#prcc 2022
aurastacia · 8 months
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PRCC 2022 c0mmisi0n post!!
Heres the c0mmisi0ns I drew live at the event!
Pixel Baka and her pet bat for @piixelbaka
Cerise Sakuramori for @the_cherrytree_spirit15
Adorable tiger OC for @honeyteastar
Selkie from Fire Emblem Fates cosplaying as Mai Shiranui for @alexalchemy
Jax for @jaxiedoggo
Tobias Caelum (OC) for @skullcrabs
Thank you for all the support everyone and I hope you enjoy your c0mms!
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pacosemnoticias · 2 years
Homem detido em Coimbra por violência doméstica e maus-tratos a animais
Um arguido de 34 anos vai aguardar sob vigilância eletrónica os desenvolvimentos de um processo por alegados crimes de violência doméstica e maus-tratos a animais, informou ontem a Procuradoria da República da Comarca de Coimbra (PRCC).
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"Os factos ocorreram entre julho e setembro de 2022, no concelho de Coimbra, tendo o tribunal considerado encontrar-se fortemente indiciado que o arguido molestou física e psicologicamente as vítimas, seus progenitores, na residência destes, onde os três coabitavam", revela o Ministério Público (MP) na página da internet da PRCC, indicando que o suspeito foi apresentado na sexta-feira a um primeiro interrogatório judicial.
O homem, que tem antecedentes criminais, está indiciado pelo Departamento de Investigação e Ação Penal (DIAP) de Coimbra da prática de "dois crimes de violência doméstica e de um crime de maus-tratos a animais de companhia".
"O arguido insultou as vítimas, dirigindo-lhe expressões e nomes ofensivos, assim como ameaçou de morte o pai e atingiu-o com uma enxada no nariz e braço, provocando-lhe ferimentos que necessitaram de tratamento médico", segundo a nota.
Entretanto, no dia 27 de setembro, terça-feira, "agrediu a cadela do seu pai com pancadas e pontapés, provocando dores ao animal".
"O juiz de instrução criminal determinou que o arguido aguardasse os ulteriores termos do processo sujeito às medidas de coação de obrigação de permanência em instituição, a indicar pela Direção-Geral de Reinserção e Serviços Prisionais, ficando, entretanto, sujeito à obrigação de permanência em habitação, com vigilância eletrónica, e à proibição de contactar com as vítimas", seus pais, de acordo com a Procuradoria da República.
O agressor já foi antes "condenado por diversos crimes, incluindo de roubo, encontrando-se em liberdade condicional, desde abril".
A investigação é dirigida pelo MP da Secção Especializada em Violência Doméstica do DIAP da Comarca de Coimbra, com a coadjuvação da PSP da cidade.
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tumsozluk · 2 years
Tanner Adam Memorial Fund supporting PRCC - Picayune Item
Tanner Adam Memorial Fund supporting PRCC – Picayune Item
