babe,” That was Serena’s voice over the FaceTime call. Y/N knew that Serena genuinely meant what she was saying, but she couldn’t help but feel a twinge of doubt and think Serena was just saying it because they were close friends.
The sound of her apartment door snapped her out of her nervous haze and all she could do was freeze. After Serena coaxed her into opening the door, she wished her best friend good luck and hung up the call. Y/N looked down at her outfit once more before opening the door. God, she must’ve looked like an idiot. Did she open the door too fast? Did she seem desperate already and she hasn’t even spoken to him?
“W-Wow, you look beautiful,” Jungkook’s soft voice spoke up, the rustle of a bouquet shifting her gaze to his outstretched hands in front of her.
“Oh Jungkook, they’re beautiful, thank you so much. You didn’t have to get these,” Y/N silently cursed at herself for speaking too fast, but seemed relieved that Jungkook hadn’t called her out for it. Most likely out of politeness.
“The flower shop was on the way here, so I thought I’d get you some,” That was a lie. The flower shop was a solid block and a half away from her apartment in the opposite direction from which he came, but he didn’t mind keeping that a secret from her.
After a bit of small talk, Jungkook grabbed Y/N’s hand and lightly squeezed it. His mind went foggy at the simple contact their hands were making and he found himself smiling dopily, chuckling airily when Y/N started to swing their intertwined fingers.
Once they made it to his car, he opened her door for her and quickly shut it, jogging over to his side to take them to the restaurant he’d made reservations at. Y/N smiled and twiddled with her thumbs in her lap, struggling to find the confidence to look at Jungkook without wanting to scream. She didn’t want to mess anything up with him. According to her ex, she’d done enough of that even after they got together, so she was going to make sure she’d get it right.
“You feeling okay?” Jungkook interrupted her thoughts. Then again, when didn’t he? “If you feel sick or anything we can reschedule Y/N, you won’t hurt my feelings.”
The girl giggled and let out a shaky sigh. “No, I feel fine. I’m just nervous, I guess.”
Jungkook couldn’t help but smile. She was nervous to go on a date with him? She obviously couldn’t see how much he was shaking when he handed her the flowers. He must’ve been pretty good at hiding his nerves.
“It’s okay to be nervous, don’t feel like it’s wrong to feel weird about this whole thing,” Jungkook began. “You don’t even wanna know how scared I was to ask you out. I honestly thought you were going to tell me no.”
Y/N giggled. His heart fluttered at the sound and he made it his sole duty then and there to make sure she kept smiling and laughing all night. Laughing always made his nerves unwind, so maybe it could help with hers as well.
“Thanks, Jungkook,” She smiled. “I’m glad we’re doing this, I’m excited to get to know you better,”
That was all the reassurance Jungkook needed. Before she could say anything else, he pulled out of his parking spot and started heading over to the restaurant. It wasn’t one of those high-end classy restaurants, but he also wanted to make sure it wasn’t the McDonald’s down the street. He’d been very careful in finding a place that had a very broad menu so she could find something that she liked without having to force herself to eat something she didn’t really want. He’d asked Yoongi to help him prepare the second she told him yes.
“So, do you like working at the coffee shop?” Y/N queried, her eyes watching the bright lights of the city drive past in fast blurs of color.
“Yeah, it’s helping me pay for my dorm’s rent and everything, plus all my coworkers are really nice,” Jungkook rambled. “Plus, I got to serve you every time you walked in, so I can’t help but love that place,”
Y/N smiled and shook her head, making a comment about how cheesy that was. He giggled and tried to defend his point by saying that he was being completely honest, but she couldn’t help but giggle louder. The conversation carried on until they got to the restaurant. Before they knew it, they were getting out of the car and walking into the establishment hand-in-hand.
After they were led to their table by the hostess, Jungkook pulled Y/N’s chair out for her and pushed her in, his eyes settling on the soft flesh of her flushed cheeks at the action. He then sat down and got settled before looking up at her. She still looked a bit shifty, so he decided to make a funny face to break the thick layer of ice in between them. Once she laughed, he knew that he would be able to talk to her.
“Okay, so I want to know everything about you,” Jungkook stated boldly. “If you feel uncomfortable with anything I ask you, just let me know and I’ll ask something else, okay?”
Y/N nodded and felt herself relax. He was so reassuring and it’s almost like he knew how nervous she was. She gave a silken smile and leaned back in her chair a bit.
“Ask away,”
They’d already gotten through their appetizer and entree’s, debating on whether they should order dessert before they paid the bill. Jungkook had found out so much about Y/N as did she about him. From the time she got perfect attendance in first grade to what major she was in, Jungkook had found himself drowning in so much adoration for the girl in front of him.
“Wait, so Tae, Jimin, Namjoon, Yoongi, Jin, and Hobi are all living with you?” Y/N inquired genuinely, watching Jungkook nod and sip on his sprite. “That’s crazy! Are you all close?”
“We’re like brothers. Not even because we’re living together, but because we always help each other with everything and it’s literally like we’re all related to each other. We do everything for each other and whenever one of us is in trouble, we always manage to get them out of it,”
Y/N felt her heart sigh adoringly at his statement. He genuinely cared about his friends and something about him being so caring made her want to ask him to be her boyfriend right then and there. She was having such an amazing time with him and talking to him felt like second nature. She couldn’t remember the last time a boy made her feel this comfortable and safe.
“Did you ask them for tips on where we should go tonight?” she chuckled, watching the crinkles form next to his eyes when he smiled.
“God,” he scoffed. “I asked them if I was insane for wanting to ask you out,”
Y/N furrowed her eyebrows with a grin. “Why would you be insane?”
“Because you’re so out of my league, I didn’t think you’d even think of me as anyone more than the guy that makes your coffee before class every morning,”
She looked down at his hand and hesitantly grabbed it in hers, rubbing her thumb along his knuckles sweetly before meeting his gaze.
“I’m not out of your league Jungkook,” She began. “If anything, I’m out of yours,”
Jungkook knew that was a flat-out lie, but he wasn’t sure if she knew it was. Either way, he shook his head with a chuckle and thanked her for the compliment. Just when he was about to ask her another question, their waiter came back around to ask them if they wanted dessert. Jungkook sent a look to Y/N as if to ask her if she wanted to eat anything else and she simply shrugged her shoulders.
“We’d like the check please,”
The waiter walked off to fetch their bill and Y/N held her full stomach, laughing when Jungkook did the same and slapped his stomach. They both giggled and kept their conversation from earlier going, wanting to pass the time until their bill came back.
Jungkook paid for everything despite Y/N’s protests. He helped her down from her chair and made sure they weren’t leaving anything that belonged to them at the table before placing his hand on her lower back and ushering her out of the restaurant. They got back into his car and Y/N couldn’t help but smile like an idiot the second he started the engine.
“Before I take you home, did you maybe wanna go get some ice cream? I know this really good place not too far from your apartment,”
“That sounds good! I love ice cream,”
Jungkook nodded with a smile and turned onto a different road from the one to her house. They found themselves parked in front of a really small ice cream shop and walked inside. It was a tiny place, yes, but the flavors were stretched out along the right wall, and Y/N couldn’t help but rush up to the glass like an elementary school girl, trying to see which flavor she wanted most and what toppings she wanted to put on it.
“Jungkook! You’re not going to introduce me to your date?” A voice piped up from behind the counter, slightly startling Y/N.
Jungkook grabbed her hand and smiled, ushering her over to the cash register where she was met with none other than Kim Taehyung. She smiled at the boy and gripped Jungkook’s hand a bit tighter, watching the two of them interact but not really paying attention to what they were saying.
“Hyung, this is Y/N, Y/N this is Tae,” she shook hands with Taehyung and felt a small smile spread across her features when he complimented her.
“So, what flavor do you guys want?”
The two of them waved goodbye to Taehyung before leaving the store with their ice cream in their hands. They both got a cone and Jungkook put every single possible topping on top of his while Y/N settled for oreo crumbs and cookie dough bites.
Now, the two of them were walking up to Y/N’s apartment and she felt downhearted that her date was going to be coming to an end soon. They stopped in front of her door and looked at each other, giggling as she pulled out her keys.
“Oh no,” Y/N frowned. Jungkook tossed her a worrisome look, asking her what was wrong. “We didn’t finish our ice cream yet!”
Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows, clearly not following where she was going with her comment. “Looks like you’ll just have to come inside and finish it before you go!”
The boy in front of her smiled and rolled his eyes, nodding his head as she unlocked her door and allowed him to step inside. She turned on the light in her kitchen and walked over to one of the chairs at her table, watching him take the seat next to her. She looked up at him with hearts in her eyes as she continued to finish her ice cream.
“You have ice cream on your nose, dork,” Jungkook chuckled as he grabbed a napkin to dab at her nose.
Y/N looked down at her ice cream and giggled, pressing the treat up to his nose and letting out a light laugh. She grabbed the napkin he used on her and struggled to contain her giggles.
“Oh no, you have ice cream on your nose,”
They continued to tease each other like this until they finished their cones. Sadly, Y/N found herself walking Jungkook out of her apartment so he could go home. They stopped outside her front door and looked at each other, hoping to give each other the rundown of how they thought the date went and decide if they wanted to go on another one.
“I had an amazing time with you tonight Y/N” Jungkook smiled, looking down at her. “I really want to do this again with you, if you don’t mind,”
Y/N smiled and bit her lip to contain the girlish squeal that wanted to come out of her so bad. “I would love to do this again, actually, as soon as possible,”
They both giggled and went silent, looking into each other’s eyes for what felt like an eternity, enjoying the comfortable silence that fell between them.
“I should probably get back home now, but I’ll text you as soon as I get home so we can talk about going out again. Sound good?”
Y/N nodded and looked down at both of their hands getting warmed up. She felt a bit of heat burning the roses of her cheeks and she tried to get rid of it before she met his eyes again.
The second their eyes locked, Jungkook stooped down to her height and pressed his lips against her own. They felt soft against her skin, molding with hers like the last piece of a puzzle. A wave of warmth crashed over both of their bodies as Y/N’s hands traveled to the back of his neck while Jungkook’s hands placed themselves firmly at her hips, gripping them tightly as he brought her against his chest.
It felt like the way it was described in the movies. Y/N felt her legs buckle, her eyes fluttered shut, she felt like the world wasn’t such a scary place as long as she was in his arms. He felt the exact same way. He couldn’t help but yearn for the feeling of her lips to remain on his at every hour of the day. It may have been their first, but damn was he sure it wouldn’t be their last.
They pulled away for air and looked at each other with flushed faces and ragged breaths. They giggled and pressed another light kiss to each other’s lips once more before Jungkook looked down at his phone. He really had to leave now, as much as he didn’t want to.
“I’ll text you when I get back to my dorm, okay?” she nodded. “Goodnight Y/N,”
“Goodnight Jungkook,”
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marshaeb · 3 years
P.s: I'm Mated With The Cursed Alpha!
Chapter Twelve
Hey guy! Don’t forget to Like, Comment, Review, and Follow for more updates! My apologies in advance for all the grammatical errors. Book will be professionally edited when completed.
Alpha Darius POV
She stared into the closet. Her dark brown eyes tear wide open, breathing in and out heavily as she stumbled a few steps back.
“Samantha...Sammy...you guys!” She continued. “I-It’s not funny...come out!”
I clenched my teeth, exhaling anxiously through my nostrils. I have no other choice but to show myself now or she’ll start making a raucous.
I took a deep breath and slowly emerged out of the closet, stepping towards her. My body towered over hers as she stumbled back in shock, lost for words.
As I look down at her through hooded eyes, I was trying my best to keep my composure. One slip up, she would freak out.
“You...” She said, squinting her eyes at me. “Mr. Big, Bad Alpha! What do you want?”
Yeah... she’s definitely drunk... But on second thought...Thank Goodness!
Knowing her, she would have been completely horrified, screaming, and calling for help by now. But since she’s wasted, I’ll just keep it cool and play along.
“What’s wrong... I can’t stop by?” I asked in a low voice. “I just...wanted to see you, princess,” I said taking a step closer.
“Hmm, why? Do you... like something you see?” She said, slurring her words as she twirled around slowly.
It’s kind of funny seeing her like this, but I’ll admit that she’s awfully cute twirling around for me. Before I knew it, another smile was on my face.
“Yeah...I like what I see...” I said.
She paused and looked me hard in the eyes, blinking awfully slow. Goodness, she’s drunker than I thought. Why was she drinking in the first place?
“What?...” I asked, raising a sharp brow at her.
“Your smile...” She said, looking over my shirtless body. “I never saw you smile before.”
Have I really been letting my guard down lately? I never smile often, but with her...it’s different.
I cleared my throat feeling my face turn all red. “Do you... Do you like it?”
“Yes! You have such pretty teeth!” She said cheekily, throwing her head back. “I made you smile, didn’t I?”
I looked over her curvy little body. I couldn’t help myself. This bubbly side of hers was making it hard for me to hold back.
Shit! Why isn’t she laying under me already!
“Yes...you made me smile, princess,” I said feeling warm inside.
“Oh yeah...watch me twirl again then! She said as she spun around quickly.
Losing her balance, she stumbled back. But before she could hit her head against the bed frame, I snatched her in my hold.
My heart felt like it was about to come out of my chest. Like a mother rescuing her child from danger.
“Wheee! Again!” She giggled.
“No!” I said as I sat her on the edge of the bed. “You almost hit your head.”
“Oh... Mr. Alpha cares about my safety, huh?” She said, batting her lashes at me.