Tanner Adam Memorial Fund supporting PRCC Published 6:53 pm Saturday, October 1, 2022 By Laura O’Neill PRCC Public Relations WAVELAND, Miss. — A life cut short unexpectedly became the spark for making a difference in the community through the Tanner Adam Memorial Fund. The Hancock Campus of Pearl River Community College is one of the beneficiaries including a recent donation of equipment and…
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stressedtaco · 2 years
Mark Sheppard’s panel at Puerto Rico Comic Con is now live! :^D
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tootiredmotel · 2 years
Dean - @stressedtaco // Cas - me
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goomyshark · 2 years
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Not me being blazed af for my gamzee cosplay at prcc💀 its fine it helped me get into character more easily
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neko-loogi · 2 years
So I went to the PRCC this year with my friend and I had a blast. My legs are killing me tho but nonetheless I had fun. ( I just wish I wasn't so damn shy so I could've gotten more pictures with rad cosplayers! )
I'm also happy that I bought some cool KNY merch- hahahha
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littlepsynurseaus · 3 years
細粒移民日記 (十三) - 只想找一份澳洲護士工🎵 誰曾如獲僱主擔保 千金也不換🥲😛
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(原諒細粒姑娘嘅老媽,簡稱細粒媽,日日係屋企播鏡歌洗腦··· 諗文嘅題目就再諗唔到其他嘢···😶)
其實好耐之前已經有計劃寫吓點樣係澳洲找工同見工,不過正如我IG STORY講(今日follow咗未啊?@littlepsynurseaus🤩),目前嘅時勢,好大機率要等到2022年先會恢復offshore 190條隊嘅簽証批出。如果有條件、想走、而又已經持有AHPRA in-principle of approval、只欠PIP嘅朋友,不妨試吓找工,以僱主擔保形式入境澳洲早走早著😶 (又預告一吓,小妹即將出發澳洲,會實測落地Landing, 隔離Hotel Quarantine, AHPRA Present-in-person, 繼續留意細粒姑更新喇😇)
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要留意返,喺兩個網站上面,有各大醫院院舍自己放工上去之餘,仲有唔少Nurse Agent公司請Nurse Bank(Nurse Pool) 🏝儲一堆人有邊度唔夠人就去頂更噉(香港某竹🎋公司?/HA 撈cum?),不過比小妹感覺呢類Nurse Bank Agent都睇重local經驗,聽聞有前輩見casual(即係part-time)都唔成功就搞到好沮喪。反而呢,連小妹在內,好多見工成功又想要人甚至出埋僱主擔保送PR嘅都係醫院長工。噉睇返自己嘅需求啦,如果你想淡口啲開始可以試吓找casual做住先,想盡快摸熟市場又唔想四圍去就可以試吓狗衝找長工。(係㗎我真係好乸鐘意返工㗎😭💸)
5/8/2021 Update: 琴晚實在太眼訓😴,打漏咗好重要嘅嘢··· 其實除咗seek/indeed,護士工仲可公透過agent介紹。🤠不過啦,中介呢家嘢真係要好小心好小心好小心(好重要要講三次😤),因為太多騙案!但正常嚟講,係去agent度註冊加擺低CV係費用全免嘅,而找到工的話agent係收老細錢而唔係收你錢。😏唔少揸491嘅前輩都用過呢個方式去入境澳洲,甚至某啲agent工會寫明可以sponsor visa比你🥳。噉呢度唔方便講有邊間agent啦,不過係有專做醫護甚至香港人移民澳洲嘅job agent嘅,有興趣就自己睇吓喇。😎😎
噉睇睇吓都大約知道有邊啲工啱心水條件,就可以準備CV同Cover Letter Template兩樣嘢。CV方面小妹真係好九流流噉用word點列哂自己出生年月日加高中大學成績出嚟,毫無美感零參考價值😂😂 (噉點姐人家人生只做過唯一一份長工唔通將喺麥記炒過薯條都寫埋落去咩👉🏻👈🏻(嗱我冇做過老麥吖只係比喻嚟,比喻!)指路大家可以參考大神Luna姐提供嘅Template(https://m.facebook.com/groups/800356430541483/permalink/879053246005134/),尤其係經驗有返咁上下厚做過唔少工嘅大前輩們喔。
上面Luna姐提到CV要靚,Cover Letter都要有誠意。小妹十分同意!所以欲求澳洲工一份,必先tailor made Cover Letter!不過呢小妹就好懶嘅亦好追求效率aka貪快嘅,二嚟我都怕老細會懶得睇太長嘅文件,所以我嘅CV係3-4版,而Cover Letter就係1版A4。小妹嘅Cover Letter Template其實係參考Google(Seek Career Advice)後再自己亂寫,記住只係分享唔一定係啱㗎吓!👷🏻
<Your name here>
<Your contact number>(+852-XXXX XXXX)
<Your email address>(大部分老細都係email找你,一定一定要check Email!)