I stared down at her as she made that face. All it did was making me hard all over again.
I looked intensely across her pretty, soft face, then into her eyes and noticed they looked a bit red and puffy.
“Were you crying?” I asked her softly. “You’re eyes are red.”
She pulled away slowly and gradually burst into tears. Oh no...what did I do!
Gosh, I’ve never seen her cry before and it started to pain me seeing her like this. I cared too much. I never thought having a mate would have this much effect on you.
All I wanted was to hold her tightly in my arms and comfort her. But I couldn’t... It’ll only let my emotions take control, leading me on to do something else.
Gently, I lifted her head, wiping away a tear from her cheeks. She was bringing out a softer side of me I never knew I had.
“Forget it...who cares anyway.” She sniffled, curling her legs to her chest.
Her dress rode up her thighs, completely unaware that everything underneath her dress was exposed. My eyes locked immediately between her legs.
Though it felt a little perverted at a time like this, I couldn’t control these instincts.
Her panties were soaked from playing with herself just a while ago. The material was so tight, it sucked onto her pussy lips, and outlined it’s full shape and thickness.
It’s the fattest pussy I’ve ever seen... just sitting there between her thick thighs. I could only imagine how good it tastes. Nice, plump, and sweet, ready for a good dicking down.
I swallowed deeply and clenched my jaw, trying to retain myself, but that didn’t help my cock from growing rock hard.
I breathed out deeply, closing and opening my eyes.
“I care.” I said, clutching her tiny ankle as I sat next to her on the edge of the bed. “Tell me everything... I’m listening.”
She looked up at me with teary eyes and I swear for a second my once icy heart melted.
After sitting there for nearly fifteen minutes of hearing her run on and on about her best friend being taken away from her, everything she feels described me if I end up losing her.
She has no idea how bad I want her...but it’s not up for her and me to decide.
“It’s alright...you two just had a fallen out, it’ll get better.” I said. Which felt, completely strange because I’m never the best at cheering up someone.
“No...she has her mate...she won’t need me anymore!” She said, biting her bottom lip. “She’s getting all the loving she wants.
“You might feel like that now, but very soon you will have your mate,” I said, feeling my heart speeding up. “You’ll be getting all the loving as well...just give it time.”
“My mate, huh.” She mumbled.
She gave me a lewd, sinister look and for a second, it nearly spooked me out.
She rose out of the bed and stood directly in front of me. Then, what I lest expected, she pulled down her silky nightdress strap. Slowly she stuffs her hand inside, cuffing her left titt and pull it out of her dress.
It bounced slightly and I swear to the Moon goddess, I felt my willpower slipping away. The hungry, dominant side of Alpha Darius was starting to take control.
My eyes shifted between my wolf and human as I looked between her lustful face and her huge, perky titt just...sitting in front of me.
I swallowed deeply watching as her nipple erect right in front of my eyes. It was trigging...so damn triggering, but I had to remember she’s not in her somber state, but damn! I don’t think could help it.
My cock was bulging through my pants. Its throbbing sensation was driving me insane.
Should it matter? Should I really wait for her birthday... it’s only a few days away, anyway. But what if everything turns out unexpected and I happen to miss this chance... Miss all of this sweetness in front of me...
No...I can’t I—
“Please,” she whispered, breathing sharply. “I am your mate right, Alpha?” She said leaning closer.
Damn it! I squeezed my hand into a tight fist. If only she really knew who she’s leading on. All that liquor was loosening her tongue. Could it be that she’s expressing how she feels about me that she wouldn’t say when she’s sober?
“Suck it...make me feel good.” She whispered seductively.
Just when I thought I could control myself, there she went opening her mouth again.
“Put those soft lips on this nipple...please baby.”
I couldn’t believe what I just heard.
“W-What did you call me?” I stuttered in surprise.
She raked her small fingers through my hair, fingernails gently teasing my scalp sending tinkles through my body. She gently cuffed the back of my head, staring at me hard as I stare back at her. It was so intimate...so intense.
She rubbed her other hand on the side of my face, over my jawline, and stared at my lips with those beautiful brown eyes.
I was falling even harder for her now. This is the face I want to stare into for the rest of my entire life.
“Baby...” She repeated. “Please, baby.”
Something inside me snapped and... I lost it.
I grasped her titt in my hand and squeezed it firmly. Within seconds, my mouth was around her hard round nipple.
I flickered my tongue around the sensitive bud as my mouth covered her large areola. Each time I sucked, her nipple dragged against the surface of my tongue like a miniature lollipop.
I slurped and tug on it until it slipped out of my mouth, making a loud smacking sound.
She furrowed her brows and look down at me as her lips trembled with pleasure.
“You want more?” I asked her as I held her titt an inch away from my mouth like a microphone.
She clenched her jaw, whimpering as she nodded her head at me.
“You got a voice...use it,” I said to her. “Or I’ll stop. Do you want me to stop sucking?”
She shook her head, “N-No...”
“Then tell me what you want, princess,” I said, fiddling her nipple with my thumb.
Her eye twitched slightly and she let out a moan.
“Suck it...P-please.”
I smiled and immediately sucked them harshly, back into my mouth making her whimper.
“Oh yes...y-yes...it feels so good, baby,” she moaned, making my dick throb. “Just like that...flicker that warm tongue around that aching n-nipple.”
She grabbed my hand and sucked my finger in her mouth, covering it with drool. She then took it and placed it between her slightly parted legs. I pulled her thin, wet panties to the side and glide my wet finger between her plump pussy lips.
Within an instant, I found her swollen clit and rolled it around my stiff finger. Fuck...it’s so hot and meaty between there.
With her titt sucked in my mouth and my middle finger rubbing her clit, she moaned aloud, squirming and gasping in sweet delight.
Bingo! I found her weakness.
“You like that, huh?” I asked, rubbing and spanking her thick ass with my hand.
“I-I love it!” She gasped softly. “I-I love it so damn much...”
I clasped my large hand on the side of her head gently and pulled her in for a kiss.
I held her there, making it sloppy and wet as I could, but to my surprise, she was competing with me. Our tongues fought vigorously against each other.
I sucked and slurped on her bottom lip then went in for some more slippery tongue action over and over until we both grew out of breath.
She crawled onto me, spreading her legs around my waist as she sat on my lap. As her hands rest on my swollen chest, she pushed me back onto the mattress.
I squeezed her ass and jiggled it with my hands. She kissed and sucked all over my neck harshly. I quiver slightly as her mouth found my marking spot.
“Shit...” I groaned, sliding my hand over her back, then running my fingers in her puffy hair.
“Did that make the Alpha feel good?” She teased, riding and twerking her ass cheeks below my waist. She sat upright and crawled off of me towards her bed head.
Laying back on her pillow and slowly pulled off her underwear, slowly parting her legs for me.
I sat up on one arm and stared speechlessly. In all my years of dating and messing with so many women, none came close!I’ve never seen such a fat, juicy pussy before...and that big clit! It was poking out between those moist, plump pussy lips.
I could feel my salivary glands excreting in my mouth. I swallowed deeply, not once taking my eyes off of it.
My dick was pulsating so much that it hurt. I wanted so badly to shove myself so deep in that meaty box and pound her into tomorrow.
“Alpha, come and get it...” She said, spreading it open with two fingers.
My eyes widened even more. It was so pink, fleshy, and smeared with sweet pussy juice...a whole damn meal!
She fiddled her finger over her swollen clit, biting her lip as she stared at me who those lustful eyes.
“I know you want it,” she chuckled, closing and opening her legs, teasing me. “Yes, Alpha...No, Alpha, Yesss...Alpha!”
Fuck it!
I rushed over, drag her by her ankles, pinning her thighs to the bed.
A subtle shock expression came on her face as I placed my mouth over her entire wet pussy. I smeared my face between her legs as they shake in my hold.
She has the sweetest honey pot. I slurped and penetrate her tight hole with my long, stiff tongue.
She moaned aloud, gasping each time I stick it in and out. I shoved my face deeper, eating her out fully.
She tried to close her legs but I forced them apart and continued to eat and eat and eat. I wiggled my tongue over her juicy pink flesh, licking her, french kiss style.
After, I rolled my tongue around her clit. Rolling up and down, back and forth, making the shape of all the letters in her name until she panted for breath.
I reached out one hand and cuff her titt, tugging and rolling her erect nipple as I ate her out.
“Ohh...yes!” She moaned, throwing her head back. “I-I’m cuminggg!”
I completely lost it.
I crawled up towards her, clutching behind her knees with the crook of my arms as my muscular chest pressed against her breast.
I unzipped my pant and rubbed my hard cock between her moist pussy lips, making a wet, gushy sound.
She looked up at me about to speak but I grasped her chin in my hand.
“Tell me you want it...” I said, growling deeply. “Tell me how bad you want this hard cock inside you...”
“I want it...” She whimpered. “Destroy this little wet pussy. Disfigured it, baby...mold it into the shape of your dick...”
Just as I was about to enter into those sweet walls, I stopped and catch my breath.
All I heard was Sethi voice ringing in my ear. Telling me not to get carried away. Leave it to me, I’ll only make her pregnant because there was no way in hell I would pull out.
Besides, she’ll forget about all of this by morning. I want our first time to be something she’ll never forget.
She desperately raised her hips off the bed against mines. “Give it to me, Alpha!” She whined.
“No... I’m not having sex with you...not yet...not like this.” I said, watching her get upset.
“No... Don’t stop!” she said trapping me with her legs. “You’re not leaving until you do it!”
She’s even cuter when she’s upset and horny. I stared down at her admiring her beauty, feeling my cock throbbed against her.
“You’re a little freak, you know that?” I said.
Impatient, she complained some more, thrusting her hips up against mines. “More... please make me feel good.”
If only she could see herself right now. Her reaction would be priceless.
“Fine... I'll make you feel good.” I said spreading her legs wider. “But not the way we truly want it.”
I rest my cock over her pussy and rubbed its length, up and down against her warm flesh.
She groaned as I grind harder. My tip grazed over her swollen clit with every thrust.
It felt so good...so, so good. Hearing my mate’s moan, inhaling her scent, thrust my cock over her pussy as she dug her finger into my hips, it was driving me to the edge.
Gradually, I speed up, sucking on her chin, groaning deeply. Her pussy has gotten even wetter, massaging my dick as I glide through those sweet folds.
“Mmmm... I’m cumming, princess...” I moaned softly.
“M-me too...” She said, tugging on her nipple with her other hand tug on mine.
She came, shaky uncontrollably beneath me as I watched her eyes rolled back.
One, two, three more thrusts, and I pulled out just in time and release a huge nut over her stomach. I collapsed onto her, resting my forehead against hers.
We laid there trying to catch our breath. Covered with a thin layer of sweat, she rubbed my muscles and smiled at me.
“Mmm.” she moaned, sucking my neck. “Good job, Alpha.”
Read Chapter Thirteen (Click the link below)
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twinmomma-blog · 5 years
MUST HAVES for newborn twins:
BOPPY NEWBORN LOUNGER!!! - ESSENTIAL for bottle feeding two screaming babies at once, good for naps (babies should ALWAYS be supervised if napping in them due to suffocation risk). They’re about $35 each and I found mine at Target. They’re so essential I bought an additional set for my parent’s house for when they babysit so we’re not constantly toting them back and forth.
4moms mamaRoo: So, I have one of your run of the mill swings for my babies, which is wonderful, but sometimes a fussy babe just needs something a lil extra; the mamaRoo is EXACTLY the thing for that. With five different motion settings, five speeds for each, and four different preset audio choices and an auxiliary function for your phone, this thing soothes my screaming, fussy children almost instantly when nothing else works. They’re also a good, gentler option for reflux babies you don’t want swinging back and forth, effectively turning baby into a volcano. Now I’m not saying run out and buy two, at $176 each brand new they’re not the cheapest thing ever. But I have one I bought used (so my model is a bit older, it looks like there’s a new gen out) and if I had the option or finances to buy another one, you’re darn tootin’ that I would.
Zip sleepers: y’all. I have SO many cute snap up sleepers for my babies.. but the million snaps drive me INSANE at diaper changes. I just don’t have the patience for them, and frankly, neither do my 2 month old children. The quicker the diaper change, the better in our book. Target has them I believe, and you can always trust Amazon to have what you need, when you need.
GRIPE WATER!!!!!!: Now, always consult with your pediatrician before giving ANY types of supplements or OTC meds of ANY kind before you administer them to your babies. But, with that being said, Gripe Water is a GODSEND. It’s a bit expensive at $10 per 4oz, and with us having twins and giving it in their milk at damn near every feeding.... we run thru the stuff. But I can DEF tell when they haven’t had it, so we use it constantly. It makes for happier babies, and a happier momma. They ALSO make a NIGHTTIME version, I recently discovered, and my babies never slept so well thru the night and it’s a blessing I will not give up.
GAS DROPS: Another must-have we use at every feeding is gas drops. Now again, consult with your pediatrician before giving them to your baby. Like the gripe water, we mix it in with the milk in their bottles to prevent them from just spitting it right back out. Cause then you don’t know how much they got, if any, and you’re pretty much SOL so that you don’t end up overdosing your child.