<Your address> (照寫香港地址)
<Suburb, State POSTCODE>(如香港地址就寫00852)
21st July, 2019
<Hiring manager’s name>
<Company<Company address>
<Suburb, State POSTCODE>
Dear <insert hiring manager’s name> (小心分清楚經理個姓同名,建議姓全寫大楷方便自己翻查/核對),
《置中底線》Re: <insert role title> position,job reference number: (reference number要對清楚方便人地對返你見邊份工/同一個位唔同nature)《置中底線》
《A 點解你適合呢份工》I am writing to apply for the position of <insert role title> at <Company name/如果係大機構要寫明係邊個suburb/分店>,which was advertised online at 咩網站 and/or your company website(如果真係有去佢company website睇過份工可以寫出嚟,真係好有誠意加入佢公司). <Talk about your key skills and experience that would make you the best fit for the role. For example: Trained as trainer of ACLS and Breakaway techniques, with ?years of experience in working in acute psychiatric admission unit, which highly related to the nature of the captioned position.>《A》
《B 讚自己》I have enclosed my CV to support my application. It shows that I would bring important skills to the position, including:
<Experience. Include a sentence on your relevant experience. 記得唔好重複上面提到嘅嘢 For example: I have ?years of experiences working with adult psychiatric person-in-recovery in community nursing team, mainly provides home visits and crisis support service.>
<Skills. Here you want to highlight some of your core skills that talk to the key selection criteria for the role. For example: I have further studied in Violence Management/ completed specialty study in 邊個specialty(雖然IAN PRCC好似唔承認資歷但係都算specialty嘅training吖)>
<Performance. Promote a key achievement or result you’re proud of that relates to the role. 有獎寫獎,冇獎寫部門KPI/ Turnover rate👈🏻 香港嘅數字一定冠絕全球啦!)>《B》
《C 讚你老細》 <Talk about why you would like to work for the company and why you’d be a good fit. For example: It is well know that XYZ hospital is one of the largest public hospital in Sydney and provide wide range of service such as: …. I am confident that my working experience in Hong Kong shall bring value to my new role. It is also a inevitable chance for me to join a highly effective team and explore further in my career pathway. 以上係亂咁打>《C》
I would enjoy having the opportunity to talk with you more about this position, and how I could use my skills to benefit your organisation.Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
<Your name + 龜>
精明嘅大大們唔難發現👀,上面嘅template呢,地址加A、C部分係要跟每份工大執,而B部分係打好咗大致都可以唔使點變,或者係要申請好專嘅位置就再微調到唔好提任何唔關事嘅嘢。 以小妹嘅實測,遇到心水就動手執template五至十分鐘找公司資料寫C部分,再執返A+/-B部分,熟咗上手半個鐘內寄一份申請。🕧
準備好文件之後可以開始撒網啦。🎣🐠 噉一部分seek,indeed工係喺返佢平台填表嘅,噉你可以先入返後台自己頁面上載咗CV加填基本資料先,到填表時佢會幫你填定你就再外加嗰一份工嘅cover letter上去。另一部分工就係seek/indeed會彈你去返間公司自己嘅系統填表,咁不妨同一間公司見多幾份可以慳返cover letter C嗰部份唔使再寫過😛😜
一般啲系統收到你申請/有人睇過會自動寄email比你,唔使太開心好多都係假希望😔。除咗要密啲check email,努力不懈繼續四圍散網,仲要仔細留意有冇真係interview嘅機會吖。(Interview嘅經歷下篇再寫,小妹寫到呢道已經腰骨痛···😖)
而Interview前後老細都會叫你提供兩個referee資料,如果好叻仔叻女噉見工成功👍🏻,老細就會找你提供嘅人問嘢。所以除咗要找定舊老細幫手,仲要打定招呼會有來自澳洲嘅email/電話吖。而一般佢講得proceed to referee都係你得米㗎喇。🎇
小妹仲有一個做法就係,Cover Letter雖然唔一定要留底,但最好留以防你見工時唔記得自己寫/吹咗啲咩。另外十分極之強烈建議開一個table/excel放邊日申請咗咩工,份工係邊做咩咩性質,邊間公司/分店,份工幾時截止,Hiring Manager叫咩名+電話號碼,招聘頁面網址等等。細粒姑就係用咗notion呢個app/網站,佢內有job appplication notes嘅template。(自用非廣告)
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打字寫文腰酸背痛, 比面請比個like鼓勵吓, 轉載請註明出處。發揚廣東話, 大陸人死開, 香港人加油。
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aurastacia · 8 months
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At Puerto Rico Comic Con 2022, someone asked to buy this sketch right from my sketchbook! I was so shocked and grateful I forgot to get their socials, so if you see this Thank you so much!!! ♡ Lemme know if you want me to tag you! Enjoy your unique piece 🥰
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aurastacia · 2 years
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This Friday will be @prcomiccon 2022!!