A Variety of Pacifiers: These are trial and error. If you’re breastfeeding exclusively it’s recommended to hold off on pacifiers for I BELIEVE 2-3 weeks to prevent nipple confusion. Hayden (my baby B) loves only the Phillips AVENT Soothies. NOT the vanilla scented which are supposed to be calming. The vanilla scented ones make both my babies gag for some reason? It may be because when they had feeding tubes in the NICU, the pacifiers they used were vanilla scented and they have an aversion because of that? Who knows. But Harlow (my baby A) loves both the AVENT Soothies (non vanilla), AND the Baby King pacifiers? I have NO clue where they’re from. Dollar Tree?? I got them at my baby shower and Harlow actually PREFERS these over the AVENT ones. Wild stuff. 😂
Soothing Babywash and Lotion: you won’t regret using calming nighttime scents for your babies baths, esp if your baby doesn’t enjoy bath time. We always try to do bath time before their last feeding of the day before bed, and Tho they’re not the biggest fans, we ALL sleep much better on bath nights because of this. We use the Johnson&Johnson brand and have had no issues with the products.
Dishwasher Basket for Bottle Parts: necessary for the standard size bottle nipples, pacifiers, tiny breastpump parts, Dr Browns vent bottle parts, etc. to keep them from either getting lost or melting in the lower part of the dishwasher when they inevitably fall to their death from the top rack of your dishwasher. Amazon has all the options you could possibly need. My husband found mine on clearance at Walmart 😂😅
LOTS OF BURP CLOTHS: At least for us- our babies spit up A LOT. Reflux is a real problem for us. The BEST ones we’ve found so far are the Gerber Newborn Baby Unisex Prefold White Gauze 6-Ply Cloth Diaper, 5-Pack; make sure they are the PREFOLD! We bought a pack thinking they were the thick ones and they were like the single ply super thin cloths that weren’t good for jacksquat. 😭
Bottle warmer: we got the munchkin bottle warmer (I got one at Walmart that now lives at my moms, and a slightly more stylish version at Target, same brand/model just different color) and it warms bottles in 90 seconds or less! Note that if you use the Dr. Browns bottles with the vents, take the vent out while heating or it could overflow, causing a sticky&stinky mess!!
ALSO, while we’re on the topic of Dr. Browns bottles, the 8oz size makes it the PERFECT size for heating two newborn feedings in one bottle so you don’t have to heat two separate times. For example: my babes both get about 3-3.5oz each at a feeding, and I just pour 6-7oz in the big bottle and heat it up! I use the cap from a spare milk collection bottle from the hospital that I had, or you could just use the nipple that comes on the 8oz bottles, either way! I’ll make a post later over how feeding times go with my little ones.
Travel Changing Pad- I use this on the go for sure, but if there’s ever any especially nasty diapers to be dealt with, I whip this baby out at home and my couch, bed, carpet, wherehaveyou stays pristine. Magic.
WALMART BRAND DIAPERS: my favorite brand name diapers are Pampers. That’s what they used in the hospital and I LOVED them. Then I realized how expensive they were. Omg no. And my mom let me in on a little secret: the Walmart brand are almost exactly the same as Pampers, if not THE same. They are just as reliable and the blowouts I’ve dealt with in them, are equivalent to the blowouts in Pampers. And those were the apocalyptic type diaper changes where even God himself could not stop that s*** from coming thru. Bless.
LAUNDRY DETERGENT: PODS. PODS. PODS. Pods for YOUR laundry, and the Tide free and clear or whatever their dye free/scent free pods are for the babies’ laundry. The simplicity and time saving nature of just throwing pods in the laundry instead of measuring detergent saves so much time you didn’t realize you needed. “But...Does it really make that much of a difference?” Yes. Yes it does.
A SLEEP MASK FOR YOU MOMMA!! (and for dad): NAP WHEN YA CAN!! A sleep mask is perfect for when you manage to get both babies down at the same time in the middle of the day and you want some sleep too!!! Essential in my book.
What DIDN’T Work for Us:
HALO TWIN BASSINET: Y’all-I wanted to love this SO badly; with completely mesh sides and a mesh divider so you can see both babies always, and it SWIVELS to get to whichever baby may need you, and the sides lean down slightly to get them out of the bassinet without you having to get out of bed. But...my babies HATED this, it’s quite large even for a double bassinet, and the price tag is even larger at $470 retail. And it’s immobile. Once it’s in one spot, that’s where it lives until you completely disassemble it. I much rather would’ve spent about 1/4 of the price on the Little Folks Twin EZ Fold Ultra Compact Double Bassinet by Delta Children, (available online at Walmart) at $138 that not only wheels to where you need it, but FOLDS UP when not in use or for travel.. at least if my twins hated it too, I wouldn’t have spent half a house payment on it.
HALO SLEEPSACK: ....Sorry again Halo... We had the Halo SleepSack that got sent home with us from the hospital, and tbh they were just okay in my opinion. My girls somehow would wiggle further into them (this may just be a preemie baby problem, we finally quit using them.), and their faces would get covered or their arms would escape thru the little openings in the sack. I would LOVE to try the SwaddleMe or the Love to Dream Swaddle UP ones, but we’ve become pretty good at blanket swaddling for the time being. Again, these are kind of trial and error to see what your babies like. If you’re good at swaddling with a good ole fashioned blanket, that’s great!! But if you don’t have the time or patience to practice, no shame in going the easier route.
A “DIAPER PAIL”- y’all. This is the most useless thing I spent my money on. I don’t even use it. We tried to, and it’s pointless. My house doesn’t smell like baby poo, or if it does nobody has told me. The amount of diapers that we as parents of twins run thru warrants the trash being taken out almost daily, if not multiple times per day. It just wasn’t worth my money, and I bought a highly reviewed off brand. Save the cash and put it towards something extra.
A Changing Pad- Also pointless. I change my twins wherever we are in the house. If they’re really nasty I use the portable changing pad someone gifted me, the kind that folds up and fits in a diaper bag. I get that the big pad with the little sheets on it is cute for the whole nursery aesthetic, but tbh my nursery is just a room in my house that you don’t really use for a newborn (or two+) anyway. Not practical or realistic.
Baby Shoes: I, for one, don’t see the point in buying baby shoes until they’re up and walking. They outgrow them too quickly. Socks will do just fine. Unless you live in a verrrryyyy cold climate. But I’m sure they make super insulated baby onesies for those types of outings. But here, not necessary. $ave dat money.
Snoo: A SMART BASSINET. It has a built in swaddle, and it rocks your baby with different speed settings, AND can detect when your baby starts to wake and will rock in response to baby fidgeting. WHAT?! I really wish I could afford even just ONE of these, let alone two. They come in at a WHOPPING $1290 😭 they apparently also have rent options? From what I’ve heard. But I can’t even imagine what being able to actually afford two bassinets for $1600 would be like. A momma can dream.
0 notes
ssdgworks · 6 years
[Old, rough] Netshift 2014/chapters 0 to 2 and End
  NaNoWriMo Version. ~MythicMatt
  Prologue - The Netshift - [859 Words]
  Samuel sat at his desk, intently staring at the screen. There wasn't that much else for him to do really. He was testing the game he'd been developing on his own, checking for anything that could be called 'bugs'. He had a notepad and pen just to his left, listing some bugs he'd found already. When he finished the level for the Thirteenth time, he noticed a little error. Rather than play the cut scene to the next level, it played a very different cut scene that, to his knowledge, hadn't been possible. The games' protagonist was talking directly to him. "Uh, hey. You out there!" the rainbow haired Half-Dragon said, her voice just as clear as the pre-recorded dialogue she'd said numerous times in the level. Sam looked around, sure that this was an elaborate prank his voice actor was playing. "No, look at your damn monitor." the Half-Dragon said again, this time tapping at the screen with her claw. "Hi..." Samuel said, awkwardly holding up his hand. "Just try to pay attention." the Half-Dragon said. "My name is Samantha Hellion Kilith. I've been trying to get you to listen for months. Your program was the only way I could get you to pay attention." "Months?" Samuel asked in disbelief. "Even with all the bits of code you wrote, you never saw some of the comment lines. Ones I wrote." Samantha said, holding out her right hand. A Sniper Rifle appeared in the outstretched hand. Samuel saw Cobalt scales glitter up to Samantha's elbow. He recognized the rifle not as the place holder model he'd made, but rather the exact form of what he envisioned the MX12-S Heavy Rifle, from the Six round magazine, right down to the customized RF310 Scope. "Well, at least one of us knows what we're doing." Samantha said, throwing the rifle over her shoulders. "Anyway, we should get on to business. I need you to be a navigator." "What?" Samuel asked, uncertain about what that would involve. "I need you. To get in here. And navigate for me. So we can enter the Netscape." Samantha growled. "How?" Samuel argued. As far as he knew, there was no way to enter a computer, let alone whatever the Netscape is. "Through the Netshift! Tchael srinik Daedal, you idiot!" Samantha roared, punching the screen. It cracked. "Oh shit." they said in unison. Everything went Green. When everything returned to 'normal', only Samantha remained. \Great. What now?\ a voice describable as that of a younger Samantha rung through her head. /Samuel?/ Samantha thought. \Yes. It's me.\ the voice rang again. \It's sort of like I've been made into a smaller version of you, and been given an appropriately sized computer array.\ /Well, that's one thing sorted./ Samantha smiled. Maybe it wasn't so hard to get help after all. /I'm gonna call you Yuki./ \Sorry to interrupt, but is there a way to, uh, disconnect?\ Yuki said, in an uncertain and embarrassed tone. /Why Yuki?/ Samantha thought back. \Well, uh, for starters, I've been turned into a smaller you. I'm not quite comfortable with this yet.\ Yuki thought. /Ah well. We can't all be comfortable with anything./ Samantha thought, drawing her pair of NyteHawk NH-47 Pistols. Some time ago, she'd taken to calling them [The Hawk's Wings]. She holstered them again after making sure they remained undamaged. -------------------------------------------------- "Well, well, well. What've we got 'ere?" a guttural voice growled from behind. Samantha turned around, pulling her glasses over her eyes. "From the looks of it, an idiot, alone." she responded. "Funny. All I see is..." the owner of the voice said, stepping out from the shadows. He looked exactly how you'd expect a thug to look: bald, muscular and scarred. "...A little b-hurk.". He was interrupted by his stomach being ripped open by a well timed swipe of Samantha's claws. "Unfortunately for you, I find no obligation to listen to insults from idiots who believe themselves to be above me, or base assumptions on appearance." Samantha said, sparks crackling between her teeth. She inhaled, before spitting a bolt of electricity at the thug. -------------------------------------------------- Samantha woke up, convinced she'd just been in a fight and won. She held up her right hand. It was still covered in Cobalt scales. She held up her left hand. She still had her gauntlet. She sat up suddenly. /In the fight, I wasn't wearing a gauntlet./ she thought to herself. /Or goggles, for that matter./ \What fight?\ /Whuh? Who're you?/ she thought back at the sudden voice. \It's me, s-uh, Yuki. Your navigator.\ /So, that part actually happened./ \Yep, and I've found a way to temporarily disconnect our minds. It sort of kicks me out your head though.\ Samantha felt a slight itch for a moment, followed by the feeling of really small feet on her shoulder. "Like this." Yuki said, poking Samantha's cheek. "Wow." Samantha said, picking up Yuki by the tail. "Ah. It hurts!" Yuki squeaked. "Sorry. Not used to having a tiny me." Samantha said, putting Yuki back down. Yuki immediately started hugging her tail, which had started bleeding, and crying. "Well, I suppose we'd better go into the proper Netscape."
  Chapter 1 - Data Burst Initializing... - [1352 Words]
  The Netforts' beacon glowed with an intensifying light until it flared out, finally revealing the form of Samantha. She stood up from her crouch, and dusted her armor off. "Sorry ma'am, but you need to fill out this form before you can go anywhere." a nearby Wolfkind girl said. "Question before that. Does my miniature navigator need to do one as well?" Samantha asked. "Miniature navigator?" the Wolfkind girl asked. /Yuki, come out./ Samantha thought, before feeling the slight itch momentarily. "Hi..." Yuki said, quickly standing to attention, her face red. "Well, that's the first time I've seen such a thing. I suppose she is subject to the same regulations as us. My name's Danielle, by the way." the Wolfkind girl said, producing a couple sheets of paper. -------------------------------------------------- "I can't believe that anyone else would pick Marksman over the more versatile Soldier or even Mercenary." Danielle said. "Well, I originally wanted to go alone. Hence Yuki being my navigator." Samantha replied. "Moving on, I've heard that one of the Original Five is going to arrive tomorrow, just before the light." Danielle said excitedly. "So, that's something of a big deal?" Samantha asked. "Big deal? Of course it is. How often do you get to meet the very person who helped find an impossible place?" Danielle started ranting. "If we want to see him earliest, why don't we sleep now, and stay up all night then?" Samantha interjected, before she could be lectured on the importance