The time is finally here and we're so excited to see you all again!
We have tons of new merch so please come visit my booth at Table 106 of Artist Alley ♡
See you there!
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tootiredmotel · 2 years
Our Mark Sheppard photo op!
So Adry (@stressedtaco) and I met Mark Sheppard at PRCC yesterday while cosplaying as Dean and Cas, and it was.. a ride. Storytime and pics under the cut! (Ok to reblog!)
Let me start off by saying we got so much more than our money's worth with this con. It was incredibly surreal and fun and wonderful and we'll remember it forever.
At PRCC it's very rare that we get big name guests, and we've actually never had anyone from spn visit. Mark was the first. Even before he was announced, Adry and I had planned to meet at the con and cosplay Dean (her) and Cas (me). Mark being a guest was the most amazing cherry on top.
Right before our photo ops was the Q&A with him, and we both got to ask him questions! He roasted me for cosplaying Cas and it was hilarious. (Video of the full panel, and our part is at 57:10)
Afterwards, we're in line together for the photo ops. It was announced early on that they would only allow one person per op, so we'd each bought our own. I walk in first, and it goes something like this:
Mark, recognizing me from the panel, deadpan: "Terrible costume."
Me, genuinely: "Thanks!" :D
[Pic is taken]
Photographer: "Can we reshoot that?"
Me, confused but gladly: "Yeah!"
[Second pic is taken]
Me, to Mark: "Thank you, and thanks so much for coming!"
Mark: "Of course my darling, thank you."
Me: is dead now
I walk out, and it's Adry's turn:
Adry: "Can I stand on your other side? I want the handprint to show." (She's a genius)
Mark: "Sure!”
[Pic is taken]
Adry thanks him, but they're already bringing the next person in, so Mark only smiles and nods.
We stand in line to get our prints. Two of mine come out, turns out my eyes were closed on the first but the photographer caught it in time. This is the good one:
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But then Adry's print doesn't show up.
We wait a few batches, and nothing. The photo op line empties out. The con employee knows what's up, keeps an eye out for us, is actively looking for Adry's pic with every batch that's handed to him. At some point the photographer walks out and starts helping with print handouts. The last batch of people get their prints, and we're still waiting by the table. No Adry pic.
We start joking that the pic got lost. "Imagine I have to take another one," Adry muses. "I could ask to bring you in with me and take it together!" We laugh it off.
A line forms for the next guest doing photo ops. Mark is still behind the curtain though, we can hear him and kinda see him. The photographer is the one who finally walks out with Adry's pic! But she has her eyes closed. We both brighten up because what are the fucking odds! The photographer utters the magic words once again: "Can we retake this?"
And then Adry and I have our lightbulb moment.
"Could we take it together?" Adry asks. My hopes aren't very high because of the rules that it can be only one person per op, but Adry seems a bit more optimistic. She's right to be.
Photographer contemplates for like, half a second. He's an absolute sport. "Yeah, sure!"
We both go back behind the curtain and we're shaking with excitement. We have no idea what to do because we never thought we'd get this chance. We have like 15 seconds to frantically discuss while Mark talks to a con employee. Adry, being a genius again, proposes: "you two should fight over Dean" (so, her).
Mark turns around.
Me, to both Mark and the photographer who's getting into position: "Hi! So, sorry for this—"
Mark: "It's no problem."
Me: "We were thinking, could you and I fight over Dean?" (pointing to Adry)
Mark: "I wouldn't fight over Dean. I wouldn't fight over him."
Me: "Yeah ok, that's fair." (Who am I to contest his majesty)
Adry, jokingly: “Daaamn, my heart..”
Mark, after chuckling at Adry’s comment: "What we could do is, you can reach for Dean, and I can try to stop you."
Adry and I, recognizing the absolute galaxy brain of that: "Yeah!"
[Pic is taken]
Adry, spotting her chance: “Thank you so much, Mark.”
Mark: “Thank you, darling.”
Adry: is now also dead
And that, our dear friends, is how this beauty was born:
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