of the Original Five. "There may be hope yet!" Danielle declared. "To bed!" "We do share a room, as you told me earlier." Samantha said, hoping to break this streak of insanity. -------------------------------------------------- Danielle woke up with something warm and wet on her cheek, something scaly wrapped around her left leg and a naked Half-Dragon girl hugging her. Not the most ideal conditions to wake up to. It only got worse when she tried to move. "Amuthr mimit, mam." came the mumble of the sleeping Dragon. Danielle couldn't help herself but smile. "Didn't you want to watch the heroic guy arrive?" Danielle said to her mostly asleep bedmate. This prompted movement. Samantha rolled off the bed, landing with a thud on the floor. "Why didn't you wake me when you woke." Samantha said as she stood, scratching the back of her head. "Ah, whatever. Have you seen my armor?". Danielle stared at the bare, nearly flat chest. Samantha cocked her head in confusion. "What, do I have something on my chest?" "Ah, n-no. It's just that I couldn't help but notice how masculine you are..." Danielle started, managing to avert her gaze. "Oh, OK. Ah, there's my gauntlet. I suppose I'd better look for something to cover myself with." Samantha said, looking around. -------------------------------------------------- "Really, Samantha? Thigh socks, hot pants and Seven belts?" Danielle teased. "Like you chose anything better. Camo pants and a red hoodie?" Samantha replied. "Anyway, which heroic guy are we here for?" "Reaper, the Soldier. Some say he has some sort of relationship with the Crimson Knight, who is also one of the Originals." Danielle said, holding up her smart-phone-like device, showing somebody's blog page describing the Original Five as they knew. The fifth entry was just question marks, but there were bits of info about the other Four. There was a disturbing amount of info about The Dragoon, including a photo of her training some newbies. "Are you sure this guy wasn't just stalking one of them." Samantha pointed out. "But he says up here he plans to have that much info on all of them. He also made a free for all blog for others to post about things they've seen in here." Danielle argued. "Look, here's an article on currencies used in here." she continued, tapping at the screen before showing it again. "Bits are the currency of the Netscape. They come in Six color variations, each having their own value. Purple have a value of One, but can be combined into special items which are invaluable. Orange have a value of Ten. Blue have a value of a Hundred. Grey have a value of a Thousand. Green have a value of Ten Thousand. An unconfirmed material has a estimated value of a Hundred Thousand. Just how much rumor do they mix in with fact?" Samantha read, before injecting her sarcastic opinion. "Not that much actually. The Sixth material was confirmed by a elite team of hackers. The Purple combination item was discovered when someone accidentally dropped over a Thousand Purple in one place. And 'spending' Bits by combining them with other items gives visible benefits. Someone once tried to combine a Green Bit with a Virusbeast, which is more or less made of Purple, and killed it instantly. Some people examine the stats of things they augment carefully to figure out what they do." Danielle explained. "So, general documentation procedures? Never found someone who couldn't check wikis for info. Anyway, where we gonna sit for these hours?" Samantha said derisively. "Right, you have a point. How about this storage shack?" Danielle suggested. /Anything valuable in there Yuki?/ Samantha thought. \Purple dot on your mini map. Scans show unusual readings.\ Yuki thought back. "Sounds good." Samantha said, licking Danielle's cheek. -------------------------------------------------- "Grae Daedal, it's full of boxes." Samantha said, wandering eastwards. "Well, yeah. Everybody puts their stuff in here. There's this guy who runs a shop in here somewhere." Danielle said, looking around. "Is this him?" Samantha pulled a diminutive, cloaked figure from behind a box. "Yeah, definitely him. I've seen him before." Danielle confirmed. "So, put me down please?" the figure asked. "Oh, sorry. I have this tendency to pick up small people." Samantha apologized, putting the cloaked figure down. "Now, what were you looking for?" the figure said. "This. What the hell is it?" Samantha said, picking up a Blood Red Dragon wing from next to her. \Yep, that's it.\ Yuki thought. "The Drakewing D-0 Sonic Projector. It is both a guitar and a weapon, and not just for hitting things. Even if I never figured out how to make it work. I guess I could sell it to you for Seventy bits." the figure said. "Thirty!" Samantha offered. "Fifty. Final offer." the figure haggled, offering his hand. Samantha shook it, finalizing the deal. "Any sets of SC43 armor we can take bits from?" Danielle asked. "Right this way." the figure started heading further east. Danielle and Samantha looked at each other and nodded, before following the Shadeling. -------------------------------------------------- "So, how much total?" Samantha asked the Shadeling. "875 Bits." the Shadeling answered, holding out a scanner of sorts. Samantha stared in confusion. "Sam, put your hand on the scanner." Danielle advised, slapping herself in the face. "Sorry, she's new to this." "No worries, we were all new once." the Shadeling said. Samantha put her hand on the scanner as instructed. "So, what now?" Samantha said, moving her hand off the scanner. "We see if Reaper is near yet." Danielle said. "Ladder's over there." the Shadeling pointed at a nearby corner, which had a ladder bolted on. "Thanks, see ya." Danielle shouted back, already halfway there. -------------------------------------------------- On the horizon, Samantha could see something very wrong through the scope of her rifle. "Do you see that?" she asked Danielle. Danielle nodded. "Wanna do something about it?" "Yeah, but what can a pair of snipers do to that? By the looks of it, there must be hundreds of them." Danielle replied. What they were seeing was a truck being pursued by a swarm of Databeasts. "This." Samantha grinned, pulling the trigger twice consecutively. Somewhere in the distance, several Databeasts exploded. Danielle attempted to imitate the action, but nearly lost balance after the first shot. "Bloody hell, how do you do that." Danielle said, restabilizing herself. "No idea." Samantha replied, pulling the trigger twice, turning slightly, then double pulling again. "Guess it has something to do with my method of holding it?". She did have a point, because she had wrapped her tail around the forward grip instead of holding it with her hand. Danielle shook her head before lining up another shot while Samantha reloaded.
  Chapter 2 - Animus Dawn - [1013 Words]
  It had been hours since the two had started shooting, and others with scoped weapons were joining in. A chorus of sniper fire roared, spitting hot lead out into the wildernet. The target they were protecting was a truck. "I think we need a break." Samantha said, dropping another empty magazine onto the pile. She also considered asking to trade magazines with her partner, but decided to do that later. "Yeah, we're nearly out of ammo." Danielle agreed. The pair gathered up the piece of cloth they'd been dropping magazines onto, and climbed back into the storage shed. They could sort the pile out later. -------------------------------------------------- The sniper fire rang out again. Samantha watched the truck as it handbrake parked to the right, then disgorged it's crew of Three. From the drivers seat, a manly Wolfkind with Silver fur stepped out. The next out was the passenger, who was a slim Half-Dragon with Opalescent scales. Finally, out the back jumped what initially looked like a Human... with White, feathery wings. Samantha adjusted her goggles slightly, enabling the identification software. Above the heads of the three, the words Fang - Wolfkind, Reaper - Half-Dragon [Prismatic] and Hawke - Zelkyr appeared. She quickly disabled the software, before shaking Danielle back to a state of awakeness. "They're here." she said, licking Danielle's cheek. "Really?" Danielle said, rubbing her eyes. "Yeah. Hi." Reaper said. "You girls got anything to do with the mass sniper support here?" "Sort of." Samantha said. "Our original plan was just to watch you arrive, but we couldn't resist taking out some of the Databeasts behind you. Others joined in at some point." "Nice to know. Since you started it off, why not join me?" Reaper offered. "It could be fun." "Dan?" Samantha asked. "Why not?" Danielle answered. -------------------------------------------------- "So, we take the truck out to the fight. By then, it should be reasonable to expect the Five of us to be capable of fighting off any remaining Databeasts." Reaper stated. "I hope you two brought close range weapons." "Of course we did." Samantha and Danielle said simultaneously, pulling out their backup weapons. Samantha held up her Hawk's Wings, while Danielle held up an Rhunic and Kayle RK-188 CAWS. "OK, I really hope you never need to use that. Dragon girl, show me that guitar you have." Reaper said. "I has got a name, y'know. It's Samantha." Samantha said, holstering her pistols. She then lifted the Drakewing off her back. "Never thought I'd see one of these again." Reaper said, taking the sonic weapon from Samantha's hands. "Keep good care of it, Sam." "Again?" Hawke asked. Fang nodded, as if to reinforce the question. "Long story, later." Reaper said, dodging the subject. "Anyway, Dan, never use full auto." -------------------------------------------------- Despite their preparations, nobody actually needed to shoot anything. Which was disturbing, considering just how many Databeasts there had been just a few minutes ago. To make up for the lack of combat, Samantha, Danielle and Hawke were playing a card game in the back of the moving truck. "Got any Fives?" Hawke asked. "Raise. Sixes?" Samantha answered. "Double Down. Eights?" Danielle added. "Fold." Hawke replied. "All in. Aces?" Samantha grinned. "Fold. Can we stop playing Calvin Cards now?" Danielle sighed. "Yeah. I win every time. It gets boring." Samantha yawned. "Only if you want to play something really offensive." Hawke warned. A moment later, the entire visible Netscape glitched, before suddenly changing from desert wasteland to dense forest. Unsurprisingly, this was immediately followed by the crunch of a truck hitting a tree. That was then followed by the thump of someone landing on a car. "Tchal Daedal!" came the shout from above. It was clearly a feminine voice. Everybody disembarked, as they clearly weren't getting any further in the truck, and to see who landed on the top. "Damnit, Crimson. How the hell did you manage to get up there? No, wait, let me guess. 'By accident'." Reaper said. "Well, no. I fell." Crimson said, rolling off the trucks' roof. Nobody moved to catch her. "Ow." She stood up, groaning in pain. "So, you know each other?" Danielle asked. "Unfortunately, yes. She was one of the first Five in this place. Her only real skills are causing glitches and her swordsmanship. She never learned from any of her mistakes, and only carries a broadsword." Reaper said, sighing. "Hey! I did learn how to teamwork!" Crimson retaliated, standing proudly and pointing at herself with her thumb, not realizing that Samantha was stacking leaves on her head. "Anyway, we need to find a way out of these lost woods." Reaper said, starting to head somewhat eastwards. "We need to go west. There should be a cave that way." Yuki said, suddenly standing on Samantha's head. Crimson stared at the tiny navigator, before picking her up by the tail. "Why always the tail?" Yuki started crying. "So cute." Crimson said, leaves still stacked perfectly on her head. "Put down my navigator and get Reaper to come back." Samantha growled, teeth sparking. "On it!" Crimson said, dropping Yuki back on Samantha's head and running after Reaper. Yuki hugged her tail and sighed in relief. -------------------------------------------------- Once the group had organized somewhat properly, they started heading west. After trekking through the trees for a solid hour, they saw exactly what they didn't want to see. "Oh shit!" came the general cry as they dashed to hide behind trees. Except Crimson, who kept walking unaware of the giant Virusbeast right in front of her. "Come on guys, there's nothing to be afraid of." she said, immediately before walking into the Virusbeast's leg. "Excuse me, sir, but you appear to be. In. My. Way." She drew her broadsword, cut the Virusbeast in half and sheathed the sword again in quick succession. "You're already dead." The Virusbeast clicked three times before exploding. "And it's a bad thing you know her because?" Samantha asked Reaper. "She lacks intelligence, instead taking ridiculous shows of strength. As you just saw." Reaper answered. Everything started glitching again, and the forest was replaced with a patch of wasteland outside an overly excessive fortress.
  Chapter 3 - The Bastion
  "Time for a crash course in jet packs. Think of it as a pair of wings for those without." Crimson grinned, spreading her wings out. "Oh, and, don't crash." "That is terrible advice, Crimson." Samantha complained. "So, you'd prefer to be grounded?" Crimson teased, putting on a pair of aviator goggles. "I'm just saying, I can handle a motorcycle. Never used a jet pack before." Samantha said. "Hey, whatever. Any time we spend arguing here is time you spend away from your girlfriend." Crimson teased. She realized her mistake a moment later, when Samantha rocket tackled her. "Fuck you, I'm a Dragon! And we're getting there last night!" Samantha screamed over the sound of her jet pack. The two glitched for a moment, before tearing apart mid-air. -------------------------------------------------- True to her word, Samantha had managed to viciously tear apart and reconstruct the time line so she and Crimson arrived at their destination before they left. The problem was, they were still travelling at ridiculous speed towards a brick wall. "Emergency brake, EMERGENCY BRAKE!" Crimson shouted. The pair glitched again, and halted. "Never knew I could do that." Samantha said, jet pack switching to hover. "I mean, how does that even?" "Don't ask me. The best I've done is just a small radius Teleport." Crimson shrugged. Samantha switched the jet pack off completely. "Y'know, you never make much sense." Samantha said, smiling enough to show a single fang. "Thanks, it takes skill to be this good." Crimson said, folding her wings. --------------------------------------------------
A long time later
  Epilogue - A Hero Returns
  Danielle sat gazing at the glitching gap that had swallowed Samantha. Reaper would bring lunch to her every day, and join her in watching The Rift. Reaper would tell news from The Troper's Bastion, and Danielle would just nod, watching The Rift intently. Months passed, this routine unbroken. -------------------------------------------------- "Come on, Danny. The Rift is getting bad. At least in The Bastion, you can't catch viruses." Reaper said. "No. She'll be back. She never breaks a promise." Danielle retorted. The Rift seemed to react to this by intensifying it's glitching, an assortment of vaguely humanoid shapes silhouetted on it's surface. "She promised." Danielle whispered. "Damn right I did." The static distorted the speaker's voice to unrecognizability. The Rift stopped glitching entirely as Samantha stepped through, followed by a squad of Tempest Troopers. "Sorry, these guys insisted." Samantha said, licking the back of her left hand. "Sorry, Ma'am, for ever doubting you. Here's your weapons back." one of the troopers said. "And yet, you never took my Guitar." Samantha grinned. Danielle and Reaper burst into laughter at that remark, drawing the ire of at least one trooper. "Sammy, you magnificent tchon." Reaper said, laughing. "Oh, and, about half the men sent in never arrived, unless you've seen them." Samantha said seriously. "As I've seen, nobody left The Rift prior to you, Sam." Danielle reported. "And she sort of stationed herself on watch here, until you returned." Reaper added. "Oh well. Hey, The Troper's Bastion will want to see that their hero has returned, right?" Samantha asked offhandedly. "Let's go then!" Danielle exclaimed, grabbing Samantha's arm.